MHC 1st Assign

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Q1:- How has the global village contributed to the need for diversity awareness in an organization?

Ans: - As we all know that the globalization played very significant role in providing the knowledge and the education to the people which in result made people more aware and more informative about the world business. And the main thing which diversified the awareness in the organization is the internet. The dramatic growth of the internet in recent years revolutionized the organizations and their human resource practices. Companies have discovered that the internet technology creates high demand workers who deal with emails. E-mails also act as the source for link between the employee and the customer which made this world global and people are aware now that if they need something they can order it beyond their national boundaries. Q2:- Describe the work force shift in the type of jobs during 100 years. What implications have these shifts created for todays HRM? Ans: - The world has changed rapidly in the last 100 years this made a very vast advancement in every fields and businesses and created heaps of opportunities for the persons searching for jobs. I think the nature of jobs have revolved 180 degree of what they were before 100 years. There are some of the points which tell you about the todays nature of the job. Work Has Become More Demanding On Employees The work which was done 100 years ago was very simple, but now the use of latest machines and technology has made the work force more difficult as well as complex. Employees are working harder and facing increasing pressure to work longer and/or smarter and/or faster and/or better. Employers are reducing tolerance for employee error, waste, and inefficiency. Employee/ Employer relationship Employee and employer relationship has been evolved during the 100 years tenure which removed the hierarchal order and placed more transactional type of relationship. Seniority, age, rank, and rules are diminishing. Employees are less likely to agree with employers stated missions, policies, and decisions.

Employers Are Moving Away From Long-Term Employment Relationships Employers are more likely to undertake major business changes that eliminate jobs regardless of employees length of service; such changes include mergers, acquisitions. Employers are more likely to implement new technologies that eliminate jobs due to reengineering. Employers are hiring fewer "employees" (full-time, exclusive workers), while hiring more contingent workers; and employers staffing strategies for the future reflect this change. Supervising employees now requires more time and skill Supervisors are under increasing pressure from senior executives to increase productivity and quality; that means getting more work and better work out of fewer employees, while utilizing fewer resources. Employees are expectations for short-term rewards. Employees have less confidence in long-term rewards and greater expectations for shortterm rewards. Uncertainty might be one of the reasons, war, terrorism, famines these all might contribute that kind of thinking of the employees which encourage them to expect only short-term rewards. Q3:- What are the HRM implications of the global study? Ans:- As the world has become global HR responsibilities and duties have become more complicated. And to improve these complexities some measures have to be taken into considerations these implications are provided by HR to the Global how can they improve their business effectively. Here are some of the HR implications to the global study. World Wide Company Culture:Firms should try to develop a global company identity to smooth over cultural differences between domestic employees and those in international operations. Minimizing the cultural differences and working as unit has the greater positive impact on the organizations. Global alliances:Companies should actively engage in the alliances with the international companies in order to get recognition in the global markets. But making such alliances need more trained staff.

World wide recruiting Companies should recruit workers globally, because it makes the options open to the firm to decide and select the well skilled labor from all around the world, where specialized knowledge and expertise in not limited by national boundaries. Q4:- What group will compare the greatest influence into the workforce during the last 10 years. What will be the HRM affect on these groups? Ans:Q5:- How can a HR manager help employees deal with HR issues? Ans: - Human Resource manager act as a hub among the top management and the employees. Its the duty of HR manager to help their employees in dealing with the HR issues. HR daily routine issues could be ensuring on time salary, solving the problems facing by the employees, hiring of the new employee in the department, ensuring that the employees is getting all the benefits and compensations on time. Develop the policies which are for the benefits of the employees as well as for the organization. Try to motivate them in their performance and this can be done with the help of training program. HR manager should be well aware about the capabilities of their employees so that they can evolve them through proper training which help the employees dealing with hurdles.

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