Attitude Report
Attitude Report
Attitude Report
Attitude is a hypothetical construct that represents an individual's like or dislike for an item. Attitudes are positive, negative or neutral views of an "attitude object": i.e. a person, behaviour or event. People can also be "ambivalent" towards a target, meaning that they simultaneously possess a positive and a negative bias towards the attitude in question. Attitudes come from judgments. Attitudes develop on the ABC model (affect, behavioral change and cognition). The affective response is a physiological response that expresses an individual's preference for an entity. The behavioral intention is a verbal indication of the intention of an individual. The cognitive response is a cognitive evaluation of the entity to form an attitude. Most attitudes in individuals are a result of observational learning from their environment. The link between attitude and behavior exists but depends on human behavior, some of which is irrational. For example, a person who is in favor of blood transfusion may not donate blood. This makes sense if the person does not like the sight of blood, which explains this irrationality.
A simple analysis of our fundamental human makeup reveals a wide-spectrum of being, ranging from a most unconscious material substance to a most conscious subtle substance. Our being ranges from the material body to the vital sensations and emotions, to mental thought processing, beliefs, values, and pure thought, to the spiritual parts of mind, and on to the realm of the pure spirit itself. Our attitudes fit in between our emotions and feelings of our vital being, and the thought processing and understanding of our minds.
Attitudes of Our Emotions Our (mental) views of different people and things are organized into ideals, values, opinions, beliefs and sentiments. Our emotions are organized into feelings, attitudes and motives. 1
We consist of there planes of consciousness; the physical, the vital/emotional, and the mental. There is the spiritual beyond these. Within each plane there are Sub planes that actually reflect the other essential three planes, for a total of nine planes, excluding spirit. Our attitudes are formulated in the mental part of the vital/emotional plane; which we designate as plane 4 of 9. This is plane of human consciousness where emotions (of the next level) are processed into emotional thought, the emotions' perception of knowledge. It is thus where our attitudes, life intelligence, and higher emotions lie. It is the center of our vital skills. At this plane the mental element emerges strongly in the vital consciousness and gives a higher direction and organization to the expression of the vital energies. One way that expresses is though our emotions. Life reflects on the outside the inner attitudes you have on the inside. Life for you is in essence a reflection of your inner perceptions of the world. We can surely see the causality between such negative attitudes and the world around us. If we dislike our boss, there will be tension and friction as a result. This is a direct cause and effect relationship that is logical to our minds. What is not so logical however is the sudden, magical ways life responds to such changes in attitudes. We call this phenomenon where life positively, suddenly, abundantly, and miraculously responds to our inner change of heart and emotion, "Life Response."
Each of us is made up of various physical, vital, and mental parts. There is our physical body and its organs, muscles, etc; the vital being with its sensations, emotions and feelings, and the mental part with its thoughts, memories, reasoning power, beliefs, etc. Somewhere between our emotions and our thought processing lies our attitude -- our emotional perceptions about life, about others, even towards our own selves. Attitudes generally express positively and negatively. E.g. when I have good feelings towards my work or towards others, the attitude is positive. When I feel reluctant to do certain things that are necessary, or show hostility towards certain individuals, then my attitude is negative. Interestingly, if we can identify a bad attitude and make the effort to change it, we will find that life will cooperate with our inner efforts, bringing us instances of sudden good fortune. Consider this true-life incident. o A salesperson was intimidated about meeting a very large customer. He felt that the effort was a waste of time since the company was too large and would be too hard to penetrate. Needless to say, he did not get that or any other sale with the client. However, a number of months later, he changed his attitude about working with such such large accounts. The very next day, he was stunned when that very same large customer, who turned him down earlier, gave him a huge order! As we can see, if we change our attitudes, life has a funny way of responding to our efforts. We call this phenomenon "life response." When we change our attitudes, or otherwise elevate our consciousness, life quickly responds thereafter with miraculous-like instances of good fortune.
Though we have many attitudes about all aspects of life, if we look a little closer we 3
can identify three basic types -- those that have to do with ourselves, those we have about others and the objects around us, and those we have towards life itself. An example of a negative attitude about us is having low self-esteem, or low selfconfidence. An example of a wanting attitudes about others is a feeling ill will towards another person, or being mistrustful of others. An example of a negative attitude towards life is being pessimistic that things will never turn out well. The good new however is that if we change any negative attitude to the positive, life tends to quickly respond. Consider this true story, where a person changed her attitude about certain people: o A woman was working as a temporary employee for a large medical organization. For months, she complained about certain coworkers at her job. At the time, she had decided to develop a 30-day plan to secure a fulltime position. One part of her plan was to change her attitude toward these particular individuals. In the days that followed, she persisted in following her plan, especially focusing on her wanting attitude toward others. She was shocked however when a month into her plan, she was suddenly asked to work for the organization full time -- her first non-temporary job in nearly a decade! That is the power of changing a negative attitude toward others. Here is another incident, this time narrated by a friend of ours from Asia: "In our unit there was a supervisor whom I felt was indifferent, insubordinate, and had to be punished. I was looking for an opportunity to pin him down. A time came to do so, and I dismissed him mercilessly. Within two days of his dismissal, there was a major breakdown in one of the machines. The supplier of the machine had sent their engineers. They struggled for 7 days and could do very little to set right the machine. I was thoroughly disgusted. I started examining my attitudes on several fronts during the last 10 days.
It struck to me that whenever I am in the position to do so, my attitude is to dominate another person. In this case, I was able to dominate the supervisor and dismiss him mercilessly. But in the case of the machine, I could not afford to throw it away and replace it with a new machine; so I tolerated it. Based on my previous knowledge of the subtle workings of life, I understood at that point that I had to change my attitude. I then called back the supervisor, apologized for my rude action, and requested that he continue in the company. He felt very happy. It was then striking that the machine that had been out of commission until them, now unexpectedly got fixed. In fact, there havent been any serious troubles with any of the machines since then!" As we can see, when we overcome a negative attitude towards others, life tends to responds with instant good fortune. Machines that had broken down suddenly start working, late projects suddenly are completed on time, negative situations dissolve, employment comes our way out of nowhere, cash unexpectedly moves in our direction, and so forth. It is the miracle of life response in action.
In addition to having the right attitudes towards others and life around us, it is always best to have an overall positive attitude. Here's another real-life incident to show you what I mean: o A management consultant was hoping to have a key meeting with the principle officers of a company with over $100 billion in assets. For days, he fretted about the deal as the potential client failed to contact him. He developed greater and greater doubts that the meeting would ever take place. Finally, he remembered that it was important to have a positive attitude in these situations. He decided to change his attitude about the potential meeting from worry and concern to being positive. A very short time later, he was contacted by the client that the meeting could in fact take place. He was thrilled. In addition, years of high-level consulting work followed with the client! That is the power of having a generally positive attitude.
Now consider this journal entry of an audio-video retail chain owner, who was in the process of conducting sales meetings. Fortunately, in this incident, described in the owner's journal, he was aware of the importance of having a positive attitude. "-around 4pm my energy starts to sap, I start to feel sorry for my self and wonder how I will last the day. I decide to reverse my attitude and say, "there is no room for this behavior you must push on and go to work." In the very next sales interview D reports he just sold for $18,000!!' [A huge amount for one of these salespeople.] -I have a meeting with G, an important audio salesperson. We work through a system to get him committed and productive. We discuss the fact that he must commit. During the meeting, I am conscious of my attitude that is negative about our chances of success. I struggle to reverse them with Luke warm results. We are then interrupted as the store is then filled with customers, and a good one for that salesperson to boot!!" An overall positive attitude has the power to attract sudden good fortune from the world around us. We have also seen that when difficult circumstances come you way, and you do not get overwrought by them, maintaining a positive calm, life can suddenly reverse and cancel the problem or otherwise bring sudden instances of good fortune. Here is an astounding true story of the benefit of remaining positive and calm in the face of adversity. "We have our business unit in a space that we rent out from others. One day the owner of our rented space picked an argument with our own manager, apparently without a valid reason. As a result of the dispute, the owner threatened to terminate our lease for the space we rent. As it turned out, I was away during the time these events were taking place. Naturally, all of the workers, including my manager, were agitated -- so much so, that they wanted me to take appropriate legal action against the owner of the space we were renting. However, I decided not to react to the intensity of the situation, and, instead, decided to remain calm and composed. In fact, I told the workers as
well as the manager to also be calm, and to concentrate instead on their work. I myself continued to function in a normal fashion, as if nothing had happened. Within a few days, the owner of the rented space came to me in tears. He said that his two-year-old grandson had a heart problem, and wanted me to suggest a hospital where the child could be treated. Through my doctor friends, I was able to suggest a hospital in Madras [India]. The child was then taken there. After examination, the doctors revealed that the child had a hole in his heart, and that he had to be operated on immediately. The operation was going to cost around two lacs of rupees [~5000 US dollars]. Unfortunately, the owner did not have twopennies to pay for this very expensive operation. I then talked to a bank manager and arranged financing from the bank. The loan was secured based solely on my personal guarantee. The bank also took an undertaking from the owner that he would not evict my company on any grounds for the next five years." In the end, we see how his positive right attitude of calm and equality not only led to the cancellation of the eviction, not only led to the intense appreciation and goodwill of the owner, but had saved the life of a small child. When we maintain a positive attitude in the face of adversity or shift from a negative attitude to a positive one, life has a way of cooperating with us from all quarters. It is the miracle of life response in action.
Since changes in attitude have a particularly powerful tendency to invoke sudden good fortune, it would be well worth knowing what our own wanting attitudes are, and then make the concerted effort to overcome them. Generally speaking, we can identify three types of wanting attitudes -- those concerning work and life, those involving others, and those relating to our own selves. Examples of negative attitude about work and life include an unwillingness to be fully engaged in the work at hand, procrastinating, not caring about the quality of our efforts, 8
being lazy, and being cynical. Examples of negative attitudes towards others is being hostile and harboring ill-will to another, and being jealous. An example of negative attitudes about us is having low self-esteem and self-confidence. The good news is that if you can identify two or three negative attitudes in your life, and overcome them, life will suddenly move towards you with overwhelming good fortune. -One woman who was working as a temporary employee for years overcame her negative attitude toward a co-worker, which suddenly attracted a full time position, her first after ten years of trying. -Another individual overcame his reluctance to work weekends, which attracted the biggest sale and commission of his life, catapulting him into a life long career in that field. -A third individual overcame his reluctance to do an unflattering but necessary task, which attracted a new position that enabled him to change the course of financial history. Life does have this extraordinary capacity to respond to our changes in consciousness within -- particularly our wanting attitudes. This magic-like response is what I call a Life Response. So why not pick out one or two wanting attitudes that you have been expressing, and make the effort overcome them. Like the individuals above, you will be astounded by the results -- amazed when life suddenly begins to cooperate from all quarters!
The way you think, day in day out, affects all aspects of your life. Learning to listen to your "internal dialogue" will help you recognize your thought patterns and how they may be affecting the way you handle the stressful situations of daily living.
Many people have found that, when they tune in to their internal dialogue, much of it is negative. Thoughts like, "I could never do that" and "What if I fail?" can seriously impact the way you behave. This, in turn, affects every aspect of your life. When we are stressed, certain hormones are produced by the body. When released infrequently, these hormones are harmless but, when produced continuously, they can cause serious damage. Cardiovascular disease is caused in part by the continuous production of stress hormones. The key to living our lives free from negative thought is to remember who we truly are free from our momentary emotional shifts. For many the transition to positive awareness of Self requires "small steps" on a chosen path. The following tools may prove to be powerful stepping stones necessary for the greater achievement of Absolute Joyful Living.
tell your child a story, or ask an older relative to tell you one! It is the simplest things in life that give us the most pleasure... Help someone out. The simple act of helping others helps us to feel good. Pick up groceries for an aging neighbour, volunteer at your local hospital or read a book to someone with failing eyesight. If you are unsure of how to help out in your community, call your nearest volunteer centre. Find your spirituality. Research has shown that those who have developed their spirituality through associating with other spiritual individuals or having their own personal and unique beliefs live longer, more satisfying lives. The secret is practicing those beliefs, either through organized spiritual associations, or simple meditation in a quiet place. Allow yourself to be loved. The ability to love and be loved is the most basic human trait. We, as a society, have become disconnected from this most basic need - fearcentered emotions (depression, loneliness, guilt and anger) are the symptoms. Finding ways to reconnect with others is extremely helpful in developing a positive attitude. The following link is very enlightening. Allow you to laugh and find humor in the simplest of things. Laughter is a powerful mood elevator. If you are feeling down, read some jokes, watch a funny movie or just act "silly" once in awhile. At times, it is a good thing to let you see the world through a child's eyes. Click here for examples of silly things that help diffuse stress. Participate in new physical and mental activities to improve confidence levels and coping mechanisms. It could be as easy as learning the meanings of new words or learning about new topics to build confidence.
Follow the principles of holistic health (better nutrition and exercise help improve mood and attitude) 11
Remember that the mainstream media focuses on information that leads to fear, negative thoughts and emotion. Find other more positive things to do with your precious moments such as reading a great positive book, a walk in nature or volunteering with people and animals. It is all about letting go of the "emotional baggage" that holds us back from true enlightenment! All that you require is already within you, so do not give your power away by blindly following others. Rather, trust in the goodness that already resides within your heart. Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.
According to this concept, the path to a positive attitude can be found through a 3-step approach, Awareness Acceptance; and Attitude Let us examine these three components: 1. Awareness: The first step is to be aware of what and how we are thinking. We must train ourselves to be aware at all times of how our mind is working the thoughts, thinking patterns and tendencies. Make this a habit. If it is difficult, the meditation technique of antar mouna and Yoga Nidra are methods which help us do this. These techniques help in the withdrawing of our senses to introspect. namely,
2. Acceptance: Awareness, however, brings about a heightened sensitivity to the issues. We tend to become judgemental and critical of ourselves or of others. This has the danger of sending us into a vicious cycle of negativity UNLESS we learn to accept what we see and understand. Have an attitude that it is ok to think how we are. Just be a witness to this fact and believe that God likes us for what we are. This acceptance leads to a genuine love and compassion, which forms the bedrock of positive thinking. For example, if you are angry with your partner for not doing something as per your wishes, accept that it is natural for you to face such emotions. Accept that it is because of certain archetypes or samskaras that lie embedded in your subconscious. Likewise, accept that it is okay for your partner to behave that way, which is based on his perception and the elements 13
embedded in his subconscious. With practice, you will find that this helps in surmounting negativity to a large extent. 3. Attitude: Once we have accepted what lies within our thoughts, we can actually start working upon how we want to look at that particular person, situation or thing. Yoga techniques assist us in changing our attitude. The Sankalpa or resolve that we set in Yoga Nidra helps in shaping our mind. This resolve in yoga is always in the nature of a positive statement such as I am becoming more positive every day. Such inputs fed into the mind help in shaping our attitude into one of positivism. Let us look at changing attitude with the following example. Suppose you have a negative attitude toward someone. So much so that he puts you in a bad mood the moment you see him. For a moment, find just one small thing or quality in him that you do like. Now remember that one positive thing whenever you meet or interact with him. Gradually, you will see that your feelings towards him will become more positive and things start looking up. Following these three guidelines and you will find yourself becoming more positive. Remember that every thought generated in the mind is also experienced by every cell in the body. That is why on a good day you feel yourself exercising better with more flexibility, while on a bad day you feel stiff and lethargic. Ultimately, positive thinking affects the body vibrations in a positive manner. This in turn, affects the vibrations around us, which, in turn, affect the situations around us. Decide to Have a Positive Day! Our inner critic is the internal voice of negative judgmental self talk. It is the nagging feeling, the inner voice that makes us critical of us and others. It is postulated that our inner critic developed early in life as a mechanism for reminding us of childhood rules and standards that we internalized about how we were supposed to think, feel and behave. 14
We learn to be critical of ourselves as we learn to march to the drummer of others wants and needs, we learn to be critical of others when they do not conform to what we want or expect. The inner critic speaks loudly in judgment of us and other people. It is a voice that yearns to castigate. It is the voice of enslavement to our egos and to the wants of others. Sometimes our inner critic will leave us with feelings of self doubt; sometimes it will allow us to feel negative and critical of others. When we listen to our inner critic, we listen to negativity that separates us from our best self and also from others.
Our best personal and professional selves come from a place of self love and acceptance. When we can truly love and accept ourselves we can also see those in our world as collaborators on our path of personal learning. Love is a path which brings us closer to the seed of creation and to a place where we can grow, learn and to share joy with others. We are all partners on a human journey, and the greatest challenge in our roadmap to personal and professional success is to cleave to our humanity, to the values of sharing and caring that make us brothers and sisters on the road of life.
Take a day this week to stomp out the voice of your inner critic; to free yourself from self imposed negativity and judgment. Silence all criticism and negativity for 24 hours. Concentrate only on the good in yourself and in others that you meet and interact with. Give the inner critic a day off, and in so doing spend a day with your highest, greatest and best self. Key Examples of Positive Affirmation (self-talk) to Help You:
of past successes!
People say, positive thinking and motivational reading can lift your morale and do seem to work in helping you move in the direction of your ultimate destination. However for few people, their existing manner of survival is exactly contrary to this belief, which brings them a sense that they have already lost the battle of the life. They surrender themselves to the drift of life without complaining. Over the period of time, this latent accumulation of suppressed negative emotions in their psyche develops negative attitude towards life and brings apathetic resignation towards their monotonous lifestyle. Normally people facing such adversities tend to blame others or even to their own fate for their failures. Obviously they could not tolerate the grace, success or progress of others. They get resentful and bitter when find that others are happy. Their surrounding factors can bring only the resentment and ultimately frustration for them. This phase of developing negative attitude towards life starts with the following symptoms: Although that person continues with untiring and incessant efforts and is fighting or striving against great difficulties to improve condition, still things look hopeless. When that person had ever tried to think positive, tried everything with positive attitude, yet it had gone wrong. Although that person confronted every situation with optimistic manner and positive attitude and hopeful output but everything went vain. Relying on such extremely bitter life experiences, he (or she) gets sure that the book quotes like 'think positive and motivate yourself' can be theoretically true but are practically impossible! Now we can say, one doesnt have to solely rely on those positive motivational quotes, which ask us for developing positive attitude to get motivated. Although reading a positive, motivational quote can lift our spirits and does seem to work in helping us move gradually in the direction of thinking more positively but re-shaping inherent nature in accordance with the existing situations could help more efficiently to overcome such adverse life situations or hostile surroundings.
bad relationship, poor self image, a history of abuse, stress, frustration and many other factors can change your overall attitude towards life which may directly impede your overall performance. Such tendencies are deep-rooted in mind and nurtured by excessive Negative Emotions. It is needless to mention that these negative emotions are tremendously powerful. They can debilitate lives extremely quick by causing disparity in energy system, which triggers a sequence of emotional imbalance (i.e. frustration, melancholia, persistent agony, mental instability, uncontrolled anger, inferiority complex etc.), which ultimately culminates in ill health. Lessen "Negative Emotions" in psyche. (i.e. frustration, uncontrolled anger, bitterness, excessive shame, guilt, arrogance, envy, jealousy, greed, fear, suspicious nature, inferiority complex, persistent agony or melancholy, mental instability, escapism or shilly-shallying tendencies, communication apprehension, poor will power, low grasping, absentmindedness, sloth, laziness, dawdling, dodging etc.) sufferings achieve Boost latent inner ability peace of mind and Mold the inherent behavior in accordance get rid of worries, tensions and the Ultimate Happiness! bring with the existing circumstances and surrounding conditions
"Balancing Emotions" will purge Negative Emotions in psyche and shape your innate behavior in a way to face every life challenge by avoiding pessimistic approach towards life; whilst you will be able to derive maximum life pleasure from whatever resources are available with you!
Non-objective, subjective conclusions and beliefs about facts of information are our opinions about those facts. An opinion is not based on objective truth, but on a subjective judgment that may or may not be true. -Our opinions are the root cause of our negative attitudes. When these opinions are reinforced by our feelings and emotions, our attitudes are born. -A negative attitude takes shape when our subjective, non-fully rational and logical opinions are endorsed by our vital emotions and feelings. In a positive attitude, the opinions are less-opinionated, as our perceptions are more in touch with the inherent truth of things. 19
So far we have indicated that changing a negative attitude can attract sudden instances of good fortune. Inversely, if we take to a negative attitude, we can attract instances of bad fortune. For example, if we speak negatively about another person, it is likely that problematic circumstances will arise. o At the annual gathering of the company's employees, prizes were being given out to the staff. One of the employees watching the proceedings hoped to win one of the larger prizes. When the biggest prize was announced, the winner scurried to pick it up from the host. However, the woman watching the proceedings was bitterly disappointed that she did not win. It also turned out that several weeks earlier she had a run in with the very person who had now won the prize, adding to her current bitterness. When this woman arrived back at her home later on that night, she received word that her son had suddenly fallen into very difficult straits. Here's another example of how life responds negatively to a wanting attitude. o A man "A" met a fellow instructor "B" before a class he was to perform that day. One of the things they discussed were problems they had experienced in earlier classes. In particular, A kept talking about how the students at a certain client were particularly difficult to work with. He persisted in expressing his feelings. Though that instructor rarely had problems with his students, later on that day, as well as in the next two classes, he had a series of difficulties with his students! As we see, when we express negative sentiment in life -- whether it is ill will towards certain individuals or complaining about situations -- we tend to elicit ill fortune. The best approach then is to avoid all negative expressions or complaining about others. In our 20
moment-to-moment activities, we need to be mindful of our thoughts and feelings, and catch any negative expression -- whether it us a flawed attitudes, a limited opinions, or a hasty, reflexive reaction. Thus is indeed serious business, because such expressions can literally destroy a work, as we see in the following incident: o An instructor had lined up a training class for the near future. Several days before the class, he was focusing on his work. However, at one point, he got sidetracked and sent an email to someone, in which he disparaged a prominent thinker. At that point, his energies were far removed from the important work that needed his attention that day. In the middle of writing that note, he received a call from his contact canceling the upcoming work. As we see, negative expressions, feelings, opinions, etc. can actually cancel or destroy a work. From this situation, we see that it is best then to catch these negative expressions before they rise so that we avoid the sudden arrival of ill fortune.
Two Inner Approaches that Will Catapult You to a Whole New Level
of Success
Man complains that he is not as successful as he would like, yet does not understand that his inner condition is what directly blocks further accomplishment in life. There are at least two major approaches to resolving this problem. One is to look at negative circumstances occurring outside one's self, and make the necessary corresponding inner adjustment; the other is to do an inner evaluation of one's condition in life, find what is wanting, and make the necessary change. Either will attract instantaneous good fortune from the world around us. In the first approach, I identify a negative circumstance that is happening in my life, and I relate it to a wanting attitude or behavior within. I then change that negative, and as a result, life will suddenly respond with good fortune. This is the principle of "inner-outer 21
correspondence" in action; that if you change the inner, life will suddenly respond outside us. For example, one woman who saw that her ill-will towards another had precipitated negative circumstances in a completely different area of her life, decided to change her feelings towards this woman. She actually came up and congratulated him on winning a big company prize. As a result, not only did she create good will with this person, but the organization in which they all worked suddenly from out of nowhere bestowed a very expensive gift on every employee, including the woman who changed her attitude! This is one approach to accomplishing vastly, beyond one's current limitations. The other approach is to "take inventory" of one's self, identify several wanting qualities, and make the persevering effort to overcome them. For example, we evaluate ourselves in such areas as; level of cleanliness and orderliness, necessary skills, negative attitude or harmful assumptions, bad habits, whether or not we are psychologically strong, whether the work we are doing is really what we want, whether we are fully accepting what life demands of us, whether we have a clear direction in life, whether we are emotionally balanced, and so forth. We thus conclude that our living and work space are completely disorganized, that we have no focus in my life (I am scattered in my intentions), that we procrastinate, and that we tend to be unpunctual. We then develop a comprehensive plan to overcome these and carry it out with a passionate and determined effort. Life then suddenly responds miraculous-like with instances of good fortune.
Response Applying Higher Attitudes, Overcoming Negative Ones Attracts Positive Life
One can always develop better personal attitudes; towards one's self, towards others, towards things, and towards life. Any effort to improve one's attitude invariably invokes sudden positive responses from life. This is perhaps the most frequently seen cause of positive life response. (Likewise, we see similar results for shedding limiting habits, opinions, prejudices, etc.)
When you reverse your emotions, attitudes, opinions, the response is very rapid, even instantaneous.
LIFE RESPONSE EXAMPLES -A part-time employed woman stops her distain for certain other people in her work group. Thereafter, she suddenly gets a full time job, her job in a decade. Moreover, her career develops steadily thereafter. She also notices that those around her, including her close family members, are also suddenly having very positive life experiences. -A salesperson was intimidated about meeting a huge client. He felt that the effort was a waste of time, and as it turned out he didn't get the sale. A number of months later he changed his attitude about approaching large customers. The very day that he changed his attitude the very same customer who he originally went to visit gave a huge order! -A man met his uncle every few years, and each time it turned contentious or tense when discussing politics and family matters. Before the next time they met he decided to withdraw any expectation or negative feeling (and consecrated, i.e. offered it to the spirit the event). Everything went perfectly in the meeting; without any hostility or tenseness. In fact, there was a sense of pervasive joy and harmony. There were also a number of sub-life responses as well! -A woman had visited the Mesa Verde national park in the US 30 years ago when pregnant with her only child. There she saw an ancient Pueblo Indian spiralling symbol of Infinity chiselled into a wall. She is motivated 30 years hence to return to the vast park. When she gets there she looks hither and fro through many areas of park for this symbol, but finds nothing. Now she is in a special area of ruins that is particularly compelling. She looks everywhere for the symbol, and again has found nothing. She has now gotten totally frustrated in her attempt to find it. She decides to give up the quest. She then walks a few feet, turns around, and there sees the symbol that has eluded her and been on her mind for 30 years. It gave her enormous pleasure and happiness. (When one gives up an intense desire, one enables it to occur. So long as she intensely desired it in frustration, it eluded her. She gave up her negative attitude about the situation.)
-An individual who does much photography of nature notices that whenever he has a hasty, overly impulsive desire to take a photo, it inevitably comes out poorly. (Negative response)
When we move from an ego-supported conscious to non-ego, our negative opinions, false beliefs, etc. tend to break down, we perceive become more open to the truer truth of things, which in effect causes our negative attitudes to dissolve, which under the right conditions can suddenly elicit a powerful positive response from life.
WHETHER in school or college or at the workplace the problems posed by a `bad' attitude are real and ever-present. Professional circles abound with tales of persons having an attitude problem, and sooner or later we are bound to meet and interact with such people. It is not uncommon to come across a person with a chip on his shoulder, one who takes delight in flaunting his abilities and looking down on all and sundry. When negative attitudes rear their ugly head at the workplace, there are a few ways to rectify them. I, me, myself Suresh was a person who had an air about him. At meetings and discussions his colleagues couldn't get a word in edgeways, as Suresh thought he was an authority on everything under the sun! Negative vibes from others didn't bother him. He was cocky and abrasive even in his personal interactions bringing in an air of discomfort, which made the whole team uneasy. He was a difficult person to get along with. Inside stuff The first thing that snaps when you `acquire' an attitude is communication. The person with the attitude feels that he has the right to say whatever he wants to and get away with it. Rude comments, garbled responses, and withholding important information often accompany the I-don't-care-attitude. This attitude is most likely to be cultivated when a person has experienced a recent success, or been vested with a greater amount of authority. Such a person should be made aware that in today's flat hierarchical structures, power isn't everything- what you do with it is what matters! What is the best thing to do when an associate has an attitude problem? Analyze the root cause of the problem. Is the negative behaviour a result of insecurity, bad experiences, an indulgent upbringing, a recent success, or simply a bloated ego? Once the cause of the problem is ascertained, the solution becomes so much easier to work out. However it should be handled with a lot of tact. 26
First, try to get a chance to talk openly with the person. Get him to listen to you. Give suggestions and emphasise why you strongly feel he cannot get by behaving the way he is. Draw attention to how he can improve rather than merely highlighting his shortcomings. There are times when the person may be unapproachable. At such times, it is best that a superior or a senior is made aware of the matter. Turnaround tips Here's what a person with an attitude problem can do to bring about a changeListen, accept and be communicative Acknowledge people. Try politeness and diplomacy especially in interactions and conversations. Cut out sarcastic talk and acrid remarks. Take hints from colleagues who might be trying help. The attitude problem is injurious. Issues like caste, culture and language that may have contributed to the attitude problem can seriously affect some other members of the team. Working towards creating a common and distinct team culture should assume importance then. How can you be sure that you don't suffer from the attitude problem yourself? A fair amount of stocktaking on a regular basis would help set the record straight. Take a pen and paper, and list the things you are proud of. Go over each of the points to see if these issues are affecting your workplace relationships negatively. If you think you are harping about a particular strength too much, tone it down. 27
A balanced view of oneself is therefore necessary to keep from being condescending. You can get away with a bad attitude if you are a lone worker. However, most jobs demand some amount of teamwork. Therefore a negative attitude should be eliminated to improve individual and team performance.
Chapter - 7 Bibliography
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