Anuj Vikas Apartment, Aurovill
Anuj Vikas Apartment, Aurovill
Anuj Vikas Apartment, Aurovill
2. Vegetation Pattern Prime perimeter: Air movement, Radiation Because Auroville have hot and humid climate, In that case vegetation employs to maximum airflow and create a wind tunnel effect to pressurize the wind and help to reduce humidity.
3. Open space and built up form Prime perimeter: Air flow, Radiation we can show in site plan in the site of vikas apartment, There is a coordination between open space and built form which helps in reducing the heat loss and minimize to create heating island. 4. Ground Character Prime perimeter: Radiation The ground character in vicar apartment is treated with soft pale green grass and the pedestrian treated with sun-dried bricks and at some places it is manglore tile which have more heat absorb capacity and from this function more meat is settle down results the ground cools its surroundings atmosphere. Soil excavated for construction has been used in making earth-blocks for the buildings thus reducing the embodied energy 5. Plan Elements Prime perimeter: Radiation, air movement, air temperature. Terrace gardens and creepers on the west faade reduce cooling loads. Solar chimneys integrated with the building structures creating a natural draft that add to the ventilation. Partly sunken buildings with adequately daylight basement floors (1.2 m deep) that are cool in summer (earth stabilizes internal temperature. In humid climate courtyard and verandas aid to ventilation. Wind catchers, objects of much interesting. 6. Roof form Prime perimeter: Radiation, air movement, day light In warm-humid climate natural ventilation is very disable. The bulking should, in such a case, have its longer dimension perpendicular to the direction of airflow. Further, the roof overhangs and pitch should be as high as possible. This would results in the maximum pressure difference and consequences maximum airflow. Roof are flat in form and made of sun dried bricks with mud plaster of thick layer to prevent heat transmit ion inside the building which make interior cool.
7. Wall Prime perimeter: Radiation Walls are made of generally sun dried bricks or manglore tile. Mud plaster of thick layer to prevent heat transmit ion inside the building which make interior cool. 8. External color and texture Prime perimeter: Radiation In warm-humid climate, again, the aim would be minimize heat gain. Light colored and rough texture surface. 9. Fenestration control Prime perimeter: Radiation, air movement and day light. Fenestration with overhangs adequately designed to get enough daylight and cut off direct gains. In warm-humid climate window shade are not so much an issue since solar radiation is largely diffuse. Flywire nets are all the more necessary due to the insects that thrive under these conditions. The major need, that of increased ventilation, can be achieved by modifying the window section.