UserGate V5 English Manual
UserGate V5 English Manual
UserGate V5 English Manual
INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................................................................4 USERGATE PROXY & FIREWALL.........................................................................................................................................4 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS....................................................................................................................................................................5 USERGATE SERVER INSTALLATION.....................................................................................................................................................5 USERGATE REGISTRATION.................................................................................................................................................................6 USERGATE UPDATE AND REMOVAL.....................................................................................................................................................6 USERGATE LICENSING POLICY............................................................................................................................................................7 USERGATE ADMINISTRATION MODULE...........................................................................................................................7 CONNECTION SETTINGS.....................................................................................................................................................................8 SETTING PASSWORD FOR CONNECTION.................................................................................................................................................9 SETTING PASSWORD FOR STATISTICS DATABASE.....................................................................................................................................9 NAT (NETWORK ADDRESS TRANSLATION) COMMON SETTINGS............................................................................................................9 INTERFACE SETTINGS...........................................................................................................................................................10 NETWORK TRAFFIC CALCULATION IN USERGATE................................................................................................................................12 CONNECTION FAILOVER...................................................................................................................................................................12 USERS AND GROUPS...............................................................................................................................................................13 USER PERSONAL STATISTICS PAGE.....................................................................................................................................................15 USERS AUTHORIZATION METHODS.................................................................................................................................15 TERMINAL USERS SUPPORT...............................................................................................................................................................16 USING HTTP AUTHORIZATION WITH TRANSPARENT PROXY..................................................................................................................17 USING AUTHORIZATION CLIENT.......................................................................................................................................................18 USERGATE SERVICES SETTINGS........................................................................................................................................19 DHCP SETTINGS...........................................................................................................................................................................19 PROXY SERVICE SETTINGS................................................................................................................................................................21 SIP PROTOCOL SUPPORT.................................................................................................................................................................22 USERGATE SIP REGISTRAR............................................................................................................................................................23 H323 PROTOCOL SUPPORT..............................................................................................................................................................23 USERGATE MAIL PROXIES...............................................................................................................................................................24 PROXIES IN TRANSPARENT MODE.......................................................................................................................................................24 PARENT PROXIES............................................................................................................................................................................25 PORT MAPPING..............................................................................................................................................................................26 CACHE SETTINGS...........................................................................................................................................................................26 ANTIVIRUS SCANNING.....................................................................................................................................................................27 USERGATE SCHEDULER..................................................................................................................................................................29 DNS SETTINGS.............................................................................................................................................................................30 ALERT MANAGER....................................................................................................................................................................32 USERGATE FIREWALL...........................................................................................................................................................33 PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION................................................................................................................................................................33 NETWORK ADDRESS TRANSLATION RULES (NAT).............................................................................................................................34 WORKING WITH MULTIPLE INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS.....................................................................................................................35 MASQUERADE FOR NAT RULES.......................................................................................................................................................36 NETWORK RESOURCES PUBLISHING....................................................................................................................................................38 FIREWALL FILTERING RULES.............................................................................................................................................................39 ROUTING SUPPORT.........................................................................................................................................................................40 USERGATE SPEED LIMITATIONS.......................................................................................................................................41 TRAFFIC MANAGER................................................................................................................................................................42 APPLICATION FIREWALL.....................................................................................................................................................45
USERGATE CACHE EXPLORER...........................................................................................................................................47 USERGATE TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT................................................................................................................................48 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT RULES ..........................................................................................................................................................48 INTERNET ACCESS RESTRICTION........................................................................................................................................................48 BRIGHTCLOUD URL FILTERING......................................................................................................................................................49 SETTING A TRAFFIC CONSUMPTION LIMIT............................................................................................................................................52 FILE SIZE RESTRICTION....................................................................................................................................................................52 CONTENT-TYPE FILTERING...............................................................................................................................................................53 BILLING SYSTEM.....................................................................................................................................................................55 INTERNET ACCESS TARIFFING............................................................................................................................................................55 USER ACCOUNT STATUS CONTROL.....................................................................................................................................................55 DYNAMIC BILLING PLANS SWITCHING................................................................................................................................................55 USERGATE REMOTE ADMINISTRATION.........................................................................................................................56 REMOTE CONNECTION SETTINGS.......................................................................................................................................................56 RESTARTING USERGATE SERVER......................................................................................................................................................56 CHECKING FOR THE NEW VERSION....................................................................................................................................................56 USERGATE STATISTICS UTILITY.......................................................................................................................................57 USERGATE WEB STATISTICS...............................................................................................................................................58 WEB STATISTICS SETTINGS..............................................................................................................................................................59 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT RULES EFFICIENCY RATING..............................................................................................................................59 ANTIVIRUS EFFICIENCY RATING........................................................................................................................................................60 SIP USAGE STATISTICS....................................................................................................................................................................61
UserGate works as a proxy server, i.e. as an intermediate computer between your PC and the Internet. All interactions with the Internet pass through UserGate. When you surf the Internet, your computer automatically connects to the proxy server (UserGate) and requests the web page or file you want that is located on an Internet server. Then proxy server either connects to the specified server and receives the web page or finds it in the proxys cache (a temporary storage area for previously viewed web pages and files). In some situations the proxy server can modify the request or a servers response for specific purposes, for example blocking access to inappropriate pages or images, or if a virus is detected.
System requirements
UserGate Server is recommended to be installed on Windows 2000/XP/2003 computers connected to the Internet via a modem or any other type of connection. Server hardware requirements are as follows: Network configuration Small LAN: 2 to 5 users Minimum requirements Pentium 1 GHz, 512 MB RAM, Windows 2000, 56k Medium LAN: 5 to 20 users modem Pentium 1 GHz, 512 MB RAM, Windows 2000, 56k modem Large LAN: more than 20 users Pentium 1 GHz, 512 MB RAM, Windows XP, ISDN connection Recommended requirements Pentium 1 GHz, 512 MB RAM, Windows 2000, DSL Pentium 1 GHz, 1 GB RAM, Windows XP, broadband Internet connection Pentium 2 GHz, 1 GB RAM, Windows 2003, broadband Internet connection
Since UserGate NAT diver is not WHQL signed, during the installation process a Hardware installation dialog will appear (Fig. 1). In order to install UserGate NAT driver properly you should press Continue Anyway several times. After installation restart your computer.
UserGate registration
Unregistered version of UserGate Server runs for 30 days in evaluation mode and restricts the number of simultaneous users to 5. To register, please start the UserGate Server, connect the Administration Console to the Server, open Help and Register Product item in UserGate Administration Console menu. Additionally, you can choose the same option on About page in Administration Console. IN the appeared dialog enter your registration name and registration code into the corresponding fields. Then click the OK buttons and restart UserGate Server. During the registration process UserGate Server should be connected to the Internet.
UserGate Server v.5 supports the UserGate v.4 settings format. All settings from UserGate v.4 format will be converted into the new format after initial start of UserGate server. Compatibility with earlier than UserGate v.4 version is not supported. Removal of UserGate Server is accomplished by clicking on the removal item in the Start Programs menu or by using Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel. After removal, some files remain in the UserGate directory, such as config.cfg (UserGate Server settings), log.mdb (UserGate statistics database) and some others. When you install a newer version, all your settings are still there.
Administrator by means of Start Programs if the module is installed on another computer. In order to work with settings you should connect the Administration module to the Server.
Connection settings
At the initial start of UserGate Administration Console it opens on Connections page, where only one connection is specified. In connection settings localhost is specified as a server address, login name specified is Administrator and there is no connection password. To connect the Administration Console to the UserGate server, double-click on the localhost Administrator line or press the Connect button on Control Panel. You can create several connections using Administration Console. It is necessary to specify the following parameters in connection settings: Server name connection name. User name login to connect to server. Server address domain name or UserGate Server IP address. Port TCP port used to connect to Server (port 2345 is the default). Password the connection password. Always ask for password this option asks for your login and password whenever you connect to UserGate Server. Automatically connect to this server Administration modules automatic connection to Server when it starts. Administration Console settings are stored in the file console.xml, located in the %UserGate %\Administrator\ folder. At the UserGate Server side, user names and connection passwords are stored in the %UserGate%\config.cfg file.
Interface settings
The Interface page (Fig. 2) is the most important part of UserGate Server settings. It defines such important features as traffic count accuracy, the possibility for creation Firewall rules, Internet channel bandwidth restrictions, relationship between networks and the order of request processing by the UserGate NAT (Network Address Translation) driver.
All available network interfaces are listed on Interface page, including Dial-Up (VPN, PPPoE) connections. UserGate administrator defines connection type for each network adapter, i.e. for a network adapter connected with the Internet you should select WAN type, for a network adapter connected with local area network LAN type should be selected. As for Dial-Up (VPN, PPPoE) connections (this type cannot be changed manually), UserGate Server defines this type automatically as a PPP interface. For 10
Dial-Up (VPN) connection you can enter user name and password by double-click on the corresponding interface. A network interface located at the top in interfaces list, becomes the primary Internet connection automatically.
Connection failover
If there are several Internet connections, the Connection Failover option becomes available on the Interfaces page. This option allows automatic switching of the UserGate Server to an alternative Internet connection if there is no connection through the primary channel. To use the Connection Failover option you should specify the following: the primary Internet connection, one or several reserve channels and a list of control hosts (Fig. 3). UserGate will check the availability of Internet connection by sending by sending ICMP echo-requests (the ping command) to the specified. The request period is 30 seconds by default, which can be changed manually. The Timeout parameter defines how long UserGate server will be waiting for ICMP echo reply packets. If several control hosts are specified in Connection Failover, the UserGate Server will check them consequently. A lack of response from all specified control hosts at the same time will be interpreted as the primary Internet connection failure. Therefore, it is recommended to specify the most stable Internet hosts as control hosts.
As a reserve connection UserGate Server can use either an Ethernet connection (dedicated channel, WAN interface) or a Dial-Up (VPN, PPPoE) connection (PPP interface). In order Network Address Translation (NAT) rules to work both with the primary and the reserve Internet channel you should specify Masquerade as a destination in NAT rules. After switching to the reserve Internet connection, UserGate Server regularly checks the primary channel availability and, if possible, switches users back to the primary Internet connection.
Web-statistics, define an internal H323 phone number, and enable NAT rules, traffic-managing rules and/ or Application Firewall module rules.
Each newly defined user inherits all settings of a group which it belongs to including the billing plan. The latter can be easily redefined in users profile. The billing plan specified in the each users profile is used for the all connections tariffing (setting and monitoring the price of Internet traffic). You may use a blank tariff if the Internet connection if it is not rated.
On this page user can look through its statistics summary, open UserGate Web-Statistics page or download UserGate authorization client if needed.
authorization by a combination of IP and MAC addresses HTTP authorization (Basic) authorization through name and password Windows Login authorization Active Directory authorization simplified version of Active Directory authorization For the last four methods you should install UserGate Authorization Client on users workstation.
The corresponding MSI package (AuthClientInstall. msi) can be found in the %UserGate%\tools folder and can be installed automatically through Active Directory group policy tools. %UserGate%\tools folder also contains the corresponding administrative template (*.adm file). When Active Directory authorization is used, UserGate Server obtains the authorization parameters (login and password) from the Authorization Client, which is launched at the user workstation, and checks them through the domain controller. If UserGate Server is installed on a computer not included into Active Directory domain, it is recommended to use the simplified version of Active Directory authorization. In this case UserGate Server will compare the login and domain name received from the Authorization Client with the corresponding fields, specified in the user profile, without requesting the domain controller.
The HTTP authorization for terminal users mode is useful if you need to provide several network applications running from a single computer under the different UserGate accounts. Thereto please enter the appropriate proxy server (HTTP, Socks 5) address, port and authorization parameters (username/password) for each network application.
UserGate Authorization Client shows received/sent bytes statistics, time spent online and the cost. In addition to the Authorization Client there is a link on the users personal page. You can also change the Authorization Clients skin by editing the *.xml template located in the clients parent folder. Important note! Authorization Client. is not supported for Terminal users.
UserGate DHCP server supports import of MS Windows DHCP server settings. In order to use this feature you should dump the Windows DHCP settings to a file. To do this, launch command prompt (Start Run cmd) and type: netsh dhcp server IP dump > file_name, where IP is your DHCP servers
IP address. Import from file can be performed through the corresponding button on the first page of DHCP server wizard. Already delivered IP addresses are shown in the lower part of DHCP page of the Administration Console (Fig. 7) along with the client information (workstation name, MAC address) and lease time values. By selecting a delivered IP address you can create a user profile, create IP-MAC reservation or remove the given IP address.
The removed IP address will be placed again into the pull of DHCP sever free addresses after a certain period of time. The Remove client option becomes useful if there were a workstation which has received an IP address and it is taken offline later.
If an interface is not specified in the proxy settings, the server will be listening to all available network interfaces. By default, only HTTP proxy is enabled and it listen 8080 TCP port on all available network interfaces. To set the client browser to work through the proxy, you ca n specify proxy address and port in the corresponding browser settings. For example in Internet Explorer you can make it through Tools Internet Options Connection LAN Settings. When working though HTTP proxy, specified in browser settings, you do not need to specify the gateway and DNS in the TCP/IP settings of local area network connection on a user workstation. For each proxy server you can specify an upstream proxyserver. Important note! Port, specified in the proxy server settings, is opened automatically in the UserGate firewall. In order to ensure the higher security its recommended to specify only local network interfaces in the proxy settings.
On SIP Proxy page specify your SIP provider address. In this example it is When closing Profiles option dialog, enter your username and password for SIP provider in the appeared dialog.
Parent proxies
UserGate Server can work either with a direct Internet connection or through upstream or parent proxies. UserGate supports the following parent proxy types: HTTP, HTTPS, Socks4 and Socks5. You can create parent proxies on Service Parent Proxy page. For each parent proxy you should specify: its type, IP address and port. If the parent proxy supports authorization, you can specify the corresponding login and password. All created parent proxies becomes available in UserGate proxy server settings.
Port mapping
Port mapping support is available in UserGate. Port mapping rules impart UserGate Server to redirect user requests from specific ports of a UserGate workstation network interface to addresses and ports specified by the rules. Port mapping is already enabled for TCP and UDP protocols and does not require a UserGate NAT driver to be installed.
Important note! If a port mapping is used to provide access to company internal resource access from the Internet, you should use Specified User as the Authorization setup parameter.
Cache settings
An important purpose of a proxy server is resource caching, which reduces the Internet connection load and greatly increase the speed of access to commonly visited resources. UserGate proxy implements both HTTP and FTP traffic caching. Cached documents are saved in the %UserGate%\Cache folder. On the Cache page in Administration Console you may specify the Cache size limit and the document storage lifetime. You can also enable option Calculate traffic from cache. With this option enabled UserGate server will calculate traffic from cache and assign it to LAN user as if a web-page was taken from the Internet.
Antivirus scanning
There are two antivirus modules integrated in UserGate Server: Kaspersky Lab and Panda Security. Both modules are assigned to scan incoming traffic through UserGate HTTP, FTP and mail proxies, as well as outgoing traffic through SMTP proxy. Antivirus settings are available on Services Antivirus page in Administrator console (Fig. 15). You can specify the protocols for each antivirus to scan, setup the antivirus base update frequency and enter URLs which is not necessary to check (URL Filter). You can also specify a group of users whose traffic is not required to scan for viruses.
Before running antivirus, you need to start antivirus bases update wait for update to complete. By default, the Kaspersky antivirus updates are downloaded from the Kaspersky Lab FTP site, whereas Panda antivirus updates from 27
UserGate Server supports both antivirus engines working simultaneously and allows you to choose the protocols to be scanned by each antivirus, as well as traffic scan directions for each protocol if its checked by both antiviruses. Important note! When traffic scanning for viruses is enabled, UserGate Server blocks HTTP and FTP multithreaded downloads. Blocking capability of transferring a part of the file through HTTP may cause problems with Windows Update service.
UserGate Scheduler
There is a task scheduler built into UserGate, which enables Dial-Up connection initialization and release, statistics reports delivery to users, arbitrary task executions, antivirus updates and statistics base cleaning. Even nonstandard tasks can be performed on schedule such as launching special kinds of *.bat or *.cmd files using Execute Program in UserGate Scheduler.
DNS settings
UserGate supports two methods for the names resolving: DNS module and NAT rule. DNS module is used with all UserGate services: proxy servers, BrightCloud URL-filtering, antivirus, etc. This module is designed to handle DNS queries of different types, such as A, MX, PTR, and it also supports recursive queries. Communication with UserGate services is performed on the Winsock level. By default, DNS module listens to 5458 UDP port. Moreover, DNS module can use DNS servers specified in server network settings or use the given DNS servers from a list. In there are several DNS servers specified, UserGate calls are based on the response time. So if certain DNS server doesnt provide timely response, UserGate automatically calls other servers. For resolving user DNS queries there is DNS forwarding mode. DNS forwarding settings are available in Services - DNS forwarding section of the Administrator console. In the forwarding mode DNS listens to 53 UDP port on UserGate server LAN adapters. DNS queries coming from the WAN adapters are ignored. Responses to DNS queries are cached in the server memory, so the rate of names resolving process is greatly improved. Besides, DNS module looks for changes in the %WINDIR %\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file putting records into its own cache. All records from the hosts file are stored in the DNS own cache memory for all server time of work.
A NAT setup creates a NAT rule for port 53 UDP, which can be applied to all or some users. In this case you should specify the Internet providers DNS IP as the DNS server on client workstation.
Alert Manager
The purpose of the Alert manager module is to inform a UserGate administrator about some kind of events happed with UserGate Server. For example, you can create a virus detection alert, antivirus module error alert or a license expired alert. The alert will be delivered by sending E-mail through SMTP server specified in Delivery Settings.
UserGate Firewall
Principle of operation
UserGates built-in Firewall, being a part of UserGates NAT driver, is designed to handle network traffic according to predefined rules sets. In Firewall rule you need to specify source and destination addresses, service (protocol-port pair) and action: Send or Drop. Firewall rule type is defined automatically according to specified parameters. UserGate supports the following rule types: network translation rule (NAT), Routing, and Firewall itself (FW). In default settings only one firewall rule is available (#NONUSER# rule) which permits or silently drops all outgoing network traffic if it comes not from UserGate server process and all unexpected incoming traffic. If you enable Drop mode for #NONUSER# rule, UserGate Firewall will block all incoming and outgoing packets except transit packets. This is the most secure settings for UserGate if it is installed on a separate PC, working as a gateway only. However, sometimes UserGate is being installed on a workstation that works as an internet gateway at the same time. In this case you should create permissive Firewall rules. These rules will be placed above the #NONUSER# rule. When UserGate server accepts a network packet it looks through firewall rules in order to decide whether it should send or drop this packet. All firewall rules are scanned in sequence from top to bottom in firewall rules list. When UserGate founds a first applicable firewall rule for the given network packet it skips the rest part of rules. By changing firewall rule position in the rules list UserGate Administrator may change its priority during scanning. UserGate services, such as proxy servers, port mapping rules generate, so called, automatic permissive Firewall rules. For example, when you turn on HTTP-proxy, build-in Firewall will automatically create a corresponding permissive rule to maintain the proxy operation. Automatic firewall rules are not represented in the rules list; you can remove them only by disabling the corresponding proxy or port mapping rule. Nevertheless, UserGate administrator can block a permissive automatic rule by creating an appropriate prohibitive rule and placing it at the top of the rules list.
If a required service (protocol/port pair) is absent in the predefined services list, you can add it through New service button or through Services page in Administration Console. Important note! Prior to work through UserGate NAT, make sure that UserGate LAN IP address is specified as a default gateway on users workstation. Besides, when user works through NAT it should resolve domain names itself, so DNS server must be specified on users workstation.
Important note! While using the Connection Failover, the automatic outgoing interface selection option in NAT rules is disabled. All NAT rules traffic with the Masquerade, specified as a destination, will go through reserve Internet connection.
Routing support
If UserGate server is installed on a PC connected to several local area networks, UserGate can be set up to act as a router providing transparent bidirectional connections between local networks. Firewall routing rule can be set up between any pair of LAN interfaces (Fig. 24).
Important note! UserGate authorization is not required for routing, and traffic count is not monitored.
Traffic Manager
UserGate Traffic Manager(TM) module is based on a well-known CBWFQ (Class-Based Weighted Fair Queuing) algorithm. This algorithm provides network packets processing using FIFO (First In First Out) queues based upon queue priority and packet classification. A part of the algorithm is WFQ (Weighted Fair Queuing), when FIFO packet queues are processed by priorities and weight (size) of packets. Also the algorithm of TM includes the Shaper functionality (restriction of a bandwidth for a rule). Shaper also is processing queues by the priority. The other options are: Speed limit and Time delay.
There are two types of rules in the TM module: adapter rules, or default rules, and user rules. Default rules are designed for processing network packets that do not suit under user TM rules or for processing all network packets when there are no user TM rules defined. Default rules are created 42
automatically for each WAN adapter of UserGate server. Default rules should be turned on to provide TM operation. User rules are designed to handle specific traffic type. The following parameters are accessible for TM user rule: Rule priority Traffic direction (incoming/outgoing), Maximum bandwidth value allowed (Kbps or Mbps), Packet delay (ms), Protocol (TCP/UDP/ICMP), Source IP and port, Destination IP (as an IP/mask) and destination port, Adapter to process the traffic by Bandwidth Manager.
Important note! The Time Delay parameter is designed for delaying network packets if their traffic doesnt fit into the specified bandwidth. The priority of TM rule defines which FIFO queue will be used for packet processing. There are 8 priority queues defined: 4 absolute priority queues (HIGH, MEDIUM, NORMAL and LOW) and 4 queues with relative priority. Manageable traffic speed limiting is provided only for rules with relative priorities. According to the speed limit specified, a package can be sent to the outgoing buffer, moved to the beginning of the queue (if parameter Time Delay is specified) or rejected. Queues with an absolute priority are intended for privileged traffic processing. If needed, this traffic can fill all the bandwidth of the dedicated Internet channel. There is only one parameter that administrator can use to affect privileged traffic processing the absolute rule priority. When creating the user TM rule the machine address in the local network can be specified as a source. As a destination address you should always specify an external host or external network address. To restrict NAT traffic speed its recommended to bind a user TM rule to UserGate server LAN adapter because in this case the source address is not necessary to be specified (this traffic speed limitation will be applied to all users). Traffic speed limit can be personified by specifying the source IP address or IP addresses range. To restrict traffic speed through proxies its recommended to bind the user TM rule to UserGate WAN adapter without specifying the source address. Traffic speed limit through proxy can be set only for all local network users. When creating TM user rule, please take into account the following:
Traffic Manager is intended for traffic speed limiting for directions Server Internet and Local Network Internet. If a network packet matches more than one limiting rules, Traffic Manager chooses only the first suitable rule. Traffic Manager does not support Dial-Up connections. A network packet, which does not suit any user TM rules, will be handled by the default rule.
There are two parameters specified in the default TM rule: speed limit (Kbps or Mbps) and priority. The speed limit specified in the default TM rule is assumed to be the same for both incoming and outgoing network traffic.
Application Firewall
Internet access management policy is a logical continuation of the Application Firewall. With UserGate Server a system administrator can manage Internet access for both users and network applications on a client workstation. To control client workstation applications in a local network, it is necessary to install the App. Firewall Service application. Installation is possible as using the executable file so by launching the MSI package (AuthFwInstall.msi) located in the %UserGate %\tools directory. Network applications management is performed on basis of the administrator defined rules, applied to a user or to a group of users. There are two types of rules in Application Firewall: default rules and users rules. Any workstation with Application Firewall Service installed can get default rules under the following conditions: Application Firewall service detects UserGate Server, A set of default rules was created.
Since all Application Firewall rules should belong to a certain rules group, a special Default rules folder is assigned to store the default rules. A UserGate administrator can also create groups for User rules. Initially, UserGate has only one default rule which allows any user network application to access any IP address using any protocols. This rule is recommended to use at the beginning of Application Firewall setup for gathering application usage statistics. Application Firewall service obtains the User rules set only after the user authorization on UserGate Server. A user can be authorized using Authorization Client or without it by using the address of its workstation (IP address, MAC address or both). User rules can supplement or forbid the default rules. When Authorization Client is used, Application Firewall creates a logical link between a Windows and UserGate profile for the authorized user. Changing the Windows account when Authorization Client is running will cancel all users rules operation. Application Firewall does not support HTTP authorization. Application Firewall policy with default settings is defined as the following: a) If UserGate Server is unavailable, all the network applications are allowed. b) If UserGate Server is available, only local access of network applications and services is allowed. The network application statistics of Application Firewall is stored in the user workstations local folder %Program Files%\Entensys\Application Firewall\Cache and it is sent periodically (every 10
minutes approximately) to UserGate Server. The sending time span is defined by the Registry parameter SendStatistics (HKLM\Software\Policies\Entensys\Application Firewall). Also, the proper Caching rules are embedded in the Application Firewall. If UserGate Server is temporarily unavailable, Application Firewall service works according to rules written in the local Cache during the updating time (UpdateRules Registry parameter). By default the rules updates with period of 5 minutes. User application statistics are available in Application Firewall Statistics. User and workstation information, and network application information is shown on Figure 26.
UserGate administrators can create an application rule by double-clicking on the corresponding line on the Application history page.
When specifying an IP address you may specify it as a Source or as a Destination address. The Inverse option means all IP addresses except the specified. Please note that if you need to forbid access to some external hosts for NAT traffic you should specify their IP addresses but not domain names, because UserGate NAT does not work with domain names. Important note! In order to work the created rule must be applied to UserGate users of groups.
Categorized filtering is available for UserGate proxy services working in both transparent and non-transparent modes and for NAT traffic. For NAT traffic categorized filtering will be available only if users DNS requests goes through DNS forwarding module in UserGate. To deny access to particular categories (Fig. 29), open Traffic policy Traffic rules page, create a Connection Close rule and specify the unwanted category on the fifth page of the rule creation dialog.
If a traffic consumption limit is applied to a user, Internet access will be blocked completely or partially (depending on additional parameters, e.g. protocols to which the rule is applied) as soon as the limit is exceeded.
Content-type filtering
HTTP-proxy in UserGate can filter traffic by the Content-type field, which is included in the header of a response to a user from a web server.The Content-Type header field is used to specify the nature of the data (and its format) in a web-server response: whether it is audio or video content, image (e.g. jpg, png etc.), or a document (MS Word, MS Excel). Content-type header field is analyzed by UserGate and the corresponding content can be either blocked or allowed depending on the traffic rules set by an administrator. Filtering by Content-type field can be used to block access to certain data types and formats like video or audio files, disable JavaScript or prevent documents of a specific extension from being transferred over the network.
%UserGate5%\Administrator folder. UserGate administrator can add new content-types as in this *.xml file or through the Administration Console. The link to is added for this purpose. 54
Billing system
Internet access tariffing
Besides the direct traffic registration, UserGate Server can be used also for Internet connection expenditure calculations. This opportunity is provided by its integrated billing system. Underlying the billing system is a billing plan term. By default there is only one billing plan in UserGate with zero values for incoming, outgoing and temporal traffic costs. If UserGate is used to provide paid Internet access, UserGate administrator can create any number of billing plans according to Internet provider cost policies or arbitrarily by its own preferences. UserGate access billing plans can be applied both to users and/or user groups. By default Internet connections of all users belonging to the same group are rated according to the groups specified billing plan. An administrator can redefine user billing plan at any time.
You can obtain detailed statistics for each user or group by using filters. Filtering allows the creation of reports by time of access, by protocols, by resources requested etc. The resulting report is presented in a table which can be exported to MS Excel ,HTML or OpenOffice calc format.
Important note! UserGate web-statistics is turned on simultaneously with HTTP-proxy. Web statistics is unavailable when HTTP-proxy is turned off. Statistic information is represented now not only in table form, but in graphic diagrams as well to make the reports easier to understand.
You can obtain statistics access by visiting the link, (where is the UserGate Server address, for example) or via the corresponding link on the user personal statistics page (where 8080 is the UserGate HTTP proxy port). Certificate located in the %UserGate%\ssl folder is used for an access to web-statistics through HTTPS protocol. Another possibility to visit web-statistics page is to use the link from the last tab in UserGate authorization client.
To estimate a rules efficiency, there is a link Rules events in Web-statistics page. Only information about Connection Close rules is located here. With Director or Administrator privileges you can obtain the weight of each URL in total rule actuation numbers.