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172 - (IP-016) Distributed Control Systems (DCS)

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(IP-016) Distributed Control Systems (DCS)

Distributed Control Systems (DCS)


ThIs course Is desIgned for Enyneers and/or Senor Technccns responsble for the dayto
day maIntenance of 0IstrIbuted Control Systems at theIr respectIve plants. ts purpose Is
to provIde these key personnel wIth a solId and consIstent groundIng In the technology,
topology and protocols commonly used In modern 0CS systems better enablIng them to
maIntaIn, faultfInd and Implement mInor confIguratIon changes on theIr own systems.

The course wIll be a classroombased revIew of the basIc concepts, prIncIples, standards
and protocols used In the modern 0CS and SCA0A systems - wIth sectIons coverIng
hardware, software and networks.

Course DutIIne
The HIstory and EvoIutIon Df 0CS ControI Systems.
What Is a 0CS!
How 0oes a 0CS work!
|aIn Components
The HIghway
PrIncIples of operatIon
What Is SCA0A!
How does SCA0A work!
|aIn Components
PrIncIples of operatIon
How does 0CS and SCA0A work together!
Dperator nterfaces
EngIneerIng WorkstatIons
0IstrIbuted ProcessIng UnIts (0PU)
PevIew of Computer DperatIng Systems
WIndows NT

(IP-016) Distributed Control Systems (DCS)

PevIew of NetworkIng PrIncIpIes
LAN and WAN systems
Network Topology - 8us, Star, FIng, Token FIng, Token 8us
Standard Protocols - Ethernet, AFC net, Con8us, FIeld 8us
Dther Protocols used In 0CS.
PevIew of heasurement ControI PrIncIpIes
|easurement of Pressure, Level, Temperature and Flow
SpecIal measurements - Analysers, Speed, etc
Control system lags
P0 Control
Sequence Control
0CS Hardware
nput Hardware - Analogue, 0Iscrete, FT0, Thermocouple, SpecIal
Dutput Hardware - AC, 0C, FegulatIng
Control and ProcessIng Hardware
CommunIcatIon hardware
0CS Software
Dbject based software
Ladder LogIc
FunctIon 8locks
0CS ConfIguratIon
Control Constant 0atabases
|akIng mInor changes to the confIguratIon
TechnIques to Improve FauIt ToIerance
Hardware Implemented systems - Fedundancy, SeparatIon, SegregatIon
Software mplemented - Error trappIng, SFT
haIntaInIng and hanagIng a 0CS
FoutIne maIntenance
Spares nventory
Control of temporary changes
Alarm Log AnalysIs
Fault fIndIng - the Colden Fules

For any further information please contact us at:

P.O. Box 3808, Al-Khobar 31952, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Tel: +966 (3) 865-6992 Ext 23, Fax: +966 (3) 865-6922, Mobile : 0508008731
E-mail: info@mstcme.com / das.mstc@yahoo.com

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