Corporate Social Responsibility Article Review

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Corporate social responsibility Article review:

Article review 1)CSR as Imperialism : Towards a phenomenological approach to CSR in developing world. By Fazard Rafi Khan and peter Lund Thomsen. This article review deals with CSR initiatives in soccer ball industry of sailkot ,Pakistan. Here the article is exploratory and suggests that many soccer ball manufacturers in sailkot perceive CSR as a part of wider historic project of western imperialism in the developing world through which economic resources are extracted from local manufacturers while their perceptions of what constitutes socially responsible behavior are delegitimized. It challenges more critical contributions to Csr and development literature. The article suggests that this alternative reading of CSR as western imperialism may have significant implications for future management research and practice..The concern includes workplace safety to freedom to association .Labour issues included child CSR forms of economic and cultural imperialism .For analysis for future research and practice in the field of change management. Government of developing world helps in CSR initiatives. The business can improve their reputation ,preempt restrictive forms of Government regulations ,motivate and attract employees ,reduce their production costs and secure their social and environment responsibilities adequately. Complex issues related to economic , social and environmental justice are simplified in the this literature and rendered manageable for corporate executives. In sailkot educational problems are there various NGOs are setting up educational institutions to tackle problems .Issues relating from occupational health and safety to collective bargaining and freedom of association. These manufactures were forced to initiate western CSR initiatives with no or inadequate forms of assistance from their international brands customers. They also receive less than 17% of the overall value and called as unequal exchange .These problems can be tackled with proper management. These problems can be tackled with with effects CSR in developing world are different and accordingly they should be handled .They should be awareness ,commitment of these. There should be trust based relationships between global buyers and their suppliers should consider the problems at micro level struggles of companies workers and communities over the distribution of social and environmental hazards which are created when global political and economic forces interact with local contents around world. Article review2):Communications strategies for enhancing perceived fit in the CSR sponsorship context. By Yong Seok Sohn. Kyun Hee University Jin K. Han. Singapore management University Sung hack Lee Kyung Hee University . CSR in business is increasing common business practice globally across industries by contributing social welfare ,firms can also enhance their corporate images among its stakeholders in particular its customers .For CSR to generate goodwill ,customers generally need to perceive a fit between the sponsoring firm and its CSR.CSR motives which may evoke a negative reaction. Reaction explores communication strategies (elaborational verses relational) that help elevate the perceived fit between the sponsor ing firm and its CSR activity per se and not on the association with firm to be more effective for the low fit case,whereas relational communication strategy (which highlights the association between the company

and CSR ,was more effective for the high fit case.CSR is influenced by example on firms profitability ,consumers trust and commitment to firm ,human resource recruitment among other factors CSR initiatives may strengthen customer attitude enhance loyalty towards the sponsor firm and their purchase intentions and raise the overall competitiveness of the organizations. If the fit between the sponsor and its CSR activity is high ,consumers will readily accept the intrinsic motivation of the sponsor firm for engaging in CSR and thus positive association will integrate well into the individuals existing schema. Hence ,the consumers attitude towards the firm will be enhanced and strengthened which can lead to higher purchased intentions. If CSR is low,the individuals wil experience difficulty resolving this seemingly inconsistent or unexpected information in context of his/her existing schema. In this ,the individuals is likely to question the intrinsic motivation of the firm engaging in CSr ,whereby skepticism and counter arguments are likely to arise. As a result ,consumers may adopt a distributing disposition towards the firm as well as alower their purchase intentions for the firms products and services. If the firms CSR motive is perceived by the public as largely profit driven , consumers evaluation of the sponsor firms will turn negative. For strategy : Assisting consumers in their judgments of fit by providing an explanatory link that connects the firm logically to its CSR activity. Delivering the message to the target audience with an appropriate communication strategy. Article review 3): Innovative CSR:A framework for operating CSR in the Innovation literature by Lutz preuss.(Royal Hollaw ay, university of London Uk). This paper highlights considerable drawbacks of a narrow view of the business case for CSR.It seeks to provide an alternative that is still linked to key business processes but avoids such a tight coupling .the paper argues that this can be achieved through anchoring CSr in the literature of innovation .A definition of innovation CSR is developed which is operationalised as the4ps of innovative CSR ,a framework that consists of innovation in CSr positioning or CSr project content CSR processes ,CSR positioning or CSr paradigm change.The paper proceeds to outline the benefits that approaching CSR from the innovation angle offers. Finally, areas are from the innovation angle offers. Finally areas are highlighted where the study and the of innovation can lead to a better understanding of both the nature of CSR and the challenges involved in and managing it. CSR can improve financial performance via competitive advantage ,cost and risk reduction, reputation and legitimacy ,synergistic value creation. Innovation: P1-Innovation to introduce or improve products.

P2-Improve process P3-to define or redefine the positioning of the firm or its products. P4- to define or redefine the dominant paradigm of the firm. Innovation often concerns products .Such innovation can proceed along several dimensions,such as the modularity of the product or the timing of the innovation. Concept of innovation has taken up CSR literature are innovation of 4psCSR P1- Innovation in CSR project content CSR P2) in CSR process CSR P3) in positioning CSR P4) in paradigm. According to concept ,business could become a solution to global poverty through paying attention to the huge unmet demand among the worlds poorest customer although critics argue that real help for the poor comes less from tapping into their purchasing power than through lowering prices or raising income. Benefits are for firm ,industry and society levels .There are also opportunities for knowledge generations for also environment and social impacts.The activities would determine which product ,process positioning or paradigmatic CSR innovation it could tackle. Article 4)CSR as Reputation Insurance: primum non Nocere By Dylan Minor ,John Morgan. Reputation is the basis for any company which is also fragile thing.It can be considered as risk for business and is necessary to self-insure for eg a toy company is blamed to have unsafe toys and product recall would be done.Then that company monitors its suppliers more carefully and engage in a major public relations campaign to communicate its efforts to improve product quality which immediately reflected into cost price. CSR is simultaneously doing good and avoiding harm which are called as two disposal levers like investing in local community services to treating employees unusually well. Avoiding the negative CSR employing ,slave labor ,engaging in farming or mining in an environmentally unfriendly way or driving hard bargains with suppliers or workers that leave it impossible for them to earn a living wage. Should have balanced act .bad managers can easily pool with good ones by merely imitating and publicizing doing good activities .Some emphasize the obligations of firms to a broader set of stakeholders however fulfilling these obligations may come at the expense of the bottom line.CSR acts as a powerful form of reputation insurance when a firm suffers an adverse event cost benefits analysis is important for CSR. Managerial implications: Simple framework to enable manager to think through cost benefit calculus of CSR as reputation insurance.

A firm should also consider peripheral benefits in providing CSR activities as this reduces the net cost of their provision. peripheral benefits can include increased sales to CSR valuing customers ,improving production ,processes innovation and others. Article Review 5): International Journal of business research for economics and management research.Implementation of CSR:A study on select Indian Firms.By Vidya Rajaram Iyer and N. Manjula from Madurai (Thiagarajar School of management Poverty ,climate change ,resource depletion globalization and demographic shifts are major problems which world will be facing in future so companies who will be able to tackle these problems in future in 2020 will be leading global companies. Ethical problems and operations should be followed with profit maximization so to eliminate poverty achieve equitable and accounting systems of governance and ensure environmental security. The goal is to leverage company s unique capabilities in supporting social causes and improve competitiveness context at the same time. Also include community developprogram like healthcare facilities ,HIV/AIDS awareness creation sponsoring sportsperson and events and similar other efforts. Many companies adopt CSR in their mission ,vision and value statements. To meet global population there is pressure on firms to use limited resources required to meet rising consumer demand. For globalization and market forced Government regulations ,tarrifs , environmental restrictions and varying standards of what constitutes as labor exploitation are problems that can cost organizations millions of dollars. Ethical training that no cheating ,manipulating ,laws and regulations involving Government matters should be dealt very gracefully.

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