Yangming Meridian Dynamics
Yangming Meridian Dynamics
Yangming Meridian Dynamics
By Edward Lambert
It is taught in Chinese medicine that as wind-cold deepens its penetration into the body, different yang stages come into play to fight it. The symptoms and signs determine to which stage the pathogen has penetrated. According to the spherical flow, there is much more going on than just one division, like Yangming, being in excess or in crisis. As we will see, there is a whole range of meridians at work fighting the wind-cold pathogen. The specific meridians at work define the meridian dynamics. By meridian dynamics, I mean the specific meridians that are activated or deactivated to form a dynamic pattern designed to effectively deal with a life situation. The intelligence of the mind/body is capable of producing recognizable meridian patterns. In the Yangming stage of an illness, it is too simplistic to think that only the Yangming channel is expressing. Other meridians will respond to a change in the Yangming channel. According to the spherical theory, the Yangming division determines that certain meridians will be used to fight a pathogen. This paper will offer a description of the meridian dynamics that occur as the Yangming channel redirects the flow of Qi into a specific meridian cycle. First, we must look at the spherical meridian flow. The 12 meridians are arranged in a spherical orientation. There are connections between all meridians. The picture does not show all connections. Now look at the polar opposites, for example, heart & kidney. Can you see them as opposite each other in the sphere? They make up the Shaoyin Channel. Now find Gall Bladder & San Jiao. Those opposites make up the Shaoyang channel. Now find Stomach & Large Intestine. Those opposites make up the Yangming channel. All opposite pairs in the spherical model are the Six Divisions, Taiyang, Shaoyang, Yangming, Shaoyin, Taiyin and Jueyin. The spherical meridian flow integrates the Six Divisions with element relationships. This integration allows us to directly see how dynamics in the Six Divisions affect overall meridian dynamics. We will now study the Yangming stage. So, look closely at the position of that polar opposite pair.
The Heating Cycle & the Yangming Stage In the fight against the cold pathogen, a multiple-meridian dynamic develops during the Yangming stage leading to the 4 greats; great fever, great sweat, great thirst and great pulse. You also see red face, restlessness and possibly constipation if the Yangming organs are affected. Now how do these symptoms develop? The spherical flow is a sphere. Qi can concentrate in certain areas of the spherical flow resulting in different meridian dynamics. One area of the sphere has a dynamic for heating the body up. Another area has a dynamic for cooling the body down. Between these two areas, there are gates controlling whether Qi focuses in the heating dynamic or in the cooling dynamic. The Yangming Division focuses the Qi of the meridians into the heating dynamic. The Shaoyang division focuses the Qi into the cooling dynamic. Ill use some pictures to explain. The area that heats up has this meridian dynamic. Ht
SI When Qi concentrates into this cycle of meridians, heat is generated by the element Fire. The element Fire needs fuel to produce heat. It uses the yin substances of Lv-blood and Sp-ying as fuel to generate heat. (Youll notice that Kidney, the other Yin substance, is not in this cycle. Its because Kidney water does not make a good fuel for Fire.) Also, the Small Intestine will focus and concentrate the heat where swelling and inflammation is seen. The dynamic of this heating cycle is useful in fighting a cold pathogen. But as the Fire uses the yin substances for its defense, the yin substances are consumed. This develops constipation and thirst. The restlessness comes from the concentration of Qi in the Fire element, which is Yang by nature. Restlessness also comes from Yin substances slowing becoming deficient from being consumed. But how does this pattern relate to the Yangming stage? St-Yangming Ht
SI LI-Yangming
According to the spherical meridian flow, the heat generated by the heating cycle normally flows out through the Yangming Division. (See arrows to Yangming above.) Now if the Yangming Division were to close off its channel, the Qi would accumulate in the cycle like water behind a damn. This is what happens during the Yangming stage of a wind-cold invasion. The Yangming channel closes off to concentrate Qi in the heating cycle of the spherical flow. The following picture shows this dynamic. St-Yangming Ht Closes off Lv Sp Yangming closes, the Fire accumulates. SI SJ-Shaoyang LI-Yangming Qi from Shaoyang feeds the Fire GB-Shaoyang
This picture also shows that the Shaoyang Division feeds Qi into the meridian dynamic where heat is produced. Qi comes from two sides, one from Gall Bladder and the other from San Jiao. In short, Qi feeds into the heating dynamic by way of the Shaoyang Division. while Qi and heat flow away from the heating dynamic by way of the Yangming Division. In the Yangming stage then, the Yangming channel closes, while the Shaoyang channel stays open. Thus the Shaoyang Division keeps on feeding Qi into the dynamic of the heating cycle. As long as the Shaoyang channel stays open, the heat will increase. But as the heat increases, the rate of Yin consumption will increase too. The body must monitor the strength of the pathogen to know when the heat being generated is sufficient. The body must also be aware of the dangerous limits to producing too much heat. When the Shaoyang Division begins to close down, a completely opposite dynamic occurs; that would be the meridian dynamics of the Shaoyang stage. It is in the Shaoyang stage that you see the cooling dynamic kick in. Note: In the organ level of the Yangming stage, the heat concentrates in the intestinal area between the SI and LI in the cycle above. In conclusion, how are the symptoms produced in the Yangming stage? Great pulse comes from an accumulation of Qi in the Heart meridian. Red face comes from the heat being generated by the Heart meridian. Great fever comes from the heat being generated in the cycle. Great thirst, restlessness, constipation, and other dry symptoms come from consumption of Yin substances in the blood and Ying by Fire. Great sweat comes from the interior excess heat which evaporates fluids or forces them out.