MTH 104 Basic Mathematics For Nurses

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COURSE UNIT MTH 104 BASIC MATHEMATICS FOR NURSES CREDIT UNITS = 2 WRITER: Content Numbers - Natural numbers, integers, rationals, Number bases. Operations with Surds, Ratio, proportion and percentages. Graphs - the Cartesian plane, plotting of a graph from a table of values and graphical treatment. Geometry: Angles and parallel lines construction of loci, Angles, properties of circles, Mensuration: Perimeter or circumference, Surface area and volume. Table of Contents 1.0 2.0 2.1 2.2 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5.0 Introduction What you will learn in this course Course Aims Course Objectives Working through this course Course materials Study Units Set Texts Books Assignment file Presentation Schedule Assessment Tutor-marked Assignments Final Examination And Grading Course Marking Scheme Course Overview Summary



MTH 104: Basic Mathematics for Nurses is a two (2) unit Credit Course meant for Nurses who are pursing their B.Nsc degree. It is meant to be a foundational course that will expose them to the aspects of application of mathematics in their Nursing career. This course is a three module, fourteen units course, which covers the number systems and number bases, indices, logarithms and Surds, ratios and proportions, angle constructions and graphs and the metric system units of measurements with their applications. This course is meant to remove the phobia that bewails students at the mere mention of mathematics but will expose them to the applications of mathematics in everyday life. This course guide in a nutshell will tell you all you have to do to be mathematics literate and appreciate the applications of mathematics in your daily activities as a nurse. 2.0 What you will learn The overall aim of MTH 104 - Basic Mathematics for Nurses as the name implies is to expose you to the concepts of mathematics which are relevant to your profession. Hence during this course, you will learn the number system and number bases, ratios and proportions, graphs and measurements of all sorts - perimeters, areas and volumes. The graphs will expose you to Apical radial measurements which is the first and foremost duty of a nurse to both in and out patients as the case may be. 2.1 Course Aims The aim of this course is to give you an understanding on the basic concepts necessary for your application of mathematics in your area of study. This aim will be achieved by: Exposing you to the different kinds of numbers that make up the entire number systems. Introducing you to base conversion of numbers for use in this computer age. Identifying the aspects of your profession where ratios, proportions, angles and areas are used. Demonstrating to you, how to draw graphs especially for taking down temperatures, Blood pressure, pulse beats etc. of patients.


Course Objectives To achieve the above aims, the overall objectives of this course will be stated here. But each unit has its own set objectives achievable by the end of the unit. The objectives are as follows: To recognise and identify the different kinds of numbers that make up the number system Use the laws of indices in calculation and simplification of numbers. Manipulate the surds correctly. Determine the ratios and proportions and even percentage of contents of drug components. Find ratio, solutions and mixtures in proportions of liquid and powder drugs. Plot graphs for temperature, blood pressure and pulse of patients Interpret the temperature and blood pressure chats correctly. Determine the angle of injection correctly Apply the tourniquet correctly to collect blood specimen.


Working Through This Course To complete this course successfully, you are expected to read the study units carefully and meaningfully and also any mathematics textbook that is relevant to the units and even materials that you can find helpful. Lots of exercises are provided to enable you study effectively. The key to sound knowledge in mathematics is practice. So solve as many problems as possible on any unit you have learnt. Do not be discouraged when you fail again. Try, try, and try again.


Course Materials The major components here are: (a) The course guide (b) The study units (c) Textbooks (d) Assignments files (e) Presentation schedule.


Study Units There are fourteen study units in this course. Unit 1: Number Systems - Natural, Integer and Rational

Unit 2: Unit 3: Unit 4: Unit 5: Unit 6: Unit 7: Unit 8: Unit 9: Unit 10: Unit 11: Unit 12: Unit 13: Unit 14:

Number bases Indices Logarithms Surds Ratios, Proportions and Percentages Graphs Angles on Parallel lines and Polygons, Circles Construction of Angles Loci Perimeters and Areas of Plane Shapes Areas of Circles, Sectors and Segments Surface Areas and Volumes of Cuboid, Cube and Prisms. Surface Areas and Volumes of Pyramids, Cylinders and Cones. Revisional Exercises.


Textbooks There are lots of Mathematics textbooks in the market and libraries, feel free to purchase or use whichever that is within your reach. Some of these ones can also be used: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Amazigo, J.C (Ed) (1991). Introductory Mathematics I: Algebra, Trigonometry and Complex Numbers. Onitsha: Africana Fep Publishers Ltd. Backhouse, J.K, and Houldsworth, S.P.T. (1991) Pure Mathematics A first Course. England: Longman Talbert, J.F, Godman A and Ogun, G. (1992), Additional Mathematics. London: Longman. Egbe, E, Odili, G.A and Ugbebor, 0.0. (1999). Further Mathematics. Onitsha: African Fep Publishers Ltd. David - Osuagwu, M; Anemelu, C., Onyeozili,1. (2000) New School Mathematics for Senior Secondary Schools. Onitsha: Africana - Fep Publishers Ltd. Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNO) Teaching Mathematics Teaching Geometry and Trigonometry 4. ES 342.


Assignment File The assignment file contains the exercises you are required to do for this course. Each unit has a tutor-marked assignment. You are expected to complete the exercises and submit to your tutors on a date to be announced for grading. The marks obtained will contribute 50% to your final grade in this course.


Presentation Schedule The presentation schedule included in your course materials will enable you note the important dates for contact with your tutors, the days of submission of completed assignments and tutorials.


Assessment Your assessment will be based on 40% of the total marks scored in the tutor marked assignment and 60 % of the final examination (written) giving you a total of 100%. Do not lag behind, endeavour to at least score 80% in this course.


Tutor - Marked Assignments (TMA) There are fourteen assignments in this course you are expected to perform creditably well in at least 8 out of the 14. These marks will contribute 40% to your final grade in the examination in this course.


Final Examination and Grading The final examination for MTH104 - Basic Mathematics will be a 2hr written examination that will cover all aspects of the course. This will contribute to the remaining 50% of the marks for your grade in this course. Course Marking Scheme The table below shows the break down of this course grade marks. Assessment Tutor marked The tutor assignment marks based on your Marks 14 assignments to pass at least 8 to contribute 40%. (1-14) will use his/her discretion to distribute the


best performances Examination - written 60% of overall course marks Total 100% of course marks 4.4 Course Overview Each of the fourteen units will be studied in one week of three hours intensive study. 1 See study units for the units.


Summary This course Basic Mathematics for nurses intends to expose you to a greater percentage to the relation of some basic concepts in mathematics to the Nursing profession especially in the areas of mixtures of drugs during injection, knowing which angle to place the needles for injection to avoid abscess, what ratios of each drug component to take at a time, Apical - radial measurements. It will help educate you on how to interpret the temperature pulse and blood pressure charts. This is an enjoyable course if your will disabuse your minds on the phobia beclouding mathematics. Good luck!



Course Developer
Dr V. C. Anemelu (Mrs.)

Unit Writer
Dr V. C. Anemelu (Mrs.)

Programme Leader Prof. (Mrs.) O. Nwana

Course Coordinator K. S. Olubiyi



Table of Contents 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 Introduction Objectives Main Content The concept of numbers Natural Numbers Integers Rational Numbers Conclusion Summary Tutor Marked Assignment References and other materials


Introduction The first idea of the number system was evolved by the primitive man, when he used the method of matching of objects or his flocks with pebbles or sticks. This was called the one-to-one correspondence. This helped him check his flock; when they go out to pasture and when they come back. As the years progressed, the need for exchange of goods between tribes and people (trade by barter) became dominant. This introduced its attendant problem of either under-estimating or over-estimating the quantities. In a bid to find a remedy to this problem, the idea of numbers came. The number system passed through several civilizations before the Hindu - Arabic numbered (the numbers at present) became the standard.


Objectives By the end of this unit, the students should be able to: Distinguish between number, numeral and word name


3.0 3.1

Write with examples, the properties of the Natural, integer and rational numbers Draw a diagrammatic representation of the tree of numbers Write the relationship between the natural numbers, integers and rational numbers.

Main Content The Concept of Number Assuming somebody enters into your house or class and asks you to give him/her four (not in a joking mood), what will be your reaction? The first question that comes to your mind is four of what? This now brings us to the concept of numbers. Definition: A number is the concept of quantity or the mental concept (not visible but imaginable) of the property of equivalent sets. The following diagrammatic representations will enable you to understand what a number actually means.





From figure (1), (a), (b), (c) have the property of fourness i.e. each contains four objects or elements. Here the number in each case is if meaning each contains four objects. You cannot get four, what you can have is four pencils, or four bics or four persons or four boxes, etc. This mental concept of the number is referred to as the cardinal number and it is used to answer the question, "how many"?


(d) and (e) in fig (i) are symbols representing the number four. These symbols are referred to as numerals. And (f), (g), (h) and (i) symbol, so you can see that the numeral and word-name of numbers change from race to race but the numbers does not change. Example the word-name in the number 4 (four) in the three Nigeria major languages (Igbo, Yoruba and Hausa) is as shown in fig (1), diagrams (g), (h) and (i) respectively. Having known what number is, we move to the next topic - Natural numbers. 3.2 Natural Numbers or Counting Numbers The natural numbers or counting numbers as the name implies show that they are numbers used for counting they are denoted by N. This was the first conception of numbers by the primitive society, when it began counting of people, animals and their various articles and possessions, through matching of objects with pebbles or sticks. The human hand with five fingers was an invaluable natural tool for counting, also the ten fingers and in some tribes the vegesimal i.e. number based on twenty (these were the first number to be used) For example, the Igbos count in twenties they express 45 as (2 x 20) + 5 pronounced two twenties plus five. The Yoruba system uses the number 20 which relies heavily as "five from ten from three twenties". In symbolic notations, some of the numbers are written thus Igbo version 45 = (3 x 20) 10 5 106 = (20 x 6) 10 - 4 300 = 20 x (20 5) 525 = (200 x 3) (20 x 4) 5 45 = (2 x 20) + 5 106 = (5 x 20) + 6 300 = (15 x 20) 525 = (26 x 20) + 5 Zaslavsky in Sertima (1992:119)

Hence the Natural Numbers are numbers from 1, 2, 3, ... (infinity) spaced at regular intervals of one unit. Properties of Natural Numbers (N) Addition Property on Natural Numbers: given two numbers x and y (a) Closure - The sum of any two natural numbers is also a natural number. That is if x and y are two natural numbers, then x + y will equally be a Natural number.


Example 2 and 3 are natural numbers, then 2 + 3 = 5 and 5 is also a natural number. When this happens, it is referred to as closure. Mathematically, it is written Closure: if x y e (belong to) N (natural number then .x+ y E N. (b) Commutative: if x + y = Y + x where x y E N Example 2 + 3 = 3 + 2 = 5. (c) Associative: If x y and E N

then (x + y) + = x + (y + ) Example, if 2, 3, and 5 are natural numbers then (2 + (3) + 5) = 2 + (3 + 5) 5 + 5 = 2 + (8) 10 = 10 (d) Cancellation: If x, y, p E N then If x +p = y + p, then x = y Multiplication property on Natural Numbers for all x, y, E N (i.e. x, y, and belong to N (a) (b)

Closure: x x y E N => the product of natural numbers is also a natural number. Example 2 x 3 = 6. 6 is a counting number Commutative: x x y = y x x, Example 2 x 3 = 3 x 2 = 6 Associative: X (y x z = y x , then )x = y, Example 2 x (3 x 4) = (2 x 3) x 4 = 2 x 12 = 6 x 4 24 = 24 Cancellation: If x x = y x z, then .x =y. Distribute laws - the addition and multiplication are subject to this law. For all x, y, , E N D1: x x (y + ) = x x y + x x Example (5 + 7) x 2 = 5 x 2 + 7 x 2 12 x 2 = 10 +14






Note these properties are used extensively in dealing with numbers but the natural numbers cannot answer questions such as (2 - 3) i.e. subtract 3 from 2 since it is counting numbers. Minus numbers are not used in counting objects and for this reason, the set of integers was introduced. 3.2.1 Integers The set of natural numbers may or may not be used to solve problems of this nature - given x and y EN i.e. both x and y are Natural numbers. X + z = y , may or may not have a solution (answer) For example x .+ = x has no solution (because there is no counting number, which when added to it other number gives the number). Example 2 +. x = 2 (is not possible in the set of Natural to solve the above equations brought the additional numbers of zero and the negatives of counting numbers to the set of counting numbers to form the set of integers. Hence the set of integers denoted by or I in some text comprise of numbers from - Ve (negative infinity) to zero to positive infinity . . ., -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.... as 0 1, 2, 3, . . . so integers are written and this includes all whole numbers from - to + So in the example 2 + x = 2, the solution of this will give x = 2 - 2 = 0 and 0 is regarded as an integer. Note: the positive integers are also called Natural numbers. Properties of integers The properties of integers are the same as those of Natural numbers with the following additions (d) Cancellation law: if x x y = P x y and y is not equal to 0 belong to , then x = P for all x , pE . Also the following are two properties not found in the set of Natural numbers N Addition: (e) There exists an identity elements o E , such that x + 0 = 0 +. x, = for every x E Z i:e Any number added to zero gives that number i:e 2 + 0 = 0 + 2 = 2; 10 + 0 = 0 + 10 = 10 etc



For each x E , there exists an inverse called the additive inverse - x E , such that x + (-x) = (-x) = 0 for every x E Note (a) identity element under addition or multiplication is the number which when added multiplied by any number gives that number and the number is zero (0) for addition and one (1) for multiplication i.e. 5=0=5 5x1=5 or or 1000 = 0 = 1000 and 55 x 1= 55 etc.


Inverse element means the number which when added to another number gives the identity element. Example 5 - (-5) = 0 Here - 5 is the inverse of 5 and 5 is the inverse of -5 because the sum of the two gave zero (0). Other properties of integers include:


Factors or division: An integer x which is not zero i.e. x 0 is called a factor or division of another integer y 0, if there is a third integer such that y = x, . This means that when a number divided another number without a remainder the divisor is called a factor. For example at 12 divided by 2 means 12 = 6. This means that 12 = 6 x 2, 2 therefore, 2 is a divisor of factor of 12 and 6 is also a factor of 12 etc.

2. (a)

Primes and Composite Numbers Primes: Numbers that do not have any other divisors are called prime numbers. Example 2, 3, 5, 7, etc. In other words, prime numbers are numbers which have two divisors, itself and 1 (one). Composites: Numbers that have other divisors besides 1 and itself That is numbers which can be divided by other numbers, other than themselves and one. Example 4 can divide by l, 2, and 4. 21 can be divided by 1, 3, 7 and 21.


Examples of Composite numbers are 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, etc.


Though the set of integers has both negative and positive numbers, it is still lacking because solutions to problems that involve fractions cannot be done in the set of integers. This then takes us to the next number systems Rational Numbers. 3.2.2 Rational Numbers Because of the defects in the set of integers additional numbers i.e. common fractions are added to the set of integers to form the set of rational numbers. Hence, rational numbers denoted by Q are defined as numbers that can be expressed as ration of two integers. Examples: 1.25 = 125 = 5 - 2.3 = - 2.3 , 5 can be written as 5 etc. i.e. all 100 4 10 1 integers that can be put in fraction form. Now let us go to the properties of rational numbers: Properties of Rational Numbers (a) If x and y are two positive rational numbers and x is less than y (x < y) then 1/x is greater than 1 y 1 x > 1 y

If 2 and 3 are given then is greater than 1/3 but 2 is less than 3 (i.e. (2 < 3) but > 1/3 ). (b) Between any two rational numbers x and y, there exists another rational number . This means that between any two numbers countless numbers exist. Example between 1/3 and , we can have other fractions 1/6, , 1/5 etc. The list of the number system is not exhaustive but with the aid of the diagrammatic representation, it will be well understood. Here, we start with the highest number system i.e. the complex number to the least number.


The Tree diagram of the Number System Complex Numbers numbers = a + bi ( where a and b are real but i is imaginary)

Real Numbers (all numbers except imaginary numbers) (e.g. -1, -0.5, , e, 2.75 etc e.g. 5/4, - , 5 etc Rational Numbers

Imaginary numbers I = -4, -7, -64 etc


Irrational Numbers 1 e.g.

2 ,

3, , e, etc.

Non Integers 1 e.g. (1/3r d, 5/4, 0.4. 5%) Fractions

Integers (0, 1, 2, )

Negative Integers Improper Fractions decimal form percentage


Positive Integers

Numbers Natural or counting

Prime Numbers


Complex Numbers - This is the highest in the hierarchy of numbers and is made up of two namely Real numbers - numbers that can be represented on a number line and imaginary numbers i i.e. 1 the above Number Systems are not discussed in this course. Irrational numbers are numbers which cannot be expressed as fractions. For example


= 3.141 ... e = 2.71 ..., 2 = 1.44 ..., 3 = 1.71 ... etc. Numbers except the above mentioned are rational numbers. Exercise 1 1. 2. Distinguish between a number and a numeral With the aid of a diagram, show the relationship between the number systems - Natural Integers and rational numbers and give at least five examples of each.


Conclusion In this unit, you have learnt the difference between a number, a numeral and a word name. The different number systems - Natural, Integers and Rational numbers have been discussed. It is believed that these three number systems have a lot to do with your professions as a Nurse. The unit ends with the tree diagram of the entire number system.


Summary In the number system, it was discovered that different tribes/race have different names for the same number. Hence a number does not change but its symbolic representation (numeral) and pronunciation change (word name). The natural numbers were also seen to be contained in the Integer in the rational. So they can be represented as: Rational Numbers



Negative Integers


Positive Integers Natural Numbers()



Tutor - Marked Assignment. l. 2. Is the prime Numbers closed under subtraction? (1 mark) State whether each of the following is true or false a) -7E b) c) d) e)
f) g) h)

2 E '1 4E - 5 E 1 3 8 E 9/4 E1 E 11 E (1 mark each ) = 8



References Ayres, Frank, JR. (1965). Modern Algebra. Shaun's Outline Series, New York: McGraw Hill Books Company. Vygodsky, M. (1972). Mathematical Handbook: Elementary Mathematics. Moscow: MR Publishers. Sertima, Ivan Van (ed) (1992). Blacks in Science: Ancient and Modern. New Brunswick (USA) and London (U.K): Transaction Books.



Table of Contents 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 . 1.0 Introduction Unit 1 has thrown a little light in the development of the number systems. The different number bases that were in use by some major tribes in Nigeria. Again, you are of course, perfectly familiar with the base ten number system, since all our money, measuring instrument or scales, and distances are in base ten. In this unit, the denary scale or base ten has been included in the number base to be discussed as this will lead on to the other systems which have the same type of structure but which use different place values. Introduction Objectives Main Contents Number Bases - Definition Conversion from one base to another Conversion from base ten (denary/decimal scale) to other base to base ten Conversion from other base to base ten Conversion from one base to another other than denary Operations on bases Addition and Subtraction Multiplication and Division Conclusion Summary Tutor Marked Assignment References and other materials



Objectives By the end of this unit, you should be able to: Explain what number base is. Express given numbers in their expanded form Convert given numbers correctly to a stated base, Carry out operations on given bases.

3.0 3.1

Main Content Number Bases - Concept/meaning Any grouping of number (in numeration) system i.e. counting system) is called the number base or often called base. The international community has accepted grouping in tens as the standard. This grouping in tens is referred to as the decimal system or denary scale or base ten (10). In base ten, the numbers of numerals is equal to the base. The numerals are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Each numeral is called a digit and each digit has a place value (position of the digit) which is fixed in any given value. The place values are in powers of ten. Example (i) In 2435 which is called two thousand, four hundred and thirty-five. 2435 = 2 thousand 4 hundred 3 tens and 5 ones here 2, 4, 3 and 5 are digits thousand, hundred, tens and units or ones are place values this means 2000 + 400 +30 +5 = (2x 1000) + (4 x 100) + (3 x 10) + (5 x 1) In powers of ten, the above can be written as (2 x 103) + (4 x 102) + (3 x 101) + (5 x 10) 468 468 = 4 hundred 6 tens, 8 units/ones In 468each of 4, 6 and 8 is a digit and the place values are hundreds, tens and units/one 468 = (4 x 100) + (6 x 10) + (8 x 1) In powers of ten = (4 x 102) + (6 x 101) + (8x 10) It is possible to use any number from 2(two) in the number system. Hence, number system with two digits ( 0 and 1) is called the binary



scale or base 2; that which has five digits 0, 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, the octal or base 8. Note: (a) In bases which exceeds the decimal or base ten, letters, are used to represent digits above 9. For example in base 112 the duodecimal scale, the digits are 0, 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 (here 10 and 11 are digits) and can easily be confused with 10 and 11 in base ten which means (9 + 1) and (10 + 1) respectively. To avoid this the following letters are used to denote these digits up to an equivalent denary of 15, so after 9 the letters of the alphabet are used as follows: 10A, 11 B, 12 C, 13 D, 14 E and 15 F. The binary scale is widely used in all forms of switching applications while base sixteen (hexadecimal) has computer applications. To avoid confusion between numbers written in other bases and base ten the base of the number system is always written. Example 10 read as one' zero base two meaning one (twos) and in (ones) i.e. 1 x 21 + 0 x 2 (in expanded form) units or 10eight => one - eights meaning one (eights) and no ones i.e. 1 x 81 + 0 x 8o 121three one, two, one base three meaning = 1 (three squared), 2 (threes) and 1 (units) = 1 x 32 +2 x 31 + 1 x 30 1 D5 sixteen read as one D five (base sixteen) which implies one (sixteen squared), D (sixteen) and five ones. In expanded form it is written as 1 D 5 sixteen = (1 x 162) + (DN61) + (5 x 16) Note: numbers written in base ten need not have the base indicated for example, when 2, 15, 126 etc are written, it is understood that they are in base 10. Now try this: (a) 57328 (ii) 1764eight (iii) 1011111two




This practice will help you pronounce numbers correctly and also in translating numbers from figures to words and vice versa. Since the decimal system is the standard or reference system, assuming you encounter a problem of converting numbers from this decimal system to another base, how do you get about it. The answer is provided here, so move on to the next part. 3.2 Conversion from baser ten (denary) to any other base. Conversion from base ten (denary) to any base say base two, base five, base eight, base twelve etc should be treated here. The same procedure is used for other bases not mentioned here we shall concentrate on bases mentioned above i.e. (2, 5, 8, 12 and 16). In this conversion, all you need to do is to divide the base ten number repeatedly or successively by the given base noting the remainder at each stage, until a final zero (i.e. last quotient is zero) is obtained. Example (b) Convert the following denary numbers (base 10) 20 to binary (base 2) () 64 to quinary (base five), (iii) 173 to octal (iv) 416 to hexadecimal (base 16) Solution Divide 20 successively by 2 writing out the remainder at each stage thus 2 2 2 2 2 120 10 remainder 0 5 remainder 0 2 remainder 1 1 remainder 0 0 remainder 1

Note: the remainders are often replaced by the plus sign and when 0 is got, you stop and write the answers from the bottom to the top. This is because of place values where the highest digits are written first: Thus (see the direction of the arrow here) 2 3 2 2

20 10 + 0 5+0 2+1 1+0


0+1 20ten = 10100two i.e. the remainders are written in the reverse direction. Note: take care not to include the last zero as part of the remainder. (ii) In 64 to base five, the same process is followed thus 5 5 5 .'. 64ten = 224five (iii) Covert 173ten to Octal (base 8) Solution: The successive division is still used 8 8 8 173 21+5 2 +5 0+2 64 12 + 4 2+2 0+2

.'. 173ten = 255eight (iv) 416 to hexadecimal (base 16) Solution: The repeated division is still used 16 16 16 416 26 + 0 1 + 10 (here 10 is a digit) 0+1

.'. 41610 = 1 (10) 0sixteen but 10 = A in base 16 = I A 0Sixteen .'. 416 = 1 A 0sixteen So far, we have changed numbers from denary (basel0) into their equivalent numbers in various bases: binary, quinary, octal and hexadecimal, we now move to the next frame - other bases to denary but before that try this exercise.


Exercise 2.1 Convert the following base ten numbers to (a) Binary (1) 23 (b) quinary (2) 125 (c) Octal (3) 452. (d) hexadecimal

Have you tried them? That was easy enough. The answers are (a) binary 23 = 1011 l two, 125 = 1111101 two, 452 =111000100 quinary 23 = 43five 125 = 43five 452 = 3302 Octal 23 = 27eight 125 = 175eight 452 = 704eight

that of the hexadecimal is 16 23 16 1 + 7 0+1 23 = 17sixteen 16 16 125 7 + 13 (D) 0+7 125 = 7 D sixteen 125 28 + 4 1 + 12 (C) 0+1 452 = 1 C 4sixteen 452 = 1 C 4sixteen

16 16 16


Conversion from Other bases to denary Here there are two ways to do this (1) By the expanded form and (2) By the repeated or successive multiplication method.


Now let us take them, one by one: Example: Convert the following numbers to denary (a) 1011101two (b) 134five (c) 642eight (d) 1 D 7sixteen Solution: Using the expanded form method (a) 1011101 two - write this number in powers of two thus 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 = (1 x 26) + (0 +25) + (1 x24) + (1 x 23) + (1 x22) + (0 x 21) + (1 x 20) = (1 x 64) + (0 x 32) + (1 x 16) + (1 x 8) + (1 x 4) + (0 x 2) + (1 x 1) = 64 + 0 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 0 + 1 1011101two = 93ten (b) 134five in expanded powers of five is (1 x 52) + (3 x 51) + (4 x 50) = (1 x 25) + (3 x 5) + (4 x 1) = 25 +15 + 4 = 44 (c) 134five, = 44ten,

Weight in powers of eight gives (6 x 82) + (4 x 81) + (2 x 80) = (6 x 64) + (4 x 8) + (2 x 1) = 384 + 32 + 2 = 418 642eight = 418ten


I D 7sixteen in powers of sixteen = (1 x 162) + (D x 161) + (7 x 160) = (1 x 256) + (13 x 16) + (7 x 6) = 256 +208 + 7 = 471 ten 1 D 7sixteen = 471 ten

Note: The expanded form means writing the given numbers in the powers of the given base. In assigning the powers, always start from the units (ones) with the base to power zero therefore the units (ones) will have 20, 50, 80, 160, as in the example and increase the powers accordingly.


Now move to the second method: (b) Successive multiplication method The steps involved in this method are as follows: (1) Space out the digits to be converted (2) Multiple the first digit by the base of the number to be converted (3) Add the product got from this multiplication to the second digit. (4) Multiply their sum by their base (5) Add the third digit to this new product, repeat steps (4) and (5) until you get to the last digit. This last sum is the answer. (d) 1 D7sixteen to

Example: Convert (a) 1011101two (b) 134five, (c) 642eight denary using the successive multiplication. Solution: (a)

Applying the steps 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 (spaced out) x2 ( multiply the first digit 1 by 2) 2+0=2 (Add to second digit 0 i.e. 2 + 0 = 2) x2 (multiply (0 + 2) x 2 = 4) 4+1 (Add 1 to 4 = 5 x2 ( multiply 5 x 2 = 10 etc. 10+1 = 11 x2 22 + 1 = 23 x2 46 + 0 = 46 x2 92 + 1 = 93 Since the last digit 1 has been added, the answer is that last sum 1011101 two = 93ten. The same answers as in example (1 a)


134five again following the steps, gives 1 3 4 x5 (multiply 1 x 5 = 5) 5 +3 = 8 (Add3to5i.e.3+5=8) x5 (multiply 8 x 5 = 40) 40 + 4 = 44 (add 4 to 40 = 44) 134five = 44ten same answer as (I b)



642eight still the same processes is repeated 6 4 2 x8 48 + 4 = 52 x8 416 +2 418 642 eight = 418 ten 1 D 7 sixteen. First convert the letter D to its original meaning, so Do = 13 1 D 7 Sixteen = 1 13 7 x 16 16 x 13 = 29 x 16 464 + 7 = 471 ten I D 7 Sixteen = 471ten


Note: the repeated or successive multiplication method appears simpler but care must be taken not to add when you are to multiply and vice versa. It is always better to use the expanded form when dealing with large numbers. Try this little exercise to know if you have been following by the successive method: Covert 2 AB twelve to base ten is that not easy. Now we do it together once more. 2 AB twelve to base 10. First remember that A and B represent 10 and 11 respectively {because they are still digits in base 12 (duodecimal)} 2 AB twelve = 2 x 12 24 +10 = 34 x 12 408 + 11 = 419 10 11

2 AB twelve becomes in powers of 12 = (2 x 122) + (10 x 121) + (11 x 120) = (2 x 144) + (10 x 12) + (11 x 1) = 288 + 120 + 11 = 419

2 ABtwe1ve = 419 ten Now have fun with the following exercises.


Exercise 2.2 Convert the following number to numbers in base ten (a) 10101two (b) 143 five (c) 717 eight Ans: (a) 21ten (b) 48ten (c) 463ten (d) A 39 twelve (e) 5BCsixteen Ans 146 ten Now move on to the next section. 3.2.2 Conversion from One base to another From the previous sections, you have learnt conversions from (1) denary to other bases (ii) Other bases to denary. Nothing has been said of conversion between bases. In this section, we shall discuss this different. It follows the same pattern. What is done in conversion from one base to another, for example numbers from binary (base 2) to base five (quinary) is first convert the binary number to denary then convert the denary to quinary. The chain is this Binary denary quinary. That from given number base denary desired base. Example (1) convert 101101 two to quinary (base five) Solution: Convert 101 l01two - This is easy. 101101 two = 45ten (whichever method you use) then convert 45ten to quinary 5 5 5 45 9+0 1+4 0+1

l0110two = 45ten = 140five, 101101 two = 140 five 245Seven to binary First convert 245Seven to base ten and then reconvert back to

Example 2: Solution: base two

245seven = (2 x 72) + (4 x 71) + (5 x 7)


= (2 x 49) + (4 x 7)+ (5 x 1) = 98 + 28 + 5 = 131ten 245seven = 131 ten. Then convert 131ten to binary 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 131 65 + 1 32 + 1 16 + 0 8+0 4+0 2+0 1+0 0+1

245seven = 131ten = 1000001 1 two Find N if 222four + 203four = N eight

Example 2:

Solution: First add the numbers in base four then convert the sum to base eight 222 + 203 1031 four So 1031 four = 72ten. Convert 77ten to base eight. Thus: 77ten to base eight gives 8 8 8 N = 115eight. 77 7 +5 l+1 0+1

Now try the following. Exercise 2.3 Convert (1) Find A if 1222four + 2003four = A eight Answer A eight = 355eight (2) If 241six = Xnine Find X Answer X = 117nine



Operations With Number Bases The basic operations - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in various bases other than the decimal scale (base ten) will be treated.


Addition and Subtraction The two operations will be treated here. They are handled the same way as in the denary system but you should always bear in mind the place values of the base you are operation in. ADDITION Simplify the following: 1. 2. 3. (a) (a) (a) 100two + 1 ltwo (b) 1110two + 10two 213five + 411five (b) 4133five + 2314five 3 Btwelve + 2 Btwelve (b) 716eight + 145eight

Solution: Put the numbers in tabular form, for easy transfer to the proper place value 1 (a) 1 + 1 0 1 1 0two l two 1two (b) 1 1 + 0 1 0 1 1 0 0two 0two 0two.

Note in binary the highest digit is l, so in this operation no sum will exceed l, once get a number greater than 1, immediately convert to base 2 that is why 1 + 1 was written l0two. Always start from the right hand (unit column) and move to the other powers. Now let us see other examples.


213five + 411five 1124five. Here 3 + 1 = 4, 1 + 1 = 2 but 2 + 4 = 6 and in base 5, 6 = 11 i.e. 1 bundle of five and 1 the sum of 213five, and 411five i.e. 1124five


4113five +2314five. What will be the number under the unit column? Can you do that? 114326five,


What is 3 + 4 in base five? That's right, 3 + 4 = 7 but in base five it 7 = 12five, so write 2 in the unit column and transfer 1 to the next. Now continue. Are you comfortable? Move to the next example. 3 (a) 3 Btwelve + 2 Btwelve. Here the temptation will be to add 3B + 2B as though it was addition of algebra. Remember that 3Btwelve and 2Btwelve in base twelve means (3 11) i.e. both are separate digits. So before carrying out the operation first change these number to base ten, thus 3B 2B = (3 x 121) + (11 x 120) = 36 + 11 = 47ten = (2 x 121) + (11 x 120) = 24 +11=35ten

then add the numbers in base 10 and convert back to base twelve, thus 47 + 35 = 82ten and 82ten by successive division gives 12 12 82 6 +10 (A) 0+6

3 Btwelve + 2 Btwelve = 6 Atwelve

Note: When adding numbers above base ten remember to first bring them to base ten, carry out the operation then convert back to the given base as in the above example. One more example (b) 7 1 6eight +1 4 5eight 1 0 6 3eight As a check to know if your answers are correct, convert each of the numbers to base ten, add and convert back to the given base. Do this as practice.


Subtraction: Simplify the following 1 (a) 2 (a) 1 1 0 ltwo - 1 1 1two 2 2 4 1 five -1 0 2 4five (b) (b) 1 1 1 0two - 1 0 1 two 3 3 1 2 five - 2 3 4 3five, (c) 1 6 6twelve - 2 9twelve

In subtraction, before you carry out the operation check if the digit to be subtracted is greater than the digit above it. Whenever this is the came add the base to the digit above and then subtract the digit below. Having said this, now simplify the above. Solution: 1 (a) 1 1 0 1 two In the twos column 0 is above and is less than 1 below it, so take 1 -1 1 I two from the 22 column and call it 2 and add to 0 i.e. (0 + 2 = 2) then 1 1 0 subtract 1. Do the same for the others until there are no digits to be subtracted.

Again continue the solution of others 1 (b) 1 1 I 0two - 1 0 1two 101 two 2 2 4 1 five Here 4 is greater than 1, so 1 is renamed as 1 + 5 = 6 (5 gotten from - 1 0 2 4five, the 1 in the fives column) then 6 - 4 = 2. 1 2 1 2five

2 (a)

Then go ahead and do the others. (b) 3 3 1 2five, -2 3 4 3five 4 1 4 five, 1 6 6twelve The same process, pick 1 from the twelve column (121) add to 6 in -2 9twelve the unit column (12 + 6 = 18) then subtract 9. What is left in the 12, 1 3 9 twelve column is 5 then subtract 2 i.e. 5 - 2 = 3 and since 1 has nothing under it bring it down. 166twelve - 29twelve = 139twelve



Now take your time, practice first converting the numbers to base ten before subtraction. Any difference in the answer? Feel free to do it in whichever way you understand best. 3.3.2 Multiplication and Division The operation are the same as that of working in base ten. Multiplication: This follows the same pattern as multiplication of numbers in the denary scale. The only difference is remembering to rename the products according to the base you are working with. Example: 1 Find the product of 1110two and 101 two Solution: The long multiplication method i.e. used 26 25 24 23 1 x the 1 treat as 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 in addition. 0two 1 1 0 corresponding digits to 22 1 1 21 1 0 20 0two 1two - Powers of 2 After multiplying remember when adding

Example 2:

Multiply 342five, by 42five,

Solution: again the same method of long division is used. The powers of five are to remind you of place values. 54 53 52 3 x 2 2 0 5' 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 2 4 4five Here 2 x 4 = 8 but 8 = 13five write 13 under 51 and take 1 to 52 etc.

3 3

1 0 2


As a check, covert 342five and 42five, to base ten 342five = 97ten, and 42five, = 22ten, Now multiply 97ten x 22ten = 2134ten then convert 2134ten to base five. 5 5 5 5 5 2134 426 + 4 85 + 1 17 + 0 3+2 0+3

342five x 42five = 32014five, the essence of the check is to internalize learning. Example 3: Multiply 134eight x 122eight Solution: 1 3 4eight x 1 1 2eight 270 134 134 1 5 2 3 0eight Check 134eight = 92ten 112eight = 74ten 134 = eight x 112eight = 92ten x 74ten = 6808ten Now 6808ten to Octal 8 8 8 8 8 6808 851 + 0 106+3 13 +2 1+5 0+1

134eight x l l2eight = 15230eight.

Division In division of other bases the same process as in the denary system, the difference between them is when the first digit of the dividend (the number being divided) is less than that of the divisor (the number dividing), the digit of the dividend is converted to the next place value.


Example: Simplify the following (a) 1010two l0two (b) 1034five = 22five

Solution: 101 10 1010two (a) 10 10


Using the long division method

This is easy. Now move to the next example. (b) 1034five 22five 22 22 1034five 44 44

here the first 2 digits of the dividend to be divided i.e. (10) i less than the divisor 22, then

Convert 10 to the next place value and divide by 22. To avoid confusion, it is always advisable to convert both numbers to denary, divide and reconvert back to the given base. Here is an example 1034five, = 144ten and 22five, = 12ten 144ten 12ten = 12ten, and 12ten, to base five gives 5 5 12 2 0+2

1034five 22five = 22five.

You can also check your answers using the knowledge that multiplication is the inverse of division or vice versa - here the quotient is multiplied by the divisor.


So 22five x 22five = 22 x 22 44 44 1034five Now move to other examples but before then, try the following Exercise 2.4 Simplify the following (a) (c) (e) 1101011 two + 1111110two 1522eight 31eight 121three x 22three. (b) 10111000two - 100011 two (d) (4001five - 2304five) + 234five

More examples on bases 1. If 202x = l0100two. Find the value of Solution: The simpliest way is to express both numbers to denary, thus (2 x x2)+(0 x. x1)+(2x x ) = (1 x 24)+(0 x 23)+(1 x 22)+(0 x 2')+(0 x 2) 2x2 + 2 = 20 Now you can solve this equation. 2 + 1 = 10 dividing through by 2 2 = 9 = 3. The answers is x = 3 because number bases are not negatives. Check 2023 = (2 x 32) + (0 x 31) + (2 x 3) = (2 x 9) + (2 x 1) = 18 + 2 = 20ten. 2. If 41025six = 21125six + six Find the value of y.

Solution: 41035six -

Solve like in every other equation 2112six = six


4103 2112 1551six =1551

You can check by the usual methods. 3. If 35y + 62y = 125y and the value of y

Solution: Just express each of the terms to base ten then solve the equation that follows. 53y = 5y + 3 (by know you can do *so-these conversion off by heart. 62y = 6y +2 125y= y2 + 2y + 5 53y + 62y = 125y (5y +3) + (6y + 2) = y2 + 2y + 5 gives the equation and simplifying gives 5y +3 + 6y +2 = y2 + 2y + 5 lly + 5 = y2 + 2y + 5 Colleting like terms and simplifying further y2 - 9y = 0 Factorising y (y - 9) = 0 i.e. either y = 0 or y = 9. The base of a number is never zero. y = 9. You can check If this answer is correct by substituting back to the given equation. 4.0 Conclusion In this unit, you have learnt definition of the number base and to convert from one base to another. You have also learnt operations with bases and how to solve some equations involving bases. This unit ends with a tutor - marked assignment. Work through it in your own time and do not hurry over it. 5.0 Summary In this unit, you have learnt the following number systems and operations in them.

Number System`

Place Values

Symbols or digits


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Denary or Decimal System or base 10 Binary System base 2 Quinary - base 5 Octal - base 8 Hexadecimal - Base 16

Powers of 10 is 103 102, 10', 10 etc. Powers of 2 is ... 24. 23. 22, 21,20. Power of 5,.... 53, 52, 51 , 5... Powers of 16 ...162, 161, 16 etc Powers of 16 ...162, 161,

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 0 and 1 used in snitch applications (on off) 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. 0, 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7

16, etc

0. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E and F.

Base 16 has computer applications and this is why you have to know its conversions at the tips of your hands. 2. Conversion from any base to deanery (base 10) either (1) Use the expanded form - expressing in powers of the base or. (ii) the successive or repeated multiplication method, following the steps (i) Space out the digits (ii) Multiply the highest digit by the base (iii) Add the next digit (iv) Multiply sum by the base (v) Add the next digit, repeat steps (iv) and (vi) Until you get to the last digit, this last sum becomes the answer. Conversion from denary to any base Use repeated or successive method, that is divide repeatedly by the base, noting the remainders at each stage, continue dividing until a final zero quotient is obtained. Write the remainders in the reverse order i.e. from bottom to top (do not include the final zero). Conversion from one base (other than the deanery) to another base (a lot deanery) first, convert to deanery, then reconvert back to the desired base. HAPPY READING.




Tutor - Marked Assignment 2


1. 2.

Express the following as denary numbers (a) 101101two (b) 21201 three Write the following in the hexadecimal form (a) 2 x 162 +1 x 161 + 4 x 160 (b) A x161 + 4 x 162 + B x 161 + C x 160 (c) 3 x 161 + D x 160 If 9 + 13five, = 283ten. Find 9. Solve for if all the numbers are in binary, 11 = 101 + 100

3. 4.


Find the number bases .x and y from which the following simultaneous equations hold. 25 x - 23y = 610 34 x + 32y = 3610 ------------------ (2) (1)

===> (4 marks to each question) 4 x 5 = 20marks



References and Other Resources David - Osuagwu, M; Anemelu, C and Onyeozili, I. (2000), New School Mathematics for Senior Secondary Schools, Onitsha: African - Fep Ltd. Stroud, K.A. (1995). Engineering Mathematics Fourth Edition. Hampire and London Macmillan Press Ltd.


Table of Contents 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 1.0 Introduction In the previous unit on Number bases, numbers were expressed in powers in terms of their place values. You are familiar with the denary scale (base 10) and the powers starting from the units (ones) up to at least the fourth power are 10, 101, 102, 103, 104. In other bases like the binary, the powers are 2, 21, 22, 23, 24 and in base 8 (Octal), the powers are 8, 81, 82, 83, 84. Now have you ever asked the questions about the numbers at the top of these bases? What do they mean? The answer to this question will be found in this unit indices. In this unit you will learn what indices are, the law of indices and its applications. 2.0 Objective By the end of this unit, you should be able to: Explain what indices are State and explain with examples the laws of indices Give meaning to a0, a-1 and am/n Apply the law of indices to solve problems. Correctly. 3.0 Main Contents Introduction Objectives Main Content Indices (Exponents, Powers) Law of Indices Applications Conclusion Summary Tutor Marked Assignment References and other materials



Indices, Exponents or Powers In calculations especially in the multiplication of numbers, certain factors are repeated. In such cases, where repeated factors of the same base occur, for example 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2, it is written as 26. This simply means that 2 has multiplied itself 6 times. Also 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 can be written as 84, showing that 8 has multiplied itself four times. If you look back to our familiar base 10, 103 means 10 x 10 x 10 = 1000. Hence the number of times, a number .X multiplies itself referred to as its index or exponent or power. That is the index or exponent or power tells how many times the number of a number is taken as a factor (repeats itself). Thus indices the plural form of index is the shorthand way of expressing numbers in their powers. Thus in the examples above, in 26, 6 is the index, in 84, 4 is the index while in 103, 3 is the index. So: In 26, 2 is the base and 6 is the index or exponent. 84, 8 is the base and 4 is the index or power. 103, 10 is the base and 3 is the index or power. In general, the product of n factors, of a number , where x is a positive number is written as n, where x is the base and n is the index or power or exponent. Again in 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 +2 is written as 6 x 2 = 3 x 6, this shows how many times 2 is added to itself. Here 6 is called the coefficient of 2. a general, x + x + x + x + x (n times) is written as n x i.e. adding x up to n number of times. N is called the coefficient of x The diagram below illustrate this Index or power or exponent



This diagram can be taken to mean x7 + x7 + x7 + X7 + X7 + X7 + X7 + X7 where each of the x7 = x x x x x x x x x x x x x Now back to indices. Express the following numbers in index notations (a) 4 (b) 27 (c) 625


Here expressing numbers in index notations means finding out the factors of such a given number which multiplies itself a number of times to get the given number. (a) 4 = 2 x 2 and in index notation 4 is written as 22 4 = 2 x 2 = 22 (b) (c) 27 = 3 x 3 x 3 and in index notation is written as 33 27 = 33 625 = 25 x 25 = 252 but note also that 25 = 52, 625 = 252 = 52 x 52 = 5 x 5 x 5 x5 = 54 that is 25 in index notation is 54. Try these (a) 64 (b) 243 (c) 512.

Now having known what indices are and how to express numbers in index notations. It is time to move on to the laws which govern indices. 3.2 Laws of Indices The following are laws of Indices. There are omitted but enough examples shall be given for clarity. The Laws: If m and n are positive numbers and a is not equal to zero (a 0), the following laws hold. 1. am x an = am + n Examples (i) 35 x 34 = (3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3) x (3 x 3 x 3 x 3) (from defining of indices =3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3 = 39 35 x 34 = 39. Observe that 5 + 4 = 9, which means that 35 x 34 = 39 = 35 + 4 Example (ii) 27 x 26 = (2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2) x (2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x2) = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 213 27 x 26 = 213 = 27 + 6, again 7 + 6 = 13, therefore 27 x 26 = 213 = 27+6 Hence from these examples the multiplication of numbers on the same bases with indices is the same as adding the indices of the numbers. 2. am an = am - n (provided m > n) Examples (1) 37 35 this means 37 35


37 = 35

3x3x3x3x3x3x3 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x3

and by simplification gives 37 = 32 . Here you 35 known that 7 - 5 = 2. So 37 35 can be written as = 32 = 37- 5 Example (ii) 56 52 = 56 = 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 = 54 which is the 52 5x5 same as 56-2. 56 52 = 56 = 54 = 56-2 52 Note again dividing numbers on the same base means subtracting the index of the divisor from the index of the dividend. In the two examples, the divisors are the denominators 35 and 52 respectively while the numerators are 37 and 56 respectively. 3. (a m )n = amn Example (i) (32)5 = 32 x 32 x 32 x 32 x 32 (definition of indices) = 32+2+2+2+2 (law 1) 10 = 3 (32)5 = 310 =32 x 5 Example (ii) (74)3 = 74 x 74 x 74 (definition of indices) = 74 + 4 + 4 (law 1) 4 3 4x3 (7 ) = 712 = 7 Hence when a number has been expressed in index form and again is raised to another power, the powers are multiplied. These three laws above are called the basic laws of indices which comes from the definition of indices. These laws lead to a good number of important results that shall be discussed soon. Fractional, Zero and Negative Indices 4. In the basic laws, there is a condition that must be greater than n, this is to avoid answers involving fractions or zero or negative indices. From these basic laws then, meanings will now be given to then starting with the fractional indices will be considered. The meaning of al/m


What can you say about 5 since you have known that 52 means 5 x 5. Now by applying the basic laws 5 + 5 = 5 + (law 1) = 51. This means that (5 )2 = 51 . (law 3) 5 = 5 Again 51/3 x 5I/3 x 51/3 = 51/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 51 That is, (51/3)3 = 51 51/3 = 3 5. (law 3). (law 1) where 5 is called the square root of 5.

Here 51/3 is called the cube root of 5.

So a1/m x a1/m x ... a1/m = a and (a1/m)m = a a l/m = n Example (i) a called the mth root or a 81/3 = 3 8 = 3 23 = 2. This means that 2 x 2 x2 equals 8. Example (11) 4 = 4

= 2 22 = 2. This also means that 2 x 2 = 4. Note in square roots the 2 is omitted in the root. This fractional index a1/m can be extended to fractional indices of the form am/n. Example: find 82/3. From the above example 81/3 = 3 8 This then means that 82/3 = 81/3 x 81/3 (law 1) = (81/3)2 (law 3) which is equal to the square of the cube root of 8. i.e. 82/3 can be written as (81/3)2 and also as hence am/n can be written as n a

= 2.

3 8

or as n a m


Therefore, whenever the index is in fractional form to simplify the number, the numerator of the index is the power while the denominator is the root Example: Find the value of (i) 84/3 (ii) 813/4 Solution = 84/3 = 3 84 (here 4 is the numerator of the index 4/3 and 3 is the = = 23 24

(law 3)

Alternatively 84/3 = (23)4/3 and by law (3) 23x4/3 = 24 (ii) 813/4 can be expressed as (34)3/4

= =

813/4 = (34)3/4 34 x 3/4 33

Alternatively 813/4 = 4 813 = = 4 (34)3 4 312 = 312/4 =33

The same answers were obtained in both examples so in problems like these always use whichever method that appeals to you. 5. What does a0 = 1 means? This is the very questions you would have asked in the number bases. In the expansion method, the unit (ones) column were interpreted as say 10, 20, 80 etc and given the value 1, why is it so? Recall that 81 81 = = 81 = 81-1 81 8 (by law 2)

but 81 81 = 1 (when a number divide itself the answer is 1) 81 81 = 81 1 = 8 = 1 In the same way al al = a0 = 1 Alternatively, this can be explained using law (1) a0 x a = a0+1 (by law 1) = al


dividing both sides by a gives a0 x a = a0 + 1 a a 0 1 1 a = a (but a = a and a number dividing itself gives 1) a a0 = 1 So for all numbers a except 0 (i.e. a 0) because 0 = 0 is 0 0 meaningless, a = 1. Examples 10 = 1, 5 = 1, 15 =1, 8 = 1, 2 = 1 etc. And from this the units (ones) get the value of 1 in the expanded form of the powers of the base. Now to the next result. 6 a-m. To find what meaning that should be given to this number a-m we do the following. To find what meaning to be given to 5-1, divide 5 by 51, using the second law 50 51 = 50 = 50-1 51 = 5-1 0 but 5 = 1, therefore 50 51 = 50 = 1 51 51 -1 = 5 -1 1 = 5 so going back to a-m and applying the same rule 51 a-m x am = a-m+m = a0 = 1 dividing by am a-m x am = 1 am am a-m = 1 and here a-m is called the reciprocal of am am Following from this definition (a) am x a-n = am = = (b) If am 1 (both m and n are integers) an am x an am + n (law 1) a- n by law (2) gives

a-n then a m


am- (-n) = am + n (c) (am)-n = a-mn = (laws 3) 1 amn 54 = 1 54. Alternatively -4 0 5 = 5 = 1 = 54 5-4 5-4 -4 5 is the reciprocal of 54

Examples (i) 5-4 = 50 50 (ii) (iii) (iv)

2-1 = 7-6 = 1 76 53 5-2 = 53 = =

1 52 53 x 52 by law (1) 53+2 = 55 by law (1)

by law (2) 53 5-2 can be written as 53- (-2) = 53 + 2 = 55 This brings us the relationship between the laws. The rule am an = a m-n can now be applied not only when m > n but also when m < n. 7. (ab)m = am x bm. This results from a combination of laws (3) and (1) Example (i) 65 bylaw (1) is 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 = 7776 and 6 has factors 2 and 3 65 = (2 x 3)5 = 25 x 35 = 32 x 243 7776 = 7776

6 5 = (2 x 3)5 = 25 x 35 = 7776 Example (2) (5 x 2)3 = 53 x 23 103 = 125 x 8 1000 = 1000

Having gone through the laws of indices, you will now learn their applications.



Application of the Laws of Indices In this section, several examples will be worked on the application of the laws of indices. 1. Simplify the following (a) (b) (c ) 4 2y3 x 2 3a y7b a3/2 c7/2 x a5/2 c-9/2 ( 5 y - 4)- 3

Solution: (a) 4 2 y3 x 2 3a y7b In this type of problem, multiply their Therefore it becomes (4 x 2)( 2+3a y3+7b) 8 2 + 3a y3+7b (b) a3/2 c7/2 x a5/2 c-9/2 Here treat this type by applying law (1), i.e. adding their indices a3/2 c7/2 x a5/2 c-9/2 = = = = a3/2 + 5/2 c7/2-9/2 a8/2 c-2/2 a4 c-1 a4 = a4 C1 c


(5 y -4)-3 . Here apply law (3), multiply the indices the index outside this (5 y-4)-3 = 5 x (-3) y- 4 (-3) = -15 y12 7 3y 4 2 Apply law (2) 73y = 73-2y. 42 4 Here the subtraction after the index of and y because the divisor is in . 73y 42 = 7xy or 7 xy 4 4




Evaluate [2 + 4 ]2 Solution: You might be wondering, how to tackle this problem but remembering BODMAS, life becomes easy. Now first simplify the terms inside the bracket thus: 20 = 1 and 4- = 1 4 = 4 4 Simplifying the terms inside the bracket and squaring gives [1 + ]2 = [ 3/2 ]2 = 9/4 so easy. Try and identify the laws applied here.


If 8/2 = 23/8 x 43/4 find Solution: Since the terms are on different bases first bring them to the same base -2 in this case.

8/2 2

= = =

23/8 x 23/2 23/8 + 3/2 215/8

(Law 1)

Equate their index, since the bases are equal 3x = 15 2 8 = 15 x 2 3 x 8 or cross multiply 3 x 8 = 15 x 2 24 = 30 and simplifying = 30 = 5 24 4 4. Simplify 27 x 3 9 Solution: This is similar to question 93), so treat the same way thus: Change to the same base 2 = (33) = 33/2 9 = 32 27 x 33/2 = 33/2 x 33/2 9 32 = 33/2+ 3/2 -2


= 33-2 = 31 = 3 5. If 3 x 91+ x find . Solution: Convert to the same base 3 x 32(1+x) = 33(-x) (applying law (1) 2 + 2x+ 1 -3 x =3 =3 and simplifying 2x + 1 -3 x 3 =3 2x + 1 = -3x (equating indices) 5x = -3 (solving for x) x = - 3/5 Not try these exercises: Exercise 3.1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Simplify 4 25 - x 24 15 2

Simplify 62n+1 x 9n x 42n 18n x 2n x 122n If 4x = 2 x 8. find x If 92x + 1 = 81x-2 find x 3x Simplify and express with positive indices (a) x -2 y3 Z-4 6 3 4 abc-4 a3b-3c x 9 x y -3 Z4


Solutions to Exercise 3.1 to check your progress. 1. 1 x 44 1 = 4 15 2 25 2 = x 24 x 5 15 2


5 x 24 x 225 2 4


= 2.

5 x 16 x 225 2x4


(2 x 3)2n+l x (32)n x (22)2n (32 x 2n)n x (3 x 22)2n = = 26n + 1 x 34n + 1 34n x 66n

= 22n+1 x 32n x 24n 32n x 2n x 32n x 24n

26n x 21 x 34n x 61 = 6 36n x 26n


22x = 2 x 23 22x = 2 x 23 = 23 + 2x = 3 = 7/2 x = 7/4 34x + 2 = 34x - 8 33 34x+2 = 34x 8 = 33x 8 4x + 2 = 3x 8 x = -10 y3 6 x2Z4 x 9y3 = 9y6 = 3y2 x 3Z4 6 x 5Z8 2x 5Z8


5(a). 5(b)

(abc-4)1/3 = a1/3 b1/3 C-4/3 (a3b-3C) a3/4 b-3/4 C1/4 = = = a1/3 b1/3 + C-4/3 a4-9/12 b4+9/12 C-16-3/12 = a-5/12 b13/12 C-18/12 b13/12 a C19/12

= 12

b13 a5C19

Do not stop only at these exercise pick up any mathematics textbook that deals with indices and solve as many problems as possible. 4.0 Conclusion In this unit, you have learnt that an index is that number indicating the number of times a number repeats itself. And that there are three basic laws


from which other rules derive their meanings. Then you will be happy to tackle problems relating to indices or powers in given problems. 5.0 Summary: In this unit, you have learnt the following basic laws of indices and the other deductions made there from. 1. a5 = a x a x a x a x a 2. am x an = a m+n 3. am an = am-n 4. (am)n = amn 5. a0 = 1 6. a-1 = 1/a 7. am/n = n am You have also learnt from these laws that (i) to multiply two indicial problems on the same base, simply add their individual index (indices) (ii) to divide two indicial problems subtract the index of the divisor from the dividend. Try and solve as many problems as possible on this topic from any mathematics textbook you can lay your hands on. Some of these are listed in sections 7.0.



Tutor Marked Assignment 3 1. Simplify without tables or calculators (a) (b) (c) 2. 3. 4. 25x4 16 (36)-3/2 (5) x x2

Simplify 4 x 2n+1 2n+2 2n+1 2n Simplify 10 n/3 x 15 n/2 x 6 n/6 45 n/3. Solve for n: 2n+1 2n 3(22n+1) 4 (22n-1) = 1



References and Other Resources Amazigo, J.C (Ed) (1991). Introductory Mathematics I: Algebra, Trigonometry and Complex Numbers. Onitsha: Africana Fep Publishers Ltd. Egbe, E, Odili, G.A and Ugbebor, 0.0. (2000). Further Mathematics. Onitsha: African Fep Publishers Ltd. Stroud, K.A. (1995). Engineering Mathematics Fourth Edition. Hampire and London Macmillan Press Ltd.


Table of Contents 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.2.1 3.3 3.3.1 3.4 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 Introduction Objectives Main Content Logarithms Definition Properties or Rules of Logarithms Common Logarithms Use of Logarithms Tables Applications of Logarithms Conclusion Summary Tutor Marked Assignment References and other materials


Introduction Human beings encounter the basic operations - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in their everyday life. At times these operations involve multi digit numbers which, when it concerns multiplication and division are time-consuming than those of addition and subtraction. The constant need for these operations in connection with the development of sea navigation which gave rise to astronomical observations and calculations like the distance of the sum from the earth or from a particular planet or the observations of the chemists of the size of an atom of hydrogen led to the computation of numbers by means of logarithms at the turn of the 17th century by astronomers. In this unit, you will learn about logarithms and the laws which govern them. You will also learn how to use the logarithms tables effectively.



Objectives By the end of this unit, you should be able to Define logarithms Explain in clear terms the relationship between indices and logarithms State and prove the laws of logarithms Apply the laws of logarithms to solve problems accurately.

3.0 3.1

Main Content Logarithms Though the introduction of calculators has greatly reduced the use of logarithm tables to facilitate lengthy calculations. It is still necessary to have a sound knowledge of the theory and uses of logarithms because of its application in the physical sciences. Having just studied indices, now is the appropriate time to introduce logarithms because of logarithms is an index. You will recall that in index form we can write 64 = 26 where 2 is the base and 6 is the exponent or index. This index 6 can also be defined as the logarithm of the number 64 to base 2, abbreviated as 1og2 64 = 6. Similarly, 34 = 81 can be expressed as Log3 81 = 4 Exercise 4.1 Now what are the bases and logarithms of the following: (a) 43 = 64 (b) 1 = 20 oral exercise. (c) 9 = 32. This is meant to be an

In general, if a number N = ax, then x is the logarithm of N to base a that log N = x. Note the base number of any logarithm is always written in a small letter and also at the tail end of the letter g in log (short form of logarithm). Exercise 4.2 Now express in logarithmic notation (oral) (a) 27 = 33 (b) 64 = 163/2 (c) in index notation the following (oral) (a) log2 32 = 5 (b) log39 = 2 (c) a3 = b and also express 2 = log525


Now move on the properties of logarithms. Having seen the two sides; index notation and logarithmic notation. It is time now to give a working definition of logarithm and this will enable you score yourself on the oral exercises above. 3.2 Definition of logarithm and properties (i) The logarithm of a number n to a given base x where x is the positive number not equal to 1 is the index (or power or exponent) to which x must be raised to get N. The logarithm of a number N to a base x is the exponent y indicating the power to which x must be raised to obtain N. In notation form log x N = y and symbolically.


Log x N = y is equivalent to x y = N Examples (i) Log2 64 = 6 since 26 = 64 (ii) Log16 64 = 3/2 since 163/2 = 64 (iii) Log16 ( ) = -1/4 since 16 = Having gone through the above examples evaluate the following: (a) 1og464 (b) log82 (c) log2/34/9 (d) 1og273 (e) 1og 41 (f) log a a2.

That's easy enough. The answers are based on the definition of logarithm and writing in index notation. Now from the definition of a logarithm follows the identity that logx N = N 3.2.1 Properties or Rules of Logarithms You have discovered that a logarithm is an index. Therefore, the rules of indices and logarithms are closely related. Thus, the laws of indices here will be written using logarithms. Let a > 0 and a 0 or 1 (meaning that a is a positive number not equal to zero or one) and M > 0, N > 0 (both M and N are positive numbers) the following are the rules. 1. Log (MN) = Log a M + LogaN Proof: Let LogaM = x => M = a x (definition) Log a N = y => N = ay (definition)


The product of MN = ax x ay = ax +y (law of indices) in logarithmic notation Log a MN = x + y = Log a M + LogaN and substituting for x and y Log a MN = x + y = Log a M + Log a N The rule simply states that the logarithm of a product is equal to the sum of the logarithms of the factors Example: Given that Log102 = 0.3010, Log103 = 0.4771 and Log107 = 0.8451 (1) Evaluate: (a) Log10 6 (b) Log1042 without tables or calculators

Solution: Log10 6 = Log10 (2 x 3) because 2 and 3 are the factors of 6. Log10 6 = Log (2 x 3) = Log10 2 + Log10 3 Substituting the values of Log102 and Log103 in gives Log106 = Log10 2 + Log10 3 = 0.3010 + 0.4771 = 0.7781. (Check with your calculators now) Log106 = Log102 + Log103 = 0.7781 Note here that Log102 + Log103 is not equal to Logio5 because 2 x 3 not equal to 5. Get this clearly. Now to the second example. (b) Log1042 = Log (6 x 7) = Logl0 (2 x 3 x 7). This has to be used because the values given are in 2, 3 and 7 Log10 42 = Log10 (2 x 3 x 7) = Log10 2 + Log103 + Log107 again, substituting the values of Log102, Log103 and Log107 in above gives Log1042 = 0.3010 + 0.4771 +0.8451 = 1.6232 Note that the logarithm of a sum is not equal to the sum of the logarithm i.e. Log a M + Log a N Log a (M + N) Log (M N) = Log a M = Log a M Log a N N Proof Let LogaM = => M = ax (by definition) LogaN = y ==> N = ay (by definition) M N = ax ay M = ax = ax-y (law of indices) N ay



In logarithmic notation Loga M = x - y and substituting the values of x and y above N gives Loga M = x - y = Loga M - LogaN N Loga (M N) = Loga M N = Loga M - LogaN

Using the values given in for Log102, Log103 and Log107, Evaluate (i) Log10 7 2 calculators Solution: (ii) Log10 14 5 without tables or

7 = log10 7 - log10 2 2 Substituting for Log10 2 = 0.3010 and Log10 7 we obtain Log10 7 2 = 0.8451 - 0.3010

(i) Log10

= 0.5441 Log10 7 Log10 7 Log10 2 = 0.5441 2 (ii) Log10 14 3 = Log1014 Log103

= Log10 (7 x 2) Log103 Substituting the given values for Log102, Log103 and Log107 in , we obtain Log10 14 = Log10 7 + Log10 2 - Log10 3 3 = 0.8451 +0.3010-0.4771 = 1.1461 - 0.4771 = 0.6690


Here the logarithm of the quotient of two numbers is equal to the logarithm of the dividend minus the logarithm of the divisor. 3. Loga MP = P Loga M Proof. Let Loga M = x => M = ax (by definition) raising M to power P, we have MP = (ax) P = ax P (law of indices) In logarithmic notation Loga MP = P and substituting the value of gives Loga MP = P LogaM Example: Evaluate (i) Log10 8, () Log109 using without tables or calculators Were Log108 can be expressed as Log1023 since 8 = 23 Log108 = Log1023 and by this property = 3 Log102, then substituting Log10 2 = 0.3010, gives, 3 x 0.03010 Log108 = Log1023 = 3 Log102 = 3 x 0.3010 = 0.9030 (ii) Log109 = Log1032 = 2Log103 and substituting for Log103 = 0.4771, gives Log109 = Log1032 = 2Log103 = 2 x 0.4771 = 0.9542

So the logarithms of the power of a number is equal to the exponent times the logarithms of that number. We shall revisit these examples as we move along. But for the meantime cross-check these answers concerning the properties with your calculators to see that properties 1 - 3 proved above are true for all numbers. Note: (1) The number a which is the base must not be equal to 1 (unity) because numbers not equal to unity will not have logarithms and again any number will be the logarithm of one. The following properties are also deduced from the relationship between indices and logarithms.


a0 = 1 and by the definition of logarithm 4. Loga l = 0. This means that the logarithm of 1 to any base is zero. Log5l = 0 => 50 = 1, Loga l = 0 => 80 = 1 Log21 = 0 => 20 = 1 etc. From a1 = a we have Logaa = 1. Thus means that the logarithm of a number to the same base is 1. But Log, l is not accepted and 0o i.e. 0 is meaningless. So Log1010 = 1, 0 Log22= 1 etc. 6. From b = e a we have Loga b = which in index notation is b = a1/c


1 log ab To prove let Log a b = c, then by the definition of logarithm a = b c and b = a 1/c Loga b = Loga a1/c = 1/c, then substituting for c, it then becomes Loga b = 1 Log b a 1 log53

Example Log35 =


Loga b = Log x b . This is called the transformation rule and is Log x a used to convert numbers from one base to another. Recall change of bases in Unit 2. Example Log29. This cannot be solved by tables or calculators because the bases in use in these calculating devices is 10. Both can then be transformed to base 10 thus Log29 = log10 9 1og10 2 The following exercises are meant for you.


Exercise: 4.3 1. Express in terms of Log10 x, Log10y and Log10 (a). Log10 y (b) Log10 x z (c) Log10 xy 3 z


Log10 1 y


Express as single Logarithms (a) Log 2 + Log 3 (b) Log 18 - Log 9 (c) 1 + Log x - log y (d) 3Log x - Log y + 1 Simplify (a) 1/3 Log 64 (d) Log49 Log343 (b) 3 Log3 - Log 27 (c) Log 8 Log 2


From the definition of logarithms also the following identity was obtained a Log a N = N Example 2Log2 8 = 8 that is 23 = 8 because the exponent Log28 = 3 2log264 = 64 since 26 = 64 and 3log318 = 81. This is got by simple substitution from the definition of logarithm. You are still seeing different ways of the same thing. Now move on to the next section 3.2 Common Logarithms (i) (ii) (iii) 3.3 Common Logarithms The idea of constructing of table of logarithms to the base 10 belongs to the Scotman Napier and the Englishman Briggs. After the death of Napier, Briggs continued the work and published it completely in 1624 (Nlgodsky 1972:225). That is why the base 10 (common) logarithm is called Briggsian, written as Iog10x or Log x,


For practical purposes the most convenient logarithms are logarithms to base 10 i.e. common logarithms. In theoretical investigations however, the other type of logarithms - the Natural logarithms or logarithm to base e, where e = 2.771828183 ... is used. Sometimes logarithms taken to base e are called Naperian logarithms. Natural logarithms are usually denoted by in x instead of log x .. Now move on to the use of logarithm tables. Here we are concerned with logarithm to base 10 i.e. common logarithm. 3.3.1 Use of Logarithms Tables Here the common logarithms will be made reference to. This is because they are simple to use and numbers in base ten can easily be expressed in standard form. In the use of common logarithms table, the following relations are important Log1010 = 1 10 = 101 Log10100 = 2 100 = 102 Log101000 = 3 1000 = 103 etc. Also Log100.1 = -1 Log100.01 = - 2 Log100.001 = -3 etc Using the above information to find the logarithm of any number, first express the number in standard form, to determine the size of the number. Every logarithms has two parts: (a) The characteristic - this is the whole number or integral part got from the value by which the given number is expressed in standard form and The mantissa which is the decimal part is got from the logarithm table. So to find the logarithms of a number from the tables (i) Find its characteristics by expressing the number in standard form. A simple rule is that the characteristic is always 1 less than the number of digits in the whole number part. (ii) Then find the mantissa from the logarithm table.


Examples in finding the value of log375. First express 375 in standard form i.e. 3.75 x 102


2 is the characteristics, then the mantissa is got by look for 37 under 5 from the tables. As a check since 375 his between 100 and 1000, its logarithm will also be between log100 and log1000 i.e. between 2 and 3. Note: (a) For positive numbers greater than 1 (i) (ii) (b) The characteristic is positive and is one less than the number of digits in the whole number part before the decimal points in the given number The mantissa is always positive For positive numbers less than 1 (i) The characteristic is negative and is one more than the number of zeros immediately following the decimal point (ii) The mantissa is always positive

Example Log 375 = 2 + (. .) Log 0.02664 = -2 + ( ), written as 2 called bar 2 because the minus sign affects only the characteristics. 3.4 Application of Logarithms Worked Examples. 1. Simplify without tables or calculators (a) Log32 + Log 10 9 Solution by property (1) Log32 + Log 10 = Log (32 x 10 ) 9 9 = Log 10 (but log => log10) Log1010 = 1 Log32 + log 10 = 1 9 (b) Log 3 5 Log 5 = log 51/3 by property (3), it is = 1/3 log 5 = log 51/2 log 5




Find the value of K. given that Log K - Log (K-2)= Log 5 Solution: by property (2) Log K - log (K -2) = Log K = Log 5 and simplifying since both sides K -2 contain logarithm, we have K K 2 = 5, cross multiply K = 5(K -2) K = 5K - 10 Collection of like terms 5K K = 10 4K= 10 K = 10 4 K = 5/2 = 2.5 Check: Substitute back K = 2.5 in the original equation. Log K - Log (K - 2) = Log 2 .5 - Log (2.5 - 2) = Log 2.5 - Log (0.5) by (property (2)) = Log 2.5 = Log 25 0.5 5 = Log 5 = RHS. It is always good to check your answers at the end of each solution. 3. Simplify without tables or calculators Log 216 - Log 125 - log 8

2(log 3 - log 5) Solution: Applying the rules of logarithm Log 216 Log 125 - log 8


= Log

216 125 x 8

(law (2) 3 5 8

and 2(Log 3 - Log5) = 2Log Log =

216 - Log 125 - Log 2 (Log 3 - Log 5 ) Log 216 125 x 8

3 2 Log 5 = Log 63 5 x 23 2Log (3/5)


= Log

3/2 6 5x2 2 Log (3/5)

by law (3) Simplifying

= =

3/2 Log (3/5) 2 Log (3/5) 3 2 2 - Log 8 =

Log 216

- Log 125 2 (Log3 - Log5)


Given that Log 2 = 0.69, Log 3 = 1.10 and log 7 = 1.90 all to a fixed base. Find Log 10.5 to the same base with using tables. 105 Solution: first change the number to improper fraction i.e. 10.5 = 10 Log 10.5 = Log 105 10 = Log 105 - Log10 (law (2)) = Log (7 x 3 x 5) - Log ( 2 x 5) [since the value are given in these prime numbers. = Log 7 + Log 3 + log 5 - (log 2 + Log 5) (law (1)) Simplifying then = Log 7 + Log 3 + Log 5 -Log2 Log 5 = Log 7 + Log 3 - Log2. Substituting the values of Log7, Log3 and Log2 = 1.90 +1.10 - 0.69


= 3.0 - 069 Log 10.5 = 2.31 5. Simplify Log7 49x Log10 0.01 Solution: Log7 49x - Log10 0.01, first change 0.01 to fractions i.e. 0.01 = 1 so 100 the expression is Log7 49x Log10 1 100 = Log7 49x Log10100-1 (by the law of indices 1/ 100 = 100-1) = x Log7 49 - (-1) Log10100 = x Log7 72 + Log10102(by law (3)) = 2 x Log 7 7 + 2 Log10 10 (but Log a a = 1) So this will be = 2x + 2 Log7 49x - Log10 0.01 = 2x + 2 6. Find without tables or calculator the value of Log10 1 40 given that Log;o4 = 0.6021 Solution: Log 1 = Log l Log 40 (by property (2)) 40 OR = Log 40-1 (by Property (3)) = -1 Log 40 (by Property (3)) = -1 Log (4 x 10) = -1 [Log 4 + Log 10] by Property (1) =-1 [0.6021 +1] substituting = -1 [0.6021 ] Log 1 = -1 .6021 40 Now try these exercises Exercise 4.4 l. Simplify without tables or calculators (a) 2. Log4 3.2 + Log4 20 (b) Log 81 Log 1/3

Express as single logarithms


(a) 3. 4.

3Log2 + 2Log 3 - 2Log6 3. (c) - Log2

Simplify (a) Log 125 (b) 5 Log 2 Log 32 Log 5 Show that Log (a + b)2 = 2 +Log 1 + 2b + b2 a a Take time and do the exercise.

Solutions for Exercise 3.3 1. (a) (b) 2. 3. Log 4 (3.2 x 20) = Log4 64 = Log 4 43 = 3

Log 34 = 4 Log3 = - 4 Log 3-1 -1Log3 Log23 + Log3 2 - Log6 2 = Log 8 x 9 36 (a) Log53 = 3Log5 Log51 1Log5 = 3 (b) (c)

= Log2

Log 25 = Log 32 = Log 1 = 0 32 32 Log2 = Log2 (2-1)-1 = Log2 2= 1


Log a (a +b)2 = Log a [a2 + 2ab + b2] 2 + Log a 1 + 2b + b2 a a Log a a2 + Log a 1 + 2b + b a a = Log a a2 1 + 2b + b2 a a = Log a [a2 + 2ab + b2]


Conclusion In this unit, you have learnt the definition of logarithm, the relationship between logarithms and indices. You have learnt the properties of logarithms and its relationship with the laws of indices and also how to apply these


properties to problems. You have also known why the logarithm to base 10 is called the Briggsian base or common logarithm. 5.0 Summary In this Unit, you have learnt the following properties of logarithms in relation to the laws of indices. 1. Log a M + Log a N = Log a MN 2. Log a M - Log a N = Log a M N P 3. pLog M = LogaM



Tutor - Marked Assignment 4 1. Simplify without tables or calculators (a) Log32 +Log 10/9 (b) Log 2 + Log 50 (c) Log64 Log64 Evaluate (a) Log273 (b) Log2/3 4/9 (c) Show that Loga b x Logb c Logc a = 1 Find the characteristics of the logarithm of the following numbers (a) 32 (b) 148.57 (c) 1327 (d) 28.96 Find the mantissa of the logarithm of each of the following numbers (a) 1.78 (b) 987.3 (c) 1039 (d) 47.2 Find x , if Log10 (3x - 1) Log10 2 = 3.


3. 4. 5.



References and Other Resources Amazigo, J.C. (ed) (1991). Introductory Mathematics I: Algebra, Trigonometry and Complex Numbers. Onitsha: Africana-Fep Publishers Ltd. Stroud, K.A. (1995). Engineering Mathematics Fourth (Edition) Hampire and London; Macmillian Press Ltd. Vygodsky, M. (1972). Mathematical Handbook: Elementary Mathematics. Moscow: MIR Publishers



Table of Contents 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 1.0 Introduction Many a time we come across numbers whose exact square roots cannot be found. Such numbers are referred to as surds. Hence surds are part of irrational numbers but cannot be taken to be irrational numbers. Example of surds are 2, 3, 17 etc, but irrationals numbers are , e, 2, 5, 17, 3 etc. therefore, surds are contained in the set of irrational numbers. In this unit you shall study the rules for manipulating surds, rationalising the denominator and finding the square root of numbers using surds. 2.0 Objectives By end of this unit, you should be able to Explain in clearly what surd is Manipulate surds correctly Find the square root of given numbers using surds. Introduction Objectives Main Content Surds Rules for manipulating surds Rationalizing the Denominator Finding the square roots of numbers using surds Conclusion Summary Tutor Marked Assignment References and other materials


3.0 3.1

Main Content Surds You will recall from unit 1, that rational numbers were defined as numbers that can be expressed in the form a/b, (b 0) i.e. numbers which can be expressed as fractions. Also irrational numbers were described as numbers which cannot be expressed as fractions, for example 2, 5, , e etc. then what are surds? Surds are numbers such as 2, 3, 5, 7 etc which do not have exact roots. Having defined surds, we now do the following: Find in each of the following whether the two expressions are equal or not (a) (c) 16 x 9, 16 x 9 9 - 4, 9 - 4 (b) 16 + 9 and 16 + 9 (d) 9 . 9 4 4

Having done the above exercises, what did you discover? From the above exercise it can be shown that (a) a- b = ab and (b) a = a , where a and b are positive numbers. b b These facts are then used as a means of simplifying surds. For example: Simplifying (i) 32 = 2x4x4 = 42 x 2 = 42 x 2 = 42 (ii) 216 = 6 x 6 x 6 = 62 x 6 = 62 x 6 = 66 (iii) 108 = 36 x 3 = 36 x 3 = 63 In this type of problem, always break up the numbers into factor, one of which is a perfect square. This takes us to multiplication of surds Multiplication of Surds In the multiplication of Surds, the first thing you should do is (i) to simplify where it is possible


(ii) (iii)

Group the whole numbers together, surds together and multiply Then simplify again if it is necessary.

Examples (i) Simplify l2 x 8 x15

Solution: In treating multiplication of surds, find if they have common factors to enable you get the perfect squares thus 12 x 8 x 15 = 4 x 3 x 4 x 2 x 3 x 5 since a x b = ab => 12 x 8 x 15 = 4 x 3 x 4 x 2 x 3 x 5 = 42 x 32 x 2 x 5 = 42 x 32 x 2 x 5 = 4 x 3 2 x 5 = 1210 Alternatively: multiply out and then simplify 12 x 8 x l 5 = 12 x 8 x 15 = 1440 = 122 x 10 = 1210 2) Simplify 27 x 35 x 23 Solution: This is surds that have coefficients First multiply the coefficients then the surds thus 27 x 35 x 23 = 2 x3 x2 7x5x3 = 12105 It cannot be simplified further then this becomes the answer 27 x 35 x23 = 12105. Then we move to the next operation that is division, but before doing this, there are certain rules in surds similar to that in the previous sections on indices, and logarithms 3.2 Rules for Manipulating Surds From the Previous exercise, it was discovered that for the operations of addition and subtraction of surds, you do the following 1 (a) ab + cb = (a + c) b. Here you only add the coefficients as if dealing with 3a+2a=5a


Example Simplify 37 + 57 Solution = (3 + 5) 7 = 87 But if the addition is of the sort (b) ab + bc Leave as it is. Example 96 + 23. Notice here that 6 and 3 are not the same. So do not add. The answer remains the same. Subtraction: The same with addition that is for ab - cb = (a - c) b Example 57 - 37 = (5 3) 7 = 27 Multiplication: ab = a x b and the procedure for further multiplications have been stated above with other examples. 4. Division: The division of surds has to do with a surd being the denominator. To avoid this we talk of rationalising the denominator. (a) Express the division as a fraction (b) Simplify the fraction (c) If the denominator contains a surd, then the numerator and the denominator by the irrational part of the denominator (d) Simplify further if possible: Now we move on to rationalising the denominators 3.3 Rationalising the Denominator Rationalising the denominator means making the denominator a whole or rational number. Example: Simplify (i) 5 5 (ii) 718 412



In the above, the denominators are one digit, so multiply the numerator and the denominator by the surd in the denominator thus the solutions are (i) 5 5 = = 5 x 5 = 55 5 x 5 25 55 5



718 = 718 x 12 412 412 x 12 = = = = = 718 x 12 4l2 x 12 79 x 3 x 4 x 3 = 79 x 9 x 4 412 x 12 4122 7x3x3x2 4 x 12 7 x 3 = 21 8 8 25/8

Again the denominator may contain surds like (a) a + b . To rationalize here, look for a similar surd which when multiplied together gives a rational number. Here the difference of two squares come to mind a2 b2 = (a - b)(a + b), so to rationalize a + b multiply by a - b i. e. (a + b) (a - b) = (a)2 - ab + ab - b)2 = a-b and if the denominator is a + b multiply by a + b. Example: Simplify Solution: (i) 12 . This denominator here is in the form a + b so we 3 + 5 multiply both numerator and denominator by a - b 12 3 - 5 = 12(3 - 5) 3 + 5 x 3 - 5 (3 + 5)( 3 - 5) (i) 12 3 + 5 (ii) 18 24 - 6


Expanding and simplifying, gives the following = 12 (3 - 5) (3 )2 - 3 x 5 + 3 x 5 - (5 )2 = = = = (ii) 12 (3 - 5) 3-5 12 (3 - 5) -2 - 6 (3 - 5) 6(5 - 3)

18 , rationalising the denominator, multiply numerator and 24 6 denominator by 24 + 6 Thus 18 x 24 + 6 24 - 6 24 6 18(24 + 6) (24)2 - 24 x 6 + 24 x 6 (6)2 Simplifying = 18 (224 + 6), because 24 = 4 x 6 = 26 24 - 6 = = 18(36) , recall that 26 + 6 = (2+1) 6 = 36 18 36 18 = 36 24 - 6

Expanding =

Note that here when the sign between the two digits is plus (+), we rationalise by just putting minus between the two digits i.e. if a- + b multiply with a - b and if a - b multiply with a + b . Hence we call them conjugates i.e. a and - a, a + b and a b,


x + y b and x - y b , xa + yb and xa - yb are called conjugate surds. Now having given the conjugates of surds, we now proceed to simplify problems. Example 1. Simplify 2 3 - 2 3 - 2 3 - 2

Solution: Here is a combination of all that has been said of surds. First rationalise the denominators thus 2 3 - 2 3 - 2 3 - 2 = 2(3 + 2) (3) - 3 x2 + 3 x 2 (2)2

expanding the numerator and simplifying (3 x 2) + (2 x 2) = 6 + 2 32 1 taking the other = 3 - 2 x 3 - 2 3 + 2 3 - 2

(3 - 2)(3 - 2) (3)2 - 3 x 2 + 3 x 2 (2)2


= =

3 x 3 - 3 x 2 - 3 x 2 + (2)2 3 - 6 + 6 - 2 3 - 6 - 6 + 2 = 5 - 2 6 32 1

Hence combining the two expressions Simplifying (6 +2) = 6 +26 + 2 - 5 = 36 3 = 3(6 1) 2 3 - 2 - 3 - 2 = 6 + 2 - 5 26 3 + 2 1 1


Study the above solution carefully and identify the rules applied in the steps. If not clear, go to the section on rules for manipulating surds. You will be happy you did. 2. Simplify Solution: 22 -3 x 3 - 8 3 + 8 3 - 8 = (2 2 3)( 3 - 8) (3 + 8)(3- 8) 22 - 3. You can do this. 3 + 8

expand the numerator by multiplying term by term (22 3)(3 - 8) = (22)(3 - 8)- 3(3 - 8) = 62 - 22 x 8 9 + 38 Simplifying = = = 62 - 216 - 9 + 4 x 2 62 2 x 4 9 + 6 2 122 8 9 = 122 - 17

Denominator (3 + 8)(3 - 8 ) = 32 + 38 - 38 (8)2 =98=1 Combining numerator and denominator gives 122 - 17 = 122 - 17 1

22 - 3 = 122 17 3 + 8

Alternatively you can just rationalise the denominator only, that is 2 3 - 2 = (22 3)(3 - 8) 3 - 2 3 + 2 32 - 38 + 38 8 = (22 3)(3 - 8)


This is also the answer but when you are asked to simplify, the first method is acceptable.


Find Square Roots of Numbers Using Surds. The essence of surd is to use it in finding the square root of numbers without logarithm tables or calculators. Examples: Show that (a - b)2 = a + b - 2 ab . Hence find the square root of (i) (9 + 45) and (ii) 18 -122

Solution: (i) (a - b)2 = (a - b)( b - b). Expanding gives (a)2 - ab - ab + (b)2 = a - 2ab + b. You will know that these surds are similar to the expansion of (a - b)2 (a - b)2 = a + b - 2ab. In applying it in finding the square root of the given numbers, we treat as follows (ii) The square root of 9 + 45 is expressed as 9 + 4 5, Let 9+4 5 = a + b Square both sides (9 + 45)2 = (a + b)2 (9 + 45 = a + b + 2ab Equating corresponding terms 9=a+b ----- (1) 45 = 2ab ----- (2) Here a + b is used because we are finding the root of 9 + 45

Note the number without the root signs go together and those with the roots signs equated together Solving the two equations simultaneous, I hope you have not forgotten how we solve simultaneous equations. If yes, do not worry follow this solution. 9=a+b ----(1)


45 = 2ab -----


From (2) 25 = ab dividing through by 2 (25)2 = (ab)2 4 x 5 => 20 = ab Making a the subject it becomes a = 20 b Now substitute for a = 20 in (1) b 9 = 20 +b b Clear the fraction by multiplying every term by b 9b = 20 + b2 now we have a quadratic in b, so we factorise if possible b2 - 9b + 20 = 0 = (b - 4) (b - 5) = 0 b = 4 or 5 So substituting for the value of b, one by one when b = 4, a = 20 = 20 = 5 b 4 and when b = 5, a = 20 = 4 5 (ii) the square root of 9 + 45 = 4 + 5 or = 5 + 4 9 + 45 = 2+5 Let 18 - 122 = a - b Squaring both sides (18 -122 = (a - b)2 18 - 122 = a + b - 2ab , recall the initial condition. Here since the sign between 18 and 122 is minus, also choose two digits with a minus sign in between. Squaring both sides


Going by the same process as in a + 45 equate coefficients 18 = a + b ---(1) 122 = 2ab ---(2) From (2) 62 = ab and squaring and simplifying 72 = ab a = 72 b

Substituting in (1) for a = 72 and clearing the fraction b 18b + 72 + b2 b2 - 18b + 72 = 0 (quadratic in b)

Factorising (b - 12)(b - 6) = 0 b = 12 or 6 when b = 12, a = 72 = 6 when b = 6, a = 72 = 12 6 the square root of 18 - 122 is either 6 - 12 or 12 - 6

by your knowledge of estimation, you should be able to know the right answer. In the case of addition as in the former example, there is no problem 18 - 122 = 12 - 6 = 23 - 6

though the two answers are correct. If in doubt leave it as it is except where the examiners insists on the correct option the square root of 18 - 122 = 23 - 6 = 6 - 12

Exercise 5.3 1. Simplify 312 x 218 x 27


2. 3.

Expand (28 + 23)(3 + 57) Rationalise the denominator (a) 5 5 2 (b) 25 - 72 37 - 23


Show that (a - b)2 = a + b + 2ab . Hence find the square root of 17 + 122

Answers to Exercise 5.3 1. 12x9 x 18x4 x 27 = 12x9x18x4x27 = 4x3x9x9x2x9x3x4 = 4x9x9x9x9x2 = 22x92x92x22x2 = 2222 x 92 x 92 x 2 = 2x2x9x9 2 = 3242. 2. (28 + 23)( 3 + 57) = (28)(3 + 57)+ (23)(57) (2 x 3) + 28 x 3 + 528 x 7 + 103 x 7 6 + 84 + 5196 + 1021+ 4x21 + 54x49+1021 6 + 221+5 x 2 x 7 + 1021 = 76 + (10 +2)21 + 76 + 1221 5 5 - 2 x 5 + 2 = 55 + 10 = 55 + 10 5 + 2 5-4 x 37 + 23 37 + 23 = 635 - 2114 + 415 - 146 9 x 7- 4 x 3

3a. (b).

25 - 72 37 - 23 =

635 - 2114 + 415 - 146 63 - 12

= 51



Conclusion In this unit, you have been exposed to the different methods of rationalising the denominators of surds and how to find the square root of numbers using the knowledge of surds.


Summary In this unit, you have learnt the following properties of surds 1. a x b = ab


To rationalise the denominator means making the denominator a whole number by multiplying the numerator and denominator by the conjugate surds i.e. (a) (b) a = a b b b a = a(b + c) a(b - c) b-c (a - b)(x - yb) (x + yb)(x - yb) (a + b)(xa + yb) (xa - yb)(xa + yb)

(c) (d) (e)

a = b + c a - b = x + yb a - b = xa - yb

The operations in (d) and (e) can be reversed and the same processes followed



Tutor - Marked Assignments 1. 2. 3. Expand and simplify (1) 42 (22 +33) (230 - 9)2 Rationalise the denominator (a) (b) 4. 5. 6. 2 + 1 2

42 +2 2 + 2 Find the square root of 22 - 122 Verify that 5 5 = 24 Find a, if 5 5 24

a 3 = 3 3 a a



References and Other Resources Amazigo, J.C. (ed) (1991). Introductory Mathematics I: Algebra, Trigonometry and Complex Numbers. Onitsha: Africana-Fep Publishers Ltd. Stroud, K.A. (1995). Engineering Mathematics Fourth (Edition) Hampire and London; Macmillian Press Ltd. Vygodsky, M. (1972). Mathematical Handbook: Elementary Mathematics. Moscow: MIR Publishers




Table of Contents 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 1.0 Introduction In real life situations we are faced with a lot of problems of comparing like and unlike quantities, such as age, height, weight, number, solutions of drugs etc. Because of lots of comparison problems in the nursing profession, the following concepts, rations, proportions and percentages become necessary. In this unit, you shall learn, the concept of ratio, proportion and percentages. You shall also learn the relationships between these three concepts. 2.0 Objectives By the end of this unit, you should be able to: Explain the meaning of ratio, proportion and percentage. Distinguish between ratio, proportion and percentage Establish the relationship between ratio, proportion and percentage Perform computations involving ratio, proportion and percentage correctly. Introduction Objectives Main Content Ratios Proportions Percentages Conclusion Summary Tutor Marked Assignment References and other materials


3.0 3.1

Main Content Rations The term ratio is used to compare two or more quantities. Hence ratio is expressed as a comparison of two numbers. For example, we can state that the ratio of men to women in a church is 1: 2 which means that there are twice as many women as there are men. Ratio is used to compare quantities of the same kind. But atimes, ratio may involve non homogenous quantities (quantities of different kinds) like we speak of the ratio of a weight to a height or systolic pressure to age. The ratio of one quantity x to another quantity y is denoted by the expression x : y read as x is to y which is equal to the quotient or fraction x . y Example (i) the ratio solutions express concentrations in terms of ratios, hence 1:1000 means the number of grams per volume of solution. That is, expressing 1 in grammes and 1000 in millimeters, also written as 1/1000. Again the Dextrose nitrogen ratio represents the ratio between dextrose and nitrogen in the urine etc.


Note (a) when expressing quantities in ratios, they must be in the same units. The following are also important in dealing with ratios. (b) The order of the quantities: if the quantities are expressed in the form x is to y i.e. x : y it means x/y but if expressed as y: x it means y/x. so you see that x : y is not the same as y: x. Two ratios x : y is meaningful only if neither is equal to zero i.e. x : y is defined if and only if x 0 and y 0. Two rations can be multiplied or divided by the same number without changing their values. In fact ratios are treated as fractions. Ratio involves two or more quantities and it is better to express ratio quantities in their lowest term where possible.

(c) (d) (e)

Examples: Compare the relative sizes of the two quantities given below by finding the ratio of the first quantity to the second


(a) (d)

9m to 12m (b) 8g to 1 kg (c) 1cm 6mm to 1m 8mm

15mins to 3hrs

Before attempting these problems, you should be conversant with the Measurement units so that it will be easy for you to express both quantities in the same units before simplifying the ratios. Solution (a) 9m: 12m - they are both in metres, so reduce to the simpliest form by dividing both by 3 9m : 12m = 3:4 So the ratio is or 3: 4 8g to l kg. To find the ratio, first convert l kg to gramme. Thus lkg = 1000g, so l kg is equal to 1500g. Hence the ratio is 8:1500. Dividing by 4 gives 2:375 8g to l kg = 2: 375 Now move on to the next problem 15mins to 3hrs. What do you say about this/ now convert hours to minutes or minutes to hours as you desire lhrs = 60mins then 3hrs = 3 x 60 = 180mins. So 15mins to 3hrs is 15:180 and simplifying or reducing to the lowest term gives 1:12 15mins to 3hrs => 1:12 Now do this. So easy is it not. We do it together. lcm 6mm to lm 8mm. If you do not look carefully, you will not discover the mix up. So here the best thing is to convert all to millimeters. If you have forgotten, consult your metric system table at the back of any exercise book or preliminary pages of science and mathematics textbooks you will be glad you did. Now move on. l cm = l 0mm and 1 m = l 00mm l cm 6mm = 16mm and 1 m 8mm = 1008mm 1cm 6mm to 8mm = 16:1008 = 1:63 Now try these Express the following in the form x/y, leaving your answers in the simplest forms





1(a) 210g to 560g (b) 340g to 2kg (c) 1.25cm to 0.15m (d) 6hrs to 1 day The above x/y is another form of expressing ratios. Got all. Good. Now, move on to more examples More Examples 1. Three student Nurses got a bursary award to be shared in the ratio 2:3:5. If the total amount for the bursary away is N150, 000. = How much will each get. Solution: This problem is slightly different from the others. All that is to be done is to (i) (ii) (iii) Calculate the total ratio i.e. 2 + 3 + 5 = 10 Find the ratio of each of the students to the total i.e. 2:10, 3:10 and 5:10 Then find how much each received by expressing each ratio as a fraction and multiply by the amount. This gives their individual shares Thus N 2 x 150,000.= = N 30,000 = 10 N 3 x 150,000. = = N 45,000. = and 10 N 5 x 150,000. = = N 75,000. = 10 the ratio 2:3:5 = 30000:45000:75000. Do the following exercises Exercise 5.1 1. A well known Hospital charges N1000. = for 1 day for an in-patient and N25200. = for 1 week at festive periods. Find the ratio of the daily charge to the charge at festive period. A lump of meat weighing 100kg is to be shared in the ratio of 8:7:5 among 3 nursing attendants. What did the nurse attendant with 7 shares get?




(a) (b) (c)

Increase 21 in the ratio 2:1 Decrease 40 in the ratio 3:4 Decrease 36 in the ratio 5:12

Hint: express the ratio in fraction and treat accordingly


In what ratio must the first number be increased or decreased to become the second number (a) 24 to 32 (b) 72 to 68 (c) 525 to 750 (d) 15 to 20 (e) 490 to 140

Answers to Exercise 5.1 to check your progress 1. 2. 3. 5:12 (divide N25200 and the ratio is now in days i.e. 1000:3600) 7 7 gets 7 x 1000 = 350kg. 20 (a) 21 is increased to 42 2 x 21 = 42 1 (b) (c) 4. (a) 40 is decreased to 30 ( x 40 = 30) 36 is decreased to 15 (15/12 x 36 =15) 24 to 32 in the ratio 4:3. Here reduce the numbers to their lowest term and if the first is smaller than the second the ratio is reversed. If not the ratio remains the same. So 24 to 32, divide through by 8 gives 3 to 4 Since 24 is smaller than 32, the ratio is reversed to 4 to 3 24 to 32 is increased by 4:3 72 to 68 is decreased by 12:13 525 to 150 is decreased by 7:2 15 to 20 is increased by 4:3 490 to 140 is decreased by 7:2

(b) (c) (d) (e)

Notice that questions 3 and 4 are similar 3.2 Proportions Two equal rations form a proportion. Hence proportion is the equality of ratios between two pairs of quantities. Example is a school library contains 10,000 books of which 8000 are Unisar materials and another school has 12000 books of which 9600 are Unisar materials, then the ratio of the Unisar materials to the total books in both libraries is the same as 8000:10000 =


0.81; 9600:1200 = 0.8:1, you say that we have proportion, written as follows 8000:10000 = 9600:12000. in other words, we say that 8000 is to 10000 as 96000 is to 12000. 8000 and 12000 are called extremes of the proportion and 10000 and 9600 are the means of the proportion. Hence the product of the means equals the product of the extremes. Here 8000 x 12000 = 10000 x 9600 = 96000,000. To find one of the extremes, divide the product of the means by the given extreme The same applies in finding one of the mean So if x : y = c : d Then x = y x c and y = xc d d This property is always used in finding the missing term of a proportion when the other three values are given. Example 12 : y = 6:5 (y is the missing term and we are given the other three terms 12, 6 and 5). Applying the above rule

y = 12 x 5 = 10 6

Examples of a practical application of proportion: In a mixture that contains two or more elements that are not bound to each other, they exist in variable proportions. Example the constituents of air such as oxygen, nitrogen an carbon dioxide are not bound together (i.e. not bound to each other but the proportion of these elements in a sample of air would vary in different environments. Oilier examples will be treated later. Again, a proportion in which the means are equal is termed a continued proportion; for example 18:16 = 6:2. The mean term of a continued proportion is the geometric mean of the extreme terms. In the example 18:6 = 6:2, 6 which is the mean term is got by 6 = 18 x 2 where 18 and 2 are the extreme terms, hope you remember that. If not go back to proportion.


Practical Application of Proportion The values of two different quantitative can be interdependence (depending on one another). Thus the area of a square depends on the length of its side and the length of the side of a square depends on the area of a square. Hence, the term two mutually dependent quantitative proportional if the ratio of their values remains constant. Example, the weight of a liquid is proportional to its volume; 2 cartons of cough syrup weigh 1.6kg, 5 cartons of the same cough syrup weigh 4kg, cartons weigh 5.6kg. The ratio of their weights to their volume is 1.6 = 0.8, 4 = 0.8 and 5.6 = 0.8 2 5 7 This constant ratio of proportion quantitative is called the constant of proportionality or proportional factor. There are two types of proportions to be treated here namely (a) direct proportion and (b) inverse proportion. Direct proportion implies that when one quantity increase, the second quantity also increases by the same number of times. Problems involving direct proportion can be solved using the method of ratio. Example if 8 tins of coffee cost N 2720 = what is the cost of 11 tins Solution: Cost of 8 tins of coffee = N 2720 Cost of 11 tins of coffee = N 2720 x 11 8 = N (340 x 11) = N 3740 Alternatively, it can be stated thus Cost of 8 tins of coffee = N 2720 Cost of 11 tins of coffee = N2720 8 Cost of 11 tins of coffee = N2720 x 11 8 = N 3740


But in case you are in doubt as to what the numerator or denominator of the multiplying factor should be, you ask yourself whether the required answer should be larger or smaller than the given (original) quantity. If the answer is larger. In the above example if the quantities are expressed in the ratio of 8:11, we multiply by 11/8 but if the answer is smaller multiply by 8/11. Recall ratio examples on the section on ratio. To avoid confusion you can use the alternative method where you decide what one is and proceed. Example 2 Find the cost of 11 bottles of cough syrup if the cost of 2 dozen of it is N 2520. = Solution: 2 dozen = 24 bottles = N 2520. = 1 bottle = N 2520 24 11 bottles = N 2520 x 1 24 = N1155. You see the solution becomes easy, instead of battling with what the multiplying factor should be. Now move on to the other type of proportion. Inverse proportion: implies that the increase in one quantity will lead to a decrease in the same quantity by the same proportion. Example: if 5 nurses can carry out an assignment in 16 days, how long will it take 8 nurses to do the same job. Solution: All things being equal, the more the number of people doing a job, the less time it will take, so 5 men = 1 man = 8 men = 16 days 16 x 5 (greater time) 16x5 8 = 10 days

Hence as the number of nurses increased, the time to do the job is decreased.


Example 2. A quantity of food lasts 5 men for one month (30 days) For how long will it last 6 men, if their rate of eating is the same? Solution: 5 men = 1 man = 6 men = = Proportional Parts When we say that certain values are proportional to specified numbers, we mean that the ratio of the values is equal to the ratio of the specified numbers. For example, if N240 is divided into three parts which are in the ratio of 7:5:4, all we say is, here lets take the three value of N240 to be A, B, and C. this can be expressed as A: B: C = 7:5:4 Example: divided N240 into three parts which are in the ratios of 7:5:4 Solution: Find the sum of the total number (7 + 5 + 4) because it looks as if the money has been shared placing 7 parts in a, 5parts in B and 4 parts in C. total number of parts = 7 + 5 + 4 = 16 The amount got by each part is A = B = C = N 7 x 240 = N 105. = 16 N 5 x 240 = N 75. = 16 30 days 30 x 5 30 x 5 6 25 days

N 4 x 240 = N 60.= 16

As a check, you can sum up the money got by the three parts and see if you will obtain the original money shared i.e. N (105 + 75 + 60) = N 240. = Now check your progress


Exercise 5.2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The rent of a house for one 1 year is N54,000 and the hospital wants to just make use of it for 7 months. How much will they pay? A lady earns N10,260 in a year. How much does she earn in 4 months. A nurse walks to his/her friend's house at 3 km/h in 9 minutes. How long will it take him/her to walk at 5km/h? A sum of money can pay the wages of 50 workers a year. For how many months will it pay the wages of 30 workers; at the same rate? The weights of three boys are in the ratios. 6:3:2. The sum of their weights is 165kg. Find the weight of each.

Answers to Exercise 5.2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3.3 N 5400 x 7 = N31,500. = 12 N 10260 x 1 = 13680. 3 9x7 2x5 = 6.3 mins

50Yrs = 1 2/3 Yrs 30 90, 45, 30.

Percentages The expression per cent means a hundredth part symbolically, 170 stands for 1 = 100 0.01 and 72% = 72 2 and 100% stands for 1 etc. the symbol of percentage is % 100 To find the percentage of a given number, multiply the number by 100. Example (i) The percentage of 2 is 200 and the percentage of 0.0357 is 35.7% i.e. 0.0357 x 100 To change a percent to a number, divide the percent by 100.



(a) (b) (c)

15.3% = 3.5% = 40% =

15.3 100 3.5 100 40 100

= = =

0.153 0.035 0.4

Percent as ratio: you should have mastered the sections or ratios and proportion before attempting problems here. Example: In a class of 60 students, 42 were present. What is the percent attendance? Solution: the ratio of those present = 42 this will be expressed as a percent by 60 making the denominator 100 . 42 60 = x 100 = (42 x 100) x 1 100 60 100 70 = 70% 100

the percentage present is 70% but the percent present is 70 (present is a 100 hundredth) so it is a fraction. Here we discuss three principal problems involving percentage (a) Find the indicated percent of a given number. Multiply the number by the percent and divide by 100 as in the above example of expressing percent as a ratio. This means that the given number is multiplied by the fraction expressing the given percent. Find a number on the basis of a given percent The given quantity is divided by the percent and then multiplied by 100. That is the given is divided by the fraction expressing the given percent.


Example: In processing sugar beets, 12.5% of the weight of the beets is granulated sugar. What quantity of beets has to be processed to produce 3000 centners of granulated sugar?


Solution: Divide 3000 by 12.5% = 3000 25 200

200 25 24000 centners.

Alternatively divide 3000 by 0.125 = (c) 3000 = 2400 centners 0.125

Find what percent one number is of another Multiply the first number by 100 and divide by the second number Example: A new plant for manufacturing tissue papers made it possible to increase the output of tissue papers for 1200 to 2300 rolls of tissue paper. What was the increase in tissue paper output in percent? Solution: first find the difference between the original output and the present output i.e. 2300 -1200 = 1100. Then multiply this difference by 100 = 1100 x 100 and divide by the original output i.e. 1100 x 100 = 91.67% 120

Applications of Percent 1. Profit and Loss Profit = selling price - cost price Loss = cost price - selling price. Profit percent = Profit x 100 Cost price Loss percent = 2. Loss x 100 Cost price

Commission - The price paid to a middleman or a mediator in a business and this is associated with a percent, called commission rate. Commission = rate x sale value of the good sold.


Example: A salesman sells goods worth N25000. = and charges a commission at the rate of 6%. Find the amount of his commission Solution: Commission = rate x sale value of good sold the rate is 6% or 6 , 100 while the price of the good sold is N 25000 His commission = N = 3. 6 x 25000 1000


Discount - This is the concession or rebate given to customer who had purchased a large amount of good. There is also a percent associated with discount and is called discount rate. Example: A BP equipment is sold for N17,500 less a discount of 10%. Find the cash price of the BP equipment Solution: Selling price = N 17500. = Discount rate = 10%

Amount of discount = N 10 x 17500 100 = N 1750. = Cash price = selling price - discount = N (17500 -1750) N 15750. = Cash price = N 15,750.

Alternatively, Discount= 10% The marked price (price that is it meant to be sold) = 100% Actual sale price = 100% - 90% = 90% Hence, the sale price = 90% of marked price = N 90 x 17500. = = N 15,750 4. Brokerage - The commission an agent gets from both the buyer and the seller. Assuming the brokerage is 2%, this means that the agent will collect 2% from both the buyer and seller making it 4%.


Example: A person sell a (Mazda) car for N 80000. = through a broker (agent). If the brokerage is 2%. Find the net selling price and the seller and the total brokerage of the broker. Solution: The selling price = N 8,0000 = Rate of brokerage = 2% Amount of brokerage from the seller = N 2 x 80000 100 = N 1600. = The net selling price of the motor car = actual selling price minus brokerage = N 80,000 - N 1600 = N 78400.= then the total brokerage received by the broker = N (2 x 1600) = N 3200. = Do the following exercises, to see if you followed the lectures. Do not hurry over any problem, if not clear go to the text, only through this means that you will understand what is taught. Exercise 5.3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What percent of 700 is 77? If 5% of a number is 15. Find the number. A pharmacist bought a drug for N 375 and sold it for N 420. =. Find his or her profit or loss percent. A salesman sells goods worth N 5,500. He receives N165 as commission. Find the rate of his commission. A broker finalises a deal of a piece of land for N 125000 at 1% brokerage. Find the total amount of brokerage received by him in this deal.

Answers to Exercise 5.3 1. 2. 77 x 100 = 11% 100 100 x 15 5 = 300



Profit % = S.P - C.P x 100 = 420 375 x 100 CP 375 = 45 x 100 = 12% 375

4. 5.

Commission rate =

165 x 100 = 3% 5500

Total amount of brokerage = 2% of N 125000 N 2 x 100 125000 1

= N 2500 4.0 Conclusion In this unit, you have learnt ratio, proportion and percentage and have also learnt that equal ratios means proportion and percent is another form of ratio, thereby seeing the relationship between the three concepts and their applications. 5.0 Summary In this unit, you have learnt that (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Ratio is used in the comparison of two or more quantities of the same kind. Also a : b mean a/b while b: a => b/a so a: b b : a. Proportion => equality of ratios between two pairs of quantities Percent => a hundredth that is a fraction whose denominator is 100 and that percent also ratios of a special kind. Direct proportion => the two quantities increase or decrease by the same amount. Indirect proportion =>, as one quality is decreasing or increasing the other quantity is increasing or decreasing at the same rate. That is A increases =:> B decreases and A decreases =:> B increases.



Applications of percent to profit and loss, discount, commission and brokerage are also learnt. Profit percent = Selling Price - Cost Price x 100 Cost Price Loss percent = Cost Price - Selling Price x 100 Cost price Discount = discount rate x marked price Commission = rate x sale value of good sold. Brokerage = rate of brokerage x sale value of property Total brokerage = 2(rate of brokerage x sale value of property)



Tutor - Marked Assignment. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. In what ratios are the quantities 4m 20cm, 14m and 2m 80cm? Three nurses provide N1400, N 3000 and N 2000 and opened among them in the same proportion. If the interest in the first month is N 1582, how much does each receive? Fatima pays N 496.00 for a nursing textbook. She is told her discount is 20%. What is the list price of the textbook? A saleslady's commission rate is 7.5%. She sells drugs worth N 3700. How much commission does she receive? A broker received N 1650 as brokerage in a deal for a house if the rate of brokerage is 1.5%, find the selling price of the house



References and Other Resources Vygodsky, M (1972). Mathematical Handbook: Elementary Mathematics. Moscow: MIR A Panel of experienced Mathematic Teachers (1980) Secondary School Mathematics for Nigeria series Singapore: Fep Publishers Ltd.


Table of Contents 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 1.0 Introduction Graphs are pictorial representation of the functional relations between two variables. Note a variable is a quantity which takes various values in a given problem and functional relation. Hence when the relation between x and y is drawn on paper, it is called the graph of the function. There is an extensive use of graphs in the nursing profession. Like in the temperature charts, Blood pressure, Apical -radial measurements. Etc. In this unit, you will learn about coordinates of points in the Cartesian plane, plotting of points and choice of scales, drawing of graphs. 2.0 Objectives By the end of this unit, you should be able to: Indicate the coordinates of given points in the Cartesian plane Choice scales and plot points of given functions Make table of values and draw graphs Solve given problems using graphs. 3.0 Main Content Introduction Objectives Main Content Rectangular Coordinates & Cartesian Plane Graphical Representation of Functions Application Graphical Treatment. Conclusion Summary Tutor Marked Assignment References and other materials



Rectangular Coordinates and Cartesian Plane In drawing graphs, two mutually rectangular straight lines XX1 and YY1 (XX1 and YY1 are in relation to one another) from a rectangular coordinate system. These straight lines XX1 and YY1 are called coordinate axes. The XX1 is drawn horizontally i.e. the same as the lines on the exercise books and is called the axis of abscissas (x - axis) while the YY1 is drawn vertically i.e. at right angle to the XX1 and is called the axis of ordinates (y - axis), their point of intersection) 0 is called the origin of coordinates. Example.

Fig. 6.1 Rectangular Coordinates In fig 6.1, 0 is the origin and to the right of 0 in the direction of X is the positive x - axis marked X or the abscissa while to the left of 0 is the negative x -axis marked X1 and above 0 is the positive is the positive y - axis marked Y and below 0 is the negative y-axis marked Y1. The numbers or quantities on both the abscissa (x - axis) and the ordinate (y-axis) are referred to as the rectangular coordinates or simply coordinates of a point in the plane and this plane is referred to as the Cartesian plane named after Descartes the great mathematician and philosopher points O, A, B, C, D are marked respectively. O is the origin and are represented by (0,0) which means that it has no value along the x and y axis i.e. it has no value along the abscissa and ordinate and therefore the value (0,0) indicates the coordinates of the point 0. Consider the


point A in fig 6.1: to get to a, travel 3 units in the direction of 0x and then 2 units in the direction of 0y. That is The x -coordinate (or abscissa) of A is + 3 The y coordinate (or ordinate) of A is + 2. Then we say that the coordinates of A are (3,2) or that A is the point (3, 2) Note the x - coordinate or abscissa is always given first so A, (3, 2) and Az (2, 3) are not the same. Consider the points B, C and D in fig 6.1. B has coordinate (-l, 3) showing that it is 1 unit in the direction of 0 x 1 (negative axis) and 3 unit in the 0y direction. The other points are C (-3, -2) and D (4, -3). Now give the coordinates of the points E, F, G and H marked in fig 6.1 Answers to check your progress. The coordinates are E (2, -2), F (1, 2) G (-1, 0) note: G his on the negative x-axis at the point Where x = Y. So in the x -axis, y has no values and on the y-axis, x has no values. This also applies to H, on the x axis H has no values and on the y-axis H has a value of 3, so it is written as H = (0, 3). i.e. H = (0, 3). 3.2 Graphical Representation of functions. Plotting of Points and Choosing of Scales Every point in the plane is associated with one number pair: x, y. every pair of real numbers x, y is associated with one point as in fig 6.1. When points are marked as in fig 6.1, we say we are plotting the points. Hence to find a given functional relation graphically, marks say 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... of the variable x and construct the ordinates y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, ... which are the corresponding values of the variable y hence we obtain a number of points like A1, (1, y1,) A2 (2 y2), A3(3, y3) etc from the given functional relation. Choice of Scales: The choice of scales for both the axis of abscissas (x axis 0 and the ordinates (y-axis) depends on the range of values got from the table of values. Atimes the scales are given. Always indicate the scale in the top right hand corner of the graph. Now the next stage is graphical representation of functions.


In order to draw the graphs of either the straight line y = m + c or any graph smoothly and accurately, the following techniques are useful. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Construct a table of values of y against (since y is dependent on the value of ) Choose suitable scales for both the abscissa and ordinate (y -axis). If no scales are given, taking into account the range of values for x and y in the table of values constructed. Always indicate the scale on the top right - hand corner of your graph sheet. Plot the tabulated points or values (remember the )C coordinates comes before the y coordinates) Join the plotted points for a straight line, any three points is okay [to draw a straight line containing the other points]. But if the graph involves an equation of the form a2 + b + = 0 (which is a quadratic equation) use either a broomstick or free hand to obtain a smooth curve. Title your graph - indicate the function whose graph is plotted always. (i) (ii) Draw the graph of y = 2 +1 from = 0 to = 10. Draw the graph of y = 3 + 1 from = -3 to = 3



Solution (i) First make a table of values for the equation y = 2 + 1 from = 0 to ,=10. Here the values of has been given you then find the corresponding values for y, thus: when = 0 Substitute for = 0 in y = 2 + 1 i.e. y = 2 x 0 + 1 = 1 When = 2, y = 2 x 2 + 1 = 4 + 1 = 5 etc. the values are then arranged in a table called the table of values. Alternatively, treat the terms individually and combine later as shown in the table of values Table of values for y = 2x +1 x 0 1 2 3 4 2x +1 0 +1 2 +1 3 4 +1 5 6 +1 7 8 +1 9

5 10 +1 11

6 12 +1 13

7 14 +1 15

8 16 +1 17

9 18 +1 19

10 20 +1 21

y=2 +1 1


Notice that + 1 was added throughout because 1 is a constant, its value does nor change. Now move to choice of scale Choice of Scales On the axis of abscissa ( - axis) Let 1 cm = 1 unit. Because the values of are all positive and the range of values is from 0 to 10. It can be accommodated on the horizontal axis. On the ordinate axis (y axis) the range of values are between 1 and 21 1 cm to 1 unit will be two spread out and there is the need to leave a little space above and below the graph. So we can then say Let 1 cm represent 2 units. Note if you do not know what 1 cm is from the graph sheet, they are five of the tiny squares. Now see the graph sheet attached. For the graphs of (i) y = 2 + 1 see fig 6.2 (ii) y = 3 + 1 see fig 6.3 on both sides of the graph sheet. Table of values for y = 3 + 1 from = -3 to = +3 Table of values 3 +1 y=3+l -3 -9 +l -8 -2 -6 +1 -5 -1 -3 +1 -2 0 0 +1 +1 1 3 +1 4 2 6 +1 7 3 9 +1 10

Here the ranges of values for are given and that of y ranges from - 8 to 10. Choice of Scale: on the axis of abscissa ( - axis) Let 2cm represent 1 unit On the ordinate axis (y -axis) Let 2cm represent 2 units. Scale on the abscissa ( - axis): 1 cm to 1 unit


On the ordinate axis (y -axis0 1 cm to 2 units. y 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

Graph of y = 2 + 1

1 2 3 4 5 Fig 6.2 6 7 8 9 10


Scales: On the abscissa ( - axis). Let 2cm represent 1 unit On the ordinate (y axis) 2cm represent 2 units.

Fig 6.3


Extract from: Basic Nursing Skill: A Self - instructional Approach. By Quiring Rubeck (1977). California: Wadsworth Publishers Company. 5 - Apical - Radial Measurement Graphic Sheet

Oral - Temperature recorded with a circle Rectal - Temperature recorded with the letter R above Axillary - Temperature recorded with the letter A above Fig 6.4 The above graph is a typical type of graph you are expected to draw in your profession.


Exercise 7. Now practice these graphs. 1. 2. 3. y = - 8 from = -1 to = 11. y =7x - 9 from = -1 to = 3 2y + 3 - 2 = 0 from = -5 to = -1. Here first make y the subject of the formulas by shifting the other terms to the right hand side of the equation. Thus 2y = - 3 + 2 y = - 3 + 2. Now make up the table of values for the equation, 2 choose your scales and plot the coordinates, then join. Try plotting only three points and see if the other coordinates fall into the straight line drawn 3.3 Application - Graphical Treatments Having known how to draw the graphs. We now move on to the uses of graph; hence the graphical treatments. Through the already plotted graph you can read off or read meaning into the situation of things. For example, from fig 604 the Apical - Radial measurement graph sheet. You can interpret the patient's temperature and pulse. The temperature rose from 120 F to 130 F within 4hours but dropped from 130 to 120 in the next 12 hours. At the same time the pulse maintained a bit balance between the 8 and 4 18 hours and rose from 4 - 8 (16 hours). The blood pressure (both the systolic and diastolic was also indicated. These are the information about the patient the doctor would like to know to enable him/her diagonise and treat accordingly. Now move on to graphical treatment of the solutions of simultaneous linear equations simultaneous equations means solving the two equations together. In graphical treatment, all you need to do is to plot the graphs of the two equations on the same graph sheet and find their point of intersection, if any. The coordinates of the point of intersection are the solution to the two equations. Here is an example: Solve the following equations graphically. 5y - 5 + 3 = 0 from = -4 to = 1 2y + 3 2 = 0 from = -4 to =1


Solution: First make up the table of values but before then make y the subject of formula. 5y - 5 + 3 = 0 => 5y = 5 - 3 y = 5x - 3 5 5 Table of values for y = - 3/5 from = -4 to . - y= y=- -4 - -4 -3 - - 3 -2 - -2 -1 - -1 0 - - -3/5 1 - 2/5

-23/5 -18/5 -13/5 -8/5

2y + 3x 2 = 0 => 2y = -3x + 2

Table of values for y = - 3/2 + 1 from x = - 4 to x = 1 x -3/2x +1 -4 6 +1 -3 9/2 +1 11/2 -2 3 +1 4 -1 3/2 +1 5/2 0 0 +1 1 1 -3/2 +1 -

y = -3/2x + 1 7 Choice of scale:

On the axis of abscissa (x -axis) Let 2cm represent 1 unit On the ordinate axis (y -axis)


Let 2cm represent 2 units Now plot the coordinates of both equations i.e. y and y = - 3/2 x + 1 on the same graph sheet we can do this together.

From the graph the intersection of the two straight lines are 10.64, 0.04). This is got by drawing a straight line from the point of intersection to the abscissa (x - axis) and ordinate (y -axis) (2) Draw the graph of the temperatures of Lokoja taken every hour during the day time on one day using the following table of values. 10.30am (b) 4.30pm

Use your graph to find temperature at (a)


Time 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am 12am 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm Temperature 25oC 25.9 26.8 27.5 28.1 28.6 29.1 27.8 27 26.4 25.8 25.4 25.2

Use your graph to find temperature at (a) (d) 10.30am 9.15 (b) (e) 4.30pm 6.45pm (c) 2.30pm

Solution: The table of values was given. The next step is to choose the scales. Choice of Scale: On the time axis: let l cm represent 1 unit. On the temperature axis: let 2cm represent 1 unit (since the values ranged from 25 to 29.1o. After drawing the graph; to answer the questions, draw a vertical line from the point where the time is located to the graph. Wherever it touches the graph, draw a horizontal line to the temperature axis. Then read off the value. From your graph, the answers to the above questions are (a) 27.8C (b) 26C (c) 27.3C (d) 26.9C (e) 25.3C See graph.


Temperature - time graph


Conclusion: In this unit, you have learnt how to find the coordinates of points in a Cartesian plane, choose scales and make up table of values. You have learnt also how to draw graphs and solve problems using graphs.



Summary In this unit, you have learnt that to draw graphs the following techniques are necessary, to obtain accurate and smooth lines. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Construct a table of values from the function Choose suitable scales for both the abscissa and ordinates axes. If not given to take into account the range of values for x and y. Always indicate the scale used on the right hand corner of the graph. Plot the tabulated values Join the plotted points and for a straight line graph, any three points is okay. Title the graph.



Tutor - marked Assignments 1. The temperature of a patient in hospital from 6am to 6p.m measured at hourly intervals. From your graphs, find the most likely temperature of the patient at (a) 7.30am Time (hrs) Temp (C) Time (hrs) Temp (C) 2. (b) 6am 7am 37.8 38.0 lpm 12.30p.m 8am 38.3 9am 38.6 10am 11 am 39.1 4pm 39.2 5pm 38.2 12noon 39.0 6pm 138.0



38.9 38.7

138.8 138.7

The temperature of a pan of water on a stove measured at 2 minute intervals, in degrees Celsius. Find the temperature at (a) (b) 3 minutes 13 minutes from the start. At what time approximately do you think the heat supply was turned off? 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 28 38 50 62 74 84 92 96 93 88

Period of time after start (min) Temp (oC) to nearest degree 3.

0 20

Solve graphically the following equations y = 2x + 2 ------- (1) y = 3x + 2 ------- (2) for values of x from x = -2 to x = 4



References and Other Resources Quiring, Rubeck (1977): Basic Nursing Skills: A Self- instructional Approach. California Wadsworth Publisher Company Inc. Vygodsky, M. (1972). Mathematical Handbook: Elementary Mathematics. Moscow: MIR Publishers.




Table of Contents 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.3.1 3.4 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 1.0 Introduction: Our knowledge of geometry is organised in such a way that more difficult concepts are made clearer by simple concepts. In this unit, you will learn about the angle on parallel lines, and polygons, properties of parallelogram and circles. But before treating the contents of the unit, the first sections of unit shall deal on definitions to enable you understand and appreciate the unit. As nurses to be, you might be wondering the place of angles in your area of specialisation. By the time you come to the end of this unit, your fears must have been allayed because you might have been able angle to identify the application of the knowledge of angles in your day-to-day activities as a nurse. Introduction Objectives Main Content Angles - Definition Types of Angles Angles on Parallel Lines Properties of Parallelogram Polygon Interior and Exterior Angles Circles - Properties Conclusion Summary Tutor Marked Assignment References and other materials



Objectives By the end of this unit, you should be able to: Define angles Explain the different types of angles Define parallel lines and transversal Identify the different angles on parallel lines Apply the concept of angles in practical problems State the properties of parallelograms Find the interior and exterior angles of a polygon Describe the circle in relation with its parts.

3.0 3.1

Main Content Angles - Definition and Types Definition (1) An angle is formed by two rays (see fig. 7.1) 0A and 0B coming from a single point 0. B

Fig. 7.1 (ii) An angle is formed when two straight lines meet at a point. The rays (straight lines having a starting point but extends indefinitely) are called the arms or sides of the angle. Symbolically, an angle is represented by

Angles are measured in two systems namely (1) the radians and (ii) the degrees. They differ in their unit of measurement. The unit of measurement in the degree is one degree = 1/360 of one complete rotation, round the circle or exemplified by the hand of a clock moving from 0 hours to 12 hours which constitute 360. A degree consists of 60 minutes denoted by 60' and a minute consists of 60' seconds denoted by 60". In radian measure 2 radians is equivalent to 360


radians is equivalent to 180. This relationship is always used in the conversion of angles from one unit of measurement to the other.


Types of Angles Angles are named either accordingly to their sizes (the measurement) or according to shapes (1) An angle of 90 (that one-quarter of a complete revolution) is called a right angle and is denoted by "rt. "

Fig 7.2. Right angle (2) An acute angle is an angle whose size is less than 90 OR an angle that is less than 90 is called an acute angle.


An angle greater than 90 but less than 180 is called an obtuse angle.

Fig 7.4: Obtuse angle (4) 180 is half of a complete revolution is referred to an angle on a straight line.


An angle greater than 180 but less than 360 (one complete revolution) is called a reflex angle.


Note in angular measurements, clockwise rotation indicates negative angles or negative values of angles, while counter clockwise rotation of the rays correspond to positive angles

Fig. 7.5 (a)



In Fig. 7.5, if a ray OA moves to join (coincide) with OB see Fig. 7.5 (a), the < AOB = + 90 In fig. 7.5 (b), AOB = - 90. These angles are In Fig. 7.5 (c), AOB = - 270 the same but the only different is in the direction of measurement where the plus sign shows measurement in the counterclockwise direction and the minus sign shows measurements in the clockwise directions. (6) Adjacent angles B

Fig. 7.6 (a) Adjacent angles A pair of angles AOB and COB, in Fig 7.6 with common vertex 0 and common side OB are called adjacent angles. The sum of two adjacent angles on a straight line is 180. There are other types of adjacent angles (see Fig. 7.6 (b)


Fig. 7.6 (b) AOB and BOA are adjacent angles.


Vertically opposite angles (or vertical angles) C

Fig. 7.7 are angles which have a common vertex and the sides of one are the extended sides of the other. In fig 7.7 FOC and DOE, also COE and DOF are vertically opposite angles Note vertically opposite angles are equal i.e. FOC = DOE and COE = DOF. The four angles are called angles at a point. (1) (2) (8) Now take your protractors and verify this claim Go to any hospital near your house and find out, the angle they use in giving injections?

Bisector of an angle: This is a straight line that divides an angle into two equal parts. This will be shown clearly in unit 8.

bisector A Fig. 7.8 In Fig. 7.7 the bisectors are OA and) B. Now move to angles in parallel line



Angles on Parallel Lines What do you mean by parallel lines. This takes us to the definition of parallel lines. Some define parallel lines as lines that do not meet. But parallel lines are better described as lines that lie on the same plane and maintain equal distance apart. Examples are the lines on your exercise books; the ones on the railway track, opposite edges of the exercise books etc. find more examples

Fig 7.9 Parallel lines Parallel lines are denoted by " or //c or //

A line which cuts across other straight lines is called a transversal. Transversal

Fig 7.10 transversal When a transversal cuts two parallel lines, angles in fact eight angles are formed.

Fig 7.11. The transversal EF cuts two parallel lines AB and CD at H and G respectively. Can you now identify the angles treated in section 3.1?


Looking at fig. 7.11,you will see that there are four adjacent angles CGF, FGD, AHE and EHB (You can name them yourselves). From the previous section also, you can identify and name the vertically opposite angles - AHE and EBH, CGF and FGD. You can from section 3.1 that vertically opposite angles are equal. Have you verified that? Please do. Exercise 8 Now bring out your protractor and measure all the eight angles. What did you discover? Here letters will now be used to identify the angles for easy referencing see fig. 7.12.

F C A e g a c f h b d B

Fig. 7.12. Angles on parallel lines 1. Corresponding angles are angles on the same side and maintaining the same position on the same side of the transversal. In Fig. 7.12. Angles a and b and c and d and are all corresponding angles e f g h

They are also equal if they are both acute or both are obtuse angles. If not their sum is equal to 180 2. Alternate angles are angles at alternate positions and at alternate sides of the transversal.


In Fig 7.12 Angles c d and f e

are alternate interior angles. They are also equal. While angles a and h; b and g are alternate exterior angles and are equal. 3. Interior angles on the same of the transversal. In Fig. 7.12, angles d and f c and e are interior angles. The sum of d + f = 180 and the sum of c + e = 180. Therefore we conclude that the sum of the interior angles on the same side of the transversal are supplementary Note, if you have taken time to measure the angles in Fig. 7.11 or the ones you have drawn, you will be able to find out for yourselves these properties and many more. 4. Exterior angles on the same sides of the transversal are angles b and h; a and g. their sum is equal to 180 i.e. b + h = 180; a + g = 180. Again they are supplementary angles.

Now try this exercise. Using the letters in Fig. 7.12. Identify the following angles (i) (iii) adjacent angles. Angles at a point (ii) Vertically opposite angles.

You might use the answers below as a check. (i) (ii) (iii) Adjacent angles on a straight line are angles a and b; c and d, a and c, b and d, e and f, e and g, g and h and f and h. are there others. Vertically opposite angles are angles b and c, a and d, e and h, f and g. Angles at a Point are angles a, b, c, d and e, f, g, h.


Applications 1. In Fig. 7.13 below, which angles correspond to f


(b) p

(c) b

(d) s

and justify

Solution a) b) c) d) 2. Q correspond to r g corresponds to p t corresponds to b c corresponds to s (corresponding s) ( ) ( ) ( )

Find the values of the marked angles and give reasons for your answers.

0 800 S0 r0 P0 q0 0


Solution: + 80 = 180 (adjacent Ls on a straight line) = 180 - 80 =100 y = 80 (vertically opposite angle to 80) = 100 (vertically opposite angle to = 100) S = 100 (corresponding angle to = 100) P = 80 (corresponding angle to y = 80) q = 100 (vertically opposite angle to S = 100)


r = 80 (corresponding angles to 80) You shall observe that there are other relationships between angles that can also be used o justify the claims. For example 80 + S = 180{interior s on same side of transversal} S = 180 - 80 = 100o P = r (vertically opposite angles) etc. now find the other angles using other relationships not used above. (3)

Find the marked angles in this figure. And justify your answers. Solution: b + 85 = 180 (adjacent s on a straight line) b = 180 - 85 = 95 = 85 (alternate angles) c = x = 85 (corresponding angles) a = b = 95 (corresponding angles) 4.
170 o yo 120 o

Find y.

Solution: y + 170 + 120 = 360 y + 290 = 360 (angles at a point)


y = 360 - 290 = 70 y = 70 Having known the angles on parallel lines move on to the next section. 3.3.1 Properties of Parallelograms Having treated parallel lines and angles on parallel lines. We now consider the parallelogram from practical activity. Now cut out a parallelogram from a piece of paper. You know what a parallelogram or `parm' as it is often times called. If not, a parallelogram is a quadrilateral (i.e. four sided figure) with opposite sides parallel? The other properties are what you shall find out very soon. AB = CD BC = AD Opposite and side of parallelogram

Fig 7.14 parallelogram i) ii) iii) With your protractor, measure the angles. Write down your observations as you get along. Draw the diagonal [i.e. either join A to C or B to D] what can you say of the shape, when it is divided into two? Draw the remaining diagonal. Any comments?

Now we do it together and report our observations. Also practise alone at your spare time. In any parallelogram here Fig. 7.14 (a) (b) (c) The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other. (AO = OC and BO = OD) The opposite angles of a parallelogram are equal (A = C and B = D) The sum of squares of the diagonals is equal to the sum of squares of the four sides. AC2 + BD2 = AB2 + BC2 + CD2 + DA2 = 2(AB2 + BC2)



AF is the altitude (perpendicular height). The area of a parallelogram is equal to the product of the base (any of its sides can be called base but in Fig. 7.14, let the base be DC] and the altitude (AF) AREA DC x AF Distinguishing features of parallelograms A quadrilateral ABCD is a parallelogram if and only if (1) (2) (3) (4) The opposite sides are equal AB = CD, BC = DA Two opposite sides are equal and parallel AB = CD, AB//CD The diagonals bisect each other Opposite angles are equal (A = C; B = D)

If one of the angles of a parallelogram is a right angle then all angles are right angles. And such a parallelogram is either (a) a rectangle if the sides serve as altitude b A B a D Fig 7.15 i) ii) iii) The area of a rectangle is equal to the product of its sides. The diagonals of a rectangle are equal. In fig. 7.15 AC = BD. In a rectangle, the square of a diagonal is equal to the sum of the squares of the sides: AC2 = AD2 + DC2 C

(b) If a parallelogram has all sides equal, it is called a rhombus. In a rhombus, the diagonals are mutually perpendicular.


(AC ar BD) and bisect the angles, so that DCA = BCA and DBC = ABD The area of a rhombus is equal to half the product of its diagonals. (If AC = d1 and BD = d2 in Fig 7.16) Area of rhombus = AC x BD = d1 d2. (c). A square is a parallelogram with right angles and equal sides B C

A Fig 7.17 It is a particular type of rectangle and also a special type of rhombus. Now find out which of the properties of these shapes rectangle and rhombus that makes a square special? Now continue with these exercises below Exercise 7.1 Find the marked angles in the following diagrams and justify your answers. l. (2) b

a f


(3) 120o y


u w

y v


In question No (4). Write out all the following pairs of (u) vertically opposite (u) alternate interior (w) alternate exterior (w) corresponding angles. Answers to exercise 6.1 1. = 100 (corresponding s) a + 100 = 180 (adjacent angles on a straight line) a = 180 - 100 = 80 b = 80o (corresponding to a) f = 80o (vertically opposite to a) = 480 (alternate s) y + 120 = 180 (interior s on same side of transversal y = 180 - 120 = 60 Vertically opposite angles; & v, u and y, w and q, , and p Alternate interior angles: u and , v and w. Alternate exterior angles; y and p and x and q Corresponding angles x and w, y and Z, u and p, v and q

2. 3. 4(i). (ii). (iii). (iv)

It seems you are making some progress good. We continue to the next section - polygons 3.4 Polygon Angles in a Polygon. A closed plane figure whose sides are all straight lines is called a polygon. Examples of polygons - triangles, quadrilateral pentagon (5 sides), hexagon (6 sides), heptagon (7 sides) octagon (8 sides) etc. Angles in a polygon (Regular Polygon: All sides equal)

Fig. 7.18 Looking at the marked angles of the triangle in fig. 7.18. There are two types namely the interior angles (those inside the triangle i.e. , (3and 0) and the exterior angles (those outside the triangle i.e. a, b and c).


Re call that the interior angles of a triangle a triangle sum up to 180 i.e. ( + + ) - 180. We shall come to this later. For the exterior angles: Take a thread or string go right round the out of triangle ABC, starting from A move to B down to C. you will see that the path you have traced is a circle and the angles in a circle is 360 (angles at a point) Therefore, the sum of the exterior angles of a triangle i.e. a + b + c = 360. Now take up a four sides polygon - the quadrilateral

Fig 7. 19 Inter angles - the diagonal divides the quadrilateral into 2 triangles. Therefore, the sum of the interior angles of the quadrilateral is 2 x 180 = 360 Exterior angles: Repeat the activities as that of the triangle. You will also find that the path replaced is a circle and so, the sum of the exterior angles of a quadrilateral is 360 So, for the Exterior angles of a polygon the path traced from one end of it to the other no matter the number of sides of the polygon is a circle. There, we conclude that the sum of the exterior angles of a polygon is 360 The Interior angles of a polygon Each interior angle and an exterior angle adjacent to it equals 180 = 2right s (2rt. s). Here if the figure (polygon) has n sides, the sum of both interior and exterior angles equals 2n right angles. Now if we subtract the sum of the exterior angles (360o = 4rts s) of any polygon. The sum of the interior angles of a polygon will then be (2n - 4)rt . s. Each interior angle = 2n - 4 s and each ext = 360 where n = number of sides n n


Examples 1. A quadrilateral the sum of the interior angles Using (2n - 4) rt s where n = 4 is (2 x 4 - 4)rt s = (8 - 4)rt s = 4 x 90 = 360 same answer as above (i.e. using the fact that quadrilateral = 2 x ) 2. A pentagon (5 sides) The sum of the interior angles = (2 x 5 - 4) rt. s = (10 - 4)rt s = 6rt s = 6 x 90 = 540 You can verify this by joining all the vertices of the polygon to a point p (centre) inside the polygon. Count the number of triangles and multiply by 180 or 2rt angles then subtract 360 4rt s for H the sum of the angles at P


Circles - Properties A circle is the locus of the point at a constant distance from a given fixed points. Parts of a Circle 1. Radius: A line segment from The centre to any point on the circumference. It is usually denoted by r. in fig 7.20 OP =OA=OB=OC=r A

C Fig 7.20



Diameter: The straight line joining any two points on the circumference but passes through the centre 0 of the circle. In fig. 7.20. BP and AC are diameters. It is usually denoted with D and it is equal to twice the radius i.e. D = 2r. Secant: A straight line passing through any two points on the circumference. In fig 7.21 the lines UV and XY are called secants


Fig 7.21 4. Chord: A chord is a straight line that joins any two points on the circumference. It is part of a secant. In fig 7.21, AB, CD are chords Segment - A segment of a circle is the area between a chord and the arc subtended by the chord. A chord divided a circle into two parts called segments. In fig 7.21 the marked areas are segments. There are two types of segments, minor segment - the unshaded part and major segment the shaded part which contains the centre of the circle: A semicircle is half of a circle and it is a special form of segment why?


Fig. 7.21 6. 7. Arc: An arc is part of a circle. In fig 7.21 the curve AB is an arc. Sector: A sector of a circle is the area, enclosed by two radii (plural of radius) and an arc. In fig 7.22 the shaded area is a sector. The unshaded area is also sector.


B Sector

Fig 7.22 8. 4.0 Circumference - The circumference of a circle is the distance round the circle.

Conclusion In this unit, you have learnt the different types of angles - acute, obtuse, reflex, vertically opposite, adjacent angles, and alternate angles. You have also learnt the properties of the parallel lines when cut by a transversal in terms of the angles formed. You have also learnt the sum of the interior and exterior angles of a regular polygon and the properties of a circle.


Summary: In this unit you can summarise your studies thus that: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Angles are measured in the counter clockwise direction either in degrees or in radians. Acute angles are < 90; Obtuse >90o and reflex >180o The sum in adjacent angles on a straight equals 180 Vertically opposite angles are equal, alternate angles are equal. When two parallel lines are cut by a transversal Corresponding angles are equal Alternate angles are equal The sum of the interior or exterior angles on the same side of the transversal equals 180 Parallelograms are quadrilaterals with pair of opposite sides equal and parallel




Tutor-Marked Assignment 8 1. Find the values of the angles marked in the following figures. Justify your answers.


130o uo ao




(e) 2. Find the size of each interior angles of the following (a) 3. 4. a regular pentagon (b) a regular 15 -sided polygon

If a regular polygon has an exterior angles of 10 find the number of sides of this polygon. The angles of a pentagon are , ( +20), ( -15), 2, 3x + 30o 2 find x.



References and Other Resources Vygodsky, M. (1972). Mathematical Handbook: Elementary Mathematics. Moscow: MIR Publishers. David - Osuagwum M; Anemelu, C; Onyeozili, 1 (2000) New School Mathematics for Senior Secondary Schools. Onitsha: Africana - Fep Publishers Ltd.



Table of Contents 1.0 2.0 3.1 3.2 3.2.1 Introduction Objectives Construction of Angles Bisector of a Straight line Perpendicular to a given straight line from a given point on the line Perpendicular to a given straight line from a point outside the line Parallel to a given straight line from a given point outside the line Bisection of a given angle Angle 90o and 45o Angle 60o Angle 30o Conclusion Summary Tutor Marked Assignment References and other materials

3.2.2 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 1.0 Introduction

Construction as the name implies means to use certain instruments (here the mathematical set) in performing certain activities. To construct is different from to draw in the sense that the instruments used in construction are specified but in drawing any instrument that you deem necessary can be used. In this unit, all constructions will be done by a pair of compasses and a ruler. Here also you will learn the bisection of a straight line and angle, construction of common angles of 90, 60, 45, and 30. Also the construction of straight lines perpendicular or parallel to a given straight line from a given point on or outside the given straight line.



Objectives: By the end of this unit, you should be able to: Bisect given straight lines. Construct a perpendicular bisector from a point on and outside a given straight line Construct a straight line perpendicular to a given straight line Construct or copy given angles Bisect given angles.

3.0 3.1

Main Content Geometric Constructions The following precautions are to be taken to ensure a good construction 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Use good pair of compasses that is the pair of compasses whose joint are not loose. Use well sharpened and hard pencil to avoid double lines preferably use HB pencils. Great care should be taken in drawing the line segments or lines as the case may be Leave all construction marks as it is. In case of erasure, erase completely, leaving no trace of the pencil marks.


Bisector of a Straight Line A straight line has no definite length. In this section, whenever straight lines are mentioned, line segments will be used in its place. The bisect means to divide into two equal parts. This can be done excellently with the use of a ruler and pair of compasses. Now move on to the bisection of a straight line. The following steps are to be followed 1) With a ruler and pair of dividers, mark any length of the straight line AB (line segment AB) on AB paper. The marks on will be clearly shown. Example A B


2) 3) 4) 5)

With any convenient radius (opening your pair of compasses to any width) greater than half of AB and with A and B as centres, make arcs (curves) above and below the line. AB. See fig 8.1 below These arcs or curves will meet at the point C and D see figure 8.1 Join the points C and D. The line CD is the desired line and it touches AB at E. See fig 8.1 and the point E is the bisector As a check, use your pair of dividers and rulers to measure AE and EB. What is your observation? Good move on. Also measure angles AEC and BEC. Are they equal? What are their values? If 90, then the line CD is called the perpendicular bisector of the line segment AB. C

D Fig. 8.1 Perpendicular bisector of a line AB Note: Practise it along with me. In case of any problem, go through the steps. 3.2.1 Perpendicular Line to a given Straight Line are of two types (a) (b) (a) from a point on the line and from a point outside the line. From a points on the given line AB steps


(2) (3) (4)

(1) Draw a straight line AB with point C on it (see fig 8.2) With C as centre and any convenient radius draw arcs to cut AB at D and E respectively (see fig 8.2) With D and E as centres and with any radius greater than half of DE draw arcs to intersect at F (see fig 8.2) Join CF. This is the required line I hope you joined in the construction. Learn to practice alone. Again you will observe that this was similar to the first. Do the same checking by measuring the angles on both sides it measure LACF and LBCF are they equal. Are their values 90? What do you conclude?

D (Fig 8.2)


A perpendicular to a given straight line from a given point on the given line. (b) A perpendicular from a given straight line from a given point outside the given line. Steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. Draw a line AB with a point X outside AB see fig 8.3 below. With X as centre and with any convenient radius, draw arcs to cut AB at M and N. (see fig 8.3) With M and N as centres and any convenient radius greater than half XY, draw arcs to cut at Y. (see fig 8.3) Join XY. The line XY is the desired line. By now you should mastered how to construct perpendicular because the steps here are similar to those of figs 8.1 and 8.2 respectively.


Fig 8.3, : A perpendicular to a given straight line from a given point outside the given line 3.2.2 A line Parallel to a given Straight line through a given point not on the given line. Steps: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Draw the line AB and let C be the point outside AB With C as centre and any convenient radius a circle to cut AB at D and E respectively. (See fig 8.4) With D or E as centre (in fig 8.4) D is chosen) and the same radius make an arc to cut DE at F With F as centre and the same radius again, draw an arc to cut the circle at G. Join CG. This is the required line

Fig 8.4: Parallel line to a given straight line There are other methods of constructing a parallel line to a given straight line. You check any mathematics textbook for these.



Bisector of Angles Here again bisection of angle is similar to that of a straight line. The only difference is that an angle is involved. To bisect any angle, the following are the steps: 1. Draw any ABC or measure the angle if the value is given. 2. With the point B as centre (since the angle is at this point) and any convenient radius draw arcs to cut line AB and BC (the arms of the angle at D and E respectively 3. With D and E as centres and with radius equal to that in (2) draw arcs to meet at F. (See fig 8.5) 4. Join BF. FBA = FBC. Check with your protractor.


Construction of Angle 90 and 45 You know that 45 is 90o . The construction of angle 90 is the same what 2 has been discussed in section 3.1.2 fig 8.2. So to construct 45 means to construct 90 and then bisect. Again you are combining all you have learnt from the start of this unit.


Now construct 90

Steps for constructing 90 and 45 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Draw a line segment AB With A and B as centres and any convenient radius draw arcs to cut AB at C and D With C and D as centres and any radius greater than CD, draw arcs to meet at F From F drop a line to meet AB at G. See fig 8.6. FGB = FGA = 90 Bisect either FGB or FGA to get 45

Using the Steps in section 3.2. From fig 8.6 ZGA = ZGA = 45 Note to construct 22 which is half of 45 bisect 45 and construct other angles which are (i) half of 22 , bisect 22 to get 11 (ii) to construct 135, add 45 to 90 in fig 8.6 BGZ = 135 Now try the construction of 221/2 and at the end use your protractor to measure the angle. Have a nice day. So from fig 8.6, BGF or FGB = 90 and ZGF or FGZ and or ZAG are both 45 each.



Angle 60 There are several ways of constructing angle 60. (1) (2) (3) (4) Draw a line segment AB With the end points of A and B as centres or simply put with A and B as centres and radius equal to AB, draw two arcs to meet each other at C and D (above and below the line AB) Join CD to cut AB at E. See fig 8.7 Then join AC. The required angle CAE = 60

Fig. 8.7 Alternatively 1. 2. 3. 4. Draw a line AB With A or B as center and any Convenient radius, draw an are to cut AB at D. With D as center and the same radius draw an arc to cut the first arc at E. Join EA. Then EAB = 60

This often referred to as constructing a line at 60 to a given line at a given point on the line. See Fig 8.8



Angle 30 Angle 30 is half of angle 60. Therefore simply bisect angle 60. (b) is for you to access your progress. Fig 8.9

Fig 8.9 (b)



Third form of the construction of angles 60 and 30 respectively.

Fig. 8.8 (b)

Fig. 8.9 (b) Exercise 8.1 With ruler and a pair of compasses only construct the following angles (1) 4.0 150 (2) 22112 (3)120

Conclusion: In this unit, you have learnt how to use your pair of compasses and ruler to construct perpendicular bisectors to a given straight line from either a given point on the line or a given point outside the line. You have also learnt how to construct and bisect angles. This will go a long way in helping you in your


career where a lot depends on angles for example needle angle and angle of injection. 5.0 Summary In this unit, you have learnt that to construct means to use a ruler and a pair of compasses. You have learnt that to bisect means to divide into two equal parts, hence to bisect angle 60 gives angle 30 and to construct angle 30 means to construct angle 60 and bisect. The same applies to angles 90 and 45. Then to construct an obtuse angle of (1) multiple of angle 45, simply construct angle 90 bisect one side of it to get angle 45, add this to the other part of angle 90 (90 + 45= 135) (ii) To construct 120, construct angle 60, but let the first are cut the line at two points then with the two points as center, repeat the other processes. This means that you have made a semicircle with the given line as diameter and have bisected the angle into three equal parts add any of the two and you will get angle 120

Steps: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) With A as center draw a semicircle AB cut AB at C and F respectively With C and F as centres and the same radius, draw arcs to cut the semi-circle at D and E respectively Join EA or DA LEAB or DAF is the required angle 120.



Tutor-Marked Assignment With you ruler and a pair of compasses only, construct the following angles (a) 15 (b) 22 (c)135 (5 marks each ) = 15marks

(b) and (c)

Angle 22 and 135 Correct construction indicating pencil marks score 10 points for each (total 30pts)



References and Other Resources David-Osugwu M, Anemelu, C and Onyeozili I (2000) New School Mathematics for Senior Secondary Schools. Onitsha: Africana-Fep Pub. Ltd. Vygodsky, M. (1972). Mathematical Handbook: Elementary Mathematics. Moscow: MIR Publishers



Table of Contents 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 1.0 Introduction The locus (plural loci) of a point is the path traced by the point of a pencil or pen or any Instrument you are using in drawing on paper obeying certain rules. Hence the definition of locus of points as the totality of the points leaving a given property, satisfying some stated conditions. (Vygodsky, 1972) Again the locus of a point is defined as the path traced by that point under certain conditions. From the above definitions, you will discover that all the shapes, in geometry are loci of points satisfying certain conditions. Example of Loci (1) For instance, if an object falls off from your hand, the gravitational force will make it fall straight to the ground. This straight fall is the locus of the weight that falls off form your hand. Introduction Objectives Main Content Locus of Moving Points Construction of Locus of Moving Points Parallel to a given straight line from a given point Conclusion Summary Tutor Marked Assignment References and other materials


Straight line


If you fix a pin or needle to a tight string, which is fixed to, a board, the path the pin or needle traces is the locus and it is a circle. Therefore, the circle is defined as the locus of the point the pin or needle trace as it moves along the tight string on the board. Circle


As children like to thrown stones in the air. The path the stone traces from the child's hand to the ground is almost in the shape of a semicircle. This path is the locus. It looks like this

In mathematics, this locus is called a parabola. In this unit you shall learn the locus of moving points and how to construct loci of moving points. 2.0 Objectives By the end of this unit, you should be able to Describe the locus of moving points Construct locus of some given points. 3.0 3.1 Main Content Locus of Moving Points This should be done practically. Try these activities and trace the path of each and answer the following questions



What is the locus of: (a). (b) (c) A point on the blade of a fan? The height attained by a stone thrown vertically upwards into the air? The tip of the hour hand of your wristwatch?

In each of the activities, you have to do it yourself. Observe carefully and then answer the questions. Once you have carried out these activities, move in to the next section on how to construct loci of moving points. 3.2 Loci of Moving Points In loci, certain terms like a "fixed point", "equal distance" or constant distance form" are used. These terms describe the special conditions under which the paths of the points are to be traced. Examples 1. The locus of a point at a constant distance from a given fixed point is a circle. Not here this fixed point is the centre of the circle and the constant distance is the radius. Hence in drawing a circle, all you need to do is maintain a distance from a fixed point. The loci of a point at a constant distance from a given line are parallel lines. This is easy to see. The lines on the pages of the exercise book maintain an equal distance and hence they are all parallel lines. The locus of a point equidistance (equal distance from two fixed points is the perpendicular bisector of the line joining those points this will be constructed. The locus of a point equidistant is maintaining an equal distance form two fixed intersecting straight lines are the bisectors of the angles formed by these two lines.

2. 3. 4.

Now practical demonstrating of the locus discussed above Recall the constructions, you have learnt form unit 8. They will be applied here. You will practice along and at the end you are expected to write out the steps followed and your observations. Construction of Loci of moving points In this construction, first make a sketch of what you are going to construct before doing the construction proper.


Example 1: Two points A and B on a straight line. A third point C is outside the straight line. Now find the straight line through C which will maintain an equal distance from A and B. Solution: Here is a clear case of the application of the construction you did in unit 8, Fig 8.3 and 8.1. Now do the construction. First make a sketch X

From the sketch, we are looking for the perpendicular bisector of the straight line joining the two points A and B. Hence the step of the construction in unit 8, fig 8.3 is followed. Now let us do it together.


The locus of the point equidistant form A and B. Measure AC and BC. What did you observe? 2. Two straight lines AB and CD meet at a point E find a point P such that the distance from P to AB and CD is always equal. Question: Now, what do you think about the sketch of this problem. How would it look? Make the sketch, and then relate it to any of the constructions in unit 8. Solution: Sketch C

Having drawn the sketch, this a case of finding the point equidistant from the two intersecting straight lines. So the point P will lie on the bisector of the angles formed by the two straight lines. Then bisect CEA and AED respectively. Recall the construction of bisector of angles in unit 8, fig 8.5 and treat accordingly.


The point P will lie on either of the two straight line FG and QR which are the bisectors of the angles between the two given lines AB and CD (see the diagram above). This unit is an activity -oriented unit Now bring out your mathematical sets and do the following: Draw an angle XYZ equal to 45. On each of the straight lines YX and YZ, mark points 2cm apart from Y. At each mark draw a perpendicular using a set-square. Join up the points at which corresponding perpendicular lines from each of the straight lines YX and YZ meet. Write out your discoveries either by measurements or observations about the possible positions of the path traced by the moving point. Hint: If you used your construction materials well, the points will line on the perpendicular bisector of the given angle. This serves as your guide to know, if you are working in the right direction. 4.0 Conclusion: In this Unit on loci, you have learnt the relationship between loci and construction treated in Unit 8. That loci are practical applications of some aspects of construction. This unit is very vital in your profession where a lot of arrangements and positioning are involved. 5.0 Summary: In this unit, you have learnt that 1. The locus of a point at a constant distance from a fixed point in a plane is a circle the constant distance is the radius, while the fixed point is the centre of the circle . 2. The locus of a point in a plane which makes an angle of 90 with two given points is a circle with the line joining the two points as its diameter.



The locus of a point at a constant distance from a given indefinite straight line are two parallel indefinite lines B Given C


The locus of a point from two fixed points is the perpendicular bisector of the line joining the two points


The locus of the weight (bob) of a pendulum is a arc of a circle 0


The locus of appoint equidistant from two fixed intersecting straight lines are bisectors of the angles formed by those straight lines.



Tutor-Marked Assignment 1. What is the locus of the follow moving points (a) A point on the blade of a fan (b) A stone thrown vertically upward into the air? (c) The weight of bob of a pendulum. (d) The tip of the hour-hand on the face of a clock (e) A point on the head of a child sitting on a rotating a merry-goround. Draw two lines PQ and RQ which meet at Q to give angle 60 (PQR = 60). On each line draw marks of 0.5cm, l cm, 1.5cm, 2.0cm and 2.5cm. from Q. At each mark draw a perpendicular using a set-square. Join up the points at which the corresponding perpendiculars from each of the line meet. The resulting line is the locus of the points equidistant from QP and QR. What is its relationship with PQR. Mark two points X and Y l0cm apart on a piece of paper. Set your compasses at 7cm and draw convenient arcs with X and Y as centres to intersect at two points above and below XY respectively. These two points are at equal distance from A and Y Repeat this procedure three times with compasses set at 6cm, 6.5cm and 8cm respectively to obtain several pairs of points all equidistant from X and Y. Join up these points. What is the locus of points from these two fixed points X and Y.





Reference and Other Resources Vygodsky, M. (1972). Mathematical Handbook: Elementary Mathematics. Moscow: MIR. David-Osugwu M, Anemelu, C and Onyeozili I (2000) New School Mathematics for Senior Secondary Schools. Onitsha: Africana-Fep Publishers. A panel of experienced Mathematics Lectures: Monograph: National Mathematical Centre, Abuja. - Mathematical Science Education Programme. A panel of experienced Mathematics Teachers (1980) Secondary Mathematics for Nigeria Series. Singapore: Fep Publishers Ltd.




Table of Contents 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 1.0 Introduction Mensuration was introduced when man had the need to measure land, milk, water, cloth etc. Mensuration had to deal with lengths, areas of surfaces and volume of solids. In this unit, you shall study the perimeters and areas of plane shapes and the length of arc of circle. Also you shall also learn the units of measurements. 2.0 Objectives By the end of this unit, you should be able to Explain the concepts of perimeter and areas of plane shapes Converts units from one form to the other Find the perimeters and areas of given shapes Find the length of arcs of given circles. Introduction Objectives Main Content Units of Measurements Perimeters of Plane shapes Areas of Plane Shapes Length of An Arc Conclusion Summary Tutor Marked Assignment References and other materials


3.0 3.1

Main Content Units of Measurements The need for uniformity of the measuring scales brought about the metric system. This is the universally accepted unit of measure. As nurses the need for the knowledge of this scale should not be over emphasized, as drugs and some of the hospital equipment imported are still in the old system. Thus, the metric system of measurement is Linear measurement (length) 1 kilometre (Km) = 1000 metres (m) 1 metre (m) = 10 decimetre (dm) = 100cm 1 decimetre (dm) = 10 centimetres 1 centimetre (cm) = 10 millimetres (mm) Areas (Square) 1 sq. km2 = 1,000,000 sq.metres (m2 1 m2 = 100 dm2 = 10,000cm2 1 hectare (ha) =100 ares = 10,000m2 Volume (Cubic) 1 m3 = 1000 dm3 = 1,000,00cm3 1 dm3 = 1000cm3 1 litre (1) = 1 dm3 1 hectolitre (hl) = 100 litres (1) Metric Weight 1 ton (metric) = 100 kg 1 centner = 100kg 1 kg = 1000g 1 g = l 000mg.


Perimeter of Plane Shapes Perimeter is the distance round an object. For example in fig 11.1. The perimeter of A

ABC is the sum of AB + BC + CA i.e.


c + a + b. Hence Perimeter is defined as the sum of the lengths of all the sides of a closed geometric figure (polygon). We now find the perimeters of the following plane figures.



a units

Fig. 11.2 The perimeter of a square ABCD = 4a units. That it is 4 times the length of one of its sides. 2. A a B

D Fig. 11.3

Perimeter of a rectangle ABCD = AB +BC + CD + DA but AB = DC = a and Be =AD=b Perimeter of rectangle = 2a + 2b = 2(a + b) This means that the perimeter is twice the sum of the length and width. 3. Triangle: The perimeter of and triangle ABC is a + b + c, that is the sum of all the sides.

c B

b C

a For an equilateral triangle, in which all the sides are equal, the perimeter is three times the length of one of its sides.


By the property of the parallelogram, you have studied in unit 8, the opposite sides are equal, so the perimeter of a parallelogram is the same as that of a rectangle Perimeter of Parallelogram = 2(a + b) 5. Rhombus
a B

Perimeter = 4a unit is also equivalent to that of a square. 6. Trapezium

b B

The perimeter is AB + BC + CD + DA i.e. b + c + a + d For any polygon the perimeter is equal to the sum of the length of its sides. Example: Find the perimeters of the following plane shapes


A 13cm

25cm 20cm

5cm B



5cm (c) 7cm 10cm

13cm Solution: 1(a) (a) (b) Perimeter of any plane shape is the sum of the length of all its sides Perimeter of ABC = (5 + 12 + 13) cm = 30 cm The figure here represents a parallelogram therefore the values of the sides not given can be found form the diagram. AB = CD = 25CM (opposite sides of a parallelogram BC = AD = 20cm (opposite sides of a parallelogram .'. Perimeter of Parm ABCD = 2(25 + 20) cm = 2 (45) cm = 90 cm Perimeter of ABCD = (5 + 10 + 13 + 7) cm = 35 cm


Note: Remember to indicate the units of measurements. 3.3 Areas of Plane Shapes The area of any shape of figure is the surface occupied by that shape or figure. For example in fig 11.4, the area rectangle ABCD is the shaded region. A B

Fig 11.4

So the area of an object i.e. polygon is taken to be an enclosed region bounded by either straight lines and/or curves or arcs.


We shall not go into the proofs of the formula for finding the areas of plane shapes. But we shall apply these formulae to solution to problems. Areas of Plane Shapes a Triangle Height (h)


When the height of the triangle is given area of AABC = x base x height = x BD x AD = bh sq. units When two sides and an included angle are given A


a Area of AABC = AB x BC Sin = c x a Sin = ac Sin sq. units


When the three sides are give, we use the Hero's formula = s(s-a)(s b)(s-c)

where s = a + b +c i.e. 2 S = the perimeter of the triangle


Area of ABC = s(s-a)(s b)(s-c) sq. units Example Find the area of the triangle below.

(a) 12cm Solution (a)

(b) B 12cm C

Since the triangle, ahs a base and height we use the area of triangle = base x height Here the base = 12cm and the height = 5cm. .'. Area of AABC ='/2 x 12 x 5 = 30Cm2


Area of triangle ABC; here the sides are given so we apply Hero's formula. First we find the perimeter of the triangle i.e. 13 + 12 + 5 = 30 Divide by 2 to get S i.e. S = a + b + c = 13 + 12 + 5 2 2 S = 30 = 15 2 Now we find the difference of each of the sides and S (i.e. half perimeter) S a = s 12 = 15 12 = 3 S b = s 13 = 15 13 = 2 S c = s 5 = 15 5 = 10 Area of ABC = s(s-a)(s b)(s-c) = 15 x 3 x 2 x 10 = 30cm2

= 900





Area of Parm ABCD when the base and height is given is Area of Parm ABCD = CD x AF = = base x height ah sq. units.


When the sides and an included angle 0 is given, the area is Area of Parm ABCD = = = DC x BC Sin b x a sin ab sin sq. units

Example Find the area of Parm ABCD below

Solution Area of Parm ABCD = DC x BC Sin Note DC = AB = 18cm .'. Area of Parm ABCD = 18 x 12 x Sin 120 = 18 x 12 x Sin (180 - 120) the sine of an obtuse angle is equal to the sine of its supplement. .'. Area of Parm ABCD = 18 x 12 Sin 60


= = C)

18 x 12 x 3 2 187.06cm2

Area of Trapezium ABCD

= = =

sum of parallel sides x height (AB + DC) x AE (al + b2) x h sq. units.

Example: Find the Area of the following trapezium

Solution Area of trapezium = = = = (AB + DC) x AT sq. units = (11.2+14) x 12cm2 x 25.2 x 12 151.2 cm2


C Area of Rhombus ABCD, if the base and height is given is base x height when the length of the diagonals are given the area of rhombus


ABCD = Example

diagonal(d1) x diagonal(d2) = d1 x d2 sq. units. 2

Find the area of the following rhombus

Solution Area of Rhombus ABCD = = = x AC x DB x 10 x 13 65cm2

Having known the formulae for finding the areas of these named plane figures. Now do the following exercises Exercise 11.1 Find the area of the following 7cm a) 7cm 12cm 7cm

c) The answers are to serve as K check on your progress a. Area of = s(s - a)(s - b)(s - c)



7+7+7 21 = 21 = 10.5; s a = s b = s c = 10.5-7 = 3.5 2 2

Area of = 10.5 x 3.5 x 3.5 x 3.5 = 10.5 x (3.5)3 = 21.22cm2 b. Area of trapezium = = = = = = = (sum of //1 sides) x height (12 + 5) x 6 x 17 x 6 51 cm2 x d1 x d2 x 12 x 8 48cm2.


Area of Rhombus

Was it easy? Where you able to recognise the shapes. Good. Always try to know the shape of the figure before you apply its formulae. We now move to the next section. 3.4 Length of Arc of Circle The formula for the length of arc, would not be derived rather a detailed explanation would be given. The length of an arc of a circle (1)

is given by x 2r units 360 (Where is in degrees) and = angle subtended by the arc at the center of the circle r 1 (iii) = = radius length of arc. Here if the value of n is not given, do not assume any value.

The length of arc of a circle (1), when the angle is in radius is given by x 2r = r units. 2


Where = angle subtended at the center in radians R = radius of the circle. Example: Find the length of the arc of a circle of radius 7cm, which subtends an angle of 60 at the center of the circle. Take = 22/7 Solution: Length of arc = x 2r units 360 Substituting for the values of = 60, = 22 and r = 7cm into the formula 7 Length of arc = 60 x 2 x 22 x 7 360 7 = = Example 2 Find the angle subtended at the centre of a circle radius 6.2cm by an arc of length 12cm. (Take 22 ) 7 Solution Length of arc = x 2r 360 1 x 2 x 22 6 22 cm 3

Here we are given the length of arc, r and 7r. So we are looking for the angle . First make the subject of formula and then substitute the other values thus Let length of arc = 1 .'. 1 = x 2r 360 = 3601= x 2r 360l = 2r


Substituting for r = 6.2cm, l = 12cm and 22/7 = 360 x 12 22 2 x 7 x 6.2 Simplifying: = = 360 x12 x7 2 x 22 x 6.2

30240 272.8 = 110.85 Exercise 11.2 1. 2. 3. Find the length of the arc of the following circle of radius 7cm which subtends an angle of 300 at the centre of the circle. (Take = 3.142) Find the angle subtended at the centre of a circle, radius 6.2cm by an arc of length 18.5cm (Take = 22/7 ) Find how far the tip of the minute hand which is 1.5cm long of a watch travels in 10minutes.

Answers to Check your Progress 1. 2. 3. 4.0 36.7cm 170 531 1.571cm

Conclusion In this unit, you have learnt the Metric Unit of measurement, perimeters and areas of plane shapes and the length of an arc of a circle. You have also learnt the application of the formulae to solving problems.


Summary In this unit, you have learnt that 1. 2. Perimeter is the sum of the lengths of the sides of a geometric figure (polygon) Area is the surface occupied by the figure or object. Area of Triangle = base x height (when base and height is known)


= ab sin =

when two sides and an included angle is given when the three sides are known.

s(s - a)(s - b)(s - c)

Area of Parallelogram = base x height (when base and height are given) = ab sin (when two sides and an included angle is given.) Area of Trapezium = (sum of parallel sides) x perpendicular height Area of Rhombus = x product of the two diagonals (when they are known) = base x height (when they are known) Length of arc of a circle = 360 x 2r, where

= angle subtended at the centre by the arc and is in degrees. r = radius of a circle.



Tutor Marked Assignment 11 1. Calculate the area of the trapezium in the figure below 9cm 10cm 17cm 2. 3. 4. An arc subtends on angle of 105 at the centre of a circle of radius 6cm. Find the length of arc Take = 22/7 Find the angle subtended at the centre of the circle, radius 3.5cm by an arc of length 8.3cm Take = 3.142 Find the radius of the circle; given the following (Take = 22/7 ) An arc of length = 8.8cm and angle subtended at the centre = 144



References and Other Resources David-Osugwu M, Anemelu, C and Onyeozili I (2000) New School Mathematics for Senior Secondary Schools. Onitsha: Africana-Fep Publishers. Ltd. Egbe, E, Odili, G.A and Ugbebor 0.0 (1999). Further Mathematics. Onitsha: Africana-Fep Publishers. Ltd.`




Table of Contents 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 1.0 Introduction In unit 8, you studied the circle and its properties. Here we shall extend our discussion on circle, to the relationship of the parts of the circle to the entire circle. In this unit, you shall learn the perimeters of circles, sectors and segments and their areas. 2.0 Objectives: By the end of this unit, you should be able to: Distinguish between the circle and the circumference of a circle Find the perimeters of sectors and segments correctly. Find the areas of circle, sectors and segments correctly Introduction Objectives Main Content Perimeter and Area of Circle Perimeter and Area of Sector of Circle Perimeter and Area of Segment of Circle Conclusion Summary Tutor Marked Assignment References and other materials


3.0 3.1

Main Content Perimeters and Area of Circle You will recall that in unit 8, the circumference of a circle was seen as the distance round the circle. In which case the circumference is the perimeter of the circle. In fig 12.1 the circumference is the path traced by a moving point maintaining an equal distance from a fixed point called Locus of the point as discussed in unit 10.

Fig. 12.1 OR Circumference of circle = x D units Where D = diameter Circumference of a circle = 2 units Where r is the radius

Note the diameter equals twice the radius. A circle then is the shaded region in fig 12.1. That is why we say the area of a circle meaning the surface occupied and not the area of circumference. The formulae for finding the circumference of a circle and its area are given below Circumference of circle = 2r units = D units

Area of a circle = r2 sq. units. The value of is always given but where it is not leave your answers in . Example: Find the circumference and Area of a circle of radius 10cm. Take = 3.142 Solution: Circumference of circle = 2r units because from the question, you know the value of the radius. If the value of the diameter is given you apply (D) .'. Circumference of circle Substituting for = = 2r units 3.142 and r = 10


Circumference Area of circle Substituting for Area of circle = = = = =

= 2 x 3.142 x 10 = 62.84cm r2 sq. units. 3.142 x 102 3.142 x 102 3.142 x 100 314.2cm2

Example 2: In a hollow shaft with outside diameter of 6.5cm and inner diameter of 5cm. Calculate the cross-sectional area of the shaft. Take = 3.142 Solution: First make a sketch of the shaft it looks like two circles in one but the crosssectional area is the shaded region in fig 12.2 i.e. the difference between the two circle which is called an annulus (i.e. two circles of different radii but the same centre.)

So the Area of the cross-section of the shaft equals the difference between the area of the outer circle of diameter 6.5cm and the inner circle of diameter 5cm. Area of Cross-section of shaft = Area of outer circle - Area of inner circle = R2 - r2 Where R = Radius of outer circle and r = radius of inner circle Area of Cross-section = = = = = Substituting the value for x 6.5 2 - x 5 2 2

x (3.25)2 - x (2.5)2 x 10.5625 - 6.25 x (10.5625 - 6.25) x 4.3125


Area of cross-section of shaft

= =

3.142 x 4.1325 13.55cm2

Now try these exercises Exercise 12.1 1. 2. 3. 4. Find the circumference and area of the following circles of radius (a) 12cm (b) 18.5cm. Take = 22/7 Given that the area of a circle = 250m2. Find the radius of the circle. Take = 3.142. A circular garden of radius 25cm has a circular flowerbed of radius 11 cm at its centre. Find the area of the grass space. Take = 22/7 The circumference of a large circle is 44cm and the circumference of a smaller circle 31 3/7cm. Find the area of animus between these two circles. ( = 22/7 ). Try the above exercises at your convenient time.

Answers to check your progress 1.(a) Circumference = 2 units = 2 x 22 x 12 = 528 = 75.4cm 7 7 Area of circle = r2 = 22 x 144 = 3168 = 452.58cm2 7 7 Circumference= 116.29cm Area of circle = 7529.5 = 1075.64cm2 7 Area = r2 r = A r 3. = 250 3.142 = 8.92cm garden Flower bed grass

(b) 2.

Annulus is two circles of different radii but same centre.

Area of Annulus

R2 - r2


= =

x 252 - x 2 22 (25 - 11)(25 + 11) 7 22 x 2 x 36 =1584m2

= 4. Circumference = 2r

r = circumference 2 R = 44 = 44 x 7 = 7cm 2 x 22/7 2 x 22 r = 31 3/7 = 220 x 77 = 5cm 2 x 22/7 7 44 Area of annulus = = = = x 72 - x 52 (72 - 52) (7 + 5)(7 - 5) 528 7 = 75.43cm2

Having known how to find the circumference and area of a circle, then move on to the next section. 3.2 Perimeter and Area of a Sector of a Circle

Fig 12.3 From unit 8, a sector was defined as the region between two radii and an arc. There are two sectors, the major sector i.e. the unshaded and the minor i.e. the shaded see fig 12.3. In calculations, both the major and minor are the same. The only difference is on the angle each subtends at the centre of the circle. Major arc subtend reflex angles while minor are subtend obtuse or acute angles.


Perimeters and Areas A semicircle = half of a circle Perimeter of a semicircle = circumference + diameter 2

diameter Perimeter of a semicircle = 2r + 2r 2 = r + 2r units Area of a semicircle = half area of circle = r2 sq. units 2 Perimeter of a sector (major or minor) = Length of arc plus the two radii 360 If length of arc is represented by 1 then Perimeter of sector =1 + 2r units. Area of sector of a circle = 360 x r2 sq. units. Examples: 1. A sector is cut out of a circle of radius 21 cm. Find (i) the length of arc (ii) the perimeter and (iii) the area of this sector, if the sector subtends an angle of 120. Take = 22 7

Solution: Length of arc = 360 x 2r


= 120 x 2 x 22 x 21 = 10880 360 7 2520 Perimeter of sector = length of arc + 2 radii = 44 + 2(21) = 44 + 42 = 86cm Area of sector = = = = 2. x r2 360 120 x 22 x (21)2 360 7 120 x 22 x 441 360 7 462cm2

= 44cm

Find the perimeter and area of a semicircle of radius 12.3cm. Take = 3.142.

Solution: Note that since it is a semicircle, the angle it subtends at the centre is known. still remember? Angle in a semicircle = 180 Perimeter of semicircle = = = = = = = = Exercise 12.2 1. An a circle of radius 24cm, two radii form an angle of 135 at the centre. For the smaller sector cut off by the two radii, calculate (a) its perimeter (b) its area. Take = 22 7 r +2r (3.142 x 12.3) + 2(12.3) 38.65+24.6 63.25cm r2 3.142 x (12.3)2 2 475.353118 2 237.68cm2

Area of a semicircle



A chord AB of a circle of radius 15cm subtends an angle of 80 at the centre. Calculate: (a) the length of the arc AB 22 7


Find the perimeter and radius of major sector of radius 6cm which subtends an angle of 300o at the centre ( Take = 22/7)

Answers to Exercises 12.3 1. Perimeter of Sector =1 + 2r where 1 is length of arc L = x 2 360 = 135 x 2 x 22 x 24 360 7 = 56.57cm .'. Perimeter of sector = 56.57 + 2(24) = 56.57 + 48 = 104.57cm Area of sector = x r2 360 = 135 x 22 x (24)2 360 7 = = 2. (a) 135 x 22 x 576 360 7 1 678.86cm2 80 x 2 x 22 x15 360 7



Length of arc AB = = = 52800 2520



Area of sector = 80 x 22 x 152 360 7


80 x 22 x 225 = 396000 360 7 2520 Area of sector = 396000 2520 2 = 157.14cm 3. Perimeter of major sector = L + 2r Length of major arc = 300 x 22 x 6 360 7 = = 79200 2520 31.43cm

Perimeter of major sector = 31.43 + 2(6) = 31.43 + 12 = 43.43cm Area of major sector = 300 x 22 x 36 360 7 = = 300 x 22 x 36 360 7 94.29 cm2

Note, if the angle subtended by the minor arc is given as 0 and you are asked to find the length of arc of the major sector, all you do is to subtract 0 from 360 i.e. (360 - ) is the angle subtended at the centre by the major arc. Now try the following exercises Find the perimeters and areas of the following major sectors

Take = 22/7


(a) (a) (a) 3.3

39cm 29cm 41.9cm

(ii) 80.14cm2 (ii) 48.02cm2 (ii) 167.62cm2

Perimeters and Area of Segment of a Circle

Fig 12.4 A segment of a circle is the region enclosed by an arc and a chord. There are two segments. Namely the minor segment shaded in fig 12.4 and the major segment i.e. the unshaded region which contains the centre of a circle 0. Perimeter of segment = length of arc plus the length of the chord which cut off the segment Length of arc, you know the formula from the previous sections i.e. 3.1 and 3.2. Now we determine the formula for finding the length of a chord of a circle.

B Fig 12.5 To find the length of chord AB (1) (2) bisect ADB = . Then BOC = /2 using trigonometric ratios: AC/r = Sin/2 AC = r Sin /2 but AC = CB AB = AC + CB = r Sin /2 + r Sin /2 = 2r Sin /2 units Remember that AB is a chord. .'. Length of chord AB = 2r Sin /2 . The perimeter of a segment is = Length of arc + length of chord. Area of segment: form fig 12.5, the area of a segment is the difference between the area of the sector AOB and the triangle AOB.


Area of segment of circle = Area of sector - Area of triangle Examples: 1. The length of an arc PQ of a circle of radius 9.4cm is 18.4cm. Find the perimeter and area of the minor segments cut off by the chord PQ. If the chord subtends an angle of 60o at the centre Take = 22/7

Solution: Sketch the figure to enable you have idea of what is being look for. Length of chord PQ = 2r sin /2 = 60o, 2r /2 = 60/2 = 30o Length of chord PQ = = =

2 x 9.4 x sin 30o 18.8 x 9.4cm

Perimeter of minor segment = length of arc + length of chord = 18.4 + 9.4 = 27.8cm = = = = = = Area of sector Area of triangle x r2 - r2 sin 360 60 x 22 x (9.4)2 - 1 x (9.4)2sin 60 360 7 2 1 x 22 x 88.36 - 1 x 88.36 x 0.8660 6 7 2 46.28 38.26 8.02cm2

Area of minor segment


A chord AB which circle with centre 0 and radius 4cm. AOB = 120o. Calculate the perimeter and area of the major segment of this circle. (Take = 22/7)


Solution: Length of chord AB = 2r Sin /2 = 8 Sin 60 = 2 x 4 Sin 120/2

= = =

8 sin 60o 83 = 43cm 2 6.92cm. (2 decimal place)

Length of major arc = (360 - )x 2r. why. 360 = = = 360 - 120 x 2r 360 The major arc contains the centre see unit 12 section 3.2.

240 x 2 x 22 x 4 360 7 16.76cm (2 decimal places)

.'. Perimeter of major segment = length of major arc + length of chord = 16.76 + 6.92 = 23.68cm Alternatively, to find the length of major arc when minor arc can be found is the difference between the circumference and minor arc i.e. Length of major arc = circumference - length of minor arc Circumference = 27r = 2 x 22 x 4 = 176 = 25.14cm 7 7 Length of minor arc = 120 x 2 x 22 x 4 = 176 = 8.38cm 360 7 21 Length of major arc = circumference - length of minor arc = = 25.14 - 8.38 16.76cm same as above.


the perimeter of major segment = (25.14 - 8.38) + 6.92 = 16.76 + 6.92 = 23.68cm Area of major segment = Area of major sector - Area of x r2 - r2 sin sq. units 360 = r2 2 - sin sq. units 180

Remember that the angle subtends by the major segment is (360 - 0) where 0 is the angle subtended by the minor segment. 360 - = 360 - 120 = 240 Area of major segment = = = = = Alternatively Area of major segment = Area of circle - Area of minor segment r2 - r2 2 - sin sq. units 180 42 240 x 22 - Sin 240 4 180 x 7 16 2 5280 (-0.8660 1260 sq. units.

8[4.1905 + 0.86601] 8 x 5.0565 40.45cm2

Where is the angle subtended by the minor arc In the example above, Area of major segment = 22 x 42 - 42 22 x 120 - Sin 120 7 2 7 180 = 22 x 16 16 [ 22 x 2 - 0.8660 7 2 7 3 = = 50.29 - 9.8339 40.45cm2 (2 decimal places)


Which is the same result as above. Exercise 12.3 1. An arc MN of a circle, radius 4.8cm subtends an angle of 150 at the centre 0 of a circle, find (a) (b) (c) 2. The perimeter of the minor segment Perimeter of major segment The area of the minor segment cut off by the chord MN (Take 3.142) A chord XY of a circle with centre 0 and radius 8cm subtends an angle of 120. Calculate the perimeter of (i) (ii) 3. the minor segment the major segment (Take = 22/7 )

Find the area of the major segment of a circle, centre 0, radius 9.6cm, cut off by a chord XY subtending an angle of 54 at 0.

The answers below are to enable you check how far you have understood the lecture. 1. (a) Perimeter of minor segment = 158 x 2 x 3.142 x 4.8 + 2Sin 79 360 = 13.24 + 1.9632 = 15.20 (2 decimal places) (b) Perimeter of major segment = (Circumference - length of minor segment) + length of chord = (2 x 3.142 x 4.8 - 13.24) + 1.9632 = (30.1632 - 13.24) + 1.9632 = 16.9232 + 1.9632 = 18.89cm (2 decimal places) Area of minor segment = Area of sector - Area of r2 2 = = - sin sq. units 180


(4.8)2 3.142 x 158 - Sin158 2 180 11.52[2.758 - 0.3746]


= 2.


Perimeter of minor segment = 120 x 2 x 22 x 8 + 2 x 8 Sin 120 360 7 = = 16.762 + 15.59 32.35cm

Perimeter of major segment = (circumference - minor arc) + length of chord = 2 x 22 x 8 -16.762 + 15.59 7 = (50.29 - 16.762) + 15.59 = 33.52 + 15.59 = 49.11 cm (2 decimal places) 3. 283.37cm2 4.0 Conclusion In this unit you have learnt the perimeters and areas of circle, sectors and segments. You have also learnt to find the length of a chord. With the area of the annulus you have learnt in this unit, you will be able to determine the areas of similar shapes in your environment. 5.0 Summary In this unit, you have learnt to determine the perimeters and areas of circles, segments and sectors by the following formulae a. b. c. d. e. Circumference = 27r units Area of circle = r2 sq. units Perimeter of semicircle = r + 2r units Area of semicircle = r2 sq. units. Perimeter of sector of circle = length of arc + 2 radii = f. . g. h. i. x 2 + 2r units. 360 Area of sector = r2 x 360 Length of chord of a circle = 2r Sin /2 Perimeter of minor segment = length of minor arc + length of chord. Area of minor segment = Area of sector - area of triangle =


r2 2 j.

- sin sq. units 180

Perimeter of major segment = (circumference of circle - length of minor arc) + length of chord) = 2r x 2r + 2r Sin /2 units 360 OR = 360 - x 2r + 2r sin /2 sq. units 360


Area of major segment = Area of circle - area of minor segment r2 - r2 2 - sin sq. units 180

Alternatively Area of major segment = Area of major sector - Area of triangle r2 2 (360 - ) - sin 180

Where (360 - ) is a reflex angle? The angle of the major sector or major segment must be from the given value of (obtuse or acute). The above formulae will enable you solve problems without stress.



Tutor - Marked Assignment 12 1. The area of a sector POQ of a circle centre 0 and radius 9cm is 92cm2. Calculate the angle 0 subtended at the centre by arc PQ. (Take n = 3.142) Find the perimeter of the following minor sectors (Taken = 22/7 )


3. 4. 5.

(a) (b) Find the radius of the circle which subtends an angles of 330 at the centre of the circle and has an arc length of 24cm. Take = 3.142. A chord PQ of a circle, radius 7cm, subtends an angle of 120 at the centre. Find the ratio of the areas of the segments (minor and major) into which the chord divides the circle. Take = 3.142 A chord PQ of a circle, radius 9.4cm is 12.8cm. Find (a) the angle subtended by the chord at the centre of the circle (b) the area of the minor segment cut off by this chord (c) the area of the major segment cut off by this chord. (Take = 3.142)



References and Other Resources IGNO: Teaching Geometry and Trigonometry 4. ES 342. David-Osugwu M, Anemelu, C and Onyeozili I (2000) New School Mathematics for Senior Secondary Schools. Onitsha: Africana-Fep Pub. Ltd. Egbe, E; Odili, G.A; Ugbebor, 0.0. (1999). Further Mathematics: Onitsha Fep Publishers Ltd.




Table of Contents 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 1.0 Introduction In dealing with two dimensional figures like the rectangle, parallelogram, trapezium, square, rhombus etc we referred to the space occupied by these figures as areas. In three dimension solids i.e. objects that have length, breadth and height like packets of sugar, boxes, blocks, tins of milk etc we refer to the surface (because some of their parts exists in space) occupied by them as Surface Area. These Solids are made up of the same or different types of plane shapes as we shall see in the course of this lecture. In this unit, you shall learn how to calculate the total surface areas of Cuboid, cube and prism and their volumes. 2.0 Objectives By the end of this unit, you should be able to: Introduction Objectives Main Content Surface Area and Volume of Cuboid Surface Area and Volume of Cube Surface Area and Volume of Prism Surface Area and Volume of Prism Conclusion Summary Tutor Marked Assignment References and other materials


3.0 3.1 Main Content

Identify the type and number of faces, of these Solids Cuboid, cube and Prism have. Calculate the total surface areas and volumes of these Solids correctly.

Total Surface Area and Volume of Cuboid A Cuboid is in the form of a box or block. A F

C D Fig. 13.1 Cuboid Look around you, pick up a box of match or sugar or chalk or bic. Try and open it through the edges (straight lines joining the sides). What did you observe? In relation with plane shapes, what are these faces? Any solid of the shape of a Cuboid has six faces (if there is as cover). Therefore a Cuboid is a solid with six faces and each face is either a rectangle or square, see Fig 13.2.

Fig 13.2: Net of a Cuboid. To find the total surface area of any three dimensional solid, it is always good, to draw the net of the solid and then find the atrea of each face. Hence in the total surface area of the Cuboid, all you need to do is to find the areas of each of the plane shapes ie. Rectangles and square which make up the solid and add up. In Fig 13.1. the total surface area is determined by finding and summing up the areas of the four rectangular faces and the two end faces (six rectangular


faces) namely the areas of (1) ABGF (ii) ABCH (iii) BGCD (iv) CHED (v) DEFG (vi) AHEF. Example: Find the total surface area of the wood block shown below.

Solution: Since it is a wooden box, it is in the form of a Cuboid. Therefore the total surface area of Cuboid is the sum of all the areas of the rectangular faces that make up the solid. Here draw the net to enable you know which area being sought for to avoid duplication. 5cm 7cm 4cm

Area of A = 4 x 5cm2 = 20cm2 Area of B = 7 x 5cm2 = 35cm2 Area of C = 7 x 4cm2 = 28cm2 Area of D = 7 x 5cm2 = 35cm2 Area of E = 7 x 4cm2 = 28cm2 Area of A = 4 x 5cm2 = 20cm2 Total surface area = Areas of (A + B + C + D + E + F) = 20+35+28+35+28+20 = 2(20 + 35 + 28) = 2 x 83 = 166cm2


From this example, you will observe that assuming that AD = breadth, DC = Height and CE = Length, that each appeared twice, hence we have 2LW + 2LH + 2HW .'. Total surface Area of a Cuboid = 2LW + 2LH + 2HW if closed i.e. if the lid or cover is not removed. Total surface Area of a Cuboid .'. = 2(LB + HB + LH) sq. units. Where L = Length B = Breadth H = Height Volume of a Cuboid = = Length x Breadth x Height. LHB cubic units.

Example: Find the total surface area and volume of the solid below. 3cm 3cm 18 cm

Solution: First identify the solid, then apply the formula since of a Cuboid the total surface area = 2LB + 2LH + 2HB Substituting for L = 18cm, B = 5cm and H = 3cm The total surface area = 2(18 x 5) + 2(18 x 3) + 2(5 x 3) = 2(90+54+15) = 2 (159) = 318cm2 Volume of a Cuboid = LHB cubic units Substituting the values for L =18, B = 5 and H = 3 Volume of Cuboid = 18 x 5 x 3 = 270Cm2 Take note of the units of measurement, when dealing with when dealing with volumes, it is cubic units.


Exercise 13.1 . 1. A Cuboid is l0cm long, 8cm wide and 7cm high. Find (a) the total surface area of the Cuboid (b) the Volume of the Cuboid Find the total surface of a 12.5cm by 10.5cm by 8.5cm box and also find the volume of this box. What is the volume of wood in a plank which is 6m long, 2cm thick and 25cm wide.

2. 3.

The answers below will serve as an incentive for you to make progress. 1(a) (b) 2. Total surface area = 2[(10 x 8) + (10 x 7) + (8 x 7) ] = 2[80+70+56]= 2 x 206= 412cm2

Volume = 10 x 8 x 7 = 560cm2 Total surface = 2[(12.5 x 10.5) + (10.5 x 8.5) + (12.5 x 8.5)] = 2[131.25 + 89.25 + 106.25] = 2 x 326.75 = 653.5 cm2 Volume = 12.5 x 10.5 x 8.5 = 1115.625cm2 Convert to the same unit cm, before finding the volumes



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