Ashe, Steven - The Complete Golden Dawn Initiate
Ashe, Steven - The Complete Golden Dawn Initiate
Ashe, Steven - The Complete Golden Dawn Initiate
Steven Ashe
My special thanks go to
David Ashe
Patricia Ashe
Brian Radley
Stephen Harrington
John & Sarah Borseth Rasmussen
Steven Ashe
The Complete
Golden Dawn
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Introduction - 11
A General Introduction to the Qabalah -25
The Qabalah: It's Origin & Development - 34
The Rosicrucian Cabalah - 38
Rites & Rituals of the Golden Dawn Lodge Fraternity of the Sanctum Regnum
The Art of Invocation - 155
The Qabalistic Cross - 164
The Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram - 165
The Grand Qabalistic Invocation - 167
The Consecration of the Water, Salt & Ash - 169
The Ritual of the Hexagram - 171
The Four Forms - 180
The Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram - 182
Addendum - 185
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Aries - 205
Taurus - 206
Gemini - 207
Cancer - 208
Leo - 209
Virgo - 210
Libra - 21 1
Scorpio - 212
Sagittarius - 2 13
Capricorn - 2 13
Aquarius 2 14
Pisces - 2 15
The Magical System of the 72 Fold Name - 217
Shemahamphorash - 220
The Shemhamphorash and the Merkabah 227
Names & Meanings of the Shernhamphorash -231
Chapter I - 479
Chapter I1 - 482
Chapter I11 - 483
Chapter IV - 485
Chapter V - 488
Chapter VI - 49 1
Notes to the Sepher Yetzirah - 493
Notes to Chapter 1 - 494
Notes to Chapter 2 - 500
Steven Ashe
The approach of seekers pursuing the formula of attainment
popularised by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
(G.D.) is based upon the notion of a hierarchical
manifestation of consciousness prevalent throughout the
In the system of magic derived from the G.D. model leading
to self-knowledge, the concept of divine consciousness is
seen as underpinning all of Creation. This identification of a
causative genius operating beyond our shared sensory
perception of the host universe is considered to be an
omnipresent vitalising element essential to the animation of
all sentient life. In addition to this, the causative genius is
regarded as an innate presence, operational in the sustaining
of environmental conditions necessary for the growth,
survival and development of cognitive biological entities
thus animated.
Efforts to attain a perceptual harmony with this causative
divine origin have been systemised by the masters of the
Golden Dawn tradition and, because elements of these
approaches have always been dependent upon employing the
most advanced paradigms of observational science and
human psychology, these systems evolved in similitude with
progressive advancements within the development of the
rational descriptive metaphors employed within these fields.
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Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
enthralled Olcott and those who drew close to her fame and
growing reputation.
For a number of years, Mme Blavatsky rode high in terms of
fame and influence. During the latter years of her life,
Theosophical meeting-groups continued to prosper in the
capital cities of the Western world and gave focus to placing
individuals from quite diverse backgrounds and social
groups in contact with one another.
It is no coincidence that leading members of many
contemporary esoteric societies and study groups were also
members of the Theosophical Society. Two of these
individuals, the poet W.B Yeats and London coroner
William Wynn Westcott were active participants in the
lecture shop affairs of Theosophy and also leading lights
within an influential group of Hermetic Students known as
The Golden Dawn who held lectures and rituals of initiation
within London and, after 1892, Paris.
The poet, Yeats had always been inclined towards the
romantic belief in a Celtic 'other world' and was an
enthusiastic recruiter for the group amongst the literary
intelligentsia. Wynn Westcott had founded the group in
1887 alongside a brother in an English Rosicrucian rite of
Freemasonry, Dr Robert Woodman and a curious young
man who claimed Scottish nobility of birth despite having
been born in Bournemouth England who only once set foot
in the Highlands of Scotland in his life, Samuel 'Macgregor'
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
The task which confronts most seekers after the light at the
outset of their quest will be to make the transition-fkom the
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Reach down for the diamonds that lie at your feet before you
set off in search of the treasures of distant horizons. At the
outset of any spiritual quest, your footsteps will only be
illuminated by the lights of the spiritual gems which you
cany with you yourself.
As the Alchemists of elder days were so fond of saying:
"He who would make gold mustfirst possess gold"
... which
Steven Ashe
Glastonbury 2007
A General Introduction
to the Qabalah
The Qabalistic Tree of Life of ten sephiroth - or emanations
- and the twenty two paths connecting the sephiroth have
been represented in many ways over the millennia. Many
early renderings of the Tree displayed the Tree as a series of
concentric circles, as if the sephiroth were like layers of
onion skin.
1 Kether
2 Chokmah
3 Binah
4 Chesed
5 Geburah
6 Tiphareth
7 Netzach
8 Hod
9 Yesod
10 Malkuth
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Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
In the spirit of the above, one other name stands out in the
history of philosophy as a likely catalyst to the tradition that
has come down to us as the rather anaemic, 'fake',
'Rosicrucianism' of the kind practised by those uncritical
enough to tow the 'Golden Dawn' line without question. That
name is Michael Scott, the utopian thinker and Court
Philosopher to Emperor Frederick I1 of Sicily - an island
with a history of Moorish occupation and religious and
architectural culture, where he no doubt came under the
influence of schools of Sufi thought.
Scott had a public reputation for performing miracles that
would put any self respecting wonder working Rabbi to
shame, and is also reported to have been adept at inducing
visions by a combination of manipulation of light and
suggestion; a phenomenon strongly associated with Sufi
It is possible that his familiarity with, and translation of, the
texts of Arabian medicine and philosophy inspired much
speculation upon his alleged alchemical prowess, and also
concerning his later influence upon tales alluded to in later
Rosicrucian texts. He was even mentioned by Dante himself a student of the Spanish Saracen derived language of
Provence, the chosen idiom of the authors of the Troubadour
Courtly Romances - in his Divine Comedy (Inferno, Canto
XX, lines 1 15-1 17).
The later published allegorical tales of the Rosicrucians,
especially the legends concerning events in the life of
Christian Rosencrantz, evidently had some foundation in the
myths circulated amongst the common people of the Middle
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
"We will feed the hungry. We will clothe the poor," they
"But will I then not be hungry? Will I not be poor?" the
Mullah asked. And the followers saw the wisdom of his
argument and turned upon their leader with angry words and
abandoned him. When they were gone, the Holy Man
approached the Mullah and said: "Thank you, master. I've
been trying to get rid of those bums for nigh on six months
Steven Ashe
The old man replied: "I had been a novice for one whole
year, and I approached the Mulla asking him to tell me the
name of my higher angel. He whispered the name in my ear,
but I was too young to understand his answer and thought he
was tricking me, so I left."
"What name did he tell you, old man?" The young man
"It was my own name," the old man sighed.
"I met a chicken and a turkey on the road here, and they told
me that the sky was falling," Kif replied.
"The prophets here speak of the end of the world," Ali said
somberly. "They say that anyone who reads their Bible and
believes will be saved."
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"Well," said Kif, "you will be safe if you buy their book. I
am safe, because I have my parachute. But I cannot believe
that God will not spare the chicken and the turkey."
"I came this way because I believed the stars were calling
me to be here at this time. I will lie beneath the stars at this
place and seek their wisdom in dreams. Would you care for
some fresh water and figs?" Kif asked politely, offering the
girl his canteen and flask.
"Sir, your chivalry does you proud," she replied. "But it is
written that at a time such as this, one like yourself might
give all for a kiss but "whosoever gives one particle of dust
shall lose all at that hour."
Recognising her as a priestess of Nuit, goddess of the night
sky, Kif bowed his head. "Madam," he said, "you are
certainly welcome to all and everything I possess."
Dropping her veil, the priestess revealed herself to Kif and
they kissed under the desert skies.
"You are indeed a fool, if you plan to continue through the
desert," the priestess said gently. "Here, take this little desert
fox. It will guide you through the wilderness and warn you
of the scorpions in the dark of night. You have broken the
letter and the spirit of the law of the holy book this night in
kissing me. But your audacity weighs in balance with your
kindness, and this puts you beyond our blessing or
forgiveness. Journey on, noble traveler. But follow the dog,"
and she passed him the desert fox and departed.
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Steven Ashe
"The Light is the Way, but the darkness is the beginning and
the end."
"And how may we know the Goddess? How is it that we
may come to know the unknowable?" The Caliph hrther
"By living simple lives," Kif replied. "And by learning that
one must descend into the darkness in order to see beyond
the light."
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Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
The old priest smiled. "We are all creatures of the day time,"
he said. "Why do you not seek the light of the star that gives
us nourishment by day?"
The lady paused before replying: "A Sufi once told me that
more people are blinded by the light than are enlightened by
it. In any case, I am a child of the desert. The day star would
burn me to a crisp if I were to wander about in the noon
heat. "
"Then you should take yourself unto prayer at dawn and at
the time when the Sun is setting," the old priest replied. "The
darkest night and the brightest day are not for you."
And so the lady of the desert took his words to heart and
followed his advice for the remainder of her days.
At night, before dawn, the scorpions of the desert ran about
her feet and she took care to do them no harm; languishing
in the beauty of life emergent.
In the dawning hours of the desert day time, she took
comfort in the little flowers that sprang up beneath the rocks
of long forgotten cities; languishing in the beauty of life
And as the years passed, after she had breathed her last
breath, the star goddess noticed the shadow of the desert
daughter's memory passing across the oceans of sand. And
the Lady of Night took her into the heavens to shine as a star
upon the world in the evenings and the mornings to wander
the tapestry of the firmament for an eternity.
And, for a brief while, the mystery of this lady's passing may
be seen before the sunrise and after the sunset. And in her
rising and setting lies the mystery of our evolution.
So thus it is that the wise Men of Earth take themselves unto
meditation at the times of dawn and dusk; avoiding the
darkest night and the brightest day.
Steven Ashe
The wily old priest pondered the problem for a few moments
and then began beating the hotel manager about the head
with his prayer shawl.
"You are a Fool to bother me with such a problem," he said.
"Simply move all the guests you have staying with you to
even numbered rooms, and put the new arrivals in the odd
numbered ones."
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Steven Ashe
"In order to see the world clearly you must become the light.
Then, even the letters of the Law will seem as shadows to
you for you will have become the Law."
"And how will we know when we are truly at one with the
Law?" The disciples asked him.
"When someone takes offence at your actions and tries to
burn you at the stake as a heretic," Kif replied. "If the flames
do not touch you, then you are indeed enlightened"
And from that day Kif became known as Lord Flame.
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Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
When she awoke she found that she could understand the
Language of the Birds, and everything that they were saying
to one another.
After listening for a while, Leah sat up. From the important
things that the birds had been discussing Leah realised that
the garden she was sitting in was a meeting place of high
council for the birds. The topics which the birds were
discussing were wide and varied: How the winds were
blowing, how much rain had fallen in the valleys and upon
the mountains, how the crops were growing in the fields and
how the seasons were subtly shifting in their pattern and
A large peacock wandered over to sit before Leah, politely
lowering its brightly coloured tail. "How are you this
morning, my lady?" the bird enquired. "Are you ready to
converse with us, yet?"
"I would be delighted." Leah replied, having had time to
compensate for the absurdity of the situation. "I have only
this morning begun to understand your language. Please
forgive my previous ignorance, if you have been trying to
engage me in conversation before now."
"You are welcome here, Madam," the peacock continued.
"This is our Parliament. Each of us have a different tale to
tell, and we meet here to share stories and concerns. We
have noticed your twice daily meditations in our garden and
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recognise the loss that lies within you. Tell me fair lady,
what is the shadow that veils your heart?"
"My husband is lost to me, 0 mighty lord of the birds," Leah
replied. "He has taken himself in search of the celestial City
of Pyramids, where the Stars make their home upon the
Earth far beyond the mountains and the desert sands. The
people say he has disappeared forever and treat me as a
Even now, a new prophet sits in his place at the Temple."
"Fear not," the peacock replied, "news of your husband has
reached our ears. He is descending from the mountains even
now and approaches his intended destination. However,
many surprises still lie ahead of him."
"Then he is truly lost to me for ever," Leah wailed.
"Be not overcome with grief," the peacock commanded,
"your husband will indeed return to you, if only to take you
beyond the desert to return with him to the City of
"How do you know this?" Leah enquired.
"It is evident to us that he must return," the peacock
explained. "It is something of a riddle, well known to the
wise, that no man may enter the City without his wife just as
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Steven Ashe
"It is the way it must be." Marah replied. "You have made
me a free woman, and yet I would continue to be your wife
in spirit. We have known the best of both worlds, and it is
my right to choose you as a husband and a lover if I so
And so Marah became the wife of Kilo the High Priest from
that moment on and was allowed to continue to return to her
chamber within the Temple at her leisure.
And Marah was known and respected throughout the land
from that day hence as having made the wisest of choices.
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Steven Ashe
At these words Lassid let out a roar and departed from the
chamber taking his followers with him.
The questions continued, thick and fast: "Where were you
when the answer came to you?"
"In the arms of a beautifbl priestess of the Temple of Nuit!"
"How can you verify your vision according to the lore of the
Temple philosophers?"
"The secret does not reside within the Temple, but may be
found in the Outer Court by any passing stranger!"
"Tell us of the riddle of the Egg in the desert?"
"I do not think that you are capable of understanding the
secret lore if you continue to phrase the Mysteries in terms
of clichk's," he replied.
"You do not speak to us in plain words," one Master
"You ask riddles of me but will not let me speak freely!" the
Purple Sage replied. But the crowd continued to question,
heckle and desert him as they grew angry at his answers and
as time passed the Purple Sage grew tired of the criticism
from the floor and retired to his seat, signaling to all that he
would say no more.
Steven Ashe
The Bell
Far across the desert and through the night they had ridden,
these dusty pilgrims, driving their camels hard in pursuit of
the new star.
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the merchant's camels departed from the palm rich oasis, the
first of the pilgrims arrived there.
A solitary figure, clad in the dark black and purple of the
holy man sat watching the approaching caravan from
beneath one of the lea@ palms. When the pilgrims had
quenched their thirst from the spring waters of the oasis and
their servants had erected the tents to protect their number
from the rage of the desert sunlight, the leader of the star
seekers sent his manservant to the holy man, inviting him to
the hospitality of his tent for refreshment and counsel.
Kif accepted, and broke his fast in the tent of the eastern
bound caravan with a meal of fruit and dates. "Where are
you bound, holy man?" the leader enquired, once they had
finished their simple meal.
"I am bound for the City of Pyramids," Kif replied.
"Then you are indeed walking a winding path," the leader
commented. "We have roamed this desert for generations,
and sometimes visit there. Some tales say that every man
and woman, in some lifetime or another must pass through
its gate."
"It is given to me to have that privilege," Kif stated. "I would
be grateful to you if you would share your knowledge of the
pathway which leads there and also tell me of our own
It was the son of the pilgrim star seeker who replied to Kif,
whilst refilling his guest's goblet with wine: "Who treads the
path of the desert fox is a brother to us. Our camel master
will set you upon the best path when you depart. But let me
speak to you of our mission in the desert.
"We are musicians. That is our tradition. Our fathers and
mothers sang with the desert winds at the raising of the
pyramid city. We visit and sing with the running waters of
the mighty rivers beyond the white sands: old songs, older
than the songs we sing of the valleys and the plains. Our
sagas tell the stories of the raising of the mountains; of the
retreat of the great sea; of the coming of the sunlight and of
the birth of the day.
"Once, every few generations, the heavens move and we
sing with the stars and the Moon. We sing with the old stars,
but sometimes there are new songs to learn and new stars to
follow that we may catch their melody."
"You speak of the new star that rushes towards Jupiter?" Kif
"We do." The pilgrim leader answered, signaling for his son
to refill his goblet. "It will collide with that mighty orb and
be no more this very night."
"But it will sing a song in its passing that will be
remembered as the overture of a new Aeon," the leader's son
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"We seek the place where our ancestors sang the song of the
first star of the morning: the star of the goddess. She will
hear the mighty song and whisper it in our ears whilst we lie
in her secret place."
"The song of the shooting star will ring like a bell
throughout the heavens," his father mused.
"May your songs continue to bring life to the world," Kif
said with ritual solemnity. "I will hear your song in my
dreams and pray to the gods of the heavens for the new
awakening of the world."
"Now tell us if you have any need of anything that we may
have to make your journey an easy one," the pilgrim leader
said expansively. "You will find that your arrival within the
City of Pyramids may not be the end of your journey. For
there are many cities within the great city. Each is a perfect
representation of itself and only after many adventures there
can a man truly tell one from another and come at last to the
true City of Pyramids on the shore of the Great Sea."
Kif tried to refuse the hospitality of the camp, but fresh
stores of fruit, wine and bread were presented to him in a
pack to ease his journey beyond the mountains. The camel
master gave him directions and Kif bade farewell to the
caravan with blessings and prayers of good fortune.
"Before you go, let me give you these tokens and words of
advice." The pilgrim leader said in parting. "Here is a hawk
feather, and also the feather of the peacock. They will serve
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Whilst he rested the light began to fade in the West, and the
stars blinked and twinkled in the skies above. A carpet of
light cloud lay a hundred feet beneath the Holy Man's feet,
illuminated by the faint light of a rising crescent moon to the
south. Kif sighed at the beauty of the still night and gently
fell into a sleep.
When he awoke the heavens were bright with starlight. The
Moon had arisen and was majestically creeping westward,
but the lights surrounding the planet Jupiter directly above
were spectacular. A rainbow haze lay around the planet and
Kif thoughts were of the song which was now being sung by
the star seekers.
As his eyes adjusted to their surroundings Kif became aware
of a soft voice in his ear. It seemed to him that it was a deep
female voice coming to him from far away and yet it spoke
in a whisper.
Although he was not afraid, the Sufi clutched the Hawk and
Peacock feathers tightly before him. "Do not be stirred to
fear, gentle wanderer," the voice said softly. "I have
sheltered you beneath my boughs in the hours of your
slumber and kept you from all harm. You may trust me for I
recognise the symbols which you bear, and honour their
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"It says in the Book of the Law that whosoever gives one
particle of dust in such an hour shall lose all," the Sufi
continued. "I will keep my sandals and under garment as is
customary in such riddling matters, as I shall keep my pack.
"But, here," he said, offering something very small to the
talking tree on the tip of his finger, "you may have this speck
of dust. It is a crumb of the finest incense which I intended
to burn to the Goddess. I now bum it to her in your name."
Reaching down, Kif took a charcoal block from his kit bag,
lit a match and set it alight throwing the speck of incense
upon it to smoulder and release its perfume.
"And to be filled with what you demand," the Sufi
continued, "would be to yield completely to the trust which
you originally asked of me. So I will offer you one of these
feathers as a token of exchange for my freedom to continue
upon the path."
"You have spoken wisely and with great insight," the talking
tree complimented him. "You have arrived at my second
riddle. For I will ask you to choose which feather you shall
present me with. Choose ye well, for it shall be the final
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once more opened his eyes and shook his head at the elderly
Once more, Kif drew the smoke from the pipe into his lungs
and closed his eyes. A vision of himself at the head of a
victorious army bearing standards emblazoned with motifs
of the Lion and the Horse; symbols of victory and conquest
to his people. In his hands he carried the original Book of
the Law and his female consort bore the Stele of Boulak
within her arms.
All around, couriers rushed towards him to report the
collapse of the infidel kingdoms and the triumph of
"Return and lead us in our Jihad, 0 warrior priest." The
voices called within his ears. But again, the Sufi opened his
eyes and shook his head at the temple guardian.
Taking a fourth toke from the pipe, Kif beheld a vision of
himself reading from the Book of the Law to the people
upon the Temple steps.
"Return to us and write down the hidden chapters of the
Book of the Law." The voices called to him. "Become our
Lawgiver and we will build the Kiblah in your name." Once
more the Sufi shook his head at the sage.
Taking yet another draught of smoke from the pipe, Kif
beheld himself seated upon a throne within the Holy of
Holies. As High priest of the Citadel, he was entitled to sit
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"I will not draw from the pipe again." He stated flatly. "But I
will not return whence I came either. Show me the way from
this place and I will go in peace. Rehse me and you may
expect the direful judgment of Ra Hoor Khuit. I am filled
with the spirit of the smoke and will surely tear this temple
apart if you do not satis@ me1'
The old man laughed. "You have passed the test, and may
proceed on your journey," he said. "For this is the gateway
that may not be entered by those who fail to cast away the
veils of illusion which bind them to the world of desire. You
have reached the point where there is a fork in the road
"One more toke upon the pipe and you surely would have
surrendered to the genie of the smoke. Few travellers are
able to survive even three draughts of the pipe. Go in peace,
my servants will lead you to the egress. Few indeed pass
through this gate, but those that do never regret their
decision to travel beyond this place and never return.
And so Kif departed from the ruins. But as he looked back
over his shoulder he saw that, from this angle at least, the
Temple seemed fully restored to its former glory and was
once again whole.
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Steven Ashe
hrther. You may join our brotherhood of the elect, and you
are free to live amongst us for an Eternity. But you must
seek your own Eternity within yourself. If you wish to pass
beyond the City you will find that the Valley of Small
Circles has a number of distractions to offer.
'None who have travelled beyond the city have passed any
hrther than there, and all who have set out on that journey
have returned. Move amongst us, you are welcome. The
great men and women of the ages are all resident here. You
may have seen Einstein delivering the milk earlier, and
Ambrose Bierce is giving a lecture in the City Chambers this
afternoon. Of course they are doing different things
elsewhere in the City. Go now! I will no doubt speak to you
again tomorrow, even if you will also be doing other things
elsewhere in the city"
And Kif did as he was bidden, wandering around the shade
of the City of Pyramids meeting with the wise and laughing
with the cheerfir1 people of the metropolis. That night he
took himself off to the Garden of Statues and slept with the
statue of himself, and after this he was able to perceive all
that lay around him with a keen sight and alertness.
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Steven Ashe
"Not for a man who has turned down the sheets in Hilbert's
Hotel on more than one occasion," the Sufi said confidently.
"Your musings on Eternity and the Dice Game - a tale not
yet fully told - give me the idea that Eternal variation must
also contain the possibilities of each of the things that did
not and yet cannot happen."
"Your musings sound familiar," Duns Scotus said,
scratching his chin then breaking into a slow crafty smile.
"I'm sure that I may have used that argument once upon a
"I go now, to seek my Aspect. He will be somewhere about,
and I have Eternity to find him in," Kif said, rising to his
"And there's no time like the present to do it." And with
those words he left the room.
Aristarchus was the first to speak: "I do not understand," he
"I think that our old friend has pulled a favourable fortune
cookie today." Feynman said approvingly. "He portrays our
gaming with dice in a unique perspective. Especially so here
in the City of Pyramids."
"The fake City of Pyramids." Aristarchus said smugly.
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"I think that was Kif s realisation, and that may give him an
edge in the game," Einstein muttered, examining the dice
and suspecting them - correctly - to be Tessaracts. "We must
continue, albeit blindly, and never give up the quest."
"Come again?" Aristarchus prompted.
"In plain words: If God does not play dice, then someone
must." Einstein said bluntly. And upon this matter, he said
nothing more. But from that day forward, he always won in
his Dicing.
"WoMan actually."
"Well, I'll be.." said Kif
"But I have something to show you," Kifs doppelganger
said, as if suddenly remembering.
"Is it something for my eyes alone?"
"No," Kifs image stated bluntly. "All see it at some point. It
is a jewel of The Light. But many fail to identify it. Kilo and
Coconut have seen it already."
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"It is the vision of the infinity within each of us." the other
Kif said. And those were his last words as an entity for it
seemed to Kif that his double began to grow indistinct at that
And then the image of his double swept towards him with
incredible speed and merged with his own essence.
Kif reached out and took the Jewel from above the altar, and
slipped it into his robes.
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the wise man sat down beside his friend. "I have just
returned from the valley of small circles," he said. "There
were many Haints along the low road that leads from that
place. "
"Yes," Coconut agreed. "The stars in the heavens have been
indicating strange times ahead for the lands beyond the great
desert. All of us here will no doubt be experiencing the odd
unexpected anomaly or two for a while yet.
"I do believe that a Talking Tree has been reported growing
in the area too," Kif said casually.
Coconut smiled. "You are well informed my friend. It is
only a sapling, but it is indeed already rapping. Teenage
Talking Trees can indeed be a little loose of mouth, and this
one in particular has a biting sarcasm.'
Kif was silent for a moment, as if in deep thought. Reaching
into his robes he pulled out the jewel of the double cube and
held it out for Coconut to behold. "I tried to steal this from
the Temple of the Lost God," he said. "But it is a jewel that
is impossible to steal."
"And yet you possess it?" Coconut enquired.
"I have made peace with my daemon," Kif explained. "The
multiplicity of being has now been replaced by the
multiplicity of phenomena."
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In the front of the shop was a tent pyramid of the finest silk
situated in the midst of two concentric magic circles, within
whose trough grew magic mushrooms the size of a mans
Mahindra, the shop's owner was talking to Doctor Dirk
while Elron and Aine inspected the latest crop of freshly
picked Cuban psilocybin.
"Greetings, 0 learned one" Mahindra said, looking up from
his conversation.
"And to you too," Kif responded. Then nodded his head in
greeting to the good Doctor who returned a smile. "I am in
need of a trip and the services of your meditation chamber
whilst it is kicking in."
Mahindra nodded his head. "Feel free to stay the night," he
said courteously. "We are about to close up for the night but
here's a key to the door, you can use the room upstairs to
come up on your trip and then meditate in the magic circle
when the shop is closed."
Aine handed Kif a medium sized mushroom and smiled
graciously. After eating the mushroom Kif decided to
remain downstairs and swap stories with the shop keeper
and his fiiends, telling them of his journey from Coconut's
castle and of the Haints haunting the way.
Dr Dirk played with his Van Dyke beard and paid great
attention to the traveler's story. Mahindra nodded along,
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"I know you," Kif whispered back. "I have faced many
challenges upon the path that has led me to this point, and
yet you have done things with me that only my wife and I
have shared."
At this the girl began to laugh. "You fool. I am your wife."
"Leah." He gasped. Your form has changed beyond all
recognition. And yet I do recognise you now."
"I am Babalon, I am your wife painted with the stars."
She said. "This Gateway is a gateway that all women share.
But there is a part of me that remains sleeping in the garden
of Statues awaiting your return, just as you yourself look
towards our reunion in the true flesh."
"Then I must return to accompany her here to join me," Kif
"But I am already here," Leah as Babylon teased. "You will
have to work this one out for yourself. But remember, you
can only be seen as a Haint now outside the shadow City of
Pyramids. You have come too far to return whence you
Noticing that her husband looked slightly downcast, she
continued: "You already grasp that Time is a non essential
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Kif swallowed hard and gave the entity his full attention.
"There are two tasks to fulfill in order to make your peace
with me." Random continued. "Both require that you satisfy
me on your knowledge of my true nature. First comes a
question: What am I?"
Kif thought for a moment, his mind suddenly becoming
clear. "You are my hopes and my fears." He said. "You have
answered the question yourself in your asking of it. You are
the angel I am the kinetic potential of, and also the demon of
my most powerfbl desires."
"And what do you intend to do about me?" Random asked
curiously, satisfied at Kif s answer.
Kif turned to face the angel. "I will welcome you." He
announced. "There comes a time when we must live with
whom we actually are and play the hand that is dealt to us."
And Random and Sufi became one, for good or ill.
the City of Pyramids, the more the facets of the real 'city
within a city' revealed themselves.
Every night, at twilight, he would meet with his wife Leah at
some prearranged location and explore the City at night. Kif
was becoming more used to the ghostly Haints, and with the
passing of each night they too became more and more
substantial until he was able to converse with them.
Over the first month, Kif and Leah would make love
together with increasing relish; their senses heightened and
their minds and bodies aflame with the psychedelic effects
of the mushrooms they had purchased from the Magic
Mushroom shop. And afterwards Leah would remain longer
and longer with her husband in their adventures in the gas lit
streets of the City.
On the eighth night Leah led her husband by the hand over
the first bell bridge of the famous 'Street of Seven Bell
Bridges'. "From here you can see into the Abyss," she said.
"Stare first at the symbol of the sea shell upon the bridge's
crest and then look down into the water, at the moonlight
reflected there." Kif looked over the bridge's handrail and
his eyes misted over. Somewhere in the depths of the water
he could see shapes moving around. And then all became
clear. Bound naked men and women were being tied to
wooden platforms by green and black slimy creatures.
Centipede-like tendrils tore and flayed the flesh of their
victims whilst half naked men and women looked on from
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the edges of the torture pit with a depraved craving for blood
lust shining in their eyes.
Breaking the spell with a click of her fingers, Leah led Kif
on to the next bridge over the canal. This bridge had the
motif of a closed human hand, which Kif meditated upon
before looking into the water. Therein he saw a figure laid
out upon a dungeon slab. The woman's skin had been
removed from her body and she lay raw and defenceless,
bound and pegged down to a torture bed. Two grotesque
dwarves laboured over her eye sockets with red hot irons.
Kif flinched away from the sight of the horror.
Leading Kif to the third bridge, Leah bade him to meditate
upon the symbol of the open hand upon the bridge's crest,
before looking down into the depths.
The horror which beheld him gripped his frame with an icy
hand. The smell of burning flesh was unimaginable as Kif
beheld the sad remains of the characters from the vision
before him having their tongues cut out of their mouths and
their ears and noses sealed with red hot brands. The Holy
man was paralysed by the sight of these horrors and began to
shake with fear.
At the fourth bridge, after meditating upon the symbol of the
fallen corn stalk, the wise man beheld one of the disfigured
creatures having his back broken over a wheel, severing all
sensory input into the man's brain. His broken form was cast
aside into a comer, onto a heap of similar forms of past
The sights which Kif beheld at the fifth, sixth and seventh
bridges (where the symbols of the black rose, the funnel and
the snake eating the egg were to be found) are not fit for
human comprehension. Here, the shells of the victims were
given over to the demons of the pit for gargantuan
perversions of the most depraved nature.
Tears filled Kifs eyes. "Why are you showing me these
things?" he begged his wife.
"These are the fates reserved for those who turn back at this
point," she replied. "Our task is to sublimate these energies
so that the failings of the many are not to be truly wasted.
Come, make love to me on this bridge and we will become
one. Only the united may pass through this trial of fire."
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Dismounting from her camel, Alia ran along the beach to the
seas edge. The Sun was rising behind her and the
brightening of the waters was glorious to behold.
Taking her bow and quiver of arrows from her shoulder she
slipped out of her robes and stood naked beneath the fading
western stars save for her decorative anklet of the serpent.
The weather was warming and Alia lay down at the edge of
the water, with the incoming tide lapping against her ankles
and naked legs.
Taking an arrow from her quiver Alia concentrated upon its
tip and caused it to burst into flame. Placing it in the bow
and tensing the cord with a determined pull she then sent it
blazing over the waters of the Great Sea.
The incoming tide was reaching over her thighs and, as it
touched the base of her spine, the flaming arrow plunged
into the heaving waters.
An echo of an ancient ecstasy ran up Alia's backbone then,
sending waves of rapture through her entire mind and body.
The sky lit up into a brilliant scarlet which was reflected
upon the mirror of the sea, and the image of a distant citadel
appeared in the heavens above the horizon.
"This sea is made up of the blood of Saints. And the City
may only be entered by the immortals," a disembodied voice
sounded in Alia's head. "You will come upon the token of
entry into the Eternal City somewhere upon these seas. You
must use your craft and your guile. Only Serpents may swim
in these waters. But you are of the Dove and the Serpent.
Choose your passage to the city with care."
And Alia meditated upon these happenings for a day and a
night thereafter.
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Steven Ashe
of the
Golden Dawn
Fraternitv of the
Sanctum Regnum
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Steven Ashe
lore and methods - and these sets fall under the sway of one
planetary power or another.
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Steven Ashe
"In the second part of the invocation, the voice of the god is
heard, and His characteristic utterance is recited. In the
"third portion" of the invocation the magician asserts the
identity of himself with the god. In the "fourth portion" the
god is again invoked, but as if by Himself, as if it were the
utterance of the will of the god that He should manifest in
the magician. At the conclusion of this, the original object of
the invocation is stated."
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Steven Ashe
Be favourable unto me,
0 ye powers of the Kingdom Divine
May Glory and Eternity be in my left and right
May Pity and Justice restore my soul to its original
May Wisdom and Understanding divine lead me to
the imperishable Crown
Spirit of Malkuth
Thou who hast laboured and overcome, set me in the
path of good
Lead me to the twin pillars of the temple that I may
rest upon them
Angels of Netzach and of Hod make ye my feet to
stand firmly upon Yesod.
Angel of Gedulah console me
Angel of Geburah strike if it must be so but make me more worthy
of the influence of Tiphareth
Angel of Chokrnah bring me light
Angel of Binah bring me love
Angel of Kether confer upon me Faith and Hope
Spirits of the Yetzirahtic world withdraw me from
the darkness of Assiah
Steven Ashe
Over the Salt Say:
May Wisdom abide in this salt and may it preserve our
minds and our bodiesfrom all corruption. By Chokmael
and by the virtue of Ruach Chokmael, may the phantoms of
hindrance depart here-from that it may become a heavenly
salt; salt of Earth and Earth of Salt. That it may feed the
threshing ox and strengthen our hopes with the horns of the
flying bull. Amen
Steven Ashe
waters from the waters. The things which are above are like
unto the things which are below and the things which are
below are like unto the things which are abovefor the
performance of the wonders of one thing.
The Sun is itsfather, the Moon its mother. The wind has
carried it in the belly thereoj It ascendethfrom Earth to
heaven and again it descendethfrom Heaven to Earth in like
Plunging the first two fingers of the hand into the water,
The Hexagram is a powerful symbol representing the
operation of the Seven Planets under the presidency of the
Sephiroth, and of the seven-lettered Name, ARARITA. The
Hexagram is sometimes called the Signet Star or Symbol of
the Macrocosm, just as the Pentagram is called the Signet
Star or Symbol of the Microcosm. ARARITA is a divine
name of the Seven letters formed of the Hebrew initials of
the sentence:
One is his beginning. One is his individuality. His
permutation is one.
As in the case of the Pentagram, from each re-entering angle
of the Hexagram issueth a ray representing a radiation from
the divine. Therefore it is called the Flaming Hexagram, or
the six-rayed Signet Star. Usually, it is traced with the single
point uppermost. It is not an evil symbol with the two points
upward, and this is a point of difference from the Pentagram.
Now if thou dost draw the Hexagram to have by thee as a
Symbol, thou shalt make it in the colours already taught and
upon a black ground. These are the Planetary Powers
allotted unto the Angles of the Hexagram.
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Steven Ashe
different Plane. And ever be sure that thou dost complete the
circle of the place wherein thou work.
The angles are attributed as shown and its affinity is with the
Western Quarter, the position of Air in the Zodiac.
The fourth form is:
The angles are attributed as shown and its affinity is with the
Northern Quarter, the position of Water in the Zodiac.
With each of these forms the Name Ararita is to be
pronounced. Also as in the preceding cases there will be
seven modes of tracing each of these four forms, according
to the particular Planet with those Forces thou art working at
the time.
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Following the course of the Sun, from left to right and thou
shalt pronounce the name Ararita, vibrating it as much as
From right to left, and see that thou closest careblly the
finishing angle of each triangle. Carry thy magical
implement round to the South and if thou desirest to invoke
trace the figure thus:
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Pass to the West, and trace the figure for invoking thus:
Banishing thus:
Now in the Supreme Ritual of the Hexagram, when thou
shalt wish to attract in addition to the forces of a Planet,
those of a Sign of the Zodiac wherein he then is, thou shalt
trace in the centre of the invoking Hexagram of the Planet,
the Symbol of that Sign of the Zodiac beneath his own; and
if this be not sufficient, thou shalt also trace the invoking
Pentagram of the Sign as it is directed in the ritual of the
In the tracing of the Hexagram of any Planet thou shalt
pronounce therewith in a vibratory manner as before taught,
both the Divine Name of the Sephirah which ruleth the
Planet and the Seven-lettered Name Ararita, and also the
particular letter of that Name which is referred to that
particular Planet.
Now if thou shalt wish to invoke the forces of One particular
Planet, thou shalt find in what Quarter of the heavens he will
be situate at the time of working. Then thou shalt consecrate
and guard the place wherein thou art by the Lesser
Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram. Then thou shalt perform
the Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Hexagram, yet tracing the
four figures employed from the angle of the Planet required,
seeing that for each Planet the mode of tracing varieth. If
thou deal with the Sun, thou shalt invoke by all six forms of
the Figure and trace within them the Planet Symbol and
pronounce the Name Ararita as has been taught.
Then shalt thou turn unto the quarter of the planet in the
Heavens and shalt trace his invoking Hexagram and
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"0Mighty Star of Truth, that shines above the City of
"Thou whose rays sustain the roots of the World Tree; who
art wrapped in a shroud of impenetrable dark. Your face is
veiled from the children of Earth, but you have made their
eyes to behold your wonders!
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Steven Ashe
"By the power of thy word are our enemies cast down, and
the powers of darkness destroyed. Your companions are the
victorious and your joy is the joy of battle and strife - whose
heroes await their reward in the pillar of the Just.
Your flame have I fanned from the spark of the anvil, and
your hammer and forge have I reclaimed from the forge.
Your torch have I carried from Darom to Tzaphon and the
light of your flame has touched Mizraach and Maarab! Of
you is said; 'His voice is as the roaring of thunder, and the
bellows of the furnace of the Soul are his lungs', and thy
dominion and thy power are made steadfast by virtue of the
iron rod of the King.
" 0 blood red fire of the heart of the ruby! Bearer of the
Sword of Fivefold flame! Descend upon us 0 Lord of the
Just and bathe us with the splendour of thy terrible beauty."
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"High in the heavens you are fixed in the midst of the twelve
great destinies of Man! On Earth you are Light itself! And
the shadow of thine Oak is long upon the floor of the valley!
Star-Serpent, you are extended upon Earth in LIFE, for you
have wound yourself about the roots of the Oak, as ON
surrounds AD. And the mystery of your sacrifice is revealed
in the scream: AI! IHVH! EHEIEH!
"To me! To me! Sings the Priestess in her rapture as, naked,
she lies upon an emerald throne! Arise! Arise! 0 thou flame
of the Nephesch, and cause us to bathe in the vision of the
triumphing of beauty!
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"Upon Wings of Wonder you bear me in my passions above the Cornfields and the Maize. And your knowledge
brings the fawn to the forest glade, and the Swan to the lake.
"Kokab! Kokab! Kokab! 0 thou whose light guides the ship
of RA as it ascends ever onwards towards the height of the
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Steven Ashe
"0 lambent flame of twilight song, bend upon us and fill our
minds! "
Zodiacal Magic
The plan of the birth chart indicating the exact planetary
positions of the planets can be employed in a specific
operation of talismanic magic which incorporates an
interactive approach to working with one's natural energies.
Every student of the esoteric is aware of the fundamentals of
Astrology: The zodiacal position of each of the planets
within the heavens - and the relationship of these planets to
one another - is an indicator of the flavours of the
Macrocosm operational within the Present Moment at the
time of the birth of a new Microcosm (individual
When the birth chart of an individual is examined it can be
seen to be a talisman of the composite energies of the
individual. In addition to revealing the minutiae of detail of
the personality traits of the subject of the natal horoscope
and providing a basis for predictions concerning the
development of life trends, the birth chart can be employed
as a touchstone for operations of magical attunement and
spiritual calibration. Such a talisman can provide the subject
with the means of identifLing the ingredients of the recipe of
'greater world' energies which originally combined
influences with one another to provide his or her natural
balance of energies.
As a map of these higher energies, this talisman can be used
as a point of access to the original balance of powers.
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Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
of 10")
1st Decante
znd Decante
3rd Decante
2 Wands
3 Wands
4 Wands
1st Decante
1st Decante
znd Decante
3rd Decante
7 Disks
8 Swords 2 CUPS
9 Swords 3 Cups
10 Swords 4 Cups
7 Wands
9 Disks
10 Disks
2 Swords
3 Swords
4 Swords
6 Cups
7 Cups
8 Wands
9 Wands
2 Disks
3 Disks
4 Disks
5 Swords
6 Swords
7 Swords
9 Cups
10 Cups
5 Wands
6 Disks
5 Disks
6 Disks
10 Wands
Steven Ashe
Khnemu - "To join - to unite" (Egypt).
Khnem - "To build" (Egypt)
Khnem made the first egg from which sprang the sun in
Egyptian myth.
Tattu - Resurrection (Egypt)
Taurus! 0 Mer-Ur of the city of Anu; thou art Asar-Hapi of
Bull of God and Life of Ra! Thine is the steadfastness of the
Earth and the evening star is upon thy brow!
Phoebus-Apollo! Champion of Knowledge! In thee are
Heaven and Earth met together! Mighty Bull! The Ishim
ride upon thy back and the wealth of the Earth is thy
splendour !
0 mighty King! Withdraw us from the passage of Time that
we may witness Eternity. Bless us so that we may escape
the fate of Cassandra and make sure our footsteps on the
pathways of righteousness and truth.
Asar-Hapi - (Osiris and Apis joined together by the priests
of Memphis)
Phoebus-Apollo - The title of the Sun according to late
classical period scholars.
Cassandra - True in prophesy, but never heeded.
Amen and Ament! Thou who art the one god who didst
form thyself into two gods! Divine twins, Shu! Tefnut!
Earth and Sky! Hear this call!
Behold Asar lies in his tomb and Set doth reign unchecked!
The pans of the balance are visible in the evening skies and
Isis stands betwixt them in the glory of Eternity's Triumph.
In her hands, the seeds of Hope and Faith! The redemption
of mankind is hers to sow! 0 Angel of the power veiled in
this form, lend unto us clear vision that we may discern the
pathway forward.
As the Lover unites the inner world and outer worlds, so
may we mediate our own understanding of Truth. 0 Angel
of the power veiled in this form, make us steadfast in
decision and wise in choice!
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Oannes! Thou who came forth from the Ethyrian sea! Thou
who taught us to work the land; who taught us to count the
mansions of the Moon against the canvas of the stars; to
build the ziggurats where burn the beacons of everlasting
Behold the face of the lion of God! The Glory of Creation!
The guardian of the twenty two temple steps, whose shadow
is the dweller upon the threshold! In his eyes shines the
light of eternal flame and his mouth is filled with the jewels
of the Earth!
And the roaring of his voice is seven fold in its wonder each part meeting part in the sevenfold palace. In the might
of the roaring of the Lion is formulated that Holy and
formless fire Qadosh which darts and flashes through the
depths of the Universe.
At the touch of the fire
into liquor, clear as water.
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Hail thou great mother, that bearest the corn stalk; my body
is the framework of the seven-fold palace and thou hast
made thyself a bed of maize upon which to lie in the palace
of the King.
Beneath thee art the seven pillars to uphold thee and thou
hast revealed thyself at each apex in the form of the Seven
Hathors of each palace. Verily thou art Mehurt and Hathor
and of thy nectar have thou given us succour. The
nourishment of all things in the seven palaces is in thy
keeping and the virtue of healing is thine to bestow.
Thou hast made us to bathe in the waters of the river of life,
for there shalt thou lead us to Eternity through death. Thou
has made us to reap the five cubit high corn of the heavenly
Hail 0 thou children of Orthrus, twin headed! Lion and
Serpent, look with gladness upon us. Rhadamanthys hath
lifted up his wan once more and the dog-days have drawn to
a close.
Behold, the balance is set high in the heavens; for the Virgin
is on my right hand and the Scorpion on my left. Maat,
goddess of Judgment! Lady of the scales whereupon our
hearts are weighed against our acts. 0 Angel of the power
veiled in this form, show unto us the mystery of the cosmic
balance as it swings to and fro and purge from us all that is
not of the Divine.
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Hail Serquet! Thou mighty and terrible scorpion! In the
midst of the summer heat didst thou arise to deliver thy
mortal wound to the Sun-King.
Verily didst thou slay the child god, 0 servant of Set, but Ra
lifted him up again. Readily didst thou lend thy venom to
the slaying of the Moon Warrior Urion but, lo, was he raised
up again in splendour.
Strike thee now, 0 serpent! 0 Scorpion! 0 Angel of Night!
And strike swiftly that we may be lifted up purged of all
malice and all evil. For in striking thou doth take unto
thyself all of the Evil that is thine own. And in striking,
open thou our eyes for surely they are closed.
Hail thou divine scorpion! Thy tail is lifted up even unto the
heavens and thy sting is amongst the stars. Strike thou
swiftly, 0 Angel of Darkness, that darkness may be purged
fiom our souls. And lead us unto the avenues of redemption
For we are the servants of the one god whose name is the
God of the fifty Gates of Intelligence.
0 thou Ullr of the North; Neith of Egypt; Artemis of Graco!
Hail thou Centaur Chiron! Divine Archer! As a single ray
of the sun thou didst loose forth thy shaft.
By the force of the Quesheth was thy power brought forth,
and thy place is in the heavens on the Bifrost Bridge: 0
guardian of the portal! Thou Dweller upon the threshold.
Thy place is secured within the heavens 0 Lord. Thou art
the teacher of heroes. Of Rama, of Arjuna, of Odysseus.
Thou art the type of the divine archer and the powers of
light. 0 Angel of the power veiled in this form, show unto
us the glories of the ancient warriors, for we are the servants
of the one god whose name is the God of Glory!
Hail thou divine Lord of the Earth and the Waters! Goatfish god; Dagon of Old. Behold, the energy of God is in thy
limbs. Solitary are thy ways and the high and lofty places of
the Earth are given to thee.
With joy you leap along the mountain ledges. With sureness
of foot you leap from ledge to ledge, for your feet will never
fail. 0 come forth from the seas, Lord of the earth! Lord of
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Hail, thou divine water bearer! Hapi, source of the Nile and
bringer of life giving floods! Behold! The southern fish
dies upon the strand and thou didst revive him with the
waters of life within thy pitcher.
The wells of the Earth are sacred unto thee and the fountain
of eternal life of the gods is thine own. Thou didst deliver
the golden apples unto the Aesir! Iduna is thy name in the
The well of Mimir is thy dwelling place and thou hath the
sight of the gods, for you are the keeper of the Eye of Odin.
Even the darkest mysteries of the dead are visible to thee though they hide their shades deep within Nid Hog's den.
Behold the Divine Fish of Law and Liberty! Apollo and
Aphrodite! Venus and Adonis! This one immoveable. The
other one, swimming and fluent. And they are chained, one
to the other by virtue of a common bond of Love.
As Love binds law to liberty and liberty to law, so are we
chained by a special bond to the Soul. 0 mighty arbiter of
the divine grace of justice, lend unto us thy quill that we
may write down our names in the Book of Life.
Steven Ashe
The Magical System
of the 72 Fold Name
1.The seventy two fold name of God, the Shemhamphorash
(Divided Name), is projected around the Zodiac in seventy
two units - each composed of five degrees of the 360
Degree Zodiacal band.
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Steven Ashe
4 is the number of the letters of the name of I W H
4 is also the number of the letters of the name ADNI, which
is its representative and key. The latter name is bound with
the former, and united thereto, thus I H N V D H A I,
forming a name of eight letters. 8 x 3 (the number of the
Supernal Triad) yields the 24 Thrones of Wisdom, the 24
thrones of the Elders of the Apocalypse, each of whom
wears on his head a golden grown of 3 rays, each ray of
which is a name, each name an absolute Idea and ruling
power of the great name IHVH, (Tetragrammaton) - and the
number 24 of the Thrones, multiplied by the 3 rays of the
Crowns = 72, the name of GOD of 72 letters, which is thus
mystically shown in the name IHVH as under; or as
REVELATION says 'When the Living Creatures, the four
Cherubim, the letters of the name give glory unto Him, etc,
the 24 elders fall down before Him and cast their Crowns
before the throne'. Consult REV. 4.9;10 - (i.e.; the Crowns,
each of which bears three of the 72 names) and these 72
names are written on the leaves of the Tree of Life, which
were for the healing of the nations.
These are also the 72 rungs of the ladder of Jacob, on which
the Angels of God ascended and descended. It will
presently be shown how the 72 Angelic Names are formed
from the names of the Deity and also how their signification
is to be found.
HEH (Final)
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Steven Ashe
HEH (final) OF
HEH (final)
HEH (final)
HEH (final)
The 72 names of the Deity are thus obtained: the 19th, 20th
and 2 1st verses of the 14th chapter of the Book of Exodus
each contain 72 letters. These are the verses.
Exodus 14
Exodus 14
Steven Ashe
'And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and IHVH
caused the sea to go back by a strong East wind all the night
and made the sea dry land and the waters were divided.'
These three verses are now to be written at length, one above
the other, the nineteenth from right to left, the twentieth
from left to right, and the third from right to left; and as each
contains 72 letters there will be 72 columns of three letters
each. Then each column will be a word of three letters and
there will be thus 72 names of three letters each, which are
the Schemahemphorasch or 72 names of deity expounding
the powers of the name IHVH (the Tetragrammaton).
From these, names of angels are formed by the addition, in
some cases, of the name IH (Yod Heh) which signifies
Mercy and Beneficience, and in others of the name AL
(Aleph Lamed) which signifies Severity and Judgment. As
it is said 'And my name is in Him...', etc.
These 72 Angels rule over the 72 quinaries (divisions of 5
degrees) of the Zodiac and therefore each Decant (division
of 10 degrees) of a Zodiacal sign has 2 quinaries, and each
sign has three decants which are allotted to the planets in
their order as they descend on the Tree of Life. And this is
The Shemhamphorash
and the Merkabah
In order to grasp the full significance of the Angels of the
Shemhamphorash as they relate to the Qabalistic image of
Divine Cosmogony, one must refer to Revelation 4; verses
2 , 3 and 4:
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Steven Ashe
4th Angel
NAME: Nghelamiah
PLANET: Jupiter
DEGREE: 15-20
MEANING: Concealed, saving
PSALM 6 5 : "Return 0 Tetragrammaton, deliver my soul, save me
because of Thy mercy."
5th Angel
NAME: Mahasiah
DEGREE: 20-25
MEANING: Seeking safety from trouble.
PSALM 345: "1 sought Tetragrammaton, and He answered me
and out of all my fears He delivered me."
6th Angel
NAME: Lelahel
DEGREE: 25-30
MEANING: Praiseworthy, declaring.
PSALM 9:12: "Sing Psalms unto Tetragrammaton Who
inhabiteth, shew forth among the nations His deeds."
7th Angel
NAME: Akaiah
SIGN: Virgo
MEANING: Long suffering
PSALM: 103:s: "Merciful and gracious is Tetragrammaton, long
suffering and plentiful of Mercy."
8th Angel
NAME: Kehethel
SIGN: Virgo
DEGREE: 5-10
MEANING: Adorable.
PSALM 95:6: "Come ye, we will bow down and bend before
Tetragrammaton who hath made us."
9th Angel
NAME: Hazeyael
SIGN: Virgo
DEGREE: 10-15
MEANING: Merciful
PSALM 25:6: "Remember Thy tender mercies, 0
Tetragrammaton, and Thy mercies, for from of old they were."
Steven Ashe
10th Angel
NAME: Eldiah
SIGN: Virgo
DEGREE: 15-20
MEANING: Profitable
PSALM 33:22: "There shall be Thy mercy, 0 Tetragrammaton,
upon us, as we have hoped in Thee."
1l t h Angel
NAME: Leviah
SIGN: Virgo
PLANET: Mercury
DEGREE: 20-25
MEANING: Meet to be exalted.
PSALM 18:47: "Liveth Tetragrammaton, and blessed by my
Rock, and there shall arise the God of my salvation."
12th Angel
NAME: Hihaiah
SIGN: Virgo
PLANET: Mercury
DEGREE: 25-30
PSALM 10:l: "Why 0 Tetragrammaton, wilt Thou stand afar,
why wilt Thou hide Thyself at times of trouble."
13th Angel
NAME: lezalel
SIGN: Libra
MEANING: Rejoicing over all things.
PSALM 98:4 "Shout ye to Tetragrammaton, all the Earth, break
ye forth, and shout for Joy, and sing Psalms."
14th Angel
NAME: Mebahael
SIGN: Libra
DEGREE: 5-10
MAANING: Guardian and preserver.
PSALM 9:lO: "And Tetragrammaton shall be a high place for
the oppressed, a high place for seasons in distress."
15th Angel
NAME: Harayel
SIGN: Libra
PLANET: Saturn
DEGREE: 10-15
PSALM 94:22: "And Tetragrammaton is become unto me a
refuge, and my God is the Aid of my Hope."
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16th Angel
NAME: Hoqamiah
SIGN: Libra
PLANET: Saturn
DEGREE: 15-20
MEANING: Raise up, praying day and night.
PSALM 88:2: "0 Tetragrammaton, God of my Salvation in the
day I have cried, and in the night before Thee."
17th Angel
NAME: Laviah
SIGN: Libra
PLANET: Jupiter
DEGREE: 20-25
MEANING: Is Wonderful
PSALM 8:l: "0 Tetragrammaton, our Lord, how excellent is
Thy Name in all the Earth."
18th Angel
NAME: Keliel
SIGN: Libra
PLANET: Jupiter
DEGREE: 25-30
MEANING: Worthy to be invoked. Just to me.
PSALM 2524: "Judge me accordingly to Thy righteousness,
Tetragrammaton, my God, and let them rejoice over me."
19th Angel
NAME: Livoih
SIGN: Scorpio
MEANING: Hastening to hear.
PSALM 40:2: "Expecting, I expected Tetragrammaton, and He
inclined unto me, and heard my cry."
20th Angel
NAME: Pheheliah
SIGN: Scorpio
DEGREE: 5-10
MEANING: Redeemer, liberator.
PSALM 120:1,2:20 "In my distress I cried to Thee 0
Tetragrammaton, and He heard me." & "Deliver my soul 0
Tetragrammaton, from lying lips, and from deceitful tongues."
21st Angel
NAME: Nelakhel
SIGN: Scorpio
DEGREE: 10-15
MEANING: Thou alone.
PSALM 31:15: "And in Thee I have confided, 0 Tetragrammaton,
I have said Thou art my God."
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22nd Angel
NAME: Yeiael
SIGN: Scorpio
DEGREE: 15-20
MEANING: Thy right hand.
PSALM 121:s: "Tetragrammaton Keepeth Thee.
Tetragrammaton is Thy shadow upon Thy right hand."
23rd Angel
NAME: Malahel
SIGN: Scorpio
DEGREE: 20-25
MEANING: Turning away evil.
PSALM 121:8: "Tetragrammaton will keep thy going out andthy
coming in from now until Ever."
24th Angel
NAME: Hahauiah
SIGN: Scorpio
DEGREE: 25-30
MEANING: Goodness in Himself. Trust in Thy mercy.
PSALM 33:18: "From Tetragrammaton is a blessing upon those
that fear Him, and those who trust in Him."
25th Angel
NAME: Nethhiah
SIGN: Sagittarius
PLANET: Mercury
MEANING: Wide in extent, the enlarger, wonderful.
PSALM 9:l: "I will give thanks unto Tetragrammaton with all my
heart, will tell of all Thy wondrous works."
26th Angel
NAME: Heeiah
SIGN: Sagittarius
PLANET: Mercury
DEGREE: 5-10
MEANING: Heaven in secret.
PSALM 119:145: "I have called with all my heart, answer me
Tetragrammaton, I will preserve Thy statutes."
27th Angel
NAME: Irthel
SIGN: Sagittarius
DEGREE: 10-15
MEANING: Deliver
PSALM 140:2: "Deliver me 0 Tetragrammaton, from the Evil
Man, from the Man of violence preserve Thou me."
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28th Angel
NAME: Sehaiah
SIGN: Sagittarius
DEGREE: 15-20
MEANING: Taker away of Evils.
PSALM 71.12: "0 Tetragrammaton be not far from me, 0 my
Tetragrammaton make haste for my help."
29th Angel
NAME: Rayayel
SIGN: Sagittarius
PLANET: Saturn
DEGREE: 20-25
MEANING: Expectation.
PSALM 54:4: "Behold, Elohim helpeth me, and Tetragrammaton
is with them who uphold my soul."
30th Angel
NAME: Evamel
SIGN: Sagittarius
PLANET: Saturn
DEGREE: 25-30
MEANING: Patience.
PSALM 71:5: "For Thou art my Hope, 0 Tetragrammaton: 0
Adonai, my confidence from my Youth."
31st Angel
NAME: Lekabel
SIGN: Capricorn
PLANET: Jupiter
MEANING: Teacher.
PSALM 71:16: "I will go in strength 0 Tetragrammaton; 0
Adonai, I will make mention of Thy righteousness even of Thine
32nd Angel
NAME: Vesheriah
SIGN: Capricorn
PLANET: Jupiter
DEGREE: 5-10
MEANING Upright.
PSALM 33:4: "For Upright is Tetragrammaton of the Word, and
all His works are in Truth."
33rd Angel
NAME: Yechuiah
SIGN: Capricorn
DEGREE: 10-15
MEANING: Knower of all things.
PSALM 94:ll: "Tetragrammaton knoweth the thoughts of man,
that they are in vain."
Steven Ashe
34th Angel
NAME: Lehahaih
SIGN: Capricorn
DEGREE: 15-20
MEANING: Clement, merciful.
PSALM 131:3: "Let Israel trust in Tetragrammaton, now and for
35th Angel
NAME: Keveqaiah
SIGN: Capricorn
DEGREE: 20-25
MEANING: To be rejoiced in.
PSALM 116:l: "I have rejoiced because Tetragrammaton hath
heard the voice of my supplication."
36th Angel
NAME: Mendiel
SIGN: Capricorn
DEGREE: 25-30
MEANING: Honourable.
PSALM 26:8: "0 Tetragrammaton, I have loved the habitation of
Thy house and the place of the abiding of Thine Honour."
37th Angel
NAME: Anaiel
SIGN: Aquarius
MEANING: Lord of Virtues.
PSALM 80:lS: "0 Tetragrammaton Elohim Tzaboath, turn us and
cause Thy Face to shine upon us, and we shall be saved."
38th Angel
NAME: Chaamiah
SIGN: Aquarius
DEGREE: 5-10
MEANING: Hope of all the ends of the Earth.
PSALM 9 1:9: "Because Thou, 0 Tetragrammaton, art my refuge,
Thou hast Thy refuge in the Most High."
39th Angel
NAME: Reheael
SIGN: Aquarius
PLANET: Mercury
DEGREE: 10-15
MEANING: Swift to condone.
PSALM 30:2: "Hear, 0 Tetragrammaton, and be gracious unto me
Tetragrammaton, be Thou my Helper."
Steven Ashe
40th Angel
NAME: Yeizael
SIGN: Aquarius
PLANET: Mercury
DEGREE: 15-20
MEANING: Making joyful.
PSALM 88:14: "Why 0 Tetragrammaton, repelled Thou my soul,
and hidest Thy face from me."
41st Angel
NAME: Kehihel
SIGN: Aquarius
DEGREE: 20-25
MEANING: Triune.
PSALM 12:2: "0 Tetragrammaton deliver my soul from a lip of
lying, from a tongue of guile."
42nd Angel
NAME: Mikhael
SIGN: Aquarius
DEGREE: 25-30
MEANING: Who is like unto Him.
PSALM 121:7: "Tetragrammaton shall keep thee from all Evil, He
shall preserve thy soul."
43rd Angel
NAME: Vavaliah
SIGN: Pisces
PLANET: Saturn
MEANING: King and Ruler.
PSALM 88:13: "And I, unto Thee, 0 Tetragrammaton, have
cried, and in the morning my prayer shall come before Thee."
44th Angel
NAME: Ilhaiah
SIGN: Pisces
PLANET: Saturn
DEGREE: 5-10
MEANING: Abiding for ever.
PSALM 119:108: "Let the freewill Offerings of my mouth, please
Thee, 0 Tetragrammaton, and teach me Thy Judgements."
45th Angel
NAME: Saelaih
SIGN: Pisces
PLANET: Jupiter
DEGREE: 10-15
MEANING: Mover of all things.
PSALM 94:18: "When I said, my foot hath been moved, Thy
mercy, 0 Tetragrammaton, will uphold me."
Steven Ashe
46th Angel
NAME: Ngharaiel
SIGN: Pisces
PLANET: Jupiter
DEGREE: 15-20
MEANING: Revealer
PSALM 1459: "Tetragrammaton is good unto every man, and His
Mercies are over all His works."
47th Angel
NAME: Aslaiah
SIGN: Pisces
DEGREE: 20-25
MEANING: Just Judge.
PSALM 925: "How Great have been Thy Works 0
Tetragrammaton, very deep have been Thy devices."
48th Angel
NAME: Mihel
SIGN: Pisces
DEGREE: 25-30
MEANING: Sending Forth as a father.
PSALM 98:2: "Tetragrammaton hath made known His salvation,
in the sight of the Nations hath He revealed His justice."
49th Angel
NAME: Uhauel
SIGN: Aries
MEANING: Great and Lofty.
PSALM 1453: "Great is Tetragrammaton and greatly to be
praised, and unto His greatness there is not an end."
50th Angel
NAME: Deneyael
SIGN: Aries
DEGREE: 5-10
MAANING: Merciful Judge
PSALM 1458: "Merciful and gracious is Tetragrammaton,
slow to anger and abounding in Mercy."
51st Angel
NAME: Kechasheiah
SIGN: Aries
DEGREE: 10-15
MEANING: Secret and Impenetrable.
PSALM 104:31: "The Glory of Tetragrammaton shall endure for
ever, Tetragrammaton shall rejoice in His works."
Steven Ashe
52nd Angel
NAME: Amamiah
SIGN: Aries
DEGREE: 15-20
MEANING: Covered in darkness. PSALM 7:17: "I will give
thanks unto Tetragrammaton
according to His righteousness, and I will sing Psalms unto the
Name of Tetragrammaton Most High."
53rd Angel
NAME: Nangel SIGN: Aries PLANET: Venus DEGREE: 20---25
MEANING: Caster down of the Proud.
PSALM 119:75: "I have known, 0 Tetragrammaton that righteous
are Thy Judgements, and in faithfulness hast Thou humbled me."
54th Angel
NAME: Nithael
SIGN: Aries
DEGREE: 25-30
MEANING: Celestial King.
PSALM 103:19: "Tetragrammaton hath established His Throne in
Heaven, and His Kingdom ruleth over all."
55th Angel
NAME: Mibahaih
SIGN: Taurus
PLANET: Mercury
MEANING: Eternal.
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59th Angel
NAME: Herachael
SIGN: Taurus
PLANET: Saturn
DEGREE: 20-25
MEANING: Permeating all Things.
PSALM 113:3: "From the rising of the sun to the going down of
the same, let the Name of Tetragrammaton be praised."
60th Angel
NAME: Metzrael
SIGN: Taurus
PLANET: Saturn
DEGREE: 25-30
MEANING: Raising up the oppressed.
PSALM 14517: "Righteous is Tetragrammaton in all His Ways,
and Holy in all His Works."
61st Angel
NAME: Vamibael
SIGN: Gemini
PLANET: Jupiter
MEANING: The name which is over all.
PSALM 118:2: "Let the Name of Tetragrammaton be praised
from this time forth and for evermore."
62nd Angel
NAME: lahahel
SIGN: Gemini
PLANET: Jupiter
DEGREE: 5-10
MEANING: Supreme Ens or essence.
PSALM 119:159: "See how I have loved Thy Precepts, 0
Tetragrammaton, in Thy Mercy keep me alive."
63rd Angel
NAME: Nghaneauel
SIGN: Gemini
DEGREE: 10-15
MEANING: Rejoicing
PSALM 100:2: "Serve Tetragrammaton with Joy, enter those who
fear Him, unto those who hope in His mercy."
64th Angel
NAME: Mochaiel
SIGN: Gemini
DEGREE: 15-20
MEANING: Vivifying
PSALM 33:18: "Behold, the eyes of Tetragrammaton is unto those
who fear Him, unto those who hope in His mercy."
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65th Angel
NAME: Damabaiah
SIGN: Gemini
DEGREE: 20-25
MEANING: Fountain of Wisdom.
PSALM 90:13: "Return 0 Tetragrammaton how long! and repent
Thee concerning Thy sewants."
66th Angel
NAME: Menqel
SIGN: Gemini
DEGREE: 25-30
MEANING: Nourishing All.
PSALM 38:21: "Forsake me not 0 Tetragrammaton, my God be
not Thou far from me."
67th Angel
NAME: Aiael
SIGN: Cancer
MEANING: Delights of the Sons of men.
PSALM 37:4: "Delight in Tetragrammaton, and He shall give the
desire of thy heart."
68th Angel
NAME: Chabeoiah
SIGN: Cancer
DEGREE: 5-10
MEANING: Most Liberal Giver.
PSALM 106:l: "0 give thanks unto Tetragrammaton, for He is
good, for His mercy endureth forever."
69th Angel
NAME: Rohael
SIGN: Cancer
PLANET: Mercury
DEGREE: 10-15
MEANING: Beholding all.
PSALM 165: "Tetragrammaton is the portion of my inheritance
and my cup, Thou maintainest my lot."
70th Angel
NAME: Yebamaiah
SIGN: Cancer
PLANET: Mercury
DEGREE: 15-20
MEANING: Producing by His Word.
PASSAGE: Genesis 1:1:21 "In the Beginning Elohim created the
substance of the heavens and the substance of the earth."
Steven Ashe
71st Angel
NAME: Heyaiel
SIGN: Cancer
DEGREE: 20-25
MEANING: Lord of the Universe.
PSALM 108:30: "I will give thanks unto Tetragrammaton greatly
with my mouth, and in the midst of many will I praise Him."
72nd Angel
NAME: Mevamiah
SIGN: Cancer
DEGREE: 25-30
MEANING: End of the Universe.
PSALM 116:7: "Turn unto thy rest, 0 my Soul, for
Tetragrammaton rewardeth thee."
The Symbolism
of the Tarot
Any introduction to the tarot cards has to acknowledge the
realisation that the background of mythical symbolism
employed in the Tarot is strongly influenced by the cultural
background of the medieval world from whence these cards
To begin to understand Tarot symbolism, whether from the
perspective of the history of folk art or as an interpreter of
Tarot as it has come to be used in operations of fortune
telling, it is necessary to step beyond modem ethnocentricity
and attempt to grasp meaning from renderings of the Tarot
trumps throughout many historical eras and cultural vantage
points - each of which have produced Tarot trumps of
multivalent conceptuality.
There are many who firmly hold to the belief that the Tarot
somehow represents the wisdom of the ancient Egyptians.
There is little doubt that this would come as some surprise to
the fifteenth and sixteenth century population of Europe,
whose Tarot trumps contain little to suggest that this
influence was at all present in Tarot iconography.
Amongst the earliest surviving Tarot decks of the fifteenth
century, there is much evidence of the symbolism of the
classical mythology of the Greeks and Romans. Yet the
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
The dog biting the Fool's leg in many designs of this card, as
he is about to wander off over the edge of the precipice, is a
warning that one should trust ones intuition in all matters.
This card also indicates complete freedom from
The appearance of the first numbered trump, The Juggler or
Magician, in a Tarot spread can signi* a major turning point
in the affairs of the clients life trends and can also indicate
sudden and dynamic progress in the area of ones ambitions.
The magician or Juggler card also intimates a 'hands on'
relationship to life affairs with emphasis on skill and
cunning. Mercury - the Scribe and messenger of the gods is naturally the god of showmen and tricksters - another
guise of the medieval juggler and the influence of this link
implies that this could also be a card of skill in interpersonal
matters, negotiation, etc.
Continuing on this theme, the association with Mercury
implies a certain intensity of activity and the growing
demand for involvement and focus upon issues of small
detail. The negative side of Mercury, as the Lord of Thieves
and Tricksters will only be indicated in a spread when the
Magus card is ill-aspected by cards of illusion (The Moon
card for instance) or is negatively aspected by cards of ill
Even then, the chameleon like qualities of the Juggler may
serve to lessen (or over-ride) the impact of any negative
surrounding influences.
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Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Keys to the
Essential Source Works
of the
Western Qabalistic
Steven Ashe
The Book of that
Which is Concealed
From the
Sefer Ha-Zohar
Steven Ashe
Chapter One
They are all below, And they depend on the seven of the
skull as far as the splendor of all splendors.
And the Earth,
That is, the second one is NOT in the computation;
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Steven Ashe
Chapter Two
The Beard of Faith,5O
Is mentioned because it is the most precious of all,
It egresses from the ears,
Round about the face,
The white locks ascending and descending,
Separating into thirteen
Of that most splendid of splendors, it is written:
NOT passes in it as Man,51 and NOT dwells as Adam52
Adam to the Son is He (avh ,Hu).54
Adam-NOT is included therein, especially man.
In these thirteen issue forth distinct fountains;
Four were kept separately,55 nine flow from the body.56
1) The Splendid One begins to form itself near the opening
of the ears.
2) It descends in beauty to the beginning of the lips.
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Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
It is written:
Your eyes shall see Jerusalem, a peaceful habitation.83
Righteousness dwells in Her.84
The peacefbl habitation is the Ancient One who is hidden.
Thus the script is Oynk (nyi).85
6) The nose of the face of the Small One,
In order to be known.
Three flames bum in its cavities.
A torturous flame to hear good and evil.
It is written I am hvhy, THAT (avh, Hu) is my Name.86
And it is written I slay and I make alive.87
And as it is written I will lift and I will sustain.88
HE (avh) has made us, but NOT we are.89
And HE (avh) is of the Unity, and WHO (ym, Mi) can
turn Him.90
He calls,
Who is concealed, and found as NOT.
He who is of NOT is removed from the eyes.
He who is of NOT is called by the Name.
Alef a and NOT entirely,
V'V V'V entirely,
Alef a and NOT entirely,
Steven Ashe
Chapter Three
Nine precious formations were given over to the beard.
Whatever is hidden, and is manifested as NOT,
Is found to be supernal and precious,
Thus the writings have concealed IT.
1) Hairs upon hairs, from next to the opening of the ears
unto the beginning of the mouth.
2) IT is to be found from that beginning unto the other
3) Beneath the two openings a path so full that IT is seen as
4) The cheeks are covered from this side and from that side.
5) Among them are visible apples red like a rose.
6 ) In one tress hang the strong black ones, even unto the
7) The lips, red as a rose, are bare.
8) Short ones descend over the throat, and cover the neck.
9 ) Long and short ones descend even-balanced.
He that is found in these is found to be strong and mighty.
It is written: Out o f distress I called on hy.94
David said nine up to all nations compass me about95
in order to surround and protect himself.
And you, the grass, herb yielding seed after its kind, and
tree bearingfruit, that its seed is in it, after its kind, were
broughtforth from the Earth.96
These nine are evolved from the Perfect Name,
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Chapter Four
The Ancient One 107 is hidden and concealed.
The Small Face is manifested and NOT manifested,
The manifested is written in the letters.
The NOT on its level is hidden in the letters,
And HE, the NOT, is settled in hy,
The upper ones and the lower ones.
And Elohim said the Earth will bringforth living-being
according to its kind, cattle and every
creeping thing. 108
This is that which is written
Adam and cattle You help, Lord hvhy.109
ONE (dxa, Echad) is found in the principle of the other.
Cattle in the principle of Adam.
Adam who brings an offering to the Lord hvhy from the
Because animals are included in the general principle of
When Adam of Below descended in the supernal form,
There were found two spirits,
From two sides, for Adam includes both right and left,
Of the right, the Neshamah (hmsn),l 11
Of the left, the Nefesh Chayah (hyx spn). 1 12
When Adam sinned, the left side did expand.
And those that are the form of NOT were expanded,
When these became attached, the one in the other,
Steven Ashe
Chapter Five
People of Sin,
Congregation heavy with iniquity,
Seed of evildoers,
Children 124
Seven grades:
v'v y'h h'v h'v h'h d'vy emits D d
h'h y'vh h'h emits v'd v'v 125
The Son (rb, Bar) conceals Adam who is male and female,
Which are v'd.
And it is written:
Children that deal corruptly.
IT Created Six (tysarb, B 'reshith),IT Created (arb,
IT Created Six is the Word.
IT Created is half a Word.
Father and Son.
The Hidden and the Manifest.
The Eden of Above is hidden and concealed.
The lower Eden comes forth in its strides and is revealed
,yhla hy hvhy.
AT (ta)
Adonai Ehyeh (hyha ynda) 127
Right and Left
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Steven Ashe
The giants,
As it is written: And from there IT was parted.
They were in the earth in those days.
But NOT afterwards.
When Yehoshua came.
And the Sons of Elohim were hidden,l44
When Solomon came,
And the daughters of Adam were contained.145
Thus it is written: And the delights of
Reading tvlnit (not reading Tonlym, ,ylnit).
The sons of Adam
That were cast out,
From these were other spirits of NOT,
Contained in the supernal wisdom,
Thus it is written: And the Lord hvhy gave wisdom to
Solomon. 146
And it is written: And He was wise unto all of Adam...I47
From IT-was-named, that he was benefited,
NOT is contained in Adam.
And the Lord hvhy gave wisdom
The Heh h above.
And he was wise
From that he became wise below.
They are the mighty ones that are of Eternity ...148
The Eternity of Above.
The men ofthe Name ...
They who conduct themselves in the Name.
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Sifra Detzniyutha
Steven Ashe
And all his requests shall come about-Whether they are communal requests or individual requests.
The prayer that man should request of his Master is arranged
in nine ways:
1. There is according to the alphabet; and
2. There is by way of mentioning the attributes of the Holy
One, blessed be He e.g. compassionate, gracious, etc.
3. There is according to the precious Names of the Holy
One, blessed be He, like:
Ehyeh (I will be), hy, vhy, hvhy, El, Elohim, Tzuhva '0th
(Host), Shadhai (Almighty),
Adonai (My Master).
4. There is according to the ten Sefiroth, like:
Malkuth, Yesod, Hod, Netzach, Tifareth, Gevurah, Gedulah,
Binah, Hochmah, Keter.
5. There is by mentioning the righteous ones, like the
Patriarchs, and the Prophets, and the Kings.
6 . There is the form of songs and praises (for which there is
a true tradition), and higher than these,
7. There is he who knows to prepare adornments unto his
Master, in a becoming fashion.
8. There is (the prayer) with the knowledge how to ascend
from below upwards.
9. There is the he who knows to elicit the abundance from
above downwards.
And for all these nine ways is required great intention.
For without that, about such there is a verse, as it is written:
And they that despise Me shall be lightly esteemed. 184
Steven Ashe
There is another addition at the very end of the Sifra
When the one Heh h is turned towards the other Heh h, and
Yod y is taken away, then comes vengeance into the
universe; and except for that Adam who is called [by the
Name] hvhy, the universe would NOT exist; but all things
would be destroyed. Hence it is written: And the Lord
HVHI alone shall be exalted in the Day of THAT.191
1 Torah Shmoth 27: 17.
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
36 Torah B'reshith 1: 3.
37 avh (He) is pronounced 'hoo.'
38 Psalms 33:9, yhyv "And IT was."
39 The letters yhyv are transposed into yVvhy.
40 In the Name hvhy, the lower Heh h is the Shekhinah, the
Divine Presence in the Worlds of Matter. In yvhy, the
latter Yod y is the Shekhinah.
41 Ezekiel 1:14.
42 Torah B'reshith 1:4.
43 Isaiah 3: 10.
44 Proverbs 7:4, "Say unto Wisdom (Sefirah
Wisdorn/East), you are my sister, and call Understanding
(Sefirah UnderstandinghJorth) friend.
45 Daniel 7:8,20. The tongue is the Sefirah Knowledge (of
the Ayn)/The First.
See Zohar 11:123a.
46 Isaiah 445.
47 These are the first three letters of the Name hvhy,
extending only through the World of Yetzirah. In the Sefer
Yetzirah, the six directions are sealed with permutations of
the three letters.
48 Torah B 'reshith 1:14.
49 Proverbs 10:25.
50 The hairs of the beard are the Atziluthic letters
convoluting into Divine Names.
5 1 Man sya, Ish, pronounced "eesh" as in leash.
52 Adam Kadmon, Celestial Man, Vast Face. In the eleventh
chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, this is described as the
Universal Form (Vishvarupa) of Vast Face as Mahavishnu.
53 Jeremiah 2:6.
54 Son, rb, "Bar;" HE i.e. Small Face.
55 These four are inside the skull as the hidden brain,
composed of the three roots of the Tree and Sefirah
56 These are the nine Sefiroth, which emanate from Sefirah
CrownIAbove in Atziluth.
57 This path is the Gate of the Alef connecting Sefirah
Knowledge (of the Ayn)/The First to Sefirah BeautyIThe
58 Sefirah BeautyIThe Last.
59 Proverbs 19:11.
60 The offerings of spices are the jaws.
61 The two apples are the cheeks.
62 Fate (Mazal lzm ,also alzm); the Sanskrit equivalent is
Karma, which denotes the law of cause and effect.
63 These short hairs are Names of Vast Face.
64 Isaiah 55:6.
65 Torah B 'reshith 1:11.
66 Torah Vayiqra 23:32.
67 Torah Doverim 3:24.
68 VYYTZR, royyv, Vayitzer "and He formed," see Zohar
69 Torah B 'reshith 1:28.
70 Jeremiah 1:6.
7 1 The letters hanging as the hairs of the beard are the
convoluting Names of the two Faces.
72 The wreath is the Ayin (i 0)of Vast Face.
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Steven Ashe
172 I Samuel 16:13, Qoren (Jrq), means both 'horn' and 'to
173 Psalms 89: 18.
174 Psalms 132:17 "...I have ordained light for My
175 Joshua 6 5 , "The fiftieth year, the Jubilee Year, is
introduced by the Shofar, ram's horn, and is therefore called
"Yobet' (lby).
176 Tenth Sefirah Kingdom.
177 Ruach (xvr), Spirit.
178 Jeremiah 1:6.
179 When this happens, "NOT (al) exists as seeing Face-toFace."
180 Isaiah 2: 11.
181 See Zohar 111: 285a-286a.
182 See Zohar 11: 132a and 205b.
183 Torah B'reshith 1:20.
184 I Samuel 2:30.
185 Habakuk 2:20.
186 Torah Vaidaber 12:7.
187 Psalms 24:7, Zohar I: 218a.
188 I Samuel 2:30.
189 Torah B'reshith 1:7.
190 Torah B'reshith 1:26.
191 Isaiah 2:ll.
Steven Ashe
"The Book
of Illumination"
Attributed to Rabbi Nehunya Ben Ha-Kana
Steven Ashe
Sepher Ha-Bahir
The First Verses of Creation
One verse (Job 37:21) states, "And now they do not see
light, it is brilliant (Bahir) in the skies.. .[round about God in
terrible majesty] ."
Another verse, however, (Psalm 18:12), states, "He made
darkness His hiding place." It is also written (Psalm 97:2),
"Cloud and gloom surround Him." This is an apparent
A third verse comes and reconciles the two. It is written
(Psalm 139:12), "Even darkness is not dark to You. Night
shines like day -- light and darkness are the same"
2. Rabbi Berachiah said:
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Steven Ashe
From there it nourishes those who need it. It was from this
Filling that God sought advice.
What example does this resemble? A king wanted to build
his palace among great cliffs. He mined into the bedrock and
uncovered a great spring of living water. The king then said,
"Since I have flowing water, I will plant a garden. Then I
will delight in it, and so will all the world."
It is therefore written (Proverbs 8:30), "I was with Him as a
craftsman, I was His delight for a day, a day, frolicking
before him at every time."
The Torah is saying, "For two thousand years I was in the
bosom of the Blessed Holy One as His delight."
The verse therefore says, "a day, a day." Each day of the
Blessed Holy One is a thousand years, as it is written (Psalm
90:4), "A thousand years in Your eyes is as but yesterday
when it is passed."
From then on, it is at times, as the verse states, "[frolicking
before Him] at every time."
The rest is for the world. It is thus written (Isaiah 48:9), "I
will [breathe out] My praise through My nose for you."
Steven Ashe
What is the meaning of the verse (Proverbs 8:23), "I was set
up fiom eternity (Me-Olam), from a head, before the earth?"
then God. Only after that is it written "the heaven and the
earth. "What is the meaning of "from eternity (Me-Olam)?"
This means that it must be concealed (He-elam) from the
It is thus written (Ecclesiastes 3:l l), "He has also placed the
world (Ha-Olam) in their hearts [that they should not find
out the work that God has done fiom the beginning to the
end]." Do not read Ha-Olam (the world), but He-elam
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The Torah said, "I was first, so that I might be the head of
the world." It is thus written, "I was set up from eternity,
from a head."
You may think that the earth was before it. It is therefore
written, "before the earth."
It is thus written (Genesis I : I ) , "In the beginning created
God the heaven and the earth."
What is the meaning of "created"? He created everything
that was needed for all things.
11. What is the meaning of the verse (Ecclesiastes 7:14),
"Also one opposite the other was made by God."
How does this come out? Evil is from Chaos, while Peace is
from Desolation.
He thus created Chaos and placed it in Evil, [as it is written
"He makes peace and creates evil." He created Desolation
and placed it in Peace, as it is written, "He makes peace in
His high places."]
13. Rabbi Bun also sat and expounded:
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14. Why is the letter Bet closed on all sides and open in the
front? This teaches us that it is the House (Bayit) of the
world. God is the place of the world, and the world is not
His place.
What does this resemble? A king yearned for a son. One day
he found a beautiful, precious crown, and he said, "This is
fitting for my son's head."
They said to him, "Are you then certain that your son will be
worthy of this crown?"
He replied, "Be still. This is what arises in thought."
It is thus written (2 Samuel 14:14), He thinks thoughts [that
none should be cast away].
Section I1
The Aleph-Beth
17. Rabbi Amorai sat and expounded:
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But it was on the second day that "He rafiered His upper
chambers with water." [At that time He also created] the one
who "makes the clouds his chariot," and the one who "walks
on the wings of the wind." But His messengers were not
created until the fifth day.
22. All agree that none were created on the first day. It
should therefore not be said that Michael drew out the
heaven at the south, and Gabriel drew it out at the north,
while God arranged things in the middle.
It is thus written (Isaiah 44:24), "I am God, I make all, I
stretch out the heavens alone, the earth is spread out before
Me." [Even though we read the verse "from Me" (May- iti),
it can also be read] Mi iti "Who was with Me?"
I am the One who planted this tree in order that all the world
should delight in it. And in it, I spread All.
I called it All because all depend upon it, all emanate from
it, and all need it. To it they look, for it they wait, and from
it, souls fly in joy.
Alone was I when I made it. Let no angel rise above it and
say, "I was before you." I was also alone when I spread out
My earth, in which I planted and rooted this tree. I made
them rejoice together, and I rejoiced in them.
"Who was with Me?" To whom have I revealed this
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Steven Ashe
He replied: If you have read, you did not review, and if you
reviewed, you did not go over it a third time. What does it
resemble? A king had a beautifid crown on his head and a
beautiful cloak on his shoulders. When he heard evil tidings,
he cast the crown from his head and the cloak from his
34. They asked him: Why is the letter Cheth open? And why
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Steven Ashe
Section I11
The Seven Voices and the Sephiroth
fire. It draws out the power of the fire and prevents it from
evaporating the water. It also prevents [the water] from
extinguishing it.
[The sixth voice is] (Psalm 29:8), "God's voice shakes the
desert." It is thus written (Psalm 18:51) "He does kindness
to his Messiah, to David and his descendants until eternity"
- more than [when Israel was] in the desert.
[The seventh voice is] (Psalm 29:9), "God's voice makes
hinds to calf, strips the forests bare, and in His Temple, all
say Glory." It is thus written (Song ofsongs 2:7) "I bind you
with an oath, 0 daughters of Jerusalem, with the hosts, or
with the hinds of the field."
This teaches us that the Torah was given with seven voices.
In each of them the Master of the universe revealed Himself
to them, and they saw Him. It is thus written, "And all the
people saw the voices."
46. One verse states (2 Samuel 22:l O), "He bent the heavens
and came down, with gloom under His feet." Another verse
says (Exodus 19:20) "And God came down on Mount Sinai,
to the top of the mountain."
Steven Ashe
48. One verse (Exodus 20:15), states, "and all the people
saw the voices." Another verse, however, (Deuteronomy
4:12) states, "The voice of words you heard." How can [the
two be reconciled]?
At first they saw the voices. What did the see? The seven
voices mentioned by David. But in the end they heard the
word that emanated from them all.
But we have learned that there were ten.
Our sages taught that they were all said with a single word.
But we have said that there were seven.
There were seven voices. Regarding three of them it is
written (Deuteronomy 4:12), "The voice of words you heard,
but you saw no form, only a voice." This teaches us that they
were all said with a single word.
This is so that Israel should not make a mistake and say,
"Others helped him. It might have been one of the angels.
But His voice alone could not be so powerful." It was for
this reason that he came back and included them [in a single
Steven Ashe
What are the ten kings? They are the seven voices and three
sayings (Amarim).
What are the sayings? [They are the ones alluded to in the
verse] (Deuteronomy 26: 18) "God has said for you today."
"What are the three? [Two are mentioned in the verse]
(Proverbs 4: 7), "The beginning is Wisdom: acquire
Wisdom, with all your acquisition, acquire Understanding."
It is thus written (Job 32:8), "The soul of Shaddai gives
them Understanding." The soul of Shaddai is what gives
them Understanding.
What is the third one?
As the old man said to the child, "What is hidden from you,
do not seek, and what is concealed from you, do not probe.
Where you have authority, seek to understand, but you have
nothing to do with mysteries."
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Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
This teaches that God kneaded fire and water, and combined
them together. From this He made the "beginning of His
word." It is thus written (Psalm 119: 160), "The beginning of
your word is truth." It is therefore called Shamayim - Sham
Mayim (there is water) - Esh Mayim (fire water).
He said to them: This is the meaning of the verse (Job 25:2),
"He makes peace in His heights." He placed peace and love
between them. May He also place peace and love among us.
60. We also say (Psalm 119:164), "seven times each day I
praised You for Your righteous judgement." They asked
him, "What are they?" He replied, "You do not look at it
carehlly. Be precise and you will find them."
61. They asked him, "What is the letter Tzaddz?"" He said:
Tzaddi is a Nun and a Yod. Its mate is also a Nun and a Yod.
It is thus written (Proverbs 10:25), "The righteous (Tzadik)
is the foundation of the world."
62. They asked him: What is the meaning of the verse [with
regard to Balak and Balaam (Numbers 23:14), "And he took
him to the field of the seers."?
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see that the wisdom that God gave him was such that he
could "do judgement."
What is the meaning of "to do judgement?" As long as a
person does judgement, God's wisdom is inside him. This is
what helps him and draws him near. If not, it repels him, and
not only that, but it also punishes him. It is thus written
(Leviticus 26:28), "I will chastise you, also I."
66. And Rabbi Rahumai said: What is the meaning of the
verse (Leviticus 26:28), "[I will chastise you,] also I"?
"[I will
The Congregation of Israel said: "I will chastise you, also I"
- and also those regarding which it is written (Psalm
119: 164), "Seven each day I praised You."
They joined her and replied: Also us seven. Even though
among us is the one who reverses itself, the one who
oversees good and merit, we too will reverse ourselves and
Why? Because of your sins.
Steven Ashe
But whoever turns his heart from worldly affairs and delves
in the Works of the Chariot* is accepted before God as if he
prayed all day. It is therefore called "a prayer."
What is the meaning of "for errors"? As it is written
[regarding wisdom] (Proverbs 5:19), "With its love you
shall always err."
Steven Ashe
What is this like? A king had a beautiful pearl, and it was the
treasure of his kingdom. When he is happy, he embraces it,
kisses it, places it on his head, and loves it. Habakkuk said:
Even though Kings are with You, the beloved pearl is in
Your world. Therefore, "Bring to life Your works in the
midst of years."
What is the meaning of "years"? It is written (Genesis 1:3),
"And God said, 'Let there be light."' Light is nothing other
than day, as it is written (Genesis I:16), "The great light to
rule the day, and the small light to rule the night." Years are
made from days.
It is thus written, "Bring to life Your works in the midst of
years" - in the midst of that pearl that gives rise to years.
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Steven Ashe
His is two hands then make three, his head and body, five,
and his two legs make seven. Paralleling all these are their
powers in heaven. It is thus written (Ecclesiastes 7:14),
"Also one opposite the other had God made."
These are the days [of the week, as it is written] (Exodus
31:17), "Because six days God made the heaven and the
earth." The scripture does not say "in six days," but rather,
"six days." This teaches us that each day [of the week] has
its own specific power.
Steven Ashe
But the bent Nun is the Foundation. This teaches us that the
straight Nun includes both male and female.
84. The open Mem. What is the open Mern?
It includes both male and female.
What is the closed Mem?
It is made like a belly from above.
But Rabbi Rahumai said that the belly is like the letter Teth.
He said it is like a Teth on the inside, while I say that it is
like a Mern on the outside.
85 What is a Mem?
Do not read Mem, but Mayim (water). Just like water is wet,
so is the belly always wet, Why does the open Mern include
both male and female, while the closed Mern is male? This
teaches us that the Mern is primarily male. The opening was
then added to it for the sake of the female. Just like the male
cannot give birth, so the closed Mern cannot give birth. And
just like the female has an opening with which to give birth,
so can the open Mem give birth. The Mern is therefore open
and closed.
86. Why should the Mem have two forms, open and closed?
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Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
We thus have 64, eight less than the 72 names of the Blessed
Holy One. These are alluded to in the verse, "there are
higher ones above them," and they are the seven days of the
But one is still missing. This is referred to in the next verse
(Ecclesiastes 5:8), "The advantage of the land in everything
is the King."
What is this "advantage"? This is the place from which the
earth was graven. It is an advantage over what existed
And what is this advantage? Everything in the world that
people see is taken from its radiance. Then it is an
96. What is the earth from which the heavens were graven?
It is the Throne of the Blessed Holy One. It is the Precious
Stone and the Sea of Wisdom. (Bold Emphasis mine - SA:)
This parallels the blue in the Tzitzit.
Rabbi Meir thus said: Why is blue chosen above all other
colours [for the Tzitzit]? Because the blue resembles the sea,
the sea resembles the sky,l and the sky resembles the Throne
of Glory. It is thus written (Exodus 24:10), "They saw the
God of Israel, and under His feet was like a pavement of
sapphire, like the essence of heaven in clarity." It is
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Steven Ashe
should take from them" - from the rest. What is it? "Gold,
silver and copper."
Rabbi Rahumai said: These are the children that she raised.
And who are they? They are the seven days of creation, and
the seven days of Succot.
Are the seven [days of Succot] then not the same as the
seven days of the week?
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Steven Ashe
108. And who are the Officers? We learned that there are
three. Strength (Geburah) is the Officer of all the Holy
Forms to the left of the Blessed Holy One . He is Gabriel.
The Officer of all the Holy Forms to His right is Michael.
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Steven Ashe
112. These are the Explicit Holy Exalted Names. There are
twelve Names, one for each of the twelve tribes of Israel:
Brach Yah-ron
Eresh Gadra-aon
Basavah Monahon
But this teaches us that the Blessed Holy One has twelve
rods [on high. The word Shevet is the same for both "tribe"
and "rod."]
What are they?
What is this like? A king had a beautiful fountain. All his
brothers has no water other than this fountain, and could not
endure thirst. What did he do? He made twelve pipes for the
fountain, and named them afters his brothers' children.
He then said to them, "If the sons are as good as their
fathers, they will be worthy, and I will let water flow
through the pipes. The fathers will then drink all they wish,
and so will the sons. But if the sons are not worthy and do
not do what is right in my eyes, then regarding this, these
pipes will stand. I will give them water only on the condition
that they give none to their children, since they do not obey
my will."
Steven Ashe
114. What is the meaning of the word Shevet [which has the
connotation of both a tribe and a rod]?
It is something simple and not square.
What is the reason?
Because it is impossible to have one square inside another
square. A circle inside a square can move. A square inside a
square cannot move.
115. What are the things that are circular?
They are the vowel points in the Torah of Moses, for these
are all round. They are to the letters like the soul, which
lives in the body of man.
It is impossible for [man] to come [into this world] unless
[the soul] endures within him. It is impossible for him to
speak anything, great or small, without it.
In a similar manner, it is impossible to speak a word, great
or small, without the vowel points.
116. Every vowel point is round, and every letter is square.
The vowel points are the life of the letters, and through
them, the letters endure.
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He said: It is the root of the tree. The letter Shin is like the
root of a tree.
1 19. What is this tree that you mentioned?
it already came.
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Steven Ashe
They are three. Among them are three troops and three
The first dominion is light. Light is the life of water.
The second dominion includes the Chaioth Ha-Qadesh, the
Ophanim, the wheels of the Chariot, and all the troops of the
Blessed Holy One. The bless, exalt, glorifl, praise and
sanctifL the might King with the Kedushah. Arranged in the
mystery of the great Kedushah is the fearsome and terrible
King. And they crown Him with three "holies."
127. Why are there three "holies" and not four?
Steven Ashe
They asked her, "From where are you?" She replied, "From
my place." They said, "If so, the people of your place are
great. May you be blessed, and may you place be blessed."
133. Is this "glory of God" then not one of His hosts? Is it
not inferior? Why then do they bless it?
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Steven Ashe
mouth." What
"With peace
(Psalm 25:21),
Steven Ashe
This teaches us that God carved out all the letters of the
Torah, engraved it with spirit, and with it made all Forms.
This is the meaning of the verse (1 Samuel 2:2), "There is no
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
152. You said [that the sixth one was] His Throne. Have we
then not said that it is the Crown of the Blessed Holy One?
We have said, "Israel was crowned with three crowns, the
crown of priesthood, the crown of royalty, and the crown of
Torah above them all."
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When Israel is good, then this is the place form which I will
bring your seed, and new seed will be granted to you. But
when Israel is wicked, [then I will bring] seed that has
already been in the world. It is thus written (Ecclesiastes
1:4), "A generation goes and a generation comes," teaching
us that it has already come.
Steven Ashe
What is this like? A king had seven gardens, and the middle
one contained a fountain, welling up from a living source.
Three [of his gardens] are at its right, and three are at its left.
When it performed its fbnction and overflowed, they all
rejoiced, saying, "It overflowed for our sake." It waters them
and makes them grow, while they wait and rest.
Do we then say that it waters the seven? But it is written
(Isaiah 43:5), "From the east I will bring your seed." This
indicates that one of [the seven] waters it.
We must therefore say that it waters the Heart, and the Heart
then waters them all.
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But when you enter the desert, you will not even find [water]
with which to wash your hands and face. You will die from
hunger and thirst, naked and having nothing."
The people came to Moses and repeated these words, but he
put them off. When [the Satan] saw that he could not
overcome them, he strengthened himself [to overcome]
Israel and Moses. The people came, and "they complained
to Moses." They said, "Even here we lack water. What will
we drink in the desert?"
The Satan had falsified the situation in order to cause the
people to sin. As soon as Moses saw the Satan, "He cried out
to God, and He showed him a tree." This is the Tree of Life
that Satan had removed. He then "cast it into the water, and
the water became sweet."
The Blessed Holy One then gave the Satan a "decree and a
law," and it was there that He "proved" Israel. The Blessed
Holy One warned Israel saying (Exodus 15:26), "If you
listen to the voice of the Lord your God, [and do what is
upright in His eyes, give ear to His commandments, and
keep all His decrees, then all the sickness that I brought
upon the Egyptians, I will not bring upon you, for I am God
who heals you]."
162. What is this like? A king had a beautiful daughter, and
others desired her. The king knew about it, but could not
fight those who wanted to bring his daughter to evil ways.
He came to his house and warned her, saying, "My daughter,
do not pay attention to the words of these enemies and they
will not be able to overcome you. Bo not leave the house,
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but do all your work at home. Do not sit idle, even for a
single moment. Then they will not be able to see you and
harm you."
They have one Attribute which causes them to leave aside
every good way and choose every evil way. When they see a
person directing himself along a good way, they hate him.
What is [this Attribute]? It is the Satan.
This teaches us that the Blessed Holy One has an Attribute
whose name is Evil. It is to the north of the Blessed Holy
One, as it is written (Jeremiah 1:14), "From the north will
Evil come forth, upon all the inhabitants of the earth." Any
evil that comes to all the inhabitants of the earth comes from
the north.
163. What is this One Attribute?
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Steven Ashe
167. You said that the seventy date palms represent the
seventy Structures. But have you not said that there are 72?
There are 71. Israel makes 72, but it is not included.
But did you not say that there were seventy?
One is the Officer of the Satan.
What is this like? A king had sons and bought slaves for
them. The king then told his sons, "I am giving you all
equally." One of them replied, "I do not want to be with you,
for I have the power to steal everything from you."
The king then said, "Because of this, you will not have a
portion among them at all." [The rebellious son] did what he
could. He went out and lay in wait for [the slaves], showing
them much gold, jewels and troops. He said, "Come over to
What did the king do? He amassed his armies together with
the armies of all his sons. He showed them to the slaves and
said, "Do not let him trick you into thinking that his armies
are stronger than mine. Behold the troops of that son. He is
deceitful and wants to rob you.
Therefore, do not listen to him, for at first he will speak
smoothly in order to entice you into his trap, but in the end
he will laugh at you. You are my slaves, and I will do for
you everything good if you turn away from him and do not
listen to him."
He is the Prince of Chaos. It is thus written (I Samuel
12:21), "Do not turn aside, for you will follow Chaos. It will
not help or save, for it is Chaos." [It cannot help or save,]
but it can do harm.
The advice that I give you is that you should (Exodus
15:26), "Listen to the voice of the Lord your God, do what is
right in His eyes, and give ear to His commandments, and
keep all His decrees."
When you keep all His decrees, then, "All the sickness that I
brought upon the Egyptians, I will not bring upon you."
Why did He say all this? In order to close all doors, so that
he should not find you soft at times and hard at times.
When you keep all His decrees, then "all the sickness that I
brought upon the Egyptians" - through My hand - "I will
not bring upon you."
What is the meaning of "for I am God who heals you"? This
means that even when he comes and strikes, I am God who
will heal you.
168. Why do you call it the eight?
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Because with it the eight are begun, and with it the eight
numbers are completed. In function, however, it is the
seventh one.
And what are [the eight] that were begun? This is the fact
that a child enters the Covenant of Circumcision when eight
days old.
Are they then eight? They are nothing more than seven.
Why then did the Blessed Holy One say eight? Because
there are eight directions in man.
What are they? They are as follows:
The right and left hands;
The right and left legs;
The head, the body, and the Covenant as an arbitrator;
And his wife, who is his mate.
It is thus written (Genesis 2:24), "And he shall cling to his
wife, and they shall be one flesh."
They are the eight, and they parallel the eight days of
circumcision. Are they then eight?
They are nothing more that seven, since the body and
covenant are one. It is therefore eight.
169. What is the ninth?
Steven Ashe
The lowest one said, "I will not sit at the bottom. I do not
want to be far from you."
[The king] replied, "I will surround you and see you all day
This is the meaning of the verse, "The whole earth is filled
with His glory."
Why is He among them? This is so that He should support
them and sustain them.
172. And what are the sons?
I have already told you that the Blessed Holy One has seven
Holy Forms.
All of them have a counterpart in man, as it is written
(Genesis 9:6), "for in the form of God He made man." It is
likewise written (Genesis 1:27), "In the form of God He
made him, male and female He made them."
This is what they are:
The right and left legs;
The right and left hands;
The body, covenant and head.
But these are only six. You have said that there are seven.
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Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
The second power stands behind the Chariot, while the first
power stands in front of it.
The "Righteous, Foundation of the world" is in the centre. It
emanates from the south of the world, and is officer over the
other two.In its hand are also the souls of all living things. It
is the Life of Worlds.
Whenever the word "creation" (Beriah) is used, it is done
with it. Regarding it, it is written (Exodus 31117), "He rested
and souled."
This is the attribute of the Sabbath day. Regarding this it is
written (Exodus 20:8),
"Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy."
But it is also written (Deuteronomy 5:12), "Keep [the
Sabbath]." This is speaking of the seventh attribute.
Regarding this seventh attribute it is written (Leviticus
19:30), "My sabbaths you shall keep, and My sanctuary you
shall fear."
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But we bless the Holy One, who grants His wisdom to this
"Life of Worlds." It then provides for all.
Steven Ashe
The king investigated to find out if they had what to eat, and
to see if they had eaten what he had sent them. He found that
the bread had become mouldy and they were ashamed to ask
for new bread. How could they tell the king, "We did not
take care of [what you sent us,] but now we are asking for
The king also became angry. He took the mouldy bread and
ordered that it be dried and rectified as much as possible. He
swore to the men, "I will not give you any more bread until
you eat all this mouldy bread." He then returned the bread to
What did they do? They agreed to divide it up, and each one
took his portion. The diligent one took his portion and
placed it in the air, taking care of it and keeping it in good
condition to eat. The other one took it and ate it lustfblly. He
ate what he could and laid the rest aside, not taking care of it
since he had given up on it. It spoiled even more and became
so mouldy that he could not eat it at all. He therefore starved
to death.
He was then blamed for the sin of his body: Why did you
kill yourself? Is it not enough that you ruined the bread the
first time? But I returned it to you and you ruined it [again].
You ruined your portion because you were too lazy to take
care of it. And not only that, but you also killed yourself."
The solder replied, "My lord, what could I have done?"
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Why does it first say "rays" and they "His hand"? It should
have said "His hands" [in the plural].
There is no contradiction. This is very much like the verse
(Exodus 32:19), "And Moses7 anger flared, and he threw the
tablets &om his hands." The way this is written, however, it
would be read "His hand" [in the singular].
It is likewise written (Exodus 17:12), "And his hands was
faithhl until the sun set." The verse says Emunah ("was
faithful" - in the singular) and not Emunot ("were faithful" in the plural.
They replied: Our master, we are pointing out a
contradiction in order to receive an answer, and you are
covering our eyes. Did you not teach us, master, that you
must answer first things first and last things last?
[He said:] And what have you then asked? [The meaning
of,] "He has rays from His hand."
By the Divine service, I have just explained it to you with
my words.
They were ashamed.
Steven Ashe
When he saw that they were ashamed is it not true that [at
first] there was water, and that fire emanated from it? Water
therefore included fire.
And Master, what is the meaning of "rays"?
He replied: There are five rays. These are the five fingers on
man's right hand.
189. And master, you are the one who told us in Rabbi
Yochanan's name that there are only tow arms of the
He replied: Yes. But here "rays" allude to the two rays that
are below them.
And what are they?
He said: With the anger of your head.
And what is above?
Steven Ashe
Jacob came and wanted it, but it was not given to him. They
said, "Since Abraham is above and Isaac is below him, you
will be in the centre and take all three."
What is the centre?
It is peace, as it is written (Micah 7:20), "You give Truth to
Jacob." Truth is identical with Peace, as it is written (Esther
9:30), "Words of Peace and Truth." It is likewise written (2
Kings 20:19), "For peace and truth will be in my days."
This is the meaning of the verse (Isaiah 58:14), "I will feed
you with the inheritance of Jacob your father." This is a
complete inheritance ('achalah), comprising Kindness,
Terror, Truth and Peace.
It is therefore written (Psalm 118:22), "The stone despised
by the builders has become the chief cornerstone." This is
the Stone that was despised by Abraham and Isaac, the
builders of the world, and that then became the chief
191. And why did they despise it? Is it not written (Genesis
26:5), "Because Abraham hearkened to My voice, and kept
My watch, My commandments, My decrees, and My
Steven Ashe
But He told this [to Abraham] to bring him merit. From here
they said, "If one comes to urify himself, they help him. If
one comes to defile himself, they open for him."
What is the meaning of, "they open for him"?
It refers to those that are always open.
192. [It is written that Abraham kept] (Genesis 26:5), "My
commandments, My decrees, and my Torah." He said,
"Since I do not want [the precious stone], I will keep all the
commandments that are included in it."
What is the meaning of "My Torah"? This teaches us that he
knew and kept even the decisions (Horah) and discussions
that are taught on high.
193. And what is the meaning of the verse (Genesis 49:24),
"From there is the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel."
Section V
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Can we then say that [it was something special that] she was
But it is because she included both male and female. For
[Tamar means a date palm, and] every date palm includes
both male and female.
How is this? The frond (Lulav) is male. The fruit is male on
the outside and female on the inside.
And how? The seed of the date has a split like a woman.
Paralleling it is the power of the moon above.
The Blessed Holy One created Adam male and female, as it
is written (Genesis 1:27), "Male and female He created
them." Is it then possible to say this? Is it then not written
(Genesis 1:27), "And God created man in His image, in the
image of God He created him"? It is only then later written
(Genesis 2:18), "I will make him a helper opposite him,"
and (Genesis 2:21), "And He took one of his ribs, and closed
the flesh under it." [We therefore see that the male was
created first, and only later the female.]
But we must say that the Torah uses [three different words]:
"formed" (yatzar), "made" (asah), and "created" (bara).
When the soul was made, the word "made" is used. [The
word "created" is then used:] "Male and female He created
them." The word "formed" was used when the soul was
combined with the body and the spirit was brought together.
Steven Ashe
trees,] but I will seek more - I will add in order that she
should subtract."
She replied, "He did not stop us from anything besides"
(Genesis 3:2) "the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the
garden. God said, 'Do not eat from it and do not touch it, lest
you die."'
She added two things. She said, "from the fruit of the tree
that is in the middle of the garden," while [God] had only
said (Genesis 2:17), "from the Tree of Knowledge." She
also said, "do not touch it lest you die," while God had only
spoken of eating it.
What did Samael do? He went and touched the tree. The tree
cried out and said, "Wicked one, do not touch me!" It is thus
written (Psalm 36:12), "Let not a foot of pride overtake me,
and let not the hand of the wicked move me. There have the
workers of iniquity fallen - they are thrust down, they
cannot rise."
He then said to the woman, "See, I touched the tree and I did
not die. You can also touch it and not die."
The woman went and touched the tree. She saw the Angel of
Death approaching her and said, "Woe is to me. Now I will
die and the Blessed Holy One will make another woman and
give her to Adam. I will therefore cause him to eat with me.
If we die, we will both die, and if we live, we will both live."
She took the fruit of the tree and ate it, and she also gave
some to her husband. Their eyes opened and their teeth were
set on edge. He said, "What is this that you have given me to
eat? Just as my teeth were set on edge, so will the teeth of all
[fi~ture]generations be set on edge."
[God then] sat down in true judgement, as it is written
(Psalm 9:5), "[You have upheld my cause, You have sat on
the throne as a] righteous Judge." He called to Adam and
said "Why do you flee from Me?"
Adam replied (Genesis 3:10), " '1 heard Your voice in the
garden' - and my bones trembled. 'I was afraid because I
was naked, and I hid.' I was naked of works, I was naked of
commandments, and I was naked of deeds." It is therefore
written "because I was naked, and I hid."
What was Adam's garment? It was a skin of fingernail. As
soon as he ate from the fruit of the tree, this skin of
fingernail was removed from him, and he saw himself
naked. It is thus written (Genesis 3:l l), "Who told you that
you were naked? [Did you eat from the tree that I
commanded you not to eat from it?]"
Adam said to the Blessed Holy One, "Master of all worlds:
When I was alone, did I ever sin before You? But the
woman that You placed with me enticed me from your
word." It is thus written (Genesis 3:12), "The woman that
you placed with me [gave it to me, and I ate]."
The Blessed Holy One said to her, "Is it not enough that you
sinned? But you also caused Adam to sin."
Steven Ashe
Sepher Yetzirah
Translated from the Hebrew
by Wm. Wynn Westcott
The "Sepher Yetzirah," or "Book of Formation," is perhaps
the oldest Rabbinical treatise of Kabbalistic philosophy
which is still extant. The great interest which has been
evinced of late years in the Hebrew Kabbalah, and the
modes of thought and doctrine allied to it, has induced me to
translate this tractate ftom the original Hebrew texts, and to
collate with them the Latin versions of mediaeval
authorities; and I have also published An Introduction to the
Kabbalah which may be found useful to students.
Three important books of the "Zohar," or "Book of
Splendour," which is a great storehouse of Kabbalistic
teaching, have been translated into English by S. L.
MacGregor Mathers, and the "Sepher Yetzirah" in an
English translation is almost a necessary companion to these
abstruse disquisitions: the two books indeed mutually
explain each other.
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Sepher Yetzirah
The Book of Formation
1. In thirty-two (1) mysterious Paths of Wisdom did Jah, (2)
the IHVH of hosts, (3) the God of Israel, (4) the Living
Elohim, (5) the King of ages, the merciful and gracious God,
(6) the Exalted One, the Dweller in eternity, most high and
holy--engrave his name by the three Sepharim (7) -Numbers, Letters, and Sounds.(8)
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12. Behold! From the Ten ineffable Sephiroth do, proceed-the One Spirit of the Gods of the living, Air, Water, Fire;
and also Height, Depth, East, West, South and North. (29)
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1. The twenty-two sounds and letters are the Foundation of
all things. Three mothers, seven doubles and twelve simples.
The Three Mothers are Aleph, Mem and Shin, they are Air,
Water and Fire Water is silent, Fire is sibilant, and Air
derived from the Spirit is as the tongue of a balance standing
between these contraries which are in equilibrium,
reconciling and mediating between them.
2. He hath formed, weighed, and composed with these
twenty-two letters every created thing, and the form of
everything which shall hereafter be.
1. The Foundation of all the other sounds and letters is
provided by the Three Mothers, Aleph, Mem and Shin; they
resemble a Balance, on the one hand the guilty, on the other
hand the purified, and Aleph the Air is like the Tongue of a
Balance standing between them. (35)
2. The Three Mothers, Aleph, Mem and Shin, are a great
Mystery, very admirable and most recondite, and sealed as
with six rings; and from them proceed Air, Fire, and Water,
which divide into active and passive forces.
earth from the Water; and the Air from the Spirit is as a
reconciler between the Fire and the Water.
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Steven Ashe
of Creation; and the Seven Gateways of the Soul of Manthe two eyes, the two ears, the mouth and the two nostrils.
So with the Seven are formed the seven heavens, (41) the
seven earths, and the seven periods of time; and so has He
preferred the number Seven above all things under His
Heaven. (42)
Supplement to Chapter IV
Steven Ashe
3. Behold now these are the Twenty and Two Letters from
which Jah, Jehovah Tzabaoth, the Living Elohim, the God of
Israel, exalted and sublime, the Dweller in eternity, formed
and established all things; High and Holy is His Name.
Supplement to Chapter V
Steven Ashe
1. Three Fathers and their generations, Seven conquerors
and their armies, and Twelve bounds of the Universe. See
now, of these words, the faithfhl witnesses are the Universe,
the Year and Man. The dodecad, the heptad, and the triad
with their provinces; above is the Celestial Dragon, T L I,
(49) and below is the World, and lastly the heart of Man.
The Three are Water, Air and Fire; Fire above, Water below,
and Air conciliating between them; and the sign of these
things is that the Fire sustains (volatilises) the waters; Mem
is mute, Shin is sibilant, and Aleph is the Mediator and as it
were a friend placed between them.
3. The Three are One, and that One stands above. The Seven
are divided; three are over against three, and one stands
between the triads. The Twelve stand as in warfare; three are
friends, three are enemies; three are life givers; three are
destroyers. The three friends are the heart, the ears, and the
Steven Ashe
mouth; the three enemies are the liver, the gall, and the
tongue; (52) while God (53) the faithful king rules over all.
One above Three, Three above Seven, and Seven above
Twelve: and all are connected the one with the other.
4. And after that our father Abraham had perceived and
understood, and had taken down and engraved all these
things, the Lord most high (55) revealed Himself, and called
him His beloved, and made a Covenant with him and his
seed; and Abraham believed on Him (56) and it was imputed
unto him for righteousness. And He made this Covenant as
between the ten toes of the feet--this is that of circumcision;
and as between the ten fingers of the hands and this is that of
the tongue. (57) And He formed the twenty two letters into
speech (58) and shewed him all the mysteries of them. (59)
Steven Ashe
extant Hebrew MSS. with the vowel points older than the
tenth century.
The words "Sepher Yetzirah" are written in Hebrew from
right to left, SPR YTzYRH, Samech Peh Resh, Yod Tzaddi
Yod Resh Heh; modes of transliteration vary with different
authors. Yod is variously written in English letters as I, Y, or
J, or sometimes Ie. Tzaddi is property Tz; but some write Z
only, which is misleading because the Hebrew has also a
true Z, Zain.
Notes to Chapter 1
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
15. The Lord the only God. The words are ADUN IChID
AL, or "Adonai (as commonly written) the only El."
16. Seat. The word is MOUN, dwelling, habitation, or
23. Formless and Void. THU and BHU; these two words
occur in Genesis i. 2, and are translated "waste and void."
24. Note the order in which the primordial elements were
produced. First, Spirit (query Akasa, Ether); then Air, Vayu;
then Water, Apas, which condenses into solid elementary
Earth, Prithivi; and lastly from the Water He formed Fire.
25. The first name is often written Ophanim, the letters are
AUPNIM; in the Vision of Ezekiel i. 16, the word occurs
and is translated "Wheels." ShRPIM are the mysterious
beings of Isaiah vi. 2; the word otherwise is translated
Serpent, and in Numbers xxi. 6, as "fiery serpentstt: also in
verse 8 as "fiery serpent" when Jehovah said "Make thee a
fiery serpent and set it upon a pole." Kerubim. The Hebrew
words arc ChIVTh H QDSh, holy animals: I have ventured
to put Kerubim, as the title of the other Biblical form of
Holy mysterious animal, as given in 1 Kings vi. 23 and
Exodus xxv. 18, and indeed Genesis iii. 24. Bible
dictionaries generally give the word as Cherubim, but in
Hebrew the initial letter is always K and not Ch.
26. Three. In the first edition I overlooked this word three;
and putting and for as, made four classes of serving beings.
28. Here follow the permutations of the name IHV, which is
the Tetragrammaton--Jehovah, without the second or final
27. This is verse 4 of Psalm civ. Trigrammaton, and is more
suitable to the third or Yetziratic plane. HVI is the
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Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Notes to Chapter 5
47. The list of organs varies. All agree in two hands, two
feet, two kidneys, liver, gall and spleen. Postellus then gives,
intestina, vesica, arteriae," the intestines, bladder, and
arteries; Rittangelius gives the same. Pistorius gives, "colon,
coagulum (spleen) et ventriculus," colon--the large intestine,
coagulum and stomach. The chief difficulty is with the
Hebrew word MSS, which is allied to two different roots,
one meaning private, concealed, hidden; and the other
meaning liquefied.
48. The Elohim--Divine
Notes to Chapter 6
This chapter is a resume of the preceding five; it calls the
universe and mankind to witness to the truth of the scheme
of distribution of the powers of the numbers among created
forms, and concludes with the narration that this philosophy
was revealed by the Divine to Abraham, who received and
faithhlly accepted it, as a form of Wisdom under a
49. The Dragon, TLI, Theli. The Hebrew letters amount in
numeration to 440, that is 400, 30 and 10. The best opinion
is that Tali or Theli refers to the 12 Zodiacal constellations
along the great circle of the Ecliptic; where it ends there it
begins again, and so the ancient occultists drew the Dragon
with its tail in its mouth. Some have thought that Tali
referred to the constellation Draco, which meanders across
the Northern polar sky; others have referred it to the Milky
Way; others to an imaginary line joining Caput to Cauda
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Translated from the Hebrew Text of Joannes Stephanus
Rittangelius, 1642: which is also to be found in the "Oedipus
Aegyptiacus " of Athanasius Kircher, 1653.
The First Path is called the Admirable or the Hidden
Intelligence (the Highest Crown): for it is the Light giving
the power of comprehension of that First Principle which
has nobeginning; and it is the Primal Glory, for no created
being can attain to its essence.
The Second Path is that of the Illuminating Intelligence: it is
the Crown of Creation, the Splendour of the Unity, equalling
it, and it is exalted above every head, and named by the
Kabbalists the Second Glory.
The Third Path is the Sanctifjing Intelligence, and is the
foundation of Primordial wisdom,which is called the Creator
of Faith, and its roots are AMN; and it is the parent of Faith,
from which doth Faith emanate.
The Fourth Path is named the Cohesive or Receptacular
Intelligence; and is so called because it contains all the holy
powers, and from it emanate all the spiritual virtues with the
most exalted essences: they emanate one from the other by
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
The Tawasin
of Mansur Al-Hallaj
Steven Ashe
The Tawasin
of Mansur Al-Hallaj
Translated by
Aisha Abd Ar -Rahman At -Tarjumana
Steven Ashe
10. The eyes were opened by his signs, secrets and selves
perceived by his being there. It was Allah who made him
articulate by His Word, and being the Proof, confirmed him.
It was Allah who sent him. He is the proof and the proven. It
is he who quenches the thirst of the vehemently thirsty heart,
it is he who brings the uncreated word that is not touched by
what touches it, nor phrased by the tongue, nor made. It is
united to Allah without separation, and it surpasses the
Steven Ashe
17. Allah made his speech manifest, and enlarged his mark,
and made his proof known. He sent down the furqan to him,
he made his tongue adequate, and He made his heart shine.
He made his contemporaries incapable (of imitating Qur'an).
He established his clarification and exalted his glory.
18. If you flee from his domains, what route will you take
without a guide, 0 ailing one? The maxims of the
philosophers are like a slipping heap of sand before his
Steven Ashe
4. He was not satisfied with its light nor with its heat, so he
leapt into it completely. Meanwhile, his fellows were
awaiting his coming so that he could tell them of his actual
vision since he had not been satisfied with hear say. But at
that moment, he was being utterly consumed, reduced and
dispersed into fragments, and he remained without form or
body or distinguishing mark. Then in what sense can he
return to his fellows? And in what state now that his has
obtained? He who had arrived at the vision became able to
dispense with reports. He who arrives at the object of his
vision is no longer concerned with the vision.
6. Oh you who are uncertain, do not identify 'I am' with the
divine 'I' - not now, nor in the future, nor in the past. Even if
the 'I am' was a consummated Gnostic, and if this was my
state, it was not the perfection. Even though I am His I am
not He.
7. If you have understood this, then under stand that these
meanings were not true from anyone except Mohammed,
and 'Mohammed is not the father of any one of your men,'
but the Messenger of Allah and the seal of the prophets. He
absented himself from men and jinn, and he closed his eyes
to 'where' until there no longer remained any veil on the
heart nor any falsehood.
2. Awe (rahab)
3. Fatigue (nasab)
4. Serach (talab)
5. Wonder ('ajab)
6. Perishing ('atab)
Steven Ashe
7. Exaltation (tarab)
8. Avidity (sharah)
9. Probity (nazah)
10. Sincerity (sidq)
11. Comradeship (rifq)
12. Emancipation (litq)
13. Setting out (taswih)
14. Rest (tarwih)
15. Discernment (tamyiz)
16. Witnessing (shuhud)
17. Existence (wujud)
18. Enumeration ('add)
19. Labour (kada)
20. Restitution (rada)
2 1. Dilation (imtidad)
22. Preparation (I 'dad)
23. Isolation (infirad)
24. Captivity (inqiyad)
25. Attraction (murad)
26. Presence (hudur)
27. Exercise (riyada)
28. Circumspection (hiyata)
29. Regret for things lost (iftiqad)
30. Resistance (is tilad)
3 1. Consideration (tadabbur)
32. Perplexity (tahayyur)
Steven Ashe
2. He that enters the circle is far from the Truth because the
way is blocked and the seeker is sent back. The point on
high represents his yearning. The lower point represents his
return to his point of departure, and the middle point is his
3. The inner circle does not have a door, and the point which
is in the centre is Truth.
4. The meaning of Truth is that from which externals and
internals are not absent, and it does not tolerate forms.
5. If you wish to under stand what I have pointed to here,
then 'take four birds and twist them to thee,' (2.260) because
Allah does not fly.
Steven Ashe
11. He was full of fear and awe, and wearing the garment of
Truth, he went out and cried 'Ah!!' to all creation.
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Steven Ashe
23. The distance between them was 'two bow spans '. He hit
the mark of 'where' with the arrow of 'between' (ayn and
bayn). He stated that there were two bow spans to specifL
the exact place, and 'or' because of the un-delineated nature
of Essence, 'a little closer' in the Essence of the Essence.
24. The Master of the Extraordinary Al-Husadin ibn Mansur
Al-Hallaj said:
25. I do not believe that our expression here will be
comprehensible except to the one who has arrived at the
second bow span which is beyond the Tablet of Forms (lawh
26. There are letters that are used no longer (as) letters of
Arabic or Persian.
27. There are letters only and that letter is the mim which is
the letter signifjling 'what he revealed'.
28. The mim designated 'The Last.'
Steven Ashe
29. The mim is also the string of the First. The first bow
span is the Kingdom of Might (Jabrut) and the second is the
Kingdom of Sovereignty (Malakut), and the Kingdom of the
Attributes is the string of the two kingdoms. And the
Kingdom of the Essence of Intimate (specific) Illumination
(tajalli khass) is the arrow of the Absolute and the arrow of
the two spans.
30. It comes from the One who kindles the fire of
Steven Ashe
state, and their state is impotence. But any other state would
be an object of anger for Allah. So this is enough and
success with Allah.
Steven Ashe
15. Sayedina Musa said: 'Do you remember Him now?' 'Oh
Musa, pure mind does not have need of memory - by it I am
remembered and He is remembered. His remembrance is my
remembrance, and my remembrance is His remembrance.
How, when remembering our selves, can we two be other
than one?
My service is now purer, my time more pleasant, my
remembrance more glorious, because I served Him in the
absolute for my good fortune, and now I serve Him for
Himself. '
16. 'I lifted greed from everything which prevents or
defends for the sake of loss as well as gain. He isolated me,
made me ecstatic, confused me, expelled me, so that I would
not mix with the saints. He put me far from others because
of my jealously for Him alone. He deformed me, because He
amazed me, and amazed me because He banished me. He
banished me because I was a servant and put me in a
forbidden state because of my companionship. He showed
my lack of worth because I praised His Glory. He reduced
me to a simple robe of ihram because of my Hijya. He left
me because of my union, He unified me because he cut me
off. He cut me off because He had prevented my desire.
17. By His Truth I was not in error in respect to His decree, I
did not refuse destiny. I did not care at all about the
deformation of my face. I kept my equilibrium throughout
these sentences.
Steven Ashe
27. The name of Iblis was derived from his first name,
Azazyl in which were changed: the Ayn (Ed: Aramaic
equivalent of the letter Ayin) representing the amplitude of
his endeavour, the Zay (Ed: Aramaic equivalent of the letter
Zayin), representing the growing frequency of his visits, the
Alif (Ed: Aramaic equivalent of the letter Aleph) - his way
in His rank, the second Zay - his asceticism in His rank, and
the Ya (Ed: Aramaic equivalent of the letter Yod) - his
wandering walk to his agony, and Lam (Ed: Aramaic
equivalent of the letter Lamed) - his obstinacy in his pain.
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Steven Ashe
3. Both are One and the profession of Unity of the One are
in Him and from Him.
4. From Him comes the distance that separates others from
His unity.
5. The knowledge of Tawhid is an autonomous abstract
Steven Ashe
Tawhid is such: Alif - the Unity, Tawhid. Hamza - the selfawarenesses, some on one side some on the other. 'Ayn at
beginning and end - The Essence.
The self-awarenesses proceed from Him and return to Him,
operate in Him, but they are not logically necessary.
Steven Ashe
12. We return then, beyond this to the centre (of our Object)
and isolate it from adjunct-ions, assimilitudes, qualifications,
pulverisations and attributions.
13. The first circle (in the next diagram) comprises the
actions of Allah, the second comprises their traces and these
are two circles of the created.
14. The central point symbolises the Tawhid, but it is not the
Tawhid. If not, how would it be separable from the circle?
Steven Ashe
Steven Ashe
23. The thought of the common people plunges into the sea
of images and the thought of the elect into the sea of
But these two seas dry up and the ways which they marked
are effaced, the two thoughts disappear and the two pillars
fall and the two worlds of being perish and proofs and
knowledge vanish.
24. On the side of the pure divinity of Allah, He remains,
transcending all dependent things, praise be to Allah who is
not touched by any secondary cause. His proof is strong, and
His power glorious. He, the Lord of Splendour and Glory
and Majesty.
2. Also at Noon, let him greet the Sun, facing South, giving
the sign of his grade. And let him say in a loud voice:
Hail unto Thee who art Ahathoor in Thy triumphing, even
unto Thee who art Ahathoor in Thy beauty, who travellest
over the heavens in thy bark at the Mid-course of the Sun.
Tahuti standeth in His splendour at the prow, and Ra-Hoor
abideth at the helm. Hail unto Thee from the Abodes of
Morning !
3. Also, at Sunset, let him greet the Sun, facing West, giving
the sign of his grade. And let him say in a loud voice:
Hail unto Thee who art Tum in Thy setting, even unto Thee
who art Tum in Thy joy, who travellest over the Heavens in
Thy bark at the Down-going of the Sun.
Tahuti standeth in His splendour at the prow, and Ra-Hoor
abideth at the helm. Hail unto Thee from the Abodes of Day!
Steven Ashe
Hail unto thee who art Khephra in Thy hiding, even unto
Thee who art Khephra in Thy silence, who travellest over
the heavens in Thy bark at the Midnight Hour of the Sun.
Tahuti standeth in His splendour at the prow, and Ra-Hoor
abideth at the helm. Hail unto Thee from the Abodes of
Golden Dawn
Steven Ashe
Tables of
The Q m u SwlcoYCdour
'..... ",.
While bnUiauoe
F m d
, ,
. .,.,
fire En?
wght warten
Rich aiwn
&pht ~ U o $ww n
Very dark purple
Gbirrt, olive, rusat, ilad As Qulwd e ,hut tkcketi
F d * ffwkd @)kt
ivicl andip)
(liken hlack
a m .
Attnbuhn of
F&m Ckds.
Scflr:hafEgypaan C i .
Nu-Lhe tisir
Shu [ ~ I h m u b i s ,all exctus~~ely
} p&'
!%b. I m w r ( t r unwectnluff I 5 i ~4 Ncvh- f)yw,q
flip. [[Sphinx as synthesa uf Hcnnttmfl
Xu LlWoof-pada~glas A nr o j j
Selt the spine
fbr E y e d llm--&
b t m c h and Anus
&nl- t h e l p s
fiathut-tbc Lrtl Eye
KhXru-w *kt? ~ O E W I I
Ka U h , Efnrnmchisg
Lir lAs
Keith -,~rns
The Mighty itnd Tmtbk
h - , t h c Bms1
15 M m Th.4
16 Ass. htfgher, Apis
Mmti. &F
17 Variaur Win h t i m , R ~ M L
ne twur MM[l
[I tau-Ra-HalJ
id W h r a
i r ~NsNwr-Khuit, P;urXt Sekhc't.iMnu
20 Inis [as Virgin]
1% t2maua-Ra
2 1 Ma
Tua, M,i\uranro~h(as VL Axru (a
w Max), klrilr, 1 s t ~RHrthoru
Typhon,A m , Khcphrn
24 .Weel 26 Khcm (Set)
. .
. . ..
As 6.
.. . ..... .
. . . ~.
Sckha the kUy and Back
M u
[kqet-the Twtb.1 As 6 .
y tns Sawn. Ahapsh~,Er'cphthy~~,
28 w i , h u C p i $
h-Nrb-Tattu-The S i w u l b
I ] l s k ( o F ~ ) thfaco
hi- veij
IS am
. . . , ~ -
Almond m FXww [[Fianyarljl
Anlanmh t[Mistleiw, IYo ar Ptpl T K ~ ] J
C d i(S*sn, bwkjj
m tIRw1l
~ p m s . ~ m rpoppy
n fiIutw.Lily. I.r]]
ww -S
%k, Nux Von~ffia.Xatik [[l.iickory]j
Bay, l a d Vrm [[Chk, C v m A h .
iyns ~[Hsw
all,CWitm btrdsj]
R Q r L$lsuxrlJj
N e r m ~ ~ tJskd
e , [pwh~ f p a t t u ,
hkxxxxzmde Asridj
ElsJtanl [Furtah,Tmd]]
Pa* hQan ( C k m b MA) [&hJi
Swdiow, Ibis A p [[TwII: !kqmts,fish,
TXtp [[St&, Camt]]
14 S-,D~.CUWW~I
15 RarnOwl
rS Bull (Chad, ofaf
57 Wsie. hybribc EfPmnsl. Z&@. Pm@~in])
Crab. Turtle. w a x [[WMc, 1b n of
I ~ a a< ~ b a u b
d "$w
[ p t .
~ ~ y s aMaudnke.
j .
%atam [[*urmg,
Willow. Uly, Ivy [[Pmnwwtr?,a l l t t ~ l ~ l l
Vwatn, it& M c ~ u r yMajui.tanc,
Pdm i i t - i ~ ~
Ii ~ a r ] ~
Atnmxl, Mugwort, Waxel (89 w), Mmwrt.
R s n d u l i [[Alder, P - m E i j
Myrtle,Row, Ckrw [[Fi& Pcxh, .Wkll
Z[Pr;tying M~o~~Is]]
FdeSw~ M ofhv)
w L o .btle+C'Wfid,arZobseW'lif
[[aU RLybkw, S W , CmbIwwI1
HippogriK Dql:
2s Centaur, t126 C a t , A%-[[WELarj)
~. ,
28 h b or F%agle(Chaubn F A h P e d
ap Fi&. lhlpinn f[&reclo, Dog, ladtdl!
3* Lioa S w m w h a w k ~ I L o o ~ 3 I
Idan (Chonth of A)
.?a C d i c
h~ BUII ( a m b 0 r B f
3s lna SphBtx (tfswcwJan ah%m~ntd)
Indiun%map,Ckhis Rmbr, T h ~ [[Y<hunhalj
i\hshthe. Rue
[Olrvz], Cnecwnut
Or&ml*nls.Cfinum WOW?);
Sunflnwr, Laml. ii~.liotry,[Put OskurgalIl
&i Poppy. Wibtwus Nettie
Ash, Cypms. IMtabon. Ye*. ?r"~&thdc[Fimjl
w.hy ltc~tzlftli
Matcad in t%nw
) )
IIThe Hierophant
T L~vers
-- Thee Hermit
11 a 11
]/cross or ~ a r k ( 1 32
I Cronlc\ uscd the Srar $31 thts placc m the Thodl Lkck
2 Cm\vie) used thc h p c r o r m thts p l m m rhc l l m h Deck
These twelve signs are distributed among the for Triplicities, or sets of three
signs, each being attributed to one of the four Elements, and they represent the
operation of the elements in the Zodiac.
A Fire Belong:
Y,Leo 8 ,Sagittarius 2
Thus to
Thus to
Earth Belong:
Taurus 8,
Virgo 1,
A Air Belong:
Thus to
n,Libra -,
Thus to
Water Belong:
Cancer 0,Scorpio
111. The Planets
To the Ancients, six Planets were known, besides the Sun, which they classed with the
planets. They also assigned certain planetary values to the North and south Nodes of
the Moon that is, the points where her orbit touches that of the Ecliptic.
These they named :
Mars d
Luna (the Moon) )
y have largely
Each letter epresents a number and also has a meaning. Five letters have a different
shape when written at the end of a word (remember, Hebrew is read right to left). Mem
is the only final with an oblong shape. Kaph, Nun, Pe, and Tzaddi have tails that come
below the line when written as finals. Hebrew Letters are Holy Symbols. They should
be carefully drawn, and square.
5. The Sephiroth
The Hebrew Qabalists referred the
highest and most abstract ideas to
the Emanations ofDeity, or
Sephiroth. They believed that there
were ten Sephiroth, and some
occultists add an eleventh
"invisible" Sephira - Da'ath, which
is made up of the combined
emanations of Wisdom and
The Names of the Sephira, and
their meanings, can be seen
arranged in the figure called the
"Tree of Life" to the right.
6. Meditation No. 1
The Neophyte should learn, regularly practice, and master the following simple
technique of the Fourfold Breath:
1. Empty the lungs and remain thus while counting four.
2. Inhale, counting four so that you feel filled with breath to the throat.
3. Hold this breath while counting four.
4. Exhale, counting four till the lungs are empty.
This Fourfold Breath technique should be practiced by the Neophyte while he or she is
composed in a basic posture or Asana, counting slowly or quickly till she obtains a
suitable rhythm. This simple technique will help to still the body and quiet the mind of
the Neophyte.
Having attained this, the Neophyte should consider a point as defined in mathematics
-having position, but no magnitude - and let him or her take note of any important
ideas which arise during this simple meditation. Concentrating his or her mind on this
point of meditation, let him or her endeavor to realize the Immanence of the Divine
Wisdom throughout Nature, in all Her aspects.
6. Place the two palms of the hands together upon the breast, and say le-Olahm,
7. Fingers pointing up, say Amen.
8. Advance to the East, trace the Pentagram with the proper weapon (Wand to
invoke, Dagger to banish). Say (i.e., vibrate) Yod He Vnu He- imagining that
voice carried forward to the East of the Universe.
9. Turning to the South, the same, but say Adonai
10. Turning to the West, the same, but say Eheieh
1I. Turning to the North, the same, but say Agla
12. Return to the East, completing the Circle, extend the arms in the form of a
and say:
13. Before me Raphael;
14. Behind me Gabriel;
15. On my right hand, Michael;
16. On my lefr hand, Auriel;
For Banishing use the same Ritual but reversing the direction of the lines of the
Invoking Pentagram
Banishing Pentagram
The Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram can be used to open and close any magical or
mystical work, such as a ceremony or meditation.
As an Exorcism
The Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram can be used by the Neophyte as a protection against
impure magnetism, and as a practical form of exorcism, to eliminate obsessing or
disturbing thoughts. In this the Neophyte should first formulate a mental image of the
obsession or disturbing thought, then s/he should project the image outside of hisiher
Aura with the Sign of Projection (Sign of Horus), and when the image is approximately
three feet away, the Neophyte should give the Sign of Silence (Sign of Harpocrates) to
prevent the image from returning unto him or her. With the image of the obsession or
disturbing thought in the East, the Neophyte should then perform the Lesser Banishing
Ritual of the Pentagram to disintegrate the image, seeing it in hisher mind's eye
dissolving on the further side of the Circle of Flame which is formulated in the
Pentagram Ritual.
9. The Pillars
In the explanation of the Symbols of the Grade of Neophyte, your attention has been
directed to the general mystical meaning of the Two pillars called in the Ritual the
"Pillars of Hermes" of "Seth" and of "Solomon." In the 9th chapter of the Ritual f the
Dead they are referred to as the "Pillars of Shu," the "Pillars of the Gods of Dawning
Light," and also as "the North and Southern Columns of the Gate of the Hall of Truth."
In the 125th Chapter, they are represented by the sacred gateway, the door to which the
aspirant is brought when he has completed the negative confession. The archaic
pictures on the one Pillar are painted in black upon a white ground, and those on the
other in white upon a black ground, in order to express the interchange and
reconciliation of opposing forces and the eternal balance of light and darkness which
gives force to visible nature.
The black cubical bases represent darkness and matter wherein the spirit, the Ruach
Elohim, began to formulate the Ineffable NAME, that Name which the ancient Rabbis
have said "rushes through the universe," that Name before which the Darkness rolls
back the birth of time.
The flaming red triangular capitals which crown the summit of the Pillars represent the
Triune manifestation of the Spirit of Life, the Three Mothers of the Sepher Yetsirah, the
Three Alchemical Principles of Nature, the Sulphur, the Mercury and the Salt.
Each Pillar is surmounted by its own light-bearer veiled from the material world.
At the base of both Pillars rise the Lotus flowers, symbols of regeneration and
metempsychosis. The archaic illustrations are taken from the vignettes of teh 17th and
125th chapter of the Ritual of the Dead the Egyptian Book of the Per-em-Hru or the
Book of Coming Forth into the Day, the oldest book in the world as yet discovered.
The Recension of the Priests of ON is to be found in the walls of the Pyramids of the
Kings of the 5th and 6th Dynasties at Sakarah, the recensions of the 1Ith and 12th
Dynasties on the sarcophagi of thatperiod, and the Theban recension of the 18th
Dynasty and onward is found on papyri, both plain and illuminated. No satisfactory
translation of these books is avalable, none having been yet attempted by a scholar
having the qualifications of mystic as well as Egyptologist.
The Ritual of the Dead, generally speaking, is a collection of hymns and prayers in the
form of a series of ceremonial Rituals to enable the man to unite himself with Osiris the
Redeemer. After this union he is no longer called the man, but Osiris with whom he is
now symbolically identified. "That they also may be One of us," said the Christ of the
New Testament. "I am Osiris" said the purified and justified man, his soul luminous
and washed from sin in the immortal and untreated light, united to Osiris, and thereby
justified, and the son of God; purified by suffering, strengthened by opposition,
regenerate through self-sacrifice. Such is the subject of the great Egyptian Ritual.
The 17th Chapter of the Theban recension consists of a very ancient text with several
commentaries, also extremely old, and some prayers, none of which come into the
scheme of the orginal text. It has, together with the 12th chapter, been very carefully
translated for the purpose of this lecture by the V.H. Frater M.W.T, and the V.H. Soror
S.S.D.D. has made many valuable suggestions with regard to the interpretation. The
Title and Preface of the 17th Chapter reads:
"Concerning the exaltation of the Glorified Ones, of Coming and Going forth in the
Divine Domain. of the Genies of the Beautiful land of Amentet. Of coming forth in the
light o fDay in Lyform desired, of Hearing the Forces of Nature by beingenshrined as
a living Bai."
And the rubric is:
"The united with Osiris shall recite it when he has entered the Harbour. May glorious
things be done thereby upon earth. May all the words of the Adept be fulfilled."
Owing to the complex use of symbols, the ritual translation of the Chapter can only be
understood by perpetual reference to the ancient Egyptian commentaries, and therefore
the following paraphrase has been put together to convey to modem minds as nearly as
possible the ideas conceived by the old Egyptians in this glorious triumphal song of the
Soul of Man made one with Osiris. the Redeemer.
"I am TUM made One with all things.
"I have become NU. I am RA in his rising ruling by right of his power I am the Great
God self-begotten, even NU, who pronounced His Names, and thus the Circle of Gods
was created.
"I am Yesterday and know Tomorrow. I can never more be overcome. I know the
secret of Osiris, whose being is perpetually revered of RA. I have finished the work
which was planned at the Beginning. I am the spirit made manifest, and armed with
two vast eagle's plumes. lsis and Nephthys are their names, made One with Osiris.
"I claim my inheritance. My sisns have been uprooted and my passions overcome. I
am Pure White. I dwell in Time. I live through Eternity, when Initiates make offering
to the Everlasting Gods. I have passed along the Pathway. I know the Northern and the
Southern Pillars, the two Columns at the Gateway of the Hall of Truth.
"Stretch unto me your hands, 0 ye Dwellers in the centre. For I am transformed into a
God in your midst. Made One with Osiris, 1 have filled the eye socket in the day of the
morning when Good and Evil fought together.
"1 have lifted up the cloud-veil in the Sky of the Storm. Till I saw RA born again from
out of the Great waters. His strength is my strength and my strength is his strength.
Homage to you, Lords of Truth, chiefs of Osiris rules. Granting release from Sin,
Followers of Ma where rest is Glorious. Whose throne Anubis built in the day when
Osiris said:
"Lo! A man wins his way to Amentet. I come before you, to drive away my faults. As
ye did to the Seven Glorious Ones who follow their Lord Osiris. 1 am that Spirit of
Earth and Sun."
"Between the Two Pillars of Flame. I am RA when he fought beneath the Ashad Tree,
destroying the enemies of the Ancient of Days. I am the Dweller in the Egg. I am he
who turns in the disc. I shine forth from the horizon as the gold from the mine. 1 float
through the Pillars of SHU in the ether. Without a peer among the Gods. The Breath
of my mouth is as a flame. I light upon the Earth with my glory. Eye cannot gaze on
my daring beams as they reach through the Heavens and lick up the Nile with tongues
of flame. I am strong upon Earth with the strength of RA. I have come into Harbour as
Osiris made perfect. Let priestly offerings be made to me as one in the train of the
ancient of Days. I brood as the Divine Spirit. I move in the firmness of my Strength. I
undulate as the Waves that vibrate through Eternity. Osiris has been claimed with
acclamation, and ordained to rule among the Gods. Enthroned in the Domain of Horus
where the Spirit and Body are united in the presence of the Ancient of Days. Blotted
out are the sins of his body in passion. He has passed the Eternal Gate, and has
received the New Year Feast with Incense, at the marriage of Earth with Heaven.
"TUM has built his Bridal Chamber. RURURET has founded his shrine. The
procession is completed. HORUS has purified, SET has consecrated, SHU made one
with OSIRIS, has entered his heritage.
"As TUM he has entered the Kingdom to completed union with the Invisible. Thy
Bride, 0 Osiris, is Isis, who mourned thee when she found thee slain. In Isis, thou art
born again. From Nephthys is thy nourishment. They cleansed thee in thy Heavenly
Birth. Youth waits upon thee, ardour is ready at thy hand. And their arms shall uphold
thee for millions of years. Initiates surround Thee and Thine enemies are cast down.
The Powers of Darkness are destroyed. The Companions of They Joys are with Thee.
Thy Victories in the Battle await their reward in the Pillar. The Forces of Nature obey
Thee. Thy Power is exceeding great. The Gods curse him that curseth Thee. Thine
Aspirations are fulfilled. Thou art Mistress of Splendour. They are destroyed who
barred the way.
The 125th Chapter is concerned with the entry of an Initiate into the Hall of the Two
Columns of Justice, and commenced with a most beautiful and symbolic description of
Death, as a journey from the barren wilderness of Earth, to the Glorious Land which
lies beyond. The literal translation of the opening lines is as follows:
"I have come from afar to look upon thy beauties. My hands salute Thy Name of
Justice. I have come from afar, where the Acacia Tree grew not. Where the tree thick
with leaves is not born. Where there com not beams from herb or grass. I have entered
the Place of Mystery. 1 have communed with Set. Sleep came upon me, 1 was rapped
therein, bowing down before the hidden things. I was ushered into the House of Osiris.
I saw the marvels that were there. The Princes of the Gates in their Glory.
The illustrations in this chapter represent the Hall of Truth as seen through the open
leaves of its door. The Hall is presided over by a God who holds his right hand over
the cage of a hawk, and his left over the food of eternity. On each side of the God is a
cornice crowned by a row of alternate feathers and Uraei symbolizing justice and firey
power. The door leaf which completes the right hand of a stall is called "Posessor of
Truth controlling the Feet," while that on the left is "Possessor of strength, binding the
male and female animals." The 42 Judges of the Dead are represented as seated in a
long row, and each of them has to be named, and the Sin over which he presided has
been denied.
This chapter describes the introduction of the initiate into the Hall of Truth by Anubis,
who, having questioned the aspirant, receives from him an account of his initiation, and
is satisfied by his right to enter. He States that he has been taken into the ante-chamber
of the Temple and there stripped and blind-folded, he had to grope for the entrance of
the Hall, and having found it he was reclothed and anointed in the presence of the
Initiated. He is then asked for the Pass-words and demands that his Soul should be
weighed in the Great Balance of the Hall of Truth, whereupon ANUBIS again
interrogates him concerning the symbolism of the door of the Hall, and his answers
being found correct, ANUBIS says: "Pass on, thou knowest it."
Among other things the initiate states that he has been purified four times, the same
number of times that the Neophyte is purified and consecrated in the ceremony of the
Neophyte. He then makes the long Negative Confession, stating to each Judge in turn
that he is innocent of that form of Sin over which he judges. Then he invokes the
Judges to do him justice, and afierwards describes how he had washed in the washing
place of the South, and rested in the North, in the place called "Son of the Deliverers"
and he becomes the Dweller under the Olive Tree of Peace, and how how he was given
a tall flame of fire and a sceptre of cloud, and made a lake of it.
The initiate is then brought to the actual Pillars, and has to name them and their parts
under the symbol of the Scales of Balance. He also has to name the Guardian of the
Gateway who prevents his passage, and when all these are propitiated, the plea of the
Hall itself cries out against his steps, saying "Because I am silent, because I am pure,"
and it must know that his aspirations are pure enough hand high enough for him to be
allowed to tread upon it. He is then allowed to announce to Thoth that he is clean from
all evil, and has overcome the influence of the planets, and THOTH says to him: "Who
is He whose Pylons are of Flame, whose walls of Living Uraei, and the flames of
whose House are streams of Water?" and the Initiate replies "Osiris!"
And it is immediately proclaimed: "The meat shall be from the Infinite, and thy drink
from the Infinite. Thou art able to go forth to the sepulchral feasts on earth, for thou
has overcome."
Thus, these two chapters, which are represented by their illustrations upon the Pillars,
represent the advance and purification of the Soul and its union with Osiris, the
Redeemer, in the Golden Dawn of the Infinite Light, in which the Soul is transfigured,
knows all, and can do all, for it is made One with the Eternal God.
Copper or Brass
Quicksilver (Mercury)
The following terms are used in books about Alchemy. They have the meanings gievn below.
heat and fire
Luna Phllosoph~~~m
The Pure Living Alchemical Spirit of Silver-+he refined essence of
heat and moisture
me Black Dragon
The ang Red -The Qabalistic Mimpowpus- Tiphareth - analogous to Goldand the Sun
77te Queen - White -The Qabalistic Bride of Mimprwopus - Malkah -analogous to Silver
and the bhm
These are the Essential Spiritual Beings called upon to praise Godin the 'BenediciteOmnia
The Kerubim are the Living Powers of Tetragrammaton on the Material Plane and the
Presidents of the FbLV Elements. They operate through the Fxedor K e W c m n s o f the
Zodiacand are thus symbolized and attributed:
Kerub of Air
Kerub of Fire
Kerub of Earth
Kerub of Water
This altar diaoram shows the Ten Sephiroth with all the connecting Paths numbered and
lettered, andke Serpent winding ovkr each Path. Around each G h i r a are written the
names of the Deitv. Archanoel and Anoelic Host attributed to it. The Twenty-Two Paths are
bound together b; the ~ e r k nof
t Wiiom. It unites the Paths but does not touch any of the
Sephiroth, which are linked by the Flaming Sword.
The Flaming Sword is formed by the Natural Order of the Tree of Life. I t resembles a Flash of
Together the Sephiroth and the Twenty-Two Paths form the 32 Paths of the Sefer Yetrirah,
or Book of Formation.
The Two Pillars on either side of the Altar represent:
Acfive:The White Pillar on the South Side. Male. Adam. Pillar of Light and Fire. Right Kerub.
Passiwe:The Black Pillar on the North Side. Female. Eve. Pillar of Cloud. Left Kerub.
ATZILUTH, Archetypal
Pure ~ i e t y
BRIAH, Creative
YETZIRAH, Formative
Angelic- 1
1. Primurn Mobile,
Rashith ha Gilgalim
Mazloth ntClp)
3. Sphere of Saturn,
Shabbathai 9 ( N W
4. Sphere of Jupiter,
5. Sphere of Mars,
7. Sphere of Venus,
8. Sphere of Mercury,
Olam Yesodoth
&hm m
or 'Wheels'.
its Choir of Angels is
(vlirhN m),
its Archangel is
its Choir of Angels is the Elohim (P*N),
( r h'W),
~ its Archangel is Gabriel ( 0 ~ 3 1 ) ,
I n Hebrew, Saturn is called 'Shabbathai'. It's Angel is Cassiel, its Intelligence, or beneficial
spirit, is Agiel ~ w M ) and
, its spirit (darker aspect) is Zazel
Jupiter is called Tzedek. It's angel is Sachiel, its Intelligence is Iophil
spirit is Hismael
~ w w ) ,and its
k b m ) , and its
h ~ a and
~ )its,
called Kedernel
its spirit is
&ma),and its
Finally, the Moon is called Levannah. Its Angel is Gabriel, its intelligence is called Malkah be
and is
Tarshisim ve-ad Ruachoth Schechalim
spirit is called Schad Barschernoth ha-Shartathan (mil
The traditional Tarot consists of a pack of 78 cards made up of Four Suits of 14 cards each,
together with 22 Trumps, or Major Arcana, which tell the story of the Soul.
Each suit consists of ten numbered cards, as in the modern playing cards, but there are four
instead of three honours: King or Knight, Queen, Prince or Emperor, Princess or Knave.
the Four Suits are:
Wands, or Sceptres,
comparable to Diamonds.
Cups or Chalices,
comparable to Hearts.
comparable to Spades
Pentacles or Coins,
comparable to Clubs.
take some slight issue with these attributions; Ithink rather that Diamonds should be
attributed to Pentacles and Wands to Clubs. The very names 'wands' and 'clubs' are indicative
of similar ideas, as are the diamonds (valuable gem) comparable to 'coins'. -Amphion