Investor Profile Questionnaire
Investor Profile Questionnaire
Investor Profile Questionnaire
Schwab model portfolios provide a simplified approach to creating an asset allocation plan. This questionnaire will help you decide whether one of these portfolios is right for you.
Circle the number of points for each of your answers and note the total for each section.
SecTIon 1: TIme HorIzon
When will you begin withdrawing your money from your account, and at what rate? If that date is many years away, you may be comfortable with a portfolio that carries a greater potential for appreciation and higher level of risk. Theres more time to weather the inevitable ups and downs of the market.
Your rISk Tolerance
1. I plan to begin withdrawing money from my investments in: less than 3 years 35 years 610 years 11 years or more 1 3 7 10
How do you feel about risk? Some investments fluctuate more dramatically in value than others but may have the potential for higher returns. Its important that you select investments that fit within your level of tolerance for this risk. How to make your choice 1. Complete the questionnaire. answer the questions on the following pages and use your score to identify an Investor Profile thats closest to your own. 2. Select an investment strategy. With your Investor Profile in mind, look on page 4 to find the investment strategy that may be most
2. Once I begin withdrawing funds from my investments, I plan to spend all of the funds in: less than 2 years 25 years 610 years 11 years or more 0 1 4 8
Subtotal: Time Horizon Score enter the total points from questions 1 and 2. Time Horizon Score: _______ point(s)
If your Time Horizon Score is less than 3, stop here. a score of less than 3 indicates a very short investment time horizon. For such a short time horizon, a relatively low-risk portfolio of 40% short-term (average maturity of five years or less) bonds or bond funds and 60% cash is suggested, as stock investments may be significantly more volatile in the short term. If your score is 3 or more, please continue to Section 2.
3. I would describe my knowledge of investments as: none limited Good extensive 4. When I invest my money, I am: most concerned about my investment losing value equally concerned about my investment losing or gaining value most concerned about my investment gaining value 5. Select the investments you currently own or have owned in the past with the highest number of points. money market funds or cash investments Bonds and/or bond funds Stocks and/or stock funds International securities and/or international funds Example: You now own stock funds. In the past, youve purchased international securities. Your point score would be 8. 0 3 6 8 0 4 8 0 2 4 6
6. Consider this scenario: Imagine that in the past three months, the overall stock market lost 25% of its value. an individual stock investment you own also lost 25% of its value. What would you do? Sell all of my shares Sell some of my shares Do nothing Buy more shares 7. Review the chart below. Weve outlined the most likely best- and worst-case annual returns of five hypothetical investment plans. Which range of possible outcomes is most acceptable to you? The figures are hypothetical and do not represent the performance of any particular investment. 0 2 5 8
Best- and Worst-Case Scenarios (1-year) Average Annual Return 7.2% 9.0% 10.4% 11.7% 12.5%
Plan a B c D e
Points 0 3 6 8 10
Subtotal: Risk Tolerance Score enter the total points for questions 3 through 7. risk Tolerance Score: _______ points
Determine your Investor Profile The chart below uses the subtotals you calculated in the preceding two sections. To determine your Investor Profile, find your Time Horizon Score along the left side and your risk Tolerance Score across the top. locate their intersection point, situated in the area that corresponds to your Investor Profile. on the next page, select the investment strategy that corresponds to your Investor Profile.
Moderately Conservative
Moderately Aggressive
Select an investment strategy These investment strategies show how investors might allocate their money among investments in various categories. keep in mind that its important to periodically review your investment strategy to make sure it continues to be consistent with your goals. Please note that these examples are not based on market forecasts, but simply
CONSERVATIVE ALLOCATION average annual return: Best Year: Worst Year: MODERATELY CONSERVATIVE average annual return: 9.2% Best Year: 27.0% Worst Year: 12.5% For investors who seek current income and stability, with modest potential for increase in the value of their investments.
reflect an established approach to investingallocating dollars among different investment categories. If one of the investment strategies below matches your Investor Profile, you can use this information to help you create an asset allocation plan.
MODERATE ALLOCATION average annual return: 9.8% Best Year: 30.9% Worst Year: 20.9% For long-term investors who dont need current income and want some growth potential. likely to entail some fluctuations in value, but presents less volatility than the overall equity market.
MODERATELY AGGRESSIVE average annual return: 10.1% Best Year: 34.4% Worst Year: 29.5% For long-term investors who want good growth potential and dont need current income. entails a fair amount of volatility, but not as much as a portfolio invested exclusively in equities.
AGGRESSIVE ALLOCATION average annual return: 10.2% Best Year: 39.9% Worst Year: 36.0% For long-term investors who want high growth potential and dont need current income. may entail substantial year-to-year volatility in value in exchange for potentially high long-term returns.
For investors who seek current income and stability, and are less concerned about growth.
Large-Cap Equity Small-Cap Equity International Equity Fixed Income Cash Investments
Large-Cap Equity Small-Cap Equity International Equity Fixed Income Cash Investments
Large-Cap Equity Small-Cap Equity International Equity Fixed Income Cash Investments
Large-Cap Equity Small-Cap Equity International Equity Fixed Income Cash Investments
Large-Cap Equity Small-Cap Equity International Equity Fixed Income Cash Investments
Brokerage Products: Not FDIC-Insured No Bank Guarantee May Lose Value Source: Schwab center for Financial research with data provided by morningstar, Inc. The return figures for 19702010 are the compounded annual average, the minimum, and the maximum annual total returns of hypothetical asset allocation plans. The asset allocation plans are weighted averages of the performance of the indices used to represent each asset class in the plans, include reinvestment of dividends and interest, and are rebalanced annually. The indices representing each asset class in the historical asset allocation plans are S&P 500 Index (large-cap stocks); crSP 68 Index for the period 19701978 and russell 2000Index for the period 19792010 (small-cap stocks); mScI eaFe net of Taxes (international stocks); Ibbotson Intermediate-Term Government Bond Index for the period 19701975 and Barclays capital u.S. aggregate Index for the period 19762010 (bonds); and Ibbotson u.S. 30-day Treasury Bill Index for the period 19701977 and citigroup u.S. 3-month Treasury bills for the period 19782010 (cash). Indices are unmanaged, do not incur fees or expenses, and cannot be invested in directly. Past performance is no indication of future results.
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