List of All The Martial Arts in The World

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Updated 26th March 2009 Currently 3047 Arts/Styles/Systems listed


Year & Place


Background &/or Description

Abanico Abaniko Doublada Abe Ryu Abe Ryu Kendo Abierta Abrazare Acudo Adu Kepala "Fighting Dance" Japan 1600's. Japan (Filipino system) (Filipino system) This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region The Oldest Kendo School (Filipino system) This style uses the acupuncture points as its speciality The founder is a 7th Dan. ACCS is based on principles of Jeet Kune Do/Sun Tzus Art of War/Close Quarter Battle applications Judo/Shotokan/Goju-ryu/Kyokushin/Shang Dao Chuan

Sumbawa, Indonesia Prof. Dr. Deepak Rao Yuri A. Kostrov (1950-)

Advanced Commando 2004. Combat System India (ACCS) Agni Kempo 1987. Russia

Agatsu Aibudo

Canada 1985. USA

Shawn Mozen Dennis L. Wissler Bojuka Ryu -

Aibu Jitsu Ryu Ai Jitsu Do Aiki Budo (Aikibudo) USA -

Taeken Jitsu/TKD/Hapkido/Kenpo/Ju Troy L. Smith Jutsu/Kyukido. The founder is also the founder of Jr. Ko Shin Kwan Hapkido & the GM of Taeken Jitsu Morehei Ueshiba (1883-1969) Toshishiro Obata Daito Ryu Aikijutsu. This is the first and original Aikido Obata studied with Shioda Gozo Shihan at Yoshinkan Dojo for 7 years

Aiki Goshin Do Aikido -Aikikai Japan Aikido & Aikibujutsu Tanren Kenkyukai Aikido -Aiki Tora Ryu

Japan/US A USA

Neal 8. Dan Jujutsu/5. Dan Arnis-Escrima-Kali/4. Hummerstone Lakan Apat/4. Arnis/Iaido ? Prof. Thomas Burdine Prof. Philip Chenique Jorge Garcia

Aikido Burdine Aikido System Law USA Enforcement Control Aikido Chendokan Aikido Combat USA USA

Aikido/Judo/Ju Jitsu/Tai Jutsu/Karate

Aikido -Iwama Japan Ryu Aikido Keijutsukai Aikido -Ki Hawaii? -

Saito Morihiro (1928-2002?) Thomas H. Makiyama Hirokazu Kobayashi Shuji Marayama The founder was a student of Ueshiba -

Aikido Japan? Kobayashi Ryu Aikido -Koga Aikido Kokikai USA? Japan

Aikido -Kokon USA Ryu Aikido Makoto (Aikido) Manseikan USA

Prof. Thomas Burdine Larry Reynosa Okumura Shigenobu Sunadomari Masahide -

Aikido/Judo/Ju Jitsu/Tai Jutsu/Karate The founder was a 5th student of Steven Seagal for 18 years -


Aikido -Mushin Shindo Aikido -Nihon Goshin Aikido -Nihon Goshinjutsu Aikido Aikido Seidokan (Aikido) -Shin Budo Kai

Trained Daito ryu Aikijitsu under Yoshiro Kitaro, + Judo, Kobudo, Karate & his family's art This is a combination of Nihon Goshin Aikido & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Formely at the KI Society Formely Aikikai & Ki Society instructor

Hokkaido, Shodo Morita Japan 2003. USA Jerry R.Phelps USA? USA Rod Kobayashi Shizuo Imaizumi Koichi Tohei (1920-) -

Aikido Shinshin Toitsu 1974. (Aka. Ki Japan Society) Aikido -Takeda ? Aikido Tendokan (Tendo Ryu) 1972. Japan

Separated from Aikikai -

Kenji Shimizu 8 Dan from Ueshiba, one of Ueshiba's last students Kenji Tomiki (1900-1979) One of Ueshiba's first students + Judo -

Aikido -Tomiki Japan Ryu Aikido Ueshiba (Aikido) Yoseikan Aikido Yoshinkan (Aikido) Yoshokai Aiki Jitsu? Late 1940's Japan 1955. Japan USA -

Mochizuki Early student of Ueshiba + Judo/Karate/Katori Minoru (1907Shinto Ryu ) Gozo Shioda (1915-1994) Jim Morell Trained under Ueshiba from 1932. Was a 3. Dan in Judo before training Aikido -

Military Police Tactical System Aiki Kempo Aiki - Krav Maga Aiki Ryu Ju Jitsu Aiki Sword Ai Kwon Do Aio Ryu Ju Jutsu Aishin Kai Karate Do Mid 1990's. Israel USA Japan 2000. USA Ca. 1600. Japan Ami Niv Darel Chase Raymond A. Cole (1966-) Krav Maga/Aikido/Jiu Jitsu Karate/TKD/Kung Fu/Kickboxing/Jujitsu/Boxing/Grappling. Founder began training at age 10 Shinkage Ryu?

Australia? Karl Longly? Kamiizurai Norimoto?

Aiuchi Jiu Jitsu UK? Aizu Itto Ryu Japan

Ajukate Akatuj (Chuvashi Akatuj) Akayama Ryu Jujitsu Akiba-Ryu Akki (American Kenpo Karate International) Kempo


The name stands for "A"ikido/"J"do/"Ju"jutsu/"Ka"rate/AntiHorst Weiland "Te"rrorkampf. The founder also founded AntiTerrorkampf & All-Style-Do Karate. Alex Marshall Hachisuke Koroku Masakatsu This is an old native Martial Art A traditional Jujitsu system focusing on self defence. Current Soke: Mark Barlow -

Former USSR? Alabama, USA Aichi, Japan


Paul Mills

The founder is a 10. Dan and he was a long time student and protege of the founder of American Kenpo, Mr. Ed Parker.

Aku Na Shinto Italy Ryu Alakdan Kali

Renato Bosich (Filipino system)

2007. USA Bodhi

Chenevey Alam Sakti Hokkien Shao Lim She Aldabon Aldo Goshine Ju Jitsu All-Style-Do Karate Al-Nas Alpi Do Amaheng Osa American Aikido American Chi Kung 1950's. Fujian, Hiang Siauw China/Indo Gok nesia Germany 1400's. Korea USA USA Horst Weiland King Sejo (1414-1468) Tim Dupree Floyd K. Mims Sr. (Filipino system) The founder also founded Anti-Terrorkampf & Ajukate This is a phillipino syste, Was Koran Secret Inspectors. Extinct art. Chi Kung/Sil Lum/Choy Lay Fut/Wing Chun/Hung-gar. The founder also founded American Gung Fu -

Aloe Limalama -

American Chin USA Na American Comb. Aiki Jitsu USA

American USA Combat Karate American USA Combat Kempo American Freestyle Karate American Freestyle Karate 1974. USA

Gerry Knapton This is a mixed M.A. combining Karate/Kick & Robert Boxing/Kung-fu/Jujitsu/Aiki-Jitsu/Brazilian Liani ? Jujitsu/Kali Carter R. Hargrave Danny Mc Call Karate/Ju Jitsu/Kobujutsu -

1981. USA Dan Anderson Montezumza C. Cantu Founder also founded Chaeng Moo Kwan. 7 Dan Amer. Comb. Aiki Jitsu/7 Dan Hapkido/7 Dan

American Goju USA Kai

Nippon Okinawan Goju Kai American Goshin Ryu Karate USA Frazier Steve Crawford Rajah Francisco Ortega Jr. Walter J. Belleville? Current Grandmaster is Floyd K. Mins Sr., the founder of American Chi Kung (Filipino system) -

American Gung USA Fu American Huc USA Chung Kun Tao American Isshin Ryu American Jujitsu American Kali System American Karate American Karate System (American style) USA 1996. USA USA USA

1974. USA Ernest Lieb

American 1979. Karate System Germany (German style) American Kempo USA

Mike Sullenger Tom Dunne?

The founder introduced the American Karate System to Germany in 1979 Trained under W. Chow/Jujutsu/Shaolin 5 Animal

1956. Edmund American Hawaii/US Kealoha Kenpo (Karate) A Parker American Kenpo Bu Jutsu USA Karate American Kyokushinkai Karate America Okinawa Seishinryoku Tai Chi USA

Ron Bradbury Kenpo/Aikijutsu/Ju Sr. Jutsu/Boxing/Grappeling/Groundfighting Donald Buck 10 Dan Kyokushin?/9 Dan Zen Budokai/5 Dan Judo/Sifu in Hung Gar Kung Fu


Namechange from Dragon Tai Chi Kuen. The founder was also the founder Seishinryoku Do Paul C. Holley Jujutsu and the discontinued San Do Jutsu SilatTao

American Open USA Karate American Sambo American Shorinji Te Yamabushido American Shorei/Shorin Karatedo American Street Combat Survival American Tactical Goju American Tao USA

Jerry Piddington George Nobles? Kaiso Shawn Cephas Jerry Piddington? Joseph Hess Paul Hunter

American Shorin Karate Do 7 Dan Chikara Puma/5 Dan Wado Ryu. The founder is the son of the founder of Chikara Puma & the brother of the founder of Cephas Karate Jujitsu -



A Kung Fu inspired art Kamishin Ryu/Shorinji Toraken Ryu

American Teki USA Jitsu

American Tetsu Tommy Shin Ryu 1990. USA Seigler Kempo American Tiger Karate & USA Jujitsu Amsterdams vechten Holland Joseph B. Yerkes -

6 Dan Daito Ryu Aiki Jujitsu Unarmed fighting art. Extinct early 1900's?

Amanogawa Ryu (Self Defence)

2003. Denmark

Frank Bernhoej/Mart in RossenBased on self defence techniques + Ba Gua Jorgensen/Cla Zhang/Ashihara/Kenpo Karate/Iaido us Stovgaard/Joh n Lundgreen Dan Mc Eaddy This style was the Chinese equivalent of the Ninja, the Lin Kuei (forest demons) Based on Koga Ryu Ninjutsu This is an old native Martial Art

An Ch'i Angelic NinJitsu Ankoumara

China USA Georgia

AntiTerrorkampf Anti Violence Concept Anzawa Ryu Anzawa Ryu Ao Denkou Jitsu Arakaki Kobudo Araki Ryu (Araki Ryu Kogusoku) Arasaka-Te

Germany Germany Japan 1600's. Japan Ca. 1573. Japan -

Horst Weiland Araki Mujinsai Minamoto no Hidenawa Frank Williams Arima Motonobu

The founder also founded Ajukate & All-Style-Do Karate Modern Self Defence Anzawa Ryu is a Naginata system Founder was skilled in Yagyu Shinkage Ryu/Muso Jikiden Ryu/others. Araki Ryu is a unarmed and weapons system Boxing/Idai Ryu Aiki Jujutsu/Ninjitsu/Kenpo/Kali-Silat/Kickboxing and Jujutsu. Founder began training at 8 years of age. Also founder of Iday Ryu Aiki JuJitsu This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region Arima Shinto Ryu is a Kenjutsu system The founder was formerly a Dose Pares Asso. member. Filemon also studied western fencing/eskrima/judo/wrestling. Juan Abella, Antonio Alingasan, Concordio Encabo, Ramon Fernandez and Lauriano Sanchez also played a role in the beginning of the art. The style now exists in the Lapunti Arnis de Abanico (Filipino system)

Early ARC Ryu 1990's. Combat Karate USA Arima Ryu Arima Shinto Ryu Japan Japan

Arnis Cuentada Philippines -

Arnis de Abaniko

Felimon 1930's. Caburnay (Philippines 1991)

Arnis De Mano Philippines Arnis De Mano Serenes Style Arnis Fernandez Style Arnis Lanada USA? Philippines -

Nes Fernandez (Filipino system) Proferio Laada (Filipino system)

Arnis-Sikaran (Jornales system) Arnis Tulison

1980. USA Bong Jornales USA? Rufino Pambuan? Italian Medieval unarmed combat that included joint-locks/breaks/trapping/entering methods/striking/pressure-point attacks. A method of dagger combat which also included unarmed defense Asayama is a Kenjutsu/Iaijutsu/Kamajutsu/Bojutsu/Taijutsu system The founder was a Shihan in Kyokushin Karate util he split with the Kyokushinkai in 1979 This is an old native Martial Art The founder trained in Leung Ting's Wing Tsun

Arte dell'Abbracciar Middle e (Art of the ages. Italy Embrace) Late Arte della Daga middle ages? Italy Asakura Ichi Ryu Asayama Ichiden Ryu Ashihara Karate Asilki Japan Late 1500's. Japan 1980. Japan Asayama Ichidensai Shigetatsu Hideyuki Ashihara (1944-1995) Prof. Philip Chenique Nick Smart

Belorussia -

Asiyama Bando Askishamn Ryu Atemi Jitsu Atemi Kempo Katori Jutsu Atemi Ryu Ju Jitsu Autodefence USA England

Babao Arnis Bachi Ki Do Bach Mi (My) Phai Backhold Wrestling Philippines Narrie Babao 1980's? Germany 1960's? Vietnam Irland Ralf Bartzsch (1954-) Truong Le Tuyen Doce Pares/Villabrille Kali/Kuntaw/Karate Chin Wu + other Kung Fu styles/Judo/Karate This is a Vietnamse "version" of the Chinese Pak Mei (White Eyebrow) system This is a native Irish Wrestling style

Ba Duan Jin Qi Gong (Eight China Brocade Qigong) Bagua Quan (Pa Kua Chang/Baguazh 1600's? ang/Paqua China Chang)(EightDiagram Palm) Bagua Quan Cheng Chi China

Shaolin warrior monk

Stories has it that this art was created at Wutang Mountain Temple or at Mount Emei in Sichuan Province by Hae Chon Tong or Bi Yun and Jing Yun -

Bagua Quan Hebei, Dong Haichuan China Bagua Zhang Bagua Quan Fu Shi Baguazhang Bagua Quan Gao Bagua Zhang China 1920's. China

Gao Yisheng (1866-?)

Influenced by Hebei Hsing-I/Chuai Chiao/Cheng Bagua

Bagua Quan Jui Long Baguazhang (9 China Dragon Baguazhang) Bagua Quan Liang Bagua Quan Li Zhenqing Bagua Zhang China

1870's. Weijiaying Li Zhenqing , Hebei, (1830-1900), China

Bagua Quan Long Xing Baguazhang China (Dragon Shape Baguazhang) Bagua Quan Sheng Men Baguazhang (Breakable China

Gate Baguazhang) Bagua Quan Wu Dang Baguazhang Bagua Quan Yin Baguazhang Bagua Quan Yin-Yang Baguazhang Bagua Quan Yi Shi Baguazhang China -


Late Ming/Earl Tian Ruhong y Qing. China China -

This is Complete Dynamic Stick- and Blade-based Filipino Combat Art. The founder has trained Eskrima/Repikada-Pigada/Balintawak Eskrima/Tat Kun Tou/Bio-Olisi/Kali Ilustrisimo The founder was a woman The founder is a Master in/Black Belt in; Lung Chuan Fa/Shaolin Kempo/Goju Ryu/Kungar Kempo Shaolin -

Epifanio Bahad Zubu Philippines "Yuli" Romo Kali Ilustrisimo . 2000. (1949-) Bahala Na Baihe Quan (Fujian White Crane) Baile del Mani Bai Lung Chuan Fa Baixingquan Philippines Leo Giron Ca. 1700. Fujian, China Cuba? Haiti? Fang ChiNiang (Fan Qiang Liang) -

1990. Saint Colon Puerto Matos Rico, USA China Chen Tuan (Taoist name: Fuyaozi) (? 989)

Baiyuan Tongbei Quan China (Tongbei Quan) Ba Ji Quan (PaChi)(Baat Gihk Kuen)(Fist of Eight Eight Extremes) Bajawah Box Bajutsu

Before 1750?. Unknown Cangzhou, Travelling Hebei, Monk China India? Japan Mochizuki?

Wu Zhong from the Meng Village of Cangzhou in Hebei Province was the first successor Horseback Martial Art

Bakbakan Bak Fu Pai (White Tiger System) Bak Shaolin Ji (Northern Eagle Claw Kung Fu) Bak Shaolin Ji Ying Jow Pai (Northern Shaolin Eagle Claw) Bak Shaolin Shan Tung Ying Jow Bak Sing (Pei Hsing) Choy Lay Fut Bak Yong Kong Soo Do Ba Lien Balika Jujitsu Balintawak Cuentada Arnis/Escrima Balitawok Escrima Ba Men Chuan (Ba Men Quan) (Eight Doors Style/Fist of Eight Gates) Banchay (Banshay)

Philippines ? 1644. China Ca. 1150. China

(Filipino system)

Fung Doe Duk -

General Gnok Fei

Late 1970's. China?

Lung Chi Ma

Early 1900's? China

T'an San

Karate/TKD/Aikido/Pai Long Kung Fu Kim Ke was a student of Chin Hoa (Tay Son Nhan Kung Fu). Ba Lien taught the style only within his family and has not continued the style outside

1995. USA Chad Boxx Vietnam USA 1960's? Ba Lien

John McCurry This is a knife fighting system Split from Doce Pares

Venancio 1957. "Anciong" Visayan, Bacon (1912Philippines 1980) Philippines Bobby Taboada Wu Zhong (1712-1802)

Doce Pares + many others Wu Zhong trained Ba-Ji Quan under Lai Kou Yuan

Bama Letwhay Burma Before 1800. Northern China Burma

Bandesh Bando Bang Soo Do Ba Quan Baranta Baraqah Baratero Barilda Bartitsu

Burma Burma Korea China Ancient? Hungary Israel? Spain Mongolia 1890's. England

Bando is also called Thaing Knife-fighting method of the gypsies. Book of this art published in 1849 in Spanish. This is an old native Martial Art

Edward William The founder learned Jiu Jitsu (Shinden-Fudo Ryu) Barton-Wright in Japan + Boxing/Stick Fighting/Wrestling/Savate (1860-1951) Andrzej Bryl This is a system for special forces of army and police. BAS stands for Bryl Andrzej System. Founder studied TKD and Military Fighting Arts (Filipino system) Italian two handed stick fighting/fencing. Reference from ca. 1870 This is traditional Irish stickfighting using the Bata (Shillelagh), a walking stick (Filipino system) This is traditional French Stick Fighting, systematized in the 1800's. Originally from the Doce Pares Club

BAS-3 Baston Batangas Bastone a due mani Bataireacht Batanguena Serada

Poland Italy 1600's. Irland -

Baton Franais (French Stick Fighting) Batto Do Batuque Ba-Tze Kung Bayson China

Philippines The Wong Family B.D. Uy

Ba Zung Chuan Fa (Wong Gar/Wogg Jia Chuan) B.D. Uy -

Beifang Qi Taiji Zhang (Northern Energy Taiji Cane) Beikoku Bushikan Karate Jutsu

James Bouchard

This is Cane Master Bouchard's Taiji Cane

1980. USA

Dr. Larry Sanders

The style is based on techniques from Kenpo/Goju/Uechi/Kyokushinkai. The founder also founded Sessen Jutsu Aiki Ju Jutsu & Nei Wai Chia Kung Fu -

Bei Shaolin (Bak Sil China Lum)(Northern Shaolin) Beom Ryong Kwan Bermuda-Te (Bermuda Goju) Bersilat Bhakti Negara Bhartiya Yuddha Kala Pradhikaran Bilal Ryu Ju Jitsu Systems USA 1970? Bermuda 1400's. Malaysia

Scott Bolen

Skipper Trained under Peter Urban Ingham (1930) Huang Tuah An acrobatic style with lots of kicks A combination of several Silat systems and Japanese styles -

1955. Bali India USA Abdul Bilal Dang Thanh Truong( Nguyen Hue/Quang Trung) S. Srinavasan -

Late Binh Dinh (Vo 1700's. Binh Dinh) Central Vietnam Bino Ryu Binot Bio-Olisi Bi Sool Bizen-Ryu Black Arts India India Korea

This is a Indian wrestling style This is a long stick fighting method 5 Dan TKD/5 Dan Jujitsu/5 Dan Combat Kempo/5

Phillipines Okayama, Japan USA Michalik

Military Combat Black Dragon Escrima Black Dragon Kenpo Karate Black Eagle Eskrima Black Tigers Koga-Ryu Ninjutsu Blazing Phoenix System Of Martial Arts Boca y Lobo Bodoki-Ryu Ninjitsu Bohol Method Bojuka Ryu Bok Fu Pai Bokh Bok Mei Bokuden Ryu Bodoki-Ryu Ninjitsu Bokuden Ryu Bo Law Kung Fu Bongkat Pentjak Silat Bong Sool Victor Philippines Cagadas (1924-) USA Troy Burchett Carlos Navarro (1926-) -

Dan Hapkido/Judo + others Victor Cagadas renamed his family style from simply "Cagadas" (Cagadas Doce Pares) to Black Dragon Escrima Founder also the founder of Shin Su Do. Black Belt in two Karate Systems Based on Eskrima de Llave/Eskrima de Avanico


USA Philippines USA China Northern Mongolia China Japan America? Japan USA? Indonesia USA

Steven Soto Regino Ellustrismo Ishii Bokuya Angel M. Guerra -

Shaolin/Wing Chun/Hung Gar/TKD/Shotokan/Ninja Ryu/Tang Soo Do This is a filipino system (Filipino system) The system is not longer existing? This is an old native Martial Art Shinto Ryu Style based on Koga Ninjitsu. Founder holds Black Belt in six M.A. styles -

Bokator Khmer -

Bool Moo Do Booton Karate Do Kai Bothati

Korea USA India

Dennis Sammartino -

4 Dan Isshin Ryu Bothati is Horseback spear fighting Modern sport aspect of Savate. Charles Lecour incorporated "Le Boxe Anglaise" in the 1800's to the Savate. The system is inspired by ancient Egyptian boxing reconstituted from iconographic documents Founder trained JJ since 1973. Based on Jujutsu/Judo/Thaiboxing/Boxing/Wrestling Choy Lay Fut/ Five Animal/Northern Wushu/Tai Chi/Jeet Kune Do Martial art original from Nepal The founder began with Judo/Jujutsu/Wrestling as a teenager & Karate at 20 yrs. of age. Later also Kung Fu/TKD (Black Belt)/Kobudo/Shorin Ryu + others. Kirby studied the Seki family style under Jack Sanzo Seki. Kirby also studied with Harold Brosious in Ketsugo Jujutsu This is a Ju Jutsu system -

Boxe Francaise (Le Boxe France Francaise Savate) Boxing (Modern) Boxe des Pharaons Renovee Brandt Ju-jutsu Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Brazilian Kickboxing Bredan Fou Budo Do Jitsu Budokai Budokai Do Budokai Kempo Budokan Great Britain Congo 1993. Sweden Brazil Brazil/US A? 2006? Pakistan Germany USA Nepal 1966? Malaysia

Jean Samba Ulf Brandt Carlos Silva? Rizwan Hussain Klaus Romminger Shihan Reid Maha Guru Chew Choo Soot (19221997) George Kirby

Budoshin Ju Jitsu Bugeikan Bujin Bujindo


Okinawa/J apan? Sweden? Okinawa/T -

Jukempo Bujin Jujitsu Buki Jutsu Bukiwaza? Buko Ryu

aiwan? 1980's. USA USA Japan Howard Herman (1953) Dr. Kenneth Balliet Velin Hadjolov (1970-) See the Grandmaster Gallery for detailed info about the founder MA background. The founder also founded Toshido Karate & Chun Kun Kwan The founder is also the founder of Ryukyu Shorinji Te & Kyusho Ryu Karate Buko Ryu is a Naginata system (Silat system) Founder began training Free Style Wrestling in 1980 and Asiatic M.A. in 1987 and he has 2nd Dan in Shotokan & 2nd Dan in Full-Contact Means Buddhist MA, (one of the roots for Kuk Sool Won) This is a wrestling style This is an old native Martial Art Judo/Shorin Ryu Founder has: Goshin-Jitsu 3. Dan/Yoshin Ryu Jujitsu 1. Dan/TKD 4.Dan/Kempo Karate 4. Dan/Jujitsu 7. Dan/Kenpo-Jitsu 5th Dan/Jujitsu 8. Dan. Founder bagan training MA in 1978

Buk Sing Choy Lay Fut Bukti Negara Bulgarian Kempo Bulkyo Mu Sool (Sul) Bum Mo Bunbu Ichi Zendo Kai Bunchay Bunchay Bno Buryat Buhe Barlidean Bushidokan Bushido Kempo Bushido Ryu Bushidoshin Ryu Taijitsu Bushi Jujitsu Bushindo 2003? Bulgaria

A.D. 347?, Korea USA Burma Rick Black -

Philippines Philippines Mongolia Late 1960's. USA USA Canada? Jim Harrison Gary Dill Rick Greene (1953-)

1986. USA USA

Richard J. Van Founder has 12th Dan in Bujinkan

Donk (1950-)

Ninjutsu/Master in DeCuerdas Eskrima + Dan's in Aikido/Iaido/Iaijutsu/Battojutsu/Jujitsu/Aikijutsu/ Karate/Tae Kwon Do -

Bushindo Kai Karate Bushin Kenpo Kai Bushi Kempo JuJitsu Bushite Ryu Karate Do

2002. UK

Gun-ta Ryu Close Quarter Combat (6. Prof. David DAn)/Goshin Ryu Jujitsu (5. Dan)/Nihon Kenpo Wilson (1958(5. Dan)/Kenpo Kwai (5. Dan)/Aikido (3. ) DAn)/Kijitsu/Aikijitsu/Hapkido/Judo Sakhria Mourad Yoichi Nakachi (1998) 6 Dan Bushite Ryu/5 Dan Shin Kai Do/5 Dan Dong-Koo Yudo Kwan/4 Dan Karate/3 Dan Kaisendo Judo/Shin Pu Ren/Karate/Kung Fu

Tunisia Early 1960's. Japan/US A

Butokukan Butokutsuru Ryu Kenpojutsu (White Crane Kenpo) Butthan Buza (Tverian Buza) Byaku Ryu

2001. USA

Reginald Hoover

Kung Fu/Matsumura Seito Shorin Ryu

Banglades Dr. M. A. K. h Yuree Russia Japan -

Bando (5. Dan)/Vajramusti/Kalaripayat/Shaolin Kempo/Latthi Khela/Yoga This is an old native unarmed Martial Art This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Koga region

Cabeles Serrada Eskrima Cadena De Mano Caestus Cai Jia Quan (Fist of Cai Family) USA? Italy (Vincent?) (Filipino system) Angel Cabeles Billy Bryant Chin.Kempo/Shotokan/Hapkido/TKD/Hwa Rang Do/Shorin Ryu/Goju Kai/Chin Na/Jujitsu+others This is Roman Boxing -

Guangdon g, China

Cai Mo Quan Guangdon (Fist of Cai and g, China Mo) 1720's. Calinda/Calend Caribbean a (Trinidad) Campo UnoDos-Tres Eskrima Can-Ryu JiuJitsu Capoeira Abad Philippines 1960's. Canada Jose D. Caballero George Sylvain Jos Tadeu Carneiro Cardoso (Mestre Camisa) Africal slaves in Brazil Deraldo Ferreira

This is a stick fighting dance

(Filipino system) Sylvain was promoted in 2003 to 10th Dan in Jiu Jitsu


Capoeira Angola

15001800's?. Brazil

African Martial Arts. Capoeira Angola is Brazil's premier Capoeira style Started training Capoeira at age 14. Became a mestre in 1984.

Capoeira Atual Brazil Capoeira Brazil/US Camara Angola A Capoeira Regional (Luta 1930's. Regional Brazil Baiana) Capoeira Senzala Brazil

Manuel dos Reis Machado Mestre Bimba's improvement of Capoeira + (Mestre sweeps from the dance-fight Batuque Bimba) Prof. Tubaro Carla Ribeiro -

Capoeira Volta Brazil ao Mundo Cardio Capoeira Cardio Karaticise Brazil Early 1980's. USA

Castro Cocatre 1995. Selfdefence Sweden Catch (ascatch-can) England

Influenced by Cocatre Jutsu. Mr. Castro's ranks: 8 Ernesto Castro Dan Ju Jutsu, 7 dan Karate, 7 Dan Aikido, 2 Dan (1937-) Kobudo, 1 dan Knife fighting This is a wrestling style

Cephas Karate Jujitsu Chabee Chado Chaeng Moo Kwan Chaka Shaolin Kung Fu Chakibo Chakuriki

USA Korea USA 1971?. Holland

Jay Cephas Montezumza C. Cantu -

The founder is the son of the founder of Chikara Puma & the brother of the founder of American Shorinji Te Yamabushido Founder also founded American Goju Kai. 7 Dan Amer. Comb. Aiki Jitsu/7 Dan Hapkido/7 Dan Nippon Okinawan Goju Kai This is a Chinese-American Kickboxing styjle

Thom Harnick Karate/Boxing/Muai Thai -

Barbados, Chameleon Dr.Albert West Combat Karate W.Best Indies Chanbara (Sports Chanbara) Chang Bei Yuan (Gibbon style) Chang Bing Chang Chuan (Chang Quan)(Long Boxing-Long Fist) Japan

Tetsundo Chanbara is full contact fighting with foam Tanabe (1942- covered staffs, swords, tanto, yari & naginata and ) it is part of the Goshindo system -

Ca. A.D. 1000. Hua General Mountain Huang-Ti? Temple, China Chang Naizhou (1724-1783) -

This is a northern style

Chang Quan (Modern China (Contemporary) Wushu Style) Chanjia Quan (Chang Family China Chuan) Chan Kam Lee Gong-Fu Chan Shaolin Si -

This is the acrobatic modern (contemporary) Chinese Wushu style, derived from traditional styles -

Tang Cha Quan (Ch'a Dynasty Cha Yuanyi Ch'uan) (618-907). China Cha Quan - Li Style 1700's. Jining, Li Enju Shandong, China

Famous for its acrobatics and flying kicks. Cha Yuanyi trained with Hua Zongqi (Jiazi Quan, later known as Hua Quan) and Cha Quan and Hua Quan later become known as one style Devided from Cha Quan. A powerful, continuous and masculine style

Cha Quan Yang Style

1700's. Guanxian, Devided from Cha Quan. A upright, comfortable Yang Hongxiu Shandong, and graceful style China 1700's. Zhangyin, Guanxian, Zhang Qiwei Shandong, China Pre 1700's. France 1968. USA Kim Soo Chad Boxx Peter Ralston Devided from Cha Quan. A fast, agile and compact style

Cha Quan Zhang Style Chausson Marseillais (Marseillaise Fighting) Cha Yon Ryu

This is a high kicking & open hand art used as one of the foundation arts of Savate. Still practised. 6 Dan Hapkido/9 Dan TKD Sichin Ryu Shinobijutzu/Five Animal Shaolin Kung Fu

Cha Yon Ryu USA Tae Kwon Do? Chekak Bersilat Malaysia Cheng Hsin Chen Shinobi Jutzu Chen Tai Chen Wu Kuan Cheongkyumk wan Cheong Moo Kwan Cheon Ji Do Cheung Style Sport Kung Fu 1975

1940's. George Chen Japan/Chin Chiao a? USA 1970's. UK Korea? Korea Korea

Keith Klinman Ray Smith This style is a northern & southern kung fu blend of traditional kung fu & modern wushu

Sung Woo Lee -

1983. Anthony Founder began stud. Kenpo at age of 8. Later Baltimore, Arnett (1956-) Judo/Karate/White Crane KF/Jeet Kune Do. Began

USA Chiao-Ti (Swai China Chiao) Chia Pai Mo Chuan China Luis Oliver Willard A. Cephas Alastair Bourne Denis R. Decker (1997)

studying Wing Chun at 18 under GM William Cheung This is a very old grappling/throwing/wrestling system. 2500 years old? Trained under W. Chow/Mitose/M. Oyama/G. Yamagushi/A. Lee Chidaoba is a traditional Georgian Wrestling style The founder is the father of the founders of American Shorinji Te Yamabushido & Cephas Karate Jujitsu This is a Bo Jutsu system Based on Southern Tiger and Southern Praying Mantis Judo/Pai Lum Kung Fu/Goshin Jutsu/Shotokan/Kosho Shorei-Ryu Kempo/Arnis/Aikido/Kenjutsu/T'ai Chi Ch'an. The art have been know under other names since its creation; Chi Lin Tao/Chi Lin Pai/Chi Lin Chuan Fa The founder is a 10. Dan (2003) in Gung Fu

Chi-Chi Kempo USA Chidaoba Chigiriki Jutsu Chih Yu-Hsi Georgia Japan China

Chikara Kurabe Japan (Kumiuchi) Chikara Puma Chikubujima Ryu Chikujo Jutsu Ch'i Kune Jow Do USA Japan Japan New Zeeland

Chi Lin Kempo

1960's? USA

Chi Lin Kung Fu Chi Lung Tao (Way of the Spirit Dragon)


Sunyata Saraswati

Chinese USA American Goju Chinese American Kickboxing Chinese USA

Willian Louie Robert Shook Founder has Dan gradings in Kenpo, Jujitsu and

Dragon Kempo Chinese Goju USA Ronald Van Clief -

Hapkido. Student of American Goju Ryu pioneer Peter Urban -

Chinese Kempo USA Chinese Kenpo USA Karate Chinese Kuosho Ching Loong Wu (Golden Dragon Kung Fu) USA? Honan, China

Wu Sun Feng? -

This is a Internal Energy Art. The founder also founded O' Ki Ryu Jutsu and he is also the Soke of Motto Chi Te Ryu-ha Kempo Jutsu

Chinmoku Kaze Ryu Batto USA & Bujutsu Chin Na (Shaolin Chin Na) Chin Pao Ping Cheng Chuan Chinto Ryu Chi Ryu Aiki Jitsu Ca. 960. China China

Donald P. Jeffrey

General Yueh Founder trained by Shaolin monk Jao Tung. Fei (1103Founder also founded Ying Jao 1141) -

Japan/Oki nawa? Belgium

Jhonny The founder have high Dan's in Iaido, Kendo, Bernaschewic Karate, Aikido, Judo & Kobudo e (1950-) Current GM; Andreas Hoffman, Germany

Chi Sim Weng Chun (Siu Lam China Chi Sim Weng Chun Kuen) Chi Soo Te Jujitsu Chito Kan

TKD/Tang Soo Do/Okinawan ShorinProfessor Gary 1982. USA Ryu/Vietnamese Boxing/Chinese D. Jones Boxing/Kodenkan Jujitsu + more 1972. Canada Pierre Myre Shotokan/Chito Ryu

Chito Ryu Ch'o Chiao

Influenced by Shorei Ryu/Shorin Ryu. Chitose Dr. Tsuyoshi Okinawa/J began training at Aragaki when 7 years of age. Chitose (1898apan? Chitose had 6 Dan Judo, 4 Dan Kyodo & 4 Dan 1984) Kendo China This is a high kicking northern style

Choi Kwang Do Chong Kyong Kwan Choriro Kan Bushi Shindo Choson Do

1987. Korea Korea USA

Kwang Jo Choi Prof. Ed Brown Dave Franklin Chou Lung (Zhou Long) (1890-?) & his brothers Bil, Hip, Hoy & Tien -

GM Choi has a background in ITF TKD (8. Dan) Dan in Isshin Ryu/4 Arnis systems/Judo/Kuntao/Sikaran 9. Dan Cho Wa Ryu Ju Jitsu/8. Dan Daito Ryu Ju Jitsu/7. Dan Ju Jitsu & Karate & Judo The founder trained Hung Gar in 5 years followed by 7 years of Choy Gar. Stances of Hung Ga, handwork of Choy Ga & kicking from Buk Siu Lum Small Circle Ju Jitsu/Danzen Ryu Ju Jutsu/Kosho Ryu Kempo

Chosogabe Ryu Korea Cho Wa Ryu Ju Australia. Jitsu 1984 Chow Gar (Jow Ga/Zhou Jia)(Fist of Zhou Family) Chow Hoon Goshin Jitsu Chow Wuyi Dao Choy Gar Early 1900's Guangdon g,China USA England China

Founder have trained M.A's from the mid 1960's Dr. C. Gigante and has Black Belts in Judo/Karate/Jiu Jitsu + 2 MacBaine styles of Kung Fu Choy Gau Yee This is one of the five family styles of Southern China This is a southern style with strong northern influence. Named after the founder's teachers; Choy Fok & Li Yao Sun + Fut for its Shaolin roots Southern system. A combination of Choy Gar and Mok Gar -

Choy Li 1836. Chan Heung (Le/Lee/Lay) Guangdon Goon (1804Fut (Cai Li Fo) g?, China 1875) Choy Mok Christian Martial Arts Chuan Fa Kempo China USA Dan Grady Tony Blauer

Chuan Fa Tjimindie Kung USA? Fu Chuba (Shorin?) Ryu Chu Fun Do USA

Chu Gia (C'iu Gar) Chu Gar Chugoku Chujo Ryu Kenjutsu Chukoshika Chulukua Ryu Chum Kune Do Chung Do Kwan Chung Ho Tae Kwon Do Chung Hwah Kung Fu Hui Chung Kuo Chuan Chung Moo Kwan Martial Art System

China China Ca 1400. Japan Japan USA 1990. England 1941. Korea China

Chujo Nagahide Harley "Swiftdeer" Reagan

Chu Gia is a style composed of Hung Gar, Choy Gar & Wing Chun The art combines elements of traditional Native American techniques with jujitsu moves

Clifford Hyde- Karate/Kung Fu/Ju-jitsu/Kalari/Tae Kwon Gomes Do/Kickboxing Won Kuk Lee The founder studied Shotokan Karate with Gichin Funakoshi -

Kwan Jang Nim? Charles 1973. USA R. Cashmere Jr.? -

Chung Sim Do Korea Chung Suk Kuhapdo 1986. Korea

This is a Korean sword art based on Kuhapdo. The founder has for more than 45 years studied Lim Hyun Soo Hapkido/Kuhapdo/Tang Soo Do/Kumdo/Kuk Do. (1945-) Promoted to 9th Dan in Hapkido by Hapkido founder Choi Chun Ji Do (10. Dan)/Kempo (6. Dan)/Jujitsu (6. Dan)/TKD (4. Dan)/Hapkido (1. Dan)


1996. USA Robert Cutrell

Chun Kuhn Do USA? Chun Kuk Do Chun Kun Kwan USA

Bok Man Kim Bok Man Kim is a 10th Dan in Tae Kwon Do. He (1934-) started training MA (To-San) at the age of 7 Chuck Norris Tang Soo Do/Traditional Karate/Jujutsu See the Grandmaster Gallery for detailed info about the founder MA background. This is a TKD based form. The founder also founded Toshido

Howard 1995. USA Herman (1953)

Karate & Bujin Jujitsu Chun Li Kung Fu Chun Tu Do Chuojiao Fanzi Chuojiao Hao USA Beijing, China Travis Spoonamore This is a combination style of Chuqjiao and Fanzi Quan -

Shenyang, Hao Mingjiu China Late 1800's/earl y 1900's. Hu Fengsan Shenyang, China

Chuojiao Hu

Hu Fengsan learned Chuojiao from the Duans in Hebei Province

Song Chuo Jiao Quan Dynasty (Thrusted-in (960Feet/Feet 1279). Poking Chuan) China Cikalong Indonesia

Deng Liang

This is a nothrn style. Characterized by legattacking techniques (stamping, heel-kicking, entangling, pointing, juggling, treading and grinding) (Silat system) Sikaran + Judo/Jujitsu/Karate This is an old native Martial Art (Silat system) Trained as part of Maenpo Mande Muda

1965. Segi Cikaron Karate Philippines Tanaguchi & ? Art Skorka Cilnem Cipecut Silat Circle of One System Koga Ryu Ninjutsu Mongolia Early 1970's. Indonesia USA -

Felix Vazques Hector Rodriguez Nonoy Gallano Gunter Bauer Several

Circle of the Samurai Ninpo USA Jutsu Classical Combat Eskrima Kali Philippines

(Filipino system) Karate/Ju-Jitsu/Boxing/Thai

Close Quarter Combat System Cobra Defence England


Boxing/Kickboxing/TKD/Grappling/Wushu/Shaol in Kung-Fu/Aikido/Filipino stick fighting/Street defence/Kubotan End of 1950's. France Raymond Cocatre (1923- Savate/Muai Thai/Tai Jutsu/Boxing 1980) The name Cojuka means Combat/Judo/Karate/Arnis. This style is for combat only. This is a native Irish Wrestling style This is a military fighting art. The founder studied KyokSul/JuJutsu/Judo/Wing Chun + studied with SWAT & Spetznaz. (Filipino system) Founder former Kickboxing & Boxing World CH. This is a military fighting art incorporating elements of Brazilian JuJutsu This is a military fighting art used in 1942-45 Began training in 1965 Based on Kalaki Arcanis/Doce Pares/Aiki Jitsu/BAS-3/Boxing/Kickboxing. The founder also founded Juko Ryu Ju Jitsu Northern Shaolin/Chinese Kickboxing/Wing Chun/Drunken Monkey/White Dragon/Pakua/Hsing-I/Chi Kung. Kali/Jeet Kune Do/Muai Thai/Togakure Ryu Ninjutsu This is a military fighting art used from 1940 and

Cocatre Jutsu Cojuka (Comjukai) Collar-andElbow Wrestling Combat 56 Combat Arnis Combat Escrima Combat Eskrima Combatives FM 3-25-150 Combatives FM 21-150 Combat Ju Jutsu Ryu

Miguel J. Philippines Fernandez (1938-) Irland 1980. Poland USA? USA? Arkadiusz Kups Graciela Casillas V. A. Castro

1991. USA Matt Larsen 1942. USA Emil Farkas? Ulf Brandt Sr.? Jan Nycek (1964-) Dr. Rod Sacharnoski Brad Murphy Cliff Lenderman

Combat Ju Jitsu USA? Sweden?

Combat Kalaki 1998. Arcanis Poland Combat Kempo Combat Ki Combat Kung FU Combat Ninjutsu Combato USA USA USA

1940. USA Bill

Underwood Combat Stick Fighting Combat Survival Commando Krav Maga Combat Tae Kwon Do 1800's. Professeur Switzerlan Pierre Vigny d Israel Moni Aizik

until 1945. Mr. Underwood created Defendo in the 1950's. The founder is an 8th Dan in Israeli Martial Arts & 7 times National Champion in Judo & Jiu Jitsu. Co-founder of Krav Maga & an Israeli Counterterrorist Commado This is traditional italian axe-fighting Kodenkan JJ/Hako Ryu Kyoshi/Goshindo/Can Ryu/Small Circle JJ. The founder is 7. Dan i Jiu Jitsu -


Combattimento Calabria?, con l'Accetta o Italy la Scure Combined JiuJitsu Arts Comhrac Bas Comhraiceoir Bata Comjuk Kali 1970's. USA Ancient. Great Britain? 161700's?. Irland Bob Kranstz

Comhraiceoir Bata is an old Irish Stickfighting art (Filipino system)

Commando Kai USA Ninjutsu Complete Combat Coo Quan (Exercise Chuan), Coraiocht Coreum Cornada Eskrima/Kali Cornu Breton Corps Corps USA?

Billy D. Miller Bas Rutten/Darren Rutten of Pancrase/MMA combines it with the Levine/Amir Krav Maga of Levine & Perets Perets This is a native Irish wrestling style (Filipino system) This is a military fighting art

China Irland Japan Wales France

Corrinada Escrima Co-Vo-Dao


(Filipino system) -

CQDT American USA Realistic Karate Cuentada De Mano Method -

David Schultz CQDT = Close Quarter Defensive Tactics Arnulfo Cuesta (Filipino system) Shotokan/Wing Chun/Judo/Aikido/Tai Chi/Vovinam/Am. Boxing

Cuesta Eskrima USA Cujo Ryu Cumberland wrestling Cuong Nhu Karate Japan USA

1965 (1988?). Ngo Dong Vietnam/U SA?

Da Bei Quan China Takashi Azuma This is an internal art This is standard Korean Kumdo Developed from the basic of Xiao Hong Quan (Small-frame Red Boxing) This is a Kyokushin offspring. Founder is also a 3rd Dan in Judo Daehan Kumdo Korea Da Hong Quan (Large-frame China Red Boxing) Dai Daido Juku (Kakuto Karate 1981. International Japan Federation Daidojuku) Daiguka Kempo Kaisho Dai Ki Haku Dai Nihon Batto Dai Nippon Mid 1980's? Denmark Japan Japan

Shihan rum Horokava

The founder began training MA at 14 years of age and founded Dai Ki Haku at 23 years of age. The fouder is now 8. Dan -

Daito Ryu Kodokai Dai Nippon Daito Ryu Bujutsu Rengokai Dai Nippon Shuukukai Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu Daito Ryu Aikijutsu Daito Ryu Aikijutsu Kodokai Daito Ryu Aikijutsu Roppokai Daito Ryu Aikijutsu Sagawa Daito Ryu Aikijutsu Takumakai Daito Ryu Ju Jutsu Daito Ryu Rengo Kai Bujutsu? Dajiazi Quan (Big Frame Chuan ) Dambe Da Neisei Kempo Danse de Rue Japan Prof. Ichikawa & Dr. Hanmura -

Japan Ca. 1890. Japan

Sogaku Ono Ha Itto Ryu Kenjutsu + his family style Takeda (1859Aikijujutsu + other bujutsu arts 1943) Shinra Saburo Minamoto Yoshimitsu (1056-1127) Kodo Horikawa (1894-1980) Seigo Okamoto (1925-) -





Yuikiyoshi Sagawa (1902- ?) Takuma Hisa (1896-1980) -

Japan Japan -

China Nigeria 1994

Prof. Paul-

This is the traditional boxing of the Haoussas from the north of Nigeria -


Raymond Buitron III 1960's. USA Count Juan Raphael Dante Dante trained under Robert Trias and other (born John T. masters in the 1950's Keehan)(1939 -1975) Prof. Daniel Torres Seichiro "Henry" Okazaki (1890-1951) Mansour Najafi Li Family Yoshin Ryu/Iwaga Ryu/Chosogabe Ryu/Judo/Lomi/Kung Fu/Fillipino Martial Arts + others Kung Fu Toa + others Founder is a 7th Dan. System based on American & Dragon Kenpo (Filipino system) This is a military fighting art, developed from Combato (same founder) This is a military fighting art used from 1920-45, during WWII

Dan Te

Dan Tor Ryu Jujitsu


Danzan Ryu Jujitsu 1929. (Kodenkan Hawaii Danzan Ryu Jiu Jitsu) Danzen Ryu Jujutsu Dao Ju Kung Fu Daoqiquan Dao Yin Qi Gong Dark Dragon Kenpo Da Sheng Davis Jiu Jitsu System Dayan Qigong Dean Moo Kwan De Cadena Deceurdas Eskrima De Cuertdas Escrima Defendo Defendu Iran China -

1996. USA Tim Allen China USA China Alabama, USA USA Philippines 1945. USA 1920. USA Billy Davis Gene Dean Richard van Donk Gilbert Tenio (1918-1994) Bill Underwood William Fairbairn &

Eric Sykes Defensor Method De Fondo Escrima Delima Den Bushi Jutsu Kyokai Dentoteki Kyokushinkai Dequertes Derobio Escrima Desy Ryu Ju Jitsu Deutscher JuJutsu Verband Devonshire style wrestling DiamondBack Eskrima Dian Xue Diaojia Quan Digong Fanzi Quan (Ground Stroke Tumbling Chuan) Digong Lohan Quan Nate Defensor Serrada/Pekiti Tirsia/Villabrille/Muai Thai/Boxing/Pantjak Silat/Largo (Filipino system) A Silat style that that uses open hands/leaps/dodging/legsweeps/kicks

Philippines Leo M. Giron East Java Puerto Rico USA Hawaii USA Germany Great Britain New Zeeland? China -

Robert Rosado (Kyokushinkai offspring) (Filipino system)

Braulio Tomada Pedoy (Filipino system) (1900 - 1993) Jose Sierra ? Greg Henderson? Germany's largest Ju Jutsu orginazation, which is no particular style A old wrestling style that included kicking (Filipino system) This is a southern style


This art combines Digong Quan and Fanzi Quan


Unarmed figting art This is the old style of empty hands vs edged

Digong Quan (Ground Stroke China Chuan) Dioula Disarmato Senegal, Africa 1400's.

Contro Armi da Italy Punta e Taglio o da Botta Di Tang Quan (Ground Tumbling Chuan/Ground Skill Chuan) Di Tang Quan (Modern) (Ground Tumbling Chuan/Ground Skill Chuan) Southern Song Dynasty (11291279). Shandong, China Modern times. China

weapons, adopted in 1928-43 by the Italian army

This is the extinct acrobatic style that includes tumbling, falling, rolling and looping

This is the "re-invented" acrobatic style that includes tumbling, falling, rolling and looping

Dit Ngau Tong Long Pai (IronChina Ox Praying Mantis) Ditokan Ditso 1970's. Indonesia

Frans Teintang The style is a offspring of Shotokan -

Phillipines -

Doblete Rapelon (AKA Mena Philippines Patricio Mena Mena studied 13 styles of Arnis Style/Mena Arnis) Tirsio, Silvestri, 1932. Rufino, Philippines Canete, L&T. Saavedras Eric "Top Dog" Knaus/Marc 1988. USA "Crafty Dog" Denny/Arlan "Salty Dog" Sanford 2000. Sweden Pavel Antonsson

Doce Pares

(Filipino system)

Dog Brothers Martial Arts

Based on Inosanto Blend/Pektiti Tirsia/Lameco/Brazilian Jiu Jitsu/Krabi Krabong

Dokan Ryu Ju Jutsu

The Founder was promoted to 5. Dan Ju Jutsu in April 2006 and to Renshi in October 2005 by the

Swedish Taijutsu/Jujutsu Federation. Dokan Ryu are influenced by various Ju Jutsu styles + Judo/TKD. Founder began training MA in 1981 Dolchfechten Do Maa Kung Fu Middle ages? Germany A specific method of dagger combat Double stick fighting practiced by Nguni herdboys. In recent years attempts to develope this stick fighting to a regular sport have been done Hung Kuen/Hop Gar + others 8 Dan in TKD & Hapkido/Others This is an old native Martial Art Wrestling system (Filipino system) -

Madadeni, Donga (Nguni Natal, Nguni tribe Stick Fighting) South Africa Dong-Koo Yudo Kwan Dong Yi Taekkyun South Korea Kang, Dong Koo

Pyeongand o, North Korea Chan Dau Edward Downs Ed Hutchison Chae T. Goh Okinawa

Do Pi Kung Fu china Doshinkan Downs Training System Dragon Kenpo Dragon Moo Do Drespta Duan Bing Kung Fu Duan Quan (Short Range Chuan) Dumog Dumugan Durga? Durewall Dotokushin Kai FL, USA USA 197?. Korea/US A? Moldovia China Philippies

Isao Ichikawa -

Philippines ? India Sweden -

Kurt Durewall 1. Dan Ju Jutsu 1959

System Ju Jutsu

EBMAS (Emin Boztepe USA Combat Martial Arts System) Echizen-Ryu Emin Boztepe Founder former Wing Tsun & Escrima instructor at Leung Ting's Wing Tsun Org. This Ryu was founded by Iga-Ninjas, who flew from Oda Nobunaga -

Echizen (Toyama), Japan -

Eco Do Kempo Karate EdgeCombat Fitness Eizan Ryu Ju Jutsu Eishin Ryu Iaido El Cuchillo Emei Xiaoyao (Shaolin Emei Xiaoyao) Emmei Ryu Kenjutsu Enbukan Enshin Kaikan Karate En Shin Ryu Jiu Jitsu Enshudo JyuJitsu En Kruzada Israel USA?

The founder is an instructor of Elite Israeli Special Lt.Moni Aizik Forces & Commando Units of Counter terroristism. Felix W. Berrius -

Japan Mexico

Hasegawa Chikaranosuke Eishin (Hidenobu) Kenshensai Machida Joko Ninomiya This style is known in Vietnam as Nga Mi Phai This is a Kyokushin offspring Mr. Yamaue has also founded Yamaue Aiki Jutsu, Nord Shaolin Kung Fu & Kei Wa Ryu Founder began training Boxing in 1946, later Kendo/Ju Jitsu/Kico Boxing/Kenpo/Small Circle Ju Jitsu/Aikido (Filipino system)

E-mei Shan Pai China China Japan Japan 1988. USA

Jimmy Keido Denmark? Yamaue (1946-) 1987. USA Louis L. Desmarais -

E'quan Erh-Lang Men Escribo Escrido Escrima Concepts Systems Escrima

China China

(Filipino system) (Filipino system) Filipino & Western Weapon Systems (Filipino system)

Philippines Philippines Europe Steve Tappin & Stephen Kinvig

Philippines Jack Santos

Filemon Escrima De San "Momoy" Founder is the brother of Cirisao Caete, founder Philippines Miguel Canete (1904- of Eskrido 1995) Escrima Kun Tao Silat Eskrido (Escrido Doce Pares) Eskrima Eskrima de Avanico Eskrima de Llave Eskrima KunTao Silat Esoma Kung Fu 1960's?. USA John Lacoste -

Doce Pares/Jiu Jitsu/Boxing/Kodokan Judo/Free Cirisao Style Wrestling/Shorin Karate/Aikido. Founder is Philippines "Cacoy" the brother of Felimon Caete, founder of Escrima Caete (1919-) De San Miguel Felicisimo Philippines Dizon (18961984) Philippines Philippines 1960's? USA John LaCoste (Filipino system) (Filipino system) (Filipino system) (Filipino system) Founder began studying Go Shin Do Karate in 1963/Lee Family Kung Fu 1966/Black Sash 1972/later other styles. (Filipino system) (Filipino system)

1985. USA Joe Martin

Espada y Daga Philippines Estogue Estokado Kali Estrella Estrella Vertical Philippines Mauricio Philippines Fabia (18761961) Philippines -

(Dan?) Rutano (Filipino system) (Filipino system) (Filipino system)

Etalonio Evala Excalibur System

Italy Africa

This is an art with submission holds,throws, weapons and blows (Filipino system)

Philippines -

Faan Tzi Ying Yow Pai (Ying Zhao Fan Zi Men?)(Norther n Eagle Claw) Fai Gur Fa Jing Chuan Fang Shen Do Kung-Fu Fan Zhi Quan (Reverse Son Fist) Fan Zhu Quan Fan Zi Quan (Tumbling Chuan) Ming Dynasty (13681644). China Lai Chin (Li Chuen?) Based on Ying Kuen & the "108 fighting techniques" Influenced by Phor Kune Kung Fu, Monkey Style, Tai Chi Chuan and Wing Chun. This is the old fighting style of the Chinese minority Fan people

1977. USA Peter Ramsey China 1979. Canada China (770-476 B. C.) China China Jacques Patenaude -

Yue Fei a.ka.a. This is a northern style, first known as Ba Shan Wu Mu)? Fan (Eight Flash Chuan) This is a blend of Modern Arnis/Inosanto Howard F. Kali/Doce Pares/Kalis Illistrisimo/JKD-JKDU Bifson/Johnale concepts/Aikido/Ki Healing Concepts/Aiki Jitsuen K. Castro Military Police Tactical System/Combat Eskrima. Feng Shu is a Kung Fu style

F.A.T.E. Filipino Martial Arts Feng Shu/Shou (Hand of The China? Wind) (Yuen Feng Shu?) Fei Lung Fu Mun (Flying Dragon/Tiger Gate System) Fianna China Ancient. Great


Fianna is a old Celtic wrestling

Britain? Fighting Wolverine Kung Fu USA Walter E Thagard Lucky LucayLucay Ray Dionaldo The founder is a 9th Dan in San Do Jutsu Silat-Tao & a 4th Dan in Okinawa Seishinryoku Karate Do (Filipino system) Dionaldo is a student of TaTang Bo Sayoc & Remy Presas This is an Escrima system that also incorporates the old italian art of Etalonio (Filipino system) This style originated in the San Song Mountain Shaolin Temple This is a southern style Jun Fan/JKD/Savate/Muai Thai/Judo/Aikido/Ju Jitsu/Sambo -

Filipino Boxing USA? Filipino Combat Systems Fiorete Sungkete Eskrima Five Pattern Hung Kuen Florette Fohan Quan (Fuhan Shou) Fojia Quan (Buddhist Boxing) Fokos Fong Ngan (Phoenix Eye Fist) Fong Yang (Beggar art) Foo Joon Lin Kuei Four Range Fighting System Fraile USA?

Italy USA? 1854. Henan, China China Hungary China Fukien, China USA?

Albadon Tian Kui Zao

Denmark? Philippines -

Free Style/Ultimate Self Defence (Spread Eagle) Freestyle wrestling -

Fudo Ryu Fudo Shin JuJitsu (Ju-Jitsu Guyana) Fudoshin Ryu Fu Jia Quan (Fu Family Fist) Fuji Ryu Taijutsu Fujita Ryu Fujiwara Ryu Fu Jow Pai (Tiger Claw system) Fuki-Bari Fukii Ryu Fukono Ryu

Japan Early 1980's. Guyana Japan China Japan? Japan Japan China Japan Japan -

Romadeo Narine -

Founder started training MA at the age of 12 and got his 1st Dan in 1972. Promoted to 9. Dan in 1990 & 10. Dan in 1999. Vee Ju-Jitsu/Several Styles of Karate/Shotokan/Judo/Aikido/KungFu/Koga Ryu Ninjitsu/Gurka Fighting Arts -

Fujihito Koga? Wong Bil Hong? This is an ancient Ninjutsu art The original name for this Kung Fu style was Hark Fu Moon (Black Tiger System) This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region

Fukono Fukono Ryu is a Ju Jutsu & Kenjutsu system Shichiroemon Nojirijiro Jirouemon Naramisa Kwong Chi Chung Founder studied with Buhddist wandering monks in his childhood, later many other styles. Has studied with Yin Man, Chan Pui, Lam Jo, Lee Fang Fung This Ryu specialized on guerilla war

Shimano, Fukushima-Ryu Japan Fu Long Siu Choy Li Fut Fuma-Ryu 1953. China

Kanagawa, Fuma Kotaro Japan

Furuya Ryu Northern Jujitsu/Kobujits Japan u Fusen Ryu 1800's. Japan

Furuya family Takeda Motsuge -

1982. Fu-Shih Kenpo Spain

The founder has 8. Dan in Kosho Ryu + American Ral Gutirrez Kenpo/TKD/Kung Fu/Judo/Boksing. Began Lopez (1950-) training M.A. in 1967

Fusho Satori Ryu Fut Ga Kin

USA China

Bruce D. Calkins Leung Tien Chiu

Developed using techinques from the five great Masters of the Shaolin Temple; Lau, Lee, Mok, Hung, & Choy -

Fut Gar Kuen (Sil Lum Fut 1700's? Ga China Kuen)(Buddhist Fist Boxing) Futoukai Karate Fut Shan Bak Mei -

Gai Ban Kung Fu LeRoy W. Epperson Johan Pettersson (1970-) Sasaki Kojiro Gat Puno Abon "Garimot" Baet The founder bagan training in 1977 and is current a 8th Dan. The art is a combination Of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu/Japanese Jujitsu/Judo/Korean Yudo/American Free-Style Wrestling Several Jujutsu systems/Kenpo Kwai/Kobujutsu/Iaido/Close Quarter Combat Specializing in the use of No-Dachi, a very long sword Gaijin Ryu JiuUSA Jitsu Gake Ryu Jujutsu Galih Pakuan Silat Gan Ryu Kenjutsu Garimot Arnis 1998. Sweden Ca. 1600. Japan 1989. Florida, USA

1960's? Gilberto Garyu Rico Do Puerto Rodriguez Karate Rico, USA Diaz (1943-) Gassan Ryu Gatka (Gadka) Gaven Ryu Ju Jitsu 1800's Punjab, India South Africa The Sikhpeople Chaz Gaven

Gassan Ryu is a Naginata system This is weapons-based art (sword/stick/chain/rope/whip/chakram/chakar) Kito Ryu Ju Jutsu/Judo

Geido Kai Karate Do Geijin Ryu Gekigan-Jutsu Geki Ryu Aiki Jujutsu Genbukan Ninpo Goshin Jutsu Genkatsu Genkido Kai (Sougo Budo Genkido-Kai) Genki-do Kempo Karate Genki Ryu Gensei Ryu Genshin Ryu Genwakai German Arnis

Australia USA? Japan UK

S. Morelli Robert Law Trevor Robinson Shoto Tanemura M. Heidari

This is a modern Ninjutsu system The founder has studied Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu/Systema/Boxing/Shukokai/Judo/Aikido/A ki-jutsu/Sambo Tanemura was one of the highest ranking Masters in Bujinkan before he founded Genbukan, which takes a strictly traditional approach to ninjutsu training. Hybrid system based on Karate, Aikido, Ju Jutsu, Kobudo and more

1984. Japan Japan Japan

1997. Canada

Moo Kempo Karate/Shotokan/Kyokushinkai + Glenn Ellis later many other systems. Founder 1st Dan in Kwan (1947-) 1974. Founder has 8th Dan in his brothers system; Kempo Sho-Kai Karate. 1st Dan in 1987 + studied Aikido/Chen Tai Chi/Hayabusai Karate Shuri-te Aikido/Chin-Na/Jujitsu/Ninjutsu/Pa-Kua/Penchak Silat/Wing Chun Arnis Presas Style

1993. USA Felix Revette Early 1950's. Japan? USA 1950's. Japan Germany Seiken Shukumine Christian Whitney Group of Gensei Ryu Karateka's Dieter Knuettel The "Deutsches DanKollegium" organization Redfeather family?

German Ju Jutsu Ghostdog System (Apache Warrior Arts)



System's head is Mescalero Apache Robert Redfeather

GiCheon Gikan Ryu Koppojutsu Giocco Stretto Giron System of Escrima (Giron Escrima) Glima Godoryu Aiki Jujutsu/Aikido Gohaku Kai Go Houn Dim Hsueh Chi Kung Karate Goju Bunkai Goju Ch'uan Fa Gojudo Moderno GoJu Jitsu Goju Kai Goju Kempo Goju Kempo Goju Ryu Goju Ryu -Dai Ni

Korea 1500's. Japan

Sonyu Hangan (one of the arts under Bujinkan Budo Dojo) Gikanbo

Middle Fiore dei Close-combat with longsword ages? Italy Liberi + others Philippines Giron Before AD 1000. The Vikings Scandinavi a (Filipino system)

This is a survived Viking wrestling style

Okinawa/J apan? Okinawa USA?? Great Britain? 1977. Italy USA 1950. TokyoJapan 1950 Puerto Rico 1928. Okinawa Okinawa Chogan Ku George Keriopolous? Alan Platt?

Giuseppe di Founder has 10th Dan in Goju Ryu and 9th Dan in Garbo (1953-) Goju USA Steven Malanoski Gogen Yamagushi Prof. Giovani Acevedo Trained under Peter Urban, and the art was recognized by Urban. -

Chojun Naha-te under Higashionna Kanry (1853-1916) + Miyagi (1888Chinese MA's 1953) Tukerii (Tsukii Shorin/Naha-te/Shuri-te

(Tsubu?) Taizo) (18931985) Goju Ryu Jinbukan Goju Ryu Jundokan Goju Ryu Kanzen Goju Ryu Meibukan Goju Ryu Nisei Goju Ryu Okamura Te Goju Ryu Okinawan Goju Ryu Saito Ha Goju Ryu Sansei (Sansei Goju Ryu) Goju Ryu Seiwa Kai Goju Ryu Shinjinkan Goju Ryu Shobukan Goju Ryu Shorei Kan Goju Ryu Yamaguchi Goju Ryu USA Goju Ryu -US Army Japan Japan 1974. USA Miyazato Eiichi (19382000) Harry Rosenstein Under Chojun Miagi -

1957(63?). Meitoku Yagi NahaBegan training under Miyagi in 1926 (1912-) Okinawa? 1967. USA Frank Ruiz Japan 1979. USA Singapore Japan? Japan? Okinawa Ichidaime Soshisha Manny Saavedra Jr. Alvin Tan Oon Lye Seikichi Toguchi (1917-1998) A student of American Goju Ryu pioneer Peter Urban Saavedra trained under GM Urban. One of Chojun Miyagi's senior students -

Goju Ryu Yuishinkan

Dave McNeill Robert B. Sullivan

This is a weapon system which includes Cane, Knife & Fan Kun Tao/Balintawak. The art changed name in Millan's older day from Tat Kun Tao to Gokusa Chinese Kempo/American Kenpo Pal Kwang Ryu Yu Sul/Judo/Hapkido/Kick Boxing/Kyuk Tu Gi/Geumdo/TKD/Kyuktoogi/Teuk Gong Moo SulTaekkyon -

Goju Shin Jitsu Ryu Goju Shorei Goju Shorin Go Kan Ryu Karate USA Australia

Gokusa (Tat Kun Tao Kung Philippines Jose Millan Fu) Golden Dragon USA Ryu Ju Jitsu Golden Lion Kempo USA D.E.A. Wrobel? David Sadao Nishimoto Gang Jun (1969-) Glen Wilson? Prof. Amin Hassan -

Gong Kwon Yu 1996/98. Sul Korea Gong Soo Do Gong Yuen Chuan Fa Pai Lum Tao Go Sei Ryu Goju Goshin Budo Goshindo USA? USA 1971? Japan

Tetsundo This is a sword-art that includes Sword Drawing Tanabe (1942- (Iaido)/Test-Cutting (Tameshigiri)/Combatives ) (Kenjutsu/Kendo/Chanbara)

Goshin Do Goshindo Ju Jutsu Goshindo Kempo Karate

Shyogo Motobu Ha Shito 1984. USA Kuniba (1935Ryu/Iaido/Jodo/Judo/Aikido/Kobudo 1992) Sweden? Wrestling/Boxing/Thaiboxing/Judo

Pete Siringano 1966. USA Sr. (1924Began MA training at the age of 13. Nidan in 1946 1994)

Goshindo Miura Ryu Goshindo Ryu Goshindo Tai Ki Ryu Goshin Jitsu Goshin Jitsu Go Shin Jitsu Kai Kempo Karate Goshin Jitsu Kempo Goshin Jutsu Goshin Jutsu Kyo Jujo

1587. Japan 2004. Spain 1980. Denmark USA

Miura Yoshitatsu Joaquim Villalta Kurt Juul Nielsen At the University of Illinois

Based on the old Kumiuchi, hand-to-hand combat This art derivated from Goshindo Ryu & different Jiu Jitsu Styles. The founder has 6. Dan Techniques from Judo/Ju-Jitsu/Karate/Aikido. The founder is a 6. Dan Karate/Boxing/Judo/Ju Jitsu/Aikido/Wrestling

Hawaii/US William Quon Trained under W. Chow A Chau Chun USA Germany USA? John Martini 6. Dan Shotokan/7. Dan Ryukyu Kempo

Hermann The founder began training MA in 1957 and he got Harms (1950-) his 1. Dan in 1971. Willem Reeders? Nihat Yigit Gholamreza Gholami (1957-) The founder is also the founder of Hanshi Ryu Karate. Background: Tactical Combat Arts/Shotokan/Goju-Kempo/Tae Kwon Do/Judo/Gojuryu/Kobu do/Goshindo./Jujitsu/M.A.S.T.E.R. System/Shito ryu/Toh Bu Ha Shi Toh Ryu Judo/Kung Fu -

Goshin Kai JuJitsu GoshinkaikanSayokan Goshin Kan Turkey -

Goshin Karate


Goshin MiuraRyu Bugei Go Shin Ryu Jitsu Goshin Ryu Aikijujutsu Goshin Ryu Ju Jitsu

1984. Sweden USA? USA?

Claes Bjurestig -

Goshin Ryu Kempo Goshin Ryu Karate Goshin Taihojustsu

1996. Sweden -

Jrgen Jrgensen Fredrick J. Loveret -

Jujutsu/Kung Fu/Karate Had trained in the family art This is a wrestling style

Goshu Bujutsu Kai Goseki Ryu Aiki Heiho Go So Kempo Gosoku Ryu Gotente Go-Ti USA Great Britain?

USA/Japa Tak Kubota n 1600's. Okinawa China? Sho Koshin -

Goto Ha Yagyu Japan Shingan Ryu Gouren (Celtic France Wrestling) Gou Xin Quan (Dog Style/Southern Shaolin Dog Fist) Gow-Ren-Lu Kempo Goya Ra Ru Gracie Jiu Jitsu Greco-Roman Wrestling Green Dragon Fighting Style Greenoch Griffin Ryu Kenpo Fujian, China

UK 1925. Brazil 1860. France Scotland -

Ron Carlson Carlos & Helio Gracie -

Learned Tenjin Shinyo Ryu Ju Jutsu and Judo from Mitsuyo Maeda Unarmed fighting art -

Gsyiam Arnis Gui Bei Miao Quan Gu Lang Do Gulat Banjang Gu Lau Wing Chun Gulesh (Azeri Gulesh) Gu Long Dao Gung-Li

19??. China 1997. Canada Indonesia , Guang Dong, China Former USSR? Germany China

Liang Wai Ling Rmi Labrche Leung Jan -

(Filipino system) The founder combined Miao Quan with Hung Quan & Hou Quan Wrestling system Studied under Wong Wah-Bo & Leung Yee-Ti, 2nd generation Wing Chun practioners This is an old native Martial Art

Alfred Gehlen Founder is 8. Dan - Close Combat Specialist This is an old native Martial Art This is an old native Martial Art -

Gung Lik Kuen China Gungsul Gun-Men Gun Modo Gun-ta Ryu Close Quarter Combat Gurassau Gurech Guryong Mu Sool Kwan (9 dragon Martial Arts) Gushti Gyokko Ryu Koshijutsu

Koryo Dyn. (9181392). Korea China Korea UK? Former USSR? Turkey? Ancient. Korea Ancient. India Japan Kang Eung Sun? -

Hakkunsai Tuzawa Sasaki Gorozaemon (Sasaki

This is an old native wrestling art (one of the arts under Bujinkan Budo Dojo) (one of the arts under Bujinkan Budo Dojo)

Gyokushin Ryu Japan Ninjutsu

Okormon Akirari?) Gyung Dang (Ancient) Gyung Dang (Kyungdang)( Modern) Before year 0. Korea 1989. Korea Lim Dong Gyu (1938-) Consists of 24 military martial arts based on the old Korean Military Handbook Muye Tobo T'ongji This is a recreation of the old style, based on the old Korean Military Handbook Muye Tobo T'ongji

Haak Lung Chuan Fa Hachiman Hikime Ryu (Yawata Hikime Ryu) Haedong Kumdo Haganah Hagibis Haguro-Ryu Haidong Gumdo USA Arthur H. Gitlan -



Traditional Korean Sword Art 5 Dan American Karate (Joe Lewis)/4 Dan Hisardut/1st Degree Krav Maga/Muai Thai/Brazilian Jiu Jutsu/Israeli Combat This is a Filipino grappling art This system was developed by Yamabushi (Shugenja) from the Haguro-mountains This is a modified style of standard kumdo -

Israel/USA Mike Lee ? Kanarek Philippines Yamagata, Japan Korea -

Hai San Kung Fu (Shaolin Hai San Kung Fu) Haitian Machete Fencing Haka Ryu Hak Fu Pai Haiti Honan Temple, China

This is a southern system

Hakka Quan/Kuen (Ke China Jia Quan)

This is a southern style

Hakko Denshin USA Ryu Ju Jutsu ? Hakko Ryu Ju Jutsu Hakoko Hako Ryu Kyoshi Hakuda Hakutsuryu Ju Jitsu Han Bai Kung fu (White Crane) Hanbe Ryu Handen Ryu Han Guk Mu Sool Hanguldo Hankido Han Kuk Mu Ki Do Hankumdo HanManDo Kung Fu Han Moo Do 1941. Japan Hawaii Early 1600's. Japan 1983. USA Early 1900's. Vietnam Japan Japan -

Michael J. LaMonica? Ryuho (Yoshji) Okuyama (1901-1987) Akiyama Shirobei Yoshitoki James R. Gaines Le Bai (Han Bai) (18891928) -

LaMonica began training M. A. in the late 1950's and Hakko Ryu in the 1960's Founder studied Daito Ryu + other Jujutsu styles/Kenjutsu/Sojutsu/Jojutsu/Kyujutsu/Shuriken jutsu Hakuda's Chinese name is Baida. Yoshitoki had learned MA while studying medicine in China Adapted from the Southern Shaolin style This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region TKD/Hapkido/Hankido. Hanguldo is a MA system using sword/polo/staff/baton/open hands. The founder also founded Hankumdo This is a traditional Korean weapons systems The founder also founded Hankido Wushu/wing Chun/Krabi Krabong The founder is a 8th Dan -

The Myung-Soo Netherland Seo s? 198? Korea 199? Norway? Myung Jae Nam Jae Nam Myeong Young Suk -

Han Moo Kwan Korea Han Mu Do Han Mu Do 1989. Korea Finland?

Yudo/Bi Sool/Hapkido/TKD/Kuk Sool/Tae Kimm HeKyun/Kum Do/Ship Phal Ki/Zen. Founder began Young (1940-) training Yudo & Bi Sool in 1953 TKD/Hapkido

Han Pul


Jeon Yoon Kim (1937-) Gholamreza Gholami (1957-) (He-Young Kimm?) -

Founder studied Taek Kyon/So Rim Mu Sul/Ju Jutsu The founder is also the founder of Goshin Karate. Background: Tactical Combat Arts/Shotokan/Goju-Kempo/Tae Kwon Do/Judo/Gojuryu/Kobu do/Goshindo./Jujitsu/M.A.S.T.E.R. System/Shito ryu/Toh Bu Ha Shi Toh Ryu This is Korean Tai Chi -

Hanshi Ryu Karate Do


Han Tae Keuk Hao Peng Han Xing Hapkido Hapkido (Bum Mo Kwan)

Korea China 1939/40. Korea 1968. Korea

Yung Sul Choi (Yong/Young Traditional Korean Martial Arts (Tae Sool/Sul Choi) Kyon/Bulkyo Mu Sul) + Takeda Ryu Aiki Ju Jutsu (1904-1986) Yun Sik Kim Marcos V. de Lima Founder was a former student of Ji, Han Jae and Yong Sul Choi Free Style Hapkido

2003. Hapkido (Chaiu Brazil Do Kwan) (Porto Alegre) Hapkido (Cheong Kyum Korea Kwan) Hapkido (Chon Tu Kwan) Hapkido (Chung Do Mu Sool Won) Hapkido (Combat) USA

Sung Woo Lee John Pellegrini Jino Kang? Byung Il Lee 7 Dan Hapkido/6 Dan WTF TKD/Dan in Judo & Karate Former Hook Choo Kwan Master

Hapkido USA? (Contemporary) Hapkido (Dong Bang Mu Sool) Hapkido (Duk Moo) Hapkido 1994.

(Furacao) Hapkido (Han Min Jok) Hapkido (Han Moo Kwan)

Brazil (Joiville) Korea Jae Ok Myung? Jak Ok Myung Serge Peter Baubil Kwon, Oh Suk? Pedro Rodriguez Claimed to be the most widespread Hapkido style in Korea Founder has 9. Dan Hapkido/5. Dan Qwankido/5. Dan TKD/1. Dan Judo/1. Dan Shotokan Founder has 6 Dan Hapkido/6 Dan Ju-Jutsu School for Hapkido Union SSirum/Karate/Judo/Kendo/Tang Soo Do. The founder is a 8th Dan in Hapkido Founder former General Secretary of Korea Hapkido Assoc. Kuk Sool Won, Hap Ki Do, Tae Kyun, Soo Bahk Do & Jiu Jitsu. Current Grandmaster: Rudy Timmerman, Canada.

Late Hapkido (Hoi 1970's? Jeon Moo Sool) Korea Hapkido (Hoshinkido) Hapkido (Hukch'u) Hapkido (Huk Ju Sool) Hapkido (IHA) Hapkido (Jin Jung Kwan) Hapkido (Jin Pal) Hapkido (Jong Tong) Hapkido (Juk Ju Kwan) Hapkido (Jung Moo Kwan) 1999. Canada 2002. USA

1990. LA, Dr. In Kon USA Park Korea? USA 1964. Korea Myoung Lyong Kim Kim Jin Pal (1941-) Park Sun Jae Pak In Shyuk (1938-1995)

Hapkido (Kong 1989. Shin Bup) Canada Hapkido (Ko Shin Kwan) Hapkido (Kudokwan) Hapkido (Kuk Sool Kwan) 2001. USA

Taeken Jitsu/TKD/Hapkido/Kenpo/Ju Troy L. Smith Jutsu/Kyukido. The founder is also the founder of Jr. Ai Jitsu Do & the GM of Taeken Jitsu Cheol Yong Park (1959?-) In Sun Seo Cheol Yong Park is a 7th Dan in traditional Hapkido. Began training Hapkido at the age of 12. Also trained Yudo and TKD The founder is the President of the World Kido Federation

Finland Korea

Hapkido (Kuk Sul Kwan) Hapkido (Kuksulwan) Hapkido (LugoKwan) Hapkido (Mi Guk Kwan) Hapkido (Moo Hap Sool) Hapkido (Moo Moo Kwan) Hapkido (Moo Sul Kwan) Hapkido (Mu Hak Kwan ) Hapkido (Mu Jin Kwan) Hapkido (Musado) Hapkido (OhDo Kwan) Hapkido (Olimpic) Hapkido (Progressive)

1970. Brazil Jung Do Lim (Salvador) 1980. Argentina Edmundo Escobar

Independent Kuk Sul School Independent Kuk Sul School Founder has 4th Dan TKD/6th Dan Chun Kuhn Do/2nd Dan Hapkido Isshinryu/Hwarang Do/Hapkido/TKD/Shorei Ryu/Okinawa-Te/Judo/Jujitsu School of Martial Dance -

2003. USA Felix A. Lugo USA 1964. Korea Canada. 2005 1986. Germany 2000. Brazil (Curitiba) 1992. Germany James McMurray Jun Sik Kwak/Jang Yop Kwak -

Mike Fournier Wrestling/Combat Hapkido/Uechi Ryu Klaus Schuhmacher Kang Hong Soon Klaus Schuhmacher The founder is a Sifu in Kung Fu and holds 10. Dan in both Hapkido and TKD. The founder also founded Progressive Hapkido Sport Hapkido The founder is a Sifu in Kung Fu and holds 10. Dan in both Hapkido and TKD. The founder also founded Oh Do Kwan Hapkido

Hapkido Netherland (Pronung Hwal Danil Sijtsma s Moo) Hapkido (Sangak Moo Kwan) Hapkido (Se 2000. Brazil (Sao Paulo) 1989. Leandro Gemeo Sergio Former Bum Mo Master IHF Hapkido School

Mo Kwan) Hapkido (Sin Moo) Hapkido (Sport) Hapkido (Sulsado) Hapkido (Sungja-Do) Hapkido (Sungjado)

Brazil Late 1970's. Korea? -

Fernandes Han Jae Ji Hapkido/Judo/TKD -

George I. Founder has 8 Dan TKD/7 Dan Hapkido/8 Dan 1990. USA Petrotta (1945Sungja-Do ) Brazil Dayverson Wgner Jos V. Becerra Alexandre Baby Gomes Founder has 6 Dan TKD/6 Dan Hapkido/5 Dan Shorei Ryu/5 Dan Kobudo Kuk Sool Hapkido/TKD/Shi Pal Ki/Judo/Jujuitsu School of balance- hard and soft tecniques Kido Hae Charter School

Hapkido 1976. (Susinkwan Ecuador Chaiu Moo Do) Hapkido (Tong) Hapkido (Um Do Kwan) Hapkido (Um Yang Kwan) Hapkido (Yawara) 1998. Brazil (Porto Alegre) Daegu, south Korea

Kim, Jae Wha

Founder has 8 Dan Hapkido/7 Dan TKD/4 Dan Ryuji Karate Independent Yon Mu Kwan School This is an old native Martial Art (Wrestling?) This "Tiger" style Silat crouch very low to the ground, leaps and attacks in a more upright position.

Hapkido (Yong Norway Tong) Hapkido (Yon Mu) Hara Moriton Harimau Minankabao Harimau Pentjak Silat 2000. Brazil (Porto Alegre) Mongolia Indonesia Sumatra

Tae Bo Lee -

Hark (Hak) Fu Moon (Black Tiger System)


Soo Hak Fu Hasegawa Soki (15681595) Maurizio Column H. Hattori

A Kung Fu art, (now known as Fu Jow Pai?)

Late Hasegawa Ryu 1500's. Kenjutsu Japan Hashira Ryu Ninjutsu Hashishin Hata Ryu Hattori Ryu Hamakan Hausa Hayabusai Karate Heido Heihu Quan (Black Tiger) Heiwa Jitsu Heki Ryu Italy 11th century. Persia (Iran) Japan Japan

Founder has 2nd Dan in Bodoki Ryu Ninjutsu and has also trained Qi Gong/Nan Chuan/Tai Chi A secret Islamic cult of assasins This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region (Filipino system) This is a traditional boxing art 6. Dan Yusei Ryu/5. Dan Hapkido/4. Dan Shotokan. The founder began training MA since the age of 6 yrs. of age This is a Kyudo system

Philippines ? Nigeria, Africa -

Hayagake-Jutsu Japan Japan China

2002. Hubert Hood Antigua, (1946-) Caribbean Japan -

Heki Ry Insai 1400's. Ha (Heki To Japan Ry) He Quan - Bak Hok Pai (White China Crane Chuan) He Quan - Eng Shun Bak Hok Quan (Hokkien China Shaolin TigerCrane Chuan)

He Quan Feihe Quan (Flying Crane Chuan) He Quan Minghe Quan (Whooping Crane Chuan) He Quan Shihe Quan (Eating Crane Chuan)

Qing Dynasty. Fujian, China

Late Qing Dynasty. Xie Changle, Chongxiang Fujian, China Late Qing Dynasty. Fang Beiling, Suiguan/Ye Fuzhou, Shaotao? China

Xie Chongxiang trained in Yongchun Bei He Quan (Yongchun White Crane Chuan)

Qing He Quan - Suhe Dynasty. Quan (Sleeping Chengmen Lin Chuanwu Crane Chuan) , Fuzhou, China He Quan Yongchun Bei He Quan Fujian, China -

Lin Chuanwu studied with Monk Jue Qing for 5 years at Shimen Temple

Late He Quan 1800's. Zonghe Quan Fuqing, (Jumping Crane Fujian, Chuan) China Her Li Chuan Hip V Mn Kungfu (Thi Cu'c Hip V Mn) Higo Ko Ryu Hikari Ryuza Ryu Jujutsu Hikida Ryu Kenjutsu (Hikida Thailand 1995. Norway

Fang Shipei

Fang Shipei learned Martial Arts for 10 years at the Tian-zhu Temple on Mount Chashan. He later created Zonghe Quan Classical southern Kung Fu/Muay Boran

Dr. Lee Zian Ming (1945-)

Thien Cong Dao/WTF TKD/Thieu Lam Tay Son Nhan. Thach trained Thieu Lam Tay Son Nhan in Do Van Thach Vietnam + Kung Fu & TKD after he emigrated to Norway in 1979. This is a Naginatajutsu system 9th Dan in Danzan Ryu Jujutsu/Goshin Ryu Jujutsu & 6 Dan in Judo -

Early Edo Kamei period? Terushige Japan 1978? USA Late 1500's. Japan Dr T. R. Crimi Hikida Bungoro Kagekane

Shinkage Ryu/Hikida Kage Ryu) Hilot Hioki Ryu Hip Gat Hiryu Ryu Hisahara Ryu Hisardut Hitsujikai Hobaku Ho Gar Kuien Kung Fu Hojo Ryu Hoki Ryu Japan China Japan Japan Israel Japan Late 1990's. Great Britain Japan Japan


Philippines Dennis Hanover Hayashi -

This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Koga region This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region Judo/Kyokushinkai/Jujutsu -

The founder started training M.A. in 1981. 2 Dan in Lau Gar in 1993, 4 Dan through NAKMAS. In Melvyn Hogan this system the lower grade syllabus are based on Lau-Gar and the senior syllabus on Hsing-I Chuan Hojo Ujimaga -

Hokusai Ryu Ju Ca. 1700. Jutsu Japan Hokushin Itto Ryu Hoku Shin Ko Ryu Ju Jitsu Ca. 1830. Japan Sweden

Chiba Shusaku This is a Kenjutsu art. The founder wanted to Shigemasa promote an art of swordfighting that was less (1794-1855) warlike and more spiritual Jan Erik Karlsson Auvo Niiniketo Tom Patin(r?)e? Durewall system Jiu Jitsu Jujutsu under R.Morris & R.Clarke (G.B.) + others/Kickboxing -

Hokuto Ryu Ju Japan Jutsu Hokutu Ryu Hom Do Ho Mei Pei Hong Chun Kung Fu Hong Fo Quan (Fist of Hong Finland USA? -

Guangdon g, China

and Buddha) Hong-Gia VietNam Vietnam (Vietnamese Hongjiaquan) Hong Men Quan Hong Quan Hong Quan (Guangdong) Hong Quan (Hubei) Hong Tou Cai Wei (Head of Hong, Tail of Cai) Honma Shinto Ryu Kenjutsu Hontai Kijin Chosui-Ryu Kukishinden dakentaijutsu (a.k.a. Kijin Chosui-Ryu) Hontai Yoshin (Takagi) Ryu Hook Choo Kwan Hop Gar Hop Gar Kune (Hero Family Style) ) Hopkido Hop Kuin Do China 1674. China -

This is a northern style Includes animal imitating movements of dragon, snake, tiger, leopard, crane, lion, elephant, horse, monkey and small-sized wild beasts This Hong Quan branch is influenced by Wudang Chuan -

Guangdon g, China Hubei, China -

Guangdon g, China Japan Honma Masayoshi


Shoto Tanemura

Shoto Tanemura was high ranked in Bujinkan Ninjutsu before breaking with Hatsumi and founding his own Genbukan Ninpo Goshin Jutsu

Ca. 1660. Japan China

Takagi Setsuemon Shigtoshi (1635-?) Wutang Mountain Temple Gum Ngau Richard D.D.

This style consists of Ju Jutsu/Bojutsu/Hanbojutsu/Kodachi/Kenjutsu -

Tibet England

Hopkins Ho Rang Ji Hoshinroshi Ryu Hoshin Ryu Hoshi Ryu Kobujutsu Hoshoin Ryu Sojutsu Hosho Ryu Ninpo (Ninjutsu Hosho Ryu Ninpo) Ho Sin (Shin) Sul Houen Ryu Taijutsu USA Japan Japan Japan Glenn J. Morris Hoshi Tetsuomi Hosoin Kazuzenbo Inei Hoshin Ryu is a Naginata system Shinkage Ryu?


Cicero Melo

Jung Nam Lee? Japan? -

Combining elements of TKD/Hapkido/Judo -

Hou Xin Quan Fujian, (Monkey Style) China Hozan Ryu Kendo Hozoin Ryu Takada-Ha Hua Jia Quan (Hua Chia Chan) Ca. 1560. Japan

Hozoin Kakuzenbo In- This is a Sojutsu system ei (1521-1607) Hua Zongqi originally practiced Jiazi Quan (Dajia Quan) and it was his followers who contnued with what they called Hua Quan

Tang Dynasty Hua Zongqi (618-907). China Early Qing Dynasty (1662Gan Fengchi 1735). Nanjing, China

Hua Quan (Flower Style Chuan) Hua Quan (Blossom Fist/China Style Fist)

1100's. Cai Wanzhi (1522-1566) further developed Hua Jining, Cai Tai & Cai Quan and wrote the book "The Secrets of Hua Shandong, Gang Quan". China

Hu Bao Quan (Tiger and Leopard Fist) Huc Chung Kun Tao

China -

Guy Savelli? -

This is a southern style

Hu Die Quan China (Butterfly Fist) Huheshuangxin g (Tiger and China Crane Boxing) Huhng Syuhn Wing Chun Kuen (Red Boat Praise Spring Fist) Huihui Shiba Zhou (18 Moslem's Elbows) Hu Long Pai (Tiger and Dragon Style) Hung Chia Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun Hung Fut (Southern White Snake) Hung Gar (Hung Ga/Hong Jia) Hung Gar (Canton Hung Gar) Hung Gar (Fu Hok P`ai) Hung Gar (Fu Hok Tai He Morn) 1850? China


China 1670? China 1600's. Fukien, China

Yat Chahn Daaih Si/Jeung Ngh

This is a southern style -

Shaolin Monk Hybrid art made of Hung Gar & Fut Gar Wun Lei Hung was taught the Tiger Style by Gee Sin Sim See Hung Hei Goon was a student of Gee Sim See -

Hung Hei Guangdon Guen (Hung g, China Tsi Kuan) Canton, China China China Gee Sim See Hung Hei Goon -

Hung Gar (Ha Say Fu Hung Gar) Hung Gar (Szechuan Hung Gar) Hung Gar (Tang Fong) Hung Gar (Wubei Hung Gar) Hung Kuen Hung Leng Kuen Kung Fu (Free Spirit Fist) Hung Sing Choy Lee Fut

Fukien Shaolin Temple, China China China China 1971. Florida, USA

Gee Sim See

The first Song Emperor Tony Brown -

UK? 1979 J. R. Dutton 1836. China? Chan Heung Goon Jow Lung Feng Zhi Qiang Ching Sing Lim Lee Seng Hock Frank Monsalve

Derived from Fu Jow Pai & Hut Pao Tsut + Choy Lee Fut/Pak Mae/Tong Long/Yang Tai Chi Hung Gar hand work/Choy Gar foot work Hung Toy Gar/Fut Gar ITF TKD The founder bagan training in 1971. Choy Li Fut/Wing Chun/Hung Ga Kuen/Muay

Hung Tao Choy China Mei Hung T'ou Fo Wei Hung Toy Fut Gar Hung Toy Gar Hun Men Hun Yuan Qigong Hup Kwon Do Hupkwondo China China China China -

Hu Quan (Tiger China Fist) Hurricane Combat Arts 1993. USA


Thai/JKD/Pentjak Silat Serak/Russian & American Military Combatives/American Taiho-Jitsu (5. Dan) -

Hut Pao Tsut (Black Leopard UK? 1970 J. Rostron System) Hu Xin Chuan (Shaolin Hu Xin Chuan)(Tiger Style)


Hu Xing Baqua Quan (Tiger China Eight Triagram Fist) Huynh Ngoc An Hu Zun Quan (Tiger Style) Hye Katch Do Hyohakusha Kaiso Hyo Ho Niten Ichi Ryu Hyoujutsu Hyun Kyuhn Hwa Quan Hwa Soo Hwarang Do Hwarang Do Hoshin Sul Hwarang Kumdo Fujian, China Germany Japan?

Mihran Aghvinyan Miyamoto Musashi Fujiwara Genshin (1584-1645) Glen Levy -

Founder is 6. Dan IBK - Close Combat Specialist This is the Kenjutsu system of Japans most famous swordsman. Also known as Niten Ichi Ryu & Nito Ryu Togakure Ryu Ninjutsu + other Ninjutsu styles? This is a northern style -

Ca. 1640. Japan USA China China Korea AD 540? Korea

Buddhist monk Won Modernized by Lee Jo Bong & Lee Joo Sang Kwang Bopsa Tae Kwon Do/Tang Soo Do/Hwarang do This is a sword art

Puerto Jose Medina Rico, USA Korea -


Ho. Y. Kwon

Hapkido/TKD/Kung Fu/Karate/Judo/Kickboxing/Weapon Systems. Founder is a 10th Dan in Hapkido, 9th Dan in TKD/Kickboxing/Kumdo & 8th Dan in Ship Phal Ki

Ian Shou Ibuki Ryu Ichiden Ryu Kenjutsu Ichien Ryu Kenjutsu China Japan 1800's. Japan Japan Hachisuke Koroku Masakatsu Frank Williams Heinrich Jansen? This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region The founder is a Sandan and has BB in Renzoku Jiu-Jitsu/Kempo. Also founder of ARC Ryu Combat Karate This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region -

Ichinomiya Ko Japan Ryu Iai Jutsu Ichizen-Ryu Idai Ryu Aiki Jujutsu Ido Ju Jitsu Iga Ryu Iida Ryu Aichi, Japan USA Germany? Japan Japan

Ikake Ryu Jitte 1600's. Keibo Japan Ikaku Ryu Japan Impaf Kombatan Kati Bayan

Otto Founder studied Kuntao/Silat/TKD/Hapkido. Head Imua Shantung USA/Indo VanDerGroen of the system was the founder's father, Edgar Kuntao nesia? (1941-1979) VanDerGroen (-2001) Inayan Dequerdas Inayan Sinawali This is part of the Inayan System Of Eskrima This is part of the Inayan System Of Eskrima

Inayan Largo Mano Eskrima Inayan System Of Eskrima Inosanto Kali Integrated Combative Concepts International Budo Kai International Combat Police Martial Arts International Federation Of Karate?? In Yo Ryu Kempo Iokhi Ioriken Battojutsu Ippa Ryu Kenjutsu

Philippines USA 1996? Holland USA 1991. Great Britain Mexico

Mike Inay (1944-2000) Dan Inosanto Jonathan E. Kiser Jon Bluming -

This is part of the Inayan System Of Eskrima

(Filipino system) The founder has trained MA's for more than 30 years (Kyokushinkai offspring) -

Steve Arneill -

(Kyokushinkai offspring) This is a native Aztec M.A. 6. Dan Irish Free Style Karate/4. Dan Seishin Ryuko/Muay Thai Instructor

14-1500's. Japan Japan Moroka Kagehisha Brendan Donnelly

Irish Free Style 1980's. Karate Irland Isai (Israeli Art 1997. of Integrity) Israel Ise Ryu Ishibashi Ryu Ishimine Ryu Ishin Ryu JuJitsu Ishitani Ryu Isogai Ryu Japan Japan Okinawa 1990. UK Japan 1669. Japan

Moshe Gorelik Taiji Chuan, Pangei Noon & Russian Martial Arts Kevin Pell A disciple of the Chinese master Chn Yuam Bin This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region The founder is a 8. Dan who have trained JuJitsu/Shorinji-Kempo/Judo/Kung Fu/Kickboxing/Iaido/Kyokushinkai This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region -

Isshin Kai Isshin Ryu

USA? Late 1400's. Japan

Tom Patin(r?)e?

Nen Ami Jion This ia a Kusarigama system Tatsuo Shimabuku (Shimabukuru Founder studied Shorin Ryu & Goju Ryu Taro) (1906(08?)1975) Robert L. Murphy George G. Johnson Ryusho Sakagami Anko Itosu (1830-1915) Ito Ittosai Kagehisa (1560-1653) Founder was a student of Isshinryu Master Don Nagle Isshogai Ryu has two branches: Karete Do and Kobudo This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Koga region Founder had studied Shito Ryu and named his style first for Shito-ryu Itosu-kai but changed it to Itosu Ryu in 1969 This Kenjutsu Ryu had a profund on the development of Kendo

Isshin Ryu

1954. Okinawa

Isshin Ryu Aiki Ju Jutsu Isshin Shorinji Ryu Isshogai Ryu Isshu Ryu Itosu Ryu Itosu-Ryu Karate-do Itto Ryu Itto Shoden Muto Ryu (Muto Ryu) Kenjutsu Iwaga Ryu 1968. USA 1985. USA Japan 1969? Japan -a Ca 1630. Japan

Japan -

Yamaoka Tesshu (1837- 1888) The last years the tradionally Zulu Stick Fighting have been developed as a sport with competition and rules This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region

Izinduku Namawisa Ancient. (Kilombo South Njinga?)(Zulu Africa Stick Fighting) Izumo Ryu Japan

Jailhouse Rock USA A.D. 200's. Korea Song Dynasty. China 1967. USA USA Mexico

Black Americans in prison General Yu Yu Bruce Lee (1940-1973) Prof. Bradley Steiner Ivn Lacouture Jhonny Kuhl -

"Substyles" of Jailhouse Rock: 52 Hand blocks/Comstock Style/San Quentin Style/Mount Meg/42nd/Closing Gates/Bum Rush This is a Koguryo Kingdom sword art This is a Northern Shaolin Kung Fu style where kicks are widely used Bruce Lee was originally a student of Yip Man (Wing Chun) + influenced by many other styles Combines close-combat training/Jujutsu/Karate. Founder is a 10. Dan This is a very old combat style, which Shuai Chiao (Jiao) have developed from This is the Islamic style Long Fist


Jeet Khuen Jeet Kune Do Jee Yao Bok Gik Kung Fu Jen Do Tao (American Combato) Jet-kittsu

Jhonny Kuhl USA Combat Karate Jiao Di Jiao Men Changquan (Islamic Long Fist) Jiazi Quan (Dajia Quan) Ji Do Kwan China


Tang Dynasty Hua Zongqi? (618-907). China Korea Togo Tobyve (Shigekure?) Bizen No Kami Jui (1561-1643)

Hua Zongqi tought Jiazi Quan to his follovers, who continued the style as Cha Quan and Hua Quan. Jiazi Quan was also called Dajia Quan Jigen Ryu is a Kenjutsu system. Founder trained Taisha Ryu/Tenshinsho Jigen Ryu

Jigen Ryu


Jigen Ryu Jiu Jitsu


Kojun Harada -

Ji Yow Shin Pascal S. Lane This art combines Northern/Southern/7-star/81992. USA Shi Tong Long Sr. steps Praying Mantis & Tai Chi

Jikiden Ryu

Ca. 1250. Japan

Onkeibo Chochen

Jikiden Ryu is a Kenjutsu/Iaijutsu system. Chochen developed his techniques from the principles of Tenshin Sho (devine ispiration)

Jikishin Kage Ryu Jikishin Ryu Jikishin Seito Ryu Jinenkan Ninjutsu

1500's Japan 1996. Japan

Yamada Heiazaemon Jikishin Kage Ryu is a Kenjutsu, Bokken & (Mitsumori?)(- Naginata system 1578) Takahashi Shigeharu Fumio "Unsui" Manaka Wong Chia Man (1941-) Shinkage Jikishin Ryu? 35 yrs.+ as a Bujinkan senior student with Hatsumi/Various Ryu-ka techniques The founder strated training Northern Shaolin at 8 years of age. Came to America in the early 1960's. Jing Mo (Chin Woo)/Northern Shaolin/Lo Han/Northern Shaolin Lui Ho/Hsing I/Yangs Tai Chi/Wutang Swords Karate/Tai Chi. Founder started training MA at 17 years of age The system consists of Jissen Jujutsu/Jissen Aiki Jujutsu/Jissen Karatejutsu/Jissen Bukijutsu This is a offspring art of Ashihara Karate This is a Wudang style -

Jing Mo


Jin Quan (Goldrn Lion Fist)


Paul Perry -

Jin Sei Kai England Kanazawa Ryu Jin Shin Quan (Gold Fist) China

Jishin Nihon Ju Jitsu Jissen Budo Jissen Karate Kaikan Serbia

Singapore Edmond Lim Joseph Saladino Li Family -

Jiu Gong Shiba Tui (18 Legs of China Nine Palaces) Jiu Joe Jitsu Jiulong Baguazhang Jobajutsu USA 1916? China Japan

(Bajutsu) Jodoru Jiu-Jitsu Joe Lewis Karate System Joe Rossi KunTao System Jogo de Pau Joki Ryu (The) Jomsviking System USA USA Portugal England Prof. T.A. Frazer Joe Lewis Mike Heywood & Phil Burthem Shito Ryu. Got his Black Belt in 7 months in Okinawa Pole fighting art This is a steel based western MA in the Viking tradition

Early Davud Based on combination of 18 animal and 18 old Joriyo Kung Fu 1990's? Mahmudzadeh weapon styles and fighting techniques Azerbaijan Joshu-Ryu Jou Chuan Jude's SevenStyle Karate Juego del Palo Japan China -

N. Y. USA Jude Innocent Canary Islands, Spain 1890's. Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain The Guanches: aboriginal inhabitants One of nine primary estilos practiced in modern Juego del Palo

Juego del Palo (Acosta)

Juego del Palo (Conejero) Juego del Palo (de la Zona) Juego del Palo (Deniz)

Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain Canary Islands, Spain Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain -

One of nine primary estilos practiced in modern Juego del Palo

This estilo is apparently extict

Maestro One of nine primary estilos practiced in modern Tomas Deniz Juego del Palo (1899 1983).

Juego del Palo (Juego de la Lata) Juego del Palo (Juego del Garotte/Lucha del Garrote)

Fuertevent ura, Canary Islands, Spain Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain 1870's. Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain El Hierro, Canary Islands, Spain Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

Maestros Simeon & Domingo Alberto

One of nine primary estilos practiced in modern Juego del Palo

One of nine primary estilos practiced in modern Juego del Palo

Juego del Palo (Morales)

Jose Morales & Pedro Pestana D. Juan F. Quintero Zamora?

One of nine primary estilos practiced in modern Juego del Palo

Juego del Palo (Quintero)

One of nine primary estilos practiced in modern Juego del Palo

Juego del Palo (Verga)

Eugenio Diaz

One of nine primary estilos practiced in modern Juego del Palo

Juego del Palo (Vidal)

La Palma, Canary Antonio Islands, Cabrera? Spain

One of nine primary estilos practiced in modern Juego del Palo

Ju Jitsu Norge

1980's. Norway

Rune S. Henrichsen (5. Dan)/Torbjrn Arntsen (5. Developed from Swedish Ju Jitsu Dan)/Karl Fredrik Skjrshammer (5. Dan) Noel Jimnez + others Coronel Santiago Sanchis . The style is a blend of Wrestling/Sambo/GreccoRoman/Boxing/Valetudo/others. Founder has Black Belt in 16 differents martial arts. Founder is

Jujitsu Puertoriqueno (Puerto Rico JuJitsu) Ju Jutsu Do Combat

Puerto Rico


also founder of Jukaikido Ju Jutsu Kai Jukaikido Jukaibo Do Ju Kempo Jukendo Jukenjutsu Jukido Jujitsu Juki Ryu Sweden. 1970 USA OkinaWa 1959. USA? Ca. 1600. Japan Hans Greger Coronel Santiago Sanchis Shihan Paul Arel Terada Kanemon Dr. Rod Sacharnoski Brian Cheek Hans Demant Before 1999 this style was called "SBF Ju-jutsu". It is Swedens main JJ style Founder has Black Belt in 16 differents martial arts. Founder is also founder of Jujutsudo Combat Sanzyu Ryu Ju Jitsu Bruce Lee was a student of Yip Man (Wing Chun) + influence by many other styles. Jun Fan JKD is the art preserved by The Bruce Lee Foundation (Shannon Lee Keasler/Linda Lee Cadwell) TKD/Hapkido/Yudo

Jukishin Ryu Ju Japan Jitsu Juko Ryu Ju Jitsu Jukoshin Ryu Jiu Jitsu Juku Ryu Ju Jitsu Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do (Jun Fan Gung Fu) Jung Do Ki Kwan Jung Shin Do 1961. USA 1996. Denmark

196?. Hong Bruce Lee Kong/USA (1940-1973) ? USA? David Ho?

Jung Su Martial 1984. USA Brian Costello Tang Soo Do/Jujitsu/Karate/Kick Boxing Arts Jung Su Won Junsado Jun Yung Do Ju Shin Jutsu Ryu USA 1995. Korea Sweden Tae Yun Kim 8 Dan Tae Kwon Do -

Young Ku Jun ITF TKD Georg Irenius Shin Shin Tan Ren Jutsu

Jushin Ryu Iaijutsu Jushin Ryu Karate Do Jute

Japan New Zeeland -

Miles R. Smith Prof. T.J. Cunningham

Dan in Shorin Matshubayashi Ryu/Shito Ryu

K1 Fighting Conseps Kabaddi Kabaroan Kaboroan Eskrima Kadena de Mano Kafdo Kagemusha Daito Ryu Kage Ryu Kage Ryu Kenjutsu Kaiden Mugai Ryu K'ai Men Kaisen Do (Kaisendo) India Wing Chun/Kenpo/Pentjak Silat Serrada Eskrima This is a Karate style This is a Battojutsu system K'ai Men is a Kung Fu style This style were made by a student of Uesugi-Ryu. Connections with the Hattori Ryu from Iga. Trained under W. Chow + others

Philippines ? USA USA Scotland Ca. 1550. Japan Japan China? R.U. Estalilla JR. Max Sarmiento Yamamoto Hisaya Masakatsu Aizu Ikosai (1452-1538) Juan J. Diaz Ron Carlson Adriano Emperado + Peter Young Yil Choo, Joe

Ka-Jin-Ro Kempo Ju-Jitsu Kaji-Ryu Japan 1947. Oahu, Hawaii


Holck, Frank Ordonez & Clarence Chang Kajukenbo Chuan (Fa?) Kajukenpo Kajukenpo Pai Lum Kajukido Kempo Ryu Kakalaau Kulakulai Kalantiao Defense USA? 1970. USA USA USA Hawaii Hawaii USA? Al Dacascos Algerie Caraulia Kali K. Griffen Robert J. Gelinas Dominador Ferrer? This is a stick fighting style (Filipino system) Also known as Kalari. Two variants exists; northern (around Calicut) & southern style, (around Nagercoil & Madras) Petjuk Kilat silat/Visitation Kuntao/Wu Kung Kuntao (Filipino system) (Filipino system) Based on/developed from five Fillipinan Martial Arts The founder is a certified instructor in 8 filipino systems & he has Black Belt in 9 other MA's. A combination of several styles of Kali Silat,

Kalaki Arcanis -

Kalaripayat 300's A.D. Sage (Kalarippayattu India Parasurama ) Kalaripayat Suvado form India Nayar tribe? Roberto Torres Vicente Sanchez

Kalasag Kuntao USA? Silat Kali Kali Arnis International Kali Illustrisimo KaliLadra Kalimasade Kalinda Kali Sikaran Kali Silat

Malaysia? Philippines

Antonio Manilla, "Tatang" Philippines Illustrisimo (1904-1997) Java, Indonesia Caribbian 1995. Sweden USA Punong Guro Jeff Espinous Gregory

Serikat Kalis Kalis Kali Tudo Kalkha Kalos Agon Kamatuuran Kali Kamau Ryu System of Self Defense Kamekan Jujitsu Kamishin Aiki Ju Jutsu Kamishin Karate Kam Lung Kempo Kamman Do Kampfringen Kampilan Kali Kamp Ju-jutsu Kanbe Ryu Kaneko Ryu USA? USA Mongolia USA?

Gamble Omichael L. delRosario? Marc "Crafty Dog" Denny Dr. T.J. Gentry Prof. Darrell Sarjeant Tom Corizzi? -

Kuntao Silat & Pukulan Pencak Silat (Filipino system) This is an old native Martial Art (Wrestling?) Aikido/Kung Fu/Kenpo/Jiu-Jitsu/Kickboxing. Founder has Black Belt in two systems + studied other systems. Kalos Agon means "Good Fight" in Greek JuJitsu, Aikijitsu, Vee Jitsu, Judo, Boxing, Filipino Martial Arts -

USA USA? USA? USA? Canada Iran Middle ages. Germany USA? Sweden Japan Japan

D. Devlin? (F. Macleod?) Meister Ott? Roberto Luis Rivera Christer Andersson? Jisai Michiie (1576-1615) Kum Chun Kim & Raymond This is a complete combat grappling art. It combines joint-locks, leverage throws, pain compliance grips and striking techniques. Based on many systems but especially German JJ This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region Korean/Japanese/Okinawan styles. Students of Park Chull Hee

Kanemaki Ryu Japan Kenjutsu Early Kang Duk Won 1970's. (American) USA

Arndt Kang Duk Won 1956. Kwon Bup Korea Kang Moo Kwan Kankai Ryu Kano Ryu Judo? Kanto Ryu Iaido Kanseido Kansen Ryu Korea USA Cuba Park Chull Hee John Russell Cozatt Farhad Varaste Chaim Peer Kankai Ryu deals with Swimming Techniques Founder began training in 1959, with Nakamura Sesue + Kempo/Goshin-Ho/Weapons/TuKong Moosul Based mostly on Okinawan Karate This is the original system of the Israeli Armed Forces -

Kanshin Ryu Ju Jutsu Kan Shu Kenpo USA Kan Zen Ryu Karate Kaoshou Fanziquan Kapap - Krav Panim El Panim Kapap Lotar Kapwara Kara Ho Kempo (Chinese Kara Ho Kempo Karate) Kara-Kyuresh Karate Jitsu Kara Ton Pentjak Silat Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Iran? China Israel Israel -


William Chow Trained under Grandmaster Mitose (Kosho Ryu (1914-1987) Kempo)

Tuvinia, Russia

This is an old native Martial Art (Wrestling?)

Germany? Lothar Sieber? Indonesia USA -

George Pasere -

Kar Do Jitsu Ryu Karate Kari Karori Ryu Kasacombat Bujutsu S.D.F.S.

USA. 1970 Indonesia Japan UK

John F Manniel David Kacperski David Kacperski Matsumoto Bizen-noKami Naokatsu (1467-1524)

The style is a mix of Karate, Judo and Jujitsu (Silat system) The founder is also the founder of Kasakaido Ryu Karate Jutsu. The founder is also the founder of Kasacombat Bujutsu S.D.F.S. -

Kasakaido Ryu UK Karate Jutsu Kase-Ha Shotokan Ryu Kashima Shingen JikishinkageRyu -

1500's. Japan

This is a Kenjutsu sustem

Kashima Shinryu

Ca. 1450. Japan

Kunii Kagetsugu & This is a Masumoto Kenjutsu/Naginatajutsu/Sojutsu/Battojutsu/Jujuts/ Bizen-no-kami Bojutsu system based on Samurai traditions Ki no Masamoto Tsukahara Bokuden (1490-1571) Tenamura family This is a Kenjutsu style, consentrating on Hitotsutachi (one cut) This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region Current G. M. is Alexey Kunin, Hanshi 9 Dan This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region (Filipino system)

Kashima Shinto Ca. 1530. Ryu Japan Kashiwabara Ryu Katabami JuJitsu Kataoka Ryu Katapunan Japan Japan Japan -

Katayama Hoki Ca. 1590. Ryu Japan Katori Ryu Kenjutsu Katori Shinto Ryu Ju Jutsu Katory Yama Japan Japan

Katayama Hoki-no-Kami This is a Kenjutsu & Iaijutsu system Hisayasu This style is a mix of Ju Jutsu/Atemi

1985. Italy Gilberto

Ryu Ju Jutsu

Pauciullo (1952-)

Waza/Kobudo/Katori Shinto Ryu/Yama Bushi. The founder also founded Man Seer Kung Pai, and he has high ranks in several Kung Fu styles/Contact Karate/Judo/Ju Jutsu/Chinese Kempo/Kendo/Okinawan Goju + others. The style combines technics from Karate/Judo/Muay Thai/Jiu Jitsu The founder is a 4th Dan in Nanbudo. Katt is the Norwegian name on the Cat Founder trained Tenjin Shinyo Ryu Jujutsu This is an old native Martial Art (Wrestling?) This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region Aiki Ju Jutsu/Ken Jutsu/Jo Jutsu/Tessen Jutsu This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Koga region Created totally from scratch. In 1974 Soke Marx was the first American to be recognized as a 10th Dan by the Int. Black Belt Ass. The first Ken Shin Kan dojo was started by Kanken Toyama, Takazawa's teacher. Under Takazawa Kenshinkan have developed to an independent style. Kei Wa Ryu is the name given to Romerike Ju Jutsu Club in Norway by their head teacher

Katrot Shinto Ryu


Ruben Morales John Ole Heggtveit Yokota Yoshimatsu Takehiro Shiro Nishiyama (1846-1932) -

Katsugo Karate USA Katt Kawashin-ryu Jujutsu Kazak Kazama Ryu Kaze Arashi Ryu Kazoku Do Goshin Ryu Kaisho Jujitsu Kawachi Yon Tengu Ryu Kawaishi JiuJitsu Keichu-Do Karate (Kajun Karate) (Keichu-Ryu Jujitsu) Kaino Ryu Jujitsu Keishinkan 2003. Norway 1890. Japan Ukrainia Japan Japan Sweden? Japan

Holland/Fr Mikonosuke ance? Kawaishi 1945-60? Lousiana, USA Karl Marx (1936-)

Japan. Masanao After 1955 Takazawa

Kei Wa Ryu Ju 1993. Jimmy Keido Jutsu Norway/D Yamaue



Yamaue. Yamaue has also founded Yamaue Ryu Aiki Jutsu, Nord Shaolin Kung Fu & En Shin Ryu Jiu Jitsu. 8. Dan TKD (Soo Moo Kwon)/5. Dan Hapkido/5. Dan Kobudo/5. Dan Aiki Jujutsu/5. Dan Jujutsu/3. Dan Shotokan/3. Dan Ninjutsu/1. Dan Shorin Ryu/3. Dan Hung Gar Karate/Tae Kwon Do/Filippino stick fighting/Aiki Jitsu -

Kekai-do Kelantan Bersilat Kembukai


Wayne Lewis

Malaysia -

Kempo Fu Shih Spain Kempo JuJitsu Kempo Jutsu Kempo Karate England USA USA

Raul Gutierrez Toni FinkenSchaffrath?

Kempo Naadaa Kempo Ryu 1993. Australia 1997. Canada

Founder has studied Japanese/Okinawan Kempo Peter Mylonas Karate since the age of 9, and he is a former Australian Full Contact Champion Larry Kwan (1945-) Moo Kempo Karate/Shotokan/Tae Kwon Do/Jiu Jitsu. Founder 1st Dan in 1969 in Moo Kempo Karate. Founder is the brother of the founder of Genki-do Kempo Karate -

Kempo ShoKai Karate

Kempo Tai Jitsu (Kempo USA Tae Kwon Do?) Kempo Tai Jutsu Ju Shorin Poland Ka Do Kem Vo Combat Kendari Silat Kendo Ken Fat Kenjah Poland Celebes, Indonesia Japan China Borneo

Ed Gross Ryszard Jzwiak Ryszard Jzwiak -

The founder also created Kem Vo Combat This is a military fighting art founded on KenpoJuJutsu & Viet Vo Dao. The founder also created Kempo Tai Jutsu This is a blade art/martial dance

Kenjukabo Kenpo Kenkabo Kenkakai-Kan Jitsu Ken Kar Do Ryu Kenkarju Ryu Kempo Kenka Ryu Karate Do (Kenka Kai Kan) Kenkojuku Shotokan

1986. Spain USA USA USA USA?

Javier de The founder began stydying Shito Ryu in 1973, Miguel (1959- Kenpo in 1976. Later he also studied ) Shotokan/Wing Chun/Ju Jutsu/Pang Fa/Boxing Sid Asuncion Paul Irizarry Founder has Black Belt in Kyokushin Karate/American Kenpo/Tae Kwon Do/Jujitsu -


Ray Geraneo Tomasaburo Okano Rick Alemany Clement Riedner James Mitose Andy McGill George Woodman?


Okano was a student of Gichin Funakoshi Castro's Shaolin Kenpo/Kajukenbo/Japanese Karate -

Kenpo USA Alemany Style Kenpo Jitsu USA

Kenpo Ju Jutsu Hawaii Kenpo Kwai Kenpo Ryu Aiki-Jitsu Kenseido Ken-Sei Ryu Ju-jitsu Kenshikan Kenpo Karate Do Kai (Kusano Ha Shito Ryu) Ken Shin Kan England Hawaii?

Okinawa/J apan? Canada

Roger Nantel? -


Kenji Kusano

Kusano was a student of Tani, Shukokai Karate.

Okinawa? Fusei Kise -

Matsamura Orthodox/Shorinji Kempo 3rd Gen. Heir Soke Sandai 10th Dan is Lewis Whitney, USA

Kenshin RyuAsia ha Kempo Jutsu Kenshin Ryu Karate Japan

Hayashi Teruo Kito Ryu

Kenshin-Ryu Kempo Kenso Ryu Jujutsu Kente Ryu Kenya Ryu Kerala Kalari Ketsugo Goju Ryu Ketsugo Ju Jitsu Ketto Ryu Ju Jutsu

USA 1880's. Japan USA?

Lew Whitney Kamatarou Takeishi Dr.Sharif Wali?

Originated from Asayama Ichiden Ryu Jujutsu/Fujita Ryu/Mukei Ryu Trained under Toguchi in Okinawa 1955-1960 Military hand-to-hand combat/Jujutsu/Boxing/Wrestling -

Okinawa/J apan? Ancient? India -

1973. USA Jay Trombley 1955. USA Harald Brosious -

Keupso Chingi Korea (Chirigi) Keysi Fighting 199?. UK Method (KFM) Khapsogay (Yakut Khapsogay) Khiva Khmer Wrestling Khong Chang Khridoli (Xridoli) Kiaiado Kiai Aiki Bu Jutsu Kiai Jutsu Kiai

Justo Dieguez Serrano (1957) + Andy Norman This is an old native Martial Art (Wrestling) This is an old native Martial Art (Wrestling?) The founder was a master in Fong Yang + 3 years training in Judo + TKD. The art is also called Chinese Karate. The founder is a Master of Traditional Georgian Martial Arts The founders has; Scarrott 7. Dan Aiki Bu

Russia Turkey? -

Tan Siew Singapore Cheng Tbilisi, Georgia USA 1993. UK Kakhaber Zarnadze Edwin Maley Jamie Lee

Yamabushi Ryu

Barron/George Jutsu/Barron 7. Dan Jiu Jutsu/Biggs 6. Dan Jiu Scarrott/Jo Jutsu Biggs/Garner Thomson Korea USA USA Japan USA Ca. 1970. Germany 1997. Brazil Japan Dr. Charles Owens Ruben Torres Wayne P.Lewis Hanns von Rolbeck Liandro Santaf Pimentel 1960's? Kim Ke Dr. John J. Williams (1940-) Prof. Rick Boyer Karate/Judo/Aikido + others The founder is 4th Dan WTF TKD and 1th Dan Hapkido + trained Judo & Wado Ryu This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region Kim Ke was a student of Chin Hoa (Tay Son Nhan Kung Fu) This is Vietnamese Kung Fu. Current Grandmaster, Dang Tieu Diep, lives in Norway This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region Shito Ryu/Goshin Budo -

Kicheon Kichuan Do Kickboxing Ki Do Kidokyu Classic Tae Kwon Do Kido Ryu Jujitsu Kihaku Ryu Aikijujutsu Kijin Ryu Kenjutsu Kijitsu Kikaido Ki Jutsu Kildo Self Defence Kimata Ryu

Kim Ke Vietnam (Golden Cock) Kim Son Vietnam Quang Kung Fu Kimura Ryu Kindai Ha Shito Ryu Karate Kinday Ryu Karate Kinomichi Japan 1990. Canada USA France

Kino Mutay Kioto Jiu Jitsu Kiraku Ryu Jujutsu Kirisuto Shinsei Ji El Budo Ryu Kirkpinar Kissaki Kai Karate

Philippines 1300's? Japan USA 1300's. Turkey USA? Francisco Mansur Ron Tottingham -

The founder is a 9th Dan in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu This is an old traditional oil wrestling style

Vince Morris? The founder is a 7th Dan Kito Ryu is a Kenjutsu, Bo, Iai, Kusarigama & Ju Jutsu system.The founder was a low rank samurai and a student of Yagyu Shinkage Ryu. Alternative versions of the origin of the art: 1). A Chinese art based on the principle of Ju, 2). The Ju Jutsu experts Yoshimura & Takenaka, 3). Fukuno Schichiroemon of Temba James Mitose linage

Kita Matsu Ryu Ju Jutsu

Kito Ryu

1624-43. Japan

Ibargi Toshifusa (15971670)/TD> Steve Reynolds William Durbin

Kitsune Ryu Jui 1997. Jitsu Canada Kiyojute Ryu Kempo 1982. USA

1995/97? Ko Am Mu Do USA Kobudo Kobu-Tak Karate Do Koch Kodai no Seishin Ryu Iaijutsu Kodan Paamano

Yung Ho Jun/Jin TKD/Hapkido + other M.A. Chung/N.G.G uak/Jun Kim The style is a mix of Kempo/Shotokan/TKD/Hapkido/Aikido/Kobudo/J u-jitsu This is an old native Martial Art (Wrestling?) Developed from Yagyu Shinkage Ryu. Master Alicea is a 7. Dan in Shotokan and he also practices Kenjutsu/Kendo/Aikido (Filipino system)

Okinawa? 1972. Puerto Rico Armenia USA Victor Moyet Oscar Alicea -

Eskrima Koden Kai Jujitsu Kodokan Judo 1882. Japan Dr. Jigiro Kano (18601938) Tair Nariman Tenjin Shingo Ryu Jujutsu/Kito Ryu. Kano began his M.A. training in 1877 The founder has 6 Dan Judo & Ju-Jutsu. Based on Combat Sambo/Yoseikan Aiki-Jujutsu/Hontai Yoshin-Ryu Bu-Jutsu/Toyama-Ryu IaiDo/Hokushin-Ryu Bu-Jutsu Shuri Te/Naha Te This is a modern Koga Ninjutsu style The founder was the last physical in house Student of G.M. James Mitose. The founder began studying MA in 1957 and began studying with GM Mitose in the early 1970's The founders has combined training from Judo/Kyokushin/Krav Maga/Kickboxing/Shotokan/Nanbudo/Wado Ryu/Boxing/Gracie JJ/Kempo Karate/San Soo Kung Fu/Wing Chun/Muay Thai/. The founders has 2. Dan as their current highest rank (Kyokushinkai offspring) This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Koga region -

Kodokan Shin- 1989. Ryu Russia Koei Kan 1954. Japan

Eizo Onishi Ashida Kim Nimr R. Hassan

Koga Hai Lung USA? Ryu Koga Ha Kosho Shorei Ryu USA Kempo

KoGakuShin Ju 2004. Jitsu Norway

W. Fiskaa (1970-)/M. Lange (1958)/T. M. Mller

Ko Gaku Shin Karate Koga Ryu Aikijujitsu Koga Ryu Koga Ryu Ninjutsu Koga Shihan Ryu Kogen Itto Ryu Kojac Self Defense System

1964. USA Japan America America? 1783. Japan USA Ronald Duncan -

Henmi Tashiro This is a Kenjutsu & Naginatajutsu system Yoshitoshi P.B. Stetser? -

Kojo Ryu Kokondo Karate Kokon Ryu Kempo


Sankato Karate Jitsu/Ju Jitsu/Isshin Ryu/Kyokushinkai/Sanzyu Ryu Founder: 10 Dan Shin Kai Do/8 Dan Dong Koo Yudo Kwan/5 Dan TKD/5 Dan Karate/4 Dan Kickboxing/Int. Self Defence Instr./Qualified Instr.-Japan Karate-Do Kyokushinkai. Founder also founded Shin Kai Do -

Kokkar Kempo -

1970. USA Paul Arel USA John Rubiano Dr. Stephen Michael Monasingh (1950-) -

Guyana, Kokorokikarad South a America Kokusai Bujitsu Kyoukai

Kokusai Ju Jutsu (Kokusai 1991. Jujutsu Japan Renmei) Kokusai Karate Great Do Karate Jutsu Britain Kai Kokusai Koryu 1980's? Goju Ryu USA Kokushi Ryu Jujutsu Komagawa Kaishin Ryu Ko Ma Jiu Jutsu Komaru Daito Ryu 1965. USA Japan -

Shoto Tanemura

Bujinkan Ninjutsu

Creton Manny A. Saavedra Prof.N. Higashi Kamagawa Saemon Kuniyoshi? Ernesto Amador Presas, Sr. (1945-)

Judo/Shotokan/Kyokushinkai Goju Ryu under Peter Urban + Chinese MA's 8 Dan Judo/7 Dan Tomiki Aikido/7 Dan Kukushi Karate Do Shinkage Ryu? -

Komaru Ryu Ju Jitsu Kombatan Arnis (AKA Arnis Presas Style) Komogakure Japan

Heinaizaemon (one of the arts under Bujinkan Budo Dojo).

Ryu Ninpo

Ienaga Iga (Komagakure Hoshi) 1990. USA Dr. Gar Won Ko -

Closely related to Togakure Ryu

Ko Mu Do Kwan

Traditional Martial Arts of Korea, China & Philippines This is a Wudang style The American version of the art, made by Albert Church, is called Shorinji Tekken Kamishin Ryu Shotokan/Wado Ryu/Shokukai/Choi Kwang Do/4 Dan in TKD

Komushin Ryu Ju Jitsu Ko Nan Ryu Karate Do Kong Men Quan (Fist of Empty Gates) Kong Soo Do Kong Su China Korea Korea

Konshin Ryu Ju Japan Jutsu Kooh Ha Shorinji Tekken Ryu Koo Karate (Koo Self Defense) Japan

1992. USA Roger Koo Three Kingdom Area (18B.C.A.D.918), Korea USA Japan 2003. Japan Japan 1960's? USA Dr. Neal Schiesske Hirai Minoru Masashi Yokoyama Shoto Tanemura

Koong Joong Mu Sool

Means Royal Court MA, (one of the roots for Kuk Sool Won)

Koreja Do Christian Martial Arts Korindo Koroho Goshinjutsu Koryu Karate Koro Ken Karate

Shoto Tanemura was high ranked in Bujinkan Ninjutsu before breaking with Hatsumi and founding his own Genbukan Ninpo Goshin Jutsu

Sung H. Hong -

Koryu Te Jutsu Belgium? Koryu Tode Kempo Koryu Uchinadi USA? -

Masayuki Kukan Hisataka -

Developed from Shorinjiryu Kenkokan Karate Do -

Koshiki Karate 1980? Do Japan Koshima Shin Ryu Kosho Ryu Kempo Kosho Shorei Kai Kosho Shorei Ryu Koshu-Ryu Kotaka Ha Kotani Ryu Kotegaeshi Koto Ryu Koppojutsu Koto Su Ha Shito Ryu Kovreche (Tatar Kovreche) Koyamakan Koyama Ryu Koyo-Ryu Japan Hawaii? USA Ca. 1235 Japan Okinawa Japan Japan USA? Russia Japan Kai, Japan

James Mitose? Mitose learned the art in Japan? Bruce Jucknic Sandayu Momochi Joseph Ruiz Takeda Shingen Imi Lichtenfeld Trained under J. Mitose (Kosho Ryu Kempo) + Kenpo Ju Jitsu Kosho Shorei Ryu is a Kenjutsu & Tai Jutsu system This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region (one of the arts under Bujinkan Budo Dojo) This is an old native Martial Art (Wrestling?) Formalized in 1936 -

Ko Sutemi Kan USA?

Don Madden? -

Before Krabi Krabong 1700? Thailand Krav Maga Early 1940's?.

Israel Krav Magen Krav Maga Survival Kuai Chiao Kubukai Ryu Kudakaryu Karate Jutsu Israel? Norway? China Hungary? -

(1910-1998) Eli Avikzar Taiyo & Glenn Jordheim Vlado Schmidt? Taiyo: 5. Dan Kyokushin Budokai/4. Dan Krav Maga/2. Dan Kickboxing. Jordheim: 5. Dan Kyokushin Budokai/4. Dan Krav Maga This is a Horse style Isshin Ryu/Lima Lama/Small Circle Ju Jitsu/Polynesian Ground Fighting/Weapons Wing Chun/Kyokushin/Goju-Ryu/Muay Thai/Hapkido/Aikido/other Chinese styles/Theravada school of Buddhism The founder started training Kyokushin in 1962, and he trained under Robert Trias This is a Korean sword art Founder has rank in Ninjitsu and Black Belt in Kenpo and Jiu-Jitsu This is traditional Korean archery

Kuda Lumping Central Silat Jawa Kuden Jutsu Kuen Do

199?. USA Frank Romano Singapore Randy Tay H. Willis (1922-1989) Joshua Carr Izumo Kanja Yoshiteru

Kuen Gwo Guo USA Fu Shu Goan Kuen Pai Kuhapdo Kuji Kiri Ninjitsu Kuk Do Kukishin Ryu Hoppo Hikenjutsu (Kuki Shinden Ryu?) Kukishin Ryu Jujutsu Kuk Kung Kuk Moo Kwan Kuk Sool Won Kuk Sul Korea USA Korea


(one of the arts under Bujinkan Budo Dojo)

Japan Korea Korea 1958. Korea Korea

Suh In Hyuk -

This is Korean archery Combined of 31 traditional Korean Martial Arts but especially Sado Mu Sool/Buldo Mu Sool/Koong Joong Mu Sool -

Kukushi Karate Do Kulachnoi Boya Kumango Pentjak Silat Kuma-Ryu Karate-Jutsu Kum Do Kumite Ryu JuJitsu Kun Do Ryu Karate Kung Fu To`a Russia Sumatra 1988-92. USA Korea USA Late 1950's (1970'S?). Iran

Robert Sterling Lil' John Davis Ebrahim Mirzai (Ibrahim Mirzaii) Soon Tae Yang Rudy Tiamoman Willem de Thouars -

Unarmed fighting art Motobu-Ryu Seidokan + Ryukyu Kempo/Koei Kan/aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine Korean Fencing. 3000 yrs. old, applied to modern times. First practiced only by Korean Royalty. Sanuces Ryu, Vee Jitsu, Bando, Karate -

Based on Northern and Southern Shaolin 31 different traditional Korean Martial Arts/TKD/Judo/Kendo/Boxing/Wrestling "The skill of the bow". This is traditional Korean archery This is a southern style -

Kung Jung Mu Korea Sul Kung Sool (Sul) Kug Shin Bop Kuniba Ha Kuniba Ryu Goshindo Kun Gek Do Kung Jung Moo Sool Kung Sul Kun Lun Pai (Kuntao Silat de Thouars?) Kunlun Quan Kun-Men Korea Okinawa -

Kungar Kempo Korea Korea Korea USA China Omei,

SichuanChina Kun Mu Do Kun Tao-Ho Chow Kuntao-Kun Lun Pai Kun Tao Silat Kun Tao Silat de Thouars? Kuntau Bangkui Kuntaw Kali Kruzada Kuntaw Combat Escrima Kuntaw LimaLima Kun Wu Jian Kuo Ch'uan (Dog Boxing) Kuoshu Kupigana Ngumi Kurai Kotori Ryu Ninjutsu Kurama Ryu Kurashe Kures Kuresh (Tuvinian Kuresh) Korea Willem de Thouars? Willem de Thouars (Filipino system) This is the war-art of the central Borneo headhunters (Filipino system) Lightning Scientific Arnis/Modern Arnis/Kali Arnis Intl./Kuntaw Combat Escrima (Filipino system) (Filipino system) This is a low to the ground northern style Founder began practicing MA in 1972. This is a Kenjutsu system This is an old native wrestling style This is an old native Martial Art (Wrestling?) This is an old native Martial Art (Wrestling?)

Kuntao Medan Sumatra USA? Borneo

1995. USA Rico Acosta

Philippines Ric Esteban 1365? Philippines China China Taiwan Africa Early 1980's. USA Ca. 1574. Japan Mark Steven Grove Ono Shokan

Uzbekistan Kazakhsta n Tuvinia, Russia -

Kurisu Ryu Karate Kuriyama Ryu Kuroda-Ryu Kuroi Ryu Ninjutsu Kuruya Ryu Kushido Kushin Ryu Ju Jutsu

USA Japan Fukuoka, Japan

Dr. Karl Marx Jr. Kuroda Family This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Koga region Perfected ca. 1720 by the founder's grandson Inugami Nagayasu (Inugami Gubei) This is an Iranian wrestling style with Turkish origin -

2003. The Arie van den Netherland Akker s Japan South Africa Japan Hugh St John Thomson Inugami Nagakatsu -

Kusthi (Kosthi) Iran Kwa Asilia Avita Sanaa Kwan Bop Kwan Gi Do Kwan Jang Choson Do Kwan Kempo Kwan Sool Kwon Bup Kwong Tong Kwon Ming Wa Kwon Sul Kyoju Dairii Kenkyushin Daito-Ryu Kyok Sool (Sul) -

Koryo Dyn. (9181392). Korea USA Canada Korea Southern China USA Korea USA? North Korea Iaan Cyrus Glenn Kwan Kalaii K. Griffin John J. Williams? -

This is a military fighting art. Kyok Sool means "Power Art" or "Art of Power"

Kyoku Do Ryu Kempo Kyokushinakai ? Kyokushin Budokai 1980. Holland

Jon Bluming (1933-)

Kyokushin (10, Dan/Judo (9. DAn). The founder began training MA (Boxing) in 1946 and Judo in 1953.

Kyokushin Kai Japan KyokushinKia Kan Karate? Kyo Rioku Jutsu Kyoshin Meichi Ryu Kenjutsu Kyoshin Ryu Jiu-Jitsu Kyosui Ryu Kenjutsu Kyudan Ju Jutsu Kyu Jutsu Kyuki Do 1993.

Masutatsu Oyama (1923- 2 Dan Shotokan/4 Dan Goju Ryu/Chabee 1994) Terry Shepherd Shawn Rodie Minowa Kurando The styles background is Nihon JuJitsu/Ninjutsu/Goshin Kai Ju-Jitsu/Wado Ryu Karate TKD/Hapkido/Judo/Boxing/Wrestling This is a modern combat sport? This is a system for mind control Originally a Ninjutsu style, now Kyushin Ryu is primary a Yari system Trained under Chibana/Goju Ryu/Kanshin Ryu Ju Jutsu The founder has trained for more than 40 years and is a 7. Dan

Japan 1992. Canada Japan Japan?

Ken Ok 1976. USA Hyung Kim (1939-) -

Kyuk Too (Tu) Korea Ki (Gi) Kyushin-Ryu Kyu Shin Ryu Kyu Shin Ryu Kyu Shin Ryu (Karate) Japan

Mid 1600's 1937. Japan England Kensei Kinjo & Sannosuke Ueshima Dennis Graves

Kyu Shin Ryu Aikijujitsu Kyu Shin Ryu Ju-Jitsu


Jaime Garza, Shorin Ryu/Pai Lum Gung fu/Karate/Judo/Pekiti Chris Garcia, Tirsia/Budoshin Ju-Jitsu/Kyusho Jitsu. The system Zedenek Matl was formally known as Flowing Circles Aikijujitsu & Pat Evers Clive Blackeby Kevin Hawthorn Dr. Kenneth Balliet The founder has trained many styles for more than 22 years and is a 2. Dan This is a modern Ninjutsu style with no connections to the old Japanese Kyu Shin Ryu The founder is also the founder of Ryukyu Shorinji Te & Buki Jutsu -

1999. USA

Kyu Shin Ryu Ninjutsu (AKA Kevin USA Hawthorn Ninjutsu) Kyusho Jitsu Kyusho Ryu Karate USA

Kyushoshinjuts u Jujutsu Kyushu Ryu Ju Jutsu

Laamb Laban Tulisan Labor System of Eskrima La Canne (de Combat) La Canne Vigny Lacoste Kali Ladja Lagarejos Sikaran Lagas Senegal, Africa This is Senegalese wrestling (Filipino system) (Filipino system) This is a French stick fighting/stick fencing style La CanneSavate/ + maybe Bartitsu/Boxing/Fencing/Wrestling/Ju-Jitsu. Pierre Vigny was Barton-Wright's stik-fighting instructor in the London, UK, based art of Bartitsu (Filipino system) Sikaran -

16-1700's? Unknown France founder Late 1800's. Pierre Vigny Switzerlan d/UK? Philippines Jon Lacoste Martinique Early 1950's? Louis Philippines Lagarejos /USA Philippines -

Lai Tai Lakan Apat Lakan SF La Lucha Canaria Lama Huang Gampo Lama-Kyuresh Lama Pai Lameco Escrima Lam Siu Lam Ehm Yeng Kuen

Burma Philippines Ancient. Canary Islands, Spain Tibet Tuvinia, Russia Tibet -

The Shan people Nelson D. Vargas -

The Shan people in Burma migrated from China centuries ago, bringing with them their style of Kung Fu The founder also founded Sagravate

La Lucha Canaria is an old wrestling art

Edgar G. Sulite (19581997) -

This is an old native Martial Art (Wrestling?) Kali/Arnis/Eskrima/Sulite's family style


This is a southern style -

Lancashire England catch wrestling Lan Do Chen Siue Pay Lan Kin Fa Ju Jutsu -

Lan Shou Men (Lan Shou Men Late Pai Shao 1600's. Lin)(Blocking China Hand Chuan) Late Lan Shou Quan 1600's. China Lao Chi Lao Lan LapDos Leti Philippines -

Started as Lanshou Quan and later Fanzi Quan, Poo Quan and Coo Quan were addd to the style

Charlie Villanueva -

This is a Shaolin Five Animal style of Kung Fu (Filipino system)

Garrote Lapu Lapu Vinas Arnis Lapunti Arnis de Abaniko Largo Mano Largusa Kali Lathi (Lathi Khela?) 1932. Jose Vinas Philippines (1906-1991) Prudencio 1972. "Undo/Ondo" Philippines Caburnay (1943-) Philippines India Ben T. Largusa Rene Latosa (Filipino system) The founder is the son of the Arnis de Abaniko founder Filemon Caburnay. The art based on Arnis de Abaniko/Doce Pares. (Filipino system) (Filipino system) (Filipino system)

Latosa Escrima USA Lau Gar Kuen Mid 1700's. China

Lau Sam Ngan was one of the five monks who Lau Sam Ngau survived the burning of the Shaolin Temple in the mid 1700's The founder has trained MA since the age of 9 (1969). il Lum Pai/Pai Lung Chuan/Ninjitsu/Kun Do Ryu Karate/Jeet Kune Do/Hong Chun Wing Chun This is an internal art This is the military style of Muay Thai This style is also called Burmese Boxing. The style is similar to Muay Thai Boxing. Current Grandmaster, Zhang Quanliang, is 13th generation This is a northern style

Lee Chuan Gung Fu Lee Jitsu Ryu Ninjitsu

Robert L. 1997. USA Kitchin Lei Gum Lun -

Leung-Yi Keun China? Lau Su Lum Fa Kung Fu Lee Moy Shan Ving Tsun Lei Ga Lei Jia Quan Lerdrit Lethwei (Burmese Boxing) Liang Ba Gua Zhang Liang Hsiang Liang-I (Shaolin 5China China Thailand Burma China China China

animal) Liangong 1974? Dr. Zhuang Shangahai, Yuan Ming China This is an "internal" art with health benifits. The founder is a Dr. in Tui-Na (Chinese massage & acupressure) Thia is an internal art

Liang Yi Quan (Twin Poles China Boxing) Lianshou Quan (Hand China Exercising Boxing) Liang Hsiang Liberte (Vietnamese Kickboxing ) China Vietnam

This is a southern style) -

Li Chia Ch'uan (Short Hand China Boxing) Lien Wan Li Gar China China

This style has almost no kicks This is one of the five family styles of Southern China

Lightning Scientific Arnis Benjamin (Lema Philippines Luna Lema Scientific Kali (1919-2003) Arnis) Li Ho Pa Fa Li Jia Quan (Fist of Li Family) China -

(Filipino system)

This is an internal art -

Guangdon g, China -

Li-Ka Kung Fu Lima Lama

Mid Tuumamao 1950's. "Tino" Samoa/Ha Tuiolosega waii? Ling family? -

Ling Gar Tzai Kune Do Kung China Fu Lin-Kuei USA?

Ninjitsu Lintan Bersilat Lion's Claw Kung Fu Lissajous Do Ryu Liubu Quan (Six Step Chuan) Malaysia UK USA China Lee Jones Based on White Crane/Claw techniques/Chang Chuan

Roy Williams Derivited from Shaolin Quan. This is a combat oriented style Chen His-I was a hermit Taoist monk. He created but never taught this style to anyone, but kept written records. Lee Dong Feng found his sceleton (Centuries later?) and manuscript and recreated the style from the writings. This is an internal art -

Liu He Quan (Fist of Six Co- China ordinations) Liu Ho (He) Ba (Pa) Fa Quan 10th (Six Harmonies Century? - Eight China Methods) Liu Hsing Chuan Liu Jia Quan (Fist of Liu Family) Liu Quan Dao Gong Fu China

Chen His-I (Chen Tuan)/Lee DengFeng Wutang Mountain Temple

Wutang Guangdon Mountain g, China Temple -

Loe Hon Keun (Immortal/Enli China ghtened Monk Fist) Lo Fu Do (The Way of The China Tiger) Lo-Han (Lohan Quan) (Fist of Fujian, Arhats/Lohan China Fist) Lomi Long Chuan Pai Shaolin Kung Fu -

Long Cuong (The Dragon Resting on Sand)

Binh Dinh region

Long Hua Quan (Dragon Style Fist) Long Xing Quan (Dragon Shape Fist) China

Long Zun Quan Fujian, (Dragon Style) China Lontow Pentjak Sumatra Silat Loong Ying Jing Chung (Traditional Dragon Fist Kung Fu) Loong (Long) Ying Mor Kiu (Southern Dragon) Lotar International Lotus Ryu Ju Jitsu


1565. China Israel Mid 1980's. Ecuador

Avi Nardia Tibor Zsamboki Royal Hawaiian Family Olohe Solomon Kaihewalu (1935-) -

Kapap/Krav Maga/Close Quarters Combat -

Lou Han Si Pa Shou (18 Hands China of Buddha) Lua (Hawaiian 1750's. Lua) Hawaii Lua Hlau O Kaihewalu Lua -Kuia (Kuia-Lua)

Lua was used for warfare. Originally there were 12 Lua schools, each of these schools specialized in attacking different parts of the human anatomy. -



Lucaylucay Kali Lucha Libre


Guro Lucky Lucaylucay

(Filipino system) This is a Wrestling system

Central/so uth America -

Loe Hon Keun (Immortal/Enli China ghtened Monk Fist) Lung Buy Ch'uan Fa Lui Ho (Northern Shaolin Lui Ho) Lung Jop Pai (Dragon style) Lung Shou Pai (Dragon Claw Family Style) Lung Ying Chuan (Lungxingquan )(Dragon shape Fist) -


This is a traditional Southern Chinese style -

Lung Ch'uan Fa China

Norman Pedelahore Woh Soh Toi Temple, China

Daaih Yuhk

Shaolin Luohan Quan Temple, (Arhat Boxing) China Lucha Breton Lu Tran Kung Fu Luta Livre Lutte Parisienne (Parisian street grappling) France Vietnam 1800's. France

Shaolin monks Quoc Lien Tran Breton wrestling The founder also founded Tinh Vo Dao, Tranjitsu & Street Rapid Defense System Using palm strikes/elbows/headbutts/throwing techniques

Machado Jiu Jitsu Macull Madi

1990's?. Brazil (+USA?) Bahia, Brazil Indonesia

Machado brothers -

Fight-dance using sticks or machetes (Silat system) This is an older Thai Boxing system/style Founder began training MA in 1982. TKD/Jiu Jitsu/JKD/Shitaya Jiu Jitsu/Kenpo Karate/Kickboxing/Sungjado/Daito Ryu Aiki-JuJitsu -

Mae Mai (Mae Mai Muay Thailand Thai) Maeng Sul Taekwondo Maharlika Kuntaw Main Quan Main Tindju Makoto Kinjo Ryu Makoto-Ryu Jitsu-Te Malahkhara Gatka Malavidya Vajra Mushti Mallayuddha 2001. Denmark China USA USA India India India

Chad A. Foster Carlito A. Lanada Sr. Michael Robinson

Allah Freedom John H. Caseres? Uyuh Suwanda Soma Shiro Yoshimoto (Nen Ami This is a Wrestling system Cimande/Kali/Cicalong/Harimau/Rikesan/Syahban dar + other, a total of 18 Pencak Silat systems This is a empty hand system, much like the french Chausson, that originally were called Calfi e Schiaffi Maniwa-nen Ryu is a Kenjutsu/Naginatajutsu/Sojutsu/Yadomejutsu system. The Ryu still exists

Manabi Masho USA? Ju Jitsu Mande Muda Pencak Silat Mani Mani Libere (Calfi e Schiaffi) Maniwa-Nen Ryu 1951. Bandung, Indonesia Cuba Southern Italy 1368. Japan

Jion) Manma (Gong To'a) Mano Mano 2002. Denmark Founder trained for 25 years in Kung fu Davood K. To'a/Taekwondo/Karate/Tai Banisse (1961) Chi/Kickboxing/Aikido (Filipino system) Mr. Pauciullo also founded Kathory Yama Ryu Ju Jutsu, and he is one of the highest ranked Masters in Europe, and he has high ranks in several Kung Fu styles/Contact Karate/Judo/Ju Jutsu/Chinese Kempo/Kendo/Okinawan Goju + others This is a military fighting art used 1977-2000 (discontinued?). "L.I.N.E." stands for "Linear Involuntary Neurological overide Engagement". Founder began training M.A. in 1990. Black Belt in TKD/Ryukyu Kempo/Isshin Ryu Karate. System based on the American Sign Language Masaki Ryu is a Naginata system Fighting art of the Massa people This is a MMA system. Mr. Epperson is also the founder of Gaijin Ryu Jiu-Jitsu This is a Indian wrestling style -

Man Seer Kung Gilberto Pai (Big Snake 1988. Italy Pauciullo School) (1952-) Maphilindo Silat USA Guro Dan Inosanto

Marine Corps Sgt. Ronald L.I.N.E. 1977. USA Donvito Combat System Marma Adi Southern India -

Martial Signing 2001. USA Matt Hayat Masaki Ryu Masho Jujitsu Ma-Sool Massa M.A.S.T.E.R. System Masti Matsuda-Ryu MatsumotoRyu Matsumura (Orthodox?) Kempo Karate Matsumura Seito Beginning of 1900's Japan Kenya, Africa USA India Ibazaki, Japan Tochigi, Japan LeRoy W. Epperson -

Okinawa? Yuichi Kuda? USA? Dave Shelton -

Mau Rakau Mayol Mayo Nguvu M.C.M.A.P. (Marine Corps Martial Arts Program)

Ancient. New Zeeland

The Maoris

This is the traditional martial art of the native Maori people of NZ. The art teaches the combat use of the Taiaha and other Maori weapons Stick fighting, developed to a ritualised, pugilistic dance South African Boxing/Capoeria/Shackle Hand (grappling) techniques Rumours are that there is 10 Grandmasters in this style, and that their names have been kept as a military secret. This is a military fighting art incorporating Brazilian JJ/Muay Thai/Filipino Martial Arts This is a filipino system -

Guadeloup e Africa -

2000. USA -

Medan Bersilat Malaysia Media Trailet Meechee Ryu <="" td=""> <="" td="">

Mei Hua (Hoa) Zhuang (Meihuaquan)( China Pillars of Meihua Plum) Metodi ItaloStranieri Mian Kung Fu <="" td=""> Australia

This is a northern style of Praying Mantis

Martin Yang & Marko Vesse No record

This is italian inspired emty hands, stick and knife fighting Marco Vesse is also the founder of Wu Xing Dao

Mian Quan (Mianzhang Hebei?, Chuan)(Contin China uous Chuan) Miao Quan Michi Budo Ryu Michi-Shin Kenpo Mi Chung I (221-210 B. C.) Guanxi, China USA China

This is a northern style, popular in teh Hebei District This is the style of the Miao minority. This is a low immovable stances style that has all its techniques from war and hunting This is a Kung Fu style

Si Yao Vincent Marchetti -

Law Horn Kuen (Mai Jung Law Hong) Mien Quan (Mian Chuan) (Cotton Fist) China This is a soft northern style

Mig-Sune-Do 1971. Alberto D. A combination of Eskrima De San Miguel/Combat Escrima De San Philippines Dacayana SR. Judo/Wing Chun Kung Miguel /Italy? Mijin Ryu Kenjutsu Mikato Karate Japan USA Negishi Tokaku -

Prof. Clement Riedner Saito Dosan Antonio P. Pereira Long Tzi Yin Cheng (Yan Qing in Mandain) This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region Fighting techniques from commandos during WWII/Judo/Aikido

Minamoto Ryu Japan Ming Shan Tao Qigong Mino-Ryu Mi Tsung-I Miura Ryu Ju Jutsu Gifu, Japan China 1700's. Japan

Mi Tsung Yum China

Miyama Ryu Ju 1960?. Jitsu USA Mizhoongquan (Mai Zhong Sung Khuen/Fok Ka Dynasty. Kungfu) China (Labyrinth Style ) Mizoguchi-ha Itto Ryu Kenjutsu Mizong Quan (Secret Buddhist Sect Boxing)

Yin Cheng Monkey Style Kungfu + others?

Ca. Mizoguchi 1630.Japa Jingozaemon n Masanori 1700's. China Sun Tong (1722-) -

This northern style is also known as Yan Qing Quan (Fist of Lost Track) and Nizong Quan. The founder was skilled in Shaolin Arts/Chinna/Bagua/weapons/pressure points striking The base of this system was Mizong Yi Quan

Mizong Luohan 1900's.

Quan (Lost Track Buddha Guardian Fist) Mizong Yi Quan Mizuhari Ryu


China Japan

17-1800's. Huo family -

This was the Huo family's personal system of Mizong Quan. Later other systems were incorporated into it and it changed into Mizong Luohan Quan This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region

Arthur C. 1999. Andersen, Mat Mizumichi Ryu Loudonvill A weapon based system of combatives solely for Lipps & Dr. Bujutsu e, Ohio, military operatives at close-quarters. Rodney USA. Stinemetz Mizunokokoro Jujitsu 2000. Denmark Christian Hvidberg Kobayashi Koemon Toshinari The founder started training in 1977 -

Mizuno Shinto 1600's. Ryu Iai Jutsu Japan M.N.S.S. (The Magicians Network SelfDefense System) Mobutu Ryu Mochi Kune Do Modern Arnis 80 (MA-80)

Switzerlan Hans Eric d? Bristol USA Mark Harrell

4. Dan Isshin Ryu/2. Dan Shotokan/1. Dan Shaolin Hai-San Kung-Fu/ + 3 yrs. Savate/10 yrs. Pankration The system is very similar to JKD

The founder is a 6th Dan (1992) and a National 1998. USA Dan Anderson Karate Champion. The style is based on Modern Arnis Remegio 1957. "Remy" Philippines Amador /USA? Presas (19362001) Bill Wolfe, Harold Stairn & Dennis Wolfe

Modern Arnis Presas Style

(Filipino system)

Modern Defendo 1980. USA C.Q.B. (Close Quarter Battle) Moderno Largos

This is a military fighting art

Philippines Jesus Abella

Modern Self Defence Moh Kempo Moido Moi-saree Mo Jia Quan (Fist of Mo Family)

1980's. Germany 1961. Canada Japan Malaysia

Martin Wietschorke

Olaf Emile American Kempo/Southern Style 5 animal Kung Simon (1929-) Fu. The founder also founded Pai Hu Shih Kunichiwa Morohei (1892-) Heido/Ninjutsu (Tokagure Ryu)/Kyudo/Daito Ryu Jujitsu This is one of the five family styles of Southern China This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region (Filipino system) (Silat system) This is a southern style Based on Tae Kwon Do The founder has 7. Dan ITF TKD in 1981 & 9. Dan WTF 2003 TKD/Hapkido/Judo/Kuk Sul/Kendo/Shaolin Kung Fu Korean weapons This art is somewhat similar to Capoeira

Guangdon g, China Mok Ching Gui Hector Montijo Chae T. Goh Olaf Simon Lim Won-Sup Soon Woo Lee -

Mok Gar Kuen China Mokomoko Momochi Ryu Moncal's Balintawak Monde Muda Mon Lung Kung Fu Mon Jia Quan Hawaii Japan China China

Montijo Karate Puerto Do Rico Moo Do Moo Duk Kwan Moo Kempo Karate Moo Ki Do Mool Huck Gil USA Korea Canada 1990's. Sweden

Moon Moo Do USA Moo Sa Sool Moring Moringa Korea

Mosambiq ue Madagasca -

(Ringa/Moring r ue/Batay Krol/Mrengu ). Mori Ryu Japan This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region 1955. Alejandro Moro-moro Manilla, "Andrew/And This is an Escrima system Orabes Heneral Philippines y" Abrian Moro Moro Style Motaba Ryu Motobu Ryu Bu Jutsu (Motobu Ryu Kobujutsu) Telesporo Philippines SubingSubing? (Filipino system) Gotente

1947. Uehara? Okinawa?

Motto Chi Te Ryu-ha Kempo Okinawa Jutsu Moy Gar (Mot Gar?) Moy Yat Ving Tsun Kung Fu M'Rengue China China? Comores

Moy Yat (1938-2001) -

Current Soke (5th Generation Heir/Soke Godai 10th Dan): Donald P. Jeffrey, USA Traditional Comorian Martial Art, close related to the style Moring from Mosambique

Msingi Nyoka Mapigano Africa Ngumi System Muay Ayuthaya Muay Chaiya Muay Chaiyut Muay Chao Cherk Muay Korat Thailand 1700's. Southern Thailand Thailand Thailand Northeast Thailand

Mfundishi Tayari Bayete Tolo-Naa Casel? Kruu Kiao? Por Tan Mar This is an old Muay Thai style This is an old Muay Thai style from the province of Surathani in the South of Thailand This is a newer Muay Thai style This is an old Muay Thai style This is an ancient Muay Thai style from Na Khorat Rachasima in the northeastern part of Thailand

Muay Lopburi Muay Maa Yang Muay Paak Klang

Central Thailand Southern Thailand Bankok, Thailand

This is an old Muay Thai style

Kruu Tankee? This is an old Muay Thai style Ajarn Kimsaing This is a newer Muay Thai style This an old Muay Thai style This is an old northern Muay Thai style, also known as Muay Lampang or Muay Chiang Rai This is an old Muay Thai style This is the modern version of the old Siamese fighting styles This is a newer Muay Thai style that comprises of three elements; Muay Kaat Chueak (Empty Hand Combat)/Krabi-Krabong (Armed Combat)/Muay Plam (Grappling Combat) This is an old Muay Thai style Mugai Ryu is a Kenjutsu/Iaijutsu system. The founder started training Kenjutsu 13 years old The founder has blended Hapkido (7. Dan), Hankido (4. Dan), and Hankumdo (4. Dan). He has also 3. Dan in TKD (1975) -

Muay Nawarat Thailand

Muay Paak Nuua (Muay Northern Lampang/Muay Thailand Chiang Rai) Muay Ta Sao Muay Thai (Thai Boxing) Muay (Thai) Boran Muay Thai Sangka Northern Thailand Thailand Thailand


Tsuji Gattan Sakemochi (1650-1729) Meiji Suzuki Marshall Gagne -

Muay Uttaradit Thailand Mu Dong Kung Wudang, Fu (Wudang) China Mugai Ryu (Mugai-Ryu Iaiheido) Mugendo Mugen Ryu Mu Gong Kwan Muhi Muteki Ryu Jo Jutsu Mujishin Jen Ryu 1695. Japan 1990's. England? USA Mid-Edo period (1600 1868).

Odagiri Sekiei -

Japan Mukai Ryu Mukei Ryu Muk'na Mulan Chuan Mumonkai Karate Murakami Kai Muraku Ryu Japan Japan Manipuri, India 1990's. China Japan Japan This is a wrestling style and a sub-system of Thang-Ta

Mei Fong Yin This is a modern style based on Hua Jia Quan + (Ying Taiji Meifeng) Togashi Yoshimoto Nagano Muraku Kinrosai Brad Murphy Muraku Ryu is a Iai Jutsu/Kenjutsu system Combat Kung Fu/Jeet Kune Do/Filipino KunTao/Hawaiian Lua/Muay Thai/African Ruah/Indonesian Silat Kenpo/Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Murphys Defensive USA Tactics (MDT) Murrieta Jiu Jitsu Kenpo Karate USA

Todd R. Uhls

Musado M.C.S. (Military 1980. Combat Germany System) Mushi Jutsu Mushindo Kempo Hawaii -

Herbert Grudzenski Mike Ganci (1945-) Joseph R. Burlin Christian Orth? Hayashizaki Jinsuke Minamoto Shigenobu

This is a military fighting art incorporating Hwa Rang Do (Kyokushinkai offspring) This is a Iaijutsu system

Mushin Karate 1975. Do USA? Mushin Ryu Ju 1971? Jitsu USA Mushin Ryu Taijutsu Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu (Hasegawa Eishin Ryu) Germany?

Mushti-Yuddha India Ca. 1590 Japan

(1542-1621) Muso Jikishin Ryu Iaido Mu Sool Muso Shinden Ryu Japan Ca. 1590. Japan Hayashizaki Jinsuke Shigenobu This is a Iaijutsu & Kenjutsu system. Influenced by Omori Ryu/Maraku Ryu/Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu/Shindo Munen Ryu/Yamaguchi Itto Ryu+others Learned Kung Fu from his father and grandfather, who studied under Kwee Tang Kiam, a Kung Fu master from Southern China. Later the art was assimilated into the Silat art which are common in the Jakarta area. 4 Dan Tenshi Goju Kai Karate+Dan in 3 other systems -

Mustika Kwitang Pentjak Silat


Mr. Zakaria

Musubi Do

1982. Japan

Sensei Metzumo Okawa Terry Rasmuson Jim Arvanitis -

Musubi Ryu Ju USA Jutsu Mu Tau Pankration USA

Mute Jinen Ryu Sweden? Mutekatsu Ryu Japan Muteki Ryu Ju Jutsu Muti Muto Ryu Iaijutsu Muul Huc Gil Muye Dobo Tong Ji Muye Eship Saban Myanmar Letwhai My Jhong (Shantung: Ying Ching Quan) 1600's. Japan Haiti? 1880. Japan Korea Korea Burma

Ono Tetsutaro (1836-1888) This is a Kickboxing style

China. Sung/Tang dyn?

Songshan Shaolin My Jhong Law Monastry, Horn Henan, China Myo Sim Karate USA? Hong?

This is an old Northern style

Naam Siu Lam Ehm Yeng Kuen (Naam Siu Lam Ng Jing Kyun) Nabard Nagao Ryu Taijutsu Iran Nabon (Naban) Burma 1600's -

Nagao Kenmotsu Jorge Garcia

This is the native Persian Martial Art This is Burmese wrestling The founder was a samurai of the Itto Ryu and Yagyu Shinkage Ryu. Used hidden weapons This is traditional Apache fighting. Nagondzog means "guerilla warfare". Current G.M. Robert Redfeather, the founder of Tie Gou Quan Trained under Taitei & A. Sesho (of Kumapeople)/Ryuko in China After WW2 Toyama Ryu split into three styles, named after the three main students of Nakayama Hakudo. Hakudo's basics came from Mugai Ryu. -

NagashimatsuUSA Te Aiki Jujutsu Nagondzog (Apache Knife Fighting Ghostdog System) Naha Te


The Apache tribe Kanryo Hiagonna (1853-1915) Nakagawa Kohayato? Nakamura Taisaburo Nakanishi Chuta -


Naha Te Toudi Jutsu Ryukyu Kempo Nakagawa-Ryu Aomori, Japan

Nakamura Ryu 1953. Batto Do Japan Nakanishi-ha Itto Ryu Kenjutsu Nakh A Kha 1600's. Japan India

Mushti? Nami Do Yawara Nami Ryu Iai Jutsu Hui Cheng? Sim Pooh Ho Yoshinao Nanbu The art have influence from 5 schools; Shaolin/PaKua/Eagle-Claws/Iron-Head/Body Qigong -

Nam Pai Chuan (Shaolin Nam China? Pai Chuan) Nampon Silat Nam Wah Pai Nanban-Ryu Nanbudo 1964 Nagasaki, Japan 1979. Japan

Ming Nan (Nanji) Dynasty Quan (Southern (1368Fist) 1644). China Nan Quan 1960's. China

This is the modern (contemporary) Chinese Wushu style, derived from traditional southern (Cantonese) styles (Hong Jia/Cai Li Fo/Mon Jia/Cai Jia/etc.) This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region -

Nan Tong Long Pai (Southern China Praying Mantis Family) Narita Ryu Nataraja Natori-Ryu Negishi-Ryu Negoro-Ryu Negros Occidental Nei Wai Chia Japan India? Japan Japan Japan

Natori Sanjuro The founder was the author of the Ninja book "Sho Masatake Nin Ki" Suginobo Myosan This was a system of throwing knifes The style is built on techniques from Wing

Visayan, Philippines 1980. USA Dr. Larry

Kung Fu


Chun/Hsing-I/Bagua/Tai Chi/Mizong. The founder also founded Beikoku Bushikan Karate Jutsu & Sessen Jutsu Aiki Ju Jutsu Gallego began his MA training in 1968 with Judo. Has also trained Goju Ryu under GM. Urban -

Nekedo Karate USA

Robert Moore -

Neko-Do GojuDr. J.M. 1987. USA Ryu Gallego Neko Ryu Goshin Jitsu USA Ernie Cates

Nembutsukan Ninp Taijutsu 1995. Aikibud Brazil Jujutsu Nen Ryu Iai Jutsu Ness Fu Thai New Concept of Philippine Arnis Ng Ga Kuen Ng Long Bagua? N'Golo Ngor Chor Kun (Go Cho Kun)(Wu Chu Chuan)(Five Ancestor Fist) Nguyen Trung Hoa Japan 1997. Canada USA China China Ancient. Angola Late 1800's. Chuan Chiu, FukienChina Vietnam

Bill Sensei

Ali Nestor Charles Toni Veeck -

(Filipino system) This is believed to be the ancestor of the Brazilian Capoeira consists of 5 ancestral styles: 10 Han, Tai Cho, Tat Chun, Pe Ho, Ta Sien. The style name Ngo Chu Kun is in Amoy dialect. The name in Mandarin is; Wu Chu Chuan Wu Mui was a Buddhist nun. She is also the originator of the Mui Pai Kung Fu system This is a Judo like art Grandmaster Stumpf is Soke Nidai/Inheritor of Senkido

Sijo Chua Giok Beng

Wu Mui (Ng Mui) Benedetto Stumpf

Ng Wu Mui Pai China Kung Fu Nhay Cha Nhu Dao Nibuikai Kempo Karate Jiujitsu Vietnam 195. Germany

Nick Cerio's Kenpo System

Prof. Nickolas 1974. USA Cerio (1936- Kajukenbo/Shotokan/Kung Fu/TKD/Jujutsu 1998) Hanshi Sasaki Both brothers trained with Funakoshi and Obata. & brother The style changed name in 1975 (approx.) from Kiyoshi Sasaki Chidokan to Nihon Chidokai Karate-do Tanemura Shizuya Sato Sato is 8 Dan in Judo & 10 Dan in Ju Jutsu

Nihon Chidokai 1954. Karate-do Japan (Chidokan) Nihon Goshin Ryu Ju Jutsu Nihon Iaido Kyokai Nihon Ju Jutsu Nihon Kempo Nihon Koden Shindo Ryu Karate-Do Japan Japan Italy? -

Armando Founder is a 10th Dan? Santambrogio -

Nihon Shorinji Ryu Kenkokan Japan Karatedo Nihon Tai Jutsu Nikaido Ryu Kenjutsu Nindo Ryu Bujutsu Ca. 1600. Japan -

Yukitoshi Kori Hisataka Matsuyama Mondo Joseph Versocki Dwight Cicione Denis St. Jean/Jules Ladouceur Takeda Shingen Developed from Daito Ryu Aiki Ju Jutsu? Washin-Ryu Karate/Judo/Shaolin Gung Fu/TKD/Chi Gung/Ninjitsu Judo/Jiu Jitsu/Karate/Kali-Arnis/Penchat Silat/Muay Thai -

Nindo Ryu Gendai Ninjitsu Nindo Ryu Ju Jutsu NingaIsshinryu Ninja-Do Ninja Ryu Ninja Ryu Jiu Jitsu Ninko-Ryu Japan USA? USA? 1986. USA 1997. Canada Kai, Japan

Ninpo Dux Ryu USA Ninpo Late Goshinjutsu 1970's. Mute Jinen Ryu Sweden (Goshinjutsu) Ninpo Ninjitsu USA Nin Ryu Ju Jitsu Nin Sho Nippon Daito Ryu Roppokai Japan

Frank Dux

Bujinkan Ninjutsu under Hatsumi. The art is about Bo F. Munthe 90% Ninjutsu and the rest a mix of Judo, Kempo & Aikijutsu technics -

Prof. Okamoto Muneumi Sawayama (1906-1977) Larry Hilton Professor Hilton combined Juko Ryu Jujitsu/Vee Jitsu Ryu/Kenpo/Kokon Ryu Aiki Jutsu/Judo to form his system. -

1932. Nippon Kempo Japan Nippon 1981. Ketsugo Ryu Ju Illinois, Jitsu USA Nippon Okinawan Goju Kai Nisei Bujutsu Nisei Goshinryu Jujutsu USA

Harris Warren Prof. Riccardi began MA training in 1957 and he have studied Ju Jitsu, Judo & Vee Jitsu Ryu Ju Jitsu. Promoted to 10th Dan in 1985 by Prof. Vee This is a two sword Kenjutsu style This is a Shorin Ryu offshot

1983. USA John Conn Prof. Rick Riccardi -

Niseido Ju Jitsu 1974. USA Nito Ryu Kenjutsu Japan

Nogoshi Karate No-Ka-Oi Limalama Nord Shaolin Kung Fu USA 1972. Denmark

Founder began training Boxing at 16 yrs. of age, Richard Nunez Kung Fu at 17 yrs. Black Belt/instructor in (1934-) Kajukenpo/Shotokan/Lua/Limalima/Kenpo Karate Jimmy Keido Yamaue (1946-) Jon A. Loren Mr. Yamaue has also founded Yamaue Aiki Jutsu, En Shin Ryu Jiu Jitsu & Kei Wa Ryu Kajukenbo/Tai Chi/Southern Sil Lum

Northern Tam 1971/79. Tui (Tum Pai?) USA

Norweejin 2001. Goshin Ryu JuNorway Jitsu Nuba Wrestling Nunchaku en Savate Nyingbulam Ryu Jujitsu Sudan, Africa

Jo-Inge Nordli Founders: Nordli 3. Dan in 2003, Sannerud 2. Dan (1971-)/Ronny in 2003. Developed from Ju Jitsu Norge/other M. Sannerud A's/homemade techniques (1968-) Fighting art of the Nuba people, which includes stick-fighting This ia a combination of street Savate and Nunchaku, first done by French sailors Founder is Dan ranked in: Shotokan Karate/Seishindo Jujitsu. Has also studied Judo/Kung Fu

1800's/197 0? France 2000. Canada Jason Carter

Ocho Ocho (Figure Eight System) Oda Ryu Japan This is a filipino system This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region -

Ogasawara Ryu Kyodo, 1500's Reishiki O Do Kwan Oguri Ryu Ju Jutsu Ohido Ohkuni Ryu Korea 1616. Japan Japan

Oguri Niemon (Filipino system) This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region -

Oido de Abraham Philippines Caburata Arnis Gubaton? Oikryu Ju Jitsu Oishi Shinkage Japan Ryu Kendo O'Kando Ikiru Ryu (Oikiru Ryu Kempo) Okichitaw O'Ki Do/Jutsu Okikukai 1990. Canada USA Okinawa -

Oishi Susumu (1798-1865) George J. Lpine Donald P. Jeffrey Split from Uechi Ryu

Shohei Ryu Okinawan Kempo Okinawan Shorinji Ryu Karatedo Renmei Okinawa Ryu Karate Do Shuri Te Seibukan Okinawa Seishinryoku Karate Do Okinawa Seito Ryu Okinawa Te Okinawe Te Tai Karate Do Okiru Ryu Jiu Jitsu Nakazone Joen -



Greece USA Greece 1975. England

Nasiakos Spyros Rodney Murray Bill Zahopoullus Professor Harry Olson Donald P. Jeffrey Okuyama Magojiro (1525-1602) Omori Azaemon Masamitsu -

Founder is 8. Dan Keishinkan/Kenkojuku Shotokan/Tong Soo Do/Judo/Aikido/Karate Uechi Ryu/Shorin Ryu/Seidokan/Aiki Jutsu/Iaido This is a Internal Energy Art. The founder also founded Chinmoku Kaze Ryu and he is also the Soko of Motto Chi Te Ryu-ha Kempo Jutsu This is a wrestling system -

O' Ki Ryu Jutsu USA Okol Okuyama Ryu Kenjutsu Oliverez Style Pangasinan Escrima Omaru Daito Ryu Madura, Indonesia 1500's. Japan -

(Filipino system) Koga Ryu Ninjutsu?

O-Mei Kung Fu China Omori Ryu Iai Japan Jutsu, Kenjutsu Onna Shinobi USA?

Ono-ha Hoki Ryu Ono-ha Itto Ryu Oodarch

Japan Japan

Ono Jirouemon Tadaaki

This is a Kenjutsu system This is an old native Martial Art (Wrestling?) TKD/Hapkido/Aikido/Tai Chi/Kung Fu/Bagua/Taiji/Ju Jutsu/Kumdo/Ship Pal Gae This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region O Shin Chuen/Shuai Chiao This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Koga region This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region

Kirghizsta n

Oom Yung Doe (Chung Moo 1989. USA John C. Kim Doe) Ooyama Ryu O Shin Chuen O Shin Ti Tan (Ngo Hien Gun) Otomo Ryu Japan Fukien, China Sweden Japan Linn Family Louis Linn -

Oto Ryu Karate Okinawa Otsuka Ryu Otsuki Ryu Japan Japan

Otsuki Yutaka Tsuda Gonnojo Taira This is a Sojutsu system which also train Nobuyuki swordmanship (Yague Shinkage Ryu) & naginata (1654-1698) George W. Owens -

Owari Kan Ryu 1671. (Tsuda Kan Japan Ryu) Owens American Kempo Karate Oyama Karate USA

Shigeru 1981. USA Oyama (1935- 9 Dan? This is a Kyokushin offspring ) This is a native Mayan M.A.

Oyata Shin Shu Ho Ryu Ryukyu Kempo O ye te Kab Mexico

Pachigi Korea -

Pa Chuan


Mok Poi On? -

Pa Fa Lin (Pao Fa Lien?) Wing China? Chun Pa Hsien China Paihequan (Pai Hao Chuan) China (Crane style) Pai Hu Shih Pai Lao HU (White Tiger Kung Fu) Pai Lom Tao Kung Fu Pai Lum Tao Canada China USA -

Olaf Emile American Kempo/Southern Style 5 animal Kung Simon (1929-) Fu. The founder also founded Moh Kempo Glenn C. Wilson Zahoor Baig Rehmani -

Pai Lung Chuan Kung Fu Pakchigi Korea Pak FannModern Islamic Pakistan Martial Arts Pak Mei (Bak Mei-Bai Mei)(White Eyebrown) Pak Sing Fut Ga Early 1900's. China China

From the Shaolin Temple at Sang San Mountain. Cheung Lai Chun was the 4th generation monk Cheung Lai from the Shaolin monk Pak Mei and he combined Chun (1889-?) Pak Mei's style with 3 other styles, calling it Pak Mei to honour the main influence Ki Taek Lee? Max Pallen Ama Guro Raffy Pambuan This is a substyle of Choy Li Fut This is a Korean version of the Japanese Hakkoryu Jujutsu (Filipino system) Pamacan means "Father Tiger" (Filipino system) -

Pal Kwang Ryu Korea Yu Sul Pallen's Method USA Pamacan Silat -

Pambuan Arnis Pa Men Shiong China Chuan (The

Eight Bear Gates Style) Pamonyet Pamur Kombinasi Tjimand Pamur Pentjak Silat Panache Pananandata Arnis Pananandata Marinas Panantukan Pancavarunum Panci Panci Eskrima Pancrase 1951. Madura, Indonesia France Hasan Hubudin (Silat system) Pamonyet means "Father Monkey" -

Techniques from several Sumatran styles This is a combination of Canne and Savate

Togalog, Ingkong Leon (Filipino system) Philippines Marcelo Philippines Amante P. Marinas Sr. Pananandata/Dan in Aikido/Shorin Ryu (Silat system) This is Filipino kickboxing (Filipino system)

Panan Diakmon India 1993. Japan

Philippines -

Masakatsu Funaki & Minoru Suzuki


Ciriaco "Cacoy" Philippines Canete (1919) BC 648? Greece Greece? Greece Lazaros E. Savvidas? Jim Arvantis This is the original extinct system that is not related to the modern styles with the same name This is a modern style not related to the extinct Chinese style. Most likely split from Uechi Ryu Founder learned ancient principles & techniques as

Pangai Noon Pangai Noon (Kung Fu/Karate) Pankration Pankration (Athlima) Pankration (Modern)

Pankration (Mu Early

Tau) Pankration (Spartan) Pankration (Pyx-Lax Raseein) Panmo

1970's? USA BC. Greece USA Brazil The Spartans Prof. Vasilios Katsaitis -

a young boy in Greece, added Muay Thai/Boxe Francaise/Judo The Spartans did not participate in the ancient Olympics, because that their fighting system was not limited and more a warrior art, without rules This is a modern art -

Pan Nam Wing Chun Pao Ch'uan Shaolin (Pao Ying Temple, Kuen)(Leopard China Fist) Pao Chui (Cannon Fist) Paoxingquan Pasa Ryu Passchen's Ringen Pata Patai Silat Pauh Pentjak Silat Pedoy Style of Derobio Escrima Pehlwani (Pahlwani) Pekiti Tirsia Arnis Pekiti Tirsia Kali China China USA 1600's. Germany

Kang Rhee

This is a northern style -

A grappling art including clawing attacks to the Johann Georg throat, punches, elbow strikes to the head and Passchen kicks to the knees. Resembles modern Wing Chun in many ways. This is the ancient warrior art of the Rajput people (Filipino system) This is an ancient Indian wrestling art. The modern form of Pehlwani is heavily influenced by the traditional Indian art of Mallayuddha Based on Negros Occidental of the Visayan region

Rajasthan, India Ca. 1900. Sumatra Sumatra -


Philippines Leo T. Gaje Visayan, Conrado B. Philippines Tortal

Pencak Silat Baringin Sakti Pencak Silat Cimande Pencak Silat Jati Wisesa Pencak Silat Merpati Putih Pencak Silat Padjadjaran Pencak Silat Persaudaraan Setia Hati Pencak Silat Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate Pencak Silat Ratu Adil Pencak Silat Satria Muda Pencak Silat Pencak Silat Seni Beladir Pencak Silat Terumbu Peng Chuan Peninjuan Bersilat Pentjak Silat Buka Jalan (Buka Jalan Silat)

Jakarta, Indonesia

Eleven instructors

1800's. Ci Mande, Pak (Embah) West Java, Kahir (-1360) Indonesia Early 1950's. Gajah Putih? West Jawa 1963. Yogyakart a, Jawa, Indonesia 1928 K.R.H. Achmad Kartakusuma

The "mother art" Silat system

1903, East Ki Ngabehi Jawa, Soerodiwirjo Indonesia (Eyang Suro) Indonesia Rudy Terlinden -

Serah/Cikalong/Cimande/Suci Hati/trained in 50 years + -

Indonesia Indonesia

1700's. West Java, Indonesia China Malaysia -

Close related to the Cimande style/TD > (Silat system)

Pentjak Silat Serak Perisai Diri Pentjak Silat Perisai Sakti Silat Pete Petjuk Kilat Silat Peul Phakwondo (Way of Fa's Fist)

Netra learned Kendo, Sumo, Judo, Jukenjutsu, Karate and Jujutsu from Master Susaku Kimura & combined with Central Jawan Silat. -

1955. Jawa 1941. Central Jawa Guinea, Africa Vietnam? Netra Widjihartani -

Phat Gia Quyen Pre (Buddha 1600's? Martial Arts) Vietnam

(Kyokushinkai offspring) -

Phoenix Karate 1964. USA Hulon Willis Do Phor Kune Kung Fu -

Picate Style Philippines Florente Picate Espada Y Daga Pi Gua (Pikua) Quan (Axehitch Chuan) Pi Gua (Pikua) Quan (Axehitch Chuan) Pien Shen Wing Chun Pinayong (Umbrella) Style Piguazhang (Pigua Quan) (Fist of Chopping and Ming Dyn.? China 1930's. Nanjing, China China General Qi Jiguang? Ma Yingtu & Guo Changsheng Fung Sung This art is inspired by the Snake and Eagle This is the revised modern Wushu version made in the 1930's, with some adjustments and addings Fung Sung was taught by Leung Jan (Ga Lau Wing Chun) -

Philippines -


This is a Moslem style

Hanging/Axehitch Chuan) Pinewood Karate Piper System Pluma Arnis Poekoelan Poekoelan Tjimindie Tulen 1989. USA South Africa Indonesia Indonesia Daniel E. Andrews III Nigel February Oei King Boen/Mas Djut-Bang Salimoen Doug Devlin Kang Eung Sun Milan Prosenica (Kyokushinkai offspring) This is a blade/knife fighting art, described as a brutal-system This is a Malaysian Kung Fu style -

Philippines -

Poc (Pok) Khek Malaysia Pok Hak Pai Police Martial Arts Poo Quan (Cannon Chuan) Tibet China

Poong Ryu Son Do Pradal Serey Pro Am Wing Tchun Progressive Fighting System USA

Pronus-Supinus Johnny Cadena De Philippines Chiuten Mano System (1930's-) Pugil stick fighting Pukulan Pukulan Batawi Pukulan Pentjak Silat Bukti Negara USA Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia 1985. USA Paul de Thouars

Chinese styles/Balintawak/Arnis de Abanico Padded rifle-length stick.Using USA football helmets and vests as protection. Sera

Purring Pylsung Do Karate


Keith Nessbit Alvin Flane Walker

Unarmed kicking art Tomarite/Sagawa Kara Fu/Won Hop Loong Chuan/Tsong Que Cheun

Pyong Hwa Do USA

Qigong China Dr. Effie Poy Yew Chow Qi Shi is a Moslem style Qi Xin trained Tongbei under the Taoist Master Lu Yunqing Qigong (Dyan) China Qigong (Flying China Crane) Qigong (Guo Ling) Qigong-Show Qi Kwan Do Qi Shi (7 Forms/7 Warriors) Qi Tongbei China 1990's? USA? China Mid 1800's? China Vietnam Late 1800's? England Puerto Rico

Qi Xin

Quan Ki Do Quan Li Kan Quarterstaff Quatro Rincones

Chau Quan Ki (1895-1965) Recembles an acrobatic Karate style (Pham Xuan Tong?) This is a traditional English Staff Fighting art -

Rangeln Rapid Arnis Rapido Realismo Austria This is an old wrestling art from Austria (Filipino system) This is a Filipino weapon system Philippines Henry Espera

Kali/Arnis (aka Espera Kali/Arnis) Rapido Realismo Sabakan (aka Espera Sabakan) Raw Knife Fighting Red Warrior Tushka-Homa

Philippines Henry Espera

This is a Filipino unarmed combat system

Australia USA

Luke Holloway

The founder also founded Zhen Dhao Kung Fu

Adrian Roman has 8th Dan in American Kenpo. Adrian Roman Roman is a Choctaw Indian and the system is (1942) based on native Indian techniques. Jim Wagner Unarmed fighting art from Bavaria Founder learned Kodokan Judo/Chinese Shorinji Kempo/Karate/Houen Ryu Taijutsu/Kensou Ryu Jujutsu/Hakkou Ryu Jujutsu. This style places more emphasis on fighting plus more kicking This is s type of Kung Fu Founder has Black Belt in Goshin Ryu JuJitsu/Judo/Kenpo + Kyu ranking in Yoshitsune JuJitsu & Aiki Ju-Jitsu. Began training M.A. at 11 years of age This is a very rare art

Ratu Duri Silat Raufen Reality Based Martial Arts Re-Efi ArehEhsee Rei Ju Ryoku Ryu Rembukai Renshinkan Shorinji Ryu Karate Do Ren Yi Wu Kwan Tang Sou Dao Renzoku JiuJitsu RepikadaPigada RigonanEstalilla Kabaroan Germany USA Eritrea, Africa -

Japan/Oki nawa? 1955. Japan 1998. Britain Isamu Tamotsu (1920-2000) Meng Kwong Loke


John Cozatt

Philippines Philippines

Ramiro Abella (Filipino system) Estalilla Sr.?

Rikarte Rikesan Rikuzen-Ryu Rince an Bhata Uisce Bheatha (Whisky Stick Dance) Ringen am schwert Rin-Yan Jior Ristines Rodrigues Bu Ku Ryu Self Defence Ronin Do Ronin Do Karate & JuJutsu

Japan Early 1800's. WestIrland Middle ages? Germany China Lithuania USA USA 2004. Sweden

A member of the Doyle Clan Jose A. Rodriguez Mats Tverin Joseph Rossi Jacques Levinet Marco Ruas -

(Filipino system) (Silat system) This is traditional Irish Stick Figting with a Shillelagh or Hurley (stick), close realated to the Irish Bataireacht This is a close combat art with the German falchion and langenschwert This is an old native Martial Art (Wrestling?) Karate/JuJutsu/Aikido/TKD/Muai Thai/Kickboxing/Boxing Kun Tao/Western Boxing/Aikido/Savate/Judo/JuJitsu The founder also founded Self Pro Krav. The founder is a 5th Dan in Karate, a Police and Army Instructor and a weapons expert This is a military system (Spetsnaz) based on Sombo + punches and kicks & survival tecniques with & without weapons This is a African (ancient Egyptian) exercises, combat arts, dance and meditation. This is a hand to hand combat style of Spetsnaz This is a southern style

Rossi Kun Tao USA R.O.S. (Real Operational System) R.O.S.S. System France Russia?

Rokupaskni-boi Russia Ruah (African Ruah) Ruas Vale Tudo Fighting System Rukopashnii Boi Ru Quan (Confucian USA Russia China

Boxing) Ruyi Tongbei China Serbia Ryokukai Ryokukan Ryokukan Ruyi Tongbei is a variation of Shi Tongbei This is an old native Martial Art (Wrestling?) -

Okinawa/J apan? -

Ryoku Ryu Denmark. (Ryoku Bushi- Late Do Ronin Ryu) 1990's?

The founder was a 3rd Dan in Kawachi Yon Leo "Berador" Tengu-Ryu. Also trained Kyokushin-Kai & Clausen Tengu-Ryu Kyokushin-Kai Founder began training in 1972 and is a 6th Dan in Jiu Jitsu. The founder has also founded YakuKobu-Jitsu Founders: Michael: 6. Dan IBK. Holger: 7. Dan IBK -

1992. Ryoku-Ryu JiuHanspeter Switzerlan Jitsu Resch d Ryoku Shin Do Germany Ryu Fyu Kenpo Ryuji Karate Ryuken Ryukyu Kobudo Ryukyu Kudaka Jima Shishiryu Bo Jutsu Ryukyu Shorinji Te Michael & Holger Boldt Taika Oyata -

Okinawa? -

Ryukyu Kempo Okinawa -

Dr. Kenneth Balliet

The founder is also the founder of Kyusho Ryu Karate & Buki Jutsu -


Ryu-Saiichi-Do Steven Ohio, USA Karate Hatfield Ryuseiken Batto Jutsu Ryusei-Ryu Ryu Un Kai Japan -

Saburi Ryu Sojutsu Japan -

Sado Mu Sool (Sul) Sae Ying Diu Sao (Snake Form Mongoose Hands)

2330 BC?, Dan Koon Korea Wang? Early 1900's. China Leung Tien Chiu

Means family or tribal MA, (one of the roots for Kuk Sool Won)

Safta ("Scientifically Applied Force USA Training of America") Sagasa Sagawa Kara Fu Philippines -

Lew Hicks

Okinawan Shorin Ryu/Aikido/Kung Fu San Soo/Free style & Greco-Roman Wrestling. (A Navy Seal figting system)

Dr. Guillermo This is a Filipino Karate/Kickboxing style Lengson Alan Kates Nelson D. Vargas Marco DellaCioppa Dr. John J. Williams The founder also founded Lakan SF (Filipino system) This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region -

Sagido Systems USA Sagravate Saido Karate Saiga-Ryu Saigo Ha Daito-Ryu Shintokai Saijo Ryu Saiko Modern Arnis Saito Ninjitsu Sakagami Ryu Sakugawa Koshiki Shorinji Ryu Sakurai Ha Kohgen Itto Ryu Kenjutsu Sakura to Katana Philippines 1990. Canada Japan 1990/96?. USA Japan USA? Japan

1800's? Sakugawa? Okinawa? Japan -

Branch decendant from Kohgen Itto Ryu


Bengt Jacobsen/Kent This is a Ju Jutsu system nmo?

Samaurai Sambo (Samooborona Bez Oruzheeya) Sam Kune Pai Kempo Samoz Samurai Jiu Jitsu Samurai JuJitsu Samurai Ryu Jujitsu Sam Yung Kong Soo Do/TD> San Cheen Do

1930's. Russia USA Russia

Anatoly Kharlampiev Billy Bryant Joe Dimnick Siegfried Boedeker -

Anatoly studied Jujutsu and Judo with V. Oschepkov and V. Spiridonov + wrestling from Russia, Mongolia, Armenia, Georgia & Siberian bear wrestling Trad. Chinese forms/Kempo/Arnis/Penjak Silat/Weapons Unarmed fighting art 5. Dan in: Kong Soo Do, Hap Ki Do & Kyuk Too Ki + 4. Dan in: TKD The founder also founded Tai Cho, which he combined with various Shaolin arts to create San Cheen Do The art have been discontinued from December 2006

Sam Pai Kenpo USA Germany -

Samuri Jiu Jitsu -

1993. The Netherland Patrick Baas s 900's. Hubei, China Chao Kuang Yin (Zhoo Kuang Yin). Glenn Kwan Paul C. Holley

San Chia Chuan Kung Fu Sandang Silat Sandan Kenpo San Do Jutsu Jujitsu San Do Jutsu Karate San Do Jutsu Silat-Tao Sanhuang Paochui (SanHwang PaoCh'ui)(Three Emperor Cannon Fist) Sumatra Canada Canada USA


Song Mailun

Song Mailun added a dozen of other styles to his cannon fist

Song Style Sanhuang Paochui (SanHwang PaoCh'ui)(Three Emperor Cannon Fist) San Jitsu Ryu Sankato KarateJitsu Sankudo Sankukai Kenshikan This is the original style, also called Yu-style (after Yu Liandeng) of Three Emperor Cannon Fist

Ancient. China

1971. Guam 1990. Canada 1970. Japan?

Frank E. Sanchez (1948-) Jean Frenette Yoshinao Nambu Dr. Robert N. Braff Manny A. Saavedra

Karate, Judo, Jing Jow Pai, Wrestling, Boxing, street fighting Shito Ryu/Sankukai Shito Ryu? This is an internal art -

San Pan Shi Er China Si San Ryu Do Sansei Goju Ryu Sanshin Do USA USA Late 1960's? Germany Japan USA 1980's. USA

Ralph Kunfert Trained together with Al Dacascos Prof. Moses Powell -

San Ten Karate USA? Santo Ryu Sanuces Ryu Jujitsu San Yama Bushi Ryu Jujutsu Sanzyu Ryu

Hector Negron Jujutsu/Judo/TKD/Police Tactics This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Koga region

Okinawa/J apan? India Japan

Sao Di Wu Shu China Sarit - Sarak Sasaki Ryu

Sasori Ryu Jujitsu Sato Juko Sato Ryu Jujitsu

1994. Spain -

Antonio Marin

The founder is a student of Soke Bryan Cheek & Shihan Allain Sailly

Katsuaki Sato This is a Kyokushin offspring The clan were defeated by Minamoto Yoritomo in 1189 Unarmed hand and foot fighting art Systemized 1820 & 1932. Termed as Savate by Michael Casseux in 1820. This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region Founder is a 1st Dan? Sawo-Jutsu stands for Safety Workout Ju Jutsu. This is a woman self defence system The name of this style means "Dance of death". This is a Filipino kicking style, in technique close allied with Muay Thai (Filipino system) Founder started training TKD in 1973. Has also trained Shaolin KF/Kyokushin/Ashihara + Kendo/Aikido in Japan for a short time This is traditional Italian Stick Fighting, similar to the french La Canne This is the Roman stick fighting style This is short-stick fighting styles developed mostly in the south This is a stick-fighting style with a 90 cm. long stick This is stick fencing developed in the regions of

Sato Ryu Ninjutsu Japan (Shinobu-Syoji) Satsuma-Ryu Sau-Lin Szu Chin-Chen Chau-Fa Savasu Savate Sawada Ryu Sawo-Jutsu Sayaw Kamatayan (Yaw Yan) Sayoc Kali Sayokan (SayokanGoshinkaikan) Scherma di Bastone Scherma di Bastone Bicipite Scherma di Bastone Corto

Kagoshim a, Japan China India 1500's? France Japan Germany Bianca Bloechl?

1972. Napoleon Philippines Fernandez Philippines 1999. Turkey Italy Italy Italy Christopher Sayoc, Sr. Nihat Yigit (1961-) -

Scherma di Italy Bastone Lungo Scherma di , Sicily &

Bastone Pugliese e Siciliano Scherma di Coltellaccio o Storta

Puglia, Italy

Sicily and Puglia mostly by shepherds


This is an old military-style knife fighting system

Scherma di Coltellaccio o Italy Storta Unite a Daga o Pugnale Scherma di Cornoler Scherma di Daga-Pugnale dei Maestri d'Armi Scherma di Daga Veneziana Castellani Scherma di Daga Veneziana Nicoletti Scherma di Doppia Daga Scherma di Pugnale Militare Venice, Italy 1400's. Italy

This is a style much like the filipino espada y daga

This is Venetian stick fighting

This is a dagger fencing system

Venice, Italy

This is a Venetian Dagger Fighting System, which The Castellani has two destinct styles, created by two different family families The Nicoletti family This is a Venetian Dagger Fighting System, which has two destinct styles, created by two different families This is double dagger fencing, of Venetian origin, still practiced is Corsica This is the italian military knife fighting system of WWI and WWII Founder has 7. Dan in Kung Fu & kickboxing -

Venice, Italy Venice, Italy Italy

Seal Lung (Little Dragon) UK? Kung Fu Sebekka (Sebekha) Sebu Do SECA (Security Enforcement Counter Assault)

Tony Lloyd

BC? Egypt USA? 200? Norway Walter Rose? Simon FlackHolmstrm

The founder has a Black Belt in Ju Jutsu & Karate

Seibu Do Seibukan Seibukan Ju Jitsu Sei Cheung Kuen Seicho Jutsu (Jieitai Ryu Seicho Jutsu) Seido Sei Do Kai Iaido Seido Kaikan Seidokan Motubu Ryu Seido Ryu Seigi Bushido Ryu Seigido Ryu

USA China? 1981. Canada

Donald Swansey Daniel Verkerke

Influenced mostly by Japanese arts -

Okinawa/J apan 1980. Japan Okinawa -

This is a Kyokushin-Ashihara offspring. The Founder began training in Kyokushin in 1969. The Kazuyoshi Ishi founder is also the originator of the famous K-1 fighting championships Shihan Tome (1929-) Karate/Goju Ryu/Isshin Ryu Tae Kwon Do -

Okinawa/J apan? Late 1970's. USA USA 1983. Canada 1978. Canada USA? Kent Haraldson Kyoshi Frank DeAngelo Douglas W. Gagel and Zivorad Petkovic Maxine Mazaltarim (1943-) -


Seikido Ryu Seiki Juka Karate Seikukan Sei No Iki

Judo/Ju Jitsu/Shito Ryu/Sankukai/Shotokai from 1955 -

Sei Ryoku Zen 1984 Yo Karate Do Seishindo Jujitsu Seishinryoku Do Jujutsu Seishin Ryu Sei Shin Ryu Karate Seitedo Karate Seitei Tanjo Seito Ryu -

Dr. Carlos Diaz -

Namechange from Muay Thai Kuen Kung Fu. The founder was also the founder America Okinawa 2006. USA Paul C. Holley Seishinryoku Tai Chi and the discontinued San Do Jutsu Silat-Tao 1996. USA Great Britain USA Okinawa Lee E. Dawson Shihan Karl Finn Edward Badiang Colorado Academy of Martial Arts? Sekiguchi Yarokuemon Ujimune (1597-1670) Jacques Levinet (Kyokushinkai offspring) 6 Dan? -

Seizan Ryu USA Kempo Jujutsu Sekiguchi Shinshin Ryu Seki Ryu Self Pro Krav (SPK) Senai Seisshinryu Shihandokai Karate Kobu Jutsu Do Sendo Ryu Karate Senido Seni Gayong Silat Seni Ryu Ca. 1640. Japan France

This is a Jujutsu/Kenjutsu/Iaijutsu system This is a Ju Jutsu and weapons system Derived from R.O.S. prof. tecnniques/Krav Maga. The founder is a 5th Dan in Karate and also the founder of R.O.S.


Dr. Alan Thornton Prof. Emeric Aras (Arus?) -

Romania/ USA -

Malaysia? Japan -

Seni Silat Cekak Seni Silat Cekak Ustaz Hanafi Seni Silat Kuningan


Ustaz Haji Hanafi Bin Haji Ahmad Ustaz Haji Hanafi Bin Haji Ahmad


13-1400's? Cirebon, Timur, Indonesia 1950's. Germany 1994. Canada

Senkido Senshido

Johannes Meurer & Hubert Stumpf Richard Dimitri Dr. T.J. Gentry Founder also founded Yoi Tatakai Karate. 5th Dan in Renzoku Ju Jitsu, 3rd Dan in Aiki Ryu Ju Jitsu, 2nd Dan in Goshin Ryu Ju Jitsu, Black Sash in Do Maa Kung Fu The ancient art was reconstructed by Buddhist Monks in 1960. Components: Seon-Yoga, SeonMoo Gee-gong (breathing), Seon-Moo Sool (form of MA). This is a close quarter system that mainly uses the espada y daga form A hybrid system incorporating key elements from Cikalong/Cimande/Syahbander

Senshi Ryu Kempo Ju Jitsu (Warrior USA School Gentle Art) Senso-Ryu Ninjutsu America?

Pendekar Mishar

Sentak Pentjak West Silat? Sumatra Seon-Moo Do

Ancient/19 60, Korea Philippines Indonesia Indonesia Ba Pak Sera -

Serada Serah Pentjak Silat Serak (Sera?) Silat Sera Silat Serrada Escrima (Cabales Serrada


Angel Ovalles Cabales (Filipino system) (1917-1991)

Escrima) Serrada Largo Mano De Cuerdas Serrada Mahdi Sessen Jutsu Aiki Ju Jutsu Setia Hati Pentjak Silat USA Dentoy Revillar (Filipino system) (Filipino system) The style is based on techniques from Daito Ryu/Aiki Budo/Aibu Jitsu Ryu. The founder also founded Beikoku Bushikan Karate Jutsu & Nei Wai Chia Kung Fu The founder is a 4th Dan in San Do Jutsu Silat-Tao & a 3rd Dan in Okinawa Seishinryoku Karate Do Trained under Peter Urban

Philippines 1980. USA Central Jawa Dr. Larry Sanders Hein V. Nguyen? Lee Kester Sekwii Shab (1936)

Seven Mountain Hawaii? Lohan Sysytem Shadow Dragon Combat USA System Shanando Ryu Shan Fu Jow (Shan Fu Jow Shen Hu Hsi Nui Gun Pai) Shang Dao Chuan Shan Shou Do 1982. USA 1934. China USA

Chung H. Yue Cha Quan/Lung Ying/Yue Ga/Nam Tong Long. (1884-1942) This art was first known as Xin Fa Chuan Hsu Terry Warner James Tuten James Tuten Soke also the founder of Shangtishin Ha Ryu Kempo Soke also the founder of Shangtishin Ha Ryu Chaun Fa -

Shangtishin Ha USA Ryu Chaun Fa Shangtishin Ha USA Ryu Kempo Shantung Kun Tao Shan Tung Ying Jow (Shantung Eagle Claw) Shao Chi Chuan (Small Ultimate Indonesia


System) Shao Choy Hung Kung Fu USA Chin Na Shaolin Bagua Quan (Shaolin Fist of Eight Trigrams) Shaolin Chanmen (Chan's Gates of Shaolin) Shaolin Chuan Fa (Shaolin Quan) (Fist of Shaolin Temple) China Robert Smith -


1300's. China

Shaolin Chung Hop Kuen Shaolin Ershisi Pao (24 Cannon China Strikes of Shaolin) Shaolin Fa Men Chuan (Shaolin China Tsu Kempo) Shaolin Do Shaolin Goju Shaolin Iron Tiger System Shaolinji Toraken Kempo USA USA USA USA

Robert Lyons

Kung Fu/Karate/Tae Kwon Do

Sin Kwang The? Charles Dixon? Richard A. Greenlee Dr. Ron Cherry Fred Villari Ralph Castro

An art from the Shaolin temple. Current Grandmaster is Wanda Rivera Acevedo, USA Kajukenbo/Shorinji Kempo/Shaolin 5 Animal/White Tiger Chin Na/Aiki Jujutsu Trained under W. Chow/American Kenpo

Shaolin Kempo Shaolin Kempo USA Karate Shaolin Kenpo USA (American

Shaolin Kenpo?) Shaolin Lung Fa Kung Fu Shaolin Nine Dragons Kung Fu USA USA Frank Morris JR.? Davyd J Moerler Trained several Kung Fu systems, especially in Foo Joon Lin Kuei -

Shaolin Tai Tzu Quan Shaolin Shisanzhua (13 China Claw Strikes of Shaolin) Shaolin Wing Chun Nam Anh Vietnam Kung Fu Shaolin Wuxing Bafa Quan (Shaolin China fist of 5 forms and 8 methods) Shaolin Ying Jow Shastar Vidyaa Shen Chun Do Shen Do Aikijitsu Sheng Zhen Wuji Yuan Gong Ancient. India -

Nam Anh

7 Dan Hapkido/3 Dan Combat Hapkido/2 Dan TKD/2 Dan American Combat Self-Defense This is a Qigong art Shibukawa Ryu is a Kusarigama, Bo Jutsu & Ju Jutsu system -

1987. USA Ed Annibale China Li Jun Feng? -

She Ying Kuen China (Snake Style) She Zu Quan (Fist of She Nationality) Shibukawa Ryu Shidare Yangi Fujian, China

Shibukawa Hangoro Japan -

Ryu Ju Jutsu Shidokan Shido Ryu Shihan Vechi Ryu Shiho Karano Ryu (Nippon Shiho Karano Ryu Kenpo Jitsu) Shikendo Shiki ButokuKan Karate Shim Shima Ryu Shim Pu Ren Shimshindo (Korean Kickboxing) Shim Shin Do 1974. Japan Japan Yoshiji Soeno Soke began training Motobu-Ha Shito Ryu & Hakko Ryu Ju-Jitsu in 1962. The art has evolved into 5 divisions or Ryu-Wa: Karate/Ju Jitsu/Kenpo/Kubudo/Iaido Williams was granted a branch of the Butoku-Kan system founded by Yoichi Nakachi This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region Yon Pon Gun studied under Kenwa Mabuni (Shito Ryu).Yoichi Nakachi learned the style from Gun and later changed name of the style to Butokukan. -


Clement G. Riedner Don Williams Yon Pon Gun

Seattle, USA Japan Early 1960's. Japan/US A Korea

Sergio G. Shotokan/Shorin Ryu/ITF TKD/Kenpo. The 1984. USA Barriga (1960- founder has Black Belt in 7 styles & he is a Master ) in 4. He bagan training MA in 1972 1971? USA James S. Benko This is a Korean swordsmanship system. Founder has 9 Dan in TKD, Hapkido & Han Kuk Mu Ki Do + Black Belt in several other systems The system consits of Shinbukan Jujutsu & Shinbukan Kenjutsu, with its roots in udo/Karate/Aikido/Kendo/Ninjutsu. The founder is a 5th Dan in Jujutsu and a Yudansha in Kenjutsu/Aiki Jujutsu/Karate/Judo 6. Dan/Goju Ryu (3. Dan)/USA Goju (2. Dan)/Meibukan (1. Dan)/Instructor level Yang Tai Chi Chuan

Shim Soo Do Shinbujiku Karate Shinbukan Bujutsu

2002. Serbia?

Dr. Ivica Zdravkovic

Shindao Goju

2000. Canada

Gregory Collins

Shinden Fudo Ryu Dakentaijutsu Shindenfudo Ryu Jutaijutsu

Ca. 1250. Japan -

Izumo no Kanja Yoshiteru -

Shinden Fudo Ryu is A Dakentaijutsu/So Jutsu/Yari system. (one of the arts under Bujinkan Budo Dojo) Shotokan(Funakoshi)/Shito Ryu(Mabuni)/Goju Ryu(Miyagi)/Aikido/Kendo -

Shinden TataraJapan Ryu

Shindo Jinen Yasuhiro Okinawa? Ryu Ryobu Kai Konishi Shindo Munen Ryu Kenjutsu Shindo Muso Ryu Jo Jutsu Shindo Muso Ryu JoJutsu Ca. 1750. Japan Ca. 1610. Japan Fukui Heiemon Yoshihara (Kahei) Muso Gonnosuke Muso Gonnosuke Noguchi Senryuken Tamashita Minoru Stephen Grayston

Founded after Mr. Gonnosuke defeated witha Jo the greatest swodsman Miyamoto Musashi This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region Kobayashi Shorinryu/Shotokan/Wado Ryu. This system was first called Washindo-Ryu Shinjitsu Kempo/Judo/Wing Chun/Greco-Roman Wrestling/5 Dan in TKD Shoto Tanemura was high ranked in Bujinkan Ninjutsu before breaking with Hatsumi and founding his own Genbukan Ninpo Goshin Jutsu

Shindo Rokugo Japan Ryu Shindo Ryu Shindo-Ryu Karate-Do Shindo Ryu Nippon Niharate Do Shindo Tenshin-Ryu Kenpo (a.k.a. Tenshin Koryu) Japan 1984. England

199? USA James Ennis


Shoto Tanemura

Tokugawa Shindo Yoshin era (1600- Katsunosuke Ryu Jujutsu 1868). Matsuoka Japan Shi Nei Tai Do Shin Gahn Do -

Okinawa Karate/Gung Fu/Judo/JuJutsu/Wrestling/Aikijujitsu/Thaiboxing/ TKD/Boxing

1973. USA Rocky Emily

Shingitai Ju Jitsu


Originated from the Chinese Pai Gai Noon Chuan Fa, Kosho Ryu Kempo & Nakamura's Kempo. Current GM: Daniel Hayen

Shin Gi Kempo Belgium Shin Gi Tai Kempo Shin Go Ryu Karate Shingoshindo Shingo Shinkage Ryu Shingyoto Ryu Shinjimasu Shinjitsu Shinjo Ryu Iaijutsu Belgium ? ? Japan 1682. Japan

Shihan Daniel The founder is also the GM of Shin Gi Kempo Hayen -

Shingo Izu-noKami Shinkage Ryu Muneharu Iba Josuiken Hideaki Shingyoto Ryu iis a Kenjutsu/Iajutsu/Naginatajutsu system -

Okinawa/J apan? USA -

Reno Moralez This is a Karate/Jujitsu blend Kami Izumi Ise-no-Kami Fujiwara no Nobutsuna (1508-1578) Kamiya Deshinsai Masamitsu? Dr. Stephen Michael Monasingh (1950-) Stewe Rowe Shinkage Ryu is a Kenjutsu, Ju Jutsu, Iai Jutsu & Yari system. Founded to improve the techniques of Katori & Kage Ryu.

Shinkage Ryu


Shinkage Ichien Ryu Kenjutsu Shinkage Itto Ryu Kenjutsu Shinkage Jikishin Ryu

Japan Japan Japan 1975. Guyana, South America

Shin Shinkage Ryu? Founder: 10 Dan Shin Kai Do/8 Dan Dong Koo Yudo Kwan/5 Dan TKD/5 Dan Karate/4 Dan Kickboxing/Int. Self Defence Instr./Qualified Instr.-Japan Karate-Do Kyokushinkai. Founder also founded Kokorokikarada Karate The founder has; 7 Dan Taiki, 6 Dan Karate, 3

Shin Kai Do

Shin Kan Budo Great

Kai Shinkan Ryu Kenjutsu Shin Keichu Ryu Shinkeito Ryu Kenjutsu Shinkendo Shinki Ryu Jujitsu Shin Kicking Shinko Ryu Shinmei Muso Ryu Iai Jutsu (Shigenobu Ryu) Shinmein Ryu Ju Jutsu

Britain Japan 1700's. Japan 1990. USA 1700's? Europe? Okuyama Tadenobu Matsuura Seizan Toshishiro Obata -

Dan Iaido, 1 Dan Judo, and is a Tai Chi Sifu The founder was a Daimyo and the Ryu lasted until 1908. Obata studied with Shioda Gozo Shihan at Yoshinkan Dojo for 7 years. -

Okinawa/J apan? Ca. 1565. Japan Hayashizaki Jinsuke Shigenobu (1546-1621) Hayashizaki Jinsuke Shigenobu (1542-1621) Tamizaemon Yamamoto? Kobayashi Yoshimaka? -

Shinmuso Late Hayashizaki 1500's. Ryu Battojutsu Japan Shin No Shindo Japan Ryu Shin No Shinkage Ryu Shinobikatana Shinpi Ryu Shin Po (Pu?) Ren Shin Shinkage Ryu Shinshinkan Japan USA? Japan Korea? Japan 2000.

This is a Iaijutsu system

This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Koga region

Yun Pon Gun? Ogasawara Genshinsai Nagaharu? Gerardo Founder began training in 1968. Art based mostly

Karate-Do Shin Shin Nogare Jitsu Shin Shin Sekiguchi Ryu Shin Shin Tan Ren Jutsu Shin Shobukai Foralosso Ryu

Uruguay Japan Italy

Cantore -

on Issinryu and Aikijujitsu Shin Sekiguchi Ryu is a Kenjutsu, Iai Jutsu & Ju Jutsu system -

Carlo Luciano Aikido (Aikikai & Yoseikan)/Wado Foralosso Ryu/Judo/Kendo -

Shinsho Kempo America Jujitsu Shinshu-Ryu ShinshutsuKarate Shinriaku Heiho Shin Su Do Shintaido Shintaido Ju Jitsu Shintai Kempo Japan Pakistan Japan USA

Kamran Javed Tanaka Setaro Troy Burchett Founder also the founder of Black Dragon Kenpo Karate. Black Belt in two Karate Systems -

196? Japan 1994. Sweden -

Tommy Kedja Based on Shaolin Kung Fu/Shorinji Kempo/Ju (1958-) Jutsu Muso Gonnosuke Katsuyoshi Shin Tamiya Ryu is a Kenjutsu/Iai Jutsu system This is a Jojutsu & Kenjutsu system -

Shintai Ryu Jujutsu Shin Tamiya Ryu Shintomunen Ryu Shinto Muso Ryu Shinto Ryu Iai Batto Jutsu Shin Toshi Shinto Ryu Shinto ShobuJapan Japan Ca. 1640. Japan Japan Japan Japan

Ryu Shinto Yoshin Ju Jutsu Shinwa Taido Shinyo Ryu Aiki Jutsu (AKA Shinbeikan) Shin Yu-Kan Kendo Japan? USA Inouye -

Graham Lewis -

Yousef Shirzad -

(Kyokushinkai offspring) This is the ancient Korean Kung Fu. Not to be confused with the modern Argentinean Sipalki (Do). This is an internal Art The founder is a 8th Dan. Street testet techniques, since the founder is a Police Detective Qi Xin trained Tongbei under the Taoist Master Lu Yunqing

Shinzen Karate 1996. Iran Ship Phal Ki (Shippalgi) Shiraishi Ryu Shiroma Kai (Kei?) Shinto Ryu Shitaya JiuJitsu Shitei Kaisho Shi Tongbei (Hei Quan Black Fist) Shito Ryu Korea

Okinawa/J apan? Okinawa Norbert Domrs Shi Hongsheng

Shi-San Taibao China Germany Mid 1800's? China 1934. Okinawa After 1958? Japan

Mabuni Kenwa (1889Trained Shuri Te under I. Anko 1952)(18871954?) T. Hayashi -

Shito Ryu Hayashi Ha

Shito Ryu Tani Ha Shito Japan Ryu Karate Do Kofukan Shito Ryu -

Keiji Tomiyama -

Kaneta Ha Shito Ryu Kuniba Ha Shito Ryu Motobu Ha Shito Ryu Seishinkai Shito Ryu Toh Bu Ha Shito Ryu Jiu Jitsu Shizenki Ryu Bujutsu Shizen Ryu Aiki Jujutsu Shizen Ryu Karate Shizen Taido Shobudo Ryu Jujitsu Shobukan Shoden Mutto Ryu Shoden Omori Ryu Iaido Shoden Tao Ryu Shogei Toitsu Kempo Shogerijutsu Sho Go Te Japan 1920. Japan Sweden -

Choki Motobu -

Andres Sidler & Micha Vogt Kenwi Tasuki Current Soke: Avelino R. Mayoral Reijo Phil -

1998, Hannover, Kenji Hayashi 4 Dan Aikido. The system is based on Aikido Germany Hokkaido, Tenamura Japan (retired Bushi) Okinawa/J apan? Japan Japan -

Shogun Ju Jitsu Sweden Shohei Ryu USA

Shihan Benny Swedish military combat art Dahlqvist George E. Mattson -

Shojitsu Kenri Kataichi Ryu Battojutsu Shojukempo Ryu Shokenkai Kempo Shoku-Kai (Matsumoto Karate) Shootfighting

Ca. 1680. Japan 1980. USA -

Imaeda Sachu This is a Battokenjutsu & Jojutsu system Ryodai Larry S. L. Martin Shotokan/Aikijujitsu/Kempo Ju Jitsu/Aikido/Shorinji-Kempo -

Japan/Aust Matsumoto ralia? Japan. 1980's -


The foundation of Shooto can be found in the "Catch as catch can-wrestling", introduced to Satoru Sayama Japan by the German Karl Gotch. Further developed by influence of Thaiboxning/Judo/Sambo Satoro Sayama Sambo/Wrestling/Muai Thai/Judo/Jiu Jitsu So Doshin (1911-1980) Charles B. Stanley This is a Karate style that also uses crabs, throws, take downs & joint locks A combination of Karate, Judo, and Aikijujutsu built on a Kung Fu framework. Shorinji Kempo means Shaolin Kung Fu (Chuan Fa) 6 Dan Jujitsu/5 Dan Kempo/3 Dan Sogo Ken Do Kempo/S.K.D. Ju Jitsu

Shoot Wrestling Shorei Goju Karate Shorei Ryu Shorinji Kempo Shorinji Makoto Ken Do Kempo Shorinji Ryu Shorinji Ryu Jujitsu Shorinjiryu Kenkokan Karate Do

Japan Okinawa 1947. Japan 1990. USA 1954. Okinawa Late 1940's. Japan

Nakazato Joen The founder was a student of of Kyan Chotoku (1922-) Shinan Kori Hisataka (1907-1988) Albert C. Church, Jr. (1930-1980) Strongly influenced by Okinawan Shorinjiryu Karatedo (Tode)/Chinese Shorinji Kempo/Ryukyu Kudaka Jima Shishiryu Bo Jutsu/Kudakaryu Karate Jutsu This art was known in Japan as Kooh Ha Shorinji Tekken Ryu. Church sensei had the art identified as a Kempo-jutsu system and added the title Kamishin Ryu. Since this time the art has been

Shorinji 1968. Tekken (TetsuJapan/US Ken) Kamishin A Ryu

classified as Shorinji Tekken Kamishin Ryu Shorinji Toraken Ryu USA. Early 1980's James Ronald Dr. Cherry was a student of Dr. Church (Kamishin Cherry Ryu) Frank Steinbchel? -

Shorinji Zendo Kai Shorin Kempo Shorin Ryu Chibana Ha (Kyudokan Shinkokan) Shorin Ryu Joshinmon Shorin Ryu Kenshinkan (Kenshinkai?) Shorin Ryu Kobayashi Shorin Ryu Legacy Shorin Ryu Matsubayashi Ryu Shorin Ryu Matsumura Shorin Ryu Matsumura Seito (Orthodox?) Shorin Ryu Matsumura Soken Do Shorin Ryu Nippon Shorin Ryu Ryukyu Shorin Ryu Sakimukai-Ha Okinawa 1969. Japan Fukuoka, Japan Okinawa Canada 1947. Okinawa Okinawa

Higa Yuchoku Shuri Te/Goju Ryu (1910-1995) Ikeda Hoshu Chibana Shoshin (1885-1969) Gary Legacy Shoshin Nagamine (1907-1997) Yuichi Kuda (1928-) Hohan Soken (1889-1982) Ikeda was originally a student of Tamotsu Isamu of Shorinji Renshinkan -

Trained Shuri Te under I. Anko The founder began training in his teens for the old Okinawa masters of Shuri og Tomari -


Began training in 1965. Studied TKD and Kung Fu prior to his study of Shorin Ryu with G.M. Hohan Soken. Promoted to Master in 1969 -

USA Japan

Dave Shelton -

Okinawa? Sakimukai

Shorin-Ryu Karatedo Shorin Ryu Seibukan (Sukunai Hayashi Ryu?)(AKA Chuba Shorin Ryu) Shorin Ryu Shidokan (Kobayashi?) Shorin Ryu Shinjinbukan Shorin Ryu Shobayashi Shorin Ryu Shorin Kan (Kobayashi?) Shorin Ryu Shudokan Shorin Ryu Siu Sin Kan

1945/47? Okinawa

Zenryo Shimabakuro (1904-1969)

The founder was a student of the Tomari Master Kyan Chotoku


Miyahira Katsuya

Brother to Isshin Ryu's Founder Tatsu Shimabakuro Founder has studied Shito-ryu/Jujitsu/Tang Soo Do/Tae Kwon Do/Escrima/Tai Chi/Kenpo/Kempo/Iaido/Judo/Aikido/several Kung Fu styles The style incorporates Boxing/Karate/Kenpo/Chin Na/Ju Jutsu Soke Nidai 2nd Gen. Heir 10th Dan is Jeffrey Cuevas, USA The founder have studied Shotokan/Kyokushinkai/Muay

Okinawa/J apan? Okinawa Eizo Shimabukuro

Shuguro Okinawa/J Nakazato apan? (1921-) Okinawa/J apan? 1967-70 Chin Mok (79?) Sung? Malaysia? Hohan Soken -

Shorin Ryu 1910 Sukunaihayashi Shorin Ryu Shima Tsuru Shorin Ryu Uchuno Shorin Ryu Kempo -


Bill Rankin


Eddie Ramos Dr. Christian Harfouche Raffi Liven (1949-)

Shorite Ryu Tai USA Jutsu Shoshindo Ryu USA Kempo Jutsu Sho Shin Karate Do Late 1980's.

Denmark/I srael Shoshin Ryu USA?

Thai/Kendo/Judo/Aikido/Kobudo/Kickboxing/Full Contact Karate/Krav Maga. Began training at 9, 1. Dan at 15, now 9. Dan Prof. Clyde Judo/Ju Jutsu Zimmermann? Ron Reed Started his training at 19 yrs. of age in 6th Dan Ju Jitsu/4th Dan Hapkido/4th Dan Shotokan/1st Dan Kempo Karate in Japan. 6th Dan Ju Jitsu/4th Dan Hapkido/4th Dan Shotokan/1st Dan Kempo Karate Founder is a 5th Dan. System based on Japanese, Korean and Chinese arts Trained Shurite under A. & I. Anko + 3 monts under Taitei Ai Mute Shotokan branched off of the traditional Shotokan style in the late 196o's -

Shoto Jitsu Shoto-Jutsu Karate Shotokai Shotokan Shotokan Ai Mu Te Shotokan Kempo Karate Shotokan Ryu (FMK ShotokanRyu?) Shoto (Shoot Fighting) Shoto Ryu Shoto Shinkai Karate Do Shourido Shuai Chiao (Jiao) - Bao Din (Bao Din Kuai Chiao)(Fast Wrestling?) Shuai Chiao (Jiao) - PaiChang

USA 1987? USA Japan 1922. Japan Late 1960's. USA -

Oleg Spector Mitsusuke Harada Gichin Funakoshi (1868-1957) Bobby Peeler -


A hybrid system of Kickboxing & submission wrestling 6 Dan Shotokai Founder began training in 1978 and has 1. Dan PaSaRyu/4. Dan Shotokan -

Japan 1982/83? 1994. USA -

Vivian Nash Eugene "Mr. Pete" Rouse -

1800's. China

Ping Jing Yi (1830-?)

Founder was famous in Northern China for his Shuai Chiao and Shaolin Kung Fu


Chinese wrestling

Shuai Chiao (Jiao) - Peking Shuai Chiao (Jiao) - Shang Pu Shuai Chiao (Jiao) - ShuaiGo

China China

Chinese wrestling Chinese wrestling


En no Gyoja

Chinese wrestling Chinese wrestling This is Chinese wrestling -

Shuai Chiao China (Jiao) - Tientsin Shuai-Jiao Shugendo Shudokai Shudokan China Japan

Okinawa/J apan? Okinawa Kanken Toyama Chen Tuan (Taoist name: Fuyaozi)(? 989) Shigeru Kimura & Chojiro Tani Robert A. Trias (19221989) Tony Leo Choki Motobu? -

Shuigong Fa Shui Hu Quan (Fist of Water Margin)


Shuigong Fa is a Qigong method


This is a northern style

Shukokai (Tani Ha Shito Ryu) Shunsei Karate Shutokai Shutokan Shuri Ryu Karate Shuri Shin Do Ryu Shuri Te Sibat Sichin Ryu USA USA? Okinawa Japan

Shito Ryu First Black Belt in 1943 (Filipino system) Developed from a Ninja Ryu to a fighting art in

Shinobijutzu Signum Polonicum Poland Zbigniew Sawicki

the 1600's by Kurakawa Yoshiie This is a medieval style specializing in both medieval weaponry and empty handed combat

Sikanfil (Silab Nelson D. Boxing/Wrestling/Jiu-jitsu/Savate/MMA/ Kanto Philippines Vargas (1960- Kodokan Judo/Kuntaw Silat/JKA/Tai Kun Do Filipino/Streetf ) Gung Fu ucus) Sikaran Sikaran YawYan 1920's. Baras, Philippines Philippines ? Leonard C. Holifield Narikuravar natives This is a Filipino art of foot fighting (Filipino system) Cikaron Karate/Judo/Jujitsu/Aikido/Hapkido/Combat Karate/Shotokan/Ninjitsu/Hwarangdo/KnifeFighting/Boxing/Grappling Combines techniques of Sterlak Silat + maneuvers from Karate & Jujutsu The system is esentially based on leg tactics, & always backed up by the rhytm of the malay drum (Kompang) -

Sikaron Karate 1985. USA Southern India India India India Padang, Sumatra

Silamban Silamban Kuravanji Silamban Nillaikalakki Silamban Thulukanum Silat Baru Silat Bledek Silat Esha Silat Gayung Silat Gerak Ilham BugisMakassar Silat Gerak Pilihan Silat Melayu

Philippines Indonesia Malaysia Sulawesi, Indonesia 1974. Indonesia -

Octav 1 Dan Judo/Ju Jutsu/Perisao Diri/4 styles Pentjak Dirgantara Silat+other martial arts. 11 Dan Pencak Silat Setiadji (1947) -

Singapore -

Silat Menangkabau


Silat Pengantin Malaysia Silat Perisai Diri Silat Persekutuan Kebangsaan Silat Seni Gayong Silat Sterlak Silat Tepak Tilu Sil-Lum Pai Qin Na Simgomdo SimMuDo Sinamak Sina Tirsia Wali Kali Sinawali Sindo 1955. Java/Bali, Indonesia 1400's? Malacca, Malaysia Indonesia China 1965. Korea Korea

Mas Soebandiman Indonesia's most popular Silat style Dirdjoatmodjo -

Chang Sik Kim Guru P. Greg Alland

Malaysia's most popular Silat style This is primary a sword art. Unarmed aspect known as Sinbbop (Filipino system) Double stick system This is traditional English Stick Fighting. Included in the Olympic Games in the beginning of the 1900's. Re-introduced into the Royal Navy in the 1980's by commander Locker Madden (Filipino system)

Philippines USA

Philippines 1980's? Indonesia England Jimmy ...?



Philippines ?

Sipalki Do (Soo The founder, born in Mongolia, settled in Nam Yoo Soo Nam Yoo Argentina? Argentina in 1970. The art is mostly influenced by Karate/Ion By (1940-) Korean arts Ryu) Sir Gee Dorr (The Way of China Lai Ching How Current Granmaster is Sifu Robert McInnes, Thailand

the Snake) Sistema Sal Skobar (Pshkovian Skobar) Prof. Antonio 1993. Italy G.G. Merendoni Russia This is an art that covers all the old italian M.A's

This is an old unarmed fighting art

SlavianoGoretskaya Russia Borba (Sor'ba?) SLD Sleeping Lion Dynamic Hapkido -

Dentoy Revillar/TD>

Ancient Storm Warrior Style SLD is based on Serrada/Largo Mano/Dequerdas Founder is 3 Dan Hapkido/2 Dan JuJutsu/2 Dan WTF & Moo Duk Kwon TKD/instructor cert in many weapons/close quarter defense tactics. The art also incorporates - Kung Fu/Boxing/other styles. Founder is 3 Dan Hapkido/2 Dan JuJutsu/2 Dan WTF & Moo Duk Kwon TKD/instructor cert in many weapons/close quarter defense tactics. The art combines Brazillian/Japanese/Greco ground defense JuJitsu/Judo -


Neil Wilson

Sleeping Lion Street JuJutsu


Neil Wilson

Small Circle Ju Hawaii, Jutsu USA Soetji Hati Pentjak Silat Soeti Hati Poekoelan Serak Tjimindie Indonesia

Prof. Wally Jay -

Combining arts from Indonesia/China/Thailand

S.O.G. (System for Operational France? Groups) Sogen Ryu Jujitsu -

Olivier Pierfedericci Carlos J.

Sogo Budo Kobudo Jujitsu Sogo Ken Do Kempo Sogoteki Puerto

Karate Sokan Ryu Sokoli Stalina Son Do Songham Tae Kwon Do Songjia Jiao Song Moo Kwan Song Mul Kwan Song Sho (Squirrel Style?) Sonkete Son Mu Do Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Soo Bahk Ki (Gi)

Rico Japan 1920's. Russia Korea Mid 1970's? USA China Korea Korea? China Korea 1945. Korea

Lopez Mikhail Ryabko Haeng Ung Lee Han Jae Ji This System was used by Stalin's bodyguards until his death in 1953, and later by the Special Military Operations Units for missions in KGB/GRU/etc. This is a southern style (Filipino system) Soo Bahk Ki/Tae Kyun/Northern & Southern Chinese Kung Fu. Hwang Kee began studying Martial Arts in 1921, at 7 years of age. Current Grandmaster is Hyun Chul Hwang (1948-), the founders son. -

Hwang Kee


So Rim Mu Sul Korea Soryu Karate Do 1967. Japan

Michio Shudokan Ryu. Also Ju-Jutsu/Judo/Kendo/Tai Koyasu (1925- Chi. The founder began training at 13 years of age ) and was promoted to 8th Dan in 1965 Pat Harrington Fugatami Hannosuke Mansanori Tony Blauer This is a Jujutsu & Iaijutsy system. Founder was a Master of Takenouchi Ryu and many other schools. This is an old unarmed fighting art -

Sosushinryu JuAustralia Jitsu Sousuishitsu Ryu Ju Jutsu Spas Spear System Spirit Combat 1650. Japan Ukrainia USA 1950's.

Brian Michael Based on Ju-jitsu with ideas/tecniques from

Ju Jitsu Sport Ju-jutsu Sports Chanbara Spring Forest Qugong Square Hold Wrestling (Scuffling) Ssirum (Cireum) Ssu-Hsiang Stav

UK 1997. Sweden USA? Irland Korea China


Karate/Kung-fu/Aikido/Western boxing

Ingemar Skld Chunyi Lin This is a native Irish Wrestling style This is the Korean version of Sumo Wrestling Modern Stav developed by Ivar Hafskjold. Hafskjold claims to have learned ancient fighting secrets from his Grandfather and uncles. Later he trained in Japan: Aikido/Kenjutsu/4. Dan Jo Jutsu/ Several of Stockfechten types existed The founder is also the founder of Yosaishikaikan Budo & World Combat Hapkido Systems The founder also founded Tinh Vo Dao, Tranjitsu & Lu Tran Kung Fu This is backhold wrestling style This is a Judo like style -

Before AD Hafskjold 1000?. family Norway Frank M. Schneider Quoc Lien Tran -

Sterlak Pentjak Sumatra Silat Stockfechten Street Combat Karate Street Rapid Defense System Strumpa (Istrumpa) Suai Jow Subak (Sobak) Germany 1992. Germany Vietnam Italy Taiwan

Koryo Dyn. (9181392). Korea 2003. Belgium Indonisia

Subak Yu Sul Suci Hati

Quintelier Patrick (1956- 4 Dan Hankido/4 & 6 Dan Hapkido ) Ray Terry (1951-) (Silat system) The art is heavily based on Inayan Eskrima + Canete's Doce Pares Eskrima

Sudlud Eskrima Philippines

Suei Jutsu Sugawara Ryu Suginoha Ryu Sugino Ryu Sugar Ryu Jiu Jitsu Suikendo Suio Ryu Sui Sa Do Sulite Eskrima Sul Sa Do Sulwan Kali Sumo Sunbae

Japan Japan Sweden Japan USA USA Ca. 1615. Japan Korea Philippines 1500's? Japan Kokuryo Dynasty, Korea

Magnus Cederblad Robert "Sugar" Crosson Tadashi Yamashita

This is a combat swimming art This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Koga region This is a JJ system This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region Kobayashi Shorin Ryu

Mima Yoichizaemon This is a Iai/Kempo/Naginata/Kogusoku system Kagenobu The Sulite family GM Sulwan Quon of Mindanao Named after the Korean Sulsa warriors (Filipino system) This is the traditional Japanese wrestling -

Sundo Mu Yea Korea

Han Bhit (Sun Present Grandmaster is Han Pool (Sun Sa). The art Sa; G.M. based on Sam Il Shin Ko, a ancient book Title)


George I. Founder has 8 Dan TKD/7 Dan Hapkido/8 Dan 1990. USA Petrotta (1945Sungja-Do )

George I. Sungja-Do Tae Founder has 8 Dan TKD/7 Dan Hapkido/8 Dan 1990. USA Petrotta (1945Kwon Do Sungja-Do ) Sung Qi Quan Sun Hang Do China 1989. Canada Jin W. Kang (1952-) This is an internal art Hapkido/Aikido/Tae Kwon Do/Kung Fu. The founder began training TKD & Boxing at the age

of 9, in Korea Sunkite Sun Mu Do (Bulkyo Geumgang Yong Gwon) Sun-Ping Suntukan Stickfighting Suri Stickfighting Philippines Korea China Sweden? Ethiopia, Africa Johan Sklberg The Suri Tribe Jos V. Becerra James Lacy Terry Gay Henrik Nilsson Inayan Eskrima/Kali Sikaran/Modern Arnis This is the traditional stick-fighting of the Suri tribe Hapkido/Kumdo/TKD/Yudo/Jujitsu/Boxing/ 6 Dan Joe Lewis Karate System/4 Dan TKD/4 Dan Tang Soo Do This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region Founder have studied Judo/Ju Jitsu/Karate/TKD/Kickboxing This is an old wrestling art from Switzerland, still practised, especially at "town-parties" The style is based on the movement of tiger and the grappling techniques from the movement of the tiger catcher. Russia's special and secret forces self defence method. From old origin it have been developed since 1917 (Communist revolution). Current Systema developed by Mikhail Ryabko -

Susinkwan 1975. Chaiu Moo Do Ecuador Sup Bat Mo Jung Pai USA

Super "T" Karate/Kickbox USA ing System Suzuki Ryu Swedish Combat Swingen (Svingen) Syahbandar Silat Systema (Systema Rukopashnii Boi/Systema Boyevogo) Syuriken Jutsu Japan 1993. Sweden

Switzerlan d Mohammad Early Kosim 1900's. (Mamak West Java Syahbandar) Mikhail Ryabko? -



Tabura Karate Do Ta Cheng Hawaii/US Ted Tabura A China Nogoshi Karate/Okinawa-Te/Lima Lama/Kajukenbo/Jujutsu/Escrima Derived partly from Hsing-I Ch'uan

Ch'uan Tachibana Hachi Tengu Ryu Japan Jimmy Tacosa This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Koga region Trained with Cabales for 15 years, from he was 13 years old (Filipino system) Aerobic system that combines Tae Kwon Do and Boxing Current GM is Troy L. Smith Jr, who also is the founder of Ai Jitsu Do & Ko Shin Kwan Hapkido Hapkido + others -

Tacosa Serrada Escrima Tactical Combat Arts Tadyakan Tae Bo Tae Geuk Kwon Tae-Jitsu Taeken-Jitsu Tae Keuk Do Tae Kuk Mu Sul Tae Kwon Do (Chang Moo Kwon) Taekwon-Do (ITF) Tae Kwon Do (Jhoon Rhee System) Taekwondo (WTF) Tae Kyon Ninjitsu Tae Kyuk Do -

Philippines ? 1990's? USA USA? USA? 1988? USA 1955. Korea USA Korea USA? 1989. Canada Billy Blanks Thomas Perry Pak In Shyuk Suk Ku Kim -

Choi Hong Hi 2 Dan Shotokan/Taek Kyon under Han II Dong (1918-2002) Jhoon Rhee Pak In Shyuk (1938-1995) Kuk Sool Won/Hap Ki Do/Tae Kyun/Soo Bahk Do/Jiu Jitsu. The art still exists. Headed by Master Jung Kyung Hwa (title as Living National Treasure # 76) -

Tae Kyun (Tae Before Kyon/Taek year 0. Kyon) Korea Tae San -

Ninjutsu Kempo Tae Soo Do Tae Sool Won Tahteeb/Tahtib Tai Chi Dance T'ai Chi Kineo Tai Cho (Tai Chor)(Grand Ancestor Boxing) Tai Chuan Do Korea Ancient. Egypt Norway? Germany 900's. Hubei, China 1966. Japan? USA G.M. Lee Jing Xiuxia Teck Cheng Neo Chao Kuang Yin (Zhoo Kuang Yin). Seiken Shukumine John Hoadley Alan Cunningham This is Hwa Rang Do's beginner system This is a stick fight/dance still practiced, now mostly as a dance Based on Tai Chi 24 movments. Founder began training Tai Chi at 9 years of age. -

The founder also founded San Cheen Do Shuri Te Ninja Ryu/Gung Fu/Others. The founder got his 1. Dan in 1990 (Ninja Ryu) -

Tai Chuan Tao Taido Tai-Fu Jitsu (Art of the Hurricane) Taiho Jitsu (American Taiho Jitsu) Taiho-Ryu Karate & JuJitsu

USA Early 1970's. USA

Fleming (Bo) Hardy (1949-) Chang Tung Sheng (19081986) With a basic in the Yang style the founder changed footstep angles and hand coordinates, so the style could be used as a self defence system as well, after discovering that even Taiji masters used other Kung Fu styles when they did fight Li Jing Jan was a student of Chen Qing Ping. Li fused Zhaobao with the art Yun Qi Chui. (One of

Taiji Quan (Tai China Chi Chuan) Taiji Quan Ch'ang Tai Chi China (Chang Tai Chi Chuan) Taiji Quan Chan Pan Ling T'ai Chi Chuan Taiji Quan Chen -Hu Lei Henan, China

Li Jing Jan

Jia (Hu Long Jia)(Thunder Style) Taiji Quan Chen -Hun Yaun Taiji Quan Chen -Lao Jia (Old Frame) Taiji Quan Chen Panling China 1600's. China -

the 5 old styles)

Feng Zhiqiang Founder studied under Chen Fake + other styles & (1926-) teachers Chen Chang Xin (16001680) Feng Zhi Qiang (One of the 5 old styles) -

Taiji Quan Chen -Shi Xin China Yi Liu He Chen Taiji Quan Taiji Quan Chen -Xiao Jia China (Small Frame) Taiji Quan Chen -Xiao Wang Taiji Quan Chen -Xin Jia (New Frame) China

Chen You Pen Chen You Pen was the 14 generation of Chen (Ben?) style. (One of the 5 old styles) A mix of classic Lao Jia & Xin Jia Chen Fake was the 17 generation Grandmaster of the Lao Jia tradition. (One of the 5 old styles) Chen Qing Ping was a disciple of Chen You Pen. (One of the 5 old styles)


Chen Fake Chen Qing Ping

Taiji Quan Chen -Zhaobao China Jia Taiji Quan Cheng Man Ching Tai Chi Chuan Taiji Quan Dong (Tung) Tai Chi Chuan China

1942. China

Tung Ying Jie (Dong Yin Based on Yang Tai Chi Chieh) -

Taiji Quan - Fu Tai Chi Taiji Quan Goo (Goo Tai Chi) Taiji Quan China

Hao Tai Chi Taiji Quan - Ho China? Tai Chi Taiji Quan Hunyuan Tai Chi Taiji Quan Hwa-Yu Taiji Quan Jiang Taiji Quan Kun Lun Tai Chi Taiji Quan Lam Tai Chi Taiji Quan Lee Tai Chi China China -

Feng Zhiqiang Feng Zhiqiang is a Chen Taiji Grandmaster Jiang Rong Jiao Lam Kam Chuen This style incorporats princips from Zhan Zhuang Chi Kung -

Taiji Quan - Li China Tai Chi Taiji Quan Peng Ban (Peng China Style Taiji) Taiji Quan Shyun Taiji Quan Sing Ong Tai Chi Taiji Quan Suang Yang T'ai Chi Taiji Quan Sun Tai Chi Chuan (Sun Taijiquan) Taiji Quan Tai Chi Sicience System Taiji Quan -

1995. New Yek Sing Ong Qigong/Tai Chi/Baihequan Zeeland (1942-) Early 1900's. China Sun Lutang was proficient in Xingyi & Pakua Chuan, and began learning Taiji at the age of 51. Combined the three styles to Sun Taiji. Zhang Jiping is a /. Dan i Wushu and also a student of the Chen GM Feng Zhiqiang -

Sun Lu Tang (1861-1932)

China -

Zhang Jiping -

Wong Shu Chin Taiji Chuan Taiji Quan Wu Tai Chi Chuan (Wu Jianquan Taijiquan) Taiji Quan Wu Tai Chi Chuan (Wu Yuxiang Taijiquan) Taiji Quan Yang Tai Chi Chuan (Yang Taijiquan) Taiji Quan You Long Gong Taiji (Swimming Dragon System) Wu Jianquan (Wu Chian The second most popular Taiji style in China. Chyan)(1870- Developed from Yang style Taiji 1942) Wu Yuxiang (Wu Yu Hsing)(18121880)



Developed from Yang style Taiji


Yang Lu Chan The most popular Taiji style in China. Yang (1799-1872) studied Chen Taiji

Taiji Quan Wudang, Zhang San Hubei, Feng (Wudang China Tai Chi Chuan) Taiji Quan Zhaobao Tai Jitsu Belgium?

Zhang San Feng Johnny van Simpson?

Tai Karate


Kenpo Master/Chin Na/Jujutsu/Kung Fu (Sil David German Lum/Bok Fu Pai/Bok/Bok Mei). The founder was (1941-2006) a 1. Dan in Jujutsu at 12 yrs and a 1. Dan in American Kenpo at 16 yrs of age Sawai Rich Rowland Markus Sandvoss Tai Ki Ken is a Japanese Tai Chi like style. Sawai was a pupil of Wang, creator of Yi Chuan? 6th Dan Freestyle Judo/5th Dan Jiu-Jitsu/Black Belt ranking in two Karate systems. -

Tai Ki Ken


Taiki Ryu Judo USA Taiko-no-te Tai Kun Do Germany -

Gung Fu Taikyoku Ken Tai Nui Taira Ryu Taisha Ryu Kenjutsu Tai Shin Do Karate Japan 1970's? Lebanon Japan Japan USA Yang Ming This is a Japanese version of the Yang Tai Chi Shi (Yo Meiji) Chuan Jean El Khoury Marume Kurando (1540-1629) Ronald Balas Kou Szu Chan Sau Chung Several Kung Fu styles + Karate/Judo/Aikido/Ju Jutsu/Kobudo This is an ancient Ninjutsu art -

Tai Shin Mun China (Monkey Style) Tai Shing Pek 1850's. Kwar (Monkey Northern Style) China Tai Shing Pek Kwar Tai Sing Pap Gar Mun (Monkey Axe Fist Style) Modern? China China

Tai Tzu Chang Chuan (Zhao Chao JuangTaizu Chang C. 960 Yin (Sung Tai Quan)(Emperor AD. China Tzu?) s Long Fist Kung Fu) Tai Xu Quan Taiyando China 1975. Brazil Joo Alberto Scherk Thia is an internal art Was first named T'ai Yang Karate Do

Taiyi Wuxing Qinpu (Grappling of China Five Elements and Great One) Tai Zhi Quan Taizu Chang Quan (Taizu China Song Dynasty.

This is a Wudang style

Zhao Kuangyin

Zhao Kuangyin was the first emperor of the Song Dynasty, and he learned Kung Fu at the Shaolin

Long Boxing) Tai Zu Quan (Fist of Zhao Kuangyin Emperor)


Temple. This style have been known as "The mother of Northern Longfist" -

Fujian, China

Takagi Ryu Bo 1656. Jutsu Japan Takagi Yoshin Ryu Jutaijutsu Takebayashi Ryu Takeda-Ryu Takeda Ryu Nakamura-Ha Budo Takenouchi Hangan Ryu Takenouchi Ryu Takeshin Sogo Budo Takeuchi Ryu Tamadori (Tadamoro?) Ryu Kempo Tam Bei Quan Tameshigiri Iaido Tamita Ryu Kenjutsu Tamiya Ryu Japan Japan -

Oriuemon Shigenobu Takagi Takeda Shingen Takenouchi Chunagon Daijo Hisamori Tony Annesi Normann Leff -

(one of the arts under Bujinkan Budo Dojo) The Ryu once taught 630 techniques, about 150 are practiced today. Takenouchi Ryu is a Jujutsu/Kenjutsu/Iaijutsu/Bojutsu/Hohojutsu/Nagi natajutsu/Tessenjutsu/Sakkatsuho system Dan in Judo/Aiki Ju Jutsu/Karate + studied many other styles This is a Ju Jutsu & Iai Jutsu system? Chinese styles/Kempo/Karate/Ju Jitsu/Aikido/Judo/Aiki Ju Jitsu This is an internal art -

Takemura-Ryu Japan Japan?


USA Japan USA China Japan Ca. 1590. Japan

Tamiya Heibei The founder was a follover of Hayashizaki Jinsuke Shigemasa Shigenobus "Shimmei Muso Ryu". Tamiya Ryu is (Narimasa?) a Iaijutsu system

Tam Tui (Seeking Leg) Tanabe Ryu Taneda Ryu

1600's? China Japan 1600's

Lee Family? Tanabe Tamemoto Taneda Jubei

Jikishin Kage Ryu? Taneda Ryu is a Yari system

Tang Bi Chuan (Shaolin Tang Bi China Chuan)(White Ape Boxing) Tang Lang - Ba (Pa) Pu Tang Late Lang (8-Steps 1800's. Praying China Mantis) Tang Lang Chang Quan Tanglang (Long Fist Praying Mantis)

Qiang Tang Lang + Bagua/Hsing-I/Tong Bei + studies of (Jiang/Chiang) the Gibbon monkey Hua Long


Influenced strongly by Long Fist Boxing

Tang Lang Chou Gar Tang Lang (Chou China Clan Praying Mantis) Tang Lang Chu Gar Tang Lang (Chu Clan China Praying Mantis) Tang Lang Chui Tang Lang (Drunken China Praying Mantis) Tang Lang Han Kung Chia Tang Lang China (Han Kun Family Praying Mantis)

This is a southern Tang Lang substyle

This is a southern Tang Lang substyle

Tang Lang Kuang Pang Tang Lang (Shiny Board Praying Mantis) Tang Lang Kwong Sai Jook Lum (Bamboo Forest Praying Mantis) Tang Lang Liu He Tanglang (Six Harmonies Praying Mantis)



This is a southern Tang Lang substyle

Late Ming This is a northern Tang Lang substyle, influenced Dynasty. Ding Zicheng? by Changquan/Taiji/Hsing-I/Bagua/Pao Shandong, Chui/Tongbei China

Tang Lang Mei Hua Tanglang 180's. (Plumb Flower China Praying Mantis) Tang Lang - Mi Men Tanglang Quan (Secret China Gate Praying Mantis Boxing) Tang Lang - Mi Tzong Tang Lang China (Mysterious Track Praying Mantis) Tang Lang Nam Tong Long China

Liang Xuexiang (1810-1895)

This is a northern Tang Lang substyle

This art is a variation of Taiji Mantis

This is a northern Tang Lang substyle

This is a southern style

Tang Lang Nan Tong Long Pai (Southern China Praying Mantis Fist)

Tang Lang - Pa Chi Tang Lang (Eight China Ultimates Praying Mantis) Tang Lang - Pi Men Tang Lang (Secret Door China Praying Mantis) Tang Lang Guang Ban Tanglang Quan China (Shiny Board Praying Mantis Boxing)

Liu Yunqiao

This is a northern Tang Lang substyle

This is a northern Tang Lang substyle

Tang Lang - Qi Xing Tang Lang Quan 1600's. (Chi Shing Shandong, Wang Lang Tang China Lang)(Seven Star Praying Mantis) Tang Lang Shuai Shou Tanglang China Quan(Throwing Hands Praying Mantis)

This is the original and first Mantis style. The founder learned 17 Chinses Boxing Styles, and he combined the Mantis hand with the Monkey steps

This is a northern Tang Lang substyle

Tang Lang Taiji Tanglang Cui Shoushan Shandong, Based on Song Zide and Jiang Hualong's Plum (Great Ultimate & Wang China Blossom teachings Praying Yushan Mantis) Tang Lang Taiji Tanglang (Great Ultimate China Praying Mantis) Tang Lang Taiji Meihua Early 1900's.

Based on Sun Yuanchang's Blum Blossom

Hao Henglu, Hao Hengxin

Based on Taiji Mantis and Plum Blossom Mantis

Tanglang Quan China (Taiji Plum Blossom Praying Mantis Boxing) Tang Lang Tong Pei Tang Lang (Connected Arms Praying Mantis)

& Hao Bin


Tang Lang Wah Lum Tam China Tui Tang Lang Tang Lang - Yi Tang Lang Tang Lang Yuan Yan Tang Lang China (Mandarin Duck Praying Mantis) Tang Lang Yu-Huan Tang Lang (Jade China Ring Praying Mantis) Tang Soo Do Tang Soo Do Poo Kang Tang Su Tani Ha Tanjakan Tankendo Tanren GojuRyu Korea Korea

Lee Kwan Shan (-1948)

The founder learned Northern Praying Mantis from Ching Yeung, the Abbot of Wah Lum Temple in Shantung, which he combined with his family Tam Tui system. The name means Flying legs Praying Mantis from the Wah Lum Temple -

This is a northern Tang Lang substyle

Tanjakan means "Hill" and is sometimes referred to as Mountain Silat Chinese Goju-Ryu/Jedan Ryu Jiu-Jitsu/6 Dan in Urban and USA Goju (1991)/4th Dan in Sanuces Ryu Jiu-Jitsu (1998) by Dr. Moses Powell. Rossy

Okinawa/J apan? Indonesia Japan -

1994. Rubn A. Puerto Rossy (1960) Rico, USA

was promoted to 10 Dan in 1998. Tanto Jitsu Tan Tuei (Tan Tui) (Spring Legs) Taoist Kokyu Ryu USA China Hawaii Tan Tuei is a Moslem style

Albert Empron (Filipino system)

Taoist Qi Gong Tapado Tapak Suji Pentjak Silat Target Focus Training Taro Ryu Tarung Drajat Ta Sheng P'i Kua Men (The Great Sage Monkey Kung Fu System) Tatakai Jikoboei Do Kempo Tatara Ryu Tat Chun (Tamo's method) Tat Kun Tao Tatsu Do (Tatsudo)

1960. Romeo Bago City, Mamar, Sr. Philippines (19??-2005) 1953. Central Jawa USA Japan Mid 1980's. Indonesia Ifan Badjam Tim Larkin Ahmad Drajat

This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Koga region The art is a full contact art geared towards fighting in the streets


2003. UK Japan China

John Paul Corrigan Jose "Joego" Millan -

This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Koga region The founder was on of the earlier students of Venancio "Anciong" Bacon (Balintawak Cuentada) -

Philippines -

Karate Tatsumi Ryu Heiho Taura Muso Ryu Eisho period (15041520). Japan 1800's. Japan? Tatsumi Sankyo This is a Kenjutsu/Iai/Yawara/Sojutsu/Bojutsu/Shurikenjuts u/Hojojutsu system

Inoue Hachiro Uemon Chin Hoa Dr. Mariano E. Rivera Snchez Terama Heiazaemon Gary Bennett O.E. Simon Saito Hangan Denkibo Katsuhide Mishima Oyama Mataemo Iso Minamoto no Masatari (1787-1863) Developed from the basic form of "Mai Hoa Quyen". Close in fighting to Southern Shaolin Wrestling system Japanese version of Chen Taiji

Tau Tei Yu Tan China Tui Tay Son Nhan Kung Fu Ta-Yu Fa Men Chuan Te (Ti) Tegumi Teike Ryukei Haake Yushinsho Bumon Teishin Ryu Tejitsu Aikido Temple Kung Fu Tendo Ryu 1943? Vietnam Okinawa Okinawa Late 1800's? Japan USA USA 1582. Japan

Teishin Ryu is a Ju Jutsu & Kenjutsu system This is a Naginatajutsu/Kenjutsu/Jojutsu/Kusarigamajutsu system This is a hybrid system between Kawachi Yon Tengu Ryu & Kyokushinkai Tenjin Shinyo Ryu is a Jujutsu and weapons system. The founder was also known as Masatari Yanagi, and he was a samurai of the Kishu Clan.

Tengu-Ryu 1973. Kyokushin-Kai Japan Tenjin Shinyo Ryu Ca. 1830. Japan

Tennen Rishin Ryu

Edo period (1600 1868). Japan

Tenshi Goju Kai Karate Tenshi Kendo TenshinKan Karate

1987?. USA Japan

Lou Angel -

Studied under Gogan Yamaguchi, Don Nagle, Peter Urban -

Kancho Mamoru Miwa Frank Newton Founder is a 8. Dan Iizasa Choisai The first known school to have developed Ienao (1387- Kenjutsu. Also training Nihon Kobudo (classic 1488) Japanese weapons). -

Tenshin Shin Isle of Yo Ryu Ju Jitsu Man, UK Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu (AKA Shinto Ryu) Tenshinsho Jigen Ryu Tenshin Sho Ryu Kenjutsu Tento Ryu Tepak Tilu Silat Ca. 1447. Japan

Japan Japan Japan -

Icchu Baichuken Tento Ryu is a Naginata art This style includes kicks, punches, and limited grappling, but the emphasis is on headbutting.

Tera Karate Kai Terelak Bersilat Malaysia Testa Tetsu no Kokoro Tettsu Bushi Jitsu Tew Ryu Ninjitsu Thang Ta (Manipuri Thang Ta) Thanh Long (Strong Dragon) Thai Cuc Duong Lang

Ubknown. Eritrea/Eth Unknown iopia 1991? Canada USA USA 1600's. Manipur, India Vietnam Late 1950's?

David Platakis Jiu Jitsu/Aikido/Kempo Marco Lala Rick Tew The Manipuri Tribe Kyokushinkai/Jiu Jitsu/Judo/Wrestling Consists of animal like movement. Unarmed & weapon system -

M. Trieu Truc This system is mostly based on the Chinese Khe Praying Mantis & Taiji

(T'ai Chi Tang Lang)


Thai Cu'c Hiep Vietnam/N Do Van Thach Vo Mon orway? Thai Shan Thando Burmese Thanh Long Thailand Burma Vietnam Mark Logan Luu Phu (1909-1971) (Mrs.) Wei Tain This style is also knows as Than Quyen The founder is a 3rd Dan in Ju-Jitsu This is a Vietnamese "version" of the Chinese Zhou Gar This is a filipino system The founder is a Master in traditional Taoist Kung Fu The founder is a Martial Artist and an actor. The art is very "Shaolin-like" Founder started training at the age of 5 with G.M. Wong in Chung Kuo Chuan/Gou Quan/Wing Cheun/Chinese Boxing. 1st Dan at 10. Later other styles in addition to still training with G.M. Wong. 8th Dan in 2001. -

Than Vo Dao (That Son Than Vietnam Vo Dao) The Art Of Combat Thien Cong Dao Denmark Vietnam

Thieu Lam Chu Vietnam Gia Thieu Lam Tay Vietnam Son Nhan Thrustsada Tian Bagua (Bear Palm Bagua) Tian Feng Chuan Tian Long Kung Fu Tian Shan Pai (Heaven Mountain Style) China China

China/Swe Yu Yan Kai den -

Tie Gou Quan

Robert 1993. USA Redfeather (1958-) -

Tiek Soo Chang Ch'uan

Tien Shan


Wang Chueh Jyne (Hung Yun?) Mike Symonds Asa C. Rainey Quoc Lien Tran

Northern & Southern Shaolin/Taiji/Bagua/Xingyi/Tien Shan/Chin Na/trad. wrestling Trained under Clifford Chee Soo (Feng Shu)

Tien Shan Pai Chin-Na (T'ien 1940's? Shan P'ai Chin- China Na) Tien Sun Pai? China T'ien Ti Tao Kuoshu (T'ien 1975? Ti Tao Ch'uan- England Shu) Tie Sha Zhang China (Iron Sand Fist) Tiger and Dragon Kenpo Timbangan Tinh Vo Dao Tiririka Ti-Sha Shou T'i T'ang Tjakalele Pentjak Silat Tjampur Silat Tjiandur Pentjak Silat Tjikalong Pentjak Silat Tjimande Pentjak Silat TNT Martial Arts System Tjinkrik Pentjak Silat Late 1980's. USA Indonesia Vietnam

Promoted Black Belt by E. Parker in early 1970's. Withdrawn from Martial Arts (Silat system) The founder also founded Tranjitsu, Lu Tran Kung Fu & Street Rapid Defense System The founder has trained Goshin-Jitsu (4. Dan) + Yoga/Karate/Judo/Aikido/Weaponry/Tai Chi/Capoeira Pentjak Silat/Kuntao Combines Tae Kwon Do and Muay Thai. The founder has 6. Dan in WTF TKD/Master of Dong Bang Mu Sool Hapkido/Muay Thai Instructor. TNT stands for Tae Kwon Do N Thai. This is an acrobatic style

Antigua, Gregory Caribbean/ Whyte USA China China Indonesia Sumatra -

West Jawa West Jawa West Jawa Sang Koo Kang


West Jawa -

T.O.A.S. Nabard (Kung Fu) Toda-ha Buko Ryu Toda Ryu Toda Ryu Kenjutsu Togakure Ryu Ninjutsu

Iran/USA Ca. 1560. Japan Japan Japan 1185. Japan

Marco Safakhoo Toda Seigen Daisuke Togakure (Nishina?) -

Nabard + other MA's. T.O.A.S. means Transcendental Organization of an Applied Strategy of Survival Toda-ha Buko Ryu is a Naginatajutsu/Kenjutsu/Sojutsu/Bojutsu/Kusariga majutsu system This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region (one of the arts under Bujinkan Budo Dojo)

Togakushi Ninpo Taijutsu (Togakushi Ryu Ninjutsu) Toide -

(Filipino system) (Filipino system)

Toledo Collado Pasqual Philippines Escrima Ovales? Toledo System Philippines -

Tomari Te


Matsumora Ksaku (182998) & Oyadomari Chinese Martial Arts + Masters from Okinawa Kokan (18311905) + others? This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Koga region -

Tomoi Tomo Ryu Ton Bae

Japan China

Tong Bei Quan (Ton Bei Quan) (Fist of China Through Preparing/Ape Boxing) Tongbi Quan (Full arm Boxing) China

This is a Moslem style

Tongkat Silat Tong Amida Ryu Tong Cireum


William McDonald

Founder has: 6. Dan TKD/2. Dan Moo Duk Kwan/1. Dan Kenpo Karate/Kobudo Master/Muay Thai Instructor -

Late Tong Il Lo 1990's. Martial Science USA Tong Long Kune (Southern China Praying Mantis) To'on Ryu Too Sul Torahana Ryu Fighting Science

Okinawa/J apan? Korea USA Prof. Eddie Rose Bill Klase

This is the ancient Korean art of stone throwing The founder is a 8. Dan and he has trained numerous styles -

Tora Kai Jujitsu Tora Sama Ryu USA Tori Ryu Ju Jitsu Torite Ryu Torite Taiho Jutsu Torsido (Twisting Style) USA USA? Okinawa

Ben Bergwerf Kodokan Judo, Kito Ryu, Combat Jujitsu Rick Moneymaker? In the local dialect this style is called "Bakhan Tapado". See the Grandmaster Gallery for detailed info about the founder MA background. The founder also founded Chun Kun Kwan & Bujin Jujitsu Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu under Masaaki Hatsumi

Iloilo, Philippines -

To Ryu (Hankyu Kakyu Japan Shaho-no Den) To-San Korea

Howard Toshido Karate 1995. USA Herman (1953-) Toshi Jitsu Ryu USA? To-Shin Do 1990? USA Stephen K. Hayes

Toshu Kakuto (Toshu Kakuto 1960. Kyohan Japan Taikei/Kempo Jujutsu) Tottori Shotoku Rembukan Naginata Toyama Ryu (Yamaguchiha) 1940's. Japan

Chiba Sanchu This is a military fighting art

Nakayama Hakudo (+ Yamaguchi Yuuki) Nakayama Hakudo (+ Morinaga) Nakayama Hakudo (+ ?) Dr. Dusty L Johnson Al Tracy Quoc Lien Tran -

Tottori Shotoku Rembukan is a Naginata art Hakudo's basics came from Mugai Ryu. Yamaguchi-ha is the most common practised of the Toyama Ryu styles. After WW2 Toyama Ryu split into three styles, named after the three main students of Nakayama Hakudo. Hakudo's basics came from Mugai Ryu. After WW2 Toyama Ryu split into three styles, named after the three main students of Nakayama Hakudo. Hakudo's basics came from Mugai Ryu. After WW2 Toyama Ryu split into three styles, named after the three main students of Nakayama Hakudo. This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region Tracy's instructor was Janas Ibrao, Ed Parker's first promoted Black Belt (1957) The founder also founded Tinh Vo Dao, Lu Tran Kung Fu & Street Rapid Defense System Founder trained Combat Arnis/Judo/Karate/Western Wrestling This is an old native Martial Art (Wrestling?) -

Toyama Ryu (Morinaga-ha)

1940's. Japan

Toyama Ryu (?) Toyata Ryu Toyojin Ryu Tozan Ryu Tozawa Ryu Tracy's Kenpo Karate Tranjitsu Tran Minh Long

1940's. Japan Japan USA Japan USA Vietnam Vietnam

Tres Personas 1970's?. Timoteo E. Arnis de Mano Philippines Maranga Tridharma Pentjak Silat Trinte Kunedika Tsai Shaolin Bali Moldovia China? -

Chuan Fa Tsoi Li Ho Fut Kwan Yin Hung Ga (Kung Monastry, Fu San Soo) China Ts-Ku Chu Tsong Que (Quo) Cheun Tsugawa-ryu China? USA? Koga Ryu Ninjutsu? -

Ts'ui Pa Hsien (Eight Drunken China Fairie) Tsunami Karate Tsu-Ru Ton Tsu Shin Gen Tsutsumi Ryu Tuite? Tukido Tukong Tukong Mu Sool Tulisan 1979. Poland China Late 1990's Japan Scotland Korea 1978. South Korea

Ryszard Murat David C. Cook Wonik Yi This is a MMA Karate style based on Kyokushin/Ashihara/Grappling/Shiro Ryu/Kobudo This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region This moderna art is based on Tukong Mu Sool + other ancient arts/Taiji/weapons/Ki training/acupressure/acupunture/others arts This is a military fighting art taught to Korean Special Forces This is a knife fighting sysytem, a off-shot of Kali Ilustrisimo -

Won Ik Yi

Philippines -

Tung Bi Chuan Ancient? (Gorilla China Boxing) Tung Pei Turan Do Tushka-Homa (Red Warrior Tushka-Homa System) Twin Dragon China

AZzerbaija Suleyman n Mammadli Late 1990's?. USA USA?

Roman is a Choctaw Indian and a 9th Dan in Adrian Roman Kenpo. The system is based on native American (1942) figting principles This is a hybrid of Japanese and Hawaiian Kempo

Kempo Ty Ga Karate 1975. England Gary Wasniewski -

systems -

Tyuko Shinkan-Ryu Japan (Kobu JitsuyoRyu) Tzu Chuan (Shaolin Tzu Chuan) Tzu Fan Men Tzu-men Chuan China China China

This is an internal art This is an internal Art Internal Art

Tzu-ran Chuan China

Uchida Ryu Tanjojutsu Uechi Ryu (Pangei Noo) Ueno Ryu Uesugi-Ryu Uhido Uhugushiku Ryu Ukidokan Ulinapas Silat Ulin Baduy Silat Ultimate All Style Underwood Systems Ca. 1885. Japan Okinawa Japan Niigata, Japan Uchida Ryohei This art is taught as a subsidiary art of the Shinto Muso-ryu Kanbun Uechi Naha Te/Gung Fu (1877-1948) This is an ancient Ninjutsu art from the Iga region Usami Developed by Usami for Uesugi Kenshin as an Suruganokami system for espionage. Sadayuki -

Philippines ? Japan/Oki nawa? USA 1996. Germany Canada Benny Urquides -

Bodo Elsbeck Jiu Jitsu/Tae Kwon Do/Kickboxing/Wing (1962-) Chun/Jeet Kune Do The Underwood Systems has preserved the remains of Bill Underwood's systems; Combato & Defendo

Unified Force Martial Arts System Universal Fighting Star Kali-Intra Upkudo Urban Combatives Urban GoJu U.S.A. (American Goju Karate) Ushikami Ryu Ushikiuchi?


Bob Martin Eustaquio "Snookie" Sanchez, Jr. (1938 - 1996) Gary Lee Baker Lee Morrison

7. Dan Zujitsu-Ryu/Brown Belt TKD

1982/83. Hawaii USA England

Started training in 1973 (to 78?) in Fillipinan Martial Arts TKD/Chinese Kempo/Goju Ryu Trained under Yamaguchi. Maestro Peter G. Urban is the Grand Patriarch of all American GoJu systems. -

USA Japan?

Peter Urban Saigo Chikamasa (1829-1905)

Vadha Vajramusti (Vajra Muksi) Valadez Kenpo-Ryu Vambudo Varma Kalai Varmannie Varzesh-e Pahlavani V.A.S.K Ryu Himalaya? India USA 1993. England India India Ancient? Iran USA? Lawrence Valadez Mike Vamplew Anton S. A. Muhammad? This is a Indian wrestling style Formed on Tae Kwon do and Ju Jitsu. Vambudo was first called Tae-Kenpo Kung Fu/Arnis Lanada/Ju Jutsu/Judo/Karate/Others -

Florendo Vee Arnis Jitsu 1983. USA Visitacion (1909-1999) Vee Do Kwan USA? -

Vee Jitsu Te (Vee Jitsu 55/65) Vee Jitsu Ryu Ju Jutsu

Florendo 1955. USA Visitacion (1909-1999) Florendo 1971. USA Visitacion (1909-1999) Bill Drougas

Vee Jitsu was renamed to Vee Jitsu Te. Vee Jitsu was a forerunner of Vee Arnis Jitsu. Vee Jitsu 55 was made in 1955 while Vee Jitsu 65 was an "update" and was made in 1965This art was an "update" of Vee Jitsu

Vichara Tai Jug Fu Kung Fu Greece (Dou Chuan Pai)

10. Dan United Warriors Association/10. Dan Koga Ryu Ninjutsu/10. Dan: Vee Arnis Jitsu, Vee Jitsu Ju Jitsu/7. Dan Judo/3. Dan: Vee Jitsu, Vee Jitsu Te, Vee Arnis + Shinobikatana/Arnis de Mano/Tanto Jitsu/Bo Jitsu/Muay Thai (Filipino system)

Victory School Joseph M. 1998. USA of Martial Arts Victory, Jr. Villabrille Kali Floro (LargusaPhilippines Villabrille Villabrille (1912-1992) System of Kali) Ving Tchun 1997, (Dynamic Ving Sweden Tchun) Ving Tsun England? Patrik Gavelin. Victor Kan Luong Vu Te (Nguyen Te Cong/Yuen Chai-Wan)(1963) Sonny Umpad Florendo Visitacion (1909-1999) -

Former instructor in Wing Tsun Sweden. Studied with Yip Man

Vinh Xuan


Vinh Xuan is Vietnamese Wing Chun system

Vinh Xuan Quyen Phai Visayan Style Visitacion Kuntao Vo Hoc Viet Nam

Vietnam USA? USA Vietnam

This is Vietnamese Wing Chun system Moro Moro/Doce Pares/Balintawak/Villabrille/Serrada/Wing Chun -

1980's. Vo Vi Kung Fu Vietnam/A Ly Hong Tuan ustralia

Vovinam (Viet 1938. Vo Dao) Vietnam VSK Jiu Jitsu USA

Nguyen Loc (1912-1960) Anthony Muhammad

Karate/Judo/Shaolin Kung Fu/Vietnamese styles Based on Vee Jitsu Ryu/Sanuces Ryu/Kumite Ryu, therefore the name VSK

Wado Ryu/Kai Wado Ki Kai Wae Kune Do Karate 1920's. Japan 1976 USA Hironori Ohtsuka (1892-1981) John T. Pereira Shotokan under G. Funakoshi/Shindo Yoshin Ryu Ju Jutsu under T. Nakayama + Okinawan Karate The founder is a 8th Dan Taman has 7 Dan in Wado Ryo. The art is basically Wado ryu but also some Shindo Yoshin Ryu Jujutsu & Yon Ryu Goshin Budo Jujutsu Shotokan/TKD/Judo/Shorinji Kempo TKD/Kyokushinkai/Ashihara Karate/Kickboxing/Goshinkaikan/Pylsung Do/Zen Nihon Karate Karate/Kenpo/KungFu/Jiu Jitsu/Judo/Aikido/Kobudo This is an internal art -

Wahana Ajang Damai Karate 1972. Do (Wado Kai Indonesia Indonesia) Wah Kuen Pai Wah Lum Kung fU China China

C.A. Taman Lee Prof. Moore Sefik Gulten (1965-) Mike McGann -

Wai Hai Li She Quan Fa Wa Jutsu Wajutsukedo Wakazamurai Martial Art USA Turkey

Wa No Michi Ryu USA Karate/Kobudo Wang Kung Shou Tao -

Wan Yi Chuan Kung Fu Waray Waray Bolo/Pinute Style Warriors

Philippines -

Philippines Abner G. Pasa Largo Mano/Excalibur/Pangamot/Espada y

Eskrima Warwok Washinkai Washin Ryu Karate Washiyama Ryu Ju Jitsu Watai Ryu Japan/US A? USA USA? -

Daga/Sikaran/Balintawak + others This is a Filipino system -

Hidehiko (Hidy) Ochiai Karate/Iaido/Kobudo/others? (1939-) Kirk Simmons Ronald Duncan Leo Fong Founder started in M.A.'s in 1977 and holds Dan rank in Ju Jitsu/Hapkido/Tae Kwon Do -

Way of the USA Winds Sysytem Wei Kune Do Wen-Do Wen Shen Quan Westmoreland Wrestling Whay Cha White Dragon Kenpo Karate White Lotus Kung Fu White Tiger Kenpo Karate USA 1964. Canada China UK USA USA

Ned and Anne Paige -

Al Farnsworth Douglas Lim Wong -


John Mcsweeny 10 Judo/American Kenpo/Kung Fu/Karate/White Dan & Tom Crane Kung Fu/Northern Kung Fu Saviano -

Wing Chun Wing Chun Cho Ga Wing Chun Do

Around Yim Wing 1700. Chun (Ng Kwantung, Mui?) China Hawaaii, USA James W. De Mile -

This is a Wing Chun derative -

Wing Chun Fut Sao (Buddha hand)

Wing Chun Fong Sung Wing Chun Gu Lo Wing Chun Hay Ban Wing Chun Hong Chun Wing Chun Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun Kuen Wing Chun Jun Mo Wing Chun Lee Sing Wing Chun Ling Wood Chuan Wing Chun Pan Nam Wing Chun (Progressive) Wing Chun Tempe Wing Chun Ying Gi Ga

China China Early 1700's? China 1978. England China 1985. Arizona, USA -

Lee Shing (1923-1991) Lee Sing Joy Chaudhuri Philip Holder Yuen Kay Shan

The founder began training WC in 1975 and he was a student of Augustine Fong + other MA's The founder trained under Moy Yat & with William Cheung -

Wing Chun Yuen Kay Shan China (Guangzhou Wing Chun) Wing Tai Ch'uan Gung Fu Wing Tjun Wing Tsun Wing Tzun 1997. UK Hong Kong? -

Garry Allsopp This is a mix of Wing Chun & Tai Chi Leung Ting -

Won Hop Loong Chuan (Wan He Long Quan) Wonhwa Do Korea? World Combat Hapkido Germany Systems World Ju Jitsu Federation Jitsu?? Worstel-konst Great Britain 1600's? Holland

Frank M. Schneider

The founder is also the founder of Street Combat Karate & Yosaishikaikan Budo

Robert Clarke A combat grappling art which also include hairgrabbing, knee strikes to the opponent's back and legs, ankle-locks, etc. Forerunner to Tai Chi Chuan? -

Rien Bul -

Wu Chi Chuan China Wudang Nan China Zhong Song Xi Wudang Quan Wudang Shaolin Wudang, Hubei, China China

Wudang Weng Holland Shun Kuen Wu Ji Quan Wu Kung Kuntao China -

Wu Li Gong Fu Wu Li Ryu JuUSA Jitsu Wu Mui Pai Kung Fu China

Jason Williard Founder is a 6th Dan Wu Mui (Ng Mui) Al Dacascos Robert L. Jones Wu Mui was a Buddhist nun. She is also the originator of the Ng Mui Pai Kung Fu system Kajukenbo/Chinese/Aikido/Judo/Jujitsu/Karate/Es crima The founder has trained Jung Shin Do (7. Dan)/American Kenpo (5. Dan)/Washin-Ryu Kenjutsu (Doshu)

Wun Hop Kuen USA Do Wu Qin Xi Wu Shen Pai Chuan Fa Gung Fu China USA

Wushudo Wu Shu Kwan


Willie Johnson C. K. Chan Eyak Koren Marco Vesse Changquan/Shotokan/Tae Kwon Do This is a Wing Chun derative Pak Hok/other MAs. Founder was also the cofounder of Mian Kung Fu This is an internal art Wu Zong is the Fist of Five Ancestors and teacher He Yang -

Wu Song Quan (Fist of Wu China Song) Wu Wei Gung Fu Wu Xing Dao USA 2001. Australia

Wu Xing Quan (Five Fist China Boxing) Wu Zong He Yang Quan Fujian, China

Wu Zu Quan (Five Ancestor Fist)

Xia Jia Quan (Noble Fist) Xiangxing Quan (Animal Imitating Fist) China Ancient? China This is a southern style Eagle Claw/Preying Mantis/Monkey Style/Snake Style/Drunken Style -

Xian-jia-Po Tao Quan Kung Singapore Fu Xian Wu Kempo Xiao Hong Quan (Smallframe Red Boxing) USA

This is a discontinued art. Ed Parker Pascal S. Lane Kenpo/Prewar Aikido/Modern Arnis/Jujitsu. The Jr. art was renamed from Xian Wu Bian Chuan Fa-Do -


Xiao Yau Kung Fu Xia Shui Wu Shu Xi Chen Qi 1868.

Siye Ba Yuan This art is built on Sao Di

China Xien Shen Pai Xilam Xing-Chiao Xin Yi Ba (Grabbing the Heart and Mind) Xing Yi Quan (Hsing-I Chuan/Xing I Quan/Shing Xi Quan) (Fist of Form and Mind) China Mexico China China

Chen -

Early 1600's. Zuncun, Yongji, Shanxi, China

Ji Jike (a.k.a. Ji Long Feng)(16021683)

Imitates movements of dragon/tiger/monkey/horse/turtle/cock/hawk/swall ow/snake/eagle/bear

Xing Yi Quan China Che Xing Yi Quan - Late Dai Family 1600's. Style China

Dai Long Bang

Based on Shanxi Style Xing Yi Dai Long Bang learned the style from Cao Ji Wu, a student of Ji Long Feng. Dai Long Bang added the 5 elements to the style

Early Xing Yi Quan 1700's. Hebei Style China

Li Lao Neng was a student of Dai Long Bang, who was a student of Cao Ji Wu (a student of the Xing Yi founder Ji Long Feng). Li Lao Neng refined the Li Lao Neng whole style, added forms and elements and he is (Li Neng Ran) my many considered as the "father" of Xingyiquan. This is the most common Xing Yi style Ma Xue Li Ma Xue Li learned the style from Ji Long Feng and brought it to the Hehan province. The Hehan style only consists of the 10 animal forms This style is more fluid than the others, with more complex animal forms About AD 520 two monks from the San Song Shaolin Temple expanded the system into 170 movements

Xing Yi Quan Hehan Style 1600's. (He Nan Xin Yi China Liu He Quan) Xing Yi Quan China Shang style Xing Yi Quan China Shanxi Style Xing Yong Chi Lu Chuan (Chi Lu Chuan/8 China animal Kung Fu)

Xiu Quan (Fist China of The Best) Xizang Baihe (Tibetan White Tibet Crane). Xizang Canglu Quan (Tibetan Tibet Blue Heron Boxing). Xhupa Porrazo Mexico

Li family? -

This is a native Zapoteca M.A.

Yabusame Yae Ryu Yaghliguresh Yagiu Ryu Ju Jutsu Yagyu Seigo Ryu Japan Japan Turkey Ca. 16901700. Japan Fukui Harunosuke Horseback Martial Art Wrestling system -

Nagaoka Torei This is a Battojutsu system Fusashige Araki Mataemon (1584-1637) (Ushe Takewaki?) This is a Taijutsu/Kenjutsu/Bojutsu/Naginatajutsu/Iaijutsu system -

Early Yagyu Shingan 1600's. Ryu Japan Yagyu Shinkage Cujo Yagyu Shinkage Ryu Yagyu Shinkage Ryu (Edo Branch) Japan

Ca. 1568. Japan

Yagyu Sekishusai Muneyoshi(M This is is a Kenjutsu system unetoshi?) (1527-1606) Yagyu Munenori Yagyu Hyogosuke Toshiyoshi Yagyu Shinkage Ryu is a Kenjutsu, Iai Jutsu & Ju Jutsu system. The founder was an instructor to the Tokugawa family -

1603. Japan

Yagyu Shinkage Ryu Japan (Owari Branch)

Yaku Kobu Jitsu Yama Bushi Ryu Aiki Jujitsu Yamadera Daito Ryu Yamaga Ryu

1992. Hanspeter Switzerlan Resch d USA 1600's

Founder began training in 1972 and is a 6th Dan in Jiu Jitsu. The founder has also founded RyokuRyu Jiu-Jitsu

Shihan Miguel 7 Dan Ibarra -

Yamage Soko Yamaga Ryu is a Kenjutsu & Ju Jutsu art. (1622-1685) -

Yamaguchi Itto Japan Ryu Kenjutsu Yamaguchi Karate Yamaki Ryu Karate 200? USA?

Kenji Yamaki The founder has Kyokushin background W. Kent Bergstrom? This is an Okinawan Bo Jutsu system -

YamaMizu Ryu USA? YamanniChinen Ryu Yamashita Daito Ryu Yamate Ryu Aiki Jutsu Okinawa 1920. Japan

Yamada Suburo (Taro?)(19261976) Yamato Ryu is a Kyujutsu & Kyodo art. Reformed in 1664 by Morikawa Kozan, who created the nonmilitary form of Kyodo Mr. Yamaue has also founded Nord Shaolin Kung Fu, En Shin Ryu Jiu Jitsu & Kei Wa Ryu Yanagi Ryu is a Ju Jutsu & Kenjutsu art. -

Yamato Ryu Yamaue Aiki Budo (Aiki Jutsu) Yanagi Ryu Yang Fa Qigong Yaomachtia


Jimmy Keido Denmark/J Yamaue apan (1946-) 1700's Japan 1992? Sweden Mexico? Liu Xin -

Yaolin Qigong -

Yao Quan (Man Yao Quan) Yashai Warcraft Yau Gar Yau Hawk Tao

Sui/Tang Dynasty. Guanxi, China USA China 1990. Australia

Pan Wang

This is the style of the Yao minority people. The style was earlier named Man Yao Quan Kung Fu/TKD/Karate/Choi Kwang Do/Yoga/trained for 30 years + This style originated in the Shaolin Temple of Honan Province. It was know as "The style with no name", and was first named Yau Kung Mun by Tit Yun in the Ching Dynasty (1644-1911 AD) Scientific Self Defense Studied Kajukenbo/TKD/Judo/Kung Fu: Sil Lum/Wing Chun/Choi Lat Fut The style has evolved to three main "sub-styles": Ku Tai Te/Chinese Kempo/Mo Ying Dao

Blaise Loong Yau Dashen? Lam Sai Tao

Tang dynasty Yau Kung Mun (618-907 AD). China Yawara Jitsu 1975. Spain

Ding Yang

Miguel Prez Carrillo P.J. Lloyd Davies

Yawara Ryu Ju Great Jutsu Britain Yaw-Yan Yee Chi Kwan Yee Chaun Fa (Golden Serpent)

1972. Napoleon A. Philippines Fernandez USA Joseph R. Ciccone Yee Chong (1895 - 1978)

Yee Chong Mu Gow Yeshu Do Yi Chuan (Yi Quan/Da Cheng Quan/I Chuan) (Mentality Chuan) Yiga-ryu Yi Jin Jing Yiliquan India? 1920's. Hebei, Northern China China 1982?. USA

Soloman Isaac Wang Xiang Zhai (18871963) (Wang This is an Internal Art. Founder studied Xing Yi + Hsiang others, especially Taiji & Bagua Chi/Wang Yu Seng) Phillip Starr (1949-) This is a Iai Jutsu system Founder began traing a 7 yrs. Shaolin/Xing Yi/Taiji/Bagua + Black Belts in Shito Ryu & Kyokushinkai

Yin Cheng (Yin Cheng Monkey China Style Kung Fu) Ying Zhao (Fanzi) Quan (Ying Kuen/Ying Jao)(Eagle Claw) Yin Yang Doe Yin Yang Tao Yi-Tsung Shaolin Chuan Fa Yi Ying Ching Yoi Tatakai Karate (Good Fight Way of the Empty Hand)

General Yue (Yueh) Fei (Ngok Fei)(11031141) H.L. Mayle? Dr. T.J. Gentry

Yin Cheng was the founder of Mizhoongquan, but it unsure if he was also the founder of the monkey style bearing his name Founder trained by Shaolin monk Jao Tung (Jow Tong). This is the basis style behind the Faan Tzi Ying Jow Pai/Northern Eagle Claw System Founder also founded Senshi Ryu Ju Jutsu. 5th Dan in Renzoku Ju Jitsu, 3rd Dan in Aiki Ryu Ju Jitsu, 2nd Dan in Goshin Ryu Ju Jitsu, Black Sash in Do Maa Kung Fu -

1100's. China

Korea? Vietnam USA -


Yokonshu Ryu Ninjitsu Yongchun Men Quan (Ode to Spring Chuan)(Yongch un White Crane) Yong Moon Moo Kwan Yon Moo Kwan Yon Ryu Goshin Budo Jujutsu & Kobujutsu Yo Ryu

Early 180's. Yan Liancheng, Yongchun Fujian, China Korea Korea -

Yan Yongchun (a woman) combined White Crane with Southern Shaolin Quan, and added snake techniques

Classical Jujutsu, modern Jujutsu (USA), Taiho Jutsu + some Russian Sambo Yo Ryu is a firearms system The founder is also the founder of Street Combat Karate & World Combat Hapkido Systems

Yon Mu Kwan -

Indonesia. B. Ishihara 1987 1600's Frank M. Schneider

Yosaishikaikan 2002. Budo Germany

Yoseikan Budo Japan Yoseikan Karate Yoshi Kaikan England Ca. 1660 (1732?). Japan ? Fukui, Japan 1963. Japan USA Korea China China 1200's. China

Hiroo Mochizuki Vernon Bell1957/Chris Clarry-2001? Akiyama Shirobei Yoshitoki Junji Saito Ise Saburo Katsuoh Yamamoto Bill Solano (1942-) Yue family General Yue Fei Yuen Wang Zhang Gansho (Motokatsu) Inoue (19181993)

Aikido/Iaido/Karate/Judo. The founder is the son of the founder of Yoseikan Aikido Based on Yoseikan Budo/Shotokan. Complicated story of origin, therefore the 1957 and 2001 founders. Yoshin Ryu is a Naginatajutsu/Sojutsu/Bojutsu/Kusarigamajutsu system. Alternative version of the origin: 1). founded by Tsukahara Bokuden (1490-1572), 2). founded by Yoshin Miura Sekiguchi Ryu, Hakko Ryu + others This Ryu consisted methods of espionage Chito Ryu Promoted to 6th Dan in 1982 by G.M. Urban Yudo is the Korean version of Judo This is the Yue family fist, the family of Chung H. Yue, founder of Shan Fu Jow There are several sub-styles of this art -

Yoshin Ryu

Yoshitsune Jiu Jitsu YoshitsuneRyu Yoshukai Yoshu Ryu Karate-Do Yudo Yue Ga Yue Shi San Shou Yuejia Quan (Yue-Family Chuan)

Yuen Feng Shu China? (Feng Shu?) Yuen Kay-San Wing Chun China

Yui Chi Chuan Kung Fu Yui-Men Yuishinkai China 1948. Japan

Yuishinkan Yu Kwon Sool Yukyo Yu Men Quan (Fish Fist) Yun Qi Chui Yusei Ryu

Okinawa/J apan? 1960's. Korea Korea China China Choi Jon Alexander

Based on Yu Sool This was an ancient form of wrestling This is a Wudang style Tai Chi Chuan/Kung Fu. The founder also founded Zen Shin Ryu -

Yu Shan Pai Great (Jade Mountain Britain Style) Yu Sool (Yusul) Before 1150? Korea

Zanshin-Jitsu Zap Lung Dun Zen Budokai Zen Budo Ryu Karate Do Zen Bu JuJutsu Zen Do Kai Zen Do Ryu Karate Zen Huang Do Zenjitsu Ryu Ninjutsu Zen Judo? Zen Kempo Ryu Jujitsu Zen Kune Do 1990's. Germany China USA 1988. France USA Early Heinrich Reimer Raymond V. Moore Michel Guillaume Steven L. Hicks Thanh Khuc 6. Dan Wado-Ryu/5. Dan American Karate System Began training in 1941. Ju Jutsu/Judo/Kyokushin/9 Dan in Aiki Ju Jutsu 1975 Zhen Shaolin Chuan Fa/Wudang/Dian Xue/Lama Huang Gampo Dan in Tea San Ninjutsu Accociation/Kempo/Judo/TKD Kung Fu/Tae Kwon Do/Iaido/Aikido

1980's. Chan (Charlie Vietnam/N Thanh) orway? Zen Nihon Karate Zen Nippon Shorinji Ryu Renshinkan Zen Sekai Goshin Jutsu Zen Shin Ryu (Zen Shin Do/Zen Shin Goju Karate) Zhan Zhuang Chi Kung 1955. Japan USA 1969. Great Britain -

Tamotsu Karate/Kempo/Kobudo Isamu (1920-) Gary J. Castanza 4 Dan in Karate + Dan in 4 other systems

Shuri-Te/Naha-Te. The style was first called ZaJon Alexander Zen-Karate-Zen-Shin-Ryu. The founder also founded Yu Shan Pai Zhauquan Buddhist Monk Luke Holloway -

Zhaoyang Quan Qing (Shaolin Dynasry. Zhaoyang China Quan) Zha Quan (Fist China of Zhamir) Zhen Dhao Kung Fu Zhen Shaolin Chuan Fa Zhuang Quan (Nan Man Quan) Australia -

Zha Quan is a Moslem style The founder also founded Raw Knife Fighting This is the style of the Zhuang minority people. The style was until the Song Dynasty called Nan Man Quan Basque unarmed fighting art which resembes Savate. It includes stickfighting. Discussions going on if this is a true art or just fake Du Xin Wu was a dwarf

Guanxi/Yu nnan, China Du Xin Wu

Zhuan Shu Quan (Chinese Kickboxing) Zhue Yuen Tao Zhu Jia (Zhu Family) Zipota Zi Ran Men China Spain Late

(Wu Gong)(Nature Chuan) Z Kuen Do

1800,s? Sichuan, China Fang Shipei This is an art with connections to wrestling, but it also includes sword, bow and arow, club & shield Nisei Goju Ryu/Judo/Ju Jitsu -

Zonghe Quan 1800's. (Jumping Crane China Chuan). Zoor Khane Ancient. Iran

Zuijiquan (Zui Quan) (Su Ju 1200's? Chuan)(Drunke China n Fist) Zujitsu Ryu Zurkhaneh Zu Wei Shu Kung Fu USA Ancient? Iran USA

Chaka Zulu Dana Miller?

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