172 - (IP-016) Distributed Control Systems (DCS)
172 - (IP-016) Distributed Control Systems (DCS)
172 - (IP-016) Distributed Control Systems (DCS)
The course wIll be a classroombased revIew of the basIc concepts, prIncIples, standards
and protocols used In the modern 0CS and SCA0A systems - wIth sectIons coverIng
hardware, software and networks.
Course DutIIne
The HIstory and EvoIutIon Df 0CS ControI Systems.
What Is a 0CS!
How 0oes a 0CS work!
|aIn Components
The HIghway
PrIncIples of operatIon
What Is SCA0A!
How does SCA0A work!
|aIn Components
PrIncIples of operatIon
How does 0CS and SCA0A work together!
Dperator nterfaces
EngIneerIng WorkstatIons
0IstrIbuted ProcessIng UnIts (0PU)
PevIew of Computer DperatIng Systems
WIndows NT
(IP-016) Distributed Control Systems (DCS)
PevIew of NetworkIng PrIncIpIes
LAN and WAN systems
Network Topology - 8us, Star, FIng, Token FIng, Token 8us
Standard Protocols - Ethernet, AFC net, Con8us, FIeld 8us
Dther Protocols used In 0CS.
PevIew of heasurement ControI PrIncIpIes
|easurement of Pressure, Level, Temperature and Flow
SpecIal measurements - Analysers, Speed, etc
Control system lags
P0 Control
Sequence Control
0CS Hardware
nput Hardware - Analogue, 0Iscrete, FT0, Thermocouple, SpecIal
Dutput Hardware - AC, 0C, FegulatIng
Control and ProcessIng Hardware
CommunIcatIon hardware
0CS Software
Dbject based software
Ladder LogIc
FunctIon 8locks
0CS ConfIguratIon
Control Constant 0atabases
|akIng mInor changes to the confIguratIon
TechnIques to Improve FauIt ToIerance
Hardware Implemented systems - Fedundancy, SeparatIon, SegregatIon
Software mplemented - Error trappIng, SFT
haIntaInIng and hanagIng a 0CS
FoutIne maIntenance
Spares nventory
Control of temporary changes
Alarm Log AnalysIs
Fault fIndIng - the Colden Fules