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ST - Joseph'S College of Business Administration: Research Project

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Usage of Mobile Phones



Topic: Usage of Mobile Phones

Submitted By: DIJIN JAMES Reg No: 21148

Research Methodology

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Usage of Mobile Phones


I hereby declare that the project report entitled Is Stock Market an indicator of Economic Development? during the period of 1st December 2011 to 31st March 2012 under the guidance of Ms. Binny Cherian, Faculty Member, St. Josephs College of Business Administration, Bangalore.

I also declare that this project has not been submitted nor shall it be submitted in future to any other university or institution as a part of academic purposes.

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Usage of Mobile Phones


I would like to express my sincere and heartfelt gratitude to all those who were instrumental in successful completion of the research. Without their support the completion of this research would not have been possible.

I would like to thank our guide Ms. Binny Cherian. Her assistance helped me to thoroughly understand the fundamentals and this contributed to the quality of the project.

Thank You.

Anusha K U

Research Methodology

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Usage of Mobile Phones

This research is based on the topic Usage of mobile phones

The purpose of this research is to identify the mobile usage pattern among the people. The objectives include, to know how long have they been using mobile phones, which service provider do they prefer, what all features do they expect in a mobile phone, are they aware of the various harmful side effects due to the prolonged use of mobile phones etc.

Among the different types of research designs mainly Exploratory, Descriptive, Diagnostic and Experimental design etc, Basic research design is used in this project as this method helps to understand more about the topic and helps to increase the knowledge regarding a topic.

Data collection method used was primary method. Questionnaires were used to collect the data. The data collected were coded and edited using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences).

From the data collected it was found that most of the users prefer Nokia handsets and Vodafone as their service provider. Most of the people were aware of the fact that prolonged use of mobile phones causes serious health issues.

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Usage of Mobile Phones

Research Methodology

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Usage of Mobile Phones

A mobile phone (also known as a cellular phone, cell phone and a hand phone) is a device that can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link whilst moving around a wide geographic area. It does so by connecting to a cellular network provided by a mobile phone operator, allowing access to the public telephone network. By contrast, a cordless telephone is used only within the short range of a single, private base station. In addition to telephony, modern mobile phones also support a wide variety of other services such as text messaging, MMS, email, Internet access, short-range wireless communications (infrared, Bluetooth), business applications, gaming and photography. Mobile phones that offer these and more general computing capabilities are referred to as smart phones. All mobile phones have a number of features in common, but manufacturers also try to differentiate their own products by implementing additional functions to make them more attractive to consumers. This has led to great innovation in mobile phone development over the past 20 years. The world's largest individual mobile operator by subscribers is China Mobile with over 500 million mobile phone subscribers. Over 50 mobile operators have over 10 million subscribers each, and over 150 mobile operators had at least one million subscribers by the end of 2009. In February 2010, there were 5.6 billion mobile phone subscribers, a number that is expected to grow. Prior to 2010, Nokia was the market leader. However, during that year competition emerged in the Asia Pacific region with brands such as Micromax, Nexian, and i-Mobile and chipped away at Nokia's market share. Android powered smartphones also gained momentum across the region at the expense of Nokia. In India, their market share also dropped significantly to around 31 percent from 56 percent in the same period. Their share was displaced by Chinese and Indian vendors of low-end mobile phones. In 2010 worldwide sales were 1.6 billion units, an increase of 31.8 percent from 2009. The top five manufacturers by market share were Nokia followed by Samsung, LG Electronics, ZTE and Apple. The last three replaced RIM, Sony Ericsson and Motorola who were previously among the top five list. Outside the top five a significant market share increase from 16.5 percent to 30.6 percent was achieved by many smaller and new brands.

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In Q1 2011, Apple surpassed Nokia as the world's biggest handset vendor by revenue, as Nokia's market share dropped to 29 percent in Q1 2011, the lowest level since the late 1990s. In June 2011, Nokia announced lower expectations for sales and margin due to global competition in both low-andhigh end markets. By Q2 2011, worldwide sales grew 16.5 percent to 428.7 million units. Now Nokia is the market leader with a market share of 23.4% followed by Samsung with 19.4% of the market share. Mobile phones are used for a variety of purposes, including keeping in touch with family members, conducting business, and having access to a telephone in the event of an emergency. Some people carry more than one cell phone for different purposes, such as for business and personal use. This research has been done to identify the mobile usage pattern among the people. The objectives include, to know how long have they been using mobile phones, which service provider do they prefer, what all features do they expect in a mobile phone, are they aware of the various harmful side effects due to the prolonged use of mobile phones etc.


Among the different types of research designs mainly Exploratory, Descriptive, Diagnostic and Experimental design etc, Basic research design is used in this project as this method helps to understand more about the topic and helps to increase the knowledge regarding a topic. Data was collected through survey method. For this a questionnaire was prepared and data was collected from 50 respondents

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Usage of Mobile Phones

1. One way Anova test with variables Age and Brand H1 Most of the mobile users use Nokia handsets. H0 Most of the mobile users dont use Nokia handsets.
ANOVA Which brand of mobile phone? Sum of Squares Between Groups Within Groups Total 45.495 152.125 197.620 df 5 44 49 Mean Square 9.099 3.457 F 2.632 Sig. .036

Since the Significance value, .036 is less than .05, we will reject the Null hypothesis (H0). This states that most of the mobile users use Nokia handsets.

2. One way Anova test with variables Age and Service Provider H1 Most of the mobile users dont prefer Vodafone as their service provider. H0 Most of the mobile users prefer Vodafone as their service provider.
ANOVA Service provider? Sum of Squares Between Groups Within Groups Total 9.251 185.249 194.500 df 5 44 49 Mean Square 1.850 4.210 F .439 Sig. .819

Since the significance value, .819 is greater than .05; we will accept the Null hypothesis (H0). This states that most of the mobile users prefer Vodafone as their service provider.

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3. Bar graph representing the preference of brand

This bar graph indicates that Nokia is the most preferred and used brand by the people/respondents. This shows the Brand image of Nokia among the consumers. Even though Nokia products were introduced years ago, it is still the No1 brand among the consumers. This shows that Nokia has created a large number of loyal customers. The next main factor which can be understood from this graph is the emergence of Micromax as the preferable brand to the customers. Even though Micromax was launched few years ago, it could still win a prominent space in the minds of the mobile users. The main reason for the success of Micromax is the introduction of low price handsets along with the normal features that can be seen in well established brands like Nokia, Samsung etc. Thus Micromax is giving a strong competition for the well known brands like Nokia and Samsung.
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Usage of Mobile Phones

4. Bar graph representing the preference of service provider

The graph gives a clear indication that majority of the users prefer Vodafone as their service provider compared to other well known service providers. Almost half of the respondents have opted Vodafone as their favorite service provider. Vodafone could conquer the hearts of the people because of the various services provided by them like extra offers, good tariff rates, excellent customer care services, full network coverage etc. If other service providers have to increase their market share, they have to take into considerations all such factors. If they dont take into account these factors or rework on their failures, they would lose the entire market share to Vodafone.

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Usage of Mobile Phones

5. Bar graph representing the type of mobile phone preferred by the users

This bar graph gives a clear indication that the need for or the popularity of touch phones have gone up compared to the older version of type phones. The new segment which is Type and slide is also preferred by some customers. This shows the taste and preference of the current customers. Thus the mobile companies should be very innovative in their products and should capture the minds of the customers.

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6. Pie chart representing the awareness of the users regarding the harmful effects of prolonged use of mobile phones

This pie chart gives us a clear view that more than 50% of the users know the side effects of mobile usage. But there are still around 15% of the users who still dont know the side effects of using mobile phones. This minority refers to the student community of small age. The most interesting fact is that around 30% of the users dont even feel like commenting on this issue. This might be because they dont know the effects or they are not sure whether prolonged usage of mobile phones will cause harmful effects. Thus this chart shows that there are still people who dont know the after effects of mobile usage, even though they use it regularly.
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Usage of Mobile Phones

7. Multiple response test (Basis of preferring a handset)

$Preference Frequencies Responses N Prefer brand because of price Prefer brand because of appearance Prefer brand because of Function Preference Prefer brand because of Trend Prefer brand because of Size and weight Prefer brand because of advertisement others specify Total 26 Percent 25.5% 52.0% Percent of Cases

16 28 14 11

15.7% 27.5% 13.7% 10.8%

32.0% 56.0% 28.0% 22.0%

4 3 102

3.9% 2.9% 100.0%

8.0% 6.0% 204.0%

Multiple response test was conducted in order to understand which all factors are been considered by the users while purchasing a handset. The result shows that most of the purchase handsets considering the various functions available in it and the price factor. Only few people (below 5%) purchase handsets with reference to the advertisements shown in various Medias. This test helps to understand that the main factors that people consider while looking for a handset are functions/features and the cost of the handset.

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8. Multiple response test (Purpose of using of mobile phones)

$uses Frequencies Responses N uses Use mobile to just to talk Use mobile to receive email &SMS Use mobile to play games Use mobile to download wallpapers and songs Total 93 100.0% 186.0% 38 30 17 8 Percent 40.9% 32.3% 18.3% 8.6% Percent of Cases 76.0% 60.0% 34.0% 16.0%

Multiple response test was conducted to identify for what purposes does the mobile phone being used. The test shows that majority of the users use mobile phones to just to talk. Then they use it to receive SMS. Around 18.3% of the users consider mobile phones as a device to play games and 8.6% users consider it as a means of entertainment.

9. Multiple response test (features which are expected in a mobile phone)

$expectations Frequencies Responses N expectations Respondent. No Expects SMS Expects Bluetooth Expects video conferencing Expects wifi Expects Browsing Expects Camera Others specify Total 1 38 31 4 17 14 38 1 144 Percent .7% 26.4% 21.5% 2.8% 11.8% 9.7% 26.4% .7% 100.0% Percent of Cases 2.0% 77.6% 63.3% 8.2% 34.7% 28.6% 77.6% 2.0% 293.9%

The test indicates that most of the users expect facilities like SMS, Camera and Bluetooth to be present in a handset. Only 2.8% users expect/prefer video-conferencing facility. This also shows the current trend or taste of the customers.
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10. Multiple response test (reasons for selecting a service provider)

$preferserviceprovider Frequencies Responses N preferserviceprovider Prefer due to offers Prefer due to value added services Prefer due to network coverage Prefer due to Brand name Prefer due to customer service others specify Total . 1 92 1.1% 100.0% 2.0% 184.0% 7 16 7.6% 17.4% 14.0% 32.0% 28 30.4% 56.0% 29 11 Percent 31.5% 12.0% Percent of Cases 58.0% 22.0%

This multiple response test shows that most of the users select a service provider based on the various offers that they provide, as well as taking into consideration regarding the network coverage which they provide. Only few of the customers prefer a service provider with respect to Brand name. 11. Cross Tabulation (rating given to service providers)
How do you rate your service provider? * Age Cross tabulation

Age under 10 years How do you rate V.good your service provider? Good Satisfactory Total 1 1 2 4 2 9 0 5 9 4 5 14 7 3 11 2 1 5 18 17 50 0 10 - 16 years 3 17 - 20 years 4 21 - 30 years 5 31 - 60 years 1 61 and above 2 Total 15

This tabulation shows that most of the users are happy with the service of their service providers.
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12. Cross Tabulation (Age and mobile brand)

Age * Which brand of mobile phone? Cross tabulation Which brand of mobile phone? Nokia Count under 10 years % within Age % within Which brand of mobile phone? Count 10 - 16 years % within Age % within Which brand of mobile phone? Count 17 - 20 years % within Age % within Which brand of mobile phone? Count 21 - 30 years % within Age % within Which brand of mobile phone? Count 31 - 60 years % within Age % within Which brand of mobile phone? Count 61 and above % within Age % within Which brand of mobile phone? Count % within Age Total % within Which brand of mobile phone? 1 50.00% 7.10% 2 22.20% 14.30% 1 11.10% 7.10% 5 35.70% 35.70% 5 45.50% 35.70% 0 0.00% 0.00% 14 28.00% 100.00% Samsung 1 50.00% 10.00% 0 0.00% 0.00% 1 11.10% 10.00% 2 14.30% 20.00% 4 36.40% 40.00% 2 40.00% 20.00% 10 20.00% 100.00% Motorola 0 0.00% 0.00% 1 11.10% 20.00% 0 0.00% 0.00% 2 14.30% 40.00% 0 0.00% 0.00% 2 40.00% 40.00% 5 10.00% 100.00% LG 0 0.00% 0.00% 1 11.10% 33.30% 1 11.10% 33.30% 0 0.00% 0.00% 1 9.10% 33.30% 0 0.00% 0.00% 3 6.00% 100.00% Sony ericsson 0 0.00% 0.00% 2 22.20% 33.30% 2 22.20% 33.30% 1 7.10% 16.70% 1 9.10% 16.70% 0 0.00% 0.00% 6 12.00% 100.00% Micromax 0 0.00% 0.00% 3 33.30% 25.00% 4 44.40% 33.30% 4 28.60% 33.30% 0 0.00% 0.00% 1 20.00% 8.30% 12 24.00% 100.00% Total 2 100.00% 4.00% 9 100.00% 18.00% 9 100.00% 18.00% 14 100.00% 28.00% 11 100.00% 22.00% 5 100.00% 10.00% 50 100.00% 100.00%


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13. Cross Tabulation (Age and service provider)

Service provider? BSNL Count under 10 years % within Age % within Service provider ? Count 10 16 years % within Age % within Service provider ? Count 17 20 years % within Age % within Service provider ? Count 21 30 years % within Age % within Service provider ? Count 31 60 years % within Age % within Service provider ? Count 61 and abov e % within Age % within Service provider ? Count % within Age % within Service provider ?
1 50.00%

0 0.00%

0 0.00%

0 0.00%

1 50.00%

0 0.00%

0 0.00%

Tata Docomo
0 0.00%

Others specify
0 0.00%


2 100.00%











0 0.00%

2 22.20%

1 11.10%

0 0.00%

3 33.30%

1 11.10%

1 11.10%

1 11.10%

0 0.00%

9 100.00%











2 22.20%

0 0.00%

0 0.00%

0 0.00%

3 33.30%

3 33.30%

1 11.10%

0 0.00%

0 0.00%

9 100.00%












1 7.10%

2 14.30%

2 14.30%

1 7.10%

6 42.90%

1 7.10%

0 0.00%

0 0.00%

1 7.10%

14 100.00%











0 0.00%

2 18.20%

3 27.30%

0 0.00%

4 36.40%

1 9.10%

1 9.10%

0 0.00%

0 0.00%

11 100.00%











1 20.00%

1 20.00%

1 20.00%

0 0.00%

1 20.00%

0 0.00%

1 20.00%

0 0.00%

0 0.00%

5 100.00%











5 10.00%

7 14.00%

7 14.00%

1 2.00%

18 36.00%

6 12.00%

4 8.00%

1 2.00%

1 2.00%

50 100.00%












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This project has helped me to arrive at a conclusion that most of the mobile users use or prefer Nokia handsets even though there are many other brands in the market. I also arrived at a conclusion that from the respondents whom I surveyed that most of them prefer Vodafone as their service provider because of the valuable and customer friendly services given by them. This research project also gave me an insight into the awareness of the users regarding the harmful effects of using mobile phones. Even though most of them are aware of this fact there are still few of them who are not clear or aware of this fact. The customers mostly use mobile phones to talk as well as for messaging. The main features which they prefer in a handset are SMS facility and Camera. The main things which the customers keep in mind while purchasing a handset are the functions which are there in a handset and the Price factor. The research also helped to find that the touch screen mobile phones are capturing the market share compared to the ordinary type phones. The new entry in the market i.e.Touch and Type phones are also gradually finding its pace.


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Dear Respondent, This survey is conducted strictly for academic purposes and I ensure that the information collected will be kept highly confidential.

Name (optional): _____________________________ Age : Under 10 years 21 30 Occupation 10 16 31 60 17 - 20 61 and above

: _____________________________ Primary High-school Graduate Post-graduate

Education Level :

1. Do you use a mobile phone?



2. If yes, how long have you been using the mobile phone? 1 3 months 1 2 years 3 6 months More than 2 years 6 12 months

3. What do use your mobile for? (can tick multiple options) Just to talk Receive email & SMS Download wallpapers and songs To play games

4. Do you think prolonged use (use under long period) of mobile phones would cause health problems ex: - cancer, heart issues etc? Yes No No comment

5. What brand of mobile phone do you use? Nokia Sony ericsson Samsung Micromax Motorola LG

Others (please specify) :_________

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6. Why do you prefer this brand? (can tick multiple options) Price Size & weight Appearance Advertisement Function Trend

Others (please specify) :_________

7. What all features do you expect in a mobile phone? (can tick multiple options) SMS Bluetooth Wi-Fi Browsing Others (please specify):_________ 8. Which type of mobile phone do you prefer? Type Touch screen Type & slide Video conferencing Camera

9. Which service provider do you use? BSNL IDEA Airtel Vodafone Aircel Uninor Others (please specify):_________ 10. Why do you prefer this service provider? (can tick multiple options) Offers Brand name Value added services Customer service Network coverage Others (please specify):_________ MTS Tata Docomo

11. How do you rate your service provider? V.Good Good Satisfactory Bad V.Bad

Thank you for your valuable time and patience

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