Shiv Ani 1
Shiv Ani 1
Shiv Ani 1
The virtual keyboard works on any flat surface which uses a camera to track the finger movements. On this specific keyboard, this is done by a 3D IR sensor technology with laser technology to get a full size keyboard. You can also change the language input and the layout of the keyboard. This is more efficient than normal keyboards because you dont have to buy a new keyboard for every language. They are also easy to maintain as they are prone to damage by spills, drops and other malfunctions. The role of the monitor is taken by the LED projector. LED projectors use LCD technologies for image creation with a difference as they use an array of Light Emitting Diodes as the light source, negating the need for lamp replacement. Also it would not need as much energy to used and with a longer lifetime. The size of the screen is approximately 1024 768 px which is a size of an A4 paper. As I mentioned earlier, the P-ISM projects an image of a computer from just five pens. From this I have come up with an idea on how an existing product can improve by using the same technology as the P-ISM. Satellite navigation system is designed for using in automobiles. It typically uses a GPS navigation device to obtain date which locates the user on a road in the unit's map database. Using the road database, the unit can give directions to a specific location. This device has a great advantage to people like me who have very little map skills and get lost easily. A survey conducted by NuStats has also found out that drivers equipped with in-car navigation units use 12 percent less fuel than people without them because they use a shorter route. This device typically sticks to your car window but most cars now have navigation system built in. Even built-in navigation systems take up a lot of internal space and may not look very attractive. The keyboard of the P-ISM is projected with 3D IR Sensor. Both technologys could be combined together to create a unique item. The navigation could be designed as just a pen which project the navigation on the car screen and the inferred sensor could allow the user to type in the destination in the navigation system.
There are many advantages and disadvantages to this product. The advantages of the navigation pen are: it will take less internal and external car space, its easier to handle and use, you can resize the screen to your preference, it can decrease crime level as the pen is less visible and its easier to take it out with you, the size and weight will be a lot less and it can potentially cost less as it will use less material. There are also many disadvantages to this product. Some of these are: as it is touch screen, you would have to touch the screen of your car to enter the destination which can leave fingerprint of the screen- this problem can be resolved my using speck recognition-, the visibility of the map could change depending on the light of the day i.e. when its sunny the light could reflect on the screen which decreases the visibility, as the pens are small you could lose them easily which would cost you a lot and it could also block some of your view. In conclusion I believe that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. The pen navigation system is very unique and there would be a great demand in the market for a product like this. The brand name, P-ISM, is a captivating and catchy name. It is easy to pronounce and to remember so it will stay in potential customers mind. P-ISM has five characters which NEC might have wanted to imply the five different pens that create this product. The P-ISM is not yet available to buy in shops as its only in the designing process, however I believe the P-ISM is very similar to the space-age bike that I have researched about. This bike has been designed by Kevin Scotts, 21, a British final year Product Design student at De Montfort University. The concept of the space-age bike is to secure bikes against theft by bending the bike around a pole or lamppost; however by having the function of bending the bike, it has added an extra benefit of fitting the product into smaller space. This widens the target audience because the two different functions attracts different types of people looking for different qualities in a bike. Similarly, the P-ISM is initially designed for people who want to
experience a full sized computer in a small package while traveling but the extra benefits of it being lightweight and pocket sized has widened the target audience to business user and police officers. Even though clients cannot yet purchase "pen" computers like the P-ISM, all of the parts of this computer already exist. For example the virtual projected keyboard is already available from various companies including Lumio and Virtual Devices Inc. What makes the P-ISM different from all of the existing parts is that its shape like pens. Pens are very common objects that we carry around on everyday basis; by carrying just four pens you can create a PC. This product will have a very competitive market as it can easily be created by different company, because the concept of this product is very easy, but that is if there is an audience worth selling it to. The disbelief in this product is can we have the same experience with this device as we do with computers out now. The P-ISM is made from 5 loose pens which will move around with any change in the movement of surface area. In a train journey there is a lot of movement which will shake the pens around and shake the projection of the keyboard and screen. The target audience of this product is travelers so in my opinion this cant be the as stable and efficient as a laptop. Also these pens are very small and fragile so they can be damaged easily while handling them or carrying them around. One pen itself costs quite a lot so you cannot risk damaging or losing them. NEC could have changed the design by joining the five pens together and all of these problems could have been solved but the whole concept of the product being 5 pens will be lost. I think there is places for this in the market but the question is are we ready to say goodbye to our laptops for 5 pens just yet?
"the P-ISM Story" John N. Latta Wave "NEC Pushes the Envelope with a New Design for Computing" 02/20/04 "Pen PC - Pen Shaped Miniature Personal Computer" Virtual keyboard ( figure 2 (help to understand how the keyboard works) (keyboard) (IPad information on size) Picture of the map Picture of the car ide.jpg&imgrefurl= ThSCK2PpydRcUbo=&h=330&w=652&sz=35&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=THhKxiuVX2 xzRM:&tbnh=86&tbnw=169&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcar%2Binside%26um%3D1%26hl%3De n%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D668%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=95&vpy= 144&dur=1468&hovh=160&hovw=316&tx=216&ty=63&ei=6IfhTL-PF4GRjAeZ63IAQ&oei=sofhTJuqAcq0hAfX37jWDA&esq=12&page=1&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0
sat nav statistics Attachment Timestamp Size car_inside.jpg 2010-11-21 11:54 56.81 KB Page revised 2010-12-17 21:49 2012 University of Portsmouth This website uses software.