Printable Flash Cards
Printable Flash Cards
Printable Flash Cards
ABaway (away from) ab/norm/al away (away from)/normal or regular/refers to ab/ducens away/draw or lead 3. -ABLE capable of or ability to erg/able work/capable of related term(s): -IBLE 4. ABORT/IOto miscarry (natural or induced) abort/ion to miscarry (natural or induced)/procedure of or process of (discharge of the embry/o 'early' or fet/us 'young' deliberate or not) 5. ABRUPT/IOto tear away from abruptus placentae to tear away from (separate quickly) / cake 6. ABSCESS a going away abscess a going away (tissue disintegration & displacement: 'Staph' infection forming pus) 7. ACNE pointed Acne/form pointed/shape (ACNE is a bacterial inflammation of the hair follicle and sebaceous 'oil' gland. Similar infections may
cause acne or form lesions) 8. ACOUST/Ihearing acoust/ic hearing/refers to related term(s): AUDI9. ACR/Oextremities, height, and pointed acro/megal/y extremities/enlarged/refers to acro/phob/ia height/fear/refers to acr/om/ial extremity/shoulder/refer to (lateral triangle spine-like projection of shoulder blade forming the point of shoulder & articulating with clav/icle 'key little' or collarbone) 10. ACTIN/Osun, ray, radium actino/myco/sis sun, ray, radium/fungus/condition (growth) 11. ACUsharp acu/ity sharp/process of (seeing sharply or clearly) acute quick, sudden, sharply 12. -AC refers to, pertains to, or state of cardi/ac heart/refers to, pertains to, or state of related term(s): -AL, -AR, -ARY, -ATE, -EUM, -IAC, -IC, -ICAL, -ILE, -IS, -IUM, -ORY, -OUS, -UM, -US
ad/ren/al near or beside/kidney/refers to (the ad/ren/al gland is located on top of kidney) 14. ADEN/Ogland aden/ectomy gland/removal (the following are common glands: lymph nodes, oil, sweat, and endocrine) 15. ADIP/Ofat adip/oma fat/tumor (adip/oma is also known as lip/oma) related term(s): steato-, lipo16. AER/Oair or gas aero/cele air or gas/distension of cavity (like a tumor) 17. AFtoward af/ferent toward/to carry (nerve or blood flow toward a structure) 18. ALB/Owhite albin/ism white/state of (albo-, leuco-, leuko- all mean white) 19. ALGES/Ipain an/alges/ic without/pain/refers to related term(s): -AGRA, -ALGIA, DOLO-, -DYNIA 20. -ALGIA pain
neur/algia nerve/pain related term(s): -AGRA, ALGESIA-, DOLO-, -DYNIA 21. ALOPEC/Ifox mange or baldness alopec/ia fox mange or baldness/refers to 22. ALVEOL/Icavity alveol/us small hollow or cavity (tooth socket and lung air sack)/refers to related term(s): SIN/O23. AMBIboth ambi/later/al both/sides/refers to ambi/dextr/ous both/right (dominant hand)/refers to or state of (dextero = right, sinistro = left) 24. AMBUL/Oto walk ambul/atory to walk or walking/process of 25. AMPHIboth amphi/arthr/osis both sides/joint/condition of 26. AMYLOstarch amyl/uria starch/in urine amyl/ase starch/enzyme 27. ANlack of or without
an/orex/ia lack of or without/appetite/refers to 28. AN/Oring an/al ring (sphincter of anus)/refer to 29. ANAapart or up ana/tom/y apart or up/cut/procedure of or process of ana/phase up/stage (mitosis stage when chromosomes move up or apart) 30. ANGI/Ovessel angi/oma vessel/swelling or tumor related term(s): VAS/O31. ANGIN/OVessel angin/a (Refers to a vessel condition of choking or blocking of blood flow to the heart muscle. which usually results in chest discomfort or pain.) 32. ANKYL/Ofuse or bind ankylo/spondylo/itis fuse or bind, stiff, crooked/spine/inflammation 33. ANTEbefore ante/nat/al before/birth/pertain to ante/pyrect/ic before/fever/refers to 34. ANTER/Obefore or foremost
anter/ior before or foremost (in front)/refers to 35. ANTHRAX coal or carbuncle anthr/ax coal or carbuncle/a lesion (Types of Anthrax: Cerebral, Pulmonary, Cutaneous, and/or Intestinal) alternate spelling: ANTHR/O36. ANTIagainst anti/sept/ic against/infection/refers to anti/bio/tic against/life/refers to 37. ANEURYSMdilation or ballooning aneurysm/oplasty dilation or ballooning (usually blood vessel)/surgical repair 38. -APHERESIS to remove or separate (blood into parts) leuk/aphere/sis WBC/to remove or separate (blood into parts)/condition of (separate blood into component parts or remove toxins) 39. APOabove or upon apo/plex/y above or upon/paralyzed/process of 40. AQUAwater aqua/therap/y water/treat/process or procedure related term(s): HYDRO41. ARACHINOspider arach/oid
spider/resembles related term(s): ARACHN/O42. ARCHE/Ofirst arche/type first or original/form or shape (it produces other forms)
43. -ARIA air mal/aria bad/air (determined to be caused by protozoa carried by mosquitos) 44. ARTERI/Oartery arterio/gram artery/recording arterio/scler/osis artery/hard/condition arter/iol/oma artery/small/swelling 45. ARTHR/Ojoint arthro/scop/ic joint/viewing or examining/pertains to 46. ARTICUL/Ojointed articula/tion jointed/process of (the place of union between two or more bones) 47. -AR refers to or pertains to patell/ar little dish (kneecap)/refers to Related Term(s): -AC, -AL, -ARY, -ATE, -EUM, -IAC, -IC, -ICAL, -ILE, -IS, -IUM, -ORY, -OUS, -UM, -US
48. ASCAR/Iworm ascari/asis worm/condition of (round nematode worm usually infecting intestines) helminthiasis (worm condition); vermiform (worm/shape) related term(s): HELMINTH/O-, VERMI49. -ASE enzyme lip/ase fat/enzyme 50. -ASTHENIA weakness my/asthenia muscle/without strength; or having weakness neur/asthenia nerve/weakness 51. ASTHMApanting asthma/tic panting/refers to 52. ATELOincomplete, without end, imperfect ending atelo/spir/osis incomplete, without end, imperfect ending/breathing/condition of 53. ATHEROporridge or yellow fat athero/scler/osis porridge or yellow fat/harden (in lumen of blood vessels)/condition or disease (athero/scler/osis kills 45% of U.S. population) 54. -ATION process of or procedure of circul/ation circle/process of (blood moving from heart and returning)
cardio/graph/y heart/instrument to record/procedure of related term(s): -AGE, -IATION, -ING, -ION, -TION, -Y
55. -ATRESIA closure ven/atresia vein/closure (abnormal closure of body opening-occlusion) 56. ATRI/Ochamber atri/um chamber/refers to (corridors or chambers at top of heart) 57. ATTRIT/Iwearing out attrit/ion wearing out/process of 58. AUDIhearing audi/olog/y hearing/science of or study of/procedure or process of audio/meter hear/measurement related term(s): ACOUST/I59. AUR/Iear aur/al ear/pertains to aur/icle ear/small or little 60. AUSCULT/Oto listen auscult/ation to listen (physical diagnosis)/process of
61. AUTOself auto/hypn/osis self/sleep/condition of (simulated sleep in alpha brain state of consciousness) aut/ism self/state of 62. AVULS/Ito tear avuls/ion to tear/process of (ligaments torn from bones) related term(s): spadi63. BACILL/Orod-like bacill/us rod-like (bacteria)/ refers to 64. BACTERI/Orod bacter/ia rod/refers to (rod was the first bacteria viewed under microscope) 65. BALAN/Openis balan/itis penis/inflamed (also refers to the female clitoris) 66. BAROweight baro/gnosis weight/prediction (knowledge) 67. BAS/Obasic or at base bas/al (metabolism) basic or at base/refers to
68. BENEgood or normal bene/fit good or normal/suited for 69. BENIGNkind benign/iform kind/shape or appearance (tumor in capsule: slow growing and expansive, not invading) 70. BERIweakness beri/beri weakness/weakness (vitamin B1 or thiamine deficiency disease) 71. BItwo bi/ceps two/headed (muscle) related term(s): CO-, BIN-, DI-, DIPLO-, DUO-, DYO72. BIL/Ibile or gall bili/ary bile or gall/refers to or state of (liver substance stored in gallbladder) 73. BINtwo bin/ocul/ar two/eyes/refers to related term(s): CO-, BI-, DI-, DIPLO-, DUO-, DYO74. BIOlife bio/log/y life/science of or study of/process of 75. -BLAST beginning or young
osteo/blast bone/beginning or young cells (embryonic primitive cells found in the body systems) 76. BLEB/Oblister bleb/ic blister or bulla 'bubble'/refers to (bleb/ic is a bulb or blister that often is filled with blood) related term(s): BULLA-, BULBA77. BLENNOmucus blen/oma mucus/tumor or swelling 78. BLEPHAROeyelid blephar/oma eyelid/swelling or tumor related term(s): PALPEBRA79. BOL/Olump or ball bol/us lump or ball, choice bit of food (in stomach), to throw up /refers to 80. BRACH/Iarm brachi/al arm/refers to (humerus is the bone of upper arm) 81. BRACHYshort brachy/dactyl/ia short/fingers (and toes)/refers to 82. BRADYslow brady/pnea slow/breathing
83. BREVIshort brev/ity short/state of 84. BRONCH/Iwindpipe or trachea like bronchi/al windpipe or trachea like (large lung tubes)/refers to 85. BRUXgrinding brux/ism grinding (teeth)/state of 86. BUCCAcheek bucc/al cheek/pertains to 87. BULBA blister or vesicle Bulb/us blister or vesicle (little sac)/refers to related term(s): BULLA-, BLEB/O88. BULIMOhunger bulim/ic hunger or appetite (excessive)/refers to or condition of (eating and purging syndrome) 89. BURS/Osac, wine sac, pouch burs/a sac, wine sac, pouch/refers to (protective pad-like structure in joints) 90. CAL/Oheat, heated or hot cal/or
heat, heated or hot/one who is (1 of 4 characteristics of inflammation: calor-heat; rubor-red; tumor-swelling; and dolor-pain) 91. CALCIN/Ocalcium calcin/osis calcium/condition of (excessive calcium buildup on bones) 92. CALCOpebbles or granules of calcium mineral calc/ium pebbles or granules of calcium mineral/pertains to calc/urea pebbles or granules of calcium mineral in urine 93. CALXheel or lime calx/ectom/y heel (foot bone)/removal/procedure of 94. CANDID/Iglowing white candidi/asis glowing white (fungus infection)/condition of 95. CANTH/Ocorner of eye cantho/plast/y corner of eye (eyelid)/cosmetic or plastic surgery/procedure of 96. CAPILL/Ohair-like capill/ary hair-like/pertains to or refers to (little blood vessels) 97. CAPIT/Ohead capit/al head/refers to related term(s): CAPUT, CEPHAL/O-
98. CAPN/Ocarbon dioxide capno/graph carbon dioxide (or smoke)/instrument (instrument used in exercise physiology to measure CO2) 99. CAPUT head caput femoris head or head of (chief part of structure or organ)/thigh bone related term(s): CEPHAL/O-, CAPIT/O100. CARBUN/Oglowing ember carbun/cle glowing ember/small (numerous boils) related term(s): CARBUNCUL/O101. CARCIN/Ocrab-like carcino/gen/ic crab-like/producing/refer to (cancer causing) 102. CARDI/Oheart peri/card/itis around/heart/inflammation (inflamed 2 layered membrane of heart: causing pain) (car-; card-; cardi-; cardio- all refer to the heart) 103. CARP/Owrist meta/carp/al beyond/wrist/refers to 104. CATAbreakdown or down cata/bol/ism breakdown or down/choice bit of food or lump/state of
105. CATARACT waterfall or cloudiness cataract waterfall or cloudiness (eyes lens under the cornea that is impervious to light) 106. CATARRHto flow down Catarrh/al to flow down/refers to (any drainage from mucus membrane: especially in the nose, sinuses, and throat) 107. CATHETER/Oto let down into catheter/iz/ation to let down into/act of/procedure of 108. CAUD/Otail or toward tail caud/al tail or toward tail/refer to 109. CAUST/Oburn or heat caus/tic burn or heat/refers to related term(s): CAUS-, CAUTER/O110. CAUTER/Oto burn or to heat cauter/iz/ation to burn or to heat/act of/procedure of related term(s): CAUS-, CAUST/O111. CAVhollow cav/ity hollow/state of or refers to 112. CEBOmeal or food
ceb/um meal or food/pertain to (cena- and dino- also means dinner) 113. CEC/Oblind pouch Ceco/pexy blind pouch/surgically attached to abdominal wall (dead end pouch or 1st part of colon -right side) 114. -CELE swelling or tumor laparo/cele abdominal/swelling or tumor 115. CELI/Oabdomen or belly celi/oma abdomen or belly/tumor 116. CELLUL/Ochambers cellul/itis chambers or body cells (tissues are cell groups)/infection 117. CEMENT/Ohard cement/um hard/refers to (tooth root covering) 118. -CENTESIS surgical puncture to drain fluid thoraco/centesis chest/surgical puncture to drain fluid (procedure) 119. CENTIone-hundredth part (100) centi/meter one-hundredth part (100)/of meter (metre- or -meter means to measure & a meter is 39.37 inches)
120. CENTR/Icenter Centri/fug/al Center (middle of circle)/to flee/refers to (heavy particles move to bottom or outside from the center) 121. CEPHAL/Ohead en/cephal/itis within/head/inflamed (refers to brain within the head) related term(s): CAPIT/O-, CAPUT 122. -CEPTreceiver chemo/cept/or chemical or drug/receiver or to recieve/one who 123. CEREB/Obrain cerebr/al brain/refers to or pertains to 124. CERUwax cerumen/ous wax (in ear)/refer to or state of 125. CERV/Ineck cerv/ical neck (seven upper vertebrae of spine)/refers to cerv/ix neck/pertains to
126. CHALAZ/IOhailstone Chalaz/ion hailstone (eyelid sebaceous cyst)/process of (tumor that is small and hard on the eyelid)
127. CHANCR/Oulcer (sore) chancr/oid ulcer (sore)/resembles (this V.D. has granular lesions that form ulcers or sores like syphilis) 128. CHEIL/Olip cheil/oma lip/tumor alternate spelling: CHILO129. CHIROhand chiro/pract/or hand/practice/one who (mano also means hand) 130. CHLOR/Ogreen chlor/emia green (chlorides)/in blood 131. CHOLANGIObile duct cholang/itis bile duct/inflamed 132. CHOLEbile or gall chole/sterol bile or gall (ingredient of)/ solid (Chole 'bile' is used to refer to anything related to bile: CHOLE/DUCTO- = bile duct, CHOLE/CYTO- = bile sac) (Hyper/cholesterol/emia is the increase in cholesterol levels in the blood. Normal Levels: 160 to 200 mg/dcl. Blood vessels become plaqued 'occlusion-closure' and it can be seen in
the skin & eyes. Remember body hormones & enzymes also need cholesterol) 133. CHOLECYST/Ogallbladder cholecyst/ectomy gallbladder/removal 134. CHOLEDOCH/Ogallbladder duct (canal) choledoch/ectomy common bile duct/removal or excision (duct removed from the liver and gallbladder) alternate spelling: CHOLEDUCTO135. CHOLERA biliary acute diarrhea cholera biliary acute dia/rrhea (bowel or intestinal diarrhea 'flow'. The bacteria causes de/hydra/tion and death) 136. CHONDR/Ocartilage chondr/oma cartilage/tumor dys/chondro/plas/ia faulty/cartilage/formation or development/refers to 137. CHROM/Ocolored chromo/some colored/body (23 pair in each body cell - see Watson-Crick Helix Chromosome Model) 138. CHYMEjuice a/chym/ia lack of/juice/condition (small intestinal juices are lacking: lack of food, liquids, and juices) alternate spelling: CHYLE139. -CICATRIX
scar brachio/cicatrix arm/scar 140. -CID to kill sui/cid/al oneself/to kill/refers to 141. CIL/Ieyelash-like cil/ia eyelash-like (structures lining lungs)/refers to 142. CINE/Omovement filming cine/angio/cardio/graph/y movement/vessel/heart/filming instrument/procedure 143. CIRCUMaround circum/flex around/bend circum/cis/ion around/cut/process of circum/duct/ion around/movement/state of 144. CIRRH/Oyellow-orange cirrh/o/sis yellow-orange (jaundiced) or yellow/condition of (disease or infection causing liver failure: bile pigments remain in the body and blood resulting in color abnormality) 145. -CIS cut or to cut in/cis/ion into/cut/procedure of related term(s): sect/o-
146. -CLAST breakdown osteo/clast bone/breakdown of cells cyto/clas/is cell/breaking/refers to related term(s): -CLAS 147. CLAVICUL/Ocollarbone infra/clavicul/ar beneath/collarbone or clavicle (little key shape)/refer to 148. CLEIDOclavicle or collar bone sterno/cleido/mast/oid sternum/clavicle, collar bone/breast/resemble 149. CLINObent clino/dactylia bent/finger or toe 150. -CLYSIS irrigation or injection hydro/clysis water/irrigation or injection 151. COtwo co/llater/al liga/ment two (2 outer knee ligaments)/sides/refers: binding/act of co-operat/ive two/working/state of related term(s): BI-, BIN-, DI-, DIPLO-, DUO-, DYO152. COAGUL/Oclotting or to clot coagul/ation clotting or to clot/process of 153. -COCCUS
berry staphylo/coccus grapelike/ berry (shape of bacteria) 154. COCCYG/Otailbone coccyg/eal tailbone/refers to or small 155. COCHLE/Osnail-like cochle/ar snail-like/pertain to (lower part of inner ear: for hearing sound) 156. COL/Ocolon (big or large intestine) col/os/tom/y colon (big or large intestine '5 feet long')/mouth or opening/cut/procedure of related term(s): COLON/O157. COLPOvagina colp/itis vagina/inflamed 158. COMtogether com/press/ion together/contract/process of com/minuted fracture together/small: break related term(s): CON-, SYM- SYN159. COMATOdeep sleep comat/ose deep sleep/condition or state 160. CONCUSS/Iviolent shaking concuss/ion
violent shaking/process of (brain injury resulting in bleeding, headaches, and other symptoms) 161. CONDYLOknuckle condyl/oma knuckle (nob)/tumor or swellings (bone and wart points or projection) 162. CONI/Odust pneumo/coni/osis lung/dust/condition 163. -CONIS cone-shaped kerato/conis cornea/cone-shaped (outer covering of iris 'cornea' elevated or protrudes) 164. CONJUNCTIV/Ojoined together conjunctiv/itis joined together (united)/inflammation (inflammation of the membrane that covers the eye and the eyelid 'they join' or unite at the back of eyelid and at base of the sclera.) 165. CONTRAagainst contra/cept/ion against/heads (coming together)/process of 166. CONTUS/Ibruise contus/ion bruise/process of (non-broken skin injury with pain, swelling, & discolored) 167. CONVOLOto roll together convol/ution
to roll together/pertains to 168. CORDvocal chords or cord cord/itis vocal chords/inflamed related term(s): CHORDO169. CORI/Oskin cori/um skin/refers to related term(s): CUT-, CUTI/O-, DERMAT/O-, DERMO-, -PELL 170. CORNE/Ocornea or horn shape corne/itis cornea or horn/inflamed (horn shape structure 'cornea' that covers the eyes iris and pupil covering) 171. CORNUhorn or horny stratum cornu (corneum) layer/horn or horny (upper epidermis skin layer) 172. CORON/Ocrowning coron/ary crowning (heart blood vessels)/refer to 173. CORONAL PLANE crowning or frontal body cut coron/al crowning or frontal body cut/refers to (downward cut through coronal suture right to left of skull cuts the body into a front and back part. Also known as 'FRONTAL PLANE') 174. CORP/Obody corp/us body/refers to (corpus pediculosis means 'body lice')
175. CORTIC/Obark, outer bark, rind, cortex cortico/ster/oid bark, outer bark, rind, cortex/solid/resemble 176. COST/Orib cost/al rib/refer to related term(s): PLEURO177. CRANI/Oskull crani/otom/y skull (cranium)/cut into/procedure of crani/al skull/refer to 178. -CREAS fleshy or flesh pan/creas all/fleshy or flesh (this is the appearance of a 6" compound gland in the abdominal cavity) 179. CRENAT/Onotched crenat/ion notched/process of (irregular shaped red blood cells) 180. -CRINE secrete endo/crine within/secrete (into blood) exo/crine outside/secrete (into duct or canal) 181. -CRIT separate hemato/crit blood/separate
182. CRUC/Icross or cross-like cruci/ate cross (shape)/state of or condition of (crossing ligaments in knee: ACL and PCL) 183. CRYOcold cryo/therap/y cold/treat or cure (killing cells)/procedure of 184. CRYPTOhidden crypt/orchid/ism hidden/testis/state of or condition of 185. CUB/Ocube or cube-shaped cub/oid cube or cube-shaped/resemble (an ankle bone shaped like a cube) 186. CUBIT/Oelbow cubit/al elbow, forearm region/refer to elbow region 187. CULD/Oblind pouch culdo/scop/y blind pouch/viewing/procedure of (an instrument examines the pelvic viscera 'organs' with an endo/scop/e after introducing it through the posterior fornix 'arch' cul-de-sac 'blind pouch' wall of the vagina) 188. -CULE little mole/cule mass/little
(small quantity can be divided without loss of characteristics) related term(s): -ICLE, -IOLE, -ULE, -ULA 189. CURRETT/Oscooping or scraping curett/age scooping or scraping/refers to (carried out inside uterus 'abortion' or to remove a skin lesions) 190. -CUSIS hearing an/cusis without/hearing 191. CUSP/Ipointed cusp/id pointed (end)/refers to (pointed flaps of heart valves or teeth) 192. CUTI/O-, CUT-, CUTIskin cut/icle skin/little sub/cut/aneous under/skin/refers to (the word part CUTIO- is a suffix, the words part -CUTIS is a prefix) related term(s): CORI/O-, CUT-, DERMAT/O-, DERMO-, -PELL 193. CYAN/Oblue cyan/osis blue/condition of 194. CYCL/Ocircle cycl/itis circle/inflamed (muscles around iris or rainbow of eye are inflamed) 195. -CYESIS pregnancy
multi/cyesis many/pregnancy 196. CYST/Obladder or sac cyst/itis bladder or sac/inflamed alternate spelling: CYST related term(s): CYSTI197. CYTEcell or chamber cyt/olog/y cell or chamber/study of or science of/process of related term(s): CYT-, CYTH198. -CYTOSISincrease in numbers leuco/cytosis white (WBC)/ increase in numbers 199. DACRYO-tear dacry/doct/itis tear/duct/inflamed related term(s): LACRIMO200. DACTYLO-digits (fingers and toes)lipo/dactyl/iafat/digits (finger or toes)/refers to 201. DE-awayde/gluti/tionaway/swallowing/process ofde/formaway/shape 202. DECI-one-tenth (1/10)deci/literone-tenth(1/10) / liter(Deca- means 10) 203. DEEPmost inwarddeepmost inward(structure more internal than another) 204. DEKA-tendeka/gramten/grams(15.432 grains = 1 gram; 28.35 grams = 1 ounce) 205. DELTAfan shaped or triangulardelt/oid (shoulder muscle)fan shaped or triangular/resembles 206. DEM/O-peopleDem/o/graphypeople/procedure of recording with an instrument 207. DEMI-halfdemi/facethalf/little face(superior and inferior projections of the vertebral arch)related term(s): DEMI-, HEMI-, SEMI208. DENDR/O-tree shapeddendr/itetree-shaped/state of 209. DENT/O-tooth or teethdent/altooth or teeth/pertains torelated term(s): DONT/O-
210. DEPRESS/O-lowerdepress/orlower/one who 211. DERM/O-skinpachy/derm/althick/skin/pertains torelated term(s): CORI/O-, CUT-, CUTI/O-, DERMAT/O-, DERMO-, -PELL 212. DERMAT/O-skindermato/phyteskin/plant(fungus or other plant that causes parasitic skin diseases)dermat/itisskin/inflamed(Remember: -mat, -mata, -matosis mean many, multiple, extensive)related term(s): CORI/O-, CUT-, CUTI/O-, DERMO-, -PELL 213. -DESISbinding or to bindligo/desisto bind/binding(surgical procedure to reattach ligaments to bone) 214. DEXTR/O-rightdextro/card/iaright/heart/refers to(tilting of heart to the right) 215. DIA-across, through, total, betweendia/phragmacross, through, total, complete, between/petition or walldia/meteracross/measuredia/gnosistotal/knowledgedia/stole'between/contractions' 216. -DIDYMUStestis or testeepi/didymusupon/testis or teste(coiled structure on top of teste 'seed producer') 217. DIFFERENT-to separatedifferent/ial dia/gnosisto separate or apart/refers to: total/knowledge(different/ial dia/gnosis - also known as D.D. means to identify the differences between two or more similar conditions)related term(s): -DEFERENS 218. DIGIT-finger or toeDigit/alfinger or toe/refer todigit/atefinger or toe/action of or refers to 219. DIPLO-double or twodipl/op/iadouble or two/sight or vision/refers to(person experiencing double vision)related term(s): CO-, BI-, BIN-, DI-, DUO-, DYO220. DIPS/O-thirst or thirstypoly/dips/iamany/thirst or thirsty/refer tomulti/dips/iamany/thirst or thirsty/pertain to 221. DIPHTHER/I-membranediphther/iamembrane/refer to(Klebs Loeffler Bacteria identified with the 'Schick Test'. The membrane forms in 2 days on the body. Organism causes toxicity & breathing problems.) 222. DIS-away from or reverseddis/easeaway from or reverse/comfort or ease 223. DIST/O-farther fromdist/alfarther from/refer to 224. DIVERTICUL/O-outpouchingdiverticul/itisoutpouching/inflamed(rugae or folds usually of the large intestine become inflamed) 225. DOCH/O-duct or canalchole/doch/itisbile or gall/duct or canal/inflamed 226. DOCT/O-to teach or teacherdoct/or (Latin docere)to teach or teacher/one who 227. DOL/O-paindol/orpain/one who (causes)related term(s): -AGRA, ALGESIA-, -ALGIA, -DYNIA
228. DORS/O-backdors/alback (posterior)/refers to(e.g. the top or back of a dog, the back of a standing human)dorsi/flex/orthe back/to bend/one who 229. DROMO-runningdromo/maniarunning/madnesspro/drom/albefore/running/pertains to(this is a specific phase of an infection: after incubation and before convalescence stages of the disease) 230. DUCT/O-to draw or to lead awayab/duct/ionaway/to draw or to lead away (motion)/process of 231. DUODEN/O-twelveduoden/itistwelve/inflamed(duodenum is the first part of the small intestine) 232. DURA-harddura materhard: mother(outermost layer of membrane called the meninges that cover the brain and spinal cord) 233. DY/O-two or a pairdy/adtwo or a pair/refers to(pair of chromosomes formed during meiosis 'reduction division of gametes')related term(s): CO-, BI-, BIN-, DI-, DIPLO-, DUO234. DYNAM/O-work or strengthdynam/icswork or strength/refers todynamo/meterstrength/measurement(measure the strength of muscles) 235. -DYNIApaincoccygo/dyniatailbone (coccyx)/painrelated term(s): -AGRA, ALGESIA-, -ALGIA, DOLO236. DYS-difficult, faulty, painfuldys/toc/iadifficult or painful/birth/pertains todys/chondro/plas/iafaulty/cartilage/development/refers todys/meno/rrheapainful/monthly/flow 237. -E (suffix)instrumentrhino/scop/enose/view or examine/instrumentrelated term(s): -graph 238. E- (prefix)out or removee/viscer/ateout or remove/organs/act of or state ofrelated term(s): ec-, ect-, ex-, ext239. EC-outside, outward, outer, outec/top/icoutside/location/pertaining torelated term(s): ECT-, ECTO240. ECCRINE-secreting or to secreteeccri/ticsecreting or to secrete/state of or quality of(promoting secreting from body structures) 241. ECHO-soundecho/gramsound/writing or recordingrelated term(s): SONO242. -ECTASISenlargement or dilationbronchi/ectasiswindpipe like tube/enlargement, dilationcardio/ectasisheart/enlargement condition 243. -ECTOMYexcision or removaltonsill/ectomyalmond or small mass/excision or removal 244. ECZEMAto boil outeczemato boil out (skin lesions) 245. EDEMA-swellinglymph/edemalymph/swelling 246. EF-away or outef/ferentaway or out/to carry (nerve or blood flow away from a structure)ef/ferent meansaway or out/to carryef/fus/ionout/attached/process 247. ELECTR/O-electricalelectro/encephalo/gramelectrical/in head (brain)/recording 248. -ELLUMlesser or smallercereb/ellumbrain/lesser or smaller
249. EM-inem/py/emain/pus/refers to (collection of p Printable Flash Cards: (-EMESIS to MUC/O-) 1. -EMESIS vomit hem/emesis blood/vomit 2. -EMIA blood leuc/emia (leukemia) white/blood (abnormal increase in WBC's) 3. EMPHYSEMA puffed up emphysemat/ous puffed up/state of or refers to (inner air sacks of lung swollen) 4. ENin en/cephal/itis in/head (refers to brain)/inflamed 5. ENAMEL hard enamel hard (hard outer covering of upper tooth) 6. EN/CEPHAL/Owithin head (referring to the brain) encephalo/gram within head/recording 7. ENDOwithin or inside endo/derm within or inside/skin 8. ENEMA
injection enema injection (water forced into colon for cleansing) 9. ENTEROintestine (usually refers to small intestine) enter/itis intestine (usually refers to small intestine)/inflamed 10. ENURESIS to void or expel urine enuresis to void (expel) urine (involuntary: like bed-wetting) 11. EOSIN/Orose red color eosino/phil rose red (color)/love of (staining of WBC's) 12. EPIupon epi/didymis upon/teste (coil structure upon teste) epi/gastr/ic upon/stomach/pertains to epi/glott/itis upon/tongue/inflamed 13. EPISI/Opubic region episi/orrhaphy pubic region/to stitch (repair of a lacerated or torn vulva or of a episiotomy) episi/o/tom/y pubic region (vulva)/cut/process of (upside down 'V' cut from vagina towards anus: to ease childbirth in some women) 14. ERGOwork or labor
ergo/meter work/to measure ergot work or labor (birthing drug) 15. ERYTHERMAT/Ored or flushed erythermat/ic red or flushed/refer to 16. ERYTHR/Ored erythro/cyte red/cell (chamber) (a red blood cell that carries oxygen to the body's cells) 17. ESCHAR scab eschar scab eschar/ification snail like (scab)/process of (development) 18. ESOtoward eso/phag/us toward/eater/refers to (tube from stomach to mouth) 19. ESTHES/Iphysical feeling an/esthes/ia without/physical feeling 20. ESTR/Ofemale estro/gen female/beginning (phase of cycle) 21. ETI/Ocause eti/olog/y cause/study or science of diseases/process
22. EUgood or normal eu/toc/ia good or normal/birth/pertains to eu/gene/tics good, new or normal/ to produce or form/ state of eu/phor/ia good or normal/feeling (mental)/pertain to 23. EXout, outside, outward ex/tens/ion outward/to stretch/process of related term(s): EXO-, EXTRA24. FACET/Oface facet little face (upper and lower small articular faces of vertebral plates) related term(s): FACI/O25. FASC/Iband fasc/ia band (covering around and between muscles 'membranous')/refers to 26. FEBR/Ofever febr/ile fever/state of or refers to 27. FEC/Ostool or fecal matter fec/o/lith stool (feces waste)/like stone related term(s): SCATO-, STERCO28. FEMOR/Othigh femor/al thigh/refer to
29. -FERENCE to carry vas de/ference vessel: away/to carry (duct from teste) 30. FERROiron ferr/ous iron/state of related term(s): sider/o-, heme 31. FET/Oyoung feto/graph/y young/instrument/procedure of fet/us young (last 6 & 1/2 months of development in uterus)/refer to (embryo means early)
32. FIBRILL/Oto quiver fibrill/ation to quiver (muscle fiber contraction)/process of 33. FIBROfiber fibr/oma fiber (thread like structures)/tumor 34. FIBUL/Oto clasp fibul/a to clasp/refers to (noun) (smaller outer long bone of lower leg) 35. FILthread fila/ment
thread/state of or refers to related term(s): FILI36. FISSto split or splitting fiss/ion splitting/refers to fiss/ure cleft or split/state of 37. FISTUL/Opipe or pipe stem pyo/fistula pus/pipe or pipe-stem (pus found within a pipe or tube that opens to body surface) 38. FLEXto bend ante/flex/ion before/to bend or divert/process of (to decrease angle of joint) related term(s): -FLECT 39. FLUflowing in/fluenza inward/condition of flowing (mucoid material) 40. -FLUX to flow re/flux again/flow (the movement of a substance backward or upward) 41. FORAMEN/Oopening Foramen/al opening/refers to (also known as meatus or opening) 42. FORE-
before fore/arm before/brachium or arm (between elbow and wrist) 43. FRACT/Oto break fract/ure to break/refers to 44. FRONT/Oforehead or before front/al forehead or before (front brow)/pertains to 45. FUNGImushroom fungi/form mushroom or plant/shape related term(s): LICHEN/I46. FURUN/Oboil furun/cle boil/small (may vary in size and characteristics) 47. GALACT/Omilk galacto/poiesis milk/production 48. GANGLI/Oknot, swelling, or collection gangli/ectomy knot, swelling, or collection/excision (removal of the fibrous swelling 'dorsal root' formation on post. spinal nerve) 49. GANGREN/Oeating sore gangren/ous eating sore/refers to
(dead tissue caused by isch/emia 'poor blood flow') 50. GASTR/Ostomach gastr/itis stomach/inflamed gastrocnemi/us calf of leg or stomach shape muscle in back of lower leg 51. GEN/Orace geno/type race/classification (gene) 52. GENI/Ochin geni/ec/tom/y chin/out/cutting/procedure of 53. GENIT/Oreproductive or birth genit/al reproductive or birth/refers to (reproductive structures) 54. GENUknee genu/clast knee/breaking (instrument to break knee joint adhesions) 55. -GEN origin, develop, to produce, to form, to make carcino/gen crab-like/ to produce, to form, to make, origin, develop (substance that causes cancer) carcino/gen/esis crab-like/origin or beginning/process of related term(s): -GENESIS 56. GER/Oold or old age
ger/iatr/ic old or old age/treat or cure/study of or science of (studying all aspects of the aging process) 57. GESTto bear or separate gest/ation to bear or separate/process of (time period from conception to birth) 58. GINGIV/Ogum gingiv/itis gum/inflamed related term(s): ULO59. GLANDUL/Olittle acorn or gland glandul/ar little acorn or gland/refers to 60. GLAUC/Owaterfall or gray glauc/oma waterfall or gray/swelling (inner eye pressure causing loss of sight) 61. GLI/Oglue or glue-like gli/oma glue or glue-like/tumor (gliocytes are body cells that hold neurons or nerves together) alternate spelling: GLIA62. GLOMERUL/Osmall round mass or tiny ball glomerul/itis small round mass or tiny ball/inflamed (mass or capillary tuft of nephron "kidney functional unit or filter") 63. GLOSS/Otongue
gloss/itis tongue/inflamed glosso/pharyng/eal tongue/pharynx or throat/refers to 64. GLOTT/Oback of tongue epi/glott/itis upon/back of tongue/inflamed (structure protecting voice-box: consists of two vocal cords & glottis rim) 65. GLUTbuttocks glut/itis buttocks (rear-end)/refer to 66. GLYCOsugar glyco/pen/ia sugar/decrease or lower/refers to 67. -GNOSIS knowledge dia/gnosis total or complete/knowledge 68. GOITER swelling (throat) goiter/ectomy swelling (throat)/removal of thyroid goiter 69. GON/Oseed or seed producer gono/rrhea seed or seed producer/flowing from related term(s): orchi/o 70. GOUT a drop gout a drop (uric acid crystals larger than blood cells which
drop to lower joints causing pain. Type of arthritis - usually found in big toe) 71. -GRADE a step, stage, or degree in a process retro/grade backward or behind/a step, stage, or degree in a process
72. -GRAFT to probe or cut with a knife dermo/graft skin/to probe with knife (pole; probe; or steak) (the removal of skin to be placed on new body part - like a flap) 73. -GRAM to record myo/gram muscle/to record (write or take down) 74. -GRAPHY procedure of using an instrument to do recording myo/graphy muscle/procedure of using an instrument to do recording 75. -GRAPH instrument myo/graph muscle/instrument (used to do recording) related term(s): -e 76. GRAVID/Oheavy or pregnant gravid/ium heavy or pregnant/refers to (gravida means pregnant woman) 77. GROIN inguinal region groin inguinal region
(depression between thigh and trunk) 78. GUMM/Ogum or gum like Gumma gum or gum like (lesions of 3rd stage of syphilis) 79. GUST/Otasting or to taste gust/ation tasting or to taste/process of 80. GYNEC/Owoman gynec/olog/ist woman/science and study of/specialist alternate spelling: GYN/O81. HALLUX great or big toe hallux/ectomy great or big toe/removal 82. HAPLOhalf (single) hapl/oid half or single/resembling (set of 23 chromosomes in cell 'not paired') 83. HEALTH wholeness health wholeness This supports the concept of 'Integrated Medicine' by Dr. Andrew Weil. Different modalities are used including Traditional Eastern and Western Medicine, Chiropractic, Homeopathic Medicine, Acupuncture, Herbs, Nutrition, Breathing, Yoga, Vitamins and Minerals, Massage, and many other therapies. This includes Physical, Mental, Emotional, Intellectual, and
Spiritual aspects to promote wholeness 'Health or Wellness'. 84. HELICOspiral helico/bacter pylori spiral (shaped)/bacteria: gatekeeper (lower end of stomach) (digestive system bacteria that causes most digestive ulcers 'sores') 85. HELIOsun helio/pathy sun/injury (caused by) 86. HELMINTH/Oworms or worm helminth/iasis worms or worm/disease of or condition of (leading killer of humans world wide except TB) related term(s): ASCAR/IS, VERMI87. HEM/Oblood hem/o/rrhage blood/bursting forth hemo/kinesis means: blood/movement or flow alternate spelling: HEMATO88. HEMEiron hem/atin iron/small part (non-protein portion of hemoglobin where iron is in ferrous state) related term(s): sidero-, ferro89. HEMIhalf or one half hemi/plegia half (right or left side of body)/paralyzed related term(s): DEMI-, SEMI90. HEPAT/O-
liver hepat/itis liver (cells)/inflamed 91. HEPT/Aseven hepta/dactyl/ia seven/fingers or toes/refers to 92. HERNI/Orupture or protrusion hern/ia rupture or protrusion/condition of 93. HERPES to creep Herpes (Herpes Simplex Virus) to creep 94. HETER/Oother or opposite hetero/gen/ous other or opposite/form/state of 95. HIATan opening hiat/al an opening/refers to (esophageal hiatus in diaphragm) 96. HIDR/Osweat hidr/osis sweat (watery)/condition of (abnormal sweating and usually causes blisters) related term(s): sudorifer/o-
(bearded women or extremely hairy people) 98. -HISCENCE to gape open de/hiscence away/to gape (open) (wound, incision, injury that gapes open) 99. HISTOweb-like or tissue hist/olog/y web-like or tissue/science or study of/process of (tissues are composed of similar cells) 100. HOLIST/Owhole holist/ic medicine whole/state of: remedy or drug (refers to treating the whole individual comprehensive total patient care: physical, mental, social, and economic. New approach to care by H.M.O.) alternate spelling: HOLO101. HOMEOsame, constant, or unchanged homeo/path/y same, constant, or unchanged/disease/process of related term(s): HOMO-
102. HORMON/Oto urge on hormon/al to urge on/refers to (chemicals that stimulate specific cell performance) 103. HUMER/Oarm (upper) humer/al arm (upper)/refers to
104. HYAL/Oglassy or glass like hyal/ase glassy or glass-like/enzyme (enzyme found in head of sperm that break down tissues on contact) 105. HYDROwater hydro/pneumo/thorax water/lung(within)/chest hydro/cephalis water (cerebral spinal fluid)/head (within) related term(s): AQUA106. HYPERincrease or above hyper/tens/ion above or excess/pressure (above 140 systolic/90 diastolic -BP)/process of hyper/troph/y increase/development/process of 107. HYPN/Osleep Hypn/osis sleep/condition (alpha state of brainwave patterns: this is not true sleep) related term(s): somn/o108. HYPOunder or below hypo/tens/ion under or below (pressure in vessels)/contraction/process of hypo/derm/ic below/skin/pertaining to 109. HYSTER/Outerus hyster/ectomy uterus /removal hyster/ia nervous reaction/refers to
110. IATR/Otreat or cure, procedure of treating ger/iatr/ic old age/treat or cure/pertains to related term(s): -IATR/Y 111. -IA refers to, condition, state of esthes/ia feeling (physical)/refers to, condition, state of dys/phag/ia difficult/eating or swallowing/refers to related term(s): -A 112. ICHTHYfish or fish like ichthy/osis fish or fish-like (resembles fish scales)/condition of (often seen with fungus infections on feet) 113. -ICIAN one who diet/ician food/one who (performs) 114. -ICLE small or tiny oss/icle bone/small or tiny related term(s): -CULE, -IOLE, -ULA, - ULE 115. -ISY inflamed pleur/isy side or rib/inflamed (2 layer serous membrane 'like pericardium and peritoneum' covering of lungs inside the ribs) related term(s): -itis 116. IDE/Oidea, thoughts, emotions, image ideo/motor
idea, thoughts, emotions, image/movement ideo/vascul/ar emotions/vessels/refers to (vessels contract because of stress) 117. IDIOunique to or unknown cause idio/path/ic unique to or unknown cause/disease/refer to (distinctive or individualized personal health problem) 118. -ID state of morb/id disease/state of 119. ILE/Otwisted ile/um twisted/pertains to (3rd part of small intestine - 15 feet long) ile/itis twisted/inflamed related term(s): torsi-, varic/o120. ILIOflank ili/um flank (area)/refers to (ili/acus muscle in outer pelvic flank area) 121. IMinto or not im/plant into/place or locate im/potent not/powerful or strong (not capable of having a strong or hard male erection) 122. IMMUN/Osafe, protect, immune
immun/o/log/y safe, protect, immune/science of/process of 123. IN SITU in position or location in situ in: position or location (original or first) (early phase or stage of cancer) 124. INinto or not in/di/gest/ion not/two/separations/process of in/cis/or into/cut/pertain to (4 front teeth top center and 4 bottom center) 125. INCUS anvil mallus/incus/stapes hammer/anvil/stirrup (shapes) (3 tiny ossicles or middle ear bones) 126. INFARCTto stuff into infarct/ion to stuff into/refers to (clot blockage that causes diminished blood flow to heart or other body parts 'muscles or organs') 127. INFECT/Oto invade infect/ion to invade/process of 128. INFLAM/Oflame within inflamm/ation flame within/process of 129. INFRAunder or below infra/clavicul/ar
under or below/collar bone/refers to infra/mur/al below/wall/pertaining to related term(s): hyp/o-, sub130. INGUIN/Ogroin inguin/al groin/refers to (area between belly and thigh) 131. -ING procedure of or process of operat/ing working/procedure of or process of related term(s): -AGE, -ATION, -IATION, -ION, -TION, -Y 132. INTEGUcovering integu/ment covering/refers to or state of (skin of body)/refers to or state of 133. INTERbetween inter/cellul/ar between/cell or chamber/refers to 134. INTRAwithin intra/nuclear within/refers to nut 135. INTROwithin intro/spect within/to view 136. INTUSwithin intus/suscept/ion
within/to receive/process of (invagination or the slipping of a body part into a lower body part 'like the intestines' - often seen in children and animals) 137. -IN substance or chemical gastr/in stomach/substance or chemical holo/crine (gland) all or whole/secretes substance or chemical related term(s): -INE 138. -IOLE smaller, lesser, diminutive bronch/iole trachea-like (tubes of lungs)/smaller, lesser, diminutive alternate spelling: -OLE related term(s): -CULE, -ICLE, -ULA, -ULE 139. ION/Ogoing, ion movement iono/therap/y going (of ions)/treat or cure/procedure of (treatment by introducing ions into body related term(s): IONT/O140. -IOR one who is infer/ior under or below/ one who (is) related term(s): -ER, -OR 141. -IOUS state of delir/ious mental confusion or excitement/state of (illusions and hallucinations) 142. IPSIequal ipsi/later/al equal/side or sides/process of
143. IRnot or lack of ir/regul/ar not or lack of/consistent or regular/refers to 144. IR/Orainbow ir/is (noun) rainbow/refers to ir/idescent rainbow/having or exhibiting related term(s): IRID/O-
145. ISCH/Odeficiency, blockage, to hold back isch/emic deficiency or blockage/refers to blood (myocardial ischemia: angina pectoris or chest pain because of poor blood supply to the heart muscle) isch/emia hold back/pertains to blood 146. ISCHI/Ohip joint or hip Ischio/dynia hip joint or hip/pain 147. -ISH resembling or related to lap/ish stone/resembling or related to 148. -ISM state of or condition of giant/ism large/state of albin/ism white/state of or condition of 149. ISO-
equal or same iso/ton/ic equal or same/tone/refers to iso/cell/ar equal/cells/refers to (chamber 'inside cell membrane' pressure) 150. -IST specialist endo/crin/olog/ist within/secrete/science or study of/specialist (glands that secrete directly into or within the blood) 151. -ITES dropsy or drooping tympan/ites drum/dropsy or drooping 152. -ITIS inflamed or inflammation gloss/itis tongue/inflamed or inflammation related term(s): -icy 153. -ITY state of steril/ity barren (not capable of fertility)/state of related term(s): -ous 154. -IZE state of or acts like cauter/ize burn/state of hypnot/ize sleep/state of or acts like 155. JEJUNOto empty (2nd part of small intestine) jejun/um to empty (the second part of the small intestine/refers to (five foot long 2nd part of the small intestine with rugae 'folds' and villi 'hair-like projections' for
absorption) related part(s): 1st part duodenum, 3rd part ileum 156. JUNCTIV/Ojoining or to join con/junctiv/itis together/joining or to join/inflamed (ocular and eyelid parts) 157. KALIpotassium kali/penia potassium/decrease of 158. KARY/Onucleus karyo/kinesis nucleus/movement or motion 159. KEL/Oscar kel/oid scar/resembling (raised hard reddened scar) 160. KERAT/Ocornea or horny kerato/malac/ia cornea (eye)/softening/refers to (cornea of children - lack of Vitamin A) 161. KET/Osour or acid keto/sis sour or acid/condition (an increase in ketone bodies referred to as acidosis and is associated with starvation) 162. KIL/Oone thousand kilo/gram one thousand/grams (recording weight of about 2.2 lb.)
note: a milli/gram is one thousandth of a gram 163. KINEmovement or motion kine/tic movement/state of or condition of alternate spelling: KINESI/O related term(s): KYM/O164. KRAUR/Odryness Kraur/o/sis dryness/condition (associated with mouth and vagina) 165. KYPH/Ohunchback kyph/osis hunchback/condition 166. LABIOlip labi/oma lip/tumor (the term 'cheilo' also means lip) 167. LABRYNITHOmaze labrynith/itis maze/inflamed (top portion of inner ear - balance) 168. LACER/Oto tear lacer/ate to tear/refers to 169. LACRIM/Otearing or tear lacrim/al tearing or tear/refer to related term(s): dacryo-
170. LACT/Omilk lact/ose milk/sugar 171. LAMIN/Othin flat plate or layer lamin/ectomy thin flat plate or layer/removal lamin/ent thin flat plate or layer/having or possessing (bridge part of vertebrae arch) 172. LAP/Istone lap/is stone/refers to related term(s): PETRO-, LITHO173. -LAPSE falling or slippage pro/lapse before/falling or slippage (means normal before slippage) (sinking down of a body part or organ, usually at a normal or artificial opening) re/lapse again/falling or slippage 174. LARYNGOvoice box laryng/itis voice box (larynx)/inflamed (hoarseness or loss of the voice) 175. LATside lat/eral side/refers to lat/issimus side (dorsal chest muscle)/refers to alternate spelling: LATER/O-
176. LAXto loosen or loosening re/lax/ation again/to loosen/process of alternate spelling: LAXAT/O177. LEI/Osmooth leio/my/oma smooth/muscle/tumor (smooth muscle tumor usually found in stomach or uterus) 178. LENT/Ofreckle lent/icle freckle/small small skin blemishes 179. LEPR/Oscaly lepros/y scaly/process of (skin lesion appearance) related term(s): LEPROS180. -LEPSY seizure or convulsion epi/leps/y upon/seizure/process of (short circuiting of brain waves) 181. LEPTOthin or slender lepto/morph/ic thin or slender/shape or form/refers to 182. LEUK/Owhite leuk/aphere/sis white (white blood cells: WBC's)/separation/condition of related term(s): LEUC/O-
183. LEVAT/Olift up levat/or lift up (muscle)/one who 184. LIBID/Odesire libid/al desire/refers to (conscious or unconscious sex drive) 185. LICHEN/Iplant lichen/ific/ation plant/process of making (plant-like) (irritations that cause thickening or hardening of skin surface - it now looks like lichens growing on rocks) related term(s): FUNGI-, PHYTO186. LIENOspleen lien/itis spleen/inflamed 187. LIGAto bind liga/ment to bind/state of (binding bone to bone) 188. LINGUtongue bi/lingu/al two/tongue/pertain to (use of tongue for producing sounds or speech in two languages) 189. LIP/Ofat lip/oma fat/tumor or swelling 190. -LISTHESIS
slippage spondylo/listh/esis vertebrae/slippage/condition of 191. -LITER liter milli/liter one-thousandth/litre of fluid measurement (liter is an unit of liquid: 1.0567 quarts or 1000 ml or cc.) alternate spelling: -LITRE (European) 192. LITH/Ostone, calculus or rock nephro/lith kidney/stone calculus or rock related term(s): LAP/I-, PETRO193. LOB/Olobe lob/ectom/y lobe/removal or excision 'cut out'/procedure of (usually in the lung) 194. LORD/Oswayback (to bend) lordo/sis swayback (to bend)/condition of (lumbar spine is bent anterior: often seen in horses) 195. LUMB/Oloin lumb/ar loin (5 large lower back vertebrae: just above sacrum or large tail bone) 196. LUMPsmall mass lump/ectomy small mass/excised or removed 197. LUNAmoon or crescent-shaped
lun/ate moon or crescent-shaped/refers to (Lunar literally means moon, month, silver. Moon is usually seen in a 'C' shape like the 2 crescent cartilages of the knee.) related term(s): MENISC/O198. LUPUSwolf lupus erythematosus wolf: red (faced) (a progressive ulcerating skin condition: auto-immune disease with skin lesions) 199. LUTE/O-yellow lute/al yellow/refers to (spot on retina 'macula lutea' or body structure on ovary 'corpus luteum') related term(s): XANTH/O200. LUX-to dislocatesub/lux/ationunder or less/to dislocate/refers to(osteopaths, chiropractors, and orthopedic doctors manipulate or adjust these bone dis/articulations) 201. LYMPH/Owaterylymph/omawatery (clear fluid or serum)/tumor or swelling(12 major types of lymphatic cancers: Hodgkin's, Leukemias, & Reticular Cancers) 202. -LYSISdestruction, breakdown, decliningauto/lysisself/destruction, breakdown, declininghemo/lysisblood/breakdown 203. MACER/O-to make softmacer/ationto make soft/process of 204. MACRO-large or hugemacro/phagelarge or huge/eater(WBC's)macro/scop/iclarge/viewing or seeing (eyeballing)/refers to 205. MACUL/O-large spot or flat skin frecklemacula lutealarge (flat spot on retina, lesions, mole 'nevus'): yellowmaculelarge spot or flat skin freckle (lenticel)related term(s): MACULE 206. MAGNI-large or greatermagni/ficat/ionlarger or greater/to make/process of 207. MAL-bad, harm, injurymal/ignantbad, harm, injury/refers to(growing worse or resisting treatment)mal/practicebad/action 208. MALAC/O-soft or softeningostero/malac/iabone/soft or softening/pertains to 209. MALL/E/OLUSlittle hammermalle/olushammer (little bony protuberance on either side of ankle joint)/smallrelated term(s): MALLE/O- 210. MALLE/O-hammermalle/ushammer (middle ear bone)/refers to(noun)related term(s): MALLEOLUS 211. MAMM/O-breastmamm/arybreast/refers torelated term(s): MAST/O- 212. MAN/Ohandmanu/alhand/pertain tomano/meter(thin or hand measurement) 213. MAND/I-chew or chewermand/iblechew or chewer/ability to(lower jaw bone) 214. -MANIAmadnessklepto/mani/actheft or steal/madness/pertains to(obsession or preoccupation with stealing)alternate spelling: MANI/O- 215. MASSET/O-chewer or to chewmasset/erchewer or to chew/one who(muscle from cheek bone to lower jaw) 216. MASSEURmale massagermasseurFrench term for a male that gives massagesrelated term(s): MASSEUSE 217. MAST/O-breastmast/ectom/ybreast/removal/procedure of(partial or complete)mast/oidbreast/resembling(large bone projection of temporal bone: posterior & interior to outer ear)related term(s): MAMM/O- 218. MASTIC/O-to chew or chewingmastic/ationto chew or chewing/process of(refers to chewing with the large muscle of the cheek -the masseter) 219. -
MATAmultiplecarcino/matacrab-like (cancerous growths)/multiple (many) 220. MAXILL/O-upper jawmaxill/aryjaw/refers to 221. MEASLESrubella, reddish or redmeaslesrubella or reddish or red(3 Day or German Measles - 'Dutch Mesalen'. Red spots appear with 'Papules, Macules, and Vesicles'. Dangerous if pregnant. Rubeola also means reddish and this 9 or 10 day measles is more dangerous because of high fever - 104 to 106 degrees F. - usually respiratory virus ) 222. MEAT/Oopeningmeat/usopening/refer to 223. MEDI-middlemedi/an; medi/um; medi/almiddle/refers to 224. MEGA-great or bigmega/colongreat (big)/large intestine 225. MEGALO-huge or largehepato/megal/yliver/huge/process of 226. MEI/O- and MIO-lesser, smaller, fewer, and constrictmei/osis and Mioticlesser, smaller, fewer/condition of(reduction of cells chromosome from 23 pairs to 23 in egg or sperm. Miotic drops lessen the size of the eyes pupil: mydriatic drops dilate pupil)related term(s): MI/O- 227. MEL-sweet, honey, cheek, limbmel/itischeek/inflamedmel/algialimb/painmel/onsweet/one who is 228. MELAN/Oblackmelan/omablack/tumor (skin cancer) 229. MEN/O-monthly or monthmen/archemonthly or month/startmeno/pausemonthly/stoppage 230. MENING/Omembranemening/itismembrane/inflamed(covering of Central Nervous System 'CNS')meningesmembrane(3 parts: dura mater layer (hard mother);arachnoid layer (spider-like web);and pia mater layer (gentle mother)) 231. MENISC/O-crescentmenisc/ectomycrescent ('C' shaped)/excision(knee cartilage that are half moon or 'C' shaped)related term(s): LUNA- 232. MENT/Omindment/almind/pertains to 233. -MENTUMchinante/mentumbefore/chin 234. MES/Omiddlemes/enter/ymiddle/intestines/state of(connective tissue or blood vessels on the posterior middle wall of abdomen)meso/dermmiddle/skin(outer layer is ecto/derm and inner layer is endo/derm) 235. META-beyond or changemeta/carp/albeyond/wrist/pertains tometa/bol/ismchange/lump/state ofmeta/stasischange (from)/standing or stoppage (spreading of cancer or bacteria) 236. METERmeasurementspiro/meterbreathe/measurementopto/metr/isteye/measurement/specialistaltern ate spelling: -METRE (European) 237. METR/A-uterus or wombendo/metr/iosiswithin/uterus or womb/conditionendo/metr/itiswithin/uterus or womb/inflammation 238. -METRYmeasurement procedureopto/metr/y (O.D.)sight or vision/measurement/procedure or process 239. MICROsmallmicro/gloss/iasmall/tongue/refers tomicro/scop/esmall/viewing/instrument 240. MICTUR/O-to make water or urinatemictur/itionto make water or urinate/process ofalternate spelling: MICTURIT/O241. MILLI-one-thousandthmilli/meterone-thousandth/of meter (39.37 inches)Note: a kilo/gram is one thousand grams or a recording weight of about 2.2 lb. A milli/gram is one-thousandth of a gram 242. MINIMUS-smallestminim/umsmallest/refers to(smallest: gluteus minimus is the smallest of the 3 groups of buttock muscles) 243. MINUTEsmallcom/minutetogether/small(com/minuted fractures are caused by the bone being forced together causing small bone parts or chips) 244. -MITR/Ehead band or mitre boxmitr/alhead band or mitre box/refers toalternate spelling: MITR/O- (European) 245. MOL/O-to mill or grindmol/arto mill or grind/refer to(upper and lower sets of back teeth of humans) 246. MON/Oonemono/nucle/osisone/nut/condition of(high number of mono/nuclear 'large' white blood cells)related term(s): UNI- 247. MORPHO-shapea/morph/ouswithout/shape or form/state of or composed of 248. MORT/O-deathmort/aldeath/refers to 249. -MOTORmovement or motionoculo/motoreye/motion or movementpsycho/motormind/movementrelated term(s): KINESI/O250. MUC/O-slimemuc/oidslime/resembles
Printable Flash Cards: (MULTI- to -SPASM) 1. MULTImany, multiple, excessive multiple sclera/osis (MS) many: hardening/condition of (hardening of nerves and myelin sheath around nerves causing paralysis) related term(s): PLURI-, POLY2. MUMPS swelling mumps swelling (viral infection of parotid saliva gland near ear: progresses to gonad/itis, pancreat/itis, nephr/itis, myocard/itis, and arthr/itis. Also known as par/ot/itis 'near/ear/inflamed') 3. MY/Omuscle my/oma muscle or muscular/tumor alternate spelling: MY-, MYOS4. MYC/Ofungus myc/oid fungus/resembles 5. MYDRI/Oto widen mydri/opt/ic to widen/vision/refers to (pupil of eye dilates) 6. MYEL/Ospinal cord or bone marrow myelo/gram spinal cord/recording myel/itis bone marrow/inflamed
7. MYRING/Oeardrum myring/itis eardrum/inflamed (infected) 8. MYX/Omucus myx/oma mucus/tumor or swelling myx/oid mucus/resembles 9. NANO1 billionth nano/meter 1 billionth part nano/meter - 1 billionth/ of meter (39.37 inches is a meter) 10. NARC/Osleep narco/lepsy sleep/seizure (hypno- also means sleep) 11. NARES nose opening nares nose opening 12. NAS/Onose nas/al nose/refers to 13. NATbirth nat/al birth/refers to related term(s): NAT/O-, PARTO-, TOCI/O-
14. NATRIsodium or salt hyper/natr/emia increase/sodium or salt/in blood 15. NAVICUL/Oboat or boat shaped navicul/ar boat shaped/refer to (ankle and wrist scaphoid bones) 16. NECR/Odeath, dead, dying necrot/ic death, dead, dying/refers to (mortification or the death process of any body cells) necr/osis death, dead, dying/condition of related term(s): THANAT/O 17. NEOnew neo/plasm new/growth 18. NEPHR/Okidney nephr/itis kidney/inflamed 19. NEUR/Onerve neur/algia nerve/pain 20. NEUTR/Oneither or neutral neutro/phil(e) neither or neutral/love for (WBC that stains with a neutral PH of 7)
21. NEV/Obirthmark nev/us birthmark/refers to (moles, stains and other skin discolorations) 22. NIGRAblack nigra bodies black: structures in and around cell nucleus alternate spelling: NIGRI-, NIGROrelated term(s): MELAN/O23. NIN/Onine nin/us nine/pertains to related term(s): NOV24. NOCT/Inight or blind noct/uria night/urination (excessive) related term(s): NYCTO25. -NOIA mind para/noia beyond/mind (psychotic mental condition: loss of reality) 26. NUCLE/Onut nucle/us nut (shaped)/refers to 27. NULL/Inone or no nulli/para none or no (null or voided)/births
28. NUTRI/Oto nourish nutri/tion to nourish/process of 29. -O/PEXY to fixate, attach, sew nephr/opex/y kidney/fixate, attach, sew (suture)/procedure of 30. -O/PLASTY repair or plastic surgery rhino/plast/y nose/repair or plastic surgery/procedure of 31. -O/RRHAGIA bursting forth or heavy flow meno/rrhagia monthly (female cycle)/bursting forth (heavy flow) 32. -O/RRHEA discharge or flow men/o/rrhea monthly/discharge or flow (slow) gon/o/rrhea gonad/flow 33. -O/RRHEXIS rupture or protrusion enter/o/rrhexis intestine (small)/rupture or protrusion related term(s): -O/RRHEXIA 34. OBLIQUE side-long or slanted oblique side-long or slanted (at a 45 '+/-' degree angle) 35. OBSTETR/Imidwife obstetr/ics midwife (childbirth)/pertains to
36. OCCIPIT/Oback of head occipit/otomy back of head/opening (surgical procedure) occipit/al back of head/pertains to 37. OCCLUSI/Oclosure or blockage occlus/ion closure or blockage/process of 38. OCCULT/Ohidden occult/a (spina bi/fida) hidden (thorn: two/clefts)/refers to 39. OCT/Oeight oct/agon eight/walls alternate spelling: OCTArelated term(s): OCTI40. OCUL/Oeye oculo/motor eye/movement 41. ODONT/Otooth odont/oid tooth/resembling 42. -OID resembling lip/oid fat/resembling epi/derm/oid upper/skin/resembling
43. OLEOoil oleo/vitamin oil (fish oil)/life giving (fat soluble vitamins) 44. -OLEUM oil oleo/infusion oil/injection (formulation of a drug in oil) petr/oleum stone/oil 45. OLFACT/Osmelling or smell olfact/ory smelling or smell/process of related term(s): OSMO46. OLIG/Ofew, scanty, slight, little oligo/meno/rrhea few, scanty, slight, little/monthly/flow 47. -OLOG/Y science or study of, process of hist/olog/y web-like or tissue/science of or study of/process of related term(s): -LOG48. -OMA tumor or swelling carcin/oma crab or crab-like/tumor or swelling 49. OMOshoulder omo/burs/itis shoulder (near arm)/sack/inflamed related term(s): OMI50. OMPHAL/O-
navel or umbilicus omphal/ectomy navel or umbilicus/removal (excision) 51. ONC/Otumor onco/log/y tumor/science or study of/process of onco/log/ist tumor/science of or study of/specialist (Note - all tumors are not cancer. ex: 'benign growths') 52. ONYCH/Onail onycho/fidia nail/split related term(s): UNGUIN/O53. OOPHOR/Oovary oophor/itis ovary (seed producer)/inflamed 54. OPHTHALM/Oeye or eyeball ophthalm/olog/ist eye/science or study of/specialist ophthalm/ic eye or eyeball/refer to 55. OPISTH/Obackwards (bending) opistho/tonus backward (bending)/tone (muscle contractions tilting head & spine backward; seen with tetanus and Central Nervous System injuries) 56. OPTOvision, sight, eye opto/metr/ist vision or sight/measurement/specialist
related term(s): -OPT-, OPIA-, -OPSY 57. ORAmouth or/al mouth/pertains to 58. ORBcircle or dish orbit/al circle or dish (eye socket)/pertains to (orbit is actually a circular track) related term(s): ORBIT/O59. ORCHI/Oteste or seed producer orchi/oma teste or seed producer/tumor or swelling orch/itis testicle/inflamed related term(s): GON/O-, ORCHID/O60. -OREXIA appetite an/orexia without/appetite (not hungry) 61. -ORRHAPHY suturing or repair neur/orrhaph/y nerve/suturing or repair/procedure of 62. ORTH/Ostraight, normal, correct ortho/dont/ic straight, normal, correct/teeth/refers to 63. OSmouth trache/os/tom/y windpipe/mouth/cut/process
64. OSCILL/Oto swing oscillo/graph to swing/instrument (that measure electric activity of heart and muscles) 65. -OSE sugar malt/ose malt/sugar 66. -OSIS condition of or disease scoli/osis crooked (lateral curve)/condition of or disease related term(s): -ASIS, -ESIS, -SIS 67. OSMOsmell an/osm/ia without/smell/refers to related term(s): OLFACT/O68. OSTE/Obone osteo/path bone/disease (most diseases caused by bone misalignment) osteo/por/osis bone/cavities (pores)/condition of 69. -OSTOMY mouth like opening produced by surgery col/ostomy colon/opening (mouth like formation) procedure 70. OT/Oear ot/itis ear/inflamed 71. -OTOMY
cutting, to cut, cut into tracheo/tom/y rough (windpipe)/cut into/procedure of ana/tom/y apart/cutting/procedure of or process of 72. -OTRIPSY crushing or to crush neur/otrips/y nerve/crushing or to crush/procedure of (surgical) litho/tripsy stone/crushing/procedure of (kidney or gall stones 'calculi') 73. OV/Oegg ov/ary egg/refer to ovul/ate egg/state of or process of (producing) alternate spelling: O/O-, OVA-, OVIrelated term(s): OV/U74. OX/Ysharp or oxygen molecules oxy/op/ia sharp/vision/refers to oxy/gen sharp (mentally)/producing, developing, forming oxy/gen/ation oxygen (molecules)/development/process of alternate spelling: OX/O75. PACHYthick pachy/derm/ia thick/skin/refers to related term(s): PACHY/DERM (elephant-like) 76. PALAT/Opalate, plate or plate of the mouth roof palato/plasty palate (roof of mouth)/repair
palat/oplasty roof of mouth or palate/surgical repair palat/ine plate of mouth roof (skull bones)/state of 77. PALL/Opale or lack of color pall/or pale or lack of color/one who (characteristic of illness) 78. PALM/Apalm or palm of hand palm/ar palm or palm of hand/refer to (front of the hand 'palms forward' as seen in the human anatomical position) 79. PALPAT/Otouching or to touch palpat/ion touching or to touch/process of (physical diagnosis procedure) 80. PALPEBRAeyelid palpebr/itis eyelid/inflamed related term(s): BLEPHARO81. PALPITquivering or fluttering palpit/ation quivering or fluttering (heart)/process of 82. PALSY slight or moderate paralysis Cerebral Palsy (C.P.) brain: paralysis (injury to brain that causes temporary or permanent loss of sensation, movement, control) 83. PAN-
all, total, complete pan/dem/ic all, total, complete/people/pertain to (spread of disease) pan/creat/itis all/flesh/inflamed 84. PAPILLAnipple papill/ary nipple/state of or refer to 85. PARAnear, beside, beyond, around, similar, abnormal para/thyr/oid near/shield shaped/resembling related term(s): PAR86. -PARESIS paralysis hemi/pare/sis half/paralysis (slight)/condition of (this occurs in tertiary syphilis of C.N.S.) related term(s): -PLEG/IA 87. PARIET/Owall or partition pariet/al wall or partition/refer to (skull bone) partition/refer to (pertains to walls of a cavity) alternate spelling: PARIETrelated term(s): PHRAG-, SEPTA88. PART/Obirth or labor post/part/um after/birth or labor/refers to related term(s): NAT-, NATO, TOCI/O89. PATELL/Olittle dish or knee cap patell/ar
little dish (knee cap)/refer to 90. PATH/Odisease path/o/log/y disease/science of or study of/process of 91. PAUS/Ostoppage meno/paus/al monthly/stoppage/refers to (female 30 day '+/-' cycle) 92. PECT/Ochest pector/al chest (anterior breast area)/refer to related term(s): PECTERO93. PEDfoot or feet ped/al foot or feet/refer to alternate spelling: PEDO-, PEDI-, related term(s): PES, POD-, PODO94. PEDIchild ped/iatrics child/treat ped/ia/tric/ian child/treats or cures/one who related term(s): PEDIA95. PEDICUL/Olice pediculo/sis lice (head, body or pubic)/condition of 96. PELIpurple peli/osis purple/condition of
(purple spots seen in and on immuno/compromised patients) 97. PELLskin pell/agra skin/rough or painful related term(s): CORI/O-, CUT-, CUTI/O-, DERMAT/O-, DERMO98. PELVI/Obase, basin, pelvis pelv/ic base, basin, pelvis/refers to (bounded by hip bones and sacrum) alternate spelling: PELV/O99. PEN/Otail, organ of copulation, penis pen/itis penis/inflamed 100. -PENIA decrease in number leuko/cyto/penia white (WBC's)/cells/decrease in number 101. PENT/Afive pent/agon five/walls penta/dactyl five (normal)/fingers and toes on each limb 102. PEPS/Odigestion dys/peps/ia difficult or painful/digestion/refers to alternate spelling: PEP-, PEPSI-, PEPT/O103. PERthrough per/cutane/ous through/skin/state of per/meate
through/opening 104. PERIaround peri/cardi/um around/heart/refers to peri/stal/sis around/to clasp and compress/condition 105. PERINE/Obase or floor perin/eal base or floor/refers to (area between anus and external genital organs 'scrotum and vulva') 106. PERITON/Ethat which holds the lower viscera peritone/um that which holds the lower organs/refers to (two layered serous membrane in abdomino/pelvic cavity that hold organs) periton/itis membrane holding lower viscera or organs and structures/inflammation 107. PERONEOpin or concerning the lower outside leg bone perone/al pin or concerning the lower outside leg bone/refers to perone/us pin/refers to (one of several muscles of leg that moves the foot) 108. PES foot tali/pes ankle/foot (club foot - ankle and foot turn inward) related term(s): PED-, POD-, PODO109. PETECH/Ismall petech/ial small/refers to
(usually refers to small hemorrhages or spots on skin or brain) 110. PETIT little illness petit mal little illness/bad (less severe than grand mal epileptic seizures) 111. PETROrock, stone, hard petro/derma rock, stone, hard/skin osteo/petr/osis bone/stone-like/condition related term(s): LAP/I-, LITHO112. PHAGOeat, eating, perverse appetite phago/cyto/sis eat, eating, perverse appetite/cells (WBC's)/refers to alternate spelling: -PHAGY 113. PHALANG/Oclose knit row (fingers and toes) a/phalang/ia without/close knit row (fingers and toes)/refers to related term(s): PHALANX114. PHARMAC/Odrug relationship, to drug, medicine pharmac/o/log/ist drug or medicine/study of/specialist 115. PHARYNG/Othroat pharyng/itis pharynx or throat/inflamed (sore throat) 116. PHAS/Ospeech or speaking dys/phas/ia difficult or faulty/speech or speaking/refers to
related term(s): PHAS117. -PHASE stage meta/phase change/stage or an appearance (stage of mit/o/sis-chromosomes visible changing) 118. -PHERESIS withdrawal or to separate hemato/pheresis blood/to separate (separating different types of blood cells: leuco/cytes, erythro/cytes, and thrombo/cytes) 119. -PHILE love of, to love, love for eosino/phil/ia rose red (WBC staining)/love of/refers to alternate spelling: -PHILIA related term(s): -PHIL 120. PHIM/Oto muzzle or muzzling phim/osis to muzzle or muzzling/condition of 121. PHLEB/Ovein phleb/itis vein/inflamed phleb/o/tom/ist vein/cut/specialist (draws blood) related term(s): VENO122. PHOB/Ofear hydro/phob/ia water/fear (rabies)/refers to 123. PHOC/Oseal
phoco/mel/ia seal/limbs/refers to (flipper babies caused by thalidomide and other drugs) 124. PHON/Ovoice or sound dys/phon/ia faulty or difficult/voice or sound/refers to 125. PHOR/Ofeeling (mental) eu/phor/ia good/feeling (mental)/refers to (esthesia means a physical feeling) 126. -PHORESIS migration, transport, move or carry a/phoresis no or lack of/migration, transportation, movement hemo/phoresis blood/carrying, migration, transmitting chema/phoresis chemical/not moving epi/phoresis above/to carry or bear (the term -PHORESIS is a suffix, the term PHORES/I- is a prefix) 127. PHOT/Olight photo/graphy light/process of recording with device photo/phobia light/fear of 128. PHRAG/Owall or partition dia/phragm across or through/wall or partition related term(s): PARIET/O-, SEPTA-
129. PHRASOspeech or talk a/phras/ia without/speech, talk, unable to understand phrases/refers to 130. -PHRAXIA stoppage or obstruction hemo/phrax/ia blood/stoppage or obstruction/refers to 131. PHREN/Omind or diaphragm phren/ia mind (mental disorder)/pertains to phren/ic (nerve) diaphragm/pertains to 132. -PHYLAXIS protection or guard pro/phylaxis before/protection or guard ana/phylaxis away from/prevention 133. PHYSI/Ofunction of or nature of physi/o/log/y function or nature of/science of/process of 134. -PHYSIS growth or nature of sym/physis together/growth or nature of alternate spelling: -PHYSIC 135. PHYTOplant phyto/toxin plant/poison (plant poisons effecting human) related term(s): -LICHEN
136. PIAgentle pia mater soft or gentle: mother (innermost meninges 'membrane' layer covering the spinal cord) 137. PIL/Ohair pil/oma hair/swelling or tumor-like (condition in hair follicle) related term(s): -THRIX, TRICH/O138. PINN/Afeather or feather like pinna/form feather like/shape (the outer ear projection is called the pinna) 139. PITUIT/Ophlegm or glue like mucus pituit/ary phlegm or glue like mucus/refer to (mucoid fluid discharges when gland is pinched during dia/section) 140. PITYR/Ibran (cereal like scales on skin) pityri/asis bran (cereal like scales on skin)/refers to 141. PLACENT/Acake placent/itis cake/inflamed (afterbirth or structure attached to uterine wall during pregnancy that provides nutrition to the fetus) 142. -PLAKIA plate or plate-like leuko/plakia white/plate (pre-cancerous lesions on a membrane or the skin)
143. PLAN/Oflat or a plain plan/us pes plan/us foot: flat or a plain (flat footed) 144. PLANT/Osole of foot plant/ar sole of the foot/refer to (plantar warts 'verruca' are found on the bottom of foot) 145. PLASgrowth, development, formation hyper/plas/ia excessive/growth, development, formation/pertains to alternate spelling: PLAS/O-, PLAST related term(s): -PLASM 146. -PLEG/IA paralysis quadri/plegia four (limbs)/paralysis (often caused by a stroke 'Apoplexy or CVA') para/plegia beyond (lower two limbs)/paralyzed related term(s): -PARESIS, -PLEXY 147. PLEUR/Oside or rib pleur/itis side or rib/inflamed (this is an inflammation of the membrane that covers the lung just inside the ribcage) related term(s): COST/O148. -PLEXY paralysis neuro/plexy nerve/paralysis related term(s): -PARESIS, -PLEGIA
149. -PNEA breathe or breathing a/pnea without or lack of/breathe or breathing related term(s): PNEUM/O-, PNEUMON/O-, PNEUMAT/O-, SPIRO150. PNEUM/Olung, air, respiration pneumo/thorax air (within)/chest alternate spelling: PNEUMArelated term(s): -PNEA, PNEUMON/O-, PNEUMAT/O151. -POIE/SIS to make, form, produce hemato/poie/sis blood (large amount)/to make, form, produce/condition or state of (usually refers to blood production by bone marrow: erythro/poiesis 'RBC's) 152. POIKIL/Oirregular or varied shape poikilo/cytic irregular or varied shape/cell 153. POLI/Ogray polio/myel/itis gray/spinal cord/inflamed (virus attaches anterior gray motor horn rami of the spinal cord) 154. POLLEXthumb pollex/ectomy thumb/removal 155. POLYmany poly/dipsia many/thirsts (being thirsty) related term(s): MULTI-, PLURI-
156. PONS bridge pons bridge (surrounds the brain stem in front and connects to the cerebellum: switchboard) related term(s): PONT/O157. POR/Ocavity or passage (porous) osteo/por/o/sis bone/cavity or passage (porous)/condition of 158. POSTafter or behind post/part/um after/birth/refers to poster/ior after or behind/refers to 159. -POX pits small pox tiny/pits (some remain on skin after primary lesions disappear) 160. PRAND/Imeal or breakfast prandi/al meal or breakfast/pertain to a/prand/ial without/meal/refer to 161. -PRAX/IA movement or action pharmaco/prax/ia drug/movement or action/pertain to myo/prax/is muscle/action/refers to related term(s): KINESIO162. PRE-
before pre/natal before/birth related terms: ANTE-, PRO163. PREPUCE foreskin or hood prepuce foreskin or hood (skin covering of penis 'tail' and clitoris 'penis-like') 164. PRESBYOold presby/op/ia old (weak eyes of elderly)/vision/refers to (vision defect seen with advancing aging known as far sightedness - 'Hyper/opia' - where one can see objects clearly far away, but not close up) 165. PRIM/Ifirst prim/ary first/refers to related term(s): PROT/O166. PRObefore pro/gnosis before/knowledge pro/phylax/is before/prevention or guard/refers to related term(s): ANTE-, PRE167. PROCT/Orectum or anus proct/o/log/ist rectum or anus/science or study of/specialist 168. PRONEto bend forward pronat/ion
to bend forward/process of (to lay face down; to lower; to turn hand palm downward or backward) related term(s): PRONAT/O169. PROPRI/Oproperty (nerve stimuli or information) proprio/ceptor property (nerve stimulation or information)/ones own receives (these are nerve receivers in the bodies joints) 170. PROSTAT/Oone who lies before prostat/ectomy one who lies before/excision (cut out) (prostate gland lies in front of urinary bladder) 171. PROT/Ofirst proto/zoon first/animals (protozoa - the one cell animal) related term(s): PRIMI172. PROXIM/Oclose or closest proxim/al close or closest/refer to 173. PRUR/Iitch or itching prur/itis itch/inflamed related term(s): PRURIT/O174. PSEUD/Ofalse pseudo/membranous false/skin like/state of 175. PSOAS loin (lumbar) psoas
loin (lumbar) (these are muscles above the flank and beside the lumbar region) 176. PSOR/Ito itch psori/asis to itch/condition of 177. PSYCH/Omind psych/olog/y mind/science of or study of/process of 178. PTERYG/Owinged pteryg/oid winged/resembles (membrane growth on medial aspect of eyeball) 179. -PTOSIS to drop, fall, displace splanchno/ptosis viscera or organ/to drop, fall, displace nephro/ptosis kidney/to drop, fall, displace 180. -PTYSIS spitting or spit hemo/ptysis blood/spitting or spit 181. PUB/Opubis or pubic pub/ic pubis or pubic/refers to 182. PULMON/Olung pulmon/ary lung/pertains to alternate spelling: PULM/Orelated term(s): PNEUM/O-
183. PULP/Osolid flesh pulp/itis solid flesh/inflamed 184. PUPILL/Opupil pupilo/meter pupil/to measure (size of ring shape) 185. PURPUR/Opurple purpur/ic purple/refers to (small purple hemorrhages appear on the skin, membranes, organs, tissues) 186. PYEL/Opelvis or kidney pyelo/nephr/itis pelvis/of kidney /inflammation 187. PYKN/Othick, dense, compact pykn/emia thick/refers to blood (often causing heart attacks and stroke) related term(s): PYCN/O188. PYL/Ogatekeeper pyl/or/ic gatekeeper/one who/refer to (lower sphincter (that which binds together) of stomach) 189. PYOpus pyo/gen/ic pus/produce/refers to related term(s): PY190. PYRET/O-
fever pyret/ic fever 'febrile', heat, fire/refers to pyreto/gen fever/producing related term(s): PYREX191. QUADR/Ifour quadr/ants four/refers to (4 abdominal divisions around navel '+') alternate spelling: QUAD192. QUINT/Ifive quintu/plet five/offspring or folds 193. RADI/Oray, spoke, X-ray, radio activity radia/tion ray, spoke, X-ray, radio-activity/process of or state of rad/ius spoke/refer to (lateral bone of forearm - to side with palm up) 194. RADIC/Onerve root or spinal nerve radicul/itis nerve root/inflammation related term(s): RADICUL/O195. RAYspoke or wave length ray spoke or wave length (This is one or more lines from a common center: energy, X-ray, spectrum, radiant, fluorescence, and heat. Types vary: X-ray, alpha, beta, gamma, delta, actinic, cathode, hard, heat, infrared, luminous, medullary, positive, primary,
secondary, roentgen, ultraviolet, etc.) 196. REagain re/spir/ation again/breath/process of 197. RECT/Orectum or straight recto/clysis rectum or straight/washing out rectus abdominal muscles straight/belly/muscle 198. REN/O-kidney ren/al kidney/pertaining to 199. RETICUL/O-network reticul/ation network/process of (a massive net: composed of the net and WBC's in bone marrow and in lymph nodes) 200. RETINAnet or net likeRetin/itisnet or net like/inflamed(the appearance of the blood vessels on the thin inner eye layer at back of eyeball) 201. RETR/O-back of, behind, backward, afterretro/cervic/albehind/neck/refers toretro/gradeback of, backward, behind, after/movementretro/col/icback of/big intestine/refers to 202. RHACHI/O-jointed vertebrae, spine, spinal columnrhach/itisjointed vertebrae, spine, spinal column/inflamedalternate spelling: RACHIOrelated term(s): RACHI- 203. RHEUMAT/O-discharge or flow throughrheumat/oid arthr/itisdischarge or flow through/resembles: joint/inflamed 204. RHIN/O-noserhino/plastynose/repair or plastic surgery (nose job)rhin/itisnose/inflamedrhin/o/rrheanose/running 205. RHOMB/O-parallelogram or diamond shapedrhomb/oid muscles (major and minor)parallelogram (diamond shaped)/resembles: muscles(one of two muscles beneath the large trapezius muscles of the neck and back 'cervical and thoracic vertebra'.) 206. RHYTID/O-wrinklesrhytid/ectomywrinkles/plastic surgery to remove wrinklesrhytido/plastywrinkles/plastic surgery or repair 207. RICHETTS/IArickets like symptoms in jointsrickets like symptoms in joints/refers to(Dr. Howard Ricketts was an American Pathologist '18711910' who identified this organism. Remember some terms in the sciences are named for people. Rickets is usually caused by the deficiency of Vitamin A & D) 208. ROENT/O-X-rayroent/gen/icxray/beginning or caused by/refer to 209. ROTAT/O-to turn or swing aroundrotat/orto turn or swing around/one who 210. -RRHYTHMrhythm or contractiona/rrhythmlack of or without/rhythm or contraction 211. RUBE/O-redrube/osisred/condition ofalternate spelling: RUBER/O-related term(s): RUBELLO-, RUBEOL- 212. RUG/A-foldsrug/aefolds/refers to (seen in vagina; stomach; intestines) 213.
SACCHAR/O-sugarsacchar/idesugar/likeness 214. SACR/O-saucer or sacred bonesacr/alsaucer or sacred bone/pertaining to 215. SAGITT/O-arrow or arrow likemid/sagitt/almiddle/like and arrow or arrow-like (cut)/refers to(visual or surgical cut separating body or parts into right and left segments) 216. SALIV/Ospitsaliv/ationspit (making)/process ofsaliva/process of (making or producing) 217. SALPING/O-tube, duct, canalsalping/itistube, duct, canal/inflamed 218. SARC/O-fleshysarc/omafleshy/tumor(these are tumors of the body's hard tissue 'bones, muscle, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage' that become soft or flesh-like) 219. SCAB/O-to itchscab/iesto itch/condition of(mite infestation of skin) 220. SCAPUL/Oshoulder bladescapul/ectomyshoulder blade/removal (surgical excision) 221. SCHIZ/O-split or splittingschizo/phren/iasplit/mind/refers torelated term(s): SCHIST/O-, SCISS/I- 222. SCLER/Ohardeningathero/scler/osisyellow fat or porridge/hardening/condition of(this is the leading killer or Cardio-Vascular Disease in the U.S.A.)scler/itishard/inflammation(sclera is the hard outer white membrane layer of eye) 223. SCOLI/O-crooked or twistedscoli/osiscrooked or twisted (spine)/condition of 224. -SCOP/Ean instrument that examines or viewsmicro/scop/esmall/to view or examine/instrument(process of) 225. -SCOPYto examine or viewlapro/scop/yabdomen wall or abdominal/to examine or view/procedure of (process of) 226. SCOT/O-darknessscot/omadarkness (blind spot)/swelling or tumor (causing)(portion of retina of the eye: blind spot) 227. SCROT/O-sac or pouchscrot/alsac or pouch/refers torelated term(s): VESIC/O- 228. SCURVYto scratchscurvyto scratch(vitamin C deficiency) 229. SEB/O-oilseb/aceous glandoil/pertains to(sebaceous gland of hair follicle: sebum means oil like -oleum) 230. SECRETO-separating or to separatesecreat/orseparating or to separate/one who 231. SECT/O-to cutsect/ionto cut (several times) or to cut apart/procedure of(to section an organ)related term(s): -CIS, -TOM 232. SEMI-halfsemi/conscioushalf/awarerelated term(s): DEMI-, HEMI- 233. SEMIN/O-seed or seed producersemin/alseed or seed producer/refers tosemenseed (male sperm 'with fluid')related term(s): GONO-, SEMEN/O- 234. SENIL/E-oldsenil/ityold/state of(mental and/or physical weakness)(Presbyt/iatrics and Ger/iatrics treat diseases of old age) 235. SEPT/Apartition or wallsept/umpartition or wall/refers to(wall dividing a space: nose and heart)related term(s): PARIET/O-, PHARG/O- 236. SEPT/I-seventhsepti/paraseventh/child births or born infants 237. SEPT/Opoison, infection, decay, putrefysept/icpoison/refer torelated term(s): SEPS/O-, TOX/O- 238. SIAL/Osaliva or spitsial/aden/itissaliva or spit/gland/inflammationhypo/sialo/gogiclow/saliva/productionrelated term(s): -PTYSIS, SALVI/O- 239. SIDER/O-ironsidero/cyteiron/cell(specialized RBC's that contain iron in a form other than hematin)related term(s): FERR/O-, HEME- 240. SILIC/O-silicon carbon particlessilico/sissilicon carbon particles/refers to(also known as: arc welders disease - inhaling iron particles) 241. SIN/Ocavitysin/uscavity/refers to(air-filled or open space in bone)related term(s): ALVEOL/I- 242. SINISTR/O-to the left or leftsinistro/card/iato the left or left/heart/refers to 243. SKELET/O-dried up or to attachskelet/aldried up or to attach/refers to 244. SOLE-the sole of the footsole/ussole of foot/refers to(muscle running from the back of the lower leg to the sole of the foot) 245. -SOLin solution or solutionaero/solair/solution 246. SOM/O-bodypsycho/somat/icmind/body/refer to(the term SOM/O is a prefix, the term -SOME is a suffix)related term(s): SOMAT/O- 247. SOMN/Osleepsomni/pathysleep/disease(sleep disorder)related term(s): HYPN/O- 248. SON/Osoundsono/gramsound/recording or writing (diagnosis)related term(s): ECHO- 249. SPAD/I-to tearepi/spad/ismupon/to tear/state of(usually abnormal opening on the upper side of the male penis or
shaft)related term(s): AVULS/I-, tip: DACRY/O- and LACRIM/O- means to tear as in tearing or crying 250. -SPASMinvoluntary contractionmyo/spasmmuscle/sudden involuntary muscle contraction