2011 International Technology Roadmap of R Semiconductor
2011 International Technology Roadmap of R Semiconductor
2011 International Technology Roadmap of R Semiconductor
Emerging Research Materials ............................................................................................... 1
1. Scope ................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Difficult Challenges ............................................................................................................... 1
3. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 3
4. Emerging Research Device Materials ................................................................................... 3
4.1. Emerging Memory Materials .......................................................................................................... 3
4.2. Emerging Logic Materials ............................................................................................................... 6
4.3. Spin Materials ............................................................................................................................... 15
4.4. Complex Metal Oxide Materials, Interfaces, and Superlattices ................................................... 18
5. Lithography Materials ......................................................................................................... 20
5.1. Resist Materials ............................................................................................................................ 20
5.2. Directed Self Assembly for Lithgraphy Extension ........................................................................ 24
6. Emerging Front End Processes and Process Integration, Devices, and Structures Material
Challenges and Options .............................................................................................................. 27
6.1. Doping and Deposition ................................................................................................................. 27
6.2. Directed Self Assembly of Useful Nanomaterials (See the Lithography Section Discussion) ..... 29
6.3. Selective Etch and Clean/Surface Preparation ............................................................................ 29
6.4. Low Damage Dopant Processing ................................................................................................. 30
6.5. Contacts ....................................................................................................................................... 30
7. Interconnects ...................................................................................................................... 30
7.1. Novel Ultrathin Barriers ................................................................................................................ 30
7.2. Novel Interconnects ...................................................................................................................... 31
7.3. Low K Interlevel Dielectric ............................................................................................................ 33
8. Assembly and Packaging ................................................................................................... 33
8.1. Materials for 3D Interconnects ..................................................................................................... 34
8.2. Polymer Materials for Future Packaging ...................................................................................... 35
8.3. Low Dimensional Materials for Future Packaging ........................................................................ 36
9. Environment, Safety, and Health ........................................................................................ 38
10. Metrology ........................................................................................................................ 38
10.1. Characterization and Imaging of Nano-scale Structures and Composition ................................. 39
10.2. Metrology Needs for Interfaces and Embedded Nano-structures
........................................... 39
Characterization of Vacancies and Defects in Nano-scale Structures
.................................................... 39
10.3. Wafer Level Mapping of Properties of Nano-scale ERM
2, 5-8
...................................................... 39
10.4. Metrology Needs for Simultaneous Spin and Electrical Measurements
............................... 40
10.5. Metrology Needs for Complex Metal Oxide Systems
............................................................ 40
10.6. Metrology for Molecular Devices .................................................................................................. 41
10.7. Metrology Needs for Macromolecular Materials
.................................................................... 41
10.8. Metrology Needs for Directed Self-assembly
........................................................................ 41
10.9. Modeling and Analysis of Probe-Sample Interactions.................................................................. 41
10.10. Metrology Needs for Ultra-scaled Devices
....................................................................... 41
10.11. Metrology for ERM Environmental Safety and Health ............................................................. 42
10.12. Progress of Metrology for ERM Device Materials .................................................................... 42
10.13. Low-K/Cu Interconnect Metrology ............................................................................................ 43
11. Modeling and Simulation ................................................................................................ 44
11.1. Synthesis ...................................................................................................................................... 46
11.2. Structure and Properties .............................................................................................................. 46
11.3. Development of Platform for Different Simulation Tools, Such as TCAD and Ab-Initio ............... 48
11.4. Metrology and Characterization ................................................................................................... 48
12. ERM Transition Table ......................................................................................................49
13. References ......................................................................................................................50
Figure ERM1 Polymer Composite Materials Coupling Example .........................................36
Figure ERM2 Modeling from Synthesis to Predicting Properties .........................................44
Figure ERM3 Multi-scale Perspective in Nanotechnology where
Materials Form an Important Role at Different Levels. ......................................45
Table ERM1 Emerging Research Materials Difficult Challenges ............................................. 2
Table ERM2 Applications of Emerging Research Materials .................................................... 3
Table ERM3 ERM Memory Material Challenges ..................................................................... 4
Table ERM4 Challenges for ERM in Alternate Channel Applications ...................................... 7
Table ERM5 Alternate Channel Materials Critical Assessment ..............................................12
Table ERM6 Spin Devices versus Materials ..........................................................................14
Table ERM7 Spin Material Properties ....................................................................................15
Table ERM8 Challenges for Lithography Materials ................................................................20
Table ERM9 Directed Self Assembly Critical Assessment .....................................................27
Table ERM10 FEP / PIDS Challenges for Deterministic Processing ....................................27
Table ERM11 Interconnect Material Challenges ..................................................................30
Table ERM12 Nanomaterial Interconnect Material Properties ..............................................30
Table ERM13 Assembly and Packaging ERM Challenges ...................................................34
Table ERM14 ITWG Earliest Potential ERM Insertion Opportunity Matrix ............................38
Table ERM15 Transition Table for Emerging Research Materials .........................................49
Emerging Research Materials 1
This chapter provides the material research community with guidance on specific research challenges that must be
addressed in a laboratory setting for an emerging family of candidate materials to warrant consideration as a viable ITRS
solution. Each international technology working group (ITWG) has identified applications that need new materials with
significantly improved properties to meet future technology requirements, enable increased density of devices, and
increase energy efficiency for computing and reliablity. Based on these requirements, the ERM has identified emerging
materials that have properties that could potentially meet their needs for improved density, energy efficiency, and
reliability. Materials that could potentially provide solutions for these requirements include III-V compounds, Ge, low
dimensional materials (carbon nanotubes (CNTs), nanowires, graphitic systems, and nanoparticles), macromolecules,
self-directed assembled materials, spin materials, complex metal oxides, and selected interfaces. For these emerging
materials, this chapter presents requirements for materials, processes, interfaces, and supporting metrology, modeling, and
simulation. In the 2011 ERM, we include critical assessments of alternate channel materials for CMOS extension and
directed self-assembly for lithography extension.
The scope of emerging research materials (ERM) covers materials properties, synthetic methods, metrology, and
modeling required to support future emerging research devices (ERD), lithography, front end process (FEP),
interconnects, and assembly and package (A&P) needs. For ERD memory and logic devices, the scope includes planar p-
III-V, n-Ge, nanowires, carbon nanotubes, graphene and graphitic materials, spin materials, and complex metal oxides.
Furthermore, the special assessment of beyond CMOS logic identified that carbon based (carbon nanotubes and graphene)
materials and devices receive increased focus, so a potential solutions table is included. A special assessment of emerging
memory devices indicated that STT RAM and Redox RAM were promising, but needed special focus to accelerate
progress, so a more detailed identification of materials and interface research needs is included. Some of the evolutionary
and some of the revolutionary ERD can be fabricated with conventional materials and process technologies that are
already covered in other sections of the ITRS, so the ERM chapter will not cover these materials and processes. Emerging
lithographic materials include novel molecules, macromoloecules, and mechanisms that exhibit the potential to enable
ultimate feature patterning with resist, or directed self assembling technologies. FEP materials include ERM required for
future device technologies including technologies to place dopants in predetermined locations (deterministic doping) with
low damage to the semiconductor material as well as novel materials to support selective etch, deposition, and cleaning of
future technologies. Interconnect materials include emerging materials for extending Cu interconnects (novel ultrathin
barriers), novel low resistance sub-20 nm electrical contacts, interconnects, vias, and ultra-low inter level dielectrics
(ILD). Assembly and Packaging materials include novel materials to enable reliable electrical and thermal interconnects,
polymers with unique and potentially useful combinations of electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties, and ultra-high
power density high speed capacitors.
Due to their maturity, the ERM has transitioned n-InGaAs and p-Ge to FEP and PIDS and added p-III-V and n-Ge to the
ERM chapter. Furthermore, the ERM is transitioning Zr and Ru ultrathin barrier layers to the Interconnect TWG.
This years ERM chapter includes the following material families: p-III-V and n-Ge materials, low dimensional materials,
macromolecules, self assembly mechanisms and self-assembled materials, spin materials, interfaces, complex metal
oxides, and heterointerfaces. Many of these materials exhibit potential to enable higher density integrated circuits with
higher energy efficiency and reliability in multiple application areas. Table ERM2 in the Introduction section maps
families of ERMs to potential applications identified by the above Focus ITWGs. Future editions of this chapter also will
comprehend and evolve projected ERM requirements for targeted functional diversification related applications.
The Difficult Challenges for Emerging Research Materials is summarized in Table ERM1. Perhaps ERMs most difficult
challenge is to deliver material options, with controlled and desired properties, in time to impact insertion decisions.
These material options must demonstrate the potential to enable high density emerging research devices, lithographic
technologies, interconnect fabrication and operation at the nanometer scale, and packaging options. This challenge, to
improve the control of material properties for nanometer (nm) scale applications, requires collaboration and coordination
within the research community. Accelerated synthesis, metrology, and modeling initiatives are needed to enhance targeted
2 Emerging Research Materials
material-by-design capabilities and enable viable emerging material technologies. Improved metrology and modeling
tools also are needed to guide the evolution of robust synthetic methods for these emerging nanomaterials. The success of
many ERMs depend on robust synthetic methods that yield useful nanostructures, with the required control of
composition, morphology, an integrated set of application specific properties, and compatibility with manufacturable
Table ERM1 Emerging Research Materials Difficult Challenges
Difficult Challenges 2018 2026 Summary of Issues and opportunities
Scale high-speed, dense, embeddable, volatile, and non-
volatile memory technologies to replace SRAM and / or
FLASH for manufacture by 2018.
SRAM and FLASH scaling in 2D will reach definite limits within the next several
years (see PIDS Difficult Challenges). These limits are driving the need for new
memory technologies to replace SRAM and possibly FLASH memories by 2018.
Identify the most promising technical approach(es) to obtain electrically accessible,
high-speed, high-density, low-power, (preferably) embeddable volatile and non-volatile
The desired material/device properties must be maintained through and after high
temperature and corrosive chemical processing. Reliability issues should be identified
& addressed early in the technology development
Scale CMOS to and beyond 2018 - 2026
Develop 2
generation new materials to replace silicon (or InGaAs, Ge) as an
alternate channel and source/drain to increase the saturation velocity and to further
reduce Vdd and power dissipation in MOSFETs while minimizing leakage currents for
technology scaled to 2018 and beyond.
Develop means to control the variability of critical dimensions and statistical
distributions (e.g., gate length, channel thickness, S/D doping concentrations, etc.)
Accommodate the heterogeneous integration of dissimilar materials.
The desired material/device properties must be maintained through and after high
temperature and corrosive chemical processing
Reliability issues should be identified & addressed early in this development.
Extend ultimately scaled CMOS as a platform technology
into new domains of application.
Discover and reduce to practice new device technologies and primitive-level
architecture to provide special purpose optimized functional cores (e.g., accelerator
functions) heterogeneously integrable with CMOS.
Continue functional scaling of information processing
technology substantially beyond that attainable by
ultimately scaled CMOS.
Invent and reduce to practice a new information processing technology eventually to
replace CMOS
Ensure that a new information processing technology is compatible with the new
memory technology discussed above; i.e., the logic technology must also provide the
access function in a new memory technology.
A new information processing technology must also be compatible with a systems
architecture that can fully utilize the new device. A new non-binary data representation
and non-Boolean logic may be required to employ a new device for information
processing. These requirements will drive the need for a new systems architecture.
Bridge the gap that exists between materials behaviors and device functions.
Accommodate the heterogeneous integration of dissimilar materials
Reliability issues should be identified & addressed early in the technology
Invent and reduce to practice long term alternative
solutions to technologies that address existing MtM ITRS
topical entries currently in wireless/analog and eventually in
power devices, MEMS, image sensors, etc.
The industry is now faced with the increasing importance of a new trend, More than
Moore (MtM), where added value to devices is provided by incorporating
functionalities that do not necessarily scale according to "Moore's Law.
Heterogeneous integration of digital and non-digital functionalities into compact
systems that will be the key driver for a wide variety of application fields, such as
communication, automotive, environmental control, healthcare, security and
To achieve high density devices and interconnects, ERMs must assemble in precise locations, with controlled directions,
dimensions, and compositions. Another critical ERM factor for improving emerging device, interconnect, and package
technologies is the ability to characterize and control embedded interface properties. As features approach the nanometer
scale, fundamental thermodynamic stability considerations and fluctuations may limit the ability to fabricate
nanomaterials with tight dimensional distributions and controlled useful material properties. For novel nanometer scale
materials emerging within the research environment, methodologies and data also must be developed that enable the
hierarchical assessment of the potential environment, safety, and health impact of new nanomaterials and nanostructures.
The difficult challenges listed in Table ERM1 may limit the progress of the emerging research materials considered in
this chapter. Significant methodology development is needed that enables material optimization and projected
performance analysis in different device structures and potential application environments. Hence, the importance of
Emerging Research Materials 3
significant collaboration between the synthesis, characterization, and modeling communities cannot be over stated.
Material advances require an understanding of the interdependent relationships between synthetic conditions, the resulting
composition and nanostructure, and their impact on the materials functional performance. Thus, characterization methods
must be sufficient to establish quantitative relationships between composition, structure, and functional properties.
Furthermore, it must enable model validation and help to accelerate the design and optimization of the required materials
properties. The need for validated models requires strong alignment between experimentalists and theorists when
establishing a knowledge base to accelerate the development of ERM related models and potential applications.
The Emerging Research Materials chapter identifies materials to support other technology work groups that could enable
continued scaling of integrated circuits with improved energy efficiency for applications where no solutions are known.
Many of the ERM material classes, with novel properties, may be applied to solving applications in multiple areas and
this is highlighted in Table ERM2.
Table ERM2 Applications of Emerging Research Materials
To support ERD logic devices, the ERM is evaluating a number of alternate channel materials and structures that have the
potential to enable smaller devices with less carrier scattering and thus higher energy efficiency. In 2008, the ERD
identified that carbon based devices had a high potential for increasing information processing efficiency and also may be
extendable to beyond CMOS device applications, so the ERM has highlighted research needed to accelerate progress on
these materials. For beyond CMOS devices, the ERM is exploring materials that could enable information processing
with state variables other than charge, such as spin, and that could potentially enable dramatic increases in energy
efficiency of information processing and extend it many generations. For ERD Memory devices, the ERM is evaluating
materials that could enable higher density memory with improved energy efficiency to change the memory state or read
the memory state. In 2010, the ERD identified that STT RAM and Redox RAM had high potential as future high density
memory technologies that needed further research to accelerate progress, so the ERM has identified critical research to
support advances in these technologies.
For Lithography, the ERM is reviewing the viability of a number of novel photoresist to extend 193nm lithography and
support EUV resist. The ERM is also performing a critical assessment of directed self assembly (DSA) to potentially
extend lithography though pattern density multiplication. For FEP, the ERM is evaluating DSA and other novel concepts
to control dopant positioning and reduce ion implant damage, which could improve device operation and improve energy
efficiency. To support the Interconnect TWG, the ERM is evaluating novel materials to extend copper interconnects that
reduce energy losses and signal delays. In addition, the ERM is exploring carbon (carbon nanotubes and graphene) based
electrical interconnects to potentially dramatically reduce electrical resistance and improve energy efficiency of
computing. For Assembly and Packaging, the ERM is exploring materials to modify polymer properties to enable
increased product reliability, and novel electrical attach materials to allow lower assembly temperatures and improved
product reliability.
For the ERM to be successfully improved in research and prepared for applications, the environmental safety and health
properties of the materials must be understood and available, and metrology and modeling are needed to improve and
assess the ERM for the applications. Metrology is needed to characterize the structure and composition at the nanometer
scale, and important physical properties whether exposed or embedded in a structure. Modeling is needed of synthesis to
determine whether desired structures can be achieved and the properties of these structures modeled to determine how
they will function in the application. The requirements for these are explained in more detail in their respective sections.
The emerging research device materials are listed in the approximate order that they appear in the ERD chapter and are
not listed in any order of priority.
Emerging Research Memory Devices includes capacitive memories (Fe FET), and resistive memories including Fe
resistance, nanoelectromechanical, Redox memories, Mott electronic effect, macromolecular, and molecular memories.
The ERM used in these devices includes, carbon nanotubes, nanowires, complex metal oxides, transition metal oxides,
magnetic materials as well as engineered interfaces between these materials. The potential advantages and challenges of
4 Emerging Research Materials
ERM for Memory Devices are summarized in Table ERM3. Since many of these devices use complex and transition
metal oxides, a section will review challenges for these materials.
Table ERM3 ERM Memory Material Challenges
Emerging Ferroelectric Memories includes the FeFET and the Ferroelectric polarization resistance RAM. The FeFET
operates with two stable polarization states available in the ferroelectric film used as a gate oxide. The main issues in
FeFETs for non volatile memories are the short retention time and charge traps at the Si-ferroelectric interface.
of a dielectric layer such as HfO
or Hf-Al-O between silicon and the ferroelectric has strongly improved the retention
time. Ferroelectrics with a lower P
are optimal, which is why YMnO
~5.5 C/cm
) has been considered for such
applications. However, recently promising results have been achieved with a Pt/SrBi
/Hf-Al-O/Si structure.
the integration of these ferroelectric materials with dielectric layers is challenging, others have evaluated the integration
of polymer ferroelectrics with carbon nanotubes
or graphene
and demonstrated retention times less than a month.
Ferroelectric polymers and oligomers, which show polarization reversal by 180 degree rotation of individual molecular
chains with external bias application, are also promising for nonvolatile memory applications. Copolymers of vinylidene
fluoride and trifluoroethylene (P(VDF/TrFE)) have been well studied for some decades. Recently, a 50-nm-thick
P(VDF/TrFE) film sandwiched with thin films of a conductive polymer, polypyrrole-poly(stylene sulfonic) acid (Ppy-
PSSH), showed the retention of more than 10
switching cycles and the low coercive field of 2.6 V
. The importance of
these interface layers between metal electrodes and a ferroelectric polymer was suggested before by using poly(3,4-
ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(stylene sulfonic) acid (PEDOT:PSS) as another conductive polymer, where ferroelectric
properties were maintained even after the change of the P(VDF/TrFE) thickness from 210 to 65 nm
. These interface
engineering will cause further developments in future organic ferroelectric devices.
Vinylidene fluoride oligomer thin films also revealed clear polarization reversal with a larger value of remanent
polarization (13 C/cm
) compared to conventional ferroelectric polymers
. High crystallinity of oligomeric materials
gives rise to this large polarization and can be another strategy for improving nonvolatile memory performance based on
organic ferroelectrics.
Vertically-stacked ferroelectric capacitors with these VDF materials were demonstrated recently
. This device structure
is quite promising for realizing high-density integration of nonvolatile ferroelectric memories with multilayered memory
As described in the ERD, in the FE polarization ReRAM, the polarization of the ferroelectric material changes the barrier
height of an adjacent semiconductor interface which changes the tunneling resistance of the structure. Since this is a
tunneling structure, the ferroelectric material must be as thin as possible which is limited to ~1nm thickness
which is
challenging to control.
In both devices, the retention time needs to be significantly longer to be used as a nonvolatile memory.
As mentioned in the ERD, the carbon nanotubes and conventional materials that have been patterned and etched are being
investigated for nanoelectromechanical memories. Suspended or free-end structures are caused to physically move,
contacting and decontacting to bridge an electrical gap under the influence of an applied field. A number of challenges
must be overcome for this to be viable including being able to fabricate these devices with a high density and optimize the
design so the cantilever doesnt get stuck in one state. First of all, these devices are large and scaling to smaller
dimensions increases the voltage required for switching. The switching times of these devices are 10-100 nsec., which
may be difficult to reduce due to scaling challenges.
The category of Redox RAM encompasses a wide variety of MIM structures and materials connected by the fact that
they share reduction/oxidation (redox) electrochemistry as an important component of their physical mechanism for
changing the resistance state from high to low or the reverse
. These redox electrochemical mechanisms can operate in
the bulk I-layer, along the filamentary conducting path in the I-layer, and/or at the I-layer/metal contact interfaces in the
MIM structure. Until recently, this category (Redox RAM) was further divided into two subcategories, Thermal
Chemical Mechanism (i.e. Fuse/antifuse) and Nanoionic (i.e. Valence Change Mechanism and Electrochemical).
The electric field control of the distribution of the oxygen vacancies has been demonstrated in a similar MIM structure,
such as a Pt / TiOx / Pt stacking structure
14, 15
. The charged oxygen vacancy was regarded as a mobile dopant in the
Emerging Research Materials 5
oxide material and the electrical control of the vacancies used as the analog resistance change necessary to imitate the
axon coupling in a synaptic junction, namely one of the important elements for constructing emerging research
All Redox RAM technologies consist of an insulating dielectric sandwiched between two metal electrodes, to form a
Metal-Insulator-Metal (MIM) structure. Following fabrication, the first operation that is conducted in these devices is a
forming process where a voltage is applied to form low resistance channels. After a low resistance channel is formed, a
RESET operation is performed and the channel returns to a higher resistance state. The device can then be placed in
the high conductance SET state by application of a field. As discussed in the ERD, competing electrochemical and
thermochemical mechanisms are involved in the operation of these devices. These mechanisms may occur and compete
with with each other to different degrees depending on the electrode metallurgy and the oxides used.
The electrodes can use ionic metals (i.e. Cu, Ag, etc.) that can diffuse through the dielectric at high fields or non-ionic
metals that dont diffuse through the dielectric. The ionic metals typically diffuse through the dielectric under electric
field and form a conductive path
in the forming process and the conductive path can be turned off by the application
of a reverse electric field (bipolar). With non-ionic electrodes, the application of a high electric field is believed to cause
high concentrations of vacancies that change the valence state of transition metals such as Ti or Ta
. This results in the
formation of a conductive filament that is induced by a localized high concentration of vacancies. In these devices,
switching is achieved by applying a high unipolar field which activates thermochemical and electrochemical
mechanisms. If the switching electrode has a metal that interacts with oxygen, such as Ti or Ta, oxygen can be released
from the electrode that could annihiliate vacancies in the vicinity of the electrode
In the case of the ionic metal electrodes, there is experimental evidence that multiple metal filament segments are formed
from the cationic (inert) electrode to the anionic (oxidizable) electrode, but it is not clear that a totally continuous filament
is formed. In the case of both electrodes being inert, the metal does not migrate, but it is commonly believed that an
oxygen vacancy (Vo
) rich path forms between the electrodes, and this induces a valence change of transition metals and
this produces a low resistance path. In the case of TiO
, the formation of Ti
(Magneli phase) filaments has been
; however, this needs further study to determine whether the same mechanism would apply to materials grown
in a wider range of conditions. To understand the scalability of these devices, it is important to characterize the spatial
extent of the filament and determine whether this changes with memory cycling. It is also critical to understand
whether one continuous filament connects the electrodes or whether multiple sub-filaments form a path with
communication through dielectric gaps, since the switching mechanisms could be very different.
Metrology is needed to characterize and validate the switching mechanisms of devices in realistic materials (typically
polycrystalline) that have grain boundaries and dislocations that could act as nucleation sites for formation of the
conductive filaments in these materials. This metrology is needed to validate the filment formation mechanism and the
switching mechanism in operating devices.
As mentioned in the Emerging Research Devices Memory Section, the Mott Transition (a metal-insulator transition
driven by a gate induced change in carrier concentration) has been reported in a number of transition metal oxides and
complex metal oxides. While this transition is proposed to be electronically driven by strongly correlated electron effects,
several of these materials (e.g., VO
) or NSMO
also undergo a first order structural phase transition below 100C. If
the first order phase structural transition is required for this switching process, the material may need to be cooled below
the transition temperature to restore the insulating state. Also, control of temperature for this device could be crucial to
maintain the material close to the phase transition temperature; however, SmNiO
was recently reported to have this
metal-insulator transition
with a structural transition at 130C. Also, the properties of these materials are sensitive to
oxygen vacancy concentration, strain, and other factors, so memories based on these materials may difficult to fabricate
Recent discoveries of 2D electron gases in complex metal oxide heterointerfaces
may open opportunities to couple
with the 2DEG and produce a memory effect that is less sensitive to temperature.
As is discussed in ERD Memory Devices, macromolecular memory devices consist of a polymer with two electrodes and
often other materials embedded in the structure (i.e. oxides on one electrode, metal or oxide nanoparticles, etc). While
differences exist between the opertation of these structures, progress has been made in understanding the operation of the
macromolecular memory with an oxide on one metal electrode. In this structure, the switching occurs in the oxide and
the polymer acts as a current limiting element
. For oxide nanoparticles embedded in polymers, TiO2 and ZnO
6 Emerging Research Materials
nanoparticle films were switched between states with opposite polarity voltage pulses, while Al2O3, CeO2, ZrO2, and
Y2O3 could be switched between states with unipolar or bipolar voltages. Based on this work, the switching involves changes
in the state of the oxide nanoparticle
. Also, the state of the memory can be very sensitive to the presence of oxygen and
UV light and this is hypothesized to be caused by interactions with the nanoparticle electronic states. Furthermore,
repeated switching required a dead time of msec. These sensitivities potentially limit the usefulness of this memory to
high performance applications.
Molecular devices are described in the ERD chapter. Significant challenges must be overcome for them to be useful,
including; fabrication of low potential barrier electrical contacts, reliable operation, the high resistance of molecules in
their on state, and deposition of the top contacts that dont change molecular properties. Molecular state devices are
reported to exhibit a range of useful properties, including non-linear IV and bi-stable behavior, but the electrical
performance of many molecular-based devices currently under study appear to be dominated by the high potential barriers
of each molecule-electrode contact or defect-like processes. Results suggest that changes in molecule-contact
conformations or near neighbor interactions may be responsible for observations of electrical switching.
26, 27
significant challenges and knowledge gaps, these emerging molecular systems show some promise for reducing device
variability and enabling very high density circuit functionality.
Fabricating reliable molecular-scale devices requires identifying molecule/substrate contacts and top contact materials
and deposition processes that produce high quality electrical contacts. Parameters ranging from the bond dipole to
molecular orientation affect charge-transport parameters and switching voltages. Research is needed to elucidate the
structural and electronic properties of molecule/substrate and top contacts, in order to engineer these contacts with reliable
performance characteristics. Additional molecular modeling, synthetic, and experimental work, exploring the dependence
of the metal work function on new molecular contacts, is needed.
Emerging logic materials includes alternate channel materials to extend CMOS, materials for charge based Beyond
CMOS devices, materials for non-charge based Beyond CMOS devices, and spin materials for multiple Beyond CMOS
Emerging logic materials include alternate channel materials to extend CMOS to the end of the roadmap, materials to
support charge based non-conventional FETs, and materials to support non-FET, non-charge-based Beyond CMOS
devices. In some cases, materials and processes will be useful for multiple device types, so they will be discussed in detail
for one application and differences highlighted for the other applications.
Alternate channel materials to silicon MOSFETs are being intensively explored, because increasing the performance and
energy efficiency of integrated circuits by scaling silicon CMOS is becoming more difficult even with strained silicon
channels. The principal property where performance can be enhanced is the channel mobility. The mobility for current
silicon n-channels varies from 620 cm
/V-s at low inversion carrier density (N
<1e12 cm
) to 250 cm2/V-s for
=1.2e13 cm
. The mobility for current silicon p-channels varies similarly from about 150 cm
/V-s to about 60 cm
s. Alternate channel materials with potentially higher mobilities are being explored to extend CMOS scaling with high
performance and improved energy efficiency. The ITRS ERD and ERM are transitioning n-InGaAs and p-Ge to PIDS
and FEP due to their performance and maturity; however, n-Ge and p-III-V materials will be evaluated in the ERD and
ERM in addition to nanowires, carbon nanotubes, and graphene. The replacement of silicon channels by other
semiconductors, such as III-V, Ge, graphene, carbon nanotubes, and semiconductor nanowires offers the possibility of
reduced power consumption and enhanced performance for MOSFETs in future technologies. These benefits come from
the higher field effect mobility of other semiconductors such as Ge for p-channels and III-Vs for n-channels, graphene,
carbon nanotubes, or nanowires. These carrier-transport enhanced channels can provide both higher on-currents, I
, and
lower gate capacitance at constant I
. This combination can result in higher MOSFET performance at reduced power. To
achieve complimentary MOS high performance, co-integration of different materials (i.e. III-V and Ge) on silicon may be
necessary. Significant materials issues such as defect reduction, interface chemistry, metal contact resistivity, and process
integration must be addressed before such improvements can be achieved.
The potential advantages and challenges of these nanostructured semiconductors are described in more detail in Table
Emerging Research Materials 7
Table ERM4 Challenges for ERM in Alternate Channel Applications
Carbon based (CNT and graphene) devices have been identified as needing more focus to accelerate their potential use as
alternate channel materials and for use in Beyond CMOS applications. The ERM and ERD chapters also identify when
solutions are needed to overcome the difficult challenges that must be overcome for these materials to be viable in the
required timeframe as is highlighted in Table ERM4. CARBON NANOTUBE FET MATERIALS
The primary potential advantages for carbon nanotubes are their very high carrier mobility
, and ultra-thin body but very
difficult challenges must be overcome for them to be practical. Key challenges for carbon nanotubes to be viable in high
performance FETs is the requirement for processes that provide a tight distribution of semiconductor bandgaps, with each
nanotube placed in a desired location, with a specified direction, high adhesion to gate dielectric, low contact resistance,
and catalyst compatible with CMOS. The advantages and challenges are highlighted in more detail in Table ERM4.
Please refer to the 2009 ITRS ERD chapter for detail on these devices. NANOTUBE BANDGAP CONTROL
Carbon nanotube FET-related applications are motivated by their high mobility and ballistic transport.
For SWCNTs to
be viable for future CMOS applications, the ability to grow them with a tight bandgap distribution must be demonstrated.
To achieve in situ bandgap distribution control, the diameter and chirality must be controlled in the growth process. Little
progress has been reported in the past two years with the best results being (~95%) of semiconducting CNTs by CVD
29, 30,
Wet processing has achieved purities of 97%
, with DNA purification purities approaching 99% have been achieved
These levels of bandgap distribution control are far short of the projected requirements (better than parts per trillion).
Considerable research is needed to develop understanding that will enable design of catalysts and processes for in situ
growth of CNTs with sufficiently controlled bandgap distributions. Alternatively, a separation process is needed to
improve purity of semiconducting CNTs to ppt level, and a cleaning process is also needed to remove dispersants attached
to CNTs in the separation process. In addition, a methodology to evaluate a purity of semiconducting CNTs with a ppt-
level precision should be developed. A viable technique to control bandgap of carbon nanotubes needs to emerge from
For CNTs to be used for devices, they must be placed in precise locations and aligned in required directions. Progress has
been made in the past two years in growing nanotubes in desired locations with catalyst patterned on quartz to grow 20-50
aligned CNTs per micron.
Solution process has achieved ~20 per micron of aligned semiconductor-enriched
A potentially manufacturable process to control nanotube position and direction must be demonstrated in research
before 2014 for this to be a viable technology. CONTROL OF CARRIER CONCENTRATION (NANOTUBE DOPING)
A critical device challenge is carrier concentration control in embedded p-type and n-type materials. Typically,
semiconducting CNTs tend to be p-type in ambient air. Little progress has been reported in the past two years in doping
technology to control of carrier concentration. A CMOS compatible technique to control carrier polarity has been reported
using charges incorporated in gate dielectric
, but its controllability and reliability should be assessed. Techniques to
control carrier concentration in channel and source/drain regions need to be demonstrated in research before 2014. GATE DIELECTRIC INTERFACE
Since a CNTs sidewall is relatively inert, it is hard to deposit uniform ultra-thin film on them, but chemically
functionalizing the surface may improve dielectric adhesion. Research and guiding material design principles are needed
for enhancing functionalization, interface passivation, and dielectric deposition. Alternatively, some metals such as Y and
Ti adhere to CNTs, and can be oxidized to form high-k dielectric. Uniform 5-nm Y
has been realized on a CNT
however, the interface quality and reliability should be determined. A viable technique to deposit a passivated high gate
dielectric needs to emerge from research before 2014. CONTACT FORMATION
Pd is the most commonly used contact material with resistance approaching the quantum contact resistance
, but recently
and Y-CNT contacts
have been employed to fabricate n-FETs. On the other hand, researchers have also
reported high variability in contact resistance for small diameter nanotubes. A method to reduce Schottky barrier has been
proposed by modulating potential in the vicinity of contact interface.
A recent important finding is the contact length
dependence of contact resistance, suggesting carrier reflection at the contacts.
Further investigation is necessary to
8 Emerging Research Materials
understand the origin of these effects on contact resistance. A CMOS compatible, reproducible contact formation
technique needs to emerge from research before 2014. GRAPHENE FET MATERIALS
The primary advantage of these materials is their potentially high mobility (as seen in carbon nanotubes) and the ability to
process in a planar form. The critical issues for graphene include the ability to:
1. Deposit graphene over large areas with controlled grain size, thickness, and orientation
2. Generate and control a bandgap in graphene
3. Reduce or control surface and interface effects on charge transport
4. Achieve a high mobility on a silicon compatible substrate
5. Deposit a high gate dielectric with a high quality passivated interface
6. Form reproducible low resistance contacts to graphene (contacting without etching through a monolayer film)
7. Integration, doping and compatibility with CMOS
As is identified in the ERD chapter, graphene should receive additional focus to accelerate progress for potential
application as an alternate channel material and then for extension to Beyond CMOS applications. GRAPHENE DEPOSITION
The preferred approach for deposition of graphene would be a CVD like process or epitaxial process on a silicon wafer;
however other techniques could be used. Currently studied graphene deposition techniques include mechanical, chemical
oxidation, or solvent exfoliation from highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG), direct CVD epitaxy on metal substrates,
catalysed growth on silica or alumina, and sublimation of silicon from SiC. Emerging methods such as growth on
polyethylene terephtalhate (PET) or polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) which provide moreover underlying substrates that
can be twisted or stretched (up to 11% without any conductivity loss) are also worth investigating. Obviously,
physicochemical characterization of the graphene layers should be developed to determine thickness control and chemical
purity of the layers. For graphene to be a viable technology, as CMOS compatible, potentially high volume deposition
technique needs to emerge from research before 2014. FORMATION OF HIGH CRYSTALLINE QUALITY GRAPHENE MATERIALS
Mechanical exfoliation of graphene has produced high quality films on silicon
, but control of location and thickness
may not be adequate for development of integrated circuit technologies. The decomposition of SiC
has the advantage
that the graphene is grown on a silicon-like substrate, but it requires process temperatures of ~1200C or above. Epitaxial
graphene on SiC has exhibited carrier mobilities as high as 15,000cm
and 250,000cm
at room temperature
and liquid helium temperatures respectively.
Initial progress was made in growing CVD graphene on single crystal Ni
, Ir
, and Pt
, but this would be very costly.
Recently small areas of graphene has been grown by CVD on a polycrystalline Ni thin films
, and patterned
polycrystalline Ni films
, but most recently large areas of graphene have been grown with CVD on Cu foil
with room
temperature electron mobilities as high as 16,000cm
-1 56
. While these graphene films are deposited on metals,
transfer of these films has been demonstrated to SiO2/Si substrates where device structures have been fabricated and
properties characterized
52,53,55, 56
. While these CVD techniques are not directly on a silicon compatible substrate, the use
of polycrystalline substrates with thin film transfer may offer a more cost effective approach. On the other hand, transfer-
free fabrication of graphene-channel transistors has recently been demonstrated
. More recently, a novel approach for
wafer-scale transfer has been proposed
. This appears to be a fast developing area, so new work may quickly surpass
these results.
An alternative approach for selectively growing graphene on desirable substrates is through the evaporation of silicon
from silicon carbide.
This technique requires annealing the SiC in H2 ambient at 1200C to effectively evaporate the
silicon. Thickness control of several monolayers on a mm scale has been demonstrated, with room temperature field
mobilities in excess of of 15,000 cm
Recently, a technique has been demonstrated to deposit a thin layer of SiC
on a silicon wafer and then evaporate the silicon leaving a thin layer of graphene several atomic layers thick.
One of
the drawbacks of these approaches, however, is that the required high temperature processing may produce defects in
300mm or 450mm wafers.
Mechanical exfoliation of graphene from HOPG has produced the highest mobility graphene reported to date. A more
detailed description of exfoliation techniques is included in the 2009 ITRS ERM Chapter.
Emerging Research Materials 9
The highest mobility of free-standing graphene at 240K is 120,000 cm
, which was achieved by driving adsorbed
molecules from the surface of the graphene, and it has been proposed that flexural phonons limit the room temperature
mobility of free standing graphene. Mobility of 70,000 cm
/V-s has been achieved at room temperature by using dielectric
screening with solvent dielectrics having a dielectric constant of 47.
Graphene sandwiched between h-BN crystals have
shown mobilities of ~100,000 cm
/V-s. For top gated graphene transistors with a high dielectic, mobilities as high as
8000 cm
Graphene has a zero bandgap but several techniques for generating a bandgap have been reported include fabricating
graphene nanoribbons, apply a back gate bias to a bi-layer of graphene to open the bandgap, plasma O2 treatment of
, hydrogen surface treatment
, and through interactions with substrates such as SiC
, BN
or MgO
superlattice substrate interaction structures on Ir
. Furthermore, modeling predicts that a bandgap can be induced in
graphene by application of shear strain
. Electrically tunable bandgaps have been fabricated using dual gate structures
and different dielectrics for each gate so that the bandgap and carrier concentrations can be independently varied by
different top gate and bottom gate biasing.
72, 73
With graphene nanoribbons, the bandgap increases with decreasing width,
which can be approximated as Eg(eV)=0.8/w(nm)
. A bandgap can also be produced by making periodic holes in
where the neck between holes acts as a nanoribbon. The nanoribbons electronic properties will be
sensitive to edge states
, so passivation of edge states will be critical. Applying a back gate bias effectively separates
the conduction and valence bands and enables an on-off ratio of 5-10X.
Another option is to design the structure with a
built in field due to work function differences or fixed charges in the structure. A bandgap of ~2eV has been reported for
graphene treated with O
, and a patterned treatment with H
is reported to generate a bandgap of 330 meV
Deposition of graphene on a SiC substrate produced a 0.26eV bandgap
, BN substrate is reported to produce an 18meV
, while deposition on MgO produced a bandgap of 0.5-1eV69. A viable technique to control bandgap needs to
emerge from research before 2014.
Some applications, i.e. microwave FETs, dont require a bandgap, so device applications may emerge that dont require a
Since the graphene surface is chemically unreactive high dielectric deposition is normally initiated at edges or defects in
the film. This has been demonstrated with the deposition of HfO
and Al
on graphene.
In order to deposit these films
uniformly on graphene, a thin Al buffer layer was deposited and oxidized. This served as a nucleation layer for ALD
on graphene which resulted in mobility above 6000 cm
/V-s at room temperature
, an improvement over
previously obtained results produced by surface functionalization of graphene. It was also demonstrated that a low-
polymer worked as a buffer layer for high- dielectric deposition onto graphene with a resultant mobility of up to 7,600
. A viable high- dielectric deposition technique needs to emerge from research before 2014. DOPANT INCORPORATION AND ACTIVATION
If graphene is to be used for extreme CMOS applications, processing must be capable of doping the material p-type and
n-type for the channel region and either metallic or n-type or p-type for the S/D region. To date, the proposed approaches
for doping the channel regions are to 1) deposit the graphene on a surface that injects carriers into the graphene layer and
2) chemically bonding dopants at edge states of a graphene nanoribbon. Modeling has predicted that graphene could be
controllably doped by charge transfer from a substrate layer or materials deposited onto the surface, and a number of
experiments have demonstrated that n-type and p-type graphene can be fabricated through deposition of metals with
different work functions. More recently, graphene nanoribbon edge states have been doped n-type through high
temperature electrochemical ammonia treatment.
Experiments have demonstrated that n-type graphene can be produced
through deposition of NH
and CH
, while p-type graphene can be produced through deposition of H
O and NO
Experiments on graphene ribbons indicate that edges can convert to p-type, while the center of the ribbon is n-type.
More recently, n-doped graphene has been synthesized by using pyridine as the source gas
The challenge with these doping techniques will be to maintain the carrier doping in an integrated structure with
interconnects. Since the S/D doping will be affected by the contact metallurgy, as will be covered in the contact formation
section below. A viable technique to control doping and carrier concentration in graphene needs to emerge from research
10 Emerging Research Materials
The source-drain contacts need to provide a low resistance electrical contact to the graphene, but also maintain the
graphene in the conductivity type that is needed for the n-channel or p-channel device. Ohmic contact formation may be
easier than in small diameter carbon nanotubes, but more research is needed. There have been several studies regarding
the contact resistance between electrodes and graphene channel
; however, the contact resistance obtained so far is not
yet low enough for CMOS application. Clearly, more research is needed for this issue. A viable graphene contact
formation technique needs be demonstrated in research before 2014. NANOWIRE FET MATERIALS
Metal-catalyzed nanowires(NW) and patterned and etched(top down fabricated) NW have been suggested as the channels
of MOSFETs. The top down fabrication of NW enables precise control of location and direction, which is an advantage
over metal catalyzed growth of NW. The potential advantages of nanowires are 1) compatibility with gate-all-around
structure that improves electrostatic control, 2) nonclassical physics at small dimensions. Furthermore, with nanowires it
is possible to fabricate defect free lattice mismatched heterojunctions in the growth direction
and low defect density
heterojunctions in the lateral direction
, which could enable flexibility in device design. On the other hand, there are
significant challenges to realizing these advantages with catalyst grown nanowires integrated into CMOS including
identifying catalyst materials compatible with CMOS, control of placement, size and shape, direction, and doping. These
are described in more detail in Table ERM4.
Non-classical quantum effects depend significantly on the Bohr radius and this varies widely between materials. The Bohr
radius in Si is short, and bandgap changes have been observed to occur below 6nm
, which could increase variations in
Vt. Top down fabricated nanowires that have rectangular cross sections had higher mobility at low fields than those that
had been annealed to round the edges of the structures
. The cause of this mobility degradation with the rounded edges
was an increase in Dit
for the devices. The mobility in nanowires of selected compound semiconductor field-effect
transistors can be much higher than that in corresponding Si nanowires, making nanowires of these alternative materials
attractive. In addition, selected compound semiconductors, as well as Ge, have larger Bohr radii, so non-classical effects
are more likely to be observed in nanowires of practical dimensions. The introduction of heterojunctions in FET
structures may also be employed to improve device functionality.
III-V nanowires offer the potential advantages of higher mobility, on-off current ratio, and subthreshold swing than can be
achieved with conventional silicon circuitry. The ease with which the band structure can be engineered also opens the
possibility for transistors that use two-dimensional electron gas conduction for even higher mobility than can be achieved
in the homojunctions, or for devices based on tunneling through epitaxial barrier layers made from semiconductor layers
with higher band gap. III-V nanowires with the best performance are generally grown with the same crystal growth
methods that are used for epitaxial layer growth for other III-V devices, namely organometallic vapor phase epitaxy
(OMVPE) and molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Most of these nanowires are grown using catalysts
but non-catalytic
methods have been identified as well.
In addition to the common issues with nanowires, III-V nanowires have the
challenge of passivation of a compound semiconductor with multiple crystal orientations exposed.
Although horizontally grown NW have not made much progress in controlling direction, progress has been made in
controlling location and direction of vertical NW. Furthermore, n-type doping in SiNW has been increased to 1.5E20cm
and p-type doping has increased to 2E18cm
at growth temperatures of <500C. Furthermore, MOSFETs
, Schottky
Barrier FETs
and Tunnel FETs
have been fabricated on grown nanowires.
Although nanowires have potential advantages as the channels of field-effect transistors, significant challenges must be
overcome for them to be integrated in high density applications. Processing of dense arrays of laterally placed nanowires
with surround gates and low resistance contacts may be challenging. P-III-V CHANNEL MATERIALS
For n-channels, InGaAs quantum well FETs on silicon have been reported with mobilities of 10,000 to 3000 cm
using 1.2-micron buffer layers and for strained Ge quantum well p-channels, mobilities of 770 cm
/V-s at 5e12 cm
have been reported. The n-channel enhancement is a 30X improvement over Si channels and the p-channel mobility is a
2X improvement. These mobility increases over silicon channels are significant and would result in reduced power and
higher drive currents if they could be successfully integrated in a CMOS FET process without degrading the mobilities.
However process complexity and costs would be greatly reduced if the n-channels could be made from strained Ge and
the p-channel made from strained InGaSb. Then the choice of complementary channel materials and processes could be
based on either Ge or III-V alternate channels rather than both in the same process. This section describes progress being
made on Ge n-channels and InGaSb p-channels in silicon MOSFETs. The n-channel InGaAs and p-channel Ge status
may be found in the PIDS chapter of this ITRS.
Emerging Research Materials 11
p-channel III-V quantum wells: the hole mobilities of III-V materials are generally lower than Si with narrow bandgap
materials such as the antimonides showing the highest values. Similar to electron mobility in Ge channels, the hole
mobility in III-V channels is affected by the high density of interface traps in these materials near the valence band edge,
while there are fewer traps near the conduction band edge so that there are more free electrons available for the n-channel.
The challenge for raising the hole mobility is to address this issue. A hole mobility of 820 cm
/V-s has been reported for
InGaAs in a III-V heterostructure
. However there have been no reports of InGaAs p-channel mobilities that have been
integrated onto Si. Also a mobility of 800 cm
/V-s has been reported in p-channel InGaSb heterostructure wells
which are significantly better than previous p-channel mobilities for III-V semiconductors that have been in the range of
100 to 300 cm
. The Table below summarizes the antimonide mobility work. However more work is
needed on gate insulator and contact effects on mobility for p-channels of III-V materials on Si at short channel lengths.
Material Structure Channel Length p-Type Mobility
80nm thick QW with
2% strain HEMT
200nm 1500cm
SL HEMT 1350cm
Quantum Well 1000nm 850cm
An important materials consideration for III-V channels is the possibility of strain-enhanced mobilities similar to that in
Si and Si-Ge channels. Elastic strains arise from both thermal expansion and lattice parameter mismatches. Lower
bandgap III-V semiconductors have lower critical resolved shear stresses for plastic deformation
so that elastic strains
are difficult to sustain at temperatures in the 400-500C range. Nevertheless recent results have shown that compressive
strains around 1% in GaSb heterostructures increased the hole mobility from 280 to 800-1300 cm
/V-s (10) for growth
temperatures from 400-500C. This suggests that similar improvements may be possible for the InGaAs system as well.
Some hole mobility enhancement has been observed in strain-enhanced InGaAs MODFET structures
. However these
enhancements would need to compensate for degradation due to the presence of interface traps near the valence band and
thus require Fermi-level pinning dielectric layers (see PIDS section for details). In addition, reduction of film defects such
as dislocations and antiphase domain boundaries will be required to enhance mobility. N-GE CHANNEL MATERIALS
The Hall electron mobility of bulk Ge is significantly higher (3900 cm
/V-s) than bulk Si (1600 cm
/V-s) but degrades
significantly in the n-channel of MOSFETs to 150 cm
/V-s at N
=1.2e13 cm
whereas Si electron mobility is 250
/V-s at this N
. The main reason for this degradation in Ge n-channel mobility is the presence of high density of
interface traps near the conduction band resulting from germanium oxide instability. Germanium oxide contains two
valence states over a wide range of temperatures. The use of ozone (O
) for oxidation has reduced the number of interface
traps by forcing the oxide to be mostly tetravalent
117, 118
. In addition As and Sb implants
and reduction of source/drain
parasitic resistance
has allowed the Ge channel mobility to be increased to over 400 cm
/V-s at Ni
=1.2e13 cm
(1.5x universal Si) n-channel mobility. These results are extremely important in the quest to use Ge channels for both p-
and n-MOSFETs. However the mobilities are still well below those for n-channel InGaAs mentioned above. The next
challenges are to pursue strain enhancements of mobility and to explore interface trap physics for high-dielectric constant
deposition on Ge channels to determine whether this and other integration and device structures will maintain this high
value of n-channel mobility. Also the application of these findings to SiGe n-channels will need to be explored. As for
III-V channels, it will be important to reduce dislocation densities during deposition and subsequent processing to achieve
these mobility increases. CO-INTEGRATION OF III-V AND GE
The integration of either III-V compounds or Ge with CMOS devices will be challenging, but if both are integrated on
CMOS the challenges will be even more complex. These challenges include defect control, interface chemistry control,
dopant incorporation and activation, and source/ drain formation with low resistance contacts. DOPANT INTEGRATION AND ACTIVATION
Incorporation and activation of dopants in III-V materials can be achieved at low temperatures, but activation of dopants
in Ge requires high process temperatures for n-type dopants.
Recent work using metal-induced dopant activation in Ge
has shown that activation may be achieved as low as 380C.
Thus, if Ge and III-V devices are fabricated on the same
12 Emerging Research Materials
substrate, these competing requirements may require the Ge devices to be fabricated prior to the growth of III-V
materials, which may significantly increase the integration complexity. SOURCE/DRAIN FORMATION
Incorporation and activation of dopants in III-V materials can be achieved at low temperatures, but activation of dopants
in Ge requires high process temperatures for n-type dopants.
Recent work using metal-induced dopant activation in Ge
has shown that activation may be achieved as low as 380C.
Thus, if Ge and III-V devices are fabricated on the same
substrate, these competing requirements may require the Ge devices to be fabricated prior to the growth of III-V
materials, which may significantly increase the integration complexity. TUNNEL FET MATERIALS
Tunnel FETs employ band to band tunneling to achieve sharper turn-on characteristics. They can be fabricated with
conventional processing of the alternate channel materials discussed above, so new materials will not be required. A
more detailed discussion on the Tunnel FET can be found in the ERD Logic Section. ALTERNATE CHANNEL CRITICAL ASSESSMENT
The ERM and ERD have performed critical assessments of some of the same devices. The ERD assessment assumes that
all of the integration and fabrication issues are resolved, while the ERM assesses the difficulty of resolving the materials,
processing, and integration issues. This ERM survey is based on votes of whether an alternative should be better than
CMOS (3), the same as CMOS (2) or worse than CMOS (1). In the ERM critical assessment, Table ERM5, all alternate
channel materials were viewed to have potentially better mobility than silicon CMOS. From an integration perspective,
Ge, and III-V were viewed as comparable to silicon with average scores of (2.0) and nanowires were close with a score of
(1.9), while CNTs and graphene had averge scores of (1.5)As indicated in the table, entries that exceeded an average vote
of 2.0 over the categories were viewed as being easy to integrate into CMOS (none of the options met this criteron).
Entries that exceeded an average vote of above 1.7 were viewed that they should be possible to integrate onto CMOS with
significant work, and Ge, III-V, and Nanowires met this criteron. Based on the voting, carbon nanotubes and graphene
had more votes indicating that multiple technical issues didnt have potential solutions demonstrated and there are
highlighted in red, so significant research is required to demonstrate potential solutions. Even though Ge, III-V, and
nanowire materials were viewed more favorably, each had significant issues that must be addressed. For Ge and III-V
materials, the biggest concern was the ability to grow defect free material on silicon and this is fundamental to integration
of these materials. For nanowires, the voting indicated the biggest concern to be the ability to form low resistance contacts
to the nanowires, but this should be soluble with additional focus and research. The technical challenges for all of these
materials are described in more detail in the alternate channel section.
This critical assessment is based on voting by ten ITRS participants from the ERM, ERD, FEP and PIDS technology
workgroups and will be updated in the ERM in future ERM revisions.
Table ERM5 Alternate Channel Materials Critical Assessment
The spin transistor includes both Spin FET and Spin MOSFET devices. Both devices have magnetic Source/Drain
with a semiconducting channel and a MOS gate, materials used are described in Table ERM6. The channel of the spin
FET is a material with high spin orbit coupling such as GaAs or other III-V compounds, while the channel region of the
Spin MOSFET is a material with low spin orbit coupling. In both devices, the spin is injected from the ferromagnetic
source, and then transported through the channel to the drain and electrons with spin aligned with the drain are passed and
generate current. In the case of the Spin FET, the source and drain have the same spin alignment, the gate voltage couples
to the spin through the spin-orbit coupling and changes the spin precession angle, and the drain accepts spins with the
same alignment, so current is modulated. In the case of the spin MOSFET, the alignment of the drain magnetization is
fixed, while that of the source can be changed, so the gate allows current to flow from the source to the drain without
modulation. In these devices, the injection of spin is important and can be achieved through either a Schottky barrier or a
tunnel barrier, and both of these materials are described in the (Spin Materials Section). The channel materials and gate
dielectrics are described in the ERM Alternate Channel Section and the Spin Transport Materials Section while material
options for the S/D are described in Ferromagnetic Materials Section. A more detailed description of these devices is
found in the ERD chapter. A recent review of spin transistor highlights the concepts and challenges of these devices.
Recent work has demonstrated successful electrical injection, detection and manipulation of spin accumulation in Si using
Emerging Research Materials 13
ferromagnetic metal / SiO2 tunnel barrier contacts at temperature to 500K, encouraging results for realization of Spin
MOSFET operation at practical temperatures.
IMOS is a gated p-i-n structure where the gate overlaps the n+ region and intrinsic regions.
The gate modulates the
breakdown of the n+/i junction and controls the impact ionization. Since this structure generates hot carriers, this may
cause shifts in the threshold voltage as these hot carriers cause damage in the gate or buried oxide in the case of SOI. This
would require either designing the device to keep hot carriers from being generated close to these oxides or developing
oxides that are immune to hot carriers. These devices could be fabricated with planar Si, Ge, or III-V materials or
nanowires which are described in the alternate channel materials section. NEMS SWITCH MATERIALS
The materials for this device are discussed in the ERM Memory Materials Section ATOMIC SWITCH MATERIALS
The atomic switch operates with oxidation /reduction processes where a metal atom moves to form a bridge between two
different electrodes. The materials include a metal such as Cu and sulfur.
Research is needed to determine the
mechanism and determine its potential reliability; however, the mechanisms appear to be similar to those in the Redox
The Mott FET is based on a metal insulator(MI) transition caused by the gate field inducing charge in the Mott insulator,
as described in the ERD Logic section. This has been observed in a VO
; however, material also undergoes a first order
structural phase transition at 68C to a metallic state. Recently, SmNiO
has been reported to have a MI transition
temperature of 130C.
For the switching to be electrically reversible, the temperature must be maintained below 68C, or
the material must be cooled to lower temperature to restore the insulating phase. The MI transition has also been
identified in a FET made of an organic Mott insulator at low temperature.
Other materials, heterointerfaces and
superlattices of complex metal oxides and strongly correlated electron state materials should be investigated to identify
materials that undergo the Mott transition without the structural phase being in the operating temperature range. Complex
metal oxides and strongly correlated electron state materials will be discussed later in the chapter. FERROELECTRIC NEGATIVE CG MATERIALS
Ferroelectric oxides have been proposed as a gate oxide in field effect transistor for steep substhreshold slope (SS)
In a conventional FET, the intrinsic limit for the SS is of 60mV/dec at room temperature, which puts a fundamental lower
limit on the operating voltage and thus the power dissipation. For future generation of switches, low voltage operations
will be of utmost importance
. In the Salahuddin and Dattas proposal, the replacement of the dielectric by a
suitable thickness of a FE material should lead to a large increase of the capacitance thanks to the negative capacitance
contribution of the ferroelectric (ideally the negative capacitance of the FE compensates exactly the positive capacitance
of the stack). As a consequence, the drain current increases sharply under low voltage. The negative capacitance effect
has been quantified in a recent paper for SrBi
as a ferroelectric gate oxide
: a reduction by ~150 mV of the
operating voltage is predicted.
Experimentally, the first evidence of a SS smaller than 60 mV/dec has been obtained on a metal-ferroelectric-metal-oxide
gate stack using a ferroelectric polymer (P(VDF-TrFE))
. Minimum SS values of 46-58 mV/dec are reported for the FE
polymer; however, no evidence of such steep SS has been so far demonstrated using a ferroelectric oxide.
Numerous questions remain to be addressed such as the suitability of the switching speed of the ferroelectric oxide for
such devices and the effect of domains on the transistor response. Moreover, the integration of complex oxides directly on
silicon is still very challenging
The key challenges in building a practical spin wave logic circuit are the efficient injection, detection, and modulation of
spin waves in the wave guide. For this to be a viable option, efficient spin wave generators and modulators need to be
integrated onto the spin wave guides, which requires an optimized interface between materials. At present, research on
magnetic modulators is based on spin valves/magnetic tunnel junctions or multiferroic materials.
135, 136
This section will
14 Emerging Research Materials
discuss material properties required for fabricating an efficient spin wave guide and spin wave modulator, based on
multiferroics. The materials used in spin wave devices are described in Table ERM6.
Table ERM6 Spin Devices versus Materials
The fundamental physical property required for fabricating an optimized spin wave guide is to have high saturation
magnetization (~10 KG), low Coercive field (tens of Oersteds), and long attenuation time (at least 0.5 ns). Currently, the
most popular materials used for a spin wave bus are soft ferromagnetic metallic conducting films, such NiFe, CoFe,
CoTaZr that are sputter deposited. These ferromagnetic metals possess high saturation magnetization (about 10kG) and
Curie temperatures much higher than room temperature (Ni 627K, Fe 1043K, Co 1388K). Another advantage of using
these materials are their compatibility with the silicon platform. Prototype spin wave devices are also fabricated using
ferrite materials, such as Yttrium Iron Garnet (YIG). However, achieving nanometer thick and uniformly dense ferrite
materials on silicon substrate is a challenge.
There are theoretical models demonstrating how to integrate a multiferroic structure onto a spin wave guide
, but this
integration has yet to be experimentally demonstrated. There are two major requirements for multiferroic materials: (i)
Prominent magnetoelectric coupling (in V/cm Oe), and (ii) a fast switching time. Conducting and insulating materials are
applicable to the spin wave based logic devices. They may be single phase multiferroics (e.g. BiFeO
7 mV cm
) or
composite (two phase) multiferroics comprising piezoelectric and ferromagnetic materials (e.g. PZT/NiFe
(1,400 mV
), CoFe
(50 mV cm
), PZT/Terfenol-D (4,800 mV cm
). Two-phase composite structures
show magnetoelectric coefficients almost three orders of magnitude higher than those of single phase systems, while
single-phase multiferroics switching speeds are intrinsically higher. Experimental studies have shown about 100ps
(10GHz) switching times in single-phase multiferroics, and only 1 ns(1GHz) in the composite multiferroics.
The above approaches to material selection are postulated for fabricating an efficient spin wave bus or an interferometer
based spin wave majority logic device.
Magnetic cellular automata for logic is based on ferromagnetic islands arranged in cellular arrays, where local
interconnectivity is provided by magnetic field interactions between neighboring magnetic dots.
In early work, 100nm
diameter dots of 30-50nm thick islands were made of permalloy and supermalloy.
Since the state of one MCA is
changed by the magnetic field generated by other local MCA, a critical challenge for this technology is to have reliable
propagation of alignment between multiple MCAs. One option is to use magnetic materials with magnetocrystalline
biaxial anisotropy. The biaxial anisotropy creates a metastable state for a rectangular nanomagnet, when it is polarized
along the hard axis
and improves switching reliability. Material systems that exhibit such biaxial anisotropy include:
epitaxial Co on single crystal Cu substrates
, epitaxial Fe on GaAs
, and epitaxial Co/Cu on Si.
The materials used
in nanomagnetic logic are described in Table ERM6
To increase the magnetic flux density in the MCA, one option is to surrounding magnets with a different material to
increase absolute permeability. This effect has been demonstrated in MRAMs, where enhanced permeability dielectrics
had embedded magnetic nano-particles to increase a word/bit line's field strength without increasing current.
materials could increase the absolute permeability range by 2-to-30. Moreover, the fact that particle sizes are below the
superparamagnetic limit should help ensure that magnetic the state is not unduly influenced.
While these approaches are based on magnetic islands with in-plane magnetization, utilization of layered stacks, e.g.,
cobalt-platinum multi-layers with magnetization perpendicular to the plane, is possible. A recent study demonstrated
single-domain magnetically-coupled islands with perpendicular magnetization, fabricated with focused-ion-beam
patterning of Co-Pt multilayers.
Excitonic FETs can be constructed of alternate channel materials, but with different design. The parallel channel device
separates electrons and holes and forms an exciton that is controlled by a gate electrode. Since this can be fabricated with
alternate channel materials, it will not be discussed further in the ERM. A more detailed description of this device can be
found in the ERD Logic Section. BISFET MATERIALS
The Bilayer Pseudo-Spin FETs (BISFET) is proposed to be constructed of two layers of graphene separated by a thin
insulating dielectric. The goal is for an excitonic collective superfluid of electrons to form in one graphene layer coupled
Emerging Research Materials 15
to a collective superfluid of holes in the other graphene layer at room temperature. There is considerable debate over
whether this coupling can occur at room temperatures. A more detailed description of this device can be found in the
ERD Logic Section. The materials used in BISFET devices are described in Table ERM6. SPIN TORQUE MAJORITY GATE MATERIALS
Spin torque majority gates consist of multiple spin devices connected to a common free spin layer. Two different spin
devices are proposed for use in this logic, spin torque nano-oscillators (STNO) or magnetic tunnel junctions. These two
devices use different effects in their operation and are described in more detail in the ERD Logic section. The materials
used in spin torque majority gate devices are described in Table ERM6
The STNO majority gate operates by sending spin waves through the free layer and the wave frequency in the free layer
is the same as the majority of the oscillators. These devices are constructed of ferromagnetic materials and thin
nonmagnetic films. As these devices are reduced in size, it will be important to have low damping in the free layer.
Damping can be intrinsic to the material, but can be caused by surface roughness and damage in the surfaces of the free
layer. Thus, it will be important to develop processes that minimize surface or sidewall damage and roughness. While it
is important to have low damping, some is required to dissipate switching energy and enable fast switching.
In the magnetic tunnel junction device, the magnetic alignment of each input is transported through a tunnel barrier with
spin polarized electrons providing the torque to the free layer. For these devices to be energy efficient, a small amount of
tunneling current should produce the change of magnetization in the free layer. Thus, the tunnel barrier needs to have a
very small amount of spin scattering and the damping in the free layer needs to be very small. Thus, as in the STNO
device, the free layer needs to be a material with low damping, and be fabricated with low extrinsic damping.
Furthermore, to enable scaling to very small feature sizes it is important to develop MTJs that operate with out of plane
magnetization rather than the current in plane structures. This may require a new set of materials for these devices. ALL SPIN LOGIC MATERIALS
All spin logic consists of magnetic or spin devices that communicate their state to other devices through the transmission
of spin waves through magnetic interconnects. For this to be scalable to small geometries, the magnetic material will
need to have low intrinsic damping and be processed to produce interconnects with low roughness and low damage at
surfaces and interfaces. More details about all spin logic can be found in the ERD Logic section. The materials used in all
spin logic devices are described in Table ERM6
A number of spin based devices are being evaluated in the Emerging Research Devices Chapter for Memory and Logic
applications. In these devices, electron spin orientation is employed to represent information by either using an individual
spin or a collection of spins in a magnet. The operation of these devices depends on nanometer scale material properties
and multiple materials will be needed to enable these devices. A few of the basic functions required for most devices are
1) Electrical signal to spin conversion, 2) spin state storage, 3) spin transport, 4) electric or magnetic field induced spin
modifications, and 5) spin state to electrical signal conversion. Materials that support these functions need to operate up to
~400K. These functions may be performed in a single material, at an interface, or in a combination of coupled materials
and will need to operate in nanometer scale structures. These spin-based materials, along with their critical properties and
challenges, are listed in Table ERM7.
Table ERM7 Spin Material Properties
The key material challenges for the realization of a device are: (1) reproducible synthesis of semiconducting magnetic
materials with higher Curie temperature, i.e., Tc > 400 K and high remnant magnetization, (2) materials or structures with
high coupling of electrical potential to magnetic alignment or spin alignment, (3) compatibility of these materials with
CMOS processing, and (4) metrology to characterize spin and domain physics. A more detailed list of spin metrology
needs is included in the ERM Metrology Section.
The set of critical properties for different spintronics materials, Table ERM7, will depend on the specific device
applications, as discussed in the ERD Chapter. Within the context of evaluating progress in fabricating a semiconductor
based or an all metallic spin device (as in the ERD), this section focuses on materials that exhibit the following physical
16 Emerging Research Materials
phenomenon: (1) Spin wave propagation and modulation for Bus and logic, (2) nanomagnetic logic (3) the field effects of
spin polarized electrons and holes for memory and logic. Thus, this section sequentially focuses on the following
materials and their properties.
Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors
- Ferromagnetic transition temperature (T
- Size dependence of T
Nano materials
- Wide band gap magnetic doped oxides and nitrides
- Group III-V and Group IV
Spin Injection/detection Materials
Spin Tunnel Barriers
Semiconductors and Nanostructures
Materials for Spin Wave Spintronics devices
Materials for Nanomagnetic logic
The potential value of dilute magnetic semiconductors, also known as ferromagnetic semiconductors, is that the
magnetism can be turned on or off by changing the carrier concentration in the material. Several III-V compounds doped
with Mn have been validated to have carrier mediated magnetic properties at low temperature and group IV Mn doped
alloys have also been reported to be ferromagnetic. Wide bandgap transition metal oxides doped with Mn or Co also have
been reported to exhibit magnetic properties, but carrier mediated (coupled) magnetism has yet to be validated in these
materials. Since many of these materials are group III-V semiconductors doped with 3d transition metals, such as Mn and
Co, it is feasible to integrate them with the current CMOS technology. Since magnetic material properties can be induced
with the application of an electric field and their spin alignment can be manipulated electrically, these materials could
have many applications in spin devices. However, the primary constraint in using this material, (Ga,Mn)As, is that its
highest ferromagnetic transition temperature, with verified carrier mediated exchange achieved to date (Tc=200 K
, is
still well below room temperature. Research is needed to identify alloys compatible with semiconductor technology,
having Curie temperatures above 400K, high remnant magnetization, and carrier mediated exchange. A more detailed
discussion on this is included in the 2009 ITRS ERM Chapter.
The purpose of the spin injection material is to inject a highly spin polarized current into a semiconductor. This can be
accomplished either through high intrinsic spin polarization, or band symmetry matching with the adjacent semiconductor
and/or tunnel barrier, as discussed in Spin Tunnel Barriers.
The material to be used for a spin injecting contact should have several key attributes.
(a) It must be ferromagnetic, with a Curie temperature of over 400K;
(b) It must have significant easy axis remnant magnetization, i.e., zero field magnetization, of at least 50% of the
saturation magnetization;
(c) Provide high spin polarization of the injected current, producing high spin polarization in the semiconductor; and
(d) Be thermally stable against intermixing with adjacent layers, and degradation of its FM properties with processing.
Requirements (a) and (b) provide the non-volatile reprogrammable characteristics, which are highly desirable for
applications such as field programmable gate arrays, logic elements, or memory. In general, the spin injection contact
material needs to be selected and tailored for a particular semiconductor or tunnel barrier.
Three broad families of materials could be used for polarized spin injection, ferromagnetic metals, half metals, and
ferromagnetic semiconductors, but each has different challenges.
Ferromagnetic metals (FMMs)Traditional FMMs such as Fe, Co, Ni and alloys are well-known to the magnetic
recording industry and readily meet criteria (a) and (b) above. Because of the large conductivity mismatch between a
FMM and a semiconductor, an intervening tunnel barrier is required to enable efficient spin injection. This may take the
form of a tailored reverse-biased Schottky contact or a discrete metal oxide layer (e.g., Al
MgO, etc.). Several FMMs
have been shown to meet criteria (c) for selected semiconductors and/or tunnel barriers. These materials are described in
more detail in the 2009 ITRS ERM Chapter.
Emerging Research Materials 17
Half MetalsHalf metals are characterized by the absence of occupied states near the Fermi energy for one spin channel,
so that they are 100% polarized, making them very attractive as spin contacts. They generally meet criteria (a) and (b). In
principle, such a 100% spin polarized metal does not require a tunnel barrier contact to alleviate the conductivity
mismatch with a semiconductor. However, their polarization is highly sensitive to defects (a relatively low density of bulk
defects reduces their polarization very rapidly), so these materials exhibit spin polarizations ~ 50%, typical of other FM
metals at room temperature to 400K. In addition, defects associated with the semiconductor interface also appear to
severely suppress the ideal spin polarization. Only modest electrical spin injection into a semiconductor (GaAs) has been
reported to date
and, thus, half metals have not yet been demonstrated to meet criterion (c). Criterion (d) will likely
pose significant challenges, although a few carefully tailored systems may be viable.
Ferromagnetic Semiconductors (FMS)FMS are materials that are simultaneously semiconducting and ferromagnetic.
As semiconductors, there is no issue of conductivity mismatch, and device design follows the standard principles of
semiconductor band gap engineering. They can readily be grown epitaxially on other semiconductors, and incorporated
into complex heterostructures, unlike most metals. FMS generally have Curie temperatures well below room temperature
~200K), as noted in the section under Ferromagnetic Semiconductors. Therefore, they fail criterion (a). There are a
few notable exceptions which are currently being investigated as discussed before.
The large difference in conductivity between a ferromagnetic (FM) metal and a semiconductor precludes efficient spin
injection, since the semiconductor accepts spin-up and spin-down carriers with equal equally and very low conductivity.
The resulting polarization is essentially zero regardless of the spin polarization of the FM metal. To solve this
conductivity mismatch issue, the interface resistance must be the largest in the series to control current flow, and also
provide some spin selectivity. A tunnel barrier fulfills both criteria.
Crystalline MgO has been used successfully as a tunnel barrier in CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB heterostructures with a
TMR(300K) ratio of 350% with a 400C anneal and a TMR(300K) ratio of 600% with a 600C anneal
. The symmetry of
the A
propagating state in single crystal MgO (001) matches that of the majority spin band in FM metals such as Fe.
Therefore, majority spins are readily transmitted in Fe/MgO contacts, while minority spins are blocked. In principle, this
results in a higher spin polarization of the injected current than produced by the Fe contact alone. Such band symmetry
assisted spin injection may be a promising avenue for highly polarized contacts, complementing the Heusler alloy
For several devices, once the spin is injected into a semiconductor, it is important that the spin not loose coherence in the
time that transport, manipulation, and detection occur. Most experimental work on spin transport in semiconductors
typically focuses on III-V direct gap materials, such as GaAs, because polarization dependent optical absorption /
emission spectroscopies provides easy, direct and quantitative insight into carrier spin polarization and dynamics. The
long spin lifetimes expected for the low-Z (weak spin orbit) Group IV semiconductors make spin angular momentum
especially attractive. Spin transport, via electrical injection and detection of spin polarized carriers from FM metal
contacts (e.g., Fe, CoFe) into Si, has been demonstrated
150, 151
, with reported electron spin polarizations of 30% or more.
Magnetic field induced coherent precession of the pure spin current and spin polarized charge current has been
demonstrated in lateral and vertical transport geometries, respectively.
152, 153
These results collectively show that
information can be fed in, processed and read out using spin rather than charge as the state variable. However, these
results have previously been limited to low temperature, due to thermal noise generated by the contact resistance. Options
to reduce this contact resistance, by controlling the depletion width in the Si, have been identified.
Recent work has
demonstrated successful electrical injection, detection and manipulation of spin accumulation in Si using ferromagnetic
metal / SiO2 tunnel barrier contacts at temperature to 500K, easily exceeding the operating temperature requirements for
commercial application [S3].
Graphene exhibits spin transport characteristics that surpass those of any other semiconductor studied to date,
demonstrating large magnetoresistance (MR) at room temperature.
Such large MR has not been seen in any other
semiconductor materials or nanostructures, including InAs to GaN to Si.
For low dimensional materials, CNTs are attractive as spin transport materials because their low dimensionality results in
a suppression of certain spin orbit scattering mechanisms at higher temperatures (>70K), leading to longer spin lifetimes.
Limited successes have been reported for spin injection into CNTs from magnetic metal contacts at low temperature.
However, obtaining reliable contacts and reproducible results continue to be challenges. At present, for nanowires of any
18 Emerging Research Materials
semiconductor, there are limited results for spin injection and transport, though several experimental groups are currently
working in this area.
This is covered in Complex Metal Oxides (below)
All of the devices fabricated with these materials depend on having high quality interfaces, and the important properties
depend on the application. For spin tunnel barriers, the interface must not scatter the majority spin carriers. For spin
transport, the interfaces must have spin specular reflections that dont cause decoherence.
Complex oxides exhibit an extremely wide variety of electrical, magnetic and optical properties, including
superconductivity, piezoelectricity, ferroelectricity, pyroelectricity, ferromagnetism and multiferroicity. Most complex
oxides are strongly correlated electronic systems
. Their properties result from strong interactions between spin,
charge, orbital and lattice. Many of them have a perovskite-type structure. The several competing states give rise to
complex phenomena and rich phase diagrams. Typical examples are the high-T
superconductivity in cuprates
or the
colossal magnetoresistivity in manganites
. Due to the strong correlations in these systems, a small external
perturbation leads to a large electrical, magnetic or mechanical response. Furthermore, interfaces and heterointerfaces in
these complex oxides can lead to new properties arising from surface, electronic or orbital reconstructions
. Oxide
heterostructures are artificial materials that can be engineered to tune the properties or even obtain completely new
. Recent examples include the superconductivity at the interface between the two insulators SrTiO
or the improper ferroelectricity arising from the combination of a proper ferroelectric and an insulator. These
properties may be exploited for memory and logic devices and to add new functionalities in silicon electronics.
A major challenge is to control the properties with an external field, for example, modulating and controlling conductivity
with an electric field. In the case that the material which shows a metal insulator transition is used as the channel
material in a FET structure, the transition can be controlled by the gate voltage. Actually, in an electrolyte-gated FET
structure, with NdNiO
as the channel material, the metalinsulator transition temperature was reduced by 40K
with a
gate voltage of -2.5V. With increasing hole concentration through the application of the negative gate voltage, the
conductivity changed by one order of magnitude. A critical question is whether oxygen vacancies may also diffuse with
high gate voltage and change the electronic property of the channel material. The investigation of field effect transistors
in these materials is important not only to open up the possibility to realized Mott transistor but also elucidate the
fundamental understanding of the metal insulator transition in a strongly correlated electron material.
Spintronics is a domain where complex oxides are of particular interest with the possible coupling of magnetic and
electric properties, so that magnetic readable storage media could be written electrically. MAGNETIC AND MAGNETORESISTIVE OXIDES
The manganite La
is ferromagnetic and conducting. It is used as a conducting electrode in various devices
when heteroepitaxy with other perovskites is needed. It has been used for example to act as the base in a perovskite
heteroepitaxial metal-base transistor functioning at room temperature.
Moreover, it is a half metal, exhibiting nearly
100% spin polarization below its Curie temperature of 360K. Thus it is an attractive ferromagnetic electrode for
spintronics devices, such as magnetic tunnel junctions or spin filters. Progresses in the growth of this oxide and control of
its interfaces have pushed down to ~2 unit cells the limit of the critical thickness when a surface dead layer dominates
with a lower Tc and lower spin polarization. However, since the Curie temperature is close to room temperature, the half
metallicity is strongly reduced at room temperature.
Double perovskite manganites such as Sr
are also half metallic with a higher Curie temperature (~400K).
However, the magnetism is strongly related to the ordering of the Fe and Mo ions, which is very difficult to control. Thus
there is a need for materials development for magnetic oxides with suitable Curie temperature and half metallicity.
Writing information using a magnetic field requires large local magnetic field or currents which has drawbacks for power
dissipation and scaling-down capabilities. Thus the use of a voltage for the writing process would be ideally suited.
Magnetoelectric multiferroics are potential candidates for electrically-controlled magnetic data storage or logic devices.
Emerging Research Materials 19
Multiferroic compounds of interest are both ferroelectric (FE) and ferromagnetic (FM) or antiferromagnetic (AFM).
If the electric and magnetic orders are coupled (magnetoelectric effect), it opens up the possibility to have a mutual
control of the properties: controlling a polarization by a magnetic field or controlling a magnetization by an electric field.
The electrical control of the ferromagnetism in a thin film such as switching the orientation of the magnetization by
applying an electric field is particularly attractive for spintronics. However, FE-FM materials show only weak coupling
between the 2 order parameters and there is no available room-temperature single-phase FE-FM compounds. There is,
however, a room-temperature FE-AFM multiferroic: BiFeO
It has a high ferroelectric polarization (Pr ~ 60 C/cm
normal to the (001) plane) with a ferroelectric Curie temperature T
of ~ 1100K and an antiferromagnetic Nel
temperature T
of ~ 650K. Electrical control of antiferromagnetism in BiFeO
has been demonstrated both in single
and thin films
. The electrical control of a ferromagnetic film can thus be envisaged using exchange bias
coupling which couples AFM and FE orders at the interface of a bilayer: the FE order of BiFeO
couples then indirectly
to the FM order of the FM film.
Exchange bias between a metallic ferromagnet such as CoFeB
or Co
and the antiferromagnet BiFeO
been demonstrated at room temperature. The exchange bias leads to a shift of the hysteresis loop of the ferromagnetic
layer. The coercive field H
depends on the ferroelectric domain structure.
Exchange bias coupling using BiFeO
electrically control locally the magnetization in a ferromagnetic layer of Co
and in permalloy
has been
demonstrated at room temperature.
Recent progresses have been done also using a manganite as the FM layer. Significant exchange bias owing to orbital
reconstruction was evidenced between BiFeO
and La
. Following this finding, a reversible electrical
control of this exchange bias was achieved, however at low temperature (<10K) using a field effect device.
This is a
first step towards the electric control of the half metal La
. Further material development with higher blocking
temperatures is required to achieve room temperature operation.
Both the ferromagnetic and insulating characters of another multiferroic film such as BiMnO
can also be exploited to
design spin filters. By inserting a thin layer of BiMnO
or (Bi,La)MnO
between La
and Au electrodes, a spin
efficiency up to 36 % was measured
. The ferroelectric character of the insulating barrier is also expected to influence
the properties of the tunnel junction, which was observed
. Eventually, combining the ferromagnetic and ferroelectric
characters of the insulating barrier allows to control both magnetically and electrically the tunnel current, leading to a 4-
state memory device
. This 4-state memory device, however, operates so far only at low temperature.
Recent progress has been made on the possible control of magnetism using a ferroelectric tunnel barrier. The tunnel
current across a ferroelectric barrier depends on the direction of the ferroelectric polarization due to electrostatic, interface
and strain effects
. Local, large, and nonvolatile control of carrier spin polarization by electrically switching ferroelectric
polarization has been shown in a tunnel junction with Fe and La
electrodes and BaTiO
, however,
also at low temperature. These results suggest a low-power approach for spin-based information control.
Tunneling electroresistance can also be used to read the polarization state of a ferroelectric film. Tunneling
electroresistance has been evidenced at room temperature with ultrathin ferroelectric BaTiO
barrier (1-3 nm) on a
electrode using the tip of an AFM as a top electrode.
TER of ~ 10000% are obtained with a 2nm
barrier. Other junctions with BiFeO
and PbTiO
ferroelectric barriers also demonstrate tunneling electro
resistance (TER)
at room temperature. Since ferroelectricity is robust down to few nanometers, memory junction
based on this tunneling electroresistance can be fabricated at nanometer scale, which offers a potentially high integration
density. Moreover, a low current is necessary for the writing of the information which is very attractive for low power
For these various examples of the use of the multiferroic BiFeO
to achieve switchable non volatile devices, it is
important to selectively control the switching path and the structure of the switch domain(s)
. The phase structure and
domain structure can be controlled via strain.
In addition to spintronics applications the complex oxide BiFeO
exhibit also promising properties for piezoelectric
effects, photoconduction or photovolataic effects and for spin-wave generation, conversion and control, which opens up
the perspective of combining various functionalities (magnetic, electric, optical and mechanical) in future devices.
Complex metal oxide heterostructures and heterointerfaces often have new properties that are not exhibited in the
individual materials.
Forming interfaces between two band insulators, LaAlO3 (LAO) and SrTiO3 (STO), can lead to
20 Emerging Research Materials
highly conducting n-type interface (LaO/TiO
) while a p-type one (AlO
/SrO) is insulating.
The origin of the 2D
electron gas is still debated. First-principles calculations of the polar-discontinuity, in terms of screening of internal
electric field by ionic and electronic responses, provide a reasonable explanation for experimental results
. Another
potential origin for the conducting nature of the interface may be the presence of oxygen vacancies. A recent study shows
the existence of localized and delocalized Ti 3d carriers in such superlattices that may originate from oxygen vacancies
and electronic reconstruction.
Mobile electron gas at interfaces between insulating oxides has been also found in
, KTaO
and La
Heterointerfaces in superlattices between antiferromagnetic insulators have exhibited ferromagnetism
. Furthermore,
heterointerfaces between metallic and insulating cuprates exhibited high Tc superconductivity.
Not only charges but also orbitals at an interface may undergo a reconstruction. Orbitals can be deformed from their
normal shape and electrons at the interface may occupy a combination of orbitals that can strongly differ from that of the
bulk. This provides an opportunity to engineer the bonding at the interface and thus modify the properties. Such orbital
reconstruction has been evidenced in the YBa
/ La
system, combining a high-T
oxide and a colossal magnetoresistive one.
Across the interface between both oxides, a charge transfer from Mn to Cu
ions induces an orbital reconstruction (changing its occupation and symmetry) in the interfacial CuO
Interfaces in superlattices can also change the nature of the coupling between competing instabilities and produce new
properties. For example, superlattices combining ultrathin films of the proper ferroelectric PbTiO
and of the paraelectric
oxides behave like a prototypical improper ferroelectric due to interface coupling based on rotational
In manganite superlattices of Pr
, competition between the antiferromagnetic
insulating phases and the ferromagnetic metallic phases of the materials with a 5:5 unit cell layers results in large change
in the resistance with an applied magnetic field.
Thus, the physical phenomenon at oxide heterointerfaces may enable
new devices and also enable new properties in superlattices.
To achieve novel properties in oxide heterointerfaces, the interface must be abrupt
and the films adequately thick on
each side of the interface
. These heterointerface effects need to be characterized in superlattice structures to understand
how they affect or limit resulting properties.
The study of these heterointerfaces and superlattices is progressing with a combination of modeling and simulation and
experimental expertise to control the interface properties and coupling. The possibility of designing new materials to
couple multiple properties should be explored for future spin or field effect based device technologies.
The future of scaled technologies depends upon emerging patterning materials (resist or self assembled) to enable
extensible lithographic capabilities. New resist materials must concurrently exhibit higher resolution, higher sensitivity,
reduced line edge roughness, and sufficient etch resistance to enable robust pattern transfer. Evolutionary approaches for
enhancing positive, negative, and chemically amplified families of resists will continue to be evaluated. Several process
approaches to pitch division, such as spacer patterning (SP), multiple patterning (MP) and double exposure (DE) are
under consideration as options for extending 193nm immersion lithography. Alternate technologies that utilize patterning
materials include directed self assembly and imprint patterning. The advantages and challenges to these patterning
materials are summarized in Table ERM8. Please see the 2009 ITRS Lithography chapter for a more detailed review of
pitch division technologies.
Table ERM8 Challenges for Lithography Materials
Critical Resist Challenges: Advanced lithographic processes are challenged to simultaneously achieve high resolution (R),
low line width roughness (L) and high sensitivity (S), with sub-100 nm resist thicknesses. Additionally, these resists must
meet other requirements such as adhesion, etch resistance, and FAB material compatibility, for example, for each specific
exposure technology.
The current set of extensible exposure technology potential solutions include: 1) ArF immersion lithography, which
represents a significant increase in process complexity, such as multiple patterning with aqueous and organic developers;
2) EUV lithography; and 3) maskless lithography
. Advanced resist materials must be developed to satisfy the RLS
Emerging Research Materials 21
requirements, as well as specific ArF dry, ArF immersion, EUV or maskless lithographic technology requirements. For
chemically amplified resist (ArF or EUV), diffusion control, without loss of throughput, is critical for resolution
improvement. Emerging materials options include specifically designed polymers and photoacid generators (PAGs) that
minimize diffusion blur, but maintain high polymer deprotection efficiency by the photoacid. Polymerically bound PAGs
have been reported widely for EUV resist design, as this system offers slow diffusion for resolution enhancement and
uniform PAG distribution for better LWR. It is also possible to apply polymeric PAGs in ArF resists for high volume
ArF double exposure (DE) single development lithography may provide a lower cost of ownership than
the process intensive spacer patterning (SP) or double resist patterning (DP) methods. Aggressive research and
development are needed for potential DE materials that satisfy 193 nm insertion targets. Non-Reciprocal PBG system and
combination of PAG and PBG system have been proposed as double exposure (DE) resist
For ArF immersion lithography, NTD resist development requires aggressive research to meet the demands of <22nm
node technology. Key challenges include missing CH bond defects, film loss
, etch resistance, pattern collapse and
compatibility with the substrate,
top coating and other alternative options for CD shrinkage, for example Resolution
Enhancement Lithography Assisted by Chemical Shrink (RELACS) and DSA contact hole shrinkage. Preliminary results
indicate that the defectivity and CD uniformity of NTD resists can be significantly improved by optimizing the
development process,
while the etch resistance can be compensated for by using a hard mask.
NTD also will be
applied in EUV lithography for contact hole and trench resolution enhancement and may also have advantages for
isolated lines. Research on top coat free ArF lithography, including both positive tone development (PTD) and NTD, will
continue to demonstrate its cost of ownership reduction and defect control at the high scan speeds required by high
volume manufacturing.
ArF dry resists may be used in implant applications to replace KrF resists for the advanced nodes.
New resist materials
must be developed to meet the projected resolution and reflectivity control requirements on topography, particularly for
deep well and source drain type implant layers. Negative tone resists with TMAH developer and NTD resists with organic
solvent developer can be useful for footing and scumming reduction.
EUVL and maskless lithography require revolutionary resist materials that address the RLS tradeoff and, in the case of
EUVL, also exhibit greatly reduced outgassing.
In order to meet the requirements of resolution and line width
roughness on projected 11nm devices, several different EUV resist types, such as molecular glass resist, polymer bound
resist and inorganic resist have been investigated. One of option for resolution enhancement is EUV with wavelength
reduced from 13.1 down to 6.7nm.
Since most organic materials increase transparency with smaller wavelength,
dramatically change of resist platform is necessary for adequate absorbance in a resist less than 100nm resist thick.
.Resist film thicknesses may continue to shrink with feature size, in part, to avoid pattern collapse.
Below a critical
thickness, the resists mechanical and thermal properties change.
For example, the glass transition temperature of
ultrathin multicomponent ArF and EUV resist films depends on the PAG/resist combination.
Also, line width roughness
appears to increase with decreasing film thickness.
Future semiconductor processes might also require several
different post processing methods to reduce serious pattern collapse and line width roughness at tighter pitch.
work on positive chemically amplified resists will continue, research is underway to explore other potential material
candidates that satisfy projected requirements for enabling emerging lithographic technologies. Organic, inorganic, and
hybrid materials are under consideration for targeted resist applications that include: non-chemically amplified resists,
novel negative resists, and 193 nm double exposure resists.
The primary focus of resist development will continue to be the evolutionary design of positive chemically photoresists.
However, the challenge of simultaneously achieving resolution, sensitivity, and line edge roughness remains daunting.
Consequently, older material systems, such as nonchemically amplified resists, negative resists, and materials that enable
pitch division are also being explored. ARF NON-CAR MATERIALS
With concerns of diffusion blur limiting the resolution of chemically amplified resist
and the impact of molecular
weight on LWR,
there is renewed interest in non-CAR resists, especially those that use chain session as the primary
dissolution switch mechanism. Also, up to 7 sensitivity improvement can be realized by reducing the PMMA film
thickness to ~ 20 nm.
Polymeric chain scission of polysulfones, which are more sensitive than PMMA, also are under
consideration for 193 immersion lithography applications. A post exposure bake can accelerate polysulfone
depolymerization. 193 nm irradiation of polynorbornenesulfone
30, 31
results in film thinning, reduced SO
content, and an
of <20 mJ/cm
, when developed in a MIBK solvent. Successful non-CAR thin film materials must demonstrate
enhanced ArF sensitivity, resolution, and plasma etch resistance, while improving LWR. Additionally, the photoproducts
22 Emerging Research Materials
should not diffuse into the immersion puddle in quantities sufficient to cause concerns about potential lens or tool
damage. These considerations may limit the applicability of chain scissioning type chemistries, or constrain polymer
Several ArF negative tone resist materials were developed to operate by a cross-linking or a polarity change
Negative resists tend to perform better than positive tone resists with binary masks, but tend to respond
less well to 6% phase-shift mask designs. They also tend to exhibit pattern bridging, when the aerial image has significant
flare or when light is diffracted into dark areas (low
). Research is needed to address these challenges. Organic solvent
developable negative tone resist with polarity change mechanism becomes more potential chandidate with bright mask
. The resist dissolution properties are controlled from the point of solubility parameters and that modified
resist shows promising results on DOF, MEEF and CD uniformity on 40nm contact hole at NA 1.35 single exposure.
Moreover, collected defectivity on 45nm contact holes indicates less than 0.1counts/cm
. The process maturity has been
proved, but the resist material for negative tone development should be improved in terms of dissolution contrast. ARF INORGANIC RESIST MATERIALS
As CDs continue to shrink, thin resist films with high etch resistance will increasingly be required to avoid pattern
collapse and effect robust pattern transfer. Inorganic cross-linkable nanoparticle resists provide an interesting approach to
achieving high etch resistance in the exposed regions. Early 193 nm studies, at NA=1.3, with these inorganic systems
have demonstrated lines with a 50nm half pitch and an etch rate almost an order of magnitude slower than that observed
for polyhydroxysterene (PHS) based resists, with an added potential benefit for enhanced depth of focus.
Research also
is needed to reduce LWR roughness by optimizing the material, nanoparticle, and component structure with respect to
desired properties and projected patterning requirements.
Spacer patterning and multiple patternng are recognized as standard pitch division methods. But pitch division via the
single exposure method is suggested as a simpler alternative process for spacer patterning. This pitch division method
requires new resist materials, which includes a photo-base-generator (PBG).
When exposed to extremely low doses of
irradiation, neither acid nor base are generated. Exposure of the PAG and PBG to low doses of irradiation generates more
acid than base, which deprotects the polymer, creating a positive tone pattern. Subsequent exposure to high doses
generates sufficient base to overcome the generated acid amount, which protects the polymer and yields a negative tone
pattern. Research is needed to explore the design considerations, benefits and trade-offs for this novel class of patterning
material systems.EUV Resist CHALLENGES SHOT NOISE
At the very low exposure doses desired for high throughput EUV lithography, stochastic variation becomes a significant
issue in the image formation process. To address this challenge, research is needed in several key areas, i.e. to increase:
EUV light absorption; secondary electron yields (SEYs), through polymer design; and finally electron capture efficiency
of the secondary electrons by the PAG.
Fluorine is the second row element on the periodic table with the highest absorption at 13.5 nm. In a lithographically
useful series of fluorinated polymers, the highest practical EUV absorption is maximized at a value of about seven.
extreme of maximum absorption is about 18.5 (impractical, PTFE), which for resist film of 40nm thickness would still
have 50% transmittance. Much higher z elements can have a higher EUV absorption cross section than fluorine or
oxygen. However, it can be chemically challenging to incorporate high z atoms into an effective EUV formulation (See
the section on inorganic EUV resists). Increasing film density can play a big role by increasing the number of light
absorbent atoms per unit volume. ACID AND ELECTRON BLUR
Shot noise and photoacid diffusion are intimately linked in governing resolution, photospeed, and LWR.
reports demonstrate and confirm that RLS variables cant be independently optimized.
The interdependence of these
critical factors has been shown repeatedly in ArF and EUV lithography. In a chemically amplified system, may be
impossible to overcome the inherent issues of the diffusion blur problem.
The diffusion of photoacid necessary to
accomplish chemical amplification may fundamentally limit the achievable resolution, photospeed and LWR of these
Emerging Research Materials 23
A stochastic resist model has been applied to estimate the acid diffusion length for a polymer bound PAG (PBP).
methacrylate resin currently under consideration showed an acid diffusion length of just 9.7nm. However for sub-20 nm
lithography the acid diffusion length will probably need to be less than 6 nm, which may be attainable. The stochastic
model methodology was used to estimate the electron blur, which represents the contribution from the electron motion
relative to the acid blur, of the EUV resist exposure; and calculated a value of 2.5nm, a much lower value than reported
by others.
OOB is defined as unwanted radiation emitted from the EUV source that extends from 140 to 300nm.
Most resist
platforms are extremely sensitive to OOB, and this appeared to correlate with the resist absorbance at the longer
For example, PAGs containing the triphenyl sulfonium cation [TPS] have a very high absorption in the UV
band, spanning 180-370 nm, which makes it particularly sensitive to OOB radiation. PAGs with poor absorption
efficiency in the same deep-UV band region will decrease resist sensitivity to OOB.
OOB sensitivity is measured by
comparing the resists exposure dose sensitivity at multiple wavelengths. RESIST OUTGASSING
Some PAGs outgas extensively with EUV irradiation in a vacuum. For example, PAGs containing the TPS cation
generate high levels of diphenyl sulfide.
Gaseous carbon containing photoproducts, especially unsaturated groups, can
readily deposit on EUV optics and masks. As a result, new PAGs are being designed for EUV lithography that do not
generate diphenyl sulfide and other gaseous byproducts that avoid optics coating issues.
Research continues to design improved PBP systems with the following improvements
: 1.) increased photon capture,
via increased EUV absorption and film density; 2) decreased the OOB photon capture efficiency; 3.) optimized electron
affinity of the matrix polymer to increase thesecondary electron yield; 4.) increased acid generation efficiency, by tuning
the electron PAG capture rate; 5.) improved PBG film homogeneity; and 6) decreased organic outgassing during
Several groups have demonstrated excellent resolution demonstrated with non-CA resists.
High MW PMMA, which
switches via a chain scission mechanism, has been shown to resolve 12 nm hp;. However, PMMAs 40 mJ/cm
dose to
size is too high for high volume EUV manufacturing applications.
Other non-CA resists with a chain scission
mechanism to mitigate chemical blur induced by acid diffusion during post-exposure bake step commonly used in
chemically amplified resist. Polycarbonate based non-CA resist consists of the unit providing etch resistance/high Tg and
the other unit for degradation induced by EUV irradiation.
This non-CA resist could achieve 28.6 nm line CD on 50
nm lines/spaces mask at the dose of 104 mJ/cm
. LER was about 5.2 nm. Since it is reported that roughness induced by
mask was 3.5 nm of LER on patterned photoresist on the Sematech-Berkley micro-field exposure tool
, the LER
observed is only 1.7 nm greater than that of mask induced roughness. The poly(olefin sulfone) backbone was designed to
be highly sensitive to EUV radiation.
The related materials possessed high sensitivity towards degradation by EUV
radiation (E0 in the range 4 to 6 mJ/cm
). EUV interference patterning has shown capability of resolving 30 nm
lines/spaces features. From the results of outgassing test, contamination thickness on witness sample test and
carbonization rate on residual gas analysis increased as molecular weight of olefin unit wtih functional groups
Current non-CA negative tone resists exhibit poor EUV efficiencies, and they require more than twelve
times the minimum dose required for high volume manufacturing. Without significant enhancements in EUV source
power, research is needed to improve the efficiency of radiation scission or crosslinking events for non- CA resists to
satisfy projected EUV lithography requirements.
Inorganic approaches to non-CAR materials appear to hold a greater promise of achieving sensitivity and other goals. For
example, electron-beam resists with Zr and Hf
have demonstrated sensitivities as low as 8 C/cm
, achieved 15-nm
lines and 36-nm dense features at higher doses, with a line-width roughness of approximately 2 nm. These resists also
exhibit high etch resistance (>7 that of thermal SiO
) in reactive-plasma etching. The high absorption cross-section of
these heavy atoms aids somewhat in reducing the photospeed. Low film thicknesses are possible because of the very high
plasma etch resistance, and the high density (4.7 g/cm3, compared to about 1.2 g/cm3 for polyhydroxstyrene) is thought
to decrease electron blur significantly. Zero hydrocarbon outgassing was observed, due to the resists inorganic nature.
Work continues on improving resist sensitivity, shelf life, and resist integration.
24 Emerging Research Materials
EUVL technology can leverage the extensive ArF lithography knowledgebase. Interlaced double pattern processing, using
EUV lithography, would enable a variety of pitch doubling techniques.
EUV resists with negative-tone development
should be investigated to take advantage of the improved aerial image NILS for the formation of contacts and certain
other pattern features. Polarity reversal and organic solvent development approaches could be helpful for improved
contact CD uniformity, and improvements in preventing pattern collapse. Combining EUV with DSA could be a way to
rectify LWR in EUV patterning. Alternatively, EUV could be used to form graphoepitaxially defined wells for DSA, or
chemoepitaxially defined pre-patterns for DSA alignment
. These approaches are still nascent, but they hold very strong
promise for extending EUV to 11nm node and beyond.
Several lithographic techniques are emerging that may drive and enable the continued area scaling of transistors. EUVL
EBL, NIL and 193nm with multiple patterning are all candidates. These techniques will need new resist materials in
order to meet various roadmap requirements. One or more breakthroughs in resist materials will be required in for each
lithographic technique in order to concurrently achieve the required resolution, sensitivity, and LER. Additionally, other
resist requirements, adhesion, etch resistance, aspect ratio and cost must be met. Material developments in DSA
patterning may enable current extension of 193nm and future extension of EUVL, however, other challenges with DSA
must be solved. While the main challenge remains defectivity, pattern transfer and domain size requirements are also
major obstacles for deployment of this approach.
Presently, there are multiple organizations working on producing viable material approaches in order to enable each
lithographic technique. Immersion 193nm with multiple patterning remains the current technique of choice until such
time as a breakthrough enables disruption of this path.
Directed self-assembly (DSA) refers to the alignment of self-assembled patterns in desired locations, with predictable
shapes, controlled dimensions, and registered within a lithographically generated pattern. Potential applications of DSA to
extending lithography include sparse pattern multiplication, line edge or width improvement, and improved control of
feature sizes (i.e. contact size distribution, etc.). Progress has been made in demonstrating alignment to sparse patterns,
improving LER and contact size distribution. Furthermore, domain sizes down to 5 nm, and lithographically useful anneal
times have been demonstrated with different techniques. The challenges for directed self-assembly are summarized in
For lithography extension applications, polymer self-assembly is driven by phase segregation of different polymers, with
the driving force proportional to N ( is the Flory Huggins parameter and N is the number of monomers in the polymer).
The direction to assembly in predefined locations is provided by structures or chemicals on surfaces that preferentially
attract one of the polymers. The natural assembly dimensions are proportional to N
(in the strong segregation limit) the
number of monomers in the polymer, so the driving force for assembly will be decrease as natural assembly dimensions
are reduced. Since self-assembly is a thermodynamic process, defects are inherent, but the directing forces can make
the formation of defects energetically unfavorable.
If DSA is to be considered a viable and competitive patterning option, it must be able to assemble useful patterning
nanostructures with defect densities <0.01cm
. Clearly there are many challenges in Table ERM 8, and many of these
may require engineering, but the main question is whether defect density is limited by thermodynamics or can it be
reduced to the required level through the use of aligning features.
Emerging Research Materials 25
Recent research has brought progress in each of these aspects, but no material/process combination currently satisfies all
of these requirements. Block copolymer self-assembly can easily define a limited set of highly symmetric patterns, i.e.
repeating lines/spaces, hexagonal arrays and square arrays of cylindrical holes, that may be useful in defining circuit
elements. The most important issue is whether DSA features can be assembled with defect densities approaching
, and recent reports indicate that progress has been demonstrated in reducing defect densities significantlyto
. DSA features can be aligned to pre-existing structures through graphoepitaxy or surface energy patterns.
Annealing times, have been reduced from days to a few minutes through the use of either higher annealing temperatures
or solvent annealing, which represents a realistic timescale for potential processing applications. Self-assembled
structures have been generated with dimensions well below 10 nm, providing evidence of this approachs extensibility.
For lithography, diblock co-polymers are limited to assembly of lines and contacts in close packed hexagonal arrays.
The phase diagram of the diblock copolymer, which depends on the composition of the material and N, determines the
structures that can form for different ratios of the polymers and this in turn determines the spacing between features. TRIBLOCK COPOLYMERS
Triblock copolymers have a richer suite of patterns that can assemble for lithography which includes lines with larger
ranges of separation and contacts in square arrays. Furthermore, the addition of the third polymer has been exploited to
add new functionality such as chemical sensitivity
or photosensitivity and enable selective activation or deactivation of
specific features. POLYMER BLENDS
The addition of one of the polymers to a diblock copolymer has been employed to enable smoothing of features
, such
as corners. More recently directed self-assembly of polymer blends has demonstrated the ability to assemble
featuressimilar to those assembled with block co-polymers. So, it is possible that addition of polymers to a block
copolymer may enable improved control of features. In the case of assembly of polymer blends, this may enable
assembly of structures with more abrupt interphase transitions than is achievable with block-co-polymers. HYBRID POLYMERS
Recent work using hybrid blends of block copolymers with organisilicate oligomers
and blends of homopolymers with
triblock polymers
have demonstrated characteristic microdomain spacing well below 10 nm, an indicator of potential
extensibility. In another recent report, supramolecular assembly of hydrogen-bonding units was combined with the
controlled phase segregation of diblock copolymers to fabricate highly-ordered square arrays of sub-20 nm via structures,
instead of the hexagonal ordering that is normally observed.
A more evolutionary path may require a hybrid resist
formulation that incorporates phase segregating diblock copolymers to yield a resist that can self-assemble within the
patterned feature, and a proof of concept has been demonstrated.
However, significant research in these areas is needed
for these systems to warrant consideration for sub-22 nm potential solutions. DSA GRAPHOEPITAXY
In this approach, lithographically-defined topographic features and boundaries direct the ordering of a self-assembled
block copolymer film with sublithographic resolution on a surface that is neutral to the polymer blocks. This is
described in more detail in the ITRS ERM 2009. DSA CHEMICAL PATTERNED
Directed block copolymer assembly on substrates with lithographically defined chemical nanopatterns, that preferentially
attract one of the polymers, offers a second route for aligning and registering patterns of block copolymer
This is described in more detail in the ITRS ERM 2009. DEFECT DENSITY
A fundamental concern for DSA is whether defects are intrinsic to the thermodynamically driven assembly process or
whether defect formation can be made energetically unfavorable by the constraining fields. If defect densities could be
reduced to ITRS requirements, many of the other challenging requirements could be addressed through polymer
innovation and engineering of processes. Experiments by the mass storage industry indicated that constraining fields
eliminated dislocations, and point defects were reduced to less than 100ppm. Recent experiments on DSA structures
fabricated in non-cleanroom environments reported DSA defects <25cm
when particulate related defects were
26 Emerging Research Materials
eliminated. Furthermore, modeling and simulation results indicate that constraining structures can increase so that defect
formation is energetically unfavorable. At this point, the free energy of formation of specific defects depend on the block
copolymers, the structure being assembled, the deviation of the constraining structure from the natural dimensions of the
copolymer, and the interaction strength of the interfaces with the polymers, the energetics must be calculated for each
defect with specific copolymers and structures. It is extremely important to determine the sensitivity of defect formation
energy to variations in the lithographically defined patterns and validate whether low defect densities can be achieved
with filtered copolymer processed in a cleanroom.
Experiments and modeling indicate that under some circumstances self-assembled structures are not always vertical but
can have a 3D structure. Furthermore, under some conditions, experiments have observed different morphology at the top
of the self assembled structure than at the bottom of the material. Thus, it is important to determine the structure and
defect density that is transferred to the underlying material after development and etch. Thus, it will not be adequate to
characterize the defect density on the top surface of the developed copolymer structure.
Metrology is needed to characterize defect densities over large areas with assembled block copolymers. Significant
challenges exist to characterize the defect density in the thin block co-polymer films. Furthermore, existing defect
inspection instruments are optimized for patterns that defined by a photomask, while DSA features may have more
variability in position of features when performing pattern multiplication. This may be detected as a defect when it is
within the allowable registration of features, alternately variability of feature location may make the system insensitive to
Significant progress has been made in reducing annealing time from days to minutes through either increasing the
annealing temperature close to the glass transition temperature or though solvent annealing. It is not clear which will be
most appropriate in manufacturing. It is also not clear whether solvent annealing is thermodynamically or kinetically
driven assembly process and this could affect defect formation. Another option is to anneal the block-copolymers with
microwave radiation to provide local energy in a short time to accelerate assembly processes.
A critical challenge is to simplify the process used to define the patterns that direct the alignment of the block co-
polymers. Graphoepitaxy requires multiple process steps to pattern, etch, and tune the substrate surface energy. The
integration of photoresist functionality with self assembly
could provide a potential path to process simplification, but
significant research is needed to make this a viable technology.
The ERM conducted a voting based survey of the potential viability of directed self assembly to extend lithography. The
potential applications of DSA considered were 1) line edge roughness (LER) improvement; 2) Contact or via CD
improvement; 3) density multiplication for memory array patterning; and 4) density multiplication for logic. The average
scores for all applications were (2.1) indicating that the technology is promising; however, individual scores also
identified important issues. The results of the DSA Critical Assessment are shown in Table ERM9. For the LER
improvement application the average score was only 1.5 indicating that 50% of the votes believe that, based on the
current state-of-the-art, DSA wouldnt provide sufficient improvement to satisfy LER requirements at the projected
insertion window. The need to improve LER remains a key research challenge. For the contact CD improvement
application, the average score for improving contact size control was 2.4 indicating that DSA looks promising for this
application. For Memory and Logic pattern density multiplication, the ability to achieve a low defect density was a
significant issue with a score of (1.6) for both, and this will be followed closely. Voting indicated a high confidence that
DSA could achieve pattern density multiplication and pattern small features with short annealing times; however, there
were concerns about the ability to exclude features and contaminant limits. So, this first critical assessment of DSA
indicates that significant progress has been made in specific areas, but there are challenges in defect density and
integration. This critical assessment will be updated in the future.
This critical assessment is based on voting by 20 participants from the ERM, Lithography, and partipants in the DSA
Emerging Research Materials 27
Table ERM9 Directed Self Assembly Critical Assessment
Key challenges for future FEP and PIDS materials and processes are to support extending CMOS to smaller dimensions
with reduced variation in device performance. This will require more accurate placement of dopants in active device
areas, directed self assembly of useful nanomaterials, and materials to enable selective deposition, etch, and cleans to
enable self aligned structures in future devices. The requirements and challenges for ERM applied to FEP and PIDS
applications are summarized in Table ERM10.
Table ERM10 FEP / PIDS Challenges for Deterministic Processing
Semiconductors, the basic material of a transistor, show its real worth by adding dopants that tailor the electronic
properties, conventionally achieved by doping. Doping control becomes an ever more critical process when devices scale
into the deep sub-30 nm regime. A key challenge for scaling semiconductor devices towards 10 nm is the ability to
achieve high doping levels within source/drain regions, with abrupt dopant gradients with small variations at the
source/drain interface to the channel, as well as controlled dopant positions within the channel. For example, the threshold
voltage is sensitive to small variations in channel dimensions, the gate stack structure, and dopant variations in the
depletion layer
. The threshold voltage variability will gate the extensibility of bulk planar CMOS device technology.
Over the next five to ten years, MPU physical gate lengths are projected to scale from 17 nm to 10.7 nm. Also, the trend
in the number of channel electrons suggests that by the year 2015 there may less than 20 active dopant atoms in the
channel region. For channel doped devices, this low number of channel dopants may emerge as another critical
performance and yield limiter. Non-doped three-dimensional transistors provide a significant solution for the random
dopant fluctuation. These new transistors still pursue the doping technology advancement, shifting the general interests
from the channel to the shallower junction as well as the source/drain interface to the channel. One positive outcome of
ultimate doped transistor has been the demonstration that it is possible to tune electrical properties by controlling, not an
ensemble of dopants but, the placement of individual dopants
. Research is needed to develop new materials and
fabrication methods that enable deterministic control of the composition and structure of doped material and gradient
systems. One way to control the doping profile is by deterministic processing and doping
For FEP and PIDS applications, deterministic fabrication refers to 3D nanopatterning and assembly methods that provide
sufficient control of the composition and structure of doped interfaces and components to yield several orders of
magnitude improvements in device to device performance variability. Doping processes with atomic-scale placement and
concentration control will enable tunable device performance characteristics and reduced device-to-device variations. A
reduction in device noise enlarges the useable design space, circuit-level uniformity, and system performance. The ability
to accurately place dopants also may enable radically new device concepts, such as emerging quantum computing
devices, based on coherent manipulation of single dopant atomic states within Si
or diamond matrices.
As device dimensions continue to scale, tighter doping concentration tolerances will be required to achieve projected
performance control requirements. The reality for transistor doping, as planar CMOS devices approach 16 nm
characteristics, is that both implantation and annealing techniques face significant challenges. The general nature of these
challenges; i.e. increasing random dopant fluctuation, dopant activation, controlling dopant diffusion and minimizing
junction leakage current, are certain to remain relevant as transistor/switch design extends towards atomic-level materials
and designs. Candidate doping options must address the following: 1) atomic scale control of dopants and massively
parallel dopant delivery; 2) random dopant fluctuation in the active channel region, ultra shallow junctions in the
source/drain region and abrupt transitions between the source/drain regions and the channel; 3) compatibility and
integration with existing fabrication platforms; and 4) economics, which depends upon on R&D and equipment costs,
yield, and throughput.
Deterministic doping is a method based on the premise that atomistically precise control of dopant position and
composition are needed as device dimensions scale. Deterministic fabrication refers to 3D nanopatterning and assembly
methods that provide sufficient control of the composition and structure of doped interfaces, which yield several orders of
28 Emerging Research Materials
magnitude improvements in device performance variability. Deterministic doping focuses on: 1) Introducing single-
dopant/few-dopants within the channel, as well as the source/drain regions, with placement accuracy of <<10nm; 2)
activating the low number of deterministically introduced dopants effectively; 3) measuring and imaging single-
dopant/few-dopants precisely; 4) exploring potential application opportunities through the atomistic control of materials,
devices, and processes for better device performance. New metrologies can enable the characterization and realization of
well designed atomic scale devices. A review article on single dopant control can be found in the supplemental
The deterministic 3D dopant placement and structural control technology required to enable atomically abrupt and
reproducible source-channel-drain interfaces are in the early phases of exploratory research. This years revision reviews
recent progress in this area and considers potential options for enabling extensible doped CMOS channels and leveraging
related emerging materials, devices and processes, and new device concepts, including quantum computing devices in Si
or diamond, for sub-16nm applications. SINGLE ION IMPLANTATION (SII)
Several groups have now demonstrated the feasibility of single ion implantation, which is becoming a more important
tool for enabling systematic studies of single atom devices. This technology seeks to deposit a specified number of
desired dopant ions at precise locations within the active region. Key objectives are to achieve single ion implantations
with high spatial resolution and flexibility in dopant species, as well as 100% single dopant detection. Single ion
implantation can be measured by the detection of secondary electrons, photons, electron-hole pairs, changes in transistor
channel currents, or direct imaging changes in surface topography. Significant sources of dopant positioning errors, such
as implantation spot size, straggling range, and diffusion and segregation during annealing, must be addressed for SII to
be relevant for ultimately scaled doped devices and related application opportunities, such as single atom device
development, systematic studies of dopant fluctuation effects and tests of quantum computer architectures (qubit readout,
control and coupling) in relevant device platforms and substrates, e.g., silicon and diamond. SELF-ASSEMBLY AND SURFACE CHEMISTRY
This chemistry based approach teaches that the dose can be modulated precisely by the formation of a mixed monolayer,
consisting of tunable blank and active precursor components. Additionally, controlled nanoscale semiconductor doping by
self-assembled molecular monolayers with loaded dopants can achieve sub-5 nm ultra-shallow junctions with spike
anneals, due to the lack of transient enhanced diffusion often encountered in ion implantation. A key objective is to
heavily dope self-aligned semiconductor materials for nanowire and planar device applications. STM ATOM POSITIONING
9, 10, 25-28
Extremely small functional devices have recently been reported with atomic scale placement accuracy. Fabrication of the
first atomically architected functional transistor, with all epitaxial in plane highly phosphorus doped gates, has been
demonstrated in silicon, using a combination of scanning probe microscopy and molecular beam epitaxy. The method
provides high stability and full activation in a high density n-type systems and low temperature process. Potential benefits
of the STM approach include: The ability to pattern with atomic precision in three dimensions; extremely high density,
atomically planar and abrupt doping profiles; the investigation of novel device architectures; and applicability to other
dopant sources/metal/organics. It is highly unlikely that this technique will warrant consideration as a potential solution
for advanced device fabrication, because of low throughput, STM tip stability, reproducibility. On the other hand, the
patterning accuracy of this technique may enable exploration of unique devices, including 3D device architectures. LOW THERMAL BUDGET ACTIVATION
Very low thermal processing with microwave radiation, as well as millisecond energy pulses from flash lamps and laser,
could keep dopant diffusion minimal. Extrinsic silicon has slight electrical conductivity and dipoles originated from
dopants and vacancies. Microwave anneals could selectively generate heat directly inside the exposed material in the form
of molecular rotational or polarization energies. That locally deposited energy becomes ergodically transferred throughout
the material, retarding dopant diffusion and achieving the desired activation. Microwave anneals <500
C have been
demonstrated for B, P, As in Si, Ge, poly-Si. For STM-fabricated devices a low temperature incorporation anneal has
been found to activate the dopants with minimal dopant diffusion
Tools for observing single atoms are now available. These include 3D atom probe tomography (APT), local electrode
atom probe (LEAP), scanning spreading resistance microscopy (SSRM), low temperature Kelvin force microscopy
(KFM), and scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM), etc.
Emerging Research Materials 29
Steady progress has been made in resolving individual discrete dopants in drift diffusion (DD), Monte Carlo (MC) and
quantum transport (QT) simulation tools. DD: The introduction of density gradient quantum corrections for electrons and
holes has resolved the problem of artificial charge trapping in the coulomb well of the ionized impuritys attractive
potential. MC: The introduction of ab-initio impurity scattering has allowed the characterization of transport variations
related to individual dopant positions via 3D ensemble MC simulations. QT: Full 3D QT simulators are now readily
available, which use effective mass and tight binding Hamiltonians. These transport simulation tools are essential,
especially when developing concepts for nanoelectronic devices that can benefit from the deterministic doping. SINGLE DOPANT TRANSPORT
Recent studies have demonstrated transport through single donor/acceptor systems, memory effects in 2-donor systems,
single electron transport in multi-donor systems, charge pumping, and single-dopant current spectroscopy. These findings
are creating a more foundational quantitative knowledgebase that will enable the design of future CMOS devices, while
they approach the ultimate single atom transistor limit. SINGLE DOPANT SPIN CONTROL
The spin of the electron or the nucleus on single dopant in silicon has been identified as an excellent system to encode and
manipulate quantum information. Single shot readouts of electron spin on a single P donor in Si has been demonstrated,
with a lifetime up to 6 seconds. The observed 92% readout visibility may enable electron spin qubit applications. SINGLE NITROGEN-VACANCY (N-V) SPIN CONTROL IN DIAMOND
Beyond silicon, the number of studies on single color centers in diamond has grown significantly in the last 5 years. The
direct room temperature optical access to single electron spin control, with close to 2.4ms lifetimes, allowed great
advances in the control of quantum states. This includes the demonstration of basic quantum logic, with a few qubits and
transfer of quantum information from electrons to photons. These isolated spins may be located using confocal
microscopy, initialized via optical pumping, and read out through spin dependent photoluminescence measurements.
However, while single color centers can easily be found, the 1% to 60% yield appears to be energy dependent. KEY MESSAGES
Functional devices with atomic scale placement accuracy can be fabricated; however, cost effective techniques are needed
to place dopants with minimal damage to the crystal lattice. The fabrication of these devices currently requires the use of
atomically accurate positioning techniques, such as STM assisted doping. Such techniques are not likely to become
manufacturable, since they would require massively parallel tool architectures and face significant data management
challenges. However, these methods may enable the exploration of fundamental device limits and new functionality, such
as symmetry and quantum effects. Designed self-assembled dopant loaded monolayers can achieve controlled sub-5 nm
ultra-shallow junctions with spike anneals. While the average spacing between dopants can be somewhat tuned by the
choice of carrier molecule, the creation of complex dopant patterns, with required dopant control, remains a challenge.
Medium placement accuracy, ~10 nm, doping methods (i.e., single ion implantation) exhibit the potential for device
development applications. The projected manufacturing requirements create a need for new doping concepts. Research is
needed on high throughput doping options that also deliver high placement accuracy. Emerging candidate doping research
focus areas include directed self-assembly and the use of molecular monolayers as scaffolds for accurate and controlled
dopant delivery. Deterministic doping will lead scaling semiconductor devices towards the single dopant limit. Novel
characterization techniques, such as 3D atom probe tomography, will help to guide the evolution and assessment of
emerging deterministic doping technologies words this goal.
The use of directed self assembly to position nanostructured materials, such as carbon nanotubes
has made progress
but, considerable improvement in control of location direction and defect density is needed before this would warrant
consideration for fabricating future charge based devices.
With the wide range of new materials potentially being integrated into future technologies, there are significant needs for
materials that enable selective and customized etching, cleaning or material deposition. Either macromolecules or self
assembly processes that can enable coating of a specific material in the presence of other chemical processes, such as
etching or chemical mechanical polishing could improve process selectivity and yield. Similarly, as feature sizes are
reduced, cleaning processes will need to be more selective in removing particles without disturbing the desired structures.
30 Emerging Research Materials
Thus, there are opportunities for macromolecules and self assembled materials to enable the enhanced selectivity of future
manufacturing processes.
Etch represents a critical step in conventional top-down pattern transfer processing. The lithographic and etch processes
are significant contributors to the final dimension, dimensional variation, and functionality of a patterned feature. It may
be advantageous to consider simplified fabrication scenarios that reduce the number of pattern transfer steps and the
corresponding process related variability. The directed self-assembly of electronically useful materials represents an
identified set of emerging technology options that show some potential for process simplification and for reducing
patterning related variability. Early approaches for directed self assembly target resist applications that complement and
leverage existing and projected lithographic and etch technologies. Future generations of self-assembling systems may be
designed to incorporate electronically useful materials that would obviate the need for some etches.
FEP has identified that post implant cleans are removing damaged silicon and this produces variability in the amount of
dopant remaining in the silicon. Furthermore, as the industry integrates III-V materials ion implantation introduces
damage that increases resistivity and cant be reduced through annealing. Thus, there is a need for methods to introduce
dopants into source drain and channel regions with minimal damage to the channel material crystal structure. In
deterministic doping, two approaches have emerged that have a potential to introduce dopants with minimal damage to
the crystal 1) using a Langmuir deposition of a macromolecule with a dopant that bonds close to the surface of the
channel material followed by an annealing step to drive the dopant into the crystal and activate the dopant in the crystal
and 2) after the Langmuir deposition of the dopant with a macromolecule, dissassociate the macromolecule from the
dopant and grow a thin epitaxial layer on the crystal to integrate and activate the dopant.
Understanding and engineering atomic level contacts is critical for molecular scale devices. For these systems, nanoscopic
factors, such as bond formation and configuration, significantly impact contact potential barriers.
Additionally, metal
molecule interactions
and deposition variability may dominate nanoscale device operation. The nature of the metal-
molecule orbital overlap will be important in determining the properties of their combined occupied states and available
conduction pathways. For good mechanical or electrical contacts to be established with a low potential barrier
significant orbital overlap optimization between the molecule and the electrode is needed. Research is needed to
understand the structure and properties of metal-molecule interactions and to design and synthesize new molecule-
electrode material systems that enable stable, reproducible low potential barrier contacts.
Key challenges for continued increased performance of future integrated circuit interconnects consist of maintaining
reductions of RC time constants for delivery of signals and power with high reliability. For copper interconnects to be
extendible through 2024, the sidewall copper barrier thickness must be reduced to less than 2nm, which is challenging for
technologies, as is summarized in Table ERM11. For post copper interconnect scaling, novel interconnects, such as
carbon nanotubes, are being explored for their low resistivity and electromigration resistance and the challenges for these
technologies are summarized in Table ERM12. Also, lower dielectric constant ( for both intra and inter level dielectric
are needed; however, each of these emerging families of materials must overcome significant challenges for them to
warrant adoption. Airgap, another approach to reducing the effective , if adopted, would place additional requirements
on barrier layers or novel interconnects.
Table ERM11 Interconnect Material Challenges
Table ERM12 Nanomaterial Interconnect Material Properties
The scaling of Cu barrier layer thicknesses below 2nm faces several challenges including the ability to block diffusion of
Cu during processing, packaging and operation, have good adhesion to Cu and the low- ILD, block H2O/O2 diffusion
into the Cu, and be compatible with Cu interconnect processing, such as CMP, ILD etch, and photoresist ashing. New
trench/via barrier materials, such as Ru and CuMn that are discussed in the Interconnect chapter, are in development and
expected to maintain barrier thickness scaling for several generations, but forecasts project Cu barrier layer thicknesses of
< 2 nm by 2015 and < 1 nm by 2021. At these dimensions, it is anticipated that all barrier materials in development may
fail and new materials or multilayer thin films will be needed. If the industry moves to airgap ILD technology, the barrier
Emerging Research Materials 31
requirements for these structures will become still more challenging. A serious issue is that all research on alternate
barrier layers materials typically only report results down to 5nm. This needs to be extended down to 1nm.
A logical extension of the current trench/via barrier materials would be to identify new transition metal nitrides or direct
plate metals with improved barrier capabilities that meet future requirements. To date, a host of alternate transition metal
nitrides and direct plate metals have been investigated but only demonstrated at thicknesses down to 5nm. While, recent
results for a 2.5nm MnN barrier have been reported
, more research on new barrier metals at < 5 and ultimately < 1-2 nm
is needed. Additionally, research is needed to determine whether metal (nitride) barrier films deposited by industry
standard techniques are continuous at these dimensions - particularly in the presence of 2nm surface roughness likely
present from patterning line edge roughness and low-k ILD porosity.
As an alternative to new hard metal barrier materials, research is also needed on so called soft Cu barrier materials
such as self assembled monolayers (SAMs) and other organic films. SAMS were added to the 2009 ITRS and have shown
the ability to impede Cu diffusion and improve adhesion between Cu and dielectric materials
. However, SAM barriers
have not exhibited equivalent barrier performance to industry standard TaN
. More research is therefore needed to
characterize and benchmark the performance of 1-3 nm thick SAM barriers versus hard barrier materials of similar
thickness. Concerns over the survivability of SAMS in downstream processing and their barrier performance when
combined with porous low-k ILDs, 2nm surface roughness, topography, and defects also need to be addressed. Organic
films as Cu barrier materials are highly attractive due to their relatively low dielectric constant, but have yet to be
demonstrated as Cu barriers at thicknesses of interest (< 2 nm)
. Lastly, graphene as a Cu barrier material also deserves
some consideration and research. Recent results have shown the ability of monolayer graphene to protect Cu and Cu/Ni
alloys against oxidation [6] and its < 1nm thickness would be ideal for beyond 2020 technologies.
Cu capping barrier layers are also forecasted to approach thicknesses of < 2nm by 2020. At these dimensions, it can be
anticipated that the current SiN/SiCN/SiOC materials will fail and that new materials will need to be sought out. While
the key technical challenges for Cu capping layers are similar to those for the via/trench barrier layer, there are additional
requirements including dielectric constant scaling where it can be anticipated that the current k values of > 4.0 for these
layers will become unacceptable by 2020. While alternate paths focused on removing the Cu capping layer may be
pursued, parallel research is needed on new Cu capping materials such as SAMS, organic films and other potential
candidate materials such as a-C:H, a-CN
, and a-BCN
In summary, all of the candidate < 2nm barrier materials have their strengths and weaknesses. As means to perhaps
address some of the weaknesses of each material, research that investigates combinations of hard and soft barrier
materials should be considered and is highly encouraged as a means to address the needs of future technologies.
Emerging SWCNT or MWCNT nanotube interconnects or vias must demonstrate high densities of highly conducting
nanotubes in desired locations, with controlled directionality and, low-resistance contacts. Additionally, the CNTs must
be gown with a catalyst that is compatible with the ILDs and general semiconductor processing. CNTs exhibit ballistic
transport over longer distances,
but SWCNTs consist of a mixture of metallic and semiconducting tubes, thus limiting
their viability. MWCNTs, however, are distinctly metallic making them attractive as an interconnect candidate. A
potential advantage of CNT vias is their ability to carry high current density without electromigration; however,
electromigration at metal interfaces may be an issue.
Further, their low resistivity may offer potential advantages for
interconnect applications, which include their ability to achieve ballistic transport. Since CNTs also exhibit quantum
limited contact resistance, their length must be sufficient to yield favorable effective resistivities, as described in the
Interconnect chapter. Additionally, CNT conductivity must remain high and stable during operation. Research and
guiding material-design principles are needed for improved CNT functionalization, deposition, and positional control. GROWTH IN CONTROLLED LOCATIONS WITH ALIGNMENT
For CNTs to be used as either devices or interconnects, they must be grown in precise locations and aligned in required
directions. While progress has been made in growing nanotubes in desired locations,
directional alignment remains a
challenge. Recent results suggest that CNTs grown in a directed electric field
can achieve general directional alignment.
Additionally, growth on catalyst patterned sapphire or quartz crystal steps has grown aligned CNTs
, although,
placement remains a challenge. While growth on this substrate is less than the required density, this alignment is
significantly better than other techniques. Another challenge is the controlled growth of CNTs. A zeolite can be used to
32 Emerging Research Materials
control CNT growth diameter
, location and direction, however it must be demonstrated that such a templating matrix
has no impact on the CNT conductivity. While several approaches to produce CNTs have been identified, the practical
implementation of this concept to manufacturing remains elusive. Post-growth assembly options also are being explored.
Since interconnects span relatively long distances, high speed growth method should be strongly pursued.
The quality
of CNTs affect the ballistic length of carrier transport in a tube. Therefore, high quality CNT growth and evaluation of
their quality are important. The length must be sufficient to yield favorable effective resistivities, as described in the
Interconnect chapter. NANOTUBE VIAS
Vertical interconnects (vias) may benefit from the integration of CNTs into future technologies. Although an approach for
the integration of CNTs into contemporary CMOS technology has already been demonstrated
a number of unsolved
critical issues still remain to be addressed. Thus, new hybrid integrating schemes (combining top down and bottom up
paths) compatible with the actual CMOS technologies and engineered at a level that also use thermal budgets (below 600
C to reduce the thermal damages to LSI) are needed. In addition, theoretical studies have been carried out to derive
electrical properties and offer an important guidance and insight on the applications of CNTs vias for gigascale-
integration chips.
CNTs can significantly improve the RC delay and thermal conductivity at the intermediate and
global level. For CNT vias to be viable they must be fabricated with a catalyst that is compatible with the ILD and
semiconductor devices and their electrical and thermal reliability must be demonstrated. A number of key processes for
which a control needs to be established to realize the potential of CNTs are described in the following sections. CONTROL OF CHIRALITY AND OF METALLIC VERSUS SEMICONDUCTING
In order to achieve comparable resistances predicted for Cu-based wirings, dense arrays (~1E14 tubes/cm
) of small
diameter (~1.2 nm) metallic SWCNTs and DWCNTs will be required. The variability of intrinsic CNT-via resistance is a
function of the distribution of chiralities, which could exceed projected requirements. Hence, additional research is
needed to elucidate chirality control. In the case of MWCNTs tradeoffs need to be made in the diameter and number of
walls to achieve the highest density; however, the chirality control is less of an issue as the overall behavior is metallic. CONTROL OF CONTACT RESISTANCE AND ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY
The lower intrinsic limit of the resistance for a metallic SWCNT (or a metallic shell of MWCNTs) is 6.5 kO (independent
of the tube diameter)
and reflections at the CNT-metal contact interface and phonon scattering contribute to an increase
in total resistance.
Therefore, reliable and reproducible low resistance ohmic contacts are needed, since high
resistances results in current reduction. Transparent SWCNT ohmic contacts, scaled to diameters <1.5 nm, remain a key
challenge to achieving high-performance in nanoelectronic devices, due to the presence of positive Schottky
(semiconducting nanotube) and tunneling barriers (metallic nanotubes). Fabricating direct metallic connections between
all the nanotube shells also remains a technological challenge, since contact resistances at the bottom and top of CNT-
based vias may enhance the risk of local heating and electromigration.
In the case of vias filled with MWCNTs,
resistances down to 0.6 O have been reported for 2 m diameter vias
, and 34 O was reported for 160 nm diameter
Ideal SWCNT arrays and contacts exhibit potential to improve intermediate and global RC delays by >40% over Cu
wires. Locally, short low resistance CNT vias are needed that reduce the total capacitance, relative to Cu. Also, in-situ
CNT growth and integration on relevant substrates is currently far from manufacturable. A catalytic process is needed that
exclusively promotes growth of metallic SWCNTs, with the required density of ~1E14cm
. Also, appropriate, reliable,
and reproducible analytical tools and statistical methods must be developed to help guide the integration and assess the
insertion potential of this potential via technology.
In the case of MWCNTs, the resistance of a 70 nm diameter via filled with close packed nanotubes of 4 nm diameter 6-
wall MWCNTs including the top and bottom barrier layer can be estimated to be as low as that of Cu via. Based on this
estimation, the target density of the MWNTs is 5 10
. To date, density of 1-2.510
vertically aligned
diameter-controlled MWCNTs has been reported.
Independently, the fabrication of 70-nm diameter vias with
MWCNTs grown by pulse-excited remote plasma-enhanced CVD has been also reported.
Graphene is also a possible candidate for an interconnect material to replace Cu. Graphene is inherently a two-
dimensional material, so it may be ideal for horizontal interconnects. Graphene, like carbon nanotubes, can sustain a high-
Emerging Research Materials 33
density current. In fact, research demonstrated that a few-layer graphene peeled off from graphite could sustain a current
larger than 10
Numerical simulations predict that graphene nanoribbons can potentially have lower resistance
compared to copper with a unity aspect ratio for widths below 8nm. Additionally, the simulations show stacks of non-
interacting nanoribbons can have significantly smaller resistivities than Cu wires.
In order to realize graphene
interconnects, a low temperature method for synthesis of graphene on a suitable substrate must be realized. Recently,
synthesis of graphene by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) has been reported.
However, the synthesis temperatures
are typically around 1000C, which is too high for interconnect applications. Recently, growth of multilayer graphene at
and 580C
has been demonstrated, and the reliability of CVD-grown graphene interconnects have been
. More research is needed in low temperature deposition to achieve graphene interconnects. Moreover,
synthesis by CVD usually requires a catalyst film, which may have to be removed after the synthesis. In order to solve
this problem, the catalyst-free growth of networked nanographite (NNG) on Si and SiO
substrates has been developed by
using photoemission-assisted plasma-enhanced CVD.
If single crystal nanowire metals could be grown with smooth surfaces
, they could reduce many of the issues
associated with grain boundary induced resistivity increases and sidewall roughness scattering, as illustrated in the
Interconnect Cu Resistivity chart in the Interconnect chapter. Research is needed to demonstrate the feasibility of the
following: self-assembled nanowires with smoother surfaces and reduced surface scattering; hydrogen passivation to
reduce the diameter dependence of resistivity, diffuse surface scattering, and the grain boundary scattering in
polycrystalline nanowires.
Successful copper replacement materials must provide lower resistivity and higher electromigration resistance than
copper, at the same dimensions. Potential interconnect replacement materials, such as carbon nanotubes for vias and
interconnects and possibly single crystal copper metal nanowires for interconnects, must overcome significant challenges
to warrant insertion consideration as identified in Table ERM12.
As identified in the interconnect chapter, to realize lower effective interconnects, mainly two different approaches are
being pursued 1) pore introduction into ILDs and 2) air gap ILD. Porous low- materials exhibit low dielectric constant as
low as 2.3 due to low density and pore sizes in the range of less than several nm. Reducing value below 2.0 is possible
but requires increasing the pore volume in ILDs; however, integration issues such as mechanical properties, process
compatibility, and moisture absorption, limit their adoption in manufacturing. In order to overcome these issues,
alternative molecular designs should be investigated. The second approach is air gap ILD with a value close to 1.0. Two
typical methods for fabricating air gap interconnect are described below. One is non-conformal CVD deposition on metal
lines with materials between them partially or completely removed, and another is damascene metal lines with an
embedded sacrificial material which can be selectively removed through a dielectric cap. One of critical challenges in air
gap interconnects from the view point of materials is developing sacrificial materials. A summary of the low dielectric
challenges is included in Table ERM11.
In order to reduce dielectric constant of ILD materials, polarizability per unit volume needs to be decreased. For
polarizability reduction, one existing method is lowering density of the film and other is using chemical structure having
low polarizabilities, and combinations of these two methods are also studied. As a low density ILD material, silica-zeolite
is a possible candidate
, which exhibits low- characteristics due to a porous structure in its silica skeleton, and high
mechanical strength due to a three dimensional silica network. Polycarbosilane-based dielectrics with Si-C bonds have
smaller dipole moments than Si-O bonds with nonporous films had dielectric constant as low as 2.3
and excellent
resistance to Cu diffusion under a standard bias temperature stress test conditions. This fact indicates that interconnect
structure without barrier metals can be formed by polycarbosilane low- dielectrics as ILD, and low resistive Cu wiring
can be realized due to barrier-metal-less wiring structure. With smaller volume of pores, -value of polycarbosilane may
become lower than 2.0. Another low polarizability chemical structure was reported for nonporous fluorocarbon film
deposited by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition using C
The dielectric constant of the films is less than
2.0, and the elastic modulus is higher than 8GPa. Moreover, the fluorocarbon films exhibits excellent adhesion to SiCN
barrier dielectric and low leakage current density measured by a current density-electric field characteristics. This film
also has a good thermal stability arising from preventing overdecomposition of C
gas which results in volatile CF
radical generation.
Airgap formation using sacrificial materials is another candidate for realizing low effective interconnects. Although the
materials are common polymers, the application is new and the potential impact on other interconnect ERM could be
significant. Sacrificial polymers must decompose cleanly for forming airgaps without any harmful residues, and be
34 Emerging Research Materials
compatible with Cu wiring fabrication before airgap formation. A sacrificial polymer based on poly(cyclohexyl
methacrylate) formed by initiate chemical vapor deposition left less than 0.3% residue
when annealed in a nitrogen
ambient with a thermal decomposition temperature of 270C, which may be compatible with Cu interconnects. By using
Poly(neopentyl methacrylate-co-ethyleneglycol diacrylate) copolymer, onset temperature can be adjusted from 290C to
350C with removal percentages varying from 93% to 98%.
The sacrificial materials exhibit adequate elastic modulus
(3.9-5.5GPa) and high onset decomposition temperatures compatible with Cu interconnect fabrication. Process
simplification is needed to enable this technology and this would place additional requirements, such as stress migration
on the other interconnect materials. The Cu and barrier layers must have good adhesion to the air gap polymer, but must
also provide mechanical constraint and electromigration resistance.
Key challenges for future assembly and package technologies are to provide a controlled stress package that meets
electrical and thermal requirements and is reliable through assembly and product life. Future technologies will require
complex packages to electrically connect the boards and other components and with the ability to protect them from
stresses, moisture, and other environmental stresses and cost effectively. ERM including nanomaterials, macromolecules,
and complex metal oxides may provide solutions to these future requirements, but they must overcome a number of
challenges identified in Table ERM13. (3D package and system in package overlap with interconnects) Highly coupled
and shared problems and solutions.
Table ERM13 Assembly and Packaging ERM Challenges
3D interconnects need materials to support a thermal hierarchy of assembly, both solders and polymers, and polymers
with high thermal conductivity to spread heat from local hot spots in a chip. The solders will be described in the next
section, polymers will discussed later and high thermal conductivity will be discussed in the nanotube thermal section
To support assembly of system on a package and high performance flip chip packages a hierarchy of lower assembly
temperature solders is needed. For system on a package, lower melting point solders are needed to initial mount
components and keep them mechanically in place when other components are attached and alloyed with all solder joints
form high reliability joints on a final cure. The initial low temperature solder joints need to provide mechanical strength
through the following higher temperature reflow operations. For high performance flip chip packages, lower temperature
assembly is needed to reduce stress thermal expansion stress. The move to Pb-free electronic packaging, has resulted in
the use of higher melting point (>30C higher) Pb-free solders, such as those based on the Sn-Ag-Cu (SAC) family, and
these have higher mechanical modulus and lower wettability to common surface finishes. Due to the higher melting point
and higher mechanical modulus of these solders, this increases the thermo-mechanical stresses in the package. Key
emerging research challenges are to identify novel interconnect materials that exhibit potential for addressing these issues,
associated with SAC alloys, and provide for lower temperature and stress electronic packaging processes. A few novel
materials have been identified, including nano-solders based on Pb-free alloys and electrically conductive adhesives.
Research and industry consortia engagement is required to demonstrate the feasibility of these materials to address
projected packaging requirements.
For lower temperature flip chip assembly other options under investigation include: Conventional low temperature
soldering using the Sn-Bi or Sn-In family of alloys, flip-chip packaging with all-copper connections to replace soldered
copper interconnects
, and carbon nanotube based first level interconnections. Each of these potential options faces
significant challenges. Research and industry consortia engagement is required to demonstrate the feasibility of these
materials to address projected packaging requirements NANOPARTICLE BASED SOLDERS
For many metallic nanoparticles, e.g., Cu, Sn, In, Bi, Ga, Au, it has been shown
that their melting points and latent heats
of fusion decrease with particle size. This behavior is attributed to the surface pre-melting characteristics, due to their
increased surface to volume ratio, which is a key factor in determining the melting behavior. Solders based on low-
melting point nanoparticles, could be useful for low-temperature electronic packaging assemblies, forming relatively
compliant interconnects. However, their current-carrying capability, electromigration resistance, and scalability remain to
Emerging Research Materials 35
be understood. For example, it has been demonstrated
that SnAg based nano-solders, with an average particle size < 10
nm, showed a melting point reduction from ~225C for bulk material to 194C. The corresponding 10nm SAC alloy
melting point was reduced to 199C). The key challenge to synthesizing solder nanoparticles is to prevent oxidation,
which can be reduced by surface passivation. Surfactants de-bond/decompose at the low temperatures to form an initial
half-solder joint. The final solder joint can then be formed in the conventional reflow process. While this may meet the
needs of some applications that require an initial low temperature solder attach followed by higher temperature cure, most
package applications need the lower temperature solder to produce a good solder joint. The key challenge for nanoparticle
based solders is to identify novel techniques, including optimizing nanoparticle size and surfactant chemistries to enable a
complete low temperature solder joint formation process.
It is critical that experiments be completed to determine the mechanical strength of the fused solder joint after the initial
joint is formed to determine whether it is robust enough to support assembly of multiple chips. It is also important to
characterize the kinetics of joint annealing with subsequent processing and determine how the mechanical properties of
the final joint are affected by this. Further, it is important to determine whether shrinkage of the nanosolder joint occurs
through the assembly process. It will also be important to characterize the electromigration of completed nanosolder
Electrically conductive adhesives (or ECAs) represent another family of emerging research material under consideration
for low temperature assembly. ECAs contain metallic nano-fillers, typically Ag and Ni flakes, embedded in an epoxy
These embedded materials can be cured at much lower temperatures than solder reflow temperatures, ~175C,
between the two surfaces requiring the interconnection. Key challenges for implementing isotropic or anisotropic ECAs
include: Unstable contact resistance, due to formation of metal hydroxide or oxide on the nano-flake surfaces during
aging, poor impact performance, lower electrical and thermal conductivity, poor current carrying capability, and metal
migration compared to Pb-free solders. Additionally, materials innovation is needed to improve drop strength, (improved
polymer adhesion), electro-migration resistance, integration compatibility that enables a scalable, reliable package level
interconnection technology.
Polymers are used in a wide number of assembly and packaging applications including as adhesives for a wide range of
applications, underfill materials, molding compound, thermal interface materials, and others. These polymers must protect
the integrated circuit and interconnects from mechanical, thermal, and environmental stresses while providing the
required functional performance through the life of the product. It is critical that materials be developed that block
diffusion of water into the package and make it immune to mobile ions. In addition, these materials must have one set of
properties during application, a different set in process, and then the final product properties. Unfortunately, many of the
properties are coupled with current materials, so adding a material to change one property often has a detrimental effect
on other properties. A critical challenge is to identify materials additives that can modify polymer properties
New packaging related polymers are needed to meet the requirements of future technologies. For most applications, these
polymers primarily serve as an adhesive layer that provides moisture protection and mechanical properties including
coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), modulus, fracture toughness, and adhesion to other materials. Additionally, it
also must provide application specific properties such as dielectric constant, for high and low applications, electrical
resistance, and thermal/ electrical conductivity. If low thermal resistance is required for a composite polymer, the
interfacial thermal resistance between the thermal conducting materials and the other materials interfacing to the polymer
must be very low.
Future underfills will need to accommodate smaller gaps between the chip and package. Capillary underfills will require
polymers with lower viscosity in application, good wetting to multiple surfaces, low shrinkage during cure, and low CTE
(10-14 ppm) post cure. Current approaches to achieving the low CTE often increase viscosity, but nanomaterials may
offer the opportunity to add small amounts of fillers, and meet the CTE without increasing viscosity. Research is needed
into techniques to effectively integrate nanomaterials into epoxy systems and modify CTE without degrading viscosity in
application and adhesion. Alternate approaches to underfill such as wafer level adhesives need to have low CTE and good
adhesion to solder, polymers and the other materials, but not shrink upon cure. Again research is needed in integrating
nanomaterials that will enable low CTE, low shrinkage thermoset polymers and not interfere with solder joint formation.
36 Emerging Research Materials
Molding compounds will need to support a wide range of applications from high performance stacked chips to flexible
electronics, such as smart cards. With increased use of flip chip molding compounds will be needed to underfill the gap
between the chip and substrate as well as encapsulating the chip, so viscosity in application and adhesion to all surfaces
will be important. Innovation is also needed for materials with designed properties including flexibility to avoid cracking
from bending stresses with thin silicon, compatible CTEs between silicon and the flexible substrate, and strong adhesion
to IC materials. A critical need is to develop materials and methods to block the diffusion of water and mobile ions into
the molding compound. Water and mobile ions are very detrimental to the reliability of packages and products, so
eliminating their absorption by he molding compound is critical.
For wafer or die level and stacked chip packaging, adhesives are needed to provide a stress absorbing attachment between
silicon and other die materials, and exhibit a low shrinkage, low CTE, low modulus and low dielectric constant and in
some cases has a high lateral thermal conductivity. Again, research is needed integration of nanomaterials into thermoset
polymers to independently modulate mechanical, thermal and moisture absorbance.
Nanotechnology provides benefit in terms of multi-functional nano-composites, with simultaneous and step-function
improvements in properties and novel property modifications.
Such composites may find potential applications in future
mold compounds, under-fills, or die attach materials. Decreasing particle size helps to lower the composite CTE.
Another benefit of nano-composites is their potential for decoupling stiffness and toughness. However, persistent
challenges with processing and dispersion (intercalation-delamination) remain barriers to nanocomposites realizing their
full potential. Filler surface chemistries, such as: epoxy, acids, amines, and siloxanes onto silica-like fillers can play
crucial role in achieving in matrix filler intercalation and dispersion. Once the fillers are well dispersed and intercalated
(bonded) with the matrix, they act as temporary cross linkers during deformation, thereby improving toughness and
preventing or diverting cracks. If well bonded, the fillers may move with the polymer chains during deformation. While
the resulting nano-composites express only a marginal increase in modulus, they also exhibit a significant increase in
toughness, with lower CTE. The addition of oxide fillers has shown increase in composite surface energy, thereby
improving adhesion. However, research is needed to understand the fundamental factors that enable this improvement in
The grand challenge, as identified in the 2007 ITRS ERM chapter, is the concurrent requirements of achieving
low CTE, low modulus, high fracture toughness, high adhesion, and lower moisture absorption.
Figure ERM1 Polymer Composite Materials Coupling Example
Package polymers must simultaneously meet mechanical and moisture resistance requirements and functional properties
such as resistance, dielectric constant, thermal conductivity. In current approaches, the properties are highly coupled so
addition of fillers to decrease CTE is often detrimental to the other properties. Research is needed to determine whether
nanomaterials can be added into the polymers to independently modulate many of these properties.
Example: Adding silica fillers to reduce CTE
increases polymer modulus and reduces
fracture toughness. The effects on functional
properties, moisture resistance, and adhesion
are unknown.
Polymer Composite Mechanical Properties are Highly Coupled
Material additives that independently modify
properties are needed!!
Example: Adding silica fillers to reduce CTE
increases polymer modulus and reduces
fracture toughness. The effects on functional
properties, moisture resistance, and adhesion
are unknown.
Polymer Composite Mechanical Properties are Highly Coupled
Material additives that independently modify
properties are needed!!
Example: Adding silica fillers to reduce CTE
increases polymer modulus and reduces
fracture toughness. The effects on functional
properties, moisture resistance, and adhesion
are unknown.
Polymer Composite Mechanical Properties are Highly Coupled
Material additives that independently modify
properties are needed!!
Emerging Research Materials 37
The 2007 ITRS ERM chapter introduced low-dimensional materials, such as carbon nanotubes, as potential candidate
materials for electro-migration resistant chip interconnects. However, several key challenges were identified for these
materials, such as: 1) Packaging compatible assembly processes; 2) demonstrating the required electrical resistance and
reliability, including interface electro-migration, and 3) low assembly cost.
While the challenges remain daunting, research is underway to explore two potentially packaging compatible nanotube
assembly methods, which include: 1) in situ low temperature (< 300C) nanotube growth, or 2) remote synthesis of
nanotube arrays, which are subsequently transfer to substrate. In the first approach, growth temperatures as low as 350-
500C have been reported.
The second approach has demonstrated an increase in MWCNT density to 50% of the
theoretical value
, and been successful at transferring CNT bumps to a package
A critical challenge is the high contact resistance associated with nanotubes. Certain metals, such as Pd, Rh are known to
lower contact resistance with nanotubes, by matching of work functions.
Modeling reports
suggest that high nanotube
densities must be achieved to satisfy the projected contact resistance requirements. Thus, future efforts need to be geared
towards growth of high density nanotube arrays, with low contact resistance metal contacts.
The 2007 ITRS ERM chapter also introduced nanotubes and other low dimensional materials as potential thermal
management candidates for future package applications. The intrinsic high thermal conductivity of nanotubes justifies
their consideration as potential candidates for thermal interface materials. The key challenges that must be overcome for
this material to be viable include: 1) Lower thermal contact interface resistance and 2) a high density of nanotubes that
provide a direct thermal path between the heat source and the heat sink. Nanotube density and adhesion with Si or Silicon
dioxide, through a metallic interface, needs to be optimized for the best thermal performance.
3D packaging also needs to have thermally conducting polymers between some of the chips to spread heat and minimize
local heating of the adjacent integrated circuits or memory arrays. Thus, in this application, incorporating CNTs in high
density laterally in a polymer is important. The polymer must also have good adhesion to the components and low
modulus and low coefficient of thermal expansion.
Thermoelectric cooling offers the potential for satisfying projected thermal management requirements of advanced
semiconductor packages. The thermoelectric cooling ability is estimated by the non-dimensional figure of merit ZT that
has hovered below 1 until recently when a spike has been seen in semiconductor nanostructures.
Values of ~1.3-1.6
have been reported for PbSeTe/PbTe quantum dot superlattices.
The highest reported ZT (~2.4) so far has been in
nanostructured thin-film superlattices of Bi
and Sb
and devices based on these systems were recently
While these new nanomaterials show some promise for enabling extensible thermal management of
semiconductor packages significant challenges remain. These include contact parasitics that emerge whenever a device is
fabricated and which severely degrade the intrinsic cooling potential of these nanomaterials.
High speed, high power density capacitors are needed for power isolation in high performance logic. Future power
isolation capacitors need to work at GHz frequencies and deliver high amounts of current quickly. Materials needed to
support this are high dielectric constant materials, low resistance interconnects, and fabrication of the structure with a
small spacing between the electrodes. The highest dielectric constant materials are complex metal oxides which are
discussed in the Device Materials Section and have challenges with cation and oxygen vacancies reducing reliability.
Nanotubes and nanowires described in the interconnect section have potential as low resistance interconnects, but the
largest issues will be in developing low cost techniques to assemble the electrodes in close proximity with a low
resistance structure. Potential options would be to use directed self assembly of the electrode materials and the high
dielectric constant capacitors, but this would require the materials to also have low defect densities when integrated.
38 Emerging Research Materials
Over the past decade, the introduction of new materials has enabled the semiconductor industry to continue increasing the
density of transistors, increasing information processing performance and energy efficiency through equivalent scaling.
Examples of this include the introduction of Cu and low interconnects to increase interconnect speed and reduce energy
losses and the introduction of high gate dielectric with new gate electrodes to extend transistor performance and
increase energy efficiency. The introduction of these new materials into the integrated circuit also required the use of
multiple new materials in the manufacturing process. The semiconductor industry faces many significant challenges to
continue delivering higher density, more energy efficient, higher functionality technologies in the future and very few
material options could provide solutions. Since the difficulty of introducing a new material into a technology is high, the
new material would need to provide a significant performance and energy efficiency advantage over evolutionary
approaches. However, in some cases all of the options have known hazards or unknown toxicological behavior. In cases
where a new material can provide a compelling societal benefit and toxicological behavior is unknown, the need for
research to characterize potential acute toxicity and chronic effects will be highlighted. As the materials become more
viable as technology options, our industry needs to better understand technical and ESH properties and behavior so
mitigation and management strategies can be developed. Study on toxicological behavior of emerging materials is
steadily progressing, and needs to be pursued in parallel with material research and development. Technological demand
will make speed of development of new material and finding new use of conventional material even faster. A more
comprehensive sustainable approach should include capacity building of researchers, risk management strategy, and life
cycle assessment of emerging materials for managing ESH issues.
To identifying when new materials are becoming more viable for providing solutions, the earliest potential insertion
timing table (ERM 14) has been developed in collaboration with the other technology work groups. The goal of this table
is to highlight when research is needed to identify potential hazards for new materials and structures. As can be seen in
Table ERM14, earliest potential time varies greatly depending on the application with potential applications in 3-5 years
for carbon and metal nanotubes, oxide nanoparticles, macromolecules, and self assembled materials. Assembly and
Packaging has potential applications for carbon and metal nanotubes in this timeframe in embedded applications. Oxide
nanoparticles may have application as package polymer additives in Assembly and Packaging. Metal nanoparticles may
have potential applications as nanosolders to provide lower melting point solders for attaching chips to packages or other
chips; however, after assembly processing these materials would be converted into bulk materials. Novel
macromolecules have potential for application in process chemicals and photoresist in Lithography. Self assembled
materials could also be used in embedded package applications to provide high energy density capacitors. These are
viewed as the potential earliest insertion times for the ERM and the longer term applications are described in the
appropriate sections of this chapter. This table will be updated in future ERM Roadmaps.
In cases where the potential hazards of ERM are unknown, the ITRS encourages researchers to use conservative handling
procedures to limit exposure of workers and the environment.
Table ERM14 ITWG Earliest Potential ERM Insertion Opportunity Matrix
Metrology is needed to characterize the composition, properties, and the 3D structure of emerging research materials
(ERM), at nanometer dimensions and below. Also needed are non-destructive methods for characterizing embedded
materials, interfaces, and defects, as well as platforms that enable the simultaneous measurement of complex nanoscopic
properties. Among the many high level challenges are the need to monitor local variation at nanoscale dimensions while
providing this information across a large area such as a 300 mm wafer. The Metrology Roadmap continues to emphasize
the need to link modeling and simulation studies with metrology, so as to help bridge the gap between nanoscale
characterization and metrology capable of monitoring properties across a large area.
One of most overlooked challenges in metrology is need for valid nanoscale materials property values for use in
metrology. For example, the optical properties of top layer of SOI depend on the thickness of the film thickness below
10 nm. Furthermore, recent data show that measured properties for such films also depend on the properties of layers
deposited above the top SOI film. This dimensional and materials stack dependence points to the need for developing
databases of these properties with entries for critical materials stacks. In some instances, it seems that both carrier and
phonon confinement impacts numerous properties including dielectric function (complex refractive index), carrier
mobility, thermal transport.
Emerging Research Materials 39
To enable improvement of new materials for integration into nanometer scale structures, metrology is needed to
characterize the atomic structure and composition of a wide range of complex materials. These materials include III-V
semiconductors, low atomic weight (z) materials such as carbon nanotubes, 2-dimensional materials such as graphene,
boron nitride, MoS
, etc.. Additionally, nanostructured materials such as nanowires with multiple compounds, dielectrics,
metal interconnects, spin materials including dilute magnetic semiconductors, complex metal oxides and doped transition
metal oxides also require metrology for their characterization.
Nondestructive in-situ measurement methods are needed that offer real time characterization of material nanostructure,
composition and orientation, whilst also allowing for correlation to macro properties. For example, there is a need for
precise doping control, as a few misplaced dopant atoms can induce significant variability in the device performance of
nanoscale circuits and systems, but deterministic fabrication may enable tighter control of functionality and novel devices.
The work on these emerging materials could benefit from the standardization of electrical characterization methodologies,
to enable direct comparison of the data from various laboratories.
The ERMs under consideration for device or interconnect applications will be integrated with other materials that form
interfaces; the resultant nanostructures are predominantly surfaces, with little or no bulk. The understanding and the
control of the atomic structure, composition, interfacial bonding, defects, stress, and their effect on nanoscopic properties
is critical. For embedded contacts and other heterostructures, the ability to nondestructively characterize the structural and
electronic properties and stability of these interface structures is very difficult but important. 3-D Metrology of the
atomic architecture, as well as the polarization and electronic states at these interfaces will enable our understanding of
whether interface states are affecting their operation. Current subsurface / buried interface imaging and measurement
techniques are cumbersome / complicated and are marginally adequate for understanding interface phenomena and many
current techniques are destructive, since they require cross-sections. The challenge of understanding these
environmentally sensitive properties requires for the development and application of appropriate nondestructive 3D
characterization tools and methods. In addition, as alternate state variables are explored for beyond CMOS, there is a need
for correlated, multimodal microscopies to maximize information return from nanoscale objects and interfaces. Here
techniques are combined, simultaneously or asynchronously, through nanoscale registration techniques to characterize
properties such as electron and spin concentration and alignment. In addition, modeling is needed to separate the probe-
specimen interactions to determine the unperturbed interface structure and properties.
The properties of most nanostructured materials are dramatically affected by small concentrations of vacancies and
defects. Therefore, the ability to accurately map vacancies, defects, dopant atoms, and interface structures, in 3-D, may
be needed to enable future emerging device options. In the case of CMOS or alternate channel transistors, statistical
changes in dopant distribution cause variations in threshold voltage distributions. When interfaces are formed between
materials, bonds can be broken, defects are generated and they diffuse into the structure. For example, in the case of
graphene and carbon nanotubes, a local C-H bond or missing carbon atom can change the electronic properties of the
system. Alternatively, functionalization also can result in the formation of vacancies, or rehybridization of the carbon that
introduces states in the gap. Such material perturbations can dramatically change these materials electronic or thermal
properties. Complex metal oxide properties, including electrical, ferroelectric, and ferromagnetic, also are strongly
affected by the presence and location of oxygen vacancies, since they create local distortions of the crystal structure that
can break symmetry and induce different and uncontrolled electronic states. In complex metal oxide heterointerfaces, the
interface carrier concentration can be changed by the presence of oxygen vacancies. Process induced defects and
microstructure of individual nano-magnetic tunnel junctions (MJTs) have been correlated with the transport properties. A
unique set of defects and microstructure can be correlated to transport properties, including energy barrier,
from individual nano-magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) devices.
The challenge will be to detect the positions of small
concentrations of vacancies and defects in nanometer scale structures. In addition to the identified need for developing
enhanced microscopy capabilities, other physical measurement methods also should be improved so that the relationship
between defects and properties can be measured, quantified, and understood.
2, 5-8
New and existing materials, such as MoS
, are being studied in the context of electronics applications
, which still require
characterization. The ability to measure and map properties of a large number of low-dimensional materials is needed to
40 Emerging Research Materials
support improvements in materials synthesis for a wide range of potential applications. Such synthetic advances depend
on the reproducible production of high-quality materials, and rapid methods for characterizing the structure, purity, and
properties of such samples. For example, some methods for growing graphene tend to yield varying numbers of graphene
, and samples with various defects
. While spectroscopic techniques have distinguished between graphene
monolayers, bilayers, and bulk graphite
, rapid predictions of the number of 2-D layers of materials, such as graphene,
and boron nitride, or the presence of defects are needed. Robust fabrication requires an ability to map bandgap
distributions, preferably in-line, across a wafer, to identify those regions with properties outside of the target, and assess
the interaction of graphene with the underlying substrate. While some techniques, such as Raman spectroscopy,
fluorescence and other spectroscopic techniques, are sensitive to the local chemical environment, alternative options are
needed to support the local electronic characterization of these materials. Emerging characterization methods require
further advancements that are appropriate for specific potential application opportunities, especially with respect to
improving the balance between measurement speed, accuracy, and precision.
Multiple beyond CMOS devices are based on control of spin as an alternate state variable including spin transfer torque
magnetic random access memory (MRAM), nanoscale spin transistors, spin wave devices, hybrid-ferroelectric/ magnetic
structures, and other spin-based logic concepts
. These types of emerging nanoscale spin-based devices and materials
have characteristics and properties that do not exist in conventional CMOS devices, which are based on the transport of
charge. The specific challenges for spin materials that need advanced characterization include the atomic scale imaging
of domains, the dynamics of domain wall motion, the interface conditions needed for efficient and fast spin injection from
ferromagnetic to semiconductor materials, and the measurement of spin transport and lifetime. Measurement and imaging
techniques for magnetic materials characterization have been recently summarized
and include scattering based
techniques (neutron, x-ray, electron, and photon) and proximal probe techniques (force microscopies, spin-polarized
STM, scanning near-field magneto-optic microscopy). More recently, magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) has been
used to image domain wall motion in multilayer film stacks
. Electron scattering methods for domain imaging include
Lorentz imaging in the transmission electron microscope and polarization analysis in the scanning electron microscope
(SEMPA). Scanning near-field optical microscopy is being developed to measure Kerr rotations at the nanometer scale.
Work function lowering effects are being measured by photoelectron spectroscopy. Magnetics resonance force
microscopy (MRFM) is being used to detect individual electron spins
and for looking at buried devices. This technique
could be quite useful for investigating failed devices
Efforts are underway to develop measurements of switching with ~10
statistics. The work shows that the switching
tails are issues for times <50 ns. Both experiments and simulations show qualitatively similar results. In particular, the
write error rates as a function of pulse voltage amplitude increase at higher rates for pulse durations below 50 ns.
Simulations show that the write error rates can be reduced only to some extent by the use of materials with perpendicular
anisotropy and reduced damping, whereas non-collinear orientation of the spin current polarization and the magnetic easy
axis increases the write error rates. The cause for the write error rates is related to the underlying physics of spin-torque
switching and the occurrence of the stagnation point on the magnetization switching trajectory where the spin-torque
disappears and the device loses the energy needed to switch. The stagnation point can be accessed either during the initial
magnetization distribution or by thermal diffusion during the switching process.
Therefore, characterization of buried
interfaces in metallic/tunnel junction structures is needed. There is also a need to understand how nanoscale structures
interact with their environments, for instance, in high speed measurements, thermal noise is not simply averaged out.
Low power dissipation and non-volatility requires that spins interact weakly, to preserve coherence (classical as well as
quantum). Defects degrade spin coherence through single defect fluctuations; we need to understand the interplay
between spin coherence and defects.
Efforts are being made to develop ferromagnetic insulator tunnel junctions for generating spin currents directly in silicon
thereby bypassing interface and impedance matching problems. This entails, among other things, using isotropically
Si materials.
Si has no net nuclear spin and does not interact or interfere with the T2 coherence time of the
electron or nuclear spin being used as a qubit.
Correlated oxide systems, such as multiferroics, have competing and coupled charge, spin, orbital and lattice degrees of
freedom, result in the formation of new electronic and magnetic phases. These materials have the potential to enable new
device concepts that could couple electric and magnetic spin alignment for spin logic novel memories. It has been shown
that the domain walls possess unique functionalities not inherent in the parent multifunctional material, such as being
Emerging Research Materials 41
electrically conductive 19. For these electrically conducting interfaces to be useful, their nucleation and positioning must
be understood and controlled reproducibly 20. Piezoforce microscopy may be useful for characterizing static and dynamic
properties of ferroelectric and piezoelectric materials at the nanometer scale 21. The coupled phases have been found to
be sensitive to cationic disorder and vacancies, so metrology is needed to characterize these, and correlate them to the
electric, magnetic and orbital order.
New metrology capabilities such as inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy 25, and backside FTIR 26 for the study of
vibrational states, and techniques such as transition voltage spectra, 27 STM, Conductive AFM, and Kelvin Probe AFM
are beginning to enable understanding of the transport through individual molecules and molecular interfaces. However,
additional research is needed to develop new metrologies, such as nondestructive, in situ 3D methods, to characterize
contact interactions with molecules and the electronic properties of the embedded interfaces and molecules.
New families of designed macromolecules and corresponding material characterization methods are needed to satisfy
projected long term patterning requirements. For example, nanoimprint lithography (NIL) is emerging as a potential
patterning solution beyond 22 nm. This technology faces several performance challenges related to the templates, release
layers, and resist and imprinted functional materials. New metrologies are needed to assess projected critical materials
requirements, such as pattern fidelity, distortions and defects, shear stresses and pattern collapse, adhesion and release
For directed self assembly to be viable as a lithography extension or to assemble nanostructured materials in predefined
locations and alignment, metrology is needed to evaluate critical material properties, the size and location of features, and
the registration to previously patterned structures. However, these sub-100 nm thick organic films are difficult to image
with conventional metrology tools. For block co-polymer based directed self assembly to be a viable potential
lithographic solution, robust non-destructive nanoscale measurement methods are needed that enable 3D characterization
critical performance factors of the phase segregated films, which include: feature sizes, line width roughness, alignment
to existing structures, engineered surface energies, anneal dynamics, and defects, etc.
Need metrology to characterize directed self-assembled structures over large patterned areas (Where defects may be
displacements of structures in addition to missing or added structures). The DSA films are extremely thin (the thickness
of the dimensions patterned).
Nanometer scale measurement tools, such as electron microscopes or scanning or optical probes, exhibit significant
coupling between the probe and sample states. Significant research is needed to develop methods for decoupling these
interactions and to accurately determine nanoscopic structures and properties. Also needed are sample-probe interaction
models for characterizing nanoscale structure, defect locations, composition, electronic, magnetic, and optical properties.
Additionally, improved algorithms are needed to enable the extraction of actual structures and properties from the coupled
New metrologies and models are needed to characterize the performance and reliability of emerging nano-scale devices.
Emergent nanoscopic properties will introduce new mechanisms for trading device performance with reliability. For
example, the trend towards increasing percent variability with scaling, is becoming a critical challenge in achieving robust
device attributes and drive the perceived lower limits for device operation. Analog circuits are particularly susceptible to
decreasing signal-to-noise ratios. A thorough understanding of the sources of variability and its impact on device noise is
critically needed for enabling the successful design and integration of emerging materials into nanoelectronics.
foundational need will drive the development of tools for identifying and characterizing the significant emergent
nanoscopic sources of variability and noise in nanoscopic systems. There is need to characterize and understand the
aging of nano-materials, nanostructured devices, and the consequences of such aging on device performance since most
of the existing data based on bulk material properties may not be applicable.
Nanowires for device applications have a number of unique metrology challenges. Although total resistance of nanowires
is relatively easy to measure, distinguishing the various materials parameters that contribute to resistance is still difficult.
The initial attempts to characterize nanowire mobility from single nanowire FET measurements included a number of
42 Emerging Research Materials
simplifications that led to large systematic errors in mobility and therefore carrier concentration numbers.
some of the difficulties can be addressed with analysis modeling refinements, the derivation of mobility from transistor
transconductance relies on an accurate measure of the gate capacitance. Because this capacitance is typically some tens of
aF, it is easily overwhelmed by parasitic capacitances in measurement systems. While some efforts are beginning in this
51, 52
more work is needed along with three-dimensional electrostatic modeling to support the interpretation of these
measurements. A related problem is the identification of dopant atom distribution and composition. Atom probe
scanning probe
and electron microscopies
have been applied to this problem, but the minimum
detection limits are still quite high, around 10
for atom probe and 10
for electron microscopy.
Optical spectroscopy has also been useful in compound semiconductor nanowires for defect, dopant and compositional
Metrology is needed to detect the presence of nanoparticles in the workplace and in the environment. Understanding
nanomaterials behavior in the workplace and environment is required to establish good risk assessment and material
management practices (i.e. selecting appropriate protective equipment, ventilation equipment, etc.).
Scanning-transmission electron microscopy (STEM) with spherical aberration correction (Cs-correction) has provided a
major improvement in the ability to characterize materials
. The effects of this device are mainly following three points.
-Spatial resolution improvement (~50pm) with minimization of the electron beam diameter (less than 0.1nm) with
improved spatial resolution.
-Realization of high sensitive / high TAT elemental or state analysis by increasing of the electron beam current
-Achievement of ultra-high resolution analysis at low acceleration voltage which reduced the electron beam irradiation
By combination of these advantages, for example in complex oxides, elemental mapping at the heterointerface in the
atomic column level has been achieved
. In the nanocarbon materials, not only direct observation of carbon atom which
form a six-membered ring, but also the direct observation of the random structure of the edges of graphene nanoribbons
has been achieved
. Metrology needs at atomic level observation have been satisfied by the scanning transmission
electron microscope with Cs-correction.
In addition, three-dimensional atom probe (3DAP) has been well-utilized for various ERMs by introducng a femtosecond
laser to assist the ionization of atoms.
It is expected to be applied to samples that possesses very little amount of
dopant atoms such as deterministic-doped materials and devices with three-dimensional structure such as a Fin-FET
which cannot be analyzed by conventional SIMS.
Recently, SPM (AFM) with the ultra-fast scanning operation
has realized 5 to 20 times faster scan speed compared to
conventional tools. One can use the SPM in the similar sense of SEM and optical microscope, namely. The newly
developed SPM overcomes the problem of the low TAT of SPM. Crystallization of the polymer and movement of
molecules were captured almost at real time.
In MTJ technologies, various efforts have been paid to improve the characteristics. In particular, the interface structure
MTJ (the tunnel insulating film MgO and magnetic film above and below of MgO) should be evaluated in the atom level.
The typical issues are shown below.
-Evaluation of crystal orientation of the magnetic film and MgO film
-Observation of magnetic domain structures in magnetic film and changes of them under device operation (real-time
observation of domain wall motion)
-Elemental diffusion at the interface between MgO and magnetic film (in particular, the diffusion of B in the case of the
CoFeB magnetic film)
-Identification of the ordered structure and the degree of ordering in magnetic film in the case of magnetic film is long-
period ordered alloy
-Atomic arrangement at the interface between magnetic film and MgO (identification of kind of metals in contact with the
film MgO, for example whether Fe or Co)
Emerging Research Materials 43
Since the MTJ is composed of ultra-thin multilayered films, it is very difficult to analyze them in the atom scale. STEM
with Cs-corrector can contribute to the investigation. By using high-resolution HAADF-STEM and EELS / EDX
elemental mapping at the atomic column order, there is a possibility to solve the issues listed above. Actually, Miyajima
et al differentiated the ordered phase (L2
-type) from disordered phases (B2-type) in the CoMnSi magnetic film by high-
resolution HAADF-STEM observation.
Lorentz microscopy has become to operate in STEM with Cs-correction mode.
The electron beam interferometric method combined with electron holography and Lorentz microscopy mentioned above
should be developed for dynamic observation of the magnetic structures.
3DAP analysis enables us to obtain the atom-
level element profiles in the MTJ stacked structure. These profiles will be useful for the design of MTJ and the process
It is indispensable to observe directly at the interface where the redox reaction plays a crucial role of the Redox-RAM's
operation. It is essential to evaluate the distribution of oxygen vacancies and the change of the valence state of the metal
element contained in metal oxides. The possible candidate to investigate them is STEM-EELS with Cs-correction.
However, the electrode material and the metal element in the complex metal oxides currently being used are heavy
metals, and EELS has poor sensitivity for such materials. In addition, HfO2, which is a candidate of metal oxide, has
been known to change the chemical state by the thinning (using ion-beam processing) prior to electron microscopy
analysis and the electron beam irradiation. To find the solution to prevent the change is very important for the quantitative
investigation. By the detection of soft X-ray from materials under the electron beam exposure, the electronic states
(valence band density of states) of the materials can be investigated with the high sensitivity (X-ray emission
spectroscopy: SXES).
This technique will be the strong tool to study the Redox-RAM operation.
Due to the increasing fragility of the low-k dielectric materials being introduced into Cu interconnect structures, accurate
measurements of the thermal-mechanical properties of all the materials in the interconnect stack are needed including the
low-k ILD, Cu capping/Etch Stop layer, Cu barrier layer, and Cu as well as materials that may be utilized in patterning
the low-k ILD such as dielectric or metal hard mask layers. The mechanical property typically of most interest within the
industry is Youngs Modulus and is most commonly determined by nanoindentation (NI). However as metal layers
continue to shrink, the thickness of most layers in interconnect structures are thinning to levels that can represent the
entire indentation depth of a typical NI measurement. For this reason, new methods for determining the Youngs Modulus
of thin films in the range of 2 50 nm are needed
. Continued advancement of NI techniques for this purpose should be
explored. However, other techniques such as surface acoustic wave spectroscopy (SAWS)
, Brillouin Light Scattering
, and contact-resonance AFM (CR-AFM)
deserve more attention and development as a metrology for not only
R&D but manufacturing and failure analysis as well. In addition to characterizing Youngs Modulus for blanket nano-
scale films, the industry would also benefit from the capability to measure this property in integrated structures and
monitor how this property changes as materials are integrated together (particularly for low-k ILD materials)
. In this
regard, CR-AFM and related techniques are of great interest due to the ability to perform these measurements with nm
spatial resolution directly on the structures of interest.
Another area of need in low-k dielectric metrology is detailed characterization of the complex bonding structure in these
materials. Numerous techniques exist for quantifying the elemental composition of low-k materials such as x-ray
photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), seconday ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS), and
Rutherford back scattering (RBS). However, only Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Fourier Transform-Infrared
(FTIR) spectroscopy have proven useful for qualitatively examining both the network and terminal bonding in low-k
materials. Quantification of NMR and FTIR measurements, however, is extremely difficult and rare. In this regard,
increased research and attention is needed for developing quantitative NMR and FTIR metrologies capable of better
guiding development of future low-k dielectric and other materials. Quantitative FTIR measurements in particular would
benefit from improved methods to account for coherent and incoherent multiple reflections within both the substrate and
thin film as well as other artifacts related to light scattering from internal pores, interfaces or compositional variation
Lastly, as new < 2nm Cu barrier materials will be needed for future technologies, new metrologies for assessing the
performance of these materials will also be needed. In particular, new or improved methods will be needed for both
robustly imaging and determining the chemical composition of barrier materials formed on the sidewall of trenches and
vias patterned in porous low-k ILD materials. The analysis of the chemical composition of sidewall materials would also
benefit research of advanced low-k dielectric materials where characterization and understanding of both low-k sidewall
damage and sidewall polymer deposition forming during patterning is greatly needed.
44 Emerging Research Materials
With device dimensions 22 nm or below, materials modeling or computational materials is becoming a critical part of
technology development and is needed to address several components of technology development
1) Synthesis to structure & composition, especially on the interfaces and multi-interface material structures
2) Properties of these structures including interface physics of state transition, defects states, etc. In addition, non-
equilibrium properties of these structures such as conductance, mobility,
3) Probe interactions with samples to enhance quantification of structure, composition, and properties.
Figure ERM2 Modeling from Synthesis to Predicting Properties
Materials modeling is applied at different levels based on the accuracy and the end application requirements. All material
applications require simultaneous optimization of multiple properties such as electronic, mechanical, thermal, surface
chemical reactivity, etc. If the dimensions of the materials are in tens of nanometers, they are of the same order of
magnitude as the domains in the materials such as grain sizes. These lead to nanomaterials possessing unique properties
making them optimal candidates to enhance or replace conventional materials and approaches for new devices. However,
the need for optimization of multiple properties requires models that correlate nanostructure to properties. There are
multiple stages in which materials modeling can provide value in technology development. In the first stage during early
material development, the need is to relate structure and chemistry to desired material properties. This is done in
conjunction with a specific metrology and is used to characterize both structures and their properties. In addition the
models are needed to optimize synthesis and transport processes including film growth. In the second stage, the models
are applied to material improvement where they are used to optimize structure, composition, purity, and interfaces. Here
as we have mentioned above, the models relate structure and composition to properties. In the third stage, models are
used to relate material properties to the functional properties of the device. The properties of the resulting structure
needed to be understood in terms of transport of electrons, phonons, and atoms. The models at this stage in conjunction
with experimental observations are used to optimize synthesis and integration.
The behavior of devices and materials are directly correlated to their electronic structure and lattice physics. This is
equally valid for both charge-based and non-charge-based technologies, as physical and chemical effects in these
dimensions are directly related to the electronic structure. Physical modeling and numerical simulations are critical for
multiple reasons;
1. explain observed phenomena,
2. predict new phenomena,
3. direct experimental studies to desired outcomes,
Emerging Research Materials 45
4. interpret metrology.
In addition, they provide fundamental understanding of both the mechanisms and the interactions between processes and
Application of materials for ERM constitutes fundamental understanding and characterization of synthesis, structure, and
properties. This is the natural logical flow for designing and integrating newer materials to develop structures whether it
is for switching device, interconnects, or packaging. The method and conditions of synthesis determine the structure and
composition of the engineered materials. Structure in turn, determines the material properties and performance. As can
be seen in the following figure, models span multiple scales and need to be simulated using appropriate assumptions.
The key intent of material simulation is to identify and quantify chemical knobs at the levels of atomic, nano, and thin
film dimensions that modulate the behavior in the integrated devices.
Figure ERM3 Multi-scale Perspective in Nanotechnology where Materials Form an Important Role at
Different Levels.
The complexity of materials modeling in nanotechnology is increasing due to increasing complexity from a variety of
1. Combinatorial System: Number of materials has continued to increase with the development of several new
material systems including high-k/metal gate, porous dielectrics, copper interconnects, and polymer
materials for packages (leading to over 3X increase in number of elements over a period of 20 years). This
effect is further augmented as materials are used in combinations estimated to be 6X increase in number of
material combinations over the same time period as above.
2. Size: Most of the devices have dimensions close to material domain sizes (e.g. grain size, thin film
thickness). As a result, the \performance of the device is determined by the material properties at their
characteristic dimensions. For example. Surface scattering is estimated to dominate interconnect resisitivity
for any metal as dimensions scale down farther. In addition, with scaling, ratio of surface to volume leads to
interface properties determining overall behavior of devices unlike the earlier technologies where bulk
properties determined the device properties. In addition, smaller number of atoms in smaller dimensions
lead to larger statistical variations.
3. Topography: For non-planar devices, topography of material structures modulates device behavior since the
same single crystalline material may have multiple orientations dependent on the interfaces. This is further
Quantum and Mesoscale
Integrated Device
Thin Film or
46 Emerging Research Materials
complicated by polycrystalline or amorphous materials with grain boundaries. These in turn lead to
property variations.
4. Topology of the nanostructures and molecules. Electronic and phonon densities of states are determined by
the chemical bonding and electronic band structures. Since the topology determines the functional
properties of devices, efforts to analyze these effects are necessary both from characterization and modeling
studies. For example, carbon nanotubes and graphene sheets demonstrate large conductivities and strong
mechanical properties which can be affected by their orientation and topology.
5. Complex Material Properties of strongly correlated materials cannot be easily predicted from band theory.
This is because traditional Density Functional Theory fails for these classes of materials. Another
associated property is the metal-to-insulator transition. The complexity of physics is due to multiple
mechanisms attributed for the transition
Synthesis determines the structure and composition of thin films. To predict the material properties, we need both
characterization and physical modeling of the relevant structures. The materials themselves may be crystalline, poly-
crystalline, semi-crystalline, amorphous, or visco-elastic. Even in bulk materials, structure of the materials determines
their behavior.
3, 4
For example, the resistivity of films in a certain crystallographic orientation (100) is different from
(111) orientation. Realistic structures are not ideal single crystalline films and need advanced metrology for their
complete characterization including characterization of grain morphology and size.
Materials synthesis influences the material morphology and the desired end user application. For example, nanotube
growth and functionalization are determined by the chemical and electrical conditions in the reactor and the interactions
with the substrate. Depending on the method of synthesis, in-situ and ex-situ requirements are different. For example, in
a low pressure process, ex-situ measurement may result in oxidation and altering of the properties of the film. From a
modeling perspective, a key requirement is to understand roles/mechanism of processing and the specific structure
resulting from the synthesis. As an example, in atomic layer deposition, the physical model must comprehend gas phase
and surface chemistry in addition to mass and energy transport. Film nucleation and subsequent growth, which determine
the morphology of the nanostructure and thin films, also require modeling. In addition to description of the temporal
evolution of a new phase, it becomes necessary to describe the spatial ordering in many systems (e.g. quantum dots, nano-
). Classical nucleation and growth concepts adequately describe phase transitions in some nanoscale phase change
memory materials.
Controlling the morphology of the nanoscopic material requires detailed information on phase stability and dynamics of
atomistic processes. In small nanoscale systems in which dimensions may not be significantly larger than the range of
interatomic interactions, classical thermodynamic concepts such as extensive and intensive properties may no longer be
valid. In these cases, the classical concept of a phase transition, including the Gibbs Phase Rule that occurs in the
thermodynamic limit of an infinitely large system, may not hold.
Development of a theory of phase transition in such
finite size systems for understanding the dynamics of phase transition may be critical to control nucleation and growth of
certain nanoscale materials. Description and prediction of fragmentation, a process by which phase transitions have been
observed to occur in nanoscopic systems, presents a significant challenge in statistical mechanics. Density functional
which is based on density fluctuations rather than existence of clusters of classical and atomistic nucleation
should investigated as a tool for describing phase transitions in small systems and fragmentation. Structures
characterized based on synthesis methods serve as inputs into the physical models. Given the limited size of problems
that can be solved, a combination of techniques spanning different length and time scales are needed to model structures
effectively (More details are covered in the section on Modeling and Simulation).
The material properties themselves are based on the electronic band structure of condensed matter. For a given structure,
the Schrodinger equation determines chemical, electrical, mechanical, and thermal properies. In turn, the nature of the
hyper-dimensional Schrodinger equation is determined by the number of electrons in the structure. As the number of
electrons are very high in condensed matter (~ 10
- 10
in an unit cubic centimeter of material), any solution of the
equation for realistic macroscopic system is generally done using one of two simplified techniques; 1) single particle
approximation and/or 2) multi-scale techniques with distinct formalisms representing different scales. The models
themselves have different scales based on the specific physical phenomena. Atomic or molecular scale is based on self-
consistent solutions of Schrdinger equation as mentioned above. Nanostructural scale uses multi-scale techniques based
on kinetic and quantum formalism (e.g. device, or interconnect with barrier layers). The thin film scale (e.g. gate oxide or
Emerging Research Materials 47
barrier layer) is mesoscale in nature, and links with kinetic models at the macroscopic level and atomic models at the
microscpic level. In the macroscopic scale (e.g. die, package), bulk or effective properties are used in constitutive models
that describe the response of materials to different stimuli. For the area of ERM, the main focus of research should be on
the first three levels, with an emphasis on atomic or molecular and nanostructural scale. Since structural dimensions are
currently targeting below 32 nm, the materials properties at this scale may behave differently when integrated than in the
bulk. In addition, optimization of the performance reliability of devices or materials in nano-dimensions during ambient
and accelerated usage conditions requires model extension to include phonon interactions and other long time scale
processes. More details of the other scales are covered in the Modeling and Simulation section in the roadmap.
Most of the full quantum simulations or ab-initio simulations can be done for smaller systems up to 1000-5000 atoms,
which are approximately about 30 cubic nanometers. The models which cover these domains are mostly based on
quantum methods which solve Schrdinger equation in 3N dimensions, where N is the number of electrons in the system.
As mentioned above, most of the devices are in condensed matter, N is of the order of 10
. In addition, the
computational time scales as O(N
), N is the number of particles (could be electrons or atoms depending on the
approximation). This poses the problem in solvability of the equations for practical applications. As a result, the most
widely used technique is the Density Functional Theory (DFT) in which the 3N dimensional system is reduced to three
dimensional problems for most of the ground state problems.
12, 13
The approximations are generally of two types, one in
which the density functions are systematically improved to capture more and more non-local features of the wave
functions and the second one in which the exchange-correlation functional are approximated by analytical models (e.g.
meta functionals). One of the most widely used approximations is the Local Density Approximation (LDA) where local
densities of N-1 electrons are used to approximate the interaction potentials leading to a 3 dimensional problem. More
accurate approximations such as Generalized Gradient Approximations (GGA) are used to increase the applicability of
the DFT methods.
In addition, due to the complex properties of materials (e.g. Mott transition, spin-orbital coupling), many-body theories
are entering mainstream in applications.
Some examples of these higher-order approximation techniques are Greens
Function techniques (GW), Quantum Monte Carlo, Path Integral methods etc. These techniques model both the
equilibrium and non-equilibrium properties without approximations of mean field theories as mentioned above. The first
technique uses perturbation technique to comprehend many-body interactions in a self-consistent manner. The other
techniques mentioned above model quantum phenomena in a variety of ways 1) Solve the Schrodinger equation using
statistical methods, or 2) Use Feynmanns path integral method for directly estimating properties. All these techniques
are computationally intensive and are limited in the size of the physical problems to which they can be applied.
Semi-empirical models for extending to larger systems of million atoms are characterized by a variety of techniques in
which interaction energies are characterized by different potentials. The applicability of atomistic models can be
increased to over 100 million atoms by using more of semi-empirical characterization like force fields. Some of the semi-
empirical methods used for modeling materials include following:
1. Classical molecular dynamics which are based on interaction potentials formulated from quantum
simulation. This technique has been widely applied to synthesis methods such physical vapor deposition
and thermal properties
2. Kinetic Monte Carlo methods which use energies estimated from ab initio methods, are used to simulate
time-dependent states of a system. Unlike molecular dynamics, these methods do not calculate the
dynamics of the system and hence can be used to simulate longer time scales. The technique has been
applied to nucleation
, ultra-low pressure chemical vapor deposition
, or devices
Although the techniques have been demonstrated to be useful in certain applications, they still need to be scaled to meet
realistic system sizes (~100 nanometers) and physical times (microseconds or seconds).
Despite recent advances, theory has many limitations that prohibit applicability to systems of practical interest for
quantitative correlations. Current applications include: equilibrium energies, density of states, reaction rates, effects of
defects in parts per thousand, and transport within nanostructures with interfaces. At the quantum scale, the current
applicability of available models is rather limited. Major issues that need to be addressed in the modeling are:
1) Extension to larger scales (tens of nanometers) for equilibrium calculation and temperature dependence of
properties and processes. (This could be enabled by linear scaling DFT methods or multi-scale methods).
48 Emerging Research Materials
2) Metallic systems specifically transition and inner transition metals. These need specific functionals that
could be tested with more rigorous techniques.
3) More generalized extension for band gaps. Currently hybrid and metal functionals are being developed but
they need to be thoroughly characterized before their applicability is adopted. Well-characterized time-
dependent methods like Quantum Monte Carlo or Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory for
nanosystems still need to be applied widely
. This includes newer capabilities and also extension to larger
4) Strongly correlated systems require model development to explain the interaction between spin, charge, and
lattice dynamics. This requires quantification of the energy associated with spin switching and transport
and the identification of speed limitations. Development of well-characterized methods for strongly
correlated systems (LDA + U, DMFT
, GW
) need focus both from the scientific and engineering
5) Coupling of electronic structure predictions to non-equilibrium process such as transport and excitation are
necessary since most of the devices operate in non-equilibrium. However, most of the current capabilities
are limiting in extensions to realistic systems with multiple interfaces. This is one of the areas in more
research need to focus on developing applications with demonstrated capability for a wide variety of
systems; metals (conduction), semiconductors (mobility), and insulators (frequency-dependent dielectric
response). In addition, extension of non-equilibrium to strongly correlated systems is necessary for
understanding complex oxides and Mott insulators.
6) Lattice Physics includes atomic and ionic response to externally applied fields and are based on liner
perturbation methods. This has been successfully modeled for bulk materials. Extension of this to
nanosturctures with interfaces and in presence of external fields is necessary for addressing realistic devices.
7) Extension or linking of quantum models from femtoseconds to microseconds or longer to emulate realistic
synthesis and transport. These extensions are specifically critical for molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo
methods (both based on both quantum and classical approaches).
As already mentioned above, simulations needed for understanding and predicting synthesis, structure, and property
requires different computational techniques based on different principles depending on the size, and time-scale of the
system of interest. Even though the computational techniques are different, there should be common input data to bridge
the phenomena in different scales of size and time; for example, atomic scale model relate with elastic model of matters
so the lattice constant and external fields (e.g. force) can be common input data for both models. When the system is non-
uniform, for example includes defects and impurities, establishing the multi-scale modeling is not easy and extracting
common input data for different models are not straightforward. The difficult challenge is establishing a way to bridge
different models (different physical principles) needed for numerical simulation in order to build a platform for the multi-
scale simulation.
Wide range of knowledge expanding physical and chemical principles, material properties, devices and
practical ways for fabrications are required to build a platform which is open so multiple tools and data structures can be
intergrated seamlessly. A more detailed description of the modeling technical issues, such as Monte Carlo simulation
, is
found in the Modeling and Simulation chapter.
As mentioned previously, when new material properties are characterized, models must be developed to guide synthesis
to further enable exploration of new structures and more complex interactions between materials. Establishment of an
experimental database with results from well-characterized structures could accelerate the development of more accurate
full ab initio and self-consistent reduced models. More quantitative material property mapping at the nanometer-scale
requires development of models to probe interactions of nanostructured materials. Improved structure and property
mapping for more accurate TEM, AFM, Conductance AFM, Kelvin Probe AFM, Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM)
and other new techniques could improve development of nanometer scale material models.
Summarizing, the properties that need to be addressed from both modeling and metrology are summarized below;
Electronic Properties (Metals, carbon, semiconductor & insulators)
Size & structure dependence of
Emerging Research Materials 49
Energy Levels including bandgap
Spin-orbit coupling
Density of States
Surface Energy & Defect Energy Levels
Interface Properties
Interface states
Interface Transport
Debonding and chemical reactivity
Transport Properties
Electrical conductivity and mobility
Thermal conductivity
Optical Properties
Real & imaginary optical constant matrixes for:
Individual nanostructured materials
Matrixes of nanomaterials
Nanomaterials with ultra-thin film coatings
Mechanical properties
Interface adhesion (see above under interface properties)
Short and long range forces including van der Waals, etc.
In 2011, a number of changes were made in the scope of materials included in the ERM Chapter, as shown in Table
ERM15. Due to their maturity, n-III-V and p-Ge were transitioned out of the ERM and ERD chapers and are being added
to the FEP and PIDS chapters. On the other hand, due to potential for developing complementary devices based on III-V
and Ge, p-III-V and n-Ge were retained by the ERM and focus on these materials and processes was increased, Thus, p-
III-V and n-Ge are shown as being transitioned into the ERM. Also, due to maturity of the zirconium (Zr) and ruthenium
(Ru) materials and their compounds as Cu barrier materials, they are being transitioned out of the ERM and will be added
to the Interconnect chapter.
Table ERM15 Transition Table for Emerging Research Materials
50 Emerging Research Materials
Emerging Research Device Materials
[1] N. Setter, D. Damjanovic, L. Eng, G. Fox, S. Gevorgian, S. Hong, A. Kingon, H. Kohlstedt, N.Y. Park, G.B.
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[5] H. Xu, J. Zhong, X. Liu, J. Chen, D. Shen. Ferroelectric and switching behavior of poly(vinylidene fluoride-
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[10] V. Garcia, S. Fusil, K. Bouzehouane, S. Enouz-Vedrenne, N. D. Mathur, A. Barthlmy, and M. Bibes. Giant tunnel
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[11] V. V. Zhirnov, R. K. Cavin, S. Menzel, E. Linn, S. Schmelzer, D. Brauhaus, C. Schindler, and R. Waser. Memory
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[12] M. Aono, and T. Hasegawa, The Atomic Switch. Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 98, 2228-2236, 2010.
[13] H. Akinaga and H. Shima. Resistive Random Access Memory (ReRAM) Based on Metal Oxides. Proceedings of
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[14] J. J. Yang, M. D. Pickett, X. Li, D.A.A. Ohlberg, D. R. Stewart, R. S. Williams. Memristive switching mechanism
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[15] N. Zhong, H. Shima, and H. Akinaga. Rectifying characteristic of Pt / TiOx / Pt controlled by electronegativity.
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[18] D.-H. Kwon, K. M. Kim, J. H. Jang, J. M. Jeon, M. H. Lee, G. H. Kim, X.-S. Li, G.-S. Park, B. Lee, S. Han, M. Kim,
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[19] D. Ruzmetov, K.T. Zawilski, V. Narayanamurti, and S. Ramanathan. Structure-functional property relationships in
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[20] M. Nakamura, Y. Ogimoto, H. Tamaru, M. Izumi, and K. Miyano. Phase control through anisotropic strain in
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[21] S. D. Ha, G. H. Aydogdu, and S. Ramanathan. Metal-insulator transition and electrically driven memristive
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[22] J. Mannhart and D. G. Schlom. Oxide InterfacesAn Opportunity for Electronics. Science, vol. 327, pp. 1607
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[25] F. Verbakel, S.C.J Meskers, R.A.J. Janssen. Resistive Switching in Organic Memories with a Spin-Coated Metal
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[27] Z.J. Donhauser, B.A. Mantooth, K.F. Kelly, L.A. Bumm, J.D. Monnell, J.J. Stapleton, D.W. Price, Jr., A. M.
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[28] T. Drkop, S.A. Getty, E. Cobas, and M.S. Fuhrer. Extraordinary Mobility in Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes.
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[29] Y. Li, D. Mann, M. Rolandi, W. Kim, A. Ural, S. Hung, A. Javey, J. Cao, D. Wang, E. Yenilmez, Q. Wang, J.F.
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[33] a)X. Tu, S. Manohar, A. Jagota, and M. Zheng, DNA sequence motifs for structure-specific recognition and
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[34] S. Han, X. Liu, and C. Zhou. Template-Free Directional Growth of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes on a- and r-
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[35] K. Ryu, A. Badmaev, C. Wang, A. Lin, N. Patil, L. Gomez, A. Kumar, S. Mitra, H. S. P. Wong, and C. Zhou.
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[36] J. Liu, L. Ding, and D. N. Yuan. "Growth of high-density parallel arrays of long single-walled carbon nanotubes on
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[38] N. Moriyama, Y. Ohno, K. Suzuki, S. Kishimoto, and T. Mizutani. "High-Performance Top-Gate Carbon Nanotube
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[39] Z. Y. Zhang, Z. X. Wang, H. L. Xu, S. Wang, L. Ding, Q. S. Zeng, L. J. Yang, T. A. Pei, X. L. Liang, M. Gao, and
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[40] A. Javey, J. Guo, Q. Wang, M. Lundstrom and H. Dai. Ballistic carbon nanotube field-effect transistors. Nature,
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[41] Z. Zhang, X. Liang, S. Wang, K. Yao, Y. Hu,Y. Zhu, Q. Chen, W. Zhou, Y. Li, Y. Yao, J. Zhang, and L.-M. Peng.
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[43] N. Moriyama, Y. Ohno, T. Kitamura, S. Kishimoto, and T. Mizutani. "Change in carrier type in high-k gate carbon
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[45] A.K. Geim, K.S. Novoselov. The rise of graphene. Nature Mat., vol. 6, pp. 183-191, 2007.
[46] J. Hass, R. Feng, T. Li, X. Li, Z. Zong, W.A. de Heer, P.N. First, E.H. Conrad, C.A. Jeffrey, and C. Berger. Highly
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[47] X. Wu, Y. Hu, M. Ruan, N. K. Madiomanana, J. Hankinson, M. Sprinkle, C. Berger, and W. A. de Heer. Half
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[52] Q. Yu, J. Lian, S. Siriponglert, H. Li, Y. P. Chen, and S.-S. Pei. Graphene segregated on Ni surfaces and transferred
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[53] A. Reina, X. Jai, J. Ho, D. Nezich, H. Son, V. Bulovic, M.S. Dresselhaus, and J. Kong. Large Area, Few-Layer
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[54] K.S. Kim , Y. Zhao, H. Jang, S.Y. Lee, J.M. Kim, K.S. Kim, J-H Ahn , P. Kim , J-Y Choi, and B.H. Hong. Large-
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[55] X. Li, W. Cai, J. An, S. Kim, J. Nah, D. Yang, R. Piner, A. Velamakanni, I. Jung, E. Tutuc, S.K. Banerjee, L.
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[56] X. Li, C. W. Magnuson, A. Venugopal, J. An, J. W. Suk, B. Han, M. Borysiak, W. Cai, A. Velamakanni, Y. Zhu, L.
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[60] C. Berger, Z. Song, X. Li, X. Wu, N. Brown, C. Naud, D. Mayou, T. Li, J. Hass, A.N. Marchenkov, E.H. Conrad,
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[62] A. S. Mayorov, R. V. Gorbachev, S. V. Morozov, L. Britnell, R. Jalil, L. A. Ponomarenko, P. Blake, K. S.
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[63] F. Chen, J. Xia, D.K. Ferry, and N. Tao. Dielectric screening enhanced performance in graphene FET. Nano Lett.,
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[64] S. Kim,_J. Nah, I. Jo, D. Shahrjerdi, L. Colombo, Z. Yao, E. Tutuc, and S.K. Banerjee. Realization of a high
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[65] A. Nourbakhsh, M. Cantoro, T. Vosch, G. Pourtois, F. Clemente, M. H. van der Veen, J. Hofkens, M. M. Heyns, S.
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[66] R. Balog, B. Jrgensen, L. Nilsson, M. Andersen, E. Rienks, M. Bianchi, M. Fanetti, E. Lgsgaard, A. Baraldi, S.
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[67] S. Y. Zhou, G.-H. Gweon, A. V. Federov, P. N. First, W. A. De Heer, D.-H. Lee, F. Guinea, A. H. Castro Neto,
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