Olympic Village
Olympic Village
Olympic Village
Economy - over view: South Africa is a mi ddle-i ncome, emergi ng market wit h an abundant s upply of natural resourc es; well- developed financial, l egal, communications, energy, and transport sectors; a stock exchange that is the 18t h lar gest in the world; and moder n infr astructur e supporting a relati vel y efficient distributi on of goods t o major ur ban centers thr oughout t he r egion. At the end of 2007, South Africa began t o experi enc e an electricity crisis. State power supplier Eskom encounter ed probl ems with aged pl ants, neces sitating "load -shedding" c ut s to residents and businesses in the major cities. Gr owt h was robust from 2004 t o 2007 as Sout h Africa reaped the benefits of macr oec onomic stability and a gl obal commoditi es boom, but began t o slow i n the sec ond half of 2007 due to t he el ectricity crisis and the subsequent gl obal financial crisis' impact on c ommodit y prices and demand. GDP f ell nearly 2% i n 2009. Unemployment r emains high and outdat ed i nfrastruct ure has constrai ned growth. Daunti ng economic probl ems remain from the apartheid era - especiall y povert y, lack of economic empowerment among t he disadvantaged gr oups, and a shortage of public trans portati on. South Africa's former economic policy was fiscally c onservati ve, f ocusing on c ontrolli ng inflati on, and attai ni ng a budget surpl us. The curr en t government lar gel y foll ows the same prudent polici es, but must cont end wit h the impact of the global crisis and is faci ng growing pressur e from special i nt erest groups to us e state - owned ent erprises t o deliver basic servic es to low-income areas and to in creas e job gr owt h. More than a quart er of South Afr ica's populati on c urrently r ecei ves social gr ants. GDP ( pur chasi ng power parit y) : $527.5 billion (2010 est.) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 26 $512.2 billion (2009 est.) $521.6 billion (20 08 est.) not e: data are i n 2010 US doll ars GDP ( official exchange rate) : $354.4 billion (2010 est.) GDP - real gr owt h rate: 3% (2010 est.) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 124 -1.8% ( 2009 est.) 3.7% ( 2008 est.) GDP - per capita (PPP) : $10, 700 (2010 est.) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 105 $10, 400 (2009 est.) $10, 700 (2008 est.) not e: data are i n 2010 US doll ars
GDP - composition by sector : agri cultur e: 3% industr y: 31.2% ser vices: 65.8% (2010 est .) Labor for ce: 17. 32 million economic ally active (2010 est.) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 34 Labor for ce - by occupati on: agri cultur e: 9% industr y: 26% ser vices: 65% (2007 est.) Unempl oyment rat e: 23. 3% ( 2010 est.) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 174 24% (2009 est.) Popul ation below povert y line: 50% (2000 est.) Household i nc ome or consumption by percentage share : lowest 10 %: 1.3% highest 10 %: 44. 7% (2000) Distribution of famil y income - Gi ni index: 65 ( 2005) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 2 59. 3 (1994) Investment (gross fi xed) : 19. 9% of GDP (2010 est.) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 91 Budget: revenues: $103. 1 billion expenditures: $126. 2 billi on ( 2010 est.) Public debt: 33. 2% of GDP (2010 est.) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 88 29. 7% of GDP (2009 est.) Inflation rat e (consumer prices) : 4.5% ( 2010 est.)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 130 7.2% ( 2009 est.) Central bank discount r ate : 7% (31 December 2009) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 35 11. 5% ( 31 December 2008) Commer cial bank prime l ending rat e: 11. 71% (31 December 2009 est.) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 40 15. 13% (31 December 2008 est.) Stock of narrow money: $65. 87 billion (31 December 2010 est.) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 41 $52. 04 billion (31 December 2009 est.) Stock of broad money: $256.2 billion (31 December 2010 est.) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 33 $199.8 billion (31 December 2009 est.) Stock of domestic credit : $328.3 billion (31 December 2010 est.) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 32 $255.2 billion (31 December 2009 est.) Market val ue of publicl y t raded shares: $704.8 billion (31 December 2009) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 19 $491.3 billion (31 December 2008) $833.5 billion (31 December 2007) Agricultur e - products: corn, wheat, sugarc ane, fr uits, vegetabl es; beef, poul try, mutt on, wool, dair y pr oducts Industries: mini ng (world's lar gest produc er of pl ati num, gold, c hromium), automobile assembl y, metal working, machi nery, t extil es, iron and st eel, chemicals, fertilizer, foodst uffs, commercial ship repair Industrial production growth rat e: 3% (2010 est.) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 107
Electricit y - production: 240. 3 billi on kW h (2007 est.) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 16 Electricit y - consumption : 215. 1 billi on kW h (2007 est.) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 17 Electricit y - export s: 14. 16 billi on kW h (2008 est.) Electricit y - import s: 10. 57 billi on kW h (2008 est.) Oil - producti on: 191, 000 bbl/ day (2009 est.) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 43 Oil - consumption: 579, 000 bbl/ day (2009 est.) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 29 Oil - export s: 128, 500 bbl/ day (2007 est.) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 63 Oil - imports: 490, 500 bbl/ day (2007 est.) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 25 Oil - proved reser ves: 15 milli on bbl (1 J anuary 2010 est.) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 87 Natur al gas - production: 3.25 billi on cu m ( 2008 est. ) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 53 Natur al gas - consumption: 6.45 billi on cu m ( 2008 est. ) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 55 Natur al gas - exports: 0 cu m ( 2008 est .)
countr y comparison t o the worl d: 170 Natur al gas - import s: 3.2 billion cu m ( 2008 est.) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 39 Natur al gas - proved reserves: 27. 16 million cu m ( 1 January 2006 est.) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 102 Current account bal ance: $-16.51 billion (2010 est.) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 179 $-11.3 billi on ( 2009 est.) Exports: $76. 86 billion (2010 est.) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 38 $66. 54 billion (2009 est.) Exports - commodities: gol d, di amonds, pl ati num, other metals and miner als, machi nery and equipment Exports - part ner s: Chi na 10.34%, US 9. 19% , Japan 7.59%, Germany 7.01%, UK 5. 54%, Swit zerland 4.72% (2009) Import s: $77. 04 billion (2010 est.) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 36 $66. 01 billion (20 09 est.) Import s - commodities: machi nery and equipment, chemic als, petr oleum products, scientific instruments , foodstuffs Import s - part ner s: Chi na 17.21%, Germany 11.24%, US 7. 38%, Saudi Arabi a 4. 87%, Japan 4.67%, Iran 3.95% (2009) Reser ves of forei gn exchang e and gold: $45. 52 billion (31 December 2010 est.) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 26 $39. 68 billion (31 December 2009 est.) Debt - ext ernal:
$80. 52 billion (30 June 2010 est.) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 44 $73. 84 billion (30 June 2009) Stock of direct for eign investment - at home: $83. 08 billion (31 December 2010 est.) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 41 $73. 61 billion (31 December 2009 est.) Stock of direct for ei gn investment - abroad: $53. 38 billion (31 December 2010 est.) countr y comparison t o the worl d: 32 $51. 58 billion (31 December 2009 est.) Exchange rat es: rand (ZAR) per US doll ar 7.38 (2010) 8.42 (2009) 7.9576 ( 2008) 7.05 (2007) 6.7649 ( 2006)