Marketing Mix of Kit Kat
Marketing Mix of Kit Kat
Marketing Mix of Kit Kat
wi ll find it very difficult to market a product which fails to satisfy a consumer need. Kit Kat owes much of its success to a unique dual appeal - as a four-finge r chocolate bar, (known in the confectionery trade as a countline), sold at corn er shops and newsagents, but also as a two-finger biscuit sold in supermarkets. It is a product that has endured because of its wide appeal across the age range s and to both sexes. KITKAT is sold in 11g, 17g and 35g finger bars and KITKAT C hunky is available in 46g bar. For Kit Kat, these intrinsic elements of the prod uct, or unique selling points include the: Chocolate fingers Foil and band wrapp ing, unique in the countlines market and seen as an important feature which encourages involvement and sharing by consumers Well-known strap l ine - Have a Break, Have a Kit Kat. Effects on Consumer Behavior: Special editions are used of kit kat to effect con sumer behavior. Market research has shown that consumers prefer special editions to be available for limited periods only and that consumers are likely to purch ase the original Kit Kat at the same time or shortly after. They 1 |Page
are, therefore, a good way of injecting new life into the Kit Kat product life c ycle. Depending on their popularity, some special editions are introduced more t han once. The Orange Kit Kat has proved so popular that the two-finger multipack s are now permanently available. Pricing strategy: A key advantage of maintaining a strong brand image in a compe titive market is a degree of flexibility in the pricing strategy. It is a common characteristic of imperfectly competitive markets for producers to concentrate on non-price competition. When looking at the pricing strategy for Kit Kat, it c an be seen from the figures that the real price has remained remarkably stable o ver the last many years. And it starts from RS 5 only. Effects on Consumer Behavior: The price also had a great effect on consumers spe cially those who are price conscious people because the price of the kit kat cho colate has remained stable over the decades yes there has been some vulnerabilit y in price but it was not that much, so the customers remained loyal with the br and. In pricing Consumers background and socio-economic status including income, education etc. also plays a pivotal role and because of the very much stable pri ce even the lower middle class customers can also afford it and it was a big plu s for kit kat. Placing Strategy: Nestl has developed distribution channels which ensure the avai lability of Kit Kat to buy wherever and whenever the consumer wishes to purchase it. Sales of confectionery depend heavily on its availability, with market rese arch showing that well over 60of all purchases are 2 |Page
made on impulse. Consequently, Nestl tries to supply as many outlets as possible - both wholesaler and retailer channels. Point of sale merchandising is also imp ortant when consumers are making instant, snap decisions from a wide range of pr oducts on view. Instantly recognisable packaging also helps to tempt customers. Internationally, Kit Kat is now also manufactured in Canada, Germany, India, Mal aysia, China, Japan, Australia, South Africa and the United States. It is availa ble in more than 100 countries throughout the World. Effects on Consumer Behavior: Place has a great role in consumers buying behavio r because it doesnt matter how good the product is if it is not available easily for the customers they would not buy it. Shoe shops, for example, have recently been identified as having potential for confectionery sales owing to the large n umber of families that visit them. It is also predicted that confectionery, alon g with all foodstuffs, will become available through cable and interactive telev ision, videophones and the Internet. So the company needs to make sure the avail ability of the product. Promotional strategy: Nestl has used a wide range of promotional tactics with Kit Kat. Promotion offers have included free bars in the multi-bar family packs and an instant win deal with Mc Donalds. This promotion strategy has left a great im pact on the consumers because there were many of them who never got a taste of k it kat and due to this strategy company has gained many customers. Kit Kat s adv ertising is concentrated in following Medias: Television commercials (very few) Posters and billboards where the powerful colo rs of the pack and product are used to dramatize the message Magazines & Newspap ers 3 |Page
Effects on Consumer Behavior: A particular challenge for the advertisers is to a ppeal to both the consumers and the purchasers. A large proportion of these purc hases are subsequently consumed by children. Men eat as much as they purchase su ggesting they are less generous, so we think that they need to advertise more in televisions and channels like Cartoon network because many children watch that channel and it would create a impact on consumers behavior. Conclusion KITKAT is by far one of the most popular chocolates all around the world! Its tra demark red and white colours and the distinct KITKAT logo makes it one of the mo st recognised brands ever. The marketing mix of Kitkat chocolate was good enough but like any other product there is always room for improvement and kit kat can also improve its marketing mix by adopting new and innovative strategies. References hl=en&gbv=2&tbs=isch:1&q=kit+kat+ effect+on+consumer+behavior&sa=N&start=90&nds p=18 estle-kit-kat.aspx 4 |Page