Building Act 2004
Building Act 2004
Building Act 2004
as at 13 March 2012
Building Act 2004
Public Act 2004 No 72
Date oI assent 24 August 2004
Commencement see section 2
1 Title 24
Part 1
Preliminary provisions
Subpart 1General
2 Commencement 24
Purpose and principles
3 Purposes 25
4 Principles to be applied in perIorming Iunctions or duties,
or exercising powers, under this Act
5 Overview 28
Application of Act to the Crown
6 Act binds the Crown 29
Changes authorised by section 17C oI the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989
have been made in this reprint.
Ageneral outline oI these changes is set out in the notes at the end oI this reprint, together
with other explanatory material about this reprint.
This Act is administered by the Department of Building and Housing.
Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
Subpart 2Interpretation
7 Interpretation 30
Meaning of building
8 Building: what it means and includes 42
9 Building: what it does not include 43
Meaning of allotment
10 Meaning oI allotment 44
Subpart 3Outline oI regulatory roles under this Act
11 Role oI chieI executive 45
12 Role oI building consent authority and territorial authority 47
13 Role oI regional authority 48
14 Roles oI building consent authorities, territorial
authorities, and regional authorities in relation to dams
Subpart 4Outline oI responsibilities under this Act
14A Outline oI responsibilities under this Act 50
14B Responsibilities oI owner 50
14C Responsibilities oI owner-builder 50
14D Responsibilities oI designer 51
14E Responsibilities oI builder 51
14F Responsibilities oI building consent authority 51
Part 2
Subpart 1Preliminary
15 Outline oI this Part 52
Subpart 2Building code
Requirement to complv with building code
16 Building code: purpose 53
17 All building work must comply with building code 53
18 Building work not required to achieve perIormance
criteria additional to or more restrictive than building code
Establishing compliance with building code
19 How compliance with building code is established 54
Regulations mav specifv onlv 1 means of complving with
building code
20 Regulations may speciIy that there is only 1 means oI
complying with building code
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21 What happens iI regulations speciIying that there is only
1 means oI complying with building code are made or
not made
Compliance documents
22 Compliance document Ior use in establishing compliance
with building code
23 EIIect oI compliance documents 56
24 ChieI executive may amend or revoke compliance
25 Content oI compliance document 56
25A Compliance documents to be available on Ministry`s
Warnings and bans
26 ChieI executive may issue warning about, or ban use oI,
building methods or products
27 OIIence to use building method or product in breach oI
ban under section 26
28 Limits on certain powers oI building consent authority in
cases involving bans under section 26
Procedural requirements for compliance documents,
warnings, and bans
29 Procedural requirements Ior compliance documents,
warnings, and bans
30 Procedural requirements Ior urgent compliance
documents, warnings, and bans
National multiple-use approvals
30A National multiple-use approval establishes compliance
with building code
30B How to apply Ior national multiple-use approval 61
30C Applications Ior national multiple-use approval relating to
design work that is restricted building work
30D ChieI executive must decide whether to accept, Ior
processing, application Ior national multiple-use approval
30E Processing application Ior national multiple-use approval 63
30F Issue oI national multiple-use approval 64
30G ReIusal to issue national multiple-use approval 64
30H Suspension or revocation oI national multiple-use
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Subpart 3Building workProject inIormation
memoranda and building consents
Profect information memoranda
31 Building consent authority must apply Ior project
inIormation memorandum
32 Owner may apply Ior project inIormation memorandum 66
33 Content oI application 66
34 Issue oI project inIormation memorandum 68
35 Content oI project inIormation memorandum 68
36 Territorial authority may issue development contribution
37 Territorial authority must issue certifcate iI resource
consent required
38 Territorial authority must give copy oI project inIormation
memorandum in certain circumstances
39 Territorial authority must advise New Zealand Historic
Places Trust in certain circumstances
Building consents
40 Buildings not to be constructed, altered, demolished, or
removed without consent
41 Building consent not required in certain cases 72
42 Owner must apply Ior certifcate oI acceptance iI building
work carried out urgently
43 Building consent not required Ior energy work 73
44 When to apply Ior building consent 74
45 How to apply Ior building consent 74
45A Minor variations to building consents 77
45B Changes to plans and specifcations that have national
multiple-use approval
46 Copy oI certain applications Ior building consent must be
provided to New Zealand Fire Service Commission
47 New Zealand Fire Service Commission may give advice
on applications under section 46
48 Processing application Ior building consent 78
49 Grant oI building consent 79
50 ReIusal oI application Ior building consent 80
51 Issue oI building consent 80
52 Lapse oI building consent 81
Building levv
53 Applicant Ior building consent liable to pay levy 82
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54 Building consent authority must advise applicant oI
amount oI levy payable
55 Exemption Irom levy 82
56 Payment oI levy suIfcient unless estimated value oI
building work changes
57 Payment oI levy iI building work completed in stages 83
58 Liability to pay levy: building consent authority 83
59 Liability to pay levy: territorial authority 84
60 Territorial authority may retain part oI levy 84
61 ChieI executive may recover unpaid levies Irom territorial
62 Territorial authority may recover unpaid levies Irom
applicant Ior building consent
63 ChieI executive may obtain inIormation in order to assess
amount oI levy payable
64 Audit oI issue oI building consents Ior purpose oI
ascertaining payment oI levy
65 ChieI executive may enter into agreements Ior auditing
certain inIormation
66 ChieI executive must review levy 87
Waivers and modihcations
67 Territorial authority may grant building consent subject to
waivers or modifcations oI building code
68 Territorial authority must notiIy chieI executive iI waiver
or modifcation granted
69 Waiver or modifcation may only be granted by chieI
executive in certain cases
70 Applications relating to energy work 89
Limitations and restrictions on building consents.
Construction of building on land subfect to natural
71 Building on land subject to natural hazards 89
72 Building consent Ior building on land subject to natural
hazards must be granted in certain cases
73 Conditions on building consents granted under section 72 91
74 Steps aIter notifcation 91
Limitations and restrictions on building consents.
Construction of building on 2 or more allotments
75 Construction oI building on 2 or more allotments 92
76 Exemption Irom section 75 93
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77 Building consent must not be granted until condition is
imposed under section 75
78 Registrar-General oI Land must record entry on certifcate
oI title when certifcate is lodged under section 77
79 EIIect oI entry recorded on certifcate oI title 94
80 Certifcates oI title Ior 2 or more allotments subject to
registered instrument
81 Mortgage, charge, or lien has priority over registered
82 Registrar-General oI Land may require preparation oI
83 Owner may apply Ior entry to be removed 96
Subpart 4Requirements Ior building work
Restricted building work must be carried out or supervised
bv licensed building practitioners
84 Licensed building practitioner must carry out or supervise
restricted building work
85 OIIences relating to carrying out or supervising restricted
building work
86 OIIence to engage another person to carry out or supervise
restricted building work iI person is not licensed building
87 Owner must notiIy names oI licensed building
practitioners engaged in restricted building work
87A Notices to building consent authority when owner-builder
carries out restricted building work
88 Licensed building practitioner to provide record oI work
in respect oI restricted building work
Other provisions relating to building work generallv
89 Licensed building practitioner must notiIy building
consent authority oI breaches oI building consent
90 Inspections by building consent authorities 101
Subpart 4ARestricted building work carried out by
90A Purpose oI this subpart 102
90B Meaning oI owner-builder 102
90C Meaning oI relevant interest 103
90D Owner-builder exemption 103
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Subpart 5Code compliance certifcates, certifcates oI
acceptance, and compliance schedules
Code compliance certihcates
91 Building consent authority that grants building consent to
issue code compliance certifcate
92 Application Ior code compliance certifcate 104
93 Time in which building consent authority must decide
whether to issue code compliance certifcate
94 Matters Ior consideration by building consent authority in
deciding issue oI code compliance certifcate
95 Issue oI code compliance certifcate 107
95A ReIusal to issue code compliance certifcate 108
Certihcates of acceptance
96 Territorial authority may issue certifcate oI acceptance in
certain circumstances
97 How to apply Ior certifcate oI acceptance 109
98 Processing application Ior certifcate oI acceptance 110
99 Issue oI certifcate oI acceptance 110
99A ReIusal oI application Ior certifcate oI acceptance 110
Compliance schedules
100 Requirement Ior compliance schedule 111
101 Owner must comply with requirement Ior compliance
102 When compliance schedule must be issued 112
102A Procedure Ior obtaining compliance schedule where
building consent not required
103 Content oI compliance schedule 113
104 Building consent authority must notiIy territorial authority
oI issue oI compliance schedule
104A Territorial authority must issue statement in relation to
compliance schedule
105 Obligations oI owner iI compliance schedule is issued 114
106 Application by owner Ior amendment to compliance
107 Territorial authority may amend compliance schedule on
own initiative
Annual building warrant of htness
108 Annual building warrant oI ftness 117
109 Territorial authority must consider recommendation to
amend compliance schedule
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110 Owner must obtain reports on compliance schedule 119
111 Inspections by territorial authority 120
Alterations to existing buildings
112 Alterations to existing buildings 120
113 Buildings with specifed intended lives 121
Change of use, extension of life, and subdivision of
114 Owner must give notice oI change oI use, extension oI
liIe, or subdivision oI buildings
115 Code compliance requirements: change oI use 122
116 Code compliance requirements: extension oI liIe 123
116A Code compliance requirements: subdivision 123
116B OIIence to use building Ior use Ior which it is not saIe
or not sanitary, or iI it has inadequate means oI escape
Irom fre
Access to buildings bv persons with disabilities
117 Defnition Ior sections 118 to 120 124
118 Access and Iacilities Ior persons with disabilities to and
within buildings
119 Compliance document Ior requirements oI persons with
120 Symbols oI access must be displayed 126
Subpart 6Special provisions Ior certain categories oI
Dehnitions of dangerous, earthquake-prone, and
insanitarv buildings
121 Meaning oI dangerous building 126
122 Meaning oI earthquake-prone building 127
123 Meaning oI insanitary building 127
Powers of territorial authorities in respect of dangerous,
earthquake-prone, or insanitarv buildings
124 Powers oI territorial authorities in respect oI dangerous,
earthquake-prone, or insanitary buildings
125 Requirements Ior notice given under section 124 128
126 Territorial authority may carry out work 129
127 Building work includes demolition oI building 130
128 Prohibition on using dangerous, earthquake-prone, or
insanitary building
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129 Measures to avoid immediate danger or to fx insanitary
130 Territorial authority must apply to District Court Ior
confrmation oI warrant
Policv on dangerous, earthquake-prone, and insanitarv
131 Territorial authority must adopt policy on dangerous,
earthquake-prone, and insanitary buildings
132 Adoption and review oI policy 132
Application of subpart to dams
133 Application oI this subpart to dams 132
Subpart 7SaIety oI dams
Dams to which provisions of this subpart applv
133A Dams to which subpart 7 provisions apply 133
Classihcation of dams
134 Owner must classiIy dam 133
135 Owner must provide classifcation oI, and certifcate Ior,
dam to regional authority
136 Regional authority must decide whether to approve or
reIuse dam classifcation
137 Dam classifcation provided to regional authority by
accredited dam owner deemed to have been approved
138 Regional authority must require re-audit oI dam
classifcation that it reIuses to approve
139 Owner must review dam classifcation 135
Dam safetv assurance programmes
140 Requirement Ior dam saIety assurance programme 136
141 Content oI dam saIety assurance programme 137
142 Owner must provide dam saIety assurance programme
to regional authority
143 Regional authority must decide whether to approve or
reIuse dam saIety assurance programme
144 Dam saIety assurance programme provided to regional
authority by accredited dam owner deemed to have been
145 Regional authority must require re-audit oI dam saIety
assurance programme that it reIuses to approve
146 Review oI dam saIety assurance programme 139
Building Act 2004
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147 Requirements oI sections 140 to 142 relate to amendments
to dam saIety assurance programme
148 Obligations oI owner in relation to dam saIety assurance
Who is recognised engineer
149 Who is recognised engineer 140
Dam compliance certihcate
150 Owner oI dam must supply annual dam compliance
150A Annual dam compliance certifcate requirements not to
apply to accredited dam owner
151 Register oI dams 142
152 InIormation to be provided to chieI executive 142
Dangerous dams
153 Meaning oI dangerous dam 142
153A Meaning oI earthquake-prone dam and food-prone dam 143
154 Powers oI regional authorities in respect oI dangerous
155 Requirements Ior notice given under section 154 144
156 Regional authority may carry out work 144
157 Measures to avoid immediate danger 145
158 Regional authority must apply to District Court Ior
confrmation oI warrant
159 Building work includes decommissioning and demolition
oI dam
160 Power oI regional authority not limited 146
Policv on dangerous dams
161 Regional authority must adopt policy on dangerous dams,
earthquake-prone dams, and food-prone dams
162 Adoption and review oI policy 147
Subpart 8Notices to fx
163 Defnitions Ior this subpart 147
164 Issue oI notice to fx 148
165 Form and content oI notice to fx 148
166 Special provisions Ior notices to fx Irom building consent
167 Inspection oI building work under notice to fx 150
168 OIIence not to comply with notice to fx 151
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Part 3
Regulatory responsibilities and accreditation
Subpart 1Responsibilities oI chieI executive
Functions, duties, and powers of chief executive generallv
168A ChieI executive`s Iunctions in relation to this Act 151
169 ChieI executive must monitor current and emerging
trends in building design, etc, and must report annually
to Minister
170 ChieI executive must consult in perIorming certain
171 ChieI executive may seek advice Irom building advisory
172 Appointment oI building advisory panel 153
173 Function oI panel 154
174 ChieI executive must report on panel`s operation 154
175 ChieI executive may publish guidance inIormation 154
Power of chief executive to make determinations
176 Meaning oI party 155
177 Application Ior determination 156
178 Requirements Ior application Ior determination 157
179 ChieI executive may reIuse application Ior determination 157
180 Application Ior determination may be withdrawn 158
181 ChieI executive may make determination on own
182 No proceedings until determination made 159
183 Decision or exercise oI power suspended until
determination made
184 ChieI executive must decide whether to make
185 When determination must be completed 160
186 Procedure Ior determination 160
187 ChieI executive may engage persons to assist with
188 Determination by chieI executive 162
189 Clarifcation oI determination 162
190 Parties` costs 162
Power of chief executive to register persons as building
consent authorities for purposes of this Act
191 ChieI executive may enter person`s name in register oI
building consent authorities
192 Criteria Ior registration 163
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193 EIIect oI registration 164
194 Application Ior registration 164
195 ChieI executive must decide application Ior registration 164
196 Registration continuous so long as person meets criteria
Ior registration
197 Consequences oI Iailure to meet criteria Ior registration 165
198 EIIect oI suspension 166
199 OIIence Ior person to perIorm Iunctions oI building
consent authority or regional authority iI person not
registered, etc
200 Complaints about building consent authorities 167
201 ChieI executive may conduct investigation on own
202 Procedure iI chieI executive proceeds to investigate
complaint or matter
203 Disciplinary powers oI chieI executive 169
Further powers of chief executive
204 Special powers oI chieI executive Ior monitoring
perIormance oI Iunctions under this Act
205 Limits on power to enter land or building 172
206 ChieI executive must supply warrant 172
207 Duties oI person supplied with warrant 173
Appeal from chief executives decisions
208 Appeals to District Court 173
209 Procedure Ior commencing appeal 174
210 Steps aIter appeal is commenced 175
211 Powers oI District Court on appeal 175
Subpart 2Responsibilities oI territorial authorities
Functions, duties, and powers of territorial authorities
212 Territorial authority must act as building consent authority
Ior its district
213 Territorial authority may make arrangements relating to
Iunctions oI building consent authority
214 How liability apportioned iI territorial authority makes
arrangements relating to Iunctions oI building consent
215 Territorial authority must gain accreditation and be
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216 Territorial authority must keep inIormation about
217 Access to certain inIormation kept by territorial authority 179
218 Territorial authority must provide inIormation to chieI
executive Ior purpose oI Iacilitating perIormance oI chieI
executive`s Iunction under section 169
219 Territorial authority may impose Iee or charge and must
collect levy
Power of territorial authoritv to carrv out building work
on default
220 Territorial authority may carry out building work on
221 Recovery oI costs when territorial authority carries out
work on deIault
Powers of territorial authoritv to carrv out inspections
and enter land
222 Inspections by territorial authority 183
223 Duty to assist inspections 184
224 Warrant must be produced 185
225 OIIence to impersonate authorised oIfcer 185
226 Restriction on entry to household unit 185
227 District Court may authorise entry to household unit 185
228 Authorised oIfcer must give notice to occupier oI
household unit
Enforcement powers of territorial authoritv
229 Authorisation oI enIorcement oIfcers 186
230 Conditions oI authorisation 186
231 OIIence to impersonate enIorcement oIfcer 187
Delegation of power
232 Delegation oI powers by territorial authority and its
Transfer of functions, duties, or powers of territorial
233 TransIer oI Iunctions, duties, or powers oI territorial
234 Procedure Ior transIer 187
235 Territorial authorities may agree on terms oI transIer 188
236 EIIect oI transIer 188
Building Act 2004
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Subpart 3Responsibilities oI building consent authority
that is not territorial authority or regional authority
237 Application oI subpart 189
238 Duties oI building consent authority 189
239 Building consent authority must provide inIormation to
chieI executive
240 Building consent authority may impose Iee or charge and
must collect levy
Subpart 4Responsibilities oI regional authorities
Functions, duties, and powers of regional authorities
241 Regional authority must gain accreditation and be
242 Regional authority must provide inIormation to chieI
243 Regional authorities may impose Iee or charge and recover
costs, and must collect levy
Transfer of functions, duties, and powers of regional
244 TransIer oI Iunctions, duties, and powers oI regional
245 Procedure Ior transIer 193
246 Regional authorities may agree on terms oI transIer 193
247 EIIect oI transIer 193
Subpart 5Responsibilities oI building consent
accreditation body
Appointment of building consent accreditation bodv
248 ChieI executive may appoint building consent
accreditation body
Requirements for building consent accreditation bodv
249 Requirements Ior building consent accreditation body 194
Audit fees
249A Fees Ior audits 195
Accreditation of building consent authorities or regional
250 Accreditation 195
251 Criteria Ior accreditation 195
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252 Scope oI accreditation oI building consent authority that
is not territorial authority
253 Application Ior accreditation 196
254 Revocation oI accreditation 196
255 Building consent accreditation body must notiIy chieI
executive oI grant and revocation oI accreditation
Subpart 6Responsibilities oI dam owner accreditation
Appointment of dam owner accreditation bodv
256 ChieI executive may appoint dam owner accreditation
Requirements for dam owner accreditation bodv
257 Requirements Ior dam owner accreditation body 198
Audit fees
257A Fees Ior audits 198
Accreditation of dam owners
258 Accreditation 198
259 Revocation oI accreditation 199
260 Dam owner accreditation body must notiIy chieI executive
oI grant and revocation oI accreditation
Subpart 7Responsibilities oI product certifcation
accreditation body
Appointment of product certihcation accreditation bodv
261 ChieI executive may appoint product certifcation
accreditation body
Requirements for product certihcation accreditation bodv
262 Requirements Ior product certifcation accreditation body 200
Audit fees
262A Fees Ior audits 201
Accreditation of product certihcation bodies
263 Accreditation 201
264 Criteria Ior accreditation 201
265 Application Ior accreditation 202
266 Suspension or revocation oI accreditation 202
267 Product certifcation accreditation body must notiIy chieI
executive oI grant, suspension, liIting oI suspension, or
revocation oI accreditation
Building Act 2004
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Certihcation of building methods or products
268 Application Ior product certifcate 203
269 Issue oI product certifcate 204
270 Annual review oI product certifcate 204
271 Suspension or revocation oI product certifcate 204
272 Product certifcation body must notiIy chieI executive oI
issue, suspension, liIting oI suspension, and revocation
oI certifcate
Subpart 8Miscellaneous responsibilities
Chief executive must keep registers
273 ChieI executive must keep registers 206
274 Purpose oI registers 207
275 Content oI register oI building consent authorities 208
Chief executive mav review territorial authorities
276 Review oI territorial authorities 208
Power of Minister to appoint person to perform functions
and duties, or exercise powers, of territorial authoritv
277 Non-perIormance by territorial authority 209
278 Criteria Ior appointment or renewal oI appointment 209
279 EIIect oI appointment 210
280 Costs may be recovered Irom territorial authority 210
281 Requirements Ior appointment 211
Subpart 9Fees, charges, and additional costs
281A What Iees and charges may be imposed 211
281B Authority may increase Iee or charge to meet additional
281C Authority may waive or reIund Iee or charge 212
281D Validity oI previous Iees, charges, and additional costs 212
Part 4
Regulation of building practitioners
Subpart 1Preliminary
282 Defnitions Ior this Part 213
Purposes of licensing
282A Purposes oI licensing building practitioners 214
General procedure of Board and Registrar under this Part
283 Specifed procedure Ior making decisions 214
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284 Other procedure Ior making decisions 215
Subpart 2Licensing and disciplining oI building
Licensing classes
285 Licensing classes may be designated by regulations 215
How to become licensed
286 Entitlement to be licensed 215
287 Applications to become licensed 216
288 Registrar to license applicant or decline application 216
Provisions relating to licences
289 Duty to produce evidence oI being licensed 217
290 Term oI being licensed 217
Automatic licensing of certain professions
291 Automatic licensing oI people registered under other
Continuation of licensing
292 Licensed building practitioner must meet applicable
minimum standards Ior licensing to continue
293 Consequences oI Iailure to meet applicable minimum
standards Ior licensing
Licensing cancellation and suspension
294 Cancellation oI licensing 219
295 Mandatory licensing suspension 219
296 Voluntary licensing suspension 220
297 EIIect oI licensing suspension 220
Register of licensed building practitioners
298 Register oI licensed building practitioners 221
299 Purpose oI register 221
300 Form oI register 222
301 Matters to be contained in register 222
Updates of register
302 Obligation to notiIy Registrar oI change in circumstances 223
303 Registrar must contact licensed building practitioners on
annual basis
304 Alterations to register 225
Searches of register
305 Search oI register 225
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306 Search criteria 225
307 Search purposes 225
308 When search constitutes interIerence with privacy oI
309 Search Iees 226
Registrar of Licensed Building Practitioners
310 Appointment oI Registrar oI Licensed Building
311 Functions oI Registrar 226
312 Power oI Registrar to delegate 226
313 Certifcate oI Registrar to be conclusive evidence 227
Offences relating to licensing
314 OIIences relating to licensing 228
Code of ethics and competence
314A Code oI ethics Ior licensed building practitioners 228
314B Licensed building practitioner must work within
315 Complaints about licensed building practitioners 229
316 Board must investigate complaints 229
317 Grounds Ior discipline oI licensed building practitioners 229
318 Disciplinary penalties 232
319 Non-payment oI fnes or costs 233
320 Payment and application oI charges, fnes, and other
Powers and procedure of Board on disciplinarv matters
321 Board must act independently 234
322 Board may hear evidence Ior disciplinary matters 234
323 Issuing oI summons by Board 234
324 Service oI summons 235
325 Witnesses` Iees, allowances, and expenses 235
326 Failure to comply with summons 236
327 Witness and counsel privileges 236
328 EnIorcement oI actions 237
329 Certifcate oI Board to be conclusive evidence 237
Appeal from decisions
330 Right oI appeal 237
331 Time in which appeal must be brought 237
332 Method oI bringing appeal 238
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333 Notice oI right oI appeal 238
334 Actions to have eIIect pending determination oI appeal 238
335 Procedure on appeal 238
336 Appeal authority`s decision fnal 238
337 Appeal authority may reIer matter back Ior reconsideration 239
338 Orders as to costs 239
339 Orders as to publication oI names 239
340 Appeal on question oI law 240
Subpart 3Building Practitioners Board
Establishment of Board
341 Establishment oI Board 240
342 Capacity and powers 240
343 Board`s Iunctions 240
344 Composition oI Board 241
345 Criteria Ior appointment 241
346 Further provisions relating to Board and its members 241
Reporting bv Board
347 Obligation to prepare annual report 242
348 Form and content oI annual report 242
349 Obligation Ior Board to provide annual report to Minister 242
350 Board to publish reports 242
351 Annual reports to be presented to House oI
352 Power oI Minister to require inIormation relating to aIIairs
oI Board
353 Rules relating to licensed building practitioners 243
354 ChieI executive to prepare proposed rules 244
355 Particular requirements Ior preparation oI rules containing
LBP standards
356 Rules to be approved by Board 245
357 Revision oI rules 245
358 Approval oI revised rule 245
359 Requirements oI sections 355 to 358 relate to amendments
and revocations by Board
360 Rules to be approved by Minister 246
361 Rules made when approved by Minister 246
362 Status oI rules 246
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Part 5
Miscellaneous provisions
Subpart 1Other oIIences and criminal proceedings
Offence relating to building control
362A Premises in respect oI which duty arises under section 363 246
363 Protecting saIety oI members oI public using premises
open to public or intended Ior public use
363A Public use oI premises may be allowed beIore issue oI
code compliance certifcate in some circumstances
363B Application oI section 363 to building work where consent
granted, or work begun, beIore 31 March 2005 [Repealed]
363C Section 363 does not apply to building work commenced
beIore 31 March 2005
364 OIIence Ior residential property developer to transIer
household unit without code compliance certifcate
Offences relating to administration of Act
365 OIIence to Iail to comply with direction oI authorised
366 OIIence to impersonate building consent authority or
regional authority, etc
367 OIIence to obstruct execution oI powers under this Act 250
Miscellaneous offences
368 OIIence to remove or deIace notices 251
369 OIIence to make Ialse or misleading statement 251
Proceedings for infringement offences
370 Interpretation 251
371 Proceedings Ior inIringement oIIences 251
372 Issue oI inIringement notices 252
373 Form oI inIringement notices 252
374 Payment oI inIringement Iees 253
Proceedings for offences generallv
375 Prosecution oI oIIences 253
376 OIIences punishable on summary conviction 253
377 Laying inIormation 253
378 Time limit Ior laying inIormation 253
379 OIIence under more than 1 enactment 254
380 What constitutes continuing oIIence 254
381 District Court may grant injunctions Ior certain continuing
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382 Terms oI injunction or order 255
383 District Court may direct chieI executive to make
384 District Court may grant interim injunctions 256
385 Application oI section 381 to Crown organisation 256
386 Liability oI principal Ior acts oI agents 256
387 Liability Ior acts oI employees or agents oI Crown
388 Strict liability and deIences 258
389 Fines to be paid to territorial authority or regional
authority instituting prosecution
Subpart 2Civil proceedings and deIences
390 Civil proceedings may not be brought against chieI
executive, employees, etc
391 Civil proceedings against building consent authorities 260
392 Building consent authority not liable 261
393 Limitation deIences 262
Subpart 3Miscellaneous
Service of notices
394 Service oI notices 263
395 Notices in relation to Mäori land 264
Implied terms of contracts
396 Application oI sections 397 to 399 264
397 Implied warranties Ior building work in relation to
household units
398 Proceedings Ior breach oI warranties may be taken by
person who was not party to contract Ior building work
399 Person may not give away beneft oI warranties 266
400 Regulations: building code 266
401 Regulations: acceptable solutions, verifcations, etc, that
must be complied with in order to comply with building
401A Regulations: building consents and consent completion
401B Order in Council declaring work to be restricted building
402 Regulations: general 269
402A ChieI executive must review regulations made under
section 402(1)(kb)
Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
403 Consultation requirements Ior making regulations 274
404 Certain regulations must not come into Iorce earlier than
specifed date
Incorporation of material bv reference
405 Incorporation oI material by reIerence into regulations,
certain Orders in Council, and compliance document
406 EIIect oI amendments to, or replacement oI, material
incorporated by reIerence
407 ProoI oI material incorporated by reIerence 276
408 EIIect oI expiry oI material incorporated by reIerence 277
409 Requirement to consult 277
410 Access to material incorporated by reIerence 278
411 Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989 not applicable
to material incorporated by reIerence
412 Application oI Regulations (Disallowance) Act 1989 to
material incorporated by reIerence
413 Application oI Standards Act 1988 not aIIected 280
Amendments and repeal
414 Amendments to other enactments 281
415 Repeal 281
Subpart 4Transitional provisions
Outline of transitional provisions
416 Outline oI transitional provisions 281
No compensation for loss of ofhce
417 No compensation Ior loss oI oIfce 283
Dissolution of Authoritv
418 Authority dissolved 283
419 Assets and liabilities vest in Crown 283
420 Protection Irom civil liability Ior members, building
reIerees, and employees oI Authority continued
421 Restriction oI compensation Ior technical redundancy 283
422 Reappointment oI employee oI Authority to Ministry 284
423 Final reports and accounts 284
424 ReIerences to Authority 285
425 Proceedings oI Authority 285
426 Validation oI levy 285
427 Validation oI past expenditure oI levy 285
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428 Validation oI accumulation oI levy 286
Other transitional provisions
429 Transitional provision Ior matters oI doubt or dispute
relating to building control under Iormer Act
430 Transitional provision Ior building levy under Iormer Act 286
431 Transitional provision Ior rate oI building levy under this
432 Transitional provision Ior certain applications 287
433 Transitional provision Ior building consents granted under
Iormer Act
434 Transitional provision Ior certain entries on certifcates oI
title made under Iormer Act
435 Transitional provision Ior notices issued under Iormer Act 288
436 Transitional provision Ior code compliance certifcates
in respect oI building work carried out under building
consent granted under Iormer Act
437 Transitional provision Ior issue oI certifcate oI acceptance 290
438 Transitional provision Ior code compliance certifcates
and compliance schedules issued under Iormer Act
439 Transitional provision Ior document used in establishing
compliance with building code
440 Transitional provision Ior applications Ior approval as
building certifer under Iormer Act
441 Transitional provision Ior applications Ior continuation or
renewal oI approval as building certifer under Iormer Act
442 Meaning oI approved building certifer 292
443 Approved building certifers have until 31 May 2006 to
apply to be registered as building consent authority
444 What happens iI approved building certifer applies to be
registered as building consent authority by 31 May 2006
445 What happens iI approved building certifer does not
apply to be registered as building consent authority by
31 May 2006
446 Certain provisions oI Iormer Act apply Ior purposes oI
sections 444 and 445
447 Transitional provision Ior certifcate oI accreditation
issued under Iormer Act
448 Transitional provision Ior proceedings under Iormer Act 294
449 Territorial authorities and regional authorities must apply
to be registered by 31 May 2006
450 When territorial authority may and must act as building
consent authority during transition to this Act
s 1 Building Act 2004
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Review of building code
451 ChieI executive must review building code 296
Schedule 1 298
Exempt building work
Schedule 2 309
Buildings in respect of which requirement for provision
of access and facilities for persons with disabilities
Schedule 3 311
Further provisions applying to Board
Schedule 4 323
Enactments amended
1 Title
This Act is the Building Act 2004.
Part 1
Preliminary provisions
Subpart 1General
2 Commencement
(1) The Iollowing provisions come into Iorce on 30 November
(a) section 1:
(b) Part 1 (except sections 12 to 14):
(c) sections 131 and 132:
(d) subpart 1 oI Part 3:
(e) Part 4:
(I) Part 5 (except sections 414 and 415, 429 to 448, and
(g) Schedule 3.
(2) The rest oI this Act comes into Iorce on 31 March 2005 (except
sections 45(1)(e) and 45(2) to 45(4) and 84 to 89).
(3) Sections 45(1)(e) and 45(2) to 45(4) and 84 to 89 come into
Iorce on 30 November 2010.
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13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 1 s 4
Section 2(3): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 4 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Purpose and principles
3 Purposes
This Act has the Iollowing purposes:
(a) to provide Ior the regulation oI building work, the estab-
lishment oI a licensing regime Ior building practition-
ers, and the setting oI perIormance standards Ior build-
ings to ensure that
(i) people who use buildings can do so saIely and
without endangering their health; and
(ii) buildings have attributes that contribute appro-
priately to the health, physical independence, and
well-being oI the people who use them; and
(iii) people who use a building can escape Irom the
building iI it is on fre; and
(iv) buildings are designed, constructed, and able to
be used in ways that promote sustainable devel-
(b) to promote the accountability oI owners, designers,
builders, and building consent authorities who have re-
sponsibilities Ior ensuring that building work complies
with the building code.
Section 3: replaced, on 13 March 2012, by section 4 oI the Building Amendment
Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
4 Principles to be applied in performing functions or duties,
or exercising powers, under this Act
(1) This section applies to
(a) the Minister; and
(b) the chieI executive; and
(c) a territorial authority or regional authority (but only to
the extent that the territorial authority or regional au-
thority is perIorming Iunctions or duties, or exercising
powers, in relation to the grant oI waivers or modifca-
tions oI the building code and the adoption and review
oI policy on dangerous, earthquake-prone, and insani-
tary buildings or, as the case may be, dangerous dams).
Part 1 s 4 Building Act 2004
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(2) In achieving the purpose oI this Act, a person to whom this
section applies must take into account the Iollowing principles
that are relevant to the perIormance oI Iunctions or duties im-
posed, or the exercise oI powers conIerred, on that person by
this Act:
(a) when dealing with any matter relating to 1 or more
household units,
(i) the role that household units play in the lives oI
the people who use them, and the importance
(A) the building code as it relates to household
units; and
(B) the need to ensure that household units
comply with the building code:
(ii) the need to ensure that maintenance requirements
oI household units are reasonable:
(iii) the desirability oI ensuring that owners oI house-
hold units are aware oI the maintenance require-
ments oI their household units:
(b) the need to ensure that any harmIul eIIect on human
health resulting Irom the use oI particular building
methods or products or oI a particular building design,
or Irom building work, is prevented or minimised:
(c) the importance oI ensuring that each building is durable
Ior its intended use:
(d) the importance oI recognising any special traditional
and cultural aspects oI the intended use oI a building:
(e) the costs oI a building (including maintenance) over the
whole oI its liIe:
(I) the importance oI standards oI building design and
construction in achieving compliance with the building
(g) the importance oI allowing Ior continuing innovation in
methods oI building design and construction:
(h) the reasonable expectations oI a person who is author-
ised by law to enter a building to undertake rescue op-
erations or frefghting to be protected Irom injury or
illness when doing so:
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(i) the need to provide protection to limit the extent and
eIIects oI the spread oI fre, particularly with regard to
(i) household units (whether on the same land or on
other property); and
(ii) other property:
(j) the need to provide Ior the protection oI other property
Irom physical damage resulting Irom the construction,
use, and demolition oI a building:
(k) the need to provide, both to and within buildings to
which section 118 applies, Iacilities that ensure that
reasonable and adequate provision is made Ior persons
with disabilities to enter and carry out normal activities
and processes in a building:
(l) the need to Iacilitate the preservation oI buildings oI
signifcant cultural, historical, or heritage value:
(m) the need to Iacilitate the eIfcient use oI energy and en-
ergy conservation and the use oI renewable sources oI
energy in buildings:
(n) the need to Iacilitate the eIfcient and sustainable use in
buildings oI
(i) materials (including materials that promote or
support human health); and
(ii) material conservation:
(o) the need to Iacilitate the eIfcient use oI water and water
conservation in buildings:
(p) the need to Iacilitate the reduction in the generation oI
waste during the construction process.
(q) the need to ensure that owners, designers, builders, and
building consent authorities are each accountable Ior
their role in ensuring that
(i) the necessary building consents and other ap-
provals are obtained Ior proposed building work;
(ii) plans and specifcations are suIfcient to result in
building work that (iI built to those plans and
specifcations) complies with the building code;
(iii) building work Ior which a building consent is
issued complies with that building consent; and
Part 1 s 5 Building Act 2004
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(iv) building work Ior which a building consent is not
required complies with the building code.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 6(2)
Section 4(2)(k): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 5 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 4(2)(q): inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 5 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
5 Overview
(1) This Act replaces the Building Act 1991.
(2) In this Act,
(a) this Part deals with preliminary matters, including
(i) the purpose oI this Act:
(ii) interpretation:
(iii) the application oI this Act to the Crown:
(b) Part 2 and Schedules 1 and 2 deal with matters relating
to the building code and building control, including
(i) the requirements relating to building work (Ior
example, the requirement Ior a building consent):
(ii) the requirements relating to the use oI buildings
(Ior example, the requirement Ior a compliance
schedule or the provisions relating to access to
buildings by persons with disabilities):
(iii) provisions Ior certain categories oI buildings (in-
cluding dangerous, earthquake-prone, or insani-
tary buildings):
(iv) provisions Ior the saIety oI dams:
(c) Part 3
(i) sets out the main Iunctions, duties, and powers oI
the chieI executive, territorial authorities, build-
ing consent authorities, and regional authorities
under this Act:
(ii) empowers the chieI executive to register building
consent authorities that have been accredited to
allow them to perIorm Iunctions under Parts 2
and 3:
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(iii) provides Ior the appointment oI a building con-
sent accreditation body and the accreditation oI
building consent authorities:
(iv) provides Ior the appointment oI a dam owner
accreditation body and the accreditation oI dam
(v) provides Ior the appointment oI a product certi-
fcation accreditation body and the accreditation
oI product certifcation bodies:
(vi) sets out a process Ior the certifcation oI building
methods or products:
(d) Part 4 and Schedule 3 deal with matters relating to the
licensing and disciplining oI building practitioners, the
establishment oI the Building Practitioners Board, and
the making oI rules relating to licensed building practi-
(e) Part 5 and Schedule 4 deal with miscellaneous matters
that underpin the substantive provisions oI this Act, in-
(i) oIIences and criminal proceedings:
(ii) implied terms oI contracts that provide Ior build-
ing work to be carried out in relation to household
(iii) regulation-making powers:
(iv) amendments to other enactments and the repeal
oI the Building Act 1991:
(v) transitional provisions.
(3) This section is intended only as a guide to the general scheme
and eIIect oI this Act.
Section 5(2)(c)(ii): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(a) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Application of Act to the Crown
6 Act binds the Crown
(1) This Act binds the Crown except as provided in subsections
(2) to (4).
(2) This Act does not apply to a Crown building or Crown building
work iI the Minister oI DeIence certifes in writing that the
Part 1 s 7 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
building or building work is necessary Ior reasons oI national
(3) An instrument oI the Crown may be prosecuted Ior an oIIence
against this Act only iI
(a) it is a Crown organisation; and
(b) the oIIence is alleged to have been committed by the
Crown organisation; and
(c) the proceedings are commenced
(i) against the Crown organisation in its own name
and the proceedings do not cite the Crown as a
deIendant; and
(ii) in accordance with the Crown Organisations
(Criminal Liability) Act 2002.
(4) The Crown may not be prosecuted Ior an oIIence against this
Act, except to the extent and in the manner provided Ior in
subsection (3).
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 5
Subpart 2Interpretation
7 Interpretation
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,
acceptable solution means a solution that must be accepted
as complying with the building code
accredited dam owner means an owner oI a dam who is ac-
credited under section 258
allotment has the meaning given to it by section 10
alter, in relation to a building, includes to rebuild, re-erect,
repair, enlarge, and extend the building
appurtenant structure, in relation to a dam, means a structure
that is integral to the proper Iunctioning oI the dam
Authority means the Building Industry Authority established
under section 10(1) oI the Iormer Act
Board has the meaning given to it by section 282
building has the meaning given to it by sections 8 and 9
building code means the regulations made under section 400
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building consent means a consent to carry out building work
granted by a building consent authority under section 49
building consent accreditation body means the person re-
Ierred to in section 248(2)
building consent authority means a person whose name is
entered in the register reIerred to in section 273(1)(a)
building levy means a levy payable under section 53
building method or product has the meaning given to it by
section 20
building work
(a) means work
(i) Ior, or in connection with, the construction, alter-
ation, demolition, or removal oI a building; and
(ii) on an allotment that is likely to aIIect the extent
to which an existing building on that allotment
complies with the building code; and
(b) includes sitework; and
(c) includes design work (relating to building work) that is
design work oI a kind declared by the Governor-General
by Order in Council to be restricted building work Ior
the purposes oI this Act; and
(d) in Part 4, and the defnition in this section oI supervise,
also includes design work (relating to building work)
oI a kind declared by the Governor-General by Order in
Council to be building work Ior the purposes oI Part 4
cable car
(a) means a vehicle
(i) that carries people or goods on or along an in-
clined plane or a suspended cable; and
(ii) that operates wholly or partly outside oI a build-
ing; and
(iii) the traction Ior which is supplied by a cable or
any other means; but
(b) does not include a liIt that carries people or goods be-
tween the foors oI a building
certiücate of acceptance means a certifcate issued under sec-
tion 96
chief executive means the chieI executive oI the Ministry
Part 1 s 7 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
code compliance certiücate means a certifcate issued by a
building consent authority under section 95
compliance document has the meaning given to it by section
compliance schedule means a compliance schedule required
under section 100
consideration, in relation to estimated value, has the meaning
given to it in section 2(1) oI the Goods and Service Tax Act
construct, in relation to a building, includes to design, build,
erect, preIabricate, and relocate the building
Crown organisation has the meaning given to it by section 4
oI the Crown Organisations (Criminal Liability) Act 2002
(a) means an artifcial barrier, and its appurtenant struc-
tures, that
(i) is constructed to hold back water or other fuid
under constant pressure so as to Iorm a reservoir;
(ii) is used Ior the storage, control, or diversion oI
water or other fuid; and
(iii) [Repealed]
(b) includes
(i) a food control dam; and
(ii) a natural Ieature that has been signifcantly modi-
fed to Iunction as a dam; and
(iii) a canal; but
(c) does not include a stopbank designed to control food-
dam owner accreditation body means the person reIerred to
in section 256
damsafety assurance programme means a damsaIety assur-
ance programme prepared by an owner oI a dam under section
determination means a determination made by the chieI ex-
ecutive under subpart 1 oI Part 3
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employee includes,
(a) in relation to a Crown organisation, the chieI executive
or principal oIfcer (however described) oI that organ-
isation; and
(b) in relation to the New Zealand DeIence Force, a mem-
ber oI the Armed Forces (as that term is defned in sec-
tion 2(1) oI the DeIence Act 1990)
energy work means
(a) gasftting; or
(b) prescribed electrical work
energy work certiücate means a certifcate oI the kind re-
Ierred to in section 19(1)(e)
enforcement ofücer means an oIfcer oI a territorial authority
who is authorised, under section 229, to issue inIringement
notices under section 372
estimated value, in relation to building work, means the es-
timated aggregate oI the consideration, determined in accord-
ance with section 10 oI the Goods and Services Tax Act 1985,
oI all goods and services to be supplied Ior the building work
falsework, in relation to building work or the maintenance oI
a building,
(a) means any temporary structure or Iramework used to
support materials, equipment, or an assembly; and
(b) includes steel tubes, adjustable steel props, proprietary
Irames, or other means used to support a permanent
structure until it becomes selI-supporting; but
(c) does not include scaIIolding or cranes used Ior support
üre hazard means the danger oI potential harm and degree oI
exposure arising Irom
(a) the start and spread oI fre; and
(b) the smoke and gases that are generated by the start and
spread oI fre
former Act means the Building Act 1991
functional requirements, in relation to a building, means
those Iunctions that the building is required to perIorm Ior the
purposes oI this Act
gasütting has the meaning given to it by section 4 oI the
Plumbers, Gasftters, and Drainlayers Act 2006
Part 1 s 7 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
household unit
(a) means a building or group oI buildings, or part oI a
building or group oI buildings, that is
(i) used, or intended to be used, only or mainly Ior
residential purposes; and
(ii) occupied, or intended to be occupied, exclu-
sively as the home or residence oI not more than
1 household; but
(b) does not include a hostel, boardinghouse, or other spe-
cialised accommodation
independently qualiüed person means a person
(a) who is accepted by a territorial authority as being qual-
ifed to
(i) carry out or supervise all or some oI the inspec-
tion, maintenance, and reporting procedures re-
quired Ior a specifed system stated in a compli-
ance schedule; and
(ii) certiIy that those procedures have been Iully
complied with; and
(b) whose acceptance under paragraph (a) has not been
withdrawn by the territorial authority
intended use, in relation to a building,
(a) includes any or all oI the Iollowing:
(i) any reasonably Ioreseeable occasional use that is
not incompatible with the intended use:
(ii) normal maintenance:
(iii) activities undertaken in response to fre or any
other reasonably Ioreseeable emergency; but
(b) does not include any other maintenance and repairs or
large dam means a dam that retains 3 or more metres depth,
and holds 20 000 or more cubic metres volume, oI water or
other fuid
licensed building practitioner means a building practitioner
whose name is, Ior the time being, entered in the register es-
tablished and maintained under section 298(1)
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means of escape from üre, in relation to a building that has a
foor area,
(a) means continuous unobstructed routes oI travel Irom
any part oI the foor area oI that building to a place oI
saIety; and
(b) includes all active and passive protection Ieatures re-
quired to warn people oI fre and to assist in protecting
people Irom the eIIects oI fre in the course oI their es-
cape Irom the fre
Minister means the Minister oI the Crown who, under the au-
thority oI a warrant or with the authority oI the Prime Minister,
is responsible Ior the administration oI this Act
Ministry means the department oI State that, with the author-
ity oI the Prime Minister, is responsible Ior the administration
oI this Act
minor customisation, in relation to an application Ior a build-
ing consent that incorporates plans and specifcations that have
national multiple-use approval, means a minor modifcation,
addition, or variation to those plans and specifcations that is
permitted by regulations made under section 402(1)(kc)
minor variation means a minor modifcation, addition, or
variation to a building consent that is permitted by regulations
made under section 402(1)(kd)
national multiple-use approval means an approval issued by
the chieI executive under section 30F
natural hazard has the meaning given to it by section 71
network utility operator means a person who
(a) undertakes or proposes to undertake the distribution or
transmission by pipeline oI natural or manuIactured gas,
petroleum, bioIuel, or geothermal energy; or
(b) operates or proposes to operate a network Ior the pur-
pose oI
(i) telecommunication as defned in section 5 oI the
Telecommunications Act 2001; or
(ii) radiocommunications as defned in section 2(1)
oI the Radiocommunications Act 1989; or
(c) is an electricity operator or electricity distributor as de-
fned in section 2 oI the Electricity Act 1992 Ior the pur-
Part 1 s 7 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
pose oI line Iunction services as defned in that section;
(d) undertakes or proposes to undertake the distribution oI
water Ior supply (including irrigation); or
(e) undertakes or proposes to undertake a drainage or sew-
erage system
notice to üx has the meaning given to it by section 164(2)
NUO system means a system owned or controlled by a net-
work utility operator
other property
(a) means any land or buildings, or part oI any land or build-
ings, that are
(i) not held under the same allotment; or
(ii) not held under the same ownership; and
(b) includes a road
owner, in relation to land and any buildings on the land,
(a) means the person who
(i) is entitled to the rack rent Irom the land; or
(ii) would be so entitled iI the land were let to a tenant
at a rack rent; and
(b) includes
(i) the owner oI the Iee simple oI the land; and
(ii) Ior the purposes oI sections 32, 44, 92, 96, 97,
and 176(c), any person who has agreed in writ-
ing, whether conditionally or unconditionally, to
purchase the land or any leasehold estate or in-
terest in the land, or to take a lease oI the land,
and who is bound by the agreement because the
agreement is still in Iorce
owner-builder has the meaning given to it by section 90B
owner-builder exemption means the exemption Ior owner-
builders set out in section 90D
owner-builder status means the status oI a person as an
performance criteria, in relation to a building, means qual-
itative or quantitative criteria that the building is required to
satisIy in perIorming its Iunctional requirements
Reprinted as at
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person includes
(a) the Crown; and
(b) a corporation sole; and
(c) a body oI persons (whether corporate or unincorporate)
person with a disability means a person who has an impair-
ment or a combination oI impairments that limits the extent
to which the person can engage in the activities, pursuits, and
processes oI everyday liIe, including, without limitation, any
oI the Iollowing:
(a) a physical, sensory, neurological, or intellectual impair-
(b) a mental illness
plans and speciücations
(a) means the drawings, specifcations, and other docu-
ments according to which a building is proposed to be
constructed, altered, demolished, or removed; and
(b) includes the proposed procedures Ior inspection during
the construction, alteration, demolition, or removal oI a
building; and
(c) in the case oI the construction or alteration oI a building,
also includes
(i) the intended use oI the building; and
(ii) the specifed systems that the applicant Ior build-
ing consent considers will be required to be in-
cluded in a compliance schedule required under
section 100; and
(iii) the proposed inspection, maintenance, and re-
porting procedures Ior the purposes oI the com-
pliance schedule Ior those specifed systems
prescribed means prescribed by regulations made under this
prescribed electrical work has the meaning given to it by
section 2(1) oI the Electricity Act 1992
prescribed fee includes a Iee calculated in accordance with a
rate or method prescribed Ior this purpose in regulations made
under this Act
product certiücation accreditation body means the person
reIerred to in section 261(2)
Part 1 s 7 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(a) includes land, buildings, and goods; but
(b) does not include incorporeal Iorms oI property
publicly notify means publish a notice
(a) in 1 or more daily newspapers circulating in each
oI the cities oI Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington,
Christchurch, and Dunedin; and
(b) in the Ga:ette; and
(c) on the Internet in an electronic Iorm that is publicly
accessible at all reasonable times
recognised engineer, in relation to a dam, means an engineer
who meets the requirements in section 149
regional authority means
(a) a regional council; or
(b) a unitary authority
regional council has the meaning given to it by section 5(1)
oI the Local Government Act 2002
Registrar has the meaning given to it by section 282
regulations means regulations in Iorce under this Act
residential property developer means a person who, in trade,
does any oI the Iollowing things in relation to a household unit
Ior the purpose oI selling the household unit:
(a) builds the household unit; or
(b) arranges Ior the household unit to be built; or
(c) acquires the household unit Irom a person who built it
or arranged Ior it to be built
restricted building work means any building work that is
(a) building work oI a kind declared by the Governor-Gen-
eral by Order in Council to be restricted building work;
(b) design work oI a kind declared by the Governor-General
by Order in Council to be restricted building work
rules means any rules made under section 353
scaffolding used in the course of the construction process
(a) means a structure, Iramework, swinging stage, sus-
pended scaIIolding, or boatswain`s chair, that is oI a
temporary nature and that is used or intended to be used
Reprinted as at
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(i) the support or protection oI workers engaged in,
or in connection with, construction work Ior the
purpose oI carrying out the work; or
(ii) the support oI materials used in connection with
the work; and
(b) includes any plank, coupling, Iastening, ftting, or de-
vice used in connection with the construction, erection,
or use oI scaIIolding
scope of accreditation, in relation to a building consent au-
thority that is not a territorial authority, means the scope oI
technical competence Ior which the building consent author-
ity is accredited by a building consent accreditation body in
accordance with section 252
sitework means work on a building site, including earthworks,
preparatory to, or associated with, the construction, alteration,
demolition, or removal oI a building
specialised accommodation means a building that is declared
by the Governor-General, by Order in Council, to be spe-
cialised accommodation Ior the purposes oI this Act
speciüed intended life has the meaning given to it by section
speciüed system
(a) means a system or Ieature that
(i) is contained in, or attached to, a building; and
(ii) contributes to the proper Iunctioning oI the build-
ing (Ior example, an automatic sprinkler system);
(iii) is declared by the Governor-General, by Order in
Council, to be a specifed systemIor the purposes
oI this Act; and
(b) includes a cable car
statutory authority means an authority or organisation that
has the statutory power to classiIy or register land or buildings
Ior any purpose
supervise, in relation to building work, means provide control
or direction and oversight oI the building work to an extent that
is suIfcient to ensure that the building work
(a) is perIormed competently; and
Part 1 s 7 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(b) complies with the building consent under which it is
carried out
territorial authority
(a) means a city council or district council named in Part
2 oI Schedule 2 oI the Local Government Act 2002;
(i) in relation to land within the district oI a territor-
ial authority, or a building on or proposed to be
built on any such land, means that territorial au-
thority; and
(ii) in relation to any part oI a coastal marine area
(within the meaning oI the Resource Manage-
ment Act 1991) that is not within the district oI a
territorial authority, or a building on or proposed
to be built on any such part, means the territorial
authority whose district is adjacent to that part;
(b) includes the Minister oI Conservation or the Minister
oI Local Government, as the case may be, in any case
in which the Minister oI Conservation or the Minister
oI Local Government is the territorial authority under
section 22 oI the Local Government Act 2002
trade means any trade, business, industry, proIession, occu-
pation, activity oI commerce, or undertaking relating to
(a) the supply or acquisition oI goods or services; or
(b) the acquisition oI household units or any interest in land
unitary authority has the meaning given to it by section 5(1)
oI the Local Government Act 2002
veriücation method means a method by which compliance
with the building code may be verifed
working day means any day except
(a) Saturday, Sunday, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Anzac
Day, the Sovereign`s Birthday, Labour Day, and Wai-
tangi Day; and
(b) the day observed in the appropriate area as the anniver-
sary oI the province oI which the area Iorms a part; and
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 1 s 7
(c) a day in the period beginning on 20 December in any
year and ending with the close oI 10 January in the Iol-
lowing year.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 2
Section 7 building work paragraph (b): substituted, on 14 April 2005, by sec-
tion 3(1) oI the Building Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 7 building work paragraph (c): added, on 14 April 2005, by section
3(1) oI the Building Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 7 building work paragraph (d): added, on 14 April 2005, by section
3(1) oI the Building Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 7 consideration: inserted, on 15 March 2008, by section 6(5) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 7 dam paragraph (a)(iii): repealed, on 15 March 2008, by section 6(1)
oI the Building Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 7 employee paragraph (a): amended, on 25 January 2005, by section
19(1) oI the State Sector Amendment Act (No 2) 2004 (2004 No 114).
Section 7 estimated value: amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 6(2) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 7 gasütting: amended, on 1 April 2010, by section 185 oI the Plumbers,
Gasftters, and Drainlayers Act 2006 (2006 No 74).
Section 7 independently qualiüed person: inserted, on 13 March 2012, by
section 6(4) oI the Building Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 7 large dam: inserted, on 15 March 2008, by section 6(5) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 7 minor customisation: inserted, on 1 February 2010, by section 5 oI
the Building Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Section 7 minor variation: inserted, on 1 February 2010, by section 5 oI the
Building Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Section 7 national multiple-use approval: inserted, on 1 February 2010, by
section 5 oI the Building Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Section 7 network utility operator paragraph (a): amended, on 1 October
2008, by section 17 oI the Energy (Fuels, Levies, and ReIerences) Amendment
Act 2008 (2008 No 60).
Section 7 owner paragraph (b)(ii): substituted, on 15 March 2008, by section
6(3) oI the Building Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 7 owner paragraph (b)(ii): amended, on 13 March 2012, by section 6(9)
oI the Building Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 7 owner-builder: inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 6(4) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 7 owner-builder exemption: inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section
6(4) oI the Building Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 7 owner-builder status: inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 6(4)
oI the Building Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Part 1 s 8 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
Section 7 plans and speciücations paragraph (c)(iii): amended, on 13 March
2012, by section 6(10) oI the Building Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 7 prescribed: inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 6(4) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 7 prescribed fee: inserted, on 15 March 2008, by section 6(5) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 7 restricted building work: replaced, on 13 March 2012, by section
6(5) oI the Building Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 7 speciüed system paragraph (a)(i): replaced, on 13 March 2012, by
section 6(11) oI the Building Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 7 territorial authority: replaced, on 13 March 2012, by section 6(6)
oI the Building Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Meaning of building
8 Building: what it means and includes
(1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, building
(a) means a temporary or permanent movable or immov-
able structure (including a structure intended Ior occu-
pation by people, animals, machinery, or chattels); and
(b) includes
(i) a mechanical, electrical, or other system; and
(ii) a Ience as defned in section 2 oI the Fencing oI
Swimming Pools Act 1987; and
(iii) a vehicle or motor vehicle (including a vehicle
or motor vehicle as defned in section 2(1) oI the
Land Transport Act 1998) that is immovable and
is occupied by people on a permanent or long-
term basis; and
(iv) a mast pole or a telecommunication aerial that
is on, or Iorms part oI, a building and that is
more than 7 m in height above the point oI its
attachment or base support (except a dish aerial
that is less than 2 m wide); and
(c) includes any 2 or more buildings that, on completion oI
building work, are intended to be managed as one build-
ing with a common use and a common set oI ownership
arrangements; and
(d) includes the non-moving parts oI a cable car attached to
or servicing a building; and
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 1 s 9
(e) aIter 30 March 2008, includes the moving parts oI a
cable car attached to or servicing a building.
(2) Subsection (1)(b)(i) only applies iI
(a) the mechanical, electrical, or other systemis attached to
the structure reIerred to in subsection (1)(a); and
(b) the system
(i) is required by the building code; or
(ii) iI installed, is required to comply with the build-
ing code.
(3) Subsection (1)(c) only applies in relation to
(a) subpart 2 oI Part 2; and
(b) a building consent; and
(c) a code compliance certifcate; and
(d) a compliance schedule.
(4) This section is subject to section 9.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 3
Section 8(1)(c): substituted, on 14 April 2005, by section 4 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 8(1)(d): added, on 14 April 2005, by section 4 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 8(1)(e): added, on 14 April 2005, by section 4 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
9 Building: what it does not include
In this Act, building does not include
(a) a NUO system, or part oI a NUO system, that
(i) is external to the building; and
(ii) is connected to, or is intended to be connected to,
the building to provide Ior the successIul Iunc-
tioning oI the NUO system in accordance with
the system`s intended design and purpose; and
(iii) is not a mast pole or a telecommunication aerial
that is on, or Iorms part oI, a building; or
(ab) a pylon, Iree-standing communication tower, power
pole, or telephone pole that is a NUO system or part oI
a NUO system; or
(ac) security Iences, oil interception and containment sys-
tems, wind turbines, gantries, and similar machinery
and other structures (excluding dams) not intended to
Part 1 s 10 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
be occupied that are part oI, or related to, a NUO sys-
tem; or
(b) cranes (including any cranes as defned in regulations
made under the Health and SaIety in Employment Act
1992); or
(c) any oI the Iollowing, whether or not incorporated within
another structure:
(i) ski tows:
(ii) other similar stand-alone machinery systems; or
(d) any description oI vessel, boat, Ierry, or craIt used in
(i) whether or not it has a means oI propulsion; and
(ii) regardless oI what that means oI propulsion is; or
(e) aircraIt (including any machine that can derive support
in the atmosphere Iromthe reactions oI the air otherwise
than by the reactions oI the air against the surIace oI the
earth); or
(I) any oIIshore installation (as defned in section 222 oI the
Maritime Transport Act 1994) to be used Ior petroleum
mining; or
(g) containers as defned in section 2(1) oI the Hazardous
Substances and New Organisms Act 1996; or
(h) magazines as defned in section 222 oI the Hazardous
Substances and New Organisms Act 1996; or
(i) scaIIolding used in the course oI the construction
process; or
(j) Ialsework.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 3
Section 9(ab): inserted, on 15 March 2008, by section 7 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 9(ac): inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 8 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Meaning of allotment
10 Meaning of allotment
(1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, allotment
means a parcel oI land
(a) that is a continuous area oI land; and
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 1 s 11
(b) whose boundaries are shown on a survey plan, whether
or not as a subdivision
(i) approved by way oI a subdivision consent
granted under the Resource Management Act
1991; or
(ii) allowed or granted under any other Act; and
(c) that is
(i) subject to the Land TransIer Act 1952 and com-
prised in 1 certifcate oI title or Ior which 1 cer-
tifcate oI title could be issued under that Act; or
(ii) not subject to that Act and was acquired by its
owner under 1 instrument oI conveyance.
(2) For the purposes oI subsection (1), an allotment is taken
(a) to be a continuous area oI land even iI part oI it is phys-
ically separated Irom any other part by a road or in any
other manner, unless the division oI the allotment into
those parts has been allowed by a subdivision consent
granted under the Resource Management Act 1991 or a
subdivision approval under any Iormer enactment relat-
ing to the subdivision oI land:
(b) to include the balance oI any land Irom which any al-
lotment is being or has been subdivided.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 4
Subpart 3Outline oI regulatory roles under
this Act
11 Role of chief executive
Under this Act, the chieI executive
(a) issues compliance documents and reviews those docu-
ments; and
(b) warns against, or bans the use oI, particular building
methods or products; and
(ba) determines applications Ior national multiple-use ap-
provals; and
(c) specifes the kinds oI applications Ior a building consent
that must be copied to the New Zealand Fire Service
Commission under section 46; and
Part 1 s 11 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(ca) has the Iunctions set out in section 168A in relation to
the implementation, administration, and review oI this
Act; and
(d) monitors and reports annually to the Minister in accord-
ance with section 169; and
(e) publishes guidance inIormation on the requirements oI
this Act and the building code; and
(I) registers building consent authorities that have been ac-
credited to allow them to perIorm Iunctions under Parts
2 and 3; and
(g) makes determinations under subpart 1 oI Part 3; and
(h) reviews the operation oI territorial authorities, regional
authorities, and building consent authorities in relation
to their Iunctions under this Act; and
(i) grants and revokes accreditation oI building consent au-
thorities or appoints a building consent accreditation
body to do so; and
(j) grants and revokes accreditation oI dam owners or ap-
points a dam owner accreditation body to do so; and
(k) appoints a product certifcation accreditation body
under section 261; and
(l) disseminates inIormation and provides educational pro-
grammes on matters relating to building control; and
(m) takes enIorcement action (including taking proceedings
Ior oIIences under this Act) iI the chieI executive con-
siders that it is desirable to do so
(i) to establish or clariIy any matter oI principle re-
lating to building or the interpretation oI this Act;
(ii) in cases where 1 or more territorial authorities are
unwilling or unable to take enIorcement action;
(n) establishes and maintains the registers reIerred to in sec-
tion 273; and
(o) appoints the Registrar under section 310; and
(p) prepares proposed rules under section 354; and
(q) carries out any other Iunctions and duties specifed in
this Act; and
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 1 s 12
(r) carries out any Iunctions that are incidental and related
to, or consequential upon, the Iunctions set out in para-
graphs (a) to (q).
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 12(1)
Section 11(ba): inserted, on 1 February 2010, by section 6 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Section 11(ca): inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 9 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 11(I): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(a) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 11(h): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 3(4) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
12 Role of building consent authority and territorial
(1) Under this Act, a building consent authority
(a) issues building consents, but not iI a building consent is
required to be subject to a waiver or modifcation oI the
building code; and
(b) inspects building work Ior which it has granted a build-
ing consent; and
(c) issues notices to fx; and
(d) issues code compliance certifcates; and
(e) issues compliance schedules.
(2) Under this Act, a territorial authority
(a) perIorms the Iunctions oI a building consent authority
set out in subsection (1)(a) (including the issue oI build-
ing consents subject to a waiver or modifcation oI the
building code) iI
(i) the territorial authority is also a building consent
authority; and
(ii) an owner applies to the territorial authority Ior a
building consent; and
(b) issues project inIormation memoranda; and
(c) grants exemptions under Schedule 1; and
(d) grants waivers and modifcations oI the building code;
(e) issues certifcates oI acceptance; and
(I) issues and amends compliance schedules; and
(g) administers annual building warrants oI ftness; and
Part 1 s 13 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(h) enIorces the provisions relating to annual building war-
rants oI ftness; and
(i) decides the extent to which buildings must comply with
the building code when
(i) they are altered; or
(ii) their use is changed; or
(iii) their specifed intended liIe changes; and
(j) perIorms Iunctions relating to dangerous, earthquake-
prone, or insanitary buildings; and
(k) carries out any other Iunctions and duties specifed in
this Act; and
(l) carries out any Iunctions that are incidental and related
to, or consequential upon, the Iunctions set out in para-
graphs (a) to (k).
13 Role of regional authority
Under this Act, a regional authority
(a) perIorms the Iunctions oI a building consent author-
ity set out in section 12 to the extent that those Iunc-
tions relate to dams (including the issue oI building con-
sents subject to a waiver or modifcation oI the building
code); and
(b) considers and approves dam classifcations; and
(c) considers and approves dam saIety assurance pro-
grammes; and
(d) administers the provisions oI this Act relating to
(i) dam classifcations; and
(ii) dam saIety assurance programmes; and
(iii) dam compliance certifcates; and
(e) enIorces the provisions oI the building code and this Act
and regulations that relate to dams; and
(I) adopts a policy on dangerous dams; and
(g) carries out any other Iunctions and duties specifed in
this Act; and
(h) carries out any Iunctions that are incidental and related
to, or consequential upon, the Iunctions set out in para-
graphs (a) to (g).
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 1 s 14
14 Roles of building consent authorities, territorial
authorities, and regional authorities in relation to dams
(1) The regional authority is responsible Ior perIorming Iunctions
under this Act relating to a building that is a dam.
(2) II a building includes a dam,
(a) the regional authority is responsible Ior perIorming
Iunctions under this Act relating to the dam; and
(b) the building consent authority and territorial authority
are responsible Ior perIorming Iunctions under this Act
relating to the parts oI the building that are not a dam.
(3) For the purposes oI subsection (1),
(a) sections 31 to 39 apply (with all necessary modifca-
tions) as iI every reIerence in themto a building consent
authority or territorial authority included a reIerence to
a regional authority; and
(b) sections 40 to 116 (except section 114(2)(c)), 216 to
218, 220 to 232, 276 to 281, 363A, and 374 apply
(with all necessary modifcations) as iI every reIerence
in them to a building consent authority or territorial au-
thority were a reIerence to a regional authority.
(4) For the purposes oI subsection (2), sections 31 to 116 (except
section 114(2)(c)), 216 to 218, 220 to 232, 276 to 281, 363A,
and 374 apply (with all necessary modifcations) as iI every
reIerence in them to a building consent authority or territorial
authority included a reIerence to a regional authority.
(5) The building consent authority and territorial authority must
do everything reasonably practicable to liaise with the regional
authority in perIorming Iunctions or duties, or exercising
powers, in relation to a building that includes a dam.
Section 14: substituted, on 14 April 2005, by section 5 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 14(3)(b): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 8(1) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 14(4): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 8(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Part 1 s 14A Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
Subpart 4Outline oI responsibilities under
this Act
Subpart 4: inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 10 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
14A Outline of responsibilities under this Act
Sections 14B to 14F
(a) are not a defnitive and exhaustive statement oI the re-
sponsibilities oI the parties but are an outline only:
(b) are Ior guidance only, and in the event oI any confict
between any oI those sections and any other provision
oI this Act, the latter prevails:
(c) do not refect the responsibilities oI the parties under
any other law or enactment or any contract that may be
entered into between them.
Section 14A: inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 10 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
14B Responsibilities of owner
An owner is responsible Ior
(a) obtaining any necessary consents, approvals, and cer-
(b) ensuring that building work carried out by the owner
complies with the building consent or, iI there is no
building consent, with the building code:
(c) ensuring compliance with any notices to fx.
Section 14B: inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 10 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
14C Responsibilities of owner-builder
An owner-builder is responsible Ior ensuring that restricted
building work carried out under the owner-builder exemption
complies with the building consent and the plans and specif-
cations to which the building consent relates.
Section 14C: inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 10 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 1 s 14F
14D Responsibilities of designer
(1) In subsection (2), designer means a person who prepares plans
and specifcations Ior building work or who gives advice on
the compliance oI building work with the building code.
(2) Adesigner is responsible Ior ensuring that the plans and speci-
fcations or the advice in question are suIfcient to result in the
building work complying with the building code, iI the build-
ing work were properly completed in accordance with those
plans and specifcations or that advice.
Section 14D: inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 10 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
14E Responsibilities of builder
(1) In subsection (2), builder means any person who carries out
building work, whether in trade or not.
(2) A builder is responsible Ior
(a) ensuring that the building work complies with the build-
ing consent and the plans and specifcations to which the
building consent relates:
(b) ensuring that building work not covered by a building
consent complies with the building code.
(3) A licensed building practitioner who carries out or supervises
restricted building work is responsible Ior
(a) ensuring that the restricted building work is carried out
or supervised in accordance with the requirements oI
this Act; and
(b) ensuring that he or she is licensed in a class Ior carrying
out or supervising that restricted building work.
Section 14E: inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 10 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
14F Responsibilities of building consent authority
A building consent authority is responsible Ior
(a) checking, in accordance with the requirements oI this
Act Ior each type oI building consent, to ensure that
(i) an application Ior a building consent complies
with the building code:
(ii) building work has been carried out in accordance
with the building consent Ior that work:
Part 2 s 15 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(b) issuing building consents and certifcates in accordance
with the requirements oI this Act.
Section 14F: inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 10 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Part 2
Subpart 1Preliminary
15 Outline of this Part
(1) In general terms, this Part provides
(a) that all building work must comply with the building
code to the extent required by this Act:
(b) how compliance with the building code is to be estab-
(ba) the eIIect oI a national multiple-use approval and how
to apply Ior one:
(c) when a project inIormation memorandum is required
and how to apply Ior one:
(d) when a building consent is required and how to apply
Ior one:
(e) that an applicant Ior a building consent is liable to pay a
levy to the chieI executive iI the application is granted:
(I) that restricted building work must be carried out or
supervised by 1 or more licensed building practitioners:
(g) Ior a building consent authority to issue a notice requir-
ing building work to be fxed so as to comply with this
Act and the building consent:
(h) that a building consent authority may inspect building
work Ior which it has granted a consent:
(i) that all building work under a building consent must
have a code compliance certifcate issued by the build-
ing consent authority that issued the building consent
or another building consent authority that agrees to as-
sume responsibility Ior the building work:
(j) that a compliance schedule and annual building warrant
oI ftness is required Ior buildings with specifed sys-
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 18
(k) that when a building undergoes alterations it may have
to be upgraded to comply with the building code:
(l) Ior requirements that must be met when the use or in-
tended liIe oI a building changes:
(m) Ior access and Iacilities Ior persons with disabilities to
and within buildings:
(n) Ior territorial authorities to perIormIunctions relating to
dangerous, earthquake-prone, or insanitary buildings:
(o) Ior regional authorities to perIorm Iunctions relating to
(2) This section is intended only as a guide to the general scheme
and eIIect oI this Part.
Section 15(1)(ba): inserted, on 1 February 2010, by section 7(1) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Section 15(1)(c): substituted, on 1 February 2010, by section 7(2) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Subpart 2Building code
Requirement to complv with building code
16 Building code: purpose
The building code prescribes Iunctional requirements Ior
buildings and the perIormance criteria with which buildings
must comply in their intended use.
17 All building work must comply with building code
All building work must comply with the building code to the
extent required by this Act, whether or not a building consent
is required in respect oI that building work.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 7(1)
18 Building work not required to achieve performance
criteria additional to or more restrictive than building
(1) A person who carries out any building work is not required by
this Act to
(a) achieve perIormance criteria that are additional to, or
more restrictive than, the perIormance criteria pre-
Part 2 s 19 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
scribed in the building code in relation to that building
work; or
(b) take any action in respect oI that building work iI it
complies with the building code.
(2) Subsection (1) is subject to any express provision to the con-
trary in any Act.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 7(2)
Establishing compliance with building code
19 How compliance with building code is established
(1) A building consent authority must accept any or all oI the Iol-
lowing as establishing compliance with the building code:
(a) compliance with regulations reIerred to in section 20:
(b) compliance with the provisions oI a compliance docu-
(c) a determination to that eIIect made by the chieI execu-
tive under subpart 1 oI Part 3:
(ca) a current national multiple-use approval issued under
section 30F, iI every relevant condition in that national
multiple-use approval is met:
(d) a current product certifcate issued under section 269,
iI every relevant condition in that product certifcate is
(e) to the extent that compliance with a requirement im-
posed by regulations made under the Electricity Act
1992 or the Gas Act 1992 is compliance with any par-
ticular provisions oI the building code, a certifcate is-
sued under any oI those regulations to the eIIect that any
energy work complies with those requirements.
(2) In considering whether something complies with the building
code, a building consent authority or, as the case may be, a
regional authority
(a) must have regard to any relevant warning issued, and
ban declared, under section 26(2); and
(b) may have regard to any guidance inIormation published
by the chieI executive under section 175.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 50
Section 19(1): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(b) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 21
Section 19(1)(ca): inserted, on 1 February 2010, by section 8(1) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Section 19(1)(d): amended, on 1 February 2010, by section 8(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Regulations mav specifv onlv 1 means of
complving with building code
20 Regulations may specify that there is only 1 means of
complying with building code
(1) Regulations may be made under section 401 that speciIy that
there is only 1 means oI complying with all or any oI the pro-
visions oI the building code.
(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the regulations may speciIy
the means oI compliance with the building code by requiring
the use in the prescribed circumstances (iI any) oI all or any oI
the Iollowing:
(a) prescribed acceptable solutions:
(b) prescribed verifcation methods:
(c) building methods, methods oI construction, building
design, or building materials (building methods or
products) that have a current product certifcate issued
under section 269.
21 What happens if regulations specifying that there is only
1 means of complying with building code are made or not
(1) II regulations reIerred to in section 20 are made, a person who
carries out any building work must, in order to comply with
the building code, comply with those regulations to the extent
that they are relevant to the building work.
(2) II the regulations are not made, a person may comply with the
building code by any means, including by complying with a
compliance document.
Part 2 s 22 Building Act 2004
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Compliance documents
22 Compliance document for use in establishing compliance
with building code
(1) The chieI executive may, by notice in the Ga:ette, issue a
document Ior use in establishing compliance with the build-
ing code (a compliance document).
(2) Aperson who complies with a compliance document must, Ior
the purposes oI this Act, be treated as having complied with the
provisions oI the building code to which the document relates.
(3) Subsection (2) is subject to any regulations reIerred to in sec-
tion 20.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 49(1)
23 Effect of compliance documents
A person may comply with a compliance document in order
to comply with the provisions oI the building code to which
the document relates, but doing so is not the only means oI
complying with those provisions.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 49(2)
24 Chief executive may amend or revoke compliance
(1) The chieI executive may, by notice in the Ga:ette, amend or
revoke a compliance document at any time.
(2) II subsection (1) applies, the amendment or revocation does
not have retrospective eIIect.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 49(6)
25 Content of compliance document
(1) A compliance document must state
(a) the date on which the document comes into Iorce; and
(b) whether the document, or parts oI it, applies to building
work Ior which a building consent has been issued be-
Iore the date on which the compliance document comes
into Iorce.
(2) A compliance document may contain
(a) acceptable solutions; or
(b) verifcation methods.
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(3) A compliance document must not contain a provision that
(a) relates to contractual or commercial requirements; or
(b) relates to regulatory approvals, dispensations, or
waivers; or
(c) is inconsistent with this Act or the regulations.
(4) Material may be incorporated by reIerence in a compliance
document in accordance with sections 405 to 413.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 49(3), (4)
25A Compliance documents to be available on Ministry`s
(1) The chieI executive must ensure that
(a) promptly aIter a new compliance document is issued,
a digital copy is publicly available on the Ministry`s
(b) even aIter a compliance document has been amended
or revoked, a digital copy oI it in its original Iorm con-
tinues to be publicly available on the website:
(c) promptly aIter a compliance document is amended,
there are publicly available on the Ministry`s website
(i) a digital copy oI the amendment; and
(ii) a digital copy oI the document in its up-to-date
(2) [Repealed]
(3) [Repealed]
(4) The digital copies must be available Iree oI charge.
Section 25A: inserted, on 14 April 2005, by section 6 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 25A(2): repealed, on 15 March 2008, by section 9 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 25A(3): repealed, on 15 March 2008, by section 9 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Warnings and bans
26 Chief executive may issue warning about, or ban use of,
building methods or products
(1) This section applies iI the chieI executive considers on reason-
able grounds that the use oI a building method or product has
Part 2 s 27 Building Act 2004
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resulted, or is likely to result, in a building or building work
Iailing to comply with the building code.
(2) The chieI executive may
(a) issue a warning about the building method or product;
(b) declare a ban on the building method or product.
(3) The chieI executive must publicly notiIy
(a) the warning or ban; and
(b) the date on which the warning or ban comes into Iorce;
(c) in the case oI a ban, whether the ban applies to building
work Ior which a building consent has been issued be-
Iore the date on which the ban comes into Iorce; and
(d) whether the procedure in section 29 has been Iollowed
in relation to the warning or ban.
(4) The chieI executive
(a) may, at any time, amend or revoke the warning or ban;
(b) must publicly notiIy
(i) the amendment or revocation; and
(ii) the date on which the amendment or revocation
comes into Iorce.
27 Offence to use building method or product in breach of
ban under section 26
(1) A person must not use a building method or product iI doing
so breaches a ban under section 26.
(2) Aperson commits an oIIence iI the person Iails to comply with
subsection (1).
(3) A person who commits an oIIence under this section is liable
to a fne not exceeding $200,000.
28 Limits on certain powers of building consent authority in
cases involving bans under section 26
(1) A building consent authority must not exercise any oI the
powers specifed in subsection (2) iI doing so results, or could
result, in a person breaching a ban under section 26.
(2) The powers are
Reprinted as at
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(a) to grant a building consent Ior building work; or
(b) to issue a code compliance certifcate Ior building work.
(3) However, subsection (2)(b) does not apply iI the building
consent to which the code compliance certifcate relates was
granted beIore the ban under section 26 came into Iorce.
Procedural requirements for compliance
documents, warnings, and bans
29 Procedural requirements for compliance documents,
warnings, and bans
(1) This section applies iI the chieI executive proposes to
(a) issue a compliance document; or
(b) amend or revoke a compliance document; or
(c) issue a warning or declare a ban; or
(d) amend or revoke a warning or ban.
(2) BeIore doing any oI the things reIerred to in subsection (1),
the chieI executive must
(a) seek to identiIy all reasonably practicable options Ior
achieving the objective oI the document, warning, or
ban; and
(b) assess those options by considering
(i) the benefts and costs oI each option; and
(ii) the extent to which the objective would be pro-
moted or achieved by each option; and
(iii) any other matters that, in the chieI executive`s
opinion, are relevant; and
(c) publicly notiIy a statement oI proposal; and
(d) give persons an opportunity to make submissions on the
statement oI proposal; and
(e) consider those submissions.
(3) For the purposes oI subsection (2)(c), the chieI executive must
(a) where copies oI the statement oI proposal may be ob-
tained; and
(b) that submissions on the statement oI proposal may be
made to the chieI executive by a specifed date (which
date must not be less than 10 working days aIter the date
oI the public notifcation).
Part 2 s 30 Building Act 2004
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(4) The statement oI proposal must contain
(a) a detailed statement oI the proposal (which may be a
copy oI the proposed document, warning, or ban); and
(b) a statement oI the reasons Ior the proposal; and
(c) an analysis oI the reasonably practicable options, in-
cluding the proposal, identifed under subsection (2);
(d) a detailed statement oI the proposed transitional
changes (iI any) Ior the document, warning, or ban; and
(e) the date on which the document, warning, or ban is pro-
posed to come into Iorce; and
(I) a statement as to whether the document, warning, or ban
will apply to building work Ior which a building consent
has been issued beIore the date on which the document,
warning, or ban comes into Iorce; and
(g) any other inIormation that the chieI executive considers
(5) The chieI executive is not required to comply with subsection
(2) iI the chieI executive is satisfed that
(a) the document or warning needs to be issued, or the ban
needs to be declared, urgently; or
(b) the document, warning, or ban needs to be amended
urgently; or
(c) the document, warning, or ban needs to be revoked ur-
gently; or
(d) the eIIect oI the document, warning, or ban is minor and
will not adversely aIIect the substantial interests oI any
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 49(9)
30 Procedural requirements for urgent compliance
documents, warnings, and bans
(1) II section 29(5) applies, the chieI executive must
(a) consult on the document, warning, or ban (as the case
may be) in accordance with section 29(2) to (4); and
(b) aIter that consultation, publicly notiIy whether he or she
has decided to amend, replace, or revoke the document,
warning, or ban.
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13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 30B
(2) The chieI executive must comply with subsection (1) within
6 months oI issuing, amending, replacing, or revoking the
document, warning, or ban concerned.
(3) In the public notifcation, the chieI executive must
(a) explain the reasons Ior his or her decision; or
(b) state where copies oI that explanation may be obtained.
National multiple-use approvals
Heading: inserted, on 1 February 2010, by section 9 oI the Building Amendment
Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
30A National multiple-use approval establishes compliance
with building code
(1) A national multiple-use approval establishes that the plans
and specifcations to which it relates comply with the build-
ing code.
(2) To avoid doubt, a national multiple-use approval does not con-
Ier the right to carry out building work that requires a building
Section 30A: inserted, on 1 February 2010, by section 9 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
30B How to apply for national multiple-use approval
(1) An application Ior a national multiple-use approval must
(a) be made in writing; and
(b) be given, in the prescribed Iorm and manner (iI any), to
the chieI executive; and
(c) contain the prescribed inIormation (iI any); and
(d) be accompanied by plans and specifcations that are
(i) required by regulations made under section 402;
(ii) iI the regulations do not so require, required by
the chieI executive; and
(e) iI the application relates to building work Ior which a
compliance schedule is required, be accompanied by a
list oI all specifed systems Ior the building; and
(I) contain or be accompanied by any other inIormation
that the chieI executive reasonably requires.
Part 2 s 30C Building Act 2004
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(2) An application Ior an amendment to a national multiple-use
approval must be made as iI it were an application Ior a na-
tional multiple-use approval, and sections 30A to 30H apply
with any necessary modifcations.
Section 30B: inserted, on 1 February 2010, by section 9 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
30C Applications for national multiple-use approval relating
to design work that is restricted building work
(1) This section applies iI an application Ior a national multiple-
use approval is accompanied by plans and specifcations that
contain design work (relating to building work) that is design
work oI a kind declared by the Governor-General by Order in
Council to be restricted building work Ior the purposes oI this
(2) The design work reIerred to in subsection (1) must be carried
out or supervised by 1 or more licensed building practitioners
who are licensed to carry out or supervise that work.
(3) The plans and specifcations that contain the design work re-
Ierred to in subsection (1) must be accompanied by a certifcate
oI work
(a) provided by 1 or more licensed building practitioners
who carried out or supervised that design work; and
(b) that identifes that design work; and
(c) that states
(i) that the design work complies with the building
code; or
(ii) whether waivers or modifcations oI the building
code are required and, iI so, what those waivers
or modifcations are.
Section 30C: inserted, on 1 February 2010, by section 9 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Section 30C(3): amended, on 13 March 2012, by section 13 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
30D Chief executive must decide whether to accept, for
processing, application for national multiple-use approval
(1) The chieI executive must, as soon as practicable aIter receiving
an application Ior a national multiple-use approval,
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 30E
(a) decide whether to accept that application Ior process-
ing; and
(b) give written notice oI his or her decision to the appli-
cant; and
(c) iI the chieI executive decides to reIuse to accept the ap-
plication Ior processing, state the reasons Ior the reIusal
in the notice given under paragraph (b).
(2) The chieI executive may require Iurther reasonable inIorma-
tion in respect oI the application.
(3) The chieI executive may reIuse to accept Ior processing an ap-
plication Ior a national multiple-use approval only iI the chieI
executive is satisfed, on reasonable grounds, that the applica-
(a) does not meet the requirements oI this Act; or
(b) includes a building method or product in relation to
which the chieI executive has publicly notifed a ban
under section 26; or
(c) does not meet the prescribed eligibility criteria (iI any)
Ior a national multiple-use approval.
Section 30D: inserted, on 1 February 2010, by section 9 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
30E Processing application for national multiple-use approval
(1) The chieI executive must, aIter accepting Ior processing an ap-
plication Ior a national multiple-use approval, decide whether
(a) issue the national multiple-use approval; or
(b) reIuse to issue the national multiple-use approval.
(2) II regulations made under section 402(1)(kb) are in Iorce, the
chieI executive must make the decision reIerred to in subsec-
tion (1) within the period oI time prescribed in those regula-
(3) The chieI executive may require Iurther reasonable inIorma-
tion in respect oI an application Ior a national multiple-use ap-
proval beIore making the decision reIerred to in subsection (1),
and any prescribed period oI time within which that decision
must be made is suspended until the chieI executive receives
that inIormation.
Part 2 s 30F Building Act 2004
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Section 30E: inserted, on 1 February 2010, by section 9 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
30F Issue of national multiple-use approval
(1) The chieI executive must issue a national multiple-use ap-
proval iI he or she is satisfed, on reasonable grounds, that
(a) the application meets the requirements oI section 30B;
(b) the applicant has paid the prescribed Iee (iI any); and
(c) the application meets the prescribed eligibility criteria
Ior a national multiple-use approval (iI any); and
(d) the application does not involve the use oI a building
method or product in relation to which the chieI execu-
tive has publicly notifed a ban under section 26; and
(e) iI building work were properly completed in accordance
with the plans and specifcations that accompanied the
application, that building work would comply with the
building code.
(2) A national multiple-use approval may be issued subject to
(a) a waiver or modifcation oI the building code; and
(b) 1 or more conditions, including, but not limited to, con-
ditions that the approval applies only
(i) in specifed regions; or
(ii) in specifed climates or conditions; or
(iii) to specifed aspects oI the building work; or
(iv) iI the building work complies with specifed re-
Section 30F: inserted, on 1 February 2010, by section 9 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
30G Refusal to issue national multiple-use approval
II the chieI executive is not satisfed oI the matters in section
30F, the chieI executive must reIuse to issue a national mul-
tiple-use approval and must give the applicant written notice
(a) the reIusal; and
(b) the reasons Ior the reIusal.
Section 30G: inserted, on 1 February 2010, by section 9 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
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13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 30H
30H Suspension or revocation of national multiple-use
(1) The chieI executive may, at any time, suspend or revoke a na-
tional multiple-use approval, iI the chieI executive is satisfed
(a) the approval was obtained by Iraud, misrepresentation,
or the concealment oI Iacts; or
(b) the approval no longer meets the prescribed eligibility
criteria Ior a national multiple-use approval; or
(c) building work properly completed in accordance with
the approval will no longer comply with the building
code because oI an amendment to the code.
(2) BeIore revoking or suspending a national multiple-use ap-
proval the chieI executive must give the holder oI the approval
a reasonable opportunity to be heard.
(3) When suspending a national multiple-use approval, the chieI
executive must
(a) give the holder oI the approval a reasonable period to
rectiIy the matter that led to the suspension oI the na-
tional multiple-use approval; and
(b) liIt the suspension iI the chieI executive is satisfed that
the holder oI the approval has rectifed the matter within
that period.
(4) Despite subsections (1) and (3), the chieI executive must not
suspend or revoke a national multiple-use approval iI
(a) amendments are made to
(i) the prescribed eligibility criteria Ior a national
multiple-use approval; or
(ii) the building code; and
(b) the national multiple-use approval no longer meets the
eligibility criteria, or complies with the building code,
solely as a result oI those amendments.
(5) The limit in subsection (4) applies only during the period oI 3
months aIter the date on which the amendments reIerred to in
that subsection come into Iorce.
(6) The chieI executive must record the suspension or revocation
oI a national multiple-use approval in the register oI national
multiple-use approvals.
Part 2 s 31 Building Act 2004
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Section 30H: inserted, on 1 February 2010, by section 9 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Subpart 3Building workProject
inIormation memoranda and building
Profect information memoranda
31 Building consent authority must apply for project
information memorandum
(1) A building consent authority must,
(a) on receiving an application Ior a building consent, apply
Ior a project inIormation memorandum to the territorial
authority Ior the district in which the proposed building
work is to be situated; and
(b) on receiving the project inIormation memorandumIrom
the territorial authority, provide a copy oI the memoran-
dum to the owner.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply iI
(a) the building consent authority is the territorial authority
Ior the district in which the proposed building work is
to be situated; or
(b) a project inIormation memorandum has been issued be-
Iore the application Ior a building consent is made.
Section 31(2)(a): amended, on 1 February 2010, by section 10 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
32 Owner may apply for project information memorandum
An owner may apply to a territorial authority Ior a project in-
Iormation memorandum Ior building work iI
(a) the owner is considering carrying out building work;
(b) a building consent is required Ior that work.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 30(1)
33 Content of application
(1) An application Ior a project inIormation memorandum must
be in the prescribed Iorm and be accompanied by
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 33
(a) any Iees and charges imposed by the territorial authority
under section 219; and
(b) any inIormation that the territorial authority reasonably
requires in relation to authorisations or requirements (iI
any) that
(i) the territorial authority is authorised to reIuse or
impose under any Act (except this Act); and
(ii) are likely to be relevant to the design and con-
struction oI the proposed building; and
(c) any other inIormation that the territorial authority
(acting as agent Ior a network utility operator by prior
agreement with that network utility operator) requires
in respect oI proposed connections to public utilities
Irom the proposed building work.
(2) The territorial authority may not make a requirement under
subsection (1)(b) iI more than 10 working days have elapsed
since the date on which the territorial authority received the
(3) For the purposes oI subsection (1)(b), the authorisations and
requirements reIerred to in that subsection include, without
limitation, authorisations and requirements in respect oI
(a) the intended use oI the proposed building; and
(b) the location and external dimensions oI the proposed
building; and
(c) provisions to be made
(i) Ior access Ior vehicles; and
(ii) in building over or adjacent to any road or public
place; and
(iii) Ior disposing oI stormwater and wastewater; and
(d) precautions to be taken iI building work is carried out
over any existing drains or sewers or in close proximity
to wells or water mains.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 30(3)
Section 33(1)(a): replaced, on 13 March 2012, by section 14 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Part 2 s 34 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
34 Issue of project information memorandum
(1) A territorial authority must issue a project inIormation memo-
randum within 20 working days aIter receiving an application
under section 31(1)(a) or section 32.
(2) However, iI the territorial authority requires any inIormation
under section 33(1)(b) or (c), the period specifed in subsection
(1) is suspended until it receives the inIormation.
(3) The territorial authority must issue the project inIormation
memorandum within 10 working days aIter receiving that in-
(4) A territorial authority may, within the period specifed in sub-
section (1) or, iI applicable, in subsection (3), reissue a project
inIormation memorandum iI the territorial authority
(a) considers, on reasonable grounds, that the project inIor-
mation memorandum contains an error or omission; or
(b) receives inIormation that aIIects the project inIormation
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 31(1)
35 Content of project information memorandum
(1AA) A project inIormation memorandum must be issued in the
prescribed Iorm (iI any).
(1) A project inIormation memorandum must include
(a) inIormation likely to be relevant to the proposed build-
ing work that identifes
(i) the heritage status oI the building (iI any); and
(ii) each special Ieature oI the land concerned (iI
any); and
(b) inIormation likely to be relevant to the proposed build-
ing work that, in terms oI any other Act, has been noti-
fed to the territorial authority by a statutory authority;
(c) details oI any existing stormwater or wastewater utility
systems that
(i) relate to the proposed building work; or
(ii) are on, or adjacent to, the site oI the proposed
building work; and
(d) details oI any authorisation in respect oI the proposed
building work that the territorial authority, on its own
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 35
behalI and on behalI oI any network utility operator
(iI the territorial authority is acting as agent Ior a net-
work utility operator by prior agreement with the net-
work utility operator), is authorised to reIuse or require
under any Act, except this Act, and, in respect oI each
(i) a statement oI the requirements to be met in order
Ior the authorisation to be granted or imposed;
(ii) the conditions to which an authorisation will be
subject; and
(e) iI the territorial authority considers that the owner oI
the building or proposed building to which the pro-
ject inIormation memorandum relates is likely to be re-
quired, under section 21A oI the Fire Service Act 1975,
to make provision Ior a scheme that provides Ior evacu-
ation Irom the scene oI a fre, a statement to that eIIect;
(I) iI the territorial authority considers that notifcation to
the New Zealand Historic Places Trust is likely to be
required under section 39, a statement to that eIIect; and
(g) either
(i) confrmation, subject to this Act, that building
work may be carried out subject to the require-
ments oI a building consent and subject also to all
other necessary authorisations being obtained; or
(ii) notifcation that building work may not be carried
out because any necessary authorisation has been
reIused, despite the issue oI any building consent;
(h) iI section 75 applies, the statement reIerred to in section
75(2); and
(i) iI the building is one that is intended to be used Ior, or
associated with, 1 or more oI the purposes specifed in
Schedule 2, a statement that the building must comply
(i) section 118 (relating to access and Iacilities Ior
persons with disabilities to and within buildings);
Part 2 s 36 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(ii) the provisions oI the building code that relate to
providing Ior persons with disabilities to have ac-
cess to buildings and to Iacilities within build-
(2) In this section,
land concerned
(a) means the land on which the proposed building work is
to be carried out; and
(b) includes any other land likely to aIIect or be aIIected by
the building work
special feature of the land concerned includes, without limi-
tation, potential natural hazards, or the likely presence oI haz-
ardous contaminants, that
(a) is likely to be relevant to the design and construction or
alteration oI the building or proposed building; and
(b) is known to the territorial authority; and
(c) is not apparent Iromthe district plan under the Resource
Management Act 1991.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 31(2)(4)
Section 35(1AA): inserted, on 1 February 2010, by section 11 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Section 35(1)(h): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 10 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 35(1)(i): added, on 15 March 2008, by section 10 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
36 Territorial authority may issue development contribution
(1) This section applies iI a territorial authority considers that a
development contribution under the Local Government Act
2002 is payable by the owner.
(2) The territorial authority must issue a notice, in the prescribed
Iorm, to the eIIect that a code compliance certifcate Ior the
building work will not be issued unless the development con-
tribution is paid (development contribution notice).
(3) The development contribution notice must be
(a) attached to the project inIormation memorandum; or
(b) iI no project inIormation memorandum has been ap-
plied Ior, provided to the building consent authority.
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13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 38
Section 36: substituted, on 1 February 2010, by section 12 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
37 Territorial authority must issue certiücate if resource
consent required
(1) This section applies iI a territorial authority considers that
(a) a resource consent under the Resource Management Act
1991 has not yet been obtained; and
(b) the resource consent will or may materially aIIect build-
ing work to which a project inIormation memorandum
or an application Ior a building consent relates.
(2) The territorial authority must issue a certifcate, in the pre-
scribed Iorm, to the eIIect that until the resource consent has
been obtained
(a) no building work may proceed; or
(b) building work may only proceed to the extent stated in
the certifcate.
(3) The certifcate must be
(a) attached to the project inIormation memorandum; or
(b) iI no project inIormation memorandum has been ap-
plied Ior, provided to the building consent authority.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 35(1A)
Section 37 heading: substituted, on 1 February 2010, by section 13(1) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Section 37(1)(b): amended, on 1 February 2010, by section 13(2) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Section 37(2): amended, on 1 February 2010, by section 13(3) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Section 37(3): added, on 1 February 2010, by section 13(4) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
38 Territorial authority must give copy of project
information memorandum in certain circumstances
II a project inIormation memorandum contains inIormation
previously supplied to a territorial authority by a network util-
ity operator or a statutory authority, the territorial authority
must give a copy oI the project inIormation memorandum to
that operator or that authority.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 31(5)
Part 2 s 39 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
39 Territorial authority must advise New Zealand Historic
Places Trust in certain circumstances
(1) This section applies iI
(a) an application Ior a project inIormation memorandum,
or Ior a building consent, aIIects a registered historic
place, historic area, wähi tapu, or wähi tapu area; and
(b) the territorial authority has not previously advised the
New Zealand Historic Places Trust about the building
work to which that application relates.
(2) The territorial authority must advise the New Zealand Historic
Places Trust within 5 days aIter receiving the application.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 30(4)
Section 39: substituted, on 1 February 2010, by section 14 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Building consents
40 Buildings not to be constructed, altered, demolished, or
removed without consent
(1) A person must not carry out any building work except in ac-
cordance with a building consent.
(2) Aperson commits an oIIence iI the person Iails to comply with
this section.
(3) Aperson who commits an oIIence under this section is liable to
a fne not exceeding $100,000 and, in the case oI a continuing
oIIence, to a Iurther fne not exceeding $10,000 Ior every day
or part oI a day during which the oIIence has continued.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 32(1)
41 Building consent not required in certain cases
(1) Despite section 40, a building consent is not required in rela-
tion to
(a) a Crown building or Crown building work to which,
under section 6, this Act does not apply; or
(b) any building work described in Schedule 1; or
(c) any building work in respect oI which a building con-
sent cannot practicably be obtained in advance because
the building work has to be carried out urgently
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13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 43
(i) Ior the purpose oI saving or protecting liIe or
health or preventing serious damage to property;
(ii) in order to ensure that a specifed system in a
building that is covered by a compliance sched-
ule, or would be covered iI a compliance sched-
ule were issued in respect oI the building, is
maintained in a saIe condition or is made saIe;
(d) any energy work that, under section 43, does not require
a building consent; or
(e) any building work that a territorial authority is author-
ised to carry out under this Act.
(2) The Governor-General may, by Order in Council, add any
building work or class oI building works to Schedule 1 as be-
ing building work Ior which a building consent is not required.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 32(2), (3)
42 Owner must apply for certiücate of acceptance if building
work carried out urgently
(1) II, in reliance on section 41(1)(c), building work is carried out
without a building consent having been obtained in respect oI
that work, the owner must, as soon as practicable aIter comple-
tion oI the building work, apply Ior a certifcate oI acceptance
under section 96.
(2) A person commits an oIIence iI the person Iails to apply Ior a
certifcate oI acceptance in accordance with subsection (1).
(3) A person who commits an oIIence under this section is liable
to a fne not exceeding $5,000.
43 Building consent not required for energy work
(1) Energy work does not require a building consent.
(2) However, the Iollowing energy work requires a building con-
(a) energy work that relates to any specifed system that is
contained in, or proposed to be contained in, any build-
ing (whether existing or proposed) and that,
Part 2 s 44 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
(i) in the case oI an existing specifed system, is
covered by a compliance schedule, or would be
covered iI a compliance schedule were issued in
respect oI the building; or
(ii) in the case oI a proposed specifed system, will be
required to be covered by a compliance schedule;
(b) energy work in any case where, iI that work required a
building consent, a consent could not be granted unless
it was granted subject to a waiver or modifcation oI the
building code.
(3) An owner who wishes to obtain a building consent Ior energy
work that does not require a building consent may apply Ior a
building consent Ior that work (whether or not the application
also relates to any other building work), and in that case this
Act applies as iI the energy work required a building consent.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 32A
44 When to apply for building consent
(1) An owner intending to carry out building work must, beIore
the building work begins, apply Ior a building consent to a
building consent authority that is authorised, within the scope
oI its accreditation, to grant a building consent Ior the proposed
building work.
(2) An owner may make a series oI applications Ior building con-
sents Ior stages oI the proposed building work.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 33(1), (3)
45 How to apply for building consent
(1) An application Ior a building consent must
(a) be in the prescribed Iorm; and
(b) be accompanied by plans and specifcations that are
(i) required by regulations made under section 402;
(ii) iI the regulations do not so require, required by a
building consent authority; and
(ba) iI a national multiple-use approval has been issued in
relation to some or all oI the plans and specifcations
required under paragraph (b), be accompanied by
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 45
(i) a copy oI that national multiple-use approval; and
(ii) details oI any proposed minor customisations;
(c) contain or be accompanied by any other inIormation
that the building consent authority reasonably requires;
(d) be accompanied by any Iees and charges imposed by the
building consent authority under section 240; and
(e) in the case oI an application Ior a building consent that
relates to restricted building work, state the name oI
each licensed building practitioner who, as Iar as the ap-
plicant is aware at the time the application is made, will
be involved in carrying out or supervising the restricted
building work that is the subject oI the application; and
(I) iI the owner applies Ior a project inIormation memo-
randum Ior the building work under section 32 and the
project inIormation memorandum is then issued, be ac-
companied by
(i) the project inIormation memorandum; and
(ii) a development contribution notice under section
36 (iI any); and
(iii) a certifcate issued under section 37 (iI any); and
(g) be accompanied by either one oI the Iollowing:
(i) iI a compliance schedule is required as a result oI
the building work, a list oI all specifed systems
Ior the building; or
(ii) iI an amendment to an existing compliance
schedule is required as a result oI the building
work, a list oI all specifed systems that are
(A) altered in the course oI the building work:
(B) added to the building in the course oI the
building work:
(C) removed Iromthe building in the course oI
the building work.
(2) II an application Ior a building consent is accompanied by
plans and specifcations that contain design work (relating to
building work) that is design work oI a kind declared by the
Governor-General by Order in Council to be restricted build-
Part 2 s 45 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
ing work Ior the purposes oI this Act, that design work must be
carried out or supervised by 1 or more licensed building prac-
titioners who are licensed to carry out or supervise that work.
(3) The plans and specifcations that contain the design work re-
Ierred to in subsection (2) must be accompanied by a memo-
(a) provided by 1 or more licensed building practitioners
who carried out or supervised that design work; and
(b) that identifes that design work; and
(c) that states
(i) that the design work complies with the building
code; or
(ii) whether waivers or modifcations oI the building
code are required and, iI so, what those waivers
or modifcations are.
(4) An application Ior an amendment to a building consent
(a) in the case oI a minor variation, be made in accordance
with section 45A; and
(b) in all other cases, be made as iI it were an application
Ior a building consent, and this section, and sections 48
to 51 apply with any necessary modifcations.
(5) The application must be accompanied by a statutory declar-
ation, in the prescribed Iorm, as to owner-builder status
(a) iI the building work includes restricted building work
to be carried out by the owner-builder; or
(b) iI any accompanying plans or specifcations contain de-
sign work that is restricted building work and that has
been carried out by the owner-builder.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 33(2), (4)
Section 45(1)(ba): inserted, on 1 February 2010, by section 15(1) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Section 45(1)(d): replaced, on 13 March 2012, by section 18(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 45(2): substituted, on 1 February 2010, by section 15(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Section 45(3): substituted, on 1 February 2010, by section 15(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Section 45(4): substituted, on 1 February 2010, by section 15(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 46
Section 45(5): replaced, on 13 March 2012, by section 18(1) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
45A Minor variations to building consents
(1) An application Ior a minor variation to a building consent
(a) is not required to be made in the prescribed Iorm; but
(b) must comply with all other applicable requirements oI
section 45.
(2) Sections 48 to 50 apply, with all necessary modifcations, to
an application Ior a minor variation.
(3) A building consent authority that grants a minor variation
(a) must record the minor variation in writing; but
(b) is not required to issue an amended building consent.
Section 45A: inserted, on 1 February 2010, by section 16 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
45B Changes to plans and speciücations that have national
multiple-use approval
(1) When applying Ior a building consent in reliance on plans and
specifcations Ior which a national multiple-use approval has
been issued, or Ior an amendment to such a building consent
under section 45(4), changes may be made to those plans and
specifcations iI
(a) the changes are permitted under the terms oI the na-
tional multiple-use approval; or
(b) the changes are minor customisations permitted by
regulations made under section 402(1)(kc).
(2) II any other changes are made to the plans and specifcations
reIerred to in subsection (1), the national multiple-use ap-
proval does not apply.
Section 45B: inserted, on 1 February 2010, by section 16 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
46 Copy of certain applications for building consent must be
provided to New Zealand Fire Service Commission
(1) This section applies to an application Ior a building consent
that is oI a kind specifed by the chieI executive by notice pub-
lished in the Ga:ette.
Part 2 s 47 Building Act 2004
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(2) A copy oI the notice must be given by the chieI executive to
every building consent authority as soon as practicable aIter it
is so published.
(3) Abuilding consent authority must, on receipt oI an application
to which this section applies, provide a copy oI the application
to the New Zealand Fire Service Commission.
47 New Zealand Fire Service Commission may give advice
on applications under section 46
(1) The New Zealand Fire Service Commission may, within
10 working days aIter receiving a copy oI an application Ior
a building consent under section 46, provide the building
consent authority concerned with a memorandum that sets out
advice on the Iollowing matters in respect oI the building to
which the application relates:
(a) provisions Ior means oI escape Irom fre:
(b) the needs oI persons who are authorised by law to enter
the building to undertake fre-fghting.
(2) The New Zealand Fire Service Commission must not, in the
memorandum reIerred to in subsection (1), set out advice that
provides Ior the building to meet perIormance criteria that ex-
ceed the requirements oI the building code.
(3) II the NewZealand Fire Service Commission does not provide
a memorandum within the period specifed in subsection (1),
the building consent authority may proceed to determine the
application without the memorandum.
48 Processing application for building consent
(1) AIter receiving an application Ior a building consent that com-
plies with section 45, a building consent authority must, within
the time limit specifed in subsection (1A),
(a) grant the application; or
(b) reIuse the application.
(1A) The time limit is
(a) iI the application includes plans and specifcations in
relation to which a national multiple-use approval has
been issued, within 10 working days aIter receipt by the
building consent authority oI the application; and
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(b) in all other cases, within 20 working days aIter receipt
by the building consent authority oI the application.
(2) A building consent authority may, within the period specifed
in subsection (1A), require Iurther reasonable inIormation in
respect oI the application, and, iI it does so, the period is sus-
pended until it receives that inIormation.
(3) In deciding whether to grant or reIuse an application Ior a
building consent, the building consent authority must have re-
gard to
(a) a memorandum provided by the New Zealand Fire Ser-
vice Commission under section 47 (iI any); and
(b) whether a building method or product to which a current
warning or ban under section 26(2) relates will, or may,
be used or applied in the building work to which the
building consent relates.
(4) Subsection (3) does not limit section 49(1).
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 34(1), (2)
Section 48(1): substituted, on 1 February 2010, by section 17(1) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Section 48(1A): inserted, on 1 February 2010, by section 17(1) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Section 48(2): amended, on 1 February 2010, by section 17(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
49 Grant of building consent
(1) A building consent authority must grant a building consent iI
it is satisfed on reasonable grounds that the provisions oI the
building code would be met iI the building work were properly
completed in accordance with the plans and specifcations that
accompanied the application.
(2) However, a building consent authority is not required to grant
a building consent until it receives
(a) any charge or Iee fxed by it in relation to the consent;
(b) any levy payable under section 53.
(c) [Repealed]
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 34(3)
Section 49(2)(a): amended, on 13 March 2012, by section 19 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Part 2 s 50 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
Section 49(2)(b): amended, on 6 August 2010, by section 4(2)(a) oI the AI-
Iordable Housing: Enabling Territorial Authorities Act Repeal Act 2010 (2010
No 101).
Section 49(2)(c): repealed, on 6 August 2010, by section 4(2)(b) oI the AI-
Iordable Housing: Enabling Territorial Authorities Act Repeal Act 2010 (2010
No 101).
50 Refusal of application for building consent
II a building consent authority reIuses to grant an application
Ior a building consent, the building consent authority must
give the applicant written notice oI
(a) the reIusal; and
(b) the reasons Ior the reIusal.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 35(2)
51 Issue of building consent
(1) A building consent must
(a) be issued in the prescribed Iorm; and
(b) have attached to it a copy oI
(i) the project inIormation memorandum (iI any) Ior
the building work to which the building consent
relates; and
(ii) a development contribution notice under section
36 (iI any); and
(iii) a certifcate issued under section 37 (iI any); and
(ba) contain confrmation that the New Zealand Historic
Places Trust has been notifed under section 39 (iI
applicable); and
(c) iI a compliance schedule is required as a result oI the
building work, state
(i) the specifed systems that must be covered by the
compliance schedule; and
(ii) the perIormance standards Ior the specifed sys-
tems that are required by the building code; and
(d) iI an amendment to an existing compliance schedule is
required as a result oI the building work, state
(i) the specifed systems that must be covered by the
compliance schedule; and
(ii) the perIormance standards Ior the specifed sys-
tems that are required by the building code.
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13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 52
(2) The issue oI a building consent does not, oI itselI,
(a) relieve the owner oI the building or proposed building
to which the building consent relates oI any duty or re-
sponsibility under any other Act relating to or aIIecting
the building or proposed building; or
(b) permit the construction, alteration, demolition, or re-
moval oI the building or proposed building iI that con-
struction, alteration, demolition, or removal would be
in breach oI any other Act.
(3) II a building consent authority does not, within the time limit
Ior granting the building consent, receive Irom the territorial
authority any document or inIormation required Ior compli-
ance with subsection (1)(b) or (ba), the building consent au-
thority may grant the building consent despite that subsection.
(4) However, the building consent authority must, on receiving
the document or inIormation reIerred to in subsection (3), pro-
vide the owner with the document or inIormation.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 35(1), (3)
Section 51(1)(b)(i): amended, on 1 February 2010, by section 18(1) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Section 51(1)(ba): inserted, on 1 February 2010, by section 18(2) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Section 51(3): substituted, on 1 February 2010, by section 18(3) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Section 51(4): substituted, on 1 February 2010, by section 18(3) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
52 Lapse of building consent
A building consent lapses and is oI no eIIect iI the building
work to which it relates does not commence within
(a) 12 months aIter the date oI issue oI the building consent;
(b) any Iurther period that the building consent authority
may allow.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 41(1)
Part 2 s 53 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
Building levv
53 Applicant for building consent liable to pay levy
(1) An applicant Ior a building consent is liable to pay to the chieI
executive a levy Ior, or in connection with, the perIormance oI
the chieI executive`s Iunctions under this Act iI the building
consent is granted.
(2) The levy
(a) must be calculated
(i) in relation to the estimated value oI the building
work to which the building consent relates; and
(ii) at the prescribed rate; and
(b) must be paid
(i) to the building consent authority as the agent oI
the chieI executive; and
(ii) at the time the building consent is granted.
(3) Subsection (2)(a)(ii) is subject to section 431.
(4) The chieI executive may, in his or her discretion, reIund all
or part oI the levy iI the building consent lapses by paying
the reIund to the applicant or to the relevant building consent
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 23B(1), (2)
Section 53(1): substituted, on 14 April 2005, by section 7(1) Building Amend-
ment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 53(2)(b)(ii): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 7(2)(a) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 53(4): inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 20 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
54 Building consent authority must advise applicant of
amount of levy payable
A building consent authority must, beIore it grants a building
consent, advise the applicant oI the amount oI levy Ior which
the applicant may be liable under section 53.
55 Exemption from levy
Despite section 53, an applicant Ior a building consent is not
liable to pay a levy iI the building work Ior which the building
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 58
consent is issued has an estimated value oI less than the pre-
scribed minimum estimated value (iI any).
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 23B(1)
56 Payment of levy sufücient unless estimated value of
building work changes
II a levy has already been paid Ior building work Ior which a
building consent is granted, no Iurther levy is payable Ior that
building work unless its estimated value changes.
Section 56: amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 7(2)(a) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
57 Payment of levy if building work completed in stages
(1) II building work is, or is proposed to be, completed in stages,
the estimated value oI the building work must be taken, Ior the
purpose oI assessing the levy payable Ior the building work, to
include the estimated value oI the preceding stage (iI that pre-
ceding stage had an estimated value oI less than the prescribed
minimum estimated value).
(2) For the purposes oI subsection (1), any new building work in
connection with a building must be treated as a Iurther stage
oI any previous building work in connection with that building
(a) a building consent was, or ought to have been, obtained
Ior that previous building work; and
(b) the code compliance certifcate Ior that building work
has not been issued as at the date oI the application Ior
a building consent Ior the new building work.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 23B(3), (4)
58 Liability to pay levy: building consent authority
(1) A building consent authority, on the grant oI a building con-
sent, becomes liable to the territorial authority Ior the levy
payable under section 53 in relation to the building work to
which the building consent relates.
(2) A building consent authority must pay the levy to the territor-
ial authority at the same time that it provides, under section
238(2)(d), copies oI inIormation about the collection oI that
Part 2 s 59 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
(3) A person commits an oIIence iI the person Iails to pay the levy
in accordance with this section.
(4) A person who commits an oIIence under this section is liable
to a fne not exceeding $5,000.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 23C(1)
Section 58(1): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 7(2)(b) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
59 Liability to pay levy: territorial authority
(1) A territorial authority, on granting a building consent or on
receiving all or any oI the inIormation specifed in section
238(1)(c), becomes liable to the chieI executive Ior the levy
payable under section 53 in relation to the building work to
which the building consent relates.
(2) The total amount oI the levy Ior which a territorial authority
becomes liable is due and payable to the chieI executive by
the 20th day oI the month Iollowing the month in which the
relevant building consent was granted.
(3) Every payment oI the levy must be accompanied by a certif-
cate oI the territorial authority, or oI an oIfcer or agent oI the
territorial authority, that states that the payment is correct
(a) according to the fnancial records oI the territorial au-
thority; and
(b) to the best oI that person`s knowledge and belieI.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 23C(1), (2), (3)
Section 59(1): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 7(2)(c) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 59(2): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 7(2)(a) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
60 Territorial authority may retain part of levy
(1) Aterritorial authority may retain 3°oI the levies Ior which the
territorial authority is liable, under section 59, in any month.
(2) Subsection (1) is subject to section 61.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 23C(4)
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13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 63
61 Chief executive may recover unpaid levies from territorial
(1) The consequences specifed in subsection (2) apply iI a terri-
torial authority that is liable to pay levies to the chieI executive
under section 59(1) Iails to pay the levies by the date reIerred
to in section 59(2).
(2) The consequences are that
(a) section 60(1) does not apply; and
(b) the chieI executive may recover, as a debt due Irom the
territorial authority, the amount oI those levies and any
interest on that amount calculated
(i) in monthly instalments at the monthly basic lend-
ing rate oI the Ministry`s bank; and
(ii) Ior the period oI each month, or part oI a month,
starting on the date payment is due and ending on
the date payment is made.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 23C(5), (6)
62 Territorial authority may recover unpaid levies from
applicant for building consent
(1) The consequence specifed in subsection (2) applies iI an ap-
plicant Ior a building consent Iails to pay a levy or part oI a levy
under section 53 by the time reIerred to in section 53(2)(b)(ii).
(2) The consequence is that the territorial authority may recover,
as a debt due Irom the applicant, the amount oI those levies
and any interest on that amount calculated
(a) in monthly instalments at the monthly basic lending rate
oI the territorial authority`s bank; and
(b) Ior the period oI each month, or part oI a month, start-
ing on the date payment is due and ending on the date
payment is made.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 23C(8)
63 Chief executive may obtain information in order to assess
amount of levy payable
(1) The chieI executive may require any or all oI the persons re-
Ierred to in subsection (2) to provide any inIormation about
the estimated value oI building work specifed in a building
Part 2 s 64 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
consent that may be necessary to enable the chieI executive to
assess the amount oI levy that is payable under section 53.
(2) The persons are
(a) an applicant Ior a building consent:
(b) the relevant building consent authority:
(c) iI applicable, the relevant territorial authority.
(3) An applicant who provides inIormation to the chieI executive
under subsection (1) may request the chieI executive to treat
the inIormation as confdential, and, except iI compliance with
the request would be contrary to any other law, the chieI ex-
ecutive must comply with the request to the Iullest extent pos-
(4) Aperson commits an oIIence iI the person Iails to comply with
a requirement to provide inIormation under subsection (1).
(5) A person who commits an oIIence under this section is liable
to a fne not exceeding $5,000.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 23F
64 Audit of issue of building consents for purpose of
ascertaining payment of levy
(1) A territorial authority must, at all times, keep in saIe custody
all records oI building consents granted within its district, in-
(a) the estimated value oI the building work to which each
consent relates; and
(b) the amount oI any levy payable under section 53; and
(c) the date oI payment oI the levy to the territorial author-
(2) The chieI executive or the chieI executive`s authorised oIfcers
or agents may, Ior the purpose oI ascertaining whether the levy
Ior which a territorial authority is liable has been paid, and
whether this section has been complied with,
(a) require a territorial authority to make available Ior
examination the Iollowing records oI the territorial
(i) records oI building consents; and
(ii) fnancial records; and
(b) examine those records; and
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 66
(c) make copies oI those records.
(3) A territorial authority must, on being advised oI a require-
ment under subsection (2)(a), comply immediately with that
(4) The chieI executive`s authorised oIfcers or agents must report
to the chieI executive the result oI any examination that they
have conducted under subsection (2).
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 23E
Section 64(1): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 7(2)(a) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
65 Chief executive may enter into agreements for auditing
certain information
(1) The chieI executive may enter into an agreement with any
person Ior the purpose oI enabling the person to act as agent
Ior the chieI executive in determining whether payment oI the
levy has been made in accordance with sections 53 to 62.
(2) A person with whom the chieI executive enters into an agree-
ment reIerred to in subsection (1) may, while the agreement is
in Iorce, access any inIormation that the chieI executive may
access under sections 63 and 64.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 23G
66 Chief executive must review levy
As soon as practicable aIter the expiry oI 3 years beginning on
the commencement oI this section, and then at intervals oI not
more than 3 years, the chieI executive must
(a) reviewwhether the levy is set at a rate that is appropriate
Ior meeting the costs oI the chieI executive in perIorm-
ing his or her Iunctions under this Act; and
(b) report to the Minister on the fndings oI the review.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 23I
Part 2 s 67 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
Waivers and modihcations
67 Territorial authority may grant building consent subject
to waivers or modiücations of building code
(1) A building consent authority that is a territorial authority may
grant an application Ior a building consent subject to a waiver
or modifcation oI the building code.
(2) A waiver or modifcation oI the building code under subsec-
tion (1) may be subject to any conditions that the territorial
authority considers appropriate.
(3) The territorial authority cannot grant an application Ior a build-
ing consent subject to a waiver or modifcation oI the building
code relating to access and Iacilities Ior people with disabil-
Section 67(3): substituted, on 14 April 2005, by section 8 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
68 Territorial authority must notify chief executive if waiver
or modiücation granted
II a territorial authority grants a building consent subject to a
waiver or modifcation oI the building code, the territorial au-
thority must notiIy the chieI executive oI the waiver or modi-
69 Waiver or modiücation may only be granted by chief
executive in certain cases
(1) This section applies to a waiver or modifcation oI the building
code that relates to
(a) an existing building to which section 118 applies; and
(b) access and Iacilities Ior use by persons with disabilities.
(2) II this section applies, the chieI executive may grant a waiver
or modifcation only in a determination issued under subpart 1
oI Part 3.
(3) This section does not apply to a waiver or modifcation oI the
building code that relates to a newbuilding or that is contained
in a national multiple-use approval.
Section 69(1)(b): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 12 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 69(3): amended, on 1 February 2010, by section 19 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 71
70 Applications relating to energy work
(1) This section applies iI any part oI an application Ior a building
(a) relates to energy work; and
(b) involves the grant or reIusal oI a waiver or modifcation
oI the building code in relation to that energy work.
(2) II this section applies,
(a) the application must be made to a territorial authority;
(b) the territorial authority must reIer the part oI the appli-
cation that relates to energy work to the chieI executive.
(3) II any part oI the application is reIerred to the chieI executive
under subsection (2)(b), the chieI executive must
(a) consult with the chieI executive oI the department oI
State responsible Ior the administration oI the Gas Act
1992 and the Electricity Act 1992; and
(b) decide
(i) whether to grant the waiver or modifcation in
relation to the energy work; and
(ii) iI he or she decides to grant the waiver or modi-
fcation, whether any conditions should be im-
posed in respect oI the waiver or modifcation;
(iii) iI so, what the conditions should be.
(4) An application reIerred to in subsection (1) must be treated,
Ior the purposes oI section 177, as an application by the appli-
cant Ior the building consent to which the reIerral relates, and,
accordingly, subpart 1 oI Part 3 applies to the application
(a) to the extent that it is applicable; and
(b) with all necessary modifcations.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 34A(1), (2)
Limitations and restrictions on building
consents. Construction of building on land
subfect to natural ha:ards
71 Building on land subject to natural hazards
(1) A building consent authority must reIuse to grant a building
consent Ior construction oI a building, or major alterations to
a building, iI
Part 2 s 72 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(a) the land on which the building work is to be carried out
is subject or is likely to be subject to 1 or more natural
hazards; or
(b) the building work is likely to accelerate, worsen, or re-
sult in a natural hazard on that land or any other prop-
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply iI the building consent authority
is satisfed that adequate provision has been or will be made
(a) protect the land, building work, or other property re-
Ierred to in that subsection Irom the natural hazard or
hazards; or
(b) restore any damage to that land or other property as a
result oI the building work.
(3) In this section and sections 72 to 74, natural hazard means
any oI the Iollowing:
(a) erosion (including coastal erosion, bank erosion, and
sheet erosion):
(b) Ialling debris (including soil, rock, snow, and ice):
(c) subsidence:
(d) inundation (including fooding, overland fow, storm
surge, tidal eIIects, and ponding):
(e) slippage.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 36(1)
72 Building consent for building on land subject to natural
hazards must be granted in certain cases
Despite section 71, a building consent authority that is a ter-
ritorial authority must grant a building consent iI the building
consent authority considers that
(a) the building work to which an application Ior a building
consent relates will not accelerate, worsen, or result in
a natural hazard on the land on which the building work
is to be carried out or any other property; and
(b) the land is subject or is likely to be subject to 1 or more
natural hazards; and
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 74
(c) it is reasonable to grant a waiver or modifcation oI
the building code in respect oI the natural hazard con-
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 36(2)
Section 72: amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 13 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
73 Conditions on building consents granted under section 72
(1) A building consent authority that is a territorial authority that
grants a building consent under section 72 must include, as a
condition oI the consent, that the building consent authority
will, on issuing the consent, notiIy the consent to,
(a) in the case oI an application made by, or on behalI oI,
the Crown, the appropriate Minister and the Surveyor-
General; and
(b) in the case oI an application made by, or on behalI oI,
the owners oI Mäori land, the Registrar oI the Maori
Land Court; and
(c) in any other case, the Registrar-General oI Land.
(2) The notifcation under subsection (1)(a) or (b) must be accom-
panied by a copy oI any project inIormation memorandumthat
has been issued and that relates to the building consent in ques-
(3) The notifcation under subsection (1)(c) must identiIy the nat-
ural hazard concerned.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 36(2), (3)
Section 73(1): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 14 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 73(2): amended, on 1 February 2010, by section 20 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
74 Steps after notiücation
(1) On receiving a notifcation under section 73,
(a) the Surveyor-General or the Registrar oI the Maori
Land Court, as the case may be, must enter in his or
her records the particulars oI the notifcation together
with a copy oI any project inIormation memorandum
that accompanied the notifcation:
Part 2 s 75 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
(b) the Registrar-General oI Land must record, as an entry
on the certifcate oI title to the land on which the build-
ing work is carried out,
(i) that a building consent has been granted under
section 72; and
(ii) particulars that identiIy the natural hazard con-
(2) II an entry has been recorded on a duplicate oI the certifcate oI
title reIerred to in subsection (1)(b) under section 641A oI the
Local Government Act 1974 or section 36 oI the Iormer Act,
the Registrar-General oI Land does not need to record another
entry on the duplicate.
(3) Subsection (4) applies iI a building consent authority deter-
mines that any oI the Iollowing entries is no longer required:
(a) an entry reIerred to in subsection (1)(b):
(b) an entry under section 641A oI the Local Government
Act 1974:
(c) an entry under section 36 oI the Iormer Act.
(4) The building consent authority must notiIy the Surveyor-Gen-
eral, the Registrar oI the Maori Land Court, or the Regis-
trar-General oI Land, as the case may be, who must amend
his or her records or remove the entry Irom the certifcate oI
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 36(5), (6), (7)
Section 74(1)(a): amended, on 1 February 2010, by section 21 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Limitations and restrictions on building
consents. Construction of building on 2 or more
75 Construction of building on 2 or more allotments
(1) This section applies iI
(a) an application Ior a project inIormation memorandum
or Ior a building consent relates to the construction oI a
building on land that is comprised, or partly comprised,
oI 2 or more allotments oI 1 or more existing subdiv-
isions (whether comprised in the same certifcate oI title
or not); and
(b) those allotments are held by the owner in Iee simple.
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 77
(2) The territorial authority must issue a certifcate that states that,
as a condition oI the grant oI a building consent Ior the build-
ing work to which the application relates, 1 or more oI those
allotments specifed by the territorial authority (the speciüed
allotments) must not be transIerred or leased except in con-
junction with any specifed other or others oI those allotments.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 37(1), (2)
Section 75(1)(a): amended, on 1 February 2010, by section 22(1) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Section 75(2): substituted, on 1 February 2010, by section 22(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
76 Exemption from section 75
(1) Section 75 does not apply iI
(a) the owner proposes to construct a building with party
walls that will be on the boundaries oI the allotments
reIerred to in that section; or
(b) the owner has applied to the Registrar-General oI Land
under section 82 Ior the Registrar`s consent to the prep-
aration oI a plan (as defned by that section).
(2) Section 82 applies iI subsection (1)(b) applies.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 37(11)
77 Building consent must not be granted until condition is
imposed under section 75
(1) Abuilding consent authority must not grant a building consent
Ior building work to which section 75 applies until the terri-
torial authority has issued the certifcate under section 75(2).
(2) The territorial authority must impose that condition iI the
building consent authority requests it to do so.
(3) The certifcate must be
(a) authenticated by the territorial authority; and
(b) signed by the owner.
(4) The territorial authority must lodge a copy oI the certifcate
with the Registrar-General oI Land.
(5) The building consent authority must note, on the building con-
sent, the condition imposed in the certifcate.
Section 77(1): amended, on 1 February 2010, by section 23(1) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Part 2 s 78 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
Section 77(5): added, on 1 February 2010, by section 23(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
78 Registrar-General of Land must record entry on
certiücate of title when certiücate is lodged under section
(1) II a certifcate reIerred to in section 77(1) is lodged with the
Registrar-General oI Land, he or she must record, as an entry
on each certifcate oI title Ior the specifed allotments, that the
certifcate oI title is subject to the condition reIerred to in that
(2) The Registrar-General oI Land does not need to record the
entry on the duplicate oI the certifcates oI title.
(3) Subsection (1) is subject to section 82.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 37(2)
Section 78(1): amended, on 1 February 2010, by section 24 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
79 Effect of entry recorded on certiücate of title
II an entry reIerred to in section 78(1) is recorded on the cer-
tifcates oI title Ior the specifed allotments, none oI those al-
lotments may be transIerred or leased except in conjunction
with the specifed other or others oI those allotments.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 37(3)
80 Certiücates of title for 2 or more allotments subject to
registered instrument
(1) This section applies iI
(a) an entry reIerred to in section 78(1) is made on 2 or more
certifcates oI title; and
(b) any oI the land less than the whole oI the land comprised
in all those certifcates oI title is, at the time the entry is
recorded, independently subject to a registered instru-
ment under which a power to sell, a right oI renewal, or
a right or obligation to purchase is lawIully conIerred
or imposed; and
(c) that power, right, or obligation reIerred to in paragraph
(b) becomes exercisable but is not able to be exercised
or Iully exercised because oI section 79.
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 82
(2) The whole oI the land comprised in all those certifcates oI title
is taken to be subject to the registered instrument and all the
powers, rights, and obligations under the instrument, as iI the
instrument had been registered against the land at the time the
entry is recorded.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 37(4)
81 Mortgage, charge, or lien has priority over registered
(1) This section applies iI
(a) the registered instrument reIerred to in section 80(2) is
a mortgage, charge, or lien; and
(b) any oI the land to which that mortgage, charge, or lien
is extended is already subject to a registered mortgage,
charge, or lien.
(2) The registered mortgage, charge, or lien has priority over any
mortgage, charge, or lien extended over land under section
(3) II a registered mortgage, charge, or lien is extended over the
land comprised in a certifcate oI title by section 80, it has
priority over any mortgage, charge, or lien against the land that
is registered aIter the entry is recorded against the certifcate
oI title to that land under that section.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 37(5), (6)
82 Registrar-General of Land may require preparation of
(1) II a certifcate reIerred to in section 77 is lodged with the
Registrar-General oI Land, but the Registrar-General is sat-
isfed that it is not practicable or desirable to record the entry
on the certifcates oI title specifed in section 78, the Regis-
trar-General may require that
(a) a plan be deposited under the Land TransIer Act 1952;
(b) 1 or more certifcates oI title under that Act be issued
Ior the land in terms oI the plan.
(2) In subsection (1), plan means a plan prepared in accordance
with section 167 oI the Land TransIer Act 1952 that amalga-
mates all the allotments
Part 2 s 83 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
(a) into 1 allotment; or
(b) iI the circumstances render it expedient or desirable,
into 2 or more allotments.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 37(7)
83 Owner may apply for entry to be removed
(1) This section applies iI
(a) the requirements oI sections 75 to 81 or the require-
ments oI section 643(1) to (6) oI the Local Government
Act 1974 or any previous enactments were met to en-
able a building to be built on 2 or more allotments; and
(b) any oI the Iollowing applies:
(i) the building is removed, demolished, or de-
stroyed; or
(ii) the boundaries oI the allotments are adjusted in
a manner that results in the building being con-
tained entirely within the boundaries oI 1 allot-
ment; or
(iii) circumstances have otherwise changed.
(2) The owner may apply to a territorial authority Ior approval Ior
the entry under section 78 to be removed.
(3) II the territorial authority decides to approve the removal oI
the entry,
(a) the decision oI the territorial authority must be set out
in a certifcate that is
(i) authenticated by the territorial authority; and
(ii) signed by the owner; and
(b) the certifcate must be lodged with the Registrar-Gen-
eral oI Land.
(4) II a certifcate reIerred to in subsection (3)(b) is lodged with
the Registrar-General oI Land, he or she must record an ap-
propriate entry on
(a) the certifcate oI title Ior each allotment or part oI the
allotment; and
(b) any mortgage, charge, or lien whose application was
extended to additional land under section 80.
(5) II subsection (4)(b) applies, any mortgage, charge, or lien
whose application was extended to additional land under
section 80 ceases to apply to that additional land.
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 85
(6) The Registrar-General oI Land does not need to record the
entry on the duplicate certifcate oI title unless that duplicate
has had an entry recorded on it under
(a) section 78; or
(b) section 643 oI the Local Government Act 1974; or
(c) the corresponding provisions oI any previous enact-
(7) Subsections (2) and (3) apply, with any necessary modifca-
tions, to any request by an owner oI land iI the requirements
oI section 643(1) to (6) oI the Local Government Act 1974 or
any previous enactment or sections 75 to 81 were applied in
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 37(8), (9), (10)
Subpart 4Requirements Ior building work
Restricted building work must be carried out or
supervised bv licensed building practitioners
84 Licensed building practitioner must carry out or
supervise restricted building work
All restricted building work must be carried out or supervised
by a licensed building practitioner who is licensed to carry out
or supervise the work.
Section 84: amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 15 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
85 Offences relating to carrying out or supervising restricted
building work
(1) A person who is not a licensed building practitioner commits
an oIIence iI he or she carries out restricted building work
while not supervised by a licensed building practitioner who is
licensed to carry out or supervise the carrying out oI restricted
building work oI that kind.
(2) A person who is a licensed building practitioner commits an
oIIence iI he or she
(a) carries out restricted building work and is not licensed
to carry out restricted building work oI that kind; or
Part 2 s 86 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(b) supervises restricted building work and is not licensed
to carry out or supervise the carrying out oI restricted
building work oI that kind.
(3) Subsection (1) and (2)(a) do not apply to a person to whom the
owner-builder exemption applies in respect oI the restricted
building work in question.
(4) A person who commits an oIIence under this section is liable
to a fne not exceeding $20,000.
Section 85: replaced, on 13 March 2012, by section 23 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
86 Offence to engage another person to carry out or
supervise restricted building work if person is not licensed
building practitioner
(1) A person commits an oIIence iI that person
(a) engages another person to carry out restricted building
work; and
(b) knows that the other person is not
(i) a licensed building practitioner; or
(ii) a licensed building practitioner who is licensed
to carry out the restricted building work.
(1A) A person commits an oIIence iI that person
(a) engages another person to supervise the carrying out oI
restricted building work; and
(b) knows that the other person is not
(i) a licensed building practitioner; or
(ii) a licensed building practitioner who is licensed
to carry out or supervise the carrying out oI the
restricted building work.
(1B) This section does not apply in the case oI any unpaid Iriend or
Iamily member oI an owner-builder who is engaged to assist
the owner-builder in carrying out restricted building work.
(2) A person who commits an oIIence under this section is liable
to a fne not exceeding $20,000.
Section 86(1): replaced, on 13 March 2012, by section 24 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 86(1A): inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 24 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 87A
Section 86(1B): inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 24 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
87 Owner must notify names of licensed building
practitioners engaged in restricted building work
(1) BeIore restricted building work commences under a building
consent, the owner must give the building consent authority
written notice oI the name oI every licensed building practi-
tioner who
(a) is engaged to carry out, or supervise, the restricted
building work under the building consent; and
(b) was not stated in the application Ior the building consent
under section 45(1)(e).
(2) AIter any restricted building work commences under a build-
ing consent, the owner must give the building consent author-
ity a written notice iI
(a) a licensed building practitioner ceases to be engaged
to carry out, or supervise, the restricted building work
under the building consent; or
(b) another licensed building practitioner is engaged to
carry out, or supervise, the restricted building work.
(3) The notice under subsection (2) must
(a) state that 1 or both oI the circumstances specifed in
subsection (2)(a) and (b) apply; and
(b) be given as soon as practicable; and
(c) name the other licensed building practitioner concerned
(iI any).
(4) This section does not apply in the case oI a licensed building
practitioner who, as an unpaid Iriend or Iamily member oI an
owner-builder, is engaged to assist the owner-builder in carry-
ing out restricted building work.
Section 87(4): inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 25 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
87A Notices to building consent authority when owner-builder
carries out restricted building work
(1) This section applies when, under the owner-builder exemp-
tion, an owner-builder carries out restricted building work
under a building consent.
Part 2 s 88 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(2) II the building consent application was not accompanied by
a statutory declaration as to owner-builder status, the owner
must give the building consent authority a notice that the
owner-builder is to carry out restricted building work.
(3) The owner must give the building consent authority a notice
(a) iI there is a change in the owner-builder carrying out the
restricted building work; or
(b) when the owner-builder ceases to carry out the restricted
building work.
(4) A notice under this section must
(a) be in the prescribed Iorm; and
(b) iI it is a notice required under subsection (2) or (3)(a),
be accompanied by a statutory declaration as to owner-
builder status; and
(c) be given
(i) beIore the building work begins, iI it is a notice
required by subsection (2):
(ii) as soon as practicable, iI it is a notice required by
subsection (3).
(5) Aperson who contravenes this section commits an oIIence and
is liable to a fne not exceeding $20,000.
Section 87A: inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 26 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
88 Licensed building practitioner to provide record of work
in respect of restricted building work
(1) Each licensed building practitioner who carries out (other than
as an owner-builder) or supervises restricted building work
under a building consent must, on completion oI the restricted
building work, provide the persons specifed in subsection (2)
with a record oI work, in the prescribed Iorm, stating what
restricted building work the licensed building practitioner car-
ried out or supervised.
(2) The persons are
(a) the owner; and
(b) the territorial authority Ior the district in which the re-
stricted building work is situated.
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 90
(3) [Repealed]
(4) A record oI work given under subsection (1) does not, oI it-
(a) create any liability in relation to any matter to which the
record oI work relates; or
(b) give rise to any civil liability to the owner that would
not otherwise exist iI the licensed building practitioner
were not required to provide the record oI work.
(5) Subsection (4) does not limit section 397(c).
Section 88 heading: amended, on 13 March 2012, by section 27(1) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 88(1): replaced, on 13 March 2012, by section 27(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 88(3): repealed, on 13 March 2012, by section 27(3) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 88(4): replaced, on 13 March 2012, by section 27(4) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Other provisions relating to building work
89 Licensed building practitioner must notify building
consent authority of breaches of building consent
(1) Alicensed building practitioner must, iI he or she is oI the view
that any building work carried out under a building consent
does not comply with that consent, notiIy
(a) the territorial authority in whose district the building is
situated; and
(b) the owner.
(2) The notifcation must
(a) state that the licensed building practitioner is oI the view
that building work carried out under the building con-
sent does not comply with that consent; and
(b) state how the building work does not so comply; and
(c) be given as soon as practicable aIter the licensed build-
ing practitioner Iorms that view.
90 Inspections by building consent authorities
(1) Every building consent is subject to the condition that agents
authorised by the building consent authority Ior the purposes
Part 2 s 90A Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
oI this section are entitled, at all times during normal working
hours or while building work is being done, to inspect
(a) land on which building work is being or is proposed to
be carried out; and
(b) building work that has been or is being carried out on
or oII the building site; and
(c) any building.
(2) The provisions (iI any) that are endorsed on a building consent
in relation to inspection during the carrying out oI building
work must be taken to include the provisions oI this section.
(3) In this section, inspection means the taking oI all reasonable
steps to ensure that building work is being carried out in ac-
cordance with a building consent.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 76(1), (2), (3)
Subpart 4ARestricted building work
carried out by owner-builders
Subpart 4A: inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 29 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
90A Purpose of this subpart
The purpose oI this subpart is to enable homeowners to build
and alter their own homes.
Section 90A: inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 29 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
90B Meaning of owner-builder
(1) An owner-builder, in relation to restricted building work,
means a natural person who
(a) has a relevant interest in the land or the building on
which the restricted building work is carried out; and
(b) resides, or intends to reside, in the household unit in
relation to which the restricted building work is carried
out; and
(c) carries out the restricted building work himselI or her-
selI or with the assistance oI his or her unpaid Iriends
and Iamily members; and
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 90D
(d) has not, under the owner-builder exemption, carried out
restricted building work in relation to a diIIerent house-
hold unit within the previous 3 years.
(2) For the purposes oI subsection (1)(b), reside includes tem-
porarily reside.
Section 90B: inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 29 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
90C Meaning of relevant interest
For the purposes oI section 90B(1)(a), relevant interest, in
relation to the land or the building on which restricted building
work is carried out, means a legal or equitable interest in the
land or building; and includes
(a) a right oI occupancy oI the land or building or part oI
the building; or
(b) a right, power, or privilege over, or in connection with,
the land or building.
Section 90C: inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 29 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
90D Owner-builder exemption
(1) A person who is an owner-builder in relation to restricted
building work may carry out that restricted building work
without being supervised by a licensed building practitioner.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply iI the restricted building work in
question is low-risk building work under a low-risk building
consent, simple residential building work under a simple resi-
dential building consent, or commercial building work under
a commercial building consent.
Section 90D: inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 29 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Part 2 s 91 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
Subpart 5Code compliance certifcates,
certifcates oI acceptance, and compliance
Code compliance certihcates
91 Building consent authority that grants building consent to
issue code compliance certiücate
(1) A building consent authority that granted the building consent
Ior building work to which a code compliance certifcate re-
lates is the only person who may issue that certifcate.
(2) However, another building consent authority may issue a code
compliance certifcate iI the Iollowing persons agree:
(a) the owner oI the building to which the building work
relates; and
(b) the building consent authority that it is proposed will
issue the code compliance certifcate.
(3) Subsection (4) applies iI
(a) a building consent authority that is not a territorial au-
thority or a regional authority is unable or reIuses to
issue a code compliance certifcate in relation to build-
ing work Ior which it granted a building consent; and
(b) no other building consent authority will agree to issue a
code compliance certifcate Ior the building work under
subsection (2).
(4) The owner oI the building to which the building work relates
must apply Ior a certifcate oI acceptance under section 96.
Section 91(3)(a): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 3(5) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
92 Application for code compliance certiücate
(1) An owner must apply to a building consent authority Ior a code
compliance certifcate aIter all building work to be carried out
under a building consent granted to that owner is completed.
(2) The application must be made
(a) as soon as practicable aIter the building work is com-
pleted; and
(b) in the prescribed Iorm; and
(c) either
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 93
(i) to the building consent authority that granted the
building consent Ior the building work; or
(ii) iI section 91(2) applies, to the building consent
authority that it is proposed will issue the code
compliance certifcate.
(2A) II applicable, the owner must include with the application any
memoranda provided by licensed building practitioners under
section 88(1)(a).
(3) II applicable, the owner must include with the application all
certifcates issued by licensed building practitioners under sec-
tion 88 that state, when those certifcates are considered to-
gether, that
(a) in a case where a compliance schedule is required as
a result oI restricted building work, the specifed sys-
tems in the building are capable oI perIorming to the
perIormance standards set out in the building consent;
(b) in a case where an amendment to an existing compli-
ance schedule is required as a result oI the building
work, the specifed systems that are being altered in,
or added to, the building in the course oI the restricted
building work are capable oI perIorming to the perIorm-
ance standards set out in the building consent.
(4) II the building work comprises or includes energy work in re-
spect oI which a building consent has been granted, the owner
must also include with the application any energy work cer-
tifcate that relates to the energy work.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 43(1), (2), (2A)
Section 92(2A): inserted, on 15 March 2008, by section 19 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
93 Time in which building consent authority must decide
whether to issue code compliance certiücate
(1) A building consent authority must decide whether to issue a
code compliance certifcate Ior building work to which a build-
ing consent relates within
(a) 20 working days aIter the date specifed in subsection
(2); or
Part 2 s 94 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(b) any Iurther period aIter the date specifed in subsection
(2) that may be agreed between the owner and the build-
ing consent authority concerned.
(2) The date reIerred to in subsection (1)(a) and (b) is
(a) the date on which an application Ior a code compliance
certifcate is made under section 92; or
(b) iI no application is made, the expiry oI
(i) 2 years aIter the date on which the building con-
sent Ior the building work was granted; or
(ii) any Iurther period that may be agreed between
the owner and the building consent authority con-
(3) Subsection (1) applies whether or not an application Ior a code
compliance certifcate is made under section 92.
(4) A building consent authority may, within the period specifed
in subsection (1), require Iurther reasonable inIormation in re-
spect oI the application Ior a code compliance certifcate, and,
iI it does so, the period is suspended until it receives the inIor-
94 Matters for consideration by building consent authority
in deciding issue of code compliance certiücate
(1) A building consent authority must issue a code compliance
certifcate iI it is satisfed, on reasonable grounds,
(a) that the building work complies with the building con-
sent; and
(b) that,
(i) in a case where a compliance schedule is required
as a result oI the building work, the specifed sys-
tems in the building are capable oI perIorming to
the perIormance standards set out in the building
consent; or
(ii) in a case where an amendment to an existing
compliance schedule is required as a result oI the
building work, the specifed systems that are be-
ing altered in, or added to, the building in the
course oI the building work are capable oI per-
Iorming to the perIormance standards set out in
the building consent.
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13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 95
(2) In deciding whether to issue a code compliance certifcate,
a building consent authority must have regard to whether a
building method or product to which a current warning or ban
under section 26(2) relates has, or may have, been used or ap-
plied in the building work to which the certifcate would relate.
(3) II the owner Iails to provide to a building consent authority an
energy work certifcate in relation to energy work in respect
oI which a building consent has been granted, the Iailure is a
suIfcient reason Ior the building consent authority to reIuse
to issue a code compliance certifcate in respect oI the energy
(4) II a development contribution has been required to be paid or
made under section 198 oI the Local Government Act 2002,
a building consent authority that is other than the territorial
authority that made the requirement must reIuse to issue a code
compliance certifcate in respect oI the relevant building work
until the building consent authority has received
(a) evidence that the development contribution has been
paid or made by the owner concerned to the territorial
authority; or
(b) a copy oI a written agreement between the owner and
the territorial authority that the code compliance certif-
cate may be issued.
(5) Subsection (1) is subject to subsection (4).
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 43(3), (3A)
95 Issue of code compliance certiücate
A code compliance certifcate must be issued
(a) by a building consent authority; and
(b) in the prescribed Iorm; and
(c) on payment oI any Iees and charges imposed by the
building consent authority under section 240.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 43(3)
Section 95(c): replaced, on 13 March 2012, by section 36(3) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Part 2 s 95A Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
95A Refusal to issue code compliance certiücate
II a building consent authority reIuses to issue a code compli-
ance certifcate, the building consent authority must give the
applicant written notice oI
(a) the reIusal; and
(b) the reasons Ior the reIusal.
Section 95A: inserted, on 15 March 2008, by section 20 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Certihcates of acceptance
96 Territorial authority may issue certiücate of acceptance
in certain circumstances
(1) A territorial authority may, on application, issue a certifcate
oI acceptance Ior building work already done
(a) iI
(i) the work was done by the owner or any predeces-
sor in title oI the owner; and
(ii) a building consent was required Ior the work but
not obtained; or
(b) iI section 42 (which relates to building work that had to
be carried out urgently) applies; or
(c) iI subsections (3) and (4) oI section 91 (which apply iI a
building consent authority that is not a territorial author-
ity or a regional authority is unable or reIuses to issue a
code compliance certifcate in relation to building work
Ior which it granted a building consent) apply; or
(d) iI
(i) the work aIIects premises to which section 362A
applies; and
(ii) a building consent Ior the work was obtained be-
Iore 31 March 2005; and
(iii) the territorial authority is unable or reIuses to
issue a code compliance certifcate Ior the work;
(iv) the application Ior the certifcate oI acceptance
was made beIore 31 March 2010.
(2) A territorial authority may issue a certifcate oI acceptance
only iI it is satisfed, to the best oI its knowledge and belieI
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 97
and on reasonable grounds, that, insoIar as it could ascertain,
the building work complies with the building code.
(3) This section
(a) does not limit section 40 (which provides that a person
must not carry out any building work except in accord-
ance with a building consent); and
(b) accordingly, does not relieve a person Irom the require-
ment to obtain a building consent Ior building work.
Section 96(1): substituted, on 14 April 2005, by section 10 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
97 How to apply for certiücate of acceptance
An application Ior a certifcate oI acceptance must
(a) be in the prescribed Iorm; and
(b) iI available, be accompanied by plans and specifcations
that are
(i) required by regulations made under section 402;
(ii) iI the regulations do not so require, required by
the territorial authority; and
(c) contain or be accompanied by any other inIormation
that the territorial authority reasonably requires; and
(d) be accompanied by any Iees and charges imposed by the
territorial authority under section 219; and
(e) in the case oI an application under section 96(1)(a), be
accompanied by any Iees, charges, or levies that would
have been payable had the owner, or the owner`s pre-
decessor in title, applied Ior a building consent beIore
carrying out the building work; and
(I) iI a project inIormation memorandum Ior the building
work has been issued under section 34, be accompanied
by the project inIormation memorandum; and
(g) iI a compliance schedule is required as a result oI the
building work, have attached to it a list oI all specifed
systems Ior the building; or
(h) iI an amendment to an existing compliance schedule is
required as a result oI the building work, have attached
to it a list oI all specifed systems that are being
(i) altered in the course oI the building work:
Part 2 s 98 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(ii) added to the building in the course oI the building
(iii) removed Irom the building in the course oI the
building work.
Section 97(d): replaced, on 13 March 2012, by section 39 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
98 Processing application for certiücate of acceptance
(1) A territorial authority must, within 20 working days aIter re-
ceiving an application Ior a certifcate oI acceptance,
(a) grant the application; or
(b) reIuse the application.
(2) A territorial authority may, within the period specifed in sub-
section (1), require Iurther reasonable inIormation in respect
oI the application, and, iI it does so, the period is suspended
until it receives the inIormation.
99 Issue of certiücate of acceptance
(1) A certifcate oI acceptance must
(a) be issued in the prescribed Iorm; and
(b) have attached to it,
(i) iI a compliance schedule is required as a result oI
the building work, the compliance schedule Ior
the building; or
(ii) iI an amendment to an existing compliance
schedule is required as a result oI the building
work, the amended compliance schedule Ior the
(2) A certifcate oI acceptance may, iI a territorial authority in-
spected the building work, be qualifed to the eIIect that only
parts oI the building work were able to be inspected.
(3) A territorial authority`s liability Ior the issue oI a certifcate
oI acceptance is limited to the same extent that the territorial
authority was able to inspect the building work in question.
99A Refusal of application for certiücate of acceptance
II a territorial authority reIuses to grant an application Ior a
certifcate oI acceptance, the territorial authority must give the
applicant written notice oI
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 100
(a) the reIusal; and
(b) the reasons Ior the reIusal.
Section 99A: inserted, on 15 March 2008, by section 21 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Compliance schedules
100 Requirement for compliance schedule
(1) A building not used wholly as a single household unit
(a) requires a compliance schedule iI
(i) it has a specifed system; or
(ii) it has a cable car attached to it or servicing it; and
(b) requires the schedule Ior all specifed systems it has and
any cable car it has attached to it or servicing it.
(2) A building used wholly as a single household unit
(a) requires a compliance schedule only iI it has a cable car
attached to it or servicing it; and
(b) requires the schedule only Ior the cable car.
(3) BeIore 31 March 2008,
(a) a building not used wholly as a single household unit
(i) requires a compliance schedule only iI it has a
specifed system other than a cable car; and
(ii) does not require a compliance schedule Ior any
cable car attached to it or servicing it; and
(b) a building used wholly as a single household unit does
not require a compliance schedule.
(4) The requirement in subsections (1) and (2) that a building have
a compliance schedule iI it has a cable car attached to it or
servicing it is satisfed, in the case oI a cable car that is attached
to or services more than 1 building, iI any oI the buildings in
question have a compliance schedule Ior the cable car.
(5) Except to the extent that it provides, subsection (4) does not
relieve an owner oI any oI the obligations under sections 105
to 110.
Section 100: substituted, on 14 April 2005, by section 11 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 100(4): inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 40 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 100(5): inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 40 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Part 2 s 101 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
101 Owner must comply with requirement for compliance
(1) An owner oI a building Ior which a compliance schedule is
required under section 100 must obtain the compliance sched-
(2) Aperson commits an oIIence iI the person Iails to comply with
subsection (1).
(3) A person who commits an oIIence under this section is liable
to a fne not exceeding $20,000 and, in the case oI a continuing
oIIence, to a Iurther fne not exceeding $2,000 Ior every day
or part oI a day during which the oIIence has continued.
102 When compliance schedule must be issued
(1) Abuilding consent authority must issue a compliance schedule
(a) the compliance schedule, or an amended compliance
schedule, is required as a result oI building work; and
(b) the building consent authority is satisfed, on reasonable
grounds, that the specifed systems Ior the building are
capable oI perIorming to the perIormance standards Ior
those systems.
(2) A compliance schedule that is issued under subsection (1)
must be issued with the relevant code compliance certifcate
or consent completion certifcate.
(3) A territorial authority must issue a compliance schedule on
an application under section 102A iI the territorial authority
is satisfed, on reasonable grounds, that the specifed systems
Ior the building are capable oI perIorming to the perIormance
standards Ior those systems.
Section 102: replaced, on 13 March 2012, by section 41 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
102A Procedure for obtaining compliance schedule where
building consent not required
(1) This section applies when an owner oI a building Ior which a
compliance schedule is required under section 100 must obtain
a compliance schedule but is not required to apply Ior a build-
ing consent in relation to the building because, Ior example,
no building work is being carried out.
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13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 103
(2) The owner must apply in the prescribed Iorm (iI any) to the
appropriate territorial authority Ior the issue oI a compliance
schedule by providing the authority with
(a) a description oI all specifed systems Ior the building
and the perIormance standards Ior each oI them; and
(b) the proposed inspection, maintenance, and reporting
procedures Ior the specifed systems.
Section 102A: inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 42 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
103 Content of compliance schedule
(1) A compliance schedule must
(a) state and describe each oI the specifed systems covered
by the compliance schedule, including a statement oI
the type and (iI known) make oI each specifed system;
(b) state the perIormance standards Ior the specifed sys-
tems; and
(c) describe the inspection, maintenance, and reporting
procedures to be Iollowed by independently qualifed
persons or other persons in respect oI the specifed
systems to ensure that those systems are capable oI,
and are, perIorming to the perIormance standards.
(2) For the purposes oI subsection (1)(c), the inspection, main-
tenance, and reporting procedures oI the compliance schedule
may be identifed
(a) by description in the compliance schedule; or
(b) by reIerence to
(i) a prescribed acceptable solution or prescribed
verifcation method in a regulation reIerred to in
section 20; or
(ii) a compliance document; or
(iii) a building method or product.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 44(2), (3), (5)
Section 103(1): replaced, on 13 March 2012, by section 43 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Part 2 s 104 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
104 Building consent authority must notify territorial
authority of issue of compliance schedule
II a building consent authority issues a compliance schedule
under section 102, the building consent authority must, within
5 working days aIter issuing the compliance schedule, provide
a copy oI it to the territorial authority in whose district the
building is situated.
104A Territorial authority must issue statement in relation to
compliance schedule
A territorial authority that receives a copy under section 104
oI a compliance schedule must, within 5 working days aIter
receiving the compliance schedule, provide the owner oI the
building Ior which the compliance schedule was issued with
the statement in relation to the compliance schedule described
in section 105(e).
Section 104A: inserted, on 15 March 2008, by section 23 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
105 Obligations of owner if compliance schedule is issued
An owner oI a building Ior which a compliance schedule has
been issued must ensure
(a) that each oI the specifed systems stated in the compli-
ance schedule is perIorming, and will continue to per-
Iorm, to the perIormance standards Ior that system; and
(b) that the owner provides to the territorial authority an
annual building warrant oI ftness in accordance with
section 108; and
(c) that the compliance schedule is kept
(i) in the building; or
(ii) in another building in the district oI the territorial
authority; or
(iii) in some other place agreed on by the owner and
the territorial authority; and
(d) that the compliance schedule is available Ior inspection
by any person or organisation who or that has a right to
inspect the building under any Act; and
(e) that, Ior the frst 12 months oI the period oI the compli-
ance schedule, there is displayed publicly in the build-
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 106
ing so that users oI the building can have access to it
a statement by the territorial authority in the prescribed
Iorm that contains the Iollowing inIormation:
(i) the specifed systems covered by the compliance
schedule; and
(ii) the place where the compliance schedule is held;
(iii) any other prescribed inIormation.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 44(4)
Section 105(e): replaced, on 13 March 2012, by section 44 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
106 Application by owner for amendment to compliance
(1) An owner oI a building that has 1 or more specifed systems
may, at any time and entirely at the owner`s discretion, apply
to the territorial authority oI the district in which the building
is situated Ior an amendment to a compliance schedule Ior the
(2) However, the owner must apply to the territorial authority Ior
an amendment to a compliance schedule Ior the building iI
(a) the owner considers that the amendment is required to
ensure that the specifed systems are perIorming, and
will continue to perIorm, to the perIormance standards
Ior those systems; or
(b) as a result oI an amendment to this Act or any regulation
made under it, the compliance schedule
(i) no longer complies with the requirements oI this
Act or any regulations made under it; or
(ii) contains inIormation that is no longer required
under this Act or any regulations made under it.
(2A) An application under subsection (2)(b) must be made beIore
the next anniversary oI the issue oI the compliance schedule
Iollowing the amendment oI the Act or regulation that results
in the compliance schedule becoming non-compliant or con-
taining inIormation that is no longer required.
(3) The owner must
(a) apply Ior the amendment in the prescribed Iorm; and
Part 2 s 107 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(b) provide any inIormation that the territorial authority
reasonably requires in relation to the application; and
(c) pay any Iees and charges imposed by the territorial au-
thority under section 219.
(4) The territorial authority must, as soon as practicable aIter re-
ceiving the application, decide whether to amend the compli-
ance schedule.
(5) II the territorial authority decides to amend the compliance
schedule, the territorial authority must
(a) give written notice oI the amendment to the owner; and
(b) attach a copy oI the amended compliance schedule to
the notice.
(6) II the territorial authority reIuses to amend the compliance
schedule, the territorial authority must give written notice oI,
and the reasons Ior, the reIusal to the owner.
Section 106(2): replaced, on 13 March 2012, by section 45(1) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 106(2A): inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 45(1) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 106(3)(c): replaced, on 13 March 2012, by section 45(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
107 Territorial authority may amend compliance schedule
on own initiative
(1) This section applies iI a territorial authority considers that an
amendment to a compliance schedule is required to ensure
that a specifed system stated in the compliance schedule is
perIorming, and will continue to perIorm, to the perIormance
standards Ior that system.
(2) II this section applies, the territorial authority may amend the
compliance schedule
(a) on its own initiative; and
(b) without an application Ior an amendment to the compli-
ance schedule being made under section 106.
(3) However, beIore making an amendment to a compliance
schedule under this section, the territorial authority must
(a) advise the owner oI its intention to do so; and
(b) give the owner a reasonable opportunity to make sub-
missions on the matter; and
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 108
(c) consider those submissions.
(4) II the territorial authority amends a compliance schedule under
this section, the territorial authority must
(a) give written notice oI the amendment to the owner; and
(b) attach a copy oI the amended compliance schedule to
the notice.
(5) [Repealed]
Section 107(5): repealed, on 13 March 2012, by section 46 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Annual building warrant of htness
108 Annual building warrant of ütness
(1) An owner oI a building Ior which a compliance schedule has
been issued must supply to the territorial authority a building
warrant oI ftness in accordance with subsection (3).
(2) The purpose oI a building warrant oI ftness is to ensure that
the specifed systems stated in the compliance schedule are
perIorming, and will continue to perIorm, to the perIormance
standards Ior those systems that are set out in the relevant
building consent.
(3) The building warrant oI ftness must
(a) be supplied on each anniversary oI the issue oI the com-
pliance schedule; and
(b) state that the inspection, maintenance, and reporting
procedures oI the compliance schedule have been Iully
complied with during the previous 12 months; and
(c) have attached to it all certifcates, in the prescribed
Iorm, issued by an independently qualifed person that,
when those certifcates are considered together, certiIy
that the inspection, maintenance, and reporting proced-
ures stated in the compliance schedule have been Iully
complied with during the previous 12 months; and
(d) have attached to it any recommendation made by an
independently qualifed person that the compliance
schedule should be amended to ensure that the specifed
systems stated in the compliance schedule are perIorm-
ing, and will continue to perIorm, to the perIormance
standards Ior those systems; and
Part 2 s 109 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(e) be in the prescribed Iorm; and
(I) contain the prescribed inIormation.
(4) The owner must publicly display a copy oI the building war-
rant oI ftness in a place in the building to which users oI the
building have ready access or, iI the compliance schedule re-
lates only to a cable car, publicly display the copy oI the build-
ing warrant oI ftness in or near the cable car.
(5) A person commits an oIIence iI the person
(aa) Iails to supply to the territorial authority the building
warrant oI ftness in accordance with subsection (1); or
(a) Iails to display a building warrant oI ftness that is re-
quired to be displayed under this section; or
(b) displays a Ialse or misleading building warrant oI ft-
ness; or
(c) displays a building warrant oI ftness otherwise than in
accordance with this section.
(6) A person who commits an oIIence under this section is liable
to a fne not exceeding $20,000.
(7) In subsection (3)(d), a reIerence to an independently qualifed
person is a reIerence to the independently qualifed person or
independently qualifed persons who carried out or supervised
the inspection, maintenance, and reporting procedures stated
in the compliance schedule during the previous 12 months.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 45(1), (2)
Section 108(3)(c): amended, on 13 March 2012, by section 47(1) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 108(3)(d): amended, on 13 March 2012, by section 47(1) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 108(4): amended, on 13 March 2012, by section 47(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 108(5)(aa): inserted, on 15 March 2008, by section 24 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 108(7): replaced, on 13 March 2012, by section 47(3) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
109 Territorial authority must consider recommendation to
amend compliance schedule
A territorial authority must, in relation to a recommendation
made by an independently qualifed person under section
108(3)(d) Ior a compliance schedule to be amended,
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 110
(a) give the owner oI the building concerned a reasonable
opportunity to make written submissions on the recom-
mendation; and
(b) consider those submissions (iI any); and
(c) decide whether to
(i) accept the recommendation; or
(ii) reIuse to accept the recommendation; and
(d) iI it decides to accept the recommendation, amend the
compliance schedule and give written notice to the
owner accordingly.
Section 109: amended, on 13 March 2012, by section 48 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
110 Owner must obtain reports on compliance schedule
An owner oI a building Ior which a compliance schedule has
been issued must
(a) obtain annual written reports relating to the inspection,
maintenance, and reporting procedures oI the compli-
ance schedule signed by each independently qualifed
person or other person who carried out 1 or more oI
those procedures; and
(b) keep those reports, together with the compliance sched-
ule, Ior a period oI 2 years; and
(c) produce those reports Ior inspection, when required,
(i) the territorial authority; and
(ii) any person or organisation who or that has the
right to inspect the building under any Act; and
(d) show the location oI those reports and the compliance
schedule on the building warrant oI ftness displayed in
accordance with section 108(4).
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 45(3)
Section 110(a): amended, on 13 March 2012, by section 49 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 110(a): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 25 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Part 2 s 111 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
111 Inspections by territorial authority
(1) An agent oI a territorial authority authorised Ior the purposes
oI this section is entitled, at all times during normal working
hours, to inspect
(a) a building Ior which a compliance schedule has been
issued; and
(b) the specifed systems in the building.
(2) [Repealed]
(3) In this section, inspection means the taking oI all reasonable
steps to ensure that
(a) an annual building warrant oI ftness supplied under
section 108 is correct; and
(b) every report under section 110 is correct.
Section 111(2): repealed, on 13 March 2012, by section 50 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Alterations to existing buildings
112 Alterations to existing buildings
(1) Abuilding consent authority must not grant a building consent
Ior the alteration oI an existing building, or part oI an existing
building, unless the building consent authority is satisfed that,
aIter the alteration, the building will
(a) comply, as nearly as is reasonably practicable, with the
provisions oI the building code that relate to
(i) means oI escape Irom fre; and
(ii) access and Iacilities Ior persons with disabilities
(iI this is a requirement in terms oI section 118);
(b) continue to comply with the other provisions oI the
building code to at least the same extent as beIore the
(2) Despite subsection (1), a territorial authority may, by written
notice to the owner oI a building, allow the alteration oI an
existing building, or part oI an existing building, without the
building complying with provisions oI the building code spe-
cifed by the territorial authority iI the territorial authority is
satisfed that,
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 113
(a) iI the building were required to comply with the relevant
provisions oI the building code, the alteration would not
take place; and
(b) the alteration will result in improvements to attributes
oI the building that relate to
(i) means oI escape Irom fre; or
(ii) access and Iacilities Ior persons with disabilities;
(c) the improvements reIerred to in paragraph (b) outweigh
any detriment that is likely to arise as a result oI the
building not complying with the relevant provisions oI
the building code.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 38
Section 112(1)(a): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 12 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
113 Buildings with speciüed intended lives
(1) This section applies iI a proposed building, or an existing
building proposed to be altered, is intended to have a liIe oI
less than 50 years.
(2) A territorial authority may grant a building consent only iI the
consent is subject to
(a) the condition that the building must be altered, re-
moved, or demolished on or beIore the end oI the
specifed intended liIe; and
(b) any other conditions that the territorial authority con-
siders necessary.
(3) In subsection (2), speciüed intended life, in relation to a build-
ing, means the period oI time, as stated in an application Ior a
building consent or in the consent itselI, Ior which the building
is proposed to be used Ior its intended use.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 39
Section 113(1): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 26 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Part 2 s 114 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
Change of use, extension of life, and subdivision
of buildings
114 Owner must give notice of change of use, extension of life,
or subdivision of buildings
(1) In this section and section 115, change the use, in relation to a
building, means to change the use oI the building in a manner
described in the regulations.
(2) An owner oI a building must give written notice to the terri-
torial authority iI the owner proposes
(a) to change the use oI a building; or
(b) to extend the liIe oI a building that has a specifed in-
tended liIe; or
(c) to subdivide land in a manner that aIIects a building.
(3) Aperson commits an oIIence iI the person Iails to comply with
subsection (2).
(4) A person who commits an oIIence under this section is liable
to a fne not exceeding $5,000.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 46(1)
115 Code compliance requirements: change of use
An owner oI a building must not change the use oI the build-
(a) in a case where the change involves the incorporation in
the building oI 1 or more household units where house-
hold units did not exist beIore, unless the territorial au-
thority gives the owner written notice that the territor-
ial authority is satisfed, on reasonable grounds, that the
building, in its new use, will comply, as nearly as is
reasonably practicable, with the building code in all re-
spects; and
(b) in any other case, unless the territorial authority gives
the owner written notice that the territorial authority is
satisfed, on reasonable grounds, that the building, in its
new use, will
(i) comply, as nearly as is reasonably practicable,
with every provision oI the building code that
relates to either or both oI the Iollowing matters:
(A) means oI escape Irom fre, protection oI
other property, sanitary Iacilities, struc-
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 116A
tural perIormance, and fre-rating per-
(B) access and Iacilities Ior people with dis-
abilities (iI this is a requirement under sec-
tion 118); and
(ii) continue to comply with the other provisions oI
the building code to at least the same extent as
beIore the change oI use.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 46(2)
Section 115(b)(i): substituted, on 14 April 2005, by section 13 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
116 Code compliance requirements: extension of life
(1) The owner oI a building with a specifed intended liIe must
not extend its liIe without the written consent oI the territorial
(2) This subsection applies to a building with a specifed intended
liIe iI
(a) under section 113(2), a building consent Ior its building
or alteration was issued subject to the condition that it
must be altered on or beIore the end oI the specifed
intended liIe; or
(b) under section 39(1) oI the Building Act 1991, a building
consent Ior its building or alteration was issued subject
to the condition that it shall be altered on or beIore the
end oI the specifed intended liIe.
(3) The territorial authority must not give its consent to the exten-
sion oI the liIe oI a building to which subsection (2) applies
unless satisfed, on reasonable grounds, that the building
(a) has been altered in accordance with the condition; and
(b) complies with section 112.
Section 116: substituted, on 14 April 2005, by section 14(1) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
116A Code compliance requirements: subdivision
Aterritorial authority must not issue a certifcate under section
224(I) oI the Resource Management Act 1991 Ior the purpose
oI giving eIIect to a subdivision aIIecting a building or part
Part 2 s 116B Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
oI a building unless satisfed, on reasonable grounds, that the
(a) will comply, as nearly as is reasonably practicable, with
every provision oI the building code that relates to 1 or
more oI the Iollowing matters:
(i) means oI escape Irom fre:
(ii) access and Iacilities Ior persons with disabilities
(iI this is a requirement under section 118):
(iii) protection oI other property; and
(b) will continue to comply with the other provisions oI the
building code to at least the same extent as it did beIore
the application Ior a subdivision was made.
Section 116A: inserted, on 14 April 2005, by section 14(1) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
116B Offence to use building for use for which it is not safe or
not sanitary, or if it has inadequate means of escape from
(1) No person may
(a) use a building, or knowingly permit another person to
use a building, Ior a use Ior which the building is not
saIe or not sanitary; or
(b) use a building, or knowingly permit another person to
use a building, that has inadequate means oI escape
Irom fre.
(2) A person who Iails to comply with subsection (1) commits an
(3) Aperson who commits an oIIence under this section is liable to
a fne not exceeding $100,000 and, in the case oI a continuing
oIIence, to a Iurther fne not exceeding $10,000 Ior every day
or part oI a day during which the oIIence has continued.
Section 116B: inserted, on 14 April 2005, by section 14(1) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Access to buildings bv persons with disabilities
117 Deünition for sections 118 to 120
In sections 118 to 120, unless the context otherwise requires,
building includes
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 119
(a) parts oI a building (including driveways, access ways,
passages within and between complexes and develop-
ments, and associated landscaping (iI any)); and
(b) any premises or Iacilities.
118 Access and facilities for persons with disabilities to and
within buildings
(1) II provision is being made Ior the construction or alteration oI
any building to which members oI the public are to be admit-
ted, whether Ior Iree or on payment oI a charge, reasonable
and adequate provision by way oI access, parking provisions,
and sanitary Iacilities must be made Ior persons with disabil-
ities who may be expected to
(a) visit or work in that building; and
(b) carry out normal activities and processes in that build-
(2) This section applies, but is not limited, to buildings that are
intended to be used Ior, or associated with, 1 or more oI the
purposes specifed in Schedule 2.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 47A(1)
119 Compliance document for requirements of persons with
(1) This section applies to
(a) the New Zealand Standard Specifcation No 4121 (the
code oI practice Ior design Ior access and use oI build-
ings by persons with disabilities), together with any
modifcations to that standard specifcation in Iorce im-
mediately beIore the commencement oI this section; or
(b) iI an Order in Council is made under subsection (3),
(i) the standard specifcation reIerred to in paragraph
(a) incorporating an amendment that is adopted
by the order; or
(ii) a standard specifcation that is in substitution Ior
the standard specifcation reIerred to in paragraph
(a) that is adopted by the order.
(2) A standard specifcation to which this section applies is to be
taken as a compliance document.
Part 2 s 120 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
(3) The Governor-General may, by Order in Council made on the
recommendation oI the Minister, adopt
(a) an amendment to the standard specifcation reIerred to
in subsection (1)(a); or
(b) a standard specifcation that is in substitution Ior the
standard specifcation reIerred to in that subsection.
(4) The Minister must, no later than 6 months aIter the date on
which an amendment or a standard specifcation is promul-
gated by the Standards Council,
(a) make a recommendation under subsection (3) in rela-
tion to the amendment or standard specifcation; or
(b) decide not to make a recommendation.
(5) In this section, Standards Council means the Standards
Council continued in existence under section 3 oI the Stand-
ards Act 1988.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 47A(3)
120 Symbols of access must be displayed
II any provision required by section 118 is made at a building
in compliance with that section, a notice or sign that indicates
in accordance with the international symbols oI access that
provision is made Ior the needs oI persons with disabilities
must be displayed outside the building or so as to be visible
Irom outside it.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 47A(5)
Section 120 heading: amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 27(1) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 120: amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 27(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Subpart 6Special provisions Ior certain
categories oI buildings
Dehnitions of dangerous, earthquake-prone,
and insanitarv buildings
121 Meaning of dangerous building
(1) A building is dangerous Ior the purposes oI this Act iI,
(a) in the ordinary course oI events (excluding the occur-
rence oI an earthquake), the building is likely to cause
Reprinted as at
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(i) injury or death (whether by collapse or other-
wise) to any persons in it or to persons on other
property; or
(ii) damage to other property; or
(b) in the event oI fre, injury or death to any persons in the
building or to persons on other property is likely.
(2) For the purpose oI determining whether a building is danger-
ous in terms oI subsection (1)(b), a territorial authority
(a) may seek advice Irom members oI the New Zealand
Fire Service who have been notifed to the territorial
authority by the Fire Service National Commander as
being competent to give advice; and
(b) iI the advice is sought, must have due regard to the ad-
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 64(1), (2), (3)
Section 121(1)(b): amended, on 13 March 2012, by section 51 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
122 Meaning of earthquake-prone building
(1) A building is earthquake prone Ior the purposes oI this Act
iI, having regard to its condition and to the ground on which it
is built, and because oI its construction, the building
(a) will have its ultimate capacity exceeded in a moderate
earthquake (as defned in the regulations); and
(b) would be likely to collapse causing
(i) injury or death to persons in the building or to
persons on any other property; or
(ii) damage to any other property.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a building that is used wholly
or mainly Ior residential purposes unless the building
(a) comprises 2 or more storeys; and
(b) contains 3 or more household units.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 66
123 Meaning of insanitary building
A building is insanitary Ior the purposes oI this Act iI the
(a) is oIIensive or likely to be injurious to health because
(i) oI how it is situated or constructed; or
Part 2 s 124 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
(ii) it is in a state oI disrepair; or
(b) has insuIfcient or deIective provisions against moisture
penetration so as to cause dampness in the building or
in any adjoining building; or
(c) does not have a supply oI potable water that is adequate
Ior its intended use; or
(d) does not have sanitary Iacilities that are adequate Ior its
intended use.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 64(4)
Powers of territorial authorities in respect of
dangerous, earthquake-prone, or insanitarv
124 Powers of territorial authorities in respect of dangerous,
earthquake-prone, or insanitary buildings
(1) II a territorial authority is satisfed that a building is dangerous,
earthquake prone, or insanitary, the territorial authority may
(a) put up a hoarding or Ience to prevent people Irom ap-
proaching the building nearer than is saIe:
(b) attach in a prominent place on, or adjacent to, the build-
ing a notice that warns people not to approach the build-
(c) give written notice requiring work to be carried out on
the building, within a time stated in the notice (which
must not be less than 10 days aIter the notice is given
under section 125), to
(i) reduce or remove the danger; or
(ii) prevent the building Irom remaining insanitary.
(2) This section does not limit the powers oI a territorial authority
under this Part.
(3) Aperson commits an oIIence iI the person Iails to comply with
a notice given under subsection (1)(c).
(4) A person who commits an oIIence under this section is liable
to a fne not exceeding $200,000.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 65(1), (2)
125 Requirements for notice given under section 124
(1) A notice given under section 124(1)(c) must
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13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 126
(a) be fxed to the building concerned; and
(b) state whether the owner oI the building must obtain a
building consent in order to carry out the work required
by the notice.
(2) A copy oI the notice must be given to
(a) the owner oI the building; and
(b) an occupier oI the building; and
(c) every person who has an interest in the land on which
the building is situated under a mortgage or other
encumbrance registered under the Land TransIer Act
1952; and
(d) every person claiming an interest in the land that is pro-
tected by a caveat lodged and in Iorce under section 137
oI the Land TransIer Act 1952; and
(e) any statutory authority, iI the land or building has been
classifed; and
(I) the New Zealand Historic Places Trust, iI the building
is a heritage building.
(3) However, the notice, iI fxed on the building, is not invalid
because a copy oI it has not been given to any or all oI the
persons reIerred to in subsection (2).
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 71
126 Territorial authority may carry out work
(1) A territorial authority may apply to a District Court Ior an
order authorising the territorial authority to carry out building
work iI any work required under a notice given by the territor-
ial authority under section 124(1)(c) is not completed, or not
proceeding with reasonable speed, within
(a) the time stated in the notice; or
(b) any Iurther time that the territorial authority may allow.
(2) BeIore the territorial authority applies to a District Court under
subsection (1), the territorial authority must give the owner oI
the building not less than 10 days` written notice oI its inten-
tion to do so.
(3) II a territorial authority carries out building work under the
authority oI an order made under subsection (1),
(a) the owner oI the building is liable Ior the costs oI the
work; and
Part 2 s 127 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
(b) the territorial authority may recover those costs Iromthe
owner; and
(c) the amount recoverable by the territorial authority be-
comes a charge on the land on which the work was car-
ried out.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 65(4), (5)
127 Building work includes demolition of building
Any work required or authorised to be done under section
124(1)(c) or section 126 may include the demolition oI all or
part oI a building.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 65(6)
128 Prohibition on using dangerous, earthquake-prone, or
insanitary building
(1) II a territorial authority has put up a hoarding or Ience in re-
lation to a building or attached a notice warning people not to
approach a building under section 124(1), no person may
(a) use or occupy the building; or
(b) permit another person to use or occupy the building.
(2) Aperson commits an oIIence iI the person Iails to comply with
this section.
(3) Aperson who commits an oIIence under this section is liable to
a fne not exceeding $200,000 and, in the case oI a continuing
oIIence, to a Iurther fne not exceeding $20,000 Ior every day
or part oI a day during which the oIIence has continued.
129 Measures to avoid immediate danger or to üx insanitary
(1) This section applies iI, because oI the state oI a building,
(a) immediate danger to the saIety oI people is likely in
terms oI section 121 or section 122 or section 123; or
(b) immediate action is necessary to fx insanitary condi-
(2) The chieI executive oI a territorial authority may, by warrant
issued under his or her signature, cause any action to be taken
that is necessary in his or her judgment to
(a) remove that danger; or
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 130
(b) fx those insanitary conditions.
(3) II the territorial authority takes action under subsection (2),
(a) the owner oI the building is liable Ior the costs oI the
action; and
(b) the territorial authority may recover those costs Iromthe
owner; and
(c) the amount recoverable by the territorial authority be-
comes a charge on the land on which the building is
(4) The chieI executive oI the territorial authority and the territor-
ial authority are not under any liability arising Irom the issue,
in good Iaith, oI a warrant under subsection (2).
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 70(1), (4)
130 Territorial authority must apply to District Court for
conürmation of warrant
(1) II the chieI executive oI a territorial authority issues a warrant
under section 129(2), the territorial authority, on completion oI
the action stated in the warrant, must apply to a District Court
Ior confrmation oI the warrant.
(2) On hearing the application, the District Court may
(a) confrm the warrant without modifcation; or
(b) confrm the warrant subject to modifcation; or
(c) set the warrant aside.
(3) Subsection (1) does not apply iI
(a) the owner oI the building concerned notifes the terri-
torial authority that
(i) the owner does not dispute the entry into the
owner`s land; and
(ii) confrmation oI the warrant by a District Court is
not required; and
(b) the owner pays the costs reIerred to in section 129(3)(a).
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 70(2), (3)
Part 2 s 131 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
Policv on dangerous, earthquake-prone, and
insanitarv buildings
131 Territorial authority must adopt policy on dangerous,
earthquake-prone, and insanitary buildings
(1) A territorial authority must, within 18 months aIter the com-
mencement oI this section, adopt a policy on dangerous, earth-
quake-prone, and insanitary buildings within its district.
(2) The policy must state
(a) the approach that the territorial authority will take in
perIorming its Iunctions under this Part; and
(b) the territorial authority`s priorities in perIorming those
Iunctions; and
(c) how the policy will apply to heritage buildings.
132 Adoption and review of policy
(1) A policy under section 131 must be adopted in accordance
with the special consultative procedure in section 83 oI the
Local Government Act 2002.
(2) A policy may be amended or replaced only in accordance with
the special consultative procedure, and this section applies to
that amendment or replacement.
(3) A territorial authority must, as soon as practicable aIter adopt-
ing or amending a policy, provide a copy oI the policy to the
chieI executive.
(4) A territorial authority must complete a review oI a policy
within 5 years aIter the policy is adopted and then at intervals
oI not more than 5 years.
(5) A policy does not cease to have eIIect because it is due Ior
review or being reviewed.
Application of subpart to dams
133 Application of this subpart to dams
This subpart does not apply to
(a) a building that is a dam; or
(b) a part oI a building that is a dam.
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13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 134
Subpart 7SaIety oI dams
Dams to which provisions of this subpart applv
Heading: inserted, on 15 March 2008, by section 28 oI the Building Amendment
Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
133A Dams to which subpart 7 provisions apply
(1) Sections 157 to 159 apply to all dams.
(2) The other provisions in this subpart apply only to large dams.
Section 133A: inserted, on 15 March 2008, by section 28 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Classihcation of dams
134 Owner must classify dam
(1) An owner oI a dam must classiIy the dam according to the
potential impact oI a Iailure oI the dam on persons, property,
and the environment.
(2) In classiIying a dam, the owner must
(a) apply the prescribed criteria and standards Ior dam
saIety; and
(b) give the dam 1 oI the Iollowing classifcations:
(i) low potential impact; or
(ii) medium potential impact; or
(iii) high potential impact; and
(c) submit the classifcation oI the dam to a recognised en-
gineer Ior audit.
(3) A person commits an oIIence iI the person Iails to classiIy a
dam in accordance with this section.
(4) A person who commits an oIIence under this section is liable
to a fne not exceeding $20,000.
(5) For the purposes oI this section, the prescribed criteria and
standards Ior dam saIety may incorporate, in accordance with
sections 405 to 413, the standards, requirements, or recom-
mended practices oI national or international organisations
that are concerned with the operation and saIety oI dams.
Part 2 s 135 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
135 Owner must provide classiücation of, and certiücate for,
dam to regional authority
(1) An owner oI a dam must provide the regional authority in
whose region the dam is situated with
(a) the classifcation given by the owner to the dam; and
(b) a certifcate Irom an engineer that
(i) states that the classifcation oI the dam accords
with the prescribed criteria and standards Ior dam
saIety; and
(ii) states that the engineer is a recognised engineer;
(iii) has attached to it evidence that the engineer is a
recognised engineer.
(2) The owner must comply with subsection (1) no later than,
(a) iI the dam was commissioned beIore the commence-
ment oI this Part, 3 months aIter the regulations pre-
scribing the criteria and standards Ior dam saIety come
into Iorce; or
(b) iI the dam is commissioned aIter the commencement oI
this Part, 3 months aIter the date on which the dam was
136 Regional authority must decide whether to approve or
refuse dam classiücation
(1) A regional authority must, as soon as practicable aIter receiv-
ing a classifcation given by an owner to a dam under section
135, give written notice to the owner as to whether the regional
(a) approves the classifcation; or
(b) reIuses to approve the classifcation.
(2) A regional authority may reIuse to approve a classifcation
only iI the regional authority is satisfed, on reasonable
grounds, that the engineer who provided the certifcate re-
Ierred to in section 135(1)(b) is not a recognised engineer.
137 Dam classiücation provided to regional authority by
accredited dam owner deemed to have been approved
Despite sections 134 to 136,
(a) an accredited dam owner is not required to
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 139
(i) submit a classifcation given to a dam by the ac-
credited dam owner Ior audit; and
(ii) provide the regional authority with the certifcate
reIerred to in section 135(1)(b); and
(b) the classifcation given to a dam by the accredited dam
owner is deemed, on receipt oI the classifcation by the
regional authority, to have been approved by that re-
gional authority under section 136.
138 Regional authority must require re-audit of dam
classiücation that it refuses to approve
(1) II a regional authority reIuses to approve the classifcation
given by an owner to a dam,
(a) the regional authority must direct the owner to have the
classifcation audited by a recognised engineer; and
(b) the owner must, within the time required by subsection
(2), submit to the regional authority
(i) a re-audited classifcation; and
(ii) a certifcate Irom the recognised engineer that
meets the requirements in section 135(1)(b).
(2) The time required is
(a) 15 working days aIter the date on which the regional
authority reIused to approve the classifcation; or
(b) any later date that the regional authority in any particu-
lar case may allow.
(3) Subsection (1) and section 136 apply, with all necessary modi-
fcations, to a re-audited classifcation.
(4) Aperson commits an oIIence iI the person Iails to comply with
a regional authority`s direction under subsection (1)(a).
(5) A person who commits an oIIence under this section is liable
to a fne not exceeding $5,000.
139 Owner must review dam classiücation
(1) An owner oI a dam must review the dam`s classifcation
(a) within 5 years aIter the regional authority approves, or
is deemed to approve, the classifcation; and
(b) aIter the frst review, at intervals oI not more than
5 years.
Part 2 s 140 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
(2) The owner must also review the dam`s classifcation iI, at any
(a) any building work that requires a building consent is
carried out on the dam; and
(b) the building work results, or could result, in a change to
the potential impact oI a Iailure oI the dam on persons,
property, or the environment.
(3) Sections 135 to 138 apply, with all necessary modifcations, to
a classifcation that is given to a dam Iollowing a review under
this section.
Dam safetv assurance programmes
140 Requirement for dam safety assurance programme
(1) This section applies to an owner oI a dam that has been classi-
fed under section 134, or reclassifed under section 139, as
(a) a medium potential impact dam; or
(b) a high potential impact dam.
(2) An owner to whom this section applies must
(a) prepare, or arrange Ior the preparation oI, a dam saIety
assurance programme Ior the dam; and
(b) submit the dam saIety assurance programme to a recog-
nised engineer Ior audit.
(3) Aperson commits an oIIence iI the person Iails to comply with
subsection (2).
(4) A person who commits an oIIence under this section is liable
to a fne not exceeding $20,000.
(5) To avoid doubt, a person may do both oI the Iollowing in re-
spect oI the same dam iI the person is a recognised engineer:
(a) prepare the dam saIety assurance programme Ior that
dam; and
(b) audit the damsaIety assurance programme Ior that dam.
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13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 143
141 Content of dam safety assurance programme
A dam saIety assurance programme must
(a) be in the prescribed Iorm; and
(b) meet the prescribed criteria and standards Ior dam
142 Owner must provide dam safety assurance programme
to regional authority
(1) An owner oI a dam to whom section 140 applies must pro-
vide the regional authority in whose region the dam is situated
(a) the owner`s dam saIety assurance programme; and
(b) a certifcate Irom an engineer that
(i) states that the dam saIety assurance programme
meets the prescribed criteria and standards Ior
dam saIety; and
(ii) states that the engineer is a recognised engineer;
(iii) has attached to it evidence that the engineer is a
recognised engineer.
(2) The owner must comply with subsection (1) no later than,
(a) iI the dam has been classifed as a high potential im-
pact dam, 1 year aIter the date on which the regional
authority approves, or is deemed to approve, that clas-
sifcation; or
(b) iI the dam has been classifed as a medium potential im-
pact dam, 2 years aIter the date on which the regional
authority approves, or is deemed to approve, that clas-
143 Regional authority must decide whether to approve or
refuse dam safety assurance programme
(1) A regional authority must, as soon as practicable aIter receiv-
ing a dam saIety assurance programme, give written notice to
the relevant owner as to whether the regional authority
(a) approves the dam saIety assurance programme; or
(b) reIuses to approve the dam saIety assurance pro-
Part 2 s 144 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
(2) Aregional authority may reIuse to approve a damsaIety assur-
ance programme only iI the regional authority is satisfed, on
reasonable grounds, that the engineer who provided the cer-
tifcate reIerred to in section 142(1)(b) is not a recognised en-
144 Dam safety assurance programme provided to regional
authority by accredited dam owner deemed to have been
Despite sections 140 to 143,
(a) an accredited dam owner is not required to
(i) submit the owner`s dam saIety assurance pro-
gramme Ior audit; and
(ii) provide the regional authority with the certifcate
reIerred to in section 142(1)(b); and
(b) the dam saIety assurance programme provided to the
regional authority by the accredited dam owner is
deemed, on its receipt by the regional authority, to have
been approved by that regional authority under section
145 Regional authority must require re-audit of dam safety
assurance programme that it refuses to approve
(1) II a regional authority reIuses to approve a dam saIety assur-
ance programme,
(a) the regional authority must direct the owner oI the dam
concerned to have the damsaIety assurance programme
audited by a recognised engineer; and
(b) the owner must, within the time required by subsection
(2), submit to the regional authority
(i) a re-audited dam saIety assurance programme;
(ii) a certifcate Irom the recognised engineer that
meets the requirements oI section 142(1)(b).
(2) The time required is
(a) 15 working days aIter the date on which the regional
authority reIused to approve the dam saIety assurance
programme; or
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 146
(b) any later date that the regional authority in any particu-
lar case may allow.
(3) Subsection (1) and section 143 apply, with all necessary modi-
fcations, to a re-audited dam saIety assurance programme.
(4) Aperson commits an oIIence iI the person Iails to comply with
a direction under subsection (1)(a).
(5) A person who commits an oIIence under this section is liable
to a fne not exceeding $10,000.
146 Review of dam safety assurance programme
(1) An owner oI a dam to whom section 140 applies must review
the dam saIety assurance programme oI a dam,
(a) in the case oI a dam that has been classifed as a high
potential impact dam,
(i) within 5 years aIter the date on which the regional
authority approves, or is deemed to approve, the
dam saIety assurance programme; and
(ii) aIter the frst review, at intervals oI not more than
5 years; and
(b) in the case oI a damthat has been classifed as a medium
potential impact dam,
(i) within 10 years aIter the date on which the re-
gional authority approves, or is deemed to ap-
prove, the dam saIety assurance programme; and
(ii) aIter the frst review, at intervals oI not more than
5 years.
(2) The owner must also review the dam saIety assurance pro-
(a) iI, at any time,
(i) building work that requires a building consent is
carried out on the dam; and
(ii) the building work results, or could result, in a
change to the potential impact oI the dam on per-
sons, property, or the environment; or
(b) when requested by the regional authority to do so, iI the
dam is an earthquake-prone dam or a food-prone dam.
(3) Sections 142 and 143 apply, with all necessary modifcations,
to a reviewed dam saIety assurance programme.
Part 2 s 147 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
Section 146(2): substituted, on 15 March 2008, by section 29 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
147 Requirements of sections 140 to 142 relate to amendments
to dam safety assurance programme
The requirements oI sections 140 to 142 that apply to prepar-
ing a damsaIety assurance programme apply also to an amend-
ment to that programme.
148 Obligations of owner in relation to dam safety assurance
An owner oI a dam Ior which a dam saIety assurance pro-
gramme has been approved, or is deemed to have been ap-
proved, must ensure
(a) that the dam saIety assurance programme is kept
(i) on the dam; or
(ii) in another building in the region oI the regional
authority; or
(iii) in some other place agreed on by the owner and
the regional authority; and
(b) that the dam saIety assurance programme is available
Ior inspection by
(i) the regional authority; or
(ii) any person or organisation who or that has a right
to inspect the dam under any Act.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 44(2), (3), (4)
Who is recognised engineer
149 Who is recognised engineer
(1) A recognised engineer is an engineer who
(a) has no fnancial interest in the dam concerned; and
(b) is registered under the Chartered ProIessional
Engineers oI New Zealand Act 2002; and
(c) has
(i) the prescribed qualifcations; and
(ii) the prescribed competencies.
(2) In subsection (1)(a), ünancial interest does not include
(a) involvement in the construction oI the dam as a Iully
paid engineer; or
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 150
(b) entitlement to a Iee Ior undertaking an audit.
Dam compliance certihcate
150 Owner of dam must supply annual dam compliance
(1) An owner oI a dam Ior which a dam saIety assurance pro-
gramme has been approved, or is deemed to have been ap-
proved, must supply to the regional authority a dam compli-
ance certifcate in accordance with subsection (2).
(2) The dam compliance certifcate must
(a) be supplied on each anniversary oI the approval, or
deemed approval, oI the dam saIety assurance pro-
gramme; and
(b) state that all procedures in the damsaIety assurance pro-
gramme have been Iully complied with during the pre-
vious 12 months; and
(c) be signed by,
(i) iI the owner is an individual, that individual; or
(ii) iI the owner is a body corporate, the chieI execu-
tive oI that body corporate or, iI there is no chieI
executive, a person with an equivalent position
in the body corporate; and
(d) be in the prescribed Iorm; and
(e) contain the prescribed inIormation; and
(I) have attached to it a certifcate Irom an engineer that
(i) confrms that
(A) the engineer has reviewed the owner`s re-
ports and other documents relating to the
procedures in the dam saIety assurance
programme that the owner has Iollowed in
the previous 12 months; and
(B) all procedures in the dam saIety assurance
programme have been complied with dur-
ing the previous 12 months; and
(ii) states that the engineer is a recognised engineer;
(iii) has attached to it evidence that the engineer is a
recognised engineer.
Part 2 s 150A Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
(3) The owner must publicly display a copy oI the dam compli-
ance certifcate in a prominent place on the dam.
(4) A person commits an oIIence iI the person knowingly
(a) Iails to display a dam compliance certifcate that is re-
quired to be displayed under this section; or
(b) displays a Ialse or misleading dam compliance certif-
cate; or
(c) displays a dam compliance certifcate otherwise than in
accordance with this section.
(5) A person who commits an oIIence under this section is liable
to a fne not exceeding $5,000.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 45(1), (2)
150A Annual dam compliance certiücate requirements not to
apply to accredited dam owner
Section 150 does not apply to an accredited dam owner.
Section 150A: inserted, on 15 March 2008, by section 30 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
151 Register of dams
Each regional authority must establish and maintain a register
oI dams in its district.
152 Information to be provided to chief executive
Each regional authority and each owner oI a dam must pro-
vide inIormation to the chieI executive in accordance with the
Dangerous dams
153 Meaning of dangerous dam
A dam is dangerous Ior the purposes oI this Act iI the dam
(a) is a high potential impact dam or a medium potential
impact dam; and
(b) is likely to Iail
(i) in the ordinary course oI events; or
(ii) in a moderate earthquake (as defned in the regu-
lations); or
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 154
(iii) in a moderate food (as defned in the regula-
(c) [Repealed]
Section 153(b): substituted, on 15 March 2008, by section 31(1) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 153(c): repealed, on 15 March 2008, by section 31(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
153A Meaning of earthquake-prone dam and ñood-prone dam
(1) Adamis an earthquake-prone damIor the purposes oI this Act
iI the dam
(a) is a high potential impact dam or a medium potential
impact dam; and
(b) is likely to Iail in an earthquake threshold event (as de-
fned in the regulations).
(2) A dam is a food-prone dam Ior the purposes oI this Act iI the
(a) is a high potential impact dam or a medium potential
impact dam; and
(b) is likely to Iail in a food threshold event (as defned in
the regulations).
Section 153A: inserted, on 15 March 2008, by section 32 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
154 Powers of regional authorities in respect of dangerous
(1) II a regional authority is satisfed that a dam is dangerous, the
regional authority may
(a) put up a hoarding or Ience to prevent people Irom ap-
proaching the dam nearer than is saIe:
(b) attach in a prominent place on, or adjacent to, the dam
a notice that warns people not to approach the dam:
(c) give written notice requiring work to be carried out on
the dam, within a time stated in the notice (which must
not be less than 10 days aIter the notice is given under
section 155), to reduce or remove the danger.
(2) This section does not limit the powers oI a regional authority
under this Part.
Part 2 s 155 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
(3) Aperson commits an oIIence iI the person Iails to comply with
a notice given under subsection (1)(c).
(4) A person who commits an oIIence under this section is liable
to a fne not exceeding $200,000.
155 Requirements for notice given under section 154
(1) A notice given under section 154(1)(c) must
(a) be fxed to the dam concerned; and
(b) state whether the owner oI the dam must obtain a build-
ing consent in order to carry out the work required by
the notice.
(2) A copy oI the notice must be given to
(a) the owner oI the dam; and
(b) an occupier oI the dam; and
(c) every person who has an interest in the land on which
the dam is situated under a mortgage or other encum-
brance registered under the Land TransIer Act 1952;
(d) every person claiming an interest in the land that is pro-
tected by a caveat lodged and in Iorce under section 137
oI the Land TransIer Act 1952; and
(e) any statutory authority, iI the land or dam has been clas-
sifed; and
(I) the New Zealand Historic Places Trust, iI the dam is a
heritage dam.
(3) However, the notice, iI fxed on the dam, is not invalid because
a copy oI it has not been given to any or all oI the persons
reIerred to in subsection (2).
156 Regional authority may carry out work
(1) A regional authority may apply to a District Court Ior an order
authorising the regional authority to carry out building work iI
any work required under a notice given by the regional author-
ity under section 154(1)(c) is not completed, or not proceeding
with reasonable speed, within
(a) the time stated in the notice; or
(b) any Iurther time that the regional authority may allow.
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13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 158
(2) BeIore the regional authority applies to a District Court under
subsection (1), the regional authority must give the owner oI
the dam not less than 10 days` written notice oI its intention to
do so.
(3) II a regional authority carries out building work under the au-
thority oI an order made under subsection (1),
(a) the owner oI the dam is liable Ior the costs oI the work;
(b) the regional authority may recover those costs Irom the
owner; and
(c) the amount recoverable by the regional authority be-
comes a charge on the land on which the dam is situ-
157 Measures to avoid immediate danger
(1) This section applies iI, because oI the state oI a dam, imme-
diate danger to the saIety oI persons, property, or the environ-
ment is likely.
(2) The chieI executive oI a regional authority may, by warrant
issued under his or her signature, cause any action to be taken
that is necessary in his or her judgment to remove that danger.
(3) II the regional authority takes action under subsection (2),
(a) the owner oI the dam is liable Ior the costs oI the action;
(b) the regional authority may recover those costs Irom the
owner; and
(c) the amount recoverable by the regional authority be-
comes a charge on the land on which the dam is situ-
(4) The chieI executive oI the regional authority and the regional
authority are not under any liability arising Irom the issue, in
good Iaith, oI a warrant under subsection (2).
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 70(1), (2), (4)
158 Regional authority must apply to District Court for
conürmation of warrant
(1) II the chieI executive oI a regional authority issues a warrant
under section 157(2), the regional authority, on completion oI
Part 2 s 159 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
the action stated in the warrant, must apply to a District Court
Ior confrmation oI the warrant.
(2) On hearing the application, the District Court may
(a) confrm the warrant without modifcation; or
(b) confrm the warrant subject to modifcation; or
(c) set the warrant aside.
(3) Subsection (1) does not apply iI
(a) the owner oI the dam concerned notifes the regional
authority that
(i) the owner does not dispute the entry into the
owner`s land; and
(ii) confrmation oI the warrant by a District Court is
not required; and
(b) the owner pays the costs reIerred to in section 157(3)(a).
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 70(3)
159 Building work includes decommissioning and demolition
of dam
Any work required or authorised to be carried out under sec-
tion 154(1)(c), or action taken under section 157, may include
the decommissioning and demolition oI a dam.
160 Power of regional authority not limited
The provisions oI sections 154 to 159 are in addition to, and
do not limit, the powers oI a regional authority under section
Policv on dangerous dams
161 Regional authority must adopt policy on dangerous dams,
earthquake-prone dams, and ñood-prone dams
(1) A regional authority must, within 18 months aIter the com-
mencement oI this Part, adopt a policy on dangerous dams,
earthquake-prone dams, and food-prone dams within its re-
(2) The policy must state
(a) the approach that the regional authority will take in per-
Iorming its Iunctions under this Part; and
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 163
(b) the regional authority`s priorities in perIorming those
Iunctions; and
(c) how the policy will apply to heritage dams.
Section 161 heading: amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 33(1) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 161(1): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 33(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
162 Adoption and review of policy
(1) A policy under section 161 must be adopted in accordance
with the special consultative procedure in section 83 oI the
Local Government Act 2002.
(2) A policy may be amended or replaced only in accordance with
the special consultative procedure, and this section applies to
that amendment or replacement.
(3) Aregional authority must, as soon as practicable aIter adopting
or amending a policy, provide a copy oI the policy to the chieI
(4) Aregional authority must complete a reviewoI a policy within
5 years aIter the policy is adopted and then at intervals oI not
more than 5 years.
(5) A policy does not cease to have eIIect because it is due Ior
review or being reviewed.
Subpart 8Notices to fx
163 Deünitions for this subpart
In this subpart, unless the context otherwise requires,
responsible authority means, as the context requires,
(a) a building consent authority; or
(b) a territorial authority; or
(c) a regional authority
speciüed person means
(a) the owner oI a building; and
(b) iI the notice to fx relates to building work being carried
(i) the person carrying out the building work; or
(ii) iI applicable, any other person supervising the
building work.
Part 2 s 164 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
164 Issue of notice to üx
(1) This section applies iI a responsible authority considers on rea-
sonable grounds that
(a) a specifed person is contravening or Iailing to comply
with this Act or the regulations (Ior example, the re-
quirement to obtain a building consent); or
(b) a building warrant oI ftness or dam warrant oI ftness
is not correct; or
(c) the inspection, maintenance, or reporting procedures
stated in a compliance schedule are not being, or have
not been, properly complied with.
(2) Aresponsible authority must issue to the specifed person con-
cerned a notice (a notice to üx) requiring the person
(a) to remedy the contravention oI, or to comply with, this
Act or the regulations; or
(b) to correct the warrant oI ftness; or
(c) to properly comply with the inspection, maintenance, or
reporting procedures stated in the compliance schedule.
(3) However, iI a responsible authority considers that it is more
appropriate Ior another responsible authority to issue the no-
tice to fx, it must
(a) notiIy the other authority that it holds that view; and
(b) give the other authority the reasons Ior that view.
(4) The other responsible authority reIerred to in subsection (3)
must issue the notice to fx iI it considers that this section ap-
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 42(1)
165 Form and content of notice to üx
(1) The Iollowing provisions apply to a notice to fx:
(a) it must be in the prescribed Iorm:
(b) it must state a reasonable timeIrame within which it
must be complied with:
(c) iI it relates to building work that is being or has been
carried out without a building consent, it may require
the making oI an application Ior a certifcate oI accept-
ance Ior the work:
(d) iI it requires building work to be carried out, it may re-
quire the making oI an application Ior a building con-
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 2 s 166
sent, or Ior an amendment to an existing building con-
sent, Ior the work:
(e) iI it requires building work to be carried out, it must
require the territorial authority, the regional authority,
or both to be contacted when the work is completed:
(I) iI it relates to building work, it may direct that the site be
made saIe immediately and that all or any building work
cease immediately (except any building work necessary
to make the site saIe) until the responsible authority is
satisfed that the person carrying out the work is able
and willing to resume operations in compliance with
this Act and the regulations.
(2) Nothing in subsection (1) limits or aIIects the generality oI
section 164.
Section 165: substituted, on 14 April 2005, by section 15(1) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 165(1)(I): substituted, on 15 March 2008, by section 34 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
166 Special provisions for notices to üx from building consent
(1) II section 164 applies because a building consent authority that
granted a building consent Ior building work considers that
the building work has not been, or is not being, carried out in
accordance with this Act or the building consent, a notice to
fx applies only
(a) to building work required during the period in which a
building consent is operative; or
(b) in respect oI building work Ior which a building consent
should have been obtained; or
(c) in respect oI building work Ior which a building consent
was not required but where there was a requirement that
the work meet the building code.
(2) A building consent authority that is not a territorial authority
or a regional authority that issues a notice to fx must, within
5 working days aIter issuing it, give a copy oI it to
(a) the territorial authority; or
(b) iI the territorial authority has transIerred, under section
233, any oI its Iunctions, duties, or powers under this
Part 2 s 167 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
Act to another territorial authority, the territorial author-
ity to whom the Iunctions, duties, or powers have been
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 42(3)
Section 166(1): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 35(1) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 166(2): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 35(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 166(2): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 3(6)(b) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 166(2)(a): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 3(6)(c) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
167 Inspection of building work under notice to üx
(1) II a specifed person to whom a notice to fx was issued is re-
quired to notiIy a territorial authority or, as the case may be,
a regional authority that the relevant building work has been
completed, the territorial authority or regional authority must,
on receipt oI the notice Irom the specifed person concerned,
inspect, or arrange Ior its authorised agent to inspect, the build-
ing work to which the notice to fx relates.
(2) AIter the building work has been inspected under subsection
(1), the territorial authority or regional authority must, by writ-
ten notice to the specifed person concerned, either
(a) confrm that the notice to fx has been complied with; or
(b) reIuse to confrmthat the notice to fx has been complied
(3) The territorial authority or regional authority must, on giving
the confrmation under subsection (2)(a), Iorward a copy oI
the confrmation to the responsible authority that issued the
notice to fx (iI that responsible authority is diIIerent Irom the
territorial authority or regional authority).
(4) II the territorial authority or regional authority reIuses, under
subsection (2)(b), to confrm that a notice to fx has been
complied with, the territorial authority or regional authority
(a) give the specifed person concerned written notice oI
(i) the reIusal; and
(ii) the reasons Ior the reIusal; and
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 3 s 169
(b) issue a Iurther notice to fx in respect oI the building
(5) Section 164 applies to a notice to fx issued under subsection
168 Offence not to comply with notice to üx
(1) Aperson commits an oIIence iI the person Iails to comply with
a notice to fx.
(2) Aperson who commits an oIIence under this section is liable to
a fne not exceeding $200,000 and, in the case oI a continuing
oIIence, to a Iurther fne not exceeding $20,000 Ior every day
or part oI a day during which the oIIence has continued.
Part 3
Regulatory responsibilities and
Subpart 1Responsibilities oI chieI
Functions, duties, and powers of chief executive
168A Chief executive`s functions in relation to this Act
The chieI executive must
(a) take all necessary steps Ior the implementation and ad-
ministration oI this Act; and
(b) review the Act as necessary.
Section 168A: inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 53 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
169 Chief executive must monitor current and emerging
trends in building design, etc, and must report annually
to Minister
(1) The chieI executive must monitor current and emerging trends
in building design, building technologies, and other Iactors
that may aIIect
(a) the building code and compliance documents:
(b) any warnings issued, and bans declared, under section
26 in relation to any building method or product:
Part 3 s 170 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(c) any guidance inIormation published by the chieI execu-
tive under section 175:
(d) any other Iunctions and duties oI the chieI executive
under this Act.
(2) The chieI executive must, in each year, make a report to the
Minister on the perIormance oI his or her Iunctions under sub-
section (1).
170 Chief executive must consult in performing certain
The chieI executive must, in perIorming his or her Iunctions,
consult with,
(a) in the case oI Iunctions that involve advice, approval,
and determinations about fre saIety and fre-engineer-
ing practice, the New Zealand Fire Service Commis-
(b) in the case oI disability issues, the chieI executive oI the
department oI State responsible Ior disability issues.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 12(2)
171 Chief executive may seek advice from building advisory
(1) The chieI executive may, at any time, seek advice Iroma build-
ing advisory panel appointed under section 172 on
(a) current and emerging trends in building design, building
technologies, and other Iactors that may aIIect
(i) the building code and compliance documents:
(ii) any warnings issued, or bans declared, under sec-
tion 26 in relation to any building method or
(iii) any guidance inIormation published by the chieI
executive under section 175:
(b) whether this Act or the regulations are achieving their
(c) building issues that are not covered by this Act, but
which the panel considers should be dealt with by le-
(d) any other matter that the chieI executive considers ap-
propriate Ior the panel to advise on.
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 3 s 172
(2) The chieI executive must consider, but is not bound by, any
advice given by the panel.
172 Appointment of building advisory panel
(1) The chieI executive must appoint a building advisory panel
(a) consists oI experts in the building sector; and
(b) has the Iollowing members:
(i) 1 person to convene and chair the panel:
(ii) no less than 5 other members.
(2) The chieI executive must,
(a) beIore appointing a member, publicly notiIy a vacancy
in a manner that enables suitably qualifed individuals
to apply Ior appointment; and
(b) in appointing a member,
(i) take into account the need Ior members oI the
panel to have among them a breadth oI experi-
ence and expertise, and knowledge oI, or ex-
perience in, matters that come within the panel`s
Iunction (including, without limitation, matters
that relate to consumer, cultural, disability, en-
ergy eIfciency, health and saIety, heritage, or
sustainable development issues); and
(ii) ensure that there is an appropriate balance in the
membership oI the panel so that the members
represent a broad range oI interests, rather than
the interests oI a particular group; and
(iii) consult, as the chieI executive considers appro-
priate, persons who have an expertise or interest
in matters that come within the panel`s Iunction.
(3) The chieI executive may, at any time, co-opt suitable persons
onto the panel iI doing so is necessary Ior the purposes oI sub-
section (2)(b)(i) and (ii).
(4) The terms on which a member oI the panel is appointed are the
terms set by the chieI executive when appointing the member.
(5) A member must not be appointed Ior a term that exceeds
3 years, but may be reappointed Ior 1 more term.
Part 3 s 173 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
(6) A member oI the panel may resign by written notice to the
chieI executive.
(7) The panel is a statutory board Ior the purposes oI the Fees and
Travelling Allowances Act 1951.
(8) There may be paid, out oI public money to the members oI the
panel, remuneration by way oI Iees, salaries, or allowances,
and travelling allowances and travelling expenses in accord-
ance with the Fees and Travelling Allowances Act 1951, and
the provisions oI that Act apply accordingly.
173 Function of panel
(1) The Iunction oI the panel is to provide independent and spe-
cialist advice to the chieI executive on any oI the matters re-
Ierred to in section 171(1).
(2) It is not the panel`s Iunction to advise the chieI executive on
the perIormance oI the chieI executive`s Iunctions or duties,
or the exercise oI the chieI executive`s powers, under this Act.
(3) Subsection (2) does not apply iI the chieI executive seeks the
panel`s advice on the matters reIerred to in that subsection.
174 Chief executive must report on panel`s operation
(1) The chieI executive must ensure that inIormation about the
operation oI the panel is, in each year, included in the annual
report oI the Ministry.
(2) For the purposes oI subsection (1), the chieI executive must,
without limitation, include inIormation about
(a) who the members oI the panel are; and
(b) the number oI times that the panel met; and
(c) the Iees and other expenses paid to members oI the
panel; and
(d) a summary oI the matters considered by the panel and
whether the chieI executive Iollowed the advice oI the
panel on those matters.
175 Chief executive may publish guidance information
(1) The chieI executive may publish inIormation Ior the guidance
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 3 s 176
(a) any oI the Iollowing persons to assist themin complying
with this Act:
(i) territorial authorities:
(ii) building consent authorities:
(iii) owners:
(iv) persons who carry out building work; and
(b) any oI the Iollowing persons to assist them in the per-
Iormance oI their Iunctions and duties, and in the exer-
cise oI their powers (iI any), in relation to dams:
(i) regional authorities:
(ii) owners oI dams:
(iii) licensed building practitioners.
(2) Any inIormation published by the chieI executive under this
(a) is only a guide; and
(b) iI used, does not relieve any person oI the obligation
to consider any matter to which that inIormation relates
according to the circumstances oI the particular case.
Power of chief executive to make determinations
176 Meaning of party
In sections 177 to 190, party, in relation to a determination,
means any or all oI the Iollowing persons aIIected by the de-
(a) the territorial authority:
(b) the building consent authority:
(c) the owner or, iI there is more than 1 owner, any oI the
(d) the licensed building practitioner concerned with the
relevant building work:
(da) any person to whom a notice to fx relating to the rele-
vant building work has been issued under section 164:
(e) iI the matter Ior determination relates to
(i) a provision in the building code that has the pur-
pose oI protecting other property, the owner oI
the other property:
(ii) a dam, the regional authority:
Part 3 s 177 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(I) iI the matter Ior determination relates to the provision
oI access and Iacilities Ior persons with disabilities to,
and within, a building, any person who
(i) has a direct interest in the matter; and
(ii) applies to the chieI executive Ior a determination
under section 177:
(g) any person or organisation who or that has a right or an
obligation under any other Act to give written notice to
a territorial authority in respect oI matters to which this
Act relates.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 16
Section 176(c): replaced, on 13 March 2012, by section 54(1) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 176(da): inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 54(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
177 Application for determination
(1) A party may apply to the chieI executive Ior a determination
in relation to either or both oI the Iollowing:
(a) whether particular matters comply with the building
(b) the exercise, Iailure or reIusal to exercise, or proposed
or purported exercise by an authority in subsection (2),
(3), or (4) oI a power oI decision to which this paragraph
applies by virtue oI that subsection.
(2) Subsection (1)(b) applies to any power oI decision oI a build-
ing consent authority in respect oI all or any oI the Iollowing:
(a) a building consent:
(b) an extension under section 52(b) oI the period during
which building work must be commenced beIore a
building consent lapses:
(c) an extension under section 93(2)(b)(ii) oI the period
during which the authority must decide whether to issue
a code compliance certifcate:
(d) a code compliance certifcate:
(e) a compliance schedule:
(I) a notice to fx.
(3) Subsection (1)(b) applies to any power oI decision oI a territor-
ial authority in respect oI, or under, all or any oI the Iollowing:
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 3 s 179
(a) any waiver or modifcation oI the building code under
section 67:
(b) a certifcate oI acceptance under section 96:
(c) an exemption Irom building consent requirements
under paragraph (k) oI Schedule 1:
(d) an amendment to a compliance schedule under section
106, 107, or 109:
(e) a notice to fx:
(I) sections 112, 113, 115, and 116 (which relate to alter-
ations to, or changes in the use oI, a building) and 124
and 129 (which relate to dangerous, earthquake-prone,
and insanitary buildings):
(g) a certifcate Ior public use under section 363A:
(h) a certifcate under section 224(I) oI the Resource Man-
agement Act 1991.
(4) Subsection (1)(b) applies to any power oI decision under this
Act oI a regional authority in respect oI a dam.
(5) Nothing in this section limits or aIIects section 70(4) or
Section 177: substituted, on 7 July 2010, by section 4 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2010 (2010 No 50).
178 Requirements for application for determination
(1) An application Ior a determination must
(a) be made in writing; and
(b) be given, in the prescribed Iorm and manner (iI any), to
the chieI executive; and
(c) contain the prescribed inIormation (iI any); and
(d) be accompanied by the prescribed Iee (iI any).
(2) The applicant must give a copy oI the application Ior a de-
termination to every other party named in, or aIIected by, the
application, either beIore or immediately aIter the application
is given to the chieI executive.
179 Chief executive may refuse application for determination
(1) The chieI executive may
(a) reIuse an application Ior a determination; and
(b) return the application to the applicant (and do no more
in relation to the application).
Part 3 s 180 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
(2) Subsection (1) applies only iI, in the chieI executive`s opin-
(a) the application is not genuine or is vexatious or
Irivolous; or
(b) the applicant is not a party; or
(c) the chieI executive has made a determination, or is cur-
rently considering an application Ior a determination,
on the same matter.
180 Application for determination may be withdrawn
(1) An applicant Ior a determination may, at any time, withdraw
the application by written notice to the chieI executive.
(2) II the chieI executive receives the notice, the chieI executive
(a) must notiIy the parties in relation to the application
about the withdrawal oI the application; and
(b) may apportion costs under section 190; and
(c) must do no more in relation to the application.
181 Chief executive may make determination on own initiative
(1) The chieI executive may, iI he or she considers it necessary
Ior achieving the purposes oI this Act, direct that he or she
will make a determination on a matter reIerred to in section
(a) on his or her own initiative; and
(b) without an application Ior a determination being made
under that section.
(2) The chieI executive
(a) may give a direction under subsection (1) either beIore
or aIter a decision or a power that relates to the matter is
made or, as the case may be, is exercised by any person
reIerred to in section 177; and
(b) must,
(i) in a case where a direction is given aIter the deci-
sion is made, or the power is exercised, confrm,
reverse, or modiIy the decision or the exercise oI
the power in his or her determination; or
(ii) in a case where a direction is given beIore the
decision is made, or the power is exercised, de-
termine the matter in his or her determination.
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 3 s 184
(3) The chieI executive must, as soon as practicable aIter giving a
direction under subsection (1),
(a) send a copy oI the direction to every party in relation to
the matter to which it relates; and
(b) publicly notiIy the direction.
182 No proceedings until determination made
(1) Aperson may not commence proceedings in a District Court or
the High Court iI the matter that gives rise to those proceedings
can be the subject oI a determination.
(2) However, a person may commence those proceedings iI that
person, or any other person, has already applied Ior a deter-
mination oI the matter and the chieI executive has
(a) made a determination on the application; or
(b) reIused to make a determination.
(3) This section
(a) does not aIIect injunctive proceedings; and
(b) is subject to section 381.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 17(3)
183 Decision or exercise of power suspended until
determination made
(1) Until the chieI executive makes a determination on a matter,
any decision or exercise oI a power by any person reIerred to
in section 177 that relates to that matter is suspended unless
and to the extent that the chieI executive directs otherwise.
(2) However, a requirement in a notice to fx issued under section
164 to cease building work Ior saIety reasons remains in Iorce
until the determination is made.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 17(4)
184 Chief executive must decide whether to make
The chieI executive must, within 10 working days aIter the
date on which he or she receives an application Ior a deter-
(a) decide whether or not to make the determination; and
Part 3 s 185 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(b) give written notice oI his or her decision to the parties
185 When determination must be completed
(1) II the chieI executive decides to make a determination, he or
she must, within the time required under subsection (2),
(a) make the determination; and
(b) give a copy oI the determination to the parties con-
(2) The time required is
(a) 60 working days aIter the date on which the chieI ex-
ecutive receives the application; or
(b) any Iurther time that the chieI executive and the parties
may agree.
(3) II the chieI executive requires a party to provide documents
under section 186(3)(a), the period specifed in subsection
(2)(a) does not include the period that
(a) starts on the day on which the chieI executive makes
that requirement; and
(b) ends on the earlier oI
(i) the day on which the party complies with that
requirement; or
(ii) the date specifed by the chieI executive as the
date by which the party must provide those docu-
186 Procedure for determination
(1) In making a determination, the chieI executive must
(a) avoid unnecessary delay and Iormality; and
(b) recognise tikanga Mäori, and receive evidence, written
or spoken, in Mäori; and
(c) receive any relevant evidence, whether or not it would
be admissible in a court oI law; and
(d) comply with the principles oI natural justice.
(2) The chieI executive may consider related applications to-
(3) The chieI executive
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 3 s 187
(a) may require the applicant or another party to provide
documents relating to the application within any rea-
sonable period that the chieI executive may, Irom time
to time, speciIy; and
(b) must require
(i) the applicant to provide each oI the other parties
(iI any) with copies oI the application and any
documents accompanying the application; and
(ii) the applicant or another party to provide each oI
the other parties with copies oI any documents
provided under paragraph (a).
(4) II the applicant or another party Iails to comply with a require-
ment to provide documents under subsection (3)(a) within the
period specifed by the chieI executive, the chieI executive
may, at the expiry oI that period, make the determination with-
out receiving the documents.
(5) A submission in respect oI an application Ior a determination
received by the chieI executive beIore the chieI executive has
determined the matter must be considered by the chieI execu-
Compare: 1991 No 150 ss 17(2), 19(1)
187 Chief executive may engage persons to assist with
(1) The chieI executive may engage a suitable person to assist the
chieI executive in relation to
(a) any application Ior a determination; and
(b) matters to which a direction under section 181 relates.
(2) The person may do anything the chieI executive may do under
sections 177, 179, 180, 183 to 186, and 188 to 190, but the
chieI executive alone makes a determination.
(3) The chieI executive may, in making a determination, rely on a
report Irom the person.
(4) The Iailure oI the person to perIorm his or her Iunctions does
not prevent the chieI executive Irom making a determination.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 21
Part 3 s 188 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
188 Determination by chief executive
(1) A determination by the chieI executive must
(a) confrm, reverse, or modiIy the decision or exercise oI
a power to which it relates; or
(b) determine the matter to which it relates.
(2) A determination is binding on the parties concerned.
(3) A determination may incorporate
(a) waivers or modifcations oI the building code; and
(b) conditions that a territorial authority or regional author-
ity, as the case may be, is able to grant or impose.
(4) Subsection (1) is subject to section 181(2)(b).
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 20
189 Clariücation of determination
The chieI executive may, within 20 working days aIter making
a determination, amend the determination to clariIy it iI
(a) the chieI executive, on his or her own initiative or on
the application oI a party to the determination, considers
that the determination requires clarifcation; and
(b) the clarifcation is either
(i) not material to any person aIIected by the deter-
mination; or
(ii) agreed to by the parties to the determination; and
(c) no appeal against the determination is pending.
190 Parties` costs
(1) The parties in relation to an application Ior a determination
bear their own costs.
(2) However, the chieI executive may, by written direction to the
applicant or another party, require that person to meet some or
all oI the other party`s costs in respect oI the determination or
application iI, in the chieI executive`s opinion, the party has
contributed unreasonably to costs or delays.
(3) A party in whose Iavour a direction under subsection (2) is
given may enIorce that direction by fling it in the prescribed
Iorm (iI any) in a District Court.
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13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 3 s 192
(4) A direction that is fled in the District Court under subsection
(3) is enIorceable as a judgment oI the District Court in its civil
Power of chief executive to register persons as
building consent authorities for purposes of this
Heading: amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 37 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
191 Chief executive may enter person`s name in register of
building consent authorities
The chieI executive may, on the application oI a person made
in accordance with section 194, enter the person`s name in
the register oI building consent authorities kept under section
Section 191: substituted, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(1) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
192 Criteria for registration
(1) BeIore entering a person`s name in the register oI building
consent authorities, the chieI executive must be satisfed that
(a) the person holds a current accreditation Irom a build-
ing consent accreditation body appointed under section
248; and
(b) the person meets the prescribed criteria and standards
Ior registration; and
(c) in the case oI a person who wishes to be registered as a
building consent authority but who is not a territorial au-
thority or a regional authority, the person has adequate
means to cover any civil liabilities that may arise in the
perIormance oI the Iunctions oI a building consent au-
(2) In considering whether a person has adequate means to cover
any civil liabilities under subsection (1)(c), the chieI executive
may have regard to whether the person
(a) holds an insurance policy that meets the minimumterms
and conditions prescribed by regulations made under
section 402; or
Part 3 s 193 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(b) holds an insurance policy under a scheme oI insurance
approved by regulations made under section 402; or
(c) has put in place any arrangements that provide Ior eI-
Iective consumer protection (Ior example, by giving a
bond or having a guarantor).
Section 192(1): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(c) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 192(1)(c): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 3(5) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
193 Effect of registration
(1) A person whose name is entered in the register oI building
consent authorities may perIorm the Iunctions oI a building
consent authority under this Part and Part 2.
(2) However, a person whose name is entered in the register oI
building consent authorities but who is not a territorial author-
ity or a regional authority may perIorm only those Iunctions
that correspond with, or are within, the person`s scope oI ac-
Section 193(1): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(d) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 193(2): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 3(5) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
194 Application for registration
An application Ior registration under section 191 must
(a) be made in writing to the chieI executive; and
(b) be given in the prescribed manner (iI any); and
(c) contain the prescribed inIormation (iI any); and
(d) be accompanied by the prescribed Iee (iI any).
195 Chief executive must decide application for registration
The chieI executive must, as soon as practicable aIter receiv-
ing an application Ior registration that complies with section
(a) decide whether to register the applicant; and
(b) give the applicant written notice oI his or her decision;
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 3 s 197
(c) iI the chieI executive decides to reIuse the application,
state the reasons Ior the reIusal in the notice given under
paragraph (b).
196 Registration continuous so long as person meets criteria
for registration
(1) The chieI executive must assess at least once every 3 years,
and may assess at any other time, whether a building consent
authority whose name is entered in the register oI building con-
sent authorities continues to meet the criteria Ior registration
specifed in section 192.
(2) A building consent authority that continues to meet those cri-
teria is entitled to the continuation oI its registration, subject
to section 203.
Section 196(1): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(e) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 196(2): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(I) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
197 Consequences of failure to meet criteria for registration
(1) Subsection (2) or subsection (3) applies iI, aIter making an
assessment under section 196, the chieI executive determines
that a building consent authority no longer meets the criteria
Ior registration.
(2) In the case oI a building consent authority that is not a terri-
torial authority or a regional authority,
(a) the chieI executive must
(i) suspend the authority`s registration until the au-
thority satisfes the chieI executive that the au-
thority meets those criteria; and
(ii) record the suspension in the register oI building
consent authorities; and
(b) iI the authority does not so satisIy the chieI executive
within 12 months aIter the suspension, or any Iurther
period that the chieI executive may determine, the chieI
executive must
(i) revoke the authority`s registration; and
(ii) remove the authority`s name Irom the register oI
building consent authorities.
Part 3 s 198 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(3) In the case oI a territorial authority or a regional authority, the
chieI executive must recommend to the Minister that the Min-
ister appoint 1 or more persons to act in the place oI the terri-
torial authority or, as the case may be, the regional authority
in relation to all or any oI its Iunctions.
(4) II subsection (3) applies, sections 277 to 281 apply with all
necessary modifcations.
Section 197(1): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(g) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 197(2): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 3(5) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 197(2)(a)(i): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(j) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 197(2)(a)(i): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(k) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 197(2)(a)(ii): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(c) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 197(2)(b): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(k) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 197(2)(b)(i): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(j) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 197(2)(b)(ii): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(c) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 197(2)(b)(ii): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(j) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
198 Effect of suspension
(1) Abuilding consent authority is not registered, Ior the purposes
oI this Part and Part 2, Ior the period Ior which the authority`s
registration is suspended under section 197(2).
(2) At the end oI the period oI suspension, the authority`s registra-
tion is immediately revived (unless there is some other ground
to suspend or revoke that authority`s registration).
(3) Despite subsection (1), the chieI executive may authorise a
building consent authority to perIorm limited Iunctions as a
building consent authority during the period oI suspension iI
the chieI executive is satisfed that doing so is necessary in
the public interest (Ior example, to enable code compliance
certifcates to be issued by the authority in respect oI building
consents that were granted beIore the date oI suspension).
(4) An authority given under subsection (3) may
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 3 s 200
(a) be subject to any conditions that the chieI executive
thinks ft; and
(b) be revoked by the chieI executive at any time.
Section 198(1): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 38(1) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 198(1): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(j) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 198(2): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(j) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 198(3): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 38(2)(a) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 198(3): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 38(2)(b) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
199 Offence for person to perform functions of building
consent authority or regional authority if person not
registered, etc
(1) A person commits an oIIence iI the person perIorms any oI
the Iunctions oI a building consent authority without being
registered under section 191.
(2) A person commits an oIIence iI the person
(a) is a building consent authority that is not a territorial
authority or a regional authority; and
(b) perIorms any oI the Iunctions oI a building consent au-
thority that do not correspond with, or are not within,
the person`s scope oI accreditation.
(3) A person who commits an oIIence under this section is liable
to a fne not exceeding $200,000.
Section 199(1): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(h) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 199(2)(a): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 3(5) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
200 Complaints about building consent authorities
(1) The chieI executive may receive complaints alleging that a
building consent authority
(a) has Iailed, or is Iailing, without good reason to properly
perIorm any oI the authority`s Iunctions under this Part
or Part 2:
(b) has been, or is, negligent in perIorming those Iunctions.
Part 3 s 201 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(2) As soon as practicable aIter receiving a complaint, the chieI
executive must
(a) inIorm the building consent authority concerned oI the
complaint; and
(b) decide whether to accept or decline the complaint.
(3) The chieI executive must, immediately aIter making a decision
under subsection (2),
(a) give written notice oI the decision to the person who
made the complaint and the building consent authority
concerned; and
(b) iI the chieI executive decides to accept the complaint,
proceed to investigate the complaint.
(4) The chieI executive may decline to accept, and is not required
to investigate, a complaint that he or she considers vexatious
or Irivolous.
Section 200 heading: amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(i) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 200(1): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(g) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 200(1)(a): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(j) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 200(2)(a): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(g) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 200(3)(a): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(g) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
201 Chief executive may conduct investigation on own
(1) II the chieI executive considers that there are reasonable
grounds Ior believing that any oI the matters specifed in
section 200(1) applies, the chieI executive may decide to
investigate the matter
(a) on his or her own initiative; and
(b) without a complaint under section 200 being made.
(2) The chieI executive must, immediately aIter making a decision
under subsection (1),
(a) give written notice oI the decision to the building con-
sent authority concerned; and
(b) proceed to investigate the matter.
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(3) To avoid doubt, this section does not aIIect the chieI execu-
tive`s power to conduct a review oI a territorial authority or
regional authority under section 276.
Section 201(2)(a): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(g) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
202 Procedure if chief executive proceeds to investigate
complaint or matter
(1) This section applies iI the chieI executive proceeds to investi-
(a) a complaint under section 200; or
(b) a matter on his or her own initiative under section 201.
(2) The chieI executive must, in the notice to the building consent
authority concerned given under section 200(3) or, as the case
may be, section 201(2),
(a) state that the chieI executive has reason to believe that
1 or more grounds exist entitling him or her to exercise
the disciplinary powers under section 203; and
(b) provide particulars that will clearly inIorm the building
consent authority oI the ground or grounds; and
(c) give the building consent authority a reasonable oppor-
tunity to make written submissions on the matter; and
(d) consider those submissions (iI any).
Section 202(2): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(g) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 202(2)(b): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(g) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 202(2)(c): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(g) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
203 Disciplinary powers of chief executive
(1) This section applies iI the chieI executive, aIter conducting
an investigation and considering the submissions made by a
building consent authority (iI any), is satisfed that the building
consent authority
(a) has Iailed without good reason to properly perIorm any
oI the authority`s Iunctions under this Part or Part 2:
(b) has been negligent in perIorming those Iunctions.
(2) The chieI executive may do 1 or more oI the Iollowing:
(a) issue a warning to the building consent authority:
Part 3 s 203 Building Act 2004
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(b) require the building consent authority to take remedial
(i) within a specifed time; and
(ii) that is subject to any conditions that the chieI
executive thinks ft (iI any):
(c) limit the Iunctions that the building consent authority
may perIorm under this Part or Part 2 and record the
limitation in the appropriate register accordingly:
(d) in the case oI a building consent authority that is not a
territorial authority or a regional authority,
(i) suspend the authority`s registration and record
the suspension in the appropriate register accord-
ingly; or
(ii) iI the chieI executive considers that the circum-
stances warrant it, revoke the authority`s regis-
tration and remove the authority`s name Irom the
register oI building consent authorities:
(e) in the case oI a territorial authority or regional authority,
recommend to the Minister that the Minister appoint
1 or more persons to act in the place oI the territorial
authority or, as the case may be, the regional authority
in relation to all or any oI its Iunctions.
(3) II subsection (2)(e) applies, sections 277 to 281 apply with all
necessary modifcations.
(4) II the chieI executive takes any action reIerred to in subsection
(2), he or she must give written notice oI the action to the
building consent authority and the reasons Ior the action.
Section 203(1): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(g) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 203(1)(a): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(j) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 203(2)(a): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(g) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 203(2)(b): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(g) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 203(2)(c): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(g) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 203(2)(d): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 3(5) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 203(2)(d)(i): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(j) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
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13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 3 s 204
Section 203(2)(d)(ii): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(c) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 203(2)(d)(ii): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(j) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 203(4): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(g) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Further powers of chief executive
204 Special powers of chief executive for monitoring
performance of functions under this Act
(1) The purpose oI this section is to enable the chieI executive to
(a) monitor the perIormance by territorial authorities,
building consent authorities, or regional authorities oI
their Iunctions under this Act; and
(b) carry out the review oI territorial authorities under sec-
tion 276; and
(c) assist the Minister in determining whether to exercise
the Minister`s power under section 277 (which relates
to the non-perIormance oI Iunctions by a territorial au-
(2) For the purpose oI this section, the chieI executive
(a) must have Iull access at all reasonable times to
(i) all relevant inIormation that is in the possession
or control oI any territorial authority, building
consent authority, or regional authority; and
(ii) any place where that inIormation is kept:
(b) may require any territorial authority, building consent
authority, or regional authority to
(i) supply any relevant inIormation; or
(ii) answer any question that relates to the perIorm-
ance oI Iunctions under this Act:
(c) may, by written notice, require any person having pos-
session or control oI any relevant inIormation to supply
to the chieI executive, in a manner specifed in the no-
tice, all or any oI the inIormation:
(d) may enter and re-enter any land or building, with any
appliances, machinery, and equipment that are reason-
ably necessary, to
Part 3 s 205 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
(i) make any surveys, investigations, tests, and
measurements that are reasonably necessary Ior
the purposes oI this section; and
(ii) generally do any other things that are reasonably
necessary to enable the surveys, investigations,
tests, and measurements to be carried out.
(3) Subsection (2) does not
(a) limit any Act that imposes a prohibition or restriction
on the availability oI any inIormation; or
(b) authorise the chieI executive, or any person acting on
behalI oI the chieI executive, to enter any household
unit being used as such without the permission oI the
occupier oI the household unit.
(4) In this section, relevant information
(a) means any inIormation oI any description that relates
to the perIormance by a territorial authority, building
consent authority, or regional authority oI its Iunctions
under this Act; and
(b) includes inIormation that is kept in any Iorm (whether
in electronic Iorm or otherwise).
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 79(1), (2)
205 Limits on power to enter land or building
The power to enter land or buildings under section 204(2) is
subject to the Iollowing conditions:
(a) the person entering must, iI requested on entry or at any
subsequent time, produce to the owner or occupier oI
that land or building the written warrant reIerred to in
section 206:
(b) entry may be made only at reasonable times.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 79(3)
206 Chief executive must supply warrant
(1) The chieI executive must supply to a person authorised to enter
land or buildings on behalI oI the chieI executive a written
warrant that contains
(a) a reIerence to this section; and
(b) the Iull name oI the person; and
(c) a statement oI the powers conIerred by this section.
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13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 3 s 208
(2) A person who does not have a warrant supplied under this
section must not represent himselI or herselI to be the holder
oI a warrant.
(3) A person commits an oIIence iI the person
(a) Iails to comply with subsection (2); or
(b) impersonates or Ialsely pretends to be a person named
in a warrant supplied under this section.
(4) A person who commits an oIIence under this section is liable
to a fne not exceeding $5,000.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 79(4), (6)
207 Duties of person supplied with warrant
An authorised person supplied with a warrant under section
(a) must, on the termination oI his or her authority, surren-
der the warrant to the chieI executive; and
(b) must not purport to act under a warrant aIter the termin-
ation oI his or her authority to act on behalI oI the chieI
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 79(5)
Appeal from chief executives decisions
208 Appeals to District Court
(1) The persons reIerred to in subsection (2) may appeal to a Dis-
trict Court against
(a) a determination by the chieI executive under section
188; or
(aa) a direction as to costs given under section 190(2); or
(b) the chieI executive`s decision to
(i) decline to register the person as a building con-
sent authority; or
(ii) take any action reIerred to in section 203; or
(iii) reIuse to issue a national multiple-use approval.
(2) The persons are,
(a) in the case oI an appeal under subsection (1)(a) or
(i) the applicant Ior the determination; or
(ii) any other party; or
Part 3 s 209 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
(b) in the case oI an appeal under subsection (1)(b)(i), the
applicant Ior registration; or
(c) in the case oI an appeal under subsection (1)(b)(ii), the
building consent authority concerned; or
(d) in the case oI an appeal under subsection (1)(b)(iii), the
applicant Ior the national multiple-use approval.
Section 208(1)(aa): replaced, on 13 March 2012, by section 56 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 208(1)(b)(i): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 39(1) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 208(1)(b)(ii): amended, on 1 February 2010, by section 25(1) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Section 208(1)(b)(iii): added, on 1 February 2010, by section 25(1) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Section 208(2)(a): amended, on 7 July 2010, by section 5(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2010 (2010 No 50).
Section 208(2)(c): amended, on 1 February 2010, by section 25(2) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Section 208(2)(c): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 39(2) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 208(2)(d): added, on 1 February 2010, by section 25(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
209 Procedure for commencing appeal
(1) An appeal under section 208 must be made
(a) by the appellant fling a notice oI appeal with the Regis-
trar oI the District Court within 15 working days aIter,
(i) in the case oI an appeal under section 208(1)(a),
the date oI the determination or the date on which
the chieI executive amends the determination by
way oI clarifcation under section 189; or
(ia) in the case oI an appeal under section 208(1)(aa),
the date oI the written direction given by the chieI
executive under section 190; or
(ii) in the case oI an appeal under section 208(1)(b),
the date oI the relevant decision oI the chieI ex-
ecutive; and
(b) otherwise in accordance with the District Courts Rules
(except to any extent that those rules are inconsistent
with this section).
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13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 3 s 211
(2) The Registrar oI the District Court may extend the time Ior
making an appeal under section 208(1)(a) iI the chieI execu-
tive amends the determination by way oI clarifcation under
section 189.
Section 209(1)(a)(ia): inserted, on 7 July 2010, by section 6 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2010 (2010 No 50).
210 Steps after appeal is commenced
(1) Either beIore or immediately aIter an appeal under section 208
is made, the appellant must serve a copy oI the notice oI appeal
(a) the chieI executive; and
(b) in the case oI an appeal under section 208(1)(a) or (aa),
any other party.
(2) A person served with the notice under subsection (1) who
wishes to appear on the appeal must give notice oI the per-
son`s intention to appear to
(a) the appellant; and
(b) the Registrar oI the District Court; and
(c) any other person to whom the appellant is required to
serve notice under subsection (1).
(3) The notice to appear under subsection (2) must be served
within 10 working days aIter the party was served with the
notice oI appeal.
Section 210(1)(b): amended, on 7 July 2010, by section 7 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2010 (2010 No 50).
211 Powers of District Court on appeal
(1) On the hearing oI an appeal under section 208, a District Court
(a) confrm, reverse, or modiIy the determination, direc-
tion, or decision oI the chieI executive; or
(b) reIer the matter back to the chieI executive in accord-
ance with the rules oI court; or
(c) make or give any determination, direction, or decision
that the chieI executive could have made or given in
respect oI the matter.
(2) This section does not give the District Court power to review
any part oI the chieI executive`s determination, direction, or
Part 3 s 212 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
decision other than the part against which the appellant has
(3) Subject to any order oI the District Court, every determination,
direction, and decision oI the chieI executive against which an
appeal is made continues in Iorce and has eIIect according to
its tenor pending the determination oI the appeal.
(4) The decision oI the District Court on an appeal is fnal.
Section 211(1)(a): amended, on 7 July 2010, by section 8(1) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2010 (2010 No 50).
Section 211(1)(c): amended, on 7 July 2010, by section 8(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2010 (2010 No 50).
Section 211(2): amended, on 7 July 2010, by section 8(3) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2010 (2010 No 50).
Section 211(3): amended, on 7 July 2010, by section 8(4) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2010 (2010 No 50).
Subpart 2Responsibilities oI territorial
Functions, duties, and powers of territorial
authorities generallv
212 Territorial authority must act as building consent
authority for its district
(1) Aterritorial authority must perIormthe Iunctions oI a building
consent authority within its district, and Ior any coastal marine
area (within the meaning oI the Resource Management Act
1991) adjacent to its district that is not within the district oI
another territorial authority, in relation to
(a) any application Ior a building consent made to the ter-
ritorial authority; and
(b) any building consent granted under that application.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply in the case oI dams.
(3) A territorial authority must, in perIorming its Iunctions as a
building consent authority, provide to the New Zealand Fire
Service Commission a copy oI every application Ior a building
consent oI a kind specifed by notice under section 46.
(4) Subsection (1)
(a) is subject to the territorial authority`s power to transIer,
under section 233, any or all oI its Iunctions, duties, or
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 3 s 214
powers under this Act to another territorial authority;
(b) does not apply to any Iunction so transIerred by the ter-
ritorial authority.
Section 212 heading: amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 17(1) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 212(1): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 17(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 212(3): substituted, on 1 February 2010, by section 26 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
213 Territorial authority may make arrangements relating to
functions of building consent authority
(1) A territorial authority may comply with section 212(1) by
(a) perIorming the Iunctions oI a building consent authority
itselI; or
(b) making arrangements Ior 1 or more other building con-
sent authorities to perIorm those Iunctions on its behalI;
(c) a combination oI the methods described in paragraphs
(a) and (b).
(2) An arrangement under subsection (1) may be made
(a) by contract; or
(b) by any other means.
214 How liability apportioned if territorial authority makes
arrangements relating to functions of building consent
II a territorial authority makes an arrangement under section
213(1) Ior another building consent authority to perIorm all or
any oI the territorial authority`s Iunctions on its behalI,
(a) the territorial authority is liable Ior the acts and omis-
sions oI the other building consent authority when the
other building consent authority is acting in that cap-
acity; but
(b) the territorial authority and building consent authority
may apportion the liability
(i) as between themselves; and
(ii) as they see ft.
Part 3 s 215 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
215 Territorial authority must gain accreditation and be
A territorial authority must, Ior the purpose oI ensuring that it
complies with section 212(1),
(a) apply Ior, and gain, accreditation under this Part; and
(b) apply to be, and be registered as, a building consent
authority under this Part; and
(c) maintain that accreditation and registration at all times.
216 Territorial authority must keep information about
(1) A territorial authority must keep reasonably available any in-
Iormation that is relevant to the administration oI this Act to
enable members oI the public to
(a) be inIormed oI their obligations under this Act; and
(b) participate eIIectively under this Act.
(2) The inIormation that must be kept by a territorial authority
under subsection (1) includes
(a) all plans and specifcations submitted to the territorial
authority in relation to an application Ior a building con-
sent; and
(b) any oI the Iollowing inIormation issued or received by
the territorial authority in respect oI a building:
(i) project inIormation memoranda:
(ii) building consents:
(iii) iI applicable, the specifed intended liIe oI the
(iv) code compliance certifcates:
(iva) records oI work and certifcates oI work provided
by licensed building practitioners under section
45(2) or 88(1)(a):
(ivb) statutory declarations provided by owner-
(ivc) iI applicable, the specifed intended liIe oI the
(v) compliance schedules:
(vi) building warrants oI ftness:
(vii) energy work certifcates relating to building
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(viii) any other records that relate to the inIormation
reIerred to in subparagraphs (i) to (vii); and
(c) any orders issued by the District Court under section
126 in respect oI a building; and
(d) any records oI any inIormation on any land or building
received by the territorial authority Irom a statutory au-
thority; and
(e) a summary oI written complaints received by the terri-
torial authority concerning alleged breaches oI this Act
or the Iormer Act; and
(I) inIormation on how the territorial authority dealt with
each oI the complaints reIerred to in paragraph (e); and
(g) all inIormation provided to the territorial authority by a
building consent authority under section 238.
(3) A territorial authority must keep the inIormation reIerred to
(a) subsections (1) and (2)(a) to (d) and (g), at least Ior the
liIe oI the building to which the inIormation relates; and
(b) subsection (2)(e) and (I), at least Ior 10 years Iromwhen
each complaint was received by the territorial authority.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 27(1), (2)
Section 216(2)(b)(iva): inserted, on 15 March 2008, by section 40 oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 216(2)(b)(iva): amended, on 13 March 2012, by section 57(1) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 216(2)(b)(ivb): inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 57(2) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 216(2)(b)(ivc): inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 57(2) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
217 Access to certain information kept by territorial authority
(1) A person
(a) has a right to access the inIormation reIerred to in sec-
tion 216(1) and (2); and
(b) must, on request, be given access to that inIormation by
the territorial authority during ordinary oIfce hours.
(2) The right conIerred by subsection (1)
(a) is subject to the provisions oI the Local Government
OIfcial InIormation and Meetings Act 1987; and
Part 3 s 218 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(b) does not extend to a plan or specifcation that is marked
confdential by any or all oI the Iollowing persons Ior
the reason set out in subsection (3):
(i) the person who submitted the plan or specifca-
(ii) the owner oI the building to which the plan or
specifcation relates:
(iii) any subsequent owner oI that building; and
(c) is subject to any prescribed limits.
(3) The reason reIerred to in subsection (2)(b) is any requirement
oI the owner oI the building relating to the security oI the
(4) A territorial authority
(a) must make photocopying Iacilities available to persons
who wish to access inIormation under subsection (1);
(b) may charge a reasonable Iee Ior the use oI those Iacil-
(5) Subsection (4) is subject to section 44A oI the Local Govern-
ment OIfcial InIormation and Meetings Act 1987.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 27(3), (4)
218 Territorial authority must provide information to chief
executive for purpose of facilitating performance of chief
executive`s function under section 169
(1) For the purpose oI Iacilitating the perIormance oI the chieI
executive`s Iunction under section 169 (which relates to moni-
toring current and emerging trends in building design, etc), a
territorial authority must provide inIormation to the chieI ex-
ecutive in accordance with the regulations.
(2) However, a territorial authority is only required to provide in-
Iormation under subsection (1) about its Iunctions, duties, and
powers under this Act.
219 Territorial authority may impose fee or charge and must
collect levy
(1) A territorial authority
(a) may impose a Iee or charge (or both)
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 3 s 220
(i) in relation to a building consent; and
(ii) Ior the perIormance oI any other Iunction or ser-
vice under this Act; and
(b) must collect the levy which an applicant is liable to pay
to the chieI executive under section 53.
(2) II a Iee, charge, or levy is payable to a territorial authority
Ior the perIormance oI a Iunction or service under this Act,
the territorial authority may reIuse to perIorm the Iunction or
service, unless the Iee, charge, or levy is paid.
Section 219(1)(a): amended, on 13 March 2012, by section 59 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Power of territorial authoritv to carrv out
building work on default
220 Territorial authority may carry out building work on
(1) This section applies iI
(a) a person is required, under this Act, by a building con-
sent authority, territorial authority, or regional authority
to carry out any building work on, or in connection with,
any building; and
(b) either
(i) that person, aIter being given notice oI the re-
quirement, Iails to commence to comply with the
notice within the time stated in the notice or, iI the
time is not so stated, within a reasonable time; or
(ii) that person, aIter a certifcate Irom any oIfcer oI
the territorial authority that the work is oI an ur-
gent nature is communicated to him or her, de-
Iaults Ior 24 hours Irom the time oI that commu-
nication; and
(c) that person does not immediately proceed with the work
with all reasonable speed.
(2) The territorial authority may apply to a District Court Ior an
order authorising the territorial authority to carry out building
(3) BeIore the territorial authority applies to a District Court under
subsection (2), the territorial authority must give the owner oI
Part 3 s 221 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
the building not less than 10 days` notice oI its intention to do
(4) II a territorial authority carries out building work under the
authority oI an order made under subsection (2),
(a) the owner oI the building is liable Ior the costs oI the
work; and
(b) the territorial authority may recover those costs Iromthe
owner; and
(c) the amount recoverable by the territorial authority be-
comes a charge on the land on which the work was car-
ried out.
(5) Any building work required to be carried out under subsection
(2) may include the demolition oI all or part oI a building.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 74
221 Recovery of costs when territorial authority carries out
work on default
(1) II a territorial authority is entitled under this Act to recover the
costs oI carrying out any building work Irom the owner oI any
building or land,
(a) the money payable becomes a charge on the land; and
(b) the provisions oI the Local Government (Rating) Act
2002 and the Local Government Act 2002 apply accord-
(2) The territorial authority
(a) may destroy, sell, or otherwise dispose oI any materials
that result Irom the carrying out oI any work by the
territorial authority; and
(b) in the case oI the sale oI any materials,
(i) must apply the proceeds oI the sale towards pay-
ment oI the amount payable to the territorial au-
thority under subsection (1); and
(ii) must pay the surplus (iI any) to the owner.
(3) II the territorial authority exercises the powers conIerred by
this section, the exercise oI those powers does not relieve a
person Iromany penalty Ior Iailure to comply with the require-
ments oI a notice under this Act.
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13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 3 s 222
(4) Any building work that is carried out, or is to be carried out,
by a territorial authority under this section is declared to be a
public work Ior the purposes oI the Public Works Act 1981.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 75
Powers of territorial authoritv to carrv out
inspections and enter land
222 Inspections by territorial authority
(1) An authorised oIfcer is entitled, at all times during normal
working hours or while building work is being carried out,
(a) to inspect
(i) land on which building work is or is proposed to
be carried out; and
(ii) building work that has been or is being carried
out on or oII the building site; and
(iii) any building; and
(b) to enter premises Ior
(i) the purpose oI inspecting the building; or
(ii) the purpose oI determining whether the build-
ing is dangerous, earthquake prone, or insanitary
within the meaning oI subpart 6 oI Part 2.
(2) An authorised oIfcer must, on entering private land under sub-
section (1), and when requested at any subsequent time, pro-
duce to the occupier oI the land written evidence oI the author-
ised oIfcer`s identity.
(3) The powers conIerred by this section are in addition to, and
do not limit, the powers conIerred by section 173 oI the Local
Government Act 2002.
(4) In this section and sections 223 to 228,
authorised ofücer means an oIfcer oI a territorial authority
to whom either or both oI the Iollowing applies:
(a) he or she is authorised to carry out inspections; or
(b) he or she is authorised to enter land
(i) by this Act; or
(ii) by an order oI the District Court made under sec-
tion 227
inspection means the taking oI all reasonable steps
(a) to determine whether
Part 3 s 223 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(i) building work is being carried out without a
building consent; or
(ii) building work is being carried out in accordance
with a building consent; or
(iii) a notice to fx has been complied with:
(b) to ensure that,
(i) in relation to buildings Ior which a compliance
schedule is issued, the inspection, maintenance,
and reporting procedures stated in the compli-
ance schedule are being complied with; or
(ii) in relation to buildings that have specifed sys-
tems, the requirement Ior a compliance schedule
is being complied with:
(c) to enable a territorial authority to
(i) identiIy dangerous, earthquake-prone, or insani-
tary buildings within its district; and
(ii) carry out its Iunctions or duties in relation to
those buildings:
(d) to satisIy a territorial authority as to whether a certifcate
oI acceptance Ior building work should be issued under
section 96.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 76(1), (2), (3), (11)
223 Duty to assist inspections
(1) The persons specifed in subsection (2) must give all reason-
able assistance to enable an authorised oIfcer to inspect all or
part oI a building or building work.
(2) The persons are
(a) the owner oI the building; and
(b) an occupier oI the building; and
(c) any person engaged in the building work, including an
owner-builder and any unpaid Iriend or Iamily member
oI the owner-builder engaged to assist him or her in the
building work.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 76(4)
Section 223(2)(c): replaced, on 13 March 2012, by section 61 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 3 s 227
224 Warrant must be produced
An authorised oIfcer must, on entering private land and when
requested at any subsequent time, produce to the occupier oI
the building a written warrant issued under section 174 oI the
Local Government Act 2002.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 76(5)
225 Offence to impersonate authorised ofücer
(1) A person commits an oIIence iI the person impersonates or
Ialsely pretends to be an authorised oIfcer named in a warrant
reIerred to in section 224.
(2) A person who commits an oIIence under this section is liable
to a fne not exceeding $5,000.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 80(h)
226 Restriction on entry to household unit
(1) Despite section 222, an authorised oIfcer may not enter a
household unit that is being used as a household unit with-
(a) the consent oI the occupier oI the household unit; or
(b) an order oI a District Court made under section 227.
(2) Subsection (1) does not limit the power conIerred by section
173 oI the Local Government Act 2002 (which allows a local
authority entry into occupied land or buildings without prior
notice in cases oI emergency).
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 76(7)
227 District Court may authorise entry to household unit
(1) A District Court, on the application oI an authorised oIfcer,
may make an order authorising the oIfcer to enter a household
(2) The court may make the order under subsection (1)
(a) only iI it is satisfed that
(i) the proposed entry is necessary Ior the purposes
oI section 222; and
(ii) the authorised oIfcer has taken all reasonable
steps to obtain the consent oI the occupier to the
proposed entry; and
Part 3 s 228 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(b) subject to any conditions that it thinks ft.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 76(8), (9)
228 Authorised ofücer must give notice to occupier of
household unit
An authorised oIfcer must,
(a) iI he or she intends to apply Ior an order under section
227, give the occupier oI the household unit to which
that application relates not less than 10 days` written
notice oI his or her intention to do so; and
(b) beIore he or she enters a household unit under the au-
thority oI an order under section 227, serve the order on
the occupier oI the household unit to which that order
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 76(10)
Enforcement powers of territorial authoritv
229 Authorisation of enforcement ofücers
(1) A territorial authority
(a) may authorise any oI its oIfcers to issue inIringement
notices under section 372; and
(b) iI it grants an authorisation under paragraph (a), must
supply the enIorcement oIfcer with a warrant.
(2) The warrant must clearly state the Iunctions and powers that
the enIorcement oIfcer has been authorised to carry out under
this Act.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 77(1), (2)
230 Conditions of authorisation
(1) An enIorcement oIfcer who exercises or purports to exercise
a power conIerred by or under this Act
(a) must carry on him or her
(i) the warrant supplied under section 229; and
(ii) evidence oI his or her identity; and
(b) must produce, iI required to do so, the warrant and the
evidence reIerred to in paragraph (a).
(2) An enIorcement oIfcer who holds a warrant issued under sec-
tion 229 must, on the termination oI his or her appointment as
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 3 s 234
an enIorcement oIfcer, surrender the warrant to the territorial
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 77(3), (4)
231 Offence to impersonate enforcement ofücer
(1) A person commits an oIIence iI the person impersonates or
Ialsely pretends to be an enIorcement oIfcer named in a war-
rant supplied under section 229.
(2) A person who commits an oIIence under this section is liable
to a fne not exceeding $5,000.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 80(h)
Delegation of power
232 Delegation of powers by territorial authority and its
Clause 32 oI Schedule 7 oI the Local Government Act 2002
applies, with all necessary modifcations, in respect oI powers
conIerred by this Act on a territorial authority and its oIfcers.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 78
Transfer of functions, duties, or powers of
territorial authoritv
233 Transfer of functions, duties, or powers of territorial
A territorial authority may transIer 1 or more oI its Iunctions,
duties, or powers under this Act to another territorial authority,
except the power oI transIer conIerred by this section.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 25(1), (2)
234 Procedure for transfer
II a territorial authority proposes to transIer any oI its Iunc-
tions, duties, or powers under section 233, the territorial au-
thority must
(a) use the special consultative procedure in section 83 oI
the Local Government Act 2002; and
(b) serve notice on the Minister oI its proposal to transIer
the Iunction, duty, or power; and
Part 3 s 235 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(c) agree with the other territorial authority to whom the
Iunction, duty, or power is to be transIerred that the
transIer is desirable on either or both oI the Iollowing
(i) eIfciency:
(ii) technical or special capability, or expertise.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 25(3)
235 Territorial authorities may agree on terms of transfer
A territorial authority Irom whom Iunctions, duties, or powers
are to be transIerred under section 233 and a territorial author-
ity to whom those Iunctions, duties, or powers are to be trans-
(a) must enter into an agreement in respect oI the transIer;
(b) may agree on the terms and conditions oI the transIer.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 25(4)
236 Effect of transfer
(1) A territorial authority to whom a Iunction, duty, or power is
transIerred under section 233
(a) may perIormthe Iunction or duty, or exercise the power,
as iI the Iunction or duty were imposed, or the power
were conIerred, on that territorial authority under this
Act; and
(b) may, unless the agreement in respect oI the transIer pro-
vides otherwise, cancel, at any time, the transIer in ac-
cordance with that agreement.
(2) A territorial authority Irom whom a Iunction, duty, or power
is transIerred may, at any time, change or revoke the transIer
by written notice to the other territorial authority concerned.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 25(5), (6), (7)
Subpart 3Responsibilities oI building
consent authority that is not territorial
authority or regional authority
Subpart 3 heading: amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 41 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 3 s 238
237 Application of subpart
This subpart applies to a building consent authority that
(a) is registered under section 273; and
(b) provides services as a building consent authority in a
district; but
(c) is not
(i) the territorial authority Ior the district, or another
territorial authority to which a Iunction, duty, or
power is transIerred under section 233; or
(ii) the regional authority Ior the region, or another
regional authority to which a Iunction, duty, or
power is transIerred under section 244.
Section 237(c): substituted, on 14 April 2005, by section 3(7) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
238 Duties of building consent authority
(1) A building consent authority must, in perIorming its Iunctions
under Part 2,
(a) obtain a project inIormation memorandumbeIore grant-
ing a building consent; and
(b) provide to the New Zealand Fire Service Commission
a copy oI every application Ior a building consent oI a
kind specifed by notice under section 46; and
(c) provide to the territorial authority Ior the relevant dis-
trict copies oI the inIormation reIerred to in subsection
(2) The inIormation is
(a) plans and specifcations submitted to the building con-
sent authority in relation to an application Ior a building
consent; and
(b) the Iollowing inIormation issued or received by the
building consent authority in respect oI a building:
(i) project inIormation memoranda:
(ii) building consents:
(iii) code compliance certifcates:
(iv) compliance schedules:
(iva) iI applicable, the intended liIe oI the building:
(ivb) statutory declarations provided by an owner-
Part 3 s 238 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(ivc) records oI work and certifcates oI work provided
by licensed building practitioners under section
45(2) or 88(1)(a):
(v) building warrants oI ftness:
(vi) energy work certifcates:
(vii) notices to fx:
(viii) any other records that relate to the inIormation
reIerred to in subparagraphs (i) to (vii); and
(c) records oI any inIormation on any land or building re-
ceived by the building consent authority Irom a statu-
tory authority; and
(d) details about any levy collected under section 53; and
(e) the Iollowing inIormation about the building consent
(i) the name and contact address oI the building con-
sent authority:
(ii) the scope oI accreditation oI the building consent
(iii) whether the building consent authority has ad-
equate means to cover any civil liabilities that
may arise in the perIormance oI its Iunctions,
and, iI so, what those means are.
(3) A building consent authority must provide the copies oI the
inIormation to the territorial authority Ior the relevant district
within 5 working days aIter the building consent authority
issues or receives the inIormation.
(4) A building consent authority commits an oIIence iI it Iails to
comply with subsection (3).
(5) A building consent authority that commits an oIIence under
this section is liable to a fne not exceeding $5,000 and, in the
case oI a continuing oIIence, to a Iurther fne not exceeding
$500 Ior every day or part oI a day during which the oIIence
has continued.
Section 223(2)(b)(iva): inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 62(2) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 223(2)(b)(ivb): inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 62(2) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 223(2)(b)(ivc): inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 62(2) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 3 s 241
239 Building consent authority must provide information to
chief executive
A building consent authority must provide inIormation to the
chieI executive in accordance with the regulations.
240 Building consent authority may impose fee or charge and
must collect levy
(1) A building consent authority
(a) may impose a Iee or charge (or both) payable by a mem-
ber oI the public
(i) in relation to a building consent; and
(ii) Ior the perIormance oI any other Iunction or ser-
vice under this Act; and
(b) must collect the levy Ior which an applicant is liable to
pay to the chieI executive under section 53.
(2) II a Iee, charge, or levy is payable to a building consent au-
thority Ior the perIormance oI a Iunction or service under this
Act, the building consent authority may reIuse to perIorm the
Iunction or service, unless the Iee, charge, or levy is paid.
(3) A Iailure by a person to pay a Iee, charge, or levy does not
aIIect the duty oI a building consent authority under section
238 to provide copies oI certain inIormation to the territorial
Section 240(1)(a): amended, on 13 March 2012, by section 63 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Subpart 4Responsibilities oI regional
Functions, duties, and powers of regional
authorities generallv
241 Regional authority must gain accreditation and be
(1) A regional authority must, Ior the purpose oI ensuring that it
perIorms the Iunction oI a building consent authority in rela-
tion to dams,
(a) apply Ior, and gain, accreditation under this Part; and
(b) apply to be, and be registered as, a building consent
authority under this Part; and
Part 3 s 242 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(c) maintain that accreditation and registration at all times.
(2) Subsection (1)
(a) is subject to the regional authority`s power under sec-
tion 244 to transIer any oI its Iunctions under this Act
to another regional authority; and
(b) does not apply to any Iunction it transIers to another
regional authority.
Section 241(2): added, on 14 April 2005, by section 18 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
242 Regional authority must provide information to chief
A regional authority must provide inIormation to the chieI ex-
ecutive in accordance with the regulations.
243 Regional authorities may impose fee or charge and
recover costs, and must collect levy
(1) A regional authority
(a) may impose a Iee or charge (or both)
(i) Ior issuing a project inIormation memorandum
under section 34; or
(ii) Ior perIorming any other Iunction or service
under this Act; and
(b) may recover its costs Irom the owner iI it carries out
building work under section 156; and
(c) must collect the levy an applicant is liable to pay to the
chieI executive under section 53.
(2) II a Iee or charge is payable to a regional authority Ior the per-
Iormance oI a Iunction or service under this Act, the regional
authority may decline to perIorm the Iunction or service, un-
less the Iee or charge is paid.
Section 243 heading: amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 19(1) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 243(1): substituted, on 14 April 2005, by section 19(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 243(1)(a): amended, on 13 March 2012, by section 64 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 3 s 247
Transfer of functions, duties, and powers of
regional authoritv
244 Transfer of functions, duties, and powers of regional
A regional authority may transIer 1 or more oI its Iunctions,
duties, or powers under this Act to another regional authority,
except the power oI transIer conIerred by this section.
245 Procedure for transfer
II a regional authority proposes to transIer any oI its Iunctions,
duties, or powers under section 244, the regional authority
(a) use the special consultative procedure in section 83 oI
the Local Government Act 2002; and
(b) serve notice on the Minister oI its proposal to transIer
the Iunction, duty, or power; and
(c) agree with the other regional authority to whom the
Iunction, duty, or power is to be transIerred that the
transIer is desirable on either or both oI the Iollowing
(i) eIfciency:
(ii) technical or special capability, or expertise.
246 Regional authorities may agree on terms of transfer
A regional authority Irom whom Iunctions, duties, or powers
are to be transIerred under section 244 and a regional author-
ity to whom those Iunctions, duties, or powers are to be trans-
(a) must enter into an agreement in respect oI the transIer;
(b) may agree on the terms and conditions oI the transIer.
247 Effect of transfer
(1) A regional authority to whom a Iunction, duty, or power is
transIerred under section 244
(a) may perIormthe Iunction or duty, or exercise the power,
as iI the Iunction or duty were imposed, or the power
were conIerred, on that regional authority under this
Act; and
Part 3 s 248 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(b) may, unless the agreement in respect oI the transIer pro-
vides otherwise, cancel, at any time, the transIer in ac-
cordance with that agreement.
(2) A regional authority Irom whom a Iunction, duty, or power is
transIerred may, at any time, change or revoke the transIer by
written notice to the other regional authority concerned.
Subpart 5Responsibilities oI building
consent accreditation body
Appointment of building consent accreditation
248 Chief executive may appoint building consent
accreditation body
(1) The chieI executive may
(a) appoint a person as a building consent accreditation
body; and
(b) revoke the appointment at any time.
(2) A reIerence in this subpart to a building consent accreditation
body is a reIerence to
(a) the person appointed under subsection (1); or
(b) iI no person is appointed, the chieI executive.
Requirements for building consent accreditation
249 Requirements for building consent accreditation body
The chieI executive must, by notice in the Ga:ette, speciIy
(a) the minimum Irequency oI audits that the building
consent accreditation body must conduct on accredited
building consent authorities (which must be at least
once every 3 years); and
(b) any other matters the chieI executive considers neces-
sary or appropriate.
Section 249(a): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(n) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Audit fees
Heading: inserted, on 15 March 2008, by section 42 oI the Building Amendment
Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 3 s 252
249A Fees for audits
A building consent accreditation body may charge an ac-
credited building consent authority the prescribed Iee (iI any)
Ior an audit conducted under section 249(a) by the building
consent accreditation body on the building consent authority.
Section 249A: inserted, on 15 March 2008, by section 42 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Accreditation of building consent authorities or
regional authorities
250 Accreditation
The building consent accreditation body may, on the applica-
tion oI a person made in accordance with section 253, and on
payment by the person oI the prescribed Iee (iI any), accredit
that person to perIorm the Iunctions oI a building consent au-
thority under this Part and Part 2.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 51
Section 250: amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 43 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 250: amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(o) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
251 Criteria for accreditation
BeIore granting accreditation, the building consent accredit-
ation body must be satisfed that the applicant meets the pre-
scribed criteria and standards Ior accreditation.
252 Scope of accreditation of building consent authority that
is not territorial authority
(1) This section applies to a building consent authority that is not
a territorial authority or a regional authority.
(2) The building consent accreditation body must, beIore granting
accreditation to a building consent authority to whom this sec-
tion applies, determine the scope oI accreditation having re-
gard to the prescribed criteria and standards Ior accreditation.
(3) The scope oI accreditation relates to 1 or more types oI build-
ing in relation to which the building consent authority con-
cerned is authorised to perIorm Iunctions under this Part and
Part 2.
Part 3 s 253 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(4) An accredited building consent authority may, at any time,
request the building consent accreditation body to change the
scope oI its accreditation.
Section 252(1): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 3(5) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
253 Application for accreditation
An application Ior accreditation under section 250 must
(a) be made in writing; and
(b) be given in the prescribed manner (iI any); and
(c) contain the prescribed inIormation (iI any).
(d) [Repealed]
Section 253(c): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 44(1) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 253(d): repealed, on 15 March 2008, by section 44(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
254 Revocation of accreditation
(1) An accreditation under section 250 may be revoked, or the
scope oI accreditation may be amended, by
(a) the building consent accreditation body; or
(b) the chieI executive.
(2) An accreditation may be revoked only iI the building consent
accreditation body or the chieI executive
(a) is satisfed that the building consent authority no longer
meets the prescribed criteria and standards Ior accredit-
ation; and
(b) has frst given the building consent authority concerned
a reasonable opportunity to be heard.
(3) Despite subsection (2)(a), the building consent accreditation
body or the chieI executive must not revoke the accreditation
oI a building consent authority iI
(a) the prescribed criteria and standards Ior accreditation
are amended; and
(b) the building consent authority no longer meets those cri-
teria and standards solely as a result oI the amendments.
(4) The limit in subsection (3) applies only during the period oI
3 months aIter the date on which the amendments come into
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 3 s 256
Section 254(2)(a): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(p) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 254(2)(b): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(p) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 254(2)(b): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(q) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 254(3): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(o) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 254(3)(b): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(q) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
255 Building consent accreditation body must notify chief
executive of grant and revocation of accreditation
(1) The building consent accreditation body must notiIy the chieI
executive when it grants or revokes an accreditation oI a build-
ing consent authority.
(2) The notifcation must be given
(a) in the manner notifed by the chieI executive to the
building consent accreditation body Irom time to time;
(b) within 7 days aIter the grant or revocation to which it
Section 255(1): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(o) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Subpart 6Responsibilities oI dam owner
accreditation body
Appointment of dam owner accreditation bodv
256 Chief executive may appoint dam owner accreditation
(1) The chieI executive may
(a) appoint a person as a dam owner accreditation body;
(b) revoke the appointment at any time.
(2) A reIerence in this subpart to a dam owner accreditation body
is a reIerence to
(a) a person appointed under subsection (1); or
(b) iI no person is appointed, the chieI executive.
Part 3 s 257 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
Requirements for dam owner accreditation bodv
257 Requirements for dam owner accreditation body
The chieI executive must, by notice in the Ga:ette, speciIy
(a) the minimum Irequency oI audits that the dam owner
accreditation body must conduct on accredited dam
owners; and
(b) any other matters that the chieI executive considers ne-
cessary or appropriate.
Audit fees
Heading: inserted, on 15 March 2008, by section 45 oI the Building Amendment
Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
257A Fees for audits
A dam owner accreditation body may charge an accredited
dam owner the prescribed Iee (iI any) Ior an audit conducted
under section 257(a) by the dam owner accreditation body on
the accredited dam owner.
Section 257A: inserted, on 15 March 2008, by section 45 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Accreditation of dam owners
258 Accreditation
(1) The dam owner accreditation body may, on the application oI
an owner oI a dam made in accordance with subsection (3),
and on payment by the person oI the prescribed Iee (iI any),
accredit that person under this subpart.
(2) BeIore granting accreditation, the dam owner accreditation
body must be satisfed that the applicant meets the prescribed
criteria and standards.
(3) An application Ior accreditation under subsection (1) must
(a) be made in writing; and
(b) be given in the prescribed manner (iI any); and
(c) contain the prescribed inIormation (iI any).
(d) [Repealed]
Section 258(1): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 46(1) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 258(3)(c): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 46(2) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 3 s 260
Section 258(3)(d): repealed, on 15 March 2008, by section 46(3) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
259 Revocation of accreditation
(1) An accreditation under section 258(1) may be revoked by
(a) the dam owner accreditation body; or
(b) the chieI executive.
(2) An accreditation may be revoked only iI the dam owner ac-
creditation body or the chieI executive
(a) is satisfed that the accredited dam owner no longer
meets the prescribed criteria and standards; and
(b) has frst given the accredited dam owner concerned a
reasonable opportunity to be heard.
(3) Despite subsection (2)(a), the dam owner accreditation body
or the chieI executive must not revoke the accreditation oI a
dam owner iI
(a) the prescribed criteria and standards Ior accreditation
are amended; and
(b) the accredited dam owner no longer meets those criteria
and standards solely as a result oI the amendments.
(4) The limit in subsection (3) applies only during the period oI
3 months aIter the date on which the amendments come into
260 Dam owner accreditation body must notify chief executive
of grant and revocation of accreditation
(1) The dam owner accreditation body must notiIy the chieI ex-
ecutive when it grants or revokes an accreditation oI a dam
(2) The notifcation must be given
(a) in the manner notifed by the chieI executive to the dam
owner accreditation body Irom time to time; and
(b) within 7 days aIter the grant or revocation to which it
(3) The chieI executive must, on receiving notifcation under sub-
section (1),
(a) in the case oI a notice that accreditation has been
granted, enter the name oI the dam owner on the regis-
ter kept under section 273(1)(c); or
Part 3 s 261 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(b) in the case oI a notice that accreditation has been re-
voked, remove the name oI the dam owner Irom that
Subpart 7Responsibilities oI product
certifcation accreditation body
Appointment of product certihcation
accreditation bodv
261 Chief executive may appoint product certiücation
accreditation body
(1) The chieI executive may
(a) appoint a person as a product certifcation accreditation
body; and
(b) revoke the appointment at any time.
(2) A reIerence in this subpart to a product certifcation accredit-
ation body is a reIerence to
(a) the person appointed under subsection (1); or
(b) iI no person is appointed, the chieI executive.
Requirements for product certihcation
accreditation bodv
262 Requirements for product certiücation accreditation body
(1) The chieI executive must, by notice in the Ga:ette, speciIy
(a) the minimum Irequency oI audits that the product certi-
fcation accreditation body must conduct on accredited
product certifcation bodies; and
(b) any other matters that the chieI executive considers ne-
cessary or appropriate.
(2) The chieI executive may, by notice in the Ga:ette, speciIy cer-
tifcations oI building methods or products provided by per-
sons outside New Zealand that are to be treated as product cer-
tifcations Ior the purposes oI this subpart.
(3) Subsection (2) applies only iI the chieI executive is satisfed
that the building methods and products concerned meet the
prescribed criteria and standards Ior certifcation.
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 3 s 264
Audit fees
Heading: inserted, on 15 March 2008, by section 47 oI the Building Amendment
Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
262A Fees for audits
A product certifcation accreditation body may charge an ac-
credited product certifcation body the prescribed Iee (iI any)
Ior an audit conducted under section 262(1)(a) by the product
certifcation accreditation body on the accredited product cer-
tifcation body.
Section 262A: inserted, on 15 March 2008, by section 47 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Accreditation of product certihcation bodies
263 Accreditation
The product certifcation accreditation body may, on the ap-
plication oI a person or body made in accordance with section
265, and on payment by the person or body oI the prescribed
Iee (iI any), accredit that person or body to perIorm the Iunc-
tions oI a product certifcation body under this subpart.
Section 263: amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 48 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
264 Criteria for accreditation
BeIore granting accreditation, the product certifcation ac-
creditation body must be satisfed that the applicant
(a) has the necessary ability to perIorm all or any oI the
Iunctions specifed in this subpart competently, impar-
tially, consistently, transparently, and in an accountable
manner, having regard to
(i) the technical competence oI the applicant to per-
Iormthe Iunctions Ior which the applicant wishes
to be accredited; and
(ii) the applicant`s systems, and in particular whether
those systems will allow the applicant to perIorm
the Iunctions Ior which the applicant wishes to be
accredited; and
(b) complies with the prescribed criteria and standards Ior
Part 3 s 265 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
265 Application for accreditation
An application Ior accreditation under section 263 must
(a) be made in writing; and
(b) be given in the prescribed manner (iI any); and
(c) contain the prescribed inIormation (iI any).
(d) [Repealed]
Section 265(c): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 49(1) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 265(d): repealed, on 15 March 2008, by section 49(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
266 Suspension or revocation of accreditation
(1) A product certifcation accreditation body or the chieI execu-
tive may, at any time, suspend or revoke the accreditation
under section 263 oI a product certifcation body, iI the prod-
uct certifcation accreditation body or chieI executive
(a) is satisfed that the product certifcation body no longer
meets the prescribed criteria and standards Ior accredit-
ation; and
(b) has frst given the product certifcation body concerned
a reasonable opportunity to be heard.
(2) A product certifcation accreditation body that, or chieI execu-
tive who, suspends the accreditation oI a product certifcation
body must
(a) give the product certifcation body a reasonable period
to meet the criteria and standards prescribed Ior ac-
creditation; and
(b) liIt the suspension iI it or he or she is satisfed that the
product certifcation body meets those standards and
criteria within that period.
(3) A product certifcation accreditation body or the chieI execu-
tive may revoke the accreditation oI a product certifcation
body at the expiry oI the period given in subsection (2), iI the
product certifcation body has not met the criteria and stand-
ards prescribed Ior accreditation within that period.
(4) Despite subsections (1) and (3), the product certifcation ac-
creditation body or the chieI executive must not suspend or
revoke the accreditation oI a product certifcation body iI
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 3 s 268
(a) the prescribed criteria and standards Ior accreditation
are amended; and
(b) the product certifcation body no longer meets those cri-
teria and standards solely as a result oI the amendments.
(5) The limit in subsection (4) applies only during the period oI
3 months aIter the date on which the amendments come into
Section 266: substituted, on 15 March 2008, by section 50 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
267 Product certiücation accreditation body must notify chief
executive of grant, suspension, lifting of suspension, or
revocation of accreditation
(1) A product certifcation accreditation body must notiIy the
chieI executive when it grants, suspends, liIts the suspension
oI, or revokes an accreditation oI a product certifcation body.
(2) The notifcation must be given
(a) in the manner notifed by the chieI executive to the prod-
uct certifcation accreditation body Irom time to time;
(b) within 7 days aIter the grant, suspension, liIting oI sus-
pension, or revocation to which it relates.
Section 267 heading: amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 51(1) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 267(1): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 51(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 267(2)(b): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 51(3) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Certihcation of building methods or products
268 Application for product certiücate
(1) A proprietor oI a building method or product may apply to
a product certifcation body Ior certifcation oI that building
method or product.
(2) The application must contain the inIormation that is specifed
Irom time to time by the product certifcation body.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 58(1)
Part 3 s 269 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
269 Issue of product certiücate
(1) A product certifcation body must issue a product certifcate iI
it is satisfed that a building method or product that is the sub-
ject oI an application under section 268 meets the prescribed
criteria and standards Ior certifcation.
(2) A product certifcate must state whether there are any matters
that should be taken into account in the use or application oI
the building method or product, and iI so, what those matters
270 Annual review of product certiücate
(1) A product certifcation body must, on an annual basis, review
a product certifcate by conducting an audit oI the building
method or product to which the certifcate relates.
(2) The audit must assess whether the building method or prod-
uct continues to meet the prescribed criteria and standards Ior
(3) The proprietor oI the building method or product must provide
the product certifcation body with any inIormation or matter
that the product certifcation body requires Ior the purposes oI
the audit.
(4) A person commits an oIIence iI the person Iails to provide
any inIormation or matter that the product certifcation body
requires under subsection (3).
(5) A person who commits an oIIence under this section is liable
to a fne not exceeding $5,000.
271 Suspension or revocation of product certiücate
(1) A product certifcation body that perIormed the certifcation
oI a building method or product, or the chieI executive, may,
at any time, suspend or revoke that product certifcate iI the
product certifcation body or chieI executive has frst given
the proprietor oI the building method or product a reasonable
opportunity to be heard, and the product certifcation body or
chieI executive is satisfed that
(a) the certifcate has been obtained by Iraud, misrepresen-
tation, or concealment oI Iacts; or
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 3 s 271
(b) the building method or product no longer meets the pre-
scribed criteria and standards Ior certifcation (whether
this becomes apparent as a result oI an annual review oI
a product certifcate under section 270 or otherwise); or
(c) any certifcation, or similar authorisation issued or
granted in respect oI that building method or product,
has been revoked or cancelled Ior any reason; or
(d) the building code no longer applies to the building
method or product because oI an amendment to the
(2) A product certifcation body that, or chieI executive who, sus-
pends a product certifcate must
(a) give the proprietor oI the building method or product
a reasonable period to rectiIy the matter that led to the
suspension oI the product certifcate; and
(b) liIt the suspension iI it or he or she is satisfed that the
proprietor oI the building method or product has recti-
fed the matter within that period.
(3) Aproduct certifcation body or the chieI executive may revoke
the product certifcate at the expiry oI the period given in sub-
section (2) iI, within that period, the proprietor oI the building
method or product has not rectifed the matter that led to the
suspension oI the product certifcate.
(4) Despite subsections (1) and (3), the product certifcation body
or the chieI executive must not suspend or revoke a product
certifcate iI
(a) the prescribed criteria and standards Ior certifcation are
amended; and
(b) the building method or product to which the certif-
cate relates no longer meets those criteria and standards
solely as a result oI the amendments.
(5) The limit in subsection (4) applies only during the period oI
3 months aIter the date on which the amendments come into
Section 271: substituted, on 15 March 2008, by section 52 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 271(2)(b): amended, on 7 July 2010, by section 9 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2010 (2010 No 50).
Part 3 s 272 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
272 Product certiücation body must notify chief executive of
issue, suspension, lifting of suspension, and revocation
of certiücate
(1) A product certifcation body must notiIy the chieI executive
when it issues, suspends, liIts the suspension oI, or revokes a
certifcate under this subpart.
(2) The notifcation must be given
(a) in the manner notifed Irom time to time by the chieI
executive to the product certifcation body; and
(b) within 7 days aIter the issue, suspension, liIting oI sus-
pension, or revocation to which it relates.
Section 272 heading: amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 53(1) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 272(1): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 53(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 272(2)(b): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 53(3) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Subpart 8Miscellaneous responsibilities
Chief executive must keep registers
273 Chief executive must keep registers
(1) The chieI executive must establish and maintain the Iollowing
(aaa) a register oI national multiple-use approvals:
(a) a register oI building consent authorities Ior the pur-
poses oI section 191:
(b) [Repealed]
(c) a register oI accredited dam owners notifed to the chieI
executive under section 260:
(d) a register oI accredited product certifcation bodies no-
tifed to the chieI executive under section 267:
(e) a register oI certifed building methods or products no-
tifed to the chieI executive under section 272.
(2) The chieI executive must
(a) make each register available Ior public inspection, with-
out Iee, at reasonable hours at the head oIfce oI the Min-
istry; and
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 3 s 274
(b) supply to any person, on request and on payment oI a
reasonable charge, a copy oI each register or part oI each
(3) Each register may be kept
(a) as an electronic register (Ior example, on the Ministry`s
website); or
(b) in any other manner that the chieI executive thinks ft.
(4) Each register must be operated at all reasonable times unless
(a) the chieI executive suspends the operation oI the regis-
ter, in whole or in part, in accordance with subsection
(5); or
(b) otherwise provided in regulations made under section
(5) The chieI executive may reIuse access to a register or other-
wise suspend the operation oI the register, in whole or in part,
iI the chieI executive considers that it is not practical to pro-
vide access to the register.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 53(1)
Section 273(1)(aaa): inserted, on 1 February 2010, by section 27 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Section 273(1)(b): repealed, on 14 April 2005, by section 20(1) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
274 Purpose of registers
The purpose oI each register is
(a) to enable members oI the public to know,
(iaa) in the case oI the register oI national multiple-use
approvals, the names and contact details oI the
persons who have been issued with national mul-
tiple-use approvals, together with a description oI
each approval and any conditions that have been
imposed; and
(i) in the case oI the register oI building consent
authorities, the names and contact details oI those
building consent authorities and, iI applicable,
the scope oI their accreditation; and
Part 3 s 275 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(ii) [Repealed]
(iii) in the case oI the register oI accredited dam
owners, the names and contact details oI those
dam owners; and
(iv) in the case oI the register oI accredited product
certifcation bodies, the names and contact details
oI those product certifcation bodies; and
(v) in the case oI the register oI certifed building
methods or products, which building methods or
products are certifed; and
(b) to Iacilitate the compliance, audit, and other support-
ing and administrative Iunctions oI the chieI executive
under this Act.
Section 274(a)(iaa): inserted, on 1 February 2010, by section 28 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Section 274(a)(ii): repealed, on 14 April 2005, by section 20(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
275 Content of register of building consent authorities
The register oI building consent authorities reIerred to in sec-
tion 273(1)(a) must, in addition to the names oI the building
consent authorities, contain the Iollowing inIormation:
(a) details oI any limits imposed by the chieI executive,
under section 203(2)(c), on the Iunctions that those au-
thorities may perIorm:
(b) any prescribed inIormation:
(c) in the case oI building consent authorities that are not
territorial authorities, the scope oI accreditation oI each
oI those authorities.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 53(2)
Chief executive mav review territorial
276 Review of territorial authorities
(1) The chieI executive may, on his or her own initiative or at the
request oI the Minister, conduct a review oI either or both oI
the Iollowing matters:
(a) whether a territorial authority is properly perIorming its
Iunctions and duties under this Act:
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 3 s 278
(b) whether a territorial authority is properly exercising its
powers under this Act.
(2) The chieI executive must
(a) give the territorial authority a reasonable opportunity to
make written submissions on the review; and
(b) consider those submissions (iI any).
(3) The chieI executive must, aIter completing the review,
(a) report to the Minister iI he or she believes that either or
both oI the Iollowing applies:
(i) the territorial authority is not properly perIorm-
ing its Iunctions or duties under this Act:
(ii) the territorial authority is not properly exercising
its powers under this Act; and
(b) iI paragraph (a) applies, state in the report the Iacts on
which that belieI is based.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 15
Power of Minister to appoint person to perform
functions and duties, or exercise powers, of
territorial authoritv
277 Non-performance by territorial authority
(1) This section applies iI the Minister considers, in accordance
with section 278, that a territorial authority is not properly per-
Iorming its Iunctions or duties, or exercising its powers, under
this Act.
(2) The Minister may, in consultation with the Minister oI Local
Government, appoint 1 or more persons to act in place oI the
territorial authority by
(a) perIorming all or any oI the territorial authority`s Iunc-
tions or duties under this Act:
(b) exercising all or any oI the territorial authority`s powers
under this Act.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 29(1)
278 Criteria for appointment or renewal of appointment
(1) In determining whether an appointment under section 277
should be made, the Minister must consider whether the
territorial authority is capable oI perIorming its Iunctions or
Part 3 s 279 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
duties, or exercising its powers, under this Act to the extent
that the Minister considers necessary to achieve the purposes
oI this Act.
(2) II the Minister makes an appointment under that section, he or
she must, in determining whether the appointment should be
(a) consider the matter specifed in subsection (1); and
(b) revoke the appointment and direct the territorial author-
ity to resume the perIormance oI its Iunctions or duties,
or the exercise oI its powers, under this Act iI he or she
considers that the territorial authority is capable oI do-
ing so.
(3) II subsection (2)(b) applies, the Minister must give the person
appointed under section 277 notice oI the revocation oI that
person`s appointment.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 29(7)
279 Effect of appointment
II a person is appointed under section 277,
(a) that person has all the Iunctions, duties, and powers oI
a territorial authority as iI they had been imposed or
conIerred on that person directly by this Act and not by
the appointment; and
(b) this Act applies accordingly.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 29(3)
280 Costs may be recovered from territorial authority
(1) This section applies to all costs, charges, and expenses in-
curred by
(a) the Minister Ior the purposes oI section 277; or
(b) a person appointed under that section in perIorming any
Iunctions or duties, or exercising any powers, oI a ter-
ritorial authority.
(2) The costs, charges, and expenses to which this section ap-
(a) may be recovered Irom the territorial authority con-
cerned as a debt due to the Minister; or
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 3 s 281A
(b) may be deducted Irom any money payable to that terri-
torial authority by the Minister.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 29(4)
281 Requirements for appointment
(1) The Minister
(a) may make an appointment under section 277 only iI he
or she has given the territorial authority not less than
15 working days` written notice oI his or her intention
to do so; and
(b) must speciIy the period Ior which the appointment is
(2) The appointment may
(a) be on any terms and conditions that the Minister thinks
ft; and
(b) be renewed in accordance with section 278.
(3) A person appointed under section 277 may resign Irom his
or her appointment by giving not less than 20 working days`
written notice oI his or her intention to resign to the Minister.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 29(2), (5), (6)
Subpart 9Fees, charges, and additional
Subpart 9: inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 65 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
281A What fees and charges may be imposed
(1) This section applies when a territorial authority, building con-
sent authority, or a regional authority (in this section and in
sections 281B to 281D called the authority) imposes a Iee or
charge (or both) under section 219, 240, or 243 Ior a Iunction
or service perIormed by the authority under this Act.
(2) Each authority has a discretion as to how the Iee or charge
is charged or set and how it may be paid or collected, and
may (by way oI example and without limiting an authority`s
(a) charge a fxed or variable Iee:
(b) require a deposit and then Iurther payment:
Part 3 s 281B Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(c) require Iull payment at the outset:
(d) charge on the basis oI an hourly rate or any other rate or
method oI charging.
(3) An authority may impose a Iee or charge whether or not the
Iunction or service in question is perIormed on the application
oI another person or on the initiative oI the authority itselI.
Section 281A: inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 65 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
281B Authority may increase fee or charge to meet additional
(1) II a Iee or a charge imposed by an authority Ior a Iunction or
service perIormed by the authority under this Act is, in any
particular case, inadequate to meet the authority`s actual and
reasonable costs in perIorming that Iunction or service, the
authority may increase the amount oI the Iee or charge to meet
the additional cost.
(2) The authority must, on request by the person liable to pay the
increased Iee or charge, provide an estimate oI the increase in
the Iee or charge.
Section 281B: inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 65 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
281C Authority may waive or refund fee or charge
An authority may, in its discretion, waive or reIund, in whole
or in part, any Iee or charge imposed by it Ior a Iunction or
service perIormed by it under this Act.
Section 281C: inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 65 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
281D Validity of previous fees, charges, and additional costs
(1) This section applies to a Iee, charge, or additional cost that
was imposed by, paid to, or collected by an authority beIore
the commencement oI this section.
(2) Any question relating to the validity oI the Iee, charge, or ad-
ditional cost must be determined as iI sections 281A and 281B
were in Iorce at the time oI the imposition, payment, or col-
lection oI the Iee, charge, or additional cost.
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 4 s 282
(3) Nothing in this section aIIects the validity oI a Iee, charge,
or additional cost that is the subject oI a proceeding that was
commenced beIore the commencement oI this section.
Section 281D: inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 65 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Part 4
Regulation of building practitioners
Subpart 1Preliminary
282 Deünitions for this Part
In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires,
appeal authority
(a) in relation to an appeal against a decision oI the Regis-
trar under section 330(1), means the Board; and
(b) in relation to an appeal against a decision oI the Board
under section 330(2), means the District Court
applicable minimum standards for licensing means the
minimum standards Ior licensing that
(a) apply to the licensing class in question; and
(b) are contained in the rules
Board means the Building Practitioners Board established by
section 341
building inspection work means any oI the Iollowing:
(a) the assessment and approval oI building design docu-
(b) the undertaking oI inspections oI building work:
(c) the issuing oI building consents:
(d) determining compliance with a building consent:
(e) inspection, maintenance, or reporting procedures stated
in a compliance schedule
decision includes
(a) any action taken under section 318; and
(b) an order
decision-maker, in relation to an appeal, means the person or
body that made the decision or took the action appealed against
Part 4 s 282A Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
disciplinary matter means an inquiry into, or complaint
about, the conduct oI a licensed building practitioner or a
decision on that inquiry or complaint
LBP standards has the meaning set out in section 353
register means the register oI building practitioners estab-
lished and maintained under section 298
Registrar means the oIfcer appointed under section 310.
Section 282 applicable minimum standards for licensing paragraph (a):
amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 54(1) oI the Building Amendment Act
2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 282 building inspection work paragraph (e): substituted, on 15 March
2008, by section 54(2) oI the Building Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Purposes of licensing
Heading: inserted, on 15 March 2008, by section 55 oI the Building Amendment
Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
282A Purposes of licensing building practitioners
The purposes oI licensing building practitioners under this Act
(a) to assess and record building practitioners as having cer-
tain skills and knowledge relevant to building work; and
(b) to license building practitioners so that, in regard to re-
stricted building work, licensed building practitioners
can carry it out or supervise it.
Section 282A: inserted, on 15 March 2008, by section 55 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
General procedure of Board and Registrar
under this Part
283 Speciüed procedure for making decisions
In the perIormance and exercise oI their decision-making
Iunctions and powers under this Part, the Board and the
Registrar must
(a) give written notice oI, and reasons Ior, their decision to
any person to whom the decision relates; and
(b) comply with the principles oI natural justice; and
(c) comply with any applicable procedures under the rules;
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 4 s 286
(d) comply with the regulations.
Compare: 2002 No 17 s 25
284 Other procedure for making decisions
Except as otherwise provided in this Act, the Board and the
Registrar may regulate their own procedure Ior making deci-
sions under this Part.
Compare: 2002 No 17 s 26
Subpart 2Licensing and disciplining oI
building practitioners
Licensing classes
Heading: substituted, on 15 March 2008, by section 56 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
285 Licensing classes may be designated by regulations
(1) The Governor-General may, by Order in Council made on the
recommendation oI the Minister, designate a licensing class or
classes Ior carrying out or supervising particular types oI
(a) building work:
(b) building inspection work.
(2) An order made under subsection (1) may designate a licensing
class or classes Ior carrying out the work, or Ior supervising
the work, or Ior carrying out or supervising the work.
Section 285: substituted, on 15 March 2008, by section 56 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 285(2): inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 67 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
How to become licensed
286 Entitlement to be licensed
An individual is entitled to be licensed as a building practi-
tioner iI the individual satisfes the Registrar
(a) that he or she meets the applicable minimum standards
Ior licensing; and
(b) that he or she is not precluded Irom being licensed be-
cause oI any action taken by the Board under section
318; and
Part 4 s 287 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(c) that his or her registration, licence, or other recognition
under another enactment in respect oI any substantially
equivalent occupation has not been suspended or can-
celled in respect oI a disciplinary matter at any time
within the last 5 years; and
(d) that he or she has paid the prescribed Iee.
Section 286 heading: amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 57(1) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 286(b): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 57(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
287 Applications to become licensed
An application to become licensed under this subpart must be
made to the Registrar in accordance with the rules.
Section 287 heading: amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 58(1) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 287: amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 58(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
288 Registrar to license applicant or decline application
(1) II the Registrar is satisfed that the applicant is entitled, under
section 286, to be licensed as a building practitioner, the Regis-
trar must
(a) license the applicant; and
(b) send to the applicant evidence that he or she has been
licensed, in a Iorm specifed in the rules; and
(c) enter that person`s name in the register; and
(d) issue a unique identifer (Ior example, a registration
number) to the applicant, and notiIy the applicant what
that identifer is.
(2) II the Registrar is not satisfed that the applicant is entitled to
be licensed as a building practitioner, the Registrar must notiIy
the applicant oI
(a) the Registrar`s decision; and
(b) the applicant`s right oI appeal against the decision.
(3) Subsection (2) does not limit section 283.
Section 288(1)(a): substituted, on 15 March 2008, by section 59(1) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 288(1)(b): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 59(2) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 4 s 291
Provisions relating to licences
289 Duty to produce evidence of being licensed
A licensed building practitioner must, iI asked by any person,
produce Ior inspection by the person either
(a) the evidence oI being licensed sent to the licensed build-
ing practitioner under section 288(1)(b); or
(b) a copy oI that evidence.
Section 289 heading: amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 60(1) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 289(a): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 60(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
290 Term of being licensed
Licensing continues in Iorce until it is cancelled or suspended
under this subpart.
Section 290: substituted, on 15 March 2008, by section 61 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Automatic licensing of certain professions
291 Automatic licensing of people registered under other
(1) This section applies to a person who is registered, licensed, or
otherwise recognised under any other enactment (Ior example,
a registered architect), but does not apply at any time when
that registration, licence, or other recognition is suspended or
(2) An order made under section 285 may treat the person as iI
they were licensed in a class or classes specifed in the order.
(3) A person who is treated as being licensed in a particular class
or classes under subsection (2) may not apply under this Act
to be licensed in another class that is substantially equivalent
to the class oI licensing in which he or she is treated as being
(4) The licensing provisions oI this subpart do not apply to a per-
son who is treated under this section and the rules as iI he or
she were licensed (Ior example, he or she need not apply to
become licensed or pay any Iees under this subpart).
Section 291(2): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 62(1) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Part 4 s 292 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
Section 291(3): substituted, on 15 March 2008, by section 62(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 291(4): substituted, on 15 March 2008, by section 62(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Continuation of licensing
292 Licensed building practitioner must meet applicable
minimum standards for licensing to continue
(1) The Registrar must assess at the Irequency required by the
rules, and may assess at any other time, whether a licensed
building practitioner continues to meet the applicable min-
imum standards Ior licensing.
(2) That assessment must be made in the manner required by the
(3) A licensed building practitioner who continues to meet those
standards is entitled to the continuation oI his or her licensing,
subject to section 303.
Section 292 heading: amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 63(1) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 292(3): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 63(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
293 Consequences of failure to meet applicable minimum
standards for licensing
(1) II, aIter making an assessment under section 292, the Registrar
determines that the licensed building practitioner no longer
meets the applicable minimum standards Ior licensing, the
Registrar must
(a) suspend the person`s licensing until the person satisfes
the Registrar that he or she meets those standards; and
(b) record the suspension in the register.
(2) II the person does not so satisIy the Registrar within 12 months
aIter the suspension, or any Iurther period that the Registrar
may determine, the Registrar must
(a) cancel the person`s licensing; and
(b) remove the person`s name Irom the register.
Section 293(1)(a): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 64 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 293(2)(a): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 64 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 4 s 295
Licensing cancellation and suspension
Heading: substituted, on 15 March 2008, by section 65 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
294 Cancellation of licensing
The Registrar must cancel a person`s licensing and remove the
person`s name Irom the register
(a) iI the person, by written notice, requests the Registrar
to cancel his or her licensing; or
(b) in accordance with section 293(2) (consequences oI
Iailure to meet applicable minimum standards Ior li-
censing); or
(c) in accordance with section 318 (disciplinary penalties);
(d) in accordance with section 319 (non-payment oI fnes
or costs).
Section 294 heading: amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 66(1) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 294: amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 66(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 294(a): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 66(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
295 Mandatory licensing suspension
(1) The Registrar must suspend a person`s licensing and record the
suspension in the register in accordance with section 293(1)
(consequences oI Iailure to meet applicable minimum stand-
ards Ior licensing).
(2) The Registrar must, in the case oI a person who is the subject
oI disciplinary proceedings under this subpart,
(a) suspend the person`s licensing until an order is made
under section 318 or until those disciplinary proceed-
ings are otherwise fnished iI, in the opinion oI the
Registrar, suspension oI the person`s licensing is ne-
cessary Ior the purpose oI protecting the public; and
(b) record that suspension in the register.
(3) The Board must suspend a person`s licensing and direct the
Registrar to record the suspension in the register in accordance
(a) section 318 (disciplinary penalties); or
Part 4 s 296 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(b) section 319 (non-payment oI fnes or costs).
Section 295 heading: substituted, on 15 March 2008, by section 67(1) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 295(1): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 67(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 295(2)(a): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 67(2) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 295(3): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 67(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
296 Voluntary licensing suspension
(1) A licensed building practitioner may, by written notice, re-
quest the Registrar to suspend his or her licensing Ior a period
specifed in the notice.
(2) The Registrar must then suspend that person`s licensing, and
record the suspension in the register, Ior that specifed period
(subject to the rules).
(3) Aperson whose licensing is suspended under this section may,
by written notice to the Registrar, request the Registrar to re-
vive the person`s licensing.
(4) The Registrar must then revive that person`s licensing (unless
there is some other ground to suspend or cancel that person`s
licensing under this subpart).
Section 296 heading: substituted, on 15 March 2008, by section 68(1) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 296(1): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 68(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 296(2): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 68(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 296(3): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 68(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 296(4): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 68(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
297 Effect of licensing suspension
(1) A person is not a licensed building practitioner, Ior the pur-
poses oI this Act, Ior the period Ior which his or her licensing
is suspended.
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 4 s 299
(2) At the end oI the period oI suspension, the person`s licensing
is immediately revived (unless there is some other ground to
suspend or cancel that person`s licensing under this subpart).
Section 297 heading: substituted, on 15 March 2008, by section 69(1) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 297(1): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 69(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 297(2): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 69(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Register of licensed building practitioners
298 Register of licensed building practitioners
(1) The Registrar must establish and maintain, in accordance with
this Act and the regulations, a register oI licensed building
(2) The Registrar must enter in the register
(a) the name oI every licensed building practitioner; and
(b) the inIormation about that person that is specifed in
section 301 to the extent that the inIormation is relevant
to that person.
(3) The Registrar must make any other entries in the register that
may be required, permitted, or directed to be entered by or
under this subpart or the regulations.
Section 298(1): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 70 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
299 Purpose of register
The purpose oI the register is
(a) to enable members oI the public to
(i) determine whether a person is a licensed build-
ing practitioner and, iI so, the status and relevant
history oI the person`s licensing; and
(ii) choose a suitable building practitioner Irom a list
oI licensed building practitioners; and
(iii) know how to contact the building practitioner;
(iv) know which licensed building practitioners have
been disciplined within the last 3 years; and
Part 4 s 300 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(b) to Iacilitate the administrative, disciplinary, and other
Iunctions oI the Board and the Registrar under this Act.
Section 299(a)(i): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 71 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
300 Form of register
(1) The register may be kept
(a) as an electronic register; or
(b) in any other manner that the Registrar thinks ft.
(2) The register must be operated at all times unless
(a) the Registrar suspends the operation oI the register, in
whole or in part, in accordance with subsection (3); or
(b) otherwise provided in the regulations.
(3) The Registrar may reIuse access to the register or otherwise
suspend the operation oI the register, in whole or in part, iI
the Registrar considers that it is not necessary or practical or
appropriate to provide access to the register.
Section 300(3): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 72 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
301 Matters to be contained in register
(1) The register must contain all oI the Iollowing inIormation, to
the extent that the inIormation is relevant, Ior each licensed
building practitioner whose name is entered in the register:
(a) Iull name:
(b) any aliases:
(c) date oI birth:
(d) address Ior communications under this Act:
(e) residential address:
(I) name oI any company or body corporate that is asso-
ciated with the licensed building practitioner (Ior ex-
ample, that person`s employer or the company oI which
that person is a director):
(g) email and website address:
(h) phone number:
(i) Iax number:
(j) any unique identifer issued by the Registrar (Ior ex-
ample, a registration number):
(k) any other prescribed inIormation:
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 4 s 302
(l) inIormation about the status and history oI the person`s
licensing, particularly
(i) the class in which the person is licensed; and
(ii) the date on which the person`s name was entered
in the register; and
(iii) any action taken under section 318 on a discip-
linary matter in respect oI the person in the last
3 years:
(m) any other inIormation that the Registrar considers ne-
cessary or desirable Ior the purpose oI the register.
(2) The register must also show
(a) whether a person`s licensing was suspended in the last
3 years; and
(b) iI paragraph (a) applies,
(i) the ground under this Act Ior the suspension (Ior
example, whether Ior non-payment oI a levy that
was required Irom the licensed building practi-
tioner, or on another ground); and
(ii) the period oI suspension; and
(iii) any conditions Ior termination oI the suspension.
Section 301(1)(l): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 73(1) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 301(1)(l)(i): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 73(2) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 301(2)(a): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 73(3) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Updates of register
302 Obligation to notify Registrar of change in circumstances
(1) Each person applying to become licensed, and each licensed
building practitioner, must give written notice to the Registrar
oI any change in circumstances within 10 working days aIter
the change.
(2) Change of circumstances
(a) means any change in the inIormation that the person has
provided to the Registrar under this subpart; and
(b) includes any change that may be prescribed (iI any).
Section 302(1): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 74 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Part 4 s 303 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
303 Registrar must contact licensed building practitioners
on annual basis
(1) The Registrar must, on an annual basis, contact each licensed
building practitioner, in a manner provided Ior in the rules,
(a) ask whether the licensed building practitioner wishes to
continue to be licensed; and
(b) ask whether the inIormation shown on the register in
respect oI that person is correct; and
(c) notiIy the requirement to pay a prescribed levy.
(2) The licensed building practitioner must, within 20 working
days oI being contacted,
(a) reply to both questions, and supply any inIormation ne-
cessary to ensure that the inIormation shown on the
register is correct; and
(b) pay to the Registrar the prescribed levy.
(3) II a licensed building practitioner does not comply with sub-
section (2), the Registrar must contact the licensed building
practitioner, in a manner provided Ior in the rules, and advise
the licensed building practitioner that his or her licensing will
be suspended unless the person complies with subsection (2),
and pays a late Iee, within the period, provided Ior in the rules.
(4) II the licensed building practitioner does not do so, the Regis-
trar must
(a) suspend the person`s licensing until the person does so;
(b) record the suspension in the register.
(5) II the licensed building practitioner does not comply with sub-
section (2), and pay the late Iee, within 12 months aIter the
date on which the person is contacted under subsection (3),
the Registrar must
(a) cancel the person`s licensing; and
(b) remove the person`s name Irom the register.
(6) The levy may be applied to costs and other expenses incurred
in the licensing and disciplining oI building practitioners under
this Act, including the costs oI the operation and administra-
tion oI the Board.
Section 303(3): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 75(1) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 4 s 308
Section 303(4)(a): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 75(2) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 303(5)(a): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 75(3) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 303(6): inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 68 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
304 Alterations to register
The Registrar may, at any time, make any amendments to the
register that are necessary to
(a) refect any changes in the name oI a licensed building
practitioner or the inIormation specifed in section 301;
(b) correct a mistake caused by any error or omission on
the part oI the Registrar or any person to whom the
Registrar has delegated his or her Iunctions, duties, or
Searches of register
305 Search of register
A person may search the register in accordance with this Act
or the regulations.
306 Search criteria
The register may be searched only by reIerence to criteria to
be specifed in the regulations.
307 Search purposes
A search oI the register may be carried out only Ior a purpose
reIerred to in section 299.
308 When search constitutes interference with privacy of
A search oI the register Ior personal inIormation that has not
been carried out in accordance with sections 305 to 307 con-
stitutes an action that is an interIerence with the privacy oI an
individual under section 66 oI the Privacy Act 1993.
Part 4 s 309 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
309 Search fees
(1) The Registrar may charge a Iee Ior searches oI the register.
(2) The Iee may be prescribed by the regulations, or may be de-
termined by the Registrar, and must be no greater than the cost
oI providing Ior the search oI the register.
Registrar of Licensed Building Practitioners
310 Appointment of Registrar of Licensed Building
The chieI executive must appoint, under the State Sector Act
1988, a Registrar oI Licensed Building Practitioners.
311 Functions of Registrar
The Iunctions oI the Registrar are
(a) to establish and maintain the register; and
(b) to make decisions about whether persons meet the
requirements Ior licensing or continued licensing, to
issue, cancel, and suspend persons` licensing as part oI
the licensing system, and to perIorm the other Iunctions
relating to licensing under this subpart; and
(c) to help the Board to receive and investigate complaints
under sections 315 and 316; and
(d) to provide other administrative support Ior the Board
suIfcient to enable the Board to perIorm its Iunctions
eIfciently and eIIectively; and
(e) to perIormany other Iunction conIerred on the Registrar
by this Act or any other enactment.
Section 311(b): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 76 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 311(c): substituted, on 14 April 2005, by section 21 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 311(d): substituted, on 14 April 2005, by section 21 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 311(e): added, on 14 April 2005, by section 21 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
312 Power of Registrar to delegate
(1) The Registrar may delegate to any person (whether an em-
ployee oI the State services or not), either generally or par-
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 4 s 313
ticularly, any oI the Registrar`s Iunctions, duties, and powers
except the power oI delegation.
(2) A delegation
(a) must be in writing; and
(b) may be made subject to any restrictions and conditions
that the Registrar thinks ft; and
(c) is revocable at any time, in writing; and
(d) does not prevent the perIormance or exercise oI a Iunc-
tion, duty, or power by the Registrar.
(3) A person to whom any Iunctions, duties, or powers are dele-
gated may perIorm and exercise them in the same manner and
with the same eIIect as iI they had been conIerred directly by
this Act and not by delegation.
(4) A person who appears to act under a delegation is presumed
to be acting in accordance with its terms in the absence oI
evidence to the contrary.
313 Certiücate of Registrar to be conclusive evidence
(1) A certifcate signed by the Registrar, or any person authorised
by the Registrar, in relation to the matters reIerred to in subsec-
tion (2) is Ior all purposes conclusive evidence, in the absence
oI prooI to the contrary, oI those matters specifed in the cer-
(2) The matters are
(a) that any person was or was not a licensed building prac-
titioner at any particular time or during any period spe-
cifed in the certifcate; or
(b) that any entry in the register is as stated in the certifcate;
(c) that the description oI building work and building in-
spection work that a person is licensed to carry out or
supervise is as stated in the certifcate.
(3) The certifcate must be dated.
Section 313(2)(c): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 77 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Part 4 s 314 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
Offences relating to licensing
314 Offences relating to licensing
(1) A person commits an oIIence iI the person holds himselI or
herselI out as a person who is licensed to carry out or supervise
building work or building inspection work, or building work
or building inspection work oI a certain type, while not being
so licensed.
(2) A person who commits an oIIence under subsection (1) is li-
able to a fne not exceeding $20,000.
(3) A person commits an oIIence iI the person
(a) Iails to produce evidence oI being licensed as required
by section 289; or
(b) Iails to give written notice oI a change in circumstances
in accordance with section 302.
(4) A person who commits an oIIence under subsection (3) is li-
able to a fne not exceeding $5,000.
Section 314(3)(a): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 78 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Code of ethics and competence
Heading: inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 69 oI the Building Amendment
Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
314A Code of ethics for licensed building practitioners
The Governor-General may, by Order in Council made on the
recommendation oI the Minister, prescribe a code or codes oI
minimum standards oI ethical conduct Ior licensed building
practitioners or classes oI licensed building practitioners.
Section 314A: inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 69 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
314B Licensed building practitioner must work within
A licensed building practitioner must
(a) not misrepresent his or her competence:
(b) carry out or supervise building work only within his or
her competence.
Section 314B: inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 69 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 4 s 317
315 Complaints about licensed building practitioners
(1) Any person may complain to the Board about the conduct oI
a licensed building practitioner in accordance with the regula-
(2) A complaint or inquiry, and any decision on the complaint or
inquiry, may relate to a person who is no longer a licensed
building practitioner but who was a licensed building practi-
tioner at the time oI the relevant conduct.
Compare: 2002 No 17 s 20
316 Board must investigate complaints
(1) The Board must, as soon as practicable aIter receiving a com-
plaint, investigate the complaint and determine whether or not
to proceed with it.
(2) However, subsection (3) applies iI the Board receives a com-
plaint about a licensed building practitioner
(a) who is a licensed building practitioner only because he
or she is treated under section 291 and the rules as iI
he or she is licensed because he or she is registered, li-
censed, or otherwise recognised under any other enact-
ment (Ior example, a registered architect); and
(b) who is, in the opinion oI the Board, subject to a sub-
stantially similar or more stringent disciplinary regime
by or under that other enactment.
(3) The Board may not investigate or proceed with the complaint,
but must reIer it to the body that is responsible Ior dealing with
complaints under that other enactment.
Section 316(2)(a): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 79 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
317 Grounds for discipline of licensed building practitioners
(1) The Board may (in relation to a matter raised by a complaint
or by its own inquiries) take any oI the actions reIerred to in
section 318 iI it is satisfed that
(a) both oI the Iollowing matters apply:
(i) a licensed building practitioner has been con-
victed, whether beIore or aIter he or she is li-
Part 4 s 317 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
censed, by any court in New Zealand or else-
where oI any oIIence punishable by imprison-
ment Ior a term oI 6 months or more; and
(ii) the commission oI the oIIence refects adversely
on the person`s ftness to carry out or supervise
building work or building inspection work; or
(b) a licensed building practitioner has carried out or super-
vised building work or building inspection work in a
negligent or incompetent manner; or
(c) a licensed building practitioner has carried out (other
than as an owner-builder) or supervised restricted build-
ing work or building inspection work oI a type that he
or she is not licensed to carry out or supervise; or
(d) a licensed building practitioner has carried out or super-
vised building work or building inspection work that
does not comply with a building consent; or
(da) a licensed building practitioner has Iailed, without good
reason, in respect oI a building consent that relates to re-
stricted building work that he or she is to carry out (other
than as an owner-builder) or supervise, or has carried
out (other than as an owner-builder) or supervised, (as
the case may be),
(i) to provide a certifcate oI work about any plans
and specifcations required to accompany the
building consent application; or
(ii) to provide the persons specifed in section 88(2)
with a record oI work, on completion oI the re-
stricted building work, in accordance with sec-
tion 88(1); or
(db) a licensed building practitioner has held himselI or her-
selI out as being licensed to carry out or supervise build-
ing work or building inspection work oI a type that, at
that time, he or she was not licensed to carry out or
supervise; or
(e) a licensed building practitioner has, Ior the purpose oI
becoming licensed himselI or herselI, or Ior the purpose
oI any other person becoming licensed,
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 4 s 317
(i) either orally or in writing, made any declaration
or representation, knowing it to be Ialse or mis-
leading in a material particular; or
(ii) produced to the Registrar or made use oI any
document, knowing it to contain a declaration or
representation reIerred to in subparagraph (i); or
(iii) produced to the Registrar or made use oI any
document, knowing that it was not genuine; or
(I) a licensed building practitioner has Iailed, without good
reason, to provide to the owner the record oI work re-
Ierred to in clause 1(b) oI Schedule 1E or clause 1(b) oI
Schedule 1F; or
(g) a licensed building practitioner has breached the code
oI ethics prescribed under section 314A; or
(h) a licensed building practitioner has breached section
314B; or
(i) a licensed building practitioner has conducted himselI
or herselI in a manner that brings, or is likely to bring,
the regime under this Act Ior licensed building practi-
tioners into disrepute.
(2) The Board may take the action whether or not the person is
still a licensed building practitioner.
Compare: 2002 No 17 s 21
Section 317(1)(c): substituted, on 15 March 2008, by section 80(1) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 317(1)(c): amended, on 13 March 2012, by section 70(1) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 317(1)(da): inserted, on 15 March 2008, by section 80(2) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 317(1)(da): amended, on 13 March 2012, by section 70(2)(a) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 317(1)(da): amended, on 13 March 2012, by section 70(2)(b) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 317(1)(da)(i): amended, on 13 March 2012, by section 70(3) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 317(1)(da)(ii): amended, on 13 March 2012, by section 70(4) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 317(1)(db): inserted, on 15 March 2008, by section 80(2) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 317(1)(e): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 80(3) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Part 4 s 318 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
Section 317(1)(e)(iii): amended, on 13 March 2012, by section 70(5) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 317(1)(I): inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 70(6) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 317(1)(g): inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 70(6) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 317(1)(h): inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 70(6) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 317(1)(i): inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 70(6) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
318 Disciplinary penalties
(1) In any case to which section 317 applies, the Board may
(a) do both oI the Iollowing things:
(i) cancel the person`s licensing and direct the
Registrar to remove the person`s name Irom the
register; and
(ii) order that the person may not apply to be reli-
censed beIore the expiry oI a specifed period:
(b) suspend the person`s licensing Ior a period oI no more
than 12 months or until the person meets specifed con-
ditions relating to the licensing (but, in any case, not Ior
a period oI more than 12 months) and direct the Regis-
trar to record the suspension in the register:
(c) restrict the type oI building work or building inspec-
tion work that the person may carry out or supervise
under the person`s licensing class or classes and direct
the Registrar to record the restriction in the register:
(d) order that the person be censured:
(e) order that the person undertake training specifed in the
(I) order that the person pay a fne not exceeding $10,000.
(2) The Board may take only 1 type oI action in subsection (1)(a)
to (d) in relation to a case, except that it may impose a fne
under subsection (1)(I) in addition to taking the action under
subsection (1)(b) or (d).
(3) No fne may be imposed under subsection (1)(I) in relation to
an act or omission that constitutes an oIIence Ior which the
person has been convicted by a court.
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(4) In any case to which section 317 applies, the Board may order
that the person must pay the costs and expenses oI, and inci-
dental to, the inquiry by the Board.
(5) In addition to requiring the Registrar to notiIy in the register
an action taken by the Board under this section, the Board may
publicly notiIy the action in any other way it thinks ft.
Compare: 2002 No 17 s 23
Section 318(1)(a)(i): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 81(1) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 318(1)(b): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 81(2) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 318(1)(c): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 81(3) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
319 Non-payment of ünes or costs
II money payable by a person under section 318(1)(I) or (4)
remains unpaid Ior 60 days or more aIter the date oI the order,
the Board may
(a) cancel the person`s licensing and direct the Registrar to
remove the person`s name Irom the register; or
(b) suspend the person`s licensing until the person pays the
money and, iI he or she does not do so within 12 months,
cancel his or her licensing and direct the Registrar to
remove his or her name Irom the register.
Section 319(a): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 82 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 319(b): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 82 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
320 Payment and application of charges, ünes, and other
(1) All charges, fnes, and other money payable by a person under
this subpart
(a) are payable to the Registrar:
(b) are recoverable as a debt due to the Registrar Irom that
person, whether or not he or she remains a licensed
building practitioner.
(2) For the purposes oI this section, üne does not include a fne
imposed in respect oI the commission oI an oIIence against a
provision oI this Act.
Part 4 s 321 Building Act 2004
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Powers and procedure of Board on disciplinarv
321 Board must act independently
(1) The Board must act independently in perIorming its Iunctions
under this subpart.
(2) The Registrar must ensure that any staII that the Registrar pro-
vides by way oI administrative support Ior the Board have not
been involved in assisting the Registrar to perIorm the Iunc-
tions oI the Registrar under this subpart.
322 Board may hear evidence for disciplinary matters
(1) In relation to a disciplinary matter, the Board may
(a) receive as evidence any statement, document, inIorma-
tion, or matter that in its opinion may assist it to deal
eIIectively with the subject oI the disciplinary matter,
whether or not it would be admissible in a court oI law:
(b) receive evidence on oath (and Ior that purpose a member
oI the Board may administer an oath):
(c) permit a person appearing as a witness beIore it to give
evidence by tendering a written statement and veriIying
that statement by oath, statutory declaration, or other-
(d) appoint any persons as special advisers to assist the
Board (Ior example, to advise on technical evidence).
(2) A hearing beIore the Board on a disciplinary matter is a judi-
cial proceeding Ior the purposes oI sections 108 and 109 oI the
Crimes Act 1961.
Compare: 2002 No 17 s 27
323 Issuing of summons by Board
(1) The Board may issue a summons to a person requiring that
person to attend a hearing beIore the Board and to do all or
any oI the Iollowing matters:
(a) give evidence:
(b) give evidence under oath:
(c) produce documents, things, or inIormation, or any spe-
cifed documents, things, or inIormation, in the posses-
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sion or control oI that person that are relevant to the
(2) The summons must be in writing, be signed by a member oI
the Board, and state
(a) the date and time when, and the place where, the person
must attend; and
(b) the documents, things, or inIormation that the person is
required to bring and produce to the Board; and
(c) iI a sum in respect oI witnesses` Iees, allowances, and
expenses is not paid at the time oI the summons, the
entitlement to be paid or tendered a sum at some rea-
sonable time beIore the hearing; and
(d) the penalty Ior Iailing to attend.
(3) The Board may require that any documents, things, or inIor-
mation produced under this section be verifed by oath, statu-
tory declaration, or otherwise.
Compare: 2002 No 17 s 29
324 Service of summons
(1) A summons may be served
(a) by delivering it personally to the person summoned; or
(b) by posting it to the person summoned at that person`s
usual place oI residence.
(2) A summons must,
(a) iI it is to be served under subsection (1)(a), be served
at least 48 hours beIore the attendance oI the witness is
(b) iI it is to be served under subsection (1)(b), be served
at least 10 days beIore the attendance oI the witness is
(3) A summons that is posted is treated as having been served
when it would have been delivered in the ordinary course oI
Compare: 2002 No 17 s 30
325 Witnesses` fees, allowances, and expenses
(1) A witness appearing beIore the Board under a summons is
entitled to be paid witnesses` Iees, allowances, and expenses
Part 4 s 326 Building Act 2004
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in accordance with the scales prescribed by regulations under
the Summary Proceedings Act 1957.
(2) The person requiring attendance oI the witness must pay or
tender to the witness the Iees, allowances, and expenses at the
time the summons is served or at some other reasonable time
beIore the hearing.
Compare: 2002 No 17 s 31
326 Failure to comply with summons
(1) A person summoned under section 323 commits an oIIence iI
he or she, without suIfcient cause,
(a) Iails to attend in accordance with the summons; or
(b) does not give evidence when required to do so; or
(c) does not give evidence under oath when required to do
so; or
(d) does not answer any question that is lawIully asked by
the Board; or
(e) does not provide any documents, things, or inIormation
that the summons requires the person to provide.
(2) A person who commits an oIIence under this section is liable
to a fne not exceeding $2,000.
(3) A person must not be convicted oI an oIIence under this sec-
tion iI witnesses` Iees, allowances, and expenses to which the
person is entitled under section 325 have not been paid or ten-
dered to him or her.
Compare: 2002 No 17 s 32
327 Witness and counsel privileges
(1) Every person who does the Iollowing things has the same priv-
ileges as witnesses have in a court:
(a) provides documents, things, or inIormation to the Board
in relation to a disciplinary matter; or
(b) gives evidence or answers questions at a hearing oI the
Board in relation to a disciplinary matter.
(2) Every counsel appearing beIore the Board in relation to a dis-
ciplinary matter has the same privileges and immunities as
counsel in a court.
Compare: 2002 No 17 s 33
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328 Enforcement of actions
II the Board, acting in accordance with this Act and the rules
in relation to a disciplinary matter, takes an action or other-
wise exercises any power in respect oI a person who is or was
a licensed building practitioner, that action or other exercise
oI any power has eIIect whether or not that person remains a
licensed building practitioner.
Compare: 2002 No 17 s 34
329 Certiücate of Board to be conclusive evidence
A written certifcate signed by any person authorised by the
Board is Ior all purposes conclusive evidence, in the absence
oI prooI to the contrary, oI any act or proceeding oI the Board.
Appeal from decisions
330 Right of appeal
(1) A person may appeal to the Board against any decision oI the
Registrar to
(a) decline to license the person as a building practitioner;
(b) suspend or cancel his or her licensing.
(2) A person may appeal to a District Court against any decision
oI the Board
(a) made by it on an appeal brought under subsection (1);
(b) to take any action reIerred to in section 318.
Section 330(1)(b): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 83(1) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 330(2): substituted, on 15 March 2008, by section 83(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
331 Time in which appeal must be brought
An appeal must be lodged
(a) within 20 working days aIter notice oI the decision or
action is communicated to the appellant; or
(b) within any Iurther time that the appeal authority allows
on application made beIore or aIter the period expires.
Part 4 s 332 Building Act 2004
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332 Method of bringing appeal
An appeal
(a) must be brought to the Board by notice in writing to the
Board; or
(b) must be brought to the District Court by way oI notice
oI appeal in accordance with the rules oI court.
333 Notice of right of appeal
When notiIying a person under this Part oI any decision or ac-
tion against which section 330 gives him or her a right oI ap-
peal, the decision-maker must also notiIy the person in writing
oI the right oI appeal and the time within which an appeal must
be lodged.
334 Actions to have effect pending determination of appeal
A decision or action against which an appeal is lodged under
this subpart continues in Iorce unless the appeal authority to
which the appeal is brought orders otherwise.
Compare: 2002 No 17 s 36
335 Procedure on appeal
(1) An appeal under this subpart must be heard as soon as is rea-
sonably practicable aIter it is lodged.
(2) An appeal under this subpart is by way oI rehearing.
(3) On hearing the appeal, the appeal authority
(a) may confrm, reverse, or modiIy the decision or action
appealed against; and
(b) may make any other decision or take any other action
that the decision-maker could have made.
(4) The appeal authority must not review
(a) any part oI a decision or action not appealed against; or
(b) any decision or action not appealed against at all.
Compare: 2002 No 17 s 37
336 Appeal authority`s decision ünal
Except as provided in section 340, the decision oI the appeal
authority on an appeal under this subpart is fnal.
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337 Appeal authority may refer matter back for
(1) Instead oI determining an appeal under this subpart, the appeal
authority may direct the decision-maker to reconsider, either
generally or in respect oI any specifed aspect, the whole or
any part oI the decision or action.
(2) In giving a direction under subsection (1), the appeal author-
(a) must state its reasons Ior the direction; and
(b) may give any other directions it thinks just as to the
matter reIerred back Ior reconsideration.
(3) The decision-maker
(a) must reconsider the matter; and
(b) in doing so, must
(i) take the appeal authority`s reasons into account;
(ii) give eIIect to the appeal authority`s directions.
338 Orders as to costs
On an appeal under this subpart, the appeal authority may
order any party to the appeal to pay to any other party to the
appeal any or all oI the costs incurred by the other party in re-
spect oI the appeal.
339 Orders as to publication of names
(1) On an appeal under this subpart, the appeal authority may, iI
in its opinion it is proper to do so, prohibit the publication oI
the name or particulars oI the aIIairs oI a licensed building
practitioner or any other person.
(2) In deciding whether to make an order under subsection (1), the
appeal authority must have regard to
(a) the interests oI any person (including, without limita-
tion, the privacy oI any complainant); and
(b) the public interest.
(3) II the appeal authority prohibits the publication oI the name or
particulars oI the aIIairs oI a licensed building practitioner, the
Registrar must remove the name or particulars oI the aIIairs oI
that licensed building practitioner Irom the register in relation
Part 4 s 340 Building Act 2004
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to the matter under appeal to the extent necessary to refect the
appeal authority`s prohibition on publication.
340 Appeal on question of law
(1) A party to an appeal to the District Court under this subpart
may appeal to the High Court against any determination oI
law arising in the appeal.
(2) The appeal must be heard and determined in accordance with
the appropriate rules oI court.
(3) Part 4 oI the Summary Proceedings Act 1957 (together with
the other provisions oI that Act that are applied in that Part)
applies to the appeal
(a) so Iar as it is applicable and with all necessary modif-
cations; but
(b) only so Iar as it relates to appeals on questions oI law.
(4) Subsection (3) overrides subsection (2).
Subpart 3Building Practitioners Board
Establishment of Board
341 Establishment of Board
The Building Practitioners Board is established.
342 Capacity and powers
(1) The Board has only the statutory powers conIerred by this Act
and any other Act.
(2) The Board may exercise its powers only Ior the purpose oI
perIorming its Iunctions.
343 Board`s functions
(1) The Board`s Iunctions are
(a) to approve rules relating to licensed building practition-
ers that are prepared in accordance with this subpart;
(b) to receive, investigate, and hear complaints about, and
to inquire into the conduct oI, and discipline, licensed
building practitioners in accordance with subpart 2; and
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(c) to hear appeals against certain decisions oI the Registrar
in accordance with subpart 2; and
(d) to review and report to the Minister on the perIorm-
ance oI the Iunctions and duties, and the exercise oI the
powers, oI the Board under this Act in accordance with
this subpart.
(2) The Board may, in accordance with clause 34 oI Schedule 3,
delegate any or all oI its Iunctions under subsection (1)(b) or
(c) to a subcommittee oI the Board appointed under that clause.
Section 343(2): inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 71 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
344 Composition of Board
(1) The Board must have at least 6 members, but not more than
8 members.
(2) A member must be appointed by the Governor-General on the
recommendation oI the Minister.
345 Criteria for appointment
(1) The Minister may recommend a person Ior appointment as a
member oI the Board only iI, in the Minister`s opinion, the
person is qualifed Ior appointment
(a) having regard to the Iunctions, duties, and powers oI the
Board; and
(b) because oI that person`s knowledge, experience, or ex-
(2) The Minister may accept nominations Ior membership oI the
Board, but each member is appointed to undertake the Iunc-
tions and duties oI a member rather than to represent the inter-
ests oI any person.
(3) One member oI the Board must be a barrister or solicitor oI at
least 5 years` standing.
346 Further provisions relating to Board and its members
Schedule 3 applies to the Board and its members.
Part 4 s 347 Building Act 2004
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Reporting bv Board
347 Obligation to prepare annual report
The Board must prepare an annual report on its operations Ior
each period ending with 30 June in each year.
348 Form and content of annual report
(1) An annual report must contain the Iollowing inIormation and
reports in respect oI the period to which it relates:
(a) a report on operations, including the inIormation that is
necessary to enable an inIormed assessment to be made
oI the Board`s perIormance during the period; and
(b) the number oI persons in each licensing class against
whom the Board took disciplinary action during the
(2) An annual report must be in writing, dated, and signed on be-
halI oI the Board by 2 members.
Section 348(1)(b): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 84 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
349 Obligation for Board to provide annual report to Minister
The Board must provide the annual report to the Minister as
soon as practicable aIter 30 June in each year.
350 Board to publish reports
As soon as practicable aIter giving the annual report to the
Minister under section 349, the Board must
(a) publicly notiIy that the report has been given to the Min-
ister and where copies oI the report may be inspected
and purchased; and
(b) make copies oI the report available to the public at the
place set out in the public notifcation, on request, Ior
inspection Iree oI charge and Ior purchase at a reason-
able cost.
351 Annual reports to be presented to House of
The Minister must present a copy oI the annual report given to
him or her under section 349 to the House oI Representatives
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no later than 10 parliamentary working days aIter the date on
which the Minister receives that report.
352 Power of Minister to require information relating to
affairs of Board
(1) The Board must supply to the Minister any inIormation relat-
ing to the aIIairs oI the Board that the Minister requests.
(2) However, a request may be reIused iI
(a) withholding the inIormation is necessary to protect the
privacy oI any person (including a deceased person);
(b) there would, under the OIfcial InIormation Act 1982,
be good reason Ior withholding the inIormation iI
(i) the request had been made under section 12 oI
that Act and section 9(2)(a) oI that Act applied;
(ii) the need to protect the privacy oI any person were
not outweighed by the Minister`s need to have the
inIormation in order to discharge the Minister`s
ministerial duties; and
(c) the inIormation relates to a particular matter in respect
oI which the Board or any person appointed or em-
ployed by the Board is required to act judicially.
353 Rules relating to licensed building practitioners
(1) There must be made, and there must always be, rules contain-
ing the Iollowing minimum standards (LBP standards):
(a) minimum standards oI competence (including stand-
ards relating to knowledge and skills) that must be met
Ior each licensing class; and
(b) minimum standards Ior demonstrating current compe-
tence Ior each licensing class that must be met Ior con-
tinued licensing, and Ior the Irequency at which assess-
ments oI current competence must be carried out.
(2) There must be made, and there must always be, rules that gov-
ern all oI the Iollowing matters:
Part 4 s 354 Building Act 2004
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(a) the inIormation that must be provided by an applicant
Ior licensing, and the way in which this inIormation
must be evaluated and decisions on the inIormation
must be made and implemented; and
(b) the inIormation that must be provided by a licensed
building practitioner to demonstrate his or her current
competence, and the way in which this inIormation
must be evaluated and decisions on the inIormation
must be made and implemented; and
(c) the way in which a proposed cancellation or suspension
oI licensing (that does not relate to a disciplinary matter)
is to be considered, decided on, and implemented, and
any minimum and maximum periods Ior suspension.
(3) The rules must be consistent with this Act.
Compare: 2002 No 17 s 40
Section 353(1)(a): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 85(1) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 353(1)(b): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 85(1) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 353(2)(a): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 85(2) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 353(2)(c): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 85(2) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
354 Chief executive to prepare proposed rules
The chieI executive must prepare proposed rules under section
355 Particular requirements for preparation of rules
containing LBP standards
In preparing a rule containing LBP standards, the chieI execu-
tive must
(a) ensure that the proposed rule is consistent with the pur-
poses oI this Act; and
(b) consult with licensed building practitioners or any per-
sons whom the chieI executive reasonably considers to
be representative oI licensed building practitioners or oI
other persons or classes oI persons aIIected by the pro-
posed rule; and
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(c) take into account international best practice and New
Zealand`s international obligations.
Compare: 2002 No 17 s 41
356 Rules to be approved by Board
(1) The chieI executive must submit proposed rules Ior the ap-
proval oI the Board.
(2) The Board must, as soon as practicable aIter receiving a pro-
posed rule Ior approval, by written notice to the chieI execu-
(a) approve it; or
(b) decline to approve it.
357 Revision of rules
II the Board declines to approve a proposed rule,
(a) the Board must indicate the grounds on which it de-
clines to approve it; and
(b) the Board must direct the chieI executive to prepare and
submit a revised proposed rule; and
(c) the chieI executive must submit a revised proposed rule
to the Board not later than 15 working days aIter the
date on which approval was declined or any later date
that the Board in any particular case may allow.
358 Approval of revised rule
(1) As soon as practicable aIter receiving a revised proposed rule,
the Board must
(a) approve the rule by written notice to the chieI executive;
(b) iI the Board considers that the revised proposed rule
requires Iurther amendment,
(i) make any amendments to the rule that the Board
considers necessary; and
(ii) approve the rule (as amended) by written notice
to the chieI executive, which notice must be ac-
companied by a copy oI the rule as approved.
(2) BeIore making an amendment to a rule under this section, the
Board must
Part 4 s 359 Building Act 2004
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(a) advise the chieI executive oI the Board`s intention to do
so; and
(b) give the chieI executive a reasonable opportunity to
make submissions on the matter; and
(c) consider those submissions.
359 Requirements of sections 355 to 358 relate to amendments
and revocations by Board
The requirements oI sections 355 to 358 that apply to making
a rule apply also to an amendment or revocation oI that rule.
360 Rules to be approved by Minister
(1) The Board must submit the proposed rules Ior the approval oI
the Minister.
(2) The Minister must, as soon as practicable aIter receiving a
proposed rule Ior approval, by written notice to the Board,
(a) approve it; or
(b) decline to approve it.
361 Rules made when approved by Minister
The rules are made once they are approved by the Minister.
362 Status of rules
The rules are deemed to be regulations Ior the purpose oI the
Regulations (Disallowance) Act 1989 but not Ior the purpose
oI the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989.
Part 5
Miscellaneous provisions
Subpart 1Other oIIences and criminal
Offence relating to building control
362A Premises in respect of which duty arises under section 363
(1) This section applies to premises that
(a) are intended to be open to members oI the public or are
being used by members oI the public; and
(b) comprise all or part oI a building.
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13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 5 s 363
(2) For the purposes oI subsection (1), premises may be intended
to be open to members oI the public
(a) whether or not members oI the public are charged Ior
their use (or, as the case may be, whether or not it is
intended that members oI the public are to be charged
Ior their use); and
(b) whether or not members oI the public will, regularly or
Irom time to time, be excluded Irom them.
Section 362A: inserted, on 14 April 2005, by section 22(1) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
363 Protecting safety of members of public using premises
open to public or intended for public use
(1) A person who owns, occupies, or controls premises to which
section 362A applies must not use, or permit the use oI, any
part oI the premises that is aIIected by building work
(a) iI
(i) a building consent is required Ior the work; but
(ii) no building consent has been granted Ior it; or
(b) iI a building consent has been granted Ior the work,
(i) no code compliance certifcate has been issued
Ior the work; and
(ii) no certifcate Ior public use has been issued under
section 363A Ior the part; or
(c) iI a building consent has been granted Ior the work, and
a certifcate Ior public use has been issued under section
363A Ior the part, but
(i) no code compliance certifcate has been issued
Ior the work; and
(ii) the certifcate Ior public use has been issued Ior
the part subject to conditions that have not been
complied with.
(2) For the purposes oI subsection (1), a part oI premises may be
aIIected by building work
(a) whether or not the work has been completed; and
(b) whether the work is being or has been done to or in, or
involves or involved the building oI,
(i) the part itselI; or
Part 5 s 363A Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
(ii) some other part oI the building that the premises
comprise or Iorm part oI.
(3) A person who Iails to comply with subsection (1) commits an
(4) Aperson who commits an oIIence under this section is liable to
a fne not exceeding $200,000 and, in the case oI a continuing
oIIence, to a Iurther fne not exceeding $20,000 Ior every day
or part oI a day during which the oIIence has continued.
Section 363: substituted, on 14 April 2005, by section 22(1) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
363A Public use of premises may be allowed before issue of
code compliance certiücate in some circumstances
(1) A person who owns, occupies, or controls premises to which
section 362A applies may apply in the prescribed Iorm to
the territorial authority Ior a certifcate Ior public use Ior the
premises or a part oI the premises iI
(a) a building consent has been granted Ior building work
aIIecting the premises or part; and
(b) no code compliance certifcate has been issued Ior the
(2) The territorial authority may issue a certifcate Ior public use
Ior the premises or part iI, and only iI, satisfed on reasonable
grounds that members oI the public can use the premises or
part (as the case may be) saIely.
(3) A certifcate Ior public use
(a) must be in the prescribed Iorm; and
(b) may be issued subject to conditions.
(4) The territorial authority must decide whether to issue the cer-
(a) within 20 working days aIter the authority receives an
application Ior it; or
(b) within any Iurther period agreed between the applicant
and the authority.
(5) Within the period stated in subsection (4), the territorial au-
thority may require the applicant to give it Iurther reasonable
inIormation in respect oI the application; and iI it does so, the
period is suspended until it receives the inIormation.
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(6) Nothing in this section relieves the owner oI a building Irom
the obligation imposed by section 92(1) to apply to a build-
ing consent authority Ior a code compliance certifcate aIter
all building work to be carried out under a building consent
granted to the owner is completed.
Section 363A: inserted, on 14 April 2005, by section 22(1) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
363B Application of section 363 to building work where consent
granted, or work begun, before 31 March 2005
Section 363B: repealed, on 13 March 2012, by section 74 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
363C Section 363 does not apply to building work commenced
before 31 March 2005
(1) Section 363(1) does not apply to building work commenced
beIore 31 March 2005.
(2) Subsection (1) applies whether or not the work was completed
beIore, on, or aIter 31 March 2005.
Section 363C: replaced, on 13 March 2012, by section 75 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
364 Offence for residential property developer to transfer
household unit without code compliance certiücate
(1) A residential property developer commits an oIIence iI the
residential property developer does either or both oI the Iol-
lowing things beIore a code compliance certifcate is issued in
relation to a household unit:
(a) completes a sale oI the household unit:
(b) allows a purchaser oI the household unit to enter into
possession oI the household unit.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply iI the residential property de-
veloper and the purchaser oI the household unit enter into a
written agreement, in the prescribed Iorm, that the residential
property developer may do either or both oI the things reIerred
to in that subsection beIore a code compliance certifcate is is-
sued in relation to the household unit concerned.
Part 5 s 365 Building Act 2004
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(3) A person who commits an oIIence under this section is liable
to a fne not exceeding $200,000.
(4) Subsection (1) does not apply iI the contract Ior the sale
and purchase oI the household unit was entered into beIore
30 November 2004.
Section 364(4): added, on 14 April 2005, by section 23 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Offences relating to administration of Act
365 Offence to fail to comply with direction of authorised
(1) A person commits an oIIence iI the person intentionally Iails
to comply with a direction given by a person who is authorised
to give the direction by this Act or by the regulations.
(2) A person who commits an oIIence under this section is liable
to a fne not exceeding $5,000.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 80(g)
366 Offence to impersonate building consent authority or
regional authority, etc
(1) A person commits an oIIence iI the person impersonates
(a) a building consent authority or regional authority; or
(b) an oIfcer or employee oI a building consent authority
or regional authority.
(2) A person who commits an oIIence under this section is liable
to a fne not exceeding $5,000.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 80(h)
367 Offence to obstruct execution of powers under this Act
(1) A person commits an oIIence iI the person wilIully obstructs,
hinders, or resists a person in the execution oI powers con-
Ierred on that person by this Act or by the regulations.
(2) A person who commits an oIIence under this section is liable
to a fne not exceeding $5,000.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 80(j)
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Miscellaneous offences
368 Offence to remove or deface notices
(1) A person commits an oIIence iI the person
(a) wilIully removes or deIaces any notice published under
this Act; or
(b) incites another person to do so.
(2) A person who commits an oIIence under this section is liable
to a fne not exceeding $5,000.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 80(k)
369 Offence to make false or misleading statement
(1) A person commits an oIIence iI the person, in any communi-
cation, application, or document that is required to be made or
given under this Act or by the regulations,
(a) knowingly makes a written or oral statement that is Ialse
or misleading in a material particular; or
(b) knowingly makes a material omission.
(2) A person who commits an oIIence under this section is liable
to a fne not exceeding $5,000.
Proceedings for infringement offences
370 Interpretation
In this section and sections 371 to 374,
infringement fee, in relation to an inIringement oIIence,
means the amount prescribed by regulations made under
section 402 as the inIringement Iee Ior the oIIence
infringement offence means an oIIence that is declared, by
regulations made under section 402, to be an inIringement oI-
Ience Ior the purposes oI this Act.
371 Proceedings for infringement offences
(1) A person who is alleged to have committed an inIringement
oIIence may either
(a) be proceeded against under the Summary Proceedings
Act 1957; or
(b) be served with an inIringement notice under section
Part 5 s 372 Building Act 2004
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(2) II an inIringement notice has been issued under section 372,
proceedings Ior the oIIence to which the notice relates may
be commenced in accordance with section 21 oI the Summary
Proceedings Act 1957, and in that case the provisions oI that
section apply with all necessary modifcations.
372 Issue of infringement notices
(1) An inIringement notice may be served on a person iI an en-
Iorcement oIfcer
(a) observes the person committing an inIringement oI-
Ience; or
(b) has reasonable cause to believe that an inIringement oI-
Ience is being or has been committed by that person.
(2) An inIringement notice may be served
(a) by an enIorcement oIfcer (not necessarily the person
who issued the notice) personally delivering it (or a
copy oI it) to the person alleged to have committed the
inIringement oIIence; or
(b) by post addressed to the person`s last known place oI
residence or business.
(3) For the purposes oI the Summary Proceedings Act 1957, an
inIringement notice sent to a person under subsection (2)(b)
must be treated as having been served on that person when it
was posted.
373 Form of infringement notices
An inIringement notice must be in the prescribed Iorm and
must contain the Iollowing particulars:
(a) suIfcient particulars to inIorm the person served with
the notice oI the time, place, and nature oI the alleged
oIIence; and
(b) the amount oI the inIringement Iee prescribed Ior the
oIIence; and
(c) the time within which the inIringement Iee must be
paid; and
(d) the address oI the place at which the inIringement Iee
must be paid; and
(e) a summary oI the provisions oI section 21(10) oI the
Summary Proceedings Act 1957; and
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13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 5 s 378
(I) a statement oI the person`s right to request a hearing;
(g) a statement oI what will happen iI the person neither
pays the inIringement Iee nor requests a hearing; and
(h) any other particulars that may be prescribed.
374 Payment of infringement fees
All inIringement Iees paid in respect oI inIringement oIIences
must be paid to the relevant territorial authority.
Proceedings for offences generallv
375 Prosecution of offences
(1) Except as otherwise provided in this Act, all oIIences against
this Act may be prosecuted, and all fnes or sums oI money
imposed or declared to be due or owing by or under this Act
may be sued Ior and recovered beIore a court oI competent
(2) In this section, court of competent jurisdiction means a court
having jurisdiction Ior punishment oI oIIences oI the same na-
ture or Ior the recovery oI fnes or sums oI money oI the rele-
vant amount.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 85
376 Offences punishable on summary conviction
Every oIIence against this Act is punishable on summary con-
377 Laying information
Any oI the Iollowing persons may lay an inIormation Ior an
oIIence against this Act:
(a) the chieI executive; or
(b) a territorial authority; or
(c) a regional authority; or
(d) any person reIerred to in section 176(g).
378 Time limit for laying information
Despite section 14 oI the Summary Proceedings Act 1957, an
inIormation Ior an oIIence against this Act may be laid at any
Part 5 s 379 Building Act 2004
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time within 6 months aIter the time when the matter giving rise
to the inIormation frst became known, or should have become
known, to any oI the Iollowing persons:
(a) the chieI executive; or
(b) a territorial authority; or
(c) a regional authority; or
(d) any person reIerred to in section 176(g).
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 80
379 Offence under more than 1 enactment
(1) A person who does any act or makes any deIault that consti-
tutes an oIIence against this Act and any other Act may be
proceeded against and punished either under this Act or under
that other Act.
(2) No one is liable to be punished under both this Act and under
another Act in respect oI the same act or deIault.
380 What constitutes continuing offence
The continued existence oI anything, or the intermittent rep-
etition oI any action, contrary to any provision oI this Act is
taken to be a continuing oIIence.
381 District Court may grant injunctions for certain
continuing breaches
(1) On the application oI any person reIerred to in subsection (2),
a District Court may grant an injunction or make some other
appropriate order iI it appears to the District Court that
(a) a person is committing or is about to commit a breach
oI section 40 or section 168; or
(b) a building is dangerous, earthquake prone, or insanitary
in terms oI subpart 6 oI Part 2 and the territorial author-
ity has Iailed to take appropriate action; or
(c) a dam is dangerous in terms oI subpart 7 oI Part 2 and
the regional authority has Iailed to take appropriate ac-
(2) The persons are
(a) the chieI executive; or
(b) a territorial authority; or
(c) a regional authority; or
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 5 s 383
(d) any person reIerred to in section 176(g).
(3) An injunction may be granted, or an order may be made, under
subsection (1)
(a) even iI proceedings Ior the oIIence constituted by the
breach have not been taken; or
(b) iI the person is convicted oI that oIIence, either
(i) in the proceedings Ior the oIIence, in substitution
Ior, or in addition to, any penalty imposed Ior the
oIIence; or
(ii) in subsequent proceedings.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 81(1), (5)
Section 381(1)(a): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 86 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
382 Terms of injunction or order
(1) An injunction may be granted, or an order may be made, under
section 381
(a) restraining the person concerned Irom engaging in the
conduct described in section 381(1)(a) or (b) or (c); or
(b) Ior the purpose oI ensuring that the person does not en-
gage in that conduct.
(2) The injunction may be granted and the order made on any other
terms that the District Court considers appropriate.
(3) In the case oI a building that does not comply with the provi-
sions oI the building code, the injunction or order may be is-
sued in respect oI the owner oI the building, whether or not the
owner has committed an oIIence against section 40 or section
168, and without prejudice to the liability oI any other person.
(4) The District Court may, at any time, rescind or vary an injunc-
tion granted or order made under section 381.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 81(3)
383 District Court may direct chief executive to make
On an application under section 381(1), the District Court may
direct the chieI executive to make a determination under sub-
part 1 oI Part 3 in respect oI any matters that the court specifes.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 81(2)
Part 5 s 384 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
384 District Court may grant interim injunctions
(1) II an application is made to the District Court under section
381(1) Ior the grant oI an injunction restraining a person Irom
engaging in conduct oI a particular kind, the District Court
(a) iI it is satisfed that the person has engaged in conduct
oI that kind, grant an injunction restraining the person
Irom engaging in conduct oI that kind; or
(b) iI in the District Court`s opinion it is desirable to do so,
grant an interim injunction restraining the person Irom
engaging in conduct oI that kind.
(2) Subsection (1) applies whether or not it appears to the District
Court that the person intends to engage again, or to continue
to engage, in conduct oI the kind reIerred to in that subsection.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 81(4)
385 Application of section 381 to Crown organisation
(1) Despite section 17(1)(a) oI the Crown Proceedings Act
(a) the District Court may, under section 381, grant an in-
junction against a Crown organisation, but only in its
own name; and
(b) Ior the purposes oI imposing or enIorcing an injunction
reIerred to in paragraph (a), the Crown organisation,
iI not a body corporate, is to be treated as iI it were a
separate legal personality.
(2) II the District Court grants an injunction against a Crown or-
ganisation, the provisions oI sections 381 to 384 apply with all
necessary modifcations.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 81
386 Liability of principal for acts of agents
(1) The consequence specifed in subsection (2) applies iI a person
(person A) commits an oIIence against this Act while acting
as an agent (including a contractor) or employee oI another
person (person B).
(2) Person B is liable under this Act in the same manner and to
the same extent as iI person B had personally committed the
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(3) The liability oI person Bunder subsection (2) is without preju-
dice to the liability oI person A.
(4) Despite subsection (2), iI proceedings are brought under that
subsection, it is a deIence iI the deIendant proves,
(a) in the case oI a natural person (including a partner in a
frm), that
(i) he or she did not know nor could reasonably be
expected to have known that the oIIence was to
be or was being committed; or
(ii) he or she took all reasonable steps to prevent the
commission oI the oIIence; or
(b) in the case oI a body corporate, that
(i) neither the directors nor any person involved in
the management oI the body corporate knew or
could reasonably be expected to have known that
the oIIence was to be or was being committed; or
(ii) the body corporate took all reasonable steps to
prevent the commission oI the oIIence; and
(c) in all cases, that the deIendant took all reasonable steps
to remedy any eIIects oI the act or omission giving rise
to the oIIence.
(5) II a body corporate is convicted oI an oIIence against this Act,
every director and every person concerned in the management
oI the body corporate is guilty oI the same oIIence iI it is
(a) that the act that constituted the oIIence took place with
that person`s authority, permission, or consent; and
(b) that he or she knew or could reasonably be expected
to have known that the oIIence was to be or was being
committed and Iailed to take all reasonable steps to pre-
vent or stop it.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 82A
387 Liability for acts of employees or agents of Crown
(1) Section 386 does not apply iI a person acting as agent or em-
ployee oI a Crown organisation commits an oIIence under this
Part 5 s 388 Building Act 2004
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(2) II an oIIence reIerred to in section 6(1)(a) oI the Crown Or-
ganisations (Criminal Liability) Act 2002 is committed by a
person acting as the agent or employee oI a Crown organisa-
tion, the Crown organisation must (without aIIecting the per-
sonal liability oI the agent or employee) be treated Ior all legal
purposes as having committed that oIIence.
(3) Despite subsection (2), iI proceedings Ior an oIIence reIerred
to in section 6(1)(a) oI the Crown Organisations (Criminal Li-
ability) Act 2002 are brought against a Crown organisation in
reliance on subsection (2), it is a good deIence iI the Crown
organisation proves that
(a) the organisation took all reasonable steps to remedy any
eIIects oI the act or omission constituting the oIIence;
(b) either
(i) no person involved in the management oI the or-
ganisation knew or could reasonably be expected
to have known that the oIIence was to be or was
being committed; or
(ii) the organisation took all reasonable steps to pre-
vent the commission oI the oIIence.
(4) II a Crown organisation is convicted oI an oIIence against
this Act, the chieI executive or principal oIfcer (however de-
scribed) oI the organisation and every person concerned in the
management oI the organisation is guilty oI the same oIIence
iI it is proved
(a) that the act that constituted the oIIence took place with
that person`s authority, permission, or consent; and
(b) that he or she knew or could reasonably be expected
to have known that the oIIence was to be or was being
committed and Iailed to take all reasonable steps to pre-
vent or stop it.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 82
388 Strict liability and defences
(1) Except as otherwise provided in this Act, in a prosecution Ior
an oIIence oI contravening or permitting a contravention oI
this Act, it is not necessary to prove that the deIendant intended
to commit the oIIence.
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(2) It is a deIence in any prosecution that is reIerred to in subsec-
tion (1) iI the deIendant proves
(a) that all oI the Iollowing circumstances apply:
(i) the action or event to which the prosecution re-
lates was necessary Ior the purposes oI saving
or protecting liIe or health, or preventing serious
damage to property; and
(ii) the conduct oI the deIendant was reasonable in
the circumstances; and
(iii) the eIIects oI the action or event were adequately
mitigated or remedied by the deIendant aIter it
occurred; or
(b) that the action or event to which the prosecution relates
was due to an event beyond the control oI the deIendant,
including natural disaster, mechanical Iailure, or sabo-
tage, and in each case
(i) the action or event could not reasonably have
been Ioreseen or been provided against by the de-
Iendant; and
(ii) the eIIects oI the action or event were adequately
mitigated or remedied by the deIendant aIter it
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 83
389 Fines to be paid to territorial authority or regional
authority instituting prosecution
(1) A court must order that a fne imposed on any person in rela-
tion to the person`s conviction Ior an oIIence under this Act
be paid to the territorial authority or, as the case may be, the
regional authority that laid the inIormation Ior that oIIence.
(2) However, an amount equal to 10° oI every amount payable to
the territorial authority or the regional authority under subsec-
tion (1) must be credited to a Crown Bank Account nominated
by the Minister oI Finance Ior the purposes oI this subsection.
(3) II any money awarded by a court in respect oI loss or damage
is recovered as a fne, and that fne is ordered to be paid to
a territorial authority or a regional authority under subsection
(1), no deduction is to be made under subsection (2) in respect
oI that money.
Part 5 s 390 Building Act 2004
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(4) An order oI the court made under subsection (1) is suIfcient
authority Ior the Registrar receiving payment oI the fne to
(a) pay 10° oI the fne to the Crown in accordance with
subsection (2); and
(b) pay the balance oI the fne to the territorial authority or
the regional authority entitled to it under the order.
(5) Nothing in section 73 oI the Public Finance Act 1989 applies to
a fne ordered to be paid to a territorial authority or a regional
authority under subsection (1).
(6) To avoid doubt, this section does not apply iI the inIormation
Ior the oIIence has been laid by a person other than a territorial
authority or a regional authority.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 84
Subpart 2Civil proceedings and deIences
390 Civil proceedings may not be brought against chief
executive, employees, etc
(1) This section applies to
(a) the chieI executive; and
(b) any employee or agent oI the chieI executive; and
(c) any person engaged by the chieI executive under sec-
tion 187 to assist the chieI executive in relation to an
application Ior a determination: and
(d) any member, employee, or agent oI a territorial author-
ity or regional authority; and
(e) any member oI a committee appointed by the chieI ex-
ecutive, a territorial authority, or a regional authority.
(2) No civil proceedings may be brought against a person to whom
this section applies Ior any act done or omitted to be done by
that person in good Iaith under this Act.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 89
391 Civil proceedings against building consent authorities
Any civil proceedings against a building consent authority in
respect oI the perIormance oI its statutory Iunction in issuing
a building consent or a code compliance certifcate must be
brought in tort and not in contract.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 90
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13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 5 s 392
Section 391 heading: amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(r) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 391: amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(o) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
392 Building consent authority not liable
(1) No civil proceedings may be brought against a building con-
sent authority Ior anything done or omitted to be done in good
Iaith in reliance on any oI the Iollowing documents:
(a) a compliance document:
(b) a determination made by the chieI executive under sub-
part 1 oI Part 3:
(c) a current product certifcate issued under subpart 7 oI
Part 3:
(ca) a current national multiple-use approval issued under
section 30F (including, in any particular case, any
minor customisations permitted by regulations made
under section 402(1)(kc)):
(d) a code compliance certifcate issued under section 95:
(e) a certifcate issued under any regulations made under
the Electricity Act 1992 or the Gas Act 1992.
(2) Subsection (3) applies iI
(a) a building consent has been issued under section 72; and
(b) the building consent authority has given a notifcation
under section 73; and
(c) the building consent authority has not given a notifca-
tion under section 74(4) that it has determined that the
entry made on the certifcate oI title oI the land is no
longer required; and
(d) the building to which the building consent relates suI-
Iers damage arising directly or indirectly Irom a natural
(3) The persons specifed in subsection (4) are not liable in any
civil proceedings brought by any person who has an interest
in the building reIerred to in subsection (2) on the grounds
that the building consent authority issued a building consent
Ior the building in the knowledge that the building Ior which
the consent was issued, or the land on which the building was
Part 5 s 393 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
situated, was, or was likely to be, subject to damage arising,
directly or indirectly, Irom a natural hazard.
(4) The persons are
(a) the building consent authority concerned; and
(b) every member, employee, or agent oI that building con-
sent authority.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 36(4)
Section 392 heading: amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(s) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 392(1): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(o) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 392(1)(ca): inserted, on 1 February 2010, by section 29 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Section 392(2)(b): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(q) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 392(2)(c): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(q) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 392(3): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(p) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 392(4)(a): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(p) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 392(4)(b): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(p) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
393 Limitation defences
(1) The Limitation Act 2010 applies to civil proceedings against
any person iI those proceedings arise Irom
(a) building work associated with the design, construction,
alteration, demolition, or removal oI any building; or
(b) the perIormance oI a Iunction under this Act or a pre-
vious enactment relating to the construction, alteration,
demolition, or removal oI the building.
(2) However, no relieI may be granted in respect oI civil proceed-
ings relating to building work iI those proceedings are brought
against a person aIter 10 years or more Irom the date oI the act
or omission on which the proceedings are based.
(3) For the purposes oI subsection (2), the date oI the act or omis-
sion is,
(a) in the case oI civil proceedings that are brought against
a territorial authority, a building consent authority, a re-
gional authority, or the chieI executive in relation to the
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 5 s 394
issue oI a building consent or a code compliance cer-
tifcate under Part 2 or a determination under Part 3,
the date oI issue oI the consent, certifcate, or determin-
ation, as the case may be; and
(b) in the case oI civil proceedings that are brought against
a person in relation to the issue oI an energy work cer-
tifcate, the date oI the issue oI the certifcate.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 91
Section 393(1): amended, on 1 January 2011, by section 58 oI the Limitation
Act 2010 (2010 No 110)
Section 393(2): amended, on 1 January 2011, by section 58 oI the Limitation
Act 2010 (2010 No 110)
Subpart 3Miscellaneous
Service of notices
394 Service of notices
(1) Any notice or other document required to be served on, or
given to, any person under this Act is suIfciently served iI it
(a) delivered personally to the person; or
(b) delivered to the person at the person`s usual or last
known place oI residence or business; or
(c) sent by Iax or email to the person`s Iax number or email
address; or
(d) posted in a letter addressed to the person at the person`s
usual or last known place oI residence or business.
(2) II a notice or other document is to be served on a body (whether
incorporated or not), service on an oIfcer oI the body in ac-
cordance with subsection (1) is taken to be service on the body.
(3) II a notice or other document is to be served on a partnership,
service on any one oI the partners in accordance with subsec-
tion (1) or subsection (2) is taken to be service on the partner-
(4) Despite subsection (1), iI a notice or other document is to be
served on a Crown organisation Ior the purposes oI this Act, it
may be served
Part 5 s 395 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
(a) by delivering it personally to an employee oI the organ-
isation at its head oIfce or principal place oI business;
(b) by delivering it at the organisation`s head oIfce or prin-
cipal place oI business, including by Iax; or
(c) in accordance with a method agreed between the inIor-
mant and the organisation.
(5) A notice or other document sent by post to a person in accord-
ance with subsection (1)(d) must be treated as having been re-
ceived by that person at the time at which the letter would have
been delivered in the ordinary course oI post.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 87
395 Notices in relation to Mäori land
Part 10 oI Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993 applies to the
service oI notices under this Act on owners oI Mäori land,
except that the period fxed Ior anything to be done by the
owners must not be extended by more than 14 working days
under section 181(4) oI that Act, unless otherwise provided by
the territorial authority or the regional authority concerned.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 88
Implied terms of contracts
396 Application of sections 397 to 399
(1) Sections 397 to 399 apply
(a) to a contract entered into, on or aIter the commencement
oI this Act, that provides Ior
(i) building work to be carried out under the contract
in relation to 1 or more household units; or
(ii) the sale oI 1 or more household units by, or on
behalI oI, a residential property developer; and
(b) despite any provision to the contrary in any agreement
or contract.
(2) For the purposes oI this section, sections 397 to 399 must be
read as iI a contract reIerred to in subsection (1)(a)(ii) were
a contract that provides Ior building work to be carried out
(either beIore or aIter the contract is entered into) in relation
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 5 s 397
to the household unit or, as the case may be, the household
units being sold under the contract.
397 Implied warranties for building work in relation to
household units
Despite any enactment or rule oI law, in every contract to
which this section applies, the Iollowing warranties about
building work to be carried out under the contract are implied
and are taken to Iorm part oI the contract:
(a) that the building work will be carried out
(i) in a proper and competent manner; and
(ii) in accordance with the plans and specifcations
set out in the contract; and
(iii) in accordance with the relevant building consent:
(b) that all materials to be supplied Ior use in the building
(i) will be suitable Ior the purpose Ior which they
will be used; and
(ii) unless otherwise stated in the contract, will be
(c) that the building work will be carried out in accordance
with, and will comply with, all laws and legal require-
ments, including, without limitation, this Act and the
(d) that the building work will
(i) be carried out with reasonable care and skill; and
(ii) be completed by the date (or within the period)
specifed in the contract or, iI no date or period is
so specifed, within a reasonable time:
(e) that the household unit, iI it is to be occupied on com-
pletion oI building work, will be suitable Ior occupation
on completion oI that building work:
(I) iI the contract states the particular purpose Ior which the
building work is required, or the result that the owner
wishes the building work to achieve, so as to show that
the owner relies on the skill and judgement oI the other
party to the contract, that the building work and any
materials used in carrying out the building work will
(i) be reasonably ft Ior that purpose; or
Part 5 s 398 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(ii) be oI such a nature and quality that they might
reasonably be expected to achieve that result.
398 Proceedings for breach of warranties may be taken by
person who was not party to contract for building work
(1) An owner oI the building or land in respect oI which building
work was carried out under a contract to which this section
applies may take proceedings Ior a breach oI any oI the war-
ranties set out in section 397 as iI the owner were a party to
the contract.
(2) In this section, proceedings includes
(a) adjudication under the Construction Contracts Act
2002; and
(b) a claim under the Weathertight Homes Resolution
Services Act 2006.
Section 398(2)(b): amended, on 1 April 2007, by section 127(1)(a) oI the
Weathertight Homes Resolution Services Act 2006 (2006 No 84).
399 Person may not give away beneüt of warranties
A provision oI an agreement or instrument that purports to
restrict or remove the right oI a person to take proceedings
Ior a breach oI any oI the warranties set out in section 397 is
oI no eIIect in so Iar as the provision relates to a breach other
than a breach that was known, or ought reasonably to have
been known, by the person to exist at the time the agreement
or instrument was executed.
400 Regulations: building code
(1) The Governor-General may, by Order in Council made on
the recommendation oI the Minister, make regulations, to be
called the building code, that prescribe
(a) Iunctional requirements Ior buildings; and
(b) the perIormance criteria that buildings must comply
with in their intended use.
(2) Any regulations made under subsection (1) may prescribe that
the Iunctional requirements Ior buildings and the perIormance
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 5 s 401A
criteria with which buildings must comply in their intended
use apply
(a) generally throughout New Zealand or in particular re-
gions oI New Zealand only; and
(b) generally over a range oI circumstances or in particular
circumstances only.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 48(1)
401 Regulations: acceptable solutions, veriücations, etc, that
must be complied with in order to comply with building
(1) The Governor-General may, by Order in Council made on the
recommendation oI the Minister, make regulations that pre-
(a) acceptable solutions or verifcation methods, or both,
that must be used to comply with the building code; and
(b) the particular circumstances in which those acceptable
solutions or verifcation methods, or both, must be used;
(c) the circumstances in which building methods or prod-
ucts that have a current product certifcate issued under
section 269 must be used.
(2) Any regulations made under subsection (1) must state whether
those regulations apply to building work Ior which a building
consent has been issued, but Ior which a code compliance cer-
tifcate has not been issued.
401A Regulations: building consents and consent completion
The Governor-General may, by Order in Council made on the
recommendation oI the Minister, make regulations that
(a) defne low-risk building work including by speciIying
any or all oI the Iollowing: the nature oI the building
work, the circumstances in which it may be carried out,
or the conditions Ior carrying it out:
(b) defne simple residential building work:
(c) defne commercial building work:
Part 5 s 401B Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(d) prescribe types or categories oI commercial building
work Ior which a commercial building consent is re-
(e) prescribe types or categories oI commercial building
work Ior which an application Ior either a commercial
building consent or a standard building consent may be
(I) prescribe those aspects oI plans and specifcations
accompanying an application Ior a simple residential
building consent that must be considered by a building
consent authority when deciding whether to grant the
(g) Ior the purpose oI a determination by a building consent
authority whether to issue a consent completion certif-
cate in respect oI simple residential building work, pre-
(i) the maximum inspections that are required; and
(ii) the nature oI those inspections:
(h) prescribe the criteria Ior determining the risk profle oI
a commercial building:
(i) prescribe the matters that must be included in a qual-
ity assurance system, including prescribing diIIerent
matters Ior diIIerent types or categories oI commercial
building work:
(j) defne saIety system.
Section 401A: inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 81 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
401B Order in Council declaring work to be restricted building
(1) The Governor-General may, by Order in Council made on the
recommendation oI the Minister, declare any kind oI building
work (other than building work Ior which a building consent
is not required) or any kind oI design work to be restricted
building work.
(2) An order under subsection (1) may apply to any kind oI build-
ing work or design work generally, or may apply to building
work or design work in relation to particular types or categor-
ies oI buildings or to particular parts oI buildings.
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 5 s 402
(3) The Minister may recommend the making oI an order under
this section only iI the Minister is satisfed that the kind oI
building work or design work in question is (or is likely to be)
critical to the integrity oI a building or part oI a building.
(4) Building work or design work is not restricted building work iI
it relates to an application Ior a building consent made beIore
the commencement oI an order under subsection (1) declaring
building work or design work oI the same kind to be restricted
building work.
Section 401B: inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 82 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
402 Regulations: general
(1) The Governor-General may, by Order in Council made on the
recommendation oI the Minister, make regulations Ior all or
any oI the Iollowing purposes:
Building levv.
(a) prescribing the rate oI the levy to be paid under section
(b) providing Ior the method by which the levy will be cal-
(c) providing Ior the payment and collection oI the levy:
(d) prescribing the Iees or charges payable in respect oI
the licensing, disciplining, and registration oI build-
ing practitioners under Part 4, including the Iees and
charges Ior
(i) an application to be licensed as a building prac-
titioner; and
(ii) the issue oI that evidence oI being licensed; and
(iii) the renewal oI that evidence oI being licensed:
(da) providing Ior waivers and reIunds oI the whole or any
part oI a Iee or charge reIerred to in paragraph (d):
(e) providing Ior the Iollowing matters relating to the levy
payable by licensed building practitioners under section
(i) diIIerent levies Ior diIIerent classes oI licensed
building practitioners; and
(ii) the amount oI the levy; and
Part 5 s 402 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(iii) the method by which the levy will be calculated;
(iv) the criteria and other requirements by and against
which the levy will be set or reset; and
(v) the payment and collection oI the levy; and
(vi) exempting any licensed building practitioners or
any class oI licensed building practitioners Irom
paying the levy; and
(vii) waivers and reIunds oI the whole or any part oI
the levy; and
(viii) any other matters necessary or desirable to set,
calculate, administer, collect, and enIorce the
(I) speciIying
(i) the inIormation that must be provided by persons
who make complaints against a licensed building
practitioner or a Iormer licensed building practi-
tioner; and
(ii) the way in which that inIormation must be eval-
uated; and
(iii) the way in which decisions on whether or not to
proceed with the complaint must be made and
(g) prescribing procedures, requirements, and other mat-
ters, not inconsistent with this Act, Ior the register oI
licensed building practitioners established and main-
tained under section 298, including matters that relate
(i) the operation oI the register:
(ii) access to the register:
(iii) the location oI, and hours oI access to, the regis-
(iv) search criteria Ior the register:
(h) prescribing the way in which a disciplinary matter must
be considered and decided on by the Board, and the way
in which decisions on that matter must be implemented:
(i) prescribing the manner in which rules are to be made,
amended, or revoked, including the requirements Ior
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 5 s 402
consultation with persons aIIected by the proposed
General matters.
(j) prescribing procedures Ior regulating and controlling
the construction, maintenance, and demolition oI build-
(k) prescribing the Iorm or content oI applications, or any
other documentation or inIormation required under this
(ka) prescribing eligibility criteria Ior national multiple-use
(kb) prescribing the period oI time within which the chieI
executive must decide, under section 30E(1), whether
to issue a national multiple-use approval:
(kc) defning the minor customisations that may be made to
plans and specifcations in relation to which a national
multiple-use approval has been issued when incorpor-
ating those plans and specifcations into a building con-
(kd) defning the minor variations that may be made to a
building consent Ior the purposes oI section 45A:
(l) prescribing inIormation to be provided to the chieI ex-
ecutive by
(i) territorial authorities and building consent au-
thorities in relation to buildings and building
work; and
(ii) regional authorities and owners oI dams in rela-
tion to dams:
(m) prescribing time limits Ior the purposes oI this Act:
(n) [Repealed]
(na) designating a licensing class or classes Ior carrying out
or supervising particular types oI
(i) building work; or
(ii) building inspection work:
(o) prescribing systems or parts oI systems that amount to
specifed systems Ior the purposes oI this Act:
(p) defning moderate earthquake Ior the purposes oI sec-
tions 122 and 153:
(q) defning moderate food Ior the purposes oI section 153:
Part 5 s 402 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(qa) defning earthquake threshold event Ior the purposes oI
section 153A:
(qb) defning food threshold event Ior the purposes oI sec-
tion 153A:
(r) prescribing the minimum terms and conditions oI an
insurance policy Ior the purposes oI section 192(2)(a):
(s) providing Ior the approval oI schemes oI insurance Ior
the purposes oI section 192(2)(b):
(t) prescribing the criteria and standards that an applicant
must meet to be accredited as
(i) a building consent authority; or
(ii) [Repealed]
(iii) a dam owner; or
(iv) a product certifcation body:
(ta) prescribing the Iees payable Ior an audit under section
249(a), 257(a), or 262(1)(a), or the rate at which, or
method by which, those Iees are to be calculated:
(u) prescribing the criteria and standards that a product
certifcation body must apply in determining applica-
tions Ior a product certifcate under section 269 (which
must include, without limitation, criteria and standards
about the eIIects on human health oI particular building
methods or products):
(v) determining or fxing scales oI charges or other criteria
Ior the purpose oI fxing charges by the chieI executive
under Part 3:
(w) prescribing
(i) the matters in respect oI which Iees are payable
under this Act, and the amount oI those Iees; or
(ii) the rate at which, or method by which, Iees are to
be calculated Ior the purposes oI this Act:
(x) speciIying criteria and standards that a dam owner must
apply in
(i) classiIying dams; or
(ii) preparing a dam saIety assurance programme:
(y) speciIying inIringement oIIences Ior the purposes oI
this Act:
(z) setting the inIringement Iee Ior each inIringement oI-
Ience (which may not exceed $20,000):
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 5 s 402
(za) prescribing the Iorms that must be used Ior issuing an
inIringement notice:
(zb) prescribing, Ior the purposes oI section 364(2), the Iorm
and content oI the written agreement reIerred to in that
(zc) providing Ior any other matters contemplated by this
Act, necessary Ior its administration, or necessary Ior
giving it Iull eIIect.
(2) The Iees and charges prescribed under subsection (1)(d) must
be reasonable, having regard to the need to recover the costs
incurred by the Registrar in perIorming his or her Iunctions
under this Act.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 48(2)
Section 402(1)(d): amended, on 13 March 2012, by section 83(1) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 402(1)(d)(ii): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 87(1) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 402(1)(d)(iii): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 87(1) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 402(1)(da): inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 83(2) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 402(1)(e): amended, on 13 March 2012, by section 83(3) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 402(1)(ka): inserted, on 1 August 2009, by section 30 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Section 402(1)(kb): inserted, on 1 August 2009, by section 30 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Section 402(1)(kc): inserted, on 1 August 2009, by section 30 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Section 402(1)(kd): inserted, on 1 August 2009, by section 30 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
Section 402(1)(n): repealed, on 13 March 2012, by section 83(4) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 402(1)(na): inserted, on 15 March 2008, by section 87(2) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 402(1)(o): replaced, on 13 March 2012, by section 83(5) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 402(1)(qa): inserted, on 15 March 2008, by section 87(3) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 402(1)(qb): inserted, on 15 March 2008, by section 87(3) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 402(1)(t)(ii): repealed, on 14 April 2005, by section 20(2) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Part 5 s 402A Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
Section 402(1)(ta): inserted, on 15 March 2008, by section 87(4) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 402(1)(w): substituted, on 15 March 2008, by section 87(5) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
402A Chief executive must review regulations made under
section 402(1)(kb)
The chieI executive must, within 2 years aIter the commence-
ment oI regulations made under section 402(1)(kb),
(a) review the prescribed period oI time within which the
chieI executive must decide whether to issue a national
multiple-use approval; and
(b) prepare Ior the Minister a report on the fndings oI that
Section 402A: inserted, on 1 August 2009, by section 31 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2009 (2009 No 25).
403 Consultation requirements for making regulations
(1) This section applies to
(a) an Order in Council proposed to be made under section
285; or
(b) regulations proposed to be made under section 400 or
section 401.
(2) BeIore making a recommendation Ior the making oI an Order
in Council or regulations under those sections, the Minister
must be satisfed that the chieI executive has consulted in ac-
cordance with subsections (3) and (4).
(3) The chieI executive must
(a) do everything reasonably practicable on his or her part
to consult with the persons or organisations that appear
to the chieI executive to be representative oI the inter-
ests oI persons likely to be substantially aIIected by the
making oI the relevant Order in Council or regulations;
(b) advise the Minister oI the results oI that consultation.
(4) The process Ior consultation should, to the extent practicable
in the circumstances, include
(a) giving adequate and appropriate notice oI the intention
to make the Order in Council or regulations; and
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 5 s 405
(b) giving a reasonable opportunity Ior interested persons
to make submissions; and
(c) adequate and appropriate consideration oI submissions.
(5) A Iailure to comply with this section does not aIIect the valid-
ity oI any Order in Council or regulations made.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 48(4)
404 Certain regulations must not come into force earlier than
speciüed date
Any regulations made under section 402(1)(n) must not come
into Iorce earlier than the date on which sections 45(1)(e) and
45(2) to 45(4) and 84 to 89 come into Iorce.
Incorporation of material bv reference
405 Incorporation of material by reference into regulations,
certain Orders in Council, and compliance document
(1) The Iollowing material may be incorporated by reIerence into
any instrument:
(a) standards, requirements, or recommended practices oI
national or international organisations:
(b) any other written material that, in the opinion oI the
Minister or, as appropriate, the chieI executive, is too
large or is impractical to include in, or print as part oI,
the instrument concerned.
(2) Material may be incorporated by reIerence in an instrument
(a) in whole or in part; and
(b) with modifcations, additions, or variations specifed in
the instrument.
(3) The incorporated material
(a) is the material as it exists at the time that the instrument
is made or issued; and
(b) Iorms part oI the instrument Ior all purposes and has
legal eIIect accordingly.
(4) In this section and in sections 406 to 413, instrument means
(a) any regulations; and
(b) any compliance document; and
(c) any Order in Council made under section 41 or 285.
Part 5 s 406 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
Section 405 heading: amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 88(1) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 405(1): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 88(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Section 405(4): added, on 15 March 2008, by section 88(3) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
406 Effect of amendments to, or replacement of, material
incorporated by reference
An amendment to, or replacement oI, material incorporated
by reIerence in an instrument has legal eIIect as part oI the
instrument only iI
(a) the amendment or replacement material is made by the
person or organisation originating the incorporated ma-
terial; and
(b) the amendment or replacement material is oI the same
general character as the material amended or replaced;
(c) either,
(i) in the case oI material incorporated in regula-
tions, regulations are made that state that the par-
ticular amendment or replacement has that eIIect;
(ii) in the case oI material incorporated in a compli-
ance document, the chieI executive, by notice in
the Ga:ette, adopts the amendment or replace-
407 Proof of material incorporated by reference
(1) A copy oI material incorporated by reIerence in an instrument,
including any amendment to, or replacement oI, the material
(material), must be
(a) certifed as a correct copy oI the material by the Minister
or, as appropriate, the chieI executive; and
(b) retained by the Minister or, as appropriate, the chieI
(2) The production in proceedings oI a certifed copy oI the ma-
terial is, in the absence oI evidence to the contrary, suIfcient
evidence oI the incorporation in the instrument oI the material.
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 5 s 409
408 Effect of expiry of material incorporated by reference
Material incorporated by reIerence in an instrument that ex-
pires or that is revoked or that ceases to have eIIect ceases to
have legal eIIect as part oI the instrument only iI the Minister
or, as appropriate, the chieI executive, by notice in the Ga:ette,
states that the material ceases to have legal eIIect.
409 Requirement to consult
(1) This section applies iI
(a) the Minister proposes to make a recommendation Ior
(i) regulations to be made under this Act that incorp-
orate material by reIerence; or
(ii) regulations under section 406(c)(i) that state that
an amendment to, or replacement oI, material in-
corporated by reIerence in regulations has legal
eIIect as part oI the regulations; or
(b) the chieI executive proposes to
(i) issue a compliance document that incorporates
material by reIerence; or
(ii) publish, under section 406(c)(ii), a notice in the
Ga:ette that adopts an amendment to, or replace-
ment oI, material incorporated by reIerence in a
compliance document.
(2) BeIore doing any oI the things reIerred to in subsection (1), the
Minister or, as the case may be, the chieI executive must
(a) make copies oI the material proposed to be incorpor-
ated by reIerence or the proposed amendment to, or re-
placement oI, material incorporated by reIerence (pro-
posed material) available Ior inspection during work-
ing hours Ior a reasonable period, Iree oI charge, at the
Ministry`s oIfce in Wellington; and
(b) make copies oI the proposed material available Ior pur-
chase at a reasonable price at the Ministry`s oIfce in
Wellington; and
(c) [Repealed]
(d) give notice in the Ga:ette stating that
(i) the proposed material is available Ior inspection
during working hours, Iree oI charge, the place at
Part 5 s 410 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
which it can be inspected, and the period during
which it can be inspected; and
(ii) copies oI the proposed material can be purchased
and the place at which they can be purchased; and
(iii) [Repealed]
(e) allow a reasonable opportunity Ior persons to comment
on the proposal to incorporate the proposed material by
reIerence; and
(I) consider any comments they make.
(2A) BeIore doing any oI the things reIerred to in subsection (1),
the Minister or, as the case may be, the chieI executive
(a) may make copies oI the proposed material available in
any other way that he or she considers appropriate in
the circumstances (Ior example, on an Internet website);
(b) must, iI paragraph (a) applies, give notice in the Ga:ette
stating that the proposed material is available in other
ways and details oI where or how it can be accessed or
(3) The reIerence in subsections (2) and (2A) to the proposed ma-
terial includes, iI the material is not in an oIfcial New Zealand
language, an accurate translation in an oIfcial New Zealand
language oI the material.
(4) A Iailure to comply with this section does not invalidate an
instrument that incorporates material by reIerence.
Section 409(2)(c): repealed, on 14 April 2005, by section 24(1)(a) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 409(2)(d)(iii): repealed, on 14 April 2005, by section 24(1)(b) oI the
Building Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 409(2A): inserted, on 14 April 2005, by section 24(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 409(3): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 24(3) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
410 Access to material incorporated by reference
(1) The chieI executive
(a) must make the material reIerred to in subsection (2)
(material) available Ior inspection during working
hours Iree oI charge at the Ministry`s oIfce in Welling-
ton; and
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 5 s 410
(b) must make copies oI the material available Ior purchase
at a reasonable price at all oI the Ministry`s oIfces; and
(c) must make so much oI the material as relates to the Iol-
lowing matters available Ior inspection during working
hours, Iree oI charge, at all oI the Ministry`s oIfces:
(i) the use oI timber, concrete, concrete masonry,
glass, and plaster coating in the construction oI
buildings; and
(ii) the design oI buildings using timber, concrete,
concrete masonry, and steel; and
(iii) plumbing installation; and
(iv) access Ior persons with disabilities; and
(v) energy eIfciency in buildings; and
(d) may make copies oI the material available in any other
way that the chieI executive considers appropriate in
the circumstances (Ior example, on an Internet website);
(e) must give notice in the Ga:ette stating that
(i) the material is incorporated in an instrument and
the date on which the instrument was made; and
(ii) the material is available Ior inspection during
working hours, Iree oI charge, at the Ministry`s
oIfce in Wellington and the location oI that oI-
fce; and
(iii) copies oI the material can be purchased at all oI
the Ministry`s oIfces and the location oI those
oIfces; and
(iv) the material reIerred to in paragraph (c) is avail-
able Ior inspection during working hours, Iree oI
charge, at all oI the Ministry`s oIfces and the lo-
cation oI those oIfces; and
(v) iI copies oI the material are made available under
paragraph (d), the material is available in other
ways and details oI where or how it can be ac-
cessed or obtained.
(1A) Subsection (1)(c) does not apply to any material that relates
only to product standards or product testing standards.
(2) The material is
(a) material incorporated by reIerence in an instrument:
Part 5 s 411 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(b) any amendment to, or replacement oI, that material that
is incorporated in the instrument or the material reIerred
to in paragraph (a) with the amendments or replacement
material incorporated:
(c) iI the material reIerred to in paragraph (a) or paragraph
(b) is not in an oIfcial NewZealand language, as well as
the material itselI, an accurate translation in an oIfcial
New Zealand language oI the material.
(3) A Iailure to comply with this section does not invalidate an
instrument that incorporates material by reIerence.
Section 410(1): substituted, on 14 April 2005, by section 25 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 410(1A): inserted, on 14 April 2005, by section 25 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
411 Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989 not applicable
to material incorporated by reference
The Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989 does not apply
to material incorporated by reIerence in an instrument or to an
amendment to, or replacement oI, that material.
412 Application of Regulations (Disallowance) Act 1989 to
material incorporated by reference
(1) Nothing in section 4 oI the Regulations (Disallowance) Act
1989 requires material that is incorporated by reIerence in an
instrument made or issued under this Act to be laid beIore the
House oI Representatives.
(2) The Regulations (Disallowance) Act 1989, apart Irom the
modifcation to the application oI section 4 oI that Act made
by subsection (1), applies to an instrument made or issued
under this Act (other than a compliance document) that
incorporates material by reIerence.
Section 412(2): amended, on 7 July 2010, by section 10 oI the Building Amend-
ment Act 2010 (2010 No 50).
413 Application of Standards Act 1988 not affected
Sections 405 to 412 do not aIIect the application oI sections
22 to 25 oI the Standards Act 1988.
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Amendments and repeal
414 Amendments to other enactments
The enactments specifed in Schedule 4 are amended in the
manner indicated in that schedule.
415 Repeal
(1) The Building Act 1991 is repealed.
(2) Despite the repeal oI the Building Act 1991 by subsection
(a) the Building Regulations 1992 (SR 1992/150) continue
in Iorce as iI they had been made under this Act and
may be amended or revoked accordingly; and
(b) the Building Industry Authority Levy Order 1995 (SR
1995/241) continues in Iorce
(i) as iI it had been made under this Act and may be
amended or revoked accordingly; and
(ii) until the commencement oI the frst Order in
Council that prescribes the rate oI the building
levy under section 53.
Subpart 4Transitional provisions
Outline of transitional provisions
416 Outline of transitional provisions
(1) The general scheme and eIIect oI the transitional provisions is
as Iollows:
(a) on 30 November 2004,
(i) the Authority is dissolved; and
(ii) the regulation-making powers in the Act, and its
transitional provisions relating to the dissolution
oI the Authority, come into Iorce; and
(iii) the provisions setting out the Iunctions oI the
chieI executive under the Act come into Iorce;
(iv) the obligation oI territorial authorities to adopt a
policy on dangerous, earthquake-prone, and in-
sanitary buildings comes into Iorce; and
(v) the licensing regime Ior building practitioners
comes into Iorce; and
Part 5 s 416 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
(vi) the obligation oI the chieI executive to reviewthe
building code comes into Iorce; and
(b) between 30 November 2004 and 31 March 2005, the
chieI executive must perIorm the Iunctions and duties,
and exercise the powers, oI the Authority under the
Building Act 1991; and
(c) on 31 March 2005,
(i) the rest oI this Act (except some provisions)
comes into Iorce; and
(ii) the Building Act 1991 is repealed; and
(iii) the building control provisions oI the Act (Ior ex-
ample, the provisions relating to building con-
sents, code compliance certifcates, and compli-
ance schedules) come into Iorce; and
(d) between 30 November 2004 and 31 May 2006, persons
who held an approval as a building certifer under the
Iormer Act may apply to be registered as a building
consent authority under section 191; and
(e) between 30 November 2004 and 31 May 2006, territor-
ial authorities and regional authorities must apply to be
registered under section 191; and
(I) on and aIter the date specifed in section 450(3)(b)(ii),
only building consent authorities that are registered
under section 191 may perIorm Iunctions relating to
building control; and
(g) on 30 November 2010,
(i) the requirement that restricted building work
must be carried out or supervised by a licensed
building practitioner comes into Iorce; and
(ii) the transitional period ends.
(2) This section is a guide only to the general scheme and eIIect
oI these provisions.
Section 416(1)(I): amended, on 29 August 2007, by section 5(3) oI the Building
(Consent Authorities) Amendment Act 2007 (2007 No 34).
Section 416(1)(I): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 3(8) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 416(1)(g): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 89 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
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13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 5 s 421
No compensation for loss of ofhce
417 No compensation for loss of ofüce
The Crown is not liable to make a payment to, or otherwise
compensate, any person in respect oI the person ceasing to
hold any oIfce established by or under the Iormer Act.
Dissolution of Authoritv
418 Authority dissolved
The Authority is dissolved.
419 Assets and liabilities vest in Crown
All rights, assets, liabilities, and debts that the Authority had
immediately beIore the commencement oI this section must be
treated as the rights, assets, liabilities, and debts oI the Crown
on that commencement.
420 Protection from civil liability for members, building
referees, and employees of Authority continued
(1) Despite the repeal oI the Iormer Act and the dissolution oI the
Authority, no civil proceedings may be brought against any oI
its members, building reIerees, or employees Ior any act done
or omitted to be done by that person in good Iaith under the
Iormer Act.
(2) Subsection (1)
(a) is Ior the avoidance oI doubt; and
(b) does not limit the provisions oI the Interpretation Act
421 Restriction of compensation for technical redundancy
(1) An employee oI the Authority is not entitled to receive any
payment or other beneft on the ground that his or her position
in the Authority has ceased to exist iI
(a) the position ceases to exist as a result oI the dissolution
oI the Authority; and
(b) in connection with that dissolution,
(i) the employee is oIIered equivalent employment
in the Ministry (whether or not the employee ac-
cepts the oIIer); or
Part 5 s 422 Building Act 2004
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(ii) the employee is oIIered, and accepts, other em-
ployment in the Ministry.
(2) In this section, equivalent employment is employment in the
(a) in substantially the same position; and
(b) in the same general locality; and
(c) on terms and conditions oI employment that are no less
Iavourable than those that apply to the employee im-
mediately beIore the oIIer oI equivalent employment
(including any service-related, redundancy, and super-
annuation conditions); and
(d) on terms that treat the period oI service with the Au-
thority (and any other period oI service recognised by
the Authority as continuous service) as iI it were con-
tinuous service with the Ministry.
Compare: 1988 No 20 s 30E
422 Reappointment of employee of Authority to Ministry
Sections 60 to 61B and 65 oI the State Sector Act 1988 do
not apply to the appointment oI an employee oI the Authority
to a position in the Ministry iI the employee`s position in the
Authority ceases to exist as a result oI the dissolution oI the
Compare: 1988 No 20 s 30F
423 Final reports and accounts
(1) As soon as is practicable aIter the commencement oI this Part,
the Authority must arrange Ior the fnal report oI the Authority
to be delivered to the Minister.
(2) The report must
(a) describe the Authority`s operations Ior the fnancial
year commencing immediately beIore the commence-
ment oI this section; and
(b) include
(i) fnancial statements oI the Authority prepared, in
accordance with Part 5 oI the Public Finance Act
1989, Ior that fnancial year; and
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(ii) an audit report prepared by the Auditor-General
and a management statement relating to those f-
nancial statements.
(3) The Minister must present a copy oI the report delivered to
the Minister under this section to the House oI Representatives
under section 44A oI the Public Finance Act 1989.
424 References to Authority
(1) Unless the context otherwise requires, every reIerence to the
Authority in any enactment, agreement, deed, instrument, ap-
plication, notice, or other document in Iorce immediately be-
Iore the commencement oI this section must, on and aIter that
commencement, be read with all necessary modifcations as a
reIerence to the chieI executive.
(2) To avoid doubt, on and aIter the commencement oI this sec-
(a) a reIerence to the Authority in the Building Act 1991
must be read as a reIerence to the chieI executive; and
(b) the Building Act 1991 must be read with all necessary
modifcations to enable the chieI executive to perIorm
the Iunctions and duties, and exercise the powers, oI the
Authority until the repeal oI that Act under section 415.
425 Proceedings of Authority
Any proceedings to which the Authority is, or becomes, a party
(whether beIore or aIter the commencement oI this section)
may be commenced, continued, completed, and enIorced by
or against the Crown.
426 Validation of levy
All money received by the Authority Irom levies imposed
under Part 3A oI the Iormer Act must be taken to be and
always to have been lawIully imposed and collected.
427 Validation of past expenditure of levy
Despite section 23K(3) oI the Iormer Act, all applications
made beIore the commencement oI this section oI levies
Part 5 s 428 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
imposed under Part 3A oI the Iormer Act and oI any proceeds
Irom those levies received by the Authority Ior any purpose
are validated and must be taken to be and to always have been
lawIully applied.
428 Validation of accumulation of levy
(1) Despite the provisions oI Part 3AoI the Iormer Act, the matters
reIerred to in subsection (2) are validated and must be taken to
be and always to have been lawIul.
(2) The matters are
(a) the accumulation oI levies imposed under that Part and
oI any proceeds Irom those levies received by the Au-
thority; and
(b) the application oI those levies and proceeds by the chieI
executive Ior the purposes oI this Act.
Other transitional provisions
429 Transitional provision for matters of doubt or dispute
relating to building control under former Act
(1) This section applies to an application Ior a determination under
section 17 oI the Iormer Act that has been made, but not de-
termined or withdrawn, beIore the commencement oI this sec-
(2) Despite the repeal oI the Iormer Act, an application to which
this section applies must be determined by the chieI executive
in all respects under the Iormer Act as iI this Act had not been
430 Transitional provision for building levy under former Act
II, beIore the commencement oI this section, a person is liable
to pay a levy under Part 3A oI the Iormer Act and the levy
remains unpaid aIter payment is due, then, on and aIter the
commencement oI this section,
(a) the person must pay the levy to the chieI executive as iI
the levy were payable under this Act; and
(b) this Act applies to the levy in all respects.
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431 Transitional provision for rate of building levy under this
(1) Despite section 53(2)(a)(ii), the building levy must, during the
period specifed in subsection (2), be calculated at the rate set
out in clause 2 oI the Building Industry Authority Levy Order
(2) The period is the period that
(a) begins on the commencement oI Part 2; and
(b) ends on the commencement oI the frst Order in Council
that sets the prescribed rate oI the building levy.
432 Transitional provision for certain applications
(1) This section applies iI, beIore the commencement oI this sec-
(a) an application Ior a project inIormation memorandum
is made under section 30(1) oI the Iormer Act and the
project inIormation memorandum has not been issued;
(b) an application Ior a building consent is made under sec-
tion 33 oI the Iormer Act and the building consent has
not been granted or reIused; or
(c) an application Ior the accreditation oI any proprietary
item (being a material, method oI construction, design,
or component relating to building work) is made under
section 58 oI the Iormer Act but is not determined or
(2) On and Irom the commencement oI this section,
(a) the application reIerred to in subsection (1)(a) must be
treated as iI it were an application, as the case may be,
under section 31 or section 32; and
(b) the application reIerred to in subsection (1)(b) must be
treated as iI it were an application under section 45; and
(c) the application reIerred to in subsection (1)(c) must be
determined as iI this Act had not been passed.
(3) For the purposes oI subsection (2)(c),
(a) section 59 oI the Iormer Act remains in Iorce as iI this
Act had not been passed; and
Part 5 s 433 Building Act 2004
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(b) a certifcate oI accreditation issued under that section
must be treated as iI it were a product certifcate issued
under section 269.
433 Transitional provision for building consents granted
under former Act
(1) A building consent that was granted under section 34 oI the
Iormer Act beIore the commencement oI this section must, on
that commencement, be treated as iI it were a building consent
granted under section 49.
(2) However,
(a) section 93 does not apply; and
(b) accordingly, a building consent authority is not required
to issue a code compliance certifcate Ior the building
work concerned within the period specifed in that sec-
Section 433(2)(b): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 16(2)(b) oI the Build-
ing Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
434 Transitional provision for certain entries on certiücates of
title made under former Act
(1) This section applies to any oI the Iollowing entries that is made
beIore the commencement oI this section:
(a) an entry on a certifcate oI title under section 36(2) oI
the Iormer Act; and
(b) an entry in the records oI the Surveyor-General or the
Maori Land Court under section 36(7) oI the Iormer
Act; and
(c) an entry under section 641A oI the Local Government
Act 1974.
(2) On and Irom the commencement oI this section, an entry to
which this section applies must be treated as iI it had been
made under this Act and the provisions oI this Act apply ac-
cordingly with all necessary modifcations.
435 Transitional provision for notices issued under former Act
(1) This section applies to any oI the Iollowing notices issued be-
Iore the commencement oI this section:
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(a) a notice to rectiIy under section 42 oI the Iormer Act
(including a notice that is deemed to be a notice to rec-
tiIy under section 45(4) or section 46(5) oI that Act):
(b) a notice under section 65(1)(b) oI the Iormer Act requir-
ing work to be done on a dangerous building:
(c) a notice under section 65(2) oI the Iormer Act requiring
work to be done on an insanitary building:
(d) a notice under section 66(3)(b) oI the Iormer Act requir-
ing work to be done on an earthquake-prone building.
(2) On and Irom the commencement oI this section, a notice to
which this section applies must,
(a) in the case oI the notice reIerred to in subsection (1)(a),
be treated as iI it were a notice given under section 164
oI this Act; and
(b) in the case oI the notice reIerred to in subsection (1)(b)
or (c) or (d), be treated as iI it were a notice given under
section 124(1)(c) oI this Act.
436 Transitional provision for code compliance certiücates
in respect of building work carried out under building
consent granted under former Act
(1) This section applies to building work carried out under a build-
ing consent granted under section 34 oI the Iormer Act.
(2) An application Ior a code compliance certifcate in respect oI
building work to which this section applies must be considered
and determined as iI this Act had not been passed.
(3) For the purposes oI subsection (2), section 43 oI the Iormer
(a) remains in Iorce as iI this Act had not been passed; but
(b) must be read as iI
(i) a code compliance certifcate may be issued
only iI the territorial authority is satisfed that
the building work concerned complies with the
building code that applied at the time the build-
ing consent was granted; and
(ii) section 43(4) were omitted.
Part 5 s 437 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
437 Transitional provision for issue of certiücate of acceptance
(1) This section applies iI
(a) an owner, or the owner`s predecessor in title (whether an
immediate predecessor in title or otherwise), carried out
building work beIore the commencement oI this section
Ior which
(i) a building consent was required under the Iormer
Act; and
(ii) the building consent was not obtained; or
(b) a building certifer is unable or reIuses to issue either oI
the Iollowing in respect oI building work Ior which a
building consent was issued beIore the commencement
oI this section:
(i) a building certifcate under section 56 oI the Ior-
mer Act; or
(ii) a code compliance certifcate under section 95.
(2) A territorial authority may, on application, issue a certifcate
oI acceptance.
(3) For the purposes oI subsection (2), sections 96(2) and (3) and
97 to 99 apply with all necessary modifcations.
(4) A reIerence to a building certiüer in this section includes a
reIerence to a building certifer that applied Ior registration,
and is registered, under section 191 as a building consent au-
438 Transitional provision for code compliance certiücates
and compliance schedules issued under former Act
(1) On the commencement oI this section,
(a) a code compliance certifcate issued under section 43 oI
the Iormer Act has eIIect as iI it had been issued under
section 95 oI this Act; and
(b) a compliance schedule issued under section 44 oI the
Iormer Act has eIIect as iI it had been issued under sec-
tion 102 oI this Act.
(2) [Repealed]
(3) A person who immediately beIore the commencement oI this
section was accepted by a territorial authority as being qual-
ifed to carry out the inspection, maintenance, and reporting
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13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 5 s 440
procedures required Ior a specifed system stated in a com-
pliance schedule continues to be accepted until the authority
withdraws its acceptance.
(4) [Repealed]
(5) [Repealed]
Section 438(2): repealed, on 13 March 2012, by section 87 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 438(3): substituted, on 14 April 2005, by section 26 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Section 438(4): repealed, on 13 March 2012, by section 87 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Section 438(5): repealed, on 13 March 2012, by section 87 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
439 Transitional provision for document used in establishing
compliance with building code
(1) This section applies iI, beIore the commencement oI this sec-
(a) a document Ior use in establishing compliance with the
building code has been prepared or approved under sec-
tion 49(1) oI the Iormer Act; and
(b) in a case where that document has been approved, the
approval has not been withdrawn under section 49(6) oI
that Act.
(2) On and Irom the commencement oI this section, the document
reIerred to in subsection (1) must be treated as iI it were a
compliance document.
440 Transitional provision for applications for approval as
building certiüer under former Act
(1) An application Ior approval as a building certifer that has
been made under section 51 oI the Iormer Act, but not deter-
mined or withdrawn, beIore the commencement oI this section
must, on that commencement, be considered and determined
by the chieI executive in all respects as iI this Act had not been
(2) An appeal against a decision to reIuse to grant approval as
a building certifer that has been commenced under section
52(9) oI the Iormer Act, but not completed, beIore the com-
Part 5 s 441 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
mencement oI this section must be continued and completed
in all respects under the Iormer Act as iI this Act had not been
(3) For the purposes oI this section and section 441, sections 51
to 53 oI the Iormer Act remain in Iorce as iI this Act had not
been passed.
441 Transitional provision for applications for continuation or
renewal of approval as building certiüer under former Act
(1) An application Ior the continuation or renewal oI an approval
as a building certifer under section 51(5) oI the Iormer Act
may be made to the chieI executive until the close oI 31 May
(2) The chieI executive may, until the close oI 31 May 2006, grant
the application.
(3) An approval as a building certifer that is continued or renewed
under subsection (2) expires at the close oI 31 May 2006.
442 Meaning of approved building certiüer
In sections 443 to 446, approved building certiüer means a
(a) who, immediately beIore the commencement oI this
section, held a current approval as a building certifer
under section 51 oI the Iormer Act; and
(b) whose approval is continued or renewed, and has not
expired, under the Iormer Act or section 441.
443 Approved building certiüers have until 31 May 2006 to
apply to be registered as building consent authority
Every approved building certifer has until 31 May 2006 to
apply to be registered as a building consent authority under
section 191.
444 What happens if approved building certiüer applies to be
registered as building consent authority by 31 May 2006
(1) An approved building certifer who applies to be registered as
a building consent authority by 31 May 2006 may, during the
transitional period, issue either oI the Iollowing in respect oI
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 5 s 446
building work Ior which a building consent was issued beIore
the commencement oI this section:
(a) a building certifcate under section 56 oI the Iormer Act;
(b) a code compliance certifcate under section 95.
(2) In this section, transitional period means the period com-
mencing on the date oI commencement oI this section and end-
ing on 30 November 2007.
445 What happens if approved building certiüer does not
apply to be registered as building consent authority by
31 May 2006
(1) II an approved building certifer does not apply to be registered
as a building consent authority by 31 May 2006, the approved
building certifer must not, aIter the close oI that date, accept
any Iurther applications Ior
(a) a building certifcate under section 56 oI the Iormer Act;
(b) a code compliance certifcate under section 95.
(2) An approved building certifer may, in respect oI an applica-
tion Ior a certifcate reIerred to in subsection (1) that was made
beIore the close oI 31 May 2006, issue the certifcate until the
close oI 30 November 2007.
(3) However, an approved building certifer must arrange Ior any
other application Ior a certifcate reIerred to in subsection (1)
to be transIerred to a building consent authority or territorial
authority iI the certifcate has not been issued or reIused by
30 November 2007.
(4) A building consent authority or a territorial authority to whom
an application is transIerred under subsection (3) may issue a
code compliance certifcate under section 95.
446 Certain provisions of former Act apply for purposes of
sections 444 and 445
(1) For the purposes oI sections 444 and 445,
(a) sections 54 to 57 oI the Iormer Act remain in Iorce as iI
this Act had not been passed; and
Part 5 s 447 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
(b) a building consent authority must accept, under sec-
tion 19(1), a building certifcate issued under section 56
oI the Iormer Act as establishing compliance with the
building code; and
(c) a party may apply, under section 177, Ior a determin-
ation in relation to a decision by an approved building
certifer to issue, or reIuse to issue, a building certifcate
or a code compliance certifcate.
(2) For the purposes oI subsection (1)(c), sections 176 to 190
apply with all necessary modifcations.
(3) In this section, party
(a) has the meaning given by section 176; and
(b) includes an approved building certifer.
447 Transitional provision for certiücate of accreditation
issued under former Act
A certifcate oI accreditation issued under section 59 oI the
Iormer Act in respect oI any proprietary item (being a mater-
ial, method oI construction, design, or component relating to
building work) beIore the commencement oI this section must,
on and Irom that commencement, be treated as iI it were a
product certifcate issued under section 269 and the provisions
oI this Act apply accordingly with all necessary modifcations.
448 Transitional provision for proceedings under former Act
(1) This section applies to the Iollowing proceedings:
(a) proceedings under section 54 or section 55 oI the Iormer
Act in relation to a building certifer; and
(b) proceedings under Part 9 oI the Iormer Act (including
court proceedings related to an application Ior a deter-
mination under section 17 oI that Act).
(2) Any proceedings to which this section applies that were com-
menced, but not completed, beIore the date oI commencement
oI this section must be continued and completed in all respects
under the Iormer Act as iI this Act had not been passed.
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449 Territorial authorities and regional authorities must
apply to be registered by 31 May 2006
A territorial authority or a regional authority must, by 31 May
2006, apply to be registered under section 191.
450 When territorial authority may and must act as building
consent authority during transition to this Act
(1) A territorial authority may, during the period specifed in sub-
section (3), act as a building consent authority (including in
relation to a dam) even though the territorial authority has yet
to be registered under section 191.
(2) [Repealed]
(3) The period is the period that
(a) begins on the date oI commencement oI Part 2; and
(b) ends on the earlier oI
(i) the date on which an application Ior registration
by the territorial authority under section 191 is
granted or reIused; or
(ii) 31 March 2009.
(3A) Aterritorial authority that is registered under section 191 must,
until the time specifed in subsection (3B), act as a building
consent authority in relation to a dam within the territorial au-
thority`s district.
(3B) The time is the earlier oI the Iollowing:
(a) the close oI the day beIore the date specifed in subsec-
tion (3)(b)(ii); and
(b) the time at which the regional authority whose region
includes the territorial authority`s district
(i) is registered under section 191; or
(ii) transIers its Iunctions as a building consent au-
thority in relation to dams in that district to an-
other regional authority, under subpart 4 oI Part
3 oI this Act or subpart 2 oI Part 3 oI the Local
Government Act 2002.
(3C) II a territorial authority acts as a building consent authority
under subsection (1) or (3A),
Part 5 s 451 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
(a) the territorial authority must be taken to have all the
Iunctions, duties, and powers oI a building consent au-
thority under this Act; and
(b) this Act applies with all necessary modifcations.
(3D) The Governor-General may, by Order in Council, beIore the
date specifed in subsection (3)(b)(ii), speciIy a later date in
substitution Ior that date.
(3E) An order under subsection (3D) is a regulation Ior the purposes
oI the Regulations (Disallowance) Act 1989.
(4) This section overrides sections 14 and 193.
Section 450 heading: amended, on 29 August 2007, by section 5(4) oI the Build-
ing (Consent Authorities) Amendment Act 2007 (2007 No 34).
Section 450(2): repealed, on 29 August 2007, by section 5(5) oI the Building
(Consent Authorities) Amendment Act 2007 (2007 No 34).
Section 450(3)(b)(ii): amended, on 26 June 2008, by clause 3 oI the Building
(Building Consent Authority Transition) Order 2008 (SR 2008/147).
Section 450(3A): inserted, on 29 August 2007, by section 5(2) oI the Building
(Consent Authorities) Amendment Act 2007 (2007 No 34).
Section 450(3B): inserted, on 29 August 2007, by section 5(2) oI the Building
(Consent Authorities) Amendment Act 2007 (2007 No 34).
Section 450(3C): inserted, on 29 August 2007, by section 5(2) oI the Building
(Consent Authorities) Amendment Act 2007 (2007 No 34).
Section 450(3D): inserted, on 29 August 2007, by section 5(2) oI the Building
(Consent Authorities) Amendment Act 2007 (2007 No 34).
Section 450(3E): inserted, on 29 August 2007, by section 5(2) oI the Building
(Consent Authorities) Amendment Act 2007 (2007 No 34).
Review of building code
451 Chief executive must review building code
(1) The chieI executive must, within 3 years aIter the commence-
ment oI this section,
(a) review the building code; and
(b) prepare Ior the Minister a report on the review that in-
cludes recommendations setting out any amendments to
the building code that are necessary or desirable.
(2) In conducting the review, the chieI executive must consider
(a) the extent to which the building code complies with and
meets the requirements oI this Act; and
(b) the extent to which the building code is stated in suI-
fcient detail to provide clear guidance on perIormance
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13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Part 5 s 451
standards that buildings must meet to ensure compli-
ance with the building code.
Schedule 1 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
Schedule 1 s 41(1)(b)
Exempt building work
1 A building consent is not required Ior the Iollowing building
(a) any lawIul repair and maintenance using comparable
materials, or replacement with a comparable component
or assembly in the same position, oI any component or
assembly incorporated or associated with a building, in-
cluding all lawIul repair and maintenance oI that nature
that is carried out in accordance with the Plumbers, Gas-
ftters, and Drainlayers Act 2006, except
(i) complete or substantial replacement oI a speci-
fed system; or
(ii) complete or substantial replacement oI any com-
ponent or assembly contributing to the building`s
structural behaviour or fre-saIety properties; or
(iii) repair or replacement (other than maintenance) oI
any component or assembly that has Iailed to sat-
isIy the provisions oI the building code Ior dura-
bility, Ior example, through a Iailure to comply
with the external moisture requirements oI the
building code; or
(iv) repair or replacement oI a water storage heater
connected to a solid-Iuel heater or other supple-
mentary heat exchanger (other than
(A) repair oI an open-vented water storage
heater using the same pipework; or
(B) replacement oI an open-vented water stor-
age heater with a comparable heater using
the same pipework):
(ab) the opening and reinstatement oI any purpose-made ac-
cess point within a drainage system that
(i) is not a NUO system or part oI a NUO system;
(ii) is carried out in accordance with the Plumbers,
Gasftters, and Drainlayers Act 2006:
(ac) the alteration to drains Ior a dwelling, iI the alteration
(i) is oI a minor nature (Ior example, shiIting a gully
trap); and
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13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Schedule 1
(ii) does not include making any new connection to
a service provided by a network utility operator;
(iii) is carried out in accordance with the Plumbers,
Gasftters, and Drainlayers Act 2006:
(ad) the alteration to existing sanitary plumbing (as defned
in section 6 oI the Plumbers, Gasftters, and Drainlayers
Act 2006) in a dwelling (Ior example, replacing a bath
with a shower or moving a toilet) carried out in accord-
ance with the Plumbers, Gasftters, and Drainlayers Act
2006 and that is not repair or replacement to which para-
graph (a)(iv) (other than subsubparagraph (A) or (B))
(ae) the installation, replacement, or removal in any existing
building oI a window (including a rooI window) or an
exterior doorway iI
(i) compliance with the provisions oI the building
code relating to structural stability is not reduced;
(ii) in the case oI replacement, the window or door-
way being replaced satisfed the provisions oI the
building code Ior durability:
(aI) the alteration to an entrance or an internal doorway oI a
dwelling to improve access Ior persons with disabilities,
iI compliance with the provisions oI the building code
relating to structural stability is not reduced:
(ag) the alteration to the interior oI any non-residential build-
ing (Ior example, a shop, oIfce, library, Iactory, ware-
house, church, or school), iI the alteration does not
(i) reduce compliance with the provisions oI the
building code that relate to means oI escape
Irom fre, protection oI other property, sanitary
Iacilities, structural stability, fre-rating perIorm-
ance, and access and Iacilities Ior persons with
disabilities; or
(ii) modiIy or aIIect any specifed system:
(ah) the replacement or alteration oI linings or fnishes oI any
internal wall, ceiling, or foor oI a dwelling:
Schedule 1 Building Act 2004
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13 March 2012
(b) the construction or alteration oI any motorway sign,
stopbank, culvert Ior carrying water under or in asso-
ciation with a road, or other similar structure that is a
simple structure and is owned or controlled by a net-
work utility operator or other similar organisation:
(ba) the construction, installation, replacement, or alteration
oI a sign (whether Iree-standing or attached to a struc-
ture) and any structural support oI the sign, iI
(i) the surIace area oI the sign does not exceed 6
square metres and the sign does not exceed 3
metres in height above the supporting ground
level; or
(ii) the sign has been designed by a chartered proIes-
sional engineer:
(bb) the construction, installation, replacement, alteration,
or removal oI a height-restriction gantry:
(c) the construction or alteration oI any retaining wall that
retains not more than 1.5 metres depth oI ground and
that does not support any surcharge or any load addi-
tional to the load oI that ground (Ior example, the load
oI vehicles on a road):
(ca) the construction, alteration, or removal oI an internal
wall (including the construction, alteration, or removal
oI an internal doorway) in any existing building iI
(i) compliance with the provisions oI the building
code relating to structural stability is not reduced;
(ii) the means oI escape Iromfre provided within the
building are not detrimentally aIIected; and
(iii) the wall is not made oI units oI material (such
as brick, burnt clay, concrete, or stone) laid to a
bond in and joined together with mortar:
(d) the construction or alteration oI any wall (except a re-
taining wall or an internal wall), Ience (except a Ience as
defned in section 2 oI the Fencing oI Swimming Pools
Act 1987), or hoarding, in each case oI a height not ex-
ceeding 2 metres above the supporting ground:
(daa) the construction or alteration oI any wall (except a re-
taining wall or an internal wall), Ience (except a Ience as
Reprinted as at
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defned in section 2 oI the Fencing oI Swimming Pools
Act 1987), or hoarding, in each case oI a height not ex-
ceeding 2.5 metres above the supporting ground:
(da) the construction or alteration oI any dam that is not a
large dam:
(db) the construction, installation, replacement, or alteration
oI a retaining wall in a rural zone, iI
(i) the wall retains no more than 3 metres depth oI
ground; and
(ii) the distance between the wall and any legal
boundary or existing building is at least the
height oI the wall; and
(iii) the wall has been designed by a chartered proIes-
sional engineer:
(e) the construction or alteration oI any tank or pool and any
structural support oI the tank or pool (except a swim-
ming pool as defned in section 2 oI the Fencing oI
Swimming Pools Act 1987), including any tank or pool
that is part oI any other building Ior which a building
consent is required,
(i) not exceeding 35 000 litres capacity and sup-
ported directly by the ground; or
(ia) not exceeding 16 000 litres capacity and sup-
ported not more than 0.25 metre above the sup-
porting ground; or
(ib) not exceeding 8 000 litres capacity and supported
not more than 0.5 metre above the supporting
ground; or
(ic) not exceeding 4 000 litres capacity and supported
not more than 1 metre above the supporting
ground; or
(ii) not exceeding 2 000 litres capacity and supported
not more than 2 metres above the supporting
ground; or
(iia) not exceeding 1 000 litres capacity and supported
not more than 3 metres above the supporting
Schedule 1 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(iii) not exceeding 500 litres capacity and supported
not more than 4 metres above the supporting
(I) the construction, alteration, or removal oI any tent or
marquee that has a foor area not exceeding 50 square
metres iI that tent or marquee is to be, or has been, used
Ior public assembly Ior a period oI not more than 1
(Ia) the construction, alteration, or removal oI any tent or
marquee that has a foor area not exceeding 100 square
metres iI that tent or marquee is, or has been, Ior private
use Ior a period oI not more than 1 month:
(Ib) the construction, alteration, or removal oI any tent or
marquee that has a foor area not exceeding 100 square
metres iI that tent or marquee is to be, or has been, used
Ior public assembly Ior a period oI not more than 1
(g) the construction or alteration oI any platIorm, bridge, or
the like Irom which it is not possible Ior a person to Iall
more than 1 metre even iI it collapses:
(ga) the construction or alteration oI any platIorm, bridge, or
the like Irom which it is not possible Ior a person to Iall
more than 1.5 metres even iI it collapses:
(gb) the construction, installation, replacement, or alteration
oI any plinth or similar Ioundation that is or has been
(i) used Ior supporting mechanical plant, a tank,
equipment, machinery, or any similar item; and
(ii) designed by a chartered proIessional engineer:
(gc) the construction, installation, replacement, alteration,
or removal oI a stall, booth, compartment, or similar
structure that
(i) does not exceed 100 square metres in foor area;
(ii) is, or has been, Ior use at a Iair, exhibition, or
market Ior not more than 1 month:
(h) the construction or alteration oI any temporary storage
stack oI goods or materials:
(i) building work in connection with any detached building
(except a building that is required to be licensed in terms
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Schedule 1
oI the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act
1996 or a building closer than its own height to any
residential accommodation or to any legal boundary)
(i) houses fxed plant or machinery, the only normal
visits to which are intermittent visits Ior routine
inspection and maintenance oI that plant or ma-
chinery; or
(ii) into which, or into the immediate vicinity oI
which, people cannot or do not normally go; or
(iii) is used only by people engaged in the construc-
tion or maintenance oI another building Ior
which a building consent is required; or
(iv) does not exceed 1 storey, does not exceed 10
square metres in foor area, and does not con-
tain sanitary Iacilities or Iacilities Ior the storage
oI potable water, but may contain sleeping ac-
commodation (without cooking Iacilities) iI the
detached building is used in connection with a
(j) building work in connection with the closing in oI an
existing veranda, patio, or the like so as to provide an
enclosed porch, conservatory, or the like with a foor
area not exceeding 5 square metres:
(ja) the construction, alteration, or removal oI any Iabric,
glass, or metal awning on any building that
(i) is on the ground or frst storey level; and
(ii) does not exceed 15 square metres in size:
(jab) the construction, alteration, or removal oI any Iabric,
glass, or metal awning on any building iI the awning
(i) is on the ground or frst storey level; and
(ii) does not exceed 20 square metres in size:
(jb) the construction, alteration, or removal oI a pergola:
(jc) the construction, alteration, or removal oI a porch or ve-
randah on any building where that porch or verandah
(i) is on the ground or frst storey level; and
(ii) is over a deck or a patio; and
(iii) does not exceed 15 square metres in size:
Schedule 1 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(jd) the construction, alteration, or removal oI a porch or
verandah on any building, iI the porch or verandah
(i) is on the ground or frst storey level; and
(ii) is over a deck or a patio; and
(iii) does not exceed 20 square metres in size:
(je) the construction, installation, replacement, alteration,
or removal oI any shade sail made oI Iabric or other
similar lightweight material, and any associated struc-
tural support, iI the shade sail
(i) does not exceed 50 square metres in size; and
(ii) is not closer than 1 metre to any legal boundary;
(iii) is on the ground level, or, iI on a building, on the
ground or frst-storey level oI the building:
(jI) the construction, installation, replacement, alteration,
or removal oI a carport that does not exceed 20 square
metres in size and is on the ground level:
(jg) the installation oI thermal insulation in an existing
building other than in
(i) an external wall oI the building; or
(ii) an internal wall oI the building that is a fre sep-
aration wall (also known as a frewall):
(jh) the making oI a penetration no greater than 30 cen-
timetres in diameter to enable the passage oI pipes, ca-
bles, ducts, wires, hoses, and the like through any exist-
ing building and any associated building work, such as
weatherproofng, freproofng, or sealing the penetra-
(ji) the construction, installation, replacement, or alteration
oI playground equipment, iI
(i) the work is Ior a government department, Crown
entity, licensed early childhood centre, or terri-
torial or regional authority, and the playground
equipment has been designed by a chartered pro-
Iessional engineer; or
(ii) the playground equipment is Ior use by a single
household and no part oI the equipment exceeds
3 metres in height above the supporting ground
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Schedule 1
(k) any other building work in respect oI which the territor-
ial authority (or, as the case requires, the regional au-
thority) considers that a building consent is not neces-
sary Ior the purposes oI this Act because that building
(i) is unlikely to be carried out otherwise than in
accordance with the building code; or
(ii) iI carried out otherwise than in accordance with
the building code, is unlikely to endanger people
or any building, whether on the same land or on
other property:
(l) the demolition oI all or part oI a damaged building that
is detached (stand-alone) and is no more than 3 storeys
(m) the repair or replacement oI all or part oI a damaged
outbuilding, iI
(i) the repair or replacement is made within the same
area that the outbuilding or the original outbuild-
ing (as the case may require) occupied; and
(ii) in the case oI any replacement, the replacement
is made with a comparable outbuilding or part oI
an outbuilding:
(n) the removal oI any
(i) sign and any structural support oI the sign; or
(ii) retaining wall; or
(iii) plinth or similar Ioundation; or
(iv) playground equipment.
2 In this schedule,
outbuilding means a building classifed as an outbuilding
under clause A1 oI the building code
rural zone means any zone or area (other than a rural resi-
dential zone or area) that, in the district plan oI the territorial
authority in whose district the building work is to be under-
taken, is described as a rural zone, rural resource area, rural
environment, or by words oI similar meaning.
Compare: 1991 No 150 Schedule 3
Schedule 1 clause 1(a): substituted, on 15 March 2008, by section 91(1) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Schedule 1 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
Schedule 1 clause 1(a): amended, on 1 April 2010, by section 185 oI the Plumbers,
Gasftters, and Drainlayers Act 2006 (2006 No 74).
Schedule 1 clause 1(a)(iv): substituted, on 7 July 2010, by section 11(1) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2010 (2010 No 50).
Schedule 1 clause 1(ab): inserted, on 15 March 2008, by section 91(1) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Schedule 1 clause 1(ab)(ii): amended, on 1 April 2010, by section 185 oI the Plumbers,
Gasftters, and Drainlayers Act 2006 (2006 No 74).
Schedule 1 clause 1(ac): inserted, on 16 October 2008, by clause 3(1) oI the Building
(Schedule 1) Order 2008 (SR 2008/318).
Schedule 1 clause 1(ac)(iii): amended, on 1 April 2010, by section 185 oI the Plumbers,
Gasftters, and Drainlayers Act 2006 (2006 No 74).
Schedule 1 clause 1(ad): inserted, on 16 October 2008, by clause 3(1) oI the Building
(Schedule 1) Order 2008 (SR 2008/318).
Schedule 1 clause 1(ad): amended, on 13 March 2012, by section 88(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Schedule 1 clause 1(ad): amended, on 7 July 2010, by section 11(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2010 (2010 No 50).
Schedule 1 clause 1(ae): inserted, on 16 October 2008, by clause 3(1) oI the Building
(Schedule 1) Order 2008 (SR 2008/318).
Schedule 1 clause 1(aI): inserted, on 16 October 2008, by clause 3(1) oI the Building
(Schedule 1) Order 2008 (SR 2008/318).
Schedule 1 clause 1(ag): inserted, on 16 October 2008, by clause 3(1) oI the Building
(Schedule 1) Order 2008 (SR 2008/318).
Schedule 1 clause 1(ah): inserted, on 23 December 2010, by clause 4(1) oI the Building
(Exempt Building Work) Order 2010 (SR 2010/431).
Schedule 1 clause 1(b): substituted, on 15 March 2008, by section 91(2) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Schedule 1 clause 1(b): amended, on 16 October 2008, by clause 3(2) oI the Building
(Schedule 1) Order 2008 (SR 2008/318).
Schedule 1 clause 1(ba): inserted, on 23 December 2010, by clause 4(2) oI the Building
(Exempt Building Work) Order 2010 (SR 2010/431).
Schedule 1 clause 1(bb): inserted, on 23 December 2010, by clause 4(2) oI the Building
(Exempt Building Work) Order 2010 (SR 2010/431).
Schedule 1 clause 1(c): amended, on 16 October 2008, by clause 3(3) oI the Building
(Schedule 1) Order 2008 (SR 2008/318).
Schedule 1 clause 1(ca): inserted, on 16 October 2008, by clause 3(4) oI the Building
(Schedule 1) Order 2008 (SR 2008/318).
Schedule 1 clause 1(d): amended, on 16 October 2008, by clause 3(5) oI the Building
(Schedule 1) Order 2008 (SR 2008/318).
Schedule 1 clause 1(d): amended, on 15 March 2008, by section 91(3) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Schedule 1 clause 1(daa): inserted, on 23 December 2010, by clause 4(3) oI the Building
(Exempt Building Work) Order 2010 (SR 2010/431).
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Schedule 1
Schedule 1 clause 1(da): inserted, on 15 March 2008, by section 91(4) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4).
Schedule 1 clause 1(da): amended, on 16 October 2008, by clause 3(6) oI the Building
(Schedule 1) Order 2008 (SR 2008/318).
Schedule 1 clause 1(db): inserted, on 23 December 2010, by clause 4(4) oI the Building
(Exempt Building Work) Order 2010 (SR 2010/431).
Schedule 1 clause 1(e): amended, on 16 October 2008, by clause 3(7) oI the Building
(Schedule 1) Order 2008 (SR 2008/318).
Schedule 1 clause 1(e)(ia): inserted, on 23 December 2010, by clause 4(5) oI the Build-
ing (Exempt Building Work) Order 2010 (SR 2010/431).
Schedule 1 clause 1(e)(ib): inserted, on 23 December 2010, by clause 4(5) oI the Build-
ing (Exempt Building Work) Order 2010 (SR 2010/431).
Schedule 1 clause 1(e)(ic): inserted, on 23 December 2010, by clause 4(5) oI the Build-
ing (Exempt Building Work) Order 2010 (SR 2010/431).
Schedule 1 clause 1(e)(iia): inserted, on 23 December 2010, by clause 4(6) oI the Build-
ing (Exempt Building Work) Order 2010 (SR 2010/431).
Schedule 1 clause 1(I): substituted, on 16 October 2008, by clause 3(8) oI the Building
(Schedule 1) Order 2008 (SR 2008/318).
Schedule 1 clause 1(Ia): inserted, on 16 October 2008, by clause 3(8) oI the Building
(Schedule 1) Order 2008 (SR 2008/318).
Schedule 1 clause 1(Ib): inserted, on 23 December 2010, by clause 4(7) oI the Building
(Exempt Building Work) Order 2010 (SR 2010/431).
Schedule 1 clause 1(g): amended, on 16 October 2008, by clause 3(9) oI the Building
(Schedule 1) Order 2008 (SR 2008/318).
Schedule 1 clause 1(ga): inserted, on 23 December 2010, by clause 4(8) oI the Building
(Exempt Building Work) Order 2010 (SR 2010/431).
Schedule 1 clause 1(gb): inserted, on 23 December 2010, by clause 4(8) oI the Building
(Exempt Building Work) Order 2010 (SR 2010/431).
Schedule 1 clause 1(gc): inserted, on 23 December 2010, by clause 4(8) oI the Building
(Exempt Building Work) Order 2010 (SR 2010/431).
Schedule 1 clause 1(h): amended, on 16 October 2008, by clause 3(10) oI the Building
(Schedule 1) Order 2008 (SR 2008/318).
Schedule 1 clause 1(i)(iv): substituted, on 16 October 2008, by clause 3(11) oI the Build-
ing (Schedule 1) Order 2008 (SR 2008/318).
Schedule 1 clause 1(ja): inserted, on 16 October 2008, by clause 3(12) oI the Building
(Schedule 1) Order 2008 (SR 2008/318).
Schedule 1 clause 1(jab): inserted, on 23 December 2010, by clause 4(9) oI the Building
(Exempt Building Work) Order 2010 (SR 2010/431).
Schedule 1 clause 1(jb): inserted, on 16 October 2008, by clause 3(12) oI the Building
(Schedule 1) Order 2008 (SR 2008/318).
Schedule 1 clause 1(jc): inserted, on 16 October 2008, by clause 3(12) oI the Building
(Schedule 1) Order 2008 (SR 2008/318).
Schedule 1 clause 1(jd): inserted, on 23 December 2010, by clause 4(10) oI the Building
(Exempt Building Work) Order 2010 (SR 2010/431).
Schedule 1 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
Schedule 1 clause 1(je): inserted, on 23 December 2010, by clause 4(10) oI the Building
(Exempt Building Work) Order 2010 (SR 2010/431).
Schedule 1 clause 1(jI): inserted, on 23 December 2010, by clause 4(10) oI the Building
(Exempt Building Work) Order 2010 (SR 2010/431).
Schedule 1 clause 1(jg): inserted, on 23 December 2010, by clause 4(10) oI the Building
(Exempt Building Work) Order 2010 (SR 2010/431).
Schedule 1 clause 1(jh): inserted, on 23 December 2010, by clause 4(10) oI the Building
(Exempt Building Work) Order 2010 (SR 2010/431).
Schedule 1 clause 1(ji): inserted, on 23 December 2010, by clause 4(10) oI the Building
(Exempt Building Work) Order 2010 (SR 2010/431).
Schedule 1 clause 1(k): amended, on 14 April 2005, by section 3(9) oI the Building
Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31).
Schedule 1 clause 1(l): added, on 23 December 2010, by clause 4(11) oI the Building
(Exempt Building Work) Order 2010 (SR 2010/431).
Schedule 1 clause 1(m): added, on 23 December 2010, by clause 4(11) oI the Building
(Exempt Building Work) Order 2010 (SR 2010/431).
Schedule 1 clause 1(n): added, on 23 December 2010, by clause 4(11) oI the Building
(Exempt Building Work) Order 2010 (SR 2010/431).
Schedule 1 clause 2: added, on 23 December 2010, by clause 4(12) oI the Building
(Exempt Building Work) Order 2010 (SR 2010/431).
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Schedule 2
Schedule 2 s 118(2)
Buildings in respect of which requirement
for provision of access and facilities for
persons with disabilities applies
The buildings in respect oI which the requirement Ior the provision
oI access and Iacilities Ior persons with disabilities apply are, without
limitation, as Iollows:
(a) land, sea, and air passenger transport terminals and Iacilities
and interchanges, whether wholly on land or otherwise:
(b) public toilets wherever situated:
(c) banks:
(d) childcare centres and kindergartens:
(e) day-care centres and Iacilities:
(I) commercial buildings and premises Ior business and proIes-
sional purposes, including computer centres:
(g) central, regional, and local government oIfces and Iacilities:
(h) courthouses:
(i) Police stations:
(j) hotels, motels, hostels, halls oI residence, holiday cabins,
groups oI pensioner fats, boarding houses, guest houses, and
other premises providing accommodation Ior the public:
(k) hospitals, whether public or private, and rest homes:
(l) medical and dental surgeries, and medical and paramedical
and other primary health care centres:
(m) educational institutions, including public and private primary,
intermediate, and secondary schools, universities, polytech-
nics, and other tertiary institutions:
(n) libraries, museums, art galleries, and other cultural institu-
(o) churches, chapels, and other places oI public worship:
(p) places oI assembly, including auditoriums, theatres, cinemas,
halls, sports stadiums, conIerence Iacilities, clubrooms, recre-
ation centres, and swimming baths:
(q) shops, shopping centres, and shopping malls:
(r) restaurants, bars, caIeterias, and catering Iacilities:
(s) showrooms and auction rooms:
(t) public laundries:
(u) petrol and service stations:
Schedule 2 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(v) Iuneral parlours:
(w) television and radio stations:
(x) car parks, parking buildings, and parking Iacilities:
(y) Iactories and industrial buildings where more than 10 persons
are employed:
(z) other buildings, premises, or Iacilities to which the public are
to be admitted, whether Ior Iree or on payment oI a charge.
Compare: 1991 No 150 s 47A(4)
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Schedule 3
Schedule 3 s 346
Further provisions applying to Board
Members appointment
1 Method oI appointment 312
2 Qualifcations oI members 312
3 Term oI appointment 313
4 Validity oI members` acts 313
5 Position where concurrent oIfce 314
Resignation and removal of members
6 Resignation 314
7 Removal Irom oIfce 314
8 No compensation Ior ceasing to hold oIfce 314
9 Members ceasing to hold oIfce 314
Jacancies in membership of Board
10 Position where vacancy in membership 315
11 EIIect oI vacancy in membership 315
Duties of members
12 Accountability Ior duties 315
13 Duties oI members 315
14 Collective duties oI Board 316
Disclosure of interests of members in matters of Board
15 Meaning oI interested 316
16 Obligation to disclose interest 316
17 Method oI disclosure oI interest 317
18 Consequences oI interest 317
Conhdentialitv of information
19 Confdentiality oI inIormation 317
Liabilitv of Board and others
20 Liability oI Board and others 318
Members remuneration and allowances
21 Members` remuneration and allowances 318
Chairperson and deputv chairperson
22 Appointment 318
23 Term oI appointment 318
Schedule 3 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
24 Resignation 319
25 Removal 319
26 PerIormance and exercise oI chairperson`s Iunctions,
duties, and powers during vacancy
Procedures of Board
27 Procedure generally 319
28 Notice oI meetings 319
29 Methods oI holding meetings 320
30 Quorum 320
31 Presiding at meetings 320
32 Voting at meetings 321
33 Unanimous written resolutions 321
34 Appointment oI subcommittee to deal with complaints
and licensing appeals
Members appointment
1 Method of appointment
(1) The Governor-General appoints a member by sending written
notice to the member (with a copy to the Board).
(2) The notice oI appointment must
(a) state the date on which the appointment takes eIIect; and
(b) be given only aIter the person to be appointed has
(i) consented in writing to being a member; and
(ii) certifed in writing that he or she is not disquali-
fed Irom being a member; and
(iii) disclosed to the Minister all interests that the per-
son would, iI he or she were a member, have to
disclose under clauses 15 to 18 at the time oI the
2 Qualiücations of members
(1) A natural person who is not disqualifed by this clause may be
a member.
(2) The Iollowing persons are disqualifed Irom being a member:
(a) a person who is an undischarged bankrupt:
(b) a person who is prohibited Irom being a director or
promoter oI, or being concerned or taking part in the
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Schedule 3
management oI, an incorporated or unincorporated
body under the Companies Act 1993, or the Securities
Act 1978, or the Securities Markets Act 1988, or the
Takeovers Act 1993:
(c) a person who is subject to a property order made under
section 10, section 11, section 12, section 30, or section
31 oI the Protection oI Personal and Property Rights
Act 1988, or whose property is managed by a trustee
corporation under section 32 oI that Act:
(d) a person who has been convicted oI an oIIence punish-
able by imprisonment Ior a term oI 2 years or more or
who has been sentenced to imprisonment Ior any other
oIIence, unless that person has obtained a pardon or
served the sentence or otherwise suIIered the penalty
imposed on the person:
(e) a person who has Iailed to disclose all interests under
clause 1.
Schedule 3 clause 2(2)(b): substituted, on 25 October 2006, by section 25 oI
the Securities Amendment Act 2006 (2006 No 46).
3 Term of appointment
(1) A member holds oIfce Ior 5 years or any shorter period stated
in the notice oI appointment.
(2) A member may be reappointed.
(3) A member continues in oIfce despite the expiry oI his or her
term oI oIfce until
(a) the member is reappointed; or
(b) the member`s successor is appointed; or
(c) the Governor-General inIorms the member by written
notice (with a copy to the Board) that the member is not
to be reappointed and no successor is to be appointed at
that time.
(4) This clause is subject to clause 9.
4 Validity of members` acts
The acts oI a person as a member are valid even iI
(a) the person`s appointment was deIective; or
(b) the person is not qualifed to be a member.
Schedule 3 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
5 Position where concurrent ofüce
A member may hold that oIfce concurrently with any other
Resignation and removal of members
6 Resignation
(1) Amember may resign IromoIfce by written notice to the Min-
ister (with a copy to the Board) that is signed by the member.
(2) The resignation is eIIective on receipt oI the notice by the Min-
ister or at any later time stated in the notice.
7 Removal from ofüce
(1) The Governor-General may, on the advice oI the Minister
given aIter consultation with the Attorney-General, remove
a member Irom oIfce by written notice to the member (with
a copy to the Board) at any time Ior any oI the Iollowing
reasons proved to the satisIaction oI the Governor-General:
(a) breach oI the member`s duties or the Board`s collective
duties under this schedule; or
(b) Iailure or inability to perIorm, or inadequate perIorm-
ance oI, the member`s duties and responsibilities as a
member; or
(c) misconduct by the member; or
(d) any other just cause.
(2) BeIore giving advice to the Governor-General, the Minister
must give the member a reasonable opportunity to make writ-
ten submissions or be heard on the proposal to remove him or
(3) The notice oI removal must state the reason Ior the removal.
8 No compensation for ceasing to hold ofüce
A member is not entitled to any compensation or other pay-
ment or beneft relating to his or her ceasing Ior any reason to
hold oIfce as a member.
9 Members ceasing to hold ofüce
A member ceases to hold oIfce iI he or she
(a) resigns in accordance with clause 6; or
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Schedule 3
(b) is removed Irom oIfce in accordance with clause 7 or
any other enactment; or
(c) becomes disqualifed Irom being a member under
clause 2; or
(d) otherwise ceases to hold oIfce in accordance with any
Jacancies in membership of Board
10 Position where vacancy in membership
(1) II a member, Ior any reason, ceases to hold oIfce as a member,
the Governor-General may appoint another person to act as a
(2) A member who is appointed under subclause (1) is appointed
Ior the residue oI the term Ior which the vacating member was
11 Effect of vacancy in membership
The powers and Iunctions oI the Board are not aIIected by any
vacancy in its membership.
Duties of members
12 Accountability for duties
(1) The duties oI members oI the Board under this schedule are
duties owed to the Minister, and do not provide any ground oI
action Ior any other person.
(2) II the Board breaches any oI its duties under clause 14,
(a) each member oI the Board is accountable to the Minister
Ior the breach; and
(b) that breach justifes all or any oI the members being
removed Irom oIfce.
13 Duties of members
A member, when acting as a member, must act
(a) in good Iaith; and
(b) with reasonable care, diligence, and skill; and
(c) with honesty and integrity; and
(d) in accordance with any statement oI expectations as
to standards oI good conduct Ior members oI statutory
Schedule 3 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
bodies issued by 1 or more Ministers oI the Crown that
applies to statutory bodies (or classes oI them) gener-
14 Collective duties of Board
The Board must
(a) not contravene this Act; and
(b) act in a manner consistent with the objectives and Iunc-
tions oI the Board; and
(c) perIorm its Iunctions eIfciently and eIIectively and in a
manner consistent with the spirit oI service to the public.
Disclosure of interests of members in matters
of Board
15 Meaning of interested
(1) A member is interested in a matter relating to the Board iI,
and only iI, the member
(a) is a party to, or will or may derive a material fnancial
beneft Irom, the matter; or
(b) has a material fnancial interest in a person to whom the
matter relates; or
(c) is a director, oIfcer, member, or trustee oI a person who
will or may derive a material fnancial beneft Irom the
matter; or
(d) is the parent, child, spouse, civil union partner, or de
Iacto partner oI a person who will or may derive a ma-
terial fnancial beneft Irom the matter; or
(e) is otherwise directly or indirectly materially interested
in the matter.
(2) However, a member is not interested in a matter merely be-
cause he or she is a member oI a proIessional building industry
Schedule 3 clause 15(1)(d): amended, on 26 April 2005, by section 7 oI the
Relationships (Statutory ReIerences) Act 2005 (2005 No 3).
16 Obligation to disclose interest
A member who is interested in a matter relating to the Board
must disclose the nature oI the interest in accordance with
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Schedule 3
clause 17 as soon as practicable aIter the member becomes
aware that he or she is interested.
17 Method of disclosure of interest
(1) II clause 16 applies, the member must disclose the details listed
in subclause (2) in an interests register and to
(a) the chairperson or, iI there is no chairperson, the deputy
chairperson; or
(b) iI the member concerned is the chairperson or the pos-
itions oI the chairperson and deputy chairperson are va-
cant, the Minister.
(2) The details are
(a) the nature oI the interest and the monetary value oI the
interest (iI the monetary value can be quantifed); or
(b) the nature and extent oI the interest (iI the monetary
value cannot be quantifed).
18 Consequences of interest
Amember who is interested in a matter relating to the Board
(a) must not vote or take part in any deliberation or decision
oI the Board relating to the matter; and
(b) must be disregarded Ior the purpose oI Iorming a quo-
rumIor that part oI a meeting oI the Board during which
a deliberation or decision relating to the matter occurs
or is made.
Conhdentialitv of information
19 Conüdentiality of information
(1) A member who has inIormation in his or her capacity as a
member that would not otherwise be available to him or her
must not disclose that inIormation to any person, or make use
oI, or act on, that inIormation, except
(a) Ior the purposes oI the Board; or
(b) as required or permitted by law; or
(c) in accordance with subclause (2); or
(d) in complying with clauses 16 and 17.
(2) Amember may disclose, make use oI, or act on the inIormation
Schedule 3 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(a) the member is frst authorised to do so by the Board; and
(b) the disclosure, use, or act in question will not, or will
not be likely to, prejudice the Board.
Liabilitv of Board and others
20 Liability of Board and others
No member oI the Board is liable Ior any act or omission done,
in good Iaith, in the perIormance or intended perIormance and
exercise oI the Iunctions and powers oI the Board.
Members remuneration and allowances
21 Members` remuneration and allowances
(1) The Board is a statutory board Ior the purposes oI the Fees and
Travelling Allowances Act 1951.
(2) There may be paid, out oI public money to the members oI the
Board, remuneration by way oI Iees, salary, or allowances and
travelling allowances and travelling expenses in accordance
with the Fees and Travelling Allowances Act 1951, and the
provisions oI that Act apply accordingly.
Chairperson and deputv chairperson
22 Appointment
(1) The Minister may appoint one oI the members as the chair-
person, and another member as the deputy chairperson, oI the
Board by written notice to the member (with a copy to the
(2) The notice oI appointment must state the date on which the
appointment takes eIIect.
23 Term of appointment
The chairperson and the deputy chairperson each holds that
oIfce Irom the date stated in the notice oI appointment until
he or she
(a) resigns Irom that oIfce; or
(b) is removed Irom it by the Minister; or
(c) ceases to hold oIfce as a member.
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Schedule 3
24 Resignation
(1) A chairperson or deputy chairperson may, without resigning
as a member, resign Irom that oIfce by written notice to the
Minister (with a copy to the Board).
(2) The notice oI resignation must state the date on which the res-
ignation takes eIIect.
25 Removal
(1) The Minister may remove a chairperson or deputy chairperson
Irom that oIfce by written notice to the person (with a copy to
the Board).
(2) The notice oI removal must state the date on which the removal
takes eIIect.
26 Performance and exercise of chairperson`s functions,
duties, and powers during vacancy
II there is no chairperson or, Ior any reason, the chairperson
is unable to perIorm and exercise his or her Iunctions, duties,
and powers as chairperson, the deputy chairperson has all the
Iunctions, duties, and powers oI the chairperson.
Procedures of Board
27 Procedure generally
Except as otherwise provided in this Act, the members may
regulate their own procedure.
28 Notice of meetings
(1) The Board or the chairperson must appoint the dates, times,
and places Ior meetings oI the Board, and give notice oI those
meetings to each member not present when the appointment is
(2) The chairperson or any 2 members may call a special meeting
oI the Board by giving at least 7 days` notice oI the special
meeting, and the business to be transacted at the meeting, to
each member Ior the time being in New Zealand.
(3) Only the business stated in the notice oI the special meeting
may be transacted at the special meeting.
Schedule 3 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(4) Notice oI a meeting
(a) must be written, and state the date, time, and place oI
the meeting; and
(b) may be given by post, delivery, or electronic communi-
cation; and
(c) must be sent to the member`s last known address in New
(5) An irregularity in a notice oI a meeting is waived iI all mem-
bers entitled to receive the notice either
(a) attend the meeting without protesting about the irregu-
larity; or
(b) do not attend the meeting, but agree beIore the meeting
is held to the waiver oI the irregularity.
29 Methods of holding meetings
A meeting oI the Board may be held
(a) by a quorum oI the members being assembled together
at the date, time, and place appointed Ior the meeting;
(b) by means oI audio, audio and visual, or electronic com-
munication by which a quorum oI members can simul-
taneously communicate with each other throughout the
30 Quorum
(1) A quorum Ior a meeting oI the Board is
(a) halI the number oI members (iI the board has an even
number oI members) or a majority oI the members (iI
the Board has an odd number oI members); but
(b) in any case, no less than 3 members.
(2) No business may be transacted at a meeting oI the Board iI a
quorum is not present.
31 Presiding at meetings
(1) At a meeting oI the Board, the Iollowing person presides:
(a) iI there is a chairperson and he or she is present, the
chairperson; or
(b) iI there is no chairperson or he or she is not present, the
deputy chairperson; or
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Schedule 3
(c) in any other case, a member chosen by the members
present to be the chairperson oI the meeting.
(2) The person chosen under subclause (1) may perIorm and ex-
ercise all the powers, duties, and Iunctions oI the chairperson
Ior the purposes oI the meeting.
32 Voting at meetings
(1) Each member has 1 vote.
(2) A resolution oI the Board is passed iI it is agreed to by all
members present without dissent or iI a majority oI the votes
cast on it are in Iavour oI it.
(3) A member present at a meeting oI the Board is presumed to
have agreed to, and to have voted in Iavour oI, a resolution oI
the Board unless he or she expressly dissents Irom, or votes
against, the resolution at the meeting.
33 Unanimous written resolutions
(1) A resolution signed or assented to in writing (whether sent by
post, delivery, or electronic communication) by all members
is as valid and eIIectual as iI it had been passed at a meeting
oI the Board duly called and constituted.
(2) The resolution may consist oI several documents containing
the same resolution, each signed or assented to in writing by 1
or more members.
34 Appointment of subcommittee to deal with complaints
and licensing appeals
(1) The Board may appoint 1 or more subcommittees oI the Board
and by written notice may delegate to a subcommittee any or
all oI its Iunctions under section 343(b) and (c).
(2) A subcommittee must have no Iewer than 3 members.
(3) The members oI a subcommittee must be members oI the
Board, and the Board must nominate 1 oI the members as the
chairperson oI the subcommittee.
(4) The Board must regulate the procedure oI its subcommittees
as it thinks ft, and may at any time discharge, alter, or recon-
stitute a subcommittee.
Schedule 3 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
(5) A delegation under this clause may be revoked at any time,
and the delegation oI a Iunction oI the Board does not prevent
the Board Irom exercising that Iunction itselI.
Schedule 3 clause 34: inserted, on 13 March 2012, by section 90 oI the Building
Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23).
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Schedule 4
Schedule 4 s 414
Enactments amended
Part 1
Amendments to other Acts (other than local
Boilers, Lifts, and Cranes Act 1950 (1950 No 53)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Building Research Levy Act 1969 (1969 No 23)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Chartered Professional Engineers of New Zealand Act 2002
(2002 No 17)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Children, Young Persons, and Their Families Act 1989 (1989
No 24)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 (2002 No 33)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Costs in Criminal Cases Act 1967 (1967 No 129)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Crown Organisations (Criminal Liability) Act 2002 (2002 No 37)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Dairy Industry Act 1952 (1952 No 55)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Disabled Persons Community Welfare Act 1975 (1975 No 122)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Earthquake Commission Act 1993 (1993 No 84)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Schedule 4 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
Part 1continued
Education Act 1989 (1989 No 80)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Electricity Act 1992 (1992 No 122)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Fencing of Swimming Pools Act 1987 (1987 No 178)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Fire Service Act 1975 (1975 No 42)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Gas Act 1992 (1992 No 124)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 (1996 No
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Health Act 1956 (1956 No 65)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 (1992 No 96)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Historic Places Act 1993 (1993 No 38)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Hospitals Act 1957 (1957 No 40)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Human Rights Act 1993 (1993 No 82)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Schedule 4
Part 1continued
Local Government Act 1974 (1974 No 66)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Local Government Act 2002 (2002 No 84)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Local Government Ofücial Information and Meetings Act 1987
(1987 No 174)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Meat Act 1981 (1981 No 56)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Ombudsmen Act 1975 (1975 No 9)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Privacy Act 1993 (1993 No 28)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Public Audit Act 2001 (2001 No 10)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Public Finance Act 1989 (1989 No 44)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Public Works Act 1981 (1981 No 35)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Radiation Protection Act 1965 (1965 No 23)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Resource Management Act 1991 (1991 No 69)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Schedule 4 Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
Part 1continued
Sale of Liquor Act 1989 (1989 No 63)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Sentencing Act 2002 (2002 No 9)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Schedule 4 Part 1 Weathertight Homes Resolution Services Act 2002: repealed, on
1 April 2007, by section 127(1)(b) oI the Weathertight Homes Resolution Services Act
2006 (2006 No 84).
Part 2
Local Acts amended
Auckland Improvement Trust Act 1971 (1971 No 9)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Summit Road (Canterbury) Protection Act 2001 (2001 No 3)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the Act(s).
Part 3
Regulations amended
Dangerous Goods (Class 3-Flammable Liquids) Regulations
1985 (SR 1985/188)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the regulations.
District Courts Rules 1992 (SR 1992/109)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the rules.
Domestic Violence Act Commencement Order 1998
(SR 1998/343)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the order.
Domestic Violence (Public Registers) Regulations 1998
(SR 1998/342)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the regulations.
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Schedule 4
Part 3continued
Education (Early Childhood Centres) Regulations 1998
(SR 1998/85)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the regulations.
Electricity Regulations 1997 (SR 1997/60)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the regulations.
Fire Safety and Evacuation of Buildings Regulations 1992 (SR
Amendment(s) incorporated in the regulations.
Gas Regulations 1993 (SR 1993/76)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the regulations.
Hospitals Regulations 1993 (SR 1993/156)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the regulations.
Old People`s Homes Regulations 1987 (SR 1987/336)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the regulations.
Rating Valuations (Local Authority Charges) Regulations 1999
(SR 1999/146)
Amendment(s) incorporated in the regulations.
Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
Building Amendment Act 2008
Public Act 2008 No 4
Date oI assent 14 March 2008
Commencement see section 2
1 Title
This Act is the Building Amendment Act 2008.
2 Commencement
This Act comes into Iorce on the day aIter the date on which
it receives the Royal assent.
Part 2
Validation and transitional provisions
92 Validation in respect of levies on estimated value of
building work
(1) For the purpose oI determining the calculation oI any relevant
levy on building work, the principal Act must be read as iI
at all material times it contained the defnition oI estimated
value in section 7 oI the Act, as amended by section 6 oI this
(2) In this section, relevant levy means a levy
(a) imposed under section 53 oI the principal Act; and
(b) calculated in accordance with section 53(2)(a) oI the
principal Act; and
(c) prescribed in the Building Levy Order 2005; and
(d) paid to the chieI executive by the applicant Ior a build-
ing consent.
93 Transitional provision for content of project information
A territorial authority that issues a project inIormation memo-
randum need not comply with section 35(1)(i) oI the princi-
pal Act in respect oI that project inIormation memorandum,
as inserted by this Act, unless 6 months have elapsed since the
commencement oI this Act.
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004
94 Transitional provision for refusal of application for code
compliance certiücate
(1) This section applies to a code compliance certifcate applica-
(a) made under section 92 oI the principal Act or to which
section 436 oI the principal Act applies; and
(b) in respect oI which a building consent authority has not
made a decision under section 93 oI the principal Act
beIore the commencement oI this Act.
(2) A building consent authority that reIuses to issue a code com-
pliance certifcate in respect oI an application to which this
section applies need not comply with section 95A oI the prin-
cipal Act, as inserted by this Act, in respect oI that reIusal
unless 3 months have elapsed since the commencement oI this
95 Transitional provision for refusal of application for
certiücate of acceptance
(1) This section applies to an application Ior a certifcate oI ac-
(a) made under section 97 oI the principal Act or to which
section 437 oI the principal Act applies; and
(b) in respect oI which a territorial authority has not granted
or reIused a certifcate oI acceptance beIore the com-
mencement oI this Act.
(2) A territorial authority that reIuses to issue a certifcate oI ac-
ceptance in respect oI an application to which this section ap-
plies need not comply with section 99AoI the principal Act, as
inserted by this Act, in respect oI that reIusal unless 3 months
have elapsed since the commencement oI this Act.
Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
Building (National Multiple-use
Approval) Regulations 2011
(SR 2011/139)
Anand Satyanand, Governor-General
Order in Council
At Wellington this 16th day oI May 2011
His Excellency the Governor-General in Council
Pursuant to section 402(1)(ka), (kb), and (w) oI the Building
Act 2004, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting on the
advice and with the consent oI the Executive Council and on the
recommendation oI the Minister (as defned in section 7 oI that Act),
makes the Iollowing regulations.
1 Title
These regulations are the Building (National Multiple-use Ap-
proval) Regulations 2011.
2 Commencement
These regulations come into Iorce on 19 May 2011.
6 Revocation and transitional provision
(1) The Building (National Multiple-use Approval) Regulations
2009 (SR 2009/409) are revoked.
(2) Any application under section 30B oI the Building Act 2004
received by the chieI executive beIore the commencement
oI these regulations must be considered and determined as
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004
iI these regulations (other than this regulation) had not been
Rebecca Kitteridge,
Clerk oI the Executive Council.
Date oI notifcation in Ga:ette: 19 May 2011.
Notes Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
1 General
2 Status oI reprints
3 How reprints are prepared
4 Changes made under section 17C oI the Acts and Regulations
Publication Act 1989
5 List oI amendments incorporated in this reprint (most recent
1 Ceneral
This is a reprint oI the Building Act 2004. The reprint
incorporates all the amendments to the Act as at 13 March
2012, as specifed in the list oI amendments at the end oI these
Relevant provisions oI any amending enactments that contain
transitional, savings, or application provisions that cannot be
compiled in the reprint are also included, aIter the principal
enactment, in chronological order. For more inIormation, see
2 Status of reprints
Under section 16D oI the Acts and Regulations Publication
Act 1989, reprints are presumed to correctly state, as at the
date oI the reprint, the law enacted by the principal enactment
and by the amendments to that enactment. This presumption
applies even though editorial changes authorised by section
17C oI the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989 have
been made in the reprint.
This presumption may be rebutted by producing the oIfcial
volumes oI statutes or statutory regulations in which the
principal enactment and its amendments are contained.
3 How reprints are prepared
A number oI editorial conventions are Iollowed
in the preparation oI reprints. For example, the
enacting words are not included in Acts, and
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Notes
provisions that are repealed or revoked are omitted.
For a detailed list oI the editorial conventions, see or
Part 8 oI the Tables of New Zealand Acts and Ordinances and
Statutorv Regulations and Deemed Regulations in Force.
4 Changes made under section 17C of the Acts and
Regulations Publication Act 1989
Section 17C oI the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989
authorises the making oI editorial changes in a reprint as set
out in sections 17D and 17E oI that Act so that, to the extent
permitted, the Iormat and style oI the reprinted enactment is
consistent with current legislative draIting practice. Changes
that would alter the eIIect oI the legislation are not permitted.
AnewIormat oI legislation was introduced on 1 January 2000.
Changes to legislative draIting style have also been made since
1997, and are ongoing. To the extent permitted by section
17C oI the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989, all
legislation reprinted aIter 1 January 2000 is in the new Iormat
Ior legislation and refects current draIting practice at the time
oI the reprint.
In outline, the editorial changes made in reprints under
the authority oI section 17C oI the Acts and Regulations
Publication Act 1989 are set out below, and they have been
applied, where relevant, in the preparation oI this reprint:
· omission oI unnecessary reIerential words (such as 'oI
this section¨ and 'oI this Act¨)
· typeIace and type size (Times Roman, generally in 11.5
· layout oI provisions, including:
· indentation
· position oI section headings (eg, the number and
heading now appear above the section)
· Iormat oI defnitions (eg, the defned term now appears
in bold type, without quotation marks)
· Iormat oI dates (eg, a date Iormerly expressed as 'the
1st day oI January 1999¨ is nowexpressed as '1 January
Notes Building Act 2004
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012
· position oI the date oI assent (it nowappears on the Iront
page oI each Act)
· punctuation (eg, colons are not used aIter defnitions)
· Parts numbered with roman numerals are replaced with
arabic numerals, and all cross-reIerences are changed
· case and appearance oI letters and words, including:
· Iormat oI headings (eg, headings where each
word Iormerly appeared with an initial capital
letter Iollowed by small capital letters are
amended so that the heading appears in bold,
with only the frst word (and any proper nouns)
appearing with an initial capital letter)
· small capital letters in section and subsection
reIerences are now capital letters
· schedules are renumbered (eg, Schedule 1 replaces
First Schedule), and all cross-reIerences are changed
· running heads (the inIormation that appears at the top
oI each page)
· Iormat oI two-column schedules oI consequential
amendments, and schedules oI repeals (eg, they
are rearranged into alphabetical order, rather than
5 List of amendments incorporated in this reprint
(most recent prst)
Building Amendment Act 2012 (2012 No 23)
Limitation Act 2010 (2010 No 110): section 58
Building (Exempt Building Work) Order 2010 (SR 2010/431)
AIIordable Housing: Enabling Territorial Authorities Act Repeal Act 2010
(2010 No 101): section 4
Building Amendment Act 2010 (2010 No 50)
Building Amendment Act 2009 (2009 No 25)
Building (Schedule 1) Order 2008 (SR 2008/318)
Energy (Fuels, Levies, and ReIerences) Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 60):
section 17
Building (Building Consent Authority Transition) Order 2008 (SR 2008/147)
Building Amendment Act 2008 (2008 No 4)
Building (Consent Authorities) Amendment Act 2007 (2007 No 34)
Reprinted as at
13 March 2012 Building Act 2004 Notes
Weathertight Homes Resolution Services Act 2006 (2006 No 84): section
Plumbers, Gasftters, and Drainlayers Act 2006 (2006 No 74): section 185
Securities Amendment Act 2006 (2006 No 46): section 25
Building Amendment Act 2005 (2005 No 31)
Relationships (Statutory ReIerences) Act 2005 (2005 No 3): section 7
State Sector Amendment Act (No 2) 2004 (2004 No 114): section 19(1)
Wellington, New Zealand:
Published under the authority oI the New Zealand Government2012