Milk Vita

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Dairy industry is one of the best suited sectors for the generation of employment and thus ameliorating poverty

in rural areas of Bangladesh providing jobs to the whole family, i.e. men, women & children alike. It is a most profitable occupation too as no part of the bovine is wasted live or dead. Support to the dairy industry lacks appropriate focus in our PRSP strategy primarily due to aggressive lobbying by importers of subsidized milk powder on the one hand and skewed price structure of locally marketed liquid milk by Bangladesh Milk Producers Cooperative Union Limited (BMPCUL) Milk Vita holding a commanding market share due to undeserved financial support from the Government. BMPCUL trade name is Milk Vita.

Bangladesh Milk Producers Co-Operative Limited (Milk Vita):

Bangladesh Milk Producers' Co-operative Union Ltd. popularly known by its brand name Milk Vita, was established by the Bangladesh Government in 1973, immediately after the liberation war, based upon the recommendation by UNDP/FAO and DANIDA in the pattern of AMUL, India. The dairy sector of the country is one of the principal agricultural industries. It was initiated as a development project of the Government titled "Co-operative Dairy Complex" with the objective of ensuring fair price for the poor, landless and marginal milk producing farmers of the rural Bangladesh and on the other hand to provide the city dwellers with a regular supply of fresh and hygienic milk and milk products at a reasonable price.

We as a MBA student select this co-operative society to highlight their overall success and whether they are going through the right path till now for which it was created.

It will include a case development and case study based on the Milk Vita. Our whole study will cover only Milk Vita Dhaka a part of Milk Vita Bangladesh.


For the purpose of development of this case we collect data from different sources. Those sources areFace to face conversation Informal conversation Unpublished data Different published news Many other sources

As a student of MBA we have been assigned some specific time to complete this case study we have chosen. The timeline that have been fixed for the completion of the study is only forty five days, in this mean time we have to complete this for our honorable course teacher.

At the end, this proposal will help to structure out our work study as well as guide in developing the case more innovatively. So this proposal letter will lead us next to the field work, noting down all the facts, matter and criteria needed for the preparation of this case.


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