Hs Research Doc 149897 7
Hs Research Doc 149897 7
Hs Research Doc 149897 7
Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts
Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts
Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts
Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts
Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the Facts Just the
Improving High School Graduation Requirements
Michigan Merit Curriculum
Research Says That...
Improving High School Graduation Requirements Michigan Merit Curriculum Research Says That... v.12.01.06
Improving High School Graduation Requirements Michigan Merit Curriculum Research Says That... v.12.01.06 1
In recent years, many states, including Michigan, have been debating whether state high school graduation requirements
adequately prepare students. The concern is justifed: According to the American College Test (ACT) report Crisis at
the Core: Preparing All Students for College and Work, only 32 percent of U.S. students entering ninth grade graduate
prepared for college. For African Americans, the number is 20 percent; for Latinos, it is 16 percent. In fact, most high
school graduates readily admit they were not signifcantly challenged in school or ready for employment or college. Forty
percent say they wished they had worked harder, especially in math, science and English.
Employers and college leaders say that graduates from high school need to master higher-level mathematics and
communications skills than ever before. New research reveals the key to students succeeding in college or the workplace
is taking high school courses in math beyond Algebra II and advanced courses in English and science.
To ensure Michigans students have the skills and knowledge needed for the jobs of the 21st Century global economy, on
April 20, 2006, Governor Jennifer M. Granholm signed into law a rigorous new set of statewide graduation requirements
called the Michigan Merit Curriculum. (Public Acts 123 & 124)
The Michigan Merit Curriculum is a result of an extraordinary partnership between the Executive Branch, State Board of
Education, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Legislature and numerous education associations who worked together
to better prepare students for greater success and to secure the economic future of our state. It has transitioned
Michigan from a state which had a graduation requirement of only one half credit in civics to the state with the most
comprehensive requirements in the nation.
The impetus to revise Michigans graduation requirements started over a year ago, when Governor Granholm appointed
The Cherry Commission on Higher Education and Economic Growth. Following the release of the commissions report,
the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) examined research, identifed challenges students and school districts face,
surveyed district graduation requirements, taped national and international experts and studied best practice or what is
working in the area of high school reform across the country.
Equipped with this knowledge, on December 13, 2005, the State Board of Education unanimously approved a set of
increased state high school graduation requirements for all Michigan students. This State Board action served as the basis
for the Michigan Merit Curriculum credits now required for high school graduation.
Michigan Merit Curriculum
The new graduation standards will be required starting students entering eighth grader in 2006. Yet, many school districts
already are implementing the Michigan Merit Curriculum as their graduation requirement. The Merit Curriculum requires
16 credits for graduation, which could be acquired through subject and integrated (mixed subject) classes, as well as,
career and technical education programs. Credits obtained prior to high school will also count. Required credits include:
4 Credits Mathematics including Algebra I; Geometry, Algebra II; including one credit in senior year
4 Credits English Language Arts aligned with subject area content expectations developed by MDE
3 Credits Science including Biology; Physics or Chemistry; one additional science credit
3 Credits Social studies including .5 credit in Civics; .5 credit in Economics; U.S. History and Geography; World
History and Geography
1 Credit Physical Education/Health credit guidelines to be developed by MDE
1 Credit Visual, Performing, Applied Arts credit guidelines to be developed by MDE
Additional Graduation Requirements:
In addition to the credits outlined above, students must take an on-line course or learning experience; OR have the on-
line learning experience incorporated into each of the required credits of the Michigan Merit Curriculum. Beginning with
the Class of 2016 (Third graders in Fall 2006), students will need to complete 2 credits of a world language in grades 9-12;
OR have an equivalent learning experience in grades K-12.
Improving High School Graduation Requirements Michigan Merit Curriculum Research Says That... v.12.01.06 9
Need to Improve
Current high school graduation requirements refect an economy and society that no longer exist
and do not
represent the real-world demands of work and postsecondary education.
The skills and knowledge required in the workplace are no longer very different from those needed for success in college.
Business executives have said the exodus of U.S. jobs abroad was not to utilize cheap labor, but to access highly educated and
conscientious workforces that were not available in the U.S.
In a 2005 survey of almost 1,500 recent graduates, just 24% of graduates said they were signifcantly challenged during high school.
1 in 5 recent high school graduates said that expectations were low and...it was easy to slide by.
National data indicate that academic achievement in high school reading, math and science has been mostly stagnant for decades.
Student Readiness
Approximately 1 in 5 students are ready to enter college or the workplace. Only 22% of ACT-tested students met or exceeded
all three ACT College Readiness Benchmarksthese students likely entered high school with the requisite foundational skills,
took rigorous courses, worked hard in those courses, and are now ready to enter college and the workplace.
Only 32% of students who enter 9th grade and graduate four years later have mastered basic literacy skills and have completed
the coursework necessary to succeed in a four-year college.
Improving college readiness is crucial to the development of a diverse and talented labor force that is able to maintain and
increase U.S. economic competitiveness throughout the world.
Employers report that a majority of high school graduates are inadequately prepared to succeed in an increasingly competitive economy.
- For example, more than 60% of employers report that recent graduates have poor math skills, while nearly 75% pointed to a
defciency in grammar and writing skills.
- These high school graduates are likely to become trapped in unskilled, low-paying jobs that do not support a family well above
the poverty level, provide benefts or offer a clear pathway for advancement.
Employers estimate that 39% of recent high school graduates, with no further education, are unprepared for the expectations that they
face in entry-level jobs. 45 percent are not adequately prepared for the skills and abilities they need to advance beyond entry level.
In a recent survey, 40 percent of high school graduates said they were not adequately prepared for employment or
postsecondary education, and that if they could repeat their high school experience, they would work harder, especially in math,
science and English.
- Nearly 30% of college freshmen are immediately placed into remedial courses that cover material they should have learned in high school.
- Students who require remediation are generally less successful in college and are less likely to earn degrees than their peers who do
not require remediation. 76 percent of college students requiring remedial reading, and 63% requiring remedial math, do not earn
either an associates or a bachelors degree.
- Over the course of their college careers, more than 40% of postsecondary students will take at least one remedial course.
Courses Matter
The quality of courses completed in high school is a greater predictor of college success than test scores, class rank, or grade point average.
Students are more likely to pass high-level courses than low-level courses. Thus, the research suggests that increasing access by all
students to advanced academic course work will improve student academic achievement.
Those who enter high school with test scores in the lowest quartile learn more in academically rigorous courses than they do in
either the low-level vocational or general courses in which they are traditionally enrolled.
Moreover, students enrolled in lower-level
courses were more likely to earn a D or F in those courses despite their level of ability.
When minority students are required to take rigorous college preparatory curricula, they rise to the challenge:
- For example, the San Jose Unifed School District in California recently showed dramatic results after it required all students to
take the AG curriculum required for admission to the University of California system. Between 1998 and 2002, test scores of
African American 11th graders increased nearly seven times as much as those of African American students across the state.
Whats more, the more rigorous requirements have not resulted in the increase in dropout rates that some had predicted.
Taking a rigorous high school curriculum that includes math, at least through Algebra II, cuts in half the gap in college completion rates
between white students and African American and Latino students.
Improving High School Graduation Requirements Michigan Merit Curriculum Research Says That... v.12.01.06 3
Good Jobs Demand More Education
According to a wide range of economic, education and business experts, good jobs require more math and English than ever
before, and workers will need some postsecondary education or trainingwhether it is in the form of two- or four-year
college course work, apprenticeships, or the militaryto meet the needs of the high performance workplace.
If U.S. workers cannot meet the demand, many of the highly skilled jobs may go to workers in other countries, such as
China and India, which will have a signifcant impact on U.S. competitiveness in the global economy.
Bureau of Labor Statistics projections show that 80% of the top 50 fastest-growing jobs will require education beyond
high school, and that 40% of all new jobs will require at least an associates degree.
Two-thirds of all new jobs will require some postsecondary education.
Projected Job Growth 2000-2010
Highly Paid Jobs (Earnings $40K+)
- 25% share of jobs
- Projected growth rate: 20%
- Net new jobs: 7.5 million
- Total job openings: 14.5 million (51% from job creation)
- Jobs Include: Managers; Engineers; Legal Professionals; Licensed Medical Professionals, Teachers, Financial, Insurance,
and Real Estate Professionals, Technical Knowledge Workers
Well-Paid Skilled Jobs (Earnings $25K- 40K)
- 37% share of jobs
- Projected growth rate: 12%
- Net new jobs: 6.6 million
- Total job openings: 17.9 million (32% from job creation)
- White-Collar Jobs Include: Financial Services Support, Administrative Support, Health Technicians; Human Services;
Sales Managers;
- Blue-Collar Jobs Include: Protective Services; Crafts Workers; Mechanics, Repairers, and Service Technicians
- Factory jobs which have now become more skilled have declined from 32 to 17% of all jobs between 1959 and 2000.
Low-paid or Low-skilled Jobs ($25K or less)
- 38% share of jobs
- Projected growth rate: 15%
- Net new jobs: 8.1 million
- Total job openings: 25.2 million (32% from job creation)
- Jobs Include: Clerical, Cashiers and Retail Sales Workers; Personal Services; Food Services; Child Care Services;
Health and Recreation Services; Laborers; Transportation Operatives; Farming, Forestry, and Fishing
Earning Potential
High school graduate - $25,900
Non-high school graduate - $18,900
College graduate - $45,400
Masters degree - $54,500
Doctorate degree - $81,400
Professional degree(M.D., J.D., etc.) - $99,300
The average wages of high school graduates, and those individuals who never graduated high school, have fallen over the
last two decades; the average incomes of those who went beyond high school have risen.
Graduation Requirements Across the Nation
42 states require students to take certain courses to graduate from high school.
22 states have standards in all four subjects (English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies).
Improving High School Graduation Requirements Michigan Merit Curriculum Research Says That... v.12.01.06 4
English Requirements and Trends for Success
To be successful in college and well-paying jobs, high school graduates must have strong oral and written
communication skills.
In English, the vast majority of workers in good jobs had taken four years of English that is at least at grade level.
National Trends
32 states and the District of Columbia require all students to take four English courses to graduate with a general
diploma. Six other states require three courses.
Nearly one-third of high school graduates are not ready for college coursework in English Composition.
State of Michigan Graduation Requirements (Beginning with students entering eighth grade in 2006)
Students will be required to complete 4 credits of English language arts for graduation.
Mathematics Requirements and Trends for Success
ACT reports that students taking Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II and one additional higher-level course are more likely
to succeed in college.
High school students who complete advanced math are 12.6 times more likely to earn a four-year degree at an in-state
public institution than peers who stop at geometry.
68% of students who completed Algebra II felt they were extremely or very well prepared for work.
College professors and employers agree that to be successful beyond high school, graduates should have mastered the
content typically taught in a rigorous four-year course sequence of Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II, as well as data
analysis and statistics.
Just 40% of high school graduates are ready for their frst course in college Algebra.
Career Impact
84% of individuals who currently hold highly paid professional jobs had taken Algebra II or higher as their last high school
math course.
Among those who hold well paid, white-collar, skilled jobs, 67% had taken Algebra II or a higher-level math course,
and 84% had taken at least Geometry.
National Trends
29 states and the District of Columbia require students to complete three or more years of math.
5 states Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, South Carolina and West Virginia require all students to complete four
math courses to graduate.
20 states had more than 60% of students taking Algebra II or Integrated Math III by graduation, and eight states had more
than 75% of students at this level. Fifty-three percent of Michigan students took these courses.
In 2002, 41% of graduating high school students nationwide completed four years of challenging high school math.
In 2002, eight states had more than 50% of high school students taking trigonometry or precalculus by graduation.
State of Michigan Graduation Requirements (Beginning with students entering eighth grade in 2006)
Students will be required to complete 4 credits of mathematics including: 1 credit each of Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra
II, and an additional math or math-related credit in the senior year, or integrated math sequence, or CTE sequence for
In 2002, 53% of high school graduates in Michigan took Algebra II, compared to 89% of the students in Missouri.
Improving High School Graduation Requirements Michigan Merit Curriculum Research Says That... v.12.01.06 5
Science Requirements and Trends for Success
Students taking courses in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics and upper-level mathematics beyond Algebra II (such as
Trigonometry), are likeliest of all students to be college ready.
26% of ACT-tested high school graduates met ACTs College Readiness Benchmark, demonstrating their readiness
for their frst credit-bearing college course in Biology.
51% of high school graduates who have not attended college feel that there are gaps in their science preparation for
entering the work force.
National Trends
In 2002, 59% of students took chemistry by high school graduation, as compared to 45% in 1990, an increase of 14%.
In Michigan, over 40% took chemistry.
In 2002, 25% of students took physics by graduation in 2002.
State of Michigan Graduation Requirements (Beginning with students entering eighth grade in 2006)
Students will be required to complete 3 credits of Science including: Biology, Chemistry or Physics; 1 additional Science
credit for graduation.
In 2002, 42% of Michigan students are taking higher-level science courses by graduation.
Social Studies Requirements and Trends for Success
Taking more social studies coursework increases students ACT reading test scores.
In 1999, students in the United States ranked 10th of 28 countries in knowledge of basic concepts of democracy and
The 28th Annual Phi Delta Kappa/Gallup Poll, conducted in 1996, asked respondents what they considered to be the
most important purpose of the nations schools, apart from providing a basic education. The goal of a school considered
very important by more people than any other goal was to prepare students to be responsible citizens. When Phi
Delta Kappa/Gallup conducted a follow-up poll of teachers, the results were very similar, 84% of Americas teachers said,
to prepare students for responsible citizenship was very important, while another 15% called it quite important.
Americans between 15 and 26 years of age, born after 1976, are two to three times more likely to say that they are
engaged in political activities if they have taken a civics or American government class than those who have not.
In a recent survey of 55 of the nations elite colleges and universities, 81% of the students surveyed earned a grade
of F or D when asked to answer 32 basic questions drawn from a typical high school history curriculum.
For example, only 23% correctly identifed James Madison as the Father of the Constitution, 24% thought the Magna
Carta was the charter document signed on the Mayfower.
The voting rate among younger voters in presidential elections from 1972 to 2000, declined by a total of 13 points and,
across all states, younger voter turnout was on average 28 points lower than the turnout among adults age 25 and older.
National Trends
On average, states require three social studies courses, and all but seven states specify at least the equivalent of one full
course that students must take.
34 states and the District of Columbia require students to study U.S. history, 32 states and the District of Columbia
require U.S. government, and seven states and the District of Columbia require state or local history or government.
21 states and the District of Columbia require students to study world history or civilizations, and 19 states and the
District of Columbia require world geography.
19 states require students to study economics, whether economics is included among the social studies course
requirements or listed as a separate area of study.
State of Michigan Graduation Requirements (Beginning with students entering eighth grade in 2006)
Students are required to complete 3 credits of Social Studies including: .5 Civics, .5 Economics, US History and
Geography; World History and Geography for graduation.
Improving High School Graduation Requirements Michigan Merit Curriculum Research Says That... v.12.01.06 O
Visual & Performing Arts Requirements & Trends for Success
High school students who study the arts earn better grades and scores; are less likely to drop out of school; watch fewer
hours of television; are less likely to report boredom in school; have a more positive self-concept; and are more involved
in community service.
Research shows that education in the arts has the capacity to provide additional pathways or avenues for student
achievement. Subsequent studies show that many students who have diffculty learning through traditional methods
can beneft from teaching strategies that include other means of learning and subject areas, such as the arts.
US Department of Labor recognized the role of arts education as key to skill development in: creative thinking, decision
making, problem solving, and modeling in its Secretarys Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) Report 2000.
National Trends
37 states currently have high school graduation requirements in statute or code that include the arts. These requirements
range from .5 to 2 credits in the fne and performing arts.
Music and visual arts instruction were offered in over 90% of the nations public secondary schools in 1999-2000. Over
70% of the nations secondary school administrators indicated that individuals at the school, and parents, considered the
arts an essential part of a high quality education.
State of Michigan Graduation Requirements (Beginning with students entering eighth grade in 2006)
Students are required to complete 1 credit of Visual, Performing, Applied Arts for graduation.
Technology Requirements and Trends for Success
38 million fulltime workers in the nation have Internet access at their jobs and two-thirds of them (67%) go online at least
once per day. 72% of full-time workers with Internet access at work say it has improved their ability to do their jobs.
In 2003, 97% of high school students used computers and 80% used the internet.
National Trend
During the 200203 twelve-month school year, about one-third of public school districts (36 percent) had students in
the district enrolled in online distance education courses.
In 2002-2003, the percent of districts with students enrolled in online distance education courses ranged from 59-80%.
State of Michigan Graduation Requirements (Beginning with students entering eighth grade in 2006)
Students must take an on-line course or learning experience; OR have the on-line learning experience incorporated into
each of the required credits of the Michigan Merit Curriculum.
Health/Physical Education Requirements & Trends for Success
73% of adults from a nationally representative sample felt that health education should be a top priority for high school graduation.
Effective health education helps students stay in school and do better in their classes.
- Several research studies confrm a strong relationship between student involvement in risk behaviors and negative
school outcomes such as graduation rates, grades, performance on standardized tests, attendance, dropout rates, and
homework completion.
- Students who participate in health education classes that use effective curricula show decreases in these risk behaviors.
A meta-analysis of nearly 200 studies of the effectiveness of exercise on cognitive functioning found that regular physical
activity supports better learning.
National Trends
35 states currently have high school graduation requirements in statute or code that include health education. These requirements
range from .5 to 1.5 credits for health education alone; and 1 to 2 credits when combined with physical education.
40 states currently have requirements for high school physical education. Nine states have a requirement of two
semesters of physical education. Two states have one credit and one state has a 1.5 credit requirement. Some states list
requirements in minutes and they vary from 100 minutes in each of the 9-12 grades to 270 minutes over the entire high
school career.
Improving High School Graduation Requirements Michigan Merit Curriculum Research Says That... v.12.01.06 7
During the past 20 years there has been a dramatic increase in obesity in the United States. Today, seven states have
obesity prevalence rates of 1519%; 33 states had rates of 2024%; and nine states, including Michigan, had rates of
more than 25%.
State of Michigan Graduation Requirements (Beginning with students entering eighth grade in 2006)
Students are required to complete 1 credit of Physical education/Health for graduation.
World Languages Requirements and Trends for Success
Students who study two years of a language other than English score an average of 60 points higher on the SAT I verbal
test and 48 points higher on the math than students who do not complete two years of a language.
For students who go on to study four years of a language in high school, the average gains are 149 and 150 points
on the verbal and math tests, respectively.
Foreign language completion in high school also is linked to higher wages in the workplace. Studying a language other
than English for two years raises a graduates wages by an average of 4%.
A survey of 400 faculty and staff members from 20 research universities concluded that learning a language other than English improves
performance in English as well, because it introduces students to a theoretical view of language that aids the study of English.
National Trends
District of Columbia and Texas require two years, and New Jersey and New York require one year of a foreign language.
State of Michigan Graduation Requirements (Beginning with students entering third grade in 2006)
Students will need to complete 2 credits of a world language in grades 9-12; OR have an equivalent learning experience in
grades K-12.
Improving High School Graduation Requirements Michigan Merit Curriculum Research Says That... v.12.01.06 B
Achieve, Inc., The Expectations Gap: A 50-State Review of High School Graduation Requirements, 2004.
Achieve, Inc., The Expectations Gap: A 50-State Review of High School Graduation Requirements, 2004.
Somerville & Yi, 2002.
The Demographics and Academics of College Readiness in Illinois, Jennifer B. Presley and Yuqin Gong, Illinois Education Research Council.
Hart, Rising to the Challenge.
U.S. Department of Education, NCES. 2000. NAEP Trends in Academic Progress: Three Decades of Student Performance (NCES 2000-469). Washington, DC.
Crisis at the Core: Preparing All Students for College and Work, ACT 2004.
Crisis at the Core: Preparing All Students for College and Work, ACT 2004.
Achieve, Inc., The Expectations Gap: A 50-State Review of High School Graduation Requirements, 2004.
Peter D. Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion Strategies, Rising to the Challenge: Are High School Graduates Prepared for College and Work? prepared for Achieve, Inc., 2005.
Peter D. Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion Strategies, Rising to the Challenge: Are High School Graduates Prepared for College and Work? prepared for Achieve, Inc., 2005.
Achieve, Inc., The Expectations Gap: A 50-State Review of High School Graduation Requirements, 2004.
National Center for Education Statistics, The Condition of Education, 2004.
National Center for Education Statistics, Access to Postsecondary Education for the 1992 High School Graduates.
Barth, P. (2003). A common core curriculum for the new century. Thinking K-16, 7(1), 3-25.
Hallinan, Maureen T. Ability Grouping and Student Learning, Prepared for Brookings Papers on Education Policy Conference: The American High School Today, The
Brookings Institution. Washington, DC, May 14-15, 2002.
Levesque, K. et al. Vocational Education in the United States: Toward the Year 2000. NCES 2000029. U.S. Department of Education, NCES, 2000. http://nces.ed.gov/
Cooney, S., & Bottoms, G. (2002). Middle grades to high school: Mending a weak link. Atlanta, GA: Southern Regional Education Board, 2004.
Achieve, Inc., The Expectations Gap: A 50-State Review of High School Graduation Requirements, 2004.
Education TrustWest, The AG Curriculum: College-Prep? Work-Prep? Life-Prep. Understanding and Implementing a Rigorous Core Curriculum for All, 2004.
National Center for Education Statistics, Condition of Education 2004, Indicator 22, Supplemental Table 22-2.
Achieve, Inc., The Expectations Gap: A 50-State Review of High School Graduation Requirements, 2004.
U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (2000). The Outlook for College Graduates, 1998-2008.
Carnevale, Anthony P. and Donna M. Desrochers, Standards for What? The Economic Roots of K16 Reform, Educational Testing Service, 2003.
American Diploma Project: Workplace Study. Source: Analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics Employment Projections, 2000-2010. The distribution of jobs may differ from that
derived from other data sources for several reasons. First, the distribution of jobs is based on a jobs count, which includes all full- and part-time jobs. Other job analyses,
which often use survey data, only include a persons primary job; therefore, only one job is counted even if a person works two jobs (either one full-time and another part-
time, or two part-time jobs). Because low-paid or low-skilled jobs are more likely to be part time, the largest differences in the number of jobs occur at the bottom of the
employment scale.
American Diploma Project: Workplace Study.
U.S. Census Bureau www.census.gov/prod/2002pubs/p23-210.pdf
U.S. Census Bureau www.census.gov/prod/2002pubs/p23-210.pdf
U.S. Census Bureau www.census.gov/prod/2002pubs/p23-210.pdf
U.S. Census Bureau www.census.gov/prod/2002pubs/p23-210.pdf
U.S. Census Bureau www.census.gov/prod/2002pubs/p23-210.pdf
U.S. Census Bureau www.census.gov/prod/2002pubs/p23-210.pdf
2005 National Education Summit on High Schools.
Achieve, Inc., The Expectations Gap: A 50-State Review of High School Graduation Requirements, 2004.
Quality Counts 2003. Education Week. February 5, 2003. Available www.edweek. org/sreports/qc03.
Michigan Public Act 205 of 1931.
Michigan State Board of Education State Board of Education Action on Improving Student Outcomes, December 13, 2005.
Michigan State Board of Education State Board of Education Action on Improving Student Outcomes, December 13, 2005.
Michigan Department of Education High School Graduation Requirements Survey, October 2005.a
Michigan Department of Education High School Graduation Requirements Survey, October 2005.a
Michigan Department of Education High School Graduation Requirements Survey, October 2005.
Achieve, Inc., The Expectations Gap: A 50-State Review of High School Graduation Requirements, 2004.
Carnevale and Desrochers, Educational Testing Service, Connecting Education Standards and Employment: Course-Taking Patterns of Young Workers, American Diploma
Project: Workplace Study, 2002.
Achieve, Inc., The Expectations Gap: A 50-State Review of High School Graduation Requirements, 2004.
Crisis at the Core: Preparing All Students for College and Work, ACT 2004.
Michigan Department of Education High School Graduation Requirements Survey, October 2005.
Crisis at the Core: Preparing All Students for College and Work, ACT 2004.
Perna, Laura and Titus, Mavin, Understanding Difference in the Choice of College Attended, April 2003.
Peter D. Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion Strategies, Rising to the Challenge: Are High School Graduates Prepared for College and Work? prepared for Achieve, Inc., 2005.
Achieve, Inc., The Expectations Gap: A 50-State Review of High School Graduation Requirements, 2004.
Crisis at the Core: Preparing All Students for College and Work, ACT 2004.
Carnevale and Desrochers, Educational Testing Service, Connecting Education Standards and Employment: Course-Taking Patterns of Young Workers, American Diploma
Project: Workplace Study, 2002.
Carnevale and Desrochers, Educational Testing Service, Connecting Education Standards and Employment: Course-Taking Patterns of Young Workers, American Diploma
Project: Workplace Study, 2002.
Improving High School Graduation Requirements Michigan Merit Curriculum Research Says That... v.12.01.06
Achieve, Inc., The Expectations Gap: A 50-State Review of High School Graduation Requirements, 2004.
Achieve, Inc., The Expectations Gap: A 50-State Review of High School Graduation Requirements, 2004.
State Indicators of Science and Mathematics Education 2003, R. Blank & D. Langesen, CCSSO, 2003.
CCSSO, State Indicators of Science and Mathematics Education: 2003
CCSSO, State Indicators of Science and Mathematics Education: 2003.
Michigan Department of Education High School Graduation Requirements Survey, October 2005.
CCSSO, State Indicators of Science and Mathematics Education: 2003
Crisis at the Core: Preparing All Students for College and Work, ACT 2004.
Crisis at the Core: Preparing All Students for College and Work, ACT 2004.
Peter D. Hart Research Associates/Public Opinion Strategies, Rising to the Challenge: Are High School Graduates Prepared for College and Work? prepared for Achieve, Inc., 2005.
CCSSO, State Indicators of Science and Mathematics Education: 2003.
CCSSO, State Indicators of Science and Mathematics Education: 2003.
Michigan Department of Education High School Graduation Requirements Survey, October 2005.
CCSSO, State Indicators of Science and Mathematics Education: 2003.
Crisis at the Core: Preparing All Students for College and Work, ACT, 2004.
Judith Torney-Purta and colleagues, Citizenship and Education in Twenty-Eight Countries: Civic Knowledge and Engagement at Age Fourteen, International Association for the
Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA): Amsterdam, 2001. (Chapter 3)
Response to Findings of the NAEP 1998 Civics Report Card for the Nation
Charles N. Quigley, Executive Director, Center for Civic Education.
Kurtz, Karl T., Rosenthal, Alan, and Zukin, Cliff, Citizenship: A Challenge for All Generations. National Conference of State Legislatures, September 2003.
Jerry L. Martin and Anne D. Neal, Losing Americas Memory: Historical Illiteracy in the 21st Century, Washington, DC: American Council of Trustees and Alumni,
p. 3 and Appendix A, p. 2, February 11, 2000.
Carrie Donovan and Mark Hugo Lopez, Youth Voter Turnout in the States, During the 2000 Presidential and 2002 Mid-Term Elections, Center for Information and Research
on Civic Learning and Engagement, School of Public Affairs, University of Maryland, http://www.civicyouth.org/.
Achieve, Inc., The Expectations Gap: A 50-State Review of High School Graduation Requirements, 2004.
Achieve, Inc., The Expectations Gap: A 50-State Review of High School Graduation Requirements, 2004.
Achieve, Inc., The Expectations Gap: A 50-State Review of High School Graduation Requirements, 2004.
Achieve, Inc., The Expectations Gap: A 50-State Review of High School Graduation Requirements, 2004.
Michigan Public Act 205 of 1931.
Michigan Department of Education High School Graduation Requirements Survey, October 2005.
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