Democrats Press To Restore Budget Cuts: Japanese Boy Thought To Be Lost Completes Solo Pacific Voyage

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Saturday, September 14, 1996


In brief
Republicans allege firings 'coveriip'
WASHINGTON - A Republican-controlled House panel investigating the White House travel office firings alleges the administration engaged in a "vast coverup" the past three years intended to conceal the involvement of President Clinton and first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton in the affair. The Government Reform and Oversight Committee has prepared a report concluding the White House conducted a "colossal damage control effort" to publicly minimize the Clintons' roles in the firings and, in so doing, breached "the ethical standards expected of the highest office in the land." Democrats on the panel are preparing their findings.

Democrats press to restore budget cuts

The Associated Press WASHINGTON A late-session Democratic offensive to embarrass Republicans on education, health and other social issues has boxed in the GOP, which now can't adjourn the 104th Congress quickly without striking a deal with President Clinton. Refusing to let Republicans quietly finish the coming year's remaining spending bills so lawmakers can go home and campaign, Senate Democrats this week launched one amendment after another all designed to slow the process and put the GOP on the defensive. The amendments dealt with everything from barring felons from owning firearms to lifting restrictions on what doctors in managedcare plans may tell patients about treatment options. With just 18 calendar days until the start of fiscal 1997, there are more amendments to come. Joined by Education Secretary Richard Riley, top Senate Democrats unveiled a proposal Friday that would boost education and job training programs for next year by $3.1 billion above levels approved by the Republican-dominated Senate Appropriations Committee. "This Congress will not leave until we've restored Draconian cuts the Republican leadership continues to insist we pass," Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D., warned on Friday. And administration officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said they soon would be demanding at least $3.5 billion more for environmental programs, law enforcement, and efforts against terrorism and drugs. All of this will be discussed when White House chief of staff Leon Panetta meets on Capitol Hill with leaders of Congress' appropriations committees, perhaps on Monday. "We're very serious about the president's requests in these key priority areas, and we want to make sure Republicans understand how resolute we are," said John Hilley, the White House's chief lobbyist on Capitol Hill. All of this means that unfinished spending bills and there could be about seven will have to be packaged into a huge omnibus measure that ultimately will be shaped by closed-door negotiations between Panetta and Congress. House leaders say their version of such a bill will be debated in their chamber next week. The new fiscal year begins Oct. 1, and so far Congress has completed just four of the 13 annual spending measures. As Democratic amendments mounted Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., yanked one slow-moving spending bill from the Senate floor and began debate on another in the forlorn hope that progress would be made. "We're getting to the point where it's going to take a little time to complete our work," an increasingly frustrated Lott conceded earlier that day. Democrats are pressing the confrontations even though for many 1997 programs, majority Republicans provided about as much money as this year or more in hopes of avoiding an electionseason confrontation with the White House. Many Republicans are willing to go even further.

TV stations must show graphic ads

WASHINGTON Television stations cannot prevent political candidates from airing shocking campaign ads such as those showing bloody aborted fetuses during prime viewing hours, a federal court ruled Friday. The ruling by the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Washington was a victory for a handful of anti-abortion candidates, who have tried to dramatize the abortion issue by airing commercials with graphic images of dead fetuses. More broadly, the court's decision upheld the right of political candidates to run potentially shocking ads on subjects ranging from abortion to gun control to rape at times when large numbers of children might be watching.

Jewell to see FBI records

ATLANTA Richard Jewell will get to see edited copies of the sealed FBI documents that detail how the security guard became a suspect in the Olympic park bombing, a federal magistrate ruled Friday. U.S. Magistrate Gerrilyn Brill ordered to government to give the documents to Jewell and his attorneys by next Friday. Agents will be allowed to black out portions about how the bomb was made and investigative techniques, but will have to turn over witness information. The documents won't be made public. Jewell was working as a security guard at Centennial Olympic The Associated Press Park when a pipe bomb exploded Subaru Takahashl waves from his 30-foot boat as he enters a yacht club In Tlburon, Calif. July 27, killing one person and injuring ill. He was credited with spotting the knapsack containing the bomb, but was named a suspect three days later. The FBI obtained four search warrants that allowed agents to take a large amount of evidence goals are still ahead of him. The Associated Press from Jewell's home, his vehicle, "This is not good enough," he said. "My dream is and a storage unit, and even take to travel around the world. This is my first step to hairs from his head. TIBURON, Calif. A 14-year-old Japanese boy accomplish this dream." who was thought to be lost on a solo voyage across He had last been heard from when he gave his The Associated Press the Pacific Ocean was spotted alive Friday after he location 2,790 miles west of San Francisco. His mosailed under the Golden Gate Bridge to finish the tor had quit, and then his battery, meaning he had 4,600-mile trip. to sail the rest of his journey without his radio or Subaru Takahashi, who had not been heard from the auto-pilot to help him steer. since Aug. 16 and was all but given up for dead by His parents had not given up hope, though, bethe media in Japan, made it into San Francisco Bay cause he was not due to arrive until today, 50 days before his mainsail jammed and he was forced to after his departure. drop anchor. Even before the teen left, his father, Hiroo TakaHe waved his hands and got the attention of a hashi, acknowledged he was worried, comparing Canadian man on a small sailboat. He radioed the his son's quest to the transcontinental flight of 7U.S. Coast Guard, which towed in his 30-foot yacht. year-old Jessica Dubroff, who died with her father He was greeted at the dock by his parents, a and instructor in an April 11 crash. swarm of Japanese reporters and enough chamThe elder Takahashi added that he had confipagne for everybody. dence in his son's abilities even though the boy "From two days ago, I couldn't stop smiling and I didn't start seriously practicing until this March. couldn't sleep," the junior high student said. Takahashi began canoeing at age 5 and crossed the Takahashi is believed to be the youngest person 19-mile Sado Strait in the Sea of Japan by canoe to sail the Pacific alone. But he said his biggest when he was 9.


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More seats, bodies of TWA jet found

SMITHTOWN, N.Y. Seats from an area of TWA Flight 800 deemed crucial to investigators arrived Friday at a hangar where the aircraft is being reassembled. Peter Goltz, a spokesman for the National Transportation Safety Board, said the seats didn't appear to hold the answers to the July 17 explosion, which was caused by either a bomb, a missile or a bizarre mechanical malfunction. Navy ships were forced ashore by Hurricane Hortense, which was churning up the ocean and bringing heavy rains to the area. Meanwhile, the remains of two more victims of the disaster were recovered from the Ocean, bringing the total to 213 of the 230 who were aboard the Paris-bound Boeing 747.

Japanese boy thought to be lost completes solo Pacific voyage


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'Ellen' might come out of the closet

Ellen, the hit ABC sitcom, might reveal this season that its title character is a lesbian, a move that is certain to generate enormous controversy. The producers of the 3year-old sitcom, which stars Ellen DeGeneres, are reportedly lobbying for her character to come out of the closet and they have paved the way for this revelation in the season's first nine episodes, TV Guide reports in its upcoming issue. Should the lesbian story line become reality, the Walt Disney Co., which produces the series, is certain to come under sharp attack from conservative groups.

Raw rapper Tupac Shakur dies of wounds caused by shooting

The Associated Press LAS VEGAS Tupac Shakur, the rapper whose raw lyrics drew on the rage of a coarse urban existence and seemed a blueprint of his own violent life, died Friday from wounds suffered in a drive-by shooting, He was 25. Shakur, whose right lung was removed after he was shot Saturday in Las Vegas, was pronounced dead at 4:03 p.m. at the University Medical Center. Known as 2Pac, he was one of the most successful and scorned "gangsta" rappers. Fans bought millions of records; others denounced him and his lyrics for glorifying violence and drugs and degrading women. Shakur was hit by four bullets Sept. 7 as he rode near the Las Vegas Strip in a car driven by the head of Death Row Records, Marion "Suge" Knight, who was slightly wounded. Although there was trouble earlier that night Shakur and associates were in a fight inside

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Tupac Shakur a hotel before the shooting there have been no arrests. It was the second time Shakur had been gunned down in less than two years. In November 1994 he was shot five times during an apparent robbery in the lobby of a Manhattan recording

Agreement slows redwood logging

An agreement to postpone lagging of old growth redwoods in the Headwaters Forest of Northern California for two weeks was reached Friday, on the eve of weekend demonstrations against logging of the giant trees. A statement issued by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said that Pacific Lumber Co. will continue to negotiate the transfer of a key area of the * fprest into public hands. The t company had the right to re" sume logging after Sunday, the conclusion of the nesting season for the threatened marbled murrelet. The talks to acquire 4,0006,000 acres of virgin redwoods are "promising," Feinstein's statement said.
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studio, and on his latest album he Leonard Bernstein Overture to Candide even bragged about it "Five John Adams Shaker Loops shots and they still couldn't kill Aaron Copeland A Lincoln Portrait me." Alberto GinesteraEtfiJHiil Arrested repeatedly in recent years, he was released last year Elmer Bernstein Suite from To Kill a Mockingbird on bail pending appeal after C$3 serving eight months in a New York prison for sex abuse. But he had support from black leaders, including the Rev. Jesse Jackson, who visited him in the hospital, and the Rev. Al Sharpton, who counseled him in prison. "I found him a very warm, sensitive and intelligent, person, very unlike his public image," Sharpton said late Friday. "I hope in the midst of this tragedy, UNCLAIMED SCHOOL MODEI we can put together an aggres- I Sew & Serge Sewing Machine sive and strong drive against vioOur Education Department placed orders in anticipation of large school lence among young people and I sales. Due to budget cuts they were unsold! dedicate it to Tupac's memory."

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