Ias in Square Pharma
Ias in Square Pharma
Ias in Square Pharma
IAS 01: Presentation of FIS Basis of preparation and of financial statements The elements of financial statement have been measured on historical cost convention in a going concern concept and on accrual basis in accordance with generally accepted accounting principle and practice in Bangladesh in compliance with the companies act 1994,the securities and exchange rules 1987,lisiting regulation of Dhaka stock exchange Ltd.(DSE) & Chittagong stock exchange Ltd (CSE) and international accounting standards (IAS) as adopted by the institute of chartered accountants of Bangladesh (ISCB),as Bangladesh accounting standard (BAS). IAS 02: INVENTORIES Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or net realizable value in compliance to the requirements of Para 212 and 25 of BAS-2. 31-03-11 INVENTORIES: TK 2,541,688,329 The break-up is as under: Raw materials Packing materials Work-in-process Finished goods Spares and Accessories Goods in Transit 31-03-10
IAS 07: Cash flow statement Cash flow statement is prepared in accordance with BAS-7 under direct method and as out line in the securities and exchange rule 1987.
Specific accounting policies were selected and applied by the companys management for significant transactions and events that have material effects within the framework of BAS-1 Presentation of financial statements in preparation and presentation financial statements. The previous years figures ere presented according to the same accounting principals. Compared to the previous year there were no significant changes other than investment in marketable securities reported as non- current assets at fair value instead of current assets at cost price previously. These changes in accounting policies were applied retrospectively in the accounting and valuation principles affecting the financial position and performance of the company. However changes made to the presentation are explained in the note for each respective item. Accounting and valuation methods are disclosed for reasons of clarity. The company classified the expenses using the unction of expenses method as per BAS-1.
IAS 10: Events after the reporting period There is a now significant event other than normal activities between the financial year closing dates. And financial statement signing date. IAS 16: Property plant and equipment All property plant and equipment is initially accounted for at cost and depreciated over there expected useful life in accordance with BAS-16.the cost of acquisition of an assets comprises its purchase price and any directly attributable cost of bringing the asset to its working condition for it intended use inclusive of inward freight, duties and none refundable taxes. In respect of major projects involving construction related preoperational expenses form part of the value of asset Capitalized, Expenses Capitalized all so include applicable borrowing cost. On retirement or other wise disposal of fixed assets, the cost an accumulated depreciation is eliminated. And any gain or loss on such disposal is reflected in the income statement which is determined with reference to the net book value of the assets and the net sales proceeds. 31-03-11 31-03-10 PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT: TK. 6,981,553,781 Details of property, plant and Equipment and depreciation as at 31 march 2011 are shown in the annexed schedule-01. This arrived at as follows: Opening balance (At cost) Add: Net addition during the year Closing balance (At cost) Less: Accumulated depreciation Carrying value TK.
Allocation of deprecation charges for the year has been made in the accounts as follows: 2010-2011 2009-2010 Factory Overhead Selling and distribution Expenses Administrative Expenses Tk.
IAS 18: Revenue recognition (a) sales of foods : In compliance with the requirements of BAS -18 revenue is recognized for local sales of pharmaceuticals drugs and medicines. Agro vet products and pesticide products at the time of delivery form depot and export of pharmaceuticals drugs and medicines at the time of delivery from factory godown.Local sales of basic chemical products are recognized at the time of delivery from factory godown .when the significant risk and rewards of ownership is transferred to the buyer there is no continuing management involvement with the goods and the amount of revenue can be measured reliably. (b) Dividend income is recognized when the right to received payment is established. (c) Interest income is recognized when accrued on a time proportion basis Turnover: Turnover comprises the following: Reporting Company: Sales of locally manufactured pharmaceuticals drugs and medicine. Export of pharmaceuticals drugs and medicines. Local sales of basic chemicals products. Sales of locally manufactured and imported afro vet products. Sales of locally manufactures and imported pesticide products.
Foreign currency transactions: Foreign currencies are translated into taka at the exchange rates ruling on the date of transactions in accordance with BAS-21 the effects of changes in foreign exchange rates .bank deposit in foreign currency for retention quota account has been translated into taka at the year end at the rate of exchange ruling on that date and gain have been accounted for as other income in the income statement. 20102011 2009-2010
GROSS TURNOVER: TK. 157,576,487,536 This is made-up as follows: Local sales Export sales in u$$ 6,357,091 (FY 2009-2010 U$$ 5,522,556) TK. (1) Sales consist of 567 pharmaceuticals products, 20 basic chemical products, 45 agrovet products and 20 pesticide products. The summarized quantity are as under : Category Tablet Capsule Liquid Inject able ( vial and ampoule) ENT preparationdrops,spray,gel & other Steroid cream,ointment,pray,gel & other Non steroidcream,ointment,spray,gel & other Opthal preparation & others Dry syrup Suppository Sachet Inhaler Insulin Basic chemical Pellet Tablet agrovet Powder agrovet Injcetable agrovet Liquid agrovet Liquid insecticide Granular insecticide Powder insecticide Unit Opening Production/purchase Sales closing
(2) 242.75 MT of basic chemicals valued at Tk.236, 147,800 and 83.88 M.T. of valued at Tk. 116,210,660 has been transferred from chemical plant to pharmacy formulation plants of the company which has not been included in the above turnover. (3) The company has no sales agent on commission basis.
IAS 24: Related party transactions The company did not do any transaction with its sister concern other than its subsidiaries / associate undertakings viz square textiles Ltd, square knit fabrics Ltd, square fashions Ltd, square hospitals Ltd, square cephalosporins Ltd, square informatics ltd square biotechs Ltd and square multi fabrics ltd. IAS 33: Earnings per share: Earnings per share (EPS) is concocted in accordance with the Bangladesh accounting standard BAS-33 Earnings per share Earning per share Earning per share has been collected by dividing the earnings attributable to the number of shares (ordinary) held by the shareholders during the year. Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year The bonus shares issued during the year 2010-2011 were treated as if they had been in issue in previous year s also. Hence in computing the basic earnings per share (EPS) of 2010-2011, the total number of shares including
the said bonus shares has been considered as the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the year 2009-2010. Diluted Earnings per share No diluted earnings per share was required to be calculate for the year under review as there is no scope for diluting of earnings per share for the year. Basis of consolidation: Percentage of holding share on Subsidiaries Company: Subsidiary company holding share percentage of holding Square cephalosporins Ltd. 950,000 99.48% Square Biotechs Ltd. 665,000 99.25% Square multi fabrics Ltd. 995,000 99.50% Subsidiaries entities are controlled by square pharmaceuticals Ltd.(SPL). Control exists when SPL has the power to govern the financial and operating policies of the entity. In assessing control potential voting rights that are presently exercisable are considered. 2010-2011 2009-2010 EARNINGS PER SHARE (EPS): TK 129.07 The computation is given below surplus For the year attributable to shareholders (Net profit after tax) 2087871791 Weighted average number of shares outstanding during the 19617390 Year earnings per share. TK. 2532054550
IAS 37: Previsions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets: Previsions were made considering risk and un-certainties at best estimate of the probable expenditure that would require meeting the current obligation at the date of statement of financial position. Contingent liabilities and assets are current or possible obligations or on liabilities or assets arising form past events and existence of which depends upon the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events which are not within the control of the company. In accordance with BAS-37, they are disclosed in the note no0 44 hereunder. IAS 38: Research, Development and experimental costs
In compliance with the requirements of BAS-38 Intangible Assets research, development and experimental costs are usually absorbed as revenue charges as and when incurred as being not that much material in the companys and / local context.
Minimum Lease payment: 1. Shahjalal Islam Bank Ltd An amount of TK 150,000,000 was recognized as Minimum Lease Payments under of machineries for Small Volume Parrental Opthalmic Unit. The lease is repayable in 10 (ten) equal half-yearly installment of Tk. 21,357,000 starting from December 2006 and the remaining balance stands at Tk 19,959,758 which is shown under note- 17(F). 2. Industrial Development Leasing Company of Bangladesh Ltd: An amount of Tk. 38,442,000 was recognized as Minimum Lease Payments under lease of Vehicle. The lease is repayable in 60 (sixty) equal monthly installment of Tk 1,381,000 starting from March 2007 and the remaining balance stands at Tk 8,980,358 which is shown under note- 17 (F). 3. Prime Bank Ltd: An amount of Tk 54,000,000 was recognized as Minimum Lease Payments under lease of Vehicle. The lease is repayable in 48 (forty eight) equal monthly installment of Tk 1,381,000 starting from July 2010 and the remaining balance stands at Tk 31,773,229 as on 31-03-2011.