Program Description: Central Valley Ldirship For Social Change

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If you need an extension, please contact the LDIR office at (213) 241-0263 before the due date.

Central Valley LDIRship for Social Change:

A Training Program to Support Emerging Leaders Working with Underrepresented Communities

Program Description
Leadership Development in Interethnic Relations (LDIR) is a Los Angeles-based program that challenges and supports individuals to broaden their ideas about community; provides opportunities to work in multicultural collaboratives; and helps to develop grassroots, progressive projects for social change. LDIR is co-sponsored by the Asian Pacific American Legal Center, the Martin Luther King Dispute Resolution Center, and the Central American Resource Center, and strives to be an effective model of multicultural collaboration and leadership. LDIR will be bringing a second training opportunity to the Central Valley. Leadership training and ongoing networking opportunities designed to strengthen, renew, and/or restore leaders in the Central Valley are limited, and there are even fewer resources available for leaders from, and working in, disadvantaged communities. As a result, leaders have limited capacity to contribute to the change needed to address economic, health, and educational disparities that exist among disadvantaged communities. As one executive director working in Merced said, Non-profit leaders of color are just trying to survivewith few or no resources designed with them in mind. While many leadership programs seek to build the management and organizational skills of an executive, or to develop the leadership qualities of the individual leaders, the LDIR program is rooted in a social justice perspective and feels that effective leaders need the ability to facilitate collaboration among diverse people across lines of race, class, religion, sexual orientation, as well as across sectors and disciplines.

What is the Central Valley LDIRship for Social Change program?

Central Valley LDIRship for Social Change combines an intensive workshop series with hands-on, interactive leadership experiences. LDIRship for Social Change seeks to challenge and support individuals to broaden their ideas about social justice and leadership while building deeper solidarities across sectors and communities. While working broadly to improve community work, individuals practice self-reflective leadership in the context of wider social and economic justice principles.

Central Valley LDIRship for Social Change Training Goals:

The goal of the training is to bring together a diverse cross-section of people from the Central Valley region in order to better: 1) increase awareness about the role of structural and institutional oppression in preventing social change 2) enhance skills in self-reflective leadership, coalition building, facilitation and advocacy in order to create new comprehensive strategies, systems, and initiatives aimed at improving collaboration for social change

General Questions
Who is the Training for?
We seek people who are connected to social justice issues in a broad variety of ways. We are looking for leaders with diverse experiencespersonally and professionally. We believe that in order to do effective structural change work, we must be critical and aware of ourselves personally. Therefore, we seek leaders who are open to engagement, personal challenge, and individual change in the context of group and community work. We look for people committed to completing the program and applying their awareness, analysis, skills, and experience to the work they are already involved with as well as work that they may begin.

What can I get out of it?

Increased awareness of community needs Ideas and experiences that will positively impact your organizations and other areas of community involvement Skills to collaboratively develop and analyze organizational culture through a social justice lens Experience and support in using conflict management, communication, and facilitation skills in a community context with a diverse set of people Personal growth and experiences that can support continued life-long development

How are participants chosen?

Participants will be selected on the basis of demonstrated social justice interest/involvement, commitment to completing the entire program, and a willingness to fully engage as a participant through discussion and active listening. We also want to bring together a group that reflects diversity with regard to race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, socio-economic class, age, ability, faith, and personal experiences.

Still have questions?

For more information, contact: Marilyn Mochel at (209) 617-4651, OR Povi-Tamu Byrant at (213) 241-0263, OR

Central Valley LDIRship for Social Change: A Training Program to Support Emerging Leaders Working with Underrepresented Communities 2012 Participant Application: PLEASE RETURN THIS APPLICATION BEFORE APRIL 30, 2012 Application Help If you need an extension of the due date, or if you have questions or problems with any part of the application, please call (209) 617-4651. If you prefer talking through the application questions instead of writing them, please make an appointment to do a verbal application as soon as possible before the due date. If you receive this application after the due date, please call the number above to see if we are still taking applications! To fill out an application and submit it on-line please Applicant Workshop The in person applicant workshop is a mandatory part of the application process. During this time, you will meet other applicants, tell us more about yourself, and participate in a mini-workshop. We are excited to meet all applicants in person! It is very important that every applicant be available to attend one of these four meetings. Please tell us which one you will be able to come to and then save the date! May 19, 2012 ___9am-12pm Merced Individual Information* Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Home Address: ______________________________________________ City and Zip: ____________________ Workplace: _______________________________________ Position: _________________________________ Work/Org Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ Organization if different from workplace listed above: _______________________________________________ Organizational Focus (i.e., health, environmental policy, social justice etc.) _______________________________ Leadership Role in your organization or in the community: (i.e., organizer, advocate, outreach worker, educator, Board of Directors, program manager, etc.) _______________________________________________________ Home Phone: ___________________________ Cell Phone: ____________________________ Date of Birth: __________________________ Racial/Ethnic Identification(s):______________ Work Phone: ______________________________ E-mail:____________________________________ Gender Identity:_____________________________ Religious or Spiritual Identification(s):___________ * This information is confidential and used only in the application process to ensure that we have a diverse group of participants. If accepted to the program, you will decide when and how much of this information you want to share with others. We will not speak for you or share this information with other participants. May 22, 2012 ___6pm-9pm Fresno or Merced May 24, 2012 ___6pm-9pm Fresno or Merced May 30, 2012 ___6pm-9pm Merced

Personal and Social Background We strive to have a diverse group of participants. To help us start getting to know you, please provide a short description of some of your important life experiences with a particular emphasis on your interest in community issues and leadership experiences. This should be no less than half a page and no more than two pages (100 word minimum and 600 word maximum). You can include information about things such as 1. Family background; 2. Community; 3. Informal and/or formal education; 4. Work, community, organizational or other important life experiences; 5. Why you are interested in the LDIRship for Social Change program; 6. In what specific ways (and where) would you use the opportunities, skills, and resources from the LDIRship for Social Change program after the program is over. If you have a resume and would like to attach it, please do so. However, you do not need to submit a resume as part of this application. Scholarships and Financial Assistance To cover the total cost of the program we ask participants and/or their organizations to contribute $250. A limited number of scholarships are available. We encourage a combined individual and organizational contribution of $250. The value of delivering the program is $900 per participant, which includes an overnight retreat, meals, and resource materials. Grant support from foundations covers $650 of the $900 fee per participant. Please let us know: If selected for the program, I would contribute $_______ of the balance of $250 in program fees. AND/OR If selected for the program, my organization would contribute $______ of the balance of $250 in program fees. OR If selected for the program, I would need to receive the full $250 Scholarship. Logistics The overnight retreat will be held in the Santa Cruz mountains. 1. What area of the Central Valley are you coming from? ____________________________________________________________________________________ Would you like to get a ride with others from the area? Yes No Sometimes Are you able to drive others from this area? Yes No Sometimes 2. Do you have any dietary needs/restrictions? ____________________________________________________ 3. How did you hear about the LDIRship for Social Change program? (Please include name of individual) Supervisor or co-worker: ____________________ E-mail from: ______________________________ Other source: _____________________________ LDIR alumni: ______________________________ 4. Do you know other people who are applying to this program? If so, what is their relationship to you? Name(s):_____________________________ Relationship: _______________________________________ ______________________________ _______________________________________ Participant Commitment I will be available for all of the dates listed on the curriculum summary and I am willing to complete the full training. I understand that we will be working together closely, and each person is important to the full process. I commit to participating in each session, working with a diverse group, and finishing the training program. ____________________________________________________________________________ Applicant Signature Date Please submit completed application to:
ATTN: LDIRship for Social Change Application Povi-Tamu Bryant 1145 Wilshire Blvd 2nd Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017 Email: Fax: 213-977-7595

Central Valley LDIRship for Social Change 2012:

Training Goals and Objectives
To provide participants with an overview of the values and skills needed to provide leadership for social change; To provide participants with an opportunity to examine individual and organizational cultural identities and knowledge and explore opportunities for growth; To support the creation of learning teams that will provide ongoing peer support.

2012 Curriculum Summary Session 1: Setting the Tone

This session is important in terms of establishing what participants can expect throughout the training series. Program expectations and key features of the training series will be discussed. We will also share our concept and understanding of what leadership for social change looks like. Participants will develop group agreements and explore the relationship between culture and communication styles.

Session 2: Understanding Power Dynamics

Participants will be given an opportunity to explore leadership and communication skills through an interactive simulation. Participants will then begin to explore how identity influences perception. During this session, participants will start to establish important peer learning relationships which will last beyond the training series.

Session 3: Leadership in Action

Participants will begin to explore how individual cultural identities and cultural knowledge can inform organizational cultures. Participants will then use these learnings to explore their own leadership styles as well as those of their organizations. Participants will also continue building peer learning relationships.

Session 4: Being a Social Change Leader

Participants will be given the opportunity to discuss, share and learn more about being social change leaders. This session will allow participants to explore practical ways to address individual and organizational opportunities for growth with an emphasis on creating social change.

Session 5: Facilitating Social Change

The final session will be an intensive, skills-building session which will provide hands-on skills and resources for facilitating intergroup issues within participant organizations and communities. At this time, participants will be encouraged to develop group agreements with their peer Learning Teams which will ensure on-going support beyond the training.

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