MATS 10140 S2 2011 12 v1 Detailed

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BSc Design Management for Fashion Retailing MATS 10140 Introduction to CAD & Multimedia for Fashion Retailing

Semester 2 2011-2012 Detailed Project Description AMITA: Animated, Multimedia, Interpretation of a Trend Analysis MATS 10140 Introduction to CAD & Multimedia for Fashion Retailing Year 2011-2012 Project Name Introduction Keller (2011) identified that (the) digital world, the lines are getting increasingly blurred between channels and communications as marketers often blend persuasion and selling in much of what they do (Winer 2009). These options are now increasingly becoming available to customers as a result of the burgeoning role of interactive technologies in the retail environment (Varadarajan et al. 2010). One of the key elements of interactive technologies is the fusion of sound and moving (animated) images. We call this combination, multimedia. This project is designed to introduce you to the subject by creating a short animated, multimedia interpretation of a Trend Analysis (AMITA). Project Description In this project you will create a lively and vibrant presentation that is a visual interpretation of your Spring Summer 2012 trend Analysis project and associated imagery and influences. You will focus on the creation, compositing and manipulation of digital images, sounds and animations into a single short multimedia feature. You will use Adobe Creative suite to create and edit your visual materials, which will be combined together to form a single self-running presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint. Aims: To develop an understanding of multimedia CAD technologies within the context of fashion and textiles retailing. To develop visual interpretation skills and have these applied to CAD To introduce key technological concepts vital in the understanding of multimedia & CAD To develop key skills in the use of industry standard CAD & multimedia hardware & software. Outcomes: You will create a single AMITA presentation and project workbook. Learning Outcomes: From this project, you will continue to develop 2-dimensional CAD skills and new multimedia visualisation techniques combining together graphics, sound and animation Additional project requirements: Project tutorials It is a MANDITORY requirement of this project that you complete all the e-tutorial exercises stated on the project plan. You will need complete and SAVE the tutorials in your own time using the computer laboratory or on your own personal computer. All the tutorials and exercises will work on Windows and Mac OS using Adobe CS Indesign Indesign CS 5 Classroom in a Book Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, Location: CAD server. CAD Learning materials\CAD e-learning MATS 10140 Introduction to CAD & Multimedia for Fashion Retailing 1 Unit Academic Co-ordinator Nick Clarke Semester 2 Academic Teaching team Nick Clarke, Ana Jolly, Kay Kamal

AMITA: Animated, Multimedia, Interpretation of a Trend Analysis

Project Visual and Research Submission Requirements You will be allocated a submission time to copy your work on to your CAD folder inside the CAD lab c59. Your slot will be published on Blackboard and the notice board on C Floor. YOU MUST ALSO SUBMIT WORK ON DVD Your disc must be labelled as stated and handed in inside a clear Plastic A4 Folder labelled with the Label found at the end of this project sheet Item 1 x Project workbook Size & Length 20 pages minimum or 24 pages maximum 1024 pixels x 768 pixels NO FACING PAGES Project workbook contents Phase 1 Introduction to the project Current trends overview Chosen trend in detail Concept Development Phase 2 Technical Development Project evaluation & reflection 1 3 6 5 4 1 Pages

Project Technical CAD File Requirements

CAD Files 1 X AMITA PowerPoint Presentation

Lengt h 90 sec Min 120 sec Max

Format .ppt Also include all music (mp3) files Packaged & linked Indesign Folder with exported PDF (e.g. .png, .jpg, .psd, .ai, .tiff)

1 x digital Project workbook files Any additional files used

Please ensure you have followed the submission labelling instructions listed in the Detailed Project Specification. You are responsible for the data integrity of the submission. Please ensure all files function correctly from the CD/DVD media & that you have followed exact submission requirements listed.

Project Hand-out date Monday 13 Feb 2012

Project Deadline date Monday 14 May 2012

Submission Methods C59 CAD Server + DVD hand-in

MATS 10140 Introduction to CAD & Multimedia for Fashion Retailing 2

Project Timetable

Week 1 STAGE 1: SKILLS Week 2 Week 3 STAGE 2: R&D Week 4 Week 5

Mon session AJ/KK/NC Introduction to InDesign Further InDesign Selections and cut outs Photoshop. Saving as png for transparency, for use within ppt and InDesign Introduction to making self running animations in PowerPoint Assisting individual students with skills, research and concept development progress check AJ KK Creative Commons music sources and Audacity workshop Student presentations 12.00-3.00 (NC, AJ, KK) Go through detailed spec. Further PowerPoint animation skills. Additional presentations individually.

Work outside the class Skills practice Skills practice Skills practice

Research Research and concept development

Week 6 Week 7 STAGE 3 BUILD Week 8

Research and concept development. Preparing for presentations. Concept development, start build Build (record technical processes/experimentation to use for report) Build as above Build as above Build as above Build as above Build. Put technical report together. Finish build. Continue putting technical report together. Prepare for hand in. Evaluate project work, reflect.

Easter break Easter break Easter break Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 STAGE 4: FINISH Week 12 Week 13

Further PowerPoint skills and one to ones Further InDesign skills and one to ones One to ones Bank holiday no class HAND IN (Monday)

MATS 10140 Introduction to CAD & Multimedia for Fashion Retailing 3

Indicative reading list: For a complete reading list of these Units please use the Library Reading list for these Units. Academic Steven Bellman, Robert F. Potter, Shiree Treleaven-Hassard, Jennifer A. Robinson, Duane Varan, The Effectiveness of Branded Mobile Phone Apps, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Volume 25, Issue 4, November 2011, Pages 191-200, ISSN 1094-9968, Adaval, Rashmi and Robert S. Wyer Jr. (1998), The Role of Narratives in Consumer Information Processing, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 7 (3), 20745. Narrative and Persuasion in Fashion Advertising, Barbara J. Phillips and Edward F. McQuarrie The Journal of Consumer Research. Vol. 37, No. 3 (October 2010), pp. 368-392 Bannister, Emma N. and Margaret K. Hogg (2004), Negative Symbolic Consumption and Consumers Drive for Self-Esteem: The Case of the Fashion Industry, European Journalof Marketing, 38 (7), 85068. Green, Melanie C. and Timothy C. Brock (2000), The Role of Transportation in thePersuasiveness of Public Narratives, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79 (5),70121. Knowles, Eric S. and Jay A. Linn (2004), Resistance and Persuasion, London: Routledge. Schmitt, Bernd (1999), Experiential Marketing: How to Get Customers to Sense, Feel, Think, Act, and Relate to Your Company and Brands, New York: Simon & Schuster. CAD Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 step by step. Cox, Joyce, 1946-; Preppernau, Joan Publisher: Microsoft Press 2007 ISBN: 9780735623019, 0735623015 Professional design techniques with Adobe Creative Suite 3: develop expert design skills through hands-on projects using Indesign, Photoshop, and illustratorCitron, Scott Publisher: Berkeley, Calif.: Peachpit ; London : Pearson Education: 2008 ISBN: 9780321495693, 0321495691 Adobe Photoshop CS5 Classroom in a Book, Adobe Creative Team Publisher: Adobe Press, ISBN: 0321701763 DDC: 6 Edition: Paperback; 2010-06-12 Adobe Illustrator CS5 Classroom in a Book, Adobe Creative Team, Publisher: Adobe ISBN: 032170178X DDC: 6 Edition: Paperback; 2010-06-06, 2010-06-12 Adobe Indesign CS5 Classroom in a Book, Adobe Creative Team, Publisher: Adobe ISBN: 0321701798 DDC: 686 Edition: Paperback; 2010-05-21* The art of looking sideways, Alan Fletcher, Publisher: London: Phaidon, 2001.ISBN: 0714834491 DDC: 700 LCC: NK1505 Ambrose, Gavin and Paul Harris. The Production Manual: a Graphic Design Handbook. City: Ava Publishing, 2008.

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MATS 10140 Introduction to CAD & Multimedia for Fashion Retailing AMITA: Animated, Multimedia, Interpretation of a Trend Analysis Summative Feedback Sheet Student Name: Student ID Number:

90 100%Exceptional




60-69%Very good


Assessment Criteria:

30 %

Visual Knowledge & Understanding Demonstrating sufficient understanding about the visual values associated with the your Trend Analysis via the use of original/and /or relevant multimedia materials (graphics, sound, photos, movies).

Communication of your interpretation of S-S 2012 Trend Analysis within your AMITA presentation using original/and/or relevant visual materials Technical Realisation To develop a technically satisfactory a multimedia, interpretation of your trend analysis that clearly demonstrates the inventive use of relevant CAD multimedia software.

30 %

Technically satisfactory AMITA relevant and inventive use of CAD multimedia software.
30 %

Research, Analysis & Concept development Offer a reasonable grasp of the research, analysis & concept development required to deliver this project Project workbook: Introduction to the project; Current trends overview, Chosen trend in detail Concept Development, Technical Development Project evaluation & reflection. Presentation of Research & Concept development Good visual and written presentation; spelling and grammar; academic written style; referencing Clearly referenced with academic/text book citations Clearly structured Project book presented in a logical manner. Comments: What you did well in this CAD Comments: What you need to improve. project.

10 %

MATS 10140 Introduction to CAD & Multimedia for Fashion Retailing 5

Below 30%Fail



Grading Criteria

1st 90% +

All aspects of the assessment achieved to an exceptional level, offering further high level perspectives and detailed critical analysis of findings with the learning outcomes being met to an exceptional and faultless manner. Exceptional understanding of technical and creative capabilities of CAD, multimedia software.

1st 8089%

All aspects of the assessment achieved to an outstanding level offering a detailed perspectives and critical analysis of findings. Outstanding understanding of technical and creative capabilities of CAD, multimedia software.

1st 7079%

All aspects of the assessment achieved to an excellent level offering further detailed perspectives and analytical findings. Excellent understanding of technical and creative capabilities of CAD, multimedia software.


Nearly all aspects of the assessment achieved to a very good level with clear detailed discussions. Good understanding of technical and creative capabilities of CAD, multimedia software.


Nearly all aspects of the assessment achieved to a good level meeting the learning outcomes. Satisfactory understanding of technical and creative capabilities of CAD, multimedia software.


Some aspects of the assessment achieved to a satisfactory level i.e. the basic learning outcomes have been achieved and some understanding of technical and creative capabilities of CAD, multimedia software.

30-39% Below 30%

Few aspects of the assessment achieved to a basic level i.e. the learning outcomes only in places have been achieved. Weak understanding of technical and creative capabilities of CAD, multimedia software. Many aspects of the assessment have not been achieved and therefore this does not meet the learning outcomes. Very little understanding of technical and creative capabilities of CAD, multimedia software. MATS 10140 Introduction to CAD & Multimedia for Fashion Retailing 6

CAD SERVER SUBMISSION requirements You will be given a scheduled slot where you will be required to submit/copy your digital files to our assessment server. This can only be completed within CAD LAB c59 with a supervising member of staff present. Please complete a SR 1 assessment sheet and have it signed by the member of staff present. We will provide the exact submission requirements closer to the assessment date. Ensure that files are saved with the correct suffix. i.e. Adobe Photoshop .PSD Adobe Illustrator .AI and .PDF HAND-IN SUBMISSION requirements Please complete a SR 1 assessment sheet the following items using a Plastic A4 resealable folder Completed PowerPoint AMITA presentation Completed software tutorials and exercises. DVD of all visual DIGITAL materials DVD and FOLDER labelling

Ensure that files are saved with the correct suffix. i.e. Adobe Photoshop .PSD Adobe Illustrator .AI and .PDF. Ensure the DVD has been written to and all your files are accessible for examination.

MATS 10140 Introduction to CAD & Multimedia for Fashion Retailing 7

LABELLING AND DVD FILE NAMING conventions All work and discs must be labelled EXACTLY as stated. CD/DVD labelling MUST be HAND written (PRINTED CAPS ONLY) using PERMINANT ink on the none-data side of the disc. The disc MUST be enclosed with a clear plastic case or sleeve. Failure to comply with Labelling and File naming conventions will result in a -5% deduction of your final mark.

Check data integrity of saved DVD data Before you hand-in your digital media (CD/DVD) you must check the data integrity of your files. You should do this directly after you have copied and burnt the media you are using. Then, check by opening files directly from the media itself. Every assessment we find files on CDs or DVDs that are unreadable. If you dont check and your data is unreadable then you will risk failing the module Attendance to workshops & lectures It is MANDATORY to attend each class. Each absence will result in a fine of -1% from you total marks to a maximum of -12%. Each week we will ask you to sign a register. If youve not signed a register during the lecture, please dont leave the lab without doing so.

A4 Plastic RESEALABLE folder LABEL: CUT OUT AND USE Design Management for Fashion retailing Year 1/S2 2011-12 MATS 10140: Introduction to CAD & multimedia for Fashion Retailing Semester 2: AMITA Animated, multimedia interpretation of Trend Analysis
PRINT ONLY IN CAPITAL LETTERS SURNAME........................................................................................ FIRST NAME.....................................................................................
MATS 10140 Introduction to CAD & Multimedia for Fashion Retailing 8

CAD FOLDER ID............................................................................... STUDENT ID NUMBER...................................................................... EMAIL ADDRESS (UoM).................................................................... EMAIL ADDRESS (HOME)................................................................. MOBILE NUMBER CHECK LIST SERVER DATA INTEGRITY CHECK ALL FILES WRITTEN TO DVD DVD DATA INTEGRITY CHECK DVD Label

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