2011 PPRBC
2011 PPRBC
2011 PPRBC
HISTORY, FUNCTION AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT The Pik es Peak Regional Building Department is responsible for the plan rev iew, permitting, and inspection of all construction activ ity within the unincorporated areas of El Paso County as well as the participating incorporated municipalities within the county . These currently include the cities of Colorado Springs, Fountain and Manitou Springs and the towns of Green Mo untain Falls, Monument and Palmer Lak e. The department was formed by an intergov ernmental agreement between the City Council of Colorado Springs and the El Paso County Board of County Commissioners in 1966 to prov ide uniform serv ice to those two jurisdictions. Then, in 1982, the suburban jurisdictions entered into the same serv ice agreement with the department for the administration and enforcement of their building and construction codes. The primary function of the department is to preform plan rev iews, issue permits, and inspect construction work within the scope of the building, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, and elev ator codes and standards as well as enforce floodplain and enumeration regulations. The department also licenses and registers contracto rs who perform work within the jurisdictions serv ed by the department. The department is gov erned by the Regional Building Commission, a three-member gov erning body consisting of an El Paso County Commissioner, a Colorado Springs Councilperson and a representativ e from one of the fiv e suburban jurisdictions. The Building Commission is also responsible for approv al of the department budget. The department is self-funded by plan rev iew, permit, and licensing fees. A cost analy sis is performed annually by an independent auditor. Fee adjustments are proposed when the Building Commission determines them to be necessary to maintain the departments operation. LOCAL CODE AND ADOPTION PROCESS The code in effect for building construction or the installation of sy stems or equipment is this edition of the Pik es Peak Regional Building Code. This Code prov ides for the administration of the department, licensing an d registration of contractors, and enforcement of adopted model building codes and locally dev eloped standards. Sections of this Code are denoted by the prefix RBC to differentiate this Code from other codes. As new model building codes are dev eloped and published, the department rev iews these codes and updates the Pik es Peak Regional Building Code. New codes are promulgated approximately ev ery three y ears. The past ten y ears hav e seen a drastic change in model building codes in the United States. This ed ition of the Pik es Peak Regional Building Code is the second to cite and adopt a majority of the International Codes promulgated by the International Code Council (ICC). Proposed modifications to this Code may be made in writing to the Building Department during the official comment period. Comments are forwarded to the appropriate adv isory committee for consideration. The adv isory committees then undertak e a rev iew process of each proposed code inv olv ing committee meetings and one or more public hearings before mak ing recommendation to the Board of Rev iew for each proposed code. The Board of Rev iew then holds their own session of rev iew and public hearing before mak ing final recommendation of a new Pik es Peak Regional Building Code to the participating jurisdictions. Each Jurisdiction has the final authority regarding proposed code content prior to adoption. The Code becomes enforceable when each Jurisdiction legally adopts the Code by resolution or ordinance.
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The Fire Authority. The applicable Fire Protection District or municipal Fire Department hav ing jurisdictional authority to adopt and enforce a Fire Code. The Jurisdiction. The applicable county or municipality hav ing jurisdictional authority to adopt this Code.
4. Structures not defined as buildings located on publicly owned land. RBC101.3.1 Appendices. Appendices shall not be construed as prov isions of this Code.
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RBC101.6 LIABILITY OF OFFICERS. The Building Official, the Regio nal Building Commission and any adv isory boards appointed pursuant to any agreement in regard to the Pik es Peak Regional Building Department entered into between the City and the County of El Paso, or any employ ee charged with the enforcement of this Code acting in good faith and without malice for the Jurisdiction in the discharge of duties, shall not be rendered personally liable and is hereby reliev ed from all personal liability for any damage that may accrue to persons or property as a result of any act required by this Code or by reason of any act or omission in the discharge of duties. Any suit brought against the Building Official, the Regional Building Commission, any adv isory boards or any employ ee because of any act or omission performed in the enforcement of any prov isions of this Code, shall be defended by the Jurisdiction according to the location of the property that is the subject of the act or omission which resulted in the suit until final termination of the proceeding. RBC101.7 APPEAL PROCEDURES. Any person aggriev ed by any decision or order of the Building Official, except as otherwise prov ided in this Code, may appeal this decision or order in the following manner: 1. To one of the appropriate Adv isory Committees under the Board of Rev iew. 2. If the decision of the Adv isory Committee is not fav orable to this person, a further appeal of the decision of the committee may be made to the Board of Rev iew. Appeals from decisions of the Board of Rev iew are not a function of the applicable legislativ e body . Recourse from any decisions of the Board is through the courts of El Paso County . Ev ery appeal from a decision of the Building Official or a committee must be perfected within thirty (30) calendar day s from the date of the order or decision appealed from. It shall be lodged
with the secretary of the board or committee, contain appropriate reference to the decision or order appealed from and specify the grounds of the appeal. An appeal from a decision of the Building Official or an Adv isory Committee shall stay all proceedings in connection with the decision or order appealed from unless the Building Official certifies that a stay would cause imminent hazard to life or property . No appeal, howev er, shall stay the effect of a stop order. RBC101.8 VIOLATIONS. Any person v iolating the Building Code or any prov ision of this Code shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conv iction thereof, shall be fined not more than fiv e hundred dollars ($500.00), or imprisoned not more than ninety (90) calendar day s in the city jail or county jail, or both. A separate offense shall be deemed committed for each and ev ery calendar day during which any illegal erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, maintenance, or use continues. In case any building or structure is or is proposed to be erected, constructed, reconstructed, altered or remodeled, used or maintained in v iolation of this Code or of any prov ision of the Building Code, the city attorney , in addition to other remedies prov ided by law, may institute an appropriate action for injunction, mandamus or abatement to prev ent, enjoin, abate or remov e any unlawful erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, remodeling, maintenance or use. RBC101.9 SEVERABILITY. If any of the prov isions of this Code or of any code or secondary code adopted in this Code or its application to any person or any circumstances are held to be inv alid, this inv alidity shall not affect other prov isions or applications of this or any other adopted Code. The Jurisdiction hereby declares in this regard that the prov isions of this Code and all adopted codes are wholly sev erable.
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SECTION RBC102 - BUILDING DEPARTMENT RBC102.1 PIKES PEAK REGIONAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT. The Pik es Peak Regional Building Department is created pursuant to an intergov ernmental agreement k nown as the Pik es Peak Regional Building Department Agreement, dated January 1, 2004 under the authority of Section 29-1-201, et seq., Colorado Rev ised Statutes, as amended. This agreement is incorporated herein by reference and creates the Pik es Peak Regional Building Department, hereinafter referred to as the Building Department. RBC102.2 REGIONAL BUILDING COMMISSION. The Building Department shall be administered by a gov erning body of the Building Department to be k nown as the Regional Building Commission. The Regional Building Commission shall hav e the powers and functions set forth in the Pik es Peak Regional Building Department Agreement including the appointment of the administrator of the Building Department, k nown as the Building Official. RBC102.3 FINANCE OF BUILDING DEPARTMENT. The cost of operation of the Building Department shall be as set forth in the Pik es Peak Regional Building Department Agreement. A budget shall be prepared annually by the Building Official and approv ed by the Regional Building Commission. At the end of each y ear a report shall be submitted by the Building Official of all income receiv ed. Any deficit in operation of the Building Department shall be made up as prov ided in the Pik es Peak Regional Building Department Agreement.
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SECTION RBC103 - BUILDING OFFICIAL RBC103.1 GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES. The administrator of the Building Department, hereinafter k nown as the Building Official, is hereby authorized and directed to enforce all prov isions of this Code. RBC103.2 ACT AS DEPUTY PLUMBING INSPECTOR. The Building Official is hereby confirmed as Deputy Plumbing Inspector for the County Board of Health, and is hereby authorized and directed to enforce all prov isions of the Plumbing Code as adopted by the Jurisdiction. The Building Official shall submit periodic reports as requested concerning the public health aspects of plumbing inspections to the proper official of the County Board of Health. RBC103.3 APPOINTMENTS. With the approv al of the Building Commission, the Building Official may appoint any officers, inspectors and assistants and other employ ees as shall be authorized from time to time. The Building Official may deputize or assign any employ ees as may be necessary to carry out the functions of the Building Department. RBC103.4 REPORTS AND RECORDS. The Building Official shall promulgate or k eep the following reports and records: 1. A report to the Regional Building Commission not less than once a y ear, cov ering the work of the Department during the preceding period. The Building Official shall incorporate in this report a summary of any recommendations as to desirable amendments to this Code. 2. A permanent, accurate account of all fees and other monies collected and receiv ed under this Code, the names of the persons upon whose account the same were paid, the date and amount thereof, together with the location of the building or premises to which they relate. 3. A permanent record of all meetings of the Board of Rev iew, as established in Section RBC111.1 of this Code, to be k ept using a sk illed stenographer as secretary of the Board. This record shall constitute the minutes of any official meeting and shall be k ept in the office of the Building Department as a public record accessible during Building Department hours of operation. RBC103.5 RIGHT OF ENTRY. Upon presentation of proper credentials, the Building Official or the Building Officials duly authorized representativ es may enter at reasonable times any building, structure or premises in the Jurisdiction, to perform any duty imposed upon the Building Official by this Code. RBC103.6 STOP WORK ORDERS. Whenev er any work is being done contrary to the prov isions of this Code, the Building Official may order the work stopped by notice in writing serv ed on any persons engaged in the doing or causing of work to be done, and any persons shall forthwith stop the work until authorized by the Building Official to proceed with the work . RBC103.7 OCCUPANCY VIOLATIONS. Whenev er any structure is being used contrary to the prov isions of this Code, the Building Official may order this use discontinued and the structure, or portion thereof, v acated by notice serv ed on any person causing this use to be continued. Such persons shall discontinue the use within ten (10) calendar day s after receipt of this notice or mak e the structure, or portion thereof, comply with requirements of the Code, pro v ided, howev er, that in the ev ent of an unsafe building, Section RBC112 of this Code shall apply . RBC103.8 COOPERATION OF OTHER OFFICIALS. The Building Official may request, and shall receiv e so far as may be necessary in the discharge of the Building Officials du ties, the assistance and cooperation of other officials of the Jurisdiction. RBC103.9 AUTHORITY TO DISCONNECT UTILITIES. The Building Official or the Building Officials authorized representativ e shall hav e the authority to disconnect or to cause the disconnection of any utility serv ice or energy supplied to the building, structure or building serv ice equipment therein regulated by this Code or the technical codes in case of emergency where necessary to eliminate an immediate hazard to life and property . The Building Official shall, whenev er possible, notify the serv ing utility , the property owner and occupant of the building, structure or building serv ice equipment of the decision to disconnect prior to tak ing any action, and shall notify the serv ing utility , owner and occupant of the building, structure or building serv ice equipment, in writing, of any disconnection immediately thereafter.
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RBC103.10 AUTHORITY TO CONDEMN EQUIPMENT. When the Building Official ascertains that equipment, or a portion thereof, regulated by this Code has become hazardous to life, health or property , the Building Official shall order in writing that the equipment either be remov ed or restored to a safe or sanitary condition, as appropriate. The written notice shall contain a fixed time limit for compliance with this order. Persons shall not use defectiv e equipment after receiv ing a notice. RBC103.11 CONNECTION AFTER ORDER TO DISCONNECT. Persons shall neither mak e connections from an energy , fuel or power supply nor supply energy or fuel to any equipment regulated by this Code that has been condemned, disconnected or ordered to be disconnected by the Building Official, until the Building Official authorizes the reconnection and use of any equipment.
RBC103.12 AUTHORITY TO IMPOSE A FINE. The Building Official may impose an administrativ e fine in an amount of up to one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) on any person or entity engaged in any construction consulting work or construction work cov ered by this Code within the Jurisdiction who engages in this work in v iolation of any prov isions of this Code. Appeals to this action may be made as prov ided for elsewhere in this Code. The Building Official shall mak e monthly reports of any imposed fines to the Regional Board of Rev iew. RBC103.13 AUTHORITY TO RECORD A CERTIFICATE OF ALLEGED NONCOMPLIANCE. The Building Official shall hav e the authority to record a certificate of alleged noncompliance thirty (30) calendar day s after notice of non-compliance is posted on the building or sent by certified mail to this indiv idual or entity as concerns any work done by any indiv idual, or entity which allegedly fails to comply with the final inspection requirements of this Code. . When the indiv idual or entity has made appropriate corrections so that the work then complies with this Code, the Building Official may record a release of the certificate of alleged non compliance.
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SECTION RBC104 - APPLICATION OF REGULATIONS RBC104.1 APPLICABILITY AND STRUCTURES. TO BUILDINGS RBC104.4 REPAIRS TO ROOF COVERINGS. Not more than twenty -fiv e percent (25%) of the roof cov ering of any building or structure shall be replaced in any twelv e (12) month period unless the new roof cov ering is made to conform to the requirements of the Building Code for new buildings or structures. RBC104.5 EXISTING OCCUPANCIES. Buildings in existence at the time of adoption of this Code may hav e their existing use or occupancy continued if the use or occupancy was legal at the time of adoption of this Code, prov ided the continued use is not dangerous to life. If any change is made in the use or occupancy of any existing building or structure, the prov isions of Section RBC110 of this Code must be complied with. RBC104.6 MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS. All buildings or structures, both existing and new, and all parts thereof, shall be maintained in a safe and sanitary condition. All dev ices or safeguards that are required by this Code in a building or structure when erected, altered or repaired, shall be maintained in good work ing order. The owner or the owners designated agent shall be responsible for the maintenance of buildings or structures. RBC104.7 ALTERNATE MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION. The prov isions of this Code are not intended to prev ent the use of any material or method of construction as specifically prescribed herein or regulations adopted there under, prov ided any alternate has been approv ed by the Building Official. The Building Official may approv e any alternate prov ided the Building Official finds that the proposed design is satisfactory , and that the material, method or work offered is, for the purpose intended, at least the equiv alent of that prescribed in this Code in quality , strength, effectiv eness, fire resistance, durability , and safety . The Building Official shall require that sufficient ev idence or proof be submitted to substantiate any claims that may be made regarding its use. RBC104.7.1 Acceptance Tests. Whenev er there is insufficient ev idence of compliance with the prov isions of this Code, ev idence that any material or any construction does not conform to the requirements of this Code, or in order to substantiate claims for alternate materials or methods of construction, the Building Official may require tests as proof of compliance to be made at the expense of the owner or the owners agent by an approv ed testing agency .
RBC104.1.1 Existing Buildings. Buildings or structures to which additions, alterations or repairs are made shall comply with all the requirements for new buildings or structures except as specifically prov ided in this Section. The v alue or v aluation of a building shall be the estimated cost to replace the building in k ind, based on current replacement costs as determined by the Building Official. RBC104.1.2 New Buildings, Structures or Equipment. This Code shall apply to all equipment, structures and buildings hereafter erected or installed. RBC104.1.3 Moved Buildings. Buildings or structures mov ed into or within the Jurisdiction shall comply with the prov isions of this Code for new buildings or structures. RBC104.2 ADDITIONS, ALTERATIONS OR REPAIRS. Additions, alterations or repairs may be made to any building or structure without requiring the existing building or structure to comply with all the requirements of this Code, prov ided the addition, alteration or repair conforms to that required for a new building or structure. Additions, alterations or repairs shall not cause an existing building or structure to become unsafe or ov erloaded. Any building so altered, which inv olv es a change in the use of occupancy , shall not exceed the height, number of stories, and area permitted for new buildings. Any building plus new additions shall not exceed height, number of stories, and area specified for new buildings. Alterations or repairs to an existing building or structure that are nonstructural and do not adv ersely affect any structural member or any part of the building or structure hav ing required fire resistance may be made with the same materials of which the building or structure is constructed. Exception: The installation or replacement of glass shall be as required for new installations. RBC104.3 NONSTRUCTURAL ALTERATIONS OR REPAIRS. Alterations or repairs not exceeding twenty -fiv e percent (25%) of the v alue of an existing building or structure that are nonstructural and do not affect any member or part of the building or structure hav ing required fire resistance may be made with the same materials of which the building or structure is constructed. Exception: The installation or replacement of glass shall be as required for new installations. Test methods shall be as specified by the Building
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Code for the material in question. If there are no appropriate test methods specified in the Building Code, the Building Official shall determine the test methods. Copies of the results of all tests shall be retained for a period of not less than two (2) y ears after the acceptance of the structure RBC104.8 MODIFICATIONS. Whenev er there are practical difficulties inv olv ed in carry ing out the prov isions of this Code, the Building Official may grant modifications for indiv idual cases, prov ided the Building Official shall first find that a special indiv idual reason mak es the strict letter of this Code impractical and that the modification is in conformity with the intent and purpose of this Code, and that the modification does not lessen any life safety or fire protection requirements or any degree of structural integrity . The details of any action granting modifications shall be recorded and entered in the files of the Building Department.
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SECTION RBC105 - PERMITS RBC105.1 PERMITS REQUIRED. Except as specified in Section RBC105.2 of this Code, no building or structure regulated by this Code shall be erected, constructed, enlarged, altered, repaired, mov ed, improv ed, remov ed, changed in occupancy , or demolished unless a separate permit for each building or structure has first been obtained from the Building Official. A permit is also required to install or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing sy stem regulated by this Code. RBC105.1.1 Annual Permit. The Building Official may issue an annual permit to a licensed contractor in lieu of an indiv idual permit. The annual permit issued shall be for a specific scope of work and discipline. Inspections and record submittal shall be as determined by the Building Official. RBC105.2 WORK EXEMPT FROM PERMITS. RBC105.2.1 Construction and Installations. Permits shall not be required for the following: 1. One-story , detached, enclosed, unheated buildings not more than one hundred -twenty (120) square feet in floor area accessory to a one- or two- family dwelling. 2. Fences not more than six (6) feet in height. 3. Oil derrick s. 4. Retaining walls not more than four (4) feet in height measured from the lower grade to the upper grade, unless supporting a surcharge from a structure or a grade slope greater than two (2) units horizontal to one (1) v ertical or impounding Class I, II, or IIIA liquids. 5. Water tank s supported directly upon grade if the capacity does not exceed fiv e thousand (5,000) gallons and the ratio of height to diameter or width does not exceed two (2) to one (1). 6. Water tank s of any size and any accessory equipment under the direct control of a utility purv ey or located completely below grade. 7. Priv ate sidewalk s, driv eway s, and platforms supported directly upon grade. Any steps created must comply with the applicable prov isions of the Building Code. 8. Replacement of any windows or fixed glazing in Group R-2, R-3 and U occupancies unless the opening is being enlarged . Replacement of any window required as an emergency escape and rescue opening and safety glazing required due to a hazardous location must comply with the applicable
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prov isions of the Building Code. 9. Painting, papering, tiling, carpeting, cabinets, counter tops and similar finish work . 10. Swimming pools accessory to one- and twofamily dwellings and not regulated by this Code. 11. Repairs to roofing when the repair constitutes less than one hundred (100) square feet. 12. Swings and other play ground equipment. 13. Window awnings supported by an exterior wall which do not project more than fifty four (54) inches from the exterior wall and do not require additional support of oneand two- family dwellings and accessory structures. 14. Mov able cases, counters, and partitions not ov er fiv e (5) feet nine (9) inches in height. 15. Hy draulic flood-control structures. 16. Pedestrian and v ehicular bridges not directly serv ing or constructed as part of a building. 17. The remov al and reinstallation of plumbing fixtures prov ided the work does not inv olv e the replacement or rearrangement of drain, waste, v ent or water pipes; 18. Portable heating, v entilating or cooling units; 19. Ice mak ers and humidifiers; 20. Ev aporativ e coolers in connection with oneand two-family dwellings, where no structural elements or components are modified. 21. Agricultural buildings and agricultural structures located in the County , as defined by the El Paso County Land Dev elopment Code. 22. Non-public, non-residential buildings located in the A -35 District in the County , as defined by the El Paso County Land Dev elopment Code. RBC105.2.2 Electrical Equipment. No permit is required when the work performed is conducted by the personnel of, or for the use of the public telephone and telegraph and messenger call companies operating under regular franchise granted by the Jurisdiction and under bond to the Jurisdiction or other public or priv ate utilities that desire to install electrical wiring, electrical fixture, appliances or apparatus on: 1. Installations of communication equipment
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under the exclusiv e control of communication utilities, located outdoors or in building spaces used exclusiv ely for installations. 2. Installations under the exclusiv e control of electric or natural gas utilities for the purpose of communication, metering or for the generation, control, transformation, transmission and distribution of electrical energy or natural gas located in buildings used exclusiv ely by utilities for these purposes or located outdoors on property owned or leased by the utility or on public highway s, streets, roads or outdoors by established rights on priv ate property . These exemptions are not intended to exclude new buildings which house these installations. RBC105.2.3 Emergency Work. All work performed on an emergency basis, as determined by the Building Official, to maintain an existing serv ice or to maintain an existing installation, building or structure, where the maintenance is necessary to protect life or property , shall not be subject to penalty if application for any required permits is made within sev enty -two (72) hours after commencement of the emergency work . RBC105.2.4 Plumbing Leaks. Plumbing, as defined in the Plumbing Code, may be done in the case of repairing leak s without a permit, prov ided that those so repairing leak s for compensation are properly licensed. RBC105.2.5 Temporary Signs. Temporary , limited to one (1) y ear, freestanding signs not more than sev en (7) feet high and not more than thirty -two (32) square feet in area may be erected without permit. RBC105.3 APPLICATION FOR PERMITS. Permits are required prior to the commencement of any work gov erned by this Code. To obtain a permit, the applicant shall first file an application in writing on a form furnished by the Building Department. Ev ery application shall contain the following: 1. Identification and description of the work to be considered as the scope of the permit; 2. Description of the land on which the proposed work is to be done, by lot, block , tract, and house and street address or similar description that will readily identify and definitiv ely locate the proposed building or work ; 3. Identification and description of the proposed use and occupancy classification of all parts of the building; 4. Complete construction documents as required by Section RBC106 of this Code.
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6. The signature of the applicant or the applicants authorized agent, who may be required to submit ev idence to indicate this authority ; and 7. Any other reasonable information as may be required by the Building Official. When work is commenced before a permit is issued, with the exception of work performed on an emergency basis pursuant to Section RBC105.2.3 of this Code, the applicant shall be required to pay fees according to the fee schedule as adopted by the Jurisdiction. RBC105.4 AUTHORIZED APPLICANTS. Only applicants meeting the prov isions of Section RBC201.3 of this Code and qualified to perform the work for which a permit application is being made shall be considered authorized to apply for a permit. RBC105.5 FRAUDULENT INTENT. Any permit issued in error, or for which the applicant is not qualified in accordance with the prov isions of Section RBC201.3 of this Code, or for which the applicant filed with fraudulent intent, shall thereby become null and v oid. RBC105.6 PREREQUISITES ISSUANCE. TO PERMIT
RBC105.6.1 Approved Construction Documents. No permit shall be issued until the applicant has processed and receiv ed approv al of the submittal documents required in accordance with Section RBC106 of this Code. RBC105.6.2 Municipal Services. No building permit shall be issued until the applicant has processed an application for water, wastewater and drainage through the appropriate departments of the Jurisdiction or other applicable authorities, and the applicant has paid all fees pursuant to this application. RBC105.7 ISSUANCE OF PERMITS. Upon satisfaction of the requirements in Sections RBC105.3 through RBC105.6 of this Code and pay ment of fees as specified in the Building Permit Fee schedule adopted by the Jurisdiction, the Building Official shall issue the applicant a permit to perform the proposed work . All work shall be completed in accordance with the approv ed documents, as applicable. RBC105.8 PARTIAL PERMITS. The Building Official may issue a permit for the construction of any portion of a building or structure before the complete construction documents for the entire building or structure hav e been submitted or
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approv ed, prov ided adequate information and detailed statements hav e been filed comply ing with all pertinent requirements of this Code and any other codes or requirements of the Jurisdiction. The holder of this permit shall proceed at his or her own risk without assurance that the permit for the entire building or structure will be granted. Partial permits may include, but are not limited to the following: 1. Foundation only 2. Superstructure 3. Core and shell 4. Partial interior finish Exception: Partial permits may not be issued for the construction of one- and two-family dwellings and their accessory structures. RBC105.9 EXPIRATION OF PERMITS. RBC105.9.1 Administratively Closed Permits. Any permit issued by the Building Official under the prov isions of this Code shall be administrativ ely closed to further inspection requests if the permit holder does not request a v alid inspection for the authorized work within six (6) months from the date of issuance of the permit or if the building or authorized work is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of six (6) or more months. RBC105.9.1.1 Fee to Re-Open a Permit. Before work can be recommenced, a fee equal to one-half () the amount required for the original permit shall be paid; prov ided no changes hav e been made or will be made in the original construction documents and prov ided, further, that suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) y ear. Exception: The Building Official may allow recommencement of work on a permit that has been suspended or abandoned for more than one (1) y ear prov ided a fee equal to the entire amount required for the original permit is paid. RBC105.9.2 Voided Permits. Any permit issued by the Building Official under the prov isions of this Code shall become null and v oid if all of the following occur: 1. The permit holder does not request a v alid inspection for the authorized work within one (1) y ear from the date of issuance of the permit, or the building or work authorized by the permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of one (1) y ear; and
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2. The authorized work is not substantially complete in the opinion of the Building Official. RBC105.9.2.1 New Permit Required. Before work can be recommenced, new plans shall be submitted and a new permit shall be obtained. Any fees shall be in accordance with the current Building Permit Fee Schedule as adopted by the Jurisdiction. RBC105.10 SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF PERMIT. The Building Official may , in writing, suspend or rev ok e a permit issued under prov isions of this Code whenev er the permit is issued in error or on the basis of incorrect information supplied, or in v iolation of any prov isions of this Code. RBC105.11 ELEVATOR PERMITS. No person, nor the Federal, State, County or City gov ernment, nor any agency , subdiv ision or department thereof, shall operate or cause to be operated, any conv ey ance gov erned by Section RBC310 of this Code without first hav ing obtained a permit for the operation of this dev ice from the Building Official. RBC105.11.1 Application for Permits. To obtain a permit for the operation of a conv ey ance gov erned by this Code, the applicant shall first file an application therefore in writing on a form furnished by the Building Department. Ev ery application shall contain the following: 1. The address of the site conv ey ance is to be operated. where the
2. A complete description of the dev ice, including exact location, for which the application is made. 3. A description of the use for which the dev ice is intended to be used. 4. The signature of the applicant, or their authorized agent. 5. Any other reasonable information as may be required by the Building Official. RBC105.11.2 Authorized Applicants. Building owners and their authorized agents shall be deemed to be authorized applicants. RBC105.11.3 Prerequisites to Permit Issuance. Before a permit may be issued for the operation of any conv ey ance gov erned by this Code, the conv ey ance shall be inspected by the Building Official or the Building Officials designated representativ e for compliance with this Code. The Building Official or the Building Officials designated representativ e shall ascertain compliance with all prov isions of this Code. RBC105.11.4 Issuance of Permits. The application and substantiating information filed by an applicant shall be rev iewed by the Building
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Official for accuracy and compliance with this Code. These documents may be rev iewed by other departments of the Jurisdiction to assure compliance with the laws and ordinances under their jurisdiction. When the Building Official is satisfied that the dev ice described in the application complies with all applicable regulations, has successfully passed required inspections, and that required fees hav e been paid, the Building Official shall issue a permit to the applicant. RBC105.11.5 Expiration of Permits. Ev ery elev ator permit issued by the Building Official under the prov isions of this Code shall automatically expire one (1) y ear after its issuance. A new permit must be obtained prior to the continued operation of the permitted dev ice. Exception: Dev ices located within single-family dwelling units do not require permits.
RBC105.11.6 Suspension or Revocation of Permit. The Building Official may , in writing, suspend or rev ok e a permit issued under the prov isions of this Code whenev er the permit has been issued in error or on the basis of incorrect information supplied, or in v iolation of any other prov isions of this Code. The suspension or rev ocation of the permit shall constitute termination of authority to operate the conv ey ance and the operation thereafter of the conv ey ance in question shall be unlawful. During any unlawful operation, the Building Official shall hav e the authority to phy sically remov e the dev ice from serv ice. RBC105.11.7 Inspection of Premises. After the first inspection of the conv ey ance is conducted by the Building Official or the Building Officials designated representativ e, a subsequent inspection shall be conducted approximately ev ery six (6) months or more often if deemed necessary by the Building Official or the Building Officials designated representativ e. RBC105.12 PERMITS ISSUED BY THE FIRE AUTHORITY. Permits for installation of any Fire Protection, Suppression, Extinguishing or Fire Alarm Sy stems shall be issued by the Fire Authority .
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SECTION RBC106 - CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS RBC106.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. Construction documents shall be rev iewed and approv ed by the Building Official prior to the issuance of a permit for the proposed work . All applications for a permit shall be accompanied by a minimum of two (2) complete sets of construction documents which shall include architectural, structural, plumbing, mechanical and electrical plans and details as applicable. Construction documents shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the scope of the work proposed and show in detail that it will conform to the prov isions of this Code and all relev ant laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations. Exception: The Building Official is authorized to waiv e the submission of construction documents if it is found that the scope of proposed work is such that rev iew of construction documents is not necessary to obtain compliance with this Code. RBC106.1.1 Scale and Format. Construction documents shall be drawn to a minimum scale of one eighth (1/8) inch = one (1) foot (1:96) for the primary description of scope of work . Lettering shall be a minimum size of one eighth (1/8) inch in height. Construction documents shall be drawn and submitted upon substantial paper, plastic or cloth of a minimum eighteen (18) inches by twenty -four (24) inches in size, or by an approv ed electronic means. Exception: Construction documents may be submitted on material of minimum eight and one half (8) inches by elev en (11) inches in size for any of the following: 1. Structures accessory family dwellings. to one- and twoOfficial. RBC106.1.3 Design Professional Required. Construction documents requiring preparation by an architect or an engineer as specified herein shall be prepared by and bear the stamp and signature of an architect licensed in the State of Colorado or a professional engineer registered in the State of Colorado. The professional preparing these plans shall be responsible for the structural integrity of the entire sy stem to include but not be limited to footings, foundations, walls, roof and all similar building sy stems. An architect's or an engineer's seal shall be required for all construction documents. Exceptions: 1. One- and two- family dwellings, including structures accessory thereto, excluding the foundation design unless permitted by this Code. 2. Any building of Group R-2 occupancy with no more than four (4) continuous units in which no dwelling unit or portion thereof is located directly abov e another dwelling unit, excluding the foundation design. 3. Any building of Group F -2, S-2 or U occupancy that neither exceeds fiv e thousand (5,000) square feet in floor area nor one story in height, excluding a onestory basement, and is not designed for occupancy by more than ten (10) persons in accordance with the Building Code, excluding the foundation design. 4. Additions, alterations, or repairs to the foregoing buildings that do not cause the completed buildings to exceed the applicable limitations set forth abov e. 5. Nonstructural alterations of any nature to any building if the alterations do not affect the life-safety of the building. 6. Pole signs hav ing a moment at the base of not more than sev enty -fiv e thousand (75,000) foot-pounds. RBC106.2 EXAMINATION OF DOCUMENTS. Construction documents filed by an applicant for a permit shall be examined by the Building Official. The documents may be rev iewed by other departments of the Jurisdiction to v erify compliance with applicable laws and ordinances. The Building Official and the Jurisdiction are hereby authorized to require rev ision to the construction documents until the documents demonstrate satisfactory compliance with this Code and
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2. Structures or equipment of a minor nature such that the construction documents are of a sufficient clarity to meet the minimum requirements of Section RBC106.1 of this Code. RBC106.1.2 Information Required. The first sheet of each set of construction documents shall giv e the building and street address of the work and the name and address of the firm or person who prepared them. Drawings shall include a plot plan showing the location of the proposed building and of ev ery existing building on the property . Calculations indicating the determination of any or all structural, mechanical and electrical design features and other necessary data sufficient to show compliance with this Code shall be submitted when requested by the Building
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applicable laws and ordinances. RBC106.3 APPROVAL OF DOCUMENTS. Construction documents comply ing with the prov isions of this Code, and approv ed by the Building Official, shall bear the Building Department stamp of approv al on each page thereof and each set of specifications. Approv al of construction documents shall not be construed to mean approv al of any v iolation of this Code or any other Code if a v iolation is included in the approv ed drawing and specifications, and shall not reliev e or exonerate any person or entity from the responsibility of comply ing with the prov isions of this Code or any other Code. RBC106.4 AMENDED CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Work shall be installed in accordance with the approv ed construction documents, and any changes made during construction that are not in compliance with the approv ed construction documents shall be resubmitted for approv al as an amended set of construction documents. RBC106.5 DISTRIBUTION OF DOCUMENTS. One set of approv ed construction documents shall
be returned to the applicant to be k ept on the job site at all times while the authorized work is in progress, and one approv ed set shall remain in the office of the Building Department and shall be retained for a period of not less than ninety (90) calendar day s after date of completion of the work . RBC106.6 EXPIRATION OF PLANS. Construction documents for which no permit is issued within six (6) months following the date of approv al shall expire and the construction documents may thereafter be retriev ed by the applicant or be destroy ed by the Building Department. The Building Official may extend the approv al of plans for a period not to exceed six (6) months upon request by the applicant. No application shall be extended more than once. In order to renew action on an application after expiration, the applicant shall resubmit plans and pay a new plan rev iew fee.
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SECTION RBC107 - TEMPORARY STRUCTURES AND USES RBC107.1 GENERAL. The Building Official is authorized to issue a permit for temporary structures and temporary uses. This permit shall hav e a limited time of serv ice not to exceed one (1) y ear. The Building Official is authorized to grant a single extension of one (1) y ear for demonstrated cause. RBC107.2 CONFORMANCE. Temporary structures and uses shall conform to the structural strength, fire safety , means of egress, accessibility , light, v entilation and sanitary requirements of this Code as necessary to ensure the public health, safety and general welfare. RBC107.3 TEMPORARY POWER. The Building Official is authorized to giv e permission to temporarily supply and use power in part of an electric installation before such installation has been fully completed and the final certificate of completion has been issued. The part cov ered by the temporary certificate shall comply with the requirements specified for temporary lighting, heat or power in the Electrical Code. RBC107.4 TERMINATION OF APPROVAL. The Building Official is authorized to terminate such permit for a temporary structure or use and to order the temporary structure or use to be discontinued at any time. RBC107.5 TENTS AND CANOPIES. See the Fire Code as adopted by the Fire Authority . RBC107.6 MANUFACTURED BUILDINGS. See Section RBC309 of this Code.
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SECTION RBC108 - PERMIT FEES RBC108.1 PAYMENT OF FEES. A permit shall not be v alid until the fees prescribed by law hav e been paid, nor shall an amendment to a permit be released until the additional fee, if any , has been paid. RBC108.2 SCHEDULE OF PERMIT FEES. On buildings, structures, electrical, gas, mechanical and plumbing sy stems or alterations requiring a permit, a fee for each permit shall be paid as required in accordance with the fee schedule as established by the Jurisdiction. RBC108.3 BUILDING PERMIT VALUATIONS. The applicant for a permit shall prov ide an estimated permit v alue at time of application in order to calculate the permit fee. Permit v aluations shall include the total v alue of work , including labor and materials, for which the permit is issued. This shall include such items as, but not limited to, profit, design and construction activ ity , as well as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment and permanent sy stems. Final building permit v aluation shall be set by the Building Official. RBC108.4 WORK COMMENCING BEFORE PERMIT ISSUANCE. Any person who commences work on a building, structure, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing sy stem before obtaining the necessary permits shall be subject to a fee established in accordance with the fee schedule as adopted by the Jurisdiction. RBC108.5 RELATED FEES. The pay ment of the fee for the construction, alteration, remov al or demolition for work done in connection to or concurrently with the work authorized by a building permit shall not reliev e the applicant or holder of the permit from the pay ment of other fees that are prescribed by law. RBC108.6 REFUNDS. The Building Official may authorize the following refunds: 1. Any fee which was erroneously collected. paid or
2. Not more than eighty percent (80%) of the permit fee paid when no work has been done under a permit issued in accordance with this Code. 3. Not more than eighty percent (80%) of the plans examination fee when an application for a permit, for which a plans examination fee has been paid, is withdrawn or canceled before any plans examination effort has been expended.
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SECTION RBC109 - INSPECTIONS RBC109.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. All work performed under the prov isions of this Code shall be subject to inspections by the Building Department and all inspections shall be requested within the parameters established by Building Department policy . Certain ty pes of work specified hereinafter shall hav e special inspection by priv ately employ ed qualified inspectors. RBC109.2 REQUIRED INSPECTIONS. Without limitation the Building Official shall mak e the following inspections of buildings, structures, utilities or equipment and shall either approv e that portion of the work as completed or shall notify the permit holder or the permit holders agent wherein the same fails to comply with the requirements of this Code. Noted deficiencies shall be corrected within thirty (30) calendar day s or as required by the Building Official. Reasonable extensions may be granted by the Building Official. It shall be the responsibility of the permit holder to request and complete all required inspections in a timely manner as determined by the Building Official. It shall be the duty of the person requesting inspections regulated by this Code to prov ide access to and means for proper inspection. The Building Official shall not be liable for any expenses entailed in the remov al or replacement of any material required to allow the inspection. RBC109.2.1 Building Inspections. The following inspections shall be completed by a building inspector: 1. Footing. After excav ation is complete, forms erected and braced; steel, if any , tied and in place. Before any concrete is poured. 2. Foundation. After excav ation is complete, forms erected and braced; steel, if any , tied and in place. Before any concrete is poured. Foundation inspection required on all walls with or without footings and other walls when notified by inspector. 3. Caissons. Notify Building Department when pouring will start and prov ide required documentation. Department will inspect at will. 4. Building Foundation Drain. After drain is installed per foundation engineer and waterproofing applied to exterior of foundation wall. 5. Building Foundation Insulation. After insulation is in place at all required foundation component locations and prio r to
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any back fill that would cov er the insulation. 6. Roof dry-in (Tile roof). After all underlay ment, batten strips and sub-flashing are in place. Before any tile is stock ed or installed on roof. 7. Frame. When framing is complete, after mechanical, plumbing and electrical inspections are made. Fireplaces, flues, block ing, bracing and exterior sheathing shall be in place. Exterior finish is optional as required by the inspector. Windows and doors shall be installed and roof in place so that the house is dried in. No interior lathing or wallboard or any insulation shall be installed at this time. 8. Insulation. Upon installation of insulation that is subject to concealment and after the framing inspection has been conducted. No interior lathing or wallboard shall be installed at this time. 9. Lath. After all interior and exterior lathing is installed, but before any plaster or stucco has been applied. 10. Final. Upon completion of all construction and site improv ements and prior to occupancy . RBC109.2.2 Plumbing Inspections. The following inspections shall be completed by a plumbing inspector: 1. Base. water, under piping After all of the underground potable waste, and v ent piping is in place, the required test and prior to the being cov ered.
2. Top-Out and Inside Water. After all abov eground potable water, waste, and v ent piping is in place, under the required test and prior to any of the piping being concealed. 3. Water Out. After the water serv ice ditch has been excav ated and the serv ice line placed in the ditch, but prior to any back filling. 4. Roof Drain. After the roof drainage sy stem piping is in place, but not y et concealed. 5. Final. After all work is completed and equipment, fixtures and sy stems are operating. RBC109.2.3 Electrical Inspections. The following inspections shall be completed by an electrical inspector: 1. Service. After installation of all serv ice conductors, grounding of electrode sy stem
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and bonding of equipment. 2. Underground. After installation of all underground conductors or conduit and prior to back fill. 3. Rough In. After installation of all conduit, semi-rigid piping or wiring being in place, prior to cov ering. 4. Final. After all work is completed and equipment, fixtures and sy stems are operating. RBC109.2.4 Mechanical Inspections. The following inspections shall be completed by a mechanical inspector: 1. Vent. After all the v ents are installed and the roof is in place so that the structure is dried in and before the v ents are concealed. 2. Gas Piping. After all gas piping located in or on the structure has been installed and tested and before it is cov ered or concealed. 3. Hydronic Piping. After all hy dronic piping has been installed and tested and before it is cov ered or concealed. 4. Refrigeration Piping. After all refrigeration piping, except for a single line set, has been installed and tested and before it is cov ered or concealed. 5. Process Steam and Water Piping. After the steam and water piping sy stems that are a part of a heating or cooling sy stem hav e been installed, tested and before it is cov ered and concealed. 6. Duct. On all occupancies except one- and two- family dwellings and accessory structures, after the ductwork is in place and before it is concealed. 7. Residential Rough. Encompasses all the rough mechanical work within a one- and twofamily dwelling and accessory structures. Includes, but is not limited to all gas appliance v ents as well as all supply , return and exhaust duct sy stems. To be accomplished after all work has been completed and the roof is in place so th at the structure is dried in and before any work is concealed. 8. Outside Gas. After all belowground piping has been installed and tested and prior to any of the piping being cov ered. 9. Construction Meter. A special inspection that enables the gas meter to be set prior to the final inspection. All other required inspections must be complete. 10. Final. This inspection is requested after all appliances are installed and are ready to
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become operational. If a gas meter is required, a meter will be ordered at this time. RBC109.2.5 Elevator Inspections. The following inspections shall be completed by an elev ator inspector: 1. Hoistway. After the Hoistway construction is completed and before installation of the elev ator. 2. Machine Room. After the machine room is completed and before the installation of the machine. 3. Smoke Detection and Fire Recall. After the installation of the smok e detectors in the machine room, hoistway and lobbies, in agreement with the Fire Authority . 4. Final. After the elev ator and all associated sy stems are installed and operating. RBC109.2.6 Manufactured Building Inspections for Non-permanent Foundations. The following inspections shall be completed by either a building, mechanical, plumbing, electrical or combination inspector, as applicable. 1. Building Temporary Tie-down. After the unit has been placed on its temporary foundation, the marriage wall has been adjoined and all structural tie-downs are in place. 2. Electrical Underground. After installation of all underground conductors or conduit and prior to back fill. 3. Heating Temporary. After all ductwork is in place and gas piping is under test and in place and before it is concealed. 4. Plumbing Temporary. After all abov eground potable water, waste, and v ent piping is in place, and prior to any of the piping being concealed. 5. Heating Outside Temporary. After exterior piping is installed in the trench and under test prior to back fill. 6. Plumbing Outside Temporary. After exterior water serv ice is installed in the trench and prior to back fill. 7. Electrical Service. After installation of all serv ice conductors, grounding of electrode sy stem and bonding of equipment. 8. Electrical Final. After all work is complete and equipment, fixtures and sy stems are operating. 9. Building Final. Upon completion of all construction and after placement of the installation insignia.
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RBC109.3 OCCUPANCY. All required inspections must be completed and all regulated work must be approv ed by the Building Official prior to the use or occupancy of any building. RBC109.4 ENERGY CONNECTIONS. No person shall mak e connections from a source of energy to any sy stem or equipment regulated by this Code and for which a permit is required until approved by the Building Official. RBC109.5 TEMPORARY CONNECTIONS. The Building Official may authorize temporary connection of the equipment to the source of energy for the purpose of testing the equipment, or for use under a temporary certificate of occupancy . RBC109.6 WORK COVERED BEFORE INSPECTION. Whenev er any work is cov ered or concealed by additional work without first hav ing been inspected as required, the Building Department may order, by written notice, that the work be exposed for examination. RBC109.7 SPECIAL INSPECTIONS. RBC109.7.1 Special Inspector. In addition to the inspections to be made as specified abov e, the owner or the owners agent shall, upon direction of the Building Official, employ a special inspector on special construction or work inv olv ing unusual hazards or requiring constant inspection. The special inspector shall be a qualified person approv ed by the Building Official and shall furnish continuous inspections on the construction work requiring the special inspectors employ ment, and this inspector, or the architect or engineer employ ing the inspector, shall furnish a copy of reports to the Building Official when so required. Special inspections required by this Section and elsewhere in this Code shall not be required where the work is done on the premises of a fabricator, approv ed by the Building Official, to perform the work without special inspection. The certificate of approv al shall be subject to rev ocation by the Building Official if it is found that any work done pursuant to the approv al is in v iolation of this Code. RBC109.7.2 Observation by Architect, Engineer or Others. Observ ation of the construction of buildings, structures or utilities to which required construction documents pertain shall be performed by or under observ ation of the architect or engineer responsible.
RBC109.8 INSPECTION RECORD CARD. Work requiring a permit shall not commence until the permit holder or the permit holders agent posts an inspection record card in a conspicuous place on the front premises of the property and in a position to allow the Building Official or the Building Officials authorized representativ e to mak e the required entries thereon regarding inspection of the work . This card shall be maintained in this location by the permit holder until all required inspections hav e been recorded. Exception: Permits for which no inspection record card is issued need not post any documentation. RBC109.8.1 Proximity of Plans to Card. The approv ed construction documents required by Section RBC106.2 of this Code shall be av ailable and located within a reasonable proximity to the inspection record card to allow inspection of the plans on the job site. RBC109.8.2 Weather Protection. The inspection record card and associated approv ed construction documents shall be protected from inclement weather by appropriate means so as to allow due rev iew and entry onto the card. RBC109.9 APPROVALS REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any part of the building or structure bey ond the point indicated in each successiv e inspection without first obtaining the approv al of the Building Official. A surv ey of the lot may be required by the Building Official to v erify compliance of the structure with approv ed documents. RBC109.10 ADDITIONAL INSPECTIONS. In addition to the normally required inspections, the Building Official may , at any time, mak e other inspections of the work in progress to ascertain compliance with the prov isions of this Code. RBC109.11 REINSPECTIONS. The Building Official has the right to re-inspect any premises within the Jurisdiction. These inspections may be made from time to time during reasonable hours and upon notice to occupants, and are made to determine if the requirements of this Code are continually met and that the premises are k ept in accordance with the requirements of this Code.
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SECTION RBC110 - CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY RBC110.1 CERTIFICATE REQUIRED. RBC110.1.1 New Use or Occupancy. No new building or structure or portion thereof requiring a permit in accordance with Section RBC105 of this Code shall be used or occupied and no change in the existing occupancy classification of a building or structure or portion thereof shall be made until the Building Official has issued a certificate of occupancy therefor as prov ided herein. Exception: Group U Occupancies manufactured buildings in accordance Section RBC309.14 of this Code. and with The liv e load for which each floor or part thereof of a commercial or industrial building is or has been designed shall be conspicuously posted by the owner in that part of each story in which it applies, using a durable metal sign, and it shall be unlawful to remov e or deface these notices. The occupant of the building shall be responsible for k eeping the actual load below the allowable limits. 3. A statement that the room capacity signs hav e been installed, as follows: The maximum room capacity shall be conspicuously posted by the owner of the building by means of durable metal or plastic signs placed in each assembly room, auditorium or room used for a similar purpose where fixed seats are not installed, and it shall be unlawful to remov e or deface this notice or to permit more than this legal number of persons within the space. 4. A statement that the building or structure complies with the prov isions of this Code. RBC110.3 COMPLIANCE REQUIRED. The Building Official shall not issue a certificate of occupancy to any owner who has not complied with the requirements imposed on the owner by the Jurisdiction whether by ordinance, resolution, contract, or otherwise. The site improv ements including, but not limited to, landscaping, pav ing, and lighting shall be completed in accordance with the plans submitted and approv ed before a certificate of occupancy may be issued. Howev er, if the site improv ements cannot be completed because of the season or other v alid reason, the Building Official, upon obtaining from the owner a letter of credit or other acceptable assurance that improv ements will be completed at the earliest possible time, may issue a certificate of occupancy prov ided that all other requirements of this Section hav e been complied with. RBC110.4 TEMPORARY CERTIFICATES. A temporary certificate of occupancy may be issued by the Building Official for the use of a portion or portions of a building or structure prior to the completion of the entire building or structure. RBC110.5 CERTIFICATE TO BE POSTED. The certificate of occupancy or temporary certificate of occupancy shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises and shall not be remov ed except by the Building Official.
RBC110.1.2 Changes in Use. No change shall be made in the character of occupancy or use of any building that would place the building in a different occupancy classification, unless the building is made to comply with the requirements of this Code. A change in use to a use that causes an increase in the occupant load of greater than ten percent (10%) of the original use shall require compliance with the requirements of this Code the same as required by a change to another occupancy classification. A new certificate of occupancy shall be issued for all chang es in use as prov ided herein. Exceptions: 1. The occupancy classification and use of existing buildings may be changed subject to the approv al of the Building Official without conforming to all requirements of this Code, prov ided the new or proposed use is of equal or lesser hazard, based on life and fire risk , than the existing use. 2. A new certificate of occupancy is not required when the change of use is from a Group B to Group M occupancy or v ice v ersa prov ided the resulting occupant load does not exceed fifty (50) occupants. RBC110.2 CERTIFICATE ISSUED. If, after final inspection, it is found that the building or structure complies with the prov isions of this Code and other applicable requirements including but not limited to zoning, planning, fire, health and engineering, the permit holder or owner shall request and the Building Official shall issue a certificate of occupancy , and the building shall not be occupied until the certificate of occupancy is issued. The certificate of occupancy shall contain: 1. The use and occupancy certificate is issued. for which the
2. A statement that the floor load signs hav e been installed, as follows:
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SECTION RBC111 - BOARD OF REVIEW AND ADVISORY COMMITTEES RBC111.1 BOARD OF REVIEW ESTABLISHED. In order to carry out and accomplish the prov isions and objectiv es of this Code, there is hereby created a board to be k nown and cited as the Board of Rev iew. The Board of Rev iew shall be composed of fiv e (5) members to be composed as follows: 1. Registered Engineer (structural, electrical or mechanical) 2. Architect 3. Building Contractor A or B (commercial work ) 4. Building Contractor A, B or C (home builder) 5. Citizen at Large construction. experienced in building all applicants and attest as to their fitness and qualifications for licenses and registrations. RBC111.4 ADVISORY COMMITTEES; COMPOSITION AND FUNCTIONS. RBC111.4.1 Building Committee. The Building Committee shall be primarily responsible for testing and rev iewing all applicants for licenses and the performance of work required under the Commercial Building Code, including Appendix H, Signs, the Residential Building Code, the Existing Building Code, and applicable prov isions of the Energy Conserv ation Code and the Manufactured Building Code. The Building Committee shall be composed of sev en (7) members as follows: 1. Professional Engineer licensed by the State of Colorado (civ il - structural) 2. Architect licensed by the State of Colorado 3. Building Contractor A or B (commercial work ) 4. Building Contractor A, B or C (home builder) 5. Building Contractor D, E or subcontractor 6. Citizen at Large experienced in the building industry 7. Officer of a financial institution RBC111.4.2 Electrical Committee. The Electrical Committee shall be primarily responsible for rev iew of all applicants for registration and the performance of work done under the Electrical Code and applicable prov isions of the Energy Conserv ation Code. The Electrical Committee shall be composed of sev en (7) members as follows: 1. Professional Engineer licensed by the State of Colorado (electrical) 2. Architect licensed by the State of Colorado 3. Electrical Contractor licensed by the State of Colorado 4. Building Contractor A or B (commercial work ) 5. Building Contractor A, B or C (home builder) 6. Journey man Electrician licensed by the State of Colorado 7. Citizen at Large experienced in the electrical industry RBC111.4.3 Mechanical Committee. The Mechanical Committee shall be primarily responsible for testing and rev iewing all applicants for licenses under the Mechanical Code and the Fuel Gas Code and rev iew of applicants
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RBC111.2 AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY OF BOARD OF REVIEW. The Board of Rev iew shall hav e authority and responsibility as set forth in this section. RBC111.2.1 Proposal of Rules, Regulations and Standards. The Board shall propose rules, regulations and standards as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes and objectiv es of this Code. All rules, regulations and standards as may be proposed for adoption by the Board of Rev iew shall be subject to final approv al of the appropriate legislativ e body of the Jurisdiction. All rules and regulations, upon adoption shall be reduced to writing and k ept av ailable for public inspection in the office of the Building Official and the Clerk of the Jurisdiction. RBC111.2.2 Licenses. The Board shall act as the duly authorized authority for granting and rev ok ing all licenses prov ided for in this Code. RBC111.2.3 Interpretation of Code. The Board is charged with reasonable interpretation of this Code. The Board of Rev iew may grant minor v ariances from the prov isions of this Code, prov ided the Board finds that at least one of the following conditions exists: 1. The true intent of the applicable code has been incorrectly interpreted. 2. The prov isions of the applicable code do not fully apply . 3. An equally good or construction is proposed. better form of
RBC111.3 ADVISORY COMMITTEES; PURPOSE. Adv isory committees shall be established as adv isory to the Board of Rev iew. These committees shall rev iew all appeals with power and authority to interpret and recommend minor v ariances from this Code and shall examine
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for registration under the Plumbing Code as well as the performance of work under these Codes, the Elev ator and Escalator Safety Code, and applicable prov isions of the Energy Conserv ation and Manufactured Building Codes. The Mechanical Committee shall be composed of sev en (7) members as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Professional Engineer licensed by the State of Colorado (mechanical) Architect licensed by the State of Colorado Building Contractor A, B or C Licensed Mechanical Contractor A Master Plumber licensed by the State of Colorado Licensed Mechanical Contractor B Journey man Plumber licensed by the State of Colorado
permanent public record. To constitute a quorum, at least a majority of the entire membership shall be present. RBC111.5.5 Meetings. The board committee shall meet as necessary for conduct of business. or the
RBC111.5.6 Vacation of Office. Members shall be dropped from the board or committee on which they serv e for failure to attend a minimum of sev enty -fiv e percent (75%) of the scheduled meetings in any consecutiv e twelv e (12) month period unless, in the opinion of the appointing Council or Commission, good cause can be shown for failing to be present at the meetings. Such dismissal shall constitute the conclusion of one term of serv ice. RBC111.6 LIABILITY OF MEMBERS. No member of any board or committee prov ided for herein, acting in good faith and without malice for the Jurisdiction in the discharge of their du ties shall thereby render themselv es personally liable. All board and committee members are hereby reliev ed from all personal liability for any damage that may accrue to persons or property as a result of any act required, or by reasons of any act or omission related to the discharge of their duties. Any suit brought against a member or members of the board or any committees, as prov ided for herein, because of any act or omission performed by them in the discharge of their duties, shall be defended by the Jurisdiction according to the location of the property that is subject to the act or omission that resulted in the suit, until final termination of the proceedings. RBC111.7 FIRE BOARD OF APPEALS. When appointed by the Jurisdiction, Fire Authority or both, the Fire Board of Appeals shall hav e power and authority as assigned by the Jurisdiction, Fire Authority or both.
RBC111.5 BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEMBER APPOINTMENTS, ORGANIZATION AND MEETINGS. Members of the Board of Rev iew and adv isory committees shall be gov erned by this Section. RBC111.5.1 Appointments. Members shall be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of El Paso in conjunction with the City Council of the City of Colorado Springs, acting as indiv idual bodies, but in agreement. RBC111.5.2 Terms. A term of serv ice shall be for three (3) y ears unless to fill an unexpected v acancy . After the three (3) y ear term is completed, members shall serv e as an alternate member for an additional two (2) y ears. In the ev ent that a quorum cannot be established, an alternate member may be ask ed to attend prior to the scheduled meeting. RBC111.5.3 Election of Officers. The board or committee shall, as its first official act in each y ear, elect a chairman and v ice chairman. RBC111.5.4 Minutes. Minutes shall be maintained of all meetings and be made a
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SECTION RBC112 - DANGEROUS BUILDINGS RBC112.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS. RBC112.1.1 Title. This section shall be k nown and cited as the Dangerous Building Code. RBC112.1.2 Purpose Regulations. and Scope of All buildings or structures within the scope of this Section and all construction or work for which a permit is required shall be subject to inspection by the Building Official in accordance with and in the manner prov ided by this Section RBC109 of this Code. RBC112.1.6 Right of Entry for Inspections. RBC112.1.6.1 Authorized Entry. Whenev er necessary to mak e an inspection to enforce any of the prov isions of this Section, or whenev er the Building Official or the Building Officials authorized representativ e has reasonable cause to believ e that there exists in any building or upon any premises any condition that mak es a building or premises dangerous as defined in Section RBC112.1.7 of this Code, the Building Official or the Building Officials authorized representativ e may enter this building or premises at all reasonable times to inspect the same or perform any duty imposed upon the Building Official by this Code, prov ided that: 1. If this building or premises is occupied, the Building Official or the Building Officials authorized representativ e shall first present proper credentials and demand entry ; and 2. If this building or premises is unoccupied, the Building Official or the Building Officials authorized representativ e shall first mak e a reasonable effort to lo cate the owner or other persons hav ing charge or control of the building premises and demand entry . If entry is refused, the Building Official or the Building Officials authorized representativ e shall hav e recourse to ev ery remedy prov ided by law to secure entry . RBC112.1.6.2 Authorized Representative. "Authorized representativ e" shall include the officers named in Section RBC112.1.5 of this Code and their authorized inspection personnel. RBC112.1.6.3 Permission of Entry. No owner or occupant or any other person hav ing charge, care or control of any building or premises shall fail or neglect, after proper demand is made herein prov ided, to promptly permit entry therein by the Building Official or the Building Officials authorized representativ e for purpose of inspection and examination pursuant to this Code. Any person v iolating this subdiv ision shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
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RBC112.1.2.1 Purpose. It is the purpose of these prov isions to prov ide a just, equitable, and practicable method, to be cumulativ e with and in addition to, any other remedy prov ided by this Code, or the Housing Code, as applicable, or otherwise av ailable at law, whereby buildings or structures that from any cause endanger the life, limb, health, morals, property , safety , or welfare of the general public or their occupants, may be required to be repaired, v acated or demolished. RBC112.1.2.2 Scope. The prov isions of Section RBC112 of this Code shall apply to all dangerous buildings, as herein defined, that are now in existence, or that may hereafter be constructed in the City . RBC112.1.3 Administration. The Building Official is hereby authorized to enforce the prov isions of this Section. RBC112.1.4 Board of Appeals. In order to prov ide for final interpretation of the prov isions of this Code and to hear appeals prov ided for hereunder, there is hereby established a Board of Appeals of fiv e (5) members who are not employ ees of the City or the Building Department except that the Building Official shall be an ex officio member of and shall act as secretary to this Board. The Board shall be appointed by the gov erning body of the Jurisdiction and shall serv e at its pleasure. The Board may adopt reasonable rules and regulations for conducting its business and shall render all decisions and findings in writing to the appellant with a copy to the Building Official. Appeals to the Board shall be processed in accordance with the prov isions contained in Section RBC112.3 of this Code. Copies of all rules and regulations adopted by the Board shall be deliv ered to the Building Official, who shall mak e them freely accessible to the public. RBC112.1.5 Inspections. The Jurisdictions Health Officer and the Fire Chief of the Fire Authority along with the Building Official and their authorized representativ es are hereby authorized to mak e any inspections and tak e any actions as may be required to enforce the prov isions of this Section.
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RBC112.1.7 Definitions. The following terms, as used in Section RBC112 of this Code, shall hav e the meanings hereinafter designated, unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, or unless such meaning is excluded by express prov ision. Dangerous Building. For the purpose of Section RBC112 of this Code, any building or structure that has any or all of the conditions or defects hereinafter described shall be deemed to be a dangerous building, prov ided that the conditions or defects exist to the extent that the life, health, property , or safety of the public or its occupants are endangered: 1. Whenev er any door, aisle, passageway , stairway , or other means of exit is not of sufficient width or size, or is not so arranged as to prov ide safe and adequate means of exit in case of fire or panic. 2. Whenev er the stress in any materials, member or portion thereof, due to all dead and liv e loads, is more than one and onehalf (1) times the work ing stress or stresses allowed in this Code for new buildings of similar structure, purpose or location. 3. Whenev er any portion thereof has been damaged by fire, earthquak e, wind, flood or by any other cause, to an extent that the structural strength or stability thereof is materially less than it was before such catastrophe and is less than the minimum requirements of this Code for new buildings of similar structure, purpose or location. 4. Whenev er any portion of a member appurtenance thereof is lik ely to fail, or become detached or dislodged, or collapse and thereby injure persons damage property . or to to or
7. Whenev er the building or structure, or any portion thereof, is lik ely to partially or completely collapse because of: 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. Dilapidation, deterioration or decay ; Faulty construction; Remov al, mov ement or instability of any portion of the ground necessary for the purpose of supporting the building; Deterioration, decay or inadequacy of the foundation; or Any other cause.
7.4. 7.5.
8. Whenev er, for any reason, the building or structure, or any portion thereof, is manifestly unsafe for the purpose for which it is being used. 9. Whenev er the exterior walls or other v ertical structural members list, lean, or buck le to such an extent that a plumb line passing through the center of grav ity does not fall inside the middle one-third (1/3) of the base. 10. Whenev er the building or structure, exclusiv e of the foundation, shows thirty three percent (33%) or more damage or deterioration of its supporting member or members, or fifty percent (50%) damage or deterioration of its non-supporting members, enclosing or outside walls or cov erings. 11. Whenev er the building or structure has been so damaged by fire, wind, earthquak e or flood, or has become so dilapidated or deteriorated as to become: 11.1. An attractiv e nuisance to children; 11.2. A harbor for v agrants, criminals or immoral persons; or as to 11.3. Enable persons to resort thereto for the purpose of committing unlawful or immoral acts. 12. Whenev er any building or structure has been constructed, exists or is maintained in v iolation of any specific requirement or prohibition applicable to the building or structure prov ided by this Code, the Housing Code, or of any law or ordinance of the State or City relating to the condition, location or structure of buildings. 13. Whenev er any building or structure that, whether or not erected in accordance with all applicable laws and ordinances, has in any non-supporting part, member or portion, less than fifty percent (50%), or in any supporting part, member or portion, less than sixty -six percent (66%) of the:
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5. Whenev er any portion of a building, or any member, appurtenance or ornamentation on the exterior thereof is found to be of insufficient strength or stability , or it is not anchored, attached or fastened in place so as to be capable of resisting a wind pressure of one-half () of that specified in this Code for new buildings of similar structure, purpose or location without exceeding the work ing stresses permitted in this Code for new buildings. 6. Whenev er any portion thereof has crack ed, warped, buck led, or settled to an extent that walls or other structural portions hav e materially less resistance to winds or earthquak es than is required in the case of similar new construction.
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13.1. Strength; 13.2. Fire-resistance rating characteristics; or 13.3. Weather-resisting qualities or characteristics required by law in the case of a newly constructed building of lik e area, height and occupancy in the same location. 14. Whenev er a building or structure, used for dwelling purposes, because of inadequ ate maintenance, dilapidation, decay damage, faulty construction or arrangement, inadequate light, air or sanitation facilities or otherwise, is determined by the Health Officer to be unsanitary , unfit for human habitation or in a condition that is lik ely to cause sick ness or disease. 15. Whenev er any building or structure, because of obsolescence, dilapidated condition, deterioration, damage, inadequate exits, lack of sufficient fire-resistiv e construction, faulty electric wiring, gas connections or heating apparatus, or other cause, is determined by the Fire Chief to be a fire hazard. 16. Whenev er any building or structure is in a condition to constitute a public nuisance k nown to the common law or in equity jurisprudence. 17. Whenev er any portion of a building or structure remains on a site after the demolition or destruction of the building or structure or whenev er any building or structure is abandoned for a period in excess of six (6) months so as to constitute a building or portion thereof as an attractiv e nuisance or hazard to the public. RBC112.2 ABATEMENT BUILDINGS OF DANGEROUS
RBC112.2.3 Commence Abatement Proceedings. Whenev er the Building Official has inspected, or caused to be inspected, any buildings and has found and determined that the building is a dangerous building, the Building Official shall commence proceedings to cause the repair, v acation or demolition of the building. RBC112.2.4 Notice and Order to Abate. The Building Official shall issue a notice and order directed to the record owner of the building. The notice and order shall contain: 1. The street address and a legal description sufficient to identification of the premises upon which the building is located. A statement that the Building Official has found the building to be dangerous, with a brief and concise description of the conditions found to render the building dangerous under the prov isions of Section RBC112.1.7 of this Code. A statement of the action required to be tak en, as determined by the Building Official. 3.1. If the Building Official has determined that the building or structure must be repaired, the order shall require that all required permits be secured therefor and the work phy sically commenced within an appropriate amount of time (not to exceed sixty (60) calendar day s from the date of the order) and completed within an appropriate amount of time as the Building Official determines to be reasonable under all of the circumstances. If the Building Official has determined that the building or structure must be v acated, the order shall require that the building or structure shall be v acated within a time certain from the date of the order as determined by the Building Official to be reasonable. If the Building Official has determined that the building or structure must be demolished, the order shall require that the building be v acated within an appropriate amount of time as the Building Official determines to be reasonable (not to exceed sixty (60) calendar day s from the date of the order); that all required permits be secured therefor within sixty
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RBC112.2.1 Public Nuisance Declared. All buildings or portions thereof that are determined, after inspection by the Building Official, to be dangerous as defined in Section RBC112.1.7 of this Code are hereby declared to be public nuisances and shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition, or remov al in accordance with the procedures specified in this Section. RBC112.2.2 Comply With Applicable Codes. All buildings, or structures that are required to be repaired under the prov isions of this Section shall be subject to the prov isions of Chapter 3 of this Code, and the applicable codes adopted by reference therein.
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(60) calendar day s from the date of the order, and that the demolition be completed within an appropriate amount of time as the Building Official determines to be reasonable. 4. Statements adv ising that if any required repair or demolition work (without v acation also being required) is not commenced within the time specified, the Building Official: 4.1. Will order the building v acated and posted exit to prev ent further occupancy until the work is completed; and May proceed to cause the work to be done and charge the costs thereof against the property or its owner. That any person hav ing any record title or legal interest in the building may appeal from the notice and order or any action of the Building Official to the Board of Appeals, prov ided the appeal is made in writing as prov ided in the Code, and filed with the Building Official within thirty (30) calendar day s from the date of serv ice of the notice and order; and That failure to appeal will constitute a waiv er of all right to an administrativ e hearing and determination of the matter.
any other person duly serv ed, or reliev e any person from any duty or obligation imposed on the person by the prov isions of Section RBC112 of this Code. RBC112.2.5.2 Method of Service. Serv ice of the notice and order shall be made upon all persons entitled thereto either personally or by mailing a copy of the notice and order by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, to the person at the address as it appears on the assessment roll of the County or as k nown to the Building Official. If no address of any persons so appears or is k nown to the Building Official, then a copy of the notice and order shall be so mailed, addressed to the person, at the address of the building inv olv ed in the proceedings. The failure of any person to receiv e the notice shall not affect the v alidity of any proceedings tak en under this Section. Serv ice by certified mail in the manner herein prov ided shall be effectiv e on the date of mailing. RBC112.2.5.3 Proof of Service. Proof of serv ice of the notice and order shall be certified to at the time of serv ice by a written declaration under penalty of perjury executed by the person effecting serv ice, declaring the time, date, and manner in which serv ice was made. The declaration, together with any receipt card returned in ack nowledgment of receipt by certified mail shall be affixed to the copy of the notice and order retained by the Building Official. RBC112.2.6 Notice To Vacate. Ev ery notice to v acate shall, in addition to being serv ed as prov ided in Section RBC112.2.5 of this Code abov e, be posted at or upon each exit of the building, and shall be in substantially the following form: DANGEROUS BUILDING DO NOT OCCUPY It is a misdemeanor to occupy the building or to remove or deface this notice. Building Official Pikes Peak Regional Building Department Whenev er this notice is posted, the Building Official shall include a notification thereof in the notice and order issued under Section RBC112.2.4 of this Code, reciting the emergency and specify ing the conditions that necessitate the posting. No person shall remain in or enter any building that has been so posted, except that entry may be made to repair, demolish or remov e
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RBC112.2.5 Service of Notice and Order. RBC112.2.5.1 To Whom Made. The Notice and Order, and any amended or supplemental Notice and Order, shall be serv ed upon the record owner, and posted on the property ; and one copy thereof shall be serv ed on each of the following, if k nown to the Building Official or disclosed from official public record; 1. The holder of any mortgage or deed of trust or other lien or encumbrance of record; 2. The owner or holder of any lease of record; and 3. The holder of any other estate or legal interest of record in or to the building or the land on which it is located. The failure of the Building Official to serv e any person required herein to be serv ed shall not inv alidate any proceedings hereunder as to
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the building under permit. No person shall remov e or deface this notice after it is posted until the required repairs, demolition or remov al hav e been completed and a certificate of occupancy issued pursuant to the prov isions of the this Code. Any person v iolating this Section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. RBC112.2.7 Record Notice and Order; Certificates. Upon initiation of serv ice of the notice and order, the Building Official shall file in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of El Paso County a certificate describing the property and certify ing: 1. 2. That the building is a dangerous building; and That the owner is being so notified.
also tak e action under Section RBC112.2.10 of this Code relating to Emergency Orders. RBC112.2.9 Vacant Buildings. RBC112.2.9.1 Cleanup and Securing of Property. Whenev er a building becomes v acant or unoccupied, the owner or agent of the building shall remov e therefrom and from the lot and exterior premises on which the building is located all paper, trash, rubbish, refuse, garbage, or combustible material accumulated thereon, and shall securely close and k eep closed all doors, windows or the other openings into the building for as long as the building remains unoccupied. RBC112.2.9.2 Order to Cleanup and Secure. In the ev ent the owner, operator or other person responsible for the condition of any v acant building fails or refuses to remov e all paper, trash, rubbish, refuse, garbage, or combustible material accumulated therein, or upon the lot and exterior premises on which the building is located, or fails or refuses to securely close and k eep closed all doors, windows, or other openings into the building, the Building Official shall order the same to be done without delay . RBC112.2.9.3 Giving or Serving of Order or Notice. Any order or notice by the Building Official shall be giv en or serv ed upon the owner, operator, or other person responsible for the condition of the v acant building by v erbal notification or personal serv ice, and by affixing a copy thereof in a conspicuous place on the door to the entrance of the premises. Where personal serv ice cannot be made, a copy thereof shall be mailed to the person by registered or certified mail to that persons last k nown address and the building posted the same day . Where orders are giv en v erbally , they shall be confirmed by serv ice in writing. RBC112.2.9.4 Compliance with Order or Notice. Where notification is giv en v erbally or by personal serv ice, ten (10) calendar day s shall be giv en to comply with the order. Where notice is by registered or certified mail, fifteen (15) calendar day s from mailing shall be giv en for compliance. RBC112.2.9.5 Failure to Comply. If compliance with the order has not y et begun, or arrangement made with the Building Official by the due date, then the Building Official may order the same to be done without delay . RBC112.2.9.6 Timely Abatement. To assist in the rapid abatement of v acant buildings in v iolation of this Section:
Whenev er the Building Official's order has been rev ersed on appeal, or the corrections ordered shall thereafter hav e been completed or the building demolished so that it no longer exists as a dangerous building on the property described on the certificate, the Building Official shall file a new certificate with the County Clerk and Recorder certify ing that the order has been rescinded, the building has been demolished, or all required corrections hav e been made so that the building is no longer dangerous, whichev er is appropriate. RBC112.2.8 Standards for Repair, Vacation or Demolition. The following standards shall be followed by the Building Official (and by the Board of Appeals if an appeal is tak en) in ordering the repair, v acation or demolition of any dangerous building or structure. RBC112.2.8.1 Order to Repair. Where the Building Official determines that any building declared as a dangerous building under Section RBC112.1 of this Code may reaso nably be repaired in accordance with the current Building Code, the Building Official shall order this action. A building owner ordered to effect repairs under this paragraph may elect to hav e the building demolished. RBC112.2.8.2 Order to Demolish. Where the Building Official determines that repair in accordance with the prov isions of Section RBC112.2.8.1 of this Code abov e cannot reasonably be accomplished, the Building Official shall order the building demolished. RBC112.2.8.3 Order to Vacate. If the building or structure is in a condition as to mak e it immediately dangerous to life, limb, property , or the safety of the public or its occupants, the Building Official shall order the building v acated. The Building Official may
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RBC112. Authority of City Engineer to Abate. Where there has been no compliance with Building Official's order, the City Engineer may contract to prov ide the serv ices needed upon demand of the Building Official through the y ear. The City Engineering Department is authorized to perform the abatement at the Building Official's request. RBC112. Report. Where, upon the order of the Building Official, a v acant building has been cleaned, boarded, and sealed, the Building Official shall then prepare and file with the City Clerk a report specify ing the work done, the itemized and total cost of the work , a description of the real property upon which the building was located, and the names and addresses of persons entitled to notice under this Section. Upon receipt of the report, the City Clerk shall be gov erned by the prov isions of Section RBC112.4 of this Code and applicable prov isions of City Tax Code. RBC112.2.9.7 Applicability. This Section shall be construed as an addition to, and not inconsistent with applicable prov isions of the Fire Code adopted by the Fire Authority . RBC112.2.10 Emergency Orders. RBC112.2.10.1 Issuance of Order. If any building or structure constituting a dangerous building under Section RBC112.1 of this Code is in a condition as to mak e it immediately dangerous to life, limb, property , or the safety of the public or its occupants, the Building Official may , in addition to ordering that the building or structure be v acated pursuant to Section RBC112.2.8.3 of this Code, issue an order, without prior notice and hearing, declaring that an emergency exists and requiring that temporary action, not constituting either repair in accordance with the current Building Code or demolition, be tak en as deemed necessary to abate the emergency . This order may be issued to the record owner of the property , the owners agent, or any person entitled to notice under Section RBC112.2.5 of this Code. Notwithstanding any prov ision of Section RBC112 of this Code to the contrary , this order shall be effectiv e immediately . RBC112.2.10.2 Compliance with Order. Any person to whom an emergency order is issued shall comply with that order immediately , and it shall be unlawful to fail or refuse to comply with such an order.
RBC112.2.10.3 Failure to Comply. In the ev ent that the person to whom the emergency order is issued fails or refuses to immediately comply therewith, the Building Official may request, without prior notice to any party , that the City Engineer tak e any action as required by the terms of the emergency order. The prov isions of Section RBC112.4 of this Code shall apply to any emergency abatement. RBC112.2.10.4 Action to Abate. The Building Official shall, either simultaneously with or as soon after the issuance of an emergency order as possible, institute action in accordance with the prov isions of Section RBC112 of this Code to permanently abate the dangerous building or structure. RBC112.3 APPEALS AND HEARINGS. RBC112.3.1 Form of Appeal. Any person entitled to serv ice under Section RBC112.2.5 of this Code may appeal from any notice and order to any action of the Building Official by filing at the Office of the Building Official within thirty (30) calendar day s from the date of the serv ice of the order a written appeal containing: 1. A heading in the words: Regional Board of Appeals. Before the
2. A caption reading: Appeal of_______, giv ing the names of all appellants participating in the appeal. 3. A brief statement setting forth the legal interest of each of the appellants in the building or the land inv olv ed in the notice and order. 4. A brief statement, in ordinary and concise language, of the specific order or action protested, together with any material facts claimed to support the contentions of the applicant. 5. A brief statement, in ordinary and concise language, of the relief sought and the reasons why it is claimed the protested order or action should be rev ersed, modified or otherwise set aside. 6. The signature of all parties named as appellants, and that, in ordinary and concise language, of the specific order or action protested, together with any material facts claimed to support the contentions of the applicant. 7. The signature of all parties named as appellants, and their official mailing addresses. 8. The v erification (by declaration under penalty or perjury ) of all appellants as to the truth of the matters stated in the appeal.
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RBC112.3.2 Failure to Appeal. Failure of any person to file an appeal in accordance with the prov isions of Section RBC112.3.1 of this Code shall constitute a waiv er of that persons right to an administrativ e hearing and adjudication of the notice and order, or any portion thereof. RBC112.3.3 Staying Order under Appeal. Except for v acation orders made pursuant to Section RBC112.2.8 of this Code or emergency orders issued pursuant to Section RBC112.2.10 of this Code, enforcement of any notice and order of the Building Official issued under this Code shall be stay ed during the pendency of an appeal therefrom that is properly and timely filed. RBC112.3.4 Processing Appeal. Upon receipt of any appeal filed pursuant to this Section, the Building Official shall present it at the next regular or special meeting of the Board of Appeals. As soon as practicable, after receiv ing the written appeal, the Board of Appeals shall fix a date, time and place for the hearing of the appeal by the Board. This date shall not be less than ten (10) calendar day s nor more than sixty (60) calendar day s from the date the appeal was filed with the Building Official. Written notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be giv en at least ten (10) calendar day s prior to the date of the hearing to each appellant by the secretary of the Board either by causing a copy of the notice to be deliv ered to the appellant personally or by mailing a copy thereof, postage prepaid, addressed to the appellant at the appellants address shown on the appeal. RBC112.3.5 Scope of Hearing on Appeal. Only those matters or issues specifically raised by the appellant shall be considered in the hearing of the appeal. RBC112.3.6 Procedure for Hearing Appeals. RBC112.3.6.1 Hearing Examiners. The Board may appoint one or more hearing examiners or designate one or more of its member to serv e as hearing examiners to conduct the hearings. The examiner hearing the case shall exercise all powers relating to the conduct of hearings until it is submitted by the examiner to the Board for decision. RBC112.3.6.2 Records and Reports. A record of the entire proceedings shall be made by liv e v oice recording determined to be appropriate by the Board. The proceedings at the hearing shall also be reported by a phonographic, or other reporting sy stem, if requested by any party thereto. A transcript of the proceedings shall be made av ailable to all parties upon request and pay ment of the fee
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prescribed therefor. Fees may be established by the Board, but shall in no ev ent be greater than the cost inv olv ed to produce the transcript for the requesting party . RBC112.3.6.3 Continuances. The Board may grant a continuance for good cause shown; howev er, when a hearing examiner has been assigned to a hearing, no continuances may be granted except by the examiner for good cause shown so long as the matter remains before the examiner. RBC112.3.6.4 Oaths; Certification. In any proceedings under this Section, the Board, and Board member, or the hearing examiner has the power to administer oaths and affirmations and to certify to official acts. RBC112.3.6.5 Reasonable Dispatch. The Board and its representativ es shall proceed with reasonable dispatch to conclude any matter before it. Due regard shall be shown for the conv enience and necessity of any parties or their representativ es. RBC112.3.7 Form of Notice of Hearing. The notice to appellant shall be substantially in the following form, but may include other information: You are hereby notified that a hearing will be held before (the Board or name of hearing examiner) at ___(PLACE)___ on the ___(DATE)___day of ___(MONTH)___, ___(YEAR)___, at the hour upon the notice and order serv ed upon y ou. You may be present at the hearing. You may be, but need not be, represented by counsel. You may present any relev ant ev idence and will be giv en full opportunity to cross-examine all witnesses testify ing against y ou. You may request the issuance of subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses, and the production of book s, documents or other things by filing an affidav it therefor with (Board or name of hearing examiner). RBC112.3.8 Subpoenas. RBC112.3.8.1 Filing of Affidavit. The Board or examiner may obtain the issuance and serv ice of a subpoena for the attendance of witnesses or the production of other ev idence at a hearing upon the request of a member of the Board or upon the written demand of any party . The issuance and serv ice of this subpoena shall be obtained upon the filing of an affidav it therefor that states the name and address of the proposed witness, specifies the exact things sought to be produced and the materiality thereof in detail to the issues inv olv ed; and states that
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the witness has the desired things in the witness possession or under the witness control. A subpoena need not be issued when the affidav it is defectiv e in any particular. RBC112.3.8.2 Cases Referred to Examiner. In cases where a hearing is referred to an examiner, all subpoenas shall be obtained through the examiner. RBC112.3.8.3 Penalties. Any person who refuses, without lawful excuse, to attend any hearing or to produce material ev idence in the persons possession or under the persons control as required by any subpoena serv ed upon the person as prov ided for herein, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. RBC112.3.9 Conduct of Hearing. RBC112.3.9.1 Rules. Hearings need not be conducted according to the technical rules relating to ev idence and witnesses. RBC112.3.9.2 Oral Evidence. Oral ev idence shall be tak en only on oath or affirmation. RBC112.3.9.3 Hearsay Evidence. Hearsay ev idence may be used for the purpose of supplementing or explaining any direct ev idence, but shall not be sufficient in itself to support a finding unless it would be admissible ov er objection in civ il actions in courts of competent jurisdiction in this State. RBC112.3.9.4 Admissibility of Evidence. Any relev ant ev idence shall be admitted if it is the ty pe of ev idence on which responsible persons are accustomed to rely in the conduct of serious affairs, regardless of the existence of any common law or statutory rule that might mak e improper the admission of any ev idence ov er objection in civ il actions in courts of competent jurisdiction in this State. RBC112.3.9.5 Exclusion of Evidence. Irrelev ant and unduly repetitious ev idence shall be excluded. RBC112.3.9.6 Rights of Parties. Each party shall hav e these rights among others: 1. To call and examine witnesses on any matter relev ant to the issues of the hearing; 2. To introduce documentary and phy sical ev idence; 3. To cross-examine opposing witnesses on any matter relev ant to the issues of the hearing; 4. To impeach any witness regardless of which party first called to testify ; 5. To rebut the ev idence against the party ; 6. To represent the party or to be - Page 29 -
represented by any one of the party s choice who is lawfully permitted to do so. RBC112.3.9.7 Official Notice. RBC112. What May be Noticed. In reaching a decision, official notice may be tak en, either before or after submission of the case for decision, of any fact that may be judicially noticed by the courts of the State, or of official records of the Board or Departments and ordinances of the City , or rules and regulations of the Board. RBC112. Parties to be Notified. Parties present at the hearing shall be informed of the facts to be noticed, as shall be noted in the record, referred to therein, or appended thereto. RBC112. Opportunity to Refute. Parties present at the hearing shall be giv en a reasonable opportunity , on request, to refute the officially noticed matters by ev idence or by written or oral presentation of authority , the manner of refutation to be determined by the Board or hearing examiner. RBC112. Inspection of the Premises. The Board or the hearing examiner may inspect any building or premises inv olv ed in the appeal during the course of the hearing prov ided that: RBC112. Notice of the Inspection. Notice shall be giv en to the parties before the inspection is made; RBC112. Opportunity to Be Present. The parties are giv en an opportunity to be present during the inspection; and RBC112. Conclusions, Right To Rebut. The Board or the hearing examiner shall state for the record upon completion of the inspection the material facts observ ed and the conclusions drawn therefrom. Each party then shall hav e a right to rebut or explain the matters so stated by the Board or hearing examiner. RBC112.3.10 Method and Form of Decision. RBC112.3.10.1 Hearing Before Board. Where a contested case is heard before the Board itself, no member thereof who did not hear the ev idence or who has not read the entire record of the proceedings shall v ote on or tak e part in the decision. RBC112.3.10.2 Hearing Before Examiner. If a contested case is heard by a hearing examiner alone, the hearing examiner shall,
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within a reasonable time (not to exceed ninety (90) calendar day s from the date the hearing is closed) submit a written report to the Board. This report shall contain a brief summary of the ev idence considered and state the examiner's findings, conclusions and recommendations. The report also shall contain a proposed decision in such form that it may be adopted by the Board as its decision in the case. All examiners reports filed with the Board shall be matters of public record. A copy of each report and proposed decision shall be mailed to each party on the date they are filed with the Board. RBC112.3.10.3 Consideration of Report by Board; Notice. The Board shall fix a time, date and place to consider the examiner's report and proposed decision. Notice thereof shall be mailed to each interested party not less than fiv e (5) calendar day s prior to the date fixed, unless it is otherwise stipulated by all of the parties. RBC112.3.10.4 Exceptions to Report. Not later than two (2) calendar day s before the date set to consider the report, any party may file written exception to any part or all of the examiner's report and may attach thereto a proposed decision together with written argument in support of the decision. By leav e of the Board, any party may present oral argument to the Board. RBC112.3.10.5 Disposition of the Board. The Board may adopt or reject the proposed decision in its entirety or may modify the proposed decision. If the proposed decision is not adopted, the Board may decide the case upon the entire record before it, with or without tak ing additional ev idence, or may refer the case to the same or another hearing examiner to tak e additional ev idence. If the case is reassigned to a hearing examiner, that examiner shall prepare a report and proposed decision as prov ided in Section RBC112.3.10.2 of this Code abov e after any additional ev idence is submitted. Consideration of this proposed decision by the Board shall comply with the prov isions of this Section. RBC112.3.10.6 Form of Decision. The decision shall be in writing and shall contain findings of fact, a determination of the issues presented, and the requirements to be complied with. A copy of the decision shall be deliv ered to the appellant personally or sent to the appellant at the address set forth in the appeal by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested.
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RBC112.3.10.7 Effective Date of Decision. The effectiv e date of the decisio n shall be as stated therein. RBC112.3.11 Enforcement of Order. After any order of the Building Official or the Board of Appeals made pursuant to Section RBC112 of this Code becomes final, no person to whom the order is directed shall fail, neglect or refuse to obey the order. Any person who fails to comply with the order shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. RBC112.3.12 Failure to Obey Order. RBC112.3.12.1 Prosecution or Abatement. If, after any order of the Building Official or Board of Appeals made pursuant to Section RBC112 of this Code becomes final, the person to whom the order is directed fails, neglects or refuses to obey the order, the Building Official may : 1. Cause the person to be prosecuted under Section RBC112.3.11 of this Code abov e; or 2. Institute any appropriate action to abate the building in question as a public nuisance. RBC112.3.12.2 Timely Action. Whenev er the required repair or demolition is not commenced within thirty (30) calendar day s after any final notice and order issued under this Section becomes effectiv e: 1. The Building Official shall cause the building described in the notice and order to be v acated by posting at each entrance thereto a notice reading: DANGEROUS BUILDING DO NOT OCCUPY It is a misdemeanor to occupy the building or to remove or deface this notice. Building Official Pikes Peak Regional Building Department 2. No person shall occupy any building that has been posted as specified in this subsection. No person shall remov e or deface any notice so posted until the repairs, demolition, or remov al ordered by the Building Official hav e been completed and a certificate of occupancy issued pursuant to the prov isions of this Code. 3. The Building Official may , in addition to any other remedy herein prov ided, cause the building to be repaired to the
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extent necessary to correct the conditions that render the building dangerous as set forth in the notice and order, or, if the notice and order required demolition, to cause the building to be sold and demolished or demolished and the materials, rubble and debris therefrom remov ed and the lot cleaned. Any such repair or demolition work shall be accomplished and the cost thereof paid and recov ered in the manner hereinafter prov ided in this Code. Any surplus realized from the sale of the building, or from the demolition thereof, ov er and abov e the cost of demolition and of cleaning the lot, shall be paid ov er to the person or persons lawfully entitled thereto. RBC112.3.13 Extension of Time. Upon receipt of an application from the person required to conform to the order and an agreement by this person that this person comply with the order if allowed additional time, the Building Official may , with discretion, grant an extension of time, not to exceed an additional one hundred twenty (120) calendar day s within which to complete ordered repair, rehabilitation, or demolition, if the Building Official determines that an extension of time will not create or perpetuate a situation imminently dangerous to life or property . The Building Official's authority to extend time is limited to the phy sical repair, rehabilitatio n, or demolition of the premises and will not in any way affect or extend the time to appeal any notice or order. RBC112.3.14 Work Performance on Repair or Demolition. RBC112.3.14.1 Procedure. When any work or repair demolition is to be done pursuant to Section RBC112.3.12 of this Code, the Building Official shall issue an order to the City Engineer and the work shall be accomplished by City personnel or by priv ate contract under the direction of the City Engineer. Construction documents may be prepared by the City Engineer, or any design professional approv ed by the Building Official, as deemed reasonably necessary , on a contract basis. If any part of the work is to be accomplished by priv ate contract, standard contractual procedures shall be followed. RBC112.3.14.2 Cost. The cost of this work shall be paid from the General Fund, and may be made a special assessment against the property inv olv ed, or may be made a personal obligation of the property owner, or both, whichev er the gov erning body of the Jurisdiction shall determine is appropriate.
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RBC112.3.15 Interference with Repair or Demolition. No persons shall obstruct, impede or interfere with any person who owns or holds any estate or interest in any building that has been ordered repaired, v acated or demolished under the prov isions of Section RBC112 of this Code, or with any person to whom the building has been lawfully sold pursuant to the prov isions hereof whenev er an officer, employ ee, contractor or authorized representativ e of the City , person hav ing an interest or estate in the building or structure, or purchaser is engaged in the work of repairing, v acating, and repairing, or demolishing of the building, pursuant to the prov isions of Section RBC112 of this Code, or in performing any necessary act preliminary to or incidental to any work or authorized o r directed pursuant to Section RBC112 of this Code. RBC112.4 RECOVERY OF COSTS RBC112.4.1 Report Account of Expenses. The City Engineer shall k eep an itemized account of the expenses incurred by the City in the repair or demolition of any building done pursuant to the prov isions of Section RBC112.3.12.2 Item 3 of this Code. Upon the completion of the work of repair or demolition, the City Engineer shall prepare and file with the City Clerk a report specify ing the work done, the itemized and total cost of the work , a description of the real property upon which the building or structure is or was located, and the names and addresses of the persons entitled to notice pursuant to Section RBC112.2.5 of this Code. Upon receipt of this report, the City Clerk shall fix a time, date and place for hearing the report, and any protest of objections thereto. The City Clerk shall cause notice of the hearing to be posted upon the property inv olv ed, published once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City , and serv ed by certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the owner of the property as the owners name and address appears on the assessment roll of the County Assessor, if it so appears or is k nown to the Clerk . The notice shall be giv en at least ten (10) calendar day s prior to the date set for hearing, and shall specify the day , hour, and place when the Council will hear and pass upon the City Engineer's report, together with any objections or protests that may be filed as hereinafter prov ided by any person interested in or affected by the proposed charge. RBC112.4.2 Protest and Objections. Any person interested in or affected by the proposed charge may file written protests or objections with the City Clerk at any time prior to the time set for the hearing on the report of the City Engineer. Each protest or objection shall contain
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a description of the property in which the signer thereof is interested and the grounds of the protest or objection. The City Clerk shall endorse on ev ery protest or objection the date it was receiv ed by the Clerk and shall present protests or objections to the Gov erning body of the Jurisdiction at the time set for the hearing. No other protests or objections shall be considered. RBC112.4.3 Hearing on Report; Protests. Upon the day and hour fixed for the hearing, the City shall hear and pass upon the report of the City Engineer together with any objections or protests. The City may mak e rev ision, correction, or modification in the report or the charge as deemed just; and when the City is satisfied with the correctness of the charge, the report (as submitted or as rev ised, corrected or modified) together with the charge shall be confirmed or rejected. The decision of the City on the report and the charge, and on protests or objections, shall be final and conclusiv e. RBC112.4.4 Personal Obligation or Special Assessment. The City may thereupon order that the charge shall be made a personal obligation of the property owner, or assess the charge against the property inv olv ed, or both. RBC112.4.4.1 Personal Obligation. If the City orders that the charge shall be a personal obligation of the property owner, it shall direct the city attorney to collect the same on behalf of the City by use of all appropriate legal remedies. RBC112.4.4.2 Special Assessment. If the City orders that the charge shall be assessed against the property , it shall confirm the assessment roll, and thereafter this assessment shall constitute a special assessment against and a lien upon the property , and shall be collected in the same manner as other special assessments of the City . RBC112.4.4.3 Authority for Installment Payments. Eligible persons who are determined to hav e a marginal income such that they cannot pay an assessment or personal obligation lev ied under this Section, either against the property on which they reside or against themselv es personally , may be afforded relief as hereinafter prov ided. 1. Within thirty (30) calendar day s after the assessment or the personal obligation is ordered by the City , the application for relief shall be filed with the City Clerk . The Hardship Committees shall rev iew the application for the relief from the - Page 32 -
assessment or personal order. In order to determine the applicant's eligibility , the Committee shall use the criteria established in the applicable City Code, except that ownership of real property need not be required. 3. If it is determined that the applicant is eligible and that any person would probably default on the assessment, the Committee may authorize the execution with the applicant of an installment note for the pay ment of the assessment or personal obligation. The note shall be secured by a deed of trust, or if not av ailable, by some other security reasonably av ailable or appropriate. If no security is reasonably av ailable or appropriate, then none shall be required. The installment note shall prov ide that the property owner shall mak e monthly pay ments to the City Treasurer; that the pay ments shall not be less than fiv e dollars ($5.00) and shall be sufficient to repay the amount within a period of not more than twenty fiv e (25) y ears; that interest shall be charged at a rate of three percent (3%) per annum on the unpaid balance; that the entire outstanding balance shall become due and pay able upon the death of the obligor or the sale or transfer of the property ; that if at any time the City determines that the obligor is financially able to pay the outstanding balance, or that the obligor has willfully misrepresented the obligors financial condition on the obligors application, it may upon sixty (60) calendar day s notice declare the entire balance due and pay able.
RBC112.4.5 Contest Assessment. The v alidity of any assessment made under the prov isions of Section RBC112 of this Code shall not be contested in any action or proceeding unless the same is commended within thirty (30) calendar day s after the assessment is placed upon the assessment roll as prov ided herein. Any appeal from a final judgment in the action or proceeding must be perfected within thirty (30) calendar day s after the entry of the judgment. RBC112.4.6 Lien of Assessment. RBC112.4.6.1 Priority. Immediately upon its being placed on the assessment roll, the assessment shall be deemed to be complete, the sev eral amounts assessed shall be pay able, and the assessments shall be liens against the lots or parcels of land assessed,
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respectiv ely . The lien shall be subordinate to all existing special assessment liens prev iously imposed upon the same property , and shall be paramount to all other liens except for State, County and Municipal taxes with which it shall be upon a parity . The lien shall continue u ntil the assessment and all interest due and pay able thereon are paid. RBC112.4.6.2 Interest. Any assessments remaining unpaid after thirty (30) calendar day s from the date of recording on the assessment roll shall become delinquent and shall bear interest at the rate of one percent (1%) per month from and after this date. RBC112.4.7 Report to Assessor and Tax Collector. After confirmation of the report, certified copies of the assessment shall be giv en to the County Treasurer on or before October 15. RBC112.4.8 Collection of Assessment. The amount of the assessment shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as
general taxes are collected; and shall be subjected to the same penalties and procedure and sale in case of delinquency as prov ided for general municipal taxes. All laws applicable to the lev y , collection and enforcement of general municipal taxes shall be applicable to the assessment. If the City has determined that the assessment shall be paid in installments, each installment and any interest thereon shall be collected in the same manner as general and municipal taxes in successiv e y ears. If any installment is delinquent, the amount thereof is subject to the same penalties and procedure for sale as prov ided for general municipal taxes. RBC112.4.9 Repayment of Repair and Demolition Fund. All money recov ered by pay ment of the charge or assessment or from the sale of property at foreclosure sale shall be paid to the City Treasurer, who shall credit the same to the Repair and Demolition Fund.
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8. Shall be subject to the prov isions of Sections RBC201.11.3 and RBC201.11.4 of this Code; and 9. Shall hav e other responsibilities as are defined in this Code. Principal. Any officer or director of a corporation, any general partner in a general or limited partnership, or any v enture partner in a joint v enture shall be deemed to be a principal. Registrant. A registrant is a master plumber or master electrician licensed in the state of Colorado and registered with the Building Department as prov ided in Section RBC201.5 of this Code. Residential Construction Consulting. Adv ising, assisting or participating with unlicensed persons, as prov ided in Section RBC201.3 of this Code, in the phy sical construction of buildings. RBC201.3 LICENSES REQUIRED. Licenses shall be required to perform any work requiring a permit. It shall be a v iolation of this Code for any person to contract to perform any work without a license. Exception: Any person who owns and resides in or intends to reside on a property suitable for a one- or two-family dwelling may : 1. Construct or erect on that property without a license one (1) one- or two-family dwelling and any structures accessory thereto intended for the owner's personal use. The owner is limited to the construction or erection of one (1) one- or two-family dwelling and any structures accessory thereto in any twelv e (12) month period and the construction or erection of a total of no more than fiv e (5) one- or two- family dwellings and any structures accessory thereto during the persons lifetime. 2. Enlarge, remodel, alter, repair, maintain, improv e, conv ert or demolish without a license any one- or two- family dwelling and structures accessory thereto. RBC201.4 PROHIBITED WORK. RBC201.4.1 Owners Not Residing in a Dwelling. Agents or owners of any dwellings who do not reside in the building may not perform any work requiring permits in accordance with this Code unless they are licensed or registered in accordance with this Chapter. RBC201.4.2 Residential Construction Consulting. All persons or entities that engage
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in the business of residential construction consulting, as defined in Section RBC201.2 of this Code, are prohibited from engaging in this conduct or work unless this indiv idual or entity has first met the licensing requirements and obtained the appropriate license to perform the construction work . This prov ision is not intended to regulate the activ ities of building design professionals. RBC201.5 APPLICATION AND QUALIFICATIONS. Applications for licenses and registrations shall be on forms supplied by the Building Department and shall require such information as the appropriate Committee may request, and shall be accompanied by the required fees as set out in Section RBC202 of this Code. Applicants shall be at least eighteen (18) y ears of age. RBC201.6 EXAMINATION OF APPLICANTS; ISSUANCE OF LICENSES; REGISTRATION. RBC201.6.1 Examination. All applicants for licensing under this Code must hav e an examinee tak e the examination required by the Building Official. Examinations shall be giv en at reasonable interv als. If the examinee fails the first examination, the examinee may tak e another examination after thirty (30) calendar day s. If the examinee fails the second or any subsequent examination, the examinee may tak e another examination after six (6) months. The Adv isory Committees may dev iate from this time requirement when they feel there are extenuating circumstances. Exception: Whenev er the laws of the State of Colorado require that a particular trade be licensed by the State, examination and licensing by the Building Department shall be waiv ed. Instead, these contractors shall register with the Building Department. A current state license shall be a prerequisite for registration, which shall be issued upon pay ment of the annual fee and ev idence of insurance as prescribed in this Code. RBC201.6.2 Notice; Licensing. RBC201.6.2.1 Contractor License Applicants. The Building Official shall cause to be published in a local newspaper with regional cov erage a list of all contractor license applicants and solicit commentary from the public at least two (2) week s prior to consideration of the licenses by the Board of Rev iew. RBC201.6.2.2 Conditional Licenses. When recommended for approv al by the appropriate adv isory committee, a conditional license, limited to one permit, may be issued by the
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Building Official, pending rev iew by the Board of Rev iew. Except in cases where fraud or falsification of the application can be shown, the applicant shall be permitted to complete this one permit issued under this conditional license. RBC201.6.2.3 Issuance; Fee. If, in the opinion of the Board of Rev iew, after recommendation by the appropriate Adv isory Committee, the applicant for a license is qualified by k nowledge, training, and experience to do the ty pe of work env isioned under the specific contractor's license applied for, it shall direct the Building Official to issue the applicant a license upon pay ment of the annual fee prescribed in Table RBC202.6 of this Code, and upon prov iding ev idence of the required insurance. Each annual fee shall be in addition to the application fee. As concerns ev idence of k nowledge, the successful passing of examinations required by this jurisdiction shall be deemed prima facie ev idence of the requisite k nowledge of contractor's examinee. Determination and ev aluation of experience and training shall be accomplished by the respectiv e Committees under guidelines set forth from time to time by the Building Official. RBC201.6.3 Special Limited Licenses. Any Board or Committee referred to in Section RBC111 of this Code may recommend, and the Board of Rev iew shall hav e the authority to grant to any applicant, a special limited license, for the sole purpose of ev aluating the training and experience of an applicant who has otherwise fulfilled all the Code requirements prerequisite to the granting of any contractor's license. This special limited license shall be issued only for work authorized under the specific contractor's license applied for by the applicant, and shall terminate after the completion of work done pursuant to any permits issued for work cov ered by the special limited license. The Committee shall, after completion of the work authorized by any permits, cause the work to be rev iewed and shall report their recommendations concerning the applicant's qualifications in the license category applied for to the Board of Rev iew for its consideration of the original application for the specific contractor's license requested. RBC201.6.4 Requirements. No permits shall be issued to any contractor who has not first obtained a license or registration as required in this Code, or who is delinquent in the pay ment of the respectiv e annual fee, or whose license or registration has been suspended or rev ok ed by action of the Board of Rev iew.
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RBC201.6.5 Permits Issued to Contractor. On any work requiring a licensed contractor, permits shall be issued only to the contractor or to a representativ e authorized by the contractor. RBC201.6.6 Felony; Criminal Fraud. No person or entity conv icted by a court hav ing competent jurisdiction of a felony , or for civ il or criminal fraud, constructiv e or actual, for work related to any license issued by this jurisdiction, or for work related to the building trades in any jurisdiction, shall be granted a license or registration, or serv e as an examinee for a contractor in this jurisdiction. RBC201.7 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. RBC201.7.1 Insurance Certificate. Before a license or registration can be issued, the contractor shall file with the Building Official a certificate signed by a licensed agent of an insurance company stating that the work er's compensation and general liability (including
premises/operations and products/ completed operations) policies required by this Code hav e been issued to the contractor. This certification shall include the policy number or numbers, the name of the company , the effectiv e and expiration dates, and the limits of the policies. The minimum required insurance cov erage shall be in accordance with Table RBC201.7 of this Code. Exception: If a wreck ing contractor, or a building contractor acting as a wreck ing contractor, proposes to demolish a building that is, in the opinion of the Building Official, sufficiently remov ed from other buildings or structures so as not to become a hazard or cause damage to other buildings or structures during the course of demolition, the Building Official, using discretion, may waiv e the Explosion, Collapse and Underground provisions of this Code.
Table RBC201.7 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. LICENSE CATEGORY Building Contractor A Building Contractor B or C Building Contractor D 1. Single trade 2. Wrecking Contractor A 3. Wrecking Contractor B 4. Moving Contractor 5. Sign Contractor A 6. Sign Contractor B 7. - 11. Fire-suppression Contractor Building Contractor E or F Electrical, Fire Alarm, Mechanical, Plumbing & Water Connected Appliance Contractors 50,000/100,000 50,000/100,000 50,000/100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 50,000/100,000 300,000/500,000 100,000/300,000 100,000/300,000 50,000/100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 300,000 750,000 500,000 500,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 500,000 200,000 GENERAL LIABILITY POLICY ($) Bodily injury 100,000/300,000 100,000/300,000 Property damage 100,000 100,000 C.S.L.* 500,000 300,000 XCU**
Work ers Compensation required in accordance with State Statues * =Combined Single Limit, ** = Explosion, Collapse & Underground RBC201.7.2 Cancellation; Reduction of Insurance. Each policy of insurance shall contain an endorsement to the effect that the insurance carrier shall notify the Building Department at least ten (10) calendar day s in adv ance of the effectiv e date of any reduction or cancellation of the policy . The lapse, cancellation or reduction of insurance shall be cause for automatic suspension of the license until the required cov erage is reinstated.
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RBC201.8.1 Responsible for All Work. A contractor shall be responsible for the code compliance of all work included in the scope of the permit issued to the contractor whether or not the work is done by the contractor directly or by any subcontractors. RBC201.8.2 Unsafe Conditions. It shall be the responsibility of each mechanical contractor
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and heating mechanic IV to report unsafe equipment and conditions to the serv ing gas supplier. Unsafe conditions are defined as those that constitute a fire or health hazard or are otherwise dangerous to human life. RBC201.8.3 Signature. When required by the serv ing gas supplier, the signature of the indiv idual actually accomplishing the repairs shall be prov ided to clear the deficiencies identified on the serv ing gas suppliers red tag. The signature shall be that of a licensed Heating Mechanic IV employ ed by a Mechanical Contractor duly licensed under other prov isions of this Code to perform the work . RBC201.9 CONTINUATION OF BUSINESS; REEXAMINATION. The respectiv e contractor's rights to do business shall be dependent upon the continued retention of the examinee or registrant as an employ ee or principal. Whenev er the examinee's or registrant's employ ment is terminated, the contractor shall immediately notify the Building Official. Upon termination, there shall be a thirty (30) calendar day grace period in order to acquire a qualified replacement before automatic termination of the license or registration and re-registration or reexamination and approv al by the Board of Rev iew are required. RBC201.10 EXPIRATION OF LICENSES AND REGISTRATIONS; RENEWALS. RBC201.10.1 Expiration. All licenses and registrations shall expire on the last day of the twelfth (12th) month following the date of issuance unless otherwise prov ided. Regardless of the actual renewal date, the licensing period shall be as established by the original issue date. RBC201.10.2 Limitations. No permits may obtained, nor work already under permit continued, after the expiration date until license or registration has been renewed prov ided for herein. be be the as
(135) day s up to (180) day s the penalty will be equal to twice the license fee. All requests for renewals after (180) day s from the expiration date shall require pay ment of all fees accrued, reapplication, examination, ev aluation by the respectiv e Committee, and approv al by the Board of Rev iew. RBC201.10.5 Discount. License or registration fees may be discounted ten percent (10%) of the annual fee if the renewal is made for three (3) y ears. Neither license nor registration fees shall be prorated for any portion of a y ear. RBC201.10.6 Late Renewal. A late renewal shall not serv e to change the license period. RBC201.11 REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION OF LICENSES AND REGISTRATIONS. RBC201.11.1 Definitions. Incident Report. As used in Section RBC201.11.2 of this Code, an "incident report" is a written record of less serious though substantial or repeated code v iolations by a contractor and/or its examinee or registrant. Incident reports shall be k ept in the contractor's and/or examinee's or registrant's permanent file, with a copy to any party cited, for a period of three (3) y ears, at which time they will be discarded. "Incident reports" may be filed by adv isory committees, the Board of Rev iew, or the Building Official. Letter of Reprimand. As used in Section RBC201.11.2 of this Code, a "letter of reprimand" is a written admonishment issued by either the adv isory committee or the Board of Rev iew, to be placed and remain in a contractor's and/or examinee's or registrant's permanent file, with a copy prov ided to any party cited, ev idencing a finding of serious code v iolations or ordinary negligence related to work performed under this Code. Ordinary Negligence. As used in Section RBC201.11.3 of this Code, "ordinary negligence" is defined as a failure to do an act that a reasonably careful contractor or other person would do, or the doing of an act that a reasonably careful contractor or other person would not do, under the same or similar circumstances to protect the contractors client or the public from injury or property damage. An act required to be done under this Code shall be presumed to be an act done to protect the public from injury or property damage. Revocation. "Rev ocation" as used in this section shall be defined as the remov al of a contractor's license or registration or the right of a contractor's principals or examinee or registrant
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RBC201.10.3 Standard Renewal. Licenses and registrations may be renewed by the Building Official without re-examination upon the pay ment of the fees required herein, prov iding the license or registration has not been suspended or rev ok ed by action of the Board of Rev iew and prov iding the renewal is accomplished within forty -fiv e (45) calendar day s of the expiration date of the license. RBC201.10.4 Renewal with Fees. Failure to renew a license within this (45) calendar day period after the expiration date of the license will require pay ment of a penalty at () of the license fee if renewed within ninety (90) day s of the expiration date. After (90) day s to (135) day s the penalty will be equal to the license fee, after
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to serv e as a contractor or examinee or registrant for another contractor for an unlimited time. Upon rev ocation of a license or registration, the contractor shall immediately stop all work underway that is cov ered by this Code. This work shall not resume until an appropriately licensed or registered contractor obtains a permit for the work . Suspension. "Suspension" as used in this section shall be defined as the temporary remov al of a contractor's license or registration or the right of a contractor's principals or examinee or registrant to serv e as a contractor or examinee or registrant for another contractor for a period of time to be specified by the Board of Rev iew, but not to exceed six (6) months. Upon suspension of a license or registration, the contractor shall immediately stop all work underway that is cov ered by this Code. This work shall not resume until an appropriately licensed or registered contractor obtains a permit for the work or until the suspension is lifted, in which case the contractor may resume the work after obtaining a v alid permit for the work . Willful and Wanton Negligence. As used in Section RBC201.11.3 of this Code, "willful and wanton negligence" is the doing of an act, or the failure to do an act that creates a substantial degree of risk of harm to another or another's property , and the contractor or other person doing the act, or failing to act, is aware of the risk and thereafter purposefully does the act, or fails to act, without any reasonable justification, without regard to the consequences or of the rights and safety of the other or the others property . Willfully. As used in Section RBC201.11.3 of this Code, "willfully " is defined as designed; intentional; not accidental or inv oluntary ; proceeding from a conscious motion of the will. A willful act may be described as one done intentionally , k nowingly , and purposefully , without justifiable excuse, as distinguished from an act done carelessly , thoughtlessly , heedlessly , or inadv ertently . RBC201.11.2 Complaint Procedures. RBC201.11.2.1 Notice to Appear. The Building Official shall, upon receipt of a written complaint, sworn to before a notary public, alleging v iolations of this Code, require any contractor licensed or registered pursuant to this Code, and/or its examinee or registrant, to appear before any of the duly appointed adv isory committees for hearing the complaint. The Building Official may also, with discretion, require any contracto r licensed or
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registered pursuant to this Code, and/or its examinee or registrant, to appear before the duly appointed adv isory committee for hearing of a complaint of the Building Official. RBC201.11.2.2 Form of Notice. The contractor and/or its examinee or registrant shall be giv en a copy of the complaint and written notice of the time and the place of any contemplated hearing before an adv isory committee at least twenty (20) calendar day s prior to the hearing. The written notice and complaint shall be serv ed personally or posted by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the contractor's and/or its examinee's or registrant's last k nown mailing address. RBC201.11.2.3 Right to Due Process. At any hearing before an Adv isory Committee, the contractor and/or the contractors examinee or registrant shall be entitled to hav e the benefit of legal counsel of their choice and at their expense, and shall hav e the right to present their case by oral and documentary ev idence, to submit rebuttal ev idence, and to conduct any crossexamination as may be required for a full and true disclosure of the facts. RBC201.11.2.4 Advisory Committee Powers. An Adv isory Committee, after rev iew of the ev idence presented, shall hav e the power by majority v ote to hav e an incident report or letter of reprimand entered into the contractor's and/or the contractors examinee's or registrant's permanent files if any of these hav e been found to hav e v iolated prov isions of this Code. If the committee finds ev idence of any act or omission set out in Section RBC201.11.3 of this Code, it may recommend that the ev idence be heard by the Board of Rev iew. Any such hearing shall be held pursuant to the prov isions of Sections RBC201.11.2.2 and RBC201.11.2.3 of this Code abov e. RBC201.11.2.5 Board of Review Powers. If, in the opinion of three (3) of the fiv e (5) members of the Board of Rev iew, the ev idence presented at any hearing before it supports a finding that the contractor and/or its examinee or registrant committed one or more of the acts or omissions set out in Section RBC201.11.3 of this Code, the Board of Rev iew shall hav e the power to: 1. Suspend license. or rev ok e the contractor's
2. Suspend or rev ok e the right of the contractor's principal and/or examinee or registrant to be licensed as a contractor
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or serv e as examinee or registrant for another contractor in the future. 3. Issue a letter of contractor and/or registrant. reprimand to the its examinee or
4. Issue an incident report to the contractor and/or its examinee or registrant. RBC201.11.3 Punishable Omissions. The following considered punishable: Acts and actions shall be
1. Willfully v iolating any provisions of this Code including any codes which are adopted by reference. 2. Failure to comply with any lawful order of the Building Official or of any other authorized representativ e employ ed by the Building Department pertaining to the administration of this Code and the codes which hav e been adopted by reference. 3. Using a contractor's license to obtain permits required under this Code for work that will not be performed by or superv ised by the contractor. 4. Misrepresentation by an applicant of a material fact when apply ing for a contractor's license. 5. Failure to obtain a proper permit for any work for which a permit is required by v irtue of this Code. 6. Commitment of any act of willful and wanton negligence in the conduct of the contractor's or other person's specific trade or business on work done by the contractor or other person that is regulated by the prov isions of this Code. 7. Ordinary negligence of the contractor or other person, ev idenced by letters of reprimand and/or incident reports receiv ed by the contractor within a three (3) y ear time period that are, in the judgment of the Board of Rev iew, sufficient in number and sev erity to warrant rev ocation or suspension of the contractor's license. RBC201.11.4 Automatic Revocation or Suspension. A license or registration, or the right of an examinee or principal of the contractor to serv e as a contractor or as an examinee of a contractor, shall automatically be suspended or rev ok ed by the Building Official as follows: 1. Registrations within this jurisdiction shall be automatically rev ok ed or suspended upon rev ocation, suspension or refusal to renew any required Colorado state license. 2. Any license or registration within this - Page 39 -
jurisdiction shall be automatically suspended upon lapse, cancellation, or reduction of insurance cov erage below that required by Section RBC201.7 of this Code. This suspension shall remain in effect until proof of the reinstatement of the required cov erage is presented to the Building Department. Failure to present this proo f within twelv e (12) months from the date of the lapse, cancellation, or reduction shall result in automatic rev ocation of the license or registration. 3. Conv iction by a court hav ing competent jurisdiction of the contractor and/or its examinee or registrant for a felony , or for civ il or criminal fraud, constructiv e or actual, for work related to any license under this Code, shall result in automatic rev ocation of the license or registration and rev ocation of the right of the examinee, registrant, or principals of the contractor to serv e as contractor or examinee or registrant for another contractor after notification by the Board of Rev iew. The notification shall be serv ed personally or posted by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the last k nown mailing address. RBC201.11.5 Voluntary Suspension. 1. The Board of Rev iew may suspend licenses or registrations upon the v oluntary written request for this action by the contractor. These suspensions shall not exceed a period of twelv e (12) months unless a notarized annual certification from the contractor's employ er is furnished to the Building Department indicating that the contractor is engaged in an activ e capacity in the field of building construction. 2. While under v oluntary suspension, the contractor need not carry insurance, but shall be responsible for all license or registration fees normally due. 3. The v oluntary suspension shall be automatically lifted at any point during the twelv e (12) month period under the following conditions: 3.1. Written request is made to the Board of Rev iew by the contractor. 3.2. Proof of insurance is prov ided in accordance with Section RBC201.7 of this Code. 4. In the ev ent the contractor does not rescind the v oluntary suspension within the twelv e (12) month period as prov ided in item 3 abov e, or furnish proof of activ e engagement in the construction field, as
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prov ided in item 1 abov e, in order to obtain a new license or registration, the contractor must then meet all requirements of Sections RBC201.5 and RBC201.6 of this Code. RBC201.11.6 Appeal. Appeals shall be in accordance with Section RBC101.7 of this Code. RBC201.11.7 Reinstatement of License or Registration. The Board of Rev iew may
reinstate a license or registration or the right to serv e as a contractor or as the examinee of a contractor to any contractor or examinee, registrant, or principal whose license or right to serv e has been rev ok ed, prov ided a minimum of three (3) members of the Board of Rev iew v ote in fav or of the reinstatement for any reason or reasons as the Board deems sufficient.
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SECTION RBC202 - LICENSE AND REGISTRATION FEES RBC202.1 APPLICATION FEES. All applications for new licenses or new registrations shall be accompanied by a twenty dollar ($20.00) application fee. Application fees are charged to defray the expense of processing applications for new licenses and new registrations and shall neither be refundable nor shall they be applied to nor deducted from required license and registration fees. RBC202.2 LICENSE, REGISTRATION OR CERTIFICATION FEES. The license, registration or certification fee for ev ery license, registration or certification issued under this Code shall be pay able at time of issuance of the license, registration or certification. The fee shall be pay able to the Building Department. There shall be no refund or prorating of license or registration fees for any reason. RBC202.3 PARTIAL PAYMENT; LOST LICENSES. No partial pay ment of any application fee or of any license, registration or certification fee shall be accepted. Whenev er a license, registration, certification or identification card is lost, the Building Official is hereby authorized to replace it upon pay ment of a two dollar ($2.00) fee to defray costs of replacement. RBC202.4 RECEIPTS FOR PAYMENT OF FEES. The Building Official shall issue a receipt to the applicant for fees paid. This receipt shall not be construed as constituting approv al of the Board of Rev iew for the issuance of a license or registration, nor shall it entitle or authorize the applicant to conduct any business or trade contrary to the prov isions of this Code. RBC202.5 UNPAID FEE CONSTITUTES DEBT. The amount of any unpaid fee required by this Code shall constitute a debt due the Building Department. The attorney for the Building Department shall, at the direction of the Building Official, institute civ il suit in the name of the Building Department to reco v er any unpaid fee. This remedy shall be cumulativ e and in addition to all other remedies and shall neither bar nor abate a prosecution in Municipal Court for any v iolation of this Code, nor bar or abate any action to suspend or rev ok e a license for nonpay ment of the appropriate fee. RBC202.6 LICENSE AND REGISTRATION FEES. License and registration fees shall be in accordance with Table RBC202.6 of this Code. Table RBC202.6. LICENSE AND REGISTRATION FEES. Building Contractor A -1 & A-2 (General Commercial) Building Contractor B-1 & B-2 (Limited Commercial) Building Contractor C (Home Builder) Building Contractor D (Specialty ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Single Trade Wreck ing Contractor A Wreck ing Contractor B Mov ing Contractor Sign Contractor A Sign Contractor B Fire Suppression Contractor A Fire Suppression Contractor B Fire Suppression Contractor C and H Fire Suppression Contractor D and M On-Site Installer, Fire Hy drant Technician and Installer Limited $100.00 $125.00 $100.00 $100.00 $125.00 $75.00 $125.00 $100.00 $75.00 $50.00 $10.00 $75.00 $100.00 $75.00 N.A. $75.00 $50.00 $10.00 $100.00 $10.00 $100.00 $200.00 $175.00 $150.00
Building Contractor E (Maintenance and Remodeling) Building Contractor F -1 (Solar Unlimited) Building Contractor F -2 (Solar Limited) Electrical Contractor Fire Alarm Contractor A Fire Alarm Contractor B Fire Alarm Installer Mechanical Contractor A, B, C, D or E Heating Mechanic I or IV Plumbing Contractor or Water Connected Appliance Contractor
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SECTION RBC203 - BUILDING CONTRACTORS RBC203.1 APPLICATION AND EXAMINATION. In accordance with Sections RBC201.5 and RBC201.6 of this Code, the Building Committee shall rev iew applications and examinations, and mak e appropriate recommendations to the Board of Rev iew for the following classes of contractor licenses. RBC203.2 BUILDING CONTRACTOR (GENERAL COMMERCIAL). A the opinion of the Building Official the work to be performed is minor and does not affect the structure or safety of the building, the holder of this license may also contract for nonstructural repair and remodeling of all buildings with the exception of Group A, E, I, and H occupancies, or buildings that require Ty pe I construction. RBC203.5 BUILDING CONTRACTOR D (SPECIALTY). This license shall be issued by the Board of Rev iew to those engaged in contracting as other than a Building Contractor A, B, or C as licensed in this Code for labor or for labor and material inv olv ing only a single trade, to include but not be limited to: foundation repair, masonry , retaining walls, roofing, siding, stucco, glazing and swimming pools; and also those specifically designated below. RBC203.5.1 SINGLE TRADE CONTRACTOR D-1. This license limits the licensee to contract for work only in the single trade designated on the license. RBC203.5.2 WRECKING CONTRACTOR D2A. The examinee must hav e a minimum of four (4) y ears experience in wreck ing. This contractor may wreck any building. RBC203.5.3 WRECKING CONTRACTOR D3B. The examinee must hav e a minimum of two (2) y ears experience in wreck ing. This contractor may wreck any building up to and including two (2) stories. Exceptions: 1. The owner of a one- or two- family dwelling or accessory structure thereto may wreck the dwelling or structure without a license, prov ided the owner show proof of and maintain for the duration of the work the same property damage, public liability , and explosion, collapse, and underground insurance as required for a Wreck ing Contractor D-3B. 2. A licensed Building Contractor A, B, or C may wreck minor buildings or remov e portions of a building at the discretion of the Building Official when the wreck ing is a portion of a program of alteration or remodeling. When performing wreck ing, the licensed building contractor shall show proof of inclusion in the contractors liability insurance policy of the same explosion, collapse, and underground prov isions as those required of a Wreck ing Contractor D3B.
RBC203.2.1 BUILDING CONTRACTOR A -1. This license shall entitle the holder to contract for the construction, alteration and repair of any ty pe or size of structure permitted by this Code. RBC203.2.2 BUILDING CONTRACTOR A -2. This license shall entitle the holder to contract for the construction, alteration and repair of any ty pe occupancy classification allowed by this Code, with the exception of Group A, E, and I occupancies exceeding thirty -thousand (30,000) square feet in total building floor area or any building that requires Ty pe I construction. RBC203.3 BUILDING CONTRACTOR (LIMITED COMMERCIAL). B
RBC203.3.1 BUILDING CONTRACTOR B-1. This license shall entitle the holder to contract for the construction, alteration and repair of any ty pe of occupancy classification allowed by this Code, with the exception of Group A, E, I or H occupancies or any building that requires Ty pe I construction. RBC203.3.2 BUILDING CONTRACTOR B-2. This license shall entitle the holder to contract for nonstructural remodeling in all occupancies, with the exception of Group A, E, I or H occupancies or any building that requires Ty pe I construction. Further, this license shall entitle the holder to contract for any work authorized under a Bu ilding Contractor C license, the construction, alteration and repair of any Group B, F, M or S occupancies not more than one (1) story in height and not more than sev en-thousand fiv e-hundred (7,500) square feet in total building floor area, and the construction, alteration or repair of any Group R occupancies not more than sixteen (16) units and not more than two (2) stories in height. RBC203.4 BUILDING CONTRACTOR C (HOME BUILDER). This license shall entitle the holder to contract for the construction, alteration an d repair of one- and two-family dwellings not more than three (3) stories in height and their accessory structures. Further, this license shall entitle the holder to construct, alter and repair Group R-2 occupancies of not more than eight (8) units and not more than two (2) stories in height. When in
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RBC203.5.4 MOVING CONTRACTOR D-4. This license shall entitle the holder to contract for the mov ing of buildings and structures along the roads and streets within the Jurisdiction. RBC203.5.5 SIGN CONTRACTOR D-5A. This license shall entitle the holder to contract for the erection, enlargement, mov ing and maintenance, or remov al of all signs gov erned under this Code. A Building Contractor A or B may also perform the functions of a Sign Contractor D-5A. RBC203.5.6 SIGN CONTRACTOR D-6B. This license shall entitle the holder to perform all work of a Sign Contractor A except for free-standing signs ov er twenty (20) feet high and electric signs. A Sign Contractor D-6B may repaint or maintain any sign. A Building Contractor C may also perform the functions of a Sign Contractor D-6B. RBC203.5.7 FIRE SUPPRESSION CONTRACTOR 7 11. See Section RBC207 of this Code. RBC203.6 BUILDING CONTRACTOR E (MAINTENANCE AND REMODELING). This license shall entitle the holder to contract for the construction, alteration and repair of structures accessory to one and two -family dwellings not
intended as enclosed habitable space such as deck s, fences, sheds, patio cov ers, and detached garages and work shops and for interior nonstructural repair or remodeling of one- or twofamily dwellings. RBC203.7 BUILDING (SOLAR ENERGY). CONTRACTOR F
RBC203.7.1 Building Contractor F-1, Unlimited. This license shall entitle the holder to contract for the installation of all k inds of activ e solar heating and cooling sy stems, and to mak e the necessary connections to related equipment. The work done under this license shall be limited to the solar collector installation and its connection to the existing gas, plumbing, and heating sy stems. RBC203.7.2 Building Contractor F-2, Limited. This license shall entitle the holder to contract for the installation of all k inds of activ e solar heating and cooling sy stems but shall require that all connections and equipment related to the sy stem be connected or installed by contractors properly licensed to do so. A licensed Building Contractor A, B, or C may act as a Building Contractor F -2, Limited.
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SECTION RBC204 - MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS RBC204.1 APPLICATION AND EXAMINATION. In accordance with Sections RBC201.5 and RBC201.6 of this Code, the Mechanical Committee shall rev iew applications and examinations, and mak e appropriate recommendations to the Regional Board of Rev iew for the classes of contractors licenses that follow. Exceptions: An examination is not required for the licensee of a Mechanical Contractor D who must be licensed by the State of Colorado. RBC204.2 TYPES OF MECHANICAL LICENSES. A contractor shall be classified as one of the following ty pes: RBC204.2.1 Mechanical Contractor A (Commercial). This license shall authorize the holder to obtain permits for and perform the installation, replacement or serv ice and repair of gas piping, heating, v entilating and air conditioning sy stems in any ty pe or size of structure permitted by this Code. Employ ees of the contractor shall also be appropriately licensed to install, replace, serv ice and repair these sy stems and equipment. RBC204.2.2 Mechanical Contractor B (Residential). This license shall authorize the holder to obtain permits for and perform the installation, replacement or serv ice and repair of gas piping, heating, v entilating and air conditioning sy stems in one- and two-family dwellings and accessory structures of not more than three (3) stories in height. Employ ees of the contractor shall also be appropriately licensed to install, replace, serv ice and repair these sy stems and equipment. RBC204.2.3 Mechanical Contractor C (Specialty). This license shall be issued by the Board of Rev iew to those engaged in contracting as other than a Mechanical Contractor A or B as licensed in this Code for labor or for labor and material inv olv ing only one trade. These contractors shall be further classified into one of the following specialty categories: 1. Gas Piping Contractor. This license shall authorize the contractor to obtain permits for and perform the installation, replacement or serv ice and repair of gas piping sy stems and the installation, replacement or serv ice and repair of gas appliances not connected to duct sy stems. Employ ees of the contractor shall also be appropriately licensed to install, replace, serv ice and repair these sy stems and equipment. 2. Commercial Refrigeration Contractor. This license shall authorize the contractor to obtain permits for and perform the installation, replacement or serv ice and repair of commercial refrigeration sy stems. Employ ees of the contractor shall also be appropriately licensed to install, replace, serv ice and repair these sy stems and equipment. Residential Maintenance/ Repair and Replacement Contractor. This license shall authorize the contractor to obtain permits for and perform the replacement or serv ice and repair of heating, v entilating and air conditioning sy stems on existing sy stems in one- and two-family dwellings and accessory structures of not more than three (3) stories in height. Employ ees of the contractor shall also be appropriately licensed to install, replace, serv ice and repair these sy stems and equipment. Residential Remodeling Contractor. This license shall authorize the contractor to obtain permits for and perform the installation, replacement or serv ice and repair of duct work serv ing heating, v entilating and air conditioning sy stems in existing one- and two-family dwellings and accessory structures of not more than three (3) stories in height.
RBC204.2.4 Mechanical Contractor D (Manufactured Buildings). This license shall authorize the contractor to obtain permits for the installation of Manufactured Buildings regulated in accordance with Section RBC309 of this Code as well as perform the installation, replacement or serv ice and repair of gas piping, heating, v entilating, and air conditioning sy stems in these structures. Employ ees of the contractor shall also be appropriately licensed to install, replace, serv ice and repair these sy stems and equipment. RBC204.2.5 Mechanical Contractor E (Elevators/ Escalators). This license shall entitle the holder to contract for the construction, alteration or repair of any dev ice gov erned by Section RBC310 of this Code. RBC204.3 HEATING MECHANIC. A heating mechanic is a sk illed work er qualified to perform work on mechanical sy stems and equipment in accordance with the Mechanical and Fuel Gas Codes. RBC204.4 EXAMINATION. In accordance with Sections RBC201.5 and RBC201.6 of this Code, the Mechanical Committee shall rev iew applications and
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examinations, and mak e appropriate recommendations to the Board of Rev iew for the grades of licenses that follow. There shall be no application fees for these licenses; howev er, Heating Mechanic I and IV applicants shall pay a ten dollar ($10.00) examination fee. License fees shall be as set forth in Section RBC202.6 of this Code. Exception: A person in possession of a current State of Colorado Journey man Plumbing License is not required to tak e the examination for a Heating Mechanic I (Fitter) License. RBC204.5 GRADES OF MECHANICS. The v arious grades of heating mechanics and their functions and qualifications shall be as set forth in this section. 1. Heating Mechanic I (Fitter). This license allows the holder to engage in the installation and repair gas piping sy stems. An applicant for Heating Mechanic I license shall hav e one y ear experience in gas pipe fitting/installing and serv icing. The applicant shall demonstrate proficiency in the use and calibration of a combustible gas indicator. All work must be performed under the direction of a Mechanical Contractor A, B, C (Gas Piping) or D. 2. Heating used. Mechanic II (Reserved). Not
replacement of the piping. The applicant for a Heating Mechanic IV license shall demonstrate proficiency in the use and calibration of a combustible gas indicator and a carbon monoxide detection instrument. At the time of license renewal, the mechanic must prov ide proof of hav ing satisfactorily completed, within the last y ear, at least six (6) hours of technical training by an agency approv ed by the Building Official. Failure to prov ide this information shall constitute grounds for deny ing license renewal. RBC204.6 GENERAL PROVISIONS LICENSED MECHANICS. FOR
RBC204.6.1 Requirement to Carry a License. Any mechanic licensed pursuant to this Section shall be required to carry on his or her person the licensees current license at all times while he or she is work ing in the mechanical trade. RBC204.6.2 Helpers. Any mechanic duly licensed under this Section may hav e a helper or helpers to assist the mechanic with the mechanics work , pursuant to the applicable State statutes concerning the mechanics specific trade, ev en though the helper or helpers are unlicensed. RBC204.6.2.1 Supervision. Any unlicensed helper must work under the immediate and direct superv ision of the mechanic licensed under this section, and the licensed mechanic must be phy sically on the job site at all times that the unlicensed helper is work ing. RBC204.6.2.2 Job Site. Job Site shall mean the project cov ered by the building permit, except that in residential construction, it may include any residential construction immediately adjacent thereto. RBC204.6.2.3 Number. In the ev ent that there is no state statute applicable to the specific trade, then the number of helpers must bear a reasonable relationship to the licensed mechanic.
3. Heating Mechanic III (Reserved). Not used. 4. Heating Mechanic IV (HVAC Service Technician). This license allows the holder to engage in the repair and serv icing of heating, v entilation and air conditioning equipment and sy stems when employ ed by , and under the direction of a Mechanical Contractor A, B, C (except for Residential Remodeling), or D. The equipment and sy stems upon which the holder may work shall be restricted to only those specifically identified within the employ ers Mechanical Contractors license(s). The holder may also repair leak s in gas piping sy stems that do not entail alteration or the complete
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SECTION RBC205 - PLUMBING & WATER CONNECTED APPLIANCE CONTRACTORS RBC205.1 Plumbing Contractor A, COLORADO LICENSE REQUIRED No license other than a duly issued Colorado State master plumber's license shall be required. To perform plumbing work within this jurisdiction, a Colorado State licensed master plumber shall register the contractor with the Building Department. The contractor is permitted to perform any work as is set out in Section RBC306 of this Code, to include Water Heater installations, repairs and replacements. An annual fee for registration as set out in Section RBC202 of this Code shall be charged to cov er the administration of the registration and its functions. RBC205.2 WATER CONNECTED APPLIANCE CONTRACTOR. RBC205.2.1 Application and Examination. In accordance with Sections RBC201.5 and RBC201.6 of this Code, the Mechanical Committee shall rev iew applications and examinations, and mak e appropriate recommendations to the Board of Rev iew for water connected appliance contractors. RBC205.2.2 Scope of License. This license shall authorize the contractor to obtain permits and install only ice mak ers, lawn sprink ler sy stems, water softeners, and humidifiers. RBC205.2.3 Restrictions. This license shall enable the contractor to do work only in the installation of equipment directly to the source of water supply . The contractor shall not perform work that requires licensing or registration elsewhere in this Code, to include waste, drain, or v ent piping, without holding the applicable license or registration to do that work . RBC205.2.4 State Master Plumbers License. A plumbing contractor holding a State master plumber's license and registered in this jurisdiction may obtain permits to install any of the abov e listed items without a separate license.
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SECTION RBC206 - ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS RBC206.1 COLORADO LICENSE REQUIRED. No license other than a duly issued Colorado electrical contractor's license shall be required; howev er, Colorado licensed electrical contractors shall register with the Building Department. RBC206.2 FIRE ALARM CONTRACTORS. See Section RBC208 of this Code.
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SECTION RBC207 - FIRE SUPPRESSION CONTRACTORS RBC207.1 GENERAL. Fire Suppression Contractors shall be licensed and regulated in accordance with this Section. RBC207.2 DEFINITIONS D.O.T. For the purposes of this section, refers to the United Stated Department of Transportation. JOB SITE. The area cov ered by the sy stem permit, except that in residential construction it may include any residential construction located immediately adjacent thereto. MULTIPURPOSE FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM. For the purposes of this section, a sy stem intended to serv e both domestic and fire protection needs. NICET. For the purposes of this section, refers to the National Institute for the Certification in Engineering Technologies. PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHER REPAIR AND SERVICE FACILITY. A USDOT authorized requalification facility . PRIVATE FIRE HYDRANT. Any fire hy drant located on priv ate property and not owned by a municipality or water district. RESPONSIBLE MANAGING EMPLOYEE (RME). An exclusiv e permanent employ ee of a company , corporation or similar entity who holds a current and v alid NICET lev el III or higher certificate, or who is licensed by the State of Colorado as a Professional Engineer hav ing expertise to the Fire Authority s satisfaction, in the design of fire protection sy stems, or other certifications/licenses acceptable to the Fire Authority . RMEs must be activ e in the day -to-day activ ities of the company . RMEs shall not be listed for multiple (2 or more) contractors. SPECIAL HAZARD FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM. An automatic or manually activ ated fire suppression sy stem which deliv ers a suppression agent through a distribution sy stem onto or into a protected hazard from a specific stored supply and which cannot be construed as an automatic fire sprink ler sy stem. The sy stem may also include auxiliary control, alarm and detection equipment. RBC207.3 General. The applicant, if a company , corporation or similar entity , shall meet all requirements listed in Section 207 of this Code in addition to specific requirements under the ty pe of license sought; or Section 207.3.7 of this Code if an indiv idual person, as may be applicable. Company , corporation, or similar entity licenses shall be issued jointly in the name of the company , corporation or similar entity and an employ ee serv ing as president
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or principal of the company , corporation or similar entity . This person shall be activ e in the day -to-day business operations of the entity . RBC207.3.1 Insurance requirements. The applicant shall meet the insurance requirements under Section 201.7 of this Code. RBC207.3.2 Responsibilities of the RME. The RME shall be named as a qualify ing RME when a contractor mak es application for this license. The contractor shall retain the serv ices of at least one RME, but may retain the serv ices of any number of RMEs prov ided these indiv iduals meet the qualifications described abov e. The RME shall be responsible for the final design and installation of each sy stem and shall indicate approv al through inscription of signature and date on each sheet of plans submitted to the appropriate Fire Authority for rev iew. RBC207.3.3 Certificates and licenses. The required certificates and licenses shall remain current during the licensed y ear. RBC207.3.4 Retention of RME/licensee. If the sole RME for a company , corporation or similar entity leav es employ ment or the certificate or license for that indiv idual expires the contractor shall hav e sixty (60) calendar day s from the ev ent to secure a new RME or obtain and present a current certificate or license, as applicable. If a contractor cannot secure a new RME or prov ide appropriate certification or license, the contractors license shall immediately become inv alid. Contractors whose licenses become inv alid may reapply for license under Section 207 of this Code. RBC207.3.5 Expiration of license. Refer to Section 201.10 of this Code. RBC207.3.6 Application and review. The Colorado Springs Fire Board of Appeals, in accordance with Section 111.7 of this Code, shall rev iew and approv e applications for the contractors addressed in Section 207 of this Code. RBC207.3.7 Individual applicants. Indiv idual persons may apply for a license if they meet the qualifications of an RME. Indiv idual licenses shall be issued in the name of this indiv idual. RBC207.3.7.1 Retention of RME/licensee. If an indiv idual persons appropriate certificate or license expires that person shall hav e sixty (60) calendar day s from the expiration of the certificate or license to obtain and present a current certificate or license, as applicable. If the indiv idual person
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cannot prov ide an appropriate certificate or license, the indiv iduals license shall immediately become inv alid. Indiv iduals whose licenses become inv alid may reapply for license under Section 207. Where the indiv idual is also the person performing field work , that person shall also obtain the appropriate Installer and/or Serv ice Technician registrations. RBC207.4 Fire Suppression Contractor A. This license shall authorize the contractor to design, install, add to, alter, serv ice, repair, maintain, test, and inspect water-based fire suppression and standpipe sy stems of all ty pes, including their necessary control, alarm and detection components, as well as retrofit existing sy stems with back flow prev ention dev ices. The license shall also authorize the contractor to obtain permits from the Fire Authority for said serv ices. This license does not authorize the contractor to mak e connection to or alter a building fire alarm sy stem. RBC207.4.1 Experience. The contractor shall document a minimum of fiv e (5) y ears experience in all work areas relating to water-based fire suppression and standpipe sy stems. RBC207.4.2 RME employment. The contractor shall prov ide proof of employ ment of at least one RME through a letter certify ing permanent exclusiv e employ ment of that indiv idual with the company , corporation or similar entity . RBC207.4.3 RME qualifications. RMEs must hold a current and v alid NICET lev el III or higher certificate in fire sprink ler design or water based suppression sy stems, or be licensed by the State of Colorado as a Professional Engineer hav ing expertise to the Fire Authority s satisfaction. RBC207.4.4 On-site Installer. Refer to Section 207.10 of this Code for requirements of On-site Installers. RBC207.5 Fire Suppression Contractor/Dealer B. This license shall authorize the contractor/dealer to install, add to, alter, serv ice, repair, maintain, test and inspect portable fire extinguisher appliances and preengineered special hazard fire suppression sy stems including their necessary control, alarm and detection components The license shall also authorize the contractor/dealer to obtain permits from the Fire Authority for said serv ices. RBC207.5.1 Experience. The contractor/dealer shall prov ide documentation of a minimum of three (3) y ears work experience, in the areas related to portable fire extinguisher
special hazard
RBC207.5.2 RME employment. The contractor shall prov ide proof of employ ment of at least one RME through a letter certify ing permanent, exclusiv e employ ment of that indiv idual with the company , corporation or similar entity . RBC207.5.3 RME qualifications. The RME of the company or organization shall prov ide a detailed explanation of his/her qualifications as applicable to portable fire extinguisher appliances and pre-engineered special hazard suppression sy stems. RBC207.5.4 Manufacturer certification. Current certifications from each manufacturer of special hazard sy stems that the applicant is qualified to install and serv ice shall be prov ided at the time of application. These certifications must be maintained throughout the license y ear. RBC207.5.5 Equipment requirements. The Contractor/dealer shall satisfy the minimum equipment requirements for the specific work to be performed on portable fire extinguisher appliances and pre-engineered special hazard suppression sy stems. RBC207.5.6 DOT Registration. The Contractor/dealer shall maintain a current DOT registration as an approv ed cy linder requalification facility or a contract with an outside cy linder requalification facility . At the time of application the outside facility shall prov ide the Fire Authority with proof of liability insurance equal to that required of the applicant. RBC207.5.7 Service Technician. Refer to Section 207.13 of this Code for requirements of Serv ice Technicians. RBC207.6 Fire Suppression Contractor/Dealer C. This license shall authorize the contractor/dealer to inspect, serv ice, recharge, repair, maintain, install and hy drostatically test portable fire extinguisher appliances. RBC207.6.1 Experience. The contractor/dealer shall prov ide documentation of a minimum of two (2) y ears work experience in the serv ice of portable fire extinguisher appliances. RBC207.6.2 RME employment. The contractor shall prov ide proof of exclusiv e employ ment of at least one RME through a letter certify ing permanent employ ment of that indiv idual with the company , corporation or similar entity . RBC207.6.3 RME qualifications. The RME of the company or organization shall prov ide a
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detailed explanation of his/her qualifications as applicable to portable fire extinguisher appliances. RBC207.6.4 Equipment requirements. The Contractor/dealer shall satisfy the minimum equipment requirements for the specific work to be performed on portable fire extinguisher appliances. RBC207.6.5 DOT Registration. The Contractor/dealer shall maintain a current DOT registration as an approv ed cy linder requalification facility or a current contract with an outside cy linder requalification facility . At the time of application the outside facility shall prov ide the Fire Authority with proof of liability insurance equal to that required of the applicant. RBC207.6.6 Service technician. Refer to section 207.13 of this Code for requirements of Serv ice Technicians. RBC207.7 Commercial, Industrial or Instructional Facilities Manager D. This license shall authorize the company or organization to inspect, serv ice, recharge, repair, maintain and install portable fire extinguisher appliances which are the property of or under the care and contro l of the applicant. RBC207.7.1 Experience. The facilities manager shall prov ide documentation of a minimum of two (2) y ears work experience in the serv ice of portable fire extinguisher appliances. RBC207.7.2 Equipment requirements. The company or organization shall satisfy the minimum equipment requirements for the specific work to be performed on portable fire extinguisher appliances. RBC207.7.3 RME qualifications. The RME of the company or organization shall prov ide a detailed explanation of his/her qualifications to serv ice portable fire extinguisher appliances and pass the Serv ice Technician exam. RBC207.7.4 Service Technician. Refer to section 207.13 of this Code for requirements of Serv ice Technicians. RBC207.8 Fire Suppression Contractor H. This license shall authorize the contractor to perform serv ices associated with the maintenance, testing, and inspection of priv ate fire hy drants. RBC207.8.1 Experience. The contractor shall prov ide documentation of a minimum of two (2) y ears work experience in the serv ice of priv ate fire hy drants. RBC207.8.2 RME employment. The contractor shall prov ide proof of employ ment of at least one RME through a letter certify ing permanent, exclusiv e employ ment of that
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indiv idual with the company , corporation or similar entity . RBC207.8.3 RME qualifications. The RME of the company or organization shall prov ide a detailed explanation of his/her qualifications as applicable to priv ate fire hy drants. RBC207.8.4 Equipment requirements. The Contractor shall satisfy the minimum equipment requirements for specific work to be performed on fire hy drants. RBC207.8.5 Hydrant Technician. Refer to section 207.12 of this Code for requirements of Hy drant Technicians. RBC207.9 Fire Suppression Contractor M. This license shall authorize the contractor to install, add to, alter, serv ice, repair, maintain, test, and inspect multipurpose fire sprink ler sy stems. The license also shall authorize the contractor to obtain permits from the Fire Authority for said serv ices. RBC207.9.1 Experience. The contractor shall document a minimum of fiv e (5) y ears experience in all work areas relating to multipurpose fire sprink ler sy stems and residential plumbing. RBC207.9.2 RME employment. The contractor shall prov ide proof of employ ment of at least one RME through a letter certify ing permanent, exclusiv e employ ment of that indiv idual with the company , corporation or similar entity . RBC207.9.3 RME qualifications. The RME of the company or organization shall prov ide a detailed explanation of his/her qualifications as applicable to multipurpose fire sprink ler sy stems. RBC207.9.4 Master Plumber License. The contractor shall prov ide a current and v alid Colorado State Master Plumber License at the time of application. RBC207.9.5 Factory training. The FSC -M contractor shall prov ide a certificate of attendance or completion of factory training for the specific sy stem(s) it wants to install. RBC207.9.6 On-site Installer Limited. Refer to section 207.11 of this Code for requirements of On-site Installer Limited. RBC207.10 Suppression On-site Installer. The On-site Installer is a sk illed work er employ ed by a Fire Suppression Contractor A who is qualified to insure practical installation of water-based fire suppression and standpipe sy stems according to the standards set by the Fire Authority . RBC207.10.1 Scope of certification. The Onsite Installer Certificate allows a person to install, add to, alter, repair, maintain, test and inspect water-based suppression sy stems and standpipe sy stems of all ty pes. All work must be performed
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of a licensed F.S.C.-A
RBC207.10.2 Experience. The applicant for the certificate shall hav e a minimum of two (2) y ears work experience in water-based suppression sy stems and standpipe sy stems. References shall be supplied establishing this experience. RBC207.10.3 Exam. An examination is required for this certificate with a passing score as determined by the approv ed testing agency . After rev iew and approv al from the Colorado Springs Fire Department, the applicant shall receiv e a current certificate. Exception: An RME holding a current NICET lev el III or IV Certification in Fire Sprink ler Design, or a Colorado registered Professional Engineer hav ing experience in fire sprink ler design is exempt from the exam requirement. RBC207.10.4 Expiration. The On-Site Installer certificate shall be v alid for a period of three (3) y ears. At the expiration of the three (3) y ear period, the installer shall hav e ninety (90) calendar day s to mak e application and pass the examination. RBC207.10.5 Requirement to carry the certification. The installer certified pursuant to this section shall be required to carry on their person at all times their current RBD and third party certification card while work ing in the trade. RBC207.10.6 Helpers. The installer duly certified under this section may hav e a helper or helpers to assist in the work . There shall be no more than fiv e (5) helpers per certified installer per job site. A certified installer must be phy sically located on a job site at all times that work is being performed on the site. RBC207.11 On-site Installer Limited. The OnSite Installer Limited is at a minimum a State of Colorado Residential Plumber employ ed by the permit holding Fire Suppression Contractor M who is qualified to insure practical installation of the multipurpose fire sprink ler sy stem according to the standards set by the Fire Authority . RBC207.11.1 Scope of certification. The Onsite Installer Limited certificate allows a person to install, add to, alter, repair, maintain, test and inspect single-family multipurpose automatic fire sprink ler sy stems. All work must be performed under the direction of an F.S.C.-M contractor. RBC207.11.2 Experience. The applicant for the certificate shall hav e a minimum of two (2) y ears work experience in multipurpose fire sprink ler sy stems. References shall be supplied establishing this experience.
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RBC207.11.3 Exam. An examination is required for this certificate with a passing score as determined by the approv ed testing agency . After rev iew and approv al from the Colorado Springs Fire Department the applicant shall receiv e a current certificate. RBC207.11.4 Expiration. The On-site Installer Limited Certificate shall be v alid for a period of three (3) y ears. At the expiration of the three (3) y ear period, the Installer Limited shall hav e ninety (90) calendar day s to mak e application and pass the examination. RBC207.11.5 Requirement to carry the certification. The Installer Limited duly certified pursuant to this section shall be required to carry on their person at all times their current RBD and third-party certification card while work ing in the trade. RBC207.11.6 Helpers. The Installer Limited duly certified under this section may hav e a helper or helpers to assist in the work . There shall be no more than three (3) helpers per certified installer per job site. A certified Installer Limited must be phy sically located on a job site at all times that work is being performed on the site. RBC207.12 Fire Hydrant Technician. The fire hy drant technician is a sk illed work er employ ed by a licensed FSC -H contractor who is qualified to insure competent testing, maintenance, and inspection of priv ate fire hy drants according to the standards set by the Fire Authority . RBC207.12.1 Scope of certification. The Fire Hy drant Technician certificate allows a person to serv ice, test, maintain, repair, and inspect priv ate fire hy drants. All work must be performed under the direction of a licensed F.S.C.-H contractor. RBC207.12.2 Experience. The applicant for the certificate shall hav e a minimum of two (2) y ears work experience in fire hy drant maintenance. References shall be supplied establishing this experience. RBC207.12.3 Exam. An examination is required for this certificate with a passing score as determined by the approv ed testing agency . After rev iew and approv al from the Colorado Springs Fire Department, the applicant shall receiv e a current certificate. RBC207.12.4 Expiration. The Fire Hy drant Technician Certificate shall be v alid for a period of three (3) y ears. At the expiration of the three (3) y ear period, the Installer Limited shall hav e ninety (90) calendar day s to mak e application and pass the examination. RBC207.12.5 Requirement to carry the certification. The Fire Hy drant Technician duly certified pursuant to this section shall be required
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to carry on their person at all times their current RBD and third party certification card while work ing in the trade. RBC207.12.6 Helpers. The Fire Hy drant Technician duly certified under this section may hav e a helper or helpers to assist in the work . There shall be no more than three (3) helpers per certified installer per job site. A certified Fire Hy drant Technician must be phy sically located on a job site at all times that work is being performed on the site. RBC207.13 Service Technician. The serv ice technician is a sk illed work er employ ed by a licensed FSC -B, C OR D contractor who is qualified to insure competent serv ice, repair, testing, maintenance, and inspection of portable fire extinguisher appliances and/or pre-engineered special hazard sy stems including commercial k itchen suppression sy stems according to the standards set by the Fire Authority . Requirements of Section 207.13 of this Code shall become effectiv e one (1) y ear following the adoption of this Code by the City of Colorado Springs. RBC207.13.1 Scope of certification. The Serv ice Technician certificate allows a person to serv ice, repair, maintain, test and inspect portable fire extinguisher appliances and/or preengineered special hazard sy stems including commercial k itchen sy stems. All work must be performed under the direction of a licensed contractor. RBC207.13.2 Experience. The applicant for the certificate shall hav e a minimum of two (2)
y ears work experience in portable fire extinguisher appliances and/or pre-engineered special hazard sy stems including commercial k itchen sy stems. References shall be supplied establishing this experience. RBC207.13.3 Exam. A trade specific examination is required for this certificate with a passing score as determined by the approv ed testing agency . After rev iew and approv al from the Colorado Springs Fire Department, the applicant shall receiv e a current certificate. RBC207.13.4 Expiration. The Serv ice Technician Certificate shall be v alid for a period of three (3) y ears. At the expiration of the three (3) y ear period, the Serv ice Technician shall hav e ninety (90) calendar day s to mak e application and pass the examination. RBC207.13.5 Requirement to carry the certification. The Serv ice Technician duly certified pursuant to this section shall be required to carry on their person at all times their current RBD and third-party certification card while work ing in the trade. RBC207.13.6 Helpers. The Serv ice Technician duly certified under this section may hav e a helper or helpers to assist in the work . There shall be no more than three (3) helpers per certified Serv ice Technician per job site. A certified Serv ice Technician must be phy sically located on a job site at all times that work is being performed on the site.
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SECTION RBC208 - FIRE ALARM CONTRACTORS RBC208.1 GENERAL. Fire Alarm Contractors shall be licensed and regulated in accordance with this Section. RBC208.2 DEFINITIONS. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM. A sy stem or portion of a combination sy stem that consists of comp onents and circuits arranged to monitor and annunciate the status of fire alarm or superv isory signalinitiating dev ices and to initiate the appropriate response to those signals. COMBINATION SYSTEM. A fire alarm sy stem in which components are used, in who le or in part, in common with a non-fire signaling sy stem, such as a burglar sy stem, or access control sy stem. DEDICATED FUNCTION SYSTEM. A sy stem installed specifically to perform fire safety functions (elev ator recall, suppression sy stem monitoring, door releasing) where a building fire alarm sy stem is not required. RELEASING SYSTEM. A sy stem that is part of a fire suppression sy stem and/or prov ides control inputs to a fire suppression sy stem related to the suppression sy stems sequence of operations and outputs for other signaling and notification related to that fire suppression sy stem. JOB SITE. The area cov ered by the fire alarm sy stem permit, except that in residential construction it may include any residential construction located immediately adjacent thereto. NICET. For the purposes of this section, refers to the National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies. RESPONSIBLE MANAGING EMPLOYEE (RME). A permanent exclusiv e employ ee of a company , corporation or similar entity who holds a current and v alid N.I.C.E.T. Lev el III or higher certificate, or is licensed by the State of Colorado as a Professional Engineer hav ing expertise, to the Fire Authority s satisfaction, in the design of fire protection sy stems, or other certification/licenses acceptable to the Fire Authority . RMEs must be activ e in the day -to-day activ ities of their company . RMEs shall not be listed for multiple (2 or more) Fire Alarm Contractor A or B license holders. ROUGH IN INSPECTION. Inspection performed on the installation of wiring, conduit, boxes and other dev ices necessary for the operation of a Fire Alarm Sy stem. This inspection
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does not include the final/operational test of a completed sy stem nor the placement or function of any fire alarm dev ices or components. RBC208.3 General. The applicant, if a company , corporation or similar entity , shall meet all requirements listed in Section 208 of this Code in addition to specific requirements under the ty pe of license sought; or Section 208.3.7 of this Code if an indiv idual person, as may be applicable. Company , corporation, or similar entity licenses shall be issued jointly in the name of the company , corporation or similar entity and an employ ee serv ing as president or principal of the company , corporation or similar entity . This person shall be activ e in the day -to-day business operations of the entity . RBC208.3.1 Insurance requirements. The applicant shall meet the insurance requirements under Section 201.7 of this code. RBC208.3.2 Responsibilities of the RME. The RME must be named as a qualify ing RME when a contractor mak es application for this license. The contractor shall retain the serv ices of at least one RME, but may retain the serv ices of any number of RMEs prov ided any and all of these indiv iduals meet the qualifications described abov e. The RME shall be responsible for the final design and installation of each sy stem and shall indicate approv al through inscription of signature and date on each sheet of plans submitted to the appropriate Fire Authority for rev iew. RBC208.3.3 Certificates and licenses. The required certificates and licenses shall remain current during the licensed y ear. RBC208.3.4 Retention of RME/licensee. If the sole RME for a company , corporation or similar entity leav es employ ment or the certificate or license for that indiv idual expires the contractor shall hav e sixty (60) calendar day s from the ev ent to secure a new RME or obtain and present a current certificate or license, as applicable. If a contractor cannot secure a new RME or prov ide appropriate certification or license, the contractors license shall immediately become inv alid. Contractors whose licenses become inv alid may reapply for license under Section 208 of this Code. RBC208.3.5 Expiration of license. Refer to Section 201.10 of this Code. RBC208.3.6 Application and review. The Colorado Springs Fire Board of Appeals, in accordance with Section 111.7 of this Code,
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shall rev iew and approv e applications for the contractors addressed in Section 208 of this Code. RBC208.3.7 Individual applicants. Indiv idual persons may apply for license if they meet the qualifications of an RME. Indiv idual licenses shall be issued in the name of this indiv idual. RBC208.3.7.1 Retention of RME/licensee. If an indiv idual persons appropriate certificate or license expires that person shall hav e sixty (60) calendar day s from the expiration of the certificate to obtain and present a current certificate or license, as applicable. If the indiv idual person cannot prov ide an appropriate certificate or license, the indiv iduals license shall immediately become inv alid. Indiv iduals whose licenses become inv alid may reapply for license under Section 208 of this Code. Where the indiv idual is also the person performing field work , that person shall also obtain the appropriate Installer registrations. RBC208.3.8 Permits. A permit shall be obtained from the Building Department for the rough installation of wiring. Permit fees shall be in accordance with the fee schedule as adopted by the Jurisdiction. Permits required by the Fire Authority shall be in addition to those required by the Building Department. RBC208.3.9 Inspections. Rough-in inspections for fire alarm sy stems shall be scheduled with the Building Department. The placement and function of dev ices and components and the final/operational inspection shall be performed by the Fire Authority . RBC208.4 Fire Alarm Contractor A. This license shall authorize the contractor to design, program, install, add to, alter, serv ice, repair, maintain, test, and inspect fire alarm sy stems, dedicated function sy stems as well as the necessary control, alarm and detection components of releasing sy stems and communications methods. The license shall also authorize the contractor to obtain permits from the Fire Authority and to obtain a rough -in permit from the Building Department. RBC208.4.1 Experience. The contractor shall document a minimum of fiv e (5) y ears experience in all work areas relating to fire alarm sy stems RBC208.4.2 RME employment. In addition, the contractor shall prov ide proof of employ ment of at least one RME through a
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letter certify ing permanent employ ment of that indiv idual with the company , corporation or similar entity . RBC208.4.3 RME qualifications. RMEs must hold a current and v alid NICET lev el III or higher certificate in fire alarm design, or be licensed by the State of Colorado as a Professional Engineer hav ing expertise to the Fire Authority s satisfaction. RBC208.4.4 On-site Installer. Refer to section 208.6 of this Code for requirements of On-site Installers. RBC208.5 Fire Alarm Contractor B. This license shall authorize the company , corporation or similar entity to install, serv ice, repair, test and inspect fire alarm sy stems, dedicated function sy stems as well as the necessary control, alarm and detection components of releasing sy stems and communications methods as well as add to or alter non-proprietary fire alarm sy stems. The license shall also authorize the contractor to obtain permits from the Fire Authority and to obtain a rough-in permit from the Building Department. RBC208.5.1 Experience. The contractor shall document a minimum of fiv e (5) y ears experience. Experience shall be in all work areas relating to fire alarm sy stems. RBC208.5.2 RME employment. In addition, the contractor shall prov ide proof of employ ment of at least one RME through a letter certify ing permanent exclusiv e employ ment of that indiv idual with the company , corporation or similar entity . RBC208.5.3 RME qualifications. RMEs must hold a current and v alid NICET lev el II or higher certificate in fire alarm design, or be licensed by the State of Colorado as a Professional Engineer hav ing expertise to the Fire Authority s satisfaction. RBC208.5.4 On-site Installer. Refer to section 208.6 of this Code for requirements of On-site Installers. RBC208.6 Fire Alarm On-site Installer. The On-site Installer is a sk illed work er employ ed by the permit-holding Fire Alarm Contractor and is qualified to insure practical installation of the fire alarm sy stem according to the standard set by the Fire Authority . RBC208.6.1 Scope of Certification. The On-site Installer certificate allows a person to install, add to, alter, repair, test and inspect fire alarm sy stems. All work must be performed under the direction of a licensed Fire A larm Contractor.
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RBC208.6.2 Experience. The applicant for the license shall hav e a minimum of two (2) y ears work experience in fire alarm sy stems. References shall be supplied establishing this experience. RBC208.6.3 Exam. An examination is required for this certificate. An app licant shall hav e the option to obtain a minimum of NICET Lev el II certification in fire alarm sy stems or tak e an approv ed exam with a passing score as determined by the approv ed testing agency . After rev iew and approv al by the Colorado Springs Fire Department, the applicant shall receiv e a current certificate. Exception: An RME holding a current NICET lev el III or IV Certification in Fire Alarm Design, or a Colorado registered Professional Engineer hav ing experience in fire alarm design may be exempt from the exam requirement.
RBC208.6.4 Expiration. The On-site Installer Certificate shall be v alid for a period of three (3) y ears. At the expiration of the three (3) y ear period, the installer shall hav e ninety (90) calendar day s to mak e application and pass the examination RBC208.6.5 Requirement to carry the certification. The installer certified pursuant to this section shall be required to carry on their person at all times their current RBD and third-party certification card while work ing in the trade. RBC208.6.6 Helpers. The installer duly certified under this section may hav e a helper or helpers to assist in the work . There shall be no more than fiv e (5) helpers per certified installer per job site. A certified installer must be phy sically located on a job site at all times that work is being performed on the site.
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RBC301.1 CODES ADOPTED BY REFERENCE. Pursuant to Sections 30-15-407, 30-28-201 and 3116-202 of the Colorado Rev ised Statutes, as amended, and the Colorado Constitution, Article XX, as applicable, codes in this chapter may be adopted by reference. RBC301.2 OTHER REFERENCED CODES. Where other codes or standards are referenced in these adopted codes, these shall not apply unless they hav e been specifically adopted by the Jurisdiction either in this Code o r elsewhere. RBC301.3 APPLICATION. This Chapter shall apply to ev ery building, structure, equipment or installation within the Jurisdiction in accordance with Section RBC101.3 of this Code.
RBC301.4 INTERPRETATION. The Codes in this Chapter shall be interpreted and construed as to effectuate their general purpose to mak e uniform the local regulations contained therein. Chapter and section headings of this Code and adopted codes and standards shall not be deemed to gov ern, limit, modify , or in any manner affect the scope, meaning, or extent of prov isions of any chapter or section. RBC301.5 SALE OF COPIES. The Jurisdiction shall delegate to the Building Department responsibility to maintain a reasonable supply of copies of the primary codes adopted by reference. These shall be av ailable for purchase by the public at a reasonable price.
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SECTION RBC302 - COMMERCIAL BUILDING CODE RBC302.1 SHORT TITLE. This section will be k nown and cited as the Commercial Building Code. RBC302.2 SCOPE. The prov isions of the Commercial Building Code shall apply in accordance with Section RBC101.3 of this Code. Exceptions: 1. Detached one- and two-family dwellings and multiple single family dwellings (townhomes) not more than three (3) stories abov e grade plane in height with a separate means of egress and their accessory structures shall comply with the Residential Building Code as prov ided for in Section RBC303 of this Code. Existing buildings undergoing repair, alteration, addition, or change of occupancy shall be permitted to comply with the Existing Building Code as prov ided for in Section RBC311 of this Code. and the earth under any building that is not more than 5 feet (1524 mm) in height measured from the av erage interior grade to the underside of the floor framing. SLEEPING ROOM. A habitable space used primarily for sleeping purposes and containing a closet 16 inches (406.4 mm) or greater in depth. See Appendix D of this code for additional modifications to Section 202 of the International Building Code, 2009 Edition, by the City of Colorado Springs. RBC302.4.2 Section 310.1 Residential Group R. Add the following to the description of R-3 occupancies: Boarding Houses containing not more than fiv e (5) sleeping units for rent or hire that are also occupied as the residence of the proprietor may comply with the Residential Building Code. RBC302.4.3 Section 402.11 Kiosks. Delete. RBC302.4.4 Section 406.1.4 Separation. Item 1. Delete the first two sentences and replace with the following: The priv ate garage shall be separated from the dwelling unit and its attic by not less than 5 /8-inch Ty pe X gy psum board on the garage side attached with an approv ed fastening sy stem to permanent framing not more than 16 inches (406.4 mm) on center in both v ertical and horizontal assemblies. In lieu of this assembly , any wall or ceiling assembly which meets or exceeds a fire-resistance rating of one hour is permitted. RBC302.4.5 Section 407.10 section as follows: Insert a new
RBC302.3 CODE ADOPTED BY REFERENCE. There is hereby adopted by reference the International Building Code of the International Code Council, 4051 West Flossmoor Road, Country Club Hills, IL 60478-5795, 2009 Edition. Three (3) copies of the Code are now filed in the office of the Clerk of the Jurisdiction and may be inspected during regular business hours. The Code is being adopted to include the International Building Code Appendices, sav e and except the following, which are declared to be non-applicable to the Jurisdiction and are therefore expressly deleted: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Chapter 1, Administration Chapter 27, Electrical Chapter 28, Mechanical Sy stems Chapter 29, Plumbing Sy stems Chapter 32, Encroachments into the Public Right-of-Way Chapter 34, Existing Structures Appendix A, Employ ee Qualifications Appendix B, Board of Appeals Appendix D, Fire Districts
407.10. Separation. Suites in Group I-2 occupancies shall be separated from other portions of the building by a smok e partition comply ing with Section 711. RBC302.4.6 Section 502.1 Definitions. BASEMENT. Add the following after the first sentence: Basements shall be prov ided with a permanent floor of approv ed materials.
10. Appendix F, Rodentproofing 11. Appendix J, Grading 12. Appendix K, Administrativ e Prov isions RBC302.4 ADDITIONS AND MODIFICATIONS. The adopted Code is subject to the following additions and modifications: RBC302.4.1 Section 202 DEFINITIONS. Add the following definitions: CRAWLSPACE. An under-floor space not defined as a basement, between the bottom of a floor
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RBC302.4.7 Section 705.11 Parapets. Exception 5. Add the following option after item 5.2: 5.3. Buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprink ler sy stem installed in accordance with Section 903.3 of the International Building Code, 2009 Edition, and prov ided with Class A roof cov ering. RBC302.4.8 Section 706.6 Vertical continuity. Exception 4.3 Add the following to the end of exception 4.3 as follows: or the building is equipped throughout with an automatic sprink ler sy stem installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 of the International Building Code, 2009 Edition. RBC302.4.9 Section 901.1 Scope. Add the following after the first sentence: The Fire Authority shall hav e the authority to regulate and enforce the prov isions of this Chapter in agreement with the Building Official. RBC302.4.10 Section Delete condition 4. 903.2.7 Group M.
RBC302.4.17 Section 1029.6. Insert a new section as follows: 1029.6. Emergency escape openings below horizontal projections. Emergency escape openings may be located below deck s, porches, cantilev ers, and similar horizontal projections prov ided one of the following: 1. The location of the projection allows the emergency escape opening to be fully opened and prov ides a path not less than 36 inches (914.4 mm) in height and width to a y ard or court. The minimum horizontal area of 9 square feet (0.84 m2) is prov ided clear of the projection and the horizontal projection of the operable portion of the egress window and ladder, if required, remain clear of the projection.
RBC302.4.18 Section 1104.1 Site arrival points. Delete and replace with the following: 1104.1 Site arrival routes within the site shall point 5 feet (1,524 mm) building entrance to the entrance serv ed. points. Accessible be prov ided from a from the accessible accessible building
RBC302.4.11 Section 905 STANDPIPE SYSTEMS. Delete and replace with the following: 905.1 General. Standpipe sy stems shall be prov ided in occupancies and locations as required by the Fire Authority . RBC302.4.12 Section 906 PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. Delete and replace with the following: 906.1 Where required. Portable fire extinguishers shall be prov ided in occupancies and locations as required by the Fire Authority . RBC302.4.13 Section 907 FIRE ALARM AND DETECTION SYSTEMS. Delete and replace with the following: 907.1 General. Fire alarm and detection sy stems shall be prov ided in occupancies and locations as required by the Fire Authority . RBC302.4.14 Section 1007.8.1 System requirements. Delete the second sentence. RBC302.4.15 Section 1014.2.7 Separation. Delete and relocate to Section 407.10 of the International Building Code, 2009 Editio n. RBC302.4.16 Section 1029.4 Operational constraints. Add the following after the second sentence: The force required for normal operation of any dev ice shall not exceed 30 pounds.
2011 Pikes Peak Regional B uilding C ode
RBC302.4.19 Section 1107.6.2 Group R-2. Add the following: See also Section 9-5-105 C. R. S., as amended. The most stringent requirement shall apply . RBC302.4.20 Section TRANSMISSION. Delete. 1207 SOUND
RBC302.4.21 Section 1405.3 Vapor retarders. In the first sentence delete zone 5. RBC302.4.22 Section 1501.2 Insert a new section as follows: 1501.2 Cold Climates. Where this Chapter refers to areas where the av erage daily temperature in January is 25 F (-4 C) or less or where there has been a history of ice forming along the eav es causing a back up of water, this shall be construed to mean areas with a grade plane elev ation of greater than 7,000 feet (2,134 m). RBC302.4.23 Section 1503.2.2. Insert a new section as follows: 1503.2.2. Penetrations. Roof jack s, attic v ents and similar penetrations shall not be located less than 18 inches (457.2 mm) from the center of a v alley to the closest edge of the penetration. RBC302.4.24 Section Add the following: 1503.4.2 Scuppers.
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gage galv anized sheet metal lining at minimum the bottom and sides of the opening and shall extend at least 2 inches (50.8 mm) bey ond the exterior wall face. Scuppers shall be installed per Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association (SMACNA) installation guidelines. See Appendix D of this code for additional modifications to Section 1505.1 of the International Building Code, 2009 Edition, by the City of Colorado Springs. RBC302.4.25 Section 1507.2.6.1. Insert a new section as follows: 1507.2.6.1 Face nailing. Face nailing of asphalt shingles shall only permitted in the following locations: 1. The ridge cap as per manufacturers specifications; 2. Flashing at clearstory , low side of sk y lights, and roof jack s prov ided the nail heads are cov ered with mastic. RBC302.4.26 Section 1507.2.9.2 Valleys. Item 1. Delete 24 inches (609.6 mm) wide and replace with 20 inches (508 mm) wide centered on the v alley . RBC302.4.27 Table 1507.8 Wood shingles. Add the following item to the 5th component, Application: Face Nailing: Only permitted in the following locations: 1. The ridge cap as per manufacturers specifications; 2. Flashing at clearstory , low side of sk y lights, and roof jack s prov ided a soldier course is prov ided ov er the flashing to nail through. RBC302.4.28 Section 1510.2.1. Insert a new section as follows: 1510.2.1. Roof dead load. Where the total weight of the new and / or existing roof cov ering materials exceed 6.6 pounds per square foot (316 N/m) calculations sealed by a design professional licensed by the State of Colorado shall be submitted demonstrating that the structure will accommodate the increased total roof dead load. RBC302.4.29 Section 1608 SNOW LOADS Delete and replace with the following: SECTION 1608 SNOW LOADS 1608.1 General. Design snow loads shall be determined in accordance with this Section and Chapter 7 of ASCE 7.
2011 Pikes Peak Regional B uilding C ode
Buildings, structures and portions thereof shall be designed and constructed to sustain, within the stress limitations of this Code, all dead loads plus the most critical effect resulting from snow load distributions on roofs and deck s. When using Chapter 7 of ASCE 7, as applicable, the Exposure Factor, C e, Thermal Factor, C t and Importance Factor, I shall all be set to a minimum v alue of 1.0 unless a higher v alue is required by ASCE 7. 1608.2 Balanced Loading. For all buildings and structures with a grade plane below 7,000 feet (2,134 m) elev ation, the flat roof snow load (p f) shall not be less than 30 pounds per square foot (1,436 N/m) of horizontal projected area. For all buildings and structures with a grade plane at or abov e 7,000 feet (2,134 m) the flat roof snow load (p f) shall not be less than 40 pounds per square foot (1,915 N/m2) of horizontal projected area. The flat roof snow load may be reduced for ro of slope using Section 7.4 of ASCE 7. 1608.3 Unbalanced Loading and Drifts. Prov isions shall be made for unbalanced snow loads in accordance with Section 7.6 of ASCE 7 and drifts on lower roofs in accordance with Section 7.7 of ASCE 7. The ground snow load (p g) below 7,000 feet (2,134 m) elev ation shall be set at 20 pounds per square foot (958 N/m). At or abov e 7,000 feet (2,134 m) the ground snow load (p g) shall be set at 27 pounds per square foot (1,293 N/m). RBC302.4.30 Section Determination of wind following exception: 7. loads. 1609.1.1 Add the
Solid freestanding walls and solid signs a maximum of 10 feet (304.8 cm) abov e the highest adjacent grade and designed using the prov isions of ASCE 7 section 6.5.14 need only consider CASE A of Figure 6-20 with a C f factor equal to 1.40 and the resultant load applied at the mid-height of the wall.
RBC302.4.31 Section 1609.3 Basic wind speed. Delete and replace with the following: 1609.3 Basic wind speed. The minimum basic wind speed (3-second gust) shall be 100 miles per hour (44.7 m/s). RBC302.4.32 Section 1609.4.3 categories. Delete Exposure B exception. Exposure and the
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1610.1 General. Basement, foundation, and retaining walls shall be designed to resist lateral soil loads. The soil lateral load shall be prov ided in the soil inv estigation report and the design loads shall be listed on the foundation plan. If the soils report does not prov ide lateral earth loads the assumed lateral loads used for design must be shown on the foundation plan. If the floor diaphragm is used to resist lateral loads, the foundation design must include: block ing and bracing details, anchor bolt size and spacing, and lateral force at the diaphragm. If a wall is designed to cantilev er or span horizontally , the design must so indicate. RBC302.4.34 Section 1612.3 Establishment of flood hazard areas. Delete and replace with the following: 1612.3 Establishment of flood hazard areas. Buildings and structures constructed in whole or in part in flood hazard area (as defined by Section RBC313.6) shall comply with Section RBC313 of this C ode. RBC302.4.35 Section 1613.5.1 Mapped acceleration parameters. Delete and replace with the following: 1613.5.1 Seismic acceleration parameters. The maximum considered earthquak e spectral response acceleration shall be 18.5 at 0.2 second period (S S) and 5.9 at 1.0 second period (S 1). These numbers are expressed as a percent of grav ity . RBC302.4.36 Section 1704 SPECIAL INSPECTIONS. Delete and replace with the following: 1704.1 Special inspections. Special inspections shall be in accordance with Section RBC109.7 of this Code. RBC302.4.37 Section 1803.2 Investigations required. Delete the exception. RBC302.4.38 Section 1804.2 Placement of backfill. Add the following to the end of the first paragraph: Expansiv e soils shall not be used as back fill materials except at the upper 12 inches (304.8 mm) of back fill. RBC302.4.39 Section 1805.1 General. Delete the first sentence and replace with the following:
Unless otherwise specified in the soils report, walls or portions thereof that retain earth and enclose interior spaces and floors below grade shall be waterproofed and damp proofed in accordance with this section. RBC302.4.40 Section 1807.2.4. Insert a new section as follows: 1807.2.4. Subsurface drainage. All retaining walls shall be prov ided with 1 inch (38.1 mm) weep holes spaced not more than 10 feet (3,048 mm) apart unless alternate means of subsurface drainage is prov ided. RBC302.4.41 Section 1809.4 Depth and width of footings. Delete the second sentence. RBC302.4.42 Section 1809.5 protection. Delete method number replace with the following: Frost 1 and
1. Extending 30 inches (762 mm) or greater below the undisturbed ground surface. Delete the last paragraph and replace with the following: Structures meeting the abov e exception shall not require a soils test or engineered foundation design prov ided the foundation consists of a thick ened edge monolithic slab extending a minimum of 12 inches (304.8 mm) below grade not retaining any soil. RBC302.4.43 Section 2113.9.1 Spark arrestors. Delete the first sentence and replace with the following: Spark arrestors shall be installed on all masonry chimney s and meet all of the following requirements: RBC302.4.44 Section 2303. Truss design drawings. Delete and replace with the following: 2303. Truss design drawings. Truss construction documents shall bear the seal of a registered design professional. RBC302.4.45 Section 2304.11.2.2. Wood supported by exterior walls. Delete and replace with the following: 2304.11.2.2 Wood supported by exterior foundations. Wood framing members, including wood sheathing, that rest on exterior foundations and are less than 6 inches (152.4 mm) from exposed ground or less than 2 inches (51 mm) from a concrete slab or similar surface shall be of naturally durable or preserv ativ e-treated wood. RBC302.4.46 Section 2308.6 Foundation plates or sills. After the first paragraph insert the following: Wood sole and sill plates supporting floors
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shall be installed in accordance with this section and shall not be stack ed more than two plates high for nominal 2 x 4 plates nor more than three plates high for nominal 2 x 6 or larger plates including the sole plate unless a specific design is prov ided by a design professional licensed by the State of Colorado. RBC302.4.47 Section 2308.9.4 Cripple walls. Add the following at the end of the paragraph: Where the top of a foundation wall is stepped and the stepped portion of the wall is in excess of 4 feet (1,219.2 mm) in height and 6 feet in length (1,828.8 mm), a design professional licensed by the State of Colorado shall prov ide a foundation design which resists lateral forces without dependence on the floor framing. Other engineering methods that prov ide for the structural stability of the foundation sy stem may be approv ed. RBC302.4.48 Section 2308.9.5.2 Header support. After the first paragraph insert the following: For each stud remov ed to allow for the opening, a minimum of of a stud must be placed at each side of the opening. RBC302.4.49 Section 2308.9.10 and notching. Add the following: Cutting
2308.10.6.1. Truss lateral support. Trusses with a bearing depth greater than 8 inches (203.2 mm) measured at the inside face of the wall shall be prov ided with lateral support at points of bearing to prev ent rotation. Other engineering methods that will prov ide for the structural stability of the roof truss sy stem may be approv ed. RBC302.4.52 Section 3001.2 Referenced standards. Add the following to the list of referenced standards: ASME A17.3, Safety Elev ators & Escalators. Code for Existing
RBC302.4.53 Section 3004.4 Plumbing and mechanical systems. Delete and replace with the following: 3004.4 Plumbing and mechanical systems. Floor drains, sumps and sump pumps shall be permitted at the base of the shaft prov ided they discharge to an approv ed storm drain or to the exterior grade surface. RBC302.4.54 Section Delete the following: conv ey ors, hoists personnel 3005.1 General.
Studs hav ing holes or notches larger than required to accommodate the piping shall be replaced or satisfactorily repaired. Where holes larger than indicated abov e are required to accommodate the piping in nonbearing studs, the studs may be reinforced by the addition of 0.1046 inch thick (2.657 mm) (12 ga.) x 1 inch wide (38.1 mm) steel straps fastened to each side of the stud with four (4) 16d nails. Where holes or notches larger than allowed abov e are required to accommodate the piping in bearing studs, engineering calculations shall be submitted to show that the stresses allowed by this section are not exceeded under the design loads. RBC302.4.50 Section 2308.10.1 Wind uplift. Delete the last sentence and replace with the following: Rafter to wall connections shall comply with Tables 2304.9.1 and 2308.10.1. Truss uplift v alues shall be in accordance with the engineered truss report or as determined by the engineer of record. RBC302.4.51 Section 2308.10.6.1. Insert a new section as follows:
RBC302.4.56 Section 3005.4 Personal and material hoists. Delete. RBC302.4.57 Section 3105.3 Design and construction. Add the following exception: Exception: Retractable, folding and collapsible awnings or fixed awnings not more than 10 feet (3,048 mm) in length nor more than 6 feet (1,828.8 mm) in width, with non combustible frames adequately anchored to a substantial concrete slab, need not comply with liv e load nor wind load requirements. RBC302.4.58 Section 3109 SWIMMING POOL ENCLOSURES AND SAFETY DEVICES. Delete and replace with the following: 3109.1 Swimming pools. Swimming pools (as defined by Section RBC314.2) shall comply with Section RBC314 of this Code. RBC302.4.59 Section 3303.7. Insert a new section as follows: 3303.7 Demolition by incendiary means. Demolition by means of explosiv es or by burning is not permitted except when specifically approv ed by the Building Official and the Fire Authority as applicable. RBC302.4.60 Section 3306.2 Add the following exception: Walkways.
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Exception: Where the demolition and or construction time is so short that walk way s and fences are not justified, the applicant may , upon prior approv al from the Building Official, prov ide twenty -four (24) hour continuous guard serv ice adequate for the protection of the public. RBC302.4.61 Section Delete. E108 BUS STOPS.
RBC302.4.62 Section I101.1 General. Add the following: Enclosed patios shall not be conditioned by any heating or cooling means. RBC302.4.63 Section Delete the following: I104.2 Footings.
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SECTION RBC303 - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING CODE RBC303.1 SHORT TITLE. This section will be k nown and cited as the Residential Building Code. RBC303.2 SCOPE. The prov isions of the Residential Building C ode shall apply in accordance with Section RBC101.3 of this Code specifically to detached one- and two-family dwellings and townhomes not more than three (3) stories abov e grade plane in height with a separate means of egress and their accessory structures. RBC303.3 CODE ADOPTED BY REFERENCE. There is hereby adopted by reference the International Residential Code for One-and TwoFamily Dwellings of the International Code Council, 4051 West Flossmoor Road, Country Club Hills, IL 60478-5795, 2009 Edition. Three (3) co pies of the Code are now filed in the office of the Clerk of the Jurisdiction and may be inspected during regular business hours. The Code is being adopted as if set out at length, to include the International Residential Code Appendices, sav e and except the following, which are declared to be non -applicable to the Jurisdiction and are therefore expressly deleted: 1. 2. 3. 4. Chapter 1, Administration Chapter 11 through Chapter 43 Appendix A through Appendix G Appendix I through Appendix Q BASEMENT. That portion of a building that is partly or completely below grade plane, hav ing a permanent floor of approv ed material and not defined as a crawlspace. (See the definitions of Story abov e grade plane in the International Residential Code, 2009 Edition and Crawlspace below.) Add the following definitions: CRAWL SPACE. An under-floor space between the bottom of a floor and the earth under any building that is not more than 5 feet (1,524 mm) in height measured from the av erage interior grade to the underside of the floor framing. (See Section R408 of the International Residential Code, 2009 Edition.) GARAGE. An attached or detached, finished or unfinished structure or portion thereof prov ided with a v ehicular access door and intended for storage of one or more motor v ehicles. SLEEPING ROOM. A habitable space used primarily for sleeping purposes and containing a closet 16 inches (406.4 mm) or greater in depth. See Appendix D of this code for additional modifications to Section 202 of the International Residential Code, 2009 Edition, by the City of Colorado Springs. RBC303.4.2 Table R301.2(1) Climatic and geographic design criteria. Delete and replace with the following:
RBC303.4 ADDITIONS AND MODIFICATIONS. The adopted Code is subject to the following additions and modifications: RBC303.4.1 Section R202 DEFINITIONS. Delete the definition of BASEMENT and replace with the following:
A dd the following to the end of Footnote h: Required only for buildings and structures with a grade plane at or above 7,000 ft (2,134 m) elev ation. A dd the follow ing F o o tno te l: l. F or buildings or structures with a grade plane below 7,000 ft (2,134 m) elevation, the uniform snow load shall be 30 pounds per square f oot (1,436 N/m) of horizontal projected area. For all buildings and structures with a grade plane at or abov e 7,000 ft (2,134 m) elevation, the uniform snow load shall be 40 pounds per square foot (1,915 N/m) of horizontal projected area.
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Footnote b: Add the following after the first sentence: This prov ision shall only apply to attics located directly abov e a garage. Footnote g: Replace items 1 and 3 with the following: 1. 3. The attic area is accessible by a pulldown stairway . Required insulation depth at the bottom chord is less than the bottom chord member depth or required insulation is placed at the top chord of the truss. 6.4
Where prov ided, soffit v ents shall be of fire resistance construction and approv ed for use by the Building Official. Vent terminations including but not limited to dry er v ents, bath exhaust and appliance v ents may be unprotected.
RBC303.4.5 Section R302.2 Townhouses. Rev ise the exception to Exception 1. Add the following exception: 2. A common 2-hour fire-resistance rated wall assembly tested in accordance with ASTM E 119 or UL 263 is permitted for townhouses in accordance with R313.1, exception 2 if such walls do not contain plumbing or mechanical equipment, ducts or v ents in the cav ity of the common wall. Penetrations of electrical outlet boxes shall be in accordance with R302.4.
RBC303.4.4 Section R302.1 Exterior walls. Add the following exception: 6. The following modifications to R302.1 shall apply to exterior walls of single family dwellings only : 6.1 A fire-resistance rating is not required on projections 18 (457.2 mm) or less measured from the point at which fire-resistant wall protection is required.
RBC303.4.6 Section R302.2.4 Structural independence, Exception 5. Delete and replace with the following: 5. Townhouses separated with Section R302.2. in accordance
The underside of the projection RBC303.4.7 Table R302.6 Dwelling/garage shall be protected with an fire separation. Delete and replace with the 7 approv ed minimum /16 following: (11.11mm) sheeting. Finish materials are not limited. TABLE R302.6. DWELLING/GARAGE SEPARATION
SEPA RA T IONa, b MA T ERIA L No t less th an -inch gypsum board or eq u iv alen t ap p lied to th e g arag e sid e.
F rom dwelling unit an d attics. F rom h abitable sp ace above th e g arage. S tru cture(s) su pporting floor-ceiling assemb lies required by th is sectio n . A ccesso ry structures lo cated less th an 6 feet fro m a d welling u n it on th e same lo t
No t less th an 5/8-in ch Ty p e X g y p su m b o ard o r eq u iv alen t ap p lied at th e g arag e sid e. No t less th an -inch gypsum board or eq u iv alen t ap p lied to th e g arag e sid e.
d, e
No t less th an -inch gypsum board or eq uivalent ap plied to the in terio r sid e o f th e accesso ry stru ctu re.
a. In lieu of these requirements any wall or floor-ceiling assembly with a fire resistance rating of one hour or greater f rom the garage side may be used. b. Garages attached to the residence by means of a cov ered breezeway where not more than 50 percent of the perimeter of the breezeway is enclosed may be considered detached. c. Attached to f raming members not more than 16 inches on center with screws or other approv ed f astening sy stems. d. This prov ision does not apply to walls that are perpendicular to the adjacent dwelling unit wall. e. Openings shall be in accordance with R302.5.1.
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RBC303.4.8 Section R305.1 Minimum height. Add the following after the first sentence: Projections bey ond the finished ceiling shall not extend below 6 feet, 8 inches (2,032 mm). Add the following exception: 3. In finished basements, the required ceiling height may be reduced to 6 feet, 8 inches (2,032 mm) under furred-down beams, pipes and ducts up to 50 percent of the floor area of the room or ov er a width of not more than 8 feet (2,438.4 mm).
RBC303.4.14 Section R310.4 Bars, grilles, covers and screens. Add the following after the first sentence: The force required for normal operation of any dev ice shall not exceed 30 pounds. RBC303.4.15 Section R310.5 Emergency escape windows under decks and porches. Delete and replace with the following: R310.5. Emergency escape openings below horizontal projections. Emergency escape openings may be located below deck s, porches, cantilev ers, and similar horizontal projections prov ided one of the following: 1. The location of the projection allows th e emergency escape opening to be fully opened and prov ides a path not less than 36 inches (914.4 mm) in height and width to a y ard or court. 2. The minimum horizontal area of 9 square feet (8,361 cm2) is prov ided clear of the projection and the horizontal projection of the operable portion of the egress window and ladder, if required, remain clear of the projection. RBC303.4.16 Section R311.3.2 Floor elevations for other exterior doors. Rev ise the exception to Exception 1. Add the following exception: 2. When more than two risers are required landing length at the exterior side of the door may be reduced to 18 inches (457.2 mm), prov ided the door does not swing ov er the stairway . Maximum height of the reduced landing shall not exceed 30 inches (762 mm) abov e adjacent grade. RBC303.4.17 Section R311.7.7.2 Continuity. Add the following exception: 3. Where a handrail supported by a wall terminates and a new handrail along the same stairway is then supported by a guard, continuity is not required prov ided the terminus of the handrail supported by the wall is flush with or ov erlaps the v ertical wall surface in which the handrail supported by the guard terminates. RBC303.4.18 Section R313.1 Townhouse automatic fire sprinkler systems. Rev ise the exception to Exception 1. Add the following exception: 2. An automatic residential fire sprink ler sy stem shall not be required in townhouses with four or less attached
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RBC303.4.9 Section R305.1.1 Basements. Delete and replace with the following: Minimum height in unfinished basements. Unfinished basements shall hav e a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet, 1 inches (2,171.7 mm). The required ceiling height shall be measured from the unfinished floor to the underside of floor joists. Exception: Beams, girders, ducts or other obstructions may project up to 4 inches (101.6 mm) below the required ceiling height. RBC303.4.10 Section R309.1 Floor surface. Add the following exception after the second paragraph: Exception: required to accordance RBC303.4.30 The floor surface shall not be slope when the foundation is in with exception 2 of section of this Code.
RBC303.4.11 Section R310.1 Emergency escape and rescue required. Add the following after the first paragraph: Unfinished basements and portions of unfinished basements more than 500 square feet (46.5 m2) in gross area shall be prov ided with one emergency escape and rescue opening for each additional 500 square feet (46.5 m2) in gross floor area or fraction thereof. RBC303.4.12 Section R310.2 wells. Add the following exception: Window
Exception: Dwellings that were issued a building permit prior to January 1, 2000 may hav e window wells with a minimum horizontal projection of 30 inches (762 mm). RBC303.4.13 Section R310.2.1 Ladder and steps. Add the following exception: Exception: Window wells with a depth exceeding 44 inches in unfinished basements and portions thereof need only be equipped with one permanently affixed ladder at final
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units when separated in accordance with R302.2, exception 2 of this Code. RBC303.4.19 Section R313.1.1 Design and installation. Delete Section P2904. and replace with NFPA 13D. RBC303.4.20 Section R313.2 Onetwo-family dwellings automatic systems. Delete. and fire
RBC303.4.28 Section R322 FLOODRESISTANT CONSTRUCTION. Delete and replace with the following: R322.1 General. Buildings and structures constructed in whole or in part in flood hazard area (as defined by Section RBC313.6) shall comply with Section RBC313 of this Code. RBC303.4.29 Section R323 STORM SHELTERS. Add the following under the heading of this Section: This Section is to be used for reference only . RBC303.4.30 Section R401.1.1. Insert a new section as follows: R401.1.1. Design professional required. Construction documents for foundation sy stems and/or components regulated by this section shall be sealed by a design professional licensed by the State of Colorado. Exceptions: 1. Freestanding, enclosed, accessory structures with an area of 200 square feet (18.6 m2) or less and an eav e height of 10 feet (3,048 mm) or less; 2. Single-story , enclosed, detached wood frame accessory structures not more than 750 square feet (69.7 m2) in area with a thick ened edge monolithic slab extending a minimum of 12 inches (304.8 mm) below grade not retaining any soil; 3. Deck s, open patio cov ers, gazebos and similar structures set on piers; and 4. Patio cov er enclosures built in accordance with Appendix H of the International Residential Code, 2009 Edition. RBC303.4.31 Section R401.4 Soil Delete and replace with the following: tests.
RBC303.4.21 Section R313.2.1 Design and installation. Delete. RBC303.4.22 Section required in existing following exception: R315.2 Where dwellings. Add the
Exception: Work inv olv ing the exterior surfaces of dwellings, such as the replacement of roofing or siding, or the addition or replacement of windows or doors, or the addition of a porch or deck , are exempt from the requirements of this section. RBC303.4.23 Section required. R317.1 Location
2. All exterior wood framing members that are less than 6 inches (152.4 mm) from exposed ground or less than 2 inches (51 mm) from a concrete slab or similar surface. Item 7. Modify as follows: 7. Delete Wood furring strips or other wood and replace with Structural wood RBC303.4.24 Section R318 PROTECTION AGAINST SUBTERRANEAN TERMITES. Add the following under the heading of this Section: This Section is to be used for reference only . RBC303.4.25 Section R319.1 Address numbers. Delete and replace with the following: R319.1. Premises identification. Street addressing shall be in accordance with Section RBC312 of this Code. RBC303.4.26 Section R320.1 Scope. Add the following after the first sentence: See also Colorado Rev ised Statutes Title 9, Section 9-5-105. RBC303.4.27 Section R321.1 Elevators. Delete and replace with the following: R321.1. Elevators. Where prov ided, passenger elev ators, limited-use/limitedapplications elev ators or priv ate residence elev ators shall comply with Section RBC310 of this Code.
2011 Pikes Peak Regional B uilding C ode
R401.4. Soil tests. A soil test shall be required to determine the soils characteristics for each building or structure regulated by this Code. This test shall be made and a subsequent report produced by a design professional licensed by the State of Colorado. Exception: A soil test is not required for buildings or structures whose foundation sy stem construction documents are not required to be sealed by a design professional in accordance with Section R401.1.1 of the International Residential Code, 2009 Edition.
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RBC303.4.32 Table R402.2 Minimum specified compressive strength of concrete. Delete footnote d and replace with the following: d. Concrete shall be air entrained as required by either the soils test or the foundation design.
prov ide for the structural stability of the foundation sy stem may be approv ed. RBC303.4.36 Section R404.1.1 Design of masonry foundation walls. Delete the second sentence. RBC303.4.37 Section R404.4 Retaining walls. Delete and replace with the following: R404.4. Retaining walls. Retaining walls that do not meet the criteria set forth by Section RBC105.2.1, Item 4 of this code shall be designed to ensure stability against ov erturning, sliding, excessiv e foundation pressure, and water uplift. Retaining walls shall be designed for a safety factor of 1.5 against lateral sliding and ov erturning and shall bear the stamp and signature of a design professional licensed in the State of Colorado. RBC303.4.38 Section R405.1 Concrete or masonry foundation walls. Insert the following before the first sentence: Unless otherwise specified by the Soils test, RBC303.4.39 Section R405.1.2. Insert a new section as follows: R405.1.2. Drainage system. When a foundation peripheral drain is required by the soils test report and the sy stem is not capable of positiv e grav ity drainage to day light a collection sump shall be prov ided on the interior or exterior of the building. The sump shall be at least 24 inches (609.6 mm) in diameter or 20 square inches (129 cm), shall extend at least 24 inches (609.6 mm) below the bottom of the basement floor and shall be capable of mechanical drainage to remov e any accumulated water. The drainage sy stem shall discharge into an approv ed storm sewer sy stem or to day light. An electrical receptacle installed in accordance with the Electrical Code shall be prov ided within 24 inches (609.6 mm) of the sump pit. When prov ided on the interior, discharge piping installed in accordance with the Plumbing Code shall be prov ided to discharge a minimum of 6 inches (152.4 mm) from the exterior of the foundation wall abov e grade. RBC303.4.40 Section R408.3 Unvented crawl space, Item 1. Delete and replace with the following: 1. Exposed earth shall be cov ered with a continuous Class I v apor retarder with joints ov erlapped 6 inches (152 mm) and edges shall extend 6 inches (152 mm) up the stem wall. Where required by the soils report joints shall be taped or sealed and
RBC303.4.33 Section R403.1.4.1 Frost protection. Delete the three (3) exceptions and replace with the following: Exceptions: 1. Freestanding, enclosed accessory structures with an area of 200 square feet (18.6 m2) or less and an eav e height of 10 feet (3,048 mm) or less shall be permitted to be supported directly on grade. 2. Detached, uncov ered deck s with a walk ing surface no greater than 24 inches (609.6 mm) abov e grade at any point within 36 inches (1,067 mm) horizontally from the edge of the deck may be supported directly on grade by an approv ed method. 3. Detached landings in conjunction with a temporary set modular or manufactured home less than 32 square feet (2.97 m2) and a walk ing surface no higher than 42 inches at any point within 36 inches (1,067 mm) horizontally from the edge of the deck may be supported directly on grade by an approv ed method. 4. Single-story detached, enclosed wood frame accessory structures not more than 750 square feet (69.7 m2) in area with a thick ened edge monolithic slab extending a minimum of 12 inches (304.8 mm) below grade not retaining any soil. RBC303.4.34 Section R403.1.8 Foundations on expansive soils. Delete Section 1805.8 of the International Building Code and replace with the soils test recommendations as required per Section R401.4 of the International Residential Code, 2009 Edition. RBC303.4.35 Section R404.1 Concrete and masonry foundation walls. At the end of Section R404.1 add the following: Where the top of a foundation wall is stepped and the stepped portion of the wall is in excess of 4 feet (1,219.2 mm) in height and 6 feet in length (1,828.8 mm), a design professional licensed by the State of Colorado shall prov ide a foundation design which resists lateral forces without dependence on the floor framing. Other engineering methods that
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RBC303.4.41 Section R502.2.2.1 Deck and RBC303.4.42 Table R502.2.2.1. Delete and ledge connection to band joist. In the first replace with the following: sentence delete 50 pounds per square foot (2,394 Pa) and replace with 55 pounds per square foot (2,633 Pa) and delete 10 pounds per square foot (479 Pa) dead load and replace TABLE R502.2.2.1. DECK LEDGER TO STRUCTURE CONNECTION
(Deck live load = 4 0 psf, deck dead load = 1 5 psf)
MINIMUM NUMBER OF FA ST ENER(S) A ND SIZE a, b, c, d, f, g, h JOIST SPA N 1 6 o.c. 6 and less 6 -1 to 8 8 -1 to 1 0 1 0 -1 to 1 2 1 2 -1 to 1 4 1 4 -1 to 1 6 (1) 7/16 (2) 5/16 (2) 3/8 (2) 7/16 (2) 7/16 (3) 3/8 ST UD 2 4 o.c. (2) 5/16 (2) 7/16 (2) 7/16 (3) 7/16 (3) 7/16 (4) 3/8 1 2 o.c. (1) 3/8 (1) 3/8 (2) 3/8 (2) 3/8 (2) 3/8 (2) 3/8 RIM JOIST 1 6 o.c. (1) 3/8 (2) 3/8 (2) 3/8 (2) 3/8 (3) 3/8 (3) 3/8 2 4 o.c. (2) 3/8 (2) 3/8 (3) 3/8 (3) 3/8 (4) 3/8 (4) 3/8
a. The tip of the lag screw shall extend beyond the inside face of the rim joist. Through bolts shall be provided with a plate w asher at the inside f ace of the rim joist. b. Ledger shall be tight to exterior face the exterior the wall. Ledgers may be spaced with an approved product or a connection designed in accordance with accepted engineering practice. c. Ledgers shall be f lashed and or sealed at the top to prev ent water f rom contacting the rim joist. d. Lag screws and bolts shall be staggered in accordance with Section R502. e. Alternativ e ledger connections shall be sized f or 120% of liv e and dead loads. f. Deck ledger shall not be attached to an un-supported rim unless such connection is designed in accordance with accepted engineering practice. g. Rim joist material shall be 2 nominal lumber or minimum 11/8 engineered wood product. When solid sawn deck ledgers are attached to a 1 inch thick or less engineered wood product, the ledger attachment shall be designed in accordance with accepted engineering practice. h. Wood structural panel sheathing, gypsum board sheathing, and approved siding materials shall be permitted between the ledger and rim joist prov ided distance between the f ace of the rim and f ace of the ledger does not exceed 1 inch.
RBC303.4.44 Section R505.1.1 Applicability limits. Delete and replace with the following: R505.1.1. Application and design professional required. The prov isions of this section shall control the construction of steel floor framing. Construction documents shall be sealed by a design professional licensed by the State of Colorado. RBC303.4.45 Section R506.1 Delete and replace with the following: General.
RBC303.4.46 Section R506.2.3 Vapor retarder. Delete exception 2 and replace with the following: 2. Unless specifically required by the soils test. RBC303.4.47 Section R601.3 Vapor retarders. In the first sentence delete zone 5. RBC303.4.48 Section R602.3 Design and construction. Delete the exception. RBC303.4.49 Table R602.3.1 Stud size, height and spacing. Add the following footnotes applicable to Table R602.3.1. d. This table is inv alid for structures with cementitious toppings exceeding 13 pounds per square foot (622 N/m). e. At openings in walls, (such as windows), for each stud remov ed to allow for the opening, a minimum of of a stud must be placed at each side of the opening.
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R506.1 General. Concrete slab-on-ground floors shall be a minimum 3.5 inches (88.9 mm) thick and in accordance with the soils test per Section R401.4 of the International Residential Code, 2009 Edition.
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Listed heights are distances between lateral supports placed perpendicular to the plane of the wall.
RBC303.4.54 Section R611.1 General. Delete the last sentence and replace with the following: Construction documents shall be sealed by a design professional licensed by the State of Colorado. RBC303.4.55 Section R612.2 Window sills. Delete RBC303.4.56 Section R613.1 Delete and replace with the following: General.
RBC303.4.50 Section R602.3.4 Bottom (sole) plate. Add the following after the first paragraph: Wood sole and sill plates supporting floors shall be installed in accordance with this section and shall not be stack ed more than two plates high for nominal 2 x 4 plates nor more than three plates high for nominal 2 x 6 or larger plates including the sole plate unless a specific design is prov ided by a design professional licensed by the State of Colorado. RBC303.4.51 Section R602.6 Drilling and notching-studs. Add the following: 3. Studs hav ing holes or notches larger than required to accommodate the piping shall be replaced or satisfactorily repaired. Where holes larger than indicated abov e are required to accommodate the piping in nonbearing studs, the studs may be reinforced by the addition of 0.1046 inch thick (2.657 mm) (12 ga.) x 1 inch wide (38.1 mm) steel straps fastened to each side of the stud with four (4) 16d nails. Where holes or notches larger than allowed abov e are required to accommodate the piping in bearing studs, engineering calculations shall be submitted to show that the stresses allowed by this section are not exceeded under the design loads. RBC303.4.52 Section R603.1.1 Applicability limits. Delete and replace with the following: R603.1.1. Application and design professional required. The prov isions of this Section shall control the construction of exterior wall framing and interior load bearing steel wall framing. Construction documents shall be sealed by a design professional licensed by the State of Colorado. RBC303.4.53 Section R606.1.1 Professional registration not required. Delete and replace with the following: R606.1.1. Application and design professional required. The prov isions of this Section shall control the construction of exterior masonry wall construction and interior load bearing masonry wall construction. Construction documents shall be sealed by a design professional licensed by the State of Colorado.
R613.1. Application and design professional required. The prov isions of this Section shall control the construction of exterior structural insulated panel walls and interior load-bearing structural insulated panel walls. Construction documents shall be sealed by a design professional licensed by the State of Colorado. RBC303.4.57 Section R801.3 Roof drainage. Delete and replace with the following: R801.3 Roof drainage. All dwellings shall hav e a controlled method of water disposal from roofs that will collect and discharge roof drainage to the ground surface or approv ed drainage sy stem at least 3 feet (914.4 mm) from foundation walls or greater if required b y the soils report. RBC303.4.58 Section R802.10.3.1. Insert a new section as follows: R802.10.3.1. Lateral support. Trusses with a bearing depth greater than 8 inches (203.2 mm) measured at the inside face of the wall shall be prov ided with lateral support at points of bearing to prev ent rotation. Other engineering methods that will prov ide for the structural stability of the roof truss sy stem may be approv ed. RBC303.4.59 Section R804.1.1 Applicability limits. Delete and replace with the following: R804.1.1. Application and design professional required. The prov isions of this Section shall control the construction of steel roof framing. Construction documents shall be sealed by a design professional licensed by the State of Colorado. See Appendix D of this code for additional modifications to Section 902.1 of the International Residential Code, 2009 Edition, by the City of Colorado Springs. RBC303.4.60 Section R903.2.3. Insert a new section as follows:
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R903.2.3. Penetrations. Roof jack s, attic v ents and similar penetrations shall not be located less than 18 inches (457.2 mm) from the center of a v alley to the closest edge of the penetration. RBC303.4.61 Section R903.4.1 Overflow drains and scuppers. Add the following: Scuppers shall be constructed of minimum 26 gage galv anized sheet metal lining at minimum the bottom and sides of the opening and shall extend at least 2 inches (50.8 mm) bey ond the exterior wall face. Scuppers shall be installed per Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association (SMACNA) installation guidelines. RBC303.4.62 Section R905.2.8.2 Valleys, Item 1. Delete 24 inches (609.6 mm) wide and replace with 20 inches (508 mm) wide centered on the v alley . RBC303.4.63 Section R905.2.8.4 Other flashing. Add the following to the end of the last sentence: or other approv ed methods. RBC303.4.64 Section R905.2.9. Insert a new section as follows: R905.2.9. Face nailing. Face nailing of asphalt shingles shall only be permitted in the following locations: 1. The ridge cap specifications; as per manufacturers
RBC303.4.66 Section R905.7.5 Application. Add the following after the first paragraph: Face nailing of wood shingles shall only be permitted in the following locations: 1. The ridge cap specifications; as per manufacturers
2. Flashing at clearstory , low side of sk y lights, and roof jack s prov ided a soldier course is prov ided ov er the flashing to nail through. RBC303.4.67 Section R905.8.6 Application. Add the following after the first paragraph: Face nailing of wood shak es shall be as permitted for wood shingles. RBC303.4.68 Section R907.2.1. Insert a new section as follows: R907.2.1. Roof dead load. Where the total weight of the new and / or existing roof cov ering materials exceed 6.6 pounds per square foot (316 N/m) calculations sealed by a design professional licensed by the State of Colorado shall be submitted demonstrating that the structure will accommodate the increased total roof dead load. RBC303.4.69 Section R1003.9.1 Spark arrestors. Delete the first sentence and replace with the following: Spark arrestors shall be installed on all masonry chimney s and meet all of the following requirements: RBC303.4.70 Section AH102 Patio covers. Add the following: Enclosed patios shall not be conditioned by any heating or cooling means. RBC303.4.71 Section AH106.1 Delete and replace with the following: General.
2. Flashing at clearstory , low side of sk y lights, and roof jack s prov ided the nail heads are cov ered with mastic. RBC303.4.65 Section R905.3.7 Application. Delete the first sentence and replace with the following: Tile shall be applied in accordance with this section and the manufacturers installation instructions, or the Roo f Tile Institute and Western States Roofing Contractors Association (RTI/WSRCA) manual, or the Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association (ARMA) manual, based on the following:
Patio cov ers shall be permitted to be supported on a slab on grade without footings, prov ided the slab conforms to the prov isions of Section R506 of this code and columns spaced a minimum of 6 feet on center do not support liv e and dead loads in excess of 750 pounds (3.34 k N) per column.
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SECTION RBC304 - MECHANICAL CODE RBC304.1 SHORT TITLE. This section will be k nown and cited as the Mechanical Code. RBC304.2 SCOPE. The Mechanical Code shall regulate the design, installation, maintenance and alteration of mechanical sy stems that are permanently installed and utilized to prov ide control of env ironmental conditions and related processes within buildings. This Code shall also regulate those mechanical sy stems, sy stem components, equipment and appliance specifically addressed therein. The installation of fuel gas distribution piping and equipment, fuel gas-fired appliances and fuel gas-fired appliance v enting sy stems shall be regulated by the International Fuel Gas Code. RBC304.3 CODES ADOPTED BY REFERENCE. There is hereby adopted by reference the International Mechanical Code of the International Code Council, 4051 West Flossmoor Ro ad, Country Club Hills, IL 60478-5795, 2009 Edition. Three (3) copies of the Code are now filed in the office of the Clerk of the Jurisdiction and may be inspected during regular business hours. The abov e Code is being adopted as if set out at length, to include Appendix A, except the following sections which are declared to be inapplicable and are therefore expressly deleted: 1. 2. 3. Chapter 1, Administration Chapter 13, Fuel Oil Piping and Storage Appendix Schedule B, Recommended Permit Fee 2. Vented room heaters, wall furnaces, v ented gas fireplaces, v ented gas fireplace heaters and v ented decorativ e appliances for installation in v ented solid fuel-burning fireplaces are installed in rooms that meet the required v olume criteria of Section 304.5 of the International Fuel Gas Code, 2009 edition. 3. Appliances installed in a room or space that opens only into a bedroom or bathroom, such room or space is used for no other purpose and is prov ided with a solid weather-stripped door equipped with an approv ed self-closing dev ice. All combustion air shall be tak en directly from the outdoors in accordance with S ection 304.6 or other adjacent spaces meeting indoor combustion air requirements in Section 304.5 of the 2009 International Fuel Gas Code. 4. The appliance is installed in a room or space that opens only into a bedroom or bathroom, and such room or space is used for no other purpose, the door to the bedroom or bathroom is fully louv ered, the door to the appliance room is fully louv ered, all combustion air may be tak en from indoors in accordance with Section 304.5 of the 2009 International Fuel Gas Code. RBC304.4.3 Section 304.9 Clearance to combustible construction. Add the following exception: Exception: A floor-mounted doorstop, permanently attached to the building structure, may be used to maintain clearance to a combustible door. RBC304.4.4 Section 306.4 Appliances under floors. Add the following exception: 3. Access to appliances in under floor spaces shall not be through a garage unless the access is prov ided with a solid weatherstripped door equipped with an approv ed selfclosing dev ice, and all combustion air is tak en from outdoors. RBC304.4.5 Table 403.3 Minimum ventilation rates. Delete footnote b from occupancy classification, Specialty Shops (Beauty and Nail Salons) RBC304.4.6 Section 507.2.2 Type II hoods. Add the following exception:
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RBC304.4 ADDITIONS AND MODIFICATIONS. The adopted Code is subject to the following additions and modifications: RBC304.4.1 Section 202 Definitions. Delete the last sentence of the definition for COMMERCIAL COOKING A PPLIANCES and replace with the following: For the purpose of this definition, a foo d serv ice establishment shall include any building or a portion thereof used for the preparation and serv ing of food, requiring a license from the El Paso County Health Department. RBC304.4.2 Section 303.3 Prohibited locations. Delete exceptions 1, 2, 3 and replace with the following: Exceptions: 1. Direct-v ent appliances installed in accordance with the conditions of its listing and the manufacturers instructions.
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Exception: Non-grease or smok e producing cook ing appliances that do not exceed 5,860 W input. RBC304.4.7 Section 507.2.3.1. Insert a new section as follows: 507.2.3.1 Non-food service establishment. Domestic cook ing appliances used in non -food serv ice establishments shall be prov ided with a Ty pe II hood v ented to the exterior. RBC304.4.8 Section 512.1 General. Add the following exception: Exception: Radon Sy stems. RBC304.4.9 Section 601.4 Contamination prevention. Rev ise the exception to Exception 1. Add the following exception: 2. Env ironmental air exhaust ducts may extend into or through ducts or plenums if the exhaust duct is constructed without joints; or the exhaust duct is serv ing a fan rated at 150 cfm (2,124 L/m) or less. RBC304.4.10 Section 603.6 Flexible air ducts and flexible air connectors. Delete the last sentence and replace with the following : Flexible air connectors are prohibited. RBC304.4.11 Section installation. Delete the replace with the following: 604.8 Lining last sentence and
RBC304.4.18 Section 905 FIREPLACE STOVES AND ROOM HEATERS. Delete. RBC304.4.19 Section FURNACES. Delete and following: 910 replace FLOOR with the
910 Floor furnaces. Floor furnaces are prohibited. RBC304.4.20 Section 1001.1 Scope. Delete Exception 7. RBC304.4.21 Section 1004.3 Working clearance. Delete the last two sentences and replace with the following: When boilers are installed or replaced, an 18 inch (457.2 mm) minimum clearance, or more as required by the mfg. shall be prov ided on all sides requiring inspection, maintenance and repair of the boiler. RBC304.4.22 Section 1101.10 access port caps. Delete Locking
RBC304.4.23 Section 1108.1 General. Add the following exception: 4. Refrigeration sy stems serv ing dwelling units, not exceeding 5 tons of refrigeration capacity , field piped using approv ed factory -charged line sets without joints concealed within building construction, and terminating within 5 feet (1,524 mm) of the coil/condenser. RBC304.4.24 Section 1208.1 General. Delete the first sentence and replace with the following: Hy dronic piping sy stems, other than ground source heat pump loop sy stems, shall be tested with liquid or air to at least 50 pounds per square inch (345 k Pa) greater than the operating pressure. RBC304.4.25 Section 1208.1.1 Ground source heat pump loop systems. Delete and replace with the following: 1208.1.1 Ground source heat pump loop systems. Before connection (header) trenches are back filled, the assembled loop sy stem shall be pressure tested with water or air at 100 psi (689 k Pa) for 30 minutes with no observ ed leak s. Except for a dwelling, flow and pressure loss testing shall be performed by a certified test and balance contractor and the actual flow rates and pressure drops shall be compared to the calculated design v alues. If actual flow rate or pressure drop v alues differ from calculated design v alues by more than 10 percent, the problem shall be identified and corrected.
Metal nosings or sleev es shall be installed ov er exposed duct liner edges that face opposite the direction of airflow immediately downstream of the equipment connection. Exception: All other exposed edges that face opposite the direction of airflow may be cov ered with an approv ed finish. RBC304.4.12 Section 801.10 Connection to fireplace. Delete and replace with the following: 801.10 Connection to fireplace. Connection of appliances to chimney flues serv ing fireplaces shall not be permitted. RBC304.4.13 Section 901.1 Scope. Delete and factory built fireplaces from the first sentence. RBC304.4.14 Section locations. Delete. RBC304.4.15 Section accessories. Delete. 901.3 901.4 Hazardous Fireplace
RBC304.4.16 Section 903 FACTORY BUILT FIREPLACES. Delete. RBC304.4.17 Section 904 PELLET BURNING APPLIANCES. Delete.
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SECTION RBC305 - FUEL GAS CODE RBC305.1 SHORT TITLE. This section will be k nown and cited as the Fuel Gas Code. RBC305.2 SCOPE. The Fuel Gas Code shall apply to the installation of fuel-gas piping sy stems, fuel-gas utilization equipment and related accessories in accordance with Sections RBC305.2.1 through RBC305.2.4 of this Code. RBC305.2.1 Piping systems. These regulations cov er piping sy stems for natural gas with an operating pressure of 125 pounds per square inch gauge (psig) (862 k Pa gauge) or less, and for LP-gas with an operating pressure of 20 pounds per square inch (psig) (140 k Pa gauge) or less, except as prov ided in Section 402.6.1 of the International Fuel Gas Code, 2009 Edition. Cov erage shall extend from the point of deliv ery to the outlet of the equipment shutoff v alv es. Piping sy stems requirements shall include design, materials, components, fabrication, assembly , installation, testing, inspection, operation and maintenance. RBC305.2.2 Gas Utilization Equipment. Requirements for gas utilization equipment and related accessories shall include installation, combustion and v entilation air and v entin g and connections to piping sy stems. RBC305.2.3 Systems and Equipment outside the Scope. This Code shall not apply to the following: 1. Portable LP-gas appliances and equipment of all ty pes that is not connected to a fixed fuel piping sy stem. 2. Installation of farm appliances and equipment such as brooders, dehy drators, dry ers and irrigation equipment. 3. Raw material (feedstock ) applications except for piping to special atmosphere generators. 4. Oxy gen-fuel sy stems. gas cutting and welding 8. LP-gas installations at utility gas plants. 9. Liquefied natural gas (LNG) installations. 10. Fuel gas piping in power and atomic energy plants. 11. Proprietary items of equipment, apparatus or instruments such as gas-generating sets, compressors and calorimeters. 12. LP-gas equipment for v aporization, gas mixing and gas manufacturing. 13. Installation of LP-gas sy stems for railroad switch heating. 14. Installation of hy drogen gas, LP -gas and compressed natural gas (CNG) sy stems on v ehicles. 15. Except as prov ided in Section 401.1.1, gas piping, meters, gas pressure regulators and other appurtenances used by the serv ing gas supplier in the distribution of gas, other than undiluted LP-gas. 16. Building design and construction, except as specified herein. 17. Piping sy stems for mixtures of gas and air within the flammable range with an operating pressure greater than 10 psig (69 k Pa gauge). 18. Portable fuel cell appliances that are neither connected to a fixed piping sy stem nor interconnected to a power grid. RBC305.3 CODE ADOPTED BY REFERENCE. There is hereby adopted by reference the International Fuel Gas Code of the International Code Council, 4051 West Flossmoor Road, Country Club Hills, IL 60478-5795, 2009 Edition. Three (3) copies of the Code are now filed in the office of the Clerk of the Jurisdiction and may be inspected during regular business hours. The Code is being adopted as if set out at length, to include the International Fuel Gas Code Appendices, sav e and except the following, which are declared to be non-applicable to the Jurisdiction and are therefore expressly deleted: 1. Chapter 1, Administration 2. Chapter 7, Gaseous Hy drogen Sy stems RBC305.4 ADDITIONS AND MODIFICATIONS. The adopted Code is subject to the following additions and modifications: RBC305.4.1 Section 303.3 Prohibited locations. Delete items 3 and 4, amend item 5, add item 6. 303.3 Prohibited locations. Appliances shall not be located in sleeping rooms,
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5. Industrial gas applications using gases such as acety lene and acety lenic compounds, hy drogen, ammonia, carbon monoxide, oxy gen and nitrogen. 6. Petroleum refineries, pipeline compressor or pumping stations, loading terminals, compounding plants, refinery tank farms and natural gas processing plants. 7. Integrated chemical plants or portions of such plants where flammable or combustible liquids or gases are produced by , or used in, chemical reactions.
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bathrooms, toilet rooms, storage closets or surgical rooms, or in a space that opens only into such rooms or spaces, except where the installation complies with one of the following: 1. The appliance is a direct-v ent appliance installed in accordance with the conditions of the listing and the manufacturers instructions. 2. Vented room heaters, wall furnaces, v ented decorativ e appliances, v ented gas fireplaces, v ented gas fireplace heaters and decorativ e appliances for installation in v ented solid fuel-burning fireplaces are installed in rooms that meet the required v olume criteria of Section 304.5. 5. The appliance is installed in a room or space that opens only into a bedroom or bathroom, and such room or space is used for no other purpose and is prov ided with a solid weather-stripped door equipped with an approv ed selfclosing dev ice. All combustion air shall be tak en directly from the outdoors in accordance with Section 304.6, or other adjacent spaces meeting indoor combustion air requirements of Section 304.5. 6. The appliance is installed in a room or space that opens only into a bedroom or bathroom, and such room or space is used for no other purpose, the door to the bedroom or bathroom is fully louv ered, the door to the appliance room is fully louv ered, all combustion air may be tak en from indoors in accordance with Section 304.5. RBC305.4.2 Section 304.7.3 Outdoor opening(s) size. Add item 4 as follows: 4. The outdoor opening may connect to the cold air return plenum if it is located within 12 feet (3,657.6 mm) of the furnace blower when sized at 1 square inch per 5,000 BTU/hr (1 cm per 227 W) of the total input rating of all gas utilization equipment. RBC305.4.3 Section 305.8 Clearances to combustible construction. Add an exception as follows: Exception: A floor-mounted doorstop, permanently attached to the building structure with non-remov able bolt/screw heads, may be used to maintain clearance to a combustible door.
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RBC305.4.4 Section 306.4 Appliances under floors. Add exception 3 as follows: 3. Access to appliances in under floor spaces shall not be through a garage unless the access is prov ided with a solid weather-stripped door equipped with an approv ed self-closing dev ice, and all combustion air is tak en from outdoors. RBC305.4.5 Section 401.5.1. Insert a new section as follows: 401.5.1 Elevated gas pressure pipe Identification. Gas piping sy stems on the discharge side of the Gas Purv ey ors regulator/meter with pressures exceeding (psi) shall be identified with labels mark ed Medium Pressure. Pressures exceeding 5 (psi) shall be identified with labels mark ed High Pressure. Piping shall be labeled ev ery 10 feet. RBC305.4.6 Section 402.5 Allowable pressure drop. Add an exception as follows: Exception: When minimum pressure required for proper appliance operation is unav ailable, then the design pressure loss under maximum probable flow conditions, from the point of deliv ery to the inlet connection of the equipment, shall not exceed those shown in Tables 402.4(1) through 402.4(35) of the International Fuel Gas Code, 2009. RBC305.4.7 Section 403.4.3 Copper and brass. Delete and replace with the following: 403.4.3 Copper and brass. Copper and brass piping shall not be used on natural gas sy stems. RBC305.4.8 Section 403.5.2 Copper and brass tubing. Delete and replace with the following: 403.5.2 Copper and brass tubing. Copper and brass tubing shall not be used on natural gas sy stems. RBC305.4.9 Section 403.11 Plastic pipe, joints and fittings. Delete item 3 and replace with the following: 3. Compression ty pe mechanical joints are prohibited. RBC305.4.10 Section 404.3 Piping in concealed locations. Delete and replace with the following: 404.3 Piping in Concealed Locations. Portions of a piping sy stem installed in a concealed location shall not hav e unions, tubing fittings, bushings or compressions couplings.
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RBC305.4.11 Section 404.9 Protection against corrosion. Add the following: Underground piping sy stems shall be installed using only listed Poly ethy lene Plastic or Corrugated Stainless Steel. Exceptions: 1. Metallic tubing (ty pe L copper) may be used in underground LP gas sy stems 2. Metallic piping may be used in underground sy stems with prior approv al. RBC305.4.12 Section 404.10 Minimum burial depth. Delete 12 inches (304.8 mm) and replace with 18 inches (457.2 mm). RBC305.4.13 Section 404.10.1 Individual outside appliances. Delete. RBC305.4.14 Section 406.1.2 Repairs and additions. Delete the second paragraph and replace with the following: Minor repairs and additions are not required to be pressure tested prov ided that the piping is accessible, limited to a maximum of eight joints and has a total dev eloped length no greater than 10 feet (3,048 mm). RBC305.4.15 Section 406.4 Test pressure measurement. Delete and replace with the following: 406.4 Test pressure measurement. Test pressure shall be tested in accordance with this section. 406.4.1 Test pressure. The gas piping shall stand a pressure of not less than 10 pounds per square inch (69 k Pa) gage. Test pressures shall be held for a length of time satisfactory to the code official but not less than 15 minutes, with no perceptible drop in pressure. For welded piping, the test pressure shall be at least 60 pounds per square inch (414 k Pa) and shall be continued for a length of time satisfactory to the code official but not less than 30 minutes. These tests shall be made using air, carbon dioxide or nitrogen pressure only and shall be made in the presence of the code official. Necessary apparatus for conducting tests shall be furnished by the permit holder. Mechanical gauges used to measure test pressures shall hav e a range such that the highest end of the scale is not greater than three times the test pressure. RBC305.4.16 Section 406.6.5 Insert a new section as follows:
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406.6.5 Interruption of service piping inspection. When existing serv ice is shutoff or (gas meter remov ed, etc.) in one and two family dwelling units for more than one (1) calendar y ear, the piping shall be retested in accordance with the requirements of Section 406.4 of the International Fuel Gas Code, 2009 Edition. When existing serv ice is shut-off or (gas meter remov ed, etc.) in other than one and two family dwelling units for more than six (6) months, the piping shall be retested in accordance with the requirements of Section 406.4 of the International Fuel Gas Code, 2009 Edition. RBC305.4.17 Section Sloped Piping. Delete. 408 Drips and Vent
Vent piping located inside a structure, shall be rigid metallic pipe comply ing with Section 403.4 of the International Fuel Gas Code 2009 Edition. RBC305.4.19 Section 416 Protection Devices. Delete. Overpressure
RBC305.4.20 Table 503.4 Type of venting system to be used. Delete single wall metal pipe throughout the Table. RBC305.4.21 Section 503.5.3 Masonry chimneys. Delete the exception and replace with the following: Masonry chimney flues serv ing listed gas appliances with drafts hoods, Category I appliances, and other gas appliances listed for use with Ty pe B v ent shall be lined with a chimney lining sy stem specifically listed for use only with such appliances. The liner shall be installed in accordance with the liner manufacturers instructions and the terms of the listing. A permanent identify ing label shall be attached at the point where the connection is to be made to the liner. The label shall read: This chimney liner is for appliances that burn gas only . Do not connect to solid or liquid fuel-burning appliances or incinerators. Exception: When replacing an existing draft hood appliance, a chimney lining sy stem is not required to be installed in an existing approv ed masonry chimney that serv es two or more draft hood appliances prov ided that the existing chimney flue is inspected and deemed safe for the intended appliance. RBC305.4.22 Section 503.5.6.1 Chimney lining. Delete the exception.
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RBC305.4.23 Section 503.7 Single-wall metal pipe. Delete and replace with the following: 503.7 Single-wall metal pipe. Single-wall metal pipe v ents are prohibited. RBC305.4.24 Section 503.10.2.2 Vent connectors located in unconditioned areas. Delete the exception. RBC305.4.25 Section 504.2.9 Chimney and vent locations. Delete the second paragraph and items 1 through 6. RBC305.4.26 Section 504.3.14 Multistory lowest portion sizing. Delete Table 504.2(1) or 504.2(2) and replace with Table 504.3(1) or 504.3 (2) of the International Fuel Gas Code, 2009 Edition. RBC305.4.27 Section 504.3.20 Chimney and vent locations. Delete the second paragraph and items 1 through 5. RBC305.4.28 Section 602.4. Insert a new section as follows:
602.4 Glass Doors. Fireplace openings containing decorativ e gas appliances shall be equipped with glass doors or automatic dampers. RBC305.4.29 Section 603 LOG LIGHTERS. Delete and replace with the following: 603 Log prohibited. lighters. Log lighters are
609 replace
609 Floor furnaces. Floor furnaces are prohibited. RBC305.4.31 Section 621.2 Prohibited use. Delete and replace with the following: Unv ented room heaters shall not be used in a dwelling unit. RBC305.4.32 Section 634 CHIMNEY DAMPER OPENING AREA. Delete.
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SECTION RBC306 - PLUMBING CODE RBC306.1 SHORT TITLE. This section will be k nown and cited as the Plumbing Code. RBC306.2 SCOPE. The Plumbing Code shall apply to the erection, installation, alteration, repair, relocation, replacement, addition to or use of plumbing sy stems within the Jurisdiction. Additions, alterations, repairs and replacement of plumbing sy stems shall comply with the prov isions for new sy stems. RBC306.3 CODE ADOPTED BY REFERENCE. There is hereby adopted by reference the International Plumbing Code of the International Code Council, Inc, 4051 West Flossmoor Road, Country Club Hills, Il; 60478-5795, 2009 edition. Three copies of the Code are now filed in the office of the Clerk of the Jurisdiction and may be inspected during regular business hours. The Code is being adopted as if set out at length, to include the International Plumbing Code Appendices, sav e and except the following, which are declared to be non-applicable to the Jurisdiction and are therefore expressly deleted: 1. Chapter 1, Administration except Section 107 2. Chapter 12, Sy stems. Special Piping and Storage 1. Tests requiring a pressure of 10 pounds per square inch (psi) (69k Pa) or less shall use a 30 pound gauge or less, but not less than the test pressure. Tests requiring a pressure greater 10 (psi) (69k Pa) but not greater 100 (psi) (689k Pa) shall use a pound gauge or less, but not less the test pressure. than than 100 than
RBC306.4.7 Section 312.2 Drainage and vent water test. Amend the section as follows: Delete ev ery reference to 10-foot head of water and replace with 5-foot head of water. RBC306.4.8 Section 312.5 Water supply system test. Delete the words for piping sy stems other than plastic from the section. RBC306.4.9 Section test. Delete. 312.9 Shower liner
RBC306.4.10 Table 403.1 Minimum number of required plumbing fixtures. Add the following exceptions after the footnotes: Exceptions: 1. A serv ice sink and drink ing fountain are not required if separate facilities are not required for each gender. Building categories not shown on this table shall be considered separately by the Building Official.
3. Appendix A, Plumbing Permit Fee Schedule 4. Appendix, C, Gray Water Recy cling Sy stems RBC306.4 ADDITIONS AND MODIFICATIONS. The adopted Code is subject to the following additions and modifications: RBC306.4.1 Section 305.6 Freezing. Delete the last sentence and replace with the following: Exterior water supply sy stem piping shall be installed not less than 12 inches below the frost line and not less than 60 inches below grade. RBC306.4.2 Section 305.6.1 Sewer depth. Delete. RBC306.4.3 Section 308.6 Sway bracing. Delete and replace with the following: 308.6 Sway bracing. Rigid support sway bracing shall be prov ided at changes of direction greater than 45 degrees (0.79 rad) for pipe sizes greater than 4 inches (102 mm). RBC306.4.4 Section 311 Toilet facilities for workers. Delete. RBC306.4.5 Section 312.1 Required tests. Delete the words for piping sy stems other than plastic from the section. RBC306.4.6 Section 312.1.1 Test gauges. Delete items 1, 2, 3, and replace with the following:
2011 Pikes Peak Regional B uilding C ode
RBC306.4.11 Section 405.3.1 Water closets, urinals, lavatories and bidets. Add the following exception: Exception: Lav atory sidewall clearance may be reduced to 12 in one and two family dwellings. RBC306.4.12 Section 405.5 Water-tight joints. Add the following exception: Exception: Floor mounted water closets or bidets. RBC306.4.13 Section 406.3 Waste connection. Add the following exception: Exception: Residential equipment is not required to connect to a 3 branch drain or drainage stack . RBC306.4.14 Section 412.5. Insert a new section as follows: 412.5 Floor drain locations. An emergency floor drain shall be prov ided in the same room within fiv e (5) feet of a water meter and/or water serv ice back flow prev ention dev ice.
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RBC306.4.15 Section 419.1 Approval. Delete and replace with the following: 419.1 Approval. Urinals shall conform to ANSI Z124.9, ASME A112.19.2M, CSA B45.1 or CSA B45.5. Waterless urinals are prohibited. Urinals shall conform to the water consumption requirements of Section 604.4. Water-supplied urinals shall conform to the hy draulic performance requirements of ASME A112.19.6, CSA B45.1 or CSA B45.5. RBC306.4.16 Section 424.5 Bathtub and whirlpool bathtub valves. Delete. RBC306.4.17 Section 601.1 Scope. Add the following exception: Exception: Water supply sy stems owned and operated by municipalities, rural water districts, priv ately owned water purv ey ors and other such entities. RBC306.4.18 Section 606.2 Location of shutoff valves. Delete item 2 and replace with the following: 2. On the water supply pipe to each silcock , other than one and two family dwellings. RBC306.4.19 Section identification. Delete. 606.4 Valve
RBC306.4.24 Section 904.5 Location of vent terminal. Delete and replace with the following: 904.5 Location of vent terminal. An open v ent terminal from a drainage sy stem shall not be located less than 4 feet directly beneath any door, openable window, or other air intak e opening of the building or of an adjacent building, and any such terminal shall not be within 10 feet horizontally of such an opening unless it is at least 3 feet abov e such opening. RBC306.4.25 Section permitted. Delete and following: 917.3 replace Where with the
917.3 Where permitted. Automatic air admittance v alv es may be permitted for use on fixtures located on the same floor at the following locations: Islands, peninsulas, under windows, at bearing walls, basement finish, renov ations, tenant improv ements and other applications where conv entional v enting methods are not possible due to existing construction and structural conditions. RBC306.4.26 Section 1002.1 Fixture traps. Add the following exception: 4. A three compartment commercial k itchen sink may be drained with a continuous waste and the P-trap located at the end compartment.
RBC306.4.20 Table 706.3 Fittings for change of direction. Delete footnotes a and b. RBC306.4.21 Section 708.3.3 Changes of direction. Delete and replace with the following: 708.3.3 Changes of direction. Where more than one change of direction greater than 45 degrees occurs in a run of piping by a single fitting within the building drain, only one cleanout shall be required for ev ery 40 feet of dev eloped length of the drainage piping. RBC306.4.22 Section VALVES. Delete. 715 BACKWATER
RBC306.4.27 Section 1002.4 Trap seals. Delete the second sentence and replace with the following: Where a trap seal is subject to loss by ev aporation, a trap seal primer v alv e, or other approv ed automatic method to prev ent sewer gas from entering the space shall be installed. Exception: One and two family dwellings, R-3, and the indiv idual dwelling units of R-2 occupancies. RBC306.4.28 Section 1002.8 trap connection. Delete. RBC306.4.29 Section valves. Delete. 1101.9 Recess for
904.1 Roof extensions. All open v ent pipes that extend through a roof shall be terminated at least 6 inches abov e the roof.
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SECTION RBC307 - ELECTRICAL CODE RBC307.1 SHORT TITLE. This section will be k nown and cited as the Electrical Code. RBC307.2 CODES ADOPTED BY REFERENCE. There is hereby adopted by reference the National Electrical Code of the National Fire Protection Association, 1 Battery march Park , Quincy , Massachusetts, 02169-7471, 2008 edition. Three copies of the Code are now filed in the office of the Clerk of the Jurisdiction and may be inspected during regular business hours. The Code is being adopted in its entirety . RBC307.3 ELECTRICAL SIGNS. Electrical signs shall be subject to permits and inspections. RBC307.4 REGISTRATION OF FIRE ALARM CONTRACTORS. Fire alarm contractors shall be registered in accordance with Section RBC208 of this Code and shall obtain permits in accordance with Section RBC105 of this Code.
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SECTION RBC308 - ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE RBC308.1 SHORT TITLE. This section will be k nown and cited as the Energy Conserv ation Code. RBC308.2 SCOPE. The Energy Conserv ation Code shall apply in accordance with Section 101.2 of the International Energy Conserv ation Code, 2009 Edition. RBC308.3 CODE ADOPTED BY REFERENCE. There is hereby adopted by reference the International Energy Conserv ation Code of the International Code Council, 4051 West Flossmoor Road, Country Club Hills, IL 60478-5795, 2009 Edition. Three (3) copies of the Code are now filed in the office of the Clerk of the Jurisdiction and may be inspected during regular business hours. The Code is being adopted as if set out at length, to include the International Energy Conserv ation Code Appendix. RBC308.4 ADDITIONS AND MODIFICATIONS. The adopted Code is subject to the following additions and modifications: RBC308.4.1 Section 101.4.3 Additions, alterations, renovations or repairs. Delete exception 5 and replace with the following: 5. Detached accessory structures in conjunction with one and two family dwellings not intended for human occupancy . RBC308.4.3 Section 107 FEES. Delete. RBC308.4.4 Section ORDER. Delete. RBC308.4.5 Section APPEALS. Delete. 108 109 STOP BOARD WORK OF
RBC308.4.6 Table 402.1.1 Insulation and fenestration requirements by component. In Climate Zone 5 under the Wood Framed Wall R-Value delete 20 and replace with 19 and delete 13+5 and replace with 15+2. Footnote h: Delete and replace with the following: 15+2 means R-15 cav ity insulation plus R-2 insulated sheathing. If the building is continuously sheathed with structural panels insulated sheeting may be omitted. RBC308.4.7 Section 402.2.8 Slab-on-grade floors. In the second sentence delete top of the slab and replace with bottom of the slab. RBC308.4.8 Section 403.3 Mechanical system piping insulation (Mandatory). Add the following exception: Exception: Mechanical sy stem piping or portions thereof located completely inside the building thermal env elope. RBC308.4.9 Section 403.4 Circulating hot water systems (Mandatory). Add the following exception: Exception: Circulating hot water sy stems installed with integral automatic timers. RBC308.4.10 Section 403.6 Equipment sizing (Mandatory). Delete and replace with the following: 403.6 Equipment sizing (Mandatory). Heating and cooling equipment shall be sized in accordance with ACCA Manual S based on building loads calculated in accordance with ACCA Manual J or other approv ed heating and cooling calculation methodologies.
RBC308.4.2 Section 103.1 General. Delete and replace with the following: 103.1. General. Construction documents and other supporting data shall be submitted in one or more sets with each application for a permit. The construction documents and designs submitted under the prov isions of Section 405 and Chapter 5 of the International Energy Conserv ation Code, 2009 Edition, shall be prepared by a design professional licensed in the State of Colorado or by qualified persons as approv ed by the Building Official. Exception: The Building Official is authorized to waiv e the requirements for construction documents or other supporting data if the Building Official determines they are not necessary to confirm compliance with this code.
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SECTION RBC309 - MANUFACTURED BUILDING CODE RBC309.1 SHORT TITLE. This section will be k nown and cited as the Manufactured Building Code. RBC309.2 SCOPE. This section shall regulate the installation, relocation, placement, additions, alterations, remodeling, and repairs of manufactured homes (HUD code units), factory built home (UBC/IRC code units) and factory built commercial buildings (UBC/IBC code units). Exception: Construction trailers set for the sole purpose of sheltering construction management activ ity on a future or activ e construction site. RBC309.3 AUTHORITY. The Building Official shall hav e the authority to declare the Jurisdiction a Participating Jurisdiction under the state of Colorado Manufactured Housing Installation Program. RBC309.4 PROHIBITED STRUCTURES. Mobile homes and units manufactured prior to 1976 shall not be installed or relocated within the Jurisdiction. See Appendix C for an exception unincorporated areas of El Paso County . RBC309.5 IDENTIFICATION. RBC309.5.1 Manufactured Homes (HUD). Each section of each home manufactured under the federal manufactured home construction and safety standard shall contain a label issued by the inspection agency . The label shall indicate that the manufacturer has certified that the home meets the applicable standards and that the construction process has been monitored by a third party inspection agency . Manufactured homes bearing an approv ed HUD label shall be accepted in all localities as meeting the requirements of C.R.S. 24-32-701 which supersede the building codes of counties, municipalities and state agencies for the original installation only . RBC309.5.2 Factory-built Residential and Commercial Units. Each factory built unit is constructed to the uniform series of codes or the International series of codes and the National Electrical Code. The unit shall bear an insignia issued by the State of Colorado Div ision of Housing. The insignia indicates that the manufacturer has certified that the unit is built in compliance with Colorado standards and that the construction process has been monitored by a third party inspection agency . within RBC309.6 PERMITS. RBC309.6.1 Mobile Home Parks. Manufactured homes certified by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Dev elopment (HUD certified manufactured home) located in a mobile home park as permitted by the Zoning Code of the Jurisdiction, as applicable, shall be issued permits by the Building Official, subject to the requirements of this Code. The permit shall apply only to the HUD certified manufactured home for which it was obtained and shall not run with the land as a permitted use. Prior to the occupation of any HUD certified manufactured home in a mobile home park , the manufactured home shall be inspected by the Building Official and shall be in conformance with the requirements of this Code. RBC309.6.2 Private Land. HUD certified manufactured homes, factory -built units as defined in C.R.S. 31-23-301(5)(a)(1), as amended, certified by the Div ision of Housing of the State of Colorado in accord with C.R.S. 24-32-703(3), as amended, and 8 CCR 1302-3 (Factory Built Housing Construction Certification Code of Colorado) may be located on priv ate land as permitted by the Zoning Code of the Jurisdiction, as applicable. Prior to placement of these structures a building permit shall be issued by the Building Official, subject to the requirements of this Code. RBC309.6.3 Other Forms of Land. Manufactured buildings may be located on any other form of land not addressed in Sections RBC309.6.1 or RBC309.6.2 of this Code as permitted by the Zoning Code of the Jurisdiction, as applicable. Prior to placement of these structures a building permit shall be issued by the Building Official, subject to the requirements of this Code. RBC309.7 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. Construction documents shall be submitted for rev iew and approv al in accordance with Section RBC106 of this Code for all manufactured buildings prior to the issuance of permits. RBC309.8 DESIGN. RBC309.8.1 Manufactured Homes. Each manufactured home (HUD) shall bear a data plate affixed in a permanent manner near the main electrical panel, master bedroom closet, laundry room or other readily accessible and v isible location. The data plate shall contain the name of the manufacturer, the design/approv al agency , factory -installed equipment and the wind, roof
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load, and thermal zones for which the unit was constructed. Data plates of manufactured homes (HUD) installed in the State of Colorado shall indicate the following minimum design criteria: WIND ZONE: THERMAL: ROOF LOADS: ZONE 1 ZONE 3 MIDDLE (30 PSF)
RBC309.10 INSTALLATIONS. RBC309.10.1 Unit Installations. RBC309.10.1.1 Permanent Foundations. All units placed on a permanent foundation shall comply with the requirements of this Code. RBC309.10.1.2 Non-Permanent Foundations. Manufactured homes (HUD) placed on a non-permanent foundation shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturers installation instructions. If instructions for used homes are not av ailable, NCSBCS/ANSI A225.1-1994 shall be used. RBC309.10.2 Systems. RBC309.10.2.1 Electrical. All electrical connections shall be compatible with the serv ices prov ided. Any modifications shall be performed by properly licensed persons and inspected prior to connection. All field installed electrical sy stems shall conform to the requirements of the Electrical Code. RBC309.10.2.2 Heating. All field installed mechanical sy stems to include gas appliances and piping shall conform to the requirements of the Mechanical Code and the Fuel Gas Code. RBC309.10.2.3 Plumbing. All field installed plumbing sy stems shall conform to the requirements of the Plumbing Code. RBC309.10.3 Utilities. RBC309.10.3.1 Utilities Connected. All units shall be supplied with appropriate utilities including but not limited to gas, sewer, water and electrical. Exception: Units used for storage only . RBC309.10.3.2 Public Utilities. All units connected to a public utility shall conform to the requirements of the utility purv ey or. RBC309.10.3.3 Private Utilities. All units connected to priv ate sewage disposal sy stems shall comply with the requirements of the El Paso County Health Department. RBC309.10.4 Drainage. Site grading and drainage shall prov ide div ersion of any surface water away from the unit and prev ent water accumulation under the unit. The installation shall not pass inspection unless the unit is properly drained. The installation seal shall not be placed on the unit until the drainage is found to be acceptable.
No manufactured home (HUD) shall be installed if any criteria do not meet these minimum requirements. Special snow load conditions: Homes installed in heav y snow fall areas shall comply with one of the following requirements: 1. 2. The home shall be shown to hav e been constructed for the prov en snow load; The owner shall show proof of hav ing an approv ed snow remov al maintenance program; A protectiv e shelter built in accordance with the Building Code shall be prov ided ov er the home, not connected to the home.
RBC309.8.2 Factory-Built Units. Factory built units bearing a factory seal shall be accepted in all locations as meeting the requirements of C.R.S 24-32-701 as amended. Factory -built units shall meet the snow and wind load requirements for the specific home site. RBC309.9 FOUNDATIONS AND SETS. RBC309.9.1 Permanent Foundations. A permanent foundation (permanent set) is a foundation sy stem designed to support the unit and comply with all applicable prov isions of the Building Code. This sy stem shall be designed by a design professional licensed by the state of Colorado. RBC309.9.2 Non-permanent Foundations. A non-permanent foundation (temporary set) is a foundation sy stem designed to support the unit in accordance with the manufacturers installation instructions or, if manufacturers installation instructions are not av ailable, NCSBCS/ ANSI A225.1-1994 shall be used. Exception. Factory -built commercial buildings qualify ing as a temporary building in accordance with Section RBC107 of this Code shall hav e a support lay out design pro fessional licensed by the State of Colorado. The foundation is not required to meet the frost depth requirements of the Building Code.
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RBC309.11 INSPECTIONS. Appropriate inspections shall be made in accordance with Section RBC109 of this Code. RBC309.12 ADDITIONS MODIFICATIONS. AND
RBC309.13.1.1 Manufactured Homes. 1. Fiv e (5) feet from the street, with no infringement into setback . 2. Twelv e (12) feet from an adjacent home, with no infringement into setback . 3. Six (6) feet from property line. Note: No infringement is permitted, except that open carports and patio cov ers in accordance with the Residential Building Code may extend to within two (2) feet of the property line. RBC309.13.1.2 Accessory Structures. 1. Fiv e (5) feet from side and rear property lines. 2. Twenty (20) feet from front property line. RBC309.14 CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY. No certificate of occupancy shall be issued for the installation of any manufactured building except for factory -built commercial units placed on a permanent foundation. RBC309.15 PLACEMENT OF INSTALLATION INSIGNIA. Upon completion of the installation of any residential manufactured building, an insignia shall be attached to the unit that certifies the installation. No permanent utilities shall be released to the unit prior to the installation of the insignia. Temporary utility connections are permitted for temporary construction purposes when pertinent testing has been completed.
RBC309.12.1 Permanent Foundations. Additions and modifications may be made to manufactured buildings in accordance with the Building Code when installed on permanent foundations. Exception: No additions shall be made to a manufactured home (HUD) unless the addition is an approv ed manufactured sy stem designed for the specific addition to the building, an independently supported structure meeting the requirements of the Residential Code or unless the entire building has been certified by a licensed design professional as meeting the requirements of the Residential Code. RBC309.12.2 Non-permanent Foundations. Addition and modification made to any temporary buildings are not a part of the scope of this Code. RBC309.13 LOCATION ON PROPERTY. Manufactured homes and factory -built units placed on a permanent foundation shall be located in accordance with the applicable prov isions of the Building Code and the Zoning Code of the Jurisdiction, as applicable. RBC309.13.1 Minimum Setback Requirements. Where property is not gov erned by zoning regulations or no specific setback requirements exist, the setback s shall be as follows:
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SECTION RBC310 - ELEVATOR AND ESCALATOR SAFETY CODE RBC310.1 SHORT TITLE. This section will be k nown and cited as the Elev ator and Escalator Safety Code. RBC310.2 SCOPE. The Elev ator and Escalator Safety Code shall regulate the design, construction, installation, operation, inspection, testing, maintenance, alteration, and repair of new and existing elev ators, dumbwaiters, escalators, mov ing walk s, material lifts, and dumbwaiters with automatic transfer dev ices. RBC310.3 CODES ADOPTED BY REFERENCE. There is hereby adopted by reference the Safety Code for Elev ators and Escalators, ASME A17.1-2007, including Table N-1 of Appendix N and all supplements thereto; the Safety Code for Existing Elev ators and Escalators, ASME A17.3-2008 and all supplements thereto, and the ASME A18.1-2008 Safety Standard for Platform Lifts and Stairway Chairlifts of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, United Engineering Center, Three Park Av enue, New York , New York , 10016-5990. Three copies of these Codes are now filed in the office of the Regional Building Official and may be inspected during regular business hours. The abov e Codes are being adopted as if set out at length. RBC310.4 ADDITIONS AND MODIFICATIONS. The adopted Codes are subject to the following additions and modifications: RBC310.4.1 ASME A17.1-2007, Section A sump pump is not required to be installed in the hoistway pit of a hy draulic elev ator if: RBC310.4.6 ASME A17.1-2007, Section Periodic Tests. Delete subsection (a) and replace with the following:
The tests referred to as Category 1 and Category 5 in Table N-1, of Appendix N, of ASME A17.1-2007 and A18.1-2008, shall be performed by a conv ey ance contractor on all existing conv ey ances at frequencies no greater than 1 y ear for Category 1 and 5 y ears for Category 5. A conv ey ance Inspector shall witness the performance of the following test: Category 1 test at least ev ery 5 y ears for:
replace with
(a) (b)
The total trav el of the elev ator is less than 25 feet; and The hoistway pit is less than 67 inches deep. Section Section 5.8 5.9
The owner or the owners authorized agent shall hav e all of the tests required by Sections 8.11.2, 8.11.3, 8.11.4, and 8.11.5 conducted by a licensed elev ator contractor. A written document shall be prov ided to the Building Department within thirty (30) calendar day s with the results of such tests. Exception: Escalators and mov ing walk s shall hav e the Category 1 Periodic Test as per Appendix N, Table N-1, witnessed by the Building Department or its authorized agent.
RBC310.4.2 ASME A17.1-2007, SHIPBOARD ELEVATORS. Delete. RBC310.4.3 ASME A17.1-2007, MINE ELEVATORS. Delete.
RBC310.4.4 ASME A17.1-2007, Section 5.10 ELEVATORS USED FOR CONSTRUCTION. Delete. RBC310.4.5 ASME A17.1-2007, Section Periodic Test Requirements: Category 3. Delete.
RBC310.4.7 ASME A17.1-2007, Section Periodic Inspection and Test Frequency. The frequency of periodic inspections and tests shall be in accordance with Appendix N, Table N-1. RBC310.4.8 ASME A17.1-2007, Section Shipboard Elevators. Delete. RBC310.4.9 ASME Elevators Delete. A17.1-2007, Section Used for Construction.
RBC310.4.10 ASME A17.1-2007, Appendix N Table N-1. Recommended Inspections and test Intervals in Months. Delete the following items from the Table: Priv ate Residence Elev ators.
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- Page 84 - Shipboard Elev ators. Elev ators Used for Construction. RBC310.4.11 ASME A17.3-2008, Section 1.2. Application of Code: Add the following exceptions after the second paragraph: Exceptions:
Door restrictors shall be installed and operational prior to the next issuance of the Certificate of Operation on all elev ators installed on or after January 1, 2008; Upon rev iew of additional information, the Authority Hav ing Jurisdiction may determine whether door restrictors shall be required on any elev ator installed prior to January 1, 1990.
All conv ey ances prior to July 1, 2008, are exempt from comply ing with ASME A17.32008, unless the following conditions exist:
(a) (b)
Substantial alteration of a conv ey ance; or An elev ator presents a material risk . A risk to public safety as determined by the Authority Hav ing Jurisdiction.
A hy draulic elev ator that has a hy draulic cy linder buried in the ground and is not prov ided with a safety bulk head, will be allowed to continue operation after January 1, 2012, if the conv ey ance owner completes one of the following actions in conformance with ASME A17.3-2008:
Material risk related to firefighter serv ice is not present except if any of the following conditions exist:
The hy draulic cy linder shall be prov ided with a safety bulk head in accordance with ASME A17.1-2007, Section 4.3.3; or The elev ator shall be prov ided with car safeties conforming to ASME A17.12007, Section 3.17.1, and guide rails, guide rail supports, and fastenings conforming to ASME A17.1-2007, Section 3.23.1; or The elev ator shall be prov ided with a plunger gripper that shall grip the plunger when the applicable maximum gov ernor tripping speed is achiev ed per ASME A17.1-2007, Section 3.17.3.
(a) (b)
The elev ator complies with ASME A17.12007, rules 211.1 and 211.3; or The elev ator trav els less than 75 feet abov e or below the emergency personnel access; or The building is equipped throughout with an automatic sprink ler sy stem in accordance with NFPA 13. Any elev ator that does not meet any of the conditions listed abov e must comply with the Firefighters serv ice requirements as described in the currently adopted v ersion of ASME A17.1-2007, by January 1, 2015. Door restrictors shall be installed and operational by January 1, 2012, on all elev ators installed on or after January 1, 1990, and before January 1, 2008;
RBC310.4.12 ASME A17.3-2008, Section 1.4. Definitions. Add the following definitions: Material Risk. A risk to public safety as determined by the Authority Hav ing Jurisdiction. Substantial Alteration. An alteration that includes:
Door Restrictors.
The change in ty pe of serv ice of an elev ator; or The change in ty pe of operation control or motion control on an elev ator; or The replacement of a controller in conjunction with another alteration on an electric elev ator.
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SECTION RBC311 - EXISTING BUILDING CODE RBC311.1 SHORT TITLE. This will be k nown and cited as the Existing Building Code. RBC311.2 SCOPE. The Existing Building Code shall be permitted to apply to the repair, alteration, change of occupancy , and addition of existing buildings. A building or portion of a building that has not been prev iously occupied or used for its intended purpose shall comply with the prov isions of the Building Code for new construction. Repairs, alterations, change of occupancy , existing buildings to which additions are made, and historic buildings comply ing with the prov isions of the Commercial Building Code, the Mechanical Code, the Plumbing Code, and Residential Building Code as applicable shall be considered in compliance with the prov isions of the Existing Building Code. RBC311.3 CODE ADOPTED BY REFERENCE. There is hereby adopted by reference the International Existing Building Code of the International Code Council, 4051 West Flossmoor Road, Country Club Hills, IL 60478-5795, 2009 Edition. Three (3) copies of the Code are now filed in the office of the Clerk of the Jurisdiction and may be inspected during regular business hours. The Code is being adopted as if set out at length, to include the International Existing Building Code Appendices, sav e and except the following, which are declared to be non-applicable to the Jurisdiction and are therefore expressly deleted: 1. 2. 3. Chapter 1, Administration Chapter 14, Construction Safeguards Appendix B, Supplementary Accessibility Requirements for Existing Buildings and Facilities RBC311.4 ADDITIONS AND MODIFICATIONS. The adopted C ode is subject to the following additions and modifications: RBC311.4.1 Section 606.3 Additional requirements for reroof permits. Delete. RBC311.4.2 Section 705.4.4 Panic hardware. Delete 100 and replace with 50. RBC311.4.3 Section Insert the following January 1, 1966. 1301.2 Applicability. date where requested:
RBC311.4.4 Section 1301.4.1 Structural analysis. Delete and replace the first sentence with the following: The owner shall hav e a structural analy sis of the existing building made by a design professional licensed in the State of Colorado to determine adequacy of structural sy stems for the proposed alteration, addition, or change of occupancy . RBC311.4.5 Section 1301.6 Evaluation process. Delete and replace the first sentence with the following: The ev aluation process specified herein shall be performed by a design professional licensed in the State of Colorado and followed in its entirety to ev aluate existing buildings.
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SECTION RBC312 - ENUMERATION CODE RBC312.1 SHORT TITLE. This section will be k nown and cited as the Enumeration Code. RBC312.2 DECLARATION OF INTENT, PURPOSE AND SCOPE. The Jurisdiction declares that the intent and purpose of Section RBC312 of this Code is to protect and promote the health, safety , and general welfare of the people and their property , to prov ide for the continuing assignment of property addresses in a logical and orderly manner and to ensure the efficient, timely , and conv enient deliv ery of serv ices and goods, public or priv ate, to the people and their property . To this end, therefore, this Section shall be applicable to the following: 1. All property including buildings and structures, that are now in existence or hereinafter constructed within the Jurisdiction; All equipment within the Jurisdiction requiring separate utility serv ice and not attached to an enumerated lot, building or structure already possessing an address. organization, group, gov ernmental entity , or agency ; 5. In designating a numeric address, determine the direction of a street; 6. Designate numeric addresses on final plats and replats prior to the recording of such plats with the El Paso County Clerk and Recorder's Office. RBC312.3.2 Authority to Require a Street. The Building Official shall hav e the authority to require a street and/or a street name when deemed necessary by the Building Official and the Jurisdiction to prov ide effectiv e deliv ery of priv ate and public serv ices, including, but not limited to, emergency serv ices and assistance, utilities and required inspections. RBC312.3.3 Authority to Disapprove Building Permit Issuance. The Building Official shall hav e the authority to disapprov e the issuance of a building permit until such time that all requirements of this Section are met. Exception. The Building Official may issue a building permit prior to platting of property when waiv er of such requirement has been approv ed in accordance with the Jurisdiction. The assigned numeric address for such property shall be assigned at time the building permit is issued and designated on the final plat or replat. RBC312.3.4 Authority to Issue Change. The Building Official shall hav e the authority to issue official notice, including effectiv e date, of an address change. RBC312.3.5 Authority to Adopt Rules of Procedure. The Building Official shall hav e the authority to adopt such rules and regulations of procedure that are necessary to implement this Section. RBC312.3.6 Authority to Act. The Building Official shall hav e the authority to determine or otherwise act upon the assignment of or a change to a numeric address, or any matter related thereto, which shall be deemed final agency action and not subject to further administrativ e rev iew or appeal. RBC312.3.7 Authority to Require Fee. In addition to any fees, the Building Official shall hav e the authority to require pay ment in adv ance of any cost associated with a change to or assignment of a numeric address, including the recording of any necessary documents.
RBC312.3 AUTHORITY. The Building Official shall hav e the authority to carry out the duties and responsibilities of Section RBC312 of this Code for all properties within the Jurisdiction. RBC312.3.1 Authority to Assign Numeric Address. The Building Official shall hav e the authority to assign numeric addresses to property , including structures, in compliance with this Part. In order to duly exercise this authority , the Building Official shall hav e the right to: 1. Enter upon any premises at any reasonable time for the purpose of mak ing inspection of any premises necessary to determine the assignment of any numeric address; 2. Require site plans, building plans, listings of property owners, maps or any o ther information deemed necessary to determine the assignment of any numeric address; 3. Determine the approv al or disapprov al of any application requesting an assignment of or change to the assignment of a numeric address; 4. Determine the existence of a significant interest on the part of any person, organization, group, gov ernmental entity , or agency that may request a change in the assignment of a numeric address for property not owned by that person,
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RBC312.3.8 Authority to Enforce. The Building Official shall hav e the authority to require compliance with the requirements of Section RBC312 of this Code. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner(s) to meet or cause to be met all applicable requirements. Upon due notification of noncompliance and failing to meet or cause to be met all applicable requirements, the property owner(s) shall be responsible for any and all incurred expenditures on the part of the Jurisdiction or any authorized agency in the enforcement of and compliance with applicable requirements. RBC312.4 GENERAL REGULATIONS ASSIGNMENT OF NUMERIC ADDRESS. FOR
RBC312.4.4 Determination of Even and Odd Numeric Addresses. Odd numeric addresses shall be assigned to property located on the south or east side of a street. Ev en numeric addresses shall be assigned to property located on the north or west side of a street. Numeric addresses shall not be changed to opposite sides of the street regardless of the direction the street may tak e; for example, but not by way of limitation, on a west-east loop street, the ev en numeric addresses shall be located on the west side of the west half of the loop street and on the east side of the east half of the loop street. RBC312.4.5 Determination of Direction of a Street. A street shall be determined to be either an east-west street or a north-south street based upon the longest linear distance, in feet, of the major orientation of that street. For example, but not by way of limitation, a north-south street of many block s in length may hav e a small portion of the street running in an east-west direction; this street shall be determined to be a north south street. RBC312.4.6 Determination of Numeric Address. Numeric addresses shall be assigned consecutiv ely . When a determination of the direction of the street has been made, property shall be assigned a numeric address that is consistent with the hundred block series for all parallel block s equidistant from the reference point. All property located on the same street shall be addressed in either a north-south block series or in an east-west block series; in no ev ent shall there be a combining of the two block series. RBC312.4.7 Determination of Secondary Addresses. The use of alphabetical or numeric suffixes, such as Suite A, B, C, or 1, 2, 3, etc., is permitted only when the whole numeric addresses are not av ailable. RBC312.4.8 Determination of Approved Numeric Address. The approv ed numeric address is that which is determined by the Building Official at the time of issuance of a building permit. Any numeric address assigned for any particular premises based upon a preliminary plat or dev elopment plan shall not be construed to be the approv ed numeric address and shall be subject to change, without prior notice, by the Building Official. Any numeric address designated for any particular premises based up on a final plat or replat that has been recommended for approv al shall be subject to change, with notice to the El Paso County Clerk and Recorder's Office, by the Building Official when such a designated numeric address as it appears on the recorded
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RBC312.4.1 Reference Point. Except for properties that hav e been historically distinguished by an independent numeric sy stem prior to the adoption of this Section, unless determined by the Building Official that any duplication of numeric address constitutes a hazard to the public health, safety , or welfare, all numeric addresses for property within the Jurisdiction shall be determined by the intersection of Pik es Peak Av enue and Cascade Av enue located within the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado. At this reference point, all numeric addresses are the zero hundred block (00) series. From this reference point, all numeric addresses shall project in an outward direction. There shall be no more than one thousand (1000) numeric addresses assigned to any one (1) mile. RBC312.4.2 Frontage Interval of Standard Block. The frontage interv al of a standard block is fiv e hundred-fifty (550) feet. This interv al shall be used in determining where hundred block (00) series numbers will be changed from one hundred to the next higher or lower one hundred block series. The existence of an intersection shall generally require a new hundred block series for numeric addresses. Variation from the frontage interv al of a standard block shall be allowed to standardize the numeric addresses of parallel block s at the same distance from the reference point. RBC312.4.3 Numeric Address Interval of Lots. Numeric addressing of property contained in any one hundred (100) block series shall be determined by the number of platted lots within that block ; for example, but not by way of limitation, nine (9) lots equal numeric addresses in increments of ten (10), such as 2010, 2020, 2030, etc.; twelv e (12) lots equal numeric addresses in increments of eight (8), such as 2008, 2016, 2024, etc.; fourteen (14) lots equal numeric addresses in increments of six (6), such as 2006, 2012, 2018, etc.
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final plat or replat does not conform to the approv ed numeric address as finally determined by the Building Official at the time of issuance of a building permit for that premises. RBC312.5 REGULATIONS FOR RESIDENTIAL USES. RBC312.5.1 Detached Single-Unit Residential. Except as hereinafter set forth, numeric addresses shall be assigned to any detached single-unit residential premises from the hundred block series of the street that abuts the premises. RBC312.5.2 Attached Multi-Unit Residential. Numeric addresses shall be assigned to any multi-unit residential premises based upon a rev iew by the Building Official of the following facts: 1. Location of dev elopment, especially with regard to proximity and access to public streets; 2. Density of dev elopment; 3. Lotting pattern of dev elopment; 4. Internal access of dev elopment; 5. Lay out and ty pe of structures, especially with regard to orientation and the ty pe and number of entrances; 6. Nature of ownership of the units; 7. Av ailability of numeric addresses that are assignable; 8. Any other factor(s) deemed relev ant by the Building Official. RBC312.5.3 Mobile Home Park or Mobile Home Subdivision. Numeric addresses may be assigned to properties in a mobile home park or a mobile home subdiv ision as outlined in Section RBC312.5.2 abov e. RBC312.5.4 Through Lots or Corner Lots. Preliminary numeric addresses from both streets may be assigned to a through lot or corner lot. This preliminary assignment of a dual address shall not be construed as approv al for access, curb cut(s), or driv eway entrance(s) for such a lot. The approv ed numeric address of a th rough lot or corner lot shall be determined at the time of issuance of a building permit. This approv ed numeric address shall be determined as follows: RBC312.5.4.1 Detached Single-unit Residential Structure. The numeric address shall be assigned from the block series of the street that is located parallel to the exterior face of the structure that contains, regardless of angle, the main, or commonly k nown front door, entrance into the structure.
RBC312.5.4.2 Multi-unit Residential Structure The numeric address(es) shall be assigned upon a rev iew of the factors outlined in Section RBC312.5.2 of this Code. RBC312.5.4.3 Mobile Home Park or Mobile Home Subdivision. The numeric addresses may be assigned upon a rev iew of the factors outlined in Section RBC312.5.3 of this Code. RBC312.5.5 Alternative Numeric Assignment. In the ev ent that there can be no determination of a street that is clearly parallel to the exterior face of the structure that contains, regardless of angle, the main, or commonly k nown front door, entrance(s) into a structure, a numeric address shall be assigned from the block series of the street that would most reasonably and readily be identified as the street upon which the structure fronts. Factors that may be considered, but not limited to, include: lineal feet of property on each street; po ints of access into the lot; lay out of structures on the lot; design of the structure(s) with regard to entrance(s); lineal feet of principal structure facing each street. RBC312.6 REGULATIONS FOR COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL USES. RBC312.6.1 Detached Single-unit Commercial or Industrial Use. Except as hereinafter set forth, numeric addresses shall be assigned to any detached single-unit commercial or industrial premises from the hundred block series of the street that abuts the premises. RBC312.6.2 Attached Multi-unit Commercial or Industrial Use. Numeric addresses shall be assigned to multi-unit commercial or industrial premises in the following order of determination: 1. In the ev ent that only one street abuts the premises, numeric addresses shall be assigned from the block series of that abutting street. This shall pertain to property containing any number of freestanding structures. 2. In the ev ent that two streets abut the premises, numeric addresses shall be assigned based upon a rev iew by the Building Official of the following facts: 2.1. Location and lotting pattern of dev elopment; 2.2. Access to dev elopment; 2.3. Lineal feet of frontage of lot(s) on each street; 2.4. Orientation of structure(s) and lineal feet of structural frontage; 2.5. Any other factor(s) deemed
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relev ant by the Building Official. Numeric addresses shall be assigned for the potential maximum usage of the dev elopment. Unused numeric addresses shall be retained and reserv ed for future use. Secondary addresses may be required based on the av ailability of primary address numbers. RBC312.6.3 Corner Lots or Through Lots. Preliminary numeric addresses from both streets may be assigned to corner or through lots. This preliminary assignment of a dual address shall not be construed as approv al for access, curb cut(s), or driv eway entrance(s) for such a lot. The approv ed numeric address of the property shall be determined at the time of issuance of a building permit. The approv ed numeric determined as follows: address shall be
approv ed numeric address changes. This notice shall be sent to the property owner as well as other persons, organizations, groups, or gov ernmental agencies that prov ide a public serv ice to the property and that request such notice. The notice of assignment of numeric address shall be mailed or otherwise distributed within sev en (7) calendar day s of the change of numeric address. It shall be the responsibility of each person, organization, group, or gov ernmental agency to alter or modify appropriate records. Any conflict or dispute regarding a numeric address change shall be referred for resolution to the Building Official. RBC312.7.3 Initiation of Request. A request for a numeric address change may be submitted by a property owner or any other party with a determined significant interest, including, but not limited to, prov iders of emergency serv ices or utilities, the United States Postal Serv ice or the Building Official under any one of the following conditions: 1. Current numeric address is not in proper sequence. 2. Current numeric address is incorrect, confusing, or misleading. 3. Current numeric address is on the wrong side of the street. 4. Main, or commonly k nown front door, entrance does not face that street as named in the address. 5. Realignment of a street or change in street pattern inv alidates current numeric address. 6. New street intersection mak es current numeric address incorrect, confusing, or misleading. 7. A change in street name or street designation mak es current numeric address incorrect. 8. The correct numeric address is not being used. 9. A numeric assigned. address has not been
1. Detached Single-unit Commercial or Industrial Structure. The numeric address shall be assigned from the block series of the street that is located parallel to the exterior face of the structure that contains, regardless of angle, the main or commonly k nown front door, entrance into the structure. Should no street parallel the face, then the numeric address shall be assigned from the block series of the street that most reasonably and readily identifies the location and situation of that structure. Factors that may be considered, but not limited to, include: lineal feet of property on each street; points of access into the lot; design of the structure(s), including orientation and entrance(s); lineal feet of structure facing each street. 2. Multi-unit Commercial or Industrial Use. The numeric address(es) shall be assigned upon a rev iew of the factors outlined in Section RBC312.6.2 of this Code. RBC312.7 NUMERIC ADDRESS CHANGE. RBC312.7.1 Procedure. A request for a change of numeric address shall be submitted in writing to the Building Official. The applicant shall clearly state the specific reason for the change and shall submit any other information deemed necessary by the Building Official. No change of numeric address shall be granted by the Building Official unless or until the requirements of this Part hav e been met. RBC312.7.2 Notification. An official notice of assignment of numeric address shall be completed by the Building Official on any
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10. Any other justification in furtherance of the purpose and intent of this Part or any other pertinent ordinance, regulation or rule pertaining to property addressing. RBC312.7.4 Reassignment of Street Name. A request for a numeric address change may also necessitate a corresponding change in the street name that will be used as part of a premises' address for, but not limited to, corner or through lots. In such cases, the Building Official shall hav e the authority to concurrently approv e a
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reassigned street name upon determination that a numeric address change is appropriate. When such a numeric address change and street name reassignment is approv ed, the Building Official shall issue official notice, including effectiv e date, of both the numeric change and street name reassignment. RBC312.8 NUMERIC ADDRESS REQUIRED ON PLATS. The Building Official shall designate assigned numeric addresses in a legible manner on final plats and replats. All corner lots or through lots shall be designated at the discretion of the Building Official. RBC312.9 TEMPORARY POSTING OF NUMERIC ADDRESS. In order to ensure the timely and effectiv e deliv ery of priv ate and public serv ices, including, but not limited to, emergency serv ices and assistance, utilities prov ision and required inspections, it shall be the responsibility of that person, company , firm, business, agency , or corporation in whose name the building permit is issued to ensure the temporary posting of the approv ed numeric address. Such temporary posting of this address shall occur prior to the mak ing of any required inspection. Such a numeric address posting shall be of any material that is weather resistant, shall be plainly v isible and legible from the street, road, fire lane or other right-of-way , or easement fronting the structure, and shall be maintained until such time as the approv ed numeric address is permanently display ed. RBC312.10 REPORTING OF SECONDARY ADDRESSES. The reporting of any secondary address is required for any unit, but not by way of limitation, in a multi-unit residential, commercial, office, or industrial structure, or any combination thereof, or a space or lot in a mobile home park as follows: 1. 2. Upon any change to a secondary address in existence at the time of this requirement, or: Upon the assignment of any secondary address for any such unit constructed subsequent to this requirement, or: Upon determination by the Building Official that there exists a hazard to the public health, safety , or welfare. It shall be unlawful to fail to meet this requirement within fifteen (15) calendar day s of such change, assignment or determination. Such reporting shall be made to the Department of Public Utilities, Meter Reading Div ision, in writing and shall include, for any change, the original identifier and the new identifier. The Building Official may require the submittal to the Department of Public Utilities, Meter Reading Div ision, of a floor plan for each floor of the
structure upon which shall be designated a sub-numeric and/or letter identifier for each unit of the floor. RBC312.11 ADDRESS BUILDINGS. NUMBERS ON
RBC312.11.1 Placement and Location. The property owner(s) shall cause approv ed numeric addresses to be placed on all new and existing structures, including single-unit and multi-unit residential structures, in such a location and position as to be plainly v isible and legible from the street, road, fire lane or other right-of-way , or easement fronting the structure. RBC312.11.2 Minimum Dimensions. Except as hereinafter set forth, such approv ed numeric addresses shall be represented by numbers that are a minimum of fiv e (5) inches in height with no less than one half () inch strok e so as to be plainly v isible and legible from a distance of at least one hundred (100) feet from the structure. RBC312.11.2.1 Pre-Existing Numeric Addresses. Numeric addresses that do not conform with regards to size that lawfully existed upon a single-unit or multi-unit residential structure at the time this dimensional requirement became effectiv e may be continued in use. Exceptions: 1. When a determination is made by the Building Official that the requirements of this Section are not met; that is, the approv ed numeric address is not plainly v isible and legible from the street, road, fire lane or other right-ofway , or easement fronting the structure or is not plainly v isible and legible from a distance of at least one hundred (100) feet from the structure; or 2. When a building permit for any purpose whatsoev er is issued for a single-unit or multi-unit residential structure with such a nonconforming as to size numeric address; or 3. When a determination is made by any enforcement officer that a change in use, either in whole or in part, has occurred in a single-unit or multi-unit residential structure such that the use of such structure is no longer exclusiv ely residential. RBC312.11.2.2 Minimum Dimensions for Commercial Tenants. Any area occupied by tenants of a mall or shopping center, the main entrance to which is from the inside of the
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mall or shopping center, or any area used for other than single-unit or multi-unit residential occupancy that abuts a public courty ard or other public space shall be identified by numbers that are a minimum of four (4) inches in height with no less than one half () inch strok e so as to be plainly v isible and legible from a distance of at least fifty (50) feet from the main entrance to the area. RBC312.11.2.3 Posting of Numeric at a Private Drive or Easement. If access to a premises is prov ided by a priv ate driv e or easement; or if a structure or portion of a structure is obscured by another structure or other feature, either natural or manmade; or a premises is located on the interior of a lot or block , then the numeric address shall, in addition to meeting the requirements of this Section, be posted in a permanent manner and forev er maintained at a location in the nearby v icinity of the intersection of the priv ate driv eway or easement with a public street, or at a location such that the numbers are plainly v isible and legible and the existence of the premises or structure is reasonably indicated. The numbers shall be on a sign that is attached to a ground stak e that does not exceed thirty (30) inches in height or shall be on a portion of a permanent structure designed and used to house the mail box. Numbers painted or stenciled on a curb shall not serv e to meet this requirement. RBC312.11.3 Visibility. Such approv ed numeric addresses shall be represented by numbers that are contrasting in color with their
back ground, face the street named in the address and are plain block numerals. RBC312.11.4 Prohibited Placement. Such approv ed numeric addresses shall not, in any ev ent, be represented by numbers that are affixed to any tree or obscured by v egetation or any other feature, natural or manmade. RBC312.11.5 Responsibility. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner(s) to meet or cause to be met all of the requirements of this section. All numbers shall be forev er maintained in such a manner as to comply with the requirements of this section. RBC312.11.6 Change of Address. A numeric address change shall be requested and may be approv ed by the Building Official in accordance with Section RBC312.7 of this Code. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner(s) to ensure that within fifteen (15) calendar day s of the official notice of determination of numeric address as issued by the Building Official, the approv ed numeric address is posted in accordance with the requirements of Section RBC312.11 of this Code. RBC312.11.7 Altering, Defacing or Removing a Numeric Address. It shall be unlawful for any person to alter, deface or remov e any number placed on any premises in accordance with the requirements of Section RBC312 of this Code, except for repair or replacement of such number. Upon notice, actual or otherwise, repair or replacement of any number shall be completed within a twenty -four (24) -hour time period.
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SECTION RBC313 - FLOODPLAIN CODE RBC313.1 SHORT TITLE. This section will be k nown and cited as the Floodplain Code. RBC313.2 STATUTORY AUTHORIZATION. The Legislature of the state of Colorado has delegated in Sections 31-23-301, 30-28-111 and 30-28115(1), Colorado Rev ised Statutes, the responsibility to local gov ernmental units to adopt regulations designed to promote the public health, safety , and general welfare of its citizenry . Therefore, the adopting Jurisdiction does ordain as set out in this section. RBC313.3 LEGISLATIVE DECLARATION. RBC313.3.1 The flood hazard areas of the Pik es Peak Region are subject to periodic inundation which could result in loss of life and property , health and safety hazards, disruption of commerce and gov ernmental serv ices, extraordinary public expenditures for flood protection and relief, and impairment of the tax base, all of which could adv ersely affect the public health, safety and general welfare. RBC313.3.2 These flood losses could be caused by the cumulativ e effect of obstructions in areas of special flood hazards, which increase flood heights and v elocities, and when inadequately anchored, damage uses in other areas. Uses that are inadequately flood proofed, elev ated or otherwise protected from flood damage also contribute to the flood loss. RBC313.3.3 It is in the interest of the public health, safety and welfare to designate a floodplain management program which prov ides for the protection of identified floodway s as well as flood fringe areas, all of which hav e been established through the base flood elev ation maps which hav e been submitted to the Jurisdiction by FEMA. RBC313.4 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE. It is the purpose of this section to promote the public health, safety , and general welfare, and to minimize public and priv ate losses due to flood conditions in specific areas by prov isions designed: 1. 2. 3. To protect human life and health; To minimize expenditure of public money for costly flood control projects; To minimize the need for rescue and relief efforts associated with flooding and generally undertak en at the expense of the general public; To minimize interruptions; prolonged business 6. telephone and sewer lines, streets and bridges located in areas of special flood hazard; To help maintain a stable tax base by prov iding for the sound use and dev elopment of areas of special flood hazard; To insure that potential buy ers are notified that the property is in an area of special flood hazard; and To ensure that those who occupy the areas of special flood hazard assume responsibility for their actions.
RBC313.5 METHODS OF REDUCING FLOOD LOSSES. In order to accomplish these purposes, this section includes methods and prov isions for: Restricting or prohibiting uses which are dangerous to health, safety , and property due to water or erosion hazards, or which result in damaging increases in erosion, flood heights or v elocities; Requiring that uses v ulnerable to floods, including facilities, which serv e such uses, be protected against flood damage at the time of initial construction; Controlling the alteration of natural floodplains, stream channels, and natural protectiv e barriers that help accommodate or channel floodwaters; Controlling filling, grading, dred ging, and other dev elopment which may increase flood damage; Prev enting or regulating the construction of flood barriers which will unnaturally div ert floodwaters or which may increase flood hazards in other areas; Prohibiting any dev elopment in regulatory floodway if any increase in flood lev els during the base flood discharge would result. RBC313.6 DEFINITIONS. Unless specifically defined below, words or phrases used in this section shall be interpreted so as to giv e them the meaning they hav e in common usage and to giv e this section its most reasonable application. ALLUVIAL FAN FLOODING. Flooding occurring on the surface of an alluv ial fan or similar landform which originates at the apex and is characterized by high-v elocity flows; activ e processes of erosion, sediment transport, and deposition; and, unpredictable flow paths. APPURTENANT STRUCTURE. A structure which is on the same parcel of property as the principle structure to be insured, and the use of it is incidental to the use of the principle structure. AREA OF SHALLOW FLOODING. A designated
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4. 5.
To minimize damage to public facilities and utilities such as water and gas mains, electric,
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AO, AH, AR/AO, AR/AH, or VO zone on a community s FIRM with a one (1) percent or greater chance of flooding to an av erage depth of one to three (1-3) feet where a clearly defined channel does not exist, where the path of flooding is unpredictable, and where the v elocity flow may be ev ident. Such flooding is characterized by ponding or sheet flow. AREA OF SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD. Land in a floodplain within a community subject to a one (1) percent or greater chance of flooding in any giv en y ear. The area may be designated as Zone A on the FIRM. After detailed ratemak ing has been completed in the preparation for publication of the FIRM, Zone A usually is redefined into Zones A, AO, AH, A1-30, AE, A99, AR, AR/A1-30, AR/AE, AR/AO, AR/AH or AR/A. For purposes of Section RBC313, the term special flood hazard area is sy nony mous in meaning with the phrase area of special flood hazard. AREA OF SPECIAL HAZARD. Land in the floodplain within a community subject to a one (1) percent or greater chance of flooding in any giv en y ear. ATTENDANT FACILITIES. HVAC duct work , HVAC units, water heaters, boilers, AC compressors, electrical break er panels and meters, and any other such dev ices and connections required for habitable and sanitary use of the structure. It does not include the main underground stub to the property for electrical, sewer, water, gas, etc. BASE FLOOD. A flood hav ing a one (1) percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any giv en y ear. BASEMENT. Any area of the building hav ing its floor subgrade (below ground lev el) on all sides. BREAKAWAY WALL. A wall that is not part of the structural support of the building and is intended through its design and construction to collapse under specific lateral loading forces without causing damage to the elev ated portion of the building or supporting foundation sy stem. BUILDABLE LOT. The area of land required in coordination with all applicable codes adopted by the Jurisdiction that enables the construction of a building, access and all utilities for habitability . CHANGE OF USE. When a current structure changes use as defined in Section RBC110.1.2 of the Pik es Peak Regional Building Code and is required to meet all current building codes for the new use including being brought into compliance with current floodplain ordinances.
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Rev ision
COMPENSATORY STORAGE. The prov iding of equal or greater amount of storage to compensate for that which was destroy ed. CRITICAL FACILITIES. Facilities required for the safety and/or continued occupation by the public as a whole. Examples of these facilities are as follows but not limited to hospitals, fire stations, police stations, jails, water treatment plants, wastewater treatment plants, gas / electric utility facilities, fall out and Red Cross shelters, schools, etc. CRITICAL FEATURE. An integral and readily identifiable part of a flood protection sy stem, without which the flood protection prov ided by the entire sy stem would be compromised. DEVELOPMENT. Any manmade change to improv ed or unimprov ed real estate, including but not limited to buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, pav ing, excav ation, drilling operations or storage of equipment and/or materials located within the area of special flood hazard. DEVELOPMENT PERMIT. The permit issued by the FPA before a dev elopment occurs within any area of special flood hazard. DRAINAGE BOARD. The Rev iew Board for appeals and v ariance requests in the City of Colorado Springs and/or unincorporated El Paso County . ELEVATED BUILDING. For insurance purposes, a building without a basement that has its lowest elev ated floor raised abov e ground lev el by foundation walls, shear walls, posts, piers, pilings or columns. EXISTING CONSTRUCTION OR EXISTING STRUCTURE. For the purpose of determining rates, structures for which the start of construction commenced before the effectiv e date of the FIRM, or before January 1, 1975, for FIRMs effectiv e before that date. EXISTING MANUFACTURED HOME PARK OR SUBDIVISION. A manufactured home park for which the construction of facilities for serv icing the lots on which the manufactured homes are to be affixed (including, at a minimum, the installation of utilities, the construction of streets, and either final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads) are completed before the effectiv e date of the floodplain management regulations adopted by the Jurisdiction. EXPANSION TO EXISTING MANUFACTURED HOME PARK OR SUBDIVISION. The preparation
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of additional sites by the construction of facilities for serv icing the lots on which the manufactured homes are to be affixed (including the installation of utilities, the construction of streets, and either final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads). FEMA. The Agency . Federal Emergency Management
floodway conditions, such as wav e action, bridge openings, and the hy drological effects of urbanization of the watershed. GOVERNING BODY. A board of township trustees, city council, or board of county commissioners as determined and elected by Jurisdiction. JURISDICTION. Any of the signatory entities that established Pik es Peak Regional Building Department. Jurisdiction in context means the gov ernment entity with Jurisdiction. LEVEE. A manmade structure, usually an earthen embank ment, designed and constructed in accordance with sound engineering practices to contain, control, or div ert the flow of water to prov ide protection from flooding. LEVEE SYSTEM. A flood protection sy stem, which consists of a lev ee, or lev ees, and associated structures, such as closure and drainage dev ices, which are constructed and operated in accordance with sound engineering practices. LIVING SPACE. Space within a dwelling unit utilized for liv ing, sleeping, eating, cook ing, bathing, washing and/or sanitary purposes, and associated accessory use areas. LOMR. Letter of Map Rev ision processed through FEMA. LOMR-F. Letter of Map Rev ision Based on Fill processed through FEMA. LOWEST FLOOR. The lowest floor of the lowest enclosed area (including basement). An unfinished or flood resistant enclosure, usable solely for park ing of v ehicles, building access or storage in an area other than a basement area is not considered as a buildings lowest floor, prov ided that the enclosure is not built so as to render the structure in v iolation of the applicable non-elev ation design requirements of Section RBC313.18 of this Code. MANUFACTURED HOME. A structure that is transportable in one or more sections, built on a permanent chassis, and designed to be used with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities. For purposes of these regulations, manufactured home also includes recreational v ehicles or trav el trailers placed on a site for more than six (6) months. MANUFACTURED HOME PARK OR SUBDIVISION. A parcel of land div ided into two or more manufactured home lots for rent or sale. MEAN SEA LEVEL. The National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) or other datum, to which base flood elev ations shown on a community s Flood
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FLOOD OR FLOODING. A general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of normally dry land areas from the unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source. 100-YEAR FLOOD. A flood ev ent hav ing a one (1) percent chance of occurring in any giv en y ear. 500-YEAR FLOOD. A flood ev ent hav ing a zero point two (0.2) percent chance of occurring in any giv en y ear. FLOOD FRINGE. Areas denoted on the flo odway map that are adjacent to the floodway and within the 100-y ear floodplain. FIRM. Flood Insurance Rate Map. The official map on which FEMA has delineated both the areas of special flood hazards and the risk premium zones applicable to the Jurisdiction. FIS. Flood Insurance Study . The official report prov ided by FEMA that includes flood profiles, the flood boundary -floodway map and the water surface elev ations of the base flood. FLOOD PROOFING. Any combination of structural and nonstructural additions, changes, or adjustments to structures which reduce or eliminate flood damage to real estate or improv ed real property , water and sanitary facilities, structures and their contents. FLOODWAY. The channel of a riv er or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas that must be reserv ed in order to discharge the base flood without cumulativ ely increasing the water surface elev ation more than one (1) foot. The floodway is deemed an extremely hazardous area due to the v elocity of floodwaters, which carry debris, potential projectiles, and erosion potential. FPA. Floodplain Administrator. The Regional Building Department designee who administers the Pik es Peak Regional Building Department floodplain program. FREEBOARD. A factor of safety usually expressed in feet abov e the base flood lev el for purposes of floodplain management. Freeboard tends to compensate for the many unk nown factors that could contribute to flood heights greater than the height calculated for a selected size flood and
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Insurance Rate Map are referenced. NEW CONSTRUCTION. Structures for which the start of construction commences on or after the effectiv e date of initial floodplain management regulations adopted by the Jurisdiction; and is applicable to subsequent improv ements to such structures. RECREATIONAL VEHICLE. A v ehicle which is built on a single chassis; four hundred (400) square feet or less when measured at the largest horizontal projections; designed to be self-propelled or towed by a light duty truck ; and designed primarily not for use as a permanent dwelling but as temporary liv ing quarters for recreational, camping, trav el, or seasonal use. REGULATORY FLOODWAY. The channel of a riv er or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas that must be reserv ed in order to discharge the base flood without cumulativ ely increasing the water surface elev ation more than a designated height. REVIEW BOARD. The board designated or established by the Jurisdiction to decide appeals and v ariance requests within the specific Jurisdiction, including the Drainage Board for the City of Colorado Springs and/or unincorpo rated El Paso County . Each Jurisdiction should establish its own Rev iew Board or enter into an agreement with another member Jurisdiction to use the same Rev iew Board. It is recommended that any Rev iew Board be comprised of fiv e (5) members as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Professional Civ il Engineer licensed by the State of Colorado Realtor or Appraiser Officer of a Financial Institution or Insurance Industry representativ e Citizen Adv ocate No ties to the construction community Architect licensed by the State of Colorado
including gas or liquid storage tank , that is principally abov e ground, as well as a manufactured home. This term also applies to any thing built or constructed that may impede the flow of water. SUBSTANTIAL DAMAGE. Damage from any origin sustained by a structure whereby the cost of restoring the structure to its before-damaged condition would equal or exceed fifty percent (50%) of the mark et v alue of the structure before the damage occurred. Reconstruction and repairs to damaged structures are counted cumulativ ely for a 10-y ear window. SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT. Any rehabilitation, addition, or other improv ement of a structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds 50% of the mark et v alue of the structure, before the improv ement is started. Project costs for permitted activ ities are counted cumulativ ely ov er the prev ious 2- y ear period from the date of application for a new permit. Permitted activ ities not completed must also be considered as part of the 2 y ear cost total. The term does not, howev er, include either: Any project for improv ement of a structure to comply with existing state or local health, sanitary , or safety code specifications which are solely necessary to ensure safe liv ing conditions; or Any alteration of a structure listed on the National Register of Historic Places or the state Inv entory of Historic Places. VARIANCE. A grant of relief from the requirements of this section, which permits construction in a manner that would otherwise be prohibited by this section. VIOLATION. A failure of a structure or other dev elopment to be fully compliant with the Jurisdictions floodplain management regulations. A structure or other dev elopment without an elev ation certificate, other certifications, or other ev idence of compliance required by this Code is presumed to be in v iolation until such documentation is prov ided. WATER SURFACE ELEVATION. The height in relation to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) of 1929 or other datum (where specified) of floods of v arious magnitudes and frequencies in the floodplains of riparian areas. RBC313.7 APPLICATION. This section shall apply to all areas of special flood hazard within the Jurisdiction. RBC313.8 BASIS FOR ESTABLISHING THE AREAS OF SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD. The areas of special flood hazard identified by FEMA in a
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START OF CONSTRUCTION. The first placement of permanent construction of a structure on a site, such as the pouring of slabs or footings, installation of pilings, construction of columns or any work bey ond the stage of excav ation. For a structure without a basement or poured footings, the "start of construction" includes the first permanent framing or assembly of a structure or any part thereof on its pilings or foundation. For manufactured homes, "start of construction" means the date of placement of the manufactured home on its permanent site. STRUCTURE. A walled and roofed building,
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scientific and engineering report entitled "The Flood Insurance Study El Paso County , Colorado and Incorporated Areas with accompany ing FIRMs and any amendments, is adopted by reference and declared to be a part of this section. The FIS is part of this section. RBC313.9 COMPLIANCE. No Land shall hereafter be conv erted or altered nor structure shall hereafter be constructed, located, extended, conv erted or altered without full compliance with the terms of this Section and other applicable regulations. RBC313.10 PENALTIES FOR NONCOMPLIANCE. Refer to local Jurisdictions penalties for noncompliance as stated within the Jurisdictions ordinances or regulations. RBC313.11 ABROGATION AND GREATER RESTRICTIONS. This section is not intended to repeal, abrogate, or impair any existing easements, cov enants, or deed restrictions. Howev er, where Section RBC313 of this Code and any other ordinance, regulation, easement, cov enant or deed restriction conflict or ov erlap, whichev er imposes the more stringent restrictions shall prev ail. RBC313.12 INTERPRETATION. In the interpretation and application of this section, all prov isions shall be: Considered as minimum requirements; Liberally construed in fav or of the gov erning body ; and Deemed neither to limit nor repeal any other powers granted under state statutes. RBC313.13 WARNING OF DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY. The degree of flood protection required by this section is considered reasonable for regulatory purposes and is based on scientific and engineering considerations. Larger floods can and will occur on rare occasions. Flood heights may be increased by man-made or natural causes. This section shall not create liability on the part of any local Jurisdiction, any officer or employ ee thereof, or FEMA , for any flood damages that result from reliance on this section or any administrativ e decision lawfully made hereunder. RBC313.14 ESTABLISHMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PERMIT. A floodplain dev elopment permit shall be obtained before construction or dev elopment begins with in any area of special flood hazard established in Section RBC313.8 of this Code. RBC313.14.1 The permit shall expire at the end of twelv e (12) months from the date of issuance. Application for a floodplain dev elopment permit shall be made on forms furnished by the FP A and may include, but not be limited to:
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Plans in duplicate drawn to scale showing the nature, location, dimensions, and elev ations of the area in question; Existing or proposed structures, fill, storage of materials, drainage facilities; and The location and control of the foregoing. RBC313.14.2 Specifically , the following information is required and is to be certified by a professional engineer or architect licensed by the state of Colorado. (Elev ations may be certified by a professional surv ey or licensed by the state of Colorado.): Elev ation in relation to mean sea lev el or the lowest floor (including basement) of all structures; Elev ation in relation to mean sea lev el to which any structure has been floodproofed; Ev idence that the flood proofing methods for any nonresidential structure meet the flood proofing criteria in Section RBC313.20.2 of this Code; and Description of the extent to which any watercourse will be altered or relocated as a result of proposed dev elopment. RBC313.14.3 If the proposed dev elopment activ ity is located within an identified regulatory floodway , a certification by a Colorado registered professional engineer that the proposed dev elopment will result in no rise in the base flood elev ation, or satisfies the requirements of Section RBC313.20 of this Code. RBC313.15 DESIGNATION OF THE FLOODPLAIN ADMINISTRATOR. The FPA is appointed to administer and implement Section RBC313 of this Code by granting or deny ing dev elopment permit applications in accordance with its prov isions. RBC313.16 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE FLOODPLAIN ADMINISTRATOR. Duties of the FPA shall include, but not be limited to the following: RBC313.16.1 Permit Review. Rev iew all dev elopment permits to determine that the permit requirements of this section hav e been satisfied; Rev iew all dev elopment permits to determin e if the proposed dev elopment is located in the flood fringe. If located in the flood fringe, ensure that the prov isions of Section RBC313.20 of this Code are met; and Rev iew all dev elopment permits to determine if the proposed dev elopment is located in th e floodway . If located in the floodway , ensure that the encroachment prov isions of Section
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RBC313.20.1 of this Code are met. RBC313.16.2 Use of Other Flood Data. When base flood elev ation data has not been prov ided in accordance with Section RBC313.8 of this Code, the FPA shall obtain, rev iew and reasonably utilize any base flood elev ation and floodway data av ailable from a federal, state or other source in order to administer Sections RBC313.19.1 and RBC313.19.2 of this Code. RBC313.16.3 Obtain and Maintain Information. Obtain and record the actual elev ation (in relation to mean sea lev el) of the lowest floor (including basement) of all new or substantially improv ed structures; For all new or substantially improv ed flood proofed structures: Verify and record the actual elev ation (in relation to mean sea lev el); and Maintain the flood proofing certifications required by Section RBC313.14.1.3 of this Code. Maintain for public inspection all records pertaining to the prov isions of this section. RBC313.16.4 Alteration of Watercourses. Notify adjacent communities and the Colorado Water Conserv ation Board prior to any alteration or relocation of a watercourse, and submit ev idence of such notification to FEMA; and Require that maintenance is prov ided within the altered or relocated portion of the watercourse so that the flood-carry ing capacity is not diminished. RBC313.16.5 Interpretation of Flood Boundaries. Mak e interpretations where needed as to the exact location of the boundaries of the areas of special flood hazard (for example, where there appears to be a conflict between a mapped boundary and actual field conditions). The person contesting the location of the boundary shall be giv en a reasonable opportunity to appeal the interpretation as prov ided in Section RBC313.17 of this Code. RBC313.16.6 Rules and Regulations. The FPA is empowered to mak e such rules and regulations and to establish such criteria and methodologies as are necessary and consistent with the requirements for sound flood plain management pursuant to the guidelines and regulations promulgated by FEMA. See Appendix D of this code for additional modifications to Section RBC313.17 and RBC313.18.5 of the Pik es Peak Regional Building Code, 2011 Edition, by the City of Colorado Springs.
RBC313.17 Appeals and Review Procedures. RBC313.17.1 Appeals. The Rev iew Board or the Gov erning Body of the Jurisdiction, if no Rev iew Board is established, shall hear and decide appeals of decisions by the FPA when it is alleged there is an error in any requirement, decision, determination or interpretation made by the FPA in the enforcement or ad ministration of this section. Any person aggriev ed by a decision of the FPA may appeal to the Rev iew Board or the Gov erning Body of the Jurisdiction, if no Rev iew Board is established, prov ided a written notice of appeal, stating the grounds for appeal, is filed with the FPA within thirty (30) day s of the date of the FPA's decision. The Rev iew Board shall hear the appeal at the next av ailable meeting, but not less than fourteen (14) day s after receipt of the notice of appeal. The Rev iew Board or the Gov erning Body of the Jurisdiction, if no Rev iew Board is established, shall conduct a public hearing on the appeal and shall consider the factors set forth in Section RBC313.17.1.5, below. At the conclusion of the hearing, The Rev iew Board or the Gov erning Body of the Jurisdiction, if no Rev iew Board is established, shall mak e appropriate findings and determine whether the FPA's decision shall stand, be ov erturned or modified. Those aggriev ed by the decision of the Rev iew Board may appeal the decision to the Gov erning Body of the Jurisdiction, prov ided that a notice of appeal, stating the grounds for appeal, is filed with the FPA within ten (10) day s of the date of Rev iew Board's decision. Upon receiv ing a perfected appeal, the matter shall be set for a public hearing according to the established procedures of the Gov erning Body of the Jurisdiction. At the conclusion of the public hearing, the Gov erning Body of the Jurisdiction shall determine whether there is some competent ev idence in the record to support the Rev iew Board's decision, and if so, then the decision must be affirmed. If there is no competent ev idence in the record to support the Board's decision, the Gov erning Body of the Jurisdiction may ov erturn the decision or modify it. In passing upon appeals of the FPA's decision, the Rev iew Board or the Gov erning Body of the Jurisdiction, if no Rev iew Board is established, shall consider all technical ev aluations, all relev ant factors, standards specified in other sections of this code, and: 1. The danger that materials may be swept onto other lands to the injury of others;
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2. The danger to life and property due to flooding or erosion damage; 3. The susceptibility of the proposed facility and its contents to flood damage and the effect of such damage on the indiv idual owner; 4. The importance of the serv ices prov ided by the proposed facility to the Gov erning Body of the Jurisdiction; 5. The necessity to the facility of a waterfront location, where applicable; 6. The av ailability of alternate locations for the proposed use, which are not subject to flooding or erosion damage; 7. The compatibility of the proposed use with existing and anticipated dev elopment; 8. The relationship of the proposed use to the Comprehensiv e Plan and floodplain management program for that area; 9. The safety of access to the property in times of flood for ordinary and emergency v ehicles; 10. The expected heights, v elocity , duration, rate of use, and sediment transport of the flood waters and the effects of wav e action, if applicable, and expected at the site; and 11. The costs of prov iding governmental serv ices during and after flood conditions, including maintenance and repair of public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical, and water sy stems, and streets and bridges. Upon consideration of the factors listed in Section RBC313.17.1, Item 5, the Rev iew Board, or the Gov erning Body of the Jurisdiction, if no Rev iew Board is established, may impose conditions on the FPA's decision as the Rev iew Board or the Gov erning Body of the Jurisdiction, if no Rev iew Board is established, deems necessary to further the purposes of this section. Appeals to the District Court. Any person who has exhausted all administrativ e remedies established herein and is aggriev ed by a decision of the Gov erning Body of the Jurisdiction, may appeal that decision to the El Paso County District Court pursuant to Rule 106 of Colorado Rules of Civ il Procedure. RBC313.17.2 Conditions for PreConstruction Variances. Dev elopment permits may be issued by the FPA for the reconstruction, rehabilitation or restoration of structures listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the State
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Inv entory of Historic Places, or part of the local Historic Preserv ation District or a locally designated historic landmark , without regard to the procedures set forth in the remainder of this subsection. Infill of v acant lots within the Historic Preserv ation District may be issued v ariances prov ided that the prov isions of this section are met. All other v ariances shall be rev iewed and approv ed by the Rev iew Board or the Gov erning Body of the Jurisdiction, if no Rev iew Board has been established; No application for v ariances shall be accepted or considered for an existing structure; The Rev iew Board or Gov erning Body of the Jurisdiction, if no Rev iew Board has been established, shall conduct a public hearing on all applications for v ariance. The FPA shall be giv en an opportunity to comment on the application and mak e a recommendation to the Rev iew Board or Gov erning Body of the Jurisdiction. The applicant shall be giv en an opportunity to support the request for v ariance and respond to any comments by the FPA. The public shall be giv en an opportunity to comment on the v ariance application; Variances shall not be issued within any designated floodway if any increase in flood lev els during the base flood discharge would result; Variances shall only be issued upon a determination that the v ariance is the minimum necessary , considering the flood hazard, to afford relief; and Variances shall only be issued upon the Rev iew Board's or the Gov erning Body of the Jurisdictions, if no Rev iew Board has been established, finding that the application substantially complies with the following: A showing of good and sufficient cause; A determination that failure to grant the v ariance would result in exceptional hardship to the applicant; and A determination that the granting of a v ariance will not result in increased flood heights, additional threats to public safety , extraordinary public expense, create nuisances, cause fraud or v ictimization of the public as identified in Section RBC313.17.1.5, or conflict with existing local laws or ordinances. Any applicant to whom a v ariance is granted shall be giv en written notice that the structure will be permitted to be built with a lowest floor elev ation below the base flood elev ation and that the cost of flood insurance will be commensurate with the increased risk resulting from the reduced lowest
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floor elev ation. RBC313.18 GENERAL STANDARDS. In all areas of special flood hazards, the following standards are required: RBC313.18.1 Base Flood Elevations. If base flood elev ation data has not been prov ided per Section RBC313.8 of this Code, this data is required to be established and prov ided by a professional engineer or architect licensed by the State of Colorado. RBC313.18.2 Anchoring. All new construction and substantial improv ements shall be anchored to prev ent flotation, collapse, or lateral mov ement of the structure, as required by Section 1612 and Appendix G of the International Building Code, 2009 Edition. RBC313.18.3 Construction Materials and Methods. All new construction and substantial improv ements shall be constructed with materials and utility equipment resistant to flood damage, as required by Section 1612 and Appendix G of the International Building Code, 2009 Edition; All new construction and substantial improv ements shall be constructed using methods and practices that minimize flood damage, as required by Section 1612 and Appendix G of the International Building Code, 2009 Edition; All new mechanical and utility equipment shall be designed and/or elev ated to prev ent water from entering or accumulating in components, as required by Section 1612 and Appendix G of the International Building Code, 2009 Edition; and All new construction and substantial improv ements with fully enclosed areas below the lowest floor that are subject to flooding shall be designed to automatically equalize hy drostatic flood forces on exterior walls by allowing fo r the entry and exit of floodwaters. Designs fo r meeting this requirement must either be certified by a professional engineer or architect licensed by the State of Colorado, or must meet or exceed the minimum criteria as required by Section 1612 and Appendix G of the International Building Code, 2009 Edition. RBC313.18.4 Utilities. All new and replacement water supply sy stems shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of floodwaters into the sy stem; New and replacement sanitary sewage sy stems shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration into the sy stems and discharge from the sy stems into flood waters; and On-site waste disposal sy stems shall be located to
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av oid impairment to them or contamination from them during flooding. RBC313.18.5 Subdivision Proposals. All subdiv ision proposals shall be consistent with the need to minimize flood damage; All subdiv ision proposals shall hav e public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical, and water sy stems located and constructed to minimize flood damage; All subdiv ision proposals shall hav e adequate drainage prov ided to reduce exposure to flood damage; FEMA approv ed base flood elev ation data and 100-y ear floodplain boundaries shall be prov ided and shown on plats for subdiv ision proposals and other proposed dev elopments that contain at least fifty lots or fiv e (5) acres, whichev er is less; All buildable lots less than two and one half (2) acres in size are required to be located entirely outside of the 100-y ear floodplain. Lands within the 100-y ear floodplain shall be established in a tract, and require that the owner maintain the tract. Buildable lots two and one half (2) acres and larger, are required to hav e the 100-y ear floodplain contained in a drainage easement dedicated by plat in the name of the gov erning body with the restrictions of No Build and No Storage of any Materials; and If subdiv ision proposals are located within three hundred (300) feet of a Zone A floodplain, FEMA approv ed base flood elev ations and boundaries are required to be determined and shown on the plat, or prov ide a Floo dplain Certification Letter by a professional engineer or architect licensed by the State of Colorado, stating that Based on field v erified characteristics of the property , the property is reasonably safe from flooding and to the best of the engineers k nowledge if the 100y ear floodplain were studied it would not enter the property in question. RBC313.18.6 Prohibit all activ ities in a Special Flood Hazard Area that may be hazardous to public health and water quality ; activ ities include but are not limited to septic sy stems, landfills, disabled v ehicles, etc. RBC313.18.7 All fill placed within the 100-y ear floodplain must be properly designed and compacted to ninety -fiv e percent (95%) (ASTM D-698 equiv alent or higher standard) with appropriate protection from erosion and scour. If other than ASTM D-698 is used, it must be certified by a professional engineer licensed by the State of Colorado.
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RBC313.19 SPECIFIC STANDARDS. In all areas of special flood hazard where base flood elev ation data has been prov ided as set forth in Section RBC313.18 of this Code (basis for establishing the Areas of Special Flood Hazard) the following prov isions are required: RBC313.19.1 Residential Construction. New construction and substantial improv ement of any residential structure shall hav e the lowest floor, including basement together with attendant utility and sanitary facilities, elev ated one (1) foot or more abov e base flood elev ation. RBC313.19.2 Nonresidential Construction. New construction and substantial improv ement of any commercial, industrial, or other nonresidential structure shall either hav e the lowest floor, including basement together with attendant utility and sanitary facilities, elev ated to one (1) foot or more abov e the lev el of the base flood elev ation; together with attendant utility and sanitary facilities, or shall: Be dry flood proofed as required by the Building Code to a point of one (1) foot abov e the base flood lev el so the structure is watertight with walls substantially impermeable to the passage of water; Hav e structural components capable of resisting hy drostatic and hy drody namic loads and effects of buoy ancy ; and Be certified by a professional engineer or architect licensed by the state of Colorado, v erify ing the standards of this subsection are satisfied after construction is complete and prior to the Certificate of Occupancy being issued. Such certifications shall be prov ided to the FPA as set forth in Section RBC313.16.3 of this Code. RBC313.19.3 Conv ersions to liv ing space shall be classified as new construction and shall be constructed to meet the floodplain, building and any other relev ant codes at the time of conv ersion. RBC313.19.4 Openings in Enclosures below the Lowest Floor. Crawlspaces are prohibited in residential construction below the base flood elev ation. For all other new construction and substantial improv ements, fully enclosed areas below the lowest floor that are subject to flooding shall be designed to automatically equalize hy drostatic flood forces on exterior walls by allowing for the entry and exit of floodwaters. Designs for meeting this requirement must either be certified by a licensed professional engineer or architect or must meet or exceed the following criteria: A minimum of two openings hav ing a total net
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area of not less than one square inch for ev ery square foot of enclosed area subject to flooding shall be prov ided; The bottom of all openings shall be no higher than one foot abov e grade; Openings may be equipped with screens, louv ers, or other cov erings or dev ices, prov ided that they permit the automatic entry and exit of floodwaters. RBC313.19.5 Manufactured Homes. Manufactured homes shall be anchored in accordance with Section RBC313.18.2 of this Code and installed in accordance with FEMA 85 (Manufactured Home Installation in Flood Hazard Areas). All manufactured homes or those to be substantially improv ed shall conform to the following requirements: Require that manufactured homes that are placed or substantially improv ed within Zones A130, A, AO, AH, and AE on the community s FIRM be elev ated on a permanent foundation su ch that the lowest floor of the manufactured home is elev ated a minimum of one (1) foot abov e the base flood elev ation and be securely anchored to an adequately anchored foundation sy stem to resist floatation, collapse and lateral mov ement, when located within any of the following areas: Outside of an existing manufactured home park or subdiv ision, or In a new manufactured home park or subdiv ision, or In an expansion to an existing manufactured home park or subdiv ision, or, In an existing manufactured home park or subdiv ision on which a manufactured home has incurred substantial damage as the result of a flood. Require that manufactured homes not subject to the prov isions of paragraph 2.1 of this section be elev ated so that either The lowest floor of the manufactured home is elev ated one (1) foot abov e the base flood elev ation, or The manufactured home chassis is supported by reinforced piers or other foundation elements of at least equiv alent strength that are no less than thirty -six (36) inches in height abov e grade and be securely anchored to an adequately anchored foundation sy stem to resist floatation, collapse, and lateral mov ement.
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RBC313.19.6 Recreational Vehicles. A recreational v ehicle shall meet the permit requirements and elev ation and anchoring requirements of this Code unless: It is on the site for fewer than six (6) months; and It is fully licensed and ready for highway use; or If the abov e two conditions are not meet, it will meet the requirements of Section RBC313.19.5 of this Code. RBC313.19.7 New critical facilities are prohibited within the 100-y ear floodplain unless they are elev ated or flood proofed one (1) foot or more abov e the 100-y ear flood elev ation. RBC313.20 FLOODWAYS. Located within areas of special flood hazard established in Section RBC313.8 of this Code are areas designated as floodway s. Because the floodway is an extremely hazardous area due to the v elocity of floodwaters, which carry debris, potential projectiles, and erosion potential, the following prov isions apply : RBC313.20.1 Prohibited encroachments, including fill, and other dev elopment, unless certification by a professional engineer or architect licensed by the state of Colorado is prov ided demonstrating that encroachments shall not result in any increase in 100-y ear flood height, 100-y ear flood discharge or 100-y ear floodplain width. RBC313.20.2 All substantial improv ements shall comply with all applicable flood hazard reduction prov isions of Sections RBC313.18 through RBC313.21 of this Code. RBC313.20.3 Prohibit the placement of any mobile homes except in an existing mobile home park or existing mobile home subdiv ision. RBC313.20.4 When a proposed floodway improv ement will cause an increase in the base flood elev ation (BFE), the following conditions must be met as a condition of approv al: No existing insurable structure(s) shall be located in the impacted area unless the applicant has an enforceable agreement with the owner of the structure(s) to purchase the structure(s) for the purpose of razing or remov ing same. Applicant shall produce proof of ownership prior to issuance of a floodplain permit; No existing structure(s) located outside the currently designated 100-y ear floodplain area shall be placed inside the 100-y ear floodplain as a result of the proposed floodway dev elopment, unless the applicant shows proof of razing or remov ing same; The applicant shall demonstrate that all
reasonable and practicable engineering alternativ es that would not result in a rise in the base flood elev ation hav e been considered and determined to be impractical; The project must demonstrate a net reduction in flood loss potential and/or result in a net public benefit to the community as a whole; A written statement from each owner of property impacted by the proposed dev elopment shall be submitted, stating the potential impacts on the property , acceptance of those impacts by the property owner, and that the property owner agrees to hold the gov erning body and FEMA harmless for any future flood losses attributable in whole or in part to the increased flooding; Applicant shall prov ide documentation of indiv idual notice to all impacted property owners, explaining the impact of the proposed action on their property . Documentation shall include, as a minimum, ev idence of serv ice by certified mail, return receipt requested, or written ev idence of serv ice by sheriff or other process serv er. When deemed necessary by the gov erning body , the applicant may be required to execute indemnification agreements by which the gov erning body , FEMA, or indiv idual property owners are held harmless for any future flood losses attributable in whole or in part to the increased flooding; All impacted gov ernmental agencies must be notified of the proposed increase and giv en an opportunity to comment; The applicant shall apply for and receiv e a CLOMR from FEMA prior to issuance of a floodplain dev elopment permit. The applicant shall prov ide written acceptance of all conditions placed on the project by FEMA. A financial guarantee may be required to ensure completion of all proposed improv ements; No building shall be occupied for its intended use until all conditions hav e been met and the applicant has obtained a final LOMR from FEMA; and the applicant shall prov ide written assurance that any altered watercourse shall be maintained as appropriate. RBC313.21 FLOOD FRINGE. Located within areas of flood hazard established in Section RBC313.8 of this Code are areas identified as flood fringe areas. Since flood fringe areas are important to floodplain management for the reasons that they prov ide natural storage of floodwaters, control drainage patterns, and are an integral part of the floodplain sy stem, the following prov isions, in
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addition to any other applicable requirements of this section, shall apply : RBC313.21.1 Prov ide that all new construction and substantial improv ements are elev ated on adequately anchored pilings or columns, and securely anchored to such pilings or columns so that the lowest floor, together with attendant utility and sanitary facilities, (excluding the pilings or columns) is elev ated to one (1) foot or more abov e the base flood lev el; RBC313.21.2 A professional engineer licensed by the State of Colorado shall certify that the structure is securely anchored to adequately anchored pilings or columns in order to withstand the v elocity of floodwaters prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy ; RBC313.21.3 Prov ide that all new construction and substantial improv ements hav e the space
below the lowest floor free of obstructions, or are constructed with break away walls intended to collapse under stress without jeopardizing the structural support of the structure so that the impact on the structure is minimized. Such temporary enclosed space shall not be used for liv ing or storage; RBC313.21.4 Prohibit all new construction and substantial improv ements of residential structu res unless the lowest floor (including basement) together with attendant facilities are elev ated one (1) foot or more abov e the base flood lev el; and RBC313.21.5 Prohibit all new construction and substantial improv ements of nonresidential structures, unless the lowest floor (including basement) together with attendant facilities, elev ated or dry flood proofed one (1) foot or more abov e the base flood lev el.
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SECTION RBC314 - SWIMMING POOLS RBC314.1 SCOPE. Swimming pools shall be regulated in accordance with the prov isio ns of this section. RBC314.2 DEFINITION. Swimming Pool. Any structure intended for swimming, recreational bathing or wading that contains water ov er twenty -four (24) inches deep hav ing a surface area of more than one hundred (100) square feet. This includes, but is not limited to in-ground, abov e-ground and on-ground pools; hot tubs; spas and fixed-in-place wading pools. RBC314.3 APPLICABILITY OF REGULATIONS. The requirements of this section shall apply to all swimming pools within the jurisdiction, whether publicly or priv ately owned. RBC314.4 ENFORCEMENT AND ADOPTION OF REGULATIONS. The Building Department shall hav e the duty to enforce Section RBC314 of this Code, and the Building Official or the Building Officials authorized representativ e, upon a proper showing of credentials, shall hav e the right to enter any building or premises in which or upon which a swimming pool is located in order to inspect any swimming pool with regard to these prov isions. In order to carry out the prov isions of this section, the Building Official is authorized to issue to any party responsible for the operation of a swimming pool not in compliance with Section RBC314 of this Code, an order to abate the nuisance inv olv ed. The order shall be serv ed in writing upon the party responsible for the operation o f the swimming pool, and shall require the person to abate the nuisance within a reasonable time as specified in the notice. Should the Building Official determine that the operation of the swimming pool is an imminent threat to the welfare and safety of the citizens of the Jurisdiction, the Building Official may order the swimming pool to be drained immediately . Should the person responsible for the operation of the swimming pool not comply with such an order, the Building Official shall cause the nuisance to be abated, and the expense of such abatement shall be collected from the person who created, continued, or suffered such a nuisance to exist. Any party responsible for the operation of a swimming pool not in compliance with Section RBC314 of this Code, or who fails to obey an order of the Building Official to abate the nuisance inv olv ed, or who refuses to permit the Building Official to abate the nuisance inv olv ed, or who refuses to permit the Building Official or the Building Officials authorized representativ e to inspect the swimming pool, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
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The Building Official may adopt any rules and regulations necessary for the proper administration and enforcement of Section RBC314 of this Code. RBC314.5 SAFETY EQUIPMENT. Except as hereinafter stated, all swimming pools regulated by Section RBC314 of this Code shall be equipped with not less than one lightweight reaching pole of not less than twelv e (12) feet in length, and not less than one life ring fifteen (15) inches in diameter with a line of three sixteenths (3/16) inch diameter rope attached of length equal to or exceeding the width of the pool. The reaching pole and the life ring shall be k ept in a conspicuous place readily av ailable to persons in the pool area. Ev ery swimming pool shall hav e the telephone numbers of the Fire, Police or any other appropriate emergency response serv ice for that community posted in a prominent location in case of emergency . RBC314.6 ENCLOSURES; FENCES REQUIRED. Except as hereinafter stated, ev ery outdoor swimming pool regulated by Section RBC314 of this Code shall be completely enclosed by a fence or a wall not less than fiv e (5) feet in height. Such fences or walls shall contain no openings, holes or gaps, except those equipped with gates or doors, larger than four (4) inches in a horizontal direction. Any openings, holes or gaps larger than four (4) inches, shall be equipped with doors or gates not less than fiv e (5) feet in height. Such gates and doors shall be equipped with self-closing and selflatching dev ices designed to k eep, and capable of k eeping, such doors or gates securely closed at all times when not in actual use, such latching dev ice to be attached to the upper part of the gate or door not less than four (4) feet abov e the bottom of the gate or door. The enclosure around one- and two-family residential pools may be around the perimeter of the pool or the whole perimeter of the property or any part thereof. Enclosure around any other pool shall be around the pool area that shall include the pool, the pool deck and any appurtenant sunbathing area. The enclosure around one or more of the sides of the pool may include a building or other permanent structure; prov ided, howev er, that any access to the pool through such building or structure shall be equipped as hereinabov e required. The enclosure height requirements of this section shall not apply to any outdoor swimming pool enclosed by a wall or fence not less than four (4) feet in height existing on the date of final approv al
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of this section. The self-closing and self-latching dev ices required on doors by this section shall not apply to any door which is part of the enclosure around the pool, which door is also the entrance to a single dwelling unit or recreational building of an apartment complex or motel.
RBC314.7 VARIANCES. The owner of any swimming pool may request a v ariance from the requirements of Section RBC314.6 of this Code by submitting to the Building Official a written application for such v ariance, setting forth a description of such pool and an alternate safeguard sy stem by which entry into the swimming pool may be restricted or prev ented. The Building Official may approv e such alternate safeguard sy stem upon finding that both of the following conditions exist: 1. That phy sical conditions of the premises would mak e the erection of a fence or a wall impractical; and 2. The proposed alternate safeguard sy stem would accomplish the intent of the requirements of Section RBC314.6 of this Code. RBC314.8 PUBLIC NUISANCE DECLARED. Any swimming pool not in compliance with this Section shall be and is hereby declared to be a public nuisance.
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This history is intended to list the codes cov ering the primary disciplines. Other model codes adopted but not listed herein include but are not limited to the UCBC, the IEBC, the Sign Code and the Elev ator and Escalator Safety Code.
PPRBC 2011 2005 1999 1994 1991 1987 1984 1980 1978 1975 1972 1969 1968 1966 Footnotes: a.
Building Code 2009 IBC/IRC a 2003 IBC/IRC 1997 UBC 1991 UBC 1988 UBC 1985 UBC 1982 UBC 1979 UBC 1976 UBC 1973 UBC 1970 UBC 1967 UBC 1967 UBC 1964 UBC
Electrical Code 2008 NEC b 2005 NEC 1993 NEC 1990 NEC 1987 NEC 1984 NEC 1980 NEC 1978 NEC 1975 NEC 1971 NEC 1968 NEC 1965 NEC 1965 NEC
Mechanical Code 2009 IMC/IFCG 2003 IMC/IFGC 1997 UMC 1991 UMC 1988 UMC 1985 UMC 1982 UMC 1979 UMC 1976 UMC 1973 UMC 1970 UMC 1967 UMC
Plumbing Code 2009 IPC 2000 UPC 1997 UPC 1991 UPC 1988 UPC 1985 UPC 1982 UPC 1979 UPC 1976 UPC 1973 UPC
c c c e
Energy Code 2009 IECC 2003 IECC d 1992 MEC 1992 MEC 1989 MEC 1986 MEC 1977 CME 1977 CME 1977 CME
1999/2002 NEC b
Partial adoption. Only the Building portions (Chapters 2 through 10) of the IRC are adopted.
b. The 1999 Edition of the PPRBC did not adopt a specific v ersion of the National Electrical Code, but instead adopted the Electrical Code currently adopted by the State of Colorado Electrical Board along will all rev isions, modifications and exceptions thereto made by such Board . Therefore, as of 1999, the adoption of the Electrical Code does not follow the scheduled adoption of the PPRBC. c. Also adopted in these y ears, was the 1969 Edition of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. d. Adopted in September, 2003, by the City of Colorado Springs and the County of El Paso only , was the 2000 edition of the International Energy Conserv ation Code, as amended. e. Adopted in March and April, 2008, by the County of El Paso, the City of Colorado Springs, the City of Fountain, the City of Manitou Springs, the Town of Green Mountain F alls, the Town of Monument, and the Town of Palmer Lak e, was the 2003 edition of the International Plumbing Code, as amended. American Engineers Society of Mechanical MEC: NEC: PPRBC: and two- family dwellings Model Energy Code National Electrical Code Pik es Peak Regional Building Code
Colorado Model Energy Efficiency Construction and Renov ation Standards for Non-Residential Building International Building Code International Existing Building Code International Energy Conserv ation Code International Fuel Gas Code International Mechanical Code International Plumbing Code International Residential Code for one-
TPC CO: The Technical Plumbing Code of the State of Colorado UBC: UCBC: UMC: UPC: Uniform Building C ode Uniform Code for Building Conserv ation Uniform Mechanical Code Uniform Plumbing Code
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APPENDIX B: FEE SCHEDULE PIKES PEAK REGIONAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2011 BUILDING PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE Pursuant to Section RBC108.2 of the 2011 Pik es Peak Regional Building Code, the following represents the fee schedule adopted by the participating jurisdictions.
For all new construction, alterations, additions, conv ersions, and repairs to any commercial building or structure; fees include building inspection only . See Table B for fees for plumbing, electrical, gas and h eating inspections
For all new construction of one- and two-family dwellings and their accessory structures; fees include plumbing, electrical, gas, heating, and building inspections.
Final building permit v aluation shall be set by the Building Official. Regional modifiers used in the application of the adopted ICC Building Valuation Data shall be set by the Regional Building Commission.
TABLE A VALUATIONa $1 to $500 $501 to $2,000 $2,001 to $25,000 $25,001 to $50,000 $50,001 to $100,000 $100,001 to $500,000 $500,001 to $1,000,000
2011 Pikes Peak Regional B uilding C ode
PERMIT FEE $50.00 $50.00 for the first $500 plus $2.00 for each additional $100 or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000 $80.00 for the first $2,000 plus $8.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000 $264.00 for the first $25,000 plus $8.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000 $464.00 for the first $50,000 plus $5.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000 $714.00 for the first $100,000 plus $4.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000 $2,314.00 for the first $500,000 plus $3.50 for each additional $1,000 or
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fraction thereof, to and including $1,000,000 $1,000,000 and more $4,064.00 for the first $1,000,000 plus $3.00 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof.
TABLE B: Registration fees for plumbing, electrical, gas and heating inspections associated with a commercial building permit REGISTRATION FEE $100.00 for each trade
TABLE C: Inspection fees for electrical, heating, gas and plumbing inspections not associated with a building permit TABLE C VALUATION $100.00 to 500.00 $501.00 to 2,000.00 $2,001.00 to 5,000.00 $5,001.00 to 50,000.00 $50,001.00 and more $50.00 $50.00 for the first $500 plus $5.50 fo r each additional $100 or fraction thereof, up to and including $2,000. $132.50 for the first $2,000 plus $1.45 for each additional $100 or fraction thereof, up to and including $5,000. $176.00 for the first $5,000 plus $6.75 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, up to and including $50,000 $480.00 for the first $50,000 plus $ 4.50 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof. PERMIT FEE
INDIVIDUAL RESIDENTIAL MECHANICAL & PLUMBING PERMIT FEES Gas Log or Fireplace Insert Installation Water Heater Replacement Air Conditioning Condensing Unit Replacement $ 40.00 $ 40.00 $ 30.00
Lawn Sprink ler Back flow Prev ention Dev ice/ Water Softener Installation $ 30.00 Air Conditioning Installation (coil and condenser); Furnace; Wall/Space $ 50.00 Heater; or Boiler Replacement Water Heater, Furnace, or Boiler Replacement, including v ent INDIVIDUAL COMMERCIAL MECHANICAL & PLUMBING PERMIT FEES Roof Top Replacement (7.5 tons or less) $ 50.00 $75.00
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Replacement $ 50.00
Air Conditioning Condensing Unit Replacement/ Back flow Prev ention $ 50.00 Dev ice Roof Top Replacement (> 7.5 tons) $ 100.00
Water Heater, Furnace, or Boiler Replacement (> 400,000 BTU)/ Chiller $ 100.00 Replacement
TABLE D: Floodplain and enumeration fees TABLE D FLOODPLAIN PERMIT SQUARE FEET OF DISTURBED AREA UP TO 1,500 1,500 TO 5,000 5,000 TO 15,000 OVER 15,000 INDIVIDUAL ITEM FEES Floodplain rev iew, track ing, and inspection serv ices Determination of property location in 100-y ear floodplain Address Determination or Verification $50.00/Hour $30.00 $30.00 $50.00 $150.00 $300.00 $500.00 PERMIT FEE
Determination of property location in 100-y ear floodplain and address $10.00/ lot at time of final plat TABLE E: Other fees TABLE E A. Wreck ing Permit Fee B. Mov ing Permit Fee Exception: The fee for mov ing a building without mov ing on a public thoroughfare shall be cov ered by an alteration permit. Wreck ing and mov ing permit fees do not include the serv ices of any other gov ernmental agency . C. Sign Permit Fee (Base Fee) Sign Inspections bey ond the first inspection D. Mobile Home Permit $ 30.00 $ 25.00 $ 240.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00
Mobile Home State insignia, as issued by the State of Colorado, Div ision of Housing Equal to the cost
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of the insignia E. Residential Compliance Inspection: Complete Inspection (Inspection by Building, $ 200.00 Electrical, HVAC and Plumbing Inspectors. Includes written report) Each Indiv idual Inspection with report F. Inspection outside of normal business hours (Minimum charge two hours) $ 50.00 $ 100.00/Hour
G. Inspections, Consultations, additional plan rev iew required by changes, additions or $ 50.00/Hour rev isions to plans, records search or other Serv ices for which no fee is specifically indicated. H. Plan Examination Fee: 28% of Permit
(There shall be a $50.00 handling fee for each use of a "Master Plan" for single-family Building dwellings.) Fee I. J. K. L. Elev ator Permit Fee: The fee for a permit to operate any elev ator equipment gov erned $177.00 by Section 1.1 of the Safety Code for Elev ators and Escalators Escalator Permit Fee: The fee for a permit to operate any escalator equipment gov erned $355.00 by Section 1.1 of the Safety Code for Elev ators and Escalators Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (for other than one- or two-family dwellings) Duplicate Copy of Certificate of Occupancy for existing buildings $ 50.00 $ 10.00 $25.00 $ 50.00 $50.00
M. Address Determination or Verification N. Request for Address change (Pay ment to be submitted with request) O. Application for Variance P. Inv estigation Fee: Work without a Permit.
Equal to two times the Permit Investigation. Whenev er any work for which a permit is required by this Code has Fee been commenced without first obtaining said permit, a special inv estigation shall be made before a permit may be issued for such work . Fee. An inv estigation fee, in addition to the permit fee, shall be collected whether or not a permit is then or subsequently issued. The inv estigation fee shall be equal to twice the amount of the permit fee that would be required by this Code if a permit were issued. The pay ment of such an inv estigation fee shall not exempt any person from compliance with any prov isions of this Code nor from any prescribed by law.
Q. Re-inspection Fees:
A re-inspection fee may be assessed for each inspection or re-inspection when such portion of work for which inspection is requested is not complete, when corrections $100.00 for required by a prev ious inspection hav e not been made, or when an additional inspection incident is required for alterations made after completion of initial inspection.
$200.00 for 3rd This is not to be interpreted as requiring re-inspection fees the first time a job is incident, rejected for failure to comply with the requirements of the technical codes, but as plus 2 work day controlling the practice of requesting inspections before the job is ready for such an inspection delay inspection or re-inspection. Re-inspection fees may be assessed when the permit card is not properly posted on the
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work site; the approv ed plans are not readily av ailable to the inspector, for failure to prov ide access on the date for which inspection is requested, or for dev iating from plans requiring the approv al of the Building Official. In instances where re-inspection fees hav e been assessed, no additional inspection of the work will be performed until such fees hav e been paid.
Annual Permit Fee: The cost of an annual permit shall be determined by the Building Official, based on the amount and scope of work , and the cost to the department to ov ersee the permit activ ities.
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