Customer Satisfaction Survey of Branded Jeans
Customer Satisfaction Survey of Branded Jeans
Customer Satisfaction Survey of Branded Jeans
The industry of clothing is known as the garment industry. An article of textile, which is used by everyone to cover the body, is a garment. In the Old Stone Age period the skin of animals was used to cover the bodies. Even the leaves and grass woven together was used as garments. As years passed the material for garments also changed from skin to cotton and the other man made the material.
Hypothesis which represents awareness and satisfaction towards branded jeans in todays market. And it represents that there is no awareness and satisfaction and towards jeans branded.
Survey Design
Descriptive research aims at describing the characteristics of particular individual, or group with specific narration of facts. A s the project is based on consumer awareness and satisfaction, it is one kind of individual characteristic therefore this project is based on descriptive research. Descriptive research will be done by survey method
It is very difficult to collect information from every member of a population. Sample design is a way of selecting the sample. Type of sampling is non-probability Convenience sampling.
Research Instrument
This work is carried out through self-administered questionnaires The questions included were open ended and offered multiple choices.
Execution of the Project Extracting the data from the various sources available and also need to know the actual facts and figures and properly implementing it as per research design. Collecting various data from through Questioners and through company websites. After the very arduous task of collecting data, now it is required to analyze data from every aspect. It was essential to present the relevant data in the correct form. The data which is collected by questionnaire will be analyzed with the help of table, bar diagram, pie chart. Data Analysis:
The data is analyzed on the basis of suitable tables by using mathematical techniques. The technique that has been used is bar technique.
Out of 96 respondents of jeans users 44% are Brand specific and 56% of respondents are not brand specific.
Hypothesis Testing: On the basis of the Hypothesis developed at the start of the research, need to find whether the data collected supports the Hypothesis or not. To test this Z-test on 5%, 3% and 1% significance level can be used.
Generalizations and interpretation: Based on the results of the Hypothesis Testing and various findings we will arrive at the certain Conclusion.
Preparation of the report or the thesis: Based on the Research Findings the Research Report will be prepared in the following format. Cover Page Declaration Acknowledgements Executive Summary Table Of Contents Introduction Objectives And Methodology Literature Review Data Description And Analysis Findings And Conclusion Recommendations Bibliography Data Tables