Worksheet - Heart & Circulation Key

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Arterioles arterial duct atria atrioventricular node Capillaries cholesterol diastole diastolic blood pressure heart attack



Biology 12 - The Heart & Circulatory System

small branches of arteries connects pulmonary artery to aorta in fetal system to shuttle blood from pulmonary circuit top chambers of heart, collect blood from body or lungs, pump to ventricles AV node: causes ventricles to contract after receiving signal from SA node microscopic blood vessels with walls one cell wall thick, across which gas exchange occurs lipid necessary for normal cell function but can build up in arteries causing atherosclerosis relaxation of heart muscle pressure of blood in an artery when ventricles of heart in diastole myocardial infarction: blood supply to part of heart muscle cut off (usually due to clogged coronary artery) high blood pressure. Prevalent disease in industrialized nations, associated with atherosclerosis low blood pressure the hearts own built-in mechanism for initiating a regular heartbeat, due to SA node inside villi, this is where fats enter the lymphatic system tissue fluid that has entered the lymphatic system specialized regions along lymph veins where lymph filtered, white blood cells made type of white blood cell produced in lymphatic system that makes antibodies specialized tissue that has properties of nerve and muscle tissue: AV and SA nodes in fetus, this opening connects the atria and diverts blood from pulmonary circuit. SA node membranes and blood vessels across which mother and fetus exchange nutrients circulation of blood through lungs divides the two halves of the heart pacemaker node, special nodal tissue that initiates contraction of atria every 0.85 seconds lymphatic organ where blood cells mature and are stored part of brain dies due to oxygen starvation because of clogged artery circulation of blood from left ventricle through tissues of body and back to right atrium contraction of heart muscle pressure of blood in an artery when ventricles contract major trunk of lymphatic system, drains lower portions of body an organ that lies in the neck and thoracic area and is absolutely necessary to the development of immunity carry blood from fetal heart to tissues and placenta connects umbilical vein to vena cava larger lower 2 chambers of heart that pump blood to lungs and rest of body small branches of veins that connect to capillary beds

10. hypertension 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. hypotension intrinsic heartbeat lacteal Lymph Lymph nodes lymphocytes nodal tissue oval opening pacemaker node placenta pulmonary circulation septum sinoatrial node spleen stroke systemic circulation systole systolic blood pressure thoracic duct thymus gland umbilical arteries venous duct ventricles Venules

1. The major systemic artery in the body is the AORTA. 2. The systemic system begins with the LEFT VENTRICLE of the heart and ends with the RIGHT ATRIUM of the heart. 3. Contraction of the heart is called SYSTOLE; just following contraction, blood pressure is at it HIGHEST. 4. The SA node is often called the PACEMAKER. 5. The first wave in an electrocardiogram occurs during the contraction of the ATRIA; the second occurs during the contraction of the VENTRICLES. 6. A vein is a blood vessel that takes blood to the HEART. 7. Movement of blood in the veins is aided by SKELETAL muscle contraction. 8. Capillaries are tiny vessels with very THIN walls, facilitating the exchange of molecules. 9. The lymph vessels begin in the tissues and eventually join the SUBCLAVIAN veins. 10. Two dietary components that may contribute to the medical condition hypertension are SALT and CHOLESTEROL. 11. A stroke occurs when BRAIN cells are denied oxygen. 12. Label the parts of the circulatory system in this diagram: 1. superior vena cava 2. aorta 3. SA node 4. right atrium 5. av node 6. inferior vena cava 7. tricuspic valve 8. right ventricle 9. pulmonary artery 10. left pulmonary vein 11. left atrium 12. left ventricle 13. aortic semilunar valve 14. left ventricle 15. septum
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16. pulmonary semilunar valve 13. Match the structures in the key to the statements below: Key: ARTERY VEIN CAPILLARY i. has the thickest walls: ARTERY ii. has valves: VEIN iii. has the greatest total cross-sectional area: CAPILLARY iv. takes blood away from the heart: ARTERY v. takes blood to the heart: VEIN vi. exchanges carbon dioxide and oxygen with tissues: CAPILLARY 14. The path of blood through the heart. Starting with vena cava, list the structures in order through which blood flows. Use the parts in the column on the left.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Structures (Alphabetical listing) aorta bicuspid valve left atrium left ventricle lungs pulmonary artery pulmonary semilunar valve pulmonary veins right atrium right ventricle semilunar valve tricuspid valve vena cava

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Correct Order vena cava right atrium tricuspid valve right ventricle pulmonary semilunar valve pulmonary artery lungs pulmonary veins left atrium bicuspid valve left ventricle semilunar valve aorta

15. The heart beats about 70 times a minute. What actually happens is that the SINOATRIAL node initiates the contraction of the ATRIA (chambers). The nervous stimulus is picked up by the ATRIOVENTRICULAR node, and this initiates the contraction of the VENTRICLES (chambers). When the chambers are not actually contracting, they are relaxing. Contraction is termed systole, and resting is termed DIASTOLE. 16. When the atria contracts, this forces the blood through the ATRIOVENTRICULAR valves into the VENTRICLES. The closing of these valves is the lub sound. Next the ventricles contract and force the blood into the arteries. Now the SEMILUNAR valves close, and this is the DUPP sound. A heart murmur is caused by LEAKY VALVES. 17. Of what significance is each of the following in an electrocardiogram? i. P wave: ATRIA SYSTOLE R ii. QRS wave: VENTRICULAR SYSTOLE iii. T wave: VENTRICULAR RECOVERY 18. Using the diagram of the circulatory system in your text that shows the major blood vessels, trace the path of blood from: i. the left ventricle to the legs: LEFT VENTRICLE, AORTA, T P ILIAC ARTERIES, LEGS ii. the legs to the right atrium: ILIAC VEINS, VENA CAVA, RIGHT ATRIUM iii. the aorta to the liver: AORTA, COELIACMESENTERIC ARTERY, INTESTINE, HEPATIC PORTAL VEIN, LIVER Q iv. the liver to the vena cava: LIVER, HEPATIC VEIN, VENA CAVA S 19. a) Label the indicated parts of the fetal heart at righ: b. List the four structural differences between the fetal circulatory system and the adult, as well as the function of each difference.
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Structure A Function Structure B Function Structure C Function Structure D Function

20. There are only two types of lymph vessels, the lymph CAPILLARIES and the lymph VEINS. 21. Mix and match the correct term for each description on the left. O ___ 1. largest artery A valves F ___ 2. returns tissue fluid to the circulatory system B thrombus A ___ 3. prevent blood from flowing in the wrong direction C systolic blood pressure E ___ 4. vessel transporting blood through kidneys D stroke G ___ 5. vessel transporting blood through legs E renal K ___ 6. localized swelling due to excess tissue fluid F lymphatic system M ___ 7. supply blood to the heart G iliac C ___ 8. the highest arterial pressure H hypertension L ___ 9. the lowest arterial pressure I heart attack H ___ 10. condition of high blood pressure J embolism N ___ 11. "hardening of the arteries" K edema B ___ 12. a stationary clot along an arterial wall L diastolic blood pressure K ___ 13. a dislodged, moving thrombus M coronary arteries D ___ 14. when a portion of the brain dies due to a lack of oxygen N atherosclerosis P ___ 15. chest pain (including pain in the left arm) O aorta I ___ 16. occurs when circulation to part of the heart is blocked P angina pectoris 22. How is a lymph capillary like a blood capillary? a) they both contain blood b) they both contain valves c) they both have thin walls d) they are both connected to the vena cava C 23. If you press a finger down on a prominent vein, say, on the back of your hand and then slide the finger distally to a new pressure point closer to the fingers, would you expect the section of vein you just moved along to refill with blood? Suppose you had moved the finger proximally toward the upper arm? In the first case, blood would have to flow backward in the vein to refill the section you emptied; however, the valves in the vein prevent backflow, and the vein should remain empty or refill only slowly. In the second case, the emptied section of vein would be quickly refilled by blood traveling toward the heart. 24. Explain how the blood that right now is arriving at your fingertips will get back to your heart. What will drive its movement? It will move from capillary beds to small venules, then to larger venules and then through radial veins, brachial vein, subclavian vein, superior venae cavae, and finally back to your right atrium. Skeletal muscle contactions alongside of veins power the movement of blood back to the heart.

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