Viscosity of Water: Laminar Flow

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Memorial University of Newfoundland Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography Physics 2053 Laboratory

Viscosity of Water
When a uid ows slowly and steadily through a pipe, it may be considered to consist of various layers which move at dierent velocities relative to each other. Fluid at the centre of a pipe moves at maximum velocity, while the uid at the edge of the pipe is almost stationary. This is called Laminar Flow, illustrated in Figure 1 shows

laminar flow

Figure 1: Laminar ow in a pipe

Since each layer moves with a dierent velocity relative to its neighbour, a frictional force F will exist between layers which depends on the area A of the liquid surface and also on the rate of shear strain, or F A rate of shear strain. where the rate of shear strain is equal to the velocity gradient in the pipe, and hence F = A where is the coecient of viscosity, dened as = shear stress . rate of shear strain dv , dr

The units of are Nsm2 or dekapoise. 1

Consider a cylinder of uid of radius r centered on the axis of the pipe of radius a. The surface area of the uid cylinder (length ) is 2r . Hence the force exerted by the uid outside the cylinder on the uid inside the cylinder is F = 2r dv dr (1)

F opposes the uid motion inside the cylinder. The sign is necessary because v decreases as r increases. For steady ow, a driving force must be applied to counteract the resisting viscous force. If P1 and P2 are the pressures at the ends of the uid element, the net force is given by F = (P1 P2 )r2 . (2) Hence we have dv = (P1 P2 )r2 (3) dr and thus the velocity of a cylindrical shell (radius r) in a cylinder of radius a is given by 2r v(r) = P1 P2 2 (a r2 ). 4 (4)

The total volume per unit time (i.e. the ow rate or volume ux) through the pipe is obtained by adding up the ow due to all such shells of radius r and thickness dr. i.e., dV = dt

2vr dr =

a4 (P1 P2 ) . 8


This is Poiseuilles Law (1835), and holds as long as the ow is laminar; it does not hold for turbulent motion.

Derivation of Poiseuilles Law by Dimensional Analysis

Poiseuilles equation can be derived on the assumption that the volume of liquid owing through a pipe depends on , a and the pressure gradient p/ . Thus we have volume per second = k x ay p

where k is a constant. Use dimensional arguments to obtain values for x, y and z.

1. A sketch of the experimental setup is shown in Fig. 2. A small electric pump takes water from the tank, and pushes it through the glass tube before being returned to the tank. You may assume that the diameter of the glass tube is 1.2 0.1 mm.



pump water tank

Figure 2: Schematic diagram of the apparatus, including the pump and water reservoir.

2. Start with a low pump speed and record the pressures P1 and P2 from the water columns. Determine the ow rate by measuring the amount of water collected in a beaker over a period of time. Alternatively, you might measure the time required to collect a predetermined amount of water (say 10 or 20 cm3 ). 3. Increase the pump speed slightly, recording the new pressures and ow rate. Repeat, taking as many data points as you can, but do not let the voltage supplied to the pump exceed 12 volts. Plot your data on a suitable graph and determine a value for the viscosity of water (with its associated uncertainty) at room temperature. 4. Estimate the velocity of the water at the centre of the capillary tube when the pressure dierence between the ends of the tube is greatest.

Turbulent Flow
Fluid ow can be described in terms of a dimensionless quantity known as the Reynolds number. dv (6) Re =

where d is the diameter of the tube and v = Q/A is the velocity of the water in the tube. What is the range of values of Re for your data? At the critical velocity, (denoted by vc ), there is a transition in the ow from laminar to turbulent ow. For uid ow along a cylindrical pipe, vc is given by vc = Rc 2a

where is the density of the uid and Rc is the critical Reynolds number, which for most uids is approximately 2000. Estimate vc for your conguration. Can you observe the onset of turbulence?

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