Using Xbee 802.15.4 in Serial Communication: Jason Grimes April 2, 2010

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Using Xbee 802.15.

4 in Serial Communication

Jason Grimes April 2, 2010

Instances where wireless serial communication is required to connect devices, Xbee RF modules are effective in linking Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) interfaces. The ease and flexibility of transmitting or receiving serial data in using Xbee RF modules is why it is preferred over other alternatives. This application note will introduce Xbee and how to connect to host devices such as a personal computer or PIC microcontroller.

Xbee, 802.15.4, RS-232, PIC 18F4520

Table of Contents 1. Objective.................................................................................................3 2. Introduction..........................................................................................3 3. Implementation....................................................................................3 3.1 Hardware....................................................................................4 3.2 Software......................................................................................6 4. Recommendations...............................................................................7 5. Conclusion.............................................................................................7 6. References..............................................................................................8

1. Objective
The purpose of application note is to use an Xbee 802.15.4 OEM RF module to create a serial link between two host devices and briefly describe two common methods of interfacing. The Xbee can operate in two modes; transparent and API (application programming interface). This paper will focus on its default transparent mode using an asynchronous serial host.

2. Introduction
Xbee RF modules are useful in transferring low data rates and where low-power consumption is necessary. The Xbee 802.15.4 RF modules operate in the unlicensed 2.4 GHz industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) band. Meaning the 10-bit RF data packet structure follows the IEEE 802.15.4 specifications. For this explanation, a microcontroller (PIC 18F4520) and a personal computer will serve as the host device for the RF radio.

3. Implementation
The two most common methods of interfacing serial data to the RF module are through the serial port of a PC and by microcontroller. Both methods must agree that the serial data entering the RF module is logic-level UART compatible.

3.1 Hardware
Using a PC to host the UART signal requires that it must first have the RS-232 voltage converted to TTL/CMOS logic voltages. Pins 2 (RXD) and 3 (TXD) from the RS-232 interface will connect to pins 14 and pins 13 respectively on the MAX232 for conversion. Take care in the voltage outputs from the MAX232 for the Xbee operates between 2.8 and 3.4 VDC, otherwise a voltage divider may need to be implemented before connecting

pins 11 and 12 on the MAX232 to DIN and DOUT on the Xbee. The pin assignment is described below in figure 1 for DB9/RS-232.

Figure 1: Pin assignment for DB9/RS-232

The four of capacitors used in the circuit schematic of figure 2 are all 1 F electrolytic capacitors and can be seen in Figure 3 between pins 1/3, 4/5, 2/16 and 6/ground. 5 Volt supply voltage is at pin 16. Xbee operates at 3.3 VDC at pin 1.

CMOS Logic 2.8-3.4 V (Pins 2 and 3)

Figure 2: Circuit Schematic, RS-232 to Xbee through a TTL/CMOS voltage logic converter.

Figure 3: Pin assignment for Xbee 802.15.4 OEM RF module

The second method is to interface a microcontroller to the Xbee. Figure 4 is the setup for connecting the Xbee to a PIC 18F4520 through a UART interface. In order to use the TX

and RX pins on the 18F4520, Port C must be open in order to use these pins for USART (Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiving and Transmitting). The PIC 18F4520 is capable of both synchronous and asynchronous operation but must be configured for asynchronous signal for the Xbee. For successful serial communication, the UARTs must configured with the same baud rate, parity, start bits, stop bits, and data bits. Pins 25 and 26 on the PIC are the transmitting and receiving pins respectively. Again, care must be taken in some form of a voltage divider to support the input voltage range of the UART serial signal to pins 2 and 3 on the Xbee.
CMOS Logic 2.8-3.4 V (Pins 2 and 3)

Figure 4: Circuit Schematic PIC to Xbee

3.2 Software
One of the main reasons interfacing the Xbee to a PC is to upgrade the firmware through a windows application called X-CTU. For PC to Xbee interface, X-CTU can be downloaded from Digi International at . Along with updating

firmware, the X-CTU terminal is capable of configuring modems such as baud rates and modem addresses. The serial data for the PIC to Xbee interface will need to be constructed in the MPLAB C18 C compiler with the USART library. Programming the PIC to be compatible with the Xbee requires that the USART function is included in the body of the program along with configuring the UART data such as timings or the number of data bits for the UART interface. This is to say for PIC to PIC or PIC to PC communication, UART information must be identical for successful transmission.

4. Recommendations
CTS and RTS connections on the Xbee may need to be implemented when devices are transferring continuous amount of data or when flow control is desirable in conjunction with the sleep mode. Without these connections, the buffers on the Xbee may become full or not ready for activity resulting in data loss.

5. Conclusion
Wireless Serial communication using an Xbee 802.15.4 RF module is an effective method in connecting host devices such as a personal computer or a microcontroller. By simply connecting a UART interface to the Xbee, serial data can be transmitted or received between devices without the use of wires.

6. References

Product Manual: Xbee / Xbee-Pro 802.15.4 OEM RF modules

MAX232 Data Sheet

PIC 18F4520 Data Sheet

USART; Using the USART in Asynchronous Mode, Microchip

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