CSR Ngo List

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Aadhar Charitable Trust

Akanksha Foundation

All India Human Rights and Citizen Option Aseema Charitable Trust Aured Charitable Trust Aurobindo Chaudhuri Memorial Great Indian Dream Foundation Cancer Aid and Research Foundation Cancer Patients Aid Association Centre for Advancement of Philanthropy
Child Relief and You

Childline India Foundation Children Toy Foundation Community Outreach Programme Credit Consumers Association Dignity Foundation Each One Teach One Charitable Foundation Garbage Concern Impact India Foundation International Resources for Fairer Trade Jalvardhini Pratishthan Karunya Trust Kripa Foundation Lawyers Collective Madad Majlis Make a Wish Foundation of India Mangrove Society of India Modern Educational Social and Cultural Organisation Muktangan Niramaya Health Foundation Oasis India Om Creations Paraplegic Foundation People for Legal and Emotional Assistance to the Deserving

Shastri Memorial Foundation Shraddha Charitable Trust Silver Innings SNEHA - Society for Nutrition, Education and Health Action The Humsafar Trust The National Association of Disabled's Enterprises

The Research Society V Care Foundation Vanashakti Vatsalya Trust Wockhardt Foundation Yusuf Meherally Centre

http://www.aadhaartrust.org/ http://www.akanksha.org/ http://www.aihrco.info/ http://aseema.org/ http://www.aured.org/ http://www.gidf.org/ http://www.cancerarfoundation.org/ http://www.cpaaindia.org http://capindia.in/ http://www.cry.org http://www.childlineindia.org.in/ http://ctf.vishwa.com http://www.corpindia.org/ http://www.creditconsumersassociation.org/ http://www.dignityfoundation.com/ http://www.eotoindia.org/ http://www.garbageconcernindia.org http://www.impactindia.org/ http://www.irft.org/ http://www.jalvardhini.org http://www.karunyatrustonline.org/ http://www.kripafoundation.org/ http://www.lawyerscollective.org/ http://www.madad.co.in/ http://www.majlisbombay.org/ http://www.makeawishindia.org/ http://mumbaimangroves.wordpress.com/ http://www.mescotrust.org/ http://www.muktanganedu.org/ http://www.niramaya.org/ http://www.oasisindia.org/ http://www.omcreationstrust.org/ http://www.paraplegicfoundation.in/ http://www.roguepolice.com/ http://www.pratham.org/ http://www.shastrimemorial.org/ http://www.shraddhamumbai.org/ http://www.silverinnings.com/ http://www.snehamumbai.org/ http://www.humsafar.org/ http://www.nade-india.org/

http://www.theresearchsociety.org/ http://vcarefoundation.org/ http://www.vanashakti.in/ http://www.vatsalyatrust.org/ http://www.wockhardtfoundation.org/ http://www.yusufmeherally.org/

Welfare of senior citizens Children's education Human rights protection Children's education Aural education for children with hearing impairment Children's education, Securing livelihoods, Environment conservation and restoration and health ser Aid to Cancer patients Aid to Cancer patients
CAP guides and assists corporates with their CSR initiatives often helping them find credible NGO partners

Providing credit and financial counseling services Children's education

Granting wishes of children affected by life-threatening illness Conservation of mangroves Education, healthcare and poverty alleviation Unorthodox approach to the learning needs of underprivileged children Community based health services People and community welfare Welfare of intellectually challenged women

Children's education

Conservation of the environment Children's welfare

d restoration and health services

find credible NGO partners

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