APLIT Weak Masters The Tempest

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Weak Masters Author(s): M. K. Flint and E. J.

Dobson Reviewed work(s): Source: The Review of English Studies, New Series, Vol. 10, No. 37 (Feb., 1959), pp. 58-60 Published by: Oxford University Press Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/510465 . Accessed: 18/04/2012 05:51
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beginning, and he uses its comic effects for dialogue as well as monologue. The same is true of Henry V (II. i), where Pistol enters in blank verse. All this strongly suggests that the composition of Pistol's first scene was not fully planned; that the idea of making him an habitue of the theatre was not originally in Shakespeare's mind; and that it came to him when he had reached the end of the natural development of his first design for Pistol the swaggerer-conceivably after a short break in composition. S. MUSGROVE



IN The Tempest,v. i. 41 Prospero refers to his elves and 'demy-puppets' as 'weake Masters', a phrase which (as Professor Frank Kermode points out in his recent Arden edition) has 'not been satisfactorily explained'-so much so that some editors, including J. D. Wilson in the New Cambridge edition, follow Hanmer in emending masters to ministers. But in fact the usage has several parallels. In Macbeth, iv. i. 63 the 'first witch' refers to the apparitions which the witches call up as 'our Masters'. Mr. Kermode has pointed out that Spenser, in F.Q., III. viii. 4, similarly describes the 'sprights' which a witch 'was wont to entertaine' as 'the maisters of her art', and that Ben Jonson, in a note to the Masque of Queens, speaks of the witches' 'little masters or martinets'. O.E.D. cites two instances of the diminutive maisterel(l), in the same sense of 'familiar spirit', from Gaule's Magastromancer (I652). Finally Spenser, in F.Q., II. vii. 7, calls a pilot's card and compass 'the maysters of his long experiment'. No sense of the ordinary word master will fit these instances; for familiar spirits are not the masters, but the instruments, of those who control them' (Prospero's spirits are at his bidding, to be set free when he chooses), and the pilot's card and compass are his tools. Evidently we have to do with a disguised form of the obsolete word mister, from OFr. mestier (ModFr. metier) and ultimately from popular Latin *misteriumfor ministerium, for one of the many senses of this word is 'instrument or tool employed in the exercise of a craft or skill'. Of this sense O.E.D. cites (under mister sb.1, II. b) only a single English instance, from Holland's Howlat (c. 1450), where the reference is to a pen; but Godefroy2 gives French instances in which it is to instruments of music and of torture. This word, in its literal sense of 'tool', would obviously be appropriate to the second passage cited
Jonson seems to have thought that the 'martinets' (a diminutive of Martin; see O.E.D. under martinet2) were the 'little masters' of the witches because they summoned and dismissed their conventions; but he is apparently trying to rationalize the use of the word. 2 Dictionnaire de l'ancienne languefranfaise, v (Paris, x886), under mestier.



from Spenser, and metaphorically employed would suit the other cases, in which elves, apparitions, and familiar spirits are the 'instruments' of supernatural power. Hence also the apparently inconsistent adjective in The Tempest:the elves are the 'weak instruments'of Prospero's rough magic. As for the form taken by the word, explanation must surely start from the fact that the written forms maister and master were freely pronounced mister.' It would perhaps be possible to argue that the printers of Spenser and Shakespeare, in a desire to be 'correct', have substituted maister (in Spenser) and master (in Shakespeare) for an intended mister 'instrument'; but the instance in Jonson, and still more Gaule's form maisterel, make this very unlikely. It is much more probable that the identity in pronunciation has led to blending and confusion of mister 'instrument' and master, with the consequence that the latter has taken over the sense 'instrument' from the former.2 If master, being thus a substitute for mister, has the sense 'instrument', it also has an ultimate semantic connexion with minister (since mister is ultimately from ministerium);and it is interesting that minister(s) occurs in similar contexts.3 Examples in Shakespeare are Tempest, I. ii. 275 and III. iii. 87, and All's Well, II. i. I40 and II. iii. 40. Another possible instance, at first sight especially striking, is in Troilus and Cressida, Prologue, 3-5: their shippes Fraughtwith the ministers and instruments Of cruell Warre. Here 'ministers and instruments' could be a doublet like Hamlet's 'book and volume', which would be typical of Troilus and Cressida; but it is probably safer to assume that a distinction is intended, ministers referring to the soldiery and instruments to the weapons. In view of this close equivalence of minister and master (in the special sense here considered), it is possible that a further instance of the latter occurs in The Tempest, I. told Miranda how ii. I62-3, where Prospero, who had earlier (I3I-2) The ministers for th' purpose hurriedthence Me, and thy crying selfe,
The form mister (which develops rather from maister than from master; cf. prithee from pray thee) is recorded from I551 (see O.E.D. under mister sb.2), but is certainly older, since the exactly comparable mistress < maistresse occurs earlier. 2 Cf. O.E.D. under mystery2, where it is suggested that in the senses 'handicraft, craft, trade, profession', &c., and 'trade-guild', &c., 'there was probably confusion with maistrie, MASTERY'. also Godefroy's supplement (vol. x, Paris, 1902), which records under mestier Cf. instances (dated 1285 and 1346) in which the word is spelt maistier. In English, mister in the sense 'need' is spelt maister in The Destruction of Troy (1. 35), the manuscript of which has been convincingly dated c. I540 by C. A. Luttrell in Neophilologus, xlii (I958), 38-50. 3 Hence the possibility of substituting ministers for masters in Temp., v. i. 41, as editors have suggested. See also Gaule's reference to 'maisterels, and ministrels' in the second of the passages cited by O.E.D. under maisterel(l.



now refers to Gonzalo as having been appointed 'Master of this designe'. Obviously he may mean no more than that Gonzalo had been put in charge of the operation; but it is possible, in view of his earlier use of the word ministers, that he means that Gonzalo had been appointed to carry out the design, to be its 'instrument'. M. K. FLINT E. J. DOBSON 'AND WITHOUT THORN THE ROSE'

the AMONG rare delights of Paradise were flowers of all colours and roses without thorns: 'Flours of all hue, and without Thorn the Rose' (Paradise Lost, iv. 256). On the second hemistich of this line some light may yet be shed. The first commentary, with its irrelevant allusion, is disappointing. Hume wrote: 'According to the general Superstition, that the Earth, before it was accursed for Mans Sin and Punishment, brought forth no Thorns, Gen. 3. Vers. I8. But whether the charming Rose had its Guard about it originally, that every rude Hand might not sully and prostitute its blushing Beauties, is not determinable' (Paradise Lost, 5th ed., i695). Succeeding comment is mentioned and supplemented by a correspondent, identified only as E., in The European Magazine and London Review, November I795 (xxviii. 296). After quoting the line from Paradise Lost the correspondent writes: This, some one has observed, is an Italian conceit. Bentley has expunged the whole line, as unfit for a serious poem. 'But it should be remembered',says Newton in his note, 'that it was part of the curse denouncedupon the earthfor Adam's transgression,that it should bring forth thornsand thistles.-Gen. iii. I8. And from hence the general opinion has prevailed, that there were no thorns before; which is enough to justify a Poet in saying the rose was without thorns.' He then makes the first significant contribution: he cites and quotes St. Basil as an authority: The following extractsfrom Basil will serve to corroborate Editor's remark. the Milton readthe Fathers. Some few referencesto Basil have been made by Peck; but this obvious imitationhas escaped him: ... rosa tuncspinis carebat;posteavero pulchritudiniflorisadjunctaesunt spinae; ut afficeremurmoerore, odoris suavitatipropinquo; memores delicti, propter quod spinas et tribulos damnatatellus protulit.-Hom. 5. De Germinatione Terrae. A similar observation occurs in his Third Oration, De Paradiso. Milton's hemistich and these passages from Basil, when comparedtogether, manifest a striking coincidence of thought and expression. The Father and the Poet have

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