K-12 Program of Education

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K-12 Program Of Education Q#1.

Given the K-12 program, on its implementation, how does it affect the learners on the following; a) physically, emotionally, socially, and mentally, b) our economy looking into producing quality graduates? The Department of Education issued the implementation of the Universal Kindergarten Education starting School Year 2011-2012. The program has created a useful basic education system that will help our young to be ready, productive and responsible individuals with the necessary competencies and skills for both lifelong learning and employment. It will facilitate the learners to prepare physically, socially, emotionally and mentally particularly the five year old children for formal schooling making it free and compulsory in entering and availing the program. The learner will basically adjust to its new setting of education although most of our neighbouring countries doing this kind of educational principles. All they have to do is to embrace it and Is this essay helpful? Join OP Papers to read more and access more than 550,000 just like it! Make it a positive overview to every learner. The family itself has a great impact in achieving this goal of our government. Provide adequate support for our children in activity and even to their dreams in pursuing a career. Eventually, as these programs continue to its mission and can be able to meet the fast-changing demands of society, our economy will face a favourable improvement in terms of entrepreneurship and

investment. Q#2. From societys perspective, what is the purpose of education? Our most common belief in attaining an education is that to have a better life ahead, earn a healthy living and be successful. Education creates a productive and empowered individual that can be useful to every nation and in global competition. We need to be educated in order to gain knowledge of being a responsible citizen, acquire new skills in helping build the goal of the society and develop an attitude that can greatly affect to everyone. The Enhanced K+12 Program The Enhanced K+12 Basic Education Program We need to add two years to our basic education. Those who can afford pay up to fourteen years of schooling before university. Thus, their children are getting into the best universities and the best jobs after graduation. I want at least 12 years for our public school children to give them an even chance at succeeding. President Benigno S. Aquino III Education Today: The poor quality of basic education is reflected in the low achievement scores of Filipino students. Many students who finish basic education do not possess sufficient mastery of basic competencies. One reason is that students do not get adequate instructional time or time on

task. The National Achievement Test (NAT) for grade 6 in SY 20092010 passing rate is only 69.21%. Although this is already a 24% improvement over the SY 2005-2006 passing rate, further reforms are needed to achieve substantial improvement. The NAT for high school is 46.38% in SY 2009-2010, a slight decrease from 47.40% in SY 20082009. Position Paper: K+12 If Not Now, Then When?

The proposal for the so-called "K+12" model of education has been on hold since... (Guess when.)1925! There are so many proposals that has been on the table but all of them failed to realize due topropaganda by anti-"K+12" groups. But in this light,we commend the Department of Education,headedby Bro. Armin Luistro for having the will to push this long-due overhaul of the education system.If not now,then when? The time is NOW.In a world where knowledge goes obsolete at a faster rate and everyone is literally competing withthe rest of the world for work and skill, the Filipino must prepare itself to be competitive (and at least atpar, if not above) with his peers. The K+12 program is made to do such. From a child's entrance toschooling (Kidergarten + 6 years of Elementary) to his preparation for the workforce (4 years high school+ 2 years senior high), the program aims to give the student basic competencies he needs for life andmake him physically,mentally and socially prepared to face life after graduation.At the present system, the Filipino student is only required to go to school for 10 years - 6 yearselementary and 4 years in high school. In this case, an average student spends 20% more time in schoolthan his peers from around the world. This may be an advantage, but looking at it closely, a 10yeareducation system congests subjects at a shorter time, thereby giving less time for the student tounderstand and have the grasp of basic skills. Detractors of the K+12 programs may not understand thata child has a

life outside school. Giving more time for chores, leisure and extracurricular activities (likesports and social organizations) may help the child to learn skills outside of the school setting. Noticeable too is this 2year gap created by the present 10-year school system. Filipinostudents usually graduate when reaching 16, but existing laws establish the legal age of 18 years old, andthat's the only time the student may enter the workforce. But most industries do not accept students of the present system blaming lack of competency; hence students are forced to take "bridging" courses from 2010-21023, Engg, BS Computer Science, technical schools or enter the university just so to get a diploma and be "competitive" for the workforce.The K+12 aims to solve this problem by making the government take over the role of giving tech-voceducation to high school students. The additional 2 years of basic education will allow high schoolstudents to "specialize" in a field they're interested to (Science and Technology, Music and Arts,Agriculture and Fisheries, Sports, Business and Entrepreneurship). After graduation,a student may opt todelay college education and enter the workforce right away,armed with the skills he has to be competitivein job markets.Contrary to what opposition has presented on the K+12 program,it doesn't add burden to parentsworking for their children's education. It may lessen their cost for education,too! As presented in theargument above, by the time their children graduate, they are ready to work and earn for their owncollege education. The additional 2 years of basic education will be shouldered by the government,so noadditional cost will be added to parents. Assessments show that the Department of Education needs atleast P150 billion for new classroms,books and salary for teachers but this is not a hindrance sincefinancial arrangements will be created with the participation of government agencies, TESDA, HigherEducational Institutions (HEIs) and non-government organizations.A 12-year education system is also an advantage since better-educated students stand betterchances to succeed in life. Studies in the Philippines show that students who spend another year inschool increases their income by 7.5%. Also, the economy may grow 2% or more (using the GDP asbasis) as these studies have proven. Better-equipped students will result to a

better way of life since moreFilipinos will be able to have a job matching their skills, thereby easing poverty levels.Filipino students will also be more than welcomed in international universities if they'll enter theK+12 education cycle. The country is the only one remaining to have a 10-year cycle,therefore makingdeserving Filipino students "unfit" for international study since 10 years of education is "less education", at least on paper. A 12-year education system will harmonize our way of education with the rest of theworld,easing admission to school here and around the world since we'll have an equivalent curriculum asthem. Also,a 12-year education cycle will make students more equipped in basic subjects such as Mathand Science - a prerequisite for admission to higher educational institutions here and abroad. The ThirdInternational Mathematics and Science Study showed how dismal Filipino students rank below their peers - 41stout of 45 nations studied.There are only 3 remaining countries left with a 10year education cycle, one of them is thecountry. While the academe supports a shift to the 12-year cycle, detractors flak the proposal saying thatit isn't necessary since we had lived the best out of a 10-year cycle of education. But what does reality prove to us? The 10-year cycle has just created generations of youth that are half-baked in all aspects of life. Time is pressuring us to make this move even if there's risks and doubts involved since the Filipinoyouth will be the eventual beneficiary of this.The time for K+12 is NOW. The acadame should lobby further to realize the proposal in ourpublic schools. Congress should amend the 1982 Education Law which limits the required school yearsin order for the plan to realize. The government should arrange the funds as soon as possible to ensure asmmoth transition to the K+12 system. Education drives should start to inform parents and studentshow the new system will impact their lives. The time for change is NOW, for delaying theimplementation of K+12 will only make us lose opportunities that we might had if we just pushedharder for this before.

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