A Publication of The Roncalli High School Guidance Department
A Publication of The Roncalli High School Guidance Department
A Publication of The Roncalli High School Guidance Department
Marion County Fair Queen Pageant: The Marion County Fair Board is seeking interested females who would like to compete in the pageant. Applicants must by 16-20 years of age (by June 20, 2012), Marion County residents and United States citizens. Candidates will be judged on beauty, poise, personality, communication skills, overall impression and stage presence. Each contestant must be an active member of at least one worthwhile organization in her community; i.e., church groups, Girl Scouts, 4-H, community service organizations, etc. Eligibility is not limited to 4-H members. Applications and additional information are available in the guidance carousel. Applications must be submitted by June 1 but only the first 38 applications will be accepted. The candidate crowned as Queen will be award a $1,000 scholarship. Summer Nanotechnology Academy at IUPUI: The IUPUI Nanotechnology Discovery Academy (INDA) Summer Camp provides a unique opportunity for high-school students entering their sophomore, junior, and senior years to explore the interdisciplinary field of nanotechnology on the IUPUI campus. This cutting-edge field rapidly is becoming an essential part of science, engineering, medicine, and many other disciplines. The camp fee ($295) covers all camp materials and supplies and includes daily lunch and the cost of one IUPUI course credit. Need-based scholarships may be available; housing and transportation unavailable. Application Deadline: May 7, 2012. Participating high-school students will work with faculty mentors to discover innovative technologies, gain hands-on laboratory experience, engage in research and learning activities, and earn one college-credit hour. The application DEADLINE (postmarked) is May 7, 2012 and the camp dates are: Cohort 1: June 11-15, 2012, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Cohort 2: June 25-29, 2012, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
For more information and the application form, please visit www.crl.iupui.edu/programs/INDA/nanotechnologyForStudents.asp
Military Scholarship Resources: Now is the time for underclassmen and juniors whose parent/s served in the military to begin to research scholarship options. The Veterans Administration offers their Need A Lift book which lists various options. The book is available electronically at www.needalift.org Parent with Military Experience: Parents and sometimes grandparents who were disabled in the military may be eligible for remission of fees (free tuition) at any state-supported post-secondary school or university in the State of Indiana. This applies at any age as long as the child was adopted by age 24 and the child is a resident of Indiana. The Remission of Fees is good for 124 semester hours of education and may be used for either undergraduate or graduate level work. The amount remitted is 100% of tuition and all mandatory fees. The term "mandatory fees" is defined as any fee that must be paid by every student attending the institution. For more information on this program: http://www.in.gov/dva/index.htm Purple Heart: The Military Order of the Purple Heart: The Military Order of the Purple Heart scholarship program is exclusively for MOPH members, their spouses and their direct descendants. Scholarship funds can be used for tuition, books, incidental fees, room and board, and other direct costs associated with higher education except transportation expenses. If a parent has earned a Purple Heart, they should review the website www.purpleheart.org Applications are due February of the senior year. Summer Opportunities: Watch for a link to enrichment opportunities in tomorrows Principals Newsletter. There are many summer programs that offer students the opportunity to study on campus in a variety of disciplines. http://roncalli.org/uploads/summeropportunites.pdf (New) College Corner: Dominican University (River Forest, Illinois) Located just ten miles west of Chicago, Dominican University is a Catholic institution of higher education, sponsored by the Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters. It was originally founded in 1901 as St. Clara College, a college for girls, in Sinsinawa, Wisconsin. The college moved to River Forest, Ill. in 1922 and was renamed Rosary College. It became coeducational in 1974 and was renamed Dominican University in 1997.
There are just under 2,000 undergraduate students enrolled in Dominican University and there are over 50 majors. Dominican was one of the first schools in the country to have a study abroad program and continues to host programs around the world. For more information on the study abroad opportunities, please see http://www.dom.edu/departments/studyabroad/. The student to faculty ratio is 12 to 1, and the average class size is 15. The minimum entrance requirements are a cumulative high school grade point average of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale, an ACT score of 21 or an SAT of 1350 on all three tests. The average gpa is 3.5. Academic highlights include a creative writing program, a pharmacy transfer program with Midwest College, prelaw track with John Marshall Law School in Chicago, and a culinology program sponsored by Pampered Chef. All majors require an internship. The most common majors are business/marketing, communications/journalism, psychology, social sciences, and the visual/performing arts. About 98 percent of the students receive need-based aid while about 75 percent receive academic or merit scholarships. Dominican University offers NCAA Division III sports--five varsity mens sports and six varsity womens sports. For more information on Dominican University, www.dom.edu College Open Houses Manchester College April 27 DePaul University April 28 Visit Day for Juniors www.depaul.edu DePauw University May 2 Washington University in St. Louis offers the following special Visit Days: June 12 and July 10Pre-Medicine Day June 14 and July 17: Academic Exploration Days June 19Scholar Athlete Day June 21Liberal Arts Day June 26 and July 19Engineering Days July 12Art & Architecture Day July 26Business Day For additional information or to register: visit.wustl.edu RSVP dates are about two weeks prior to the event. SENIORS: Handicapped Seating for Graduation: Families in need of handicap-accessible seating for graduation should contact Mrs. Mary Sheets (msheets@roncallihs.org or 787-8277 ext 232) to request tickets. If the ceremony is held indoors, the handicap seating must be part of the eight tickets available to students. Mrs. Sheets will need the type of disability and if special equipment is used, i.e., oxygen, wheelchair, etc. For more information on graduation, please access: http://www.roncalli.org/guidance/graduation-guide Financial Aid: If you have filed a FAFSA (financial aid form for college) and are planning to attend a college or university in Indiana, you MUST check your eStudent account at the State Student Assistance Commission of Indianas website (www.ssaci.in.gov/estudent/) to be sure that all the information is correctly reported. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. At the bottom of the above website, click on the blue eStudent logo. You will need to establish an eStudent account. Follow those directions. When you open up your file you will see either a GREEEN sign with a message that all is well OR a RED sign indicating a problem. Check out each of the sections (award notification, change college choice, student information, award history, and application history) for accuracy. In the section marked Application History. You will see your FAFSA information. Review the information for accuracy. Scroll down to the fifth item, Application Status, and read the message.
If it is correct, GREAT! Double check the entire account for accuracy. This is a very important part of the financial aid process. Failure to check this information could prevent you from being considered for the Frank OBannon Grant funds even if you might otherwise be eligible. Check the website before May 15, 2012 because all corrections must be made by May 15, 2012 and there are no provisions for late submissions after 3:00 p.m. on May 15, 2012. Senior Picnic: Seniors were informed this week that the Senior Picnic will be moved to May 4, 2012 due to a conflict with Advanced Placement testing. Upcoming Senior Dates http://www.roncalli.org/guidance/graduation-guide May 4: Senior Picnic May 8-10: Caps, gowns, and tassels distributed after school in room 000. A $20.00 rental fee must be submitted at this time for the attire but it is returned when the gown is returned after graduation. May 10: Inclement weather graduation tickets are distributed in the cafeteria during lunch. May 17: Senior Massseniors arrive by 7:30 a.m. in the cafeteria. The liturgy is followed by the commencement practice and seniors will be dismissed by noon. Grades: Seniors are reminded of the importance of staying current in their grades. Colleges will review final transcripts in June and July and if grades decrease significantly, the colleges have been known to retract their offer of admission and scholarship. College Visits: The last day to take an excused college visit is April 27, 2012. Graduation announcements from Jostens have arrived and are available in the guidance area. We do have a few additional Jostens announcements that cost $1.00 each. Graduation Announcements: Extra Herff-Jones graduation announcements are available in the guidance area. They sell for $1.10 each or $11.00 for ten. Checks should be made out to Clark School Services. Graduation Information: http://www.roncalli.org/guidance/graduation-guide SENIORS and JUNIORS Talent Day: The University of St. Francis will host a talent day for juniors and seniors interested in attending USF. Portfolios and auditions will be individually critiqued by a School of Creative Arts faculty member. From this review, outstanding students will be awarded talent scholarships to attend USF. This program is fully accredited by the National Association of Schools of Design. There are options in the following areas: visual arts, art history, communication, music technology. If you are interested in participating in Talent Day on May 18 from 9 a.m. until noon, call 250-399-7700 ext. 8001. Lunch is provided. More information can be found at www.sf.edu/art JUNIORS, SOPHOMORES, and FRESHMEN EXPLORER POSTS offer great opportunities to gain some real life information and field trips about a variety of careers. During the month of April, all students in grades 9 - 11 will complete a short paper survey to express career and hobbies of interest. Businesses who offer this career exploration opportunity will send an invitation to those students who have expressed an interest in their career. Look for these invitations over the summer and give serious consideration to registering! Many students have shared positive experiences from these opportunities. Examples of career fields: health careers, firefighters, business, science, computers,
architecture, legal profession, law enforcement and more. These programs are offered by Eli Lilly, Methodist Hospital and other reputable companies and organizations in the area. JUNIORS and SOPHOMORES: FREE PRACTICE SAT and ACT: Princeton Review will offer several dates for free practice test dates at central Indiana areas: ACTSat., May from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at Northview HS and the Brownsburg Public Library ACTSun., May 6 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Hornet Park Community Center and Noblesville HS SATSat., May 12 from 9 a.m. 1:00 p.m. at Northview Middle School and Brownsburg Public Library SATSun., May 13 from 1:00 5:00 p.m. at Hornet Park Community Center (Beech Grove) and Noblesville High School Scores Back and Strategy Sessions: Sat., May 19 from 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. at Northview Middle School and Brownsburg Public Library Sun., May 20 from 1:00 5:00 p.m. at Hornet Park Community Center (Beech Grove)and Noblesville High School Registration is required. Spots are limited. Call 1-800-273-8439 ext. 5805 or on-line at www.PrincetonReview.com/events JUNIORS: Rose-Hulman Operation Catapult: Are you a student interested in math, science or engineering? If so, you may want to consider this exceptional summer program at Rose-Hulman. Go beyond the classroom into the real worlds of engineering and applied science. Participants design projects and conduct experiments. For more information and to register: www.rose-hulman.edu/catapult/program.htm The application deadline is May 4, 2012. College Visits: The last day to take an excused college visit is April 27, 2012. Nordstrum Scholarship for Juniors: Nordstrum will award 80 scholarship to juniors who submit applications and have a minimum 2.7 gpa and are active in their community. Applications are due by May 1, 2012 at http://shop.nordstrom.com/c/nordstrom-cares-scholarship If you have any questions about the scholarship or application process, contact Ellen Greene, Nordstrom Scholarship Program Manager, at 206.373.4550 or nordscholar@nordstrom.com Standardized Test Dates SAT Test Date June 4 ACT Test Date June 9 Registration Deadline May 8 Registration Deadline May 4 Site: www.collegeboard.com Cost: $47.00 Site: www.act.org Cost: $48.00 with writing
SAT and ACT Preparation Options: 1. Method Test Prep on College and Career Connections (free) 2. College Board website www.collegeboard.com (free) 3. ACT website www.actstudent.org/testprep/index.html (free) 4. ACT and SAT prep booklets in the guidance area (free) 5. Additional free sites: a. www.number2.com b. www.freevocabulary.com c. www.freesat1prep.com d. www.4tests.com
e. www.march2success.org You must register but the service is free 6. ACT Test Information Release and SAT Question and Answer Service This service allows students to receive an entire test booklet along with the answer key in the mail so that the student can analyze the exact questions. Analyzing an ACT or SAT is one of the most effective and efficient ways a student can prepare for retaking the ACT or SAT When registering for the April or June ACT OR May SAT indicate Test Information Release (ACT) or Question and Answer Service (SAT). Cost for the service is $18.00 7. Princeton Review www.princetonreview.com offers online, small group and individual preparation at a cost. 8. Kaplan www.kaplan.com offers online, small group and individual preparation at a cost SOPHOMORES and FRESHMEN: Summer: Summer is a great time to research career options either electronically or by actually shadowing someone in a career field of interest. By walking in someone elses shoes for only three or four hours, students will gain an understanding of the responsibilities and roles of an individual who is employed in an area of possible interest. Students are encouraged to brain-storm possible shadow options with their parents and other family members. Summer shadowing is time well spent. Exams: It is not too early to begin preparing for exams!