Introduction To Safety Systems

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The key takeaways are an introduction to safety systems, their components, functions, standards, and architectures.

The main components of a safety system are the input circuitry, processor, memory, and output circuitry. Redundancy and voting are also commonly used.

Common architectures used in safety systems include 1oo1, 1oo2D, and redundancy at the module level (pair and spare).

2 Introduction to Safety Systems

Copyright 2005 Yokogawa System Center Europe B.V.

Table of contents
2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.6.1 2.6.2 2.6.3 2.6.4 2.7 2.7.1 Introduction to Safety Systems ........................................................................................ 1 Safety System introduction ..............................................................................................3 Chapter objectives............................................................................................................4 Safety Systems and their functions ..................................................................................5 Safety System Operation...............................................................................................6 Safety System Applications ..........................................................................................7 System Differences .......................................................................................................8 Safety standards ...............................................................................................................9 Hazard analyses and Risk classification.........................................................................12 Safety System properties................................................................................................15 Failures .......................................................................................................................16 Systematic failures......................................................................................................17 Process safety time......................................................................................................18 Reliability....................................................................................................................19 Safety System architecture.............................................................................................20 Architecture ................................................................................................................21

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Safety System introduction

This section will introduce the student to the fundamental concepts and terms associated with Safety Systems. Examples of how ProSafe-RS meets the requirements of Safety Systems will also be provided.

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Chapter objectives

After completing this section, the student should be able to:

o Demonstrate an understanding of the basic terminology associated with Safety Systems. o Identify the components of a Safety Instrumented System. o Explain the major differences between a Safety Instrumented System and a Basic Process
Control System.

o Demonstrate a basic understanding of the Safety Life Cycle. o Describe the different integrity levels of Safety Systems. o Demonstrate an understanding of how system architectures are determined. o Explain how ProSafe-RS meets the requirements of a Safety Instrumented System.

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Safety Systems and their functions

Basic Process Control System (BPCS) A system that responds to input signals from the equipment under control and/or from an operator and generates output signals, causing the equipment under control to operate in the desired manner. Examples include temperature, pressure, level, and flow control loops. Also referred to as Process Control System.

Safety Instrumented System (SIS) A control system composed of sensors, logic solvers, and final control elements designed to take a process to a safe state when predetermined conditions are violated. Other terms commonly used include Emergency Shutdown System (ESD, ESS), Safety Shutdown System (SSD), and Safety Interlock System.

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Safety System Operation

Figure 2.3-1 illustrates various different process conditions and operating states.

o While the process is within the range of normal behavior, the Basic Process Control
System (BPCS) will meet all requirements to control the process.

o As the process becomes more unstable and approaches the high alarm level, the BPCS
may or may not be able to regain control of the process value in time to prevent an unsafe condition.It is expected that the operator takes action to control the process.

o If the process values continues in an unsafe direction, the trip level is reached. The SIS
executes an emergency shutdown action, preventing the process from exceeding safe levels.

Unsafe Condition

Mechanical safety level

ESD action

Trip level

Alarm Condition Operator takes action

High alarm level

Normal Condition Process value

High level

Low level Ti m e

Figure 2.3-1 Safety Instrumented System Intervention

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Safety System Applications

Variations in processes and process risks have led to many different applications. Some of these applications are:

o Shutdown systems designed to immediately, predictably provide for immediate shutdown

of a process.

o Burner Management systems designed to provide for safe operation interlocking prior to
and during operation of natural gas and oil fired burners in addition to shutdown features.

o Fire or Gas detection systems.

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System Differences

Fundamental physical and operational differences exist between a BPCS and a SIS.

Control Systems

Safety Instrumented Systems Degree of Flexibility

High flexibility needed to develop and maintain Fixed functionality, carefully minimized during (complex) control and automation applications design Improvements or changes in the configuration Rigid procedures to make any change software are mainly implemented on-line Failure Mode Prediction No guarantee on state of outputs during failure of Predictable state of output on any revealed single control system, most likely outputs on hold functional failure in the system Fail safe design Repair and Maintenance Strategies Allow for a wide variety of on-line repair / Limited possibilities to repair the hardware while modifications the plant is running Accepted risk of plant disturbance in order to No modification of safeguarding functionality in avoid a maintenance shut-down of the plant a running plant Test strategy No need to test control system regularly except Explicit procedure and strategy to test for for some back-up / redundant parts undetected failures of instrumented protective functions Automatic testing

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Safety standards

IEC 61508 Functional safety for E/E/PES IEC 61511 Functional safety for the process industry Safety Life Cycle A sequential process used to evaluate the risks associated with a process, determine the target risk reduction, define SIS design, commissioning, operation and maintenance.

The two most important standards for functional safety are the IEC 61508 and the IEC 61511. The first one is mostly used to design and manufacturer safety systems like PLC's and safety instruments. The IEC 61511 is normally used during the design, startup and operation of a complete plant. The standards specify all kind of requirement for the complete life cycle of the plant, from cradle to grave. It starts with the hazards analyses, risk analyses and definition of safety functions, then the design and testing of the safety system, requirements for operation and maintenance, and finally it describes who to demolish the (part of the) plant. The standards have also requirements on the management of functional safety, on verification, validation and assessments.

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The safety life cycle The standards focus on the management of all activities that are needed to specify, design and maintain a process that has an acceptable low risk for the people, environment and assets. There fore it has define a safety life cycle model. In this life cycle all activities that must be performed are described. In the figure below the Safety Life Cycle is shown.

Hazard and risk assessment

Allocation of safety functions to protection layers

Safety requirement specification

Verification, Validation and Assessments

Implementation of other means of risk reduction

Management of functional safety

Safety Lifecycle

Design and engineering of the SIS

Installation, commissioning and validation

Operation and maintenance



Safety Life Cycle (IEC 61511)


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The life cycle is broadly split into the following phases: Hazard analyses and Risk allocation In this phase the risk of the process (without any protective measures) is investigated based on the first global design of the plant. Then risk reduction measures are proposed and a specification for the safety functions is prepared. Design, engineering and test of the SIS In this phase the safety system is designed, built and tested. Installation and startup In this phase the SIS is installed, the complete installation is tested and the process is started up. Operation, maintenance and modification Now the installation is running. Maintenance has to be performed, and also modifications are un-avoidable.

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Hazard analyses and Risk classification

Process Risk Potential for losses to equipment or production, personnel endangerment, environmental impact, or any other dangers directly associated with the process.

Acceptable Risk Level of risk considered to be low enough for the process in question. This level may be set by the company, regulatory agencies, insurance companies, or any combination thereof. Safety Instrumented Function (SIF) a safety function implemented on a SIS. Safety Integrity Level (SIL) One of four distinct levels of a safety function related to the overall safety integrity. The higher the SIL requirement for protection, the higher the risk reduction is, and the lower the PFD

In the beginning of the lifecycle, a close look at the true process characteristics is performed. This is called the hazard analyses. The (preliminary) process design is evaluated and all possible risks are identified. Evaluating the inherent dangers associated with a particular process is the responsibility of the manufacturer/end user. This hazard analyses is mandated by various agencies, such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and industrial insurance companies. This is the first in a series of steps known as the Safety Life Cycle. The second step is to quantify the risks and to determine the needed risk reduction. There are several methods to do so. As an example the method using a risk matrix is given below. Up to this point, all physical efforts to reduce the process risks should have considered. These efforts include process design modifications, redundant process equipment, or the installation of safety devices such as relief valves. The SIS is then responsible for reducing the remaining process risk to the acceptable level.


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The risk has always two measurable factors: o o The frequency of occurrence of the risk. See Table 2-1. The severity of the consequences. See Table 2-2.

TABLE Qualitative Analysis: Frequency





Likely to occur frequently once per year Likely to occur sometime in the life of the item once per 10 years So unlikely it can be assumed to never occur once per 100 years



TABLE Qualitative Analysis: Severity POTENTIAL CONSEQUENCES LEVEL DESCRIPTIVE WORD PERSONNEL ENVIRONMENTAL Detrimental offsite release Non-detrimental offsite release Onsite release not immediately contained Onsite release immediately contained No release PRODUCTION OR EQUIPMENT


Death Lost Time Accident Medical Treatment First Aid Treatment No Injuries

Loss > $1.5M Loss between $500K and $1.5M Loss between $100K and $500K Loss between $2,500 and $100K Loss < $2,500



2 1

Minor Negligible

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In a meeting for each identified hazard the expected frequency and the resulting consequences are determined.

Finally the target integrity level of each SIF is defined as the Safety Integrity Level (SIL). The range is 1 (minimum) to 4 (high). The target SIL is determined by the matrix below. See Table 2-3.When the expected frequency of the hazard increases, the target SIL will increase. Similarly, as the consequence increases, the target SIL increases as well.

TABLE SIL matrix


Consequence Catastrophic Severe Serious Minor Negligible

Frequent 4 3 2 1 1

Occasionally 3 2 2 1 -

Improbable 3 2 1 -- = no safety function needed 1 = SIL1 2 = SIL2 3 = SIL3 4 = SIL4

The target SILs for each safety function, together with all other safety requirements are documented in the so-called Safety Requirement Specification (SRS). The complete Safety Requirement Specification (SRS) is normally composed of several documents like: o o o o SIL classification report from the HAZOP, describing all SIFs and their target SIL. C&E diagrams or Logic diagrams, describing the functionality of the SIS. I/O lists defining all inputs and outputs to/from the SIS. Safety narratives, safety philosophy, MOS requirements, etc.

The SRS is the base of the engineering of the safety system.


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Safety System properties

Reliability The ability of a system being able to perform a defined function under stated conditions for a given period of time. Process Safety Time The maximum period of time in which the process will move from a safe operating condition to a dangerous condition. This is a characteristic of the process.

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Failures can be divided into o o Hardware failures Systematic failures

Hardware failures are caused by malfunctioning of a hardware component. They are repaired by replacing the faulty module. Hardware failures are often cause by a stressor Industrial stresses originate in many different areas. These stresses all have the potential to cause SIS failure. Examples of stresses are listed below. o Heat - specifically, high temperature in the proximity of the SIS can accelerate electronic component failure rates. Typically, the failure rate doubles for every 18 deg F rise in temperature. o Chemical Corrosion - chemical fumes associated with the process can dramatically increase electronic component failure rates. o o Humidity - elevated levels of humidity will accelerate corrosion. Vibration - mechanical shock or vibration can loosen SIS modules from their mounting, thereby preventing the module from performing its function properly. o Electro-static Discharge (ESD) - static electricity voltages, which can be as high as several thousand volts, can easily damage components designed to operate at voltage levels as low as 3.3 volts. o Operational and Maintenance Errors - the human error factor. Examples include placing the incorrect module in a slot within the system or applying an improper voltage level to an I/O module.


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Systematic failures

Systematic failures are related to errors in the software, design omissions etc. They cannot be repaired by replacement, but only by redesign or re-programming. Methods to minimize the amount of systematic failures are: design reviews, testing, education of engineers, functional safety management.

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Process safety time

Process safety time is the maximum time between a demand and the necessary shutdown action. E.g. form the moment a high pressure is detected to the moment that the fuel valve is completely closed. It is a property of the process, and must be defined by the end-user. For the engineer it is an important figure, because the reaction time of the safety function (including sensor delay, 2 x logic solver scan time, valve travel time and other delays) must be within the process safety time. The engineer has to check this during the design of the SIS.


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Reliability must be split into 2 properties:

Safety integrity:

what is the change that the safety system will act when it is necessary. Safety integrity is specified as a SIL.


is the system available to do its job. Availability is calculated from the False Trip Rate or Mean Time Between Failure. When the repair time (Mean Time To Repair) is known the availability can be calculated as a percentage.

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Safety System architecture

Redundancy The use of multiple components or modules to achieve a higher integrity or a higher availability of the system.

Diverse Redundancy The use of different technology or design of components to reduce the likelihood of a common cause failure. An example would be using two different methods of measuring the same process value and comparing the results.

Voting System The property in a redundant system which requires x out of y channels to be in agreement prior to the SIS taking action. When the validity of the input signals are verified and the operation of the output circuitry is supervised, the system is referred to as having diagnostic capability. Fault Detection The ability of a system to detect (internal) faults and to execute a safety action to protect the process. Factors influencing fault detection include hardware diagnostic, software routines etc.

Fault Tolerance The built-in ability of a system to provide continued correct execution of its assigned function in the presence of a limited number of hardware and software faults.


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The simplest architecture of a safety function is shown in figure 2-3: which is 1 out of 1, or 1oo1. The input is sensed by a single input circuitry, evaluated by single the processor, and the output is placed into the desired state. There is no real way of determining the validity of the input signal, nor is there a means to verify proper operation of the logic solver or the output function.

FIGURE 1oo1 Architecture

The use of redundancy and voting is most common in SIS applications. A voting system accomplishes a much higher overall system integrity or system availability.

The ProSafe-RS is designed with an internal architecture of 1 out of 2 with diagnostics (1oo2D). See figure 2-4. Note that this figures shows a single processor module. The achieved SIL capability is SIL3. That means that the single module can be used in SIL1, 2 and 3 rated safety functions.

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micro processor micro processor


out put out put



diagnostics CPU module

FIGURE 1oo2D Architecture

If an undetected failure occurs in one of the systems parts (input/processor/memory/output), the redundant part will still work and will be able to shutdown the process in case of a demand. Should on-line diagnostics detect a failure in one of the system parts, it will automatically shutdown the complete module. This will force the process to go to the safe state.

To increase the availability of the system redundancy can be applied on module level. See figure 2-5 below. As this redundancy is on module level, the system can tolerate 1 or more failures without the need to shutdown.


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Circuit, MPU


MPU, memory MPU, memory


Circuit, MPU

Circuit, MPU


Circuit, MPU

Circuit, MPU Circuit, MPU


MPU, memory


Circuit, MPU Circuit, MPU


MPU, memory

FIGURE 2-5 High availability

With ProSafe-RS we use the term "PAIR & SPARE". PAIR to indicated the redundant internals of the single modules, and SPARE to indicated the second module used when high availability is required.

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