Live With Passion
Live With Passion
Live With Passion
The Power of Scarcity Consciousness A lot of people talk a great game, but they don't achieve it. Difference from achieving goals and living a life full of passion. Most people do not live a life of passion, they settle for a lot less than they can be. They have big goals and dreams and were disappointed or betrayed, here is when you develop a life of passion or a life of excuses. Michael Jordan - converted pain to passion and won 3 championships in row. Results in life come from taking action, not being motivated.
Quality Quantifiers Cookies example, everyone wanted them at the beginning because they were delicious. But days passed and the emotion was gone because there were plenty of cookies. Scarcity - more desire Abundance - changes the way we respond (wanted less) State of urgency - not think things through. Take actions that are inappropriately because people feel overwhelmed or with no choice (urgency) . This leads to bad consequences. Scales from -10 to +10 Quantify the Desire What would it take to increase the desire? Scarcity is what makes us feel we want something RIGHT NOW. Fear of loss tend to drive us.
We do things everyday but we do not enjoy them. What drives us? Desire for pleasure or avoiding pain. Why do people do anything? To change the way we feel. People overeating want to change the way they feel and emotion. What we all want is to change the quality of sensation and emotion we are in. If we don't have a target or decide how we want to feel, we leave ourselves to be triggered by whatever happens in the moment (external factors, environment, what people say). If we don't direct our experience, we will be vulnerable. Proof yourself you can go from wanting something to totally hating it. Once you discover your pattern, you can apply it to things you don't enjoy too much (paperwork, phone calls, exercise) Key to long term change - Understand our patterns, utilize those patterns rather than use them wrong. There are places where we need to increase the level of desire and others where we need to lower it.
Raising your Standards Raise what you demand for yourself. Everyone has should and let themselves get pushed by their environment. We should have a target. Decide of the quality of experience we are committed to, then what it takes to get there? We are deciding what level about this idea, concept or food. 1. Raise standards 2. Asking the right questions?
To achieve mastery in something: 1. What you want 2. What must happen to achieve it. What is the quality of the experience I want to have? What has to happen in order for me to feel this way? What conditions need to be created in myself and in the environment? It must be based on conditions you need to control. 1. Decide in advance what kind of experience you want 2. Quantify it and determine the exact conditions you can create and control. Meeting the expectations of others Also others should have a good experience. Remember the importance of sinergy. Asking a new question What happens to experiences like doing taxes? 1. See how it is, don't kid yourself 2. Don't try to jump to level 10 3. Increase the joy a little first, (from -10 to 0) 4. What would I have to do, to enjoy, to do you can change the quality of the experience even if you thought its horrible.
Finding Joy in Every Experience No matter what you do, you can enjoy it. A lot of life requires to do things we are not to enthusiastic about.
Everybody has to make a choice: how to think and feel. If you don't make the choice consciously, we pay the price, and that price is to aloud the environment to determine how we feel.
CD 2. Certainty
What is certainty? This emotion can absolutely guarantee that you can achieve everything to its fullest extent. Too much of it can seal your fate. This can ensure your failure or give you success. All human progress comes from consistent and committed action. Being fearful and unsure causes us to question, doubt, to worry, to hold back, to be immobilized. To be certain is that physical vitality that can push you through the barriers and make you take action. How do we create this emotion? We see it everyday, we also see when its missing, in our physiology. Healers have that sense of certainty, everyone has this power to feel certainty. We can have certainty in a moment as long as we donut depend of the outside world. Its all a choice!
Using certainty to achieve dreams. The example of the movie guy. HE didn't care about other people, experts or media opinions. TO do this you employ the power of certainty! Certainty is a physiology
We think certainty comes from outside, but it can be used in the body. Certainty by itself do not create success, it must be linked with skill. The danger of too much certainty But too much is not good, we also want surprises, fun, and good things that come from not knowing what will happen. Being too sure can also cost us family, business, friends, etc. Let go of something that you are too sure about so your mind can open and get new information to create new type of certainty. Make friends with uncertainty to create new thoughts, new ideas, new strategies, new ways of thinking.
Facing the 4 Challenges of Certainty 1. Can cause you to generalize in a way that is debilitating. The excess of information overwhelm us, we generalize and do not evaluate things. This can limit the quality of our lives. 2. Immobilizes you. There are a lot of people who want change but they don't do it. Why? Fear of unknown. If you learn to enjoy uncertainty, then you are empowered. 3. Rationalization. The strongest force in human personalty is the need to remain consistent with how we define ourselves. Cognitive dissonance. 4. Look what others are doing. When people are not sure, they look at what others are doing. False belief that they are right because everyone is doing. Most peoples life is shaped by others opinions and thoughts.
The power of certainty to heal or destroy Everyday people are making decisions to what you are certain about and show it in their bodies.
How Magic Johnson life changed overnight He got HIV but didn't have symptoms, his doctor told him it would not be a good idea to continue playing basketball. He came back, played in the Olympics, all star and play for the Lakers. Ignorance affected him a lot.
The importance of critical thinking We should take care of what we think and how we make others believe
The paradox of certainty it must be used in a balanced way. The people that are suffering, it can be you if we are not good.
Disc 3. Rules
What are rules? Every question we answer and every perception we have is done based on our personal standards. Clear awareness of what rules and how you can change them and change your life.
What has to happen in order for you to feel successful? You are successful when you experience tons of pleasure and very little pain (you and the people around you
The purpose of rules Rules help your brain to answer the question: Is this going to mean pain or pleasure? Our brain relates to pleasure or plain with Our memory and analyze past experiences Rules are shortcuts for our brain, it help us to make decisions. The most important thing: rules are the controlling factor of which moments you get pain and which moments you get pleasure. Set rules in a way that empowers us. Set rules that determine how we want to feel during the day. Rules like: exercise, eating. Overweight woman has no rules.
Finding the origin of rules We model our rules from other people and from out environment. Rules are things we link in our head to pain or pleasure.
7 distinctions of rules that can be major challenges or can empower us: Beliefs about what we must or should do in order to have an experience. When rules collide 1. Every upset you ever had has been a rule upset. Its not about the other human being, its about your rules being different from others people. Why do you get upset with yourself? because you break your rules.
2. People rules are not necessarily consistent. People have conflicting rules. 3. Rules cause us to go on automatic pilot. They speed up decisions. 4. Take the time to evaluate your rules and discover if they are empowering or not in your life. Why? What is your definition of success? Some people say success is to never make a mistake. Just by changing a belief or rule we can feel confident. Analyze. What does it take in order for me to feel successful? confident? etc 5. Don't expect your people to live by your rules if you don't tell them how they are. Never assume. Communicate. 6. Too many rules create a lot of stress. Example: rules for woman in past centuries. Now they have a lot of rules (having the perfect body, being the perfect mom, etc). Also our children have a lot of stress due to expectations. High self esteem comes from feeling you have control over events, not events on you.
7. Create a healthy balance Anybody who is fit and in good shape have rules for what they have to eat. Rules are personal standards. Sit down and write down what does it take in order for you to feel successful ? to feel loved? to feel confident? that you are excellent at something? Are these rules appropriate? Come up with a definition that empowers you. Start with a phrase anytime I
We all have rules, whether we want it or not, they govern our thinking.
Disc 4. Communication
The quality of your communication Reality Bridging - technology for communication mastery. Tony has seen great results. Its not the events that determine how things turn out, but rather how we communicate with ourselves about the events in our life.
ITS WHAT WE DO WITH WHAT HAPPENS. If we wanna master our life, we have to master the way we communicate with: 1. With ourselves before other people. Nothing in life has any meaning except the meaning we give it. (The story about the attack of the shark, but it wasnt that bad for him). Master the meaning of what you associate things with. We cant communicate with anybody until we learn to communicate with ourselves in an empowering way. Why do you communicate? If you understand why you are doing something, you get a lot better. Why do we communicate? Most people don't know the answer. to make a difference, it makes me grow, to survive, to get love, to give love, so you can have an impact, to try and control, to understand more, to get even. Why do you do it? Think about it. Most of us get caught in the habit of doing something. And we just do it until we forgot why we even started, why are we doing that in the first place. Unconscious communication hurts you and the people around you. Stop and think, why do you communicate? We communicate for 3 reasons: 1. To create a positive feeling inside of ourselves or to amplify a positive feeling we are already having. When we are excited about something, we want to tell someone else about it. 2. To get rid of negative feeling. You tell someone how you are feeling hoping they will tell you something that will make you feel better. 3. To create a new result. When we want to change something. Why do you want to create a new result? You think you will feel better, to feel good. Everything is focused to feeling good or better. Why do we communicate? TO FEEL GOOD!
We have to learn how to communicate in a way that empowers us! We cant communicate attacking people, we have to do it in a way that makes others feel good. Responding out of stress Reality check. 1. Write down how do you communicate when you are stressed. What are some of your patterns? What do you say to people when you are stressed? 2. Answer this question: How do you try to get leverage on people when you are not getting your way. By crying? Demanding? by getting intense? acting like it doesn't matter? What do you do? Master the patterns of communication when we are stressed and create new ones that empower us. Creating a reality bridge Communication only fails to work when two different people have different realities. When they have a different idea of what something means. We build a bridge - a way for us to realize that we communicate to stay connected and make life better. There are a couple of core beliefs that you need to have about other people to communicate way. You wont judge people if you have these. Rule you must never violate: NEVER EVER question another persons intent. 1st belief: People are not their behaviors. Judging someone destroys communication. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Don't generalize about people. People are doing the best they can with the resources they have. 2nd belief: In any human communication, the response you get from someone is either a loving response of a cry for help. Don't take things personally. Long term relationship Create a bond - build a bridge, people have different perceptions and realities.
Long term relationship: permanent bridge between them, even if different realities there is always this connection. An emotional bond, a bridge. Build a bridge very strong. If you always question peoples intent, you will destroy your life.
Reality Check All communication problems come from: 1. stressed 2. Creating a meaning that is not truth Questions for being the antidote for not being upset: 1. Am I willing to learn something valuable from this? Ask this before communicating your upset 2. What is it that is really upseting you in this relationship? What is the meaning ? complete The meaning i link to this is________ Example:I cant count on them. 3. Could this be a misperception or misinterpretation? 4. What else could this mean? 5. What do I need in order to feel good now? (purpose of communication is to feel good) Change perception, find out more information, understand persons view point, do i need to know if these person cares for me, to i need to get a commitment to this person, do i need to change the way we are doing something, do I need to apologize to this person, do I need to just remember who this person really is 6. How to communicate my needs in a way that empowers my relationship with this person? 7. the other day I misinterpreted you and I want to make clear this situation. Taking responsibility Most people deny everything or say It was your fault when you try to open the communication. Instead of blaming, your apologize and tell them it wasn't your intent.
Creating bridges The mastery of life is the mastery of meaning. Never question their intent, the essence of the relationship. Take out journal, two issues you have on your personal life. Do the reality check and go through this 7 questions.
Disc 5. Problems
Turning problems into opportunities What do you think or feel inside your body when somebody says We have a problem here Most people think its something that prevents them from getting what they want. Most problems are stepping stones. We have to deal them whether we want it or not. How we deal with problems determines the quality of our lives. Attitude makes the difference Can you get rid of problems? No! They are here to benefit us. What makes the biggest difference is the attitude towards your problems.
Steps for dealing with problems. 1. Take a new look at what problems mean. When you are really upset you get hooked up in the problem and not focused on the solution. We don't wanna be upset. A problem is a lesson begging to be learned. When you handle a problem, you expand. When you go out and push to the edge, you evolve. When you expand you can deal with so much more, but then, more problems appear! 2. Change the questions you ask yourself. If you are in the victim position, you are out of control. Remember, ask and you shall receive. Questions can help you change the way you feel. Keep changing the questions you ask. 3. Change the language we use. Problems are challenge. The language you use to describe the way you feel, determines the way you feel. Say they are challenges, not problems. Whatever you ask more, you get that. Ask the right things. 4. Change the way you are using your body. The way you feel determines how you behave. Change the way you use your body. Say yes with power. Radical change. 5. Be honest about the problem. Don't pretend its not there. See it as it really is. Dont see it worse, see it in a better way. If I turn this thing away, how can it make me better? 6. Control the focus of your mind. Spend 20% on the problem and 80% on the solution. We are the hunters, not being hunted by the problem. 7. Anticipate problems. Be ready for them in advance. Expect the best and plan for the worst. 8. Develop certainty that you can handle any problem no matter what happens. 9. Learn to solve problem to attract better quality of problems. 10. Develop a new perspective. 11. Take pride in solving a problem. Take a look at something that was a problem and is now a positive thing. Give you credit for that.
Who you become as a human being is the ultimate gift.....or the ultimate pain.
Disc 6. Life
What is your purpose? Each moment we should have a sense of meaning in our life, something useful with significance. Not only when you reach your goals. All of us must have a reason to be here. The decisions that shape your life Everyone of us is unique, different and special. The creator has put you here with a reason. The question is: What is it? What are you hear to do? This are one of the most significant questions you can answer in your life. What really shapes our life is decisions.
1st decision is what to focus on. We must find an empowering focus out of any situaion. 2nd decision that shapes our life is to decide on what something means. The meaning only you can decide. 30,000 are fired from IBM, what does that mean? The opportunity to start a business? The end of the world? A reason to get depressed? Meaning is something we determine, that's the exciting part and also the scary part.. 3rd decision is what are you going to do when something happens. So much of the fear that we see in life comes from the fact that most of us don't feel like we are in control. We try to control every event of our lives. Controlling what something means to you. You have to control what things mean to you. No matter what happens in life, the meaning of what has happened is YOURS. You get to determine it as long as you are conscious and don't allow your environment to decide for you. Dint allow you nervous system to make connections that are false. Some people are driving by their fear, they would avoid anything to be in a fearful situation. Other people are driven by the desire to feel a sense of adventure. What drives you? Your past? your fears? Whats directing your focus? Your parents, competition, your desire for joy, to contribute or a sense of purpose? Whatever drives you is whats shaping your life. Most people never decide what is going to drive our life. The Mind-Body Connection Linking pain or pleasure with experiences can create a lot of conditions in our life. A woman had a bad marriage and linked marriage with DEATH. Also thought the cause of her pain was being with a MAN and finally, he linked trust with death because he trusted his ex husband. A search for meaning Viktor Frankl - being in Nazi concentration camp. He found a deeper meaning, he was pain and found meaning for the future. Becoming a lover of life
Somebody should tell us right at the start of our lives that we are dying, then we might live life to our limits, every minute of every day, whatever you want to do, do it now, there are so many tomorrows Decide consciously what you want your life to be about, what is the purpose of your life. Something simple you can live every day. The 7 Reasons People Fail at the Game of Life What do you contribute? - That's what life is about. What are you here for? 1. Because they don't know the purpose of the game. If you don't know the purpose, what are your chances of winning? What do you really want? 2. They have a lot of rules of how to play. How their spouse should be, their boss or people they don't know. Sometimes we get upset with other people because all of the rules we have. 3. Their rules are in conflict. We contradict ourselves a lot. This will give you pain and frustration. 4. They don't always win or rewarded. You give it all and sometimes a storm gets in and makes you lose. You then say hey, why even try? without realizing there is a deeper meaning. Everything is a gain if you ask yourself how can I use this in a positive way, to move my way forward? 5. Break the rules and you win. You do something you know you shouldn't do and you get pleasure. Your brain says hey, maybe there can be some new rules! This takes you away from your main purpose. The ultimate pleasure in life sometimes requires short-term pain in order to get to it. 6. In order to win, you have to work with other people who don't have a purpose. Every moment you are creating the meaning of your life by the words you decide to use. 7. They think is a life and death game. This is not a practice session, this is the real thing. If you live like a life and death game you live in fear, and that is not life at all.
1. Decide what the purpose of the game is. They say for right now, the purpose of my life is (grow, expand, love, etc.). Having a clear purpose helps you decide what you do with your time and energy, how to invest it. 2. Have fewer rules. The more rules you have about how people and life have to be, the less happy you are going to be. Everyday above ground is a happy day. Joy and simple action. 3. Make the rules consistent. 4. Give themselves pleasure whenever they win even if the world doesnt. Give yourself the pleasure you deserve instead of waiting for others. 5. When they screw up, they say this is not who I am. 6. They know that everybody has different rules and try to find others rules. 7. Know that life has a purpose but they don't take themselves and life too seriously.
Revisiting your childhood dreams. Maybe you are not doing what you originally envisioned, but you can do it even now in a different and better way. Identifying the purpose of your life Write down The purpose of my life is... . It must be, positive and brief. You gotta be in that mission statement. You and others, being and doing. WRITE DOWN NOW THE PURPOSE OF YOUR LIFE. How to find meaning in a unfulfilled dream Very often not getting your dream gives you your destiny. So often people set up a goal, they don't get it and feel resentful towards others or themselves. Whenever something happens, you have to find a powerful meaning. How can you use
that experience in a positive way? Every human experience supports us, even if its painful.