TSP-21 - Case Management Awarenesss
TSP-21 - Case Management Awarenesss
TSP-21 - Case Management Awarenesss
To ensure that appropriate medical treatment is promptly provided to the injured / ill person To ensure appropriate follow up on cases until the injured / ill person is fit for returning to work To ensure effective coordination and communication between supervisor and affected Management Personnel of the injured/ill person, CTEPs OE/HES Department, CTEP Medical staff, along with management of contractor companies, 3rd Party Contracted Medical Services, and Treating Doctors in onshore clinics or hospitals , g p To ensure injuries or illnesses are classified in an accurate and consistent manner according to the Chevron OE Data Requirements with no intention to limit the treatment to suit the case definitions definitions.
The procedure is applicable to all work related injuries or illnesses workaffecting all employees and Contractor personnel working under Chevron Thailand Exploration and Production, Ltd. (CTEP) Operational Control at all onshore and offshore locations, including locations the Bangkok office.
Bangkok Hatyai Hospital, Songkhla BangkokHospital Bangkok -Pattaya Hospital, Chonburi Nakharin Hospital, Nakorn Sri Thammarat p , Vibhavadi Hospital, Bangkok
In cases where a work-related injury or illness occurs at onshore locations away from the designated hospitals e.g., injury related to motor vehicles, hospitals, e g vehicles consideration should always be given to use the nearest hospital available, depending on location of incident and the severity of injury or illness. Contractors wishing to use another hospital other than the approved Chevron designated hospitals will be considered on a case-by-case basis after discussion and approval from CTEP Health and Medical Services ( (H&MS) Department. ) p
CTEP Medical Personnel and Third Party Medical Service Provider Personnel
For any treatment that is likely to go beyond first aid, the Facility Medic shall consult aid with the Chevron on duty Medical Doctor. If the Facility Medic is under a third party medical service provider, the Contract Medic shall consult with the third party Medical Service Provider Doctor who will contact and discuss the treatment options with the Chevron on duty Medical Doctor.
Interaction between CTEP Medical Personnel and Treating Doctor(s) Communication between Chevron medical personnel and Treating Doctors is critical, and it must be done in a professional and ethical manner. Authority and decision to treat an IP lies with Treating Doctors with the concurrence of the injured/ill person; however, Chevron medical personnel may consult with Treating Doctors to ensure consistent case management management. To avoid confusion and misunderstanding, no one other than assigned Chevron medical personnel shall interfere with Treating Doctors. Contractors representatives or 3rd party medical service provider shall consult the Treating Doctors through Chevron assigned medical personnel.