Aluminium Etching
Aluminium Etching
Aluminium Etching
All chemicals concentrations mentioned in this chapter with a * refer to a conventional concentration listed in the last section of this document.
Aluminium has a density of 2.7 g/cm3 and therefore belongs to the light metals. Its crystal structure is cubic face centred. Due to its high electric conductivity, aluminium is used for conductors in microelectronics where it is often alloyed with copper in order to prevent electro migration, or with silicon in order to prevent the formation of (silicon-consuming) aluminium-silicon alloys. Al: cubic face centred With a standard potential of -1.66 V, aluminium does not belong to the noble metals. However, the formation of a very thin (few nm) Al2O3 film makes it very inert in many substances. Therefore, Al etchants require at least compounds for dissolving Al2O3 as well as for etching (or, respectively, oxidizing) aluminium.
3.5 etch rate(10 /min) 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 20
Our aluminium etchant ANPE 80/5/5/10 has the following composition: H3PO4 : HNO3 : CH3COOH : H2O = 73 %: 3.1 % : 3.3 % : 20.6 % We supply this mixture in 2.5 L sales volumes in VLSI quality. Other grades/sales volumes available on request.
Photoresists, developers, remover, adhesion promoters, etchants, and solvents ... Phone: +49 731 36080-409 e-Mail: -2-
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All information, process guides, recipes etc. given in this brochure have been added to the best of our knowledge. However, we cannot issue any guarantee concerning the accuracy of the information. We assume no liability for any hazard for staff and equipment which might stem from the information given in this brochure. Generally speaking, it is in the responsibility of every staff member to inform herself/himself about the processes to be performed in the appropriate (technical) literature, in order to minimize any risk to man or machine.
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Photoresists, developers, remover, adhesion promoters, etchants, and solvents ... Phone: +49 731 36080-409 e-Mail: -3-