Speed of Implementation
Speed of Implementation
Speed of Implementation
"The faster you master Speed of Implementation the more rapidly your business DNA will adapt to your competitive environment." - Richard C. Wilson
by Richard C. Wilson
Wilson, Richard C., SPEED OF IMPLEMENTATION ISBN: 978-1-460969946 (c) Copyright 2011 G.T.C. Institute, LLC All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without written permission of the publisher.
Not understanding this concept of implementation sooner has cost our business at least $300,000 and it is a common root cause for businesses which never take off or gain a sustainable growing client base. By mastering this concept you will be able to evolve faster and adapt your business and self to your competitive environment. Happy implementing!
Richard Wilson
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One who fears limits his activities. Fear is only the opportunity to more intelligently begin again. - Henry Ford
Discovering The Value In mid 2009 I attended a business conference where over 10 guest speakers, all of whom were selfmade millionaires and business owners, spoke. I took over 15 pages of notes and condensed those down to just one single page. While reviewing common themes from the 30+ hours of advice from these professionals, the only piece of advice which each expert mentioned and emphasized was speed of implementation. Since that conference I have developed a deeper understanding of this concept, figured out how to apply it to my business, and why it is so important. In short, focusing my attention on increasing my speed of implementation has brought my productivity, motivation, and sense of progress to another level . Increasing your speed of implementation means making decisions faster, receiving feedback faster, and adjusting and growing further more rapidly as well . With everything in life we move through learning curves, whether it is starting a new career, starting a new business, or launching a new product. Speed of implementation is about moving up that learning curve 3x faster than your competition, so by the time they have reached the top of that first curve you have conquered three new areas of knowledge or ability . That
may sound very vague and non-exact, but stay with me here and I will provide some examples below. In short, you can speed up the success that you realize by analyzing what actions you know will need to be taken, whether you know what the following steps are or not. Many times in life we cannot see the full path to success, only a few steps that we could be taking right now. If you seize those first few steps more quickly than others, additional paths of actions will unfold that others who are contemplating the risks of the unknown will never be able to see. Iterative Processes Applying speed of implementation requires a fundamental understanding of how it will help you reach a level of breakthrough success that surprises even yourself. Within the diagram below you see four letters: A,B,C,D, followed by a single letter T.
the time if you would just start on Steps A, B, and C, by the time those are complete you would have a much better vision and more clarity on exactly what steps D, E, F, and G are. Once you get those next steps complete through G, you may even be able to see all the way to step L, etc. Eventually you will get to T, step #20 (or #2,000), but there is no way that you can get there without first going through the iterative process of taking the first steps that are clear right now. Evolve Faster Within our lives we have the ability to adapt to our business environments: we can literally expand our knowledge and abilities to reach those fruits which may not be "low hanging." Evolution in nature takes decades, centuries, even thousands of years in some cases to notice small differences. Start thinking about your personal growth and achievement of your short-term goals as your ability to adapt and evolve step-by-step in real actionable ways. If you agree with the premise of this book that you evolve by accomplishing a goal or taking action towards your goals, you simply need to take more actions than your competition to evolve faster than them. What if you accomplished one important project every single week while your competition took their time and accomplished just one meaningful project per month? This means over the course of 5 years you will
have completed over 250 projects while your competition has completed just 60 projects. The important thing to realize by project #100, #150, and #200 is that the projects you will be working on will have allowed you to evolve and these projects will be 10x more valuable than those you even knew existed at project #60 . Combine that with the fact that in most games in life those who come in 1st get 80-100% of the reward while those who come in second and third often leave with nothing and it can be pretty motivating to get moving on accomplishing your goals now, and putting what you know into action right now instead of later. Fast Takeaway: By starting now and taking immediate action you can move forward very quickly and additional opportunities and clarity on the project will naturally unfold. Case Studies: Within some chapters we will provide you with case studies which show how powerful this technique is. All of these ideas and case studies are from my own business experience, so please look past the fact that it appears that I'm showing off what I've done and instead take note that I am transparently presenting what has completely changed my business career.
Fast Case Study #1: The following is a case study of how I turned experimenting with blogging software into a successful thriving business by using the speed of implementation principle. 1. I once started a blog for fun; it ended up getting 30 hits a day in web traffic in the first few months. 2. I then started writing in this blog weekly and I got 100+ hits a day in web traffic. I then also started getting random low quality consulting opportunities from those that had read my blog . 3. A few months later I started writing daily and my traffic spiked to over 10,000 hits a day to my niche blog. I then started offering advertising and built up $800/month in recurring advertising revenues. 4. I then quit my full time job, started a freelance writing job with Forbes, and focused on getting more advertising for the blog and was quickly able to bring in a consistent $6,000/month in advertising. 5. Within a year from then I had received so many emails from my blog readers that I had dozens of
product ideas and my first product launched made over $100k in revenue in the first 18 months. 6. I now run a team of over 20 professionals based in 5 countries who direct a series of over 50 websites and 35 product offerings. 7. Did I know that was going to happen when I moved from blogging once in a while to once a week or once a day? Of course not, I had no idea what was going to happen, but I implemented quickly, and took a lot of actions towards working on what seemed to already be working for others and myself. Fast Case Study #2: Another quick case study on how this works can be seen in my writing this very book. I had spoken about this concept at some of the full day workshops we put on in New York, Singapore, and London, but I had never written more than 2 pages of notes on it. Yesterday, just before starting an 8 hour workshop I halfjokingly told another trainer that one day I was going to sit down and in a single day write a book on speed of implementation. The idea here was to practice what I'm preaching and stop putting it off so I could hand out this book at all my future workshops.
Did I have a book deal in place? No. Did I know how much I would sell it for? No. Did I have a cover design or ISBN# reserved yet? No.
But I took massive action and wrote this entire book on my single plane trip from New York City to San Francisco. The fastest I had ever written a book was over 6 months; now I had written one in 6 hours. By starting to write and not stopping until we landed, the rest of the ideas for the book naturally came to me. Yes, because the book was written quickly on a very niche topic, it will not be the next Atlas Shrugged, but I know for sure it will help give my workshop participants more value at our next event. It doesn't matter if you are not fast at typing or don't want to write a book: the point here is that you need to focus your energy to get a lot done on your most important project ASAP.
Fast Application [Tear Out Page]: Think of the top three projects that you have considered starting or need to complete but have not because you only had an idea and didn't know how to execute the full plan . Write them below, starting with the most important or potentially valuable project as #1. (Hint: Assume you cannot fail, value the project based on it working very well once completed) 1) ___________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 2)____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 3)____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Now act on this insight, review what you have just read, and act on steps A,B, and C that are in front of you right now so that you can get closer to step Tyour breakthrough level of success. A)____________________________________________ B)___________________________________________ C)____________________________________________
Life begets life. Energy creates energy. It is by spending oneself that one becomes rich. - Sarah Bernhardt
"Recovery and balance are important...but it is far more enjoyable to sit back and relax once you have money in the bank instead of unfinished ideas in your head." - Ryan Rune
The goal of this chapter is to provide you with more momentum than you have ever had before. Everything in this chapter is focused on this goal, and these are tools and processes that I use every week in business to keep myself powerfully productive and fast moving. Bias for Action Whenever in doubt, act now, or as NIKE nicely puts it: Just Do It. Always be biased towards action and now that you have identified your top 2 projects make sure this is the focus of your energy. Every day we are all pulled in 201 directions by TV, significant others, email inboxes, our phones, the radio, networking, fun social events, etc. I am not judging any of these other things, but they sap your energy and time. Unless you structure your day and hours around your top 2 unfinished projects, they will remain unfinished for weeks, months, or years. Period.
Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant. - Robert Stevenson
Meet Simple Simple is your friend when it comes to speed of implementation. You don't need to do something perfect; you just need to really DO SOMETHING. As Tom Peters always stresses, do work that matters. As Dan Kennedy says, "a product on the shelf to sell is worth more than 5 on your desk." Get it out there, finish the project, get real-world feedback and then come out with version 2.0 later if you need to after it has been put to work for you . Excuse Killers by Jack Canfield and Henry Ford There are 1,000 excuses for not working on your current project, unless there are legal or compliance risk of taking actionjust do it... forget the excuses and as Jack Canfield, author of The Success Principles and the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series, always says to himself when he is feeling fear in doing something risky but potentially rewarding, like doubling his speaking fees, "oh what the heck, just do it anyways." Often times other lazy people like to be surrounded by others that are lazy. It is not as fun or enjoyable to watch Netflix and eat ice cream if your friends are all playing soccer, or completing courses at Harvard instead. One "come back" to use whenever someone feeds you an excuse that is trying to suck your energy or deflate your excitement about a project is "not
with that attitude." For example, if someone says..."You will never be able to get a job in that industry, its way too competitive!" Your response should be "not with that attitude." If a friend says, "I will never be able to have my firm featured within popular magazines," your response should be "not with that attitude." Why? Because it is 100% true. It sounds simple but it is a way of thinking that forces you to realize that, as Henry Ford said, "If you believe you can do a thing or believe you cannot, you are right." One time I had a Teacher's Assistant (TA) at Harvard who spoke Czech as her first language sit me down after turning in my final term paper and ask me in a serious voice if English was my first language. A horrible excuse is not doing something because you believe you are "not good" at it. I have written many books and over 5,000 articles and I am a HORRIBLE writer. I struggle with basic grammar for one reason or another. Don't let lack of skills slow you down: outsource the work to someone on Elance.com, have someone review your work, get a coach, join a mastermind group, find a mentor, or partner up with someone and make them your accountability partner.
Get Addicted to SOI No, I didn't spell Soy wrong...what we are discussing here is getting you addicted to Speed of Implementation (SOI). While studying at Harvard, I took a course from a professor on the interrelation of drug addiction and psychology, and specifically I studied the addiction process itself. For that course I applied the psychological process of addiction to addicting your customers, employer, or those you are trying to provide value to in business. What I found was very exciting, as it turns out you can get addicted to food, sex, adrenaline, relationships, exercising, drama, and many other activities, feelings, and mood states. In fact some addictions can be positiveyou could get addicted to playing a sport that is very healthy for you. What this means is that you can get yourself addicted to acting very quickly on valuable ideas. What is even more exciting is that addiction follows a very rigid set process. In other words, out of all of the activities listed above that you can get addicted to, they ALL follow the same process. Here it is: The sooner after the activity is completed that the person receives a huge positive feeling, the more potentially addictive the experience. Likewise the longer
delayed any negative associated feelings are experienced, the more powerful the addiction is. For example, if alcohol gave you an instant hangover but after 8 hours made you feel great, it would not be addictive at all...whereas the most addictive drugs are those which cause massive euphoria or relaxation feelings which come on almost immediately after injecting or inhaling the drug. Getting to the Point: What this means is that you need to work on a few well-defined projects that are so valuable to you that after getting them done you will feel great . You will know that you were powerfully productive and have conquered that beast of a project that you have been procrastinating on. This will bring to you an immediate feeling of emotional achievement and associate it with using speed of implementation. In this way you can addict yourself to taking tons of action on your top projects because you will be able to see those great things happen as a result that much faster, with very little immediate or delayed hangover effects, if any.
Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin. - Mother Teresa
$ Projects [Tear Out Page] Another great way to energize yourself to take action is to place $ values on the projects you have not yet completed. Assuming they succeed once your work is completed, how much will that project be worth to you in the first 2 years? Find this estimated $ number quickly and place it next to each of your top 2 project goals below: Example: My project of writing this book is worth $10,000 to me. 1) My project of completing ___________ is worth $____________ to me. 2) My project of completing _____________is worth $____________ to me. From now on, every time you write down this goal, add it to your to do list or talk about it to anyone, refer to it as your $10,000 book writing project, customized for your specific type of project and estimated $ value of completing that work.
Leveraging the Mastermind: Mastermind groups are small groups of 4-8 professionals who hold weekly phone calls to discuss each other's greatest challenges and opportunities. Every week one person is up to bat at presenting their #1 challenge and #1 goal and they get advice from everyone else in the group who works in their field on how to solve their problem and reach their goal . A mastermind is an excellent way to keep your momentum, help you shift gears, and speed up your success to the next level. You can look online to learn more about this concept, but try it out. If you already are in a mastermind group, send everyone a copy of this book so that you can talk the same language on speed of implementation and why it is so critical . If you don't have the time to form a mastermind group right now, I believe you are sadly mistaken. Participating in one is hugely valuable. Even so, if you decide not to participate in one, you can always use a cheater strategy to simulate the benefits of the mastermind. Here is how you do it.
Simulating The Mastermind Group [Tear Out Page] First, identify the 5 dream members of your mastermind group. What areas of expertise would they have, what do they do for work, and why would you want them on your mastermind group giving you advice? Write out these five contacts below: 1) ________________________________________
2) ______________________________________
3) ______________________________________
Now think about your biggest challenge and question related to your #1 most important project that you need to move quickly on. Get into mindset of the person written on line #1 abovewhat advice would they give you? If they are an expert on X, Y, Z then what perspective would they have, what tips or insights can you imagine them providing. Go through this process for your ideal mastermind person #2 and so on so you can look at your own current challenges and opportunities from my perspectives very quickly. Knowing what works and moving to the next level The core goal in implementing rapidly on your key projects is that all the focus groups and brainstorming in the world can't replace real-world feedback. Once a project is complete, you can put it to work and see if it flies, this way, like the Wright brothers creating the first airplane, you can test an idea to see if it naturally glides before attaching a big engine to it. If you move slow and try to build your airplane perfectly before testing at all, you will probably not succeed at all ...or if you do it will be at a much slower pace.
"Successful and unsuccessful people dislike doing the same things, but successful people do them anyways because they know that is the price of success." - Brian Tracy
Habits Over 90% of what we do every single day is out of habit. The habits you form will make you or break you. Every single habit you have is making success easier for you or moving success away from you. Make it a habit to implement new ideas, strategies, and projects as quickly as you can so that you can act on the potential project at hand while inspired and energized. Make it a habit to work on these most important things first thing every day, and work on them until they are 100% complete. Commitment Another way to manipulate yourself is to leverage Robert Cialdini's influence principle of Commitment. This principle of influence says that once someone starts doing one thing they are likely to keep on going down that same path. A great example is horse race betting. They have proven that immediately after someone has placed their bet on an individual horse, their belief that the same horse will now win sky rockets. In other words once you decide on a way of working and implementing quickly and you invest your time and money in that process and own it, you will
Oscillation Oscillation is an influence principle that states that people are more influenced when their environment has been dramatically altered. Many studies have shown that if you place people within a library, court room, gymnasium, or fancy restaurant their actions will instantly adapt to that environment. They have also shown that if someone is placed within an inspiring, unique, novel, or exciting environment that they may be more influenced as well. When you are trying to form a new habit, work on a difficult project or get something very valuable completed, try working from your favorite coffee shop, renting a hotel room with a massive porch overlooking the beach, or getting away somewhere outside your normal place of work or study to somewhere more inspiring, unique, or exciting. I have read a few of Donald Trump's books and I marvel at his ability to market himself as a brand . When I stayed in New York this week I was in a hotel that was one block from the Trump Tower on 5th Avenue, so when I saw there was a Starbucks in there with free Wifi I camped in there with my coffee energy drink and prepared for my full day workshop from inside the Trump Tower. That is an example of a unique inspiring environment that can help you really turn on your massive action engine.
Be Prepared One trick to getting things done very quickly is to grind through them in your mind as you are waiting for the subway, driving to work, going on a run, showering, or brushing your teeth. Process them over and over again so they evolve throughout just a day or two until the project is well defined and focused so you can direct immediate action. Another tip in preparing to take fast action is to always have a notebook with you so that you can write out the exact process you will be following once you do have time to start working on knocking out one of your two most valuable projects. I am constantly writing down notes and this leads to a much higher level of productivity and ability to work quickly because my thoughts and processes are fully formed.
In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing. -Theodore Roosevelt
Brainwash Yourself
I'm not into hypnosis, but I have learned to brainwash myself by exposing myself to the same positive messages and goals over and over and over again. This approach to goal achievement is something I call Conscious Neural-Channeling and it has helped me become better at sales, focus, and productivity. Conscious Neural-Channeling (CNC) is a scientifically proven psychological principle resting on research which proves that the more often our brain thinks about a certain action or thought the more likely we are to think of that thought or action again in the future. Our thoughts are like a trickle of water across a soft desert floor, the more water that flows through that trickle the deeper a trail will be etched into the desert. If a river of water flows through the desert, it will quickly cut a path into the ground that will only incrementally move over hundreds or thousands of years. This is how our mind works. For example, if you drive to work a certain way you are likely to drive that same route to work every single day. You are not likely to look for a new, faster or safer route each time you climb into the car. Even more importantly is that you eventually can drive to work without really looking at the street names or thinking about what you are doing because you have done it so many times before. This is how our mind works in every part of our life.
The way we respond to business problems, act on opportunities, take responsibility for mistakes, or take massive action on doing what we know needs to be done quickly becomes habitual, subconscious, and automatic so we barely even notice that we have a choice in responding differently even if we wanted to. This approach to influencing our own behavior is called Conscious Neural-Channeling because: Conscious: Must be done explicitly, with intention and conscious choice to be both powerful and relevant for your personal, business, or financial goals. Neural: The research which proves this scientific principle is based on the actual behavior and functions of neurons in your brain. Channeling: Like a dredge digging out the bottom of a river bed, this tool can be used to carve river beds into your mind so that future water (thoughts) will start to flow through these consciously selected river channels that lead directly to your goals. I recently read "The Path of Least Resistance" in which the author discusses how the roads of Boston were created by paving over cow paths. He notes how originally the cows simply walked in the direction of least resistance, around hills, alongside of rivers, etc. The result is that the roads in Boston are a mess. I lived
there in the past and literally even cab drivers would get turned around while driving around downtown . The business lesson here is to make sure that your own goals, thoughts, and actions are not arbitrary and are not built based on following other humans (or cows) past actions. I know these concepts work because I have used them in my own life. When I was 24 years old I quit my lucrative $100,000 a year consulting position to move to Boston and raise capital for hedge funds. I struggled at first, having to take a pay cut to just $45,000 a year and not raising any capital for a long time. I had to commute to work each day in Boston, first by walking 20 minutes, then by riding a subway for 20 minutes, followed by a 50 minute bus ride. I commuted for almost 90 minutes every single day. I got sick of it and decided to start listening to my IPod while commuting. At the same time, I was attending night school at Harvard learning about psychology within a master's program there. In one of my psychology courses in which I was the only person with a business background, we discussed how the more you think a certain thought the more likely you are to think that same way or with that same action in the future. This led me to create audio MP3 study guides for myself for my final examinations. I could listen to my own self-created 30
minute audio file 15 times before the test. I did very well on those tests. The bigger breakthrough however was going through all of my favorite marketing, sales, and selfimprovement books that I owned and creating an audio summary for myself of the lessons which applied most to my current challenges in raising capital and learning about marketing and sales best practices. I created a 55 minute audio MP3 file which I then listened to twice a day to and from work for over a year. During that year my mind changed, I had embedded the business thoughts from this audio recording into my mind at such a deep level that I was making decisions differently, speaking differently, and my attitude had changed as well . I started raising capital, lots of it, and eventually was able to start my own successful business based on the lessons I taught myself. Examples of CNC at Work: 1) I have recorded a custom Audio MP3 series of over 100 business tips that are valuable to my business and career and I have listened to that while exercising and commuting over 500 times now. 2) Anyone who knows me well knows that I also keep a one pager PDF laminated and posted in my
office, bedroom, kitchen, shower, and travel bag. This one pager is not static like the MP3 however; I custom created it so that I can always have the top 100 things I know I should be doing and principles I know I should be following right now to get to that next level of success and move past my current challenges. Create Your Own CNC Tools Now start using Conscious Neural-Channeling to reach your own goals more quickly. What do you know you need to be doing? What are your top goals that you want to focus on and remind yourself of each day? What marketing tactics, business building strategies, or sales tactics should you be using but you forget to? What 3-4 actions, if you undertook them every day, would transform your level of success or health?
Exercise [Tear Out Page] What are three things you know that you should be doing every day to be more successful but you just simply don't do them often enough (or ever)? 1)____________________________________ 2)____________________________________ 3)____________________________________ Now while your ideas are flowing, open up a new Word document or Google Docs file and start creating your one pager of 100 business best practices, projects, and principles you should be focusing on. Start on this immediately. If you are not on the computer then use the remainder of this page and the following page to write down quick bullet point notes on 20-30 items that you will add to that document later today when you are on the computer again . _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it. - Thomas Jefferson Destiny is not a matter of chance, it's a matter of choice; it's not a thing to be waited for, but a thing to be achieved. - William Jennings Bryan (Secretary of State)
Workathon Definition: A workathon is a super concentrated work session where a whole team of professionals attempts to enter a state of flow together while focused on a single extremely valuable project. Workathon Example #1: An example of this is completing research on every venture capital firm based in San Francisco and collecting their contact details so that your team may systematically mail out materials to each of them regarding your upcoming event. Your whole team works towards this one goal and whether it is for 1 hour or 10 hours, by all focusing on that one project you will be able to accomplish a ton of work in one day. Workathon Example #2: An example of another workathon is the creation of one of our recent blogs. I had been putting off the launching of this blog for 6 months because it was going to take so long to create the glossary, frequently asked question section, and evergreen blog content . Doing so takes a lot of energy and concentration and I had been very busy trying to launch our products and hold more live events. To solve this problem I planned a workathon, internally we called it a blogathon, where we wrote over
300 blog posts in a single day. I wrote out a quick plan of the 14 steps our team needed to follow to consider the job done and go to work. We had energy drinks and bagels brought in for breakfast, pizza and coffee brought in for lunch and our small team put in 14 hours straight of work on that single day. With four of us working that means we got in a total of 56 hours of work within a single day. I would argue that we were more focused and productive than we ever would be during a normal working week where phones, emergency emails, and other priorities constantly disrupt our work flow. I was excited to complete the project because I knew how valuable it would be to our team to get 100% launched and available to the public. Even though I have executed over 20 workathons for our business to help us launch blogs, new FAQs, record videos, write books, and launch new products, I learned some lessons regarding this specific workathon . 1. If at all possible recruit 2-3 team members or people with strong work ethics to help you execute the work. In this case I took on 90% of the work myself, but whenever possible try to delegate or automate the process. 2. Never count on recording more than 6 hours of rolling video footage within a day. Your energy levels will likely drop severely after 4-6 hours of
presenting and your clients will sense this. Even when we hold full-day live workshops, we provide meals, breakout sessions, exercises, and coffee to split up the day for both the participants and myself as a presenter. 3. Always write out your work plan before beginning. Write down the 2 steps, 15 steps, or 40 steps you need to follow during this intense period of work or you may dig in hard and accomplish something that was a complete waste of time. It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan. - Eleanor Roosevelt (U.S. First Lady)
Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Johann Goethe
Why Workathons Work: Workathons are very effective at quickly knocking out projects for multiple reasons including: Focusing the power of your team and your collective brain power on one single goal The motivation to complete the project 100% during the workathon creates a take no prisoners, lets knock this out type attitude. Your team feels appreciated because senior and junior professionals together are all pitching in to help execute the project and get it done. Typically everyone gets constantly distracted, so one rule of completing a workathon is that besides short breaks now and then, no other work is allowed that day. You must only have work being done on your project; no splitting of focus or answering phones or emails during a workathon. To complete a Workathon follow this process: Decide on the exact project that is going to take a ton of man hours to complete, but, once completed would be hugely valuable to you or your team.
Write up a process everyone will follow on the day of the workathon so that everyone works in the most optimized, efficient manner possible. Make every step of the process very clear and easy to follow so there are examples of what to do. The last thing you want to do during a workathon is spend time correcting work from those who were confused by the process.
Prepare materials, resources, and computer access for everything you need on the day of the workathon so when the morning starts you hit the ground running instead of searching for resources that leaves the whole team waiting for things to get moving. I have wasted 2-3 hours of a workathon before by not being completely prepared for it to start. Don't do this! If you have 2 or 3 people or even just yourself ready to work a full day on an important project, leverage that as much as possible.
Cater in lunch and have plenty of coffee and/or Red Bull, etc. available for your team for free. You are asking more from them today
than any other day during this week and if you make it somewhat of a fun environment you will increase the chances of them overperforming. The cost of having a nice meal or an energy drink or coffee brought to you is nothing compared to the valuable projects you are going to complete on this day.
Your Workathon Plan [Tear Out Page]: Now schedule your own workathon. If you can't schedule a full day then at least schedule one full 4 hour period of uninterrupted time during which you can execute without interruption on one single project: On what date and at what exact time will you hold your workathon? _____________________________________________
What are the top 3 predictable distractions that will come up during your workathon and how will you mitigate the risk of each of these in disrupting you? Example: Risk: Cell Phone Ringing Mitigating Action: Cell Phone Turned Off 1) Risk: _________Mitigating Action:___________
2) Risk: _________Mitigating Action:___________ 3) Risk: _________Mitigating Action:___________ Who could you email today to announce that you will be holding this workathon for yourself to help get yourself to follow through on actually holding it? If nobody, then email me about your plans at Richard@RichardCWilson.com __________________________________________
"Hard work made it easy. That is my secret. That is why I win." - Nadia Comaneci (Won 6 gold
medals during the 76 Olympics)
Typically animals and plants evolve slowly over thousands of years as those in the group with physical advantages become stronger, more likely to survive and reproduce, and pass their traits along to successive generations. We are the only animal which can consciously choose to evolve based on the challenges we perceive in our own environment. We don't need to wait hundreds or thousands of years. On top of that we can evolve within our lifetime and control our rate of evolution. Think about how powerful that ability is. This chapter is about learning to evolve, and the following content will help you learn the right things in order to become successful in your unique situation . Identifying Your Ideal Adaptation The first thing you need to do is look around and pretend you are a turtle on the Galapagos Islands facing multiple challenges. What new attribute, skill, ability, or knowledge do you need to obtain to adapt? Do you need to gain credibility? experience? training? Do you need to simply start implementing constantly in all areas and taking more action?
What dream resource or completed project would help you reach that next level of fertile vegetation that is just out of your reach right now?
Write out some of your answers to these questions above within the notes section below: _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Specialized knowledge Peter F. Drucker is one of the most famous business gurus of the past 100 years. He was famous for claiming 20 years ago that we were moving rapidly towards a knowledge-based economy. Most of us, probably yourself included, earn our living by the knowledge we have in our minds and processes we know and follow, not by lifting pieces of rock or welding metal with our hands. You need to identify exactly where you are, where you are headed and what is missing that is stopping you from getting there. For example if you want to start your own hedge fund, you need to gain specific knowledge on managing risk in a investment portfolio, raising capital, and the basics of running a hedge fund startup . Another
example is if you want to write a book, you have to figure out what the publishing options are, how to structure and write a valuable book, and you have to know a topic well enough to write a whole book on it . Below, write the 3 niche areas of knowledge, which if you mastered, would make you very powerful and effective in reaching your #1 goal. 1)____________________________________
3)____________________________________ Speed reading Half of studying speed reading is about reading rapidly and the other half is about boosting your comprehension. By reading just one book, Breakthrough Speed Reading by Peter Kump, I was able to double my reading rate and I can now consume a full 250 page book on business in under 2 hours. That is an asset now as I absorb more knowledge through more and more books at a faster pace than 99% of other business professionals. That is an adaptation.
Note: Many people will disregard speed reading as a valuable skill because they relate it to skimming through books without comprehending anything as you go. It is good if you take speed reading seriously, as you will be able to access thousands of dollars worth of education and valuable knowledge two to three times more quickly than your competition. If you do speed reading right, you will actually comprehend more than if you read the old slow and boring way. If you haven't studied this area yet, start today . Order the book mentioned above and commit to mastering this skill over the next 3 months. Your Brain Inputs It is said that your income will equal the average income of your five best friends within 2 years. I also read a recent statistic that if one of your five best friends gets divorced you are 180% more likely to get divorced yourself. How can these powerful things be true, but so rarely discussed? By identifying with our closest friends, we subconsciously condition ourselves to model their behavior, see what they are doing as the right thing to do, and we automatically try to align many of our behaviors with those of our friends. The more super
successful, action-oriented, positive minded great friends you can make, the better. Be friends with the person you want to become. If you do not want to modify who you select as friends or weed out any of your current friends, then you can select one or two well-known book authors who have written on the topic that you have identified as a top 3 area of niche knowledge you need to obtain and read their books 3-5 days a week. This will expose you to their thoughts often enough that it will influence your level of success over time.
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. Mahatma Gandhi
"I hated every minute of training, but I kept telling myself, move through the pain now and live the rest of my life as a champion." - Muhammad Ali
Real-world Tips To Use Today As noted at the beginning of this book, this resource started out as a series of notes and slides that I presented at our full-day live workshops and has since evolved into this short book. In this chapter I wanted to share with you the exercises and concise tips that you can use to further leverage speed of implementation for yourself. Here are some specific examples of how you can implement more quickly within your own life: Speed Tip #1) Use an Excel Spreadsheet or Word Document to create a list of 4 distinct tangible projects that you are going to complete every single day. In other words, every day when you wake up you should define your 4 tangible projects that you will get done for sure within this business day. Prioritize these and always work on them from most important to least. If you do this you will complete 28 projects a week, 112 a month and over 1,000 business projects a year. This alone can force you to implement new ideas, projects, and initiatives faster than you may be right now.
Hint: If you have a team that you are running in your business this can be a VERY effective tool for creating a transparent work environment and encouraging employees to self-police themselves. In our business, each employee is required to send me their morning update which includes their 3-5 tangible and measurable project goals for the day. At the end of the day they then send me an updated version of this same spreadsheet with notes on what was completed and what was not completed. Doing this has many benefits. It helps focus the employees on what is important, it helps me keep on top of what everyone is doing every day, and it helps me see why some important projects were not completed and decide whether more action on my part is needed. Since I am often traveling or sometimes working out of another country for months at a time, this daily spreadsheet helps our business run smoothly.
Speed Tip #2) Read a book, whitepaper, or report every 10 days and begin using at least one valuable idea from the book within your life. Most people don't read books, they watch, on average 5 hours of TV every single day. Most people do not read books with intent, they are just reading them because they feel like they should or because they need
to. If you read books with the intent of pulling out 1-2 lessons you can instantly apply to your career or business and you focus on putting those ideas into practice quickly, you will rapidly move out of the pack and above your peers. Note: If you took my advice on studying speed reading earlier in this book, then you will quickly be able to read a book every 3-5 days. Speed Tip #3) Experiment more. Run small tests or pilot studies and instead of asking others for their opinion see what works in the real world right now. Dont try it at some point; implement and see if your idea survives under real conditions. Many times there is nobody in the world who you can ask advice from who completely understands your business assets, skills, areas of passion, employees abilities, and market conditions. The best judge of a good idea is the marketplace. As soon as you have one profitable business line or service you should be experimenting with at least three additional benefits, service lines, or package options. I have found that the longer you experiment within your niche and serve them, the better your "hit-rate" will be at launching new products and services. I have also found that our
team becomes more skilled at entering new markets the more that we dominate our original niche or two that the company was founded on. The lesson here is that the more you explore, test, and get real life feedback, the higher your ROI will be on your time and money.
Every morning in Africa a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle -- when the sun comes up, you had better be running.
Speed Tip #4) Complete online or in-person training programs within your niche and commit to implementing one small project that same day which uses something taught within the training program . While books are the least expensive way to learn, training programs, seminars, and workshops are the most effective within the shortest period of time. Since a book is somewhat passive, attending a live event where you can learn through sharing ideas, networking, listening, and watching can have a huge impact on your momentum. If you get just one good $1,000 idea from a workshop then it was worth your time attending. Often times I will pay $500 - $1,450 to attend an event and come away with an idea that will save our team over $5,000 or make our team over $10,000 within a one year period. Do your research on who you are being trained by, but beyond that realize that you are your biggest asset and you can never over-invest in your education. Today's economy is the knowledge economy so the more niche knowledge you can gain on your niche the more powerful you become.
Speed Tip #5) Write a list of the top 5 projects that would make the largest contribution to your future success. Now write a plan for how to complete all 5 of those projects over the next 10 days. Forget about it being realistic, act like you have to complete all of these in 10 days and see what creative solutions you come up with to get a draft or complete version of each done within that time period. Forget about other things you have scheduled, cancel them if needed or plan your 10 day workathon to start in 2-3 days from now after you have cleared your plate if you have to. This type of thinking can help you get past excuses you often rely on for not taking action and implementing what you know should be done right now. You will never have a huge window of open time in front of you, there will never be an easy time to do the hard work that you need to complete. Speed Tip #6) Study your competitors, analyze their actions, marketing, investments, and positioning. What best practices can you take away and what one thing could you start doing this week
which would help you compete against them in the future? Example: When I started my first consulting website, I identified my top 7 competitors. I then analyzed their websites, their product offerings, their benefits, their contact us page, and the graphics they used. What was interesting what seeing that while one website would have a killer Contact Us page the rest of their website was horrible. Another website presented some unique benefits, but looked entirely unprofessional. Overall though, each website had 1-2 things that were unique and valuable in some regard and by studying each of them I was able to take notes on their collective best practices and create a powerful website that brought in new clients. Exercise: Where do you hope to be making the most money in 1 year from today? Now analyze that niche, find the top 7-10 competitors in the space, whether they are competing corporations or experts, and analyze what makes them great. Take notes on each of them and put into practice their collective best practices. This is one of the fastest ways in which you can implement
proven practices that will be valued by your clients. Speed Tip #7) This tip was contributed by my business friend Joel Mark Witt. As you read a book or magazine, use two different colored highlighters and one pen. Use the first color highlighter to highlight all the insights and thoughts you find when reading. This will allow you to go back through and key in on all the great advice that is in the book. Use the second highlighter to highlight all the ACTION steps. Then take your pen and underline the action. In the margin next to the text write ACTION ITEM in big capital letters. This will embed this action item in your subconscience. After you finish each chapter - go back through the book and list out all the action items on a separate sheet of paper. You now have your action list. Speed Tip #8) If you can't measure it - it doesn't exist. By putting a countdown timer on your desktop you feel a bit of urgency when you sit down at your desk and see the ticking clock in the
corner. This keeps a constant reminder that you need to act and get something done quickly. Pick a deadline (hour - day - month) and then set your clock to this. What are you trying to accomplish without measuring your own progress? What could you measure within your business that would focus you on improvement and progress? Many business owners find it helpful to create an Excel spreadsheet which tracks their top 5 critical metrics such as $ per day in sales, # of products for sale, # of email opt-ins per day, or % of store/website visitors converted for the week. This allows you to visually get a pulse on how your business is doing.
The way to get started is to stop talking and start doing. -Walt Disney
Speed Tip #9) Stop not taking action. Stop wondering, stop planning. Start Executing. By failing you learn 10x more than researching, and if you are not failing often, then you are not risking anything or learning as fast as you could be. Ask yourself, have you messed up at all in the past 6 months? Has anything you have done failed? While you do not want to fail on purpose you could probably be moving twice as fast as you are right now towards all of your goals if you answered no to the first two questions above. What could you get done today instead of next month? What could you automate, delegate, or eliminate to really free up your time on what you can really add a lot of value to? If you're not making mistakes, then you're not doing anything . - John Wooden (Hall of Fame basketball coach for UCLA) Speed Tip #10) Create a desktop background for your computer which lists the 1-4 hours of specific work that if completed every day for the next year would put you far ahead of where you are right now. For example, maybe you decide
that if you wrote 2 pages every day in your blog for a year you could finally publish that book you have been meaning to write while building an online following at the same time. Exercise: Take the short 5 minutes it takes to setup this up on your computer. Use PowerPoint, a Word document, or Paint to create your reminder list and then save it to your background today so that every day going forward you are reminded of your top priorities first thing every morning.
Richard Wilson
Richard C. Wilson Richard@RichardCWilson.com Richard can be found on Linkedin.com at http://www.linkedin.com/in/RichardCWilson and Speaking: To book Richard for a speaking engagement or to learn more about him, please visit: http://www.RichardCWilson.com
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