Crash Crash Worthiness Auc03 BMW
Crash Crash Worthiness Auc03 BMW
Crash Crash Worthiness Auc03 BMW
Passive safety simulation is a well established tool in the development process of automobiles at BMW Group. Based on the demands on crash analysis software, which has been defined in a crash vision 2004, ABAQUS/Explicit has been tested for crashworthiness simulation. The recent introductions of a general contact capability and a new spotweld modeling technique have been key to enabling this testing. First experiences of component-based applications and of whole car crash analysis exemplify the strong architecture and existing complement of robust features in ABAQUS/Explicit, and demonstrate its general feasibility for crash simulation.
The increasing legal and customer demands on passive safety of automobiles have to be fulfilled under the conditions of shortened development times and cost reductions. Today the design process of a car with regard to its crashworthiness function is driven by a virtual development at BMW Group. A wide range of different applications has to be covered by simulation influencing the design of body in white, interior and exterior trim, chassis and powertrain. When global results of whole car crash simulation have been the primary focus the last years, because of the increasing reliance of the design processes on numerical results, a more local, detailed analysis is needed today. These demands on the local accuracy of the simulation results lead to a substantial increase of further development work of the numerical methods. But, high-end material models, increasing complexity of the used car models and complex connecting techniques have to be based on a finite element code of high quality and stability. A crash vision 2004 has been defined at BMW and finite element codes are tested for their reliability to meet the described demands. Within this paper a short overview about crashworthiness simulation of automobiles at BMW Group is given. An introduction into the crash vision and the associated software development are presented. The procedure to test ABAQUS/Explicit for these applications is explained. Several examples for testing basic functionality and general feasibility are shown.
for the exterior and interior trim. The dramatic shortening of the total development time during the last years needs a much more front loaded development process which has been realized by numerical simulation. The numerical simulation accompanying the design of a car may be divided into three main phases the concept, the series development and the optimization phase, figure 1. During the concept phase the passive safety concept and its needed packaging space have to be determined. The series development is finished by prototype testing which should confirm the virtual development in an ideal case. Optimization work should close the development before the cars launch. During these phases the focus of the numerical simulation changes from a more global view to a very detailed local analysis. Passive safety simulation is fully integrated into the design process within BMW Group. The requirements to meet the function are developed in cooperation with the different suppliers and consulting engineers and then discussed within the design teams, figure 2. Main target is the optimized energy absoprtion which should help to fulfill legislative and customer demands. Additionally, the virtual supported design helps meeting the requirements of misuse and insurance rating. With the importance of the virtual analysis, the effort has increased during the last ten years. Currently about 13000 simulation are performed on about 850 CPUs per year. Within the passive safety simulation a lot of different load cases are tested numerically, figure 3. During the last years the number of load cases has been increased significantly. The variety of applications might be divided into three main topics. Structural Crashworthiness of Whole Car. When frontal, rear and side crash computations are widely used in the development process, compatibility is a growing application. Usually, these models represent most of the body in white, chassis, driveline and exterior trim components. Interior trim components are modeled when the influence on the overall load paths has to be considered, like seats for side crash analysis. These components might be discretized or their masses are smeared over neighbouring parts. Occupant Protection. The finite element method is mainly used for occupant protection analysis during side impact. The optimization of structural response, interior trim deformation, and airbag behaviour is done in a parallel and iterative process. Because of the high number of needed simulations, a major number of analyses are done in so called substructure runs which uses boundary conditions of the whole car analysis. The same car model as for the side crash computation of the whole car is used. Interior trim and a dummy model are added. Crashworthiness of Components. A wide range of applications have to be covered by simulation, some of which are mentioned here. These analyses can be performed independently of the whole car crash simulations, but same meshes are used when possible. The discretization of the components is in general much finer than in whole car analysis but the number of represented components is smaller. The numerical development influences the design of an increasing number of components. When body in white comp onents have been analyzed for long time, the design of exterior trim and interior trim is mainly driven by virtual work today, figure 4. Three main development directions are observed: analysis models are getting much more complex, new or numerically not very well described materials are introduced and, even in full car crash simulations, very local results are needed. For example, the door panel made of reinforced thermoplastic material including the detailed rib and retainer design is today analyzed by using complex side impact load cases.
Basic Testing Contact. Nearly all of the given examples include severe contact problems to be solved, but special examples are set up to study the contact behaviour in a more detailed way. The aim of the shown example is to study the handling of severe overclosures occurring during the analysis a situation which happens quite often during crash simulations caused by high contact forces. The usually applied penalty technique for contact handling allows such overclosures. To study this behaviour a shell element is forced by a prescribed displacement to penetrate a surface represented by four other shell elements, figure 10. The contact force is measured. First contact appears depending on the chosen options at a certain contact thickness. The results show that in ABAQUS/Explicit the contact force does increase linearly with the penetration using both the contact pair technique and the newly introduced general contact capability. The current crash code shows different results depending on the chosen contact type. In the current crash code, the detected contact direction changes when the midsurfaces cross each other, and contact is lost when the overclosure gets higher than the contact thickness. In conclusion, ABAQUS/Explicit does not lose contact and contact directions, but the current crash code does. This behaviour may lead to the effect that severe overclosures are prevented from separating again by an opposite contact force and, thus, may destabilize the analysis. Spotweld. Spotwelds are the most important connecting technique for connecting the components of a body in white. Two test cases for spotwelds are shown in figure 11. The first one is a shear test of two spotwelds connecting three shell element layers. The shear force is introduced by fixing the lowest layer and introducing tension forces on the mid and upper layer in opposite directions. During this test the location of the spotweld has been changed to study mesh influences. The ABAQUS spotweld capability has its advantages in an unconditionally stable formulation and a mostly mesh independent behaviour by using a distributed coupling mechanism for the involved surfaces. Compared to the penalty formulation of other codes, the ABAQUS spotweld does not allow for unintended elongation. The number of involved n odes is dependent on the spotweld diameter and the mesh size. But, a minimal number of nodes for each surface is given. The crushing of a rail geometry demonstrates the stability of the spotweld modeling under severe deformation. Material Modeling Thermoplastics. Non-reinforced thermoplastic materials are used for door panels and pillar finishers. Accurate numerical material models are needed to analyze the deformation behaviour of such components for passenger restraint simulation during side crash events. Within a PhD work, a local measurement technique has been developed and a new material model has been formulated for thermoplastic material, Junginger (2002). Already, the new experimental results used within a classical von Mises material model allow for much better results than have been gained by using the data of a global measurement technique. The measured force deflection curve of a one dimensional tension test is compared in figure 12. The results of the global measurement lead to too early failure prediction. Using the data of the local measurement both in a von Mises model and in the newly introduced model shows good correlation between the experimental and numerical results.
Feasibility Study Component Crashworthiness Bumper. A bumper model crashing against a rigid offset barrier is a good example to study contact and element behaviour under severe deformations. The given example, figure 13, includes shell elements for the structural parts and the lining, and solid elements for the bump er foam. Different materials, such as aluminum, thermoplastic, and polymeric foam are included in this model. The bumper is attached to a rigid rectangular block and to a mass point at the center of gravity of the car. The overlapping part of the bumper and the left deformation element is totally crushed. The analysis with ABAQUS/Explicit demonstrates quite well the capability of the new general contact capability and the stability of element and material formulations. A newly introduced distortion control feature for solid elements will additionally stabilize such analyses. Seat. This example is a standard test case for testing the stability of newly discretized finite element seat models at BMW, figure 14. The seat, which is discretized by shell, rigid, spring, and beam elements, and includes additional connector elements for modeling hinges and multi point constraints for bolts, is attached to the body in white cross rail bars. A rigid surface representing the center console is fixed. Another rigid surface representing the B-pillar is moved against the seat, thus crushing the seat between the two rigid surfaces. The upper part of the seat is deformed severely. The analysis is stable and contact conditions are handled correctly. By default, the general contact capability does include beam elements. Tires. Correct tire modeling is quite important for a frontal crash analysis, as the tire behaviour influences barrier deformation and passenger compartment intrusion. The current tire models do include a fairly detailed modeling with solid elements discretizing the tire tread, reinforced shell elements and a pressurized interior air volume usually modeled by using an airbag model with reduced functionality. The current ABAQUS model is set up equivalently except for the pressurized air volume. Here, hydrostatic fluid elements are used, which show a slightly different behaviour as compared to the airbag model. In this example, the tire is fixed at its center and compressed by a rigid surface, figure 15. The results of ABAQUS/Explicit are compared to the current crash code. The overall deformation behaviour is quite similar, contact forces show good correlation as well. The ABAQUS results show higher oscillations because the current crash code provides a prefiltering technique on the contact force output variable. The differences in volume change are negligible. Door. The example of a pole crashing against a door allows for testing element and contact behaviour, as well as studying the behaviour of the modeling of hinges and locks, figure 16. The door, mainly discretized by shell elements, is attached to the body in white by the hinges and the lock. The part of the hinges and the lock which belong to the body in white are fixed. During the analysis the door undergoes severe deformation normally leading to a failure of the modeled side window. Here, no failure model has been used so that the analysis shows a different deformation behaviour. The behaviour of the hinges is equivalent to the current used crash code. The introduced connector elements allow for a modeling of hinges in a much simpler way and the behaviour is unconditionally stable. The pole test of a door demonstrates again the stability of ABAQUS/Explicit for crashworthiness applications. Body in White. When the above shown component analyses already demonstrate the general feasibility, a body in white component model does include a substantially higher number of different parts, elements and spotwelds. The first testing example is a body in white crashing against a rigid wall which overlaps the structure totally. In addition to the body in white, some 2003 ABAQUS Users Conference 5
parts of the bumper and the chassis have been included to this model. The model mainly consists of shell elements and a few thousand spotwelds. The body in white crashes with an initial velocity into the rigid barrier. The deformation behaviour shown in figure 17 correlates well with currently used crash code. Feasibility Study Whole Car Crashworthiness Frontal Impact. As component test cases demonstrate that needed features are provided by ABAQUS/Explicit, a whole car crash analysis for simulating the structural crashworthiness is the next step for test purposes. Here, the USNCAP frontal crash simulation run with a rigid barrier has been done, figure 18 and 19. The model consists of most components of body in white, chassis, powertrain and the frontal bumper. The structural part of the seat has also been included. The number of elements is about 500.000 and the total crash time is about 120 msec. Rebound occurs at about 80 msec. Within this analysis, the contact handling, as well as the modeling of spotwelds and connectors, have been very stable, and the deformation behaviour appears correct. The analysis proves the general feasibility of ABAQUS/Explicit for structural crash analysis. Productive Application Head Impact. Head impact according to extended Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 201 is a legislative component testing which has to be passed by every automobile sold in the U.S. since September 2002, NHTSA (1995). Legislative demands and the process of simulation have been described in more detail in Gholami (2002) and Pamann et. al. (2002). ABAQUS/Explicit has been introduced into the productive application in summer 2002. The main advantages of ABAQUS are the high quality of material modeling, such as the modeling of polymeric foams and of the headforms vinyl skin, as well as the accuracy of the general contact capability, the stability of the analysis, and the spotweld modeling. The given example, figure 20, demonstrates head impact on target point RP1 in rear pillar target area.
Today, the development of new automobiles relies strongly on finite element simulation with regard to the crashworthiness behaviour. Based on a crash vision for 2004, demands on future software for crash simulation have been defined, and an example data base has been built up to validate software codes. ABAQUS/Explicit has been successfully tested and introduced into the crashworthiness simulation utilizing important new functionality, such as a general contact capability and spotweld modeling feature. In addition, robust libraries of existing features (material models, element formulations, connectors, penalty contact algorithm, time incrementation) and a strong code architecture have been instrumental in enabling this work to be carried out successfully. Today, general feasibility has been proved in many component applications and in whole car crash analysis. Productive usage of ABAQUS/Explicit for head impact analysis has been started. The development of needed features for occupant protection simulation, an efficient parallel version, and a new barrier model are the next development steps before introducing ABAQUS/Explicit into the productive crashworthiness simulation at BMW Group.
T. Gholami, J. Lescheticky, R. Pamann, A. Theobald, W. Jansohn, S. Niedermeyer, M. Schrank, B. Engelmann Finite Element Analysis of Head Impact According to Extended FMVSS 201 ABAQUS Users Conference, Newport, 2002 M. Junginger, H. Werner, R. Pamann, S. Hiermaier Characterization and Modeling of Thermoplastic Materials for Crash Applications CrashMAT 2002, Freiburg, Germany, April 15-16, 2002 NHTSA National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Department of Transportation Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 201 Occupant Protection, 49 CFR Parts 571, 572 and 589, 1995 R. Pamann, A. Theobald, W. Jansohn Simulation des Kopfaufpralls nach FMVSS 201 mit ABAQUS/Explicit VDI Tagung Berechnung und Simulation im Fahrzeugbau, VDI Berichte, Wrzburg 2002
Figure 11: Spotweld testing shear test and behaviour undergoing high deformations.
Figure 13: Component cras hworthiness testing bumper testing. 14 2003 ABAQUS Users Conference
Figure 15: Component crashworthiness testing tire behaviour. 2003 ABAQUS Users Conference 15
Figure 17: Component crashworthiness testing body in white crash test. 16 2003 ABAQUS Users Conference
Figure 20: Component crashworthiness application head impa ct according to FMVSS 201.