Sister Callista Roy

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When push comes to a shove, we will seldom disappoint ourselves. We all harbour greater stores of strength than we think. Adversity brings the opportunity to test our mettle and discover for ourselves the stuff of which we are made.

Do not underestimate the power of a person to cope. He may be dependent now but deep within him lies the energy to adapt.

I remember a particular a particular patient when I was still an ICU nurse. He was a pastor afflicted with a serious liver problem. Specialists come and go at his ICU bed but they cannot seem to diagnose the problem. Time is running out and the pastor is slipping fast. Hes bleeding and God knows how many units of blood have been transfused to him. He went into coma. Doctors were giving up, and so were we. Weve primed the family but they just wont give upyet. The wife is always there at his side during visiting hours, always cheerful and full of hope. So is the daughter who even lets her dad listen to praise songs as if he is not comatose. Many days passed and to our amazement, the pastor woke up from coma. Its been uphill from there. Everything just fell into the right place. He was transferred to a regular room and eventually discharged with a clean bill of health.

Amazing? What could it be? A miracle? Or could it be the medications working, or the transfusion? Or the familys fervent prayers? We couldnt tell but one thing is certain: human beings are made to persist. And that is what Sister Callista Roy believed, too.

Sister Callista Roy is a member of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Carondelet. She received a bachelor of science in nursing from Mount Saint Marys College in Los Angeles California, a master of science in nursing from UCLA, and a masters degree and doctorate in sociology from UCLA (Philips, 2002). Roy first proposed the RAM while studying for her masters degree at UCLA, where Dorothy Johnson challenged students to develop conceptual models of nursing (Philips, 2002; Roy & Andrew, 1999). She received many honors and awards for her scholarly and professional work and is currently the Graduate Faculty Nurse Theorist at Boston College, School of Nursing (Roy, 2000).


Johnsons nursing model was the impetus for the development of Roys Adaptation Model. Roy also incorporated concepts from Helsons adaptation theory, von Bertalanffys system model, Rapoports system definition, the stress and adaptation theories of Dohrenrend and Selye, and the coping model of Lazarus (Philips, 2002).


In the Adaptation Model, assumptions are specified as scientific assumptions or philosophical assumptions.

Scientific Assumptions

Systems of matter and energy progress to higher levels of complex self- organization. Consciousness and meaning are constitutive of person and environment integration Awareness of self and environment is rooted in thinking and feeling Humans by their decisions are accountable for the integration of creative processes. Thinking and feeling mediate human action System relationships include acceptance, protection, and fostering of interdependence Persons and the earth have common patterns and integral relationships Persons and environment transformations are created in human consciousness Integration of human and environment meanings results in adaptation (Roy&Andrew, 1999, p.35). Philosophical Assumptions

Persons have mutual relationships with the world and God Human meaning is rooted in the omega point convergence of the universe. God is intimately revealed in the diversity of creation and is the common destiny of creation. Persons use human creative abilities of awareness, enlightenment, and faith. Persons are accountable for the processes of deriving, sustaining and transforming the universe (Roy & Andrew, 1999, p. 35).

Reading through Roys adaptation theory, I now understand mans immense capacity to adapt. I believe in a higher power, I believe in miracles, but I believe, too, that the greater miracle is the perfect interplay of all the factors that push a person to adapt at various modes.

The Four Modes of Adaptation

Physiologic-Physical Mode Physical and chemical processes involved in the function and activities of living organisms; the underlying need is physiologic integrity as seen in the degree of wholeness achieved through adaptation to change in needs.

Self-concept- Group Identity Mode Focuses on psychological and spiritual integrity and sense of unity, meaning, and purposefulness in the universe.

Role Function Mode Roles that individuals occupy in society, fulfilling the need for social integrity. It is knowing who one is in relation to others.

Interdependence Mode The close relationships of people and their purpose, structure and development individually and in groups and the adaptation potential of these groups.

So how did the pastor recover? At the physiologic level, it was good that he was brought to the ICU immediately since the basic physiologic needs are met at once. He was intubated (for oxygenation), an NGT was put in place (for nutrition), a foley catheter was inserted (for elimination), and enema was also done to facilitate elimination of wastes.

Visitors were restricted early on to provide optimum rest and to minimize cross contamination. Isolation measures were also instituted. Routine ICU care, so to speak. Every time the patient is assigned to me, I try to talk to him as if he listens and can answer. His churchmates were also there every time they are allowed to see him telling him that they are waiting for him at their church. The wife and the daughter never gave up on him. They are always there to tell him how much they love and need him. The adaptation process was a long one, but he did adapt and went on to recover. The ICU environment is not a very ideal place for adaptation, but given the situation and condition of the patient at that time, it was the best place to support the bodys power to adapt.



Using Roys six step nursing process, the nurse assesses first the behaviors and second the stimuli affecting those behaviors. In a third step the nurse makes a statement or nursing diagnosis of the persons adaptive state and fourth, sets goals to promote adaptation. Fifth, nursing interventions are aimed at managing the stimuli to promote adaptation. The last step in the nursing process is evaluation. By manipulating the stimuli and not the patient, the nurse enhances the interaction of the person with their environment, thereby promoting health.

Hamner in 1989 discussed the Roy model and how it could be applied to nursing care in a cardiac unit (CCU). Hamner describes the model as enhancing care in the CCU and being consistent with the nursing process. Hamner found that the model assessed all patients behavior, so that none was excluded. The author discovered that the Roy model provides a structure in which manipulation of stimuli are not overlooked. The model puts emphasis on identifying and reinforcing positive behavior which speeds recovery.


The adaptation model is also useful in educational setting. Roy states that the model defines for students the distinct purpose of nursing which is to promote mans adaptation in each of the adaptive modes in situations of health and illness.

In the early 1980s the School of Nursing at the University of Ottawa experienced a major curriculum change. This change included incorporating a nursing model by which to base their new curriculum. The change included incorporating a nursing model by which to base their new curriculum. The Roy adaptation model was one of the models to be included in the first year of the baccalaureate program. The professors had to meet four challenges during this change:

1. Adapting the course to be congruent with the Roy model,

2. Developing teaching tools suitable for student learning.

3. Sequencing of content for student learning

4. Obtaining competent role models.


If research is to affect practitioners behavior, it must be directed at testing and retesting conceptual models for nursing practice. Roy has stated that theory development and the testing of developed theories are nursings highest priorities. The model must be able to regenerate testable hypotheses for it to be researchable.

Nursing goals are to promote adaptation for individuals and groups in the four adaptive modes, thus contributing to health, quality of life, and dying with dignity

This is done by assessing behavior and factors that influence adaptive abilities and by intervening to expand those abilities and to enhance environmental interactions.

Mr.NR who was suffering with diabetes mellitus for past 10 years. He developed a diabetic foot ulcer and had to undergo amputation. He was admitted in __ Hospital. Mr. NR was selected for application of RAM in providing nursing care. NURSING PROCESS

According to RAM, nursing process is a problem solving approach for gathering data, identifying the capacities and needs of the human adaptive system, selecting and implementing approaches for nursing care, and evaluation the outcome of care provided. Assessment of Behavior

the first step of the nursing process which involves gathering data about the behavior of the person as an adaptive system in each of the adaptive modes. Assessment of Stimuli

the second step of the nursing process which involves the identification of internal and external stimuli that are influencing the persons adaptive behaviors. Stimuli are classified as: Focal- those most immediately confronting the person, Contextual-all other stimuli present that are affecting the situation and Residual- those stimuli whose effect on the situation are unclear. Nursing Diagnosis

step three of the nursing process which involves the formulation of statements that interpret data about the adaptation status of the person, including the behavior and most relevant stimuli Goal Setting

the forth step of the nursing process which involves the establishment of clear statements of the behavioral outcomes for nursing care. Intervention

the fifth step of the nursing process which involves the determination of how best to assist the person in attaining the established goals Evaluation

the sixth and final step of the nursing process which involves judging the effectiveness of the nursing intervention in relation to the behavior after the nursing intervention in comparison with the goal established. DEMOGRAPHIC DATA

Name Age Sex IP number Education Occupation Marital status Religion Informants Date of admission

Mr. NR 53 years Male ----Degree Bank clerk Married Hindu Patient and Wife 21/01/08




Stable process of ventilation and stable process of gas exchange. RR= 18Bpm.

Chest normal in shape. Chest expansion normal on either side.

Apex beat felt on left 5th inter-costal space mid-clavicular line.

Air entry equal bilaterally. No ronchi or crepitus. NVBS. S1& S2 heard.

No abnormal heart sounds.

Delayed capillary refill+. JVP0.

Apex beat felt- normal rhythm, depth and rate.

Dorsalis pedis pulsation of affected limp is not palpable.

All other pulsations are normal in rate, depth, tension with regular rhythm.

Cardiac dull ness heard over 3rd ICS near to sternum to left 5ht ICS mid clavicular line.

S1& S2 heard.

No abnormal heart sounds. BP- Normotensive. .

Peripheral pulses felt-Normal rate and rhythm, no clubbing or cyanosis.


He is on diabetic diet (1500kcal). Non vegetarian.

Recently his Weight reduced markedly (10 kg/ 6 month).

He has stable digestive process.

He has complaints of anorexia and not taking adequate food.

No abdominal distension. Soft on palpation. No tenderness.

No visible peristaltic movements.

Bowel sounds heard.

Percussion revealed dullness over hepatic area.

Oral mucosa is normal. No difficulty to swallow food


No signs of infections, no pain during micturation or defecation.

Normal bladder pattern. Using urinal for micturation.

Stool is hard and he complaints of constipation.

Activity and rest:

Taking adequate rest.

Sleep pattern disturbed at night due unfamiliar surrounding.

Not following any peculiar relaxation measure.

Like movies and reading. No regular pattern of exercise.

Walking from home to office during morning and evening.

Now, activity reduced due to amputated wound. Mobility impaired.

Walking with crutches.

Pain from joints present. No paralysis.

ROM is limited in the left leg due to wound.

No contractures present. No swelling over the joints.

Patient need assistance for doing the activities.


Left lower fore foot is amputated.

Black discoloration present over the area.

No redness, discharge or other signs of infection.


Wound healing better now.

Walking with the use of left leg is not possible.

Using crutches.

Pain form knee and hip joint present while walking.

Dorsalis pedis pulsation, not present over the left leg. Right leg is normal in length and size.

Several papules present over the foot.

All peripheral pulses are present with normal rate, rhythm and depth over right leg.


No pain sensation from the wound site. Relatively, reduced touch and pain sensation in the lower periphery; because of neuropathy. Using spectacle for reading. Gustatory, olfaction, and auditory senses are normal. Fluids and electrolytes:

Drinks approximately 2000ml of water. Stable intake out put ratio. Serum electrolyte values are with in normal limit. No signs of acidosis or alkalosis. Blood glucose elevated. Neurological function:

He is conscious and oriented.

He is anxious about the disease condition.

Like to go home as early as possible.

Showing signs of stress.

Touch and pain sensation decreased in lower extremity. Thinking and memory is intact.

Endocrine function

He is on insulin. No signs and symptoms of endocrine disorders, except elevated blood sugar value. No enlarged glands.


Physical self:

He is anxious about changes in body image, but accepting treatment and coping with the situation. He deprived of sexual activity after amputation.

Belongs to a Nuclear family. 5 members. Stays along with wife and three children. Good relationship with the neighbours. Good interaction with the friends. Moderately active in local social activities

Personal self:

Self esteem disturbed because of financial burden and hospitalization. He believes in god and worshiping Hindu culture.


He was the earning member in the family. His role shift is not compensated. His son doesn'tt have any work. His role clarity is not achieved.


He has good relationship with the neighbors. Good interaction with the friends relatives. But he believes, no one is capable of helping him at this moment. He says all are under financial constrains. He was moderately active in local social activities



Non-healing wound after amputation of great and second toe of left leg- 4 week. A wound first found on the junction between first and second toe-4 month back. The wound was non-healing and gradually increased in size with pus collected over the area.

He first consulted in a local (---) hospital. From there, they referred to ---- medical college; where he was admitted for 1 month and 4 days. During hospital stay great and second toe amputated. But surgical wound turned to non- healing with pus and black colour. So the physician suggested for below knee amputation. That made them to come to ---Hospital, ---. He underwent a plastic surgery 3 week before.


Known case DM for past 10 years. Was on oral hypoglycemic agent for initial 2 years, but switched to insulin and using it for 8 years now. Not wearing foot wear in house and premises. RESIDUAL STIMULI:

He had TB attack 10 year back, and took complete course of treatment. Previously, he admitted in --Hospital for leg pain about 4 year back. . Mothers brother had DM. Mother had history of PTB. He is a graduate in humanities, no special knowledge on health matters.


Mr.NR who was suffering with diabetes mellitus for past 10 years. Diabetic foot ulcer and recent amputation made his life more stressful. Nursing care of this patient based on Roy's adaptation model provided had a dramatic change in his condition. Wound started healing and he planned to discharge on 25th april. He studied how to use crutches and mobilized at least twice in a day. Patients anxiety reduced to a great extends by proper explanation and reassurance. He gained good knowledge on various aspect of diabetic foot ulcer for the future self care activities. Usefulness of Adaptation Model Scientific knowledge for practice Clinical assessment and intervention Research variables To guide nursing practice To organize nursing education Curricular frame work for various nursing colleges

Characteristics of the theory interrelated logical in nature relatively simple yet generalizable can be the basis for the hypotheses that can be tested contribute to and assist in increasing the general body of knowledge of a discipline can be utilized by the practitioners to guide and improve their practice consistent with other validated theories, laws and principles Testable

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