Bioenergetics: Theory and Application To Fitness and Performance
Bioenergetics: Theory and Application To Fitness and Performance
Bioenergetics: Theory and Application To Fitness and Performance
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Chapter 3
1. Discuss the functions of the cell membrane, nucleus, and mitochondria. 2. Define the following terms: (1) endergonic reactions, (2) exergonic reactions, (3) coupled reactions, and (4) bioenergetics. 3. Describe the role of enzymes as catalysts in cellular chemical reactions. 4. List and discuss the nutrients that are used as fuels during exercise. 5. Identify the high-energy phosphates.
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Chapter 3
6. Discuss the biochemical pathways involved in anaerobic ATP production. 7. Discuss the aerobic production of ATP. 8. Describe the general scheme used to regulate metabolic pathways involved in bioenergetics. 9. Discuss the interaction between aerobic and anaerobic ATP production during exercise. 10. Identify the enzymes that are considered rate limiting in glycolysis and the Krebs cycle.
Chapter 3
Cell Structure Biological Energy Transformation
Cellular Chemical Reactions Oxidation-Reduction Reactions Enzymes
Control of Bioenergetics
Control of ATP-PC System Control of Glycolysis Control of Krebs Cycle and Electron Transport Chain
Aerobic ATP Tally Efficiency of Oxidative Phosphorylation Interaction Between Aerobic/Anaerobic ATP Production
Chapter 3
Metabolism Sum of all chemical reactions that occur in the body Anabolic reactions
Synthesis of molecules
Catabolic reactions
Breakdown of molecules
Chapter 3
Cell Structure
Cell Structure
Cell membrane Semipermeable membrane that separates the cell from the extracellular environment Nucleus Contains genes that regulate protein synthesis
Molecular biology
Chapter 3
Cell Structure
Figure 3.1
Chapter 3
Cell Structure
In Summary
Metabolism is defined as the total of all cellular reactions that occur in the body; this includes both the synthesis of molecules and the breakdown of molecules. Cell structure includes the following three major parts: (1) cell membrane, (2) nucleus, and (3) cytoplasm (called sarcoplasm in muscle). The cell membrane provides a protective barrier between the interior of the cell and the extracellular fluid. Genes (located within the nucleus) regulate protein synthesis within the cell. The cytoplasm is the fluid portion of the cell and contains numerous organelles
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Chapter 3
Cell Structure
Chapter 3
Figure 3.2
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Figure 3.3
Chapter 3
Coupled Reactions
The energy given off by the exergonic reaction powers the endergonic reaction
Figure 3.4
Chapter 3
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
Oxidation Removing an electron Reduction Addition of an electron Oxidation and reduction are always coupled reactions Often involves the transfer of hydrogen atoms rather than free electrons Hydrogen atom contains one electron A molecule that loses a hydrogen also loses an electron and therefore is oxidized Importance of NAD and FAD
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Chapter 3
Figure 3.5
Chapter 3
Catalysts that regulate the speed of reactions Lower the energy of activation Factors that regulate enzyme activity Temperature pH Interact with specific substrates Lock and key model
Chapter 3
Figure 3.6
Chapter 3
Figure 3.7
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Chapter 3
Classification of Enzymes
Oxidoreductases Catalyze oxidation-reduction reactions Transferases Transfer elements of one molecule to another Hydrolases Cleave bonds by adding water Lyases Groups of elements are removed to form a double bond or added to a double bond Isomerases Rearrangement of the structure of molecules Ligases Catalyze bond formation between substrate molecules
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Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Glucose Blood sugar Glycogen Storage form of glucose in liver and muscle
Synthesized by enzyme glycogen synthase
Breakdown of glycogen to glucose
Chapter 3
Fatty acids Primary type of fat used by the muscle Triglycerides
Storage form of fat in muscle and adipose tissue Breaks down into glycerol and fatty acids
Phospholipids Not used as an energy source Steroids Derived from cholesterol Needed to synthesize sex hormones
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Chapter 3
Composed of amino acids Some can be converted to glucose in the liver Gluconeogenesis Others can be converted to metabolic intermediates Contribute as a fuel in muscle Overall, protein is not a primary energy source during exercise
Chapter 3
In Summary
The body uses carbohydrate, fat, and protein nutrients consumed daily to provide the necessary energy to maintain cellular activities both at rest and during exercise. During exercise, the primary nutrients used for energy are fats and carbohydrates, with protein contributing a relatively small amount of the total energy used. Glucose is stored in animal cells as a polysaccharide called glycogen. Fatty acids are the primary form of fat used as an energy source in cells. Fatty acids are stored as triglycerides in muscle and fat cells.
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Chapter 3
High-Energy Phosphates
High-Energy Phosphates
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) Consists of adenine, ribose, and three linked phosphates Synthesis
ADP + Pi + Energy
Chapter 3
High-Energy Phosphates
Structure of ATP
Figure 3.10
Chapter 3
High-Energy Phosphates
Figure 3.11
Chapter 3
Formation of ATP Phosphocreatine (PC) breakdown Degradation of glucose and glycogen
Oxidative formation of ATP Anaerobic pathways Do not involve O2 PC breakdown and glycolysis Aerobic pathways Require O2 Oxidative phosphorylation
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Chapter 3
Creatine kinase
Chapter 3
Increased strength and fat-free mass with resistance training Creatine supplementation does not appear to pose health risks
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Chapter 3
Figure 3.13
Chapter 3
Figure 3.15
Figure 3.15
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
In Summary
The immediate source of energy for muscular contraction is the high-energy phosphate ATP. ATP is degraded via the enzyme ATPase as follows:
ADP + Pi + Energy
Formation of ATP without the use of O2 is termed anaerobic metabolism. In contrast, the production of ATP using O2 as the final electron acceptor is referred to as aerobic metabolism.
Chapter 3
In Summary
Exercising skeletal muscles produce lactic acid. However, once produced in the body, lactic acid is rapidly converted to its conjugate base, lactate. Muscle cells can produce ATP by any one or a combination of three metabolic pathways: (1) ATP-PC system, (2) glycolysis, (3) oxidative ATP production. The ATP-PC system and glycolysis are two anaerobic metabolic pathways that are capable of producing ATP without O2.
Chapter 3
Produces three molecules of NADH and one FADH Also forms one molecule of GTP
Produces one ATP
Chapter 3
Figure 3.17
Chapter 3
Figure 3.18
Chapter 3
Glycerol is not an important muscle fuel during exercise Protein Broken down into amino acids Converted to glucose, pyruvic acid, acetyl-CoA, and Krebs cycle intermediates
Chapter 3
Called the chemiosmotic hypothesis H+ from NADH and FADH are accepted by O2 to form water
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Beta Oxidation
Figure 3.21
Chapter 3
In Summary
Oxidative phosphorylation or aerobic ATP production occurs in the mitochondria as a result of a complex interaction between the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain. The primary role of the Krebs cycle is to complete the oxidation of substrates and form NADH and FADH to enter the electron transport chain. The end result of the electron transport chain is the formation of ATP and water. Water is formed by oxygen-accepting electrons; hence, the reason we breathe oxygen is to use it as the final acceptor of electrons in aerobic metabolism.
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
In Summary
The aerobic metabolism of one molecule of glucose results in the production of 32 ATP molecules, whereas the aerobic yield for glycogen breakdown is 33 ATP. The overall efficiency of aerobic of aerobic respiration is approximately 34%, with the remaining 66% of energy being released as heat.
Chapter 3
Control of Bioenergetics
Control of Bioenergetics
Rate-limiting enzymes An enzyme that regulates the rate of a metabolic pathway Modulators of rate-limiting enzymes Levels of ATP and ADP+Pi
High levels of ATP inhibit ATP production Low levels of ATP and high levels of ADP+Pi stimulate ATP production
Chapter 3
Control of Bioenergetics
Figure 3.22
Chapter 3
Control of Bioenergetics
In Summary
Metabolism is regulated by enzymatic activity. An enzyme that regulates a metabolic pathway is termed a rate-limiting enzyme. The rate-limiting enzyme for glycolysis is phosphofructokinase, while the rate-limiting enzymes for the Krebs cycle and electron transport chain are isocitrate dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase, respectively. In general, cellular levels of ATP and ADP+Pi regulate the rate of metabolic pathways involved in the production of ATP. High levels of ATP inhibit further ATP production, while low levels of ATP and high levels of ADP+Pi stimulate ATP production. Evidence also exists that calcium may stimulate aerobic energy metabolism.
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Chapter 3
Chapter 3
In Summary
Energy to perform exercise comes from an interaction of anaerobic and aerobic pathways. In general, the shorter the activity (high intensity), the greater the contribution of anaerobic energy production. In contrast, long-term activities (low to moderate intensity) utilize ATP produced from aerobic sources.
Chapter 3
Study Questions
1. List and briefly discuss the functions of the three major components of cell structure. 2. Briefly explain the concept of coupled reactions. 3. Define the following terms: (1) bioenergetics, (2) endergonic reactions, and (3) exergonic reactions. 4. Discuss the role of enzymes as catalysts. What is meant by the expression energy of activation? 5. Where do glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation take place in the cell? 6. Define the terms glycogen, glycogenolysis, and glycolysis.
Copyright 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 3
Study Questions
7. What are the high-energy phosphates? Explain the statement that ATP is the universal energy donor. 8. Define the terms aerobic and anaerobic. 9. Briefly discuss the function of glycolysis in bioenergetics. What role does NAD play in glycolysis? 10. Discuss the operation of the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain in the aerobic production of ATP. What is the function of NAD and FAD in these pathways?
Copyright 2009 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 3
Study Questions
11. What is the efficiency of the aerobic degradation of glucose? 12. What is the role of oxygen in aerobic metabolism? 13. What are the rate-limiting enzymes for the following metabolic pathways: ATP-PC system, glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and electron transport chain? 14. Briefly discuss the interaction of anaerobic versus aerobic ATP production during exercise. 15. Discuss the chemiosmotic theory of ATP production.
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Chapter 3
Study Questions
16. List and define the six classes of enzymes identified by the International Union of Biochemistry. 17. Briefly discuss the impact of changes in both temperature and pH on enzyme function. 18. Discuss the relationship between lactic acid and lactate.