How To Write Great Assignments at University: Learning Skills Unit Cquniversity Brisbane Campus
How To Write Great Assignments at University: Learning Skills Unit Cquniversity Brisbane Campus
How To Write Great Assignments at University: Learning Skills Unit Cquniversity Brisbane Campus
Main Writing Genres Essays Reports Short answer assignments Literature Reviews Annotated bibliographies Reflective writing Blogs Exams
Essay structure
Introduction: Thesis statement Essay structure what is covered
Brief summary of thesis and main points covered in the essay No new ideas should be included here
Topic analysis
Questions to ask yourself: Why is the topic worthy of research? What are the directive words? (eg. analyse, compare, describe) What are the keywords/concepts? Do I need any definitions? Are there any assumptions? Are there any constraints (limiting words)? Do I need to set some boundaries for myself? If it is not already presented as a question, it may be helpful to turn your topic into a question
Activity 2: Topic analysis During the next 20-30 years, the worlds population is expected to increase by almost 100 million per year. Can we meet the food requirements of the population while adequately protecting our natural resource base? Discuss this issue in the light of recent trends and experience in global agriculture.
During the next 20-30 years, the worlds population is expected to increase by almost 100 million per year. Can we meet the food requirements of the population while adequately protecting our natural resource base? Discuss this issue in the light of recent trends and experience in global agriculture.
Sentence 1: Assumptions made about the topic; provides background Sentence 2: Task: actual question to research and answer Sentence 3: Directive word: Discuss; Constraint: context of recent trends in global agriculture.
Sentence 1: During the next 20-30 years, the worlds population is expected to increase by almost 100 million per year. This is an assumption made about the topic and provides background information. You do not need to research this topic as it is not the focus of this assignment. Nor do you include an analysis of it in your assignment.
Sentence 2: Can we meet the food requirements of the population while adequately protecting our natural resource base? Sentence 2 is the actual task: it is the question that you need to research and answer.
Sentence 3: Discuss this issue in the light of recent trends and experience in global agriculture. This sentence includes the directive word: Discuss. It also states the constraints or boundaries of the essay topic. In this case you are to restrict your research and writing to recent trends in global agriculture.
Essay Introduction
A good introduction contains your THESIS STATEMENT. A thesis statement is your answer or response to the question being posed in a topic, or a problem you've been asked to solve. A poor introduction simply restates the task asked by your lecturer or just outlines what you will do (as opposed to what you will be arguing).
Example 2 If recent advances in agriculture are implemented globally the worlds increasing population can be fed. The use of Genetically Modified crops which requires less land, fertilisers, pesticides and water can greatly increase our ability to increase food production. These scientific breakthroughs will go towards ensuring the long term protection of our natural resource base.
Does this introduction have a thesis statement? Answer: all of the introduction is the thesis. It also informs the reader what will be covered in the essay.
Restates the main argument Summarises and briefly evaluates the main points of the essay Draws conclusions made from the main argument Remember: do not introduce new ideas in the conclusion.
3. 4.
6. 7.
Report writing
Report structure
Title page Executive summary Table of Contents List of figures & tables Introduction Analysis/discussion Conclusion
Executive summary
Gives readers the essential contents of your document in to 1 page Provides a summary of the main sections within your report Helps readers understand the key results and recommendations
Table of contents
A list of the different sections and subsections of your report, including page numbers Dont use too many sub-headings (3-4) at the most Use sensible and clear headings (keep them short)
Usually contains 3 types of information:
1.1 Background [Gives the context of the report and brief background information for the reader to understand it] 1.2 Aim [States the purpose of the report: the key questions the report is trying to answer and why was it written. You can use your task in the course profile for this] 1.3 Scope [Tells the reader what sources you have used and the themes and theories covered in the report Explains how the report is organised. You can use your table of contents for this]
This is the largest part of the report It contains your research findings on the topic (eg. you may need to identify the problems a company is experiencing and analyse them you do this in the discussion) Your research findings include factual information as well as critical analysis. In other words you need to include different opinions and look at different options. You do not come to any conclusions yet (you do this in the conclusion and recommendations). 25
This is a summary of the main findings of the report A conclusion needs to be brief a paragraph in length
A practical plan of action What is to be done Who is to do it How it is to be achieved The recommendations need to be based on your findings in the discussion The most important should be given first.
Activity 4: Reports
Work in a small group (about 4 students) Your group has been provided with cut-up sections and headings of a report called Report Writing: Information and Advice for CQUniversity Students Match the different sections you have with the appropriate numbered headings When you are finished, you can check answers by comparing with full copy of the report in your workbook.
Ask yourself the following:
Is there a clear thesis statement (for an essay) or has the problem been identified and suitable recommendations made (for a report)? Is the evidence convincing? Do the paragraphs expand on one idea? Are ideas linked? Is all the material relevant? Does the conclusion bring together the main ideas & does it contain any new material? Have other peoples ideas been referenced?