Lesson 7.5

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Lesson 7.


Writing minutes

1. informal 2. formal 3. informal 4. informal b. Purpose: 1. to organize a Chrismast lunch 2. to review the construction project 3. to help members of the department update new issue 4. to appoint a new sales manager Items 1. time and place to organize the Chrismast lunch, attendees 2. statistics and figures about the result of the project 3. new main and important issues 4. Brief about 4 candidates c. The first three meetings will probably require minutes because there are several or many participants and issues to discuss. The minutes will depend on the content and the purpose of the meeting. 2. They relate to Meeting 3

1. Venue 2. Chair 3. Attendees 4. Item 5. Discussion 6. Action 7. Next meeting

1. full names are given in the list of attendees but otherwise initials are used 2. To determine who will do what by when 3. expressed, identified, proposed, agreed, requested, accepted, decided, concluded 4. will get, will prepare, to look into

1. 2. 3. 4. we discussed the pros and cons of screens or full partitions we rejected the idea of keeping the existing open-plan arrangement ef congratulated Sally on her work in accounts receivable ds explained that the current appraisal system is not working because interviews take too long and are too complicated

5. ds confirmed that the department heads thought that the current expense form was too complicated 6. fw suggested getting three quotations for screens nd three for partitions

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. organize c draw up f arrange a contact e evaluate d chase up b

1. review minutes of the last meeting check the result of the last conclusion 2. identify the late payers send email to the late payers 3. identify the people who are absent give the meeting minutes to the absent colleagues 4. analysis the department which takes a lot of money get in touch with an environmental consultant for advices

8. 9.
Meeting minutes Date: 16 September Time: 14.30-16.00 Venue: Room 346 Chair: Enzo Falconi (EF) Attendees: Alice Keller (AK), Francois Weber (FW), Dylan Sanders (DS) Item 1 Late payment Discussion FW presented 2 requirements: rewording standard chasing emails and sending the first reminder out early. AK disagreed to chase emails sounding like that. We required both report back at our next meeting in two weeks. 2 Absent DS decided to cover for absent colleagues instead of just colleagues leaving their work until they got back was not just a question of efficiency. However, AK said that the end of the year was the best time to run a major project like this. We accept that DS will conclude in the New Year. 3 Office waste We should get in touch with an environmental consultant or something for some basic advice. Next meeting: 15 October 14.00 Action FW, AK 25 September DS January

EF 25 September

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