Hyd Bike Modeling Final Report
Hyd Bike Modeling Final Report
Hyd Bike Modeling Final Report
P E T E R M. B O M B A R A Signature B R A D L E Y E. T H O M A S Signature L E V I J. S C H E E N S T R A Signature Date Date Date
D R . J A M E S W. K A M M A N Date
DR. RICHARD HATHAWAY Signature Date Page | ii
In the past, Western Michigan University has had success building hydraulic bicycles and competing in a national competition. However, a simulation had never been utilized to design an optimized hydraulic powertrain. Therefore, the project focus was on creating a simulation model to evaluate performance in different configurations. The project took place in three stages. In the first stage, the simulation model was built in a virtual environment using Simulink software. In the second stage, the simulation model was validated by testing of the hydraulic pump and motor as well as the performance of the existing hydraulic bicycle. The third stage of the project involved the analysis of the simulation data. Detailed results and future recommendations were provided to WMUs College of Engineering and Applied Science.
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This report and the project to which it pertains were conducted by students as an engineering educational requirement. Western Michigan University, the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences and its faculty, the students, and any companies affiliated with the project make no claims as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained within. Persons or organizations choosing to use any information associated with this project should do so at their own risk.
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Abstract ........................................................................................................................................................ iii Disclaimer..................................................................................................................................................... iv Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... v Table of Figures ...........................................................................................................................................viii List of Tables ................................................................................................................................................. x 1.0 - Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1- Description of Problem...................................................................................................................... 1 1.2- Benefits of a Solution ........................................................................................................................ 1 1.3 - Benchmarking ................................................................................................................................... 1 1.3.1 - Background ............................................................................................................................... 1 1.3.2 - Direct Corollaries ....................................................................................................................... 2 2.0 - Requirements and Specifications ......................................................................................................... 4 2.1 - Functional Requirements ................................................................................................................. 4 2.2 - Technical Requirements ................................................................................................................... 4 2.3 - Performance Requirements ............................................................................................................. 5 2.4 - Safety and Environmental Requirements......................................................................................... 5 2.4.1 - Quality of Life Issues ................................................................................................................. 5 2.4.2 - Environmental, Global, and Societal Impact ............................................................................. 5 2.5 - Customer Requirements................................................................................................................... 7 2.6 - House of Quality ............................................................................................................................... 7 3.0 - Concept Exploration.............................................................................................................................. 9 3.1 - Project Decomposition ..................................................................................................................... 9 3.1.1 - Physical ...................................................................................................................................... 9 3.1.2 - Function .................................................................................................................................. 10 3.1.3 - Form Decomposition ............................................................................................................... 11 3.1.4 - Decomposition By Discipline ................................................................................................... 13 3.2 - Measurable Engineering Specifications.......................................................................................... 14 3.3 - Decision Areas ................................................................................................................................ 14 3.3.1 - Modes of Operation ................................................................................................................ 14 Page | v
3.3.2 - Component Decisions ............................................................................................................. 15 3.4 - Decision Matrices ........................................................................................................................... 16 3.4.1 - Decision Matrix Observations ................................................................................................. 17 4.0 - Design Process .................................................................................................................................... 18 4.1 - Experimental, Analytical, Simulation Techniques .......................................................................... 18 4.1.1 - Simulation ............................................................................................................................... 18 4.1.2 - Experimental Testing............................................................................................................... 19 4.1.2a - Experimental Testing Equipment...................................................................................... 19 4.1.2b - Pump Test Set Up ............................................................................................................. 19 4.1.2c - Pump and Motor Test Set Up............................................................................................ 20 4.1.2d - Testing Procedure ............................................................................................................. 22 4.1.2e - Initial Model Testing ......................................................................................................... 22 4.1.2f - Velocity Trials..................................................................................................................... 22 4.1.3 - Analytical ................................................................................................................................. 23 4.2 - Design Results................................................................................................................................. 23 4.2.1 - Introduction to Simulink Blocks .............................................................................................. 23 4.2.2 - Introduction to the Block Diagram.......................................................................................... 26 4.2.3 - Crank Section .......................................................................................................................... 28 4.2.3a - Y Force Switch Subsystem................................................................................................. 30 4.2.3b - X Force Switch Subsystem ................................................................................................ 31 4.2.3c - Force Decay Subsystem..................................................................................................... 32 4.2.3d - Resultant Crank Signal Characteristics ............................................................................. 33 4.2.3e - Crank to Pump .................................................................................................................. 35 4.2.3f - Mechanical to Hydraulic Interface .................................................................................... 37 4.2.4 - Hydraulic Section..................................................................................................................... 38 4.2.5 - Rear Wheel Section ................................................................................................................. 40 4.2.6 - Bicycle Frame Section ............................................................................................................. 41 4.2.6a - Frame Translation ............................................................................................................. 42 4.2.7 - Environment Section ............................................................................................................... 43 4.3 - Design Analysis Discussion ............................................................................................................. 44 Page | vi
4.3.1 - Effects of Gearing .................................................................................................................... 44 4.3.2 - Effects of Hills .......................................................................................................................... 45 4.3.3 - Effect of Wind ......................................................................................................................... 47 4.3.4 - Maximum Velocity Trial Results .............................................................................................. 47 5.0 - Cost Analysis ....................................................................................................................................... 48 6.0 - Conclusions and Recommendations ................................................................................................... 49 7.0 - Bibliography ........................................................................................................................................ 50 8.0 - Appendices.......................................................................................................................................... 51 8.1 - Project Responsibilities and Resumes ............................................................................................ 51 8.2 - Proprietary Information ................................................................................................................. 55 8.3 - Design Results Documentation ...................................................................................................... 56 8.3.1 - Overall Simulink Diagram ........................................................................................................ 56 8.3.2 - Matlab M-File Code ................................................................................................................. 57 8.3.2 - Simulation Results ................................................................................................................... 59 8.3.3 - Gear Ratio Calculations ........................................................................................................... 65 8.3.4 - Testing Data ............................................................................................................................ 66 8.4 - Project Schedule ............................................................................................................................. 69 8.4.1 - Project Tasks ........................................................................................................................... 69 8.4.2 - Project Implementation Plan .................................................................................................. 70 8.4.3 - Milestones Achieved ............................................................................................................... 71 8.4.4 - Gantt Chart .............................................................................................................................. 72 8.5 - Additional Information ................................................................................................................... 73 8.6 - ABET Questions .............................................................................................................................. 75 8.6.1 - Assessment of Program Outcome #9 ...................................................................................... 75 8.6.2 - Assessment of Project Outcome #13 ...................................................................................... 76
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Figure 1: Chainless Challenge Bicycle ........................................................................................................... ii Figure 2: Axial Piston Pump .......................................................................................................................... 2 Figure 3: WMU Chainless Challenge Recumbent Tricycle ............................................................................ 3 Figure 4: Conventional Bicycle Parts ............................................................................................................. 4 Figure 5: Bicycle Production Trends.............................................................................................................. 6 Figure 6: Accumulator ................................................................................................................................. 15 Figure 7: Simulink Program ......................................................................................................................... 18 Figure 8: Hydraulic Testing Setup ............................................................................................................... 21 Figure 9: Efficiency Calculations.................................................................................................................. 22 Figure 10: Body Block .................................................................................................................................. 23 Figure 11: Prismatic Joint ............................................................................................................................ 23 Figure 12: Revolute Joint ............................................................................................................................ 23 Figure 13: Weld Joints ................................................................................................................................. 23 Figure 14: Joint Sensor ................................................................................................................................ 23 Figure 15: Body Sensor ............................................................................................................................... 23 Figure 16: Scope .......................................................................................................................................... 25 Figure 17: Body Actuator ............................................................................................................................ 25 Figure 18: Velocity Driver............................................................................................................................ 25 Figure 19: Block Color Key .......................................................................................................................... 26 Figure 20: Force Signal Propagation Through Model ................................................................................. 27 Figure 21: Force Input ................................................................................................................................. 28 Figure 22: Force Input System .................................................................................................................... 29 Figure 23: Y Force Switch ............................................................................................................................ 30 Figure 24: X Force Switch Subsystem.......................................................................................................... 31 Figure 25: Force Decay Subsystem ............................................................................................................. 32 Figure 26: Force Signal Applied to Pedal 1.................................................................................................. 33 Figure 27: Forces Signal Applied to Pedal 2 ................................................................................................ 33 Figure 28: Crank Torque Signal ................................................................................................................... 34 Figure 29: Crank to Pump Section............................................................................................................... 35 Figure 30: Crank to Frame Connection ....................................................................................................... 36 Figure 31: Power Calculation ...................................................................................................................... 37 Page | viii
Figure 32: Mechanical To Hydraulic Interface ............................................................................................ 37 Figure 33: Hydraulic Section ....................................................................................................................... 38 Figure 34: Rear Wheel Section .................................................................................................................... 40 Figure 35: The Frame .................................................................................................................................. 41 Figure 36: Frame Translation ...................................................................................................................... 42 Figure 37: Scopes and Environmental Forces ............................................................................................. 43 Figure 38: Velocity in All Eight Gears .......................................................................................................... 44 Figure 39: Velocities for Hills ...................................................................................................................... 45 Figure 40: Force Plot For Downhill .............................................................................................................. 46 Figure 41: Force Plot for Uphill ................................................................................................................... 46 Figure 42: Bike Velocity With Head and Tail Wind ..................................................................................... 47 Figure 43: Overall Simulink Diagram ........................................................................................................... 56 Figure 44: Forces on Both Crank Ends ........................................................................................................ 59 Figure 45: Crank Torque.............................................................................................................................. 60 Figure 46: Crank Speed ............................................................................................................................... 60 Figure 47: Pump Speed ............................................................................................................................... 61 Figure 48: Input Power................................................................................................................................ 61 Figure 49: Pump Discharge Flow Rate ........................................................................................................ 62 Figure 50: Pump Flow Rate vs Angular Velocity ......................................................................................... 62 Figure 51: Motor Speed .............................................................................................................................. 63 Figure 52: Bicycle Velocity .......................................................................................................................... 63 Figure 53: Bicycle Acceleration ................................................................................................................... 64 Figure 54: Gear Ratio Calculations .............................................................................................................. 65 Figure 55: Pump and Motor Testing Data ................................................................................................... 66 Figure 56: Test Simulation Diagram ............................................................................................................ 67 Figure 57: Simulation of Testing Results ..................................................................................................... 68 Figure 58: Bicycle Components ................................................................................................................... 73 Figure 59: Internal Gear Hub Specifications ............................................................................................... 74
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Table 1: Customer Requirements ................................................................................................................. 7 Table 2: House of Quality .............................................................................................................................. 8 Table 3: Simulation Modes of Operation Decision Matrix.......................................................................... 16 Table 4: Simulation Components Decision Matrix...................................................................................... 17 Table 5: Pump and Motor Parameters ....................................................................................................... 38 Table 6: Velocity Trials ................................................................................................................................ 47 Table 7: Cost Estimate................................................................................................................................. 48 Table 8: Project Tasks and Objectives ......................................................................................................... 69 Table 9: Design Flow Process ...................................................................................................................... 70 Table 10: Gantt Chart .................................................................................................................................. 72
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Since 2005, Western Michigan University has participated in the Parker Hannifin Chainless Challenge. This competition features human-powered vehicles utilizing hydraulic powertrains. Previous to this senior design project, time restraints forced the Chainless Challenge team to design and build their competition bicycles without acquiring a good understanding of the dynamic nature of the system. The hydraulic systems had never undergone thorough testing using a dynamometer. Also, no one had attempted to create a computer model for the bicycle. For this program to be successful in the future, it was decided that research and modeling of the bicycles dynamic behavior was necessary.
Computer modeling and physical testing is a way to provide information on the systems dynamic behavior. The WMU College of Engineering and Applied Sciences will benefit from the documentation of the simulation process. Knowledge gained from this testing will aid students in designing better bicycles or improving the existing bicycles. In addition, future projects based on this research can be shared with potential engineering students during college tours.
Benchmarking is a process by which a business or design group can compare ideas or designs to existing industry products. This comparison usually includes the quality, cost, and performance of the existing technologies. This method allows designers to understand where their product would fit in the marketplace and if their ideas represent a new concept or an improvement upon an existing process or product.
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The vehicles at the competition vary greatly in frame design and hydraulic systems. Commercial frame designs include recumbent and upright. These designs can use anywhere from 2 to 4 wheels total. Many different hydraulic system configurations are implemented as well. Many types of pumps are used, but gear and vein pumps are most common. Some designs include sub-systems of energy storage called accumulators. These tanks utilize compressible bladders or springs. Accumulator energy storage systems can reach pressures of 2500 pounds per square inch (psi) and propel cycles un-assisted for up to 50 ft. Although this energy storage is a useful feature, it has negative drawbacks such as increased weight and drag. Some entries utilize regenerative braking which captures and stores the kinetic energy of the moving cycle. The performance of competition human powered hydraulic vehicles varies. Overall efficiencies seem to be around 75% depending on the slope of the incline being traveled. Cyclist can reach speeds anywhere from 7 to 15 miles per hour (mph) on level terrain, and up to 30 mph downhill. Acceleration from rest is very low compared to traditional chain and sprocket driven cycles. In contrast, direct chain and sprocket drive systems have efficiencies as high as 98.6%, since the only losses are due to friction. Cycling with this simple powertrain requires 2-3 mega joules (MJ) per kilometer. This makes direct chain and sprocket powertrains the most efficient form of transportation. Road bicycles typically average around 18 to 22 mph while competitive riders can maintain speeds in access of 30 mph.
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When comparing different frame types, it was found that recumbent frame designs have a much higher efficiency than upright frame designs for speeds over 16 mph due to their lower drag coefficients. Upright bicycles have the biomechanical advantage of being able to stand on the pedals.
The simulation computation will use a variable-order numerical differentiation formula solver called ode15 (stiff/NDF).
2.4 - S AFETY
The simulation program will assist individuals in addressing the following requirements when designing a new hydraulic bicycle: Hydraulic fluid effects on bicycle performance. Hoses, fittings, and tubing will not fail during normal operating pressures and conditions. Hydraulic pump and motor must not exceed set operating pressures and temperatures.
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testing to provide a solution that is thorough and less expensive. It has helped industry worldwide progress to build higher quality, more efficient products.
Any system that contains hydraulic components can be modeled with the software utilized in this project. Therefore, many engineering firms can benefit from the use of these simulation tools. Although human powered hydraulic vehicles have few real market applications, the technology is commonplace in engineering. Currently, the only direct application for this project research is the Chainless Challenge competition sponsored by Parker Hannifin. Most cyclists would prefer to ride conventional equipment that is familiar and race proven. Therefore, the team hopes to add value to hydraulic powertrain design to increase its attractiveness. Bicycles are a very popular form of transportation throughout the world. In 2000, the number of bicycles produced globally was around 100 million, about 2.5 times that of automobiles. Bicycles provide an inexpensive alternative to automobiles and are very popular in developing countries. The environmental benefits of bicycles as opposed to automobiles are astounding. Having no carbon emissions, bicycles utilize the human body to transform energy from fuel (food) to mechanical power. The human body does this more efficiently than any man-made device. This environmental advantage is especially relevant now since climate change is a large concern. This project will study possible advantages of using hydraulics to transmit human generated power for means of transportation. Page | 6
Use SimHydraulics and SimMechanics Compare simulation with normal bicycle dynamics Use an M-File to easily change system parameters Simulate in forward, and in inverse dynamics modes
Simulink contains multiple Software packages including SimMechanics and SimHydraulics. Previous to this project, no one at WMU had designed a model that simulated more than one complex domain. The goal of the project was to successfully combine SimMechanics and SimHydraulics into one seamless program that modeled the dynamic behavior of the bicycle.
2.6 - H OUSE
The house of quality is a valuable tool for planning a project. It allows for an organized look at the correlation between customer requirements and the physical components of the system. For example, the below house of quality relates the customer requirements to features in Simulink and shows the relative importance of each feature. The roof of the house displays the correlation between each of the Simulink features.
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From the house of quality it was observed that the design parameters that most effect the customer requirements are the body sensors and actuators, followed by the use of variables, and running the simulation from an M-file. Therefore, the program was designed to concentrate on utilizing these Simulink features.
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3.1.1 - P HYSICAL
Frame Seat Wheels Tires Tire Tubes Disc Brakes Brake Cable Brake Handles Brake Calipers Sprockets Chain Hydraulic Fluid Hydraulic Hose Smooth Elbow Hydraulic Fittings Hydraulic Pump Hydraulic Motor Flow Control Valve Check Valve Accumulator
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3.1.2 - F UNCTION
The primary function of the design is single person transportation using human power. This was achieved by implementing several subsystems. The subsystems are: frame, rider seating, steering, braking, input/output wheel drive, and hydraulic. Frame The frame is primarily composed of hollow steel tubing, which supports the other components and systems. All junctions in the tubing are joined using TIG welding. The frame takes advantage of the excellent ductile properties of steel; it can elastically deform to absorb vibrations while riding. Rider Seating The upright bike has a normal seat while the recumbent uses a more specialized seat. The seat is mounted to the center member of the frame. It is composed of a foam rubber cushion attached to a steel plate. The seat-back is a fabric mesh that is supported by a hollow steel tube fork. Wheels, Tires, and Tubes The tubes hold air and are inflated inside the tires. These are mounted to the wheels. The wheels transform the rotational energy from the hydraulic motor into lateral motion of the cycle. The wheels also act as dampers, absorbing some of the road induced vibrations while cycling. Steering The upright bike uses a typical handlebar and fork steering system. The recumbent steering system is made up of hollow steel tube handle-bars which are fastened by screws to the control arm. The control arm pivots in the center and is attached to a follower arm on each end. The follower arm actuates the steering mechanism. Braking The braking system is actuated by cables attached to levers on the steering handles. Input/Output Wheel Drive The input wheel drive system consists of gearing that transfers rotational motion from the rider to the pump. The output wheel drive transfers the rotational motion of the motor to the wheels.
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Fixed Displacement Pump The upright bike features an axially piston pump. The fluid in the recumbent bikes hydraulic system is driven by a fixed displacement gear-rotor pump.
Fixed Displacement Motor The upright bicycle features an axially piston motor. On the recumbent design, fluid in the high pressure side of the system drives the fixed displacement gear-rotor motor. The motor operation is similar to a pump, but in reverse.
Accumulator The accumulator is a fiberglass tank with a nitrogen filled bladder that compresses. This compression allows energy to be stored for later use.
Working Fluid Hydraulic fluid is nearly incompressible and is used to transfer energy through the system. The fluid has good lubricity, low volatility, moderately low viscosity, and is incompressible.
Hoses and Fittings The hoses serve as closed channels for the working fluid to travel through. The high pressure hoses are steel braided and have high strength. The fittings serve as junctions between the hoses, pumps and the accumulator.
Valves Valves control the fluid flow within the hydraulic circuit. Flow restrictors, directional flow controls, and shutoff valves can be used.
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Seat & Rider Placement The upright bicycle features the standard seating arrangement. The seat on the recumbent bicycle is mounted between the two front wheels and the rear wheel. This places the cyclists center of gravity in optimum position to give the cycle solid control and handling. The seat is tilted backward at a slight angle which provides a comfortable cycling position.
Seat Ergonomics The recumbent seat-base is made of molded foam padding shaped to fit the rider. The seat-back is made of a polyester mesh material and conforms to the riders back.
Steering The upright bicycle has a mountain bike handlebar and fork design, but features road bike tires. On the recumbent bicycle, the steering handles are located just to the left and right of the seatbase. They are angled forward to match the angle of the riders wrists. The handles are also spaced apart to give the rider good leverage to easily execute a turn. Brake controls are also located on the handles.
Brake Control The brake levers are located on the steering handles and are shaped to the riders hands for good ergonomics.
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Pump and Motors - The pump choice is a crucial decision for the design of the rest of the bicycle. Pumps can be classified as non-positive displacement, fixed displacement, and variable displacement. The optimal operating speed of the pump will greatly affect the gearing system design. Higher optimal operating speeds translate into higher gear ratios.
Pipe Fittings, Valves, and Tubing - These pieces should allow for flexible design around the bicycle frame. Also, they must withstand the thermal, fatigue, and pressure stresses from the system. Low friction coefficients that allow good fluid flow are crucial. The system was designed to avoid any type of leaks.
Shifting Mechanism - The system must allow the user to easily switch between the different operating modes. Gear System - The gearing system can either use a gear set, a chain and sprocket, or a combination of these systems. The gear system depends greatly on the type of pump and motor used. These systems must efficiently transfer rotational energy to the pump. The gear system must also be able to withstand the stresses associated with the power delivery.
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Customer Requirements 35 1 1 1 Ease of Modeling 30 1 0 0 Existing Simulink Blocks 20 1 0 1 Minimal Programming 15 1 0 0 Totals 100 100 35 55 T ABLE 3: S IMULATION M ODES OF O PERATION D ECISION M ATRIX
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This next matrix compares the valuable system measurements to the parameters that can be included in the simulation. The goal was to investigate how much each input parameter affected the measurable outputs of the system. That way, only the most influential parameters were chosen for simulation, thereby cutting down on the time needed to build the overall simulation. It was then decided that a strong basic simulation should be developed that would allow more complexities to be added at a later time.
Parameters To Include In Simulation
Pressurized Tank Rotational Inertia Aero Drag
Hoses Fittings
Fluid 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 55
Overall Efficiency Pressure Linear Velocity Linear Acceleration Flow Rate Cavitation Mechanical Losses Totals
30 5 15 15 10 15 10 100
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 20
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 90
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 75
0 1 1 1 0 0 0 30
1 0 1 1 0 0 0 60
0 1 1 1 0 1 0 50
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Simulink is a block diagram environment intended for multi-domain simulation and model-based design for dynamic systems. Given the dynamic nature of the bicycles mechanical and hydraulic systems, Simulink was the software package to use. Simulink contains several discipline specific block sets for simulations. The design used two of these block sets; SimHydraulics and SimMechanics. A bike frame was constructed using SimMechanics to help visualize the simulated motion, and define the critical dynamic bike components and their constraints. Using SimHydraulics, a hydraulic Page | 18
system model was constructed containing all the components of the real system: the pump, hydraulic motor, valves, elbows, hydraulic tubing, working fluid etc. Simulations were run using this model to obtain data on flow rates, rpm, and power, cycle velocity, and acceleration. During pedaling, it was assumed that the pump and motor operate at varying rpm. It was expected that this variation would cause the pump and motor to operate at varying levels of efficiency. The torque input data from the pedals can be analyzed alongside the flow rates and input rpm to determine the required operation conditions for maximum efficiency. Since there are so many components and factors that affect performance, a systems-analysis approach is best.
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4.1.2 C - P U M P A N D M O T O R T E S T S E T U P For the second test, the pump was set up to draw fluid from a pressure regulated tank, then push the fluid to the motor. The motor shaft converted the fluid power to mechanical power at its output shaft and the motor discharge was sent back to tank. Another pump shaft was connected to the opposite side of the motors Four Quadrant Drive. This pumps purpose was to act as the load or resistance when pedaling the hydraulic bicycle. The load pump was connected to an electro-hydraulic flow control valve. This valve kept the load pump operating at a constant load pressure. The test setup is shown in the figure on the next page.
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4.1.2 D - T E S T I N G P R O C E D U R E The same general procedure was used for each of the two tests. First the pump was driven to a steady state angular speed. Then the load was adjusted. Once the load was at the correct value, pressures, flow rates, and torques were measured. This was performed for two speeds in each test. Nominal efficiencies were then calculated using the data obtained from testing. Equations that were used are listed below.
4.1.2 E - I N I T I A L M O D E L T E ST I N G A Simulink model was created of the testing setup. The calculated efficiencies and nominal values were put in for pump and motor parameters. The load was simulated with a rotational friction block. Then, the model was tuned so that the load on the Simulink test model matched the load on the real test system. Finally, the model was run to check if the flow rates and pressures matched. A diagram of the testing simulation is included in the section 8.3.4 in the Appendix. 4.1.2 F - V E L O C I T Y T R I A L S Also, velocity trials were conducted to measure the maximum speed a rider could attain in a certain gear. Three output gear ratios were tested; first, fourth, and eighth. The trials were conducted on flat level ground, with two runs for each gear ratio. The second run took place in the opposite direction of the first, and the two times were averaged. This helps minimize the error from any wind effects on measurements. Results for maximum velocity were recorded for each of the three gear ratios. Page | 22
The team used an analytical software package called MathCAD to make program calculations. For instance, MathCAD was used to calculate all the gear ratios for the different gear-pinion interfaces and right angle drives. Also, the pump and motor power and efficiency were calculated in MathCAD. Inertias for all the rotating body blocks were calculated in MathCAD. MathCADs organized program structure assisted the team in calculating, recording, and transferring data to the model.
There are several types of joints in Simulink. Joints define the motion of bodies relative to each other or to the world coordinate system. One type of joint used in the simulation is the Prismatic Joint. It offers one degree of translational freedom.
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Another type of joint that was used in the simulation is the Revolute Joint. This particular joint offers one degree of rotational freedom.
One last type of joint that was used in the simulation is the weld joint. The weld joint is used to rigidly fix two bodies together. It offers zero degrees of freedom, and therefore the two bodies cannot translate or rotate with respect to each other.
Joint sensors are connected to the sensor/actuator port of a joint in order to measure rotational or translational motion. They can also measure the forces and torques acting on a joint.
Another type of sensor is the Body sensor. Body sensors are connected to the sensor/actuator port of a body. They can measure the translational and angular motion of a body.
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Scopes are connected to sensors. They are used to display simulation results versus time on a xy plot.
Body Actuators are attached to body blocks. They are able to apply forces or torques to a body.
Velocity drivers are connected between two bodies. They can define a linear or angular velocity ratio between bodies. Velocity drivers are used to model gears in this program.
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Block Color Key Yellow Red Green Magenta Orange Light Blue All Sensors Frame Bodies Rotating Bodies Body Actuators Velocity Drivers Hydraulics
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The forces a cyclist applies to the pedals of a bicycle are not constant. They vary both in magnitude and direction. While the pedal is moving down, a cyclist applies a vertical force to the pedal. This force however has a horizontal component to it as well. In addition, the magnitude of force a rider can apply is dependent on the angular velocity at which the crank is rotating. As the pedals rotate faster, the amount of force applied decreases. The computer program simulates this by applying a vertical force while the pedal is moving down. A much smaller horizontal force is applied to the pedal in the horizontal direction of the pedals motion. While the pedal is moving forward, the force is applied pushing the pedal forward. While the pedal is moving backward, the force is applied pushing the pedal backward. The magnitude of both of these forces decreases linearly with the angular velocity of the crank.
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To bicycle frame
To pump shaft
To achieve the previously mentioned force inputs, this system was devised. The large green Body block represents the crank and pedals of the bicycle. The necessary geometry, mass, and rotational inertias are defined in this block. Body sensors, shown in yellow, measure the position of the pedals, as well as the center of the crank. The angular velocity of the crank is measured as well. This signal is represented above by the blocks labeled CrankRAD. The angular velocity and these positions are feed into subsystems which calculate the force to be applied to the pedals. These forces are summed and then fed into a body actuator. The body actuator applies the force to the pedals at the ends of the defined crank.
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4.2.3 A - Y F O R C E S W I T C H S U B SY S T E M
The inputs on the left of the above diagram labeled End and Center represent the position of the end of the pedal and the center of the crank respectively. The X component of the center position is multiplied by negative one. It is then summed with the X component of the end position to calculate the difference. This value is then feed into a switch. If the value is positive, the force calculated by the force decay subsystem is output. If the value is negative, a value of zero is output.
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4.2.3 B - X F O R C E S W I T C H S U B SY S T E M
The position of the pedal and the angular velocity of the crank are input to this subsystem. The Y component of the position is then selected. Since the Y component of the center of the crank does not change during the simulation, it is not necessary to measure its value. Instead, its value is entered as the threshold value in the switch. When the Y component of the pedal position is above the center of the crank, a positive result of the force decay subsystem is output. When the position of the pedal is below the center of the crank, a negative result of the force decay subsystem is output.
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4.2.3 C - F O R C E D E C A Y S U B S Y ST E M
The force decay subsystem is found in both the X and Y force switch subsystems. The value for force it uses in the respective subsystems however is unique. A signal representing angular velocity is feed into a switch as well as a subsystem representing a linear equation. If the angular velocity is below a defined value for Threshold (10 rpm for all simulations ran for this report), the full value of the force (Fx or FY) is output by the switch. If the angular velocity is above 10 rpm, the result of the linear equation is output. The linear equation has a value of the full force (Fx or FY) when the angular velocity is Threshold, and decays to zero when the angular velocity reaches a defined value for Max (110 rpm for all simulations ran for this report). The final switch in this diagram sets the output value to zero if the output of the linear equation is below zero.
Linear Equation: = ( )
( )
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4.2.3 D - R E S U L T A N T C R A N K S I G N A L C H AR AC T E R I S T I C S
Shown above are the values for force which are applied by the body actuators to the crank. The horizontal or X forces are shown in red while the vertical or Y forces are shown in green. Note that while the horizontal forces applied to pedal one are positive, the horizontal forces on pedal two are negative, Page | 33
and the opposite being true when the horizontal forces on pedal two are positive. Likewise, when a vertical force is applied to pedal one, there is no vertical force applied to pedal two. As the angular velocity of the crank increases, the force applied decreases. As the force on the pedals decreases and the drag of the wind increases, the bike reaches a steady state condition. Shown below is the resulting torque measured at the crank.
As the crank makes a revolution, a vertical force is always applied to one of the pedals. The torque which results from the vertical force changes from zero when the crank arm is vertical, to a maximum (FY times the length of the crank arm) when the crank arm is horizontal. The result of the vertical forces is two sin waves 180 out of phase. Since the forces are turned off while the pedal is moving up, the negative portion of the curves are removed. The actual torque from the vertical forces is the absolute value of a single sin wave. The horizontal force has the same effect, but is less prevalent since the value of the force is considerably less. Since the torque from the horizontal force is 90 out of phase of the vertical force, the major effect it has on the overall torque output is offsetting the entire curve.
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4.2.3 E - C R A N K T O P U M P
To Body
The crank is attached to the pump shaft by a velocity driver. In this segment, the velocity driver models the gear ratio for the pinion-to-gear interface and the right angle drive. The pinion-to-gear interface has a gear ratio of approximately 10 2 3. The right angle drive has a gear ratio of 1.3125 or 1 5 16. Since the velocity driver accounts for both of these ratio step-ups, the combined ratio is 14:1. The pump shaft is attached to both the frame of the bicycle and the hydraulic revolute-rotation interface. The crank torque sensor is attached to the sensor/actuator port of the velocity driver. It measures the torque acting on the pump shaft. The selector is used to extract the data about only one axis. In this case, the data about the z axis is sent to the scope. The Goto1 block connected to the output of Selector3 is used to send the bicyclist input torque data to the power calculation section of the program.
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The Crank-Frame Joint is a revolute joint that connects the rotating crank to the down tube of the bicycle. Two joint sensors are attached to the Crank-Frame Joint. The top sensor measures the angular velocity of the crank in radians per second. The bottom sensor measures the angular velocity of the crank in rotations per minute. The angular velocity values coming out of each of these sensors is multiplied by -1 with the invert block. Since the crank rotation is clockwise (negative), the invert blocks change the sign of the angular velocity values. Scopes are used to display the data. The Goto block connected to the top sensor sends the angular velocity to another section of the model where the rider input power is computed.
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The calculation of the riders power input is shown. The From2 and From3 blocks import the data coming from the goto blocks. The From 3 block imports the cyclist input torque and the From 2 block inputs the cranks angular velocity. From here, the torque in N-m is multiplied by the angular velocity to find the riders input power in watts.
4.2.3 F - M E C H A N I C A L T O H Y D R A U L I C I N T E R F AC E
The Hydraulic Revolute-Rotational Interface on the left sends the rotational kinetic energy signal from the pump shaft to the hydraulic subsystem without a loss. The MRR and MRR1 blocks are mechanical rotational references for the revolute-rotational interfaces. The Hydraulics Subsystem block is a condensed version of the hydraulic system. If this block is double-clicked, the full hydraulic system will be opened. The Revolute-Rotational Interface1 block on the right transfers the mechanical energy signal from the motor output to the motor output shaft.
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The most important components of the real hydraulic system were included in the hydraulic subsystem; the pump, motor, fluid, and reservoir. The pump is modeled after a Parker AP1C-11 fixed displacement pump. The motor is modeled after a Parker AM1C-31 fixed displacement motor. Both the pump and motor blocks use inputs for efficiencies that are specific to a nominal pressure, nominal angular speed and nominal kinematic viscosity. These values were first estimated, and later real test values were put in. The table below shows the property inputs that were used for the pump and motor.
Pump Parameters
Motor Parameters
Displacement Volumetric Efficiency Total Efficiency Nominal Pressure Nominal Angular Velocity Nominal Kinematic Viscosity
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The fluid properties are defined by a block that first specifies what fluid to use, and then takes a defined operating temperature and looks up corresponding property values. The hydraulic pump is driven by the rotational motion signal from the crank, and has pre-defined values for its fixed displacement, volumetric efficiency, nominal pressure, nominal angular velocity, and nominal kinematic viscosity. The hoses are defined by blocks that determine losses based upon internal diameter, and attached fittings. The hydraulic motor has similar pre-defined input values like the pump. The motor takes the flow signal from the pump and converts it to a rotational shaft signal that is connected to the bicycle subsystem. The motor discharge flow signal is connected to a tank that has pre-defined inputs for initial fluid volume, pressurization level.
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To Body Sensor
The mechanical energy signal from the motor is sent to the Motor-Frame Joint. This imparts an angular velocity on the Motor Shaft. The Motor-Hub Velocity Driver connects the Motor Shaft and Gear Hub and models the step down in the gear ratio between these bodies. The pinion-to-gear interface at the motor shaft output has a gear ratio of 1:4. The rear right angle drive has a ratio of 1:1.31. The Motor-Hub Velocity Driver accounts for both the pinion-to-gear interface and the rear right angle drive. The total gear ratio for this velocity driver is 0.1905. The Gear Hub and the rear bike wheel are connected with the Hub-Wheel Velocity Driver. This velocity driver accounts for the gear ratio within the internal gear hub. The internal gear hub has eight different gear ratios. The motor shaft, gear hub, and rear bike wheel are all attached to the rear axle with revolute joints. A sensor is attached to each revolute joint to measure the angular velocity of the bodies. Scopes are attached to each joint to view the angular velocity data. A body representing the rear spoke is welded to the rear wheel at the CS5 port on the rear wheel. This was added so the user can view the rotation of the wheel on the simulation. The velocity driver attached to the rear wheel at the CS2 port on the rear wheel relates the angular velocity of the rear wheel to the translation of the bicycle. The Page | 40
wheel torque sensor connected to the rear wheel velocity driver measures the torque from the rear wheel. The torque about the z axis passes through the selector and sent to the rear wheel torque scope.
All the red body blocks in this diagram represent different parts of the bicycle frame. Each frame component is connected with weld joints. Essentially the frames purpose is to fix all the rotating components in space. The front wheel is attached to the bicycle fork via the front wheel revolute joint. A joint sensor is attached here, and it measures the angular velocity of the front wheel. The sensor then sends this information to the front wheel scope. The front wheel velocity driver imparts an angular velocity to the wheel by relating the linear translation of the bike to the circumference on the wheel.
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4.2.6 A - F R A M E T R A N SL A T I O N
The overall translation of the bike is defined by the prismatic translation joint shown in the figure above. The signal from the rear wheel exerts a force on the revolute joint connected to the frame, which tells the frame it needs to translate in the direction of the force. The prismatic joint then allows the bike frame, and all attached rotating components to translate and create the motion of the bicycle.
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To Rear Wheel
The body sensor is attached to the rear wheel. It can measure the angular and linear motion of the rear wheel. In this model, the bike body sensor measures the bike position, velocity, and acceleration. The selectors only pass x axis motion information to the scopes. The equation boxes labeled Air Drag1, Rolling Resistance, and Gravity account for the effects of air drag, rolling resistance, and gravity on the bicycle. Scopes are connected to these blocks so the user can see the magnitude of each of these forces in real time. The bicycle velocity is feed into the air drag model since air drag is related to the velocity squared. Therefore, as the velocity increases, the air drag also increases. The forces due to air drag, rolling resistance, and gravity are added together using summing blocks. The scope is attached to the signal after the summing blocks so the total drag force can be viewed. A Mux (multiplexer) is used to vectorize the force signals so the vectorized signal can be fed into the Body Actuator. The summed forces are fed into the x axis input of the Mux. A constant block sends a value of zero into the y and z axis inputs of the Mux. The body actuator takes this vector signal and applies the summed drag force to the bicycle in the opposite direction of travel.
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The force plots show that during the downhill simulation, the forces quickly decayed to zero as the crank angular velocity increased. The force plots of the uphill simulation show a very large force applied as the crank angular velocity remains low. Both plots show expected results.
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% Error
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While the results are not close enough to be considered accurate, they are relatively close and follow the same trend. Note that the maximum percent error for the rpm operating range is close to 15%, which is generally acceptable for simulations. This error could be due to measurement devices. Error could also result from rider fatigue during the trial runs. Also It should be noted that 19.1 mph from the simulation is not outside the realm of possibility seeing as an average cyclist can reach steady state speeds of up to 25 mph.
Cost Estimate
Average hours per week Average engineering intern pay Time cost for one semester (per individual) Total Cost (x3)
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1. Ullman, D. (2009). The Mechanical Design Process. New York, New York: McGraw Hill 2. White, F. (2008). Fluid Mechanics. New York, New York: McGraw Hill. 3. Whitt, F., & Wilson, D. (1982). Bicycling science, second edition. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. 4. (2001). Design engineers handbook, volume 1 hydraulics. Cleveland, OH: Parker Hannifin Corp. 5. (2009-2010). http://www.mathworks.com/products/simulink/ 6. (2009-2010). Shimano North America- SG-S500 Gear Hub Specs. http://bike.shimano.com/publish/content/global_cycle/en/us/index/products/0/alfine/product. -code-SG-S500.-type-.html 7. (2009, December 17). Chainless Challenge - Contest http://www.parker.com/training/cc/contest.html 8. (2010, April 22). http://webpages.scu.edu/ftp/jkblack/equipment.htm
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Design Responsibilities Simulation: Build simulation model of the current Chainless Challenge cycle in Simulink. Validation: Perform Sanity Checks on pump and motor Design preliminary input gear ratios. Configuration: Specifically refine possible accumulator in the simulation model. Analyze simulation results, and come to consensus on final design recommendations.
Peter Bombara
Learn Matlab-Simulink, work through tutorials.
Brad Thomas
Learn Matlab-Simulink, work through tutorials. Build air drag and friction into the Simulink model. Use Mathcad to calculate the performance of the bicycle at several operation points. Specifically refine the input gear ratios in the simulation model. Analyze simulation results, and come to consensus on final design recommendations.
Levi Scheenstra
Learn Matlab-Simulink, work through tutorials. Build a feedback force limit into the Simulink model. Perform physical testing of the existing bicycle to validate simulations. Specifically refine Simulink model based on physical test data.
Analyze simulation results, and come to consensus on final design recommendations. Dr. James Kamman - Faculty Advisor F-234, WMU College of Engineering and Applied Sciences (269) 276-3427 James.Kamman@wmich.edu Brian Westmoreland - Industry Mentor Parker Hydraulic Systems Division - 2220 Palmer Ave, Kalamazoo MI, 49001 (269) 384-3409 Brian.Westmoreland@parker.com Page | 51
Contact Information Office: Phone: Email: Contact Information Office: Phone: Email:
Levi Scheenstra
4035 Valley Ridge Dr. Apt 6 Kalamazoo MI, 49006 (269) 806-3541 Levi.J.Scheenstra@wmich.edu Levi.Scheenstra@Stryker.com
A motivated individual with great problem solving skills, exceptional work ethic, excellent interpersonal skills, and extensive hands on experience in manufacturing and service is seeking an entry level engineering position at Stryker Medical which will challenge me and increase my knowledge and abilities.
Bachelor of Science, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI Major: Mechanical Engineering Minor: Mathematics Expected Graduation: June 2010 GPA: 3.07
Cell Specialist/Welder - Stryker Medical Sept. 2005-Present Kalamazoo, MI Operated and maintained equipment including hand MIG welders, robotic welders, press brakes, spot welders, laser cutting machines, turret punch presses, and VMCs. Promoted from welder to cell specialist less than two years from hire in date. In charge of four to six people in my value stream and responsible for assisting team members with problems equipment, materials, parts, etc. Responsible for making daily decisions about production needs, staffing, overtime, etc. Lead improvement projects in coordination with the lean manufacturing initiative in the areas of safety/ergonomics, quality, parts flow, inventory reduction, 5S, and production efficiency. Received excellent reviews from several different team leaders and team supervisors. Earned a strong reputation for excellence and dependability. Carpet Cleaning Technician - Modernistic Carpet Cleaning June 2001-Sept. 2005 Plainwell, MI Promoted to Crew Leader three months from hire date. Interacted with six to ten costumers a day. Learned communication skills and to gain the trust of the customer. Learned to schedule time in fast paced, unpredictable work environment. Equipment Operator - A and B Traffic Marking July 1998-Nov. 2000 Plainwell, MI Painted and set up construction closures on roads and highways. Promoted to operator after one year and was occasionally in charge of crews of two to four people. Learned trouble shooting skills operating many different types of equipment. Cook/Waiter - Mancinos Italian Eatery Summer 1995-July 1998 Plainwell, MI
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Peter Bombara
Permanent Address: 1537 Sunflower Hudsonville, MI 49426 (616) 560-2366 Peter.M.Bombara@wmich.edu Local Address: 2208 Colgrove Ave Apt 304 Kalamazoo, MI 49048
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI College of Engineering & Applied Sciences Major: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Expected Graduation: May 2010 GPA: 3.04 Minor: Mathematics
Computer Skills
Maple Math Soft Algor FEMpro F.E.A. L.T. Spice Sw. CAD III
Intern, Landscapeforms Jan 2009 - Present Kalamazoo, MI Learn how the design of site furniture is used to enrich outdoor spaces Design fixtures for welding & wood site furniture production Write standard work documentation for many manufacturing processes Perform time studies to analyze various manufacturing processes and identify possible areas of improvement Learn and implement effective communication skills in a workplace environment Intern, Innotec Group May 2008 - August 2008 Zeeland, MI Learn to operate and maintain all aspects of a fully automated production line Communication with supply chain customer, and addressing concerns Develop weekly, monthly plans detailing specific goals and how to meet them Build and debug a new automated assembly machine for the production line Earned a strong reputation for excellence and dependability Perform all duties efficiently while working in a fast paced, multitask, and team oriented environment Machine custom parts for various processes Resident Assistant, Garneau/Harvey Hall Aug 2006-Apr 2008 Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI Resolve conflicts between residents while implementing and upholding University and Residence Life Policy Act as a role model to positively impact residents lives Organize six programs per semester that promote community development, diversity, academic success, and social well-being for 500 students Effectively respond to and report crisis and emergency situations Participate in on-call duty rotation within the residence hall one night a week and four weekends a semester Learn efficient time-management strategies due to an intense schedule of activities
Recipient, Michigan Education Assessment Program (MEAP) Scholarship Named to the College of Engineering Deans List Recipient, Western Michigan University Deans Scholarship Recipient, Michigan Academic Excellence Scholarship Recipient, Michigan Competitive Scholarship Recipient, R.A. of the Month from Michigan Organization of Residence Hall Associations Recipient, Monroe Brown Scholarship Member, Drive Safe Kalamazoo Captain, Relay For Life Volunteer, Kalamazoo Gospel Mission Program Coordinator for annual Haunted Hall fundraiser Member, Campus Activities Board 2005 2006, 2007 2005-2007 2005, 2006 2006-2009 Oct. 2007 2009-2010 2006-2008 2006, 2007 2007 2006, 2007 2005-2007
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Bradley.e.thomas@wmich.edu 916 Moldovia Drive, White Lake, MI 48386 248.421.9557
Objective Hard working, detail oriented, and highly motivated individual seeking a mechanical engineering position that will utilize my leadership, technical competencies, and communication skills. Education Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Western Michigan University G.P.A.: 3.39 Oakland Community College G.P.A.: 3.67
Projects Senior design: Optimization and development of hydraulic powertrain for bicycle Analysis of heat transfer through stranded wire: Studied the heat transfer through three sizes of stranded electrical wire with varying currents using computational fluid dynamics software Fluent and Gambit, numerical analysis using MathCAD, and experimental results Analysis of heat exchangers: Modeled the heat transfer through double pipe and shell and tube heat exchangers using SolidWorks, Fluent, Gambit, MathCAD and experimental results. Related Coursework Mechanics of Materials Experimental Solid Mechanics Mechanism Analysis Design of Thermal Systems Machine Design Statics Thermodynamics 1,2 Fluid Mechanics Dynamics
Technical Competences: AutoCAD, Microsoft Office, MathCAD, MATLAB Leadership Skills Resident Assistant at Western Michigan University August 2007 April 2008 Enforced university housing policies in 500 student resident hall Solved disputes between students through mediation Coordinated six programs per semester that promoted community development, diversity, academic success, and a healthy lifestyle. Maintained a safe and supportive living environment Trained to respond to emergency situations quickly and professionally Participated in on-call duty position once a week and 4 weekends per semester Education Chairman of Southwest Michigan Patriots Speak in front of 100-500 people about monetary policy and history Organize public educational events Work History Library Page at White Lake Township Library Organized library materials for librarians Utilized library resources to assist 5-10 patrons daily Membership Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society Sigma Alpha Lambda Honors Organization July 2005 August 2006
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First = 0.51; Second = 0.644; Third = 0.748; Fourth = 0.851; Fifth = 1.0; Sixth = 1.223; Seventh = 1.419; Eighth = 1.615; HubBaseAngVel = Sixth; %Choose desired Hub to Wheel ratio. %% Fixed Gear Ratios & Parameters (For Velocity Drivers) CrankBaseAngVel = 14; %Crank to Pump ratio. (Rt Ang Drv included) MotorBaseAngVel = -.1905; %Motor to Hub ratio. (Rt Ang Drv included) %Front Gear/Pinion M_FGear = 7; %lbs Rad_FGear = 8; %in Iz_FGear = (1/2)*(M_FGear/32.179)*(Rad_FGear/12)^2; %slug*ft^2 M_FPinion = 0.06; %lbs Rad_FPinion = 0.75; %in Iz_FPinion = (1/2)*(M_FPinion/32.179)*(Rad_FPinion/12)^2; %slug*ft^2 %Rear Gear/Pinion M_RGear = 2.4; %lbm Rad_RGear = 4; %in Iz_RGear = (1/2)*(M_RGear/32.179)*(Rad_RGear/12)^2; %slug*ft^2 M_RPinion = 0.1; %lbm Rad_RPinion = 1; %in Iz_RPinion = (1/2)*(M_RPinion/32.179)*(Rad_RPinion/12)^2; %slug*ft^2 %Wheel Rotation to Translation Ratio
Define Bike Body Parameters M_BikeFrame = 35.04; %lbm M_Wheel = 3.2; %lbm (total bike mass is 51 lbm) M_Rider = 185; %lbm M_Total = M_BikeFrame+M_Rider+2*M_Wheel+... M_FGear+M_FPinion+M_RGear+M_RPinion; %lbm M_Bike = M_Total-M_Rider; %lbm M_Negligible = .0001; %lbm WheelOuterRadius = 13.375; %in (actual radius of contact) WheelOuterCGRadius = 12.625; %in Iz_Wheel = (M_Wheel/32.179)*(WheelOuterCGRadius/12)^2; %slug*ft^2 Iz_Negligible = 0.000001; %slug*ft^2
Drag Parameters Cd = 0.9; %(unitless) FrontalArea = 7.53; %(ft^2) RhoAir = .0024; %slug/ft^3) Grade = 0; %Grade incline (degrees)
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Intermediate Designs
Pump & Motor Testing Velocity Trials Data Analysis Finalize Design Simulation Analysis Organization of Gained Knowledge Presentation
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8.4.4 - G AN TT C HART
The following Gantt chart outlines the project timeline.
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Experience Brad Work Experience Machine Design: course projects Thermal System Design: course projects Peter Landscapeforms: lean manufacturing, process engineering Innotec: automated manufacturing systems Levi Stryker: Medical Instruments manufacturing
2. Delineate the skills necessary to successfully execute your responsibilities on the project. Brad High level of understanding of Simulink Problem solving skills Numerical analysis in MathCAD Peter High level of understanding of Simulink Capable of solid modeling a system in Solidworks Running accurate testing procedures Levi High level of understanding of Simulink Capable of constructing testing equipment in machine shop
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3. Define skills that you will personally need to strengthen to achieve the task at hand. Brad Simulink programming Fluid mechanics and dynamics Documentation of results Peter Simulink Programming Machine Dynamics Project scheduling Group communication Levi Simulink Programming Report formatting Testing Results interpretation
4. Explain how you plan to gain the skill level necessary for your responsibilities. Brad Read Simulink manuals and will go through as many tutorials as possible. I will buy and read books about using Simulink if necessary. Practice formatting on reports for other courses. Peter Study existing Simulink demos and spend ample time building and programming trial test systems. Consult with faculty and faculty advisor. Levi Read Simulink manuals and will go through as many tutorials as possible. Practice formatting on reports for other courses. Keep accountable to the team.
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