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Sheet Resistance and Electrical Linewidth Test Structures for Semiconductor Process Characterisation

Stewart Smith





A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. The University of Edinburgh. January 6, 2003


Microelectronic test structures are used to characterise and control microfabrication processes. This thesis is primarily concerned with the use of electrical measurement of linewidth and sheet resistance to characterise a wide range of different technologies. These range from advanced interconnect and photolithography techniques to ion-beam induced deposition, MEMS process integration and structures for use as metrology standards. The thesis rst examines the use of the cross-bridge electrical linewidth structure to measure the sheet resistance and critical dimensions of copper damascene interconnect. This was achieved through computer simulation of current ow in the structures and served to highlight the effects of the damascene process on the measurement. As a result layout design rules have been dened which minimise the errors introduced by diffusion barrier layers and dishing. Mono-crystalline silicon linewidth structures are being developed to meet the requirements for traceable metrology standards. The proposed test structures are fabricated using a wet etch process and have unusual geometries which affect their operation. Computer simulation has shown that the effects of surface interface charge and substrate biasing are the key issues that need to be addressed for accurate extraction of sheet resistance. This work has identied that increased doping of the silicon starting material reduces these effects. The use of on-mask electrical linewidth structures for alternating aperture phase shifting mask metrology has been investigated. The results compare very favourably, in terms of repeatability, with those obtained using the more common CD-SEM technique. Photolithographic simulation of submicron test structure layouts has been used to investigate the effects of applying optical proximity correction to cross-bridge linewidth structures. The effects of severe asymmetries on the Greek cross sheet resistance structure have also been examined. Finally the thesis presents examples of process characterisation using resistive test structures. In the rst of these examples cross-bridge linewidth structures are used to quantify the effects of a bulk silicon, wet etch solution, which was designed to passivate metal interconnect, on the dimensions of aluminium tracks. This is followed by an investigation of the use of novel sheet resistance test structures to characterise the deposition of platinum in a focused ion beam system. The platinum sheet resistance has been characterised in terms of the main process parameters which facilitates the fabrication of resistive elements of a known value.

Declaration of originality
I hereby declare that the research recorded in this thesis and the thesis itself was composed and originated entirely by myself in the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering at The University of Edinburgh. List your exceptions here and sign before your printed name.

Stewart Smith


This thesis is dedicated to my parents. Unfortunately my Father did not get to see it nished but he was always there with encouragement for me in whatever I was doing. A great many people have helped me over the four years Ive been working towards my PhD so I am sorry if I have left anyone out. The rst person I would like to thank is Professor Anthony Walton, without whom none of this would have happened. I would also like to thank everyone Ive worked with at the Scottish Microelectronics Centre and in the EMF before it, most of you have had some inuence on this work in one way or another. I think the best thing to do is list everyone, so thanks go out to: Tom Stevenson, Alan Gundlach, Georg Bodammer, Alan Ross, Bill Parkes, Camelia Dunare, Vidar Nilsen, Neil Rankin, Knut Lian, David Travis, Jon Terry, Mike Moran, Mark Newsam, Les Haworth, Ian Underwood, Alec Ruthven, Kevin Tierney, David Archibald, Sue Bond, Jennifer McGregor and anyone Ive forgotten. Thanks must also go to Dot Drummond for keeping us all organised down at the Terrapin building. Outside of the university I have to thank the people Ive collaborated with during the course of my research: Martin McCallum and Alan Lissimore at Nikon, Martin Fallon at National Semiconductor and Michael Cresswell, Loren Linholm and Richard Allen at NIST. I would also like to acknowledge the insights and encouragement Ive received from everyone that I have met and discussed my work with at the annual International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures. The most important person I have to thank is Christine for always being there with love and support over the last few years, even though it has meant many sacrices. I would never have managed to nish this work without her patience and understanding. Finally I need to thank my friend Yeoman Smith along with the members of the Edinburgh Fortean Society and all on the Forteana e-mail list for providing all the distractions required to make me take so long to nish the thesis. Thanks guys!


Declaration of originality . . Acknowledgements . . . . . Contents . . . . . . . . . . . List of gures . . . . . . . . List of tables . . . . . . . . . Acronyms and abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii . iv . v . viii . xv . xvi 1 1 2 5 7 7 7 8 9 11 16 17 18 19 22 26 27 27 28 33 35 35 35 36 38 39 42 45 51 53 56

1 Introduction 1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Microelectronic Test Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Thesis Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Background 2.1 Sheet Resistance Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.1 Resistivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.2 Sheet Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.3 Van der Pauw Structures . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.4 Greek Cross Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Linewidth Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1 Optical Linewidth Metrology . . . . . . . . 2.2.2 Scanning Probe Microscopy . . . . . . . . . 2.2.3 CD-SEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.4 Electrical Linewidth Measurement . . . . . 2.2.5 Comparison of CD Measurement Techniques 2.3 Other Resistive Electrical Test Structures . . . . . . 2.3.1 The Fallon Ladder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.2 Alignment Test Structures . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 Sheet Resistance and Electrical Linewidth Measurement of Damascene Interconnect 3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.1 The Chemical Mechanical Planarisation (CMP) process . . 3.1.2 Copper Damascene and Test Structures . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 The Effects of Barrier Layers and Dishing on the Measurement of Resistance and Electrical Linewidth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Measurement . . . . . . . . . 3.2.1 Barrier Layer Effects on 3.2.2 Barrier Layer Effects on Linewidth Measurement . . . . . 3.2.3 Dishing Effects on Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.4 Dishing Effects on Linewidth Measurement . . . . . . . . 3.2.5 Combining Barrier Layers and Dishing . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Copper . . . . . . . . . . . . Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 Test Structures for Use as Linewidth Measurement Standards 4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Motivation for the Development of Electrical CD Standards . . . . . . . . 4.3 Mono-Crystalline Silicon Test Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Simulation of Mono-Crystalline Silicon Track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 Simulation of (110) Silicon Greek Cross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5.1 SOI Greek Cross Without 111 Facet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5.2 SOI Greek Cross With 111 Facet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5.3 Effects of Fixed Charge and Structures with Highly Doped Silicon 4.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Electrical Linewidth Test Structures for Advanced Lithography 5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Test Structures for Alternating Aperture Phase Shifting Masks 5.2.1 Introduction to Phase Shifting Masks . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.2 PSM Test Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.3 Sheet Resistance Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.4 Linewidth Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.5 Conclusions and Further Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Optical Proximity Correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.2 Effects of OPC on Linewidth Measurement . . . . . . . 5.3.3 Effects of OPC on Sheet Resistance Measurements . . . 5.3.4 OPC Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 59 59 61 64 69 71 74 75 78

6 Examples of Process Characterisation Using Resistive Test Structures 6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 Example 1: Characterisation of a Silicon Wet Etch Process . . . . . . . . 6.2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.2 Test Structure Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.3 Type A Test Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.4 Type B Test Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.5 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3 Example 2: Characterisation of Platinum Deposited by Focused Ion Beam 6.3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3.2 Test Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3.3 Initial Box Cross Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3.4 Diagonal Box Cross Test Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3.5 Bridge Test Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3.6 Conclusions and Further Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Conclusions and Future Work 7.1 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1.1 Copper Damascene Interconnect 7.1.2 Linewidth Metrology Standards . 7.1.3 Phase Shifting Mask Metrology . 7.1.4 Optical Proximity Correction . . vi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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80 . 80 . 81 . 81 . 82 . 84 . 91 . 95 . 97 . 97 . 98 . 103 . 106 107 107 108 108 109 110 115 118 119 119 121 126 128 131 135 137 137 137 138 139 140

7.1.5 Characterisation of a Wet Etch Process . 7.1.6 FIB Deposited Platinum Characterisation 7.2 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 Final Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 142 142 144 145 145 146 146 147 147 148 148 148 149 149 150 150 151 211

A Supplementary Information A.1 Resistance Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.2 Test Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.2.1 HP4062B Semiconductor Parametric Test System . . . A.2.2 Solartron Microvoltmeter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.2.3 HP4156B Precision Semiconductor Parameter Analyser A.3 Simulation Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.3.1 TWB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.3.2 Raphael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.3.3 Davinci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.3.4 Depict . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.3.5 Michelangelo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.3.6 Medici . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B Published Papers References


List of gures
1.1 Schematic diagram of a silicon wafer with product and drop in die along with test structures in the scribe channels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Test chip layout illustrating the probe pad arrangement. . . . . . . 2.1 Schematic diagram illustrating the dimensions of a simple bar of conducting material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 In-line four-point probe measurement setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Van der Pauw resistivity test structure with arbitrary shape and contact placement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Van der Pauw resistivity test structure with clover leaf shape to reduce the error caused by non-ideal contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Greek cross four-terminal sheet resistance test structure. . . . . . . . . . 2.6 Equipotential contours in a Greek cross structure. The contour spacing is 50mV running from 1V at terminal A to 0V at terminal B . . . . . . . . , 2.7 Equipotential contours in a box cross structure. The contour spacing is 50mV running from 1V at terminal A to 0V at terminal B . . . . . . . . . , 2.8 Simulated measurements of cross type sheet resistance structures. Current is forced between A and B, and the voltage is measured at C and D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.9 Light intensity proles produced by different optical metrology systems illustrating measurement techniques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.10 Schematic diagram illustrating atomic force microscopy and showing the effect of probe shape on the prole which is produced. . . . . . . . . . . 2.11 SEM images of micromachined silicon AFM probe tips before and after focused ion beam sharpening. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.12 Schematic cross section through a standard SEM column showing the important elements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.13 SEM micrograph of a chrome track with a nominal width of 0.7 m showing increased brightness at line edges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.14 Schematic diagram of a cross-bridge electrical linewidth test structure . 2.15 Schematic diagram of a bridge resistor showing the important dimensions. 2.16 Linewidth test structure which allows the extraction of the effect of the voltage taps on the measurement of the bridge section .. . . . . . . . 2.17 Layout of a test structure used to investigate proximity effects on linewidth. 2.18 Split-cross-bridge test structure which can be used to measure , , and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.19 Schematic layout of a Fallon ladder structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.20 Schematic layout of an eight terminal alignment test structure. . . . . . 2.21 Differential linewidth bridge test structure printed as a combination of two mask layouts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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2.22 Layout of differential bridge structure for poly to active area alignment measurement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.23 Schematic illustration of the measurement of a voltage-dividing potentiometer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.24 Layout of test structure used to measure the tap offset . . . . . . . . . . 2.25 Enhanced misalignment test structure with symmetrical voltage taps. . . 3.1 Typical copper damascene process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Cross-section of copper damascene tracks of different widths. As the width of the copper line decreases the relative contribution of the sidewall barriers to the track resistance will increase. . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Schematic cross section through two metal damascene lines which have been dished by the CMP process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 AFM proles of the surface of three copper tracks with linewidths of 2.5 m, 10 m and 20 m. The widths have been normalised in order to aid comparison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Schematic plan views of Greek and box cross structures used for extraction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6 Plan view of a Greek cross test structure for simulation of barrier layer effects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7 Schematic cross section through a copper track with barrier layers showing the important dimensions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.8 Extracted sheet resistance versus linewidth for simulated Greek and box cross structures with barrier layers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.9 (a) Cross section through a copper damascene track. (b) Equivalent cross section for a track with a uniform sheet resistance. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10 Electrical linewidth measurement error versus actual linewidth for test structures with diffusion barrier layers of different widths. . . . . . . . . 3.11 Schematic cross section through a dished damascene track. . . . . . . . 3.12 Schematic cross section through a dished damascene track showing the stepped approximation of dishing used in the simulations. . . . . . . . . simulated 3.13 Schematic plan view of a Greek cross with a linewidth of in 2-D. The sheet resistance of each part of the cross depends on the amount of dishing in that area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.14 Sheet resistance against linewidth for 2-D simulations of copper damascene test structures with 25% overpolish. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.15 AFM scan of a copper damascene Greek cross test structure. The arms of the cross are wide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.16 On the left is a set of three AFM surface proles from a copper damascene structure. On the right is a AFM scan showing where the proles have been taken from. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.17 Schematic plan view of the centre of a Greek cross which shows how dishing has been modelled in three dimensions in this part of the simulated structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.18 Sheet resistance versus linewidth for 3-D simulations of the effects of dishing on Greek and box crosses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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3.19 Electrical linewidth error versus the actual linewidth for structures with dishing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.20 Schematic cross section through a dished damascene track with diffusion barrier layers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.21 Sheet resistance versus linewidth for sheet resistance test structures with both barrier layers and dishing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.22 Electrical Linewidth error versus actual linewidth for structures with both dishing and diffusion barriers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 Cross sections through real and ideal conducting tracks . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Schematic diagrams of intersecting features fabricated on SOI wafers with different lattice orientations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Schematic diagram showing the facet which forms in internal corners of structures patterned into silicon with a (110) surface. . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Variation in electron concentration for a cross-section through the middle to , in steps of ). of the track (contours plotted 4.5 Resistance versus silicon track length. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6 Resistance versus the reciprocal of silicon track width. . . . . . . . . . . 4.7 Resistance versus temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8 Track resistance against surface charge for two different doping concentrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.9 Simulated resistance against applied voltage for silicon bars with the : (a) cm ; (b) cm ; (c) cm ; (d) following values of cm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.10 Simulated resistance versus applied voltage for silicon bar with high doping concentration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.11 Plan view of the simulated Greek cross without facets and with the arms at to each other. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.12 Schematic 3D view of the Greek cross structure with facets in the acute angles between the arms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.13 Extracted sheet resistance against gate electrode voltage. . . . . . . . . . 4.14 Cross sections through one arm of a simulated Greek cross showing the boundary of the depletion region. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.15 Plan view of a simulated silicon Greek cross showing how depletion changes the effective geometry of the structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.16 Simulated resistance against gate voltage for acute and obtuse measurement orientations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.17 Extracted sheet resistance against gate electrode voltage. . . . . . . . . . 4.18 Simulated resistance against gate voltage for acute and obtuse measurement orientations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.19 Extracted sheet resistance against xed charge. The results have been corrected for the asymmetry of the test structures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.20 Sheet resistance against gate voltage for highly doped silicon Greek crosses 5.1 Comparison of the results of image projection from a binary photomask and an alternating aperture phase shifting mask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Section of phase shifting mask test structure layout. . . . . . . . . . . . . x

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List of gures
5.3 SEM image of 91nm wide lines printed using a S202 scanner (0.6NA) and the phase shifting mask used in this study. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 5.4 Photograph of the actual phase shifting mask with a close up view of the layout of one of the sets of on-mask test structures. . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 5.5 Results of Kelvin measurements made on a chrome Greek cross structure as the force current was swept from A to 1mA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 5.6 Mean values and standard deviation of V/I versus force current for a chrome Greek cross structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 5.7 Mean values of against force current for chrome Greek cross structures. 87 5.8 Standard deviation of against force current for chrome Greek cross structures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 5.9 Mean values of against feature size for chrome Greek cross structures. 89 5.10 Average Greek cross asymmetry factor versus feature size for chrome structures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 5.11 Standard deviation of against feature size for chrome Greek cross structures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 5.12 Measured linewidth versus the designed CD for isolated bridge structures. 93 5.13 Designed linewidth minus the measured CD plotted against the designed width for isolated bridge structures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 5.14 Designed linewidth minus the measured CD plotted against the designed width for 1:2 dense bridge structures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 m wide binary feature. . . . . . . . . . . 95 5.15 SEM image of a nominally 5.16 Designed linewidth minus the measured CD plotted against mark to m dense bridge structures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 space ratio for 5.17 Illustration of proximity effects in photolithography and the use of optical proximity correction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 5.18 An example of a portion of a linewidth test structure showing the original CAD layout and the mask geometry with OPC. The feature size is m. 99 5.19 3-D plot of the pattern transferred into the photoresist after exposure and development of a key portion of a linewidth test structure. . . . . . 99 5.20 Illustration of the way in which the image transferred to the photoresist is affected by the degree of OPC applied. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 5.21 Schematic plan view of simulated voltage tap showing contours of potential. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 5.22 Simulated resistances and linewidth shortening values from bridge voltage tap sections with different degrees of OPC. . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 5.23 Schematic plan view of a simulated bridge resistor linewidth structure showing typical voltage contours during testing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 5.24 Line shortening and linewidth results derived from simulations of linewidth structures with OPC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 5.25 Schematic plan views of ve cross structures with large asymmetrical features showing the voltage contours observed during simulations . . . 104 5.26 Schematic plan view of a Greek cross structure with OPC generated by orientation simulation. . . . . 105 Depict. It shows equipotentials for the 6.1 Aluminium cross-bridge test structure layout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109


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List of gures
6.2 Schematic cross sections through aluminium tracks showing possible test structure congurations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 6.3 Schematic diagram of the equipment used to perform the etching experiments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 6.4 SEM micrographs of type A, pure aluminium tracks. . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 6.5 Sheet resistance versus etch time for type A, pure aluminium structures. The straight lines are tted to the measurement data by linear regression (L.R.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 6.6 Schematic cross section through an aluminium feature where etching has occurred along grain boundaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 6.7 Electrical linewidth versus etch time for type A, pure aluminium structures. The lines are linear ts to the data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 6.8 SEM micrographs of type A, Al/1%Si tracks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 6.9 Electrical results from type A, Al/1%Si test structures subjected to TMAH based silicon etch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 6.10 SEM micrographs of type B, Al/1%Si tracks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 6.11 Electrical results from type B, Al/1%Si test structures subjected to TMAH based silicon etch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 6.12 Schematic cross section through a standard FIB column showing the important elements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 6.13 Schematic illustration of ion beam induced platinum deposition. . . . . . 120 6.14 Aluminium layout for a Pt box cross sheet resistor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 m box cross structure. . . 123 6.15 Schematic plan view of the centre of an 6.16 Graph of sheet resistance against box dimensions for simulated platinum box cross structures with different voltage tap overlaps. . . . . . . . . . . 123 6.17 Aluminium layout used to form Pt bridge resistance test structure. . . . . 125 6.18 Graph of sheet resistance against nominal thickness for m box cross test structures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 6.19 m AFM scan of a FIB platinum box cross structure. . . . . . . . 127 6.20 Schematic plan view of the centre of a diagonal m box cross structure.128 6.21 Graph of sheet resistance against voltage tap spacing for simulated diagonal box cross test structures. The results from simulations of orthogonal structures with m are also plotted. . . . . . . . . 129 6.22 Sheet resistance versus the reciprocal of deposition time for diagonal box cross test structures with m and m. The dotted line is a linear t to the data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 6.23 FIB image of a diagonally orientated platinum sheet resistance test structure showing the misalignment between the aluminium taps and the FIB deposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 6.24 Photomicrograph of a hybrid aluminium/platinum four-terminal bridge resistor test structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 6.25 Resistance against nominal thickness for four-terminal bridge resistor structures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 6.26 FIB image of the alteration made to the aluminium test structure to allow Kelvin measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 6.27 Photomicrograph of a four-terminal Kelvin bridge resistor test structure. The dark strip is the platinum strap connecting the aluminium terminals. 133 xii

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List of gures
6.28 Resistance versus the inverse of of deposition time for Kelvin bridge resistor structures including the predicted line resistance. . . . . . . . . . 134 6.29 Results of Dektak surface prole measurements made on platinum Kelvin bridge resistor structures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 7.1 Schematic diagram of a differential bridge test structure for phase shifting mask alignment metrology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 A.1 Two-wire resistance measurement. Force current , measure voltage . 145 A.2 Kelvin resistance measurement. Force current , measure voltage . . 146 B.1 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 1999, page 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.2 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 1999, page 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.3 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 1999, page 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.4 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 1999, page 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.5 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 1999, page 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.6 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 1999, page 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.7 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 1999, page 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.8 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 1999, page 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.9 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 1999, page 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.10 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 1999, page 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.11 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 1999, page 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.12 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 1999, page 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.13 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2000, page 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.14 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2000, page 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.15 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2000, page 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.16 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2000, page 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.17 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2000, page 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.18 Reprint of paper presented at PREP 2000, page 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.19 Reprint of paper presented at PREP 2000, page 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.20 Reprint of paper presented at PREP 2000, page 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.21 Reprint of paper presented at PREP 2000, page 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.22 Reprint of paper presented at PREP 2000, page 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.23 Reprint of paper presented at PREP 2000, page 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.24 Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2000, page 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.25 Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2000, page 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.26 Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2000, page 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.27 Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2000, page 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.28 Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2000, page 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.29 Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2000, page 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181

List of gures
B.30 Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2000, page 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.31 Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2000, page 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.32 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2001, page 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.33 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2001, page 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.34 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2001, page 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.35 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2001, page 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.36 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2001, page 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.37 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2001, page 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.38 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2002, page 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.39 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2002, page 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.40 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2002, page 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.41 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2002, page 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.42 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2002, page 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.43 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2002, page 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.44 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2002, page 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.45 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2002, page 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.46 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2002, page 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.47 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2002, page 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.48 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2002, page 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.49 Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2002, page 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . B.50 Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.51 Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.52 Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.53 Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.54 Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.55 Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.56 Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.57 Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.58 Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210


List of tables
3.1 Minimum value of cross arm width where the error in the extracted sheet resistance is less than 1% for each of the sidewall barrier widths simulated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Results of modifying the resistance of a dished copper track with barrier layers to remove the effect of the sidewall barriers . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 Reference track simulation parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5.1 Results of Kelvin measurements made on a Greek cross test structure with a force current of A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 5.2 Results of Kelvin measurements made on a bridge linewidth structure with a force current of A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 5.3 Sheet resistance, standard deviation of and linewidths for each Greek cross measurement orientation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 5.4 Simulated resistance values and the extracted sheet resistances for the structure shown in gure 5.25 (The value of sheet resistance in the ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 simulations was 5.5 Relationship between geometrical asymmetry factor and the sheet resistance correction factor . is the ratio between the values of measured at the and orientations, as in section 2.1.4. . . . . . . . 105 5.6 Sheet resistance results for simulated Greek crosses derived from Depict aerial images. The results obtained from the uncorrected CAD layout are also included . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 6.1 Composition of TMAH based anisotropic bulk silicon etchant which passivates aluminium and improves the quality of the etched Si surface. 108 6.2 Results of simulating the effects of misalignment on different sizes of box cross structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 6.3 Results of simulating the effects of misalignment on a diagonal box cross structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131





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Acronyms and abbreviations

AFM APS AR AltPSM BSE CAD CD CD-SEM CMOS CMP CVD DC DUT ECD FIB FPP HF HPIB IC ITRS KOH LMIS MEEF MEMS MOSFET NA NIST NaOH OPC Atomic Force Microscope/Microscopy Ammonium Persulfate Anti-Reective Alternating aperture Phase Shifting Mask Back Scattered Electrons Computer Aided Design Critical Dimension Critical Dimension Scanning Electron Microscopy Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor Chemical Mechanical Planarisation Chemical Vapor Deposition Direct Current Device Under Test Electrical Critical Dimension Focused Ion Beam Four Point Probe Hydrouoric Acid Hewlett Packard Interface Bus Integrated Circuit International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors Potassium Hydroxide Liquid Metal Ion Source Mask Error Enhancement Factor MicroElectroMechanical System Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor Numerical Aperture National Institute of Standards and Technology Sodium Hydroxide Optical Proximity Correction xvi

Acronyms and abbreviations


Phase Shifting Mask Physical Vapor Deposition Resistor/Capacitor Reactive Ion Etch Secondary Electrons Scanning Electron Microscope/Microscopy Source/Monitor Unit Silicon-On-Insulator Transmission Electron Microscope TetraMethyl Ammonium Hydroxide TMA/Taurus WorkBench Ultra Large Scale Integration Very Large Scale Integration Voltage Monitor Unit Voltage Source Unit


One measures a circle, beginning anywhere. Charles H. Fort, Lo!, 1931.

Chapter 1 Introduction
This chapter presents a brief examination of the history of microelectronics from the rst transistors and integrated circuits to the ever increasing complexity predicted by Moores law and the associated technology roadmaps. It goes on to introduce the concepts behind the use of microelectronic test structures for process control and characterisation. The chapter ends with a description of the thesis structure and the contents of the chapters that follow.

1.1 Background
The history of microelectronics effectively began with the creation, at the Bell Telephone Laboratories, of the point contact transistor by Bardeen and Brattain in 1947. Around the same time, Shockley developed the theory behind the bipolar junction transistor, though this was not successfully fabricated until 1951 [1]. Similarly the effect of electric elds on the conductivity of semiconductors was demonstrated MOSFET, which is now so widely used, was demonstrated by Kahng and Atalla [2]. by Shockley and Pearson in 1948, but it took over ten years before the rst Si/SiO

Discrete transistors quickly found applications in hearing aids and transistor radios where their small size and low power consumption made them ideal replacements for thermionic valve technology [3]. However they were not small enough for some applications and the impetus was there for the work, carried out at Texas Instruments by Kilby and at Fairchild Semiconductor by Noyce, which led to the production of the rst integrated circuits at the end of the 1950s [4]. Kilbys circuits consisted of transistors fabricated using the mesa technique, where the collector contact is made to the backside of the wafer, and bonded gold wire interconnect. Noyces ICs more closely resembled present day chips because they used a planar fabrication technique, developed by Hoerni at Fairchild, where oxide masking and diffusion were used to form 1

the transistors [5]. His chip also included interconnect created by photolithographic denition of evaporated aluminium in a process very similar to that used today. The initial circuits were oscillators and simple digital ip-ops using two or three active devices along with passive elements but by 1971 the technology had advanced to the stage where the rst microprocessor, the Intel 4004, was fabricated with 2300 transistors [6]. In 1965 Moore published a paper on the state of the semiconductor industry which predicted that the number of devices in an integrated circuit would double each year [7]. This prediction became known as Moores Law and was revised in 1975 to state that the number of transistors per chip would double every 18 months [8]. More recently the slope has changed again to give a doubling of circuit complexity approximately every two years which leads to the prediction that within the next ten years microprocessors will exist which contain one billion transistors [9]. The increases in integration and chip complexity have come about as a result of the scaling of the transistors, in particular the scaling of the gate length of MOSFETs, and this has driven the advances in technology. More recently however limits been placed on the scaling of interconnect which has encouraged advanced interconnect technologies such as low- dielectrics and copper metallisation [10]. The International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) charts the requirements for future technologies and the most recent release covers the technology nodes extending to 2007 where 65nm interconnect half-pitch lengths are expected with MOS gate lengths approaching 25nm [11, 12]. The increases in complexity have placed a premium on testing for process control and verication and the most recent roadmap focuses heavily on future metrology requirements [13, 14]. Much of the work in this thesis examines similar issues with advanced microfabrication technologies and the effects they have on the use of test structures for the measurement of sheet resistance and electrical linewidth.

1.2 Microelectronic Test Structures

Microelectronic test structures are typically included in Integrated Circuit (IC) designs to enable measurements of process or device parameters for characterisation or process control. There are many different applications, each requiring a different type of test structure, and examples include: 2


Parametric test structures are typically measured electrically using DC measurement methods and appendix A describes the techniques used to make low level resistance measurements. The major use of test structures is to extract device and process parameters at the end of the production line in order to verify that the process has been successful [23]. If the parametric test results are satisfactory then the product wafer can be passed on for functional testing. If the results do not meet the specications, for example if the threshold voltages of the MOS transistors fall outside the specied range, then the wafer is scrapped. In this way expensive functional testing is not applied to badly processed wafers. The data obtained from wafers which fail the process verication tests can also be used to identify the source of the problem [24]. For example, wafer maps showing the variation of a parameter across the wafer [25] can be used to determine which process step or piece of equipment is the cause of the failures. The main problem with the inclusion of test structures is that they take up valuable space on a wafer which could be occupied by product. In the initial stages of process development whole wafers will be covered by test chips as the development engineers attempt to characterise the process. However, in a mature process the wafer will include only the minimum number of structures required for the purposes of process verication. Test patterns can be introduced into a process either as individual structures placed in the scribe channels between the product die or as drop ins which are complete test structure chips. Drop in test chips will replace one or more of the product die on the wafer and their use must be traded off against the loss of product. 3

j j j j j j j

Process verication and development [15], SPICE parameter extraction [16] Yield or defect analysis [17] Reliability and failure rate analysis [18] Matching [19] Equipment or material characterisation [20, 21] Photomask metrology [22]

Scribe channel, or kerf, test structures can be fabricated without a change of mask in a step and repeat photolithography system but the space available is more limited [26]. Figure 1.1 illustrates the use of drop in die and test structures in the scribe channels.
Test structure pads

Scribe lines

Drop in test chip

Product IC

Figure 1.1: Schematic diagram of a silicon wafer with product and drop in die along with test structures in the scribe channels. Electrical test structures are connected to the test equipment through metal pads (typically 80-120 m square) which can be contacted either with manual probe needles moved by micromanipulators or through the use of a probe card. The probe pads are This arrangement allows a large number of structures to be tested using a probe card arrangement can be seen in gure 1.2. typically arranged in a with a standardised


Figure 1.2: Test chip layout illustrating the


array where the pitch of the pads is twice their width.

array of probe tips [27]. A test chip layout with this pad

probe pad arrangement.

Probe cards are generally used with an automatic probe station which can step the probe tips between die on a wafer or between test structures on a chip. This is then integrated with computer controlled measurement equipment to create a completely automated test system.

1.3 Thesis Plan

This section briey outlines the contents of the chapters which follow. Chapter 2 reviews the literature concerned with test structures and metrology while chapters 3 to 6 investigate a number of novel applications of the sheet resistance and electrical linewidth test structures. Finally, chapter 7 reviews the conclusions made in the previous chapters and suggests possibilities for future work. Chapter 2: Background. The measurement of sheet resistance and linewidth is

described with special attention being paid to the Greek cross and cross-bridge test structures. Examples from the literature of other electrical test structures for the measurement of linewidth and misalignment are also examined. Chapter 3: Sheet Resistance and Electrical Linewidth Measurement of Copper Damascene Interconnect. This chapter presents the results of 2-D and 3-D computer simulations which model the effects of diffusion barrier layers and CMP induced dishing on the measurement of electrical linewidth in a copper damascene interconnect process. Simulations of Greek and box cross test structures show that the copper damascene process leads to non-uniformities in the sheet resistance and errors in the measurement of linewidth. Suggestions of rules for the layout of these structures which will minimise these errors are presented. Chapter 4: Test Structures for Use as Linewidth Measurement Standards. This chapter details the need for traceable metrology standards for linewidth measurement before going on to review the previous work on the use of cross-bridge test structures fabricated in mono-crystalline silicon for this purpose. The main part of this chapter describes simulations of silicon test structures which investigate the effects of geometry, xed surface charge, and substrate biasing on the measurement of sheet resistance.

Chapter 5: Electrical Linewidth Test Structures for Advanced Lithography. The rst half of this chapter examines the use of on-mask electrical linewidth test structures for alternating phase shifting mask metrology and presents the results of electrical and SEM measurements made on such a mask. The second part simulates the photolithographic process in order to examine the effects of applying optical proximity correction to cross-bridge test structure layouts. This section also presents the results of simulations of Greek cross structure with very large asymmetries. Chapter 6: Examples of Process Characterisation Using Resistive Test Structures. Two examples of the manner in which sheet resistance and electrical linewidth structures can be used to characterise microfabrication processes are presented in this chapter. In the rst of these, cross-bridge linewidth structures are used to assess the effect of a TMAH based, bulk silicon wet etch solution on aluminium interconnect. The second example presents a methodology for the characterisation of the sheet resistance of platinum deposited by a focused ion beam system. This enables the deposition of metal straps with a known resistance for circuit modication. Chapter 7: Conclusions and Future Work In this chapter the conclusions drawn from the work reported in the preceding chapters are reviewed. Suggestions for future work on the topics covered in this thesis are also made.

Chapter 2 Background
2.1 Sheet Resistance Measurement
2.1.1 Resistivity
Resistivity is probably the most basic parameter for a conductor or semiconductor material with uniform resistivity the electrodes is given by is shown in gure 2.1 and the resistance between

where is the length of the conducting bar while respectively.


are the width and thickness

d l Electrode Conductor () w
Figure 2.1: Schematic diagram illustrating the dimensions of a simple bar of conducting material One of the most common techniques used to measure resistivity is the four-point probe (FPP) method where four point contacts are made to the surface of the material being measured [28]. The probe tips are generally arranged in a straight line with an equal spacing as shown in gure 2.2.

p qo n Rm

material and it is denoted by the symbol

with units of

-m. A bar of conducting





Figure 2.2: In-line four-point probe measurement setup

between the two inner probes is measured. Typical values for the tip spacing range from 0.5 to 1.5mm. If the sample being measured can be considered semi-innite (i.e. the thickness, width and length of the sample are each much greater than the tap spacing) then the resistivity can be calculated using [29]


However, this technique is commonly used to measure samples which are not for the sample geometry [28, 30, 31].

2.1.2 Sheet Resistance

Most applications of the four-point probe technique for testing materials in a conducting material is much less than the tap spacing. In this case, the equation for resistivity can be reduced to

For example, this will apply to wafers coated with a thin lm of aluminium or a diffused or implanted conducting layer at the surface. Because of the difculty in measuring the thickness of such a conducting layer they are often characterised by their sheet resistance

which is expressed in units of ohms per square. The sheet resistance is

microfabrication environment represent a special case where the thickness

P @ P  @ V ~ yq ` 's "00e!6c s zu }|{ m yv

semi-innite and in that case a correction factor

is added to the equation to correct

of the


xt@ r u P s v&tm w


A current

is forced between the two outer probes and the potential difference

calculated from four-point probe measurements as

The sheet resistance represents the resistance of a square area of conducting lm (i.e. found by multiplying the sheet resistance by

). The resistance of a bar (as shown in gure 2.1) of this material can then be

which has a non-semi-innite geometry can be found using the generic formula

positioning of the probe tips [31]. The four-point probe technique is typically only useful with large uniform samples where the correction factors for the geometry and probe positions of each measurement are well known. This requires large unpatterned areas which may be undesirable in a microfabrication process. However, it has recently been demonstrated that the sheet resistance can be extracted from a small area of silicon lm by reconciling the electrical measurements with the results of computer simulations of similar test geometries [32].

2.1.3 Van der Pauw Structures

A more practical method of measuring the sheet resistance of a thin lm, given that the sample is too small for the FPP technique, is to use a van der Pauw type test structure. Van der Pauw developed a method for measuring the resistivity (or sheet resistance) of an arbitrary shaped thin lm sample with four contacts along the sample boundary [33, 34]. The method requires that the contacts be small, tending towards point contacts, and the sample material be homogeneous in thickness and resistivity. If the sample is as illustrated in gure 2.3 with contacts A, B, C and D then

Y$ zX r

X 4 D2 Y$ X


is a correction factor which depends on the shape of the sample and the

P  @ V y ~u s $x|{ m o 8n P @ s n o


. The sheet resistance of a sample


is dened as (2.6)







Figure 2.3: Van der Pauw resistivity test structure with arbitrary shape and contact placement.

Y. This notation is used from now on in this thesis. If

which can be solved numerically to nd .

the boundary then

This is similar to equation (2.3) for the resistivity extracted with a four-point probe technique and can of course be changed to an expression for sheet resistance by dividing both sides by as in (2.4). Using equation (2.8) as a starting point is is possible to derive an alternative form of the general van der Pauw formula (2.7)

 V ~ e X yv zi v Y$ zX zu x|{ rm

 y$ Y$ iX Vzu x|{ m ~

Xi t Y$ iX U% &h

If the sample has

rotational symmetry and the contacts are equally spaced around and the formula reduces to (2.8)


( y X  zm u zi v ~


y v zm u Y$ zX ~



zXi v



refers to conventional current forced in terminal X and out of terminal is dened similarly

It should be noted that

is the voltage, relative to ground, measured at contact X



where is a correction factor which is a function of the ratio

2.1.4 Greek Cross Structures

One of the main sources of error in van der Pauw measurements is that the contacts are non-ideal and have a nite size [35]. Van der Pauw found that the effect can be reduced by using a clover leaf shaped sample as shown in gure 2.4.




Figure 2.4: Van der Pauw resistivity test structure with clover leaf shape to reduce the error caused by non-ideal contacts These measurement techniques and structures were developed for the measurement of the resistivity of large discrete samples of semiconductor materials. The next development in this eld was the evolution of structures which could be made using standard microfabrication techniques, and on the same scale as microelectronic devices, in order to measure the sheet resistance of thin lms or diffused layers. The Greek cross sheet resistor is a special case of the four-terminal van der Pauw structure which meets these requirements [3638]. The layout of such a structure is illustrated in gure 2.5. References [36] and [38] describe methods for the numerical analysis of the geometry of such a structure. It has been demonstrated that the sheet resistance error is dependent on the ratio of the arm length to the arm width . Provided that

the error will be less than 1% but generally the standards documents for these structures


( 0g 

x e  ~ V $x|{


and can be found by numerical solution of

X zi v Y$ X r f

x e f ( ( V z}|{ qf V)  ~ ( w 



Figure 2.5: Greek cross four-terminal sheet resistance test structure.

Initial experimental results for these structures were published in reference [37]. Although extraction of sheet resistance from an ideal structure would only need one resistance measurement in practice four measurements are required, two at the zero-degree measurement position

and two at the ninety-degree orientation

These results are averaged together to get


X z4

X i@ DD

X D2

X $@ D

 E 8~

 R ~ Q

 Rp ~ Q

 E ~ Q

 Ep ~ Q


recommend that

[39, 40].





which is used to calculate the sheet

resistance with

calculated using (2.10) where

of the uncorrected value, effectively reducing the equation for sheet resistance to


is the average resistance denoted


The reason for taking two measurements at each orientation with the current directions reversed is that it will highlight any measurement offsets in the test equipment (see section A.1). The zero offset factor is dened as

voltages in the test system being used. It is interesting with such a structure to look more closely at what is actually occurring during the measurement and this can be done through computer simulation and two dimensions using the interconnect simulation package Raphael (see section A.3.2). The structure is divided up into a grid and the potential difference and current are visualisation. A Greek cross structure with = m and = m has been simulated in





Small values of

indicate that the measurement is not greatly affected by offset

e Y(

showing that for

the correction required (

) will be less than



 E Q  Ep ~ Q R ~ Q q 8~ Rp ~ Q E ~ Q ~ W  Q W

 R 8~  V ~ vx|{ u

cT% ` c `%( X b4x(E% ~ baTE4W X W

The paper also compares values of

(pf ( X f W

be calculated from


and the corresponding correction factor


The asymmetry is quantied in reference [37] with the asymmetry factor

Ep Q $R Q   Ep~ ~ Q $R ~~ Q f 

As in equation (2.9)

is a correction factor for asymmetry in the structure and is

x V  e  ~~ R 8vx|{ u w ` Hx(E%


(2.16) which can

(2.17) ,

calculated for each node in the grid as part of the simulation. Figure 2.6 shows the results of plotting contours of equal potential in a simulated Greek cross structure. The structure is being measured by forcing a current between terminals A and B, and measuring the voltages at C and D.

Voltage measured between these contours

Figure 2.6: Equipotential contours in a Greek cross structure. The contour spacing is 50mV, running from 1V at terminal A to 0V at terminal B This shows that the potentials being sensed at terminals C and D are the same as those found in the internal corner of the cross between the force terminals A and B. The result of this is that the Greek cross structure measures the sheet resistance of this small area of the conducting lm and will be affected by any short range non-uniformities of resistivity. Interconnect materials such as polysilicon, aluminium and copper have a grain structure and the material resistivity can vary from grain to grain. Reference [41] presents the results of simulations of the effects of grain structure on a number of different cross geometries. It was found that the variability of the value of from a Greek cross increases as the size of the cross, and therefore the area where the measurement occurs, decreases towards the grain size. A similar effect can be achieved by altering the geometry of the structure to give a box or quadrate cross [36] as this again increases the area over which the measurement is made. Figure 2.7 shows the voltage contours observed in a simulated box cross structure. It is clear that the voltage is being sensed over a much larger area and will provide an average value of sheet 14


resistance for the box section of the cross.

Voltage measured between these contours

Figure 2.7: Equipotential contours in a box cross structure. The contour spacing is 50mV, running from 1V at terminal A to 0V at terminal B A further issue with these structures is current crowding which can occur in the internal corner between the forced terminals of a small Greek cross. The scalar values of current at each node in a simulated structure can be plotted as contours in the same way as the potential. The current density is highest where the voltage contours were closest together as can be seen for both a Greek and a box cross structure in gure 2.8. In both structures the highest currents are observed at the the internal corners between the forced terminals. If the current density in these areas becomes high enough this can affect the measurement especially in a Greek cross where the voltage is actually being measured in this area of maximum current. High currents in narrow armed crosses can also lead to joule heating which will change the resistance of the conducting lm [42, 43]. Reference [44] presents results showing that there is an optimum value of current which gives the highest measurement repeatability. If it is too low the resolution of the voltmeter will limit the accuracy whereas too high a current will tend to cause the effects which have been discussed above. Therefore it is important that the correct test structure and measurement strategy are chosen for each application or process. Greek cross structures and variants such as the box cross are widely used in the 15


Maximum current density

Maximum current density

(a) Contours of current for a Greek cross structure.

(b) Contours of current for a box cross structure.

Figure 2.8: Simulated measurements of cross type sheet resistance structures. Current is forced between A and B, and the voltage is measured at C and D. characterisation of thin lm sheet resistances. In particular, they are an integral

part of the structures used to measure electrical linewidth, as described in the next section [45, 46]. The small size and the fact that no dimensional information is required for the measurement means that cross type sheet resistance structures have been widely used for a range of different applications [20, 4754]. Adaptions to the structure have also allowed the measurement of vertical sheet resistance for layer thickness measurements [55, 56] and, more recently, the thermal sheet resistance of materials used in microsystems fabrication [57]

2.2 Linewidth Measurement

The measurement of linewidth or Critical Dimension (CD) is essential for the characterisation and control of lithographic and etching processes in microfabrication. There are four main methods of measuring linewidth; optical, scanning electron or scanning probe microscopy, and electrical measurement. This section will look at each in turn but will focus mainly on electrical linewidth measurements as these form a large part of the body of work presented in this thesis.



2.2.1 Optical Linewidth Metrology

There are a number of different methods for optical CD measurement. In a video scan system an image of the feature being measured is obtained using a digital video camera connected to a microscope. This image is manipulated to provide a prole of the intensity of reected light across the feature from which a value of the linewidth can be extracted. A similar prole is produced by a slit scan system where the sample is illuminated through a narrow slit which is stepped across the feature. The reected light intensity is measured by a photodetector and plotted against the slit position. In both these cases the linewidth is measured by applying a threshold which denes the line edges as illustrated in gure 2.9(a). Laser scanning is a further method for optical CD measurement where the beam from a laser is scanned across the sample and scatters off the line edges producing an intensity signal in a photodetector mounted alongside the microscope objective. This system produces an intensity prole with two peaks at the line edges as is shown in gure 2.9(b).
Measured Linewidth Measured Linewidth

Light Intensity


Distance (x)
(a) Optical CD measured by applying a threshold to a light intensity prole

Light Intensity

Distance (x)
(b) Optical linewidth measurement in a laser scan system.

Figure 2.9: Light intensity proles produced by different optical metrology systems illustrating measurement techniques.

Optical measurement of linewidth is becoming less useful as feature sizes reduce because it is limited by the wavelength of the light being used. However, it is still the rst choice for metrology on large features and there are developments using deep ultra-violet light sources or near-eld microscopy which could lead to it being used in sub-micron process control [13, 58]. In addition there are methods which use the scattering of laser light from diffraction gratings [59] and from digital 17

holograms [6062] to measure the dimensions of the features which make up the diffractive structures. This can enable a measurement resolution well below the wavelength of the light being used.

2.2.2 Scanning Probe Microscopy

Scanning probe microscopy covers a range of different systems but the most common is the Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) because, unlike the scanning tunnelling microscope, it can be used to image both conducting and insulating surfaces.[63, 64] The AFM consists of a micromachined probe tip suspended on a cantilever and a measurement system which can detect the vertical position of the probe. When the tip is brought into close proximity to the sample surface it experiences van der Waals forces and the cantilever is deected. The distance between the probe and the surface determines the direction of the force. In contact mode the tip is close enough to be repelled from the surface while in non-contact mode the separation is greater and the force is attractive. The forces are generally greater and therefore easier to measure in contact mode but the tip or the sample can be damaged if they are too great. A third mode of operation is intermittent contact or tapping mode where the cantilever is driven to vibrate at its resonant frequency and the tip is tapped across the surface. This is less likely to damage the surface than contact mode and is capable of resolving a greater range of surface topography than the non-contact mode [65]. The shape of the prole returned by the AFM is affected by the shape of the probe tip used as is shown in gure 2.10 [66].
Scan direction Sample surface Resulting profile



Figure 2.10: Schematic diagram illustrating atomic force microscopy and showing the effect of probe shape on the prole which is produced. The use of an AFM for metrology of high aspect ratio, microfabricated features is made 18

difcult by these interactions between tip and sample. The effect can be lessened by focused ion beam milling of a standard tip to produce a sharpened probe as in reference [67]. This sharpening will allow the imaging of high aspect ratio features but the shape of the probe will still affect the prole of feature edges and for that reason it is desirable to be able to measure the tip shape. Reference [68] describes the use of polysilicon features with undercut sidewalls to extract the tip shape. It was found that the same attractive forces which allow the non-contact AFM mode can cause a slender probe tip to bend towards the side of a feature affecting this measurement. Therefore the sharpened tip should quickly widen to a thicker, stiffer section. An example of focused ion beam sharpening of a silicon AFM probe tip can be seen in gure 2.11.

(a) Before sharpening.

(b) After sharpening.

Figure 2.11: SEM images of micromachined silicon AFM probe tips before and after focused ion beam sharpening. Although the resolution of an AFM system can reach the atomic scale with the right tip, performing a measurement is very slow. For this reason it is not a good choice in process control settings where large numbers of measurements are required.

2.2.3 CD-SEM
A scanning electron microscope uses a focused beam of electrons to produce an image of a sample surface [69]. The rst stage in an SEM column is the electron gun which consists of an electron source (cathode) and a pair of electrodes (grid and anode) which extract and accelerate the electrons. The electron source was originally a thermionic cathode, like that found in a cathode ray tube display, but many modern SEM systems now use eld emission arrays [70]. The beam then passes through one or two sets of


electron lenses and apertures which condense the beam and control the incident beam current. In the nal stage a set of scan coils deect the beam to scan it in a raster pattern across the sample and a nal objective electron lens focuses the electrons to a spot on the sample surface. The layout of a typical SEM column is shown in gure 2.12.

Electron Source Anode Lens 1 Aperture Lens 2 Scan Coils Variable Aperture Objective Lens Sample
Figure 2.12: Schematic cross section through a standard SEM column showing the important elements. When the beam hits the sample surface it produces secondary electrons (SE) and back scattered electrons (BSE). The low energy secondary electrons are detected by a collector in the side of the sample chamber while the high energy back scattered electrons require a group of detectors arranged around the objective aperture. These detectors produce separate signals proportionate to the amount of SE or BSE produced by the interaction between the electron beam and the sample. These signals, along the raster signal being used to drive the scan electrodes, are used to produce the image of the sample surface. A different image will be obtained depending on whether it is the SE or BSE signal that is used to produce it. Linewidth measurement with an SEM is similar to the optical techniques previously discussed in that an intensity prole across the feature being measured is extracted from an image and this is analysed to provide a value of CD. However it is considerably more complicated because the SEM image contrast is not only dependent on the material 20


being scanned - so that a metal line, for example, appears brighter than surrounding oxide - but also on the topography of the surface. Line edges show up brightly in an SE image and can lead to uncertainty in resolving the line edge. An example of this effect can be seen in gure 2.13 which shows a CD-SEM image of a chrome line on a quartz mask. Reference [71] describes the differences between SE and BSE images used for CD measurement. BSE measurements do not display the same peaks at the edge of the features and the linewidth returned is slightly lower than the SE results. In addition this paper suggests that the precision of BSE measurements is higher than those made on SE images. The extraction of linewidth from the intensity proles is very similar to the optical methods where a threshold is applied to the measurement results.

Figure 2.13: SEM micrograph of a chrome track with a nominal width of 0.7 m showing increased brightness at line edges. There are a number of problems with SEM linewidth measurements. The electron beam scan can cause contamination of the sample, in particular causing carbon to be deposited over the area being imaged which can increase the effective linewidth. This is a particular problem in photomask metrology where it could have severe effects on the usefulness of the mask [72]. The second major problem with SEM metrology is charging of insulating samples which leads to problems with measurement repeatability [22]. It is possible however to lessen these effects through the use of a automated control system such as that described in reference [73]. This method measurement. Regardless of these problems CD-SEM metrology is typically the rst choice for sub-micron, photolithographic process control because it can be used to measure developed photoresist before any further processing occurs [74]. 21 served to reduce the 3 repeatability to about 10nm over 20 repetitions of the


2.2.4 Electrical Linewidth Measurement

Electrical measurement of linewidth differs fundamentally from the other measurement techniques described above in that the attribute being measured is the conducting width of the feature rather than the physical width. Hence, this method is limited to the measurement of conducting features but if it is being used for interconnect metrology the effective electrical width of the track is the most important parameter. The standard method for the measurement of Electrical CD (ECD) uses a test structure known as the cross-bridge sheet resistor which is a combination of a Greek or box cross and a four-terminal bridge resistor [45, 46, 7580]. A schematic diagram of such a structure is shown in gure 2.14.

B W b Lb

Figure 2.14: Schematic diagram of a cross-bridge electrical linewidth test structure

material which is extracted using the Greek cross section as in section 2.1.4. In order to the voltage measured between terminals B and F. As with the cross measurements

described previously, the measurement is repeated with the current reversed and the average resistance calculated using

i@t4 v 3 $ 



measure the bridge resistance



is the length of the bridge in gure 2.14 and a current

is forced between terminals D and E and



The electrical width

of the bridge resistor section between terminals B and F is (2.20) is the sheet resistance of the


The resulting value of from equation (2.20) is the average value of the conductive

width of the bridge section. There are a number of assumptions made in these calculations. First of all it is assumed that the value of sheet resistance extracted from the Greek cross applies to the whole of the structure. It should be noted that any error in the sheet resistance ( equation (2.20) will be directly translated into an error in the linewidth. In other words the accuracy of the sheet resistance measurements must be the same or better than that required from the linewidth measurement. This may be limited by the resolution of the voltmeter used in the Greek cross measurement [43]. In addition to these problems certain processes such as copper damascene interconnect fabrication can lead to non-uniformities in the thickness, and therefore the sheet resistance, of the features leading to errors in the measurements [81].

between the centres of the voltage taps. However this is complicated by the effect of the taps which effectively widen the bridge and lead to an over-estimation of the value of linewidth [8284]. The effect of this tap induced error can be minimised, so that no correction is required, by following design rules for the dimensions of the structure [39, 40]. The design rules are as follows:

Figure 2.15: Schematic diagram of a bridge resistor showing the important dimensions.





are the important bridge dimensions shown in gure 2.15

Wb Lb




The second assumption is that the length of the bridge section

is the designed length

u   % & %! v&&@(

  v   v


) in

Background Accounting for Finite Tap Width Effects In certain processes the design constraints on the structure layout given above may be undesirable. For example, if the uniformity of the sheet resistance cannot be guaranteed then the length of the bridge may have to be shorter than the design rules. Reference [83] describes a modied test structure which can measure the effect of the voltage taps and correct for them in the measurement of a short bridge section. Figure 2.16 shows the layout of such a structure.

2W t Wb





Figure 2.16: Linewidth test structure which allows the extraction of the effect of the voltage taps on the measurement of the bridge section .

section is then Proximity Effects The proximity of features in a lithographic process has a signicant effect on the printed size of those features. Cross-bridge linewidth structures with arrays of dummy features surrounding the measured bridge section can be used to show that the ECD increases as the separation of the dummy tracks decreases [22]. A similar structure intended for use in the characterisation of proximity effects in electron beam lithography can be seen in gure 2.17 [85]. 24

    v p

bfgv   bf

length of the line (

) caused by a voltage tap. The effective length of the short bridge and the equation for linewidth becomes (2.22)

5 g 

The bridge sections of length

can be used to extract the effective change in the



1 Lt Wt 9

3 Lb

4 5 Wb

S 6

Figure 2.17: Layout of a test structure used to investigate proximity effects on linewidth. The sheet resistance of the material is measured using the Greek cross at the centre of the dummy bars ( ) can then be measured as in the standard cross-bridge and the is calculated using (2.23) varied from 0.11 to 0.58 m

for the measurement of proximity using a modied cross-bridge can be found in references [8588] Line Spacing and Pitch Measurement Another of the many possible variations on the cross-bridge linewidth structure is the split-cross-bridge resistor which can be used to measure the spacing between narrow lines in addition to measuring sheet resistance and linewidth. The layout of such a structure can be seen in gure 2.18 [82].



. Finally the pitch of the split bridge tracks can be calculated as

. This


electrically the spacing

between the lines in the split bridge can be calculated as


the effective conducting width is

. Once both sections have been measured



. The second bridge is split into two channels of width


This structure has two bridge sections of length


, the rst of these has the and

as the dummy bar spacing

was decreased from 3 to 1.5 m. Other test structures


The results obtained from this structure showed that

    u 's


proximity induced change in linewidth

u s

the structure. The widths of the simple bridge structure (

) and the structure with




B Lb Wb

F S W Ls E

Figure 2.18: Split-cross-bridge test structure which can be used to measure and .

can then be compared with the drawn pitch from the mask used to print the structure. These gures should be identical (taking the magnication of the lithography system into account) and so this can be used to conrm the electrical measurements.

2.2.5 Comparison of CD Measurement Techniques

It is interesting to compare the different measurement techniques used to extract linewidth and there are a number of sources in the literature which do this. Reference [89] compares the results obtained by measuring the same structures in three different way: by optical metrology, by extracting the ECD and using a CD-SEM system. The optical system used the slit scan technique and was found to have a measurement uncertainty of about 65 nm which is more than 15% of the narrowest feature size measured (0.4 m). The ECD measurements have a very good repeatability with the standard deviation of a set of measurements made on a single structure being less than 1nm. However, the total uncertainty must take into account possible errors in linewidth results have a possible error of about 0.007 m on a 0.5 m line. This paper did not present an estimation of the uncertainty in the SEM measurements but the precision of the system is about 5nm at a magnication of 100,000 . This paper also compares the differences in linewidth extracted from each system. The results from the optical and SEM measurements agree very well and show a difference of about 10-12 nm. There are signicant differences between the optical/SEM results and those extracted electrically. The differences here are about 80-90nm. This is to be expected

and the bridge length as described above. This means that the electrical


, ,

as the electrical technique does not measure the physical width of the feature. Instead it extracts the average conducting width of the track. This concept is examined in more detail in chapter 4 which looks at the use of standards to calibrate dimensional measurements. Reference [90] also compares optical and electrical measurements and nds an offset of 65-90nm depending on the structure material. Reference [91] emphasises the short term repeatability and long term stability of ECD measurements and demonstrates the high level of correlation between them and results obtained from a CD-SEM. Reference [44] looks at measurements made on single crystal silicon test structures (which again are covered in chapter 4) using electrical, SEM and AFM metrology. In this case it was found that there was an offset in the opposite direction where the electrical results showed the structures to be wider than the physical measurements. However, the authors suggest that this may be due to an error in the extraction of sheet resistance.

2.3 Other Resistive Electrical Test Structures

There are a number of test structure types which are either based on the four terminal resistive structures examined in this section or are measured in a similar way. This section will briey describe some of these structures and explain their use.

2.3.1 The Fallon Ladder

The Fallon ladder structure is an alternative way to measure the minimum printable dimensions in a photolithographic process. It has advantages over the cross bridge linewidth structure because it does not need high resolution test equipment to make the measurement [92]. The layout of a Fallon ladder structure is illustrated in gure 2.19. The minimum value of resolved linewidth can be extracted either by optical examination of the structure or through electrical measurement of the structure. The resistance of the structure is measured by forcing a current in one end of the ladder structure are measured and the total resistance calculated. The value of the resistance and out the other end as in the gure. The voltages ( and ) at either end of the




V 1
W 1

W i W n


V 2

Figure 2.19: Schematic layout of a Fallon ladder structure. will depend on how many of the rungs of the ladder have been successfully printed. The addition or removal of a rung of the ladder will cause an incremental change in the resistance of the ladder. The results presented in reference [92] showed that it could be used to extract the minimum resolvable linewidth in terms of the stepper focus used to print the structures. The results were conrmed by examination of the ladder in an SEM.

2.3.2 Alignment Test Structures

There are a number of test structures which can be used to measure errors in the alignment between successive layers in a process. Figure 2.20 shows an eight terminal structure based on the van der Pauw sheet resistance structure which can be used to simultaneously extract misregistration in X and in Y between two masking layers [93, 94].
8 1



Figure 2.20: Schematic layout of an eight terminal alignment test structure. 28

The rst mask is used to print the square body of the structure and the arms numbered 2,4,6 and 8. In the original paper this was a window etched into oxide over a silicon wafer. The second mask opens up similar windows to form the other 4 contacts to the structure (contacts 1,3,5 and 7). The result is an opening through oxide representing the combination of the two masks and this can be ion implanted to create a conducting test structure. Finally the arms will have metal pads deposited over them to make is . Through electrical measurement of the structure these gures can be extracted probeable contacts. The misalignment between the two masks in using [66] is

(2.24) (2.25)


is the width of the box section of the structure. The original paper states

that the accuracy of the measurements made with this method is


It is

also possible that this structure could be used to measure misalignment between an implant or diffusion and the rst layer of metallisation in a process. The rst mask would be used to open the area for doping and the second would dene the areas of metal. Reference [95] describes the application of this structure to the measurement of misalignment between different layers in a standard MOS process. It shows that the measurement error is about 10% when extracting a misalignment of 0.1 m. The conclusion of this paper is that the structure is capable of providing accurate mask registration measurements in a VLSI process. There are a wide range of other structures which can be used to measure feature placement through electrical measurements. The differential linewidth bridge structure is fabricated in a single layer of conducting lm and measures the overlay between two photomasks. The nal structure is illustrated in gure 2.21 along with the two mask layouts used to print it [48, 77, 96].

performed in the same way as for a bridge linewidth structure by forcing a current between the terminals at either end and measuring the voltages at the other two



between the widths (


) of the two bridge structures. The measurements are



This structure can be used to nd the alignment error

by calculating the difference

 ` )x(E%

and in

8S8@$84 8S8@ B 84 88@$S8GS84 88@ B 8GS84


t| 4 &o @EeqE p ~ 1( ` % v| 4 &so @EeqE p ~ 1( ` % o


Mask Layer 1 (black areas are exposed resist) Mask Layer 2

W1 W2

Final pattern in conducting film

Figure 2.21: Differential linewidth bridge test structure printed as a combination of two mask layouts.

The differential bridge requires a sheet resistance test structure close by to extract

and is subject to all the design rules applied to the bridge section of the cross-bridge linewidth structure. As with the original work on the eight terminal structure discussed above, this structure cannot be used to measure mask misalignment in a standard process because it is fabricated in a single layer of material. However, a variation on this structure can be used to measure misalignment between gate polysilicon and active area diffusions in a self-aligned MOS transistor process [97, 98]. In this structure the rst mask will dene the active area opening through the eld oxide while the second will dene the gate. The active area is doped by diffusion or implantation and the complete structure is illustrated in gure 2.22. The voltage-dividing potentiometer and its derivatives are the most widely used test structures for the measurement of alignment [96, 99105]. The basic operation of this structure is illustrated in gure 2.23. The position of the centre voltage tap P3 is found by forcing a current along the


( '

conducting bridge and measuring the voltages


. The offset

of the probe

 5 s  5  (    5  s  ~


terminals to get


. Then

is calculated using (2.26)



Active Area

Polysilicon Gate V2

Figure 2.22: Layout of differential bridge structure for poly to active area alignment measurement.




Force Current L/2 L

Figure 2.23: Schematic illustration potentiometer. of the measurement of a voltage-dividing

from the central position can be calculated using

The accuracy of this structure will depend on the length of the bridge between the end and and reduces the effect of the uncertainty present in these measurements.

The problem with scaling the bridge length in this way is that the effects of nite tap dimensions become important as with the bridge linewidth structure. The solution gure 2.16. An example of a test structure which can be used in this way is shown in to this is to extract the linewidth shortening parameter with a structure similar to



voltage taps. It can be improved by reducing




as this increases the difference between

gure 2.24.

Figure 2.24: Layout of test structure used to measure the tap offset . It was found that there was a systematic error between the drawn and measured the voltage taps (the central tap (pad B) is connected to the opposite side of the structure from the end voltage taps (pads C and D)). The solution is to make the structure more symmetrical as has been demonstrated through computer simulation in reference [101]. The modied structure has an alignment bridge with all three taps on the same side and these taps extend on both sides of the bridge section by at least twice the tap width. This is illustrated in gure 2.25.

Figure 2.25: Enhanced misalignment test structure with symmetrical voltage taps.

accurately measured with an error of less than 10nm [96, 105]. Reference [103] describes the fabrication of similar misalignment test structures which were printed in polysilicon using two masks. The rst mask denes the basic test structure while the second denes the position of the central voltage tap in a similar way to the structures 32

Test structures with a similar layout were printed with xed values of

values of

[100], the source of which was identied as the asymmetrical layout of

and were

pictured in gures 2.20 and 2.21. The residual errors in the nal results obtained in this study were less than 11nm. There are a wide range of other test structures which can be used to measure misalignment. structure [112]. These include; the triangular transistor [106, 107], passive and In addition to these electrical methods a technique using laser active digital alignment verniers [108111] and the modied wheatstone bridge illumination of computer generated holograms has shown that misalignments in a single layer of metal can be measured with a resolution of about 0.1 m in a 1 m process [113115]. The use of this technique for interlayer alignment metrology is theoretically possible but would require extremely accurate knowledge of interlayer dielectric thicknesses [62].

2.4 Conclusions
There are a number of methods available for the extraction of the sheet resistance of thin conducting layers. The four-point probe is useful for unpatterned lms as this simplies the calculations but other sample and probe geometries need to be analysed carefully to nd the right correction factor. The four-terminal van der Pauw method can be used to extract the sheet resistance of small, arbitrarily shaped, samples of uniform thickness and resistivity but requires point contacts for accurate measurement. The Greek cross is a special case of the van der Pauw structure with nite contacts and a scalable geometry which makes it ideal for use as a microelectronic test structure. Very small geometry Greek cross structures can be strongly affected by short range variations in the material resistivity caused by the grain structure of metal or polysilicon. Such structures can be used to quantify this variation but in most applications it is undesirable. In such cases a box cross structure can be used to extract a mean value of the sheet resistance as the measurement occurs over a larger area. Measurement of linewidth is very important for the characterisation and control of lithographic or pattern transfer processes. The most widely used methods are optical and CD-SEM metrology as they can be used to measure developed photoresist before any further processing is performed. Both of these methods require a subjective 33

decision about the position of the line edge which can lead to inaccurate results. AFM metrology is extremely sensitive but requires careful analysis of the tip shape for accurate measurement. In addition the measurements are too slow for use in process control and the equipment is very expensive. Electrical linewidth measurement is typically performed using a four-terminal Kelvin bridge resistor in combination with a cross type sheet resistance structure. It is extremely repeatable as well as being relatively cheap and quick but can obviously only be used on conducting features. Design rules for this structure require a bridge which is much longer than it is wide but in some situations this is undesirable. The solution is to add features which can be used to extract the effect of the voltage taps on the measurement. This allows the use of short bridge sections without loss of accuracy. The basic cross bridge test structure has been adapted to measure many different parameters such as pitch and line spacing or lithographic proximity effects. The Fallon ladder is an alternative to the cross-bridge linewidth structure which does not require high resolution test equipment. It can be used to extract the minimum resolution of a lithographic system and can be measured electrically or by optical or SEM inspection. This chapter has also covered a range of different test structures used to measure the overlay between successive lithographic steps in a microfabrication process. The rst of these is based on the van der Pauw resistor and can be used to measure X and Y misalignments as small as 0.1 m with an error of about 10%. The differential bridge structure consists of two four-terminal bridge resistors. The misalignment in this case is the difference between the bridge widths. A variation of this structure can be used to measure misalignment between the active area and polysilicon gate layers in a self aligned MOS process. The nal, and most widely used, alignment structure examined in this chapter was the voltage-dividing potentiometer. This is again based on the Kelvin bridge resistor but, unlike the differential bridge, does not require a value of sheet resistance for the measurement. The accuracy of measurements made with this type of structure can be increased by reducing the length of the bridge section and adding features which will allow the line shortening effects of the voltage taps to be measured.


Chapter 3 Sheet Resistance and Electrical Linewidth Measurement of Copper Damascene Interconnect
3.1 Introduction
The effects of the barrier layer and dishing in copper interconnect lead to extra difculties in measuring sheet resistance ( equivalent measurements on non-damascene tracks. This chapter examines these issues and presents results which quantify the effects of diffusion barrier layers and dishing on the extraction of measurement.

from cross type test structures and the effect this has on linewidth

3.1.1 The Chemical Mechanical Planarisation (CMP) process

Advanced interconnect technologies are an essential part of the roadmap for improving the performance of integrated circuits [13]. As a result copper is rapidly replacing aluminium as the rst choice for IC interconnect. Copper has a bulk resistivity of when combined with the introduction of low- dielectrics, reduces RC time delays and power consumption [117]. Unlike aluminium, copper cannot be easily patterned using a subtractive process such as reactive ion etching and so a damascene metal process with CMP is used instead. A disadvantage of copper is that it will diffuse quickly into silicon and SiO and can damage devices if it reaches the substrate. Consequently a protective barrier layer, consisting of a metal such as tantalum, must be employed. A typical copper interconnect process is illustrated in gure 3.1 [118, 119]. about -cm compared to -cm for Al [116]. The lower resistivity of copper,


) and linewidth when compared with

 ` tbaTR

 ` tbaT&(

Sheet Resistance and Electrical Linewidth Measurement of Copper Damascene Interconnect







Figure 3.1: Typical copper damascene process: (a) Etch tracks in inter-layer dielectric; (b) Deposit barrier layer Ta-PVD; (c) Deposit copper seed layer by PVD/CVD; (d) Copper deposited by electro-plating; (e) 1st CMP polish - selective towards Cu, stops on barrier layer; (f) 2nd CMP polish - removes Cu and Ta at same speed, removes barrier layer.

3.1.2 Copper Damascene and Test Structures

Resistive electrical test structures used to measure the linewidth of conducting tracks assume a homogeneous layer of conducting material. This is not the case for copper damascene interconnect because of the requirement to use barrier layers. Figure 3.2 shows a schematic cross-section through two copper tracks with barrier layers and it is clear that as the width of the copper track decreases the percentage contribution of the barrier layer to the sheet resistance increases. For example, a tantalum diffusion barrier based on the cross-sectional area can be used to calculate the resistance of a track [53].
Cu Cu


Figure 3.2: Cross-section of copper damascene tracks of different widths. As the width of the copper line decreases the relative contribution of the sidewall barriers to the track resistance will increase. 36

q t"@( m w

has a higher resistivity than copper (

-cm [116]) and a simple calculation

Ta Barrier Metal

Sheet Resistance and Electrical Linewidth Measurement of Copper Damascene Interconnect

Another effect of the damascene process which can affect the resistance of a copper track is dishing. This occurs because the copper is softer than the surrounding dielectric and is removed more quickly. The CMP polishing pad deforms into the recess and removes more copper from the track making it thinner in the centre as is illustrated in gure 3.3.


Cu Oxide


Figure 3.3: Schematic cross section through two metal damascene lines which have been dished by the CMP process The amount of copper which is removed is a function of the track width [120, 121]. Figure 3.4 shows the results of Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) prole measurements which were made on copper damascene lines and demonstrates that the level of dishing increases as the feature becomes wider.
0 -5 -10

2.5 m Wide

Dishing Depth (nm)

-15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 0 0.1 0.2 0.3

10 m Wide

20 m Wide

Normalised Track Width







Figure 3.4: AFM proles of the surface of three copper tracks with linewidths of 2.5 m, 10 m and 20 m. The widths have been normalised in order to aid comparison. Any reduction in the cross sectional area of a track will increase its resistance. In order 37

Sheet Resistance and Electrical Linewidth Measurement of Copper Damascene Interconnect

to electrically measure the linewidth of a conducting track the effective sheet resistance of the material must rst be determined. This parameter is normally measured using either a Greek or box cross like those shown in gure 3.5. The method used to extract sheet resistance from such structures is described in section 2.1.4.

Drive Current I Drive Current I

Measure Voltage V

Measure Voltage V

Figure 3.5: Schematic plan views of Greek and box cross structures used for

These test structures are commonly used because no dimensional information is required in the measurement of sheet resistance. However, Greek and box crosses will be affected by the diffusion barrier layer and the pattern dependent effects of dishing. Any error in the value of translate into an error in the value of linewidth calculated using that sheet resistance. Reference [53] discusses many of the issues associated with characterising copper interconnect using electrical test structures. The purpose of the work presented in this chapter is to quantify some of these effects through simulation.

extracted using a cross sheet resistor will directly

3.2 The Effects of Barrier Layers and Dishing on the Measurement Linewidth
This section examines each of the damascene process issues in turn and describes the simulations that have been performed to determine their effect on the performance of sheet resistance test structures. This information is then used to investigate how errors in the extraction of sheet resistance affect electrical linewidth measurement. Finally, simulations of test structures which model the effects of both diffusion barrier layers 38







Sheet Resistance and Electrical Linewidth Measurement of Copper Damascene Interconnect

and dishing together are described and the results presented.

3.2.1 Barrier Layer Effects on

The rst question that needs to be answered is the exact effect that the barrier layer has on the extracted value of task is shown in gure 3.6. In this case the thickness of the tantalum barrier layer on the bottom and sidewalls of the trench was set to 50nm.

. The structure of the Greek cross used to perform this

Copper Barrier Layer

Figure 3.6: Plan view of a Greek cross test structure for simulation of barrier layer effects. The 3-D interconnect simulator Raphael (see section A.3.2) was used for the following for the barriers. Figure 3.7 shows a schematic cross section through a copper track which indicates the important dimensions associated with the barrier layers.

same for all of the test structure simulations so a sheet resistance for the central part of the track, without the sidewall barrier layers, can be calculated. Using the values with the horizontal barrier layer ( for and given previously the sheet resistance of the copper core in combination

Greek cross test structures were simulated for a range of different sidewall barrier cross test structures where the box side was 39 were also simulated with a sidewall

# $"!

# ` $"eqE%


#% $&4(


widths (

) from 25nm to 100nm and for linewidths (

) from

d Tq ` 0p&VV%E%

#! ` $"dcE%

w Vm



giving a total line thickness

) was calculated to be

#$"e!`E% t  

For the following simulations the horizontal barrier width

is 50nm and the copper . These values are



q t"@(

 ` tbaT&(

analyses with the material resistivities set to



-cm for the copper core and



. Box

Sheet Resistance and Electrical Linewidth Measurement of Copper Damascene Interconnect



TCu WCu Ta Cu Wbh TL


Figure 3.7: Schematic cross section through a copper track with barrier layers showing the important dimensions. barrier thickness of 50nm. The width of the voltage taps in the box crosses varied over the same range of linewidths used for the Greek cross simulations. The grids for these simulations were set to have 1.5 million nodes but the software controlled grid generation resulted in the actual gures being lower, usually in the range of 1-1.4 million grid points. In each simulation two adjacent terminals are designated as the contacts through which the current will be forced. One of these contacts is grounded and the other has a voltage applied to it so that a current will then ow between them. The voltage, with respect to ground, is then measured at the other two terminals. The potential difference between these two measurements ( ) is then used, along with the forced current ( ), in equation (2.18) with results are presented in gure 3.8. , to calculate the sheet resistance. Each simulation takes about two hours to run on a Sun Ultra 10 workstation and the

is close to the value of

barriers on the measurement is minimal and that the majority of the current owing is in the highly conductive central region of the cross. The sheet resistance which is extracted is that of the copper core and the horizontal barrier layer. As the linewidth is reduced the difference between cross structure increases. This is because more of the current is beginning to ow in the vertical barrier layers. As would be expected the onset of this condition will depend on the value of the sidewall barrier thickness and the resistivity of the barrier material.

For large values of

the sheet resistance extracted from the simulated structures . This indicates that the the effect of the sidewall

and the sheet resistance extracted from the



Sheet Resistance and Electrical Linewidth Measurement of Copper Damascene Interconnect



Sheet Resistance ( /

Box Cross Wb=0.025 m Wb=0.05m Wb=0.075 m Wb=0.1m




0.0365 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

Linewidth ( m)




Figure 3.8: Extracted sheet resistance versus linewidth for simulated Greek and box cross structures with barrier layers. If a sheet resistance error of more than 1% is considered to be signicant then the presented in table 3.1. Note that the Error is the percentage difference between the extracted sheet resistance and the specied value of
( ) 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1

( ) 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.8

Error 0.4% 0.87% 0.91% 0.94%

Table 3.1: Minimum value of cross arm width where the error in the extracted sheet resistance is less than 1% for each of the sidewall barrier widths simulated.

copper core and the barrier layers are the same as those used in the simulations. By taking into account the ratio of these resistivities a more general expression can be developed:


  g V2

the error will be less than 1% provided that

  m ` ( 1  Rm e&El

!  0rs

cross simulations with

nm. From the other results it can be determined that and the resistivities of the

# ` $"eqE%

Even at the minimum linewidth of

the error in

is less than 1% for the Greek




minimum linewidth for each value of

can be determined. .

These gures are

6 '


Sheet Resistance and Electrical Linewidth Measurement of Copper Damascene Interconnect

from the box cross structures were all within 1% of

because only the width of the voltage taps was varied. From these results it is clear that to accurately measure the sheet resistance of copper over an underlying barrier layer, either a box cross structure or a Greek cross which meets the condition given in equation (3.1) should be used.

3.2.2 Barrier Layer Effects on Linewidth Measurement

Electrical Critical Dimension (ECD) or linewidth is usually measured using a bridge type, four-terminal test structure [39]. This involves the measurement of the resistance value of has been calculated by considering the cross section through a damascene is found from a cross type test

when calculating the resistance. The sheet resistance

shown in section 3.2.1 that the sheet resistance of copper over a horizontal barrier layer ( wide arms. If the metal line being measured has the same sheet resistance then it is possible to extract the linewidth with a similar accuracy. Unfortunately the presence of sidewall barrier layers means that the sheet resistance is not uniform across the width of the track. In order to achieve an accurate measurement of linewidth from a damascene track with sidewall barriers a method for determining the equivalent line resistance of a track with the same width but a constant sheet resistance developed. The effect of this procedure is illustrated in Fig. 3.9 which shows vertical cross sections through tracks with and without sidewall barriers. The resistances of the tracks are and

) can be extracted accurately from a box cross structure or a Greek cross with


The resistance difference between the original track and the equivalent uniform line is the resistance of the two sidewall barriers plus the effect of reducing the central core of the calculation of the track by . It is possible to dene a modication factor

by subtracting it from the line resistance.

between the resistance of the track with sidewall barriers and that of the equivalent



structure and the electrical linewidth

is calculated using equation (2.20). It was

has been

which will allow is the difference

#%% $&04(

copper track as represented in gure 3.7. The length of the line was set to be

of a line of known length

. For the purposes of the work described here the




is the resistivity of the barrier material. The sheet resistances extracted . This was expected

Sheet Resistance and Electrical Linewidth Measurement of Copper Damascene Interconnect



TCu WCu Ta Cu Wbh TL Ta Cu



Resistance = RL (a)

Resistance = Req (b)

Figure 3.9: (a) Cross section through a copper damascene track. (b) Equivalent cross section for a track with a uniform sheet resistance. track with a uniform sheet resistance

and because

it will have a negative value. which was

dened as a constant in the simulations described in section 3.2.1. This assumption is reasonable for the barrier widths and feature sizes considered here but does not hold for narrower lines where a shadowing effect can reduce the barrier thickness [53]. This being the case calculate its value using

does not vary with linewidth and it is therefore possible to

the resistance of a is

wide line is

and the resistance of a

, where length

. This results in


# $" # `% $"e!Ez

# %%( $&04 T `c 0&%6 #  ! ` %  $"V%E

(1 `qc @EdcR !c `( 0"eh&




. For example, if


then track

having the value


# $)( 5  V  



are the resistances of copper damascene lines with widths


The value of

will depend upon the sidewall barrier width

5 $B

( (



Sheet Resistance and Electrical Linewidth Measurement of Copper Damascene Interconnect

can now be used to calculate

line resistance is modied using equation (3.4) then a new value of linewidth can be calculated. In this case calculations have been performed using the results of the test structure simulations described in section 3.2.1 and the linewidth error results are presented in gure 3.10.

Linewidth Error (%)


-2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

Figure 3.10: Electrical linewidth measurement error versus actual linewidth for test structures with diffusion barrier layers of different widths. This shows the same trends seen in gure 3.8 which is to be expected. It can be observed that as the barrier width increases, the errors at low values of linewidth also increase. It should be noted that the box cross is insensitive to the actual linewidth and, provided there is no dishing, should be used in preference to a Greek cross.

# (( ` $)E@EehE%

electrical linewidth (

# !T h ` % $"&V0ehE S 

s d Tq ` 0&VV%E%

# $)(

equal to


and if this is used in equation (2.20) with

) will be

which is in error by more than 8%. If the which reduces the error to 0.25%. Similar

Box Cross Wb=100nm Wb=25nm Wb=50nm Wb=75nm

Linewidth ( m)





For example, the sheet resistance extracted from the Greek cross simulation with

5 $B

( ( 

by rearranging equation (3.2) to give (3.4)


Sheet Resistance and Electrical Linewidth Measurement of Copper Damascene Interconnect

3.2.3 Dishing Effects on

Equation (3.1) gives the conditions that are required to extract the copper over barrier layer sheet resistance using a Greek cross where the damascene metal is assumed to have a rectangular vertical cross section. Unfortunately, the CMP process also affects the sheet resistance of conducting tracks through dishing and it is important to quantify the effect of this on the extraction of reference [122]. a dished track and indicates the important variables used in the model described in

tm tm

Figure 3.11: Schematic cross section through a dished damascene track. The model denes the cross sectional area of such a copper track as

different CMP endpoint conditions. These are, for a nominal polishing time


! `% 0e1E SSQ ADB 00eqEs Q Q ` %

The dishing model also provides equations for

y y s y s

ideal thickness,

The variable

is the ratio of the metal thickness at the centre of the dished line to the . (3.6) at two

q y &g( 


. Figure 3.11 is a schematic cross section through


in terms of the feature width


Sheet Resistance and Electrical Linewidth Measurement of Copper Damascene Interconnect

and for a 25% overpolish:

In the simulations that follow dishing has been approximated with a stepped cross section, as shown in gure 3.12, rather than a smooth curved surface.

W/10 tm

Figure 3.12: Schematic cross section through a dished damascene track showing the stepped approximation of dishing used in the simulations. The rst set of simulations which were performed using this model of dishing were Greek and box cross test structures modelled in two dimensions. With no vertical (z) dimension the change in the thickness of the conducting material due to dishing is approximated as a change in the sheet resistance. This results in the middle of the damascene structure, where the copper is thinnest, having a higher sheet resistance than the edge. Figure 3.13 shows a plan view of a Greek cross structure demonstrating the way that the sheet resistance changes across the structure to model the effect of dishing.

have been simulated and sheet resistances extracted using the method described in section 2.1.4. Only structures using the 25% overpolish condition have been simulated in 2-D. The grids used for these simulations were set to have 0.5 million nodes though the actual number varied depending on the structure. The results of the simulations 46

# $"!

# $)(

Greek and box cross test structures with voltage tap widths ranging from

`% 0eE SSQ ADB 00e1Es Q Q g ` %

tm W


Sheet Resistance and Electrical Linewidth Measurement of Copper Damascene Interconnect

are shown in gure 3.14.

Sheet Resistance 33.56 m / 35.86 m / 37.12 m / 38.49 m /

Figure 3.13: Schematic plan view of a Greek cross with a linewidth of simulated in 2-D. The sheet resistance of each part of the cross depends on the amount of dishing in that area.

Box crosses Greek crosses Actual Rs from crosssection


Sheet Resistance ( / )





Rs of 0.5 m thick Cu with rectangular crosssection

0.033 1 2

Linewidth ( m)

Figure 3.14: Sheet resistance against linewidth for 2-D simulations of copper damascene test structures with 25% overpolish.

The actual sheet resistance of a dished line of a given linewidth can be calculated by determining its cross sectional area using equations (3.5) and (3.8). This has been performed for each of the linewidths simulated and the results plotted in gure 3.14 47

# $"!

Sheet Resistance and Electrical Linewidth Measurement of Copper Damascene Interconnect

It can be observed that there is an offset of about 3% between the sheet resistance extracted from the Greek cross structures and that derived from the cross section of the line. The values of the voltage taps because the dishing of the box is constant. The difference between the sheet resistance extracted from the box cross structure and the equivalent sheet resistance of the dished lines is greater (4% - 5%) simply because the larger dimensions of the box cross lead to more severe dishing. However, it is possible that this 2-D approximation does not necessarily reect the actual current ow that would occur in a real, three-dimensional, test structure. It is also likely that the dishing in the center of a Greek cross structure will be different to that in the arms. The depth of the dishing depends upon the width of the metal feature and the diagonal width across the center of a cross is greater than across the the voltage of copper damascene test structures have been performed. Figure 3.15 shows one scan of the centre of a Greek cross. taps by a factor of . In order to investigate this effect a small number of AFM scans

extracted from the box cross do not increase with the width of

The CMP process used to produce this structure is a two stage process where the rst polish slurry etches copper much faster than the barrier material (in this case the barrier 48

# $)(

#% % $&&&

Figure 3.15:

AFM scan of a copper damascene Greek cross test structure. The arms of the cross are wide.

d cq ` 0p"V%E%

# ` $"e!E%

along with the sheet resistance of

thick copper with no dishing (


Sheet Resistance and Electrical Linewidth Measurement of Copper Damascene Interconnect

is tantalum nitride) so that the process stops on the barrier layer. The second polish step uses a slurry that removes the copper and TaN at the same rate and is used to remove the excess barrier material. It was found that the amount of dielectric erosion along the edges of copper features after the second polish was so great that the dishing of the copper was not visible in AFM proles. Because of this all of the AFM results described here were obtained from structures where the process was stopped after the rst polish. The problem with using AFM proles taken at this stage is that the slurry used in the rst stage tends to etch the copper surface even when the wafer being polished is at rest. This means that the copper features usually end up being lower than the surrounding barrier material but with a surface prole that is quite different than that suggested by the dishing model. Instead of a smooth curved surface like that shown in gure 3.11 where the copper is thinner in the middle of the feature the slurry will etch the copper evenly across the track giving a at surface. The surface will also show some roughness due to the aggressive slurry etching the copper faster at grain boundaries. This can be seen in gure 3.16 which shows prole lines extracted from the AFM scan of the copper Greek cross.

Figure 3.16: On the left is a set of three AFM surface proles from a copper damascene structure. On the right is a AFM scan showing where the proles have been taken from. Figure 3.16 also shows that the depth of the copper recess in the centre of the Greek cross is 2-3 nm greater than that measured in the arm of the cross. For this reason it was decided that a change should be made to the simulated structures in order to model increased dishing in the centre of a damascene Greek cross.

1! 1! 00h00

Sheet Resistance and Electrical Linewidth Measurement of Copper Damascene Interconnect

A new set of three-dimensional structures with this more complicated dishing arrangement have been simulated. The rst step was to calculate a new depth of and (3.8) is the diagonal width of the cross measured between opposite internal corners. In order to achieve the correct prole across the centre of the cross in the simulated structure, cylindrical sections of the conducting track were removed as illustrated in gure 3.17. dishing in the centre of the cross. The value of linewidth ( ) used in equations (3.7)

Depth in nm Surface 31.7 34.4 47.5 51.5 63.3 68.7

Figure 3.17: Schematic plan view of the centre of a Greek cross which shows how dishing has been modelled in three dimensions in this part of the simulated structure. Both the nominal and 25% overpolish endpoint conditions have been used in the three-dimensional simulations and the results of extracting are presented in gure 3.18. By using equation (3.5) to get the cross sectional area it is possible to calculate an actual sheet resistance for a dished line. This has been performed for the two different endpoints and for each of the linewidths simulated and the results are plotted alongside the simulation results. For reference, gure 3.18 also shows the nominal value of sheet resistance for thick copper with no dishing.

The results for the 3-D simulations with 25% overpolish compare well with the 2-D results indicating that the assumptions of the 2-D model approximating the dishing effect are reasonably valid. From gure 3.18 it can be observed that the offset between the sheet resistances extracted from the Greek cross structures and those calculated for a dished line is approximately 0.7% for the nominal polish conditions and 3% for the structures with 25% overpolish. This indicates that the error in the extracted sheet 50

# $"!

from these structures

# ` $"e!E%

Sheet Resistance and Electrical Linewidth Measurement of Copper Damascene Interconnect



25% Over polish

) Sheet Resistance ( /
0.037 0.036


Nominal Rectangular


0.033 1 2

Linewidth ( m)

Box cross

Greek cross

Actual Rs from crosssection

Figure 3.18: Sheet resistance versus linewidth for 3-D simulations of the effects of dishing on Greek and box crosses. resistance increases with the amount of overpolish and therefore the level of dishing. One important thing to note is that as the linewidth increases, the extracted

the Greek cross structures increases at the same rate as the actual sheet resistance calculated from the cross sectional area. This is not the case for the simulated box cross structures where the sheet resistance extracted is independent of the width of the voltage taps. The variation in the 25% overpolish box cross results is probably due to small variations in the number of nodes in the automatically generated simulation grid.

3.2.4 Dishing Effects on Linewidth Measurement

The next step is to investigate the effect of dishing on the measurement of electrical linewidth. Equation (3.5), which gives the cross sectional area of a dished track, can be used to calculate the resistance for a certain length of copper line. This calculation has been performed for each of the linewidths used in the test structure simulations and for both endpoint conditions. The electrical linewidth can then be found by using the line resistance and the extracted sheet resistances in equation (2.20). If these results are then compared to the actual widths the linewidth measurement errors due to dishing can be calculated. This process has been followed using the sheet resistances extracted from the 3-D simulations and 51


Sheet Resistance and Electrical Linewidth Measurement of Copper Damascene Interconnect

the results are presented in gure 3.19.
6 Box (25% overpolish) Box (nominal polish) Cross (25% overpolish) Cross (nominal polish)

Linewidth Error (%)

0 1 2

Linewidth ( m)

Figure 3.19: Electrical linewidth error versus the actual linewidth for structures with dishing. The linewidth errors for the Greek crosses do not vary with tap width staying at about 3% for the 25% overpolish condition and at about 0.7% for the nominal polish. This should be expected because of the way that the sheet resistance extracted from the Greek crosses increases at the same rate as that calculated from the dished cross section. This can be seen for both of the endpoint conditions in gure 3.18. The box cross results are different because the amount of dishing in the box does not change with the voltage tap width. This means that the errors decrease with increased linewidth but are still higher than for the Greek cross structures. These results indicate that, provided the condition in equation (3.1) is not violated and instrumentation resolution and joule heating are not issues [53], sheet resistance measurements should be made using Greek cross structures with arm widths the same as the linewidth structures being tested. The effects of diffusion barrier layers and dishing have been investigated separately so far but in a real copper test structure both will be present. The next step is to simulate structures which include both effects.


Sheet Resistance and Electrical Linewidth Measurement of Copper Damascene Interconnect

3.2.5 Combining Barrier Layers and Dishing

A vertical cross section through a copper damascene line which features both diffusion barrier layers and the stepped model of dishing can be seen in gure 3.20. The depth of the dishing for the simulation structures described in this section was calculated using the copper width as the linewidth in the equations for .

W bv


Cu W bh Oxide

Figure 3.20: Schematic cross section through a dished damascene track with diffusion barrier layers. Six Greek crosses and the same number of box crosses were simulated with voltage tap endpoint condition (equation (3.8)) to determine the depth of dishing and have barrier layers 50nm thick. As in the previous simulations the size of the box in the box cross structures stays constant with only the width of voltage taps changing. The results of extracting sheet resistances from the simulated structures can be seen in gure 3.21. and above and so the sheet resistance increases with width. As would be expected from the results in section 3.2.1 the sheet resistance extracted from the smallest Greek cross barriers. The results from the box cross simulations also agree with the results in the previous sections showing that such structures are insensitive to changes in the width of the voltage taps. Figure 3.21 also shows sheet resistance values obtained by calculating the resistance of 53 structure ( ) is greater than the other results due to the effect of the sidewall The effect of dishing dominates the results from the Greek cross for arm widths of

# $)(

# $"!

# ` $"eqE%

# `% $"eqE

widths (

) varying from


. All of the structures use the 25% overpolish


Sheet Resistance and Electrical Linewidth Measurement of Copper Damascene Interconnect

0.058 0.056 0.054

Box Cross Greek Cross Line Cross-section

) Sheet Resistance ( /
0.052 0.05 0.048 0.046 0.044 0.042 0.04 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

Linewidth ( m)




Figure 3.21: Sheet resistance versus linewidth for sheet resistance test structures with both barrier layers and dishing. a copper track with a cross section like that shown in gure 3.20. It is clear that for low values of linewidth the equivalent sheet resistance calculated for the line is much higher than the value extracted from the test structures. This is because the contribution of the sidewall barriers to the total resistance starts to become more dominant. However, it should be possible to calculate the effect of the sidewall barriers on the line resistance and subtract it as was demonstrated in section 3.2.2. The problem with that method in this case is that dishing introduces an error which cannot easily be accounted for. To lessen this effect the resistance modication factor the narrowest possible tracks which in this case means linewidths of

It should be remembered that this approach assumes that the sidewall barrier layer thickness is not a function of linewidth [53]. The resistances were calculated to be to . When these values were substituted into equation (3.3) for the track and for the track, with the line length equal

was found

to be

. The next step is to subtract this from the calculated line resistances

with equation (3.4) and use the results to calculate new equivalent sheet resistances. Table 3.2 shows the equivalent sheet resistances both before and after modication of the line resistance as well as the difference between these values and those extracted from the Greek cross simulations.


# ` $"e1E%

# ` $"eqE%

should be determined using and .

# ` $"e1E%

T( ` &HEegT

# ` $"eqE%

010q0eh`R1c #$&04( %% h! `g 00&aTR@(

Sheet Resistance and Electrical Linewidth Measurement of Copper Damascene Interconnect

-24.01 -6.01 -1.47 0.23 0.76 1.33

6.36 2.8 2.96 3.21 2.99 3.13

Table 3.2: Results of modifying the resistance of a dished copper track with barrier layers to remove the effect of the sidewall barriers. Note that Error is the difference between the value of and that extracted from a simulated Greek cross with the same linewidth. The error between the modied

calculated for the line and that extracted from and above. This

is similar to the results presented in section 3.2.3 indicating that this offset is due to error seen for the structures with no dishing in section 3.2.1. This should be expected as the error is a combination of the effects of the sidewall barriers and dishing on the Greek cross. The line resistances calculated previously to obtain the results in table 3.2 and the sheet resistances extracted from the simulated structures can be used to obtain electrical linewidth results in the same way as in section 3.2.2. Figure 3.22 shows the results of calculating linewidth error using the modied line resistances. The results obtained using the sheet resistances extracted from the box cross simulations are quite similar to those presented in section 3.2.3 for structures with no diffusion barrier layers. The error decreases as the width of the track increases towards the actual size, and therefore level of dishing, of the box section of the structure. The errors seen when using the results from the Greek cross simulations to calculate column of table 3.2. This is because any error in translates directly into an error or above is the linewidth are the same as the sheet resistance errors presented in the in linewidth. The error of about 3% observed for linewidths of The increased error observed for a width of

same as that seen in gure 3.19 for Greek crosses using the 25% overpolish condition. should be expected because the structure does not meet the condition given in equation (3.1) for the minimum width.


4 x75 6 P6 4

"3&1 f2ff

# $)(

# ` $"eqE%

# ` $"eqE%

dishing. The error, at a linewidth of

, of just over 6% is about 3% higher than the

# $)(

the simulated structures is constant at about 3% for widths of

%#    0$!  




( ) 0.3 1 2 3 4 5

( 0.05628 0.04403 0.04222 0.04177 0.04164 0.04162


( 0.04021 0.04025 0.04041 0.04057 0.04073 0.0409

' ()

% % # ! &$" )( '


Sheet Resistance and Electrical Linewidth Measurement of Copper Damascene Interconnect


Box Cross

Electrical Linewidth Error (%)

0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Linewidth ( m)

Figure 3.22: Electrical Linewidth error versus actual linewidth for structures with both dishing and diffusion barriers. The results for structures with both barrier layers and dishing are close to those predicted by combining the results from the previous sections. This suggests that it is possible to study each of the damascene effects in isolation from other process issues and still obtain useful results.

3.3 Conclusions
This chapter has quantied the effects of diffusion barrier layers and dishing on the measurement of the sheet resistance and electrical linewidth of copper damascene interconnect. Section 3.2.1 showed that a Greek cross test structure can be used to measure the sheet resistance of copper and an underlying barrier layer with an error of less than 1% provided that the condition given in equation (3.1) is satised. It was also found that the values of voltage tap width. The results of the test structure simulations were then used to evaluate the effect of diffusion barrier layers on the electrical measurement of linewidth. It is clear that the effect of the sidewall barriers on the total line resistance becomes more dominant as the 56 always within 1% of the correct value because the box structures are insensitive to the

extracted from box cross sheet resistance structures were

Sheet Resistance and Electrical Linewidth Measurement of Copper Damascene Interconnect

width of the line being measured is reduced. This potentially leads to very large errors in the linewidth measurement but fortunately it is possible to calculate the sidewall contribution and subtract it. The modied line resistances can then be used, along with sheet resistances extracted from the simulated structures, to calculate the electrical linewidth using equation (2.20). The only error in the resulting linewidth will be due to the effect of the sidewall barriers on the cross structure used to extract method assumes that the sidewall barrier width ( work [53]. The simulations of the effects of barrier layers assume that the metal track has a rectangular cross section but in most damascene processes some dishing will occur. Some exceptions to this might be advanced polishing processes with well developed endpoint control to reduce dishing or processes which use low- dielectrics that are softer than copper [123]. The model of dishing which was used to create the simulated Greek and box cross test structures had two possible polishing endpoint conditions. The difference between the sheet resistances extracted from the Greek cross structures and equivalent sheet resistances for copper lines with the same amount of dishing was found to be less than 1% using the nominal polish condition and about 3% with a 25% overpolish. Although the amount of dishing is a function of linewidth this difference stays constant with width. This contrasts with the results from the box cross structures where the difference is greater and changes with the width of the voltage taps. These differences translate directly into linewidth errors when the extracted sheet resistances are used to measure electrical CD. These results can be used to predict how a combination of dishing and barrier layers would affect the performance of sheet resistance test structures. These predictions are as follows: ) does not vary with the total

width of the line which will normally be the case for the feature sizes considered in this

Errors in the sheet resistance, extracted from Greek cross test structures meeting the condition given in equation (3.1), will be dominated by the effects of dishing.

will increase as the arm width, and therefore the dishing, increases.

The errors from Greek crosses which do not meet the condition of equation (3.1) will be dominated by the effects of the sidewall barrier layers and the sheet 57

. This


Sheet Resistance and Electrical Linewidth Measurement of Copper Damascene Interconnect

resistance will increase as the arm width decreases.

The results of the simulations described in section 3.2.5 conrm these predictions. The value of the other results because this structure is affected by the sidewall barrier layers. The other Greek cross structures meet the condition in equation (3.1) but are affected by dishing which means that at approximately simulations are also as predicted with the sheet resistance staying reasonably constant for all the different voltage tap widths simulated. When these results were used to calculate errors in linewidth measurement it was found that using a Greek cross which meets the width condition gives the minimum value of linewidth error. Therefore it can concluded that in order to achieve the most accurate measurement of the linewidth of a copper damascene track affected by both dishing and diffusion barriers the sheet resistance should be measured using a Greek cross which has arms the same width as the track.

d !c ` 000&%E%

The sheet resistance extracted from box cross structures will not depend upon the width of the voltage taps but it will be affected by dishing in the large area of the box section.

extracted from the smallest Greek cross structure is greater than all

increases with arm width. The results of the box cross


Chapter 4 Test Structures for Use as Linewidth Measurement Standards

4.1 Introduction
This chapter begins by examining the motivation behind the development of electrical test structures for use as linewidth reference artifacts for Critical Dimension (CD) instrument calibration. One method of achieving this aim is to use cross-bridge Three dimensional simulations of linewidth structures fabricated in mono-crystalline silicon and this chapter will go on to review the previous work in this area. mono-crystalline silicon test structures have been performed in order to investigate the effects of production and testing parameters on their performance. The main part of this chapter will describe these simulations and present the results.

4.2 Motivation for the Development of Electrical CD Standards

The International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) states that there is a need for reference materials for Critical Dimension (CD) measurement instrument design and calibration which meet the demands of deep sub-micron lithography [13]. Electrical CD measurements show the required level of repeatability 1 and directly relate to electrical functionality which is important for interconnect metrology. However, ECD measurements can only be made on conducting features and most metrology is performed on patterns in photoresist. This means that optical, CD-SEM (CD-Scanning Electron Microscope), surface proler and AFM (Atomic Force Microscope) measurements are more common choices for linewidth measurement in a process control situation. In order to meet ITRS sub-micron metrology tolerances these


B 0A

9 @8

Typical repeatability is better than 1 nm (

) for lines with a nominal width of

m [124].

Test Structures for Use as Linewidth Measurement Standards

physical measurement techniques would require calibration with reference materials, which are traceable to nanometer level uncertainties. Reference artifacts for measurement tool calibration should not display methods divergence, which is a systematic difference between measurement results depending on the instrument being used. References [89] and [90] describe comparisons between CD measurements made electrically and measurements of the same structures made using optical and CD-SEM techniques. These show that methods divergence can cause systematic differences which can make up a signicant proportion of the linewidth. This effect occurs because each instrument is measuring the parameter known as linewidth in a slightly different way. The largest differences are seen when comparing electrical measurements with any other technique because the width of the conducting part of the line may not be the same as the physical width. For example, if an electrical linewidth structure has regions of low conductance along the edges of the track or large sidewall angles then the ECD is likely to be lower than the result obtained from an optical measurement. The roughness of the sidewalls is also a factor as this will tend to reduce the conducting width of the line for electrical measurements while at the same time making it necessary to take the average of a number of optical measurements. Figure 4.1 illustrates the differences between a typical real conducting track and an idealised line.
Non-uniform surface Conductive core region

Rectangular cross-section



Low conductivity outer region

Distance, x

Distance, x



Figure 4.1: (a) Schematic cross section through a conducting track with a trapezoid cross section with graph showing the effective resistivity across the width [90]. (b) Cross section through an ideal track with uniform resistivity and a rectangular cross section. 60

Test Structures for Use as Linewidth Measurement Standards

The idealised line shown in gure 4.1 would not show signicant methods divergence between electrical results and measurements made with any other instrument. This would make such a structure ideal for use as a reference artifact for the calibration of linewidth measurement systems.

4.3 Mono-Crystalline Silicon Test Structures

The ideal linewidth reference artifact would have the following properties:

The National Institute of Standards in Technology (NIST) has developed a technology utilising lattice orientation specic, chemical etching of monocrystalline Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) material which can provide structures which meet the conditions above [44, 80, 84, 124130]. A wet etch consisting of a aqueous solution of KOH is commonly used in MicroElectroMechanical System (MEMS) fabrication to dene structures in silicon which have 111 -planar surfaces. The etchant removes silicon with a 111 -orientated surface much more slowly than other crystal planes and so only these surfaces and those that are protected by a hard mask will be left after etching. This fabrication technique was chosen because the surfaces that remain have known orientations and are planar down to the level of the crystal lattice. Silicon-on-insulator starting material is used so that the electrically conducting features are isolated from each other. The lattice orientation of the starting material limits the possible geometry of the structures that can be produced. If silicon with a (110) planar surface is used then structures patterned into the material will have 111 sidewalls which are at right angles to the surface. The resulting features will have a rectangular cross section similar to the idealised track in gure 4.1. However the intersection between two such lines would not be orthogonal because the 111 planes will be orientated to vectors which 61

j j j j

Planar sidewalls. Uniform composition. Structure measurable by all common techniques (including electrical methods). Uniform geometry along feature length i.e., no sidewall roughness.

Test Structures for Use as Linewidth Measurement Standards

intersect at an angle . It is possible to make tracks which intersect at right relative to the surface of the substrate. These two

angles by using silicon with a (100) planar surface but in this case the 111 planar different implementations are illustrated in gure 4.2 [124].
[110] [-112] (001) plane 90


(-111) plane (1-11) plane [-1-10] 54.737


Figure 4.2: (a) Schematic diagram showing the intersection of two lines fabricated in silicon where the surface is in the (110) crystal plane. (b) Schematic showing the intersection between two lines fabricated in silicon with a (100) surface orientation. The (110) implementation was preferred over the other type because the vertical sidewalls mean there can be little ambiguity in the position of the line edge when measurements are being made by optical methods or with a CD-SEM. Resistive electrical structures for the measurement of linewidth can be fabricated in this material but they will have an unusual geometry due to the wet etching process. The standard cross-bridge structure used to measure ECD consists of a four-terminal van der Pauw sheet resistance test structure in combination with a Kelvin bridge resistor [33, 34, 39, 40]. The most common type of van der Pauw structure used is the Greek cross [38], which is measured using the method described in section 2.1.4. The structures fabricated in (110) silicon have an asymmetrical geometry which complicates the measurement of gure 4.3. The facet is a non-planarity in the structure which causes an error in the extracted sheet resistance. References [44] and [52] describe computer simulations of similar cross structures. The simulation results were used to develop an algorithm which will allow a more accurate value of 111 -planar surface are formed in the acute internal corners, as illustrated in

to be extracted.

U V&aT6"! Tq `c

sidewalls will have a slope of



(-11-1) plane

(11-1) plane


[44, 52].

In addition to this, facets with a


U 00e!E"C 1 `%T


Test Structures for Use as Linewidth Measurement Standards


[111] Facet

Figure 4.3: Schematic diagram showing the facet which forms in internal corners of structures patterned into silicon with a (110) surface. Once the sheet resistance is known the electrical linewidth can be found using a four-terminal bridge structure. The method for the measurement of ECD with this structure is described in section 2.2.4. Bridge structures fabricated in (110) silicon have a number of attributes which complicate the linewidth extraction. Firstly the facets in the acute angles mean that the line shortening effect of the voltage taps is increased. However, it should be possible to extract a value for this effect and correct for it by using a test structure with dummy taps as described in section The second issue peculiar to these structures is that the surfaces of the silicon tracks will be covered with a thin native oxide. Charge accumulates at the Si-SiO interface during processing and can cause a depletion region on all sides of the track which reduces the conducting width. This issue will be examined later in the chapter where the effects of the oxide and the trapped charge on resistance measurements will be simulated. The nal problem is a reduction in the width of the track caused by misalignment between the pattern printed in the photoresist and the silicon crystal lattice. This effect has more recently been turned into a useful method of fabricating silicon lines that are much narrower than the actual minimum critical dimension and this is described in reference [130]. References [80] and [127] describe an algorithm developed at NIST which allows the extraction of the linewidth and the line shortening effect from the sheet resistance and the results of measuring the resistance of a number of bridge structures of different lengths. The most recent development of these monocrystalline structures is the use of a high resolution Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) to measure the linewidth [131133]. This is done by counting the number of lattice plane fringes


Test Structures for Use as Linewidth Measurement Standards

visible in a phase contrast image taken across the track. The measurement uncertainty was calculated to be 2.5nm for a track with a nominal linewidth of 600nm. linewidth reference features down to this level of uncertainty. It was mentioned previously in this section that oxide on the silicon surfaces can trap charge and lead to a depletion region which can reduce the electrical width of a track. There was a concern at NIST because signicant methods divergences were still being observed between electrical and physical measurements. The width of the depletion region, and therefore the change in the linewidth, depends on the doping of the silicon and the temperature [126]. This chapter takes this work further and quanties the effects of geometry, doping, temperature, measurement voltage and surface charge can then be used to determine how these factors affect the extracted value of electrical linewidth. ( ) on the conductivity of a simulated mono-crystalline silicon track. The results A combination of electrical and TEM measurements will allow the calibration of

4.4 Simulation of Mono-Crystalline Silicon Track

The Avant! three-dimensional device simulator Davinci (see section A.3.3) was used, in conjunction with TWB (see section A.3.1), to model current ow along an n-type, uniformly doped silicon track. The simulated track was surrounded by silicon dioxide positioned at the ends of the track and and different voltages were applied. The track resistance was calculated from the applied voltage and the resulting current. The specications of the structure used in these simulations are given in table 4.1. Factor Length Width Height Doping Conc. Temperature Voltage Value m m m cm cm 300K 1.0V which allowed the surface interface charge, , to be specied. Electrodes were

Table 4.1: Reference track simulation parameters.



7 % 85 4( QGR4( 5% &%Rq ` &%Rq `  ` &%Rh




Test Structures for Use as Linewidth Measurement Standards

Figure 4.4 is a cross section through the simulated track showing the electron the concentration of charge carriers and a non-uniform resistivity.

Figure 4.4: Variation in electron concentration for a cross-section through the middle of the track (contours plotted to , in steps of ). The effects of changing the parameters given in table 4.1 have been investigated through a series of simulations. Firstly the effects of changing the length and width of the silicon bar were examined and the results can be seen in gures 4.5 and 4.6. The resistance of the track varies linearly with the length, as would be expected, but this is not the case where the width is changed. The equivalent sheet resistance of the silicon goes down as the width is reduced because the resistivity is non-uniform across the width of the bar. Figure 4.6 includes a straight line which is a linear t to the results of the simulations of the widest tracks where m. The results of

The second attribute that was investigated was the temperature. seen in gure 4.7.

simulations where the material temperature was varied from 200 to 500K can be As would be expected the resistance stays constant for low temperatures but as it increases above 400K intrinsic carriers begin to increase the carrier concentration and the resistance falls.


C B #9 75 % DA@8R4(


concentration. It can be observed that the surface charge

results in a variation of

C B #9F5 % DA@GR4(

q " 

C B #9 75 % DAH864(

Test Structures for Use as Linewidth Measurement Standards

1000 900 800 700

Resistance (k )

600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Length ( m )










Figure 4.5: Resistance versus silicon track length.

1000 900 800 700

Linear regression for wide lines

Resistance (k )

600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Simulation Results

1/Width ( m-1 )





Figure 4.6: Resistance versus the reciprocal of silicon track width.

can be minimised by using starting material which is heavily doped. It should be 66


can be seen in gure 4.8 and they indicate that the effects of the xed charge

5% R4(


for two different levels of doping concentration,




. The results

5 % S5 4(


75 % 84( P I

In the next set of simulations the surface charge

was varied from




Test Structures for Use as Linewidth Measurement Standards

340 320 300 280

Resistance (k )

260 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 200 220 240 260 280 300 320

Temperature (K)










Figure 4.7: Resistance versus temperature. noted that if low resistivity material is used the voltage measurements must be made with high resolution instruments. This will be more of a problem for sheet resistance measurements on SOI structures because the asymmetry of a Greek cross made in this material and the presence of the facet mean that the voltage measurements in the acute orientation are already very small [52].
700 600 6.5


Resistance (k )

Resistance ( )
0 1 2 3 4 5

500 400 300 200 100 0







Qf (x10 cm )

Qf (x1010 cm-2 )



Figure 4.8: (a) Track resistance against for a silicon bar with a doping concentration of cm . (b) Track resistance against for a silicon bar with a doping concentration of cm . The nal set of simulations which were performed investigated the effect of changing the measurement voltage used to extract the resistance. If the material resistivity is 67




5% E4(


7 % 85 4(

Test Structures for Use as Linewidth Measurement Standards

unaffected by the voltage the resistance should not change but the results presented in gure 4.9 show that this is not the case. The effect of the voltage is strongly dependent varying from
360 350

Resistance (k )

Resistance (k )

340 330 320 310 300 290 280 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Applied Voltage (V)


Resistance (k )

Resistance (k )







Applied Voltage (V)



Figure 4.9: Simulated resistance against applied voltage for silicon bars with the following values of : (a) cm ; (b) cm ; (c) cm ; (d) cm . The effects of changing the measurement voltage can be minimised in the same way as important because in a typical measurement setup it is the force current which is set and the measurement voltage will depend on the resistance. Figure 4.10 shows the results and the applied voltage was swept from 0.2 to 5V . of a simulation where the doping concentration was set to cm ( cm



C5 %( P C GR4 I DB

5% 4(


the effects of

by increasing the dopant concentration of the material. This is very


C5 % GR4(


5%  R4(


55 % SR4(


Q5 % GE4(

C5 % GR4(




115 110 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5

Applied Voltage (V)





20 3.5 4 4.5 5 0 0.5 1 1.5

Applied Voltage (V)





P rI
5 5

on the level of xed charge and four sets of simulations have been performed with




Q5 % GE4(

Test Structures for Use as Linewidth Measurement Standards

6.2 6.19 6.18 6.17

Resistance ()

6.16 6.15 6.14 6.13 6.12 6.11 6.1 0.5 1 1.5 2

Applied Voltage (V)




Figure 4.10: Simulated resistance versus applied voltage for silicon bar with high doping concentration.

4.5 Simulation of (110) Silicon Greek Cross

Davinci and TWB were used again to model current ow in three dimensions in a Greek cross with similar geometry to the monocrystalline silicon structures described in section 4.3. Figure 4.11 shows the top surface (XY plane) of the 3D structure, which is m in the Z direction, with a measures approximately m. The thickness of the cross structure being simulated m layer of oxide underneath. On the bottom,

covering the entire back of the structure, is a gate electrode which can be biased as required. The grid generated for this structure has a total of 23,611 nodes and as the maximum number of nodes available within the Davinci simulator is 30,000 this gave little opportunity to signicantly increase the mesh density. The mesh available for 3D simulations in Davinci is limited to an array of right angled triangular prismatic a further limit on exactly how the grid can be constructed and modied. The was achieved by setting the ratio between the X and Y grid pitches to X Z direction was set to Y m resulting in an angle of approximately elements. This means that obtaining a angle between the arms of the cross puts angle m and

. The node spacing in the

m making 5 grid layers in the silicon cross plus one for the 69

 `% )x(E U% E"T

UT( `% VH6%E"T

U "T %

 ` "eE%

!( c "@q)(

 ` "eE%

!T ` "&VeE%


Test Structures for Use as Linewidth Measurement Standards

Materials Silicon SiO 2 Electrodes

Figure 4.11: Plan view of the simulated Greek cross without facets and with the arms at to each other. layer of oxide mentioned above. As well as this basic cross structure, a cross with facets in the acute angles was also simulated. Due to limitations imposed by the grid elements available in Davinci it is not possible to construct a facet with a smooth surface. As a result it has been approximated by a series of 5 stepped levels, as can be seen in gure 4.12. This also shows that that the edge of each layer of the facet has to be stepped to t the grid in the XY plane.

Silicon Silicon Dioxide Gate Electrode

Figure 4.12: Schematic 3D view of the Greek cross structure with facets in the acute angles between the arms. The method of extracting the sheet resistance from a four-terminal resistor requires four forced between two adjacent terminals while the voltage drop 70 between the other two

Kelvin measurements made at different orientations [37]. In each case a current

U "T %


Test Structures for Use as Linewidth Measurement Standards

terminals is measured. The sheet resistance can then be calculated using the methods described in section 2.1.4 and, in particular, equation (2.15). It is clear that the unique will have to be applied to the raw results. geometry of these structures means they do not have symmetry and that correction

The original paper published on this subject presented the results of simulations using reference [134]). This very low level of doping led to problems with the simulations. The most apparent of these being that the measurements with forward and backward force current direction were not equal, i.e. using higher doping concentrations, have been performed since the paper was published and the results obtained from these form the basis of this section. The rst new set of simulations were performed using the same cross structures described above but without a gate electrode. The sheet resistance extracted from a for a cross with facets. The conducting material had been set up as N-type silicon with bars similar to those described in section 4.4 have shown that this level of doping given above are strongly affected by the asymmetry of these structures, especially in the case of the cross with the facets in the acute corners. Reference [37] denes the if . The structure without facets has asymmetry factor and suggests that no correction of the sheet resistance is required while it is even greater is . If a value of the correction factor k cross structure without the stepped facets was a uniform doping concentration of gives a sheet resistance of k k compared with k

. Further simulations,

calculated for each set of results, corrected sheet resistances can be obtained. These are introduced by the facets. The next step is to simulate the same structures with different biases placed on the gate electrode. The results are presented separately for each of the cross structures.

4.5.1 SOI Greek Cross Without 111 Facet

Twenty one different gate electrode bias points ranging from -5 to +5 volt were used in these simulations. Measurements were made at each gate bias point with a 71

d q `%( 0p @x(E4

d ! `h 0 0ehR

(no facet)



. These results illustrate the error

q ` X 0eh&( iW

for the cross with facets where

g ` X dc&( YW


for a thickness of

m. The extracted values of



. Simulations of simple silicon

d ` 0p dcR0


75 %( c c ` 8D4l0"eR1

Greek cross structures with a uniform doping concentration of

U% @Vp ~ E)R ~ D  U %

d q ` 0p 0ehR@(

U &h %



F5 %( c c ` G640"eR1

d % 0p 4(


cT% `% X b4x(EW

Test Structures for Use as Linewidth Measurement Standards

measurement force current of A. The results of extracting sheet resistances from applied to them

the simulated measurement data can be seen in gure 4.13. In addition to the sheet this graph also includes the raw, uncorrected results.
30 28 26 24 Rs (Corrected) Rs (Uncorrected)

Sheet Resistance (k/ )

22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5

Gate Voltage (V)

Figure 4.13: Extracted sheet resistance against gate electrode voltage. Applying a positive voltage to the gate electrode causes accumulation under the gate, which lowers the resistivity of the silicon. This is similar to the effect illustrated for the silicon bar in gure 4.8(a) where the resistance decreases as the amount of surface charge increases. It should be remembered that, in addition to the voltage on the gate, a voltage is also applied to one of the terminals in order to force the measurement current. For example, in order to measure while there is a positive voltage, which varies from 61 to 247mV depending on the gate bias, on terminal A. This means that the voltage across the oxide, and therefore the accumulation charge, will vary with position. When the gate voltage is 0V there will be some depletion of the silicon around terminal A where the voltage drop across the oxide is negative with respect to the gate electrode. This is the reason why the sheet resistance is higher for this gate bias than the value extracted using the simulated structure without a gate electrode.

terminal B (see gure 4.12) is grounded


resistance results which have had the asymmetry correction factor

U% ) ~


Nominal Rs

Test Structures for Use as Linewidth Measurement Standards

As the gate bias is decreased the sheet resistance increases more and more steeply until the gate voltage reaches -2.5V This is the point at which the depletion region . in the silicon structure reaches its maximum depth. At higher negative voltages the silicon closest to the gate electrode becomes inverted but this inverted region has no connection to the terminals and plays no part in current ow. High electrical elds at the edges of the cross arms cause the depletion region to extend towards the surface narrowing the tracks. Figure 4.14 shows how the boundary of the depletion region changes as the gate bias is made more negative.




Figure 4.14: Cross sections through one arm of the simulated Greek cross showing the boundary of the depletion region caused by a gate bias of: (a) 0V; (b) -2.5V; (c) -5V. This change in the depletion region also changes the shape of the central part of the cross and because it is here that the resistance is effectively being measured this leads to some interesting results. Figure 4.15 shows the extent of the depletion region with a gate voltage of -5V while gure 4.16 gives the results of the individual Kelvin , measurements at the acute and obtuse orientations with negative gate voltages. As the gate voltage is reduced from 0v to -2.5V the depth of the depletion region is increasing and this effect dominates the results so both the acute and obtuse measurements increase steadily. At -2.5V the depletion region reaches its maximum depth but as gures 4.14 and 4.15 show the shape of the conducting part of the cross changes. Effectively the acute angle becomes more acute which is why the values of measured at this orientation are reduced. The opposite effect is observed with the obtuse measurements where the resistance measured continues to increase. The obtuse results are between 10 and 20 times larger than the acute results. This means they dominate the sheet resistance calculated from the average of the four measurements and this is clear from the Uncorrected values in gure 4.13. If these results are 73


Test Structures for Use as Linewidth Measurement Standards

Vg = -5V

Figure 4.15: Plan view of a simulated silicon Greek cross showing how depletion changes the effective geometry of the structure. corrected for the asymmetry of the structure then it is clear that once the depletion region reaches a maximum depth the sheet resistance also reaches a maximum value.
920 900 880 R(+0o ) o R(-0 ) 12000 11000 R(+90 o ) R(-90 o )

Resistance ( )

860 840 820 800 780 760 740 -5 -4.5 -4 -3.5 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0

Resistance ( )

10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000











Gate Voltage (V)

Gate Voltage (V)



Figure 4.16: (a) Resistance against gate voltage showing the results of the simulations using the acute measurement orientations. (b) Resistance against gate voltage showing the results of the simulations using the obtuse orientations.

4.5.2 SOI Greek Cross With 111 Facet

The next step was to perform similar simulations using the structure with the stepped facets in the acute corners of the cross. The results of extracting sheet resistance from 74

Test Structures for Use as Linewidth Measurement Standards

this simulated Greek cross can be seen in gure 4.17.
45 40 35 Rs(Corrected) Rs(Uncorrected)

Sheet Resistance (k /

30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1

Nominal Rs

Gate Voltage (V)

Figure 4.17: Extracted sheet resistance against gate electrode voltage.

The addition of the facet to the structure increases the asymmetry factor which means that the uncorrected results are much higher for this structure. However if these results are corrected then they are much closer to the results from the structure without a facet. The difference in the apparent sheet resistance also depends upon the bias on the gate electrode because the geometry of the cross is affected by the depletion region. The maximum difference between the two sets of results is 2% which could lead to a similar error in the linewidth measured using this value of sheet resistance. The increase in the asymmetry of the Greek cross due to the facet means that the resistances measured at the acute orientations are lower than for the structure with no facet while the obtuse measurements are greater. However, the results obtained at negative gate voltages follow similar trends, with a discontinuity at a voltage of -2.5V where the depletion region under the gate electrode reaches a maximum depth, as can be seen in gure 4.18

4.5.3 Effects of Fixed Charge and Structures with Highly Doped Silicon
The Greek cross structures which have been simulated so far do not include xed charge on the silicon boundaries. This should have a similar effect on the measured sheet 75

Test Structures for Use as Linewidth Measurement Standards

250 240 R(+0 o ) R(-0 o ) 20000 19000 18000 R(+90 o ) R(-90 o)

Resistance ( )

220 210 200 190 180 170 -5 -4.5 -4 -3.5 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0

Resistance ( )


17000 16000 15000 14000 13000 12000 11000 10000 -5 -4.5 -4 -3.5 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0

Gate Voltage (V)

Gate Voltage (V)

Figure 4.18: (a) Resistance against gate voltage showing the results of the simulations using the acute measurement orientations. (b) Resistance against gate voltage showing the results of the simulations using the obtuse orientations. resistance as changing the voltage on the gate electrode. Simulations were performed charges ranging from 0 to
11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Rs(Facet) Rs(NoFacet)

Sheet Resistance (k /

Figure 4.19: Extracted sheet resistance against xed charge. corrected for the asymmetry of the test structures.

The results are similar to those observed for positive gate voltages in sections 4.5.1 and 4.5.2. The positive charge on the boundary between the silicon and the oxide on



. The results can be seen in gure 4.19.

Q f (x1011 cm 2 )

The results have been



F5 %( c ` G4"eR1

using structures with a uniform donor concentration of


and xed

%  5 4(

Test Structures for Use as Linewidth Measurement Standards

the underside of the cross and between the silicon and air on the sides of the features lowers the resistance. If the sheet resistance measured from such a structure was then used in the calculation of the linewidth of a bridge resistor it is likely that there would be signicant errors. The simulations of a silicon bar presented in section 4.4 indicate that the effects of xed charge can be reduced by heavily doping the silicon. This should also reduce the effects of biasing the gate electrode on these Greek cross structures. Further simulations of been performed. These levels of doping give nominal sheet resistances of in gure 4.20. In the less highly doped structures described in previous sections the sheet resistance varies by about 120% of the nominal value as the gate voltage is swept from -5V to +5V . This compares with a variation of 1.7% for the structures with a doping concentration of it was stated that the difference between the results from the faceted and non-faceted structures with light doping varied with the bias on the gate. This is not observed for these more heavily doped structures where the difference is almost constant at about 1.7 - 1.8%. This is the systematic error introduced by the facet and is similar to that described in reference [44].
104 1.02 Rs(Facet) Rs(No Facet) 1.015 1.01 1.005 1 0.995 0.99 Rs(Facet) Rs(No Facet) 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5

respectively. The results, which have been corrected for asymmetry, can be seen

Sheet Resistance ( /

Sheet Resistance ( /

Figure 4.20: Corrected sheet resistance against gate voltage for silicon crosses with n-type



5%( c ` R4s"eR1


H 5 % ( c ` &64s"eR1

doping concentrations of (a)


and (b)



and 0.017% for the more highly doped crosses. In the previous section





Gate Voltage (V)

Gate Voltage (V)


d0V04( %% C DB 5 42"eR1 %( c `
0 1 2 3


H &5

%( c ` 42"eR1

structures with doping concentrations of




have and

H &5

%( c ` 4i"eR1

d 0p@(


Test Structures for Use as Linewidth Measurement Standards

4.6 Conclusions
Section 4.4 described simulations which demonstrated how charge on the surface of mono-crystalline silicon tracks can affect the measurement of electrical critical the track with width or measurement voltage as can be seen from gures 4.6 and 4.9. The variation of the resistance associated with the surface charge can help to explain divergence between physical and electrical measurement methods used with these structures [127]. It was found that heavily doping the silicon starting material will reduce the effect of the surface charge on the measurements. Simulations were also performed using structures designed to model the operation of the Greek cross sheet resistors fabricated in (110) silicon by NIST. The simulation grids include a gate electrode separated from the silicon cross by a thin layer of insulation. This electrode allows the effect of biasing the substrate of an SOI wafer on the electrical performance of the test structures to be examined. As the bias on the gate electrode is made more negative the silicon under the gate is depleted and the sheet resistance increases. At a certain bias, -2.5V for this doping level, the depletion region reaches its maximum depth and the sheet resistance should reach a maximum value. This is what happens to the corrected value of looking more closely at the individual gures of and dimension. The surface charge has an effect on the variation of the resistance of

something more complicated is occurring around the centre of the cross. Once the maximum depletion thickness is reached, the depletion region tends to narrow the arms while changing the shape of the centre of the cross. The results from the obtuse measurement orientation continue to increase as the gate bias becomes more negative while the acute measurement results begin to decrease. This suggests that depletion of the silicon alters the effective shape of the cross making it more asymmetrical. The results of simulations of Greek crosses without gate electrodes have revealed that the non-linearity introduced by the facet in the acute corners leads to a difference of about 1.8% in the extracted sheet resistance. The effect of the facet can be reduced by using SOI starting material with a thinner silicon conducting layer on top. The structures which result will have smaller facets but will be more difcult to measure by SEM or other methods [128]. Another possibility is the use of the measurement algorithm mentioned in section 4.3 which should return an accurate value of 78

U% @V&h 8~

U @R% 8~


as can be seen in gures 4.13 and 4.17. However it is clear that


Test Structures for Use as Linewidth Measurement Standards

the facet into account [52]. Further simulations have shown that surface charge at the interface between the silicon and the oxide has a similar effect to changing the bias on the gate electrode. Both of these experiments show that these relatively high resistance, low doped structures are strongly affected by processing and measurement conditions. The results from the simulations of the silicon bar have shown that increasing the doping of the silicon will decrease the effect of charging or measurement bias on the resistivity of the material. Simulations using structures with higher doping concentrations were performed and the results showed that the extracted sheet resistance was far less dependent on the gate voltage. The variation in of cm was only 0.017% for a gate bias ranging from -5 to +5V The . For example, the lowest

only possible problem with this option is that lowering the resistivity will also mean measurement from these simulations was the two measurement terminals is only measured in the acute orientation of A so the differential voltage between V Therefore, measurements of real .

structures with similar resistivities would require voltmeters with sub- V resolution. The measurement current could be increased but this can lead to joule heating and current crowding which will affect the measurement accuracy. The results presented in this chapter have shown that the adverse effects of surface interface charge and substrate bias on the operation of single crystal silicon test structures can be avoided or ameliorated through the careful choice of doping level. This has led to a change at NIST in the starting material used to fabricate these structures. The most recently published results were obtained from structures fabricated in silicon with a p-type (Boron) doping concentration of around reference [126] the starting material had a doping level of approximately



H5 % ( &D4rg!



[133] whereas initial samples had lower doping levels. For example, in cm .

1( ` "@6%E%  )(

a structure with a facet. The current forced was


that the measurement accuracy needs to increase.

1( ` 0@6%E%

for a structure with an n-type doping level


5%( c ` E4"eR1

5%( R4'

Chapter 5 Electrical Linewidth Test Structures for Advanced Lithography

5.1 Introduction
Economic considerations mean that optical lithography is still the rst choice for high volume production of Ultra Large-Scale Integrated (ULSI) circuits. As the drive towards smaller and smaller feature sizes continues, techniques which allow the printing of features much smaller than the wavelength of the exposure light have become very important [135]. The resolution of a photolithographic system can be enhanced by the use of techniques such as off-axis illumination and Phase Shifting Masks (PSM) to allow the imaging of sub-wavelength features [136]. However, optical proximity effects which distort the nal pattern become more pronounced in this region of operation and this can require the use of Optical Proximity Correction (OPC) to achieve a working circuit [137]. Masks which utilise OPC and phase shifting techniques are more complex to manufacture than conventional masks and so the ability to test and characterise the mask is very important. Most schemes for mask metrology require either optical testing [58] or, as geometries reduce, measurement with a Critical Dimension Scanning Electron Microscope (CD-SEM) system [72]. Both of these techniques are expensive in terms of equipment and testing costs. A less costly option would be to use electrical test structures such as the cross bridge linewidth structure. Although methods divergence exists between ECD measurements and other metrology techniques, electrical measurements tend to have superior repeatability [124]. Chapter 4 describes the use of electrical linewidth structures as CD calibration reference materials in more detail. This chapter begins by examining the use of resistive electrical test structures for alternating phase shifting mask metrology. Then, in the second half of the chapter, 80

Electrical Linewidth Test Structures for Advanced Lithography

simulation results are presented from a study of the effects of OPC on the function of cross-bridge linewidth structures.

5.2 Test Structures for Alternating Aperture Phase Shifting Masks

5.2.1 Introduction to Phase Shifting Masks
The Alternating aperture Phase Shifting Mask (AltPSM) is one of the earliest resolution enhancing techniques and was rst described by Levenson et al. [138]. Figure 5.1(a) illustrates the problems encountered when trying to print small features with a binary or transmission mask. For the images of the two apertures to be resolved the light intensity at the wafer surface must fall between the two main peaks. Diffraction means that the light passing through each aperture spreads and constructive interference between the two images leads to a signicant peak in an area which should be dark. Figure 5.1(b) illustrates the results of using a phase shifting mask to print features of the same the mask substrate to a depth equivalent to half the wavelength dimensions as the binary mask. The phase shifting elements are created by etching of the light source

being used in the projection tool. The result is that there is destructive interference between the two apertures which minimises the intensity in this region and allows the features to be successfully resolved. Binary and phase shift masks have previously been used to print Electrical Critical Dimension (ECD) test structures as described in reference [139]. This study was concerned with using the printed structures to characterise the photolithographic process and examine exposure latitude, depth of focus and proximity effects in different PSM schemes. The work presented in this section takes the concept a step further by placing test structures on the mask so they can be measured electrically as in reference [100]. This will provide information about the mask making process capability and will highlight issues such as proximity induced errors. The results from the on-mask test structures can also be compared with measurements made on similar structures which will be printed using the photomask. This will provide information


U &@( %g

Electrical Linewidth Test Structures for Advanced Lithography


Phase shifter Electric field at mask

1 0 1

Electric field at wafer

1 0 1

Intensity at wafer
1 0



Figure 5.1: Comparison of the results of image projection from (a) a binary photomask and (b) a similar mask where a phase shifter has been etched in one aperture [138]. about the Mask Error Enhancement Factor (MEEF) which is dened as [140]

mask dimension away from a nominal value and resist CD when the mask is printed. If

is the resultant error in the

then the dimensional errors on the

mask will simply be divided by the magnication of the exposure tool. Unfortunately this is not the case when printing sub-wavelength feature sizes as the MEEF is typically larger on the wafer than on the mask. greater than unity [140, 141]. If

then CD errors will be proportionately

5.2.2 PSM Test Structures

The standard test structure used to measure the electrical critical dimension of a conducting track is the cross-bridge linewidth structure [45]. The cross-bridge structure consists of two different sections. The rst is a Greek cross [38] which is a type of van der Pauw, sheet resistance test structure [33, 34]. The second part is a bridge resistor 82

T w UAv

( W 1 Q1 u8 6 SVs R   s


is the magnication of the projection system,

T w UAv 's  u R  8 6 SS's

U &@( %g

( W

W 1 Q1
P 1 W1 P


(5.1) is the deviation of the

has also been designed where the probe pads are scaled so that when the structures are

linewidth structures, with no dummy features, at each feature size. A second layout

on-mask measurement. Figure 5.3 shows lines with a CD of 91nm which were printed can be probed on-mask using a standard 2 n probe card. This includes two isolated

extract the electrical linewidth [39]. See chapter 2 for the methods used to measure

Figure 5.2: Section of PSM test structure layout. The black areas are the chrome blockers while the shaded areas are regions of phase shift. This is a structure with a linewidth of m and a line to space ratio of 1:1.

which is used, in conjunction with the value of

interconnect processes have been adapted for use with alternating phase shifting masks.

lines and phase shifting regions in a similar way to the AltPSM test sites described in

Cross-bridge test structures which were developed to investigate metal damascene

The test structure layout contains test structures with on mask linewidths of 0.4, 0.5,

reference [139]. This is illustrated in gure 5.2.

In the dense test structures the electrically measured line is surrounded by oating

0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 and 1.5 m. Bridge structures with line to space ratios of

shape of the cross, and these will be referred to as L-Type structures. In the second set

1:1, 1:1.5, 1:2, 1:3, 1:5 and 1:10 were designed for each of these feature sizes. There

are two sets of dense structures with different arrangements of the dummy lines around

the unmeasured lines run up to the vertical contact arms of the cross and stop short as

the Greek cross. The rst set resemble gure 5.2, where the oating lines follow the

they do in the bridge section of the structure. This set will be referred to as I-Type test

U &@( %g

Contact L B= 400m Contact Contact

structures. The full layout is a

%( c 4)(

 ` "e!&(

`YXYXYXYXYXYXYXYXYXYXYXYXYXY ` ` aYaYaYaYaYaYaYaYaYaYaY ` fYfYfYfYfYfYfYfYfYfY ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` XYYYYYYYYYYYYYYXcd` cdYcdeYcdeYcdeYcdeYcdeYcdeYcdeYcdeYcdeYcdeY bYbYcYcYcYcYcYcYcYcYcYcYcY ` XYXYXYXYXYXYXYXYXYXYXYXYXY `aY`aY`Y`Y`Y`Y`Y`Y`Y`Y`Y`Y`Y db dbYdbYdbYdbYdbYdbYdbYdbYdbYdbY XYabYabYabYabYabYabYabYabYabYabYabYabYabY YYYYYYYYYYYYYYX`cdabef X`YYYYYYYYYYYYYYX`cdab X`aYX`aYX`aYX`aYX`aYX`aYX`aYX`aYX`aYX`aYX`aYX`aYX`aY b b bcd bcd bcd bcd bcd bcd bcd bcd bcd bcd bcd YabYabYabYabYabYabYabYabYabYabYabYabYabY `Y`Y`Y`Y`Y`Y`Y`Y`Y`Y`Y`Y`Y X`YYYYYYYYYYYYYYX`ab XYXYXYXYXYXYXYXYXYXYXYXYXY X`YYYYYYYYYYYYYYX`ab X` X` X` X` X` X` X` X` X` X` X` X` X` YXYXYXYXYXYXYXYXYXYXYXYXYXY ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` X`YYYYYYYYYYYYYYX` ghYYYYYYYYYYYgh gh gh gh gh gh gh gh gh gh gh YgYgYgYgYgYgYgYgYgYgY h h h h h h h h h h ghYYYYYYYYYYYgh ghYYYYYYYYYYYghip gh ghip ghip ghip ghip ghip ghip ghip ghip ghip YgYgYgYgYgYgYgYgYgYgY h hYhYhYhYhYhYhYhYhY p pYpYpYpYpYpYpYpY r r r r r r r r ghYYYYYYYYYYYghipqr qYqYqYqYqYqYqYqY iYiYiYiYiYiYiYiYiY gh gh ghip ghipqr ghipqr ghipqr ghipqr ghipqr ghipqr ghipqr ghipqr YYYYYYYYYYYghipqr

printed using a

and ECD with these test structures.

Phase Contact Chrome Blocker Shifter


exposure tool the pads will be the same size as those designed for

Electrical Linewidth Test Structures for Advanced Lithography

array of test structures with probe pads which



obtained from the Greek cross, to

Electrical Linewidth Test Structures for Advanced Lithography

in photoresist using the m features on the photomask.

Figure 5.3: SEM image of 91nm wide lines printed using a S202 scanner (0.6NA) and the phase shifting mask used in this study. The layout with the large pads has been repeated three times on the mask, once with the phase shifting elements removed to give binary structures. The version with the small pads for on-mask testing is repeated 24 times in three blocks of 8 on the mask where one set of 8 contains binary structures. A picture of the mask can be seen in gure 5.4 along with a closeup of the layout for on-mask probing.

Figure 5.4: Photograph of the actual phase shifting mask with a close up view of the layout of one of the sets of on-mask test structures.

5.2.3 Sheet Resistance Measurements

The Anti-Reective (AR) coating of chromium oxide over the chromium features on the mask presents a challenge when electrically probing the structures [142]. Initial attempts to use a standard probe card designed to probe aluminium pads 84

 ` 0dcE%


Electrical Linewidth Test Structures for Advanced Lithography

were unable to make reliable electrical contact because the AR coating was too hard for the probe tips to penetrate. However, it was found that steerable probes on a manual probe station were able to contact the chromium. It should be noted that considerable force was required to make contact but no scratching of the pads was observed. Sheet resistance measurements were made on the Greek cross section of because the potentials were being measured using an HP4156B parameter analyser (see section A.2.3) which did not have a high enough voltage resolution for low current measurements. The repeatability was signicantly improved by using higher currents as can be seen in gure 5.5.
35 30

Sheet Resistance ( / )

25 20 15 10 5 0 0 100 200 300

Figure 5.5: Results of Kelvin measurements made on a chrome Greek cross structure as the force current was swept from A to 1mA. One interesting result was that although the repeatability at low currents was quite poor, a large number of measurements at a set force current typically resulted in almost the same mean value. Sets of 200 measurements were made over a short space of standard deviation calculated for each current setting is plotted in gure 5.6. The results indicate that although the repeatability of the measurement improves with higher force currents these high currents do not appear to cause joule heating which 85 time at ve force currents ranging from A to 1mA. The mean value of V/I and the


% &4(

 ` "e!&(

one of the isolated binary

m structures. The measurements were very noisy partly

Force Current ( A)








Electrical Linewidth Test Structures for Advanced Lithography


Mean Sheet Resistance or Std. Deviation of Sheet Resistance ( / )

30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 100 200 300

Mean Sheet Resistance Std. Deviation

Force Current ( A)








Figure 5.6: Mean values and standard deviation of V/I versus force current for a chrome Greek cross structure. would result in a change in resistance. As the repeatability of the measurement is almost any further measurements as a precaution against damaging the structure under test. The Greek cross section of the test structure was measured 200 times at four different


Table 5.1: Results of Kelvin measurements made on a Greek cross test structure with a force current of A.

for chrome without an AR coating [100]. The measurements in table 5.1 show a factor of ten difference between the standard deviations measured with forward and reverse currents. The reason for the difference in variability is not clear but it may be related to probe contact problems. However, it does seem that contact resistance 86

d `h 0pdcR@(

d q `c 0p0@x(6"

The measured sheet resistance of

is similar to a reported value of


q p o 03(nm


Mean V/I ( ) 5.30249 5.36345 5.23089 5.40126 5.3245

( ) 1.078 0.102 1.061 0.108 -

%% &0&!

orientations with a force current of

%% &0&!

u x w s u tr s x u s w u s vtr

%% &0&!

the same at

A and 1mA it was decided that the lower current should be used for

A. The results are presented in table 5.1.

( ) 24.0328 24.3091 23.7083 24.4804 24.1326

Electrical Linewidth Test Structures for Advanced Lithography

signicantly affects the measurement as the values of mean the orientations with a larger standard deviation. obtained are lower for

The chromium oxide coating was removed by a very short etch in an aqueous solution of ceric ammonium nitrate and acetic acid which left bare metal features. This meant that a test system using a probe card and semi-automatic probe station could then be used. Electrical measurements were performed using an HP4062B parametric tester (see section A.2.1) and a high resolution Solartron voltmeter (see section A.2.2) which provided more repeatable and precise measurements. However, isolated 1.5 m structures from one of the binary and one of the phase shifted layouts were tested rst using the manual probe station and HP4156B to obtain further information about the effect of the measurement current on the results. Figure 5.7 shows the mean sheet resistance plotted against the force current while gure 5.8 shows the standard deviation.
28.7 28.6 28.5

Sheet Resistance (/ )

28.4 28.3 28.2 28.1 28 27.9 27.8 27.7 0 100 200 300 Binary Phase Shifted

Force Current ( A)








Figure 5.7: Mean values of

against force current for chrome Greek cross structures.

There are a number of conclusions that can be drawn from these results. Firstly the shapes of the curves are very similar to those in Fig. 5.6 indicating that the previous choice of a force current of 500 A is still applicable. However, the values of standard deviation are signicantly lower than the previous results which suggests that most of the variability in the measurements made on the unetched structures was probably due 87


Electrical Linewidth Test Structures for Advanced Lithography

0.06 Binary Phase Shifted

Standard Deviation of Rs (/ )






0 0 100 200 300

Force Current ( A)








Figure 5.8: Standard deviation of structures.

(1.2%) between the average sheet resistances obtained from the two structures with a Fig. 5.7 the isolated structures have no phase shifting elements around the measured structure. Therefore the offset between the structures is most likely due to variation of the chrome sheet resistance across the mask. The sheet resistances measured after indicates there was some overetching of the chrome features. Next, one complete set of structures (see Fig. 5.4) from the binary section and one from the phase shifted region were measured using the higher resolution system and the semi-automatic probe station. The sheet resistance results obtained from the dense I and L-type test structures have been averaged together for each feature size and are presented in Fig. 5.9. Ideally the chromium oxide was removed were typically 4.5 higher than before which

should be insensitive to feature size and the variation for structures with m is small. For example, the difference between m wide is 0.25 which is less

the mean sheet resistance extracted from the phase shifted I-type structures with a


d 0p

 ` "e!&(

 ` baTE%

cross arm width of

m and those that are

 ` baTE%

a nominal width of more than

d 0

%% &0&!

force current of

A. Although the results are labelled Binary or Phase Shifted in

d 0

to noise introduced by poor probe contacts. Secondly there is an offset of

against force current for chrome Greek cross


Electrical Linewidth Test Structures for Advanced Lithography

34 33 Binary I-type Binary L-type PS I-Type PS L-type

Sheet Resistance ( / )

32 31 30 29 28 27 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

Design Width (m)







Figure 5.9: Mean values of

than 1%. The narrower structures show much more variation with size, in particular the sheet resistances extracted from the phase shifted L-type structures show a sharp increase as dimensions reduce. At present the reason for this is not clear but it is only in the L-type structures that the phase shifting elements surround the centre of the Greek cross as can be seen in Fig. 5.2. The fabrication of the phase shifters may be affecting the geometry of the cross leading to problems with the measurements. gure representing the difference between measurements made on a cross structure at different orientations and is used to calculate a correction factor which is applied to the calculated sheet resistance to correct for asymmetry [37]. Fig. 5.10 shows the average asymmetry factor plotted against feature size. is a

structures only requires correction of about 0.3% to the value of

the L-Type phase shifted structures conrm that these structures are not symmetrical and that correction factors should be applied. The sheet resistance results for these structures (see gure 5.9) have been corrected according to the method described in reference [37] and this has been effective for the structures wider than 89 m.

 ` baTE%

 ` baTE%

cross structures with cross arms wider than


to be used. Fig. 5.10 shows that

c `%( X baTE4iW

Provided that

the correction factor approaches unity and does not need is negligible for binary and I-type phase shifted m. Even the narrowest of these . The results from

X iW


against feature size for chrome Greek cross structures.

Electrical Linewidth Test Structures for Advanced Lithography

0.6 Binary I-Type Binary L-Type PSM I-Type PSM L-Type


Asymmetry Factor (|FA |)





FA = 10%

0 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

Cross Arm Width ( m)








However, asymmetry correction cannot account for the high values of sheet resistance encountered in the narrower crosses. The effect of the phase shifting elements on these structures may lead to current crowding and joule heating in the narrow tracks during measurement. Alternatively, these crosses may have ceased to meet the conditions required for a van der Pauw structure (see sections 2.1.3 and 2.1.4). In addition to the calculation of mean sheet resistance for all the structures with the same nominal feature size, as shown in Fig. 5.9, it is possible to investigate the variability of the measurements across the range of different mark to space ratios by taking the standard deviation. The results of these calculations are presented in Fig. 5.11. It should be expected that the variation of the sheet resistance between different structures of the same size would reduce as the cross arm width is increased. Reference [41] shows that larger Greek cross structures are less sensitive to short range non-uniformity in the resistivity of the conducting lm being measured. Large structures effectively extract the average sheet resistance for the material.



Figure 5.10: Average Greek cross asymmetry factor structures.

versus feature size for chrome

Electrical Linewidth Test Structures for Advanced Lithography

1.4 1.2

Variation of Rs () ( / )

1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

Binary I-Type Binary L-Type PS I-Type PS L-Type

Design Width ( m)







Figure 5.11: Standard deviation of structures.

5.2.4 Linewidth Measurements

using the manual probing system before the chromium oxide was removed and the results are presented in table 5.2.

Table 5.2: Results of Kelvin measurements made on a bridge linewidth structure with a A. force current of The standard deviations observed when making the bridge measurements are almost in some cases. This is probably because the voltages being measured are

much higher for the bridge structures than for the crosses. Taking the average bridge resistance from table 5.2 and using it in equation (2.20), along with the average sheet value of linewidth was m so the electrical width is about 4.4% less than this. 91 resistance from table 5.1, gives an electrical linewidth ( ) of m. The nominal

proportionally much smaller ( 0.035%) than for the

measurements where

cq ` 0"dc&(

z {m


Force Direction Forward Reverse Average

Mean Resistance ( ) 6730.22 6729.34 6729.78

 ` "e!&(

Initial measurements of the resistance of a nominal

against feature size for chrome Greek cross

m wide track were performed

( ) 2.4537 2.2709 -

%% &0&!


 ` "e!&(

% &

Electrical Linewidth Test Structures for Advanced Lithography

If the individual values of

gures using the average bridge resistance it can be seen that the measurements which showed the best repeatability provide values of ECD closest to the nominal linewidth. The linewidth results and the standard deviations of the sheet resistances can be seen in table 5.3.

Table 5.3: Sheet resistance, standard deviation of measurement orientation.

and linewidths for each Greek cross

There are two main sources for variability in electrical CD measurements, rstly the measurement of the resistance of the bridge itself and secondly the value of sheet resistance used in the linewidth calculation. The rst can be minimised through the choice of measurement current and, as is clear from the results in table 5.2, makes up a very small proportion of the measured resistance. The sheet resistance variability is more of a problem. It was shown in section 5.2.3 that the value of from the cross structures was a function of the feature size and it was also found that the repeatability of the measurements improved as the nominal cross arm width was increased. For this reason it was decided that the average of the sheet resistances These values are structures. extracted from the m structures should be used in the calculation of electrical CD.

In addition to the electrical measurements of linewidth, the mask has been measured using a CD-SEM. The results obtained from the isolated structures are shown in gure 5.12. It is clear from these that there is an offset between the measured and designed width and it seems to be larger than the difference seen above for the measurements made before the oxide was removed. This suggests that there was some lateral etching of the chrome during oxide removal. There is also an offset between the results obtained by electrical measurements and those from the CD-SEM. This is to expected as systematic differences of a similar size are common between electrical linewidth measurements and other CD metrology techniques [89, 90]. Plotting the data 92

d `g 0dcR0

for the phase shifted structures and

for the binary


| nz m



Mean ( 24.0328 24.3091 23.7083 24.4804

( ) 4.886 0.462 4.809 0.489

from each orientation are used to calculate linewidth

( m) 1.428 1.445 1.409 1.455

d0p0e!R0 `g  ` "e!&(

u x w s u tr s x u s w u s tr


Electrical Linewidth Test Structures for Advanced Lithography

in this way makes it difcult to visualise the offset because of the large range of widths. Fig. 5.13 shows the results of subtracting each of the measured CD values from the nominal drawn width for that structure.
1.6 1.4 1.2

Measured CD ( m)

1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 CD-SEM ECD Nominal Width

Nominal Linewidth ( m)








Figure 5.12: Measured linewidth versus the designed CD for isolated bridge structures.

Nominal Width - Measured CD ( m)

0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7


Nominal linewidth ( m)








Figure 5.13: Designed linewidth minus the measured CD plotted against the designed width for isolated bridge structures.


Electrical Linewidth Test Structures for Advanced Lithography

This identies the offset between the electrical and SEM measurements which varies obvious trend with feature size. The same operation has been performed with the CD measurements of the dense linewidth structures with a mark to space ratio of 1:2 and the results are presented in gure 5.14.

Nominal Width - Measured CD ( m)

0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

Nominal Linewidth ( m)





Figure 5.14: Designed linewidth minus the measured CD plotted against the designed width for 1:2 dense bridge structures. The most important point to notice here is the offset between the electrical and SEM results for the phase shifted structure which is about twice that observed for the binary structures. For CD-SEM linewidth measurement the threshold selected to dene the edge of the feature has a systematic effect on the extracted width. It is possible that the presence of the alternating phase shifting elements affect the SEM image so that the tracks appear signicantly wider than expected. It is also clear that the electrical results track each other very well with an almost constant offset. The CD-SEM results from the binary structures also show a similar pattern but this is not the case for the phase shifted results. There seems to be an additional uncertainty about these SEM measurements which supports the case for the use of electrical on-mask metrology. Unfortunately no SEM images are available of the phase shifted structures but gure 5.15 shows a typical image obtained from the binary section of the mask. 94

from a maximum of

0.08 m down to a minimum of

0.02 m. However, there is no





Electrical Linewidth Test Structures for Advanced Lithography

Charging of the mask in the SEM chamber meant that the images obtained had poor contrast which is undesirable when attempting to make accurate CD measurements. Imaging the mask for 10 minutes led to an almost total loss of contrast. The sample then had to be removed from the chamber for at least 20 minutes before measurements could continue. Only 7 measurements could be completed in this time which does not does not compare well with the electrical tests where automation can allow the measurement of hundreds of structures in 30 minutes.


The results presented in gures 5.13 and 5.14 suggest that the difference between the measured and designed width is not a function of the linewidth. However, if the results from the dense structures are plotted as a function of the mark to space ratio for a certain linewidth it becomes clear that there is a signicant proximity effect on the width of the bridge resistor. Figure 5.16 shows the electrical and SEM CD results for increases as the mark to space ratio becomes smaller. In other words, the measured width of the line decreases as the spacing between it and the surrounding dummy tracks increases. dense m structures. The difference between the designed and measured widths

5.2.5 Conclusions and Further Work

The preliminary measurements indicated that it is possible to probe test structures on chrome masks with anti-reective coatings. However, suspected probe related problems make the measurements less repeatable than when probing the etched chrome pads. 95

 ` baTE%

Figure 5.15: SEM image of a nominally

m wide binary feature.

 ` 0dcE%

Electrical Linewidth Test Structures for Advanced Lithography


Nominal Width - Measured CD ( m)

0.2 0.16 0.12 0.08 0.04 0 -0.04 1:1 1:1.5

Binary ECD Binary SEM PS ECD PS SEM 1:2 1:3 1:5 1:10

Line To Space Ratio

Figure 5.16: Designed linewidth minus the measured CD plotted against mark to space ratio for m dense bridge structures. The measurements made on Greek cross structures show that the variability of the extracted sheet resistance is reduced by increasing the size of the cross. It is clear that the etching of the phase shifting elements has a strong effect on the geometry of the L-type cross structures. This leads to large errors in the very narrow crosses which cannot be removed through the use of the correction factor . Further work will include the use of an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) to investigate these structures in an attempt to fully explain the results. Future on-mask test structure layouts should use very large Greek crosses, or possibly box crosses, for following the minimum feature size of the bridge section. In addition these should be isolated structures as there is no need to use phase shifting elements which can affect the geometry of the cross in order to print relatively large features. The electrical linewidth measurements show that the tracks are signicantly narrower than the designed width and this may be partly due to the etching process used to remove the anti-reective coating. There is also a systematic offset between binary and phase shifted dense tracks. Finally, there is a proximity effect in the dense structures which means that the width of the measured line increases as the spacing of the dummy tracks decreases.

extraction rather than


 ` 0dcE%

Electrical Linewidth Test Structures for Advanced Lithography

Differences have been demonstrated between CD-SEM and electrical measurements. As expected there is a systematic offset between the ECD and SEM results obtained from the binary structures. What was unexpected was that the phase shifted lines, which appeared to be electrically narrower than the binary structures, were measured on the CD-SEM system as being signicantly wider. This may be due to the phase shifting elements causing confusion about the position of the line edge. Charging of the mask in the SEM chamber also affects the measurement of linewidth leading to poor contrast and long testing times. This makes the possibility of using electrical test structures for mask metrology even more desirable. Further work will include using the mask to print test structures which can be measured electrically and with a CD-SEM system. The results will be compared with those made on the on-mask structures in order to extract information about the MEEF of the exposure system being used. On-mask linewidth structures will also be imaged using an AFM in order to investigate the offsets observed between phase shifted and binary structures.

5.3 Optical Proximity Correction

5.3.1 Background
The introduction to this chapter stated that resolution enhancing schemes such as PSM can be used to image features with critical dimensions lower than the wavelength used in the exposure tool. The problem with printing sub-wavelength features is that the pattern becomes distorted because of optical or process proximity effects [135, 143146]. Figure 5.17(a) shows some of the effects observed with sub-wavelength features such as shortening of lines and rounding of corners. OPC is an attempt to make the nal printed feature more closely match the desired layout by adding serifs to external corners and end lines, and removing opaque material at internal corners. The amount of material that is removed or added is a function of the surrounding pattern. A typical mask with OPC features and the corrected printed feature can be seen in gure 5.17(b). There is another effect observed in sub-wavelength metrology which means there is 97

Electrical Linewidth Test Structures for Advanced Lithography

Line Shortening New Mask With OPC

Internal Corner Rounding

Old Mask No OPC

External Corner Rounding



Figure 5.17: (a)Schematic of mask layout without OPC and the resulting printed feature showing corner rounding and line shortening. (b)Schematic of mask layout with OPC and its printed feature which more closely ts the desired layout (dashed line). a critical dimension offset between densely packed and isolated lines. This is similar to the discrepancies observed with the PSM test structures in section 5.2. The effect is corrected either by adding sub-resolution assist features or by biasing the width of tracks depending upon their proximity to other features [137]. However, the work presented here focuses on linewidth test structures where the main interest is in examining the effect that OPC has on internal corners. For that reason proximity induced dimensional bias is not discussed.

5.3.2 Effects of OPC on Linewidth Measurement

Figure 5.18 shows a portion of a linewidth test structure illustrating the difference between the designed layout and the nal mask geometry with OPC. It can be observed that the bridge section, which is to be measured, is narrowed near to the voltage taps in the version with OPC. It is therefore important to be sure that the correction that is applied to the design does not cause necking on the fabricated test structure leading to CD measurement errors. For simple structures such as that shown in Figure 5.18 OPC can be performed manually on a trial and error basis. In this work the OPC module within Depict (see section A.3.4) was used to generate mask designs with different degrees of OPC aggressiveness. The next step is to use these to calculate aerial images, which represent the light intensity proles in the image plane of the simulated stepper. The exposure wavelength used was


Electrical Linewidth Test Structures for Advanced Lithography

Figure 5.18: An example of a portion of a linewidth test structure showing the original CAD layout and the mask geometry with OPC. The feature size is m. 248nm with a numerical aperture (NA) of 0.48 and partial coherence ( ) of 0.7. These images were then used to simulate the exposure and development of the photoresist. An example of the resulting three-dimensional resist pattern can be seen in gure 5.19. It is clear that proximity effects lead to rounding of the internal corners of the structure but the effect of the OPC reduces this, as can be seen in gure 5.20.

Figure 5.19: 3-D plot of the pattern transferred into the photoresist after exposure and development of a key portion of a linewidth test structure. It can be observed that the proximity correction caused no reduction in the width of the measured track, except in the case with the maximum amount of OPC where the bridge was narrowed along the whole length. The resulting photoresist images were


! ` "0eE%

Electrical Linewidth Test Structures for Advanced Lithography


mask No OPC Min OPC OPC 2 OPC 3 Max OPC











Figure 5.20: Illustration of the way in which the image transferred to the photoresist is affected by the degree of OPC applied. then used to determine the exact geometries of test structures. Boundary information was extracted by taking a slice through the simulated photoresist pattern at a particular height. This data was used to generate grids in the Michelangelo visualisation and editing tool (see section A.3.5) for each level of OPC. These grids can then be used to simulate the electrical performance of the test structures using the Medici device simulator (see section A.3.6). The initial simulations examined the resistance of a single voltage tap in the linewidth structure. This is very important for electrical CD measurements because the effect of the voltage tap is to make the line appear shorter [100]. This means that the linewidth will be underestimated unless the length of the bridge section is signicantly larger than the tap width [39, 40]. Reference [83] describes a test structure which allows the which include dummy voltage taps. This allows the use of much shorter bridge sections which may be important in some processes where the uniformity of the conducting material is uncertain. One of the simulated tap sections, including the voltage contours, is shown in measurement of the tap induced, line shortening gure, , by using bridge sections



gure 5.21. The resistance of this structure can be used to calculate a value of


Electrical Linewidth Test Structures for Advanced Lithography

for each level of OPC. The simulated resistance results are plotted in gure 5.22(a) aggressive OPC mask correction for 248nm exposures can reduce the value of minimum of

Figure 5.21: Schematic plan view of simulated voltage tap showing contours of potential.
3.7 3.6 3.5

3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3 2.9 No OPC Min OPC OPC 2 OPC 3 Max OPC

Line Shortening ( m)

Resistance ( )

Figure 5.22: (a) Simulated resistance of the voltage tap section for different degrees of OPC. The resistance obtained using the mask layout with no OPC is also indicated. (b) values calculated from the tap resistances in (a). In order to further investigate the effects of OPC on the functionality of this bridge resistor linewidth structure simulations were also performed using the whole 101



 ` )x(E%


m. The simulation of the designed mask geometry provides the theoretical for this structure.









Degree of OPC



Degree of OPC








while the calculated

values can be seen in gure 5.22(b). It is clear that the most

Electrical Linewidth Test Structures for Advanced Lithography

structure. The electrical CD of the bridge section of the structures is calculated using equation (2.20). A schematic view of one of the simulated linewidth structures, including voltage contours, can be seen in gure 5.23.

Figure 5.23: Schematic plan view of a simulated bridge resistor linewidth structure showing typical voltage contours during testing. It is possible to calculate the tap induced, line shortening effect by measuring the resistance of the whole structure including the voltage taps. Current is forced between the terminals at either end of the structure and the voltage is measured to give the used in the simulation an apparent length for the structure can be calculated by m) and the apparent length of the total resistance

rearranging equation (2.20). The line shortening effect of one voltage tap is simply bridge. Figure 5.24(a) shows for this structure for different degrees of OPC. at maximum OPC than for the previous values from

simulations because part of the effect in this case comes from a thinning of the line gure 5.22(b) should be used to calculate corrected values of linewidth. Figure 5.24(b) shows the results of the linewidth measurement both with and without correction for line shortening, where 1% of the nominal value of

. The corrected values of linewidth are all within m except for that obtained from the structure with 102


between the voltage taps. For that reason it was decided that the


For this full structure there is a greater


given by half of the difference between the real (

! ` "0eE%

! ` "0eE% d 0p@(


. By assuming the linewidth is

m and knowing the value of

Electrical Linewidth Test Structures for Advanced Lithography

the highest level of OPC. The proximity correction applied to this structure has actually narrowed the measured bridge section, as can be seen in gure 5.20.
0.3 0.3 0.29 Corrected Measured

Line Shortening per Tap ( m)


Linewidth ( m)
No OPC Min OPC OPC 2 OPC 3 Max OPC Mask

0.28 0.27 0.26 0.25 0.24





Degree of OPC



Degree of OPC







Figure 5.24: (a) Line shortening derived from simulations of a full, bridge resistor, line-width test structure. (b) Results of linewidth extraction along with measurements corrected for the line shortening effects of the voltage taps.

5.3.3 Effects of OPC on Sheet Resistance Measurements

From equation (2.20) it can be observed that any inaccuracy in the measurement of sheet resistance is directly transferred to the extracted value of linewidth [44, 51]. As geometries reduce, small asymmetries at the centre of the Greek cross, that were unimportant at larger dimensions, have the potential to signicantly affect current ows. Figure 5.25 gives some examples of cross structures with severe asymmetries simulated in two-dimensions with Raphael (see section A.3.2). The method for extracting sheet resistance from a Greek cross structure is described in found using equation (2.18) with the correction factor

case for asymmetrical structures such as those in gure 5.25. The simulation results for every possible measurement orientation of these structures are presented in table 5.4. Obviously simulation results are not affected by any instrumentation problems and so reversing the current gives the same result, hence there are only four resistance to each other results in the same sheet resistance value. This is to be expected from the reciprocity relationship described in reference [37]. This reference also introduces 103 columns. In addition, averaging together any pair of measurements which are at

U &h %

( e

U% &h

section 2.1.4. If the structure has

rotational symmetry then sheet resistance can be . However, this is not the

Electrical Linewidth Test Structures for Advanced Lithography

Greek Cross 1
5.00 5.00

Greek Cross 2

Greek Cross 3



Distance (Microns) 2.00 3.00

Distance (Microns) 2.00 3.00







2.00 3.00 Distance (Microns)





2.00 3.00 Distance (Microns)





Distance (Microns) 2.00 3.00



2.00 3.00 Distance (Microns)



Greek Cross 4
5.00 5.00

Greek Cross 5


Distance (Microns) 2.00 3.00





2.00 3.00 Distance (Microns)





Distance (Microns) 2.00 3.00



2.00 3.00 Distance (Microns)



Figure 5.25: Schematic plan views of ve cross structures with large asymmetrical features showing the voltage contours observed during simulations

effects of asymmetry. A table of correction factors is provided in the appendix of this for values of over 70% using the simulation results in table 5.4
Orientation Percentage Correction Factor Average Value Corrected Value

Greek 1 Greek 2 Greek 3 Greek 4 Greek 5

0.3023 0.3230 0.2585 0.3146 0.2785

0.1553 0.1432 0.1862 0.1484 0.1718

0.3023 0.3230 0.2585 0.3146 0.2785

0.1553 0.1433 0.1867 0.1478 0.1716

0.2288 0.2331 0.2225 0.2313 0.2251

64.294 77.135 32.513 71.807 47.395

0.9631 0.9462 0.9908 0.9537 0.9802

1.0369 1.0565 1.0079 1.0492 1.0205

Table 5.4: Simulated resistance values and the extracted sheet resistances for the structure shown in gure 5.25 (The value of sheet resistance in the simulations was ).


d 0p@(






0.9987 0.9997 0.9986 1.0006 1.0003



  }Q ~H

  }Q ~SG5

} ~Q

} ~Q



paper which covers values of asymmetry factor,

the correction factor

which is combined with the sheet resistance to correct for the , up to 14%. Table 5.5 extends this

X iW


Electrical Linewidth Test Structures for Advanced Lithography

11.95 18.61 29.14 32.51 46.63 47.40 64.29 71.81 77.14

0.1195 0.3006 0.7396 0.9223 1.9116 1.9762 3.6858 4.6322 5.3766

1.1271 1.2051 1.3411 1.3883 1.6080 1.6212 1.9475 2.1203 2.2555

Table 5.5: Relationship between geometrical asymmetry factor and the sheet resistance correction factor . is the ratio between the values of measured at the and orientations, as in section 2.1.4. The use of OPC on a Greek cross structure could introduce asymmetries into the geometry and it is clear from the results above that this can have a huge effect on very small crosses. The Medici structure boundaries generated using Depict have been used to create new sheet resisitance test structures for simulation. An example of one of these crosses can be seen in gure 5.26.

Figure 5.26: Schematic plan view of a Greek cross structure with OPC generated by Depict.


U %

It shows equipotentials for the

orientation simulation.

U R%




B P 5


f e U &h %

Electrical Linewidth Test Structures for Advanced Lithography

The ve simulated photoresist images shown in gure 5.20, along with the mask layout without OPC, were used to create Greek cross structure boundaries for simulation. Table 5.6 presents the results of the simulations perfomed using these structures. Because the asymmetries in these devices were very small no values for the correction factor ( in all cases) or for a corrected sheet resistance are given.

No OPC Min OPC OPC 2 OPC 3 Max OPC Mask

0.22051 0.22054 0.22080 0.22060 0.22052 0.22086

0.22083 0.22110 0.22053 0.22063 0.22077 0.22053

-0.14588 -0.25225 0.12402 -0.01551 -0.11530 0.15186

0.22067 0.22082 0.22066 0.22061 0.22064 0.22069

Table 5.6: Sheet resistance results for simulated Greek crosses derived from Depict aerial images. The results obtained from the uncorrected CAD layout are also included

5.3.4 OPC Conclusions

This section has examined the effect of OPC on test structures designed to measure the electrical linewidth of tracks. It has been shown that OPC can reduce the value 0.15 m when using 248nm wavelength exposures. More importantly it has been shown that masks created by OPC software do not cause signicant necking at the tap location and so can be safely applied to test structures. In addition, the extraction of sheet resistance from asymmetrical Greek crosses has presented. It has been shown that these correction factors can be used condently, even with very large asymmetry values. While in theory only four measurements are required to extract the sheet resistance it is proposed that for best accuracy all eight possible measurement combinations should be made and a correction factor applied if necessary. Finally, results for Greek cross structures exposed using OPC have been presented which, as expected, showed that OPC has no effect upon the value of sheet resistance extracted. of voltage tap induced, line shortening for a m wide track by between 0.1 and



been investigated and the correction factors for values of

of over 77% have been

! ` "0eE%


1.00016 1.00083 1.00012 0.99990 1.00003 1.00027

7 (


} ~Q

} ~Q

( e e

Chapter 6 Examples of Process Characterisation Using Resistive Test Structures

6.1 Introduction
This chapter presents two examples of the use of sheet resistance and electrical linewidth test structures to characterise semiconductor fabrication processes. These structures are ideally suited to this task because of the information that they can provide. Sheet resistance information can be used to characterise a deposition process by showing how the thickness changes with time. to characterise an etch process where an increase in This could reveal whether or not the deposition rate is uniform. Sheet resistance structures could also be used a conducting lm is being thinned. Similarly, a linewidth structure would provide information about lateral etching of features. However, the most obvious use for an electrical linewidth structure is in the extraction of the minimum feature size capability of a photolithographic process. The rst example (section 6.2) of process characterisation described in this chapter is concerned with the effect of a bulk silicon wet etch on aluminium metallisation. Cross bridge test structures have been used to extract both sheet resistance and linewidth. The ECD results indicate whether or not the metal features are becoming narrower due to exposure to the etchant. The second example (section 6.3) describes test structures which have been used to characterise a Focused Ion Beam (FIB) induced platinum deposition process. Box cross type structures were used to extract the sheet resistance of the deposited platinum lm. This data was then used to predict the resistances of Pt tracks fabricated using the same 107

data provides information about vertical etching of the aluminium while the

would be observed when

Examples of Process Characterisation Using Resistive Test Structures

process. This section also includes details of computer simulations performed in order to nd the ideal geometry for the cross structures.

6.2 Example 1: Characterisation of a Silicon Wet Etch Process

6.2.1 Introduction
Anisotropic wet etching of silicon is a central technology in Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) fabrication. This is typically achieved using alkaline solutions such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH), potassium hydroxide (KOH) and tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide (TMAH). Unfortunately these etchants are incompatible with aluminium metallisation which makes the integration of MEMS elements with CMOS electronics problematic [147, 148]. References [149] and [150] describe the development of a TMAH based solution which has been shown to passivate aluminium metallisation while still giving a silicon etch rate of 1.1 m/min in the [110] direction. This is accomplished by adding sodium silicate solution, also known as water glass, to the TMAH. One additional problem encountered with such alkaline silicon etchants is hillock formation where pyramidal features form on the etched (100) Si surface [151, 152]. The addition of the strong oxidiser ammonium persulfate (APS) to the etch mixture prevents this effect and improves the quality of the surface [153]. composition of the resultant etchant mixture can be found in table 6.1. Chemical Tetramethyl Ammonium Hydroxide (TMAH) Sodium Silicate Solution (Water Glass) Ammonium Persulfate (APS) De-Ionised Water Concentration 5% by weight 64g SiO l 5g l To total volume of 0.8l The

Table 6.1: Composition of TMAH based anisotropic bulk silicon etchant which passivates aluminium and improves the quality of the etched Si surface [149]. Initially the effect of the etch process on aluminium was characterised simply by observations using an optical microscope [149]. This is a purely qualitative measurement which does not provide information about the electrical properties of the remaining metal. In order to fully characterise this composition of etch solution the electrical and physical characteristics were measured and analysed. Electrical 108

5 $B 5 $B 

Examples of Process Characterisation Using Resistive Test Structures

characterisation was performed with a standard cross-bridge test structure [45] measured using an HP4062B parametric test system and a Solartron voltmeter (see sections A.2.1 and A.2.2), while the physical analysis utilised a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Initial results were published in reference [154] and this section will review that work and present the results of further experiments using the TMAH based etchant.

6.2.2 Test Structure Design

W=3.0 L=800

W=4.0 L=800

W=7.0 L=1200

W=8.0 L=1200

Figure 6.1: Aluminium cross-bridge test structure layout. The test structures chosen for this investigation were part of a layout originally designed to characterise a damascene metallisation process and can be seen in gure 6.1 [50]. The tracks have nominal design widths of 3, 4, 7, and 8 m with measured bridge lengths of 800 m for the two narrower tracks, and 1200 m for the wider tracks. The pad conguration was designed to enable measurement using a standard 2 n probe card. Cross-bridge test structures were selected because they are able to measure both the sheet resistance and linewidth, and hence can help determine if the TMAH etch is thinning and/or narrowing the aluminium features. Figure 6.2 illustrates three possible options for the fabrication of the test structures. 109

Examples of Process Characterisation Using Resistive Test Structures

Each arrangement allows a different effect of the wet etch to be measured and requires a different fabrication technique. However, they all share the common layout design shown in gure 6.1. Type A structures are fabricated by using a Reactive Ion Etch (RIE) to remove the excess aluminium. This exposes three sides of the aluminium track to the wet etch which can then affect both the width and the thickness. Type B structures are fabricated using a CMP (Chemical Mechanical Planarisation) damascene process [121] where trenches are etched in the oxide followed by the deposition of aluminium to ll the trenches. Excess metal is then removed through CMP leaving the metal lled trenches. In this case only the top surface of the track is exposed to the etchant. Type C is a further option, similar to type A, with a protective layer of, for example, SiO on top of the aluminium which would allow the sidewall etch rate to be evaluated. This type of structure has not been considered here.

Type A
Si02 Si Al

Type B

Type C
Figure 6.2: Schematic cross sections through aluminium tracks showing possible test structure congurations.

6.2.3 Type A Test Structures

The initial investigation described in [154] used type A structures to characterise the effect of the TMAH based etch. The test structures were fabricated on 3-inch (100) silicon wafers covered in 1 m thick, thermally grown, wet oxide. Half of the wafers were sputtered with 1 m of pure aluminium while the rest received the same thickness tool, and the exposed metal reactively ion etched. It should be noted that these initial 110 of Al/1%Si. The structures shown in gure 6.1 were printed using a 5


Examples of Process Characterisation Using Resistive Test Structures

samples were not annealed. The pure aluminium samples were initially etched in the TMAH based solution for one hour, and then at intervals of 30 minutes up to a total etch time of 3.5 hours. The etch was carried out in a 1l beaker with 0.8l of etch mixture. A reux condenser was used to keep the concentration stable, and the temperature was kept at temperature controlled hot plate. A 250 rev/min magnetic stirrer was used to keep the solution homogeneous both with respect to concentration and temperature. The setup is illustrated in gure 6.3.

Reflux condenser Thermometer Wafer holder Lid Beaker TMAH Wafer Stirring rod

Magnetic stirrer/Heater plate

Figure 6.3: Schematic diagram of the equipment used to perform the etching experiments. After each etch the wafer was rinsed and dried before both the electrical and physical effects on the aluminium lines (3, 4, and 7 m wide) were evaluated. SEM images of one of the pure aluminium tracks at various stages of the etch process can be seen in Figure 6.4. It can be observed that the roughness of the surface increases with etch time, and the grains can be easily identied. The Greek cross sections of the test structures were measured in order to extract the sheet resistance and to reveal if the effective thickness of the metal is being reduced by the etch process. Initially, structures were measured on four different test die spread evenly over the wafer. The results from the structures with a nominal feature size of m are presented in gure 6.5. There is signicant variation in 111

U &g %

C using a

from die to die,


Examples of Process Characterisation Using Resistive Test Structures

(a) Before TMAH etch

(b) After 1 hour of TMAH etch

(c) After 3.5 hours of TMAH etch

Figure 6.4: SEM micrographs of type A, pure aluminium tracks. which is caused by uneven aluminium deposition, but the trend of the data with etch time is similar for all four structures. The results indicate that sheet resistance increases linearly with etch time. Any increase in sheet resistance suggests a decrease in the effective thickness of the track. The electrical measurements therefore indicate that the pure aluminium lines are monotonically becoming thinner throughout the etch time. The SEM images show that the top surface of the metal becomes rougher during the etch and that the grain structure becomes more dened. This suggests that the etching predominantly occurs along the grain boundaries leading to a non-uniform cross section similar to that illustrated in gure 6.6. The effect of this would be an increase in the measured sheet resistance, but this will vary depending on the initial grain size of the deposited material and the dimensions of the Greek cross. Reference [41] is an investigation of the effects


Examples of Process Characterisation Using Resistive Test Structures



Sheet Resistance ( / )

0.036 Die 1 L.R. Die 2 L.R. Die 3 L.R. Die 4 L.R. Die 1 Data Die 2 Data Die 3 Data Die 4 Data




0.028 0 0.5 1

Etch Time (hour)




Figure 6.5: Sheet resistance versus etch time for type A, pure aluminium structures. The straight lines are tted to the measurement data by linear regression (L.R.). of non-uniform sheet resistance on the operation of four-terminal cross structures with different geometries. The conclusion of the paper is that Greek crosses with wide arms or some form of box cross should be used in such a situation to extract the mean value of sheet resistance.

Aluminium Track

Figure 6.6: Schematic cross section through an aluminium feature where etching has occurred along grain boundaries. The sheet resistance results were then used in the calculation of the width of the bridge section of each structure. The ECD results will indicate whether or not the etch solution is attacking the sides of the aluminium tracks and reducing the width. Figure 6.7 shows that the linewidth does not vary signicantly over the 3.5 hours of etching. There are a number of possible reasons why the tracks are not attacked from the sides by the etchant. Firstly, as the nominal Al thickness is 1 m, the lines are between 3 to 8 times wider than they are thick, making the surface area available for etching smaller. In addition, the sidewalls do not have the same grain structure as the top surface. As the SEM micrographs show, the sidewalls are much smoother than the top surface and have 113

Examples of Process Characterisation Using Resistive Test Structures

no visible grain structure. This further reduces the surface area and therefore leads to slower etching.

8 7 6

Linewidth ( m)

5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0.5 1

Etch Time (hour)




Figure 6.7: Electrical linewidth versus etch time for type A, pure aluminium structures. The lines are linear ts to the data. In order to provide more information about the initial period of etching, it was decided to monitor the Al/1%Si samples at 15 minute intervals during the rst hour, and then at 30 minute intervals up to the total etch time of 3.5 hours. SEM images of a type-A Al/1%Si track at various stages during the wet etching process can be seen in gure 6.8. It appears, from gures 6.8(a) to 6.8(c), that the surface roughness increases during the rst 30 minutes of etching. However, comparison of gures 6.8(c) and 6.8(d) shows there is little additional etching after the initial 30 minutes. This suggests that the surface of the Al/1%Si is passivated after a certain length of exposure to the etch mixture. The electrical results appear to conrm this hypothesis as the sheet resistance increases during the initial period of etching, but remains approximately constant for the nal 3 hours of etching. The results of in gure 6.9(a) while gure 6.9(b) shows the measured electrical linewidths. The ECD results indicate that, as with the pure aluminium structures, there is little or no etching along the sides of the tracks and it is for this reason that type C structures were not investigated.


measurements are presented

Examples of Process Characterisation Using Resistive Test Structures

(a) Before TMAH etch

(b) After 15 minutes of TMAH etch

(c) After 30 minutes of TMAH etch

(d) After 3.5 hours of TMAH etch

Figure 6.8: SEM micrographs of type A, Al/1%Si tracks

6.2.4 Type B Test Structures

A number of type B structures were fabricated in order to extend the results presented in the initial study. The fabrication of the damascene metal samples begins with the growth of thermal oxide over the whole of the blank wafer. The thickness of the oxide was measured using a Nanospec optical metrology tool and was found to be 1.07 m. The wafer was then patterned using a dark eld (negative) version of the mask used to print the type A structures. This leaves the desired features exposed while the eld oxide remains covered by photoresist. Next, the wafer undergoes a reactive ion etch which completely clears the oxide from the exposed trenches. A second thermal oxidation step follows the oxide etch and ensures that the metal features are isolated from the silicon substrate. The eld oxide thickness after the second oxidation was 1.15 m while the thickness at the bottom of the etched features was found to be 220nm. This makes the approximate depth of the trenches 930nm. The wafer was


y y y


Examples of Process Characterisation Using Resistive Test Structures

Mean Rs Rs Data

10 9 8

Sheet Resistance ( / )



Linewidth ( m)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5

7 6 5 4 3 2 1




Etch Time (hour)


Etch Time (hour)






Figure 6.9: (a) Sheet resistance plotted against etch time for type A, Al/1%Si structures. for each etch time is also plotted (b) Electrical linewidth The mean value of versus etch time for the same structures. The straight lines are linear ts to the data. then sputtered with approximately 1.4 m of Al/1%Si in order to ll the trenches and placed on a CMP polishing tool for damascene processing. After polishing for around 10 minutes the metal structures are cleared and ready for testing. SEM images of the damascene aluminium tracks at different stages of wet etching are presented in gure 6.10. The rst of the images (6.10(a)) shows a 7 m wide track before the rst TMAH etch. The difference between the surface of the metal here and that shown in gures 6.4(a) and 6.8(a) is clearly evident. Instead of the clear grain structure observed with the type A lines the surface of the polished tracks appears to be reasonably smooth and uniform, apart from the occasional scratch mark caused by debris in the CMP slurry. The SEM images taken after the wet etching use a higher magnication but these again show a surface with a uniform roughness where there is no sign of the aluminium grain structure. Scratches caused during polishing can also still be seen on the metal surface after exposure to TMAH. The type-B structures were electrically tested before and after every 15 minutes of TMAH exposure up to a maximum of 1 hour. The sheet resistance and ECD results obtained are presented in gure 6.11 The rst important issue with the sheet resistance results (gure 6.11(a)) is the variation with nominal linewidth where the sheet resistance increases with the feature size. This is likely to be an effect of CMP induced dishing which thins the metal in proportion to the width of the trench as described in chapter 3. The variation of the sheet resistance over the 60 minutes of wet etching is between 0.002-0.003 116

d 0p

Examples of Process Characterisation Using Resistive Test Structures

(a) Before TMAH etch

(b) After 30 minutes of TMAH etch

(c) After 1 hour of TMAH etch

Figure 6.10: SEM micrographs of type B, Al/1%Si tracks. which is similar to the change in

type-A structures. Although there is no visible sign of etching occurring along grain boundaries, as is the case with the type-A structures, it is clear that there is a reduction in the conducting thickness of the aluminium. As the metal used was Al/1%Si it should be expected that the surface will become passivated and the sheet resistance become constant after the rst hour of etching as in gure 6.9(a). Unfortunately, data from type-B structures which have been etched for longer than 60 minutes is not available so this cannot be conrmed. The electrical linewidth results (gure 6.11(b)) suggest there is little change in the width of the tracks with increasing TMAH etch time. This is to be expected because the sides of the damascene features are not exposed to the etchant.

observed during the rst hour of etching with the


Examples of Process Characterisation Using Resistive Test Structures

0.048 10 9

Sheet Resistance ( / )


Electrical CD ( m)

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
8 m 7 m 4 m 3 m

0.044 0.042 0.04 0.038 0.036 0.034

8 m 7 m 4 m 3 m




Etch Time (min.)












Etch Time (min.)











Figure 6.11: (a) Mean Sheet resistance plotted against etch time for type B, Al/1%Si structures. (b) Mean ECD versus etch time for the same structures. The straight lines are linear ts to the data.

6.2.5 Conclusions
The effect of a TMAH based, bulk silicon etch solution on aluminium metallisation has been investigated through the use of electrical sheet resistance and linewidth structures. The etchant was developed to passivate aluminium and prevent its removal while still providing a good [110] silicon etch rate and reducing hillock formation on etched Si surfaces. The initial experiments used type-A structures where both the top metal surface and sidewalls are exposed to the etchant. Electrical results from pure aluminium test structures showed that the sheet resistance increased linearly with etch time while the linewidth remained constant. SEM images of the tracks indicate that etching occurs primarily along the aluminium grain boundaries leading to increased surface roughness and a reduction in the average thickness. A further set of type-A structures fabricated using Al/1%Si alloy were subjected to the same process and provided interesting results. The sheet resistance does not increase signicantly after the rst 30 minutes of etching so it appears that the etching of the metal ceases at this time. SEM images show that the surface roughness of the Al/1%Si tracks did not change signicantly after the rst 30 minutes which suggests that the aluminium surface is completely passivated. The nal experiment involved test structures fabricated using a damascene process which meant that only the top surface of the metallisation was exposed to the wet etch. There was no distinct grain structure visible at the surface of the polished tracks either before or after exposure to the TMAH. However it does appear that the tracks 118

Examples of Process Characterisation Using Resistive Test Structures

were being thinned as the sheet resistance increased with etch time at a similar rate to that observed with the type-A structures. As expected, the linewidths of the type-B structures were not affected by the wet etch.

6.3 Example 2: Characterisation of Platinum Deposited by Focused Ion Beam

6.3.1 Introduction
A focused ion beam system is similar to a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) but uses a beam of Ga ions produced by a Liquid Metal Ion Source (LMIS) rather than electrons from a eld emission source. A schematic view of a typical FIB column can be seen in gure 6.12 [155]. It can be used to image surfaces in a similar manner to a SEM but its major application is the modication of integrated circuits by cutting and strapping [156].
LMIS Suppresor Extractor Beam Aperture

Lens 1 Variable Aperture Beam Blanking Lens 2


Figure 6.12: Schematic cross section through a standard FIB column showing the important elements. The cutting operation is performed by using the ion beam to physically remove (sputter) atoms from the sample surface. This technique can be used to cut through passivation


Examples of Process Characterisation Using Resistive Test Structures

to the required level of metallisation in order to break a track or create a via. It is possible to obtain an enhanced etch rate with certain materials by adding iodine gas to the chamber. This increases selectivity between aluminium and silicon dioxide when cutting metal tracks and also prevents the redeposition of the etched aluminium. A FIB system can also be used to selectively deposit metal on to the surface by ion beam induced deposition. Straps of metal deposited in this way can be used to create new connections between tracks once the FIB has cut vias through the passivation and the interlayer dielectric. This technique can be used to repair or modify an integrated circuit and can signicantly reduce the time taken in debugging designs. Platinum is the most common choice for use in integrated circuit repair and modication because it is inert in air and does not cause contamination of the circuit if deposited directly onto the silicon [157]. In order to deposit metal using the ion beam an organometallic precursor gas, (methylcyclopentadientyl)trimethyl platinum, is injected into the vacuum chamber through a needle close to the sample surface. This is adsorbed onto the surface and decomposes under the scanned ion beam to leave the deposited metal, as illustrated in gure 6.13. The FIB deposited platinum lm can have a high concentration of contaminants such as carbon, which are also a product of the decomposition of the organometallic precursor. Typical resistivities for this material platinum is approximately -cm [116].

Deposited Platinum


Figure 6.13: Schematic illustration of ion beam induced platinum deposition.

%%% t&004(

% t&4(

% t&"T

can range from

-cm to over

-cm [157] whereas the bulk resistivity of pure

Gas Injection

Precursor Gas


Examples of Process Characterisation Using Resistive Test Structures

The quality of the lm, its thickness, and therefore its sheet resistance, are functions of the ion beam current, the deposition time and the ion beam scan area. The deposition process needs to be characterised for each FIB system so that the basic electrical properties of a platinum strap can be predicted [156]. The typical requirement for a platinum strap is simply to have a low enough resistance to give a good electrical connection. The motivation for this study was to characterise the platinum deposition process so that resistive elements with a known value can be deposited.

6.3.2 Test Structures

The design of test structures for the characterisation of the platinum deposition process is complicated by the fact that it is only possible to deposit rectangular geometries. To fully characterise the platinum lms the sheet resistance must be determined in terms of the deposition process variables. This information can then be used to predict the resistance of platinum tracks. The test chip also needed to include structures which can accurately measure the resistance of a conducting track so that the homogeneous nature and uniformity of the sheet resistance data could be conrmed. Test Structure Design There are many methods available for measuring the sheet resistance of the deposited platinum. The simplest technique is to deposit a very large area of metal and then use a four point probe technique [28]. The problem with this method is the relationship between the deposition rate, the beam current and the scan area. Large areas take a long time to deposit unless the beam current is increased proportionately. The manual for the FEI FIB 200 workstation used for this work recommends a beam current density in the range of 2-6pA m and a maximum of 2pA m 1nA [158]. Hence, a platinum square with a m side requires a beam current of 5nA

compared to the standard beam current of 150pA. The alternative to the large deposition areas required by a four point probe technique is to use some version of the four-terminal van der Pauw [33, 34] sheet resistance structure such as a Greek [38] or a box cross [36]. The method of extracting the sheet resistance from these test structures is described in section 2.1.4. However, the fact that



% &&!


for beam currents above

Examples of Process Characterisation Using Resistive Test Structures

the FIB is limited to depositing rectangular geometries prevents the use of standard test structures. For example, a Greek cross would require at least three deposition regions connected together without any overlap which is completely impractical. The standard structures need to be adapted to meet the capabilities of the FIB system. The approach selected involved the design and fabrication of a set of aluminium features which form the basis of standard test structures. These are then completed by depositing a rectangular area of platinum. Figure 6.14 shows the aluminium layout for a box cross sheet resistance structure.

Figure 6.14: Aluminium layout for a Pt box cross sheet resistor. The structure is completed by depositing a square area of platinum between the aluminium voltage taps at the centre resulting in a box cross. The full design includes a number of these structures with different spacings between the voltage taps to allow a number of box cross sizes to be fabricated. The ideal four-terminal van der Pauw sheet resistance structure is a homogeneous conducting lm with an arbitrary shape and four point contacts on the boundary [33]. Real structures like Greek and box crosses can have nite contacts, and still provide accurate values of certain design rules [36, 40]. In the platinum box cross structures the contacts between the aluminium taps and the box can make up a signicant proportion of the box area. This can be seen in gure 6.15 which shows the geometry used for the initial set of test structures which were fabricated. It was decided that simulations of these structures should be performed to investigate any relationship between the size of the box and the accuracy of the measurements. In these simulations the width of the voltage taps ( 122 ) was set to m. Three sets


, if they follow

y u Gxws

Examples of Process Characterisation Using Resistive Test Structures


FIB Platinum

W =1m tap Wbox= 8m Ltap =1.5 m

between the box and the aluminium taps. The sheet resistance of the box section was of the simulations were performed in two dimensions using the Raphael package from Avant! and the results can be seen in gure 6.16.
Actual Sheet Resistance (1 Ohm/ )


Sheet Resistance (Ohm/

0.6 Lt=0.25 Lt=0.5 Lt=1.5



0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Box Side (micron)

Figure 6.16: Graph of sheet resistance against box dimensions for simulated platinum box cross structures with different voltage tap overlaps. 123

! ! "0lr0

! "l!

d 0p@(

set to

while its dimensions were were varied from

m up to

! ` "0eE%

e!E% e!&( xw ` ` y u

of simulations were performed with different overlaps (

g "lg

Figure 6.15: Schematic plan view of the centre of an

m box cross structure. , and m)

m. All

Examples of Process Characterisation Using Resistive Test Structures

The results show that the extracted sheet resistance approaches the actual value as the is almost 50% for a tap overlap of m. However, gure 6.16 indicates that this smaller. Figure 6.16 also suggests

that large box crosses should be used to increase the accuracy. The dilemma is that large deposition areas either require high beam currents or a long deposition time. The smaller structures also have areas closer to the dimensions of normal platinum straps. It was for this reason and also to ensure good contacts that the rst set of box cross structures fabricated had the dimensions detailed in gure 6.15. Asymmetries in van der Pauw structures can lead to errors in the extraction of sheet resistance. This would be the case if there was misalignment between the aluminium features and the platinum box. In order to investigate this a second set of simulations were performed which examined the effects of box misalignment. Box cross structures and misalignments ranging from to m in X and Y. The box sheet resistance where 5, 10, 20 and 25 m were simulated in two dimensions with . m

misalignment and the results from structures with the maximum misalignment where the sheet resistances. The results show that the effect of misalignment is dependent on the size of the box cross with the smallest changes in measured the largest boxes.
Box Size ( m) 5 10 20 25 m m

m m

( ) 0.7137 0.9243 0.9811 0.9874

( ) 0.7822 0.9334 0.9795 0.9863

Difference (%) 8.757 0.97 0.23 0.11

Table 6.2: Results of simulating the effects of misalignment on different sizes of box cross structure. In addition to the sheet resistance measurement structures, the test chip also includes aluminium features which can be used to create a four-terminal bridge resistance structure. The aluminium layout for one such structure can be seen in gure 6.17.


x x s s

 # ' ' # ' '


 # ' )' # ' U)'

u PP u PP  ` "ehE% G @S G @S

d 0p@(

was again set to

Table 6.2 shows the results of the simulations with no m. The table also shows the percentage difference between being observed with

( y u )xw

y u xwv

error can be signicantly reduced by making


size of the box increases. The error observed for a box structure with

 `% "ehEp

 ` "e!&(

ehE `%


Examples of Process Characterisation Using Resistive Test Structures

Figure 6.17: Aluminium layout used to form Pt bridge resistance test structure. In this case the structure is completed by the deposition of a narrow strap of platinum between the aluminium taps to form the bridge resistor. The four-terminal bridge resistor is a Kelvin test structure which can be used to measure the resistance of a conducting track. Its main application is as part of a linewidth measurement test structure [45]. The full test chip layout contains a number of cross and bridge type structures with a range of possible platinum deposition sizes. Test Structure Fabrication The platinum test structure fabrication process begins with the aluminium layout which is patterned into 500nm thick Al deposited on a silicon wafer. The wafers used have a thin layer of thermally grown oxide which isolates the substrate from the aluminium structures. Once the desired deposition area is identied the tips of the aluminium tracks that will connect the platinum structure to the probe pads are cleaned. Aluminium oxide forms on any bare Al surface as soon as it comes into contact with air and must be removed in order to make a good contact. An additional problem was encountered with the initial set of samples where some sort of residue, possibly photoresist, was observed on the surface of the narrow voltage taps. The cleaning was performed by focusing the FIB closely on the end of the tap and imaging it until the residue appeared to have been removed. When the rst platinum depositions were performed the oxide on the back side of the wafer led to charging of the surface causing the beam scan to shift after alignment. The result of this was that platinum was not


Examples of Process Characterisation Using Resistive Test Structures

deposited in the desired area. This was overcome by removing the oxide from the back of the wafer with a short wet etch in buffered HF solution. As previously mentioned, the three main deposition process variables that affect the resistance of a platinum feature are the deposition area, the deposition time and the beam current. The deposition rate and the quality of the platinum lm are dependent upon the beam current and the area which is being deposited. All of the structures fabricated so far for this study used a nominal ion beam current setting of 150pA as this is the same current used for strap deposition in normal operation. However, wear on the aperture in the FIB column gives an actual beam current which is typically between 190 and 200pA. If the beam scan area is also kept constant then the thickness of the lm, and therefore its sheet resistance, should be solely controlled by the deposition time. As an initial experiment a set of twelve box cross structures were fabricated where the deposition area was overlap between the box and the Al taps was used ( the measurements. The FIB system calculates a thickness for the deposited material based on the beam current, the deposition time and the area. Using this as a guideline the deposition times were set to give structures with nominal thicknesses from 500nm down to 60nm. The actual deposition times varied from about 330s for the thickest lm down to 40s for the thinnest.

contact but it should be possible to reduce this in future and improve the accuracy of

6.3.3 Initial Box Cross Results

test system described in section A.2, and sheet resistance values were extracted. The simulation results in gure 6.16 reveal that an error of about 20% should be expected in the sheet resistance. The results of the The graph also includes the result of adding 20% to each of the values and reciprocal functions which were tted to each set of data. The results indicate that the sheet resistance of the deposited platinum is inversely proportional to the nominal thickness or deposition time. As the deposition area and 126

g "'g


m box cross structures were tested electrically using the HP4062B/Solartron

measurements are presented in gure 6.18.

 `( y u "e!&Gxwg

g "lrg  0"1 c
m (

m) as illustrated in gure 6.15. A very conservative m) to ensure good

Examples of Process Characterisation Using Resistive Test Structures

200 180 160 Data fit Data Fit + 20% Rs Data Rs Data + 20%

) Sheet Resistance (Ohm/

140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420





Nominal Thickness (nm)

beam current were the same for each structure then the deposition rate and material at a constant rate and as there should be an inverse relationship between the

sheet resistance and the deposition time. One of the box cross structures has been measured using an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) and the resulting image can be seen in gure 6.19.

A sectional analysis of the scan indicated that the platinum lm thickness was between 320 and 335nm but the nominal thickness calculated by the FIB system for this structure 127

q( q "@@(

Figure 6.19:

m AFM scan of a FIB platinum box cross structure.


should also be constant. Therefore, the thickness will increase with time

g "s'g

Figure 6.18: Graph of sheet resistance against nominal thickness for test structures.

m box cross

Examples of Process Characterisation Using Resistive Test Structures

was only 220nm. For this reason, the nominal thickness was ignored in subsequent experiments and the deposition time became the important variable.

6.3.4 Diagonal Box Cross Test Structures

The large errors associated with orthogonal box cross structures like that shown in gure 6.15 led to the consideration of other possible box cross geometries. Further simulations were performed using layouts where the box section of the structure different tap spacings ( and the tap width is rotated through as shown in gure 6.20. Structures were simulated with

m as in the previous simulations. The dimensions of the

box sections of the simulated structures were calculated using

The result of using this equation is that the area of the tap overlap with the box gure 6.21 also includes the results of those simulations for comparison.

FIB Platinum Stap = 8m Wtap =1m

Aluminium Wbox= 7m


T bqT

Figure 6.20: Schematic plan view of the centre of a diagonal

m box cross structure.

! ` y u "0eE% tGxwg


m . This is the same as an orthogonal box cross with

m and

d 0@(

in gure 6.21. The sheet resistance of the box section of the structure is set to

 y u Gxwp 

( y u )kGxw

y u xwz

U! c

) ranging from 5 m to 25 m and the results can be seen


! `  "0eE%

Examples of Process Characterisation Using Resistive Test Structures

1.1 1.08 1.06 Diagonal Orthogonal

Sheet Resistance (/ )

1.04 1.02 1 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.9 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Tap Spacing ( m)

Figure 6.21: Graph of sheet resistance against voltage tap spacing for simulated diagonal box cross test structures. The results from simulations of orthogonal m are also plotted. structures with

It is clear that a much more accurate value of sheet resistance can be extracted from the diagonal box cross structures. The error in structure. The test chip includes a cross layout where the aluminium taps are

taps should give a sheet resistance error of about 0.1% according to the simulation results. A number of these structures have been fabricated with a beam current of sheet resistance from these structures can be seen in gure 6.22. The data indicates that, as expected, the sheet resistance is inversely proportional to the deposition time though there is some variation of the sheet resistance away from the linear regression curve tted to the data. There was concern that this variation may have been caused by misalignment between the taps and the platinum square as was observed in the simulations of orthogonal box crosses. It is difcult to achieve perfect alignment between the aluminium and platinum and a resulting structure similar to that shown in Fig. 6.23 is more typical. about pA and deposition times varying from 30s to 250s. The results of extracting



apart. A diagonal box of FIB deposited platinum with sides of

m placed over these


! `% y u "0eEGxwv

is less than 1% even for the smallest m

%% 0&

Examples of Process Characterisation Using Resistive Test Structures



Sheet Resistance ( / )





0 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007

1/(deposition time) (s1)









Figure 6.22: Sheet resistance versus the reciprocal of deposition time for diagonal box linear t to the data.

Figure 6.23: FIB image of a diagonally orientated platinum sheet resistance test structure showing the misalignment between the aluminium taps and the FIB deposition


 T  bt 

g y " xwu 

cross test structures with

m and

m. The dotted line is a

Examples of Process Characterisation Using Resistive Test Structures

In order to quantify the effect of misalignment a further set of simulations were performed using a diagonal box cross structure. The nominal dimensions of the box ensure that all four taps still make contact to the box. The results of the simulations are presented in table 6.3 and these suggest that misalignment has a minimal effect on the measurement of sheet resistance from these structures. cross are the same as in Fig. 6.20 and the maximum offset in X or in Y was m to

Table 6.3: Results of simulating the effects of misalignment on a diagonal box cross structure.

6.3.5 Bridge Test Structures

A small number of bridge resistor structures have been fabricated using the aluminium layout shown in gure 6.17. Figure 6.24 shows one of these structures.

Figure 6.24: Photomicrograph of a hybrid aluminium/platinum four-terminal bridge resistor test structure. This initial set of bridge resistors were fabricated with the same beam current and the same nominal thicknesses as the orthogonal box cross structures. However the strap deposition area was not the same being m rather than sheet resistance information from the initial box cross structures should not be used to 131

c  0"1


!  "0!

( m) -0.5 0.5 0 -0.5 0.5

( m) -0.5 -0.5 0 0.5 0.5

( ) 0.991 0.991 0.992 0.991 0.991

Error (%) 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.9

m . Therefore, the

 ` "e!E%

' )'

' '

Examples of Process Characterisation Using Resistive Test Structures

predict the resistance of these lines. The results of electrical measurements made on these bridge structures are presented in gure 6.25.

14000 Fit Line Test Data

Line Resistance (Ohm)






2000 100 150 200

Nominal Thickness (nm)







Figure 6.25: Resistance against nominal thickness for four-terminal bridge resistor structures. As was expected, the results show that the resistance is inversely proportional to the material thickness. However, these bridge structures are not quite ideal because they do not allow true Kelvin measurements. The reason for this is that the current forcing terminals are connected to the voltage taps. Hence, the resistance measured with these structures may include some of the contact resistance between the platinum and the aluminium. In order to overcome this problem, the FIB system was used in enhanced etch ion milling mode to remove some of the aluminium and disconnect the force terminals from the voltage taps. Figure 6.26 shows the result of altering the aluminium layout. The next step is to fabricate bridge resistors using these modied structures. The deposition area for the strap which will complete the structure was set to be the same as that used for the diagonal box crosses in section 6.3.4, i.e. be greater than this. The dimensions were chosen to be distance between the current forcing terminals is m and so the strap length must m which gives the

desired deposition area. An example of one of these Kelvin bridge resistors can be seen 132

h  "c

m . The

gh ` "02ke!E%


Examples of Process Characterisation Using Resistive Test Structures


Figure 6.26: FIB image of the alteration made to the aluminium test structure to allow Kelvin measurements. in gure 6.27. A number of these structures were fabricated with deposition times ranging from 60 to 240 seconds and the results of electrical measurements made on these resistors are presented in Fig. 6.28.

Figure 6.27: Photomicrograph of a four-terminal Kelvin bridge resistor test structure. The dark strip is the platinum strap connecting the aluminium terminals. Figure 6.28 also shows the predicted line resistance determined from the linear t to the sheet resistance date in gure 6.22. The measurement results are all within 10% of the predicted value except for those taken from the strap with the shortest deposition time. The thickness of the platinum tracks was measured using a Veeco Dektak surface proler and the results are presented in gure 6.29(a). The lm thickness data can then be used to calculate the resistivity of the conducting material assuming the linewidth is 133

Examples of Process Characterisation Using Resistive Test Structures



Line Resistance (k)



8 +10% -10% Measured Predicted

2 0.004 0.006 0.008

1/(deposition time) (s1)





Figure 6.28: Resistance versus the inverse of of deposition time for Kelvin bridge resistor structures including the predicted line resistance. m. These gures are plotted against deposition time in gure 6.29(b).

The resistivity should be a constant if the process parameters of deposition area and beam current are also constant. The results in gure 6.29(b) suggest that the resistivity is independent of the deposition time with
500 450

3000 2500 Linear regression Test data

Thickness (nm)

350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 Linear regression Test data

Resistivity ( -cm)


2000 1500 1000 500 0

Deposition time (s)





Deposition time (s)




Figure 6.29: (a) Film thickness of Kelvin bridge structures measured with Dektak against deposition time. (b) Resistivity of FIB platinum plotted against deposition time.


q( t"0@

 % q 1( w t&&0@~vEm

 ` "e!E%

-cm and







Examples of Process Characterisation Using Resistive Test Structures

6.3.6 Conclusions and Further Work

A methodology has been presented which allows the measurement of the sheet resistance of platinum lms created by focused ion beam deposition. The geometry of the test structures can lead to errors in the extracted value of quantied by simulations which showed that the errors reduce as the platinum box size increases. Further simulations which investigated the effects of misalignment on the measurement accuracy have also shown that the effects of alignment errors are minimised with larger structures. An initial set of box cross test structures were fabricated with a platinum deposition area of proportional to the deposition time. This indicates that the deposition rate and material resistivity are constants for structures with the same area deposited using the same ion beam current.

m . The results indicated that the sheet resistance was, as expected, inversely

indicate that accurate values of

can be extracted even when the dimensions of the

box are much smaller than required with the original, orthogonal structures. Electrical measurements of diagonal box crosses again indicated that sheet resistance is inversely proportional to deposition time. The results of these measurements were used to estimate the resistance of platinum tracks deposited with the same process parameters. A set of platinum Kelvin bridge resistor structures were fabricated with the same area and using the same beam current as the diagonal box cross structures. The results of electrical measurements have shown that it is possible to predict, with some accuracy, the resistance of the track from the sheet resistance data obtained from the diagonal box crosses. However, the deposition area of the strap must be the same as that of the box section of the cross and the same beam current setting must be used. Dektak prole measurements have conrmed that the thickness of the deposited material is, as expected, directly proportional to the deposition time and that the resistivity is a constant. Further work will include the design and fabrication of a new mask for the aluminium layouts which takes into account the results presented in this section. For example, the layouts for box cross structures will not require the wafer to be rotated in the FIB 135

U! Rc

Simulations of box cross structures fabricated with the wafer rotated through

and these have been

c  0"1

Examples of Process Characterisation Using Resistive Test Structures

chamber while the bridge structures will allow Kelvin measurements without the need for alteration of the aluminium layout.


Chapter 7 Conclusions and Future Work

This thesis has presented the results of investigations into a range of different applications for cross-type sheet resistance test structures and cross-bridge electrical linewidth structures. This chapter begins by briey covering the important conclusions made in each of the preceding chapters. It will then go on to describe some areas for future investigation that have been suggested by this work.

7.1 Conclusions
7.1.1 Copper Damascene Interconnect
Computer simulation was used in Chapter 3 to investigate the effects of dishing and diffusion barrier layers on the measurement of sheet resistance and linewidth in a copper damascene metallisation process. Barrier layers are included to prevent the diffusion of copper into the dielectric but can have a signicant effect on the resistance of interconnect as dimensions are reduced. The error due to the effect of barrier layers on the extraction of sheet resistance from a Greek cross was found to be less than 1% of the nominal value of cross structure is insensitive to the effects of the barrier layers because the dimensions of the box section, where the voltage is sensed, do not vary as the arm width is changed. The sheet resistance extracted from an appropriately designed cross is that of the copper in parallel with the underlying barrier. There is a problem with using this value in the calculation of electrical linewidth because the resistance of the bridge section also includes the sidewall barrier layers. However, if the width of the sidewall barriers is constant then this effect can be factored out through the measurement of two tracks of different widths. Dishing, which thins the centre of a copper damascene track, occurs during CMP polishing and is a function of the width of the feature. A model of dishing was used 137

when the condition given by equation 3.1 is met. The box

Conclusions and Future Work

to simulate cross-type test structures with different arm widths and different levels of overpolishing. The results showed that there was a constant offset between the sheet resistance extracted from a dished Greek cross and the effective sheet resistance of a copper track with the same minimum dimension. An even larger offset, which varied with feature size, was observed with the results from the simulated box cross structures. This was due to heavy dishing of the box section of the structure. Further simulations were performed using structures with both barrier layers and dishing. The results showed that the effects of barrier layers dominate when the dimensions are small while dishing has more effect on Greek cross structures with wide arms. The sheet resistance extracted from box cross structures is not affected by the width of the cross arms. The nal conclusion of this work was that accurate measurement of electrical linewidth in a copper damascene process requires cross-bridge test structures where the arms of the Greek cross are the same width as the bridge section while still meeting the condition for minimum width.

7.1.2 Linewidth Metrology Standards

Chapter 4 presented the motivation for the development of CD metrology standards and introduced the use of mono-crystalline silicon electrical linewidth test structures for this purpose. This chapter went on to describe computer simulations which modelled the effects of process and testing parameters on the extraction of sheet resistance and linewidth from such structures. The initial simulations were of a simple silicon bar surrounded by silicon dioxide. The effect on the resistance of this silicon track of the dimensions, the surface charge at the Si/SiO interface, the doping concentration, temperature and measurement voltage were investigated. It was found that the surface charge affects the variation of the resistance with width and measurement voltage. More importantly, it was demonstrated that the effects of the surface charge can be effectively eliminated by heavily doping the silicon. Further simulations were performed using a Greek cross structure which mimics the geometry of the (110) mono-crystalline structures developed at NIST. The simulation structure included a gate electrode which enabled the effect of biasing the substrate 138

Conclusions and Future Work

of an SOI wafer to be investigated. A negative bias on this electrode causes depletion in the cross structure and the depletion depth reaches its maximum value for the doping level used at a bias of -2.5V This leads to an alteration in the effective geometry of the . cross making it appear more asymmetrical. The effect of xed charge at the silicon/SiO boundary was also simulated and was found to have a similar effect to biasing the gate electrode. These effects arise during processing or testing and appear to have a strong inuence on the measurements. The results from the bar simulations showed that these unwanted effects are dependent on the doping of the silicon and so further simulations of the cross structures were performed with higher carrier concentrations. These results showed a much lower variation in the extracted sheet resistance with gate bias but the value of reduced to a level which would require the use of a voltmeter with sub- V resolution to make the measurement. As a result of these studies, the doping concentrations used in the structures made at NIST have been increased in their more recent work.

7.1.3 Phase Shifting Mask Metrology

The use of electrical linewidth test structures for alternating phase shifting mask metrology was investigated in section 5.2. A state-of-the-art mask was fabricated featuring a large number of on-mask test structures with a range of different linewidths and mark to space ratios. Some of the structures were binary and some phase shifted. The mask is capable of being used to print test structures which can also be electrically tested. Initial electrical testing of the structures showed that the chromium oxide anti-reective coating led to probing and repeatability problems. This layer was subsequently removed by a wet etch process. Analysis of sheet resistance measurement results showed that the repeatability can be improved by the careful choice of force current and through the use of large cross structures. In addition, phase shifting elements were found to have an undesirable effect on the geometry of the L-type cross structures and so this arrangement should not be used in future. The linewidths of one complete set of binary and one set of phase shifted structures were measured electrically and with a CD-SEM system. The electrical results show that 139

was also

Conclusions and Future Work

there is a systematic offset between the designed width and the ECD. There is also an offset between the phase shifted and binary results which suggests that the fabrication of the phase shifting elements has some effect on the chrome features. Measurement of dense linewidth structures revealed a proximity effect in the mask making process which meant that the more closely spaced lines are wider than those that are widely spaced. There is an offset between the results obtained with different methods, such that the tracks appear to be wider when measured with the SEM than when measured electrically. This is especially true for the phase shifted structures which the CD-SEM results show to be wider than the binary tracks. This is the exact opposite of the electrical results and suggests that the phase shifting elements affect the determination of the line edge position. In addition the SEM measurements were affected by charging of the mask which led to a loss of resolution and slow testing. The conclusion is that on-mask electrical linewidth measurements can be used for PSM metrology with condence and indeed may be more useful than the standard CD-SEM technique which appears to be confused by the phase shifting elements.

7.1.4 Optical Proximity Correction

Section 5.3 examines the effects of applying optical proximity correction to electrical linewidth test structure layouts. Computer simulation of the photolithographic process was used to generate two-dimensional boundaries for electrical modelling of the printed structure. It was found that the OPC reduced the rounding in the internal corners of the would lead to a reduction in the bridge width close to the voltage taps but this was not observed. This section of the thesis also presented the results of simulations of Greek cross test structures with extremely large asymmetries. Sheet resistance correction factors for condence. The suggestion is that all eight possible measurement orientations should be used to obtain the best accuracy. Further simulations of the effects of OPC on a Greek cross structure were performed 140 values of over 70% were calculated and it was shown that these could be used with structure and reduced the value of line shortening . The concern was that the OPC



Conclusions and Future Work

and in this case, where the original layout is symmetrical, it was found that the OPC does not have a signicant effect on the symmetry of the resulting structure.

7.1.5 Characterisation of a Wet Etch Process

Chapter 6 presented two examples of the use of resistive test structures to characterise fabrication processes. The rst of these examines the use of cross-bridge linewidth structures to evaluate the effects of a TMAH based, silicon bulk etch solution on aluminium metallisation. A number of test wafers were prepared with test structures fabricated using different metallisation processes: RIE aluminium, RIE Al/1%Si and damascene Al/1%Si. The RIE, or type A structures were etched for a total of 210 minutes and were tested electrically at regular intervals during this time. The sheet resistance measurements of pure aluminium test structures showed a linear increase over the etch time. SEM imaging of these structures showed the grain structure becoming more distinct suggesting that the metal was being etched along the grain boundaries thus reducing the average thickness. The results from the Al/1%Si structures showed an increase in showed the surface roughness increasing at rst but there was no obvious difference between the picture taken after 30 minutes and the nal image. Electrical linewidth measurements of the type A structures showed that there was very little lateral etching of the tracks. The exact reason for this is unclear but the surface area of the sidewalls is smaller than the top surface and there is no visible grain structure. Results for the damascene or type B test structures are unfortunately only available for 60 minutes of etching but over this time the sheet resistance increases at a similar rate to that observed with the type A structures. SEM images of these structures showed no visible grain structure and no obvious change in the surface over the hour of wet etching. There was no change in the linewidth of these structures as the sidewalls are not exposed to the etch solution.

during the rst 30 minutes of etching but little change after that. The SEM


Conclusions and Future Work

7.1.6 FIB Deposited Platinum Characterisation

The second example in chapter 6 presents a methodology for the characterisation of the sheet resistance of platinum deposited in a focused ion beam system. A mask layout has been developed for aluminium features which form the connections and probe pads of cross and bridge-type test structures. These test structures are completed by the deposition of rectangular areas of platinum between the aluminium taps. Box cross structures were fabricated and tested. The results show that the sheet

resistance of the platinum is inversely proportional to the deposition time if the other process parameters are kept constant. Simulation of the geometry of these initial structures showed that there are systematic errors which depend on the size of the box and the overlap of the aluminium taps. Further simulations of structures with the box section rotated so that the taps are at the corners showed much less sensitivity to the size and alignment of the platinum deposition. A number of these diagonal box cross structures were fabricated and the sheet resistance measured. Bridge structures with a deposition area equal to the box section of the diagonal box cross structures were fabricated with the same beam current. The results of Kelvin measurements show that the resistance of a platinum strap can be predicted using the results from sheet resistance structures but the deposition areas must be the same. The thickness of each bridge deposition was measured using a surface proler and it was shown to increase linearly with deposition time. The resistivity of the platinum was calculated from these results and was shown to be constant.

7.2 Future Work

A number of suggestions for further work in the area of microelectronic test structures have arisen from the work presented in this thesis. First of all, in chapter 3, simulation is used to investigate the measurement of linewidth in a copper interconnect process. There is plenty of scope for a further investigation examining these issues in a real process in an attempt to conrm that the methodology and conclusions drawn from the simulation results are valid. Further work is required using the alternating phase shifting photomask from chapter 5. 142

Conclusions and Future Work

Although on-mask measurements have been used to extract a great deal of information about the mask-making process and the viability of ECD metrology the usefulness of this for assessing the capability of the mask is not clear. The mask should be used to print structures which can either be measured electrically or by CD-SEM extraction from the nal test structures or from photoresist images. These measurements should be compared with the on-mask results to provide information about the MEEF of the photolithographic process and the usefulness of the electrical results. The on-mask electrical measurements revealed that the etching of the phase shifting elements affects the electrical width of the bridge resistor structures. This effect could be used to design a test structure which could electrically measure any errors in the alignment between the chrome features and the phase shifters. The structure would be based on the differential bridge structure described in section 2.3.2 and would be measured in the same way. A suggested layout for this structure can be seen in gure 7.1.

W 1
Chrome Phase Shifting Element


Figure 7.1: Schematic diagram of a differential bridge test structure for phase shifting mask alignment metrology The work on platinum test structures fabricated by focused ion beam induced deposition has shown that the sheet resistance can be characterised accurately with box cross structures where the aluminium taps connect to the corners of the platinum deposition. The original aluminium test mask layout requires that the wafer be rotated through 45 degrees in the FIB chamber before deposition. A new test pattern should be designed which does not require this intervention. In addition, the revised layout should include structures which will allow the fabrication of four-terminal Kelvin bridge resistors without requiring an additional processing step in the FIB. The range of tap spacings included in the new mask should be chosen with reference to the results of the diagonal box cross simulations and consideration of the likely requirements for strap deposition areas in integrated circuit modication. 143

Conclusions and Future Work

7.3 Final Conclusions

The work presented in this thesis has shown that sheet resistance and electrical linewidth test structures can be applied to a number of advanced microelectronic fabrication processes. Historically, bridge ECD structures have not been as widely used as the optical and CD-SEM techniques, mainly because they can only be fabricated in conducting layers. However, as this work has demonstrated, they do have the high repeatability required for metrology in the future. In addition, one of the most important applications for CD metrology is in interconnect characterisation and electrical measurement is more appropriate for this than the physical measurement techniques. The accurate measurement of sheet resistance has been shown to be essential for ECD extraction using the single bridge test structure, and this is strongly affected by non-uniformities introduced in advanced technologies such as copper interconnect. Although these test structures are some of the earliest to be developed they still have important applications today and will almost certainly remain as important in the future. Future CD measurement techniques have to be capable of measuring linewidths of 25nm with an uncertainty of 2.5nm by 2007 [13]. This thesis has analysed and characterised test structures for the electrical measurement of linewidth, providing a greater insight into their operation. The results of this study will help to develop the appropriate metrology for future device technologies.


Appendix A Supplementary Information

A.1 Resistance Measurements
The measurements made on the test structures investigated in this thesis are almost all resistance measurements. These are typically made, as in an ohmmeter, by forcing resistance is simply . The simplest may to perform such a measurement is the a known current through the structure and measuring the resulting voltage . The

two-wire method illustrated in gure A.1 [159].


Test System




The problem with making the measurement in this way is that the voltmeter will sense the voltage drop caused by the Device Under Test (DUT) in series with the resistance of all the connections between the system and the DUT. If the resistance being measured cases the four-wire or Kelvin measurement technique should be used. In this set up the voltmeter should be connected as close to the device as possible as in gure A.2. is small (typically below ) then this will lead to a signicant error in

. In such

, the current through the meter and the leads will be neglible and the measured will be the same as the voltage across the resistor. One other important

consideration in resistance measurements is voltage offsets either in the test system 145


If the resistance of the voltmeter is much greater than that of the DUT, i.e.



Figure A.1: Two-wire resistance measurement. Force current

, measure voltage

"g @(


Supplementary Information


Test System




or thermal EMFs caused by the contact between different metals at the probe pads. These can generally be cancelled by repeating each measurement with the current ow reversed and averaging the two results. All of the electrical measurement results in this thesis have been obtained in this way.

A.2 Test Equipment

A.2.1 HP4062B Semiconductor Parametric Test System
The 4062B is a computer controlled test system made up of four main components: [160]

4084B Switching Matrix Controller

4085A Switching Matrix

4141B DC Source/Monitor

4280A Capacitance Meter/C-V Plotter

It is controlled using an HP 9000 Series 300 computer running HP BASIC 5.1 via a IEEE488 HPIB (Hewlett Packard Interface Bus). This is the main system used to make the resistive measurements presented in this thesis, however the 4280A was not used as no capacitive measurements were required. The 4085A and 4084B are used to make the connection between the measurement instruments and the device being tested. The switching matrix has a total of 48



Figure A.2: Kelvin resistance measurement. Force current

, measure voltage

j j j j

Supplementary Information
measurement pins available which are controlled electronically through a system of relays. Connection to a probe card on a wafer prober is made via an edge connecter and shielded leads from a test xture on the 4085A. This allows any needle on the probe card to be connected to any part of the test system. The 4141B has four Source/Monitor Units (SMUs) which can be used to force or measure voltages or currents. For DC resistive measurements they are typically used to force currents and measure voltages as in section A.1. It also includes two dedicated voltage sources (VSU), two voltage monitors (VMU) and a ground unit designed to be used as the ground connection in a measurement. The range of force currents available from one of the SMU runs from of 0.1mV on a range of 100mA to voltage resolution of the SMU is 1mV with a range of

2V is provided by the VMUs.

A.2.2 Solartron Microvoltmeter

The voltage sensing resolution of the SMUs and VMUs in the 4062B system is not good enough for sheet resistance measurements made on van der Pauw cross-type test structures. For example, an aluminium cross structure was measured and found to have the resulting voltage measured was a sheet resistance of about 0.04 . The measurement current used was 5mA and 44 V This required the use of a Solartron 7055 .

Microprocessor Voltmeter which has a sensitivity of 1 V on a range of so it is easily integrated into the measurement system.

The Solartron can be controlled by the HP 9000 computer via an HPIB connection and

A.2.3 HP4156B Precision Semiconductor Parameter Analyser

The 4156B is a electrical test system in a single unit with an LC display [162]. It can be controlled and programmed either from the front panel or from an external PC keyboard. In addition it can be controlled by a computer via an HPIB or LAN connection. The 4156B has four SMUs, 2 VMUs and 2 VSUs as in the 4141B DC Source Monitor described above. These SMUs have a higher resolution than those of 2V using the longest possible measurement integration time [163]. The VMUs in the 4062B system, the voltage sensing resolution can be as good as V with a range



d 0p

1000pA with a four digit resolution. The 20V A better voltage resolution .

10mV [161].

Supplementary Information
also have a similar voltage resolution and so the system has the capability of making sheet resistance measurements as described in section A.2.2. This system, along with a manual probestation, can be used to make rapid, multiple measurements and to perform sweeps of the forcing current when the high accuracy and precision of the 4062B is not required.

A.3 Simulation Software

Simulation software produced by Avant! (previously Technology Modelling Associates) was widely used in the work presented in this thesis. This section gives a brief The description of the main features of each piece of software that was used. Solaris operating system.

simulations were performed on Sun Microsystems Ultra 10 workstations using the

A.3.1 TWB
TWB or Taurus WorkBench is not actually a simulator but provides a user interface for the integration of simulation and visualisation software [164]. It is typically used as a virtual factory environment where process simulators are used to model a process ow before device simulation software is used to extract the electrical characteristics. TWB can also be used to automate the design of experiments and the statistical analysis of the results. It was used in a similar manner for the work in this thesis as it allows many simulations to be run simultaneously across the network and speeds the extraction of results and visualistion of structures.

A.3.2 Raphael
Raphael is an interconnect simulator which can be used to analyse the electrical and thermal characteristics of two and three-dimensional structures [165]. There are ve different solvers in the Raphael package but only two have been used in the course of this work, one 2-D and one 3-D. Both of these use the nite difference method and an automatically generated rectangluar grid to solve Poissons equation for the simulated structure. The structures simulated for this work were typically resistive with


Supplementary Information
2-4 terminals. The simulator allows the resistivity of the conducting material to be set and voltages to be applied to the electrodes. The current ow around the structure is then calculated and potentials at any point in the simulation grid can be extracted.

A.3.3 Davinci
Davinci is a three-dimensional semiconductor device simulator [166] which can be used to model MOS and bipolar transistor behaviour. It solves the Poisson equation for the simulated structure and in addition the electron and hole carrier continuity equations. The user has a lot more control over the grid than in Raphael, and this allows the grid density to be concentrated on the areas of interest. Each region of the structure can be specied as a semiconductor, an insulator or an electrode. In addition, a number of default materials such as silicon, SiO and silicon carbide have their important parameters pre-programmed into the simulator. The extrinsic carrier concentration can be set for each region of the structure dened as a semiconductor and new materials can be dened by changing the default parameters.

A.3.4 Depict
Depict is a suite of programs which can be used to simulate advanced photo-lithograpic processes [167]. The rst, and most important part of Depict is the aerial image module which takes a mask layout and produces a prole of the light intensity at the image plane of the projection. This allows control of all the parameters of the stepper being simulated and can also be used to investigate advanced mask technologies such as phase shifters and sub-resolution assist features. The aerial image simulator also includes a module which will apply an optical proximity correction algorithm to a mask design in order to increase printability. The second section of the Depict suite allows the modelling, in three-dimensions, of the effect of the aerial image on photoresist. This includes simulation of the development process and the result is a 3-D representation of the photoresist surface.


Supplementary Information

A.3.5 Michelangelo
Michelangelo is a GUI based tool which allows the visualisation and editing of simulated device structures created with other TMA/Avant! software [168]. It can be used to interactively regrid structures created in the two-dimensional process and device simulators or to change the coping of regions. In addition Michelangelo can be used to plot the results of electrical simulations or any other data such as doping proles.

A.3.6 Medici
Medici is a two-dimensional semiconductor device simulator similar to Davinci and it solves the Poisson and carrier continuity equations in a similar way [169]. Medici is typically used to simulate structures created through process simulation with TSUPREM-4 [170]. However, it can also be used to simulate a structure created with Michelangelo or from a text le giving the coordinates of points on the boundary of the structure.


Appendix B Published Papers

The following are papers written by the author associated with this thesis which have been presented at an international conference or have been published in a peer reviewed journal. S. Smith, I.A.B. Lindsay, A.J. Walton, M.W. Cresswell, L.W. Linholm, R.A. Allen, M. Fallon and A.M. Gundlach; Analysis of Current Flow in Mono-Crystalline Electrical Linewidth Structures, International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, pp. 7-12, March 15-18 1999. See gures B.1 to B.6. S. Smith, A.J. Walton and M. Fallon; Investigation of Optical Proximity Correction (OPC) and Non-Uniformities on the Performance of Resistivity and Linewidth Measurements, International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, pp. 161-166, March 15-18 1999. See gures B.7 to B.12. K. Lian, S. Smith, N.S. Rankin, A.J. Walton, A.M. Gundlach and J.T.M. Stevenson; Characterisation of Aluminium Passivation for TMAH Based Anisotropic Etching for MEMS Applications, International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, pp. 210-214, March 13-16, 2000. See gures B.13 to B.17. S.Smith, J.T.M. Stevenson, A.J. Walton, A.M.Gundlach, P Christie and S.A. . AbuGhazaleh; Computer Generated Holograms for use as Microelectronic Test Structures, Second Conference on Postgraduate Research in Electronics, Photonics and Related Fields, PREP 2000, pp. 165-170, April 11-13, 2000. See gures B.18 to B.23. S.A. AbuGhazaleh, P Christie, V Agrawal, J.T.M. Stevenson, A.J. Walton, A.M. Gundlach . . and S.Smith; Null Holographic Test Structures for the Measurement of Overlay and Its Statistical Variation, IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 173-180, May 2000. See gures B.24 to B.31.


Published Papers
S.Smith, A.J. Walton, A.W.S. Ross, G.K.H. Bodammer and J.T.M. Stevenson; Evaluation of the Issues Involved with Test Structures for the Measurement of Sheet Resistance and Linewidth of Copper Damascene Interconnect, International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, pp. 195-200, March 19-22 2001. See gures B.32 to B.37. S. Smith, M. McCallum, A.J. Walton and J.T.M. Stevenson; Electrical CD

Characterisation of Binary and Alternating Aperture Phase Shifting Masks, International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, pp. 7-12, April 8-11 2002. See gures B.38 to B.43. S. Smith, A.J. Walton, S. Bond, A.W.S. Ross, J.T.M Stevenson, A.M. Gundlach; Test Structures for the Electrical Characterisation of Platinum Deposited by Focused Ion Beam, International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, pp. 157-162, April 8-11 2002. See gures B.44 to B.49. S.Smith, A.J. Walton, A.W.S. Ross, G.K.H. Bodammer and J.T.M. Stevenson; Evaluation of Sheet Resistance and Electrical Linewidth Measurement Techniques for Copper Damascene Interconnect, IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 214-222, May 2002. See gures B.50 to B.58.


Published Papers

Analysis of Current Flow in Mono-Crystalline Electrical Linewidth Structures

S. Smith, I.A.B. Lindsay, A.J. Walton, M.W. Cresswell, L.W. Linholm,R.A. Allen, M. Fallon, A.M. Gundlach Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Kings Buildings University of Edinburgh Edinburgh, EH9 3JL, UK Semiconductor Electronics Division National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899, USA National Semiconductors Ltd Larkeld Industrial Estate Greenock, PA16 0EQ, UK ABSTRACT The current ow in lightly doped mono-crystalline silicon structures designed for use as low cost secondary reference linewidth standards is investigated. It is demonstrated that surface charge can have a signicant effect upon the measurements of linewidth test structures. The effect of surface charge on <110> Greek cross structures is also investigated and the inuence of a gate electrode on the extracted value of sheet resistance demonstrated. It is conrmed that the resulting uncertainty in both of these measurements can be simply overcome by degenerately doping the silicon during the fabrication process.

1. Introduction
Electrical linewidth structures constructed using mono-crystalline silicon have been proposed as a low cost secondary reference standard [1]. An assumption of uniform current density in the measured line is involved, but it has been recognised that any surface charge on the silicon will affect the carrier concentration. This paper quanties, for the rst time, the effects of geometry, doping, temperature, voltage and surface charge (Q f ) on the conductivity of a simulated mono-crystalline track, to determine how these factors affect the extracted value of linewidth. Further simulations investigating the effects of geometry and Q f on conductivity were performed using a Greek cross structure similar to those reported in reference [2]. The effect of using a gate electrode to cause depletion or accumulation in the structure has also been studied.

of surface charge on conductivity, a rectangular section of track was fully surrounded by oxide, enabling Q f to be specied at the interface. Electrodes were attached to the ends of the track and voltages applied with track resistance being calculated from the resulting currents.

3. Results
The reference track used in this work had the specications shown in table 1. Factor Length Width Height Qf Doping Concentration Temperature Voltage Value 9.0m 3.0m 3.0m 1010 cm 2 1014 cm 2 300K 1.0V

2. Simulation of the Silicon Track

The Avant! 3D device simulator DAVINCI was used, in conjunction with TWB (a simulation framework), to model current ow along an n-type uniformly doped silicon track. To examine the effect

Table 1. Reference track parameters. Figure 1 shows the variation in electron concentration for a cross-section through the middle of the track. It can be observed that Q f results in a nonuniform concentration of carriers. Figure 2 shows

Figure B.1: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 1999, page 1.


Published Papers


the variation of track resistance with length and, as would be expected, this is approximately linear. Figure 3 shows the effect of linewidth on resistivity. Figure 4 examines the effect that temperature has on resistivity and, as could be predicted, it can be observed that, while the intrinsic carrier concentration is well below doping levels, the structure is relatively insensitive to temperature variation.

1200000 1000000 800000 600000 400000 200000 0 0 5 10







Figure 2. Variation of track resistance with length.





Figure 1. Variation in electron concentration for a cross-section through the middle of the track (Contours plotted 1. 9 1014 to 1 1015 spacing=0. 9 1014 ). In a real structure, it is difcult to be sure of the precise charge on the surface of the silicon. Figure 5 shows how the resistance of the track varies as a function of Q f . This variation is not surprising, considering the effect that Q f has upon carrier distribution, shown in gure 1. The measurement of linewidth is further complicated by the resistivity also being a function of the applied voltage, as shown in gure 6. It is proposed that the sensitivity of resistance to both voltage and Q f could minimised by heavily doping the track. Figure 7 shows the variation of track resistance with Q f , providing conrmation.



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

1/Width (um-1)





Figure 3. Variation of track resistance with linewidth.







4. Simulation of Greek Cross Resistors

DAVINCI and TWB were used again, to model the behaviour of the the diagonal cross structure fabricated in <110> silicon [1]. This cross has the arms at 70 (110) to each other, rather than at the 90 of more conventional structures. Figure 8 shows the top surface (XY plane) of the 3D structure, which measures approximately 14 15 m. The thickness of the cross structure being simulated is 1 m in the Z direction, with a 0. 2 m layer of oxide underneath. On the bottom, covering the entire back of the structure, is a gate electrode which can be biased as required.

100000 200 250 300






Figure 4. Variation of track resistance with temperature. The grid generated for this structure has a total of 23,611 nodes and with the maximum number of nodes available within the DAVINCI simulator being 30,000 this gave little opportunity to to significantly increase the mesh density. The DAVINCI simulator only has available right angled triangular prismatic elements which means that obtaining a 70 angle between the arms of the cross puts a further limit on exactly how the grid can be constructed and modied. The 70 angle was achieved

Figure B.2: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 1999, page 2.


Published Papers

600000 500000


400000 300000 200000 100000 0 0 1 2 3

Qf x 1e10 (cm-2)


Figure 5. Variation of track resistance with Q f .

70000 65000


Figure 8. Plan view of the simulated Greek cross without facets and with asymmetric arms at 70 to each other. to limitations imposed by the elements available in DAVINCI it is not possible to construct the elements to present a smooth facet. As a result it has been approximated to a series of 5 stepped levels, as can be seen in gure 9. It can also be observed that the edge of each layer of the facet also has to be stepped to t the grid in the XY plane.

60000 55000 50000 45000 40000 0 0.5 1 1.5 2





Figure 6. Variation of track resistance with applied voltage.







6 0 1 2 3

Qf x 1e10 (cm-2)


Figure 7. Variation of track resistance with Q f for 1 1019 doped silicon. by setting the ratio between the X and Y grid pitches to X = 0. 1 m and Y = 0. 275 m resulting in an angle of approximately 70.017. The node spacing in the Z direction was set to 0. 2 m making 5 layers in the silicon cross plus the layer of oxide mentioned above. As well as this basic cross structure, a cross with facets in the acute angles was also simulated. Due

Figure 9. Schematic 3D view of the Greek cross structure with facets in the acute angles between the arms. The method for extracting the sheet resistance from a 4 terminal resistor has been described by Buehler [3]. This requires four measurements at different orientations for the calculation of sheet resistance and table 2 shows the terminals used for forcing current and measuring voltage for each of the four orientations. The sheet resistance is then simply calculated using

Figure B.3: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 1999, page 3.


Published Papers

1.2e+08 1e+08 8e+07 6e+07 4e+07 2e+07 0e+00 -5 -4.5 -4 -3.5



Resistance (Ohm)

Rs (Ohms/Sq.)





Gate Voltage (V)







0e+00 -5 -4.5 -4 -3.5

Figure 12. Variation of sheet resistance (R s ) with negative gate voltage for the structure without a facet, force current = 1nA.

Gate Voltage (V)







Figure 14. Resistances (R1-R4) measured for negative gate voltages on the structure without a facet.
8e+06 LEGEND R1 R2 R3 R4

Rs (Ohms/Sq.)


Resistance (Ohm)






0e+00 -5 -4.5 -4 -3.5





Gate Voltage (V)







Gate Voltage (V)







Figure 13. Variation of sheet resistance (R s ) with a negative gate voltage for the structure with a facet, force current = 0. 1 A. In both gures 12 and 13 the resistivity rises steadily as the depletion region grows and the effective thickness of the cross (Z direction) is reduced. The most interesting thing to note about these simulations is what happens to the individual resistances extracted at the four measurement orientations. Figures 14 and 15 show these individual resistances plotted against negative gate voltages. For the structure without the facet there are noticeable differences between R1 and R2, and R3 and R4. It is not believed that these differences are grid related as this effect was not observed when biasing in accumulation. However, it was not possible to conrm if any of this difference was attributable to the grid because of DAVINCIs node limitation. In gure 15 it is even more obvious that reciprocity is no longer obeyed. The complex interaction between the thinning of the cross due to depletion and the facet means that the structure effectively changes shape, as well as thickness, which may well be the cause of this non-linear effect. Simulations to study effects of surface charge on the operation of the cross resistor were also performed. Note that in these simulations there was no Q f on

Figure 15. Resistances (R1-R4) measured for negative gate voltages on the structure with a facet. the top surface of the cross. Figures 16 and 17 show sheet resistance as a function of Q f for both types of structure. It can be seen that changing Q f on these crosses does not effect such a marked change in resistivity as that observed for the silicon track shown in gure 5. This is probably because the resistance being measured is effectively only in a small area in the middle of the cross, where the only large boundary with charge on it is at the bottom of the structure. Figure 18 shows the variation of R s with positive gate voltage for both the structures with a Q f of 5 1010 cm2 . The effect of this charge is to reduce the maximum R s value (at V g = 0V ) to less than half that for the simulations with no Q f . In order to make the structure insensitive to the effects of accumulation, depletion or surface charge the Greek cross structure can be highly doped. A simulation was performed on a cross with a uniform doping of 6. 244 1019 cm3 , which gave a nominal R s of 1/ for 1 m thick silicon. As expected it was observed that changing the gate voltage no longer altered the extracted resistivity. This effect has been shown previously, for the silicon track in gure 7. The extracted sheet resistance for the cross with facets was found to be a constant 1. 07/ for positive gate voltages between 0V and 5V.

Figure B.4: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 1999, page 4.


Published Papers

1.2e+08 1e+08 8e+07 6e+07 4e+07 2e+07 0e+00 -5 -4.5 -4 -3.5



Resistance (Ohm)

Rs (Ohms/Sq.)





Gate Voltage (V)







0e+00 -5 -4.5 -4 -3.5

Figure 12. Variation of sheet resistance (R s ) with negative gate voltage for the structure without a facet, force current = 1nA.

Gate Voltage (V)







Figure 14. Resistances (R1-R4) measured for negative gate voltages on the structure without a facet.
8e+06 LEGEND R1 R2 R3 R4

Rs (Ohms/Sq.)


Resistance (Ohm)






0e+00 -5 -4.5 -4 -3.5





Gate Voltage (V)







Gate Voltage (V)







Figure 13. Variation of sheet resistance (R s ) with a negative gate voltage for the structure with a facet, force current = 0. 1 A. In both gures 12 and 13 the resistivity rises steadily as the depletion region grows and the effective thickness of the cross (Z direction) is reduced. The most interesting thing to note about these simulations is what happens to the individual resistances extracted at the four measurement orientations. Figures 14 and 15 show these individual resistances plotted against negative gate voltages. For the structure without the facet there are noticeable differences between R1 and R2, and R3 and R4. It is not believed that these differences are grid related as this effect was not observed when biasing in accumulation. However, it was not possible to conrm if any of this difference was attributable to the grid because of DAVINCIs node limitation. In gure 15 it is even more obvious that reciprocity is no longer obeyed. The complex interaction between the thinning of the cross due to depletion and the facet means that the structure effectively changes shape, as well as thickness, which may well be the cause of this non-linear effect. Simulations to study effects of surface charge on the operation of the cross resistor were also performed. Note that in these simulations there was no Q f on

Figure 15. Resistances (R1-R4) measured for negative gate voltages on the structure with a facet. the top surface of the cross. Figures 16 and 17 show sheet resistance as a function of Q f for both types of structure. It can be seen that changing Q f on these crosses does not effect such a marked change in resistivity as that observed for the silicon track shown in gure 5. This is probably because the resistance being measured is effectively only in a small area in the middle of the cross, where the only large boundary with charge on it is at the bottom of the structure. Figure 18 shows the variation of R s with positive gate voltage for both the structures with a Q f of 5 1010 cm2 . The effect of this charge is to reduce the maximum R s value (at V g = 0V ) to less than half that for the simulations with no Q f . In order to make the structure insensitive to the effects of accumulation, depletion or surface charge the Greek cross structure can be highly doped. A simulation was performed on a cross with a uniform doping of 6. 244 1019 cm3 , which gave a nominal R s of 1/ for 1 m thick silicon. As expected it was observed that changing the gate voltage no longer altered the extracted resistivity. This effect has been shown previously, for the silicon track in gure 7. The extracted sheet resistance for the cross with facets was found to be a constant 1. 07/ for positive gate voltages between 0V and 5V.

Figure B.5: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 1999, page 5.


Published Papers



Rs (Ohm/Sq.)

value of R s that is extracted. The structures that were simulated with the facets in the acute corners displayed non-reciprocity, indicating that non-linear effects are present. This work helps to quantify this effect but the practical implementation of these results using calibration tables is limited, since any charge at the oxidesilicon interface is difcult to quantify. Obviously, the best approach to overcoming this problem is to determine the circumstances under which its effect can be minimised. To this end, the work has highlighted how heavily doping these mono-crystalline structures effectively removes the inuence of Q f on the measurement. Acknowledgement Staff at the University of Edinburgh would like to acknowledge the nancial support of EPSRC (GR/L81000). References 1. M.W. Cresswell, J.J. Sniegowski, R.N. Ghoshtagore, R.A. Allen, W.F. Guthrie, and L W. Linholm, Electrical Linewidth Test Structures Fabricated in Mono-Crystalline Films for Reference-Material Applications, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, pp. 16-24, Monterey, USA, March 17-20, 1997. M.W. Cresswell, N.M.P. Guillaume, R.A. Allen, W.F. Guthrie, and L.W. Linholm, Extraction of Sheet-Resistance from vander-Pauw Resistors Replicated in Monocrystalline Films Having Non-Planar Geometries, IEEE Procedings of International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, pp. 29-38, Kanazawa, Japan, 23-26 March, 1998. M.G. Buehler and W.R. Thurber, An experimental study of various cross sheet resistor test structures, J. Electrochemical Soc Solid State Technology, vol. 125, no. 4, pp. 645-650, April 1978. S.Smith, A.J.Walton, and M.Fallon, Investigation of Optical Proximity Correction (OPC) and Non-Uniformities on the Performance of Resistivity and Linewidth Measurements, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, Goteburg, Sweden, March 1999.




8e+04 2e+09 6e+09

Qf (/cm^2)




Figure 16. Variation of sheet resistance with surface charge Q f for the structure without a facet.


Rs (Ohm/Sq.)




1.4e+05 2e+09 6e+09

Qf (/cm^2)




Figure 17. Variation of sheet resistance with surface charge Q f for the structure with a facet.

Sheet Resistance (Ohms/Sq.)

With Facet Without Facet 1.5e+05



0e+00 0 0.5 1 1.5

Gate Voltage (V)




Figure 18. Variation of sheet resistance with gate 3. voltage for both of the structures with Q f = 5 1010 cm2 .

6. Conclusions
The results presented here have, for the rst time, quantitatively demonstrated how charge on the surface of mono-crystalline silicon tracks can affect the value of electrically measured linewidths. This understanding helps to explain the divergence between SEM and electrical measurement methods [2]. We have also investigated the performance of the diagonal cross manufactured in <110> silicon and shown how the presence of Q f can effect the 4.

Figure B.6: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 1999, page 6.

Nominal Rs


Published Papers

Investigation of Optical Proximity Correction (OPC) and Non-Uniformities on the Performance of Resistivity and Linewidth Measurements
S. Smith, A.J. Walton, M. Fallon Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Kings Buildings University of Edinburgh Edinburgh, EH9 3JL, UK National Semiconductors Ltd Larkeld Industrial Estate GREENOCK, PA16 0EQ, UK ABSTRACT The effect of Optical Proximity Correction (OPC) on test structures is examined using DEPICT for the lithography simulation and MEDICI for the electrical calculations. It is concluded that OPC can be successfully used to reduce line shortening due to the voltage taps without causing necking effects on the track being measured. The effect of asymmetries (which may be introduced as a result of OPC) on the measurement of Greek crosses are also addressed and methods of accurately extracting sheet resistance from structures exhibiting these effects are discussed.

1. Introduction
As dimensions have reduced optical lithography systems have been pushed to their limit resulting in numerous technical innovations. The most major one has been the reduction in exposure wavelengths with 248nm now being common place. Deep submicron imaging has also required advances in mask technology with phase shift masks and and OPC being introduced. Electrical linewidth structures have been adapted to meet the measurement requirements [1] of smaller geometry processes but to the authors knowledge there has been no investigation into the effect that OPC and non-uniformities may have upon their performance. Two key factors required for the accurate extraction of electrical linewidth are sheet resistance [2] and line shortening caused by voltage taps [3]. This paper investigates both parameters to ascertain the effect that different degrees of OPC have upon linewidth shortening and also the effect that non-symmetrical patterns have upon the performance of Greek cross structures.

Figure 1 shows an example of a portion of a linewidth test structure with the CAD layout and the mask geometry with OPC. It can be observed that the OPC mask narrows the mask track width in the region which is to be measured. It is therefore important to be sure that the OPC required to successfully fabricate the functional circuit does not cause necking on the fabricated test structure.

2. The effect of OPC on tap geometry and line shortening (L)

OPC works by adding serifs to external corners and removing opaque material at internal corners with the amount of material being removed or added a function of the surrounding pattern. For linewidth test structures we are mainly interested in examining the effect that OPC has on internal corners. Figure 1. An example of a portion of a linewidth test structure with the CAD layout and the mask geometry with OPC. While for simple structures such as this OPC can be performed manually on a trial and error basis we used the OPC module within DEPICT to generate

Figure B.7: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 1999, page 1.


Published Papers

mask designs with different degree of OPC aggressiveness. These masks were then used to calculate the aerial image and the photoresist developed. Figure 2 illustrates how the image transferred to the photoresist is affected by the degree of OPC applied.
mask No OPC Min OPC OPC 2 OPC 3 Max OPC

using masks with different levels of OPC processing. It also indicates the resistance which is extracted if the the mask geometry with no OPC is simulated. Figure 5 gives the values of line shortening (L) [4] for these cases and it can be observed that the most aggressive OPC mask correction for 248nm exposures can reduce the value of L by 0.1m. The simulation of the mask geometry provides the theoretical minimum of L. Figure 6 shows the region simulated in MEDICI to obtain these results together with the voltage contours.





Resistance (Ohm)

3.5 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3 2.9











Degree of OPC




Figure 2. Illustration of how the image transferred to the photoresist is affected by the degree of OPC applied. The exposure wavelength was 248nm. It can be observed that in the above cases OPC caused no necking of the track being measured. The resulting photoresist images, an example of which is shown in gure 3, were then used to determine the exact geometries of test structures. This provided boundary information for each of the structures which enabled the generation of grids so that the electrical performance could be simulated using MEDICI.

Figure 4. Simulated resistance of the tap section of the track shown in gure 2 for different degrees of OPC. The resistance extracted for the mask geometry with no OPC is also indicated.

Line Shortening (um)




0.05 No OPC Min OPC

Degree of OPC




Figure 5. Simulated values of line shortening for the section of track shown in gure 2. The line shortening for the mask geometry with no OPC is also indicated. In order to further investigate the effects of OPC on the functionality of this bridge resistor linewidth structure simulations were also performed using the whole structure. The linewidth of this structure is given by [5] Rs L (1) R where R s is the sheet resistance (/ ), R is the measured resistance between the taps and L is the W =

Figure 3. 3D plot of the pattern transferred into the photoresist after exposure and development of a key portion of a linewidth test structure. The simulated resistance of the tap section of the track is shown in gure 4 for patterns obtained

Figure B.8: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 1999, page 2.




Published Papers

distance between the centre of the taps. Hence, both the "measured" line width and the line shortening effect [4] can be determined from simulation and gure 7 shows a typical example of the type of voltage contours obtained when simulating the operation of this linewidth structure. To extract the line shortening effect of the voltage taps current is forced between the end terminals of the structure and the voltage between them extracted (note that the tap electrodes are left oating). This gives the track resistance, R. By assuming the linewidth is 0.25 m and knowing the value of R s used in the simulation an apparent length for the structure can be calculated using equation (1). The line shortening effect of one voltage tap is simply given by half of the difference between the real (4 m) and the apparent length. Figure 8 shows L for this structure for different degrees of OPC. For this full structure there is a greater L at maximum OPC than for the previous simulations because part of the effect in this case comes from a thinning of the line between the voltage taps. Once the line shortening gures are known they can then be used to correct the extracted value of linewidth. Figure 9 shows the results of the linewidth measurement both with correction for line shortening and without it, assuming R s = 1/ .

Figure 7. An example of the contour plots of potential generated by MEDICI for the whole of a linewidth test structure.

Line Shortening per Tap (um)






0 No OPC Min OPC OPC 2

Degree of OPC




Figure 8. Line shortening derived from simulations using a full bridge resistor line-width test structure
0.3 0.29 Corrected Measured

Line Width (um)

0.28 0.27 0.26 0.25 0.24 No OPC Min OPC

Simulation (Medici Grid)





Figure 6. Contour plots of potential generated by MEDICI for one of the tap regions illustrated in gure 2.

Figure 9. Results of linewidth extraction along with measurements corrected for the line shortening effects of the voltage taps.

Figure B.9: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 1999, page 3.


Published Papers

0 Structure R1 &R2 Greek 1 Greek 2 Greek 3 Greek 4 Greek 5 0.3023 0.3230 0.2585 0.3146 0.2785

90 R3 &R4 0.1553 0.1432 0.1862 0.1484 0.1718

180 R5 &R6 0.3023 0.3230 0.2585 0.3146 0.2785

270 R7 &R8 0.1553 0.1433 0.1867 0.1478 0.1716 RTOT 0.2288 0.2331 0.2225 0.2313 0.2251

Percentage Asymmetry F A (%) 64.294 77.135 32.513 71.807 47.395

Correction Factor f 0.9631 0.9462 0.9908 0.9537 0.9802

Average Value Rs 1.0369 1.0565 1.0079 1.0492 1.0205

Corrected Value fR s 0.9987 0.9997 0.9986 1.0006 1.0003

Table 1. Simulated resistance values and the extracted sheet resistances for the structure shown / in gure 10 (The value of sheet resistance used in the simulations was 1 ).


From equation (1) it can be deduced that any inaccuracy in the measurement of sheet resistance is directly transferred in the the extracted value of linewidth [2, 6]. As geometries reduce small asymmetries at the centre of the Greek cross that were unimportant at larger dimensions have the potential to signicantly affect current ows. Figure 10 gives some examples of severe asymmetries and how this affects the equipotentials of the structures. The method for extracting sheet resistance from Greek cross structures is described by Buehler in reference [5]. Current is forced between two adjacent arms (eg north and east) and the voltage difference measured between the other two (south and west). The sheet resistance R s is given by V Rs = ln(2) I

Distance (Microns) 2.00 3.00





2.00 3.00 Distance (Microns)





Distance (Microns) 2.00 3.00


3. The effect of non-uniform pattern transfer on Greek cross sheet resistance measurements

Greek Cross 1
5.00 5.00

Greek Cross 2



2.00 3.00 Distance (Microns)



Greek Cross 3
5.00 5.00

Greek Cross 4


Distance (Microns) 2.00 3.00





2.00 3.00 Distance (Microns)



0.00 0.00


Distance (Microns) 2.00 3.00



2.00 3.00 Distance (Microns)



The current direction is reversed and the measurement repeated. The current forcing terminals are moved by 90 (now south and east) and two measurements of voltage repeated as above. The sheet resistance is simply the average of these four measurements which will be identical assuming no instrumentation offsets, thermal heating etc and perfect symmetry along both the x and y axes. However, for the asymmetrical structures such as those in gure 10 this will not be the case. The simulation results for every possible measurement combination of these structures is shown in table 1. Obviously these results do not have any instrumentation measurement problems and so reversing the current gives the same results which is why there are only four resistance columns. In addition using any pair of measurements which are at 90 results in the same sheet resistance value (reciprocity) [5]. When asymmetry is present then the sheet resistance should be combined with a correction factor to account for any asymmetries [5]. Reference [5] presented a table of correction factors



Distance (Microns) 2.00 3.00




Greek Cross 5



2.00 3.00 Distance (Microns)



Figure 10. Plots of asymmetrical cross resistor structures used to obtain the simulation results in Table 1. for asymmetry factors (F A ) up to 14%. Table 2 extends this for values of F A over 70%. Cresswell [6] has suggested that using eight measurements for extremely asymmetrical structures improved the accuracy of measured sheet resistance. This work has conrmed once again that large asymmetries, such as those shown in gure 10 that may result from small geometry structures, can be accounted for by using a correction factor. The advantage of taking eight measurements is simply that their average provides a more repeatable result.

Figure B.10: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 1999, page 4.


Published Papers

Simulation No OPC Min OPC OPC 2 OPC 3 Max OPC Mask

R(0o ) () 0.22051 0.22054 0.22080 0.22060 0.22052 0.22086

R(90o ) () 0.22083 0.22110 0.22053 0.22063 0.22077 0.22053

F A (%) -0.14588 -0.25225 0.12402 -0.01551 -0.11530 0.15186

R avg () 0.22067 0.22082 0.22066 0.22061 0.22064 0.22069

R s (/ ) 1.00016 1.00083 1.00012 0.99990 1.00003 1.00027

Table 3. Greek cross sheet resistance extractions for the OPC corrected optical images and for the mask simulated in MEDICI. F A (%) 11.95 18.61 29.14 32.51 46.63 47.40 64.29 71.81 77.14 1 f (%) 0.1195 0.3006 0.7396 0.9223 1.9116 1.9762 3.6858 4.6322 5.3766 r 1.1271 1.2051 1.3411 1.3883 1.6080 1.6212 1.9475 2.1203 2.2555 these devices were very small no values for the correction factor f ( f 1 in all cases) or for a corrected sheet resistance are given.

4. Conclusions
This paper has examined the effect of OPC on test structures designed to measure the electrical linewidth of tracks. It has been shown that OPC can reduce the effect of voltage tap linewidth shortening for a 0.25m track by between 0.1 and 0.15m when using 248nm wavelength exposures. More importantly it has been shown that masks created by OPC software do not cause signicant necking at the tap location and so can be safely applied for test structures. In addition the extraction of sheet resistance from asymmetrical Greek crosses has been investigated and the correction factors for asymmetry values up to and above 70% presented. It has been shown that these correction factors can be used with condence with very large asymmetry values. While in theory only four measurements are required to extract the sheet resistance it is proposed that for best accuracy all eight measurement combinations should be made and correction factor applied. Finally results for Greek cross structures exposed using OPC have been presented which, as expected, showed that OPC has no effect upon the value of sheet resistance extracted. Acknowledgement

Table 2. Relationship between geometrical asymmetry factor and the correction factor

Figure 11 Greek cross structure generated using the OPC boundaries generated by DEPICT. It shows equipotentials for the 0 orientation simulation. MEDICI simulations of Greek cross resistors were also performed using OPC boundaries previously generated by DEPICT for linewidth structures. Figure 11 gives an example of a plot from MEDICI showing the simulation area used for these resistance extractions. Table 3 shows the simulation results for Greek cross resistance extractions performed on the ve geometries shown in gure 2 and a grid generated directly from the mask le. Because the asymmetries in

Staff at the University of Edinburgh would like to acknowledge the nancial support of EPSRC (GR/L81000).

Figure B.11: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 1999, page 5.


Published Papers

References 1. W.E. Lee, W.F. Guthrie, M.W. Cresswell, R.A. Allen, J.J. Sniegowski, and L.W. Linholm, Reference-Length Shortening by Kelvin Voltage Taps in Linewidth Test Structures Replicated in Mono-Crystalline Silicon Films, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, pp. 35-38, Monterey, USA, March 17-20, 1997. A.J. Walton, J.T.M. Stevenson, M. Fallon, P.S.A. Evans, B.J. Ramsey, and D. Harrison, Test Structures to Characterise a Novel Circuit Fabrication Technique that uses Offset Lithography, IEEE Procedings of International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, pp. 39-44, Kanazawa, Japan, 23-26 March, 1998. R.A. Allen, M.W. Cresswell, C.H. Ellenwood, and L.W. Linholm, Voltage-dividing potentiometer enhancements for high-precision feature placement metrology, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, pp. 174-9, San Diego, USA, 17-19 March, 1992. M.W. Cresswell, M. Gaitan, R.A. Allen, and L.W. Linholm, A Modied Sliding Wire Potentiometer Test Structure for Mapping Nanometer-Level Distances, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, pp. 129-134, Kyoto, Japan, March 18-20, 1991. M.G. Buehler and W.R. Thurber, An experimental study of various cross sheet resistor test structures, J. Electrochemical Soc Solid State Technology, vol. 125, no. 4, pp. 645-650, April 1978. M.W. Cresswell, N.M.P. Guillaume, R.A. Allen, W.F. Guthrie, and L.W. Linholm, Extraction of Sheet-Resistance from vander-Pauw Resistors Replicated in Monocrystalline Films Having Non-Planar Geometries, IEEE Procedings of International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, pp. 29-38, Kanazawa, Japan, 23-26 March, 1998.







Figure B.12: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 1999, page 6.


Published Papers

Characterisation of Aluminium Passivation for TMAH Based Anisotropic Etching for MEMS Applications
Knut Lian, Stewart Smith, N. Rankin, A.J. Walton, Alan Gundlach, Tom Stevenson
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Kings Buildings, The University of Edinburgh Edinburgh, EH9 3JL, UK SensoNor asa, PO Box 196 N-3192 Horten, Norway Abstract A cross-bridge linewidth test structure has been used to analyse, both electrically and physically, the effect of a new anisotropic silicon etch composition that has been designed to have an increased selectivity with aluminium. To characterise the effect of the etch on aluminium tracks, electrical measurements have been made to obtain sheet resistance and linewidth. These results are presented in combination with SEM micrographs to evaluate the surface quality of the exposed aluminium. Introduction The anisotropic etching of silicon using alkaline solutions such as tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide (TMAH), is a key technology in the production of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). It has been shown [1] that the addition of 64gSiO2 /l sodium silicate solution (water glass) and 5g/l ammonium persulfate to 5wt% TMAH solution results in good anisotropic wet etching of silicon and good selectivity towards aluminium. To fully characterise this composition of etch solution the electrical and physical characteristics were measured and analysed. Electrical characterisation was performed using a standard cross-bridge line test structure [2] and the physical analysis was performed using a SEM. Test Structure Layout The layout of the test structures[3] is shown in g. 1, where the aluminium tracks were designed to be 3, 4, 7, and 8m wide. The line lengths were 800m for the narrower tracks and 1200m for the wider tracks. The pad conguration was designed to enable measurement using a standard 2n probe card. The cross bridge test structure was selected because it is able to measure both the sheet resistance and linewidth, and can hence help determine if the TMAH etch is thinning and/or narrowing the aluminium track.
W=3.0 L=800 W=4.0 L=800

Test Structure Adaption Options Fig. 2 shows a schematic of three test structures which can be used to measure different elements of the etch process. These are obviously manufactured using different techniques, but use a common mask layout. Type A is fabricated by reactively ion etching the exposed aluminium. This exposes three sides on the aluminium track to the wet etch which has an effect on both the width and thickness.

W=7.0 L=1200

W=8.0 L=1200

Fig. 1. Test structure layout.

Type B may be fabricated using a CMP (Chemical Mechanical Polishing) damascene process [3] where trenches are etched in the oxide followed by the deposition of aluminium to ll the trenches. Excess metal is then removed using CMP leaving the metal lled trenches. In this case only the top surface of the track is

Figure B.13: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2000, page 1.


Published Papers

Results SEM images indicate that the pure aluminium tracks were severely attacked, as shown in g. 3. It can be observed that the roughness of the surface increases with etch time, and the grains can be easily identied.

Type B

Type C

Fig. 2. Three different aluminium congurations to determine the etchants effect on the electrical properties of aluminium.

exposed to the etchant. Type C is another option, similar to type A, with a protective layer on top of the aluminium which allows the effect of the sidewall etch rate to be evaluated. Experimental Test structures, of type A, were used to analyse the effect of the TMAH etch. The test structures were fabricated on 3-inch (1,0,0) silicon wafers by thermally growing 1m of wet oxide followed by sputtering 1m of either aluminium or Al1%Si. The structures shown in g. 1 were lithographically dened using 5 wafer stepper technology, and the exposed aluminium reactively ion etched. It should be noted that samples reported were not annealed The pure aluminium sample was initially etched in the TMAH based solution for one hour, and then at intervals of 30 minutes for a total etch time of 3.5 hours. The etch was carried out in a 1l beaker with 0. 8l etch mixture. A reux condenser was used to keep the concentration stable, and the temperature was kept at 80 2o C using a temperature controlled hot plate. A 250rev/min magnetic stirrer was used to keep the solution homogeneous both with respect to concentration and temperature. After each etch the wafer was rinsed and dried before both the electrical and physical effects on aluminium lines (3, 4, and 7m wide) were evaluated. Due to the effects observed on the pure aluminium, it was decided to monitor the Al1%Si samples at 15 minute intervals during the rst hour, and then at 30 minute intervals for a total etch time of 3.5 hours. In addition, it was also decided to perform measurements on all four available linewidths.

Figure B.14: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2000, page 2.

(( (( (( (( ((

(((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((( ((((( ((((( (((((

Type A

Silicon dioxide Silicon Aluminium



(c) Fig. 3. SEM micrograph of pure aluminium track: (a) prior to TMAH etch, (b) after 1 hour TMAH etch, and (c) after 3.5 hours of TMAH etch.


Published Papers





Fig. 4. SEM micrograph of Al1%Si track: (a) prior to TMAH etch, (b) after 15 minutes TMAH etch, (c) after 30 minutes of TMAH etch, and (d) after 3.5 hours of TMAH etch.

A range of images of Al1%Si tracks are shown in g. 4. Visually it can be seen that surface roughness of these tracks increases for the rst 30 minutes, and then stabilises. No noticeable change can be detected from 30 minutes to 3.5 hours. It appears that the aluminium grains become more detailed during the rst period of the etching, and then the surface has a more or less constant texture for the remaining etch period.

Electrical measurements of the track sheet resistance can be used to show if indeed the effective thickness of the track was being thinned with increasing etch time. The graph in g. 5 shows that the sheet resistance for aluminium lines increase linearly with etch time. Fig. 6 shows that the sheet resistance of Al1%Si lines initially increase for about one hour, and then remains approximately constant during the remaining 2.5 hours of etching. The linewidth showed no noticeable change with increasing etch time, as shown in g. 7 and 8.
0.048 0.047




0.045 0.044


0.034 0.032 0.03 0.028 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6


0.043 0.042 0.041 0.04 0.039 0.038 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6


Etch time hours

Fig. 5. Sheet resistance of aluminium lines varying with etch time.

Fig. 6. Sheet resistance of Al1%Si lines varying with etch time.

Figure B.15: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2000, page 3.


Published Papers

8 7

6 5 4 3 2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6

There may be a number of reasons why the lines are not attacked from the sides. Firstly, the lines are from 3 to 8 times wider than they are thick, making the surface area available for attack smaller. In addition, the sidewalls do not have the same grain structure as the top surface. As the SEM micrographs shows, the sidewalls are much smoother than the top surface, which may make it more difcult for the etch to attack the metal.
Time (hour)
1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6

Linewidth (micron)

Fig. 7. Linewidth of aluminium lines varying with etch time.

Conclusions and Further Work Interesting results have be obtained by using electrical test structures in conjunction with SEM analysis. The measurements clearly show that the proposed etch composition is potentially suitable for applications where Al1%Si is used as the metal conductor. Rather surprisingly, the silicon etch attacked Al1%Si alloy less than pure aluminium. Further work will include electromigration tests on both pure aluminium and Al1%Si that has been exposed to TMAH, to determine their reliability characteristics after etch. It is also proposed that the effect of annealing the aluminium be examined. Acknowledgements

10 9

Linewidth (micron)

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6

Time (hour)









Fig. 8. Linewidth of Al1%Si lines varying with etch time.

Discussion An increase in sheet resistance is equivalent to a decrease in the effective thickness of the aluminium track. The electrical measurements therefore indicate that the aluminium lines are monotonically becoming thinner throughout the etch time. However, the Al1%Si lines show an initial decrease in line thickness, and then a more stable phase after the rst hour. A similar effect is indicated in the SEM micrographs of the surface roughness. The aluminium lines clearly show an increase in roughness throughout the etch time, while the Al1%Si lines keep their texture fairly constant after the initial roughening during the rst 30 minutes. It is believed the reason why both the sheet resistance increases and the grains become more visible, is that the etch predominantly attacks the metal at the grain boundaries, as shown schematically in g. 9.

The authors would like to thank SensoNor asa for nancing this work and for providing valuable technical information. Staff at the University of Edinburgh would like to acknowledge the nancial support of EPSRC (GR/L81000). References 1. K. Lian, B. Stark, A.M. Gundlach, and A.J. Walton, Aluminium passivation for TMAH based anisotropic etching for MEMS applications, Electronics Letters, vol. 35, no. 15, pp. 1266-1267, IEE, Stevenage, UK, July 1999. D. Yen, L.W. Linholm, and M.G. Buehler, A Cross-Bridge Test Structure for Evaluating the Linewidth Uniformity of an Integrated Circuit Lithography System, J. Electrochem. Soc.: SolidState Science and Technology, vol. 129, no. 10, pp. 2313-2318, October 1982.


Current flow

Fig. 9. Etching of an aluminium line along grain boundaries.

Figure B.16: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2000, page 4.


Published Papers


C.M. Peyne, A. OHara, J.T.M. Stevenson, J.P. Elliott, A.J. Walton, and M. Fallon, Test Structures for Characterising a Damascene Interconnect Process, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, pp. 151-155, Monterey, USA, March 17-20, 1997.

Figure B.17: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2000, page 5.


Published Papers


Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Kings Buildings,




S. Smith J.T.M. Stevenson A.J. Walton A.M. Gundlach P. Christie and S.A. AbuGhazaleh
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, U.S.A.

Abstract - The binary detour phase Wire Segment Hologram (WSH) is described and the previous work on its use as a test structure in a microelectronic fabrication process is reviewed. The extension of the use of the null WSH for measurement of misalignment in a two level metallisation process is examined and simulation results are presented. A new hologram image which allows measurement of feature size is also described and preliminary simulation results are presented.

1. Introduction
An optical hologram is normally produced by recording the interference pattern caused by an object wave and a reference wave [1]. The result is a diffraction grating from which the object wave can be reconstructed. This is done by imaging the hologram using a coherent light source similar to the reference wave used in recording. A typical setup for reconstructing the image from a reection hologram is shown in gure 1.
Image Plane

Computer Generated Hologram (CGH) is the binary detour phase hologram [3-5]. To generate the hologram a 2-Dimensional Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (2DIDFT) of the desired image is performed. This produces a matrix of complex values representing the hologram. The transform matrix is separated into amplitude and phase component matrices and encoded as a detour phase hologram. The encoding scheme is described in gure 2. This type of CGH was chosen as it can be easily fabricated as an array of metal lines to make a Wire Segment Hologram (WSH).
w w

Hologram cell Reflective segment


Centre line

Pw nm


(focal length f)

Coherent source

Fig. 2. Single cell from a binary detour phase hologram. P nm is the phase shift for this cell encoded as a horizontal shift of the centre of the reective segment away from the centre of the cell. Anm is the magnitude for the cell, encoded as the area of the segment. As the width, w, of the reective segment is constant the area depends upon the length Anm w.

Hologram Plane

Fig. 1. Optical system for reconstructing reection holograms.

The lens performs a 2 dimensional Fourier transform of the complex light amplitude at the hologram plane. The wavefront observed at the image or transform plane is the reconstructed image. It is possible to use a computer to calculate the Fourier transform of the object and encode it in a form which can be easily drawn by a computer controlled printer [2]. One of the simplest forms of

One disadvantage of this method of producing holograms is the large dynamic range of amplitude values in the transform matrix. This may lead to values of segment length Anm w lower than the minimum reproducible feature size. One way to avoid this is to use an technique such as that described by Fienup [6]. This method iteratively transfers amplitude information to the hologram phase matrix leading to a much smaller range of amplitude values and improving the WSH structures.

Figure B.18: Reprint of paper presented at PREP 2000, page 1.


Published Papers

2. Holograms as In-Line Test Structures.

The WSH has been developed in an attempt to provide a real-time in-line test structure for microfabrication processes. In practice each wafer being processed would have the hologram included in a metallisation layer. Each hologram would be illuminated by a laser on the production line and the reconstructed image captured. The quality of this image would show how well the hologram has been reproduced in the fabrication process so that errors in production can be detected. The rst studies used simple hologram images and examined the effects of different exposures in the photolithography stage used to dene the wire segments [7, 8]. The results of these studies indicated that the holographic test structure could discriminate differences in the dimensions of the wire segments as small as 1% of the designed feature size. The next improvement in the WSH was the use of a null image hologram where light is diffracted away from some area of the image plane. The image used to design this hologram is shown in gure 3.

analysing the reconstructed images obtained from holograms with different offsets between the two halves of the hologram. As the misalignment increases the degradation of the image leads to an increase in the intensity of light in the the null area. The Average Intensity Ratio (AIR) was introduced as a measurement of the image quality. To calculate the AIR the average intensity in the null area is divided by the average intensity in the rest of the image. The value of AIR rises as the misalignment increases. It was found that misalignments of 0.1 m could be detected using holograms with a segment width of 2 m. A Progressional Offset Technique (POT) was used as this does not require the measurements to be calibrated and will allow quantitative results to be obtained [10, 11]. In the progressional offset technique a set of holograms with a range of built in offsets is fabricated. Values of AIR are calculated from the reconstructed images and plotted against the built in misalignments as is illustrated in gure 5. By interpolating between the data points the actual misalignment introduced in the process can be determined.

Measurements from hologram structures


Actual Misalignment

Interpolated minimum -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 +0.1 Built in Misalignment(m) +0.2 +0.3

Fig. 5. Graph of AIR against built-in misalignment which shows how a POT can be used to extract the actual alignment error Fig. 3. Null hologram image produced from a raised cosine function.

The null image was used to generate holographic structures in order to investigate the effects of misregistration or alignment error [9]. Each of the hologram elements or cells was randomly selected to be in one of two groups as shown in gure 4. The two sets of hologram elements were printed separately and an alignment error could be introduced between them.
Hologram elements from part one

The previous study used holograms fabricated in a single layer of metallisation but this cannot represent misalignments in a real process [9]. The next step is to investigate the performance of WSH structures where the two sets of wire segments are patterned on different levels of metal.

3. Two Level Metal Holograms

The production of a two level hologram is more complex than fabricating the single layer structures previously reported. The phase values of the hologram are encoded as a shift in the horizontal position of the wire segment. This means that a misalignment between the two sections of the hologram can be considered to be a phase shift added to one set of hologram elements. In a two level WSH there is a difference in height between the reecting surfaces of the two levels of metal. This will introduce a further phase shift due to the optical path length difference. As both misalignment and layer thickness cause a phase shift their effects will be confounded thus making the actual misalignment difcult to extract.

Hologram elements from part two

Fig. 4. Plan view of part of a hologram designed to allow measurement of alignment error

The effects of misalignment were investigated by

Figure B.19: Reprint of paper presented at PREP 2000, page 2.


Published Papers

A cross section through part of a two level hologram is shown in gure 6.

2nd level of hologram

misalignments used runs from -0.5 m to +0.5 m. For the purposes of the simulation it is only the silicon dioxide thickness X which has been changed. The range of oxide thickness errors is from 1000 to +1000, centred on a value of layer thickness which would give no phase shift. Figure 7 shows the array of hologram images produced by this simulation.
Misalignment Correction ( m)
-0.5 -1000 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 +0.1 +0.1 +0.3 +0.4 +0.5

Oxide Thickness Correction (Angstrom)

1st level of hologram Fig. 6. Cross section through part of a two level WSH showing the important layer thicknesses for the hologram operation. X is the depth of oxide over rst level metal and Y is the thickness of the second level metal.

The process required to fabricate such a structure begins in the same way as for a single level hologram with a layer of sputtered aluminium. This is patterned and etched with the rst half of the WSH. The front of the wafer is then coated with a thick layer of deposited silicon dioxide which is polished at. Finally, a second metallisation layer is added and the rest of the hologram is patterned into it. The most important features to note from gure 6 are the layer thicknesses marked X and Y as these determine the phase difference between the two levels of the hologram. If the path length difference between the levels is equal to (or an integer multiple of ) then the phase shift will be 2 (or 4 for 2 etc.) which is equivalent to zero phase shift. Simulations which show the effects of phase shifts due to layer thickness and misalignment have been performed using the GNU Octave software.* The process for simulating the reconstruction of a hologram is as follows: 1. Take 2DIDFT of the null image and perform Fienup iterations to get the hologram matrix. This is separated into amplitude and phase matrices. Select half of the elements in the phase matrix at random and add phase shift. This is equivalent to a phase shift between the two levels of hologram elements in a real structure. Recombine the amplitude matrix and the altered phase matrix to get a new hologram. Take the 2DDFT of the hologram matrix to get the new image matrix. This can then be analysed to give an AIR value.


3. 4.

A set of hologram simulations have been performed with a range of phase shifts equivalent to different values of misalignment and layer thickness. The range of
* Octave is a Matlab compatible language which can be used to perform the matrix calculations needed to design WSH structures [12].

Wafer Surface Oxide











Fig. 7. Simulated null hologram images for a two level WSH. Each has a different phase shift due to misalignment or layer thickness.

This array is the equivalent of a 2 dimensional POT layout with correction for both alignment errors and layer thickness. It shows that good hologram reproduction does not just occur for the simulation with no offset or layer thickness error. Table 1 gives values of AIR for each of the simulated holograms. Minimum values of AIR occur at two sets of phase shift values besides zero. Firstly for a thickness error of +200 and a misalignment of 0. 3 m. Then for a layer thickness error of 200 and a misalignment of +0. 3 m. This would make extraction of the misalignment in a real structure impossible without making other measurements.

4. Wire segment holograms for critical dimension measurement

The rst two studies which used WSH structures examined the effects of exposure during the metal photolithography step of the fabrication [7, 8]. These showed that changing exposure times altered the size of the wire segments and therefore the intensity of the reconstructed image. It was also found that the exposure level could also affect the phase values in the hologram by causing some elements to merge or disappear. This would degrade the quality of the image and could cause unexpected results. For example the total image intensity may rise due to increased noise in the image even as the hologram element size decreases.

Figure B.20: Reprint of paper presented at PREP 2000, page 3.


Published Papers

Oxide Thickness Error () -1000 -800 -600 -400 -200 Zero +200 +400 +600 +800 +1000

-0.5 0.8408 1.0332 1.0936 1.0154 0.8180 0.5503 0.3116 0.3080 0.5540 0.8282 1.0266

-0.4 0.9115 1.0661 1.0846 0.9668 0.7414 0.4691 0.2684 0.3707 0.6390 0.9005 1.0614

-0.3 0.9718 1.0864 1.0627 0.9082 0.6601 0.3943 0.2595 0.4458 0.7229 0.9626 1.0839

-0.2 1.0204 1.0939 1.0285 0.8408 0.5767 0.3293 0.2923 0.5274 0.8038 1.0132 1.0936

Alignment Error (m) -0.1 0.0 +0.1 1.0570 1.0814 1.0929 1.0888 1.0709 1.0406 0.9832 0.9277 0.8629 0.7661 0.6861 0.6031 0.4941 0.4170 0.3484 0.2793 0.2568 0.2788 0.3493 0.4212 0.5013 0.6123 0.6968 0.7788 0.8787 0.9442 0.9986 1.0517 1.0783 1.0919 1.0905 1.0748 1.0464

+0.2 1.0918 0.9986 0.7903 0.5197 0.2930 0.3292 0.5854 0.8560 1.0409 1.0928 1.0063

+0.3 1.0779 0.9462 0.7118 0.4405 0.2598 0.3973 0.6704 0.9247 1.0713 1.0811 0.9556

+0.4 1.0514 0.8842 0.6294 0.3688 0.2680 0.4755 0.7533 0.9828 1.0890 1.0566 0.8951

+0.5 1.0130 0.8139 0.5457 0.3087 0.3110 0.5587 0.8324 1.0288 1.0938 1.0202 0.8260

Table 1. Values of AIR for different alignment and layer thickness errors. Simulations of size error effects have been performed using Octave. The rst set of simulations used the null hologram. The hologram matrix was created and split into amplitude and phase matrices. In order to simulate the effect of a change in exposure time an offset was added to each element in the amplitude matrix. The size of the offset depended on the value of the amplitude element and was equivalent to an increase or decrease in both the length and width of the wire segment. A graph of the results can be seen in gure 8.


Normalised AIR


Fig. 9. Anti-null hologram image produced from a raised and shifted cosine function.



ment techniques as the relative change in AIR was greater for the null hologram than for the simulated antinull structures.
-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4


Wire size error (um)






1.12 1.1 1.08

Normalised AIR

Fig. 8. AIR versus wire size error for a null hologram with a wire segment width of 2 m. AIR values are normalised to the result of the simulation with no size error.

1.06 1.04 1.02 1 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.92 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4

These results show that it would be difcult to get a quantitative measurement of the actual value of linewidth from one of these structures without calibrating the results against some other measurement. The objective is to be able to use a progressional offset technique where each hologram structure is compensated for a particular wire segment size error. A second set of simulations was performed with a new hologram matrix created using an image which is the opposite of the null hologram. The new image is shown in gure 9 and the results are plotted in gure 10. The AIR increases with wire segment size for the null hologram and decreases with size error for the null hologram. It may be possible to use both types of holograms in a POT test layout and combine the measurements to determine the actual wire dimension. However this may also require renement or calibration of the measure-

Wire size error (um)






Fig. 10. AIR versus wire size error for anti-null hologram structure with 2 m segment width.

In an attempt to nd a solution to this problem a new hologram was created by adding the null and anti-null hologram matrices together. When the Fourier transform of this was taken the image shown in gure 11 was recovered. This hologram was used in a new set of simulations, the results of which can be seen in gure 12. Even more interesting results were found when a threshold was applied to the reconstructed images before the AIR was extracted. The thresholding involves rst normalising each pixel to the maximum level in the image.

Figure B.21: Reprint of paper presented at PREP 2000, page 4.


Published Papers

Then each pixel with a value greater than the threshold is set to one while each that has a value less than the threshold is set to zero. Figure 13 gives the results using a threshold level of 0.5.

two parts of the hologram are dened in different metallisation levels. This is because the effects of alignment error and path length difference between the layers combine to determine the phase error added into the hologram. Simulations indicate that using a POT technique leads to ambiguous results with many possible values for the actual misalignment and layer thickness. Work is continuing on fabrication of a number of two level hologram structures. The test die will include other structures to allow measurement of the misalignment and layer thickness. This means the results from the optical measurements of the hologram can be correlated with more direct tests. Results of simulations which looked at the effects of dimensional errors in the wire segments have been presented. The results have shown that the null and antinull holograms can be used to measure critical dimension but the measurements will need to be calibrated for each process. A new hologram image made by combining the null and anti-null holograms in the transform plane has been described. Simulations using this hologram have indicated that it could be used to design a POT to measure wire segment dimension. WSH structures will be fabricated to allow conrmation of the simulation results for the combined image as well as for the null and anti-null holograms. Acknowledgement Staff at the University of Edinburgh would like to acknowledge the nancial support of EPSRC (GR/L81000).
References 1. 2. G. Dowbenko, Homegrown Holography, Amphoto, 1978. W.H. Lee, Computer Generated Holograms: Techniques and Applications, Progress in Optics, vol. XVI, pp. 119-232, 1978. B.R. Brown and A.W. Lohmann, Complex Spatial Filtering with Binary Masks, Applied Optics, vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 967-969, June 1966. A.W.Lohmann and D.P. Paris, Binary Fraunhofer Holograms, Generated by Computer, Applied Optics, vol. 6, no. 10, pp. 1739-1748, October 1967. B.R. Brown and A.W. Lohmann, Computer-generated Binary Holograms, IBM Journal of Research and Development, vol. 13, pp. 160-167, March 1969. J.R. Fienup, Iterative Method Applied to Image Reconstruction and to Computer-Generated Holograms, Optical Engineering, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 297-305, 1980. S. AbuGhazaleh, J.T.M. Stevenson, P. Christie, and A.J. Walton, Wire-Segment Holographic Test Structures for Statistical Interconnect Metrology, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, pp. 121-126, Monterey, USA, March 17-20, 1997.

Fig. 11. Hologram image created by adding the null and anti-null hologram matrices




1.19 1.18 1.17 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2

Size Error (um)





Fig. 12. AIR versus wire size error for combined hologram structure








1.25 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2

Size Error (um)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Fig. 13. AIR versus wire size error for combined hologram structure with a threshold of 0.5


The thresholding increases the sensitivity of the AIR measurement as well as reversing the trend of the graph. Further simulations for the region -0.2 m to +0.2 m have shown the percentage change in AIR with a threshold of 0.5 to be around 1% per 0.1 m of wire size error.



5. Conclusions and Further Work

The previous work using WSH structures for process control testing has been reviewed. The method for using hologram test structures to allow in-line non-contact testing of metal interconnect patterning has been described. It now seems clear that although the null WSH can be used to measure misregistration quite accurately using a progressional offset technique it may not be possible to use it for this in a real process where the

Figure B.22: Reprint of paper presented at PREP 2000, page 5.


Published Papers


S. AbuGhazaleh, J.T.M. Stevenson, P. Christie, and A.J. Walton, Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Wire Segment Holograms for Statistical Interconnect Metrology, IEEE Trans Semiconductor Manufacturing, pp. 225-231, May 1998. S. AbuGhazaleh, P. Christie, V. Agrawal, J.T.M. Stevenson, A.J. Walton, A.M Gundlach, and S. Smith, Null Holographic Test Structures for the Measurement of Overlay and its Statistical Variation, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, pp. 156-160, Goteborg, Sweden, March 1999. J.A. Serack, A.J. Walton, and J.M. Robertson, A Novel Device Structure for Studying Gate and Channel Edge Effects of IGFETs, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, pp. 67-72, Long Beach, USA, Feb 22-23, 1988. A.J Chester, A.J. Walton, and P. Tuohy, An Experimental Investigation of EEPROM Reliability Issues Using the Progessional Offset Technique, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, pp. 218-222, San Diego, USA, March 22-25, 1994.






Figure B.23: Reprint of paper presented at PREP 2000, page 6.


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Figure B.24: Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2000, page 1.


Published Papers

Figure B.25: Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2000, page 2


Published Papers

Figure B.26: Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2000, page 3


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Figure B.27: Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2000, page 4


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Figure B.28: Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2000, page 5


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Figure B.29: Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2000, page 6


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Figure B.30: Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2000, page 7


Published Papers

Figure B.31: Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2000, page 8


Published Papers

Evaluation of the Issues Involved with Test Structures for the Measurement of Sheet Resistance and Linewidth of Copper Damascene Interconnect
S. Smith, A.J. Walton, A.W.S. Ross, G.K.H. Bodammer and J.T.M. Stevenson
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Scottish Microelectronics Centre Kings Buildings, The University of Edinburgh Edinburgh, EH9 3JF, UK ABSTRACT The effect of the barrier layer and dishing in copper interconnect causes extra difculties in measuring sheet resistance and linewidth when compared with equivalent measurements on non-damascene processed tracks. This paper examines these issues and, for the rst time, quanties the effects of diffusion barrier layers and CMP dishing on the extraction of Rs from Greek cross type structures and the effect this has on linewidth measurement. INTRODUCTION Advanced interconnect technologies are an essential part of the roadmap for improving the performance of integrated circuits. As a result copper is set to rapidly replace aluminium because it has a lower resistivity which, when combined with the introduction of low-k dielectrics, reduces RC time delays and power consumption [1]. A damascene CMP process is typically used for fabricating copper interconnect, largely as a result of the difculty associated with dry etching copper. Barrier layers are also required to prevent copper diffusing elsewhere which adds to the complexity of processing as well as complicating the measurement of sheet resistance. Resistive electrical test structures used to measure the linewidth of conducting tracks assume a homogeneous layer of conducting material. This is not the case for copper damascene interconnect because of the requirement to use barrier layers. Figure 1 shows a cross-section through two copper tracks with barrier layers and it can be deduced that as the width of the copper track decreases the percentage contribution of the barrier layer to the sheet resistance increases. For example, a tantalum diffusion barrier has a higher sheet resistance than copper ( Cu 1. 678 -cm, Ta 13 -cm) and a simple calculation based on the cross-sectional area can be used to calculate the resistance of a track [2]. The resistance of damascene copper tracks is also affected by the polishing process, typically resulting in dishing which causes the track to be thinner in the centre. The degree of dishing is a function of the track width, increasing in magnitude for wider tracks as shown in in gure 2. The resulting reduction in the cross sectional area increases the resistance [3, 4]. To electrically measure the linewidth of a conducting track the effective sheet resistance of the material must rst be determined. This paramCu Ta Barrier Metal Cu


Figure 1. Cross-section of copper damascene tracks of different widths. As the width of the copper line decreases the relative contribution of the sidewall barrier layers to the track resistance becomes more important.

Cu Oxide


Figure 2. Schematic cross section through two metal damascene lines showing increased dishing with larger linewidths.

eter is normally measured using either a Greek or a box cross because no dimensional information is required (see gure 3) in the extraction of Rs [5, 6]. This insensitivity to CD variation has made these types of structures the industry standard for measuring sheet resistance of conducting layers.
Drive Current I

I R s =R ln(2)
Measure Voltage V Measure Voltage V


Drive Current I

Figure 3. Greek cross and box cross sheet resistor structures used for extracting Rs .

However, both of these test structures will be affected by dishing and the diffusion barrier layer. Any error in the value of Rs will directly translate into an error in the value of linewidth extracted. Reference [2] discusses many of the issues associated with characterising copper interconnect and the purpose of this study is to, for the rst time, quantify some of these effects.

Figure B.32: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2001, page 1.


Published Papers

BARRIER LAYER EFFECTS The rst question that needs to be answered is the exact effect that the barrier layer has on the extracted value of Rs . The structure of the Greek cross used to perform this task is shown in gure 4. In this case the thickness of the tantalum barrier layer on the bottom and sidewalls of the trench was set to 50nm. A 2D simulator (Raphael) was used for the following simulations with the sheet resistance of the central region of the cross being equivalent to 500nm of copper over a 50nm thick barrier metal layer. The resistance of each sidewall barrier was set by assuming a layer of tantalum 550nm by the barrier layer thickness.
0.0345 Box Cross (Wb=50nm) Wb=100nm Wb=25nm Wb=50nm Wb=75nm

Sheet Resistance (Ohm/Sq.)




0.0325 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Linewidth (um)


Figure 5. Extracted sheet resistance versus copper linewidth for simulated Greek cross structures with barrier layers.

Copper Barrier Layer

barrier layer. As would have been expected from the Greek cross results, gure 5 also shows that the tapwidth of the box cross structure does not affect the extraction of the copper over barrier layer sheet resistance. The above results indicate that the majority of the current ows in the centre of the cross (i.e. copper) where the resistance is lowest. In the 2D simulations the resistivity specied in this region was the parallel combination of the the copper and the underlying barrier layer. This was the value of sheet resistance extracted but conrmation is required that the 2D approximation used is valid. Hence, simulations were also repeated in 3-dimensions using Raphael conrming that, for the conditions specied in equation (1), the extracted Rs is in fact that of the Cu in parallel with the underlying barrier layer. This is a useful observation which indicates that Greek cross structures can be used to measure the sheet resistance of copper and an underlying barrier layer. DISHING EFFECTS Equation (1) gives the conditions that are required to extract the copper over barrier layer sheet resistance but this assumes a track with a rectangular cross section. Unfortunately, the CMP process also affects the sheet resistance of conducting tracks through dishing and it is important to quantify the effect of this on the extraction of Rs . The dishing model used in this study is a function of the polishing time and parameters have been determined for two endpoint conditions [3]. These are for the nominal polishing time:
= 0. 32e0.008w + 0. 65

Figure 4. Greek cross test structure for simulation of barrier layer effects.

Simulations were performed for a range of linewidths with sidewall barrier layer thicknesses between 25 and 100nm. A 10 by 10m box cross structure with a 50nm thick barrier layer was also simulated for a range of arm widths. The results of these simulations are presented in gure 5. For these simulations the sheet resistance of the copper over the thin barrier metal (Rs(Cu) ) was set to 33. 132m/ and, as can be observed in gure 5, this is the sheet resistance extracted by the Greek crosses with large linewidths. For example, with a sidewall barrier layer thickness (Wb ) of 100nm the extracted sheet resistance is within 1.3% of Rs(Cu) for linewidths greater than 0.5m. It can also be seen that as the barrier thickness is reduced the error in the extracted value of Rs(Cu) associated with narrower tracks reduces e.g. with Wb = 25nm, Rs is always within 0.5% of Rs(Cu) . If an error in the measurement of sheet resistance of more than 1% is considered to be signicant then further simulations must be made. From these it has been determined that for a copper track with a tantalum barrier layer the error in the sheet resistance will be less than 1% provided that WCu > 5. 6WTa . Taking into account the ratio of resistivities of the copper and barrier layer a more general expression can be developed: W Cu > 43. 4 RCu W RB B (1)

(2) (3)

and for a 25% overpolish:

= 0. 68e0.008w + 0. 22

where R B and W B are the thickness and resistivity of the

In these equations is the the ratio of the metal thickness

Figure B.33: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2001, page 2.


Published Papers

at the centre of the dished line to the ideal thickness and w is the linewidth as shown in gure 6.
A = t mW tm =
Sheet Resistance (Ohm/Sq.)



( )
1+2 3



tm - tm tm

0.036 Box Cross Cross Line No Dishing

Figure 6. Cross section through a dished damascene track.



The following simulations approximate dishing as a stepped conducting track rather than a smooth curve, as illustrated in gure 7.
w/10 tm

0.033 1 2

Linewidth (um)

Figure 9. Sheet resistance against linewidth for 2D simulations of copper damascene Greek crosses with 25% overpolish. The values of Rs for the dished line were calculated using the equations for the cross sectional area given in gure 6.


Figure 7. Cross section through a dished damascene track showing the stepped approximation of dishing used for the simulations.

taps because the dishing of the box is constant. The difference between the sheet resistance extracted from the box cross structure and the equivalent sheet resistance of the dished lines is greater (4% - 5%) simply because the larger dimensions of the box cross leads to more severe dishing. However, this 2D approximation does not necessarily reect the actual current ow in the test structures and so 3D simulations were also performed. The dishing model was changed slightly for the 3D simulations in order to achieve a more accurate model of dishing in the centre of the Greek cross. Because the amount of dishing is dependent on the linewidth it would be expected that the depth of copper removed in the centre would be more than in the arms of the cross. Using the model described above a new depth of dishing was calculated for the centre of the cross. The value of linewidth (w) used in equations (2) and (3) is the diagonal width of the cross measured between opposite internal corners. In order to achieve the correct prole across the centre of the cross in the simulated structure, cylindrical sections of the conducting track were removed. This is illustrated in Figure 10.

This model was rst simulated in two dimensions to determine the effect of dishing, for a 25% overpolish, on the extracted values of sheet resistance. The change in the metal thickness due to dishing is modelled in two dimensions as a change in the sheet resistance of the conducting area as is shown in Figure 8. The simulation results are presented in gure 9.

Sheet Resistance
33.56 m/ 35.86 m/ 37.12 m/ 38.49 m/

Depth in microns Surface 0.0317 0.0343 0.0475

Figure 8. Plan view of a Greek cross with a linewidth of 5 m showing how the dishing model is simulated in 2D. The sheet resistance of each part of the cross depends on the amount of dishing in that area.

0.0515 0.0633 0.0687

For the 25% overpolish it can be observed that there is an offset of about 3% between the sheet resistance extracted from the Greek cross structures and that derived from the cross section of the line. The values of Rs extracted from the box cross do not increase with the width of the voltage

Figure 10. Plan view of a Greek cross with a linewidth of 5 m showing the three dimensional dishing model.

Figure B.34: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2001, page 3.


Published Papers

For these simulations both the nominal and the 25% polish endpoint models were used and the results are presented in gure 11.


Sheet Resistance (Ohm/Sq.)


sample tested here was stopped at that stage of the process to eliminate the effects of dielectric erosion which could swamp any dishing effects from the measurement. It can be seen that the results of the two proles taken across the centre of the cross agree quite well. The average depth of the copper dishing in the centre of the cross is greater than the depth measured in the arm of the cross by between 2 and 3 nm. This difference in depth is similar to those modelled for the 3D simulations described above. LINEWIDTH MEASUREMENTS Any error in the measurement of the sheet resistance is directly translated into an error in the linewidth extracted. The previous discussions have indicated that this can come from either the barrier layer or from dishing. Barrier layers Provided equation (1) is satised and there is no dishing then the resistance of the measured layer is the parallel combination of the copper and the underlying barrier layer. However, the parameters associated with the contribution of the sidewall barriers to resistance are also required and reference [2] gives a methodology to obtain them. It should be noted that barrier sidewall thickness will be less than the thickness on a at surface for narrow lines (WCu < 4WB ) due to a shadowing effect during deposition [2]. The narrower tracks will also have a higher resistance due to a reduction in copper grain size [7]. For the purposes of the simulations both copper sheet resistance and sidewall barrier thickness have been assumed to be constant. The resistances of 100 m long copper damascene lines have been calculated with the same parameters as those used in the Greek cross simulations. The effects of the sidewall barrier layers have been subtracted and Rline used to calculate the linewidth using the sheet resistances obtained from simulations. W line = L Rs R line (4)




0.033 1 2 3 4 5

Linewidth (um) Box (nominal polish) Box (overpolish) Cross (no dishing) Cross (normal polish) Cross (overpolish) Line (no dishing) Line (normal polish) Line (overpolish)

Figure 11. Sheet resistance versus linewidth for 3D simulations of the effects of dishing on Greek crosses.

The results for the 3D simulations with 25% overpolish compare well with the 2D results indicating that the assumptions of the 2D model approximating the dishing effect are reasonably valid for these structures. From gure 11 it can be observed that the offset between the line and cross sheet resistances is approximately 0.7% for the nominal polish conditions and 3% for the structures with 25% overpolish. The results indicate that the errors in extracted sheet resistance increase with the amount of dishing. However, the model for dishing in the centre of the Greek cross still may not reect the true structure. In order to try and conrm the validity of the model AFM scans of real copper damascene structures have been performed and gure 12 shows the results of one scan of a Greek cross.

The percentage errors between the extracted linewidths and the "drawn" linewidths were calculated and are presented in gure 14. It can be observed that as the barrier width increases, the errors at low values of drawn linewidth also increase. It should be noted that the box cross is insensitive to sidewall barrier layer thickness and, assuming there is no dishing, should be used in preference to a Greek cross. Dishing
Figure 12. 20 20 m AFM scan of a copper damascene Greek cross test structure. The arms of the cross are 1 m wide.

It is not possible to tell from gure 12 if there is more dishing in the centre of the cross but gure 13 shows AFM proles taken across the centre and arms of the same cross. The CMP process employed is a two stage process with the rst polish stopping on the tantalum barrier layer. The

Dishing makes the extraction of sheet resistance using a Van der Pauw measurement problematic because the layer thickness is no longer constant. Figure 15 shows the linewidth error caused by dishing for the 3D Greek cross and 2D box cross structure. The linewidth errors for the Greek crosses do not vary with tap width staying at about

Figure B.35: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2001, page 4.


Published Papers

Figure 13. On the left is a set of three AFM surface proles from a CMP copper structure. On the right is a 256 256 AFM scan showing where the proles have been taken from.
4 Box Cross (Wb=50nm) Wb=100nm Wb=25nm Wb=50nm Wb=75nm
6 Box (25% overpolish) Box (nominal polish) Cross (25% overpolish) Cross (nominal polish)

Linewidth Error (%)

Linewidth Error (%)


Drawn Linewidth (um)

-2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Drawn Linewidth (um)

Figure 15. Linewidth error versus designed linewidth for the simulations of CMP dishing.

Figure 14. Linewidth error versus designed linewidth for the simulations of barrier layer effects.

W Cu > 43. 4

3% for the 25% overpolish condition and about 0.7% for the nominal polish. The box cross results are different because the amount of dishing in the box does not change with the tapwidth. This means the error will depend upon the drawn width of the the line. These results indicate that, provided equation (1) is not violated and instrumentation and Joule heating are not issues [2] then sheet resistance measurements should be made on Greek cross structures with track widths the same as those used on the linewidth structures being tested. CONCLUSIONS AND FURTHER WORK This work has quantied the effect of barrier layers and dishing on the measurement of the sheet resistance and linewidth of copper interconnect. A Greek cross structure can be used to measure the sheet resistance of the copper

and underlying barrier with an error less than 1% provided RCu W . The effect of dishing on the extracRB B tion of sheet resistance from Greek crosses has been evaluated and for a nominal dishing has been shown to contribute an error of less than 1%. For a 25% overpolish this rises to about 3%. Because of its larger dimensions the dishing associated with a box cross is considerably enhanced and hence a larger error in sheet resistance results. All of these errors are directly transferred into electrical based linewidth measurements. Measurements of a copper CMP structure using an AFM appear to validate the 3D model of dishing in a Greek cross. Future work will involve fabricating more test structures with a range of different linewidths. These will be tested both electrically and with the AFM to further conrm the simulation results presented in this paper.

Figure B.36: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2001, page 5.


Published Papers

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to acknowledge the nancial support of EPSRC (GR/L81000 and GR/M41070) and Avant!.
References 1. P. Singer, Tantalum, Copper and Damascene: The Future of Interconnects, Semiconductor International, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 90-98, June 1998. T. Turner, Requirements for Dual-Damascene Cu-Linewidth Resistivity Measurements, Solid State Technology, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 89-96, April 2000. B.E. Stine and R. Vallishayee, On the Impact of Dishing in Metal CMP Processes on Circuit Performance, 1998 International Workshop on Statistical Metrology - Technical Papers, pp. 64-67, Honolulu HI. USA, June 7, 1998. L. Yang, Modeling CMP for Copper Dual Damascene Interconnects, Solid State Technology, vol. 43, no. 6, pp. 111-121, June 2000. W. Versnel, Analysis of the Greek cross, a Van der Pauw structure with nite contacts, Solid State Electronics, vol. 22, no. 11, pp. 911-914, Pergamon Press Ltd, Great Britain, 1979. G.P. Carver, R.L. Mattis, and M.G. Buehler, Design Considerations for the Cross-Bridge Sheet Resistor, NBSIR 82-2548, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC, 1982. X.W. Lin and D. Pramanik, Future Interconnect Technologies and Copper Metallization, Solid State Technology, vol. 41, no. 10, pp. 63-79, October 1998.







Figure B.37: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2001, page 6.


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Figure B.38: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2002, page 1.

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Published Papers

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p UD ` T o R SUW tDWG R R R d n m k Ua sUD UD R SU RDaGU iF1i1s XYFxPA pp` eG G 1e xl cAFU Fs X5Q FFYHS GYFW jPYFiHe#W yBFvYext p vu s %AVE VFv1s W 1G U RG WGUW h g f p e U dW EW t b D R RG t R G s R TUD T R R d UG t d q S s t GU p T RWt E Q SU S s ` EDD `G R U p SUD `G tU FVA1AVyY1 Rs g1s YHAdHYB11iFF1G XB Rs YF1ivu p t RDWa pU U dW GUD `Wa `DWG WGUW UG sU S U dW s G G t p xa F#U BBAFPPYrYAHBPBFVcu T R R dG UG t d q T RWt sDU p t d R b UG ` D SUW qt S t sUU 1s W 1FVA11s YAW VFW AfiE YFBx1iAQ UiYAeYBF1#YB1i##is y1Ficx1wVvYHT PiH Rs ht d GUGGUa ED q WaU s s EaDUW R U sUaG t u t S p tWU u UWt RWGU h EW SU q pU hU S UDU b d R d b GUD `Wa `DWG WGUW U T RD QIGG ED r5VE iBgF$fa 1ecYF1F#AFPXPYFXVBS BPPFHF$C 648 7@ 9 7 ) 764 2 0 ) ( ' B9 A#8 5%#531$%&


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Contact Contact L B= 400m Contact

Phase Contact Chrome Blocker Shifter

Figure B.39: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2002, page 2.

G t u EWE d q U dW s E GUD `Wt u U dW T 5icVx11BieBYYU V By1F1 Rs IG ` W RGUD EW E d q R SUW RD q UDU b d R d b u sp E C t d R PAePG FVx11Xs Xis BF$a 1e1BxevgFW eb GU p G b E dG UD ` R W sU uUD `G tU u G t uI s E D SU s R YB Rs jx1dF1VT fHvF1ivFVcPHicVE 1iT G IU S UG E dW G t U RG U u tG U dW U Q R b G S t q U dW p E EW UD `G E q HyFi1F$iy yvVFBA pp ee1i1y1FiHF1i5B#U t T RG ` SUW RD q UD t GUD `Wa `DWG U dW sU d b W t dW EG S p ta yBs AvYis F1jFV%YF1AFPBc1$xAFcYU VFG UDt G St q U Q ED q U dW UDU d b SU s RGU S sUU Q E pt Gt d W ` E xy1VAvAiF1c1F1YBiT FBAG VyVABiVY pt S s EaUG e U RG UD `W t da tU D GUD `Wa `DWG dW R bU p SUW Ai#Yi 1FxU VYeVE %YF1AFPgHS 1 Rs cYY pt I E R E bW GU S pa R R d n SD ta U Q ED q s SD t S s tWG t T RG VG ceeYHA` #As jG 1eeVy5VF1gVBAVc1s F1` G t I s E SU Q ED q U Q sta d R d b G S t q U Q ED q d R b GUD `Wa `DW icu BivAiF1Axa 1%1VAjAiF1cW %BAFPG WGUW E tDD t p p t R W ` E p p U d n GUD `Wa `DWG WGU PYFxYxcYcgjG jBiVYt p 1` BejF1AFPPYFW U q n G t EW SUDD UD U Q R b WUG R d n UD `Wa `DWG U dW YAH$PI FviFYFU FyA pp G 1e$iF1F#AFF1xE s RWaUG U T RD Q U dW R E S U dW G t WD E dG q EWG S st GG EDa U dW iE YeVBS F1eBys B1V%iBFiFyAxFHF1F1xE G uDt Wa tW s Ea pt RWDU h U dW EW q ` s `D GU p SUD `G tU u s ` U d cxjiii#xa i1FFXBB$1 Rs cYF1icB11FW WUG S s EaUG U dW s GUD `Wa `DWG U q nI G t EW SUDD UD U dAVF1FdPj1F#1FcYAH$PFiXXYFFU #yAQ R b UGU dW S s t GG EDa U dW E U qt dG U dW b p GU p T RWt E pp YBcAVBFHF1Fx5xAyBY pE iE $1 Rs 1s YH1 U dW UDU d b p UD ` T o p Q uUGUD WUG WGD o U d n GG EDa UUD 1FFB%iF1i1U 1yYFcPA1eriFj U dW S s ` EDt GU p u u ` S U dW E GW sU uU T stDDt W sUDU R 1FABiFV1 Rs v1HrByVc#ivi1xxdHF5 HS d R b GUD `Wa `DWG UG sU S E GWUG E bW UD t UDU d n GU RG UD `W t W $YF1F#AFPAHxe#vePFxFBe FF1FxYU U dW E da tU D SU s RGU S UDU b p S s t p p p 1FwxXiYiE 1iT YByF$p V1V iBl iH VB ip Vp ip ieV$HE Y#VAcB Rs gW e1F#1FVBS F$%x Vp p E G RWtD Ua t qG EW U p d R b GUD `Wa `DWG U T RD u S st p p p E G dW R bU AV iVp V1 iB B1 BB 1B BB 11 BxAFHS e1 pRs G t u s E d R b GUD `Wa `DWG WGUW G R tW s Ea W ` E p h g f U d icVXW $F1AFPjPYFAs V#iVeBiVYt iB$Ben # e F x $Y vYi # Y PY jv Y PY j$ % Y Y xY#FH1Y# #P A FAF eYx 5Y 1 YB #  YA# YP5Y F Y%Yw# % x PY  Ay# P#HY B



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1 2 3

V/I ()

Force Current ( A)

Published Papers

i x sh sw p ih rp r rpr pwup p sr pw vh sh j  5I IInq5F0%R055Y0%nY Cn5q5I0p p ih r rpr pwu s pu x h srpw hpp ir x p q5yF055Yqx 9)Hr C590qCi0p qi l 00%)5Hr rpw vhu vwh p p p s ir pr i ww x p ih w p wpr pw r vrp )%Ch kq5 h %55)q j 5I)q5 YC)yDI9h q505w t shrpwph s hr p rpr pwu s ih p p ih r rpr pw qx H505x H %i l YC5Y)x y s j q sx F%"0Cy59u pp pu xh srpw hpp ir p ih x sh sw p ih w s Y"9)I9Hr C5eYYqCq5URy II"%F 5 s I %e f p rp sr pw vh p x srp w s x h x rpr pw yI)nY 55qp qt C0%y I0u qy5%y 0Cy59u p s pu x h srpw hpp ir h ih xppr p x u s pw v t %x FYqCr C5890qCF)50Y5k0h 5qyq % w iu s i x sh sw p ih pw vr ah %5 sh j  5I II"qUI5qCy0p p 5" 8h y"%v r p st pw p t ph v u x sh s p w x hr p ih x pw v t p s q 5I qYu Y I 0qqC"q5Fq5qyq 80 Cr pw vh iup w wp ihpt h p twp xpp p i rh x pw v %p y 0%Yy5yI0y00YkFy)"9yYp 5qCr p pu xh srpw hpp ir p x shhr p w sh h v p I0p Y)I9Hr C590%5%i l a 5IC)y5qu 5%H sp Cr p ih x phr r x sh rpw wp i s i p ih t sr v pw vr pw q5"q H%5y v 50X0qt %e%qx C)0%5p Yp j x s tpw p s ir pr i p i p x x x shupr w s p i  y050 h qC5)qq5h w %y)Iy C5qx %q5h w a5q)e0Cr D5q)5HU YC5Yp q 9qYp pw v t pp rpw vhu vwhr hpr ph u p x h rpw vh w iu p ih Y5q5I0p p 5qq5UI t s iuhpwp r r pwp ih rph s s i s pw p x i %x %99YyIRp 5y j 50%"5IYu )x u qi j 5y Y)I)5h wp i s i s h pw p pw r p s 0%yt qye Yu %%CYp j 0yI y j % % sv %u w i p ih wp pw vr rpu xh srpw hpp ir p ph or p i q505h IR0%5p 9)I9Hr C5bYYqC%i l y5I qFCy q5h rr wu pu xh srpw hpp ir p ih x sh sw h p v xpp p y9yY)I9Hr C0YYqCF%Iy 5IRq%n0Y)yqi r qi l "ad by055qYF5 sh j 0%5p 0%i j 5q5h s fee h xpww vu i pw vr xp rpw v p9q5C85)x q8qF0 h qCCy)%Dqh w U0Yq9Hr 50w YYqCr u vwhr w s x p s ir pr i p i rpu x h srp hpp i ptwp p ih xp hp h it v e hpr r 0q5Y0p j Y)8yq yi qqw yey %"F95I x s pwp ih xup rhu h xu p w w pu v w 8r 50% %)Y0Y9yY)y5qy)0Y)q55h p s p s x h p v w r rpw vhu vwhr p iuhp x v p ih x %x 5r q8qR %)%b j 5q)5HqY%qqR p rh x pw vr p ih s sw p ih hr h i % 9y0p %5p q5IC sh qI 5IqDRH )5h rhrp t t vr i s r vrpw r v s pw p ih x ih w h x u s 9Hy%5n5u qi j h %50D) Y%q5I)e0p j 5y0) %x pt Ce5y Y%%)C)U0qv IIbq0000p j DUY9h q505w sr pw x sh s p w x hr rp p ihwp r vrp p %9)05x I9%5"05qb)x y" qYakIXyY5q9u hp pw sh h pr v p s t vu feed h xpww v pYy RIqqx IYu %)x 5qyqx 5yq5I s C50 uw h ih t sh s s d pw v t s pr ih h w sr wp pw rp w vu p ih rp ir p ih hr s r vrpw prp i I0y5qYq5e")q5q5n Hw Un0h %50RCq5h 5w 'B P ` B B P` g3 P CC3 A G IA P G aB 9Q CDHC3 Uf 3 d P ` P S G6 PA 3 P S B $4&4 SQ 6 G $73E P4 E 64G ' ' $ e9Q c a9Q UYC3 P C` C` 9Q UG 6 YbU"9 $Q 54 0H"E II5H9Yy& %#
0 0 100 200 300

Std. Deviation of V/I ()

Mean V/I ()

Sheet Resistance ( / )









Mean V/I Std. Deviation



'B P G` B B P CC3 A HA P G aB 9Q H` g3 P f 3 d P ` P S G6 P A` 3 P S B $4&4 SQ B3 @47 643 1 ' ' $ CH3 Ue9Q c U9Q UYC3 P IHC` 9Q UG 6 YbaXCA YC0y& %#
27.7 27.8 0 100 200 300

Figure B.40: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2002, page 3.

Force Current ( A)

x j 9%F)nI0)Dqy 5qv 9)y9bI"Y) IF50%i l w p xu h ih r x sr u x u wp v x pw pwp x sh s p w x hr p ih i y Y%9Iq)I9Hq5r j qCr pw v t s h xpww vu puw p ih hr s t phh pu x h srp 5q) p %i j yY5q9"99 qH)x y55I qDYqCr 505w hpp ir x p ih ir pw v s r vrpw p ih x h xpww v YYqCiIp q5r j qCn5qt UY9h qC5qFyY5q9u h x pw vr p ih hup rp p ih h v x sh w s wp ihw Yp 5qCy0p %I"9k98%y)ny  %x Yq55q v x I9%" 5ICDk%%)I q5qx 5qC)0H5Yp j s h h x sh hr p w v x p ih t sr v hrw phrph pw rh v p s ir pr i p ih p x x w s p ih p x 9%y 0 h qC5)q%Iqyq5qx %q5Iq w e5q59q5Cr d 0I 5r )YyYp j e"YYp 5qCy0p rpw vhu vwh f h ph s wp rh x pw vr p supw x hp pw pw 5r Y0%)p qI0kY5y qx % I%u qi j y v 505w t s sw i s x sh rp wp i s i i wph rpr phr r s pr v p xp i 0%yt q"R sh j Y9p h yy"0C)v 5C%Cbr qi l kC))RYq5h qY 5IC)y5qDu 5I 5%IC sp C)R9I0)y5q8q sx v u x shhr p w sh h v pr x wu p w t pr phr r hrph h ih h x H)v 5C%C"H5FI)5Dy0p r qi l  Yu 5Y9y)I5h s su shpu x phw p qx v %y 8 "u 509u  5%v yCD)0%x 59Ye5qCr s s x swp x sh r r v p v x s iuhp hw i wp p pw r t sh u p s 50I 5Fy j qx 9% % sv 5q%i l w iu p x sh s p w x hr wp tw i r x shh x sw y Y%%)CeYy5 sh j ) 5I9yYp 5 p ih w w pw p sh x rp p ih r h x q5Uy U0p j b5I80qx 9yIF0p IXqv Ibq5Uy yYp ppw vr p ih rhup r h xu s x sr pu xh srpw hu h x u h i Y5qCy0p q90n yI0k qt C8Y)I9Hr 50"yY)5h 0C%h kYyYp j eYr p qy5q99yY8k% ppr rp s wp w hu h x u p w h ph pY5)R h qe0p 9%er RC sh qI 5Ix "Yq050kr q5h pw p s h v w u h x s s sw s pu xpwp s p i w x r pw p y yCy0qi r h x p w w v u p r w p p w x w w i pw v l 0y05%YC0yY5)I9I j  5 sh j 5qCr pI0p ) 5I 0%%)Cq00p j 9kY)YYr %YI r x sh s p w x hr p ih xp hp pu xpwp s xph wy59 j qCRp qx "9yYp 5q5p qi l  qx 9u hu ir s h s rh x pw vr p t sh x hvi 8 %y% sh j p %u y e% q0XIbqv ICkY"5h w i w h p phw pw w sr s q pu xh srpw hpp ir pw vr p  s Cr e0h qIIFY)I9Hr 50YYq50%5p %i l
27.9 28.1 28.2 28.3 28.4 28.5 28.6 28.7


Standard Deviation of Rs ( / )







Force Current ( A)
Force Current ( A)








Published Papers

Binary Phase Shifted



Binary Phase Shifted





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CC I H a 9 H CC UDe9 9 C D 5C YaX C Y5Yq %

27 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8


Sheet Resistance ( / )



Asymmetry Factor (F A )








Design Width ( m)





Binary I-Type Binary L-Type PSM I-Type PSM L-Type

m ! !&! @ o

b )

09! 09! m & 0&! HI5H Ha65

9 CYan CYH a 9I 9 HC UYC 9I



Variation of Rs () ( / )




Figure B.41: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2002, page 4.

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Y 9 0& 9 9 a"5

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Design Width ( m)





Binary I-Type Binary L-Type PSM I-Type PSM L-Type





Q ' '  '   ' Q %)y 5I ( %kCRq"I5$9 5qFkX' qq5 Q ' 95 q& R$yY505 '  ' (  4 %  Q  9 qT55%II$8 5)yVd%' %$q51 &)j!H%5R Q    '   4  4  t r %15qI`q5" C)R$81 T )D5 5ye' eiph          8qDY)I&H 50dq5R9yY8 5Ty F2I 5 qH  '  0y08 5Ty 82 57 $q q1 '  ' 4 '  5 `5!eyY&F5 q$ 0555!F!05qd50q859      # 1Yyqq8y 9yYF! 0 5  q5Cy%q5 qYa9k&  4 ' q58I5 qQ Cyk8 R 00)H50q ey$5Ty 8 c Yb% I q"q5b1 VyqYYy`%q!90k!e q5y$!y! a   (    # H ( 4 x  '  % g w bDvY)I&H C5eYYq5F$59&%&%"8 59019w %R S 4 '   t r 3  ' ( Q q1$5R' q12IvCy5!u1s q% d$y!5) 9 p 8  (  %  q iR %dq      '  h Y82756 5I!H%5I`I ) % 4 4 H '   5%5UH !y( qa!5)HR)%C k$5  %5RCqFq h R7f qe1)R %y dbeq `q5"5' q1S Ry 519 g 3 Q  c a   ( ( W    4 C0y %Yq50YX00I 5H Tq55 e5yq5  % '  '   Q 1 V%09q!e0)H$5  qCCyq")%C D5 %5q5 Y82755y ) %y 5% F5 %"F3 5U         9  U9$Ty 1$ C)R'  q&  ek2I eYqC 505   S Q  '  P  H YYqCF%6y ) %y 5q D n5y I 590198qq1 %3  50 b 9 $%' GGyYE CI 6q5H) 1D$55I % 8 ' ( F    ' C A 9 8      (  4 3  3  B@)1y 2Y827Cy6 $5q5 DqC8$251 0   ( '  % y9)H C5)YYqC q $y&"q5 #    90$" y!k qy CiI Fy08 Y 5  %5Cyqq85   0C 05)H)C k% q a % 5C I a 9 CDHC a e9 9 C D 55 Y 9 5 0H8 IH9Yq %
e g f e ppqpp$bddpb 1b eIbu ub7qdI
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

Feature Size ( m)
0.9 1



Published Papers


Binary I-Type Binary L-Type PSM I-Type PSM L-Type

Fa = 10%



 !$T1 ! e71R27 T2Dd o !eT!D &1T2V1`$T1 &$7 dv7 )$T1 25`V ) T $2! u $& !i 7k1y $! y7 V  $2 i$1  !VT&uB& u B

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Design Width ( m)

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Design Width ( m)

~I $  17T p5V1 Y& T$)7!2 T1 2 eq! $ o2`To1y1d 2 ! !u)T b1u$~eT$p7!2 T1 2eT V !$&TD d

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Measured CD ( m)







Design Width - Measured CD ( m)









Figure B.42: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2002, page 5.










Design Width ( m)










Binary ECD Binary SEM Designed Width PSM ECD PSM SEM





RG)1 2!T$2 V  )I 2 T o ! 1I1 $&!u52R 1 TR$$ I )I!V 77 d !p 1!e`Ip ' (R 2ook)7 ) ' % p ' & R d1 v  )G7!2 T1 2 ' % e5 & !Y6 !V~!@!TpYu$ 1! p  TT  ~ G&$ T & p& ` @qT$& T$G$  !VT $$ueT $ )"$ $ V! @ $ YT$& T@q !$  # 

Design Width - Measured CD ( m)















1.2 Binary ECD Binary SEM PSM ECD PSM SEM

Published Papers




V X V v v W g s r 55@7155y 7Q d r A f b s 6 7f Iw 6@` TT  @  @G 5 @ @@  Q$5(   75r S s y f a s t x ` s 75 5 Crr !5 5 @ "b Q 5` p f p s 6a 5w "(@@` & ` f w ` y b r s s ` ` f b w g G7$@7Gh 5w @lg 5 s f q5@&Q7$1"Hg q7a S ` h w ` w fy` ( & ` f w a 7&dy S q& id7w d 77d15w f 7 u7r &FV A @W d r b d r s` h p b d r R V c b r b d r V V h a e` V V V v v X 5@51155W g y 7QTd775Tr 791  @  G 5  @ @ Q5q s r b r v r s r   75r55 7 r" i 5 5 @ "b S 15w S @ S @` 7r b f r s fy 7"i5y @` 6b 5w (g c &b dh d l@b @` f rl796q@` p a s r g t fy` b b w s f A s f S e` S S R c ` s f r w f b` h s r ` ` p U r ` V V & c b r s r h s V V f ( r y V V % w r V @ i557T&t 7@7G7r 9F! d@7g 61! F6@Q s w U rf a w g V V d` a s t V V b d V V d w g S V V X 5` 5575g 5&5! 95 d e a @` "6 51@` d &u 95h 5b d r(@W V W V v v W d w 55d66771551V 56 " 9 u5 5  "$ @@` 5U a S d f` h & c b r d r fy d ` d r f v w U a p a ` d s f` h s S 7w 5w s i"E|7 7@y S s @` @ 7@y S 5b S i@b S u@` q5w @y qh a w a f S e` p |7g c &b S d @` p 7q75w a S 7q5r c s a r ` h w a b s r v h w t d w g S (h 5b d V V c b r S f w V V b ` e V V d wy y s V b d V V r7x y @ 7lr& 1@"&t w 5@w TrT"1@` d &l! @W V b f r S b p h h w y f r s d` a s t V V 15w S @y uq5@` 5 S ri 1 d e a @` " @W V W t 551&Y b f U S a r a s r c b f w p r s p d r b f r X A 15w 7b g 7$r@c 77r 5!7}7@` "75w S 9675 5 E9 V v` V y ` s 1"1g @T @5w f a S @G(7c S " a 5w "g !5w u5w S c S a a ` f`` g ` U s a s t ` f s a b f rs` b w t b a ` s d g ` p V V c b r f r V V s` s r t V V 5"|7U S @&Y @@` @"r! 7@a S f Qrr "6 7""l !Q@W V W W 5W V v v W 1955g y 7u1@5!U 5@` 7&u @   9 D 5 s r b ` c` e s w f w  7 @ @ Q}5 @5r!75 5@ "r i (7 5  b @a 5@q@` p 7g c b d7Q f S f a S @7!@7Gh 5w @l S f b ` h s a r ` f S e` S c b r S a ` w ` y b r s s ` ` f b w a S s S b b w c b r t b fy s w t S S 8 s d r g (5@` S f qh 5w C 527& 5w S ` s 5" f qh Bw rT7y S &"75w S 6U S f @66b A !15w d 77115w f 7$ !1g f q1Q 5W f v w b f r a ` b d r R V c b r b d r V V S h V W V W s v 76@ld S 9 X X V v v V w b X W d w   556717dV 5657 5 0 5 @ 5149@155     a s y f a` s a` f``g a s t ap sr 9  0 @` p f p s 6"f Tl5w f a S @"@6"a 5w ""5w S 7! w c f d rf b ` s ` v 8 & b s ` s p g V V c b r s d g` p V V 7(p 5d75@qh S @'$& &@@  G7@` r! @W V 55W d s f r c b r U a ` s f S y w b r s ` h W W R V v` @a 7r S @` Q7ib S f @T5w q ` @667y S @q&65 G5d V y` dg T y S s  b d&7r h d TR b G65U 7r s 5u7|g c C f` ` S d f` S S g f g S f r w f S d r fy d & ` U s ` ` f U S S s f` Y s c w ` a` s r c b rf 7@y S s @` r57r @6"g b b qh @` &T5w !g f rf Tic 775 V X W V v v V w b X d w 6 )  55d7555151V 56l7 7@55    ` v r g s r S s w ` d ` h r b w f b S y 3` w t d r % c b  64$ 576( 7s f &r7&7r d @q7T(595@` @q6"Td 7&27r f S f a S @(g Gb S p 77}6g ( 67r!@761 r S a ` ` f U s a r ` w c w f` e p r s ` c b r V V V X W b r V W V v v W d w  )  5576 11dV 55 1 0 5 @) " 576 7r s f &g f &@y a 97!a 1''d 7&7 f S  ` v r g s S s S e a S Y w fy` ( & d r % c b r 6 S f a S 9y @@6ub S p 7T7(6g  !57r"@G756 r@ a` S y ` v U s a r ` w c w f` e p r s ` c b r V V V W W W W V v v W W V w b 76T@5155d5 V 551  5 @ "i 5 $ 5# @a 7r 65"q` f b TQg f u` p p s 5 d w fy f b w t S S R S e s fy f e p r s ` c b r r a sy x ` s ` f w a d r b d ` s` ! V 67lq@|7"! @a 5w }@@` &g 97qa S 7& @b a "" V W s v X X V v v V w b X W d w  76Td S &7555151V 5657 5  5  5115 u@ @ " a @6Tb S 5r!7w     s ` r U fy p c b w t g c Cub dig Gb @ S @` 7r 7"u5a 5w f a S @i66r!@c f S ` S ` f U S s fy s r g t s w R s a ` f`` g e p r s ` b r c b r ` U s s ` s p g V V c b r f b rs V V s d g ` p V V 757r5c S " 1@ 69 75577uY 6@@` @"! X V W W V v v W W 75d155Qg y 71d75w 76& s r b r v r f w @   @ 5 @ @ @ Q$5   75r957 5@ rr r 95 5  "qb G @@@7r f a &@6d @` f q579b 7Q S a ` y b S Y d ` ` s ` h w b r U S v v r s s fy f a ` s f` h f b f w S U S d c S c w 5w ` p p s 5f @TQ@` q5w S 6@` 7l` s |$b c S @`  h 5b dl "$7r1@` d 9T! 917r f 79"r d @e a ` "r 7 d w g S V V c b r b d V V b S r V d ` a s t V V V W V v 55 511v 76V 5675 15 5ru  @ !7Q5 @ T75 7  W d w W @ l 5 5 Qb Q @x 7Gib S f g a ` 75w @` f S a f ` 7y S s f S a a r h U S a r g v s a a f d r ` @d@6` d ` 7b 65@@!7a @u7!1b d& y d ` d ` d U S ` y b ` v V V t c b r d ` p h r V V Y S V V V W g s r X V v v d w 55Qy 7Q1571V 76@ @6@ !q5 @ Trr Q 55@q7qb 76lx 7G!b S f g a ` 7r 1b d6& ` U c ` b r S r U a a r h U S a r g S V V V X V v v 5555d555166u @ @75l|5 5i5 5 ! b &  C67r 55g f S |g 7@` 6@566&r 7TrW S t g v s U w d f U b d` r e p r e a rs` V e l"Tldl

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Design Width -Measured CD ( m)













Figure B.43: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2002, page 6.



Mark To Space Ratio






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Published Papers

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Figure B.44: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2002, page 1.

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Published Papers

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Figure B.45: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2002, page 2.

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o n v u n v t vt o v o | ~ v r y n v HIH@HH#Y7HF#BYr 8yr  ~ } { q q { } y o x v t r x t o n p } | { y o n r o n v u n v y y ys I 8IH1Y2I#8YI@o yB2I"&yTy@H7t vt o v o x v p q v } | { r u { q v } | w o q t r | o w r } p s y v u o n 7HIHIs o I"lys H2y IHv #@C#&12o I2HYy x q t o n v u n vt w n y w s y vt r q t y o x v { n x q x t o n v y v (VCHI@H7II7&2t #@IHr Bu I(VHIH2o { q q { } y r v o t y r s q v y q n w s y s q t o w o x v w o } r y ys I &(HT2r H2"u HIy B@2p #qI s q w o v u } o t x u y r n | | y o x { o vt ~ t o x v r t q q y | y u o x o C#IyYy8z"7yH#T(I@TCo v q } I2@"YIHv v o o { r v w o v | y w y o r v w o o s t o n v u n v t w n y w s y v t o x } y q ""HFHy2I8@HqCCIHIH@HH#qy@#8I8& Cu Hv  u y n | q } o v } | { r u q q x v w s y n o x v o p r v w o v u o s s r u t s q p o yB{ ~ "o I"zt zt y@2VCIH"HyIT@r "Hn


FIB Platinum

1 m

8 m

1.5 m

2 yBIF Iy zz @2y HC2CH"1 yBv (Hr { w s y t | } n o r v s o n o q w x q w o { n  n o | o n o t s q v } q t r t v o t o o n x { r v v o t t y t | y #C@F"88Ir y y{ Hz2(Hq"y81CH("#((8Iv o p y } r o x v r x v q o x v t s q v } q t o t o x v s t v s o { o n v qIT2Hw 8IH8@r H2y I{ ##y78""CHI#t  y o { o x v r ~ u y n u u y o x v w s y r o x v r o q t o x v s o o 2CIH8"ICy@2BI(2" #IHC"87v  o q x t s q v } o n ~ s y o v y q v t o q r v w o { n n o | o } r x "@d| I#@r H2y CHH2p H#Cs Cr H"@@w II#t t o n v u n vt x u t r t s q v } q t v y x v w o q u o w t y HIH@H7@#2u@r H2y I{ #2ICyw u8v 7 7H2uFFHV "7#z I7 Y z #Y# C" y

Sheet Resistance (Ohm/




0 1

Box Side (micron)

13 14 15 16

Actual Sheet Resistance (1 Ohm/ )





Published Papers




Lt=0.25 Lt=0.5 Lt=1.5



d d i f i f d i i d d  f eePi 6Ph P"jf 9 9"P k f d P"PGi v6 P"PvA"PG PGA 6 P9 i u 66X c t e t c y |y 6X { A4 e y y c 54 ~ I H y y c z X d 6%9VA4 V  e U d uA4 | t #6e w y U 6X #y 6X ` u t u r q y s w U I d cX X d c X U
220 240 260 280 300 320

k i i n d #0A6 P 6$P"Q 9 f d f k i d f k i i o d i PA "P A Pe" 0P{e j2f k P"e0 j Af QP ve9ejPvf Pj6 i d i o o n d f PeP%je"P6"e%$A P"P9e{ P6"e f k i f d d m i i m k A P"%6f PA"Aev 6j9i i f o n d f d d i P$P "PPGf 0 P"Gi P  62PP m o d i i f d f f jj{#{ PAAPj uA 6"6h  PA"  P6"2P"% PPAP%PjP {Q9 d i i m {{ e"|%%q { q2A

"jePQu 9  %P9i 0P  p i f i n d k i m i k d e Qi  PVPA29GQQujP k d f d d i f i f i f i 6P j Pjf eP u| PP9 %|APuP"|"e P f d d i f d d o i d f d d i d o d o d f i  P"vGf d "j  f P0" d f d d i f m f i m d e Qi  6j"jeP PA GQ 6{  P 6j"juVi qP P Pu#"  "P66 6 99 d i k f d h h i Pe"o " jQPjPQf li PA PvPu 9 d f i f i i d f d d d f d d i k k i i d  u0i  P2P ui 9" u{ u %"P i d i m i % m 6Q P$ AjP"P{  f i i i o f i 6eue" f e vP% Q  PA o f n d d k i i d f i h o n d d p P"QjQf " %%{Q {9 P2i  P"uPu  " P #|"PP|PjPA f d d i d m k i  9#$6Q%je PA# P f $$% Gi  6 i m k i f d d d d f d f d d i h m Pj PAQh  62Q 6A6 6 P06 i f i i m i f d d k f n k i f d f f f i A Pi P"PG{G |0P"j G"P06A i d f m f f $6 | u Pe"P"Pk e0 "96Am h " j6#PA PA e A 6 $Pf d d h f m f d o f i f i i f d i i f d f d 6"9"9"""0|qi P"Qf Qi P Pi "P%"PPeeeP$ $ u d i k f d d k"PP i f eGQPj2 i  G6 i f m f d d i f h d k k i P" P 0"PQP uQ  6j"jvf %  P d m k k i d i o d m d P9P%#"PP  jf  f f m f i f n d k i h f f d d i f Pqe6 d P$i  P"%9#"jPA"m f d f d d i f d d i Pe i  6j"j PGi  6j"j$PPP k d k i f d m d " jf  V$A6 6 P$A"{ 0 | PP A Pi  P2f P$ i P"e%h Pi jV0 i f d d i d f d f d f d i qi  60G P"m f Guu662 u% %f Pj$e"i d i d d i o d i h m i

Figure B.46: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2002, page 3.

Sheet Resistance ( / )
100 120 140 160 180 200 20 40 60 80 0

Nominal Thickness (nm)

340 360 380



Published Papers


Data fit Data Fit + 20% Rs Data Rs Data + 20%




d d d d i i f d 9 # P" 6 %Pf " P"9#9jf  d d k i f f d i f P  u2 6 PQ9 eo d e k k 6PP m o d k k i o d o i %f P"$ PP%P{f Pee " 9$P k k P%j P ePi 6"%9i  6j"j i d m f i d i k f d d i d n f f m i jf  6G"h 9 P"PPjP"Q P d d f d o d o d f k i f " 2j 6 Pq P% f  GvA|G f i o d k h m k o d f P%h "6i A 6 u0f PAi $j ePi 6"q9$f A i f o i i f k i k 9|{"e"P9eA9 P0{0 66 f i m i i d i i d i d k PQ"P"6eP 9u"6 6 PPh m PPj P"P|i i i d d d PPe6h P f  6P"e % ef  AljGQv%"lf "e62l2 f i i i o i i d i m f d d f i i d i d f i i k m h f  u9APf e0 QjP9%A 66q0%Pej f i k d i d d f m m i uPi  f e 0${ 2%$ i d f f i d d PePf  Q Au ul uP d d k i d f d f d d f d d i f e jq PP%"%"n "j { "i  6j"j P 6 j2A$ PPAP f e PP 2 AP d f d d i k 6GP 6 Gj uPh P"%h f P m i d i d i f i o k i d e2" k 9G" 9 d 6l P 6j"ju0 P k f i d f i d i d f i d f d d i d d Pf PP Q uh u P f e %P d d o m i f d d m k d  uf "#P Aei P P uPPjf P 09  A|9 AA AAQ$ m i h {" "%P9% 6 Pum d f d d f m f d jf  2 f e 2PG"96A%A 6 P$ A0PP6"eP"Pue uV"P6| Af d f i i m f d i P 9 """ Pi  Pjf  u m 6qu%QP 9 d f d d i d d i k i o f d PPAPj62 Pvj60Pu"jQf  h o d m f h i k i m f d A#jh   P 9| $P PVe"P6 f i i d k f "eGPj u"f d 2#u699 Gi  d Gf 9A P d k i d f d d o d f i k i f d i m f f l26 6 PvPP6 el"Pv d d d i d o d m d  uP26"vf j "%G  P" #f eP"P k o n i d o d m k i i %9A P"6 P6 P"P PPi e9 d d f m d k i i f k i f d f e 9P"6jf P lP0i P PPvj" e ePPQP2P" Pf d i h m i d d u AX c t e t c y y y 6X {6e y U 6X VAr U I d U Pw s y|{A4 "Aw vt U d uI t Vu Au r q y X d w c X c ~ t y } q w c z y t 4 x s I U s U

p o n d f m f %Qf Q"PQ f i k i h d d PlPi %j" g f e 9P w u Aw "F x u A "F v u S "F v t v "y u g sf Xe d X c YX U W VT x y u AAAS "F t S "F S v u x x u AAS "F y u AAv "F g AVi f B h r p B @ @ I H R F S "QE D C A8 b I H R F E B @ @8 S "QD C AP97 v y u PAS "F w w y u A"AS "F x u AS "F v xw u Pv "F g Aqi f B h r p B @ @ I H F QE D C A8 b I H F E B @ @ 8 GD C AA97 t F A F Pw t g I $H f X a U ` 54 6

3 ' ! ' ' ! )  '  " V7"21 0CH( q"2" &        %  $#2"! "   Y2 

P9 PQ e  P%q 6e 9 " P P | P 2P$ G"P ueePe990 P P696 P   P "P "PP  9  P 6 P|%906ej1  p | P q Gu60 e e 6 P P k  "u " P6P6 6 P$% V9 P

' VGw D V e V V V aGe jG 3YBV de r 5I h7b U$H G $ e U w VIw er 'D a VF D D V D aF `I X UG HI& $w 8 6o 4 D s $H mbe V 7hTbbe W dW a V V be 5D cI b3Yh7Ycc7G q931o a P e V H DI Sew PI aet $ e V D aet eFH D a Veerp ' ' $ cI 5 $8 Tc $I $V cbh7e D b))H r W D d)b7G V $D be ddjj& %#
8 m
0 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007

n j" m Gu P9%% P PP9  lr k   60uP"u#A "  P eP 6"0P" P 69"PP jP 0P #PjP 6 i  P2P 9 P 6VAP"3 9P " jP #0 i f g d y x h hf e)1B qBB 1Tq3w  P #06$j)9 " 6 e  P 6 P $ uP  P eeP{6"% P%  Gv $92 P p i i P% P bB j P  P  PV e ut Pu s9qe9h"96A99uP  P f r g g p i g  P e% G 6 P$ 6 #  6

"P  Q""6"$Pu" P  P"PP A 6 P|P$  jcV "9q"i p r p n p p i #YP jP e   6j"9Y V jP A 0e u"  "" q P 9P"P e"2 l" "l  PPvv% jA  gY| p %P 6 6 Pe"PvQ v PeAP"P "Q" {Y9 6vP u  G" 6j" bB z n ut zy Y j|"P{P#A e 0P"9 uPjP % 6"9P  6

' a VF D D aF `I X 8W V US Q # G PI HG D # @ 8 620 4 20 '(' $ ce W dW a V D cI b53YA) $H 3G TR B9773F EC BA973531))& %#

'D a VF D D V D aF `I X UG HI& $ bbe W dW a V BV be hD cI dbs7Ycc7G w a P & $FG D SGV e&G UIt D aet eF H D a Vee D w V UW $p ' ' $ cI H d7S 17dc7dV c)W D b)dY7G V $D be 5dbr 1be 3G 58 jj& %#
0.9 4 6 8 10

! "P  G"6G     PuP2#   P        " eG"9 P 9 PV e   6j"j P 6 6 P$A"62PQ"96A 6 P "P%Pj $ 6%P"$ %$ AA u e v u2P P u$$P  PeP A9e   6 P j  6 PV P" 2 Av  6 " P $ ePP"%P A e"P  6j"j$P|$#e Pe  6j"#P

FIB Platinum


7 m

ut "Pe" P%ePPe P bB P P P   P V$ A 6 P%P%P  2P 6  9 6 6 P#A"PuP$|B 9  {" ){ue  P 69 P P$P P PPu 6 P"P0P2P09" e9

Figure B.47: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2002, page 4.

f g f d y j%ABh Tqx

 ~ }| YAP6 e P6 P 6Pe  y 6 6 PuA"P9# m P"6 P09A P%e  {" P2"# {9{{P {" P{95  z r i z r  n  z  {Yy mP""6Ae 6 ePu% P P x ' a VF D D aF `I ce W dW a V hD cI bs3YX 8 6o 4 o UG HI& $w G PI VHeF e V PI u $t H US VG 8e Fp 'o ' $ 3Th7Ycc7G sB7e a cbbr 7vde 7G  $F 3sdYr )q)& %#
| P uYP#P G PP"09|"" P P j# P v P APj) 6 P"P 62 GP  Pe G 2 t "  P9 jQ 9
100 120



Sheet Resistance ( /








Sheet Resistance ( / )





Aluminium Tap Spacing ( m)

1/(deposition time) (s )
0.008 0.009








Published Papers







qcbhq q)dB9j{1cbs3 1 7T 3 bs )%3Y9js %) j% Tb s 3b b335 7bj93Y"3 c 3j3 9Ycd 9cv3s)37cY YE3YTc)7cY7 Ys3c%7%13 9Ycd 9c1  bhb s 3b b3T Y139 1 7m9 7 bs js 3d 9hj7b 3j7%9 b%5qY  h3s 3 71 %339  7)7 77 %9c13b % 3b 3j3 3T3Y c Yjh3vjb 1A)7Yjqc3%%7 3 j139 A79)3j33T7 bj73A Y1) Y3c9 bbv7s) E 33b9jT9 %7977s 7 %3Y3s7 3 v 3E9 3 bs jsd33bh%7v7 s9v7977m3 7 Aj7mbs3"9 "%jc) Yvj77 %j3q%7Ysj %7 "7Y7 %3j7s9j1j3b9j1T5"7 h 7Y% ) Ycd 3j71))bh73%T% 793 vj9 7)%v7973 3")7b b3j7c %j7%A7 b3 E39 B cb7d b Y b d b b Bb Y c b c Y7Y  b c c  1c cb7s bc) 5 b)b7 bj3h %
0 0.004 0.006 0.008

Line Resistance ( )

j17%9  m3s)3j33Y77d b3b39% c9))331) 377 jhY7 %3j7) )b9Y13 7 " 9%71 7m9 3 bs jsh7 j7j 7% s3j 33 c73bsd3)b jbs3 Y9 Tb Y)9 "7T9 3 3 39)%fs 7 %35 7sY17 )%s 5 7s7 93BYT c9 bYYs m7 d9 3cb" b3s3)j7c9j 39s  9Y s3Y3 3m A 9%3h3E 3 bs )%q%v)377 37dEj %%1 3j3vc7d 3j7T9s 313Yj 3 3 A)7dTs)%1 3 )bb 73s dv3 7 d b  7  Y7Tc 3db 7 75c7  j3 %

9139 j)b 1Yj377 37d9% 3b3 7b17 %3j7% Y A77d%s 3Y 3BYq7s Yj 73cj )3 cc3s)17sc 7b b39% 337 %9 b  m %9c 793)hj"%7f93 Tc)7b b3s))bT73j 3q 91Y73 %9b539 7 bs js"%7171%j3 s)B TYc3b%7T3%j 7 q) "77d%s 3Y 3 Yq7s 3 Yq 9 Yc%7mj) cc Ycd s 39 1cT 9b9)1 %7vdjj 3jvj7b1j33s3c 3m3m73% m3 svsvj 7cj3 )j 7%m j3js7 %7q1Y7v%7e3 33 c73b7 39 cTj7b1bs3133 5% c 7b b3))bTY 33Y) s 5mj9j3j %7Y93Y Y d B b c d c 97Y  b c j 3 3Y Y  7m c71Y3dcc b c 7j3 %



Line Resistance ()







Figure B.48: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2002, page 5.




Nominal Thickness (nm)





Fit Line Test Data



7977f 1 Y"3731 7b%c Ys 3j375 3TY139 B5) 7s97 997f93 5  3)7m)79 3Tcj9c3 % Y% 1 h3Yb 9Y1j37"%%1 19 v hb 9 j3b%b{bB13 3cj739c17)%79mdq % Y71 fs 3Y 3 jj cc Ycd b379c9)s7 13s% ) "T3b Yj1)cd 3j7"3"c j%) Yc7 9"77j77%9c 7)  13j3% cc B9)73cs%7Y79 7h 9b9j3 )c9j1)7%31 s j%73 s%q %j%7s3) ) 5j% q3 %s1%m3j j377 37d9s 33Bjjj j77 %)9 9T3s7 7Y 3j3Y3v3Y 9 7b9 7% jbc)9s ") Ycd 3j7T3Y 3 bc b3T7h Ys d c d c 7Y  b 5Yc c  bj 7Y cs 7)7"d7d dhccB %
10000 12000 14000 16000 2000 4000 6000 8000

1/deposition time (s )
0.01 0.012



Published Papers

Measured Predicted

6 99 9 #B j%%#  7'%9Y'%9  '   " Y01%Y3 8!% ! W3 % !El   6C$ &   ' q8 s D b ! $    !3%5! 6 6$ 6 6 @ &$ 6 $B $ 6 6 6& $ $6 6 #& 0 W Y%! 3@ v0%5 !! !W% T1!% j%9 $ 6$   &$ 6& #$ Y  P! $ 5! W %$ '7 %@ '3 9  @ 6 @ 6 6  $6 9W9 !E ! !3D'FY W  6  5 8 % '  !4 !! !W TA3! %n W%B $ n c 6 #& $ $ @ 6 6 6 j!#  99  9 #B ''%79j'%s ' ' F   YW8!YY 6 6 @ 8%% % 3F %! & & 6 W E !W!W  6  3 & 6$  C #$ 6  6 6& $ 6 # & F'& !2( !iD 4!! 'j@ D!  T1!% j% ! $ ! %n1 !E 2C b1% !2(  D%j%s@ # 6 $ $ 6   $ 6  # $  s E 6 1  s4$ 1o #( % ' s 7$ 6 l8x ' q #$ # 6 6 6   6$ $ ! 6 ! 37$ !B ( ! 4E 5' 1 E % 9 9  #B )!% 7'% s'  %  6 6 @ % 32    YG !! & & 6  !E !38  6  & 33 C % % !2& 4!! !W T1F j!T s% 6$  #$ #$ 6 ( 6 #& $ B$   j%%bj'cj9cs' Y %  ! W  D  ! $  Y % h8 & & 6  #B 6 &$ 6 $ $ 6 6  #$ # 6 i2!xW"!  !! 4l 2 C  t ! Wv! 9  9 #B j%s7'%9''Y i% !3Y '  $ 6$  WP FC 6 6 4$ # !2EF! b2 # 4n$  # ($  #$  C B !3F D & %1 F A05!lY % @ 6 $   &$ 6 $B 9 $  #B j%" j'99 s  F  ! $ 6 't "C $ 6 6 h4! 5 Yii# 4PlC  #$ $ B 7 b!8Y & %1EF 1 5W!D % 9 @  6 $   &$ 6 $B 9 C$ j%"n'%)  6  c)W9W '3 ' !  %4DY   ci   hY! B !3!E!2! & !1 Y% T  6& @  ( 6 $ ( $ @ $ 6 j%9 iYY %2%'W! !  @ ! 'P !P A! '05E) 9W s@ s  j%s'%   #B %%h93'W3' W 'kn ! !Yo''% iA 1' %$ Wi1 !4"!! G%Wn 1! ! (& #    & ($  &  $ $ & $ #  @ $  1 0Y "4Y%Y% # 7 !F3Y 'i9% 9  j)%c97%j  W  44 ' 00 !  ' 4 ! '0 0  ! 3D s Y  (& # &  ($  &  $ 6 6$ 4D %$ x! !Wx A !A %! $  #$ # ($ $ # $ C % 6 ! W 3 !0YF'$ Y !4'h' %E) s5 Y ` U T iWE3ii"
'YDx2!kEYYiD1 |D552%WEi!v f y ug b p yu bz x y h f h q y u y e gf e r p q mh y u hf e q q h m v h gf u e g u iidEe 2EEGkY )p EY8AYEEi ` T V S T 33iDi44EAW3WU

$ $ j%0 8 43! 54 1 03 7 6$ # $ #     $$ (& #     c2( 1 !0  77)' %$ "!  vbs %
0 60 80 100 120

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Resistivity ( -cm)







Thickness (nm)











Figure B.49: Reprint of paper presented at ICMTS 2002, page 6.




Deposition time (s)

Deposition time (s)













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Published Papers

Published Papers

Figure B.50: Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2002


Published Papers

Figure B.51: Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2002


Published Papers

Figure B.52: Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2002


Published Papers

Figure B.53: Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2002


Published Papers

Figure B.54: Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2002


Published Papers

Figure B.55: Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2002


Published Papers

Figure B.56: Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2002


Published Papers

Figure B.57: Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2002


Published Papers

Figure B.58: Reprint of paper published in IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Maunfacturing, May 2002


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