REPORT SPB Vessel Forecast
REPORT SPB Vessel Forecast
REPORT SPB Vessel Forecast
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...............................................................................................3 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................5 Section I: HISTORICAL OVERVIEW ................................................................6 Task I-1: Global Demand for Containerized Shipping Services.......................................6 Task I-2: World Fleet Development ................................................................................11 Task I-3: Global and Regional Fleet Comparisons ........................................................16 Task I-4: Trans-Pacific Carrier Services and Fleets ......................................................24 Task I-5: Containership Activity in San Pedro Bay ........................................................34 Section II: FACTORS INFLUENCING SAN PEDRO BAY PORT CALLS ..38 Task II-1: Trade Volume Scenarios For Fleet & Port Call Forecasting........................38 Task II-2: Near-Term Supply Forecast ...........................................................................41 Task II-3: Assessment of Long-term Vessel Designs.......................................................43 Task II-5: Evaluation of Key SPB Trading Ports............................................................55 Task II-6: Evaluation of Key SPB Competitor-Ports ......................................................76 Task II-7: Analysis of Canal Expansion Impacts ............................................................90 Task II-8: Impacts of Structural Changes ......................................................................94 Section III: CONTAINERSHIP CALLS AT SAN PEDRO BAY PORTS .......104 Task III-1: Tradelane Structures and Service Patterns.................................................104 Task III-2: Structure of Future Transpacific Service Providers ...................................110 Task III-3: Analysis of Factors Influencing Selection of Ship Size ...............................112 Task III-4: Matching Vessel Capacity and Service Frequency To Market Size............118 Task III-5: Port Call Forecast Results and Conclusions ..............................................125 APPENDICES .................................................................................................................139
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
The weekly capacity of the Asia-North America fleet has increased by 280% since 1990, from 77,200 TEU/wk to 293,500 TEU/wk in Q3 2004. The increased capacity has resulted from an increase in both the number of weekly services and the average size of ships deployed. Since 1990, vessel services in the trade increased from 35 to 76, and average ship size increased from about 2,300 TEUs to 3900 TEUs.
The following table summarizes Mercator Transport Groups (MTGs) projected weekly San Pedro Bay container vessel calls by ship size category to accommodate an expected average growth in annual throughput of 7% from now through the year 2020. Projected weekly ship calls and total vessel capacity calling the two ports increase 74 % and 170%, respectively, over the forecast period.
SPB Port Call Count - Per Week
TEU Class
<1000 1000 - 2000 2000 - 3000 3000 - 4000 4000 - 5000 5000 - 6000 6000 - 7000 7000 - 8000 8000 - 10000 10000 - 12000
1 9 12 11 15 9 4 1
1 7 9 5 17 10 8 5 7 69
1 4 11 7 20 11 10 6 8 78
2 11 6 21 13 12 9 9 4 87
1 9 10 23 16 15 12 11 11 108
The projected fleet calling SPB ports reflects a continuing growth in average ship size from approximately 3,700 TEUs in 2004 to 5,800 TEUs by year 2020. Fully 22 new weekly services are expected with vessels ranging in size from 8,000-12,000 TEUs. The demand for these larger vessels is due partly to the increasing cost efficiencies they provide. MTG estimates that an 8,000 TEU vessel in an Asia-US West Coast service reduces vessel-related costs by $99/TEU compared to a 4500 TEU vessel. A 10,000 TEU ship produces additional savings of $52/TEU. Growth in ship size is made feasible by the growing market which includes high density trade flows between San Pedro Bay and key ports in Asia. The deployment of larger tonnage is also supported by further consolidation and cooperation among carriers that is expected within the liner industry. o MTG projects that the Transpacific trade will evolve from the current 3-tier structure in which five carrier alliances / large independent lines (Grand Alliance, New World Alliance, CHKY Alliance, Maersk Sealand, and
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Evergreen) operate 70% of capacity to a 2-tier structure in which 6-8 alliances / large lines operate about 95% of the capacity, as MSC, CMA-CGM, and CSCL implement their rapid expansion plans and as selected merger/acquisition transactions take place. o Even with increased ship size, however, an increase of service frequency will be provided to the market. The number of services making a first inbound call in San Pedro Bay is expected to increase from 40 in 2004 to 73 in 2020. MTG forecasts that over this same period, the total number of Asia-North America services to all coasts will increase from 76 to 153. MTG expects that the largest vessels in the Transpacific fleet will not exceed a nominal capacity of approximately 12,000 TEUs by 2020. This is based on several considerations including vessel cost, transit time and service frequency requirements, port productivity and overall cargo volumes. MTGs analysis of vessel cost showed that ships up to 18,000 TEUs in size achieve incremental cost savings, albeit at a diminishing rate. However, savings achieved by increasing vessel capacity from 10,000 TEU to 12,000-14,000 TEU are marginal since a more costly twin-screw propulsion system is required to power the 12,000+ TEU vessels. Ship size must grow to over 14,000 TEUs before adequate incremental cost efficiencies re-emerge. The physical limitations of the major ports in the Far East will not impede the deployment of the largest ships projected for the Transpacific trade. At least ten major Asian ports (geographically covering most of the regions largest cargo production zones) presently have, or are developing, terminals with channel/quayside water depths and overhead clearances that can accommodate 10,000-12,000 TEU vessels. There are several North American ports outside San Pedro Bay that also have sufficiently deep water to accommodate 10,000-12,000 TEU vessels. Those on the West Coast (Prince Rupert, Vancouver, Seattle, Tacoma, and Lazaro Cardenas) would all require substantial improvements to rail yards and rail lines in order to handle the unit train volumes that would be generated by first-inbound calls. On the East Coast, only Halifax and Hampton Roads have adequate channel and berth depth. If the Panama Canal Authority constructs a new set of locks, MTG projects that many carrier groups would deploy at least one string of 6,000-10,000 TEU vessels in a Far East US East Coast all-water service. The expected impact on San Pedro Bay would initially be a slight reduction in average vessel size (and increase in number of services calling) as a result of the redeployment of 4000 TEU vessels from Panama routes to SPB routes. The net long-term impact on total vessel calls in San Pedro Bay, however, would not be significant.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
This report summarizes a series of detailed analyses undertaken by Mercator Transport Group, in collaboration with Herbert Engineering Corporation and MDS Transmodal Ltd., for the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles, in order to forecast future container vessel activity levels in San Pedro Bay. In producing these forecasts, the Mercator Project Team (Mercator) utilized a three-phased work plan, in accordance with the component analyses contained in the Ports Request for Proposal. In the first phase, Mercator reviewed and analyzed vessel fleets and services from 1990 to early 2004, beginning at an aggregate, global level, then focusing on the trans-Pacific trades, and finally examining activity levels just in the San Pedro Bay ports. Our analyses here were carrier-specific, and also encompassed reviews of SPB container volumes, in addition to ship deployments and movements. In the second phase, building upon the preceding analyses and considering current trends, the Project Team constructed near-term forecasts (for the 2005-2007 period) of the demand and supply for container shipping service, with particular emphasis on the trans-Pacific trade and the sub-set of that trade pertaining to the San Pedro Bay gateway. Mercator then conducted separate analyses and assessments of each of the following fundamental drivers of future patterns and characteristics for the vessels and liner services to be calling at the Ports, over the period from 2008 until 2020: Developments and constraints in vessel design, engineering, and technology Changes in vessel capital and operating costs, on both absolute and unit bases Capacity-related conditions and constraints at the major container ports of Asia and at the North American ports that compete with SPB for trans-Pacific intermodal traffic Changes in the structure of the liner industry, as a result of mergers, acquisitions, and other carrier consolidations Capacity-related conditions and constraints at the Panama Canal Forecasted levels of containerized trade between Asia and North America, by origin country and destination region for the inbound, head-haul direction In the third phase, Mercator consolidated its assessments of the various fundamental drivers listed above and built upon its near-term forecasts to project how carriers global and transPacific service networks would be likely to evolve between 2008 and 2020, in terms of vessel deployment patterns and geographical configurations, as well as in terms of ship sizes and other key vessel characteristics. These projections were then used to estimate vessel service patterns, vessel call activity levels, and load factors by ship size for the two San Pedro Bay ports.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Volumes reflect the so-called headhaul or high volume direction for loaded containers. The headhaul direction sets the requirements for the transport infrastructure, including the design and capacity of ports and vessels. Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report Page 6 of 139 February 2005
Annual Growth -1.9% 14.5% -14.8% 10.2% -5.2% -1.9% 14.5% 12.9% 9.9% 11.2% 1.1% 2.7% 5.0% 4.7%
20.0% 15.0%
10.0% 5.0% 0.0% -5.0% -10.0% -15.0% -20.0% Volume Annual Grow th
Asia-Europe Trade The Asia-North Europe trade has grown much faster than the Transatlantic trade. Driven by growth in Asia, the Asia-North Europe trade is now more than two times the size of the Transatlantic, whereas in 1990 they were of roughly comparable size. The headhaul direction for this trade is westbound, in the direction of Asian exports, with about 1.6 (full) TEUs for each one moving eastbound. Year-by-year statistics are provided in Table I-2.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Transpacific Trade The Transpacific Trade (Far East to North America) was in 1990 and remains today the worlds highest volume arterial tradelane, growing from 3 million TEUs in 1990 to nearly 10 million TEUs in 2003. Trade volume for 2004 will likely be close to 10.5 million TEUs. Year-by-year statistics are provided in Table 3. Growth has been volatile, with year-on-year rates as high as 18.6% and as low as 0.0%, but without any years of actual contraction. The high volume headhaul direction is of course eastbound, in the direction of US imports. Loaded import containers outnumber loaded westbound export containers by a ratio of about 2.2 to 1. Yearly volumes for the trade are presented in Table I-3.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
19 91 19 92 19 93 19 94 19 95 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 20 01 20 02 20 03
20.0% 18.0% 16.0% 14.0% 12.0% 10.0% 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% Volume Annual Grow th
Other Important Tradelanes In addition to the main arterial East-West trades discussed above, there are a number of other trades with significant container volumes, some of which impact upon the container traffic at San Pedro Bay Ports. The North South Trades encompass a variety of tradelanes, the principal ones being: North America Central / South America
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Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
19 91 19 92 19 93 19 94 19 95 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 20 01 20 02 20 03
In addition to the north/south trades, there are high volume intra-regional trades within East Asia and within North Europe and the Mediterranean. Vessels serving these intra-regional trades provide both on-carriage of containers from the east-west trades and service to intraregional traffic. Volume data for these trades is not as readily available as for the larger east west trades, given the complexity of tracking the many unique flows, and determining exactly how activity should be counted. Nonetheless, the North South trades listed above are estimated to have had a headhaul volume of approximately 7.8 million TEUs in 2003. Based on a review of historical port volume in Latin America, Africa and Oceania, Mercator estimates the North/South trades have been growing at a CAGR of about 6.6% since 1990. The intra-Asia trade is said to be the worlds largest, with annual traffic in 2003 estimated to be 18 million TEUs, up 375 % from an estimated figure of 4.8 million for 1992, for a CAGR of 12.8%.
Container Traffic Through San Pedro Bay Ports For San Pedro Bay ports, the Transpacific tradelane is obviously the most important. Growth through San Pedro Bay ports during this period has been the result of both the overall growth in the trade, as well as by the capture of increased market share. Containerized cargo growth in the import direction has been at the compound annual rate of 9.9 % during this period, slightly faster than the 9.2% rate of growth for the Transpaciifc eastbound trade.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Table I-4 - Volume History For San Pedro Bay Ports (POLB & POLA Combined)
Year Loaded Inbound Loaded Outbound Total Loaded Total Mtys Rolling 5yrTotal TEU % Change CAGR Rolling 10yrCAGR Rolling 15yrCAGR
10.4% 11.3% 10.2% 1.8% 15.1% 10.2% 15.6% 12.4% 6.5% 6.0% 16.6% 5.3% 9.0%
9.7% 9.6% 10.5% 10.9% 11.9% 10.1% 11.3% 9.3% 8.6% 7.8% 7.0% 6.5% 6.4% 2.5% 6.7%
These statistics indicate a consistent underlying growth pattern, with the CAGR for any 5year period always above 6%, and sometimes as high as 12%. Overlaid on top of this strong growth is a fairly high level of volatility, with year-to-year growth ranging between 2% and 17%. In no years, however, did combined SPB container handling volume actually decline. For reference, Appendix I.1a contains the separate throughput figures for POLA and POLB.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
A) Number of Vessels
TEU SIZE BAND <=500 501 - 1000 1001 - 1500 1501 - 2000 2001 - 2500 2501 - 3000 3001 - 4000 4001 - 5000 5001 - 6000 6001 - 7000 7001 - 8000 8001 - 9000 TOTAL 1990 431 263 246 167 63 133 70 2 0 0 0 0 1375 1995 308 301 329 231 114 141 144 39 0 0 0 0 1607 2000 485 480 497 334 226 183 209 128 0 0 0 0 2542 2004 472 547 540 392 284 255 247 222 11 0 0 0 2970 1990 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 5 1995 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 25 2000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 61 23 0 0 119 2004 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 155 97 10 8 310 1990 431 263 246 167 63 133 70 7 0 0 0 0 1380 1995 308 301 329 231 114 141 144 64 0 0 0 0 1632 2000 485 480 497 334 226 183 209 163 61 23 0 0 2661 % change 2004 1990-2004 472 547 540 392 284 255 247 262 166 97 10 8 3280 10% 108% 120% 135% 351% 92% 253% 3643% .. .. .. .. 138%
Source: MDS/Transmodal
Table I-5 illustrates the significant change in the world fleet over the last decade. Not even yet existing in 1995, vessels over 5000 TEU now number approximately 300, and are commonplace on the major East/West trade routes. These ships now account for nearly 50% of the container throughput at SPB ports (see sub-section I-5). Containerships are commonly referred-to according to their nominal TEU capacity, which is a theoretical volumetric capacity that typically does not consider the real-world constraints of vessel deadweight, stability, and cargo securing. The effective capacity of a vessel in service in the Transpacific, which is the actual volume of loaded containers that it can carry, is typically about 85-95% of the declared nominal capacity. Because nominal capacity figures are the ones that are universally available, existing and future fleet tables and port call forecasts are all made on this basis.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
The foregoing analysis of fleet characteristics was done on a macro basis, considering primarily the evolution of ship capacity and the corresponding dimensional parameters. To make this analysis more useful in terms of understanding the port facility requirements of ships of different nominal TEU capacities, a set of representative vessels has been assembled, with more complete description of their individual characteristics. This information is presented in a series of tables contained in Appendix I.2c. For each size category, as many as 6-8 vessels are profiled, with a wide range of physical and operating characteristics presented for each vessel. For easy reference, a representative vessel from each size group is presented in Table I-6, at the end of this section.
Review of Key Containership Design Changes Since 1985 As evidenced by the foregoing data tables, the state-of-the-art in containership design has advanced significantly over the last 20 years. Key advances in the design of containerships which facilitated the rapid growth in size and efficiency of the fleet included the following: Increasing Container Ship Breadth Beyond 32.2 Meters The APL C10 containerships were delivered in 1988, and are notable as the first containerships with a breadth that exceeded the 32.2 m limit of the Panama Canal. While panamax container ship designs were still evolving and continue to increase in size and capacity to this day, improvements in their efficiency and economic effectiveness were constrained by the limitation in beam. Since 1985, the capacity of the largest containerships, has more than doubled. The maximum breadth of large containerships has increased from 32.2m to 42.8m. The increased breadth of large containerships provides better stability characteristics and in general reduces ballasting requirements. Improvements in Speed, Powering and Propulsion As the size of the largest containerships increased so has the requirement for speed and the ability of the vessels to maintain schedule to make them effective on the major east-west trade routes. Since 1985, the typical design speed for large containerships has increased from 23.0 knots to 25.0 - 25.5 knots. Concurrent with the growth in ship size and speed have been advancements in the design of low speed diesel engines and propellers. The APL C10 containerships delivered in 1988 had a 12 cylinder low speed diesel engine with 840 mm diameter pistons that developed 41,920 kW. These engines were among the largest in the world at that time. Today, that same engine is available but with a maximum rating of 48,600 kW a 16% increase in output. The largest engine available today is a 14 cylinder 1080 mm bore, low speed engine rated for 97,300 kW more than twice as much power as the APL C10. With these newest engine designs, the limitation on ships powering is now the shafting and propeller sizes that can be reasonably designed and produced. To achieve the higher speeds required, the container ship hull form has also been refined through tank testing and research. In general these hulls are very fine and tend to have significant bow flare and large overhanging structure in way of the stern in order to maximize container stowage.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Improved Utilization of Under-Deck Cargo Space The capacity of container ships is often limited by vessel intact stability. By increasing container stowage below deck, the overall cargo center of gravity can be lowered and the ship capacity and effectiveness is enhanced. Three containership design changes that permitted greater stowage below deck are noteworthy. Hatch width increased not only in physical measurement but also as a percentage of the overall breadth. The longitudinal hatch girders that were utilized to support the inboard sides of the hatch covers were eliminated. Container cell guide systems and entry guides were improved to reduce the transverse spacing between container stacks while still maintaining and possibly even improving cargo operations. The net result of these changes is that current designs permit an additional container stack below deck. For example, most panamax containerships are 11 wide below deck versus 10 wide that was more common before 1985. Increased Hatch Width & Increased Depth As the transverse hatch opening increased, containerships, and particularly post-panamax vessels, became more susceptible to torsional warping and longitudinal bending. At the same time, the width of effective longitudinal Main Deck plating was reduced. Compensation for the loss in longitudinal strength and stiffness was through increased vessel depth. Improvements in On-Deck Container Securing Systems The increased breadth of post-panamax designs enhanced vessel stability and permitted more cargo to be stowed on-deck. To effectively utilize this capacity, increased container stack weights were achieved through improvements in container securing systems. One ship design feature that is characteristic of large container ships is an elevated lashing bridge. This structure allows the restraining force of the lashing assemblies to be applied at a more effect angle. As a result, permissible container stack weights have increased by as much as 20 to 25 tonnes per stack and the number of tiers has increased from 5-high to 6- and 7-high. Maximum achievable stack weights both below deck and on-deck are closely related to the strength ratings of containers. Class Societies that approve ship designs also review and approve container designs and verify construction standards. In recent years container strength ratings in both corner post compression and corner post tension have been increased thus permitting improved stack weights. Increases in Stowage Flexibility, 45ft Container Capacity and Reefer Capacity: Over the last 20 years, container ship designs were developed with more stowage flexibility, both on deck and below deck. Below deck, newbuildings typically have the capability to stow two 20ft container below deck within 40ft cell guides, ranging from a minimum of four high up to six or seven high. Fixed 20ft cell guides are not typically installed. An important feature for the US trade that has developed since the early 1980s is the provision for alternate 45ft stowage capability on deck. More reefer cargo is being moved in self contained refrigerated containers and the reefer capacity on all sizes of containerships has increased accordingly, both in the number of receptacles and in auxiliary generator capacity. Through these changes in vessel design, it was possible to increase the size and speed of containerships to the present 8000+ TEU level.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report Page 14 of 139 February 2005
930 2/26/1992 1992 12 140.00 126.40 22.70 10.80 8,936
CECILIE MAERSK 1827 4/24/1994 1994 10 190.48 180.15 27.80 15.23 20,842
2890 9/8/2003 2003 1 217.00 200.24 32.20 19.40 32,600
TMM Colima
3237 10/2/2002 2002 2 243.35 232.40 32.20 19.50 40,146
MSC Linzie
5060 2003 2003 1 294.05 283.00 32.20 21.60 54,881
OOCL Shenzhen
8063 4/30/2003 2003 1 322.97 308.00 42.80 24.60 89,097
years m m m m
Ships Ratios and Proportions (Calculated) Beam / Depth LBP / Depth LBP / Beam Design Draft / Depth Cubic Number (LBP x Beam x Depth / 100) Block Coefficient Power & Engine Rating Speed (knots) % MCR % Sea Margin Fuel Oil Capacity Diesel Oil Capacity SWB Tankage HT Steel % Main Engine - Make Main Engine - Model Main Engine - Type Main Engine - Output - MCR kW Main Engine - RPM @ MCR Main Engine Driven Alternator
Total Aux. Power Instal'd (w/o emerg gen)
16.55 80% m 3 m 3 m
690 156 4860 16.0% MaK 6M601C 4-Stroke 6600 425 1200 1200 500
21.6 90% 20% 3902 117 15167 55% MAN B&W 8K80MC-C 2-Stroke 28832 104 No 8550 1700 No O 3200 3969 6516 3272 125.4 100.8 17.1
25.0 85% 10400 400 25500 50% MAN B&W 12K98MC-C 2-Stroke 68520 104 3000 12000 2500 No
Mitsubishi 9UEC50LS11 2-Stroke 11415 120.7 No 3750 736 No O+E 1600 + 1100 1741 2858 1435 49.4 41.4 7.5
MAN B&W 8K80MC-C 2-Stroke 28800 104 No 5780 1300 No C 3200 2683 4405 2212 122.1 89.7 11.5
MAN B&W MAN B&W 9K90MC-C 12K90MC(Mk6) 2-Stroke 2-Stroke 39780 54898 104 94 No 6360 1900 2100 9600 2000 No
Boiler Rating Ship Service Load - at Sea - Maneuvering - in Port Fuel Consumption - at Sea - Maneuvering - in Port Cargo & Crew Details No of Cargo Cranes TEU Capacity - ON DECK TEU Capacity -in HOLD TEU Capacity - TOTAL TEU Capacity (14 ton per TEU) Reefer Capacity Tiers/Across - On Deck Tiers/Across - In Hold Crew Size/No.Cabins
Oil Osaka OEV-700-24w 4000 7000 4457 7316 3674 229.3 165.3 19.2 5571 9146 4592 286.3 206.4 24.0
2778 3092 2282 2622 5060 5714 3360 4190 400 628 7/13 7/16; CG's 8/16 8/11 9/14 29/? 24/25
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
1995 82 105 79 36
302 21%
Some vessels are deployed in services that span both the Transpacific and Asia-Europe trades (9 such services existed during 2004). Vessels in these services are included in both tables.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
2004 1 4 16 19 20 11 4 1 76 14%
1995 10 10 9 4
2000 1 9 13 10 3 2 38 46%
2004 1 10 5 9 12 10 1 48 14%
33 34%
Table I-9 - Nominal Capacity (per week) of Services Operated in Each Trade
Capacity Deployed (TEU per week)
Year Size Band <1000 1-2000 2-3000 3-4000 4-5000 5-6000 6-7000 7-8000 Grand Total 1990 1995 2000 2004 99 209 233 233 14,407 13,827 16,156 6,102 48,312 56,423 33,364 41,138 10,055 27,771 56,626 65,003 4,300 16,953 48,048 87,970 37,655 60,702 6,508 25,201 7,170 77,173 115,184 198,590 293,519
Size Band <1000 1-2000 2-3000 3-4000 4-5000 5-6000 6-7000 7-8000 Grand Total Year 1990 867 13,016 23,055 13,847 50,785 1995 2000 2004 13,626 1,380 1,456 25,414 21,810 24,787 31,103 46,610 17,169 17,222 44,628 39,377 16,298 66,658 12,932 64,797 7,780 87,365 143,658 222,024
A better understanding of each trade is obtained by considering the general types of deployment configurations and markets served. For Asia-North America, deployment configurations may be broken down into four main types: Panama: Those services that cross the Pacific, transit the Panama Canal, and continue at least as far as the US Gulf Coast and/or US East Coast, before returning to Asia Round The World (RTW): As the name implies, these services operate in a continuous round-the-world loop. Suez / East Coast North America: These services run between Asia and the East Coast of North America (ECNA) via the Suez Canal. Transpacific West Coast North America: These services connect Asia ports with Ports on the West coast of North America only. These are typically simple shuttle services, but could also be part of longer deployments that continue to the Middle east or Europe.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
For Asia-Europe, the deployment configurations that are most relevant are the following: North Europe: Those that continue beyond the Mediterranean to northwest Europe Mediterranean: Those that turn around in the Med Pendulum: Those that are part of a larger deployment, generally involving transpacific segments. In the following tables, we characterize the vessels deployed in the Asia-North America and Asia-North Europe trades according to the type of deployment in which they operate.
Table I-10 - Number of Services By Deployment Configuration in Transpacific and Asia-Europe Trades
Number of Services, By Deployment Configuration
Asia-North America
Route Type Panama RTW Suez ECNA TP WCNA Total Year 1990 6 5 24 35 1995 5 4 4 30 43 2000 10 2 2 47 61 2004 17 1 1 57 76
Route Type Med NW Eur Pend Total Year 1990 6 12 10 28 1995 6 17 10 33 2000 7 20 11 38 2004 14 25 9 48
Asia-North America
Route Type Panama RTW Suez ECNA TP WCNA Overall Year 1990 2,514 2,464 2,226 2,309 1995 3,078 3,138 1,756 2,726 2,715 2000 3,218 4,184 4,008 3,236 3,290 2004 3,923 2,830 3,298 3,892 3,877
Route Type Med NW Eur Pend Overall Year 1990 1,360 2,345 2,056 2,031 1995 1,782 3,266 2,577 2,787 2000 2,721 4,059 4,021 3,802 2004 3,333 5,545 4,483 4,701
Asia-North America
Route Type Panama RTW Suez ECNA TP WCNA Overall Year 1990 4,000 3,428 4,300 4,300 1995 4,024 4,229 2,146 4,800 4,800 2000 4,626 4,229 4,626 6,600 6,600 2004 5,050 3,090 4,864 8,468 8,468
Route Type Med NW Eur Pend Overall Year 1990 2,700 4,038 4,000 4,038 1995 3,568 4,743 4,229 4,743 2000 3,765 6,674 6,600 6,674 2004 6,750 8,060 6,600 8,060
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Vessels operating in the Asia-North Europe trade are larger on average (nearly 25% more) than those in the North America service, driven by the fact that there are fewer small-vessel strings in those trades, and by the fact that a carriers newest and largest ships are usually deployed first into Asia-Europe. The preference for concentrating larger vessels in the AsiaEurope routes is primarily due to the length of the voyages (the economic advantage of larger vessels increases with longer voyages), but also related to the relatively smaller number of port coverage variations that are possible. In spite of the difference in average vessels sizes, there is little difference in the size of the largest vessels deployed in each of the two trades. Using this same format, further comparisons can be made between the Asia-North America Fleet and the Asia-North Europe fleet, considering speed, age and reefer capacity. Tables I13 through I-16 present some high level comparisons of these parameters.
Table I-13 - Average Speed For The Asia-North America and Asia-North Europe Trades
Average Service Speed
Asia-North America
Route Type Panama RTW Suez ECNA TP WCNA Overall Year 1990 20.2 19.7 20.7 20.5 1995 22.2 21.3 18.9 21.5 21.3 2000 21.7 23.6 23.4 21.9 22.0 2004 23.5 22.0 23.4 22.8 23.0
Route Type Med NW Eur Pend Overall Year 1990 19.0 20.7 19.4 19.9 1995 19.7 22.3 20.2 21.2 2000 21.9 23.2 22.9 22.8 2004 22.2 24.8 23.6 23.8
Table I-14 - Average Vessel Age For The Asia-North America and Asia-North Europe Trades
Average Age of Vessels
Asia-North America
Route Type Panama RTW Suez ECNA TP WCNA Grand Total Year 1990 6.3 5.3 9.0 8.0 1995 9.4 4.9 12.8 9.4 9.3 2000 10.0 4.6 6.1 7.3 7.6 2004 8.5 4.8 10.7 8.2 8.2
Route Type Med NW Eur Pend Grand Total Year 1990 11.1 7.9 7.0 8.2 1995 15.4 6.5 6.5 8.1 2000 9.2 6.0 4.6 6.2 2004 9.0 3.8 5.3 5.6
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Table I-15 - Average Reefer Plugs per Vessel: Asia-North America and Asia-North Europe Fleets
Average Reefer Plugs Per Service
Asia-North America
Route Type Panama RTW Suez ECNA TP WCNA Grand Total Year 1990 195 156 264 237 1995 244 208 140 237 226 2000 243 446 293 270 272 2004 319 404 296 342 337
Route Type Med NW Eur Pend Grand Total Year 1990 131 184 150 160 1995 118 229 179 194 2000 199 297 341 291 2004 283 480 427 413
Asia-North America
Route Type Panama RTW Suez ECNA TP WCNA Grand Total Year 1990 16% 13% 24% 21% 1995 16% 13% 16% 17% 17% 2000 15% 21% 15% 17% 17% 2004 16% 29% 18% 18% 17%
Route Type Med NW Eur Pend Grand Total Year 1990 19% 16% 15% 16% 1995 13% 14% 14% 14% 2000 15% 15% 17% 15% 2004 17% 17% 19% 18%
Further Definition of The Asia-North America Fleet The types of deployments operated in the Asia-North America trade may be further broken down to gain better insight into carrier deployment strategies. Panama services are subdivided into those that call the East Coast only, those that call both the West Coast and East Coast, and those that call the East Coast and continue across the Atlantic to Europe. RTW services are subdivided into those travelling eastbound and those travelling westbound. TP WCNA services are subdivided into those that are simple Pacific Loop or shuttle services, and those that continue eastward as far as the Middle East/ISC and those that transit the Suez Canal A breakdown of the Asia-North America services according to these deployment types is provided in Table I-17.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
4 Panama Total 6 5 RTW RTW E/B 3 2 RTW W/B 2 2 RTW Total 5 4 Suez ECNA Suez ECNA 4 Suez ECNA Total 4 TP WCNA Pac Loop 24 28 TP/Mideast TP/Suez 2 TP WCNA Total 24 30 Grand Total 35 43 Source: Derived from MDST Containership Databank
This table demonstrates the growing importance of services from Asia to the USEC via Panama during the late 1990s, and especially since 2000. None of these new services continue onward to Europe, a pattern that in 1995 was followed by more than half of the panama services. It can also be seen that the Panama services have largely replaced the Suez-ECNA services, primarily because North Asia/China is now so much more important to US trade than South Asia, and because China-USEC cargo is better served via Panama. Pendulum services combining T-P legs with Asia-North Europe and Asia-Mideast legs have largely replaced Round-The-World (RTW) services. One reason for this is the increased use of post-Panamax vessels, which of course are unsuitable for an RTW deployment. The speed and capacity of vessels used for each of these deployment types is presented in Table I-18.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Table I-18 - Speed and Capacity of Asia-North America Vessels By Route Configuration
Average Vessel TEU Capacity
Route Type Panama Pan EC Pan EC Eur Pan WC/EC Panama Total RTW RTW E/B RTW W/B RTW Total Suez ECNA Suez ECNA Suez ECNA Total TP WCNA Pac Loop TP/Mideast TP/Suez TP WCNA Total Grand Total Year 1990 2,147 2,697 2,514 2,528 2,367 2,464 1995 3,032 3,109 3,078 2,852 3,423 3,138 1,756 1,756 2,729 2,683 2,726 2,715 2000 2,988 3,622 2,752 3,218 4,229 4,138 4,184 4,008 4,008 3,037 4,600 3,236 3,290 2004 3,693 4,217 4,300 3,923 2,830 2,830 3,298 3,298 3,780 2,884 5,143 3,892 3,877
2,226 2,309
20.7 20.5
Table I-19 - Distribution of Asia-North America Vessels By Route Configuration, Nominal TEU and Age
Service TEU Average Age of Vessels, By Service - Years Type Group 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 Panama 2000 1 1 3000 4 1 1 4000 3 5 1 Panama Total 4 9 2 2 RTW 2000 1 RTW Total 1 3000 1 Suez ECN Suez ECNA Total 1 0 1 TP WCNA 1000 1 3 2000 1 5 3 1 2 3000 1 3 6 2 4000 5 3 3 5000 5 6 6000 4 7000 1 TP WCNA Total 18 21 12 3 2 Grand Total 23 30 15 5 2 Source: Derived from MDST Containership Databank Total >24 Services 2 6 9 17 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 13 12 11 11 4 1 1 57 1 76
Following the vessel replacements that occurred over the last decade, most of the Panama services are now being run with 4000+ TEU vessels, which are the largest vessels that can be accommodated through the Panama Canal (refer to Tables I-18 and I-19). Unless and
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until the Panama Canal is expanded, there is only modest room to further increase capacity through the canal by vessel up-sizing, so the majority of future capacity increases must come through deployment of additional services. Table I-20 - Slowest Vessel In Each Asia-North America Service, By TEU Capacity and Route Configuration
Year 2004 Distribution of Vessel Services Based on Minimum Speed Vessel In The Service Min Spd Grand Total 1 3 13 11 9 8 3 1 49 2 4 4 10 2 2 4 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 6 76 15.0 17.0 17.5 18.0 19.0 19.5 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.0 24.4 24.5 25.0 25.5 26.5 1 3 1 Count of SERVICE Type Pac Loop Avg TEU 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 2000 3000 4000 3000 4000 4000 2000 3000 1000 4000 3000 4000 5000 6000 1 1% 1 3% 1 4% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 3 12 2 2 5 7 5 12 1 9 4 1 1 5% 11% 13% 16% 20% 36% 38% 41% 47% 57% 63% 79% 80% 92% 97% 99% 100% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 5 4
1 1 1
1 5 2
2 1
9 1 1
1 2 2 1 1
8 1 2 3
3 3 1 1 8
1 2
Pan EC Total Pan EC Eur Pan EC Eur Total Pan WC/EC Pan WC/EC Total RTW W/B RTW W/B Total Suez ECNA Suez ECNA Total TP/Mideast TP/Mideast Total TP/Suez
1 1 1
1 1 1 1 2 1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
Average speeds have increased along with the sizes of vessels. As of August 2004, approximately 60% of all services utilize ships of 22 knots or faster, 43% use ships of 23 knots or faster, and 21% use ships of 24 knots or faster. In terms of capacity offered, 67% is at speeds of 23 knots or higher, and 48% at 24 knots or higher. Roughly 10 years ago (in 1995), only 25% of capacity was 23 knots or faster.
The Asia-San Pedro Bay Fleet Because the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles are the most important ports in the AsiaNorth America trade, the vessels calling on those ports represent a very significant subset of the overall Asia-North America fleet described above. In order to better define the mix of ships calling at San Pedro Bay ports, we have segregated the Transpacific services and vessels into those that call at SPB ports and those that do not.
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Table I-21 - The San Pedro Bay Calling Fleet Versus the T-P Fleet Overall
Count of Vessels Deployed In Trans-Pacific, By TEU Size Band and Route Type
All Transpacific Services Sum of Vsls Year NA Svc Type Avg TEU Grp 1990 Panama 1000 7 2000 45 3000 11 4000 Panama Total 63 RTW 1000 13 2000 12 3000 21 4000 RTW Total 46 Suez ECNA 1000 3000 4000 Suez ECNA Total TP WCNA 0 2 1000 34 2000 84 3000 4000 5 5000 6000 7000 TP WCNA Total 125 Grand Total 234 NOT Calling SPB Ports Year LA/LB C N 1990 1995 2000 7 6 9 18 9 27 13 18 45 Services Calling SPB Ports Y 2004 17 32 33 82 1990 39 11 50 13 12 21 46 39 15 14 29 3 66 55 70 53 43 13 303 459 9 9 3 27 66 69 64 79 26 6 340 521 39 15 26 5 53 15 15 4 27 20 5 9 9 9 20 23 10 18 2 19 58 5 3 15 49 33 16 14 14 3 62 28 50 53 38 13 247 343 1995 26 12 38 35 10 45 20 20 2000 10 41 11 62 2004
1995 35 21 56 35 10 45 39
2000 28 68 11 107
2004 17 56 87 160 12
24 54 78 12
20 20
39 3 20 102 33 16
174 314
41 54
58 115
56 116
80 171
84 180
116 199
3 18 46 46 54 61 26 6 260 350
A more complete definition of the San Pedro Bay fleet is presented in Appendix I.3c. What can be concluded from the above table and Appendix I.3c is that, not surprisingly, the largest, fastest, and newest vessels deployed in the trade call at the San Pedro Bay ports. Fleet Profiles By Carrier The development between1990 and the present of the worldwide vessel fleets of each major carrier, and the concurrent development of their respective Transpacific and Asia-Europe fleets, are described in Appendix I.3b.
Before analysing the service development of key carriers in the Pacific trade, we introduce the subject through several tables describing the services and capacity offered by the major carriers / carrier groups over the last 10-15 years. This material is presented in Table I-21. For each current carrier group, the figures include for prior years all services that had previously been offered by member carriers, whether as part of that alliance, independently, or through some other grouping.
Year 2004 1990 11,616 2,221 2,074 54,256 65,872 10,503 10,503 6,664 6,664 7,594 7,594 4,079 2,830 11,251 18,160 10,945 21,789 32,734 11,757 3,298 33,971 49,026 11,650 11,650 8,392 23,041 31,433 4,507 5,913 10,420 8,445 1,981 2,072
13 16 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 6 1 1 5 7 8 8 2 1 3 6 1 1 1
43,407 53,662 3,316 3,316 2,635 2,635 3,582 3,582 2,635 4,996 7,631 2,041 8,367 16,208 26,616 3,872 3,828 20,307 28,007 11,752 11,752 7,049 4,187 13,034 24,270 3,024 3,024 3,082
3,339 3,354 3,316 3,316 2,635 2,635 1,791 1,791 2,635 2,498 2,544 2,041 4,184 5,403 4,436 3,872 3,828 4,061 4,001 1,469 1,469 3,525 4,187 4,345 4,045 3,024 3,024 3,082
4,174 4,117 3,501 3,501 3,332 3,332 2,531 2,531 4,079 2,830 3,750 3,632 3,648 4,358 4,092 3,919 3,298 4,853 4,457 1,942 1,942 4,196 3,840 3,929 4,507 2,957 3,473 4,223
2 2 4 1 1 5 7 1 1 1 4 5
2 3 5 2 1 8 11 1 1 2 1 5 6
7,110 8,075 15,185 5,464 1,942 23,217 30,623 1,524 639 2,163 3,922 12,249 16,171
3,049 2,269 2,659 2,743 3,066 2,206 2,406 430 430 3,619 2,244 2,519
3,555 2,692 3,037 2,732 1,942 2,902 2,784 1,524 639 1,082 3,922 2,450 2,695
1 1 10 12 1 1
2 1 15 18 1 1
8 9 1 1 2
Notes: Capacity figures relate to the overall service, and are not apportioned to carriers. Capacities and service counts shown exceed total actual capacity because services may be included under more than one carrier or alliance.
As capacity and volume have expanded, the number of services offered and the number of direct ports called have also expanded. A listing of services and their characteristics is presented for reference in Appendix I.4a. The frequency of part calls offered to the trade, by region, is re-capped in Tables I-22 and I-23.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
SE Asia
No Cal
Services Calling Total Calls Made Services Calling Total Calls Made Services Calling Total Calls Made Services Calling Total Calls Made
39 53 27 43 19 21 17 21
4 11 38 48 54 31 16 7 6 12 55 67 68 41 43 13 1 2 1 1 1 1
5 13 17 20 8 52 18 21
4 34 4 36 3 30 3 33 6 24 6 28 3 21 3 22
53 7 13 13 18 58 14 33 52 71 46 6 11 14 16 51 11 21 63 64 28 32 24 28 3 13 13 6 52 50 3 7 11 3 33 36
W Mex
6 17 26 54 42 18 8 6 14 15 21 7 18 33 67 56 47 10 10 63 15 23 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 35 34 20 3 46 49 29 28 30 9 31 45 11 7 5 13 8 11 52 3 4 3 7 6 33 5 14 5 14 5 12 5 12
The continued importance of San Pedro Ports can be seen from these statistics, and those in Table I-23. In 1990, 24 services made 28 port calls per week in SPB ports, out of a total of 35 T-P services (69%). In 2004, 53 of the 76 Transpacific services call in San Pedro Bay (70%).
Table I-23 Eastbound and Westbound Port Calls Made in North America By Asia-North America Services
North American Port Calls E/B
2004 41 3 10 6 3 12 Total Calls 47 30 19 4 17 6 16 1 2000 1st Calls 36 3 10 4 7 Total Calls 41 27 18 3 14 6 12 1995 1st Calls 23 3 9 6 Total Calls 27 23 16 4 5 11 1990 1st Calls 19 3 9 2 Total Calls 22 18 12 3 4 9 1 Source: Derived from MDST Containership Databank
1st Calls
19 26 9 52 33 18 10 22 9 41 28 17 5 17 6 27 23 15 5 14 8 21 20 12
2 9 4 16 3 5 3 13 3 4 4 5 3 4
1 10 3 17 2 8 3 13 6 11 2 8
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Carrier Service Strategy Development Since 1990 The development of service strategies by some of the leading carriers in the Transpacific trade is analysed and discussed in this section. Maersk SeaLand The worlds largest liner company has evolved its Transpacific network substantially since 1990, when its predecessor components Maersk Line and Sea-Land Service operated two and three weekly strings, respectively. In that year, Sea-Land deployed 17 ships to this sector, 12 of which were 2600-TEU, USflag vessels and 5 of which were 2100-TEU, steam-powered, US-built vessels qualified to carry cabotage containers. Only one of this carriers three weekly strings called in San Pedro Bay. The others, the cabotage string (PEX) was limited by schedule constraints to providing a Taiwan PNW eastbound service (to match its PNW/Bay Area to Hawaii/Guam westbound service), while the third strings eastbound mission was to link Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and especially Japan base ports with the Tacoma gateway. Japan was the largest Asian origin market for Sea-Land at this time, and the carriers Japanese customers demanded (and received) direct services to both the Pacific Northwest and Pacific Southwest ports. Sea-Lands reliance at this time on 12 US-flag vessels (in addition to the cabotage-qualified ships) was a function of desiring access to flag-impelled military cargoes from the USA to North Asia, and also of capital spending constraints imposed by its parent corporation, CSX. As a more recent entrant to the Transpacific trade, Maersks capacity presence was slightly smaller than Sea-Lands and configured differently. The Danish line operated a 12-ship pendulum service (known as the Panama string) between Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, California, the US East Coast, and North Europe, with relatively-new 4000-TEU ships. It also ran a PNW service linking Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Japan with Tacoma, using 5 smaller (2000 TEU) ships built in the mid-70s. Sea-Land and Maersk would join forces the following year (1991) and commence a Transpacific vessel sharing agreement covering six weekly strings a frequency level unmatched at that time by any other line. Indeed, this transaction catalyzed other carriers to forge their own alliances in the Transpacific to remain competitive. By 1995, the Sea-Land/Maersk Line vessel sharing agreement had evolved to a limited extent from its original configuration. Maersk continued operating its 12-ship Panama string (with the same 4000-TEU vessels), along with a new 5-ship express service between Hong Kong/Taiwan and Southern California (using a collection of 23-knot vessels averaging 2800 TEU in size). Sea-Land continued running its 5-ship PEX service from Taiwan (and now Hong Kong) to Tacoma/Oakland (with a return via Honolulu and Guam),
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along with a 7-ship PSW string (extended to Singapore). Sea-Land had also inaugurated a 4-ship service from California to Honolulu to West Japan to California, mainly to provide a direct service from Southern California to Hawaii and also an express service from West Japan. The two carriers had also rationalized their respective PNW strings into one jointly-operated string with 6 ships averaging 2200 TEU. The composition of the 6 strings reflected the growing importance of having an express eastbound service for the rapidly-expanding South China Southern California market segment. Although post-Panamax ships were just beginning to be considered by some carriers in the Transpacific trades between 1990 and 1995, Maersk Line and Sea-Land had instead established a collective priority for their VSA on maximizing sailing frequencies partially due to Sea-Lands capital spending constraints, as well as its need to continue using both the US-built and the US-flag ships. Nonetheless, it was during this same period that Maersk embarked on the construction of its first post-panamax vessels, the 6000 TEU K-Class. The first of six such vessels entered service in 1996, followed soon after by the first lengthened version, the so-called S-Class with a declared capacity of 6600 TEU, but more likely having a capacity in the 7600-8000 TEU range. With the introduction of these large new vessels, and a continuing program to build more of them at the companys Danish shipyard, Maersk was firmly committed to building its network around large vessels. Although the majority of Maersk S and K-class vessels were employed in the Asia-Europe trade, at least one string of these ships has been calling in SPB since approximately 1999. By 2000, the Maersk Line/Sea-Land Transpacific VSA had evolved first into a Global VSA (in 1996) and then into a fully consolidated operation under one commercial entity, following A.P. Moller Groups purchase of Sea-Lands international shipping operations from CSX, at the end of 1999. This transaction gave Maersk greater flexibility in its fleet planning, resulting in substantial changes in the services and vessels deployed in the Transpacific sector. For the latter half of 2000, the new Maersk Sea-Land line operated 6 weekly strings in the trade: The old Panama (TP3) service (now with just 11 of the original 4000 TEU ships and without a Singapore port call). A new, parallel pendulum string (TP2) was also deployed linking the Far East, California, and the US East Coast, using most of the 2600-TEU ships acquired from Sea-Land). The TP5/AE5 deployment that appended an eastbound Transpacific service from Salalah, Pelepas (Malaysia), Singapore, and Yantian direct to San Pedro Bay with a Far East North Europe service, using 13 x 6600-TEU/24.5 knot ships
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The TP4/AE4/TP6 deployment, which had 14 ships (with an average capacity of 4100 TEU) running from the US East Coast through the Mediterranean and Suez Canal to Salalah/Malaysia/Singapore/Hong Kong/Taiwan, and then California, before reversing course back through the same regions to the US East Coast effectively providing an all-water Asia North America service from Hong Kong/Taiwan and Southeast Asia via the Suez Canal, as well as a conventional, express service from Southeast Asia and Hong Kong/Taiwan to Southern California The TP1 deployment, which was now converted to a jointly operated string with CSX Lines (the residual cabotage shipping operations of Sea-Land), in which the latter company utilized its vessels westbound to Hawaii and Guam, while Maersk Sealand purchased the eastbound voyage and slots from Hong Kong to Tacoma still running with the same steam-powered ships as in 1990. The Danish carriers network plan at this time (as in prior periods) was driven not only by market share objectives and concentrations on particular Asian countries (such as China), but also by the need to keep its affiliated shipyard utilized. Over the following four years, Maersk Sealand added two additional deployments, but substantially modified its various pendulum services: The TP2 string was converted into a pure West Coast shuttle The TP3 strings Transatlantic voyage leg was discontinued, and the number of ships contracted to 9 The TP5 deployments North Europe Salalah voyage leg was eliminated, 13 ships were contracted to 9, and the ship-class was scaled down to 4000+ TEU vessels The TP4/AE4/TP6 deployments Transatlantic voyage leg between Algeciras and the US East Coast was converted into a Mediterranean North Europe leg, with an accompanying reduction of 3 ships Although Maersk Sealand eliminated its all-water US East Coast service via the Suez Canal, the carrier then replaced it with a new all-water string (TP7) via the Panama Canal. In addition, two new shuttle services to San Pedro Bay were initiated, one from Hong Kong/South China/Taiwan (TP8) and the other from Shanghai/Ningbo (TP9). The scope of these changes reflected Maersk Sealands desire to maintain competitive sailing frequencies (especially eastbound to Southern California), in response to the increased strings provided by the CHKY and the Grand Alliance, but also the carriers needs for capacity and frequency in the Asia Europe trades, where most of its largest ships were and are still deployed.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
APL (and New World Alliance) The carrier considered to be the premier Transpacific line during the 1980s began the 1990s with 3 weekly strings and a sector fleet of 15 US-flag ships: One of these three deployments (the PSX) was among the first in the trade to run directly from Hong Kong/Taiwan to San Pedro Bay, using what were then 5 stateof-art, 4300-TEU/24-knot ships. Another string (the PIX, with 10-year old, 2800-TEU ships), linked San Pedro Bay with Guam westbound, and provided the carriers Japan Pacific Southwest eastbound service as well. The third string utilized 20-year old, 1900-TEU tonnage to give APLs customers a service link from Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Japan to Seattle. Despite its highly competitive services from Hong Kong/Taiwan and from Japan to San Pedro Bay, APL felt compelled to respond to the Maersk/Sea-Land vessel sharing alliance, after the latter was announced, and assembled a VSA with OOCL in 1991. [The Taiwanese carrier was involved previously in separate vessel sharing agreements with Neptune Orient Lines (NOL) and K-Line.] By 1995, the APL/OOCL collaboration furnished the market with 5 weekly sailings: APL continued to operate its PSX and PIX strings (with the same vessels as in 1990, and with essentially the same port rotations) OOCL was running 5 older ships (averaging 2500 TEU in size) in a Hong Kong/Taiwan/Japan Seattle service (the PNX) The two lines jointly operated an express service (the STX) between Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and California (with a blend of new 4800-TEU, post-Panamax ships contributed by APL and older, slower 3000-TEU vessels from OOCL) APL and OOCL also deployed a supplemental service (SJX) between Korea, Taiwan, West Japan, and Seattle --- the distinctive mission of this latter deployment was to carry US military cargo westbound to Okinawa and Korea. APL and OOCL eventually converted their joint STX string to a uniform deployment of 6 x 4800-TEU ships from APL in the following year. However, by 1997, this alliance was severely disrupted because the American carrier was in the process of being acquired by Singapore-based NOL. [The latter carrier had been involved in a tri-partite vessel sharing alliance with NYK and Hapag Lloyd that provided the trade with a competitive 5 weekly sailings.]
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
In a move that would cause several vessel alliances to be re-aligned, APL and NOL (now consolidated and operating under the APL banner) pulled out of the two agreements its component lines were party to, and entered into a new tri-partite VSA with Mitsui OSK Line (MOL) of Japan and Hyundai Merchant Marine (HMM) of Korea. [The Japanese carrier had previously been operating 5 Transpacific strings in tandem with K-Line, while the Korean line had been running 2 weekly services independently.] By 2000, the New World Alliance (NWA) of APL, MOL, and HMM had expanded to an industry-leading 9 weekly strings, leveraging their combined fleets, which had been supplemented with new-buildings from two of the member lines. During the 1997-2000 period, HMM had taken delivery of 5 x 5500-TEU/25-knot ships (the third-largest class of vessels deployed in the Transpacific), while APL had introduced 6 x 4500 TEU/24.5 knot ships at approximately the same time. Although the four lines (APL, NOL, MOL, and HMM) collectively had more than 55 ships assigned to the Transpacific sector in 1996, prior to the formation of the NWA, and could have potentially operated 9 (or at least 8) strings without new tonnage, they individually and collectively concluded that a migration of their fleet to larger and faster ships was necessary due to trade growth and competitive pressures, and that such a migration would be easier to implement by leveraging the combined marketing forces of the member-lines. Only 1 of the 9 NWA strings in 2000 was actually operated jointly a US East Coast service via the Panama Canal, with 9 ships averaging 3100 TEU of weekly capacity. Each of the three member carriers had effectively its own express service from Hong Kong/South China to Southern California, as well as its own service from Far East base ports to the Pacific Northwest. In addition, APL operated a 6-ship string (with its 4800-TEU ships) that provided customers with the first non-stop service from Singapore to San Pedro Bay, and also ran a joint service with Matson from California to Guam (returning via Qingdao, Korea, and Japan), as a modified successor to its earlier PIX string. Between 2000 and 2004, the NWA has added two strings, and has also re-tonnaged and reconfigured several of its services in response to volume growth, to shifts in the geographic distribution of the Transpacific trade within Asia, and to competitive pressures. The alliance enlarged its existing jointly-operated all-water service to 3800-TEU ships, and concurrently added another joint all-water service, using 4600-TEU ships. At the same time, HMM upsized both its PNW service (from 3000 TEU to 4400 TEU) and its PSW service (from 5500 TEU to 6400 TEU/26 knot new-builds), without any significant eastbound port rotation changes to either string. o In addition, HMM launched a new service the PCX linking Tianjin, Shanghai, and Ningbo directly with San Pedro Bay (with an intermediate stop in Busan), using older, 2900-TEU vessels.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Conversely, MOL elected to discontinue its own PNW service, replacing it with its own direct service from Hong Kong/South China to San Pedro Bay (and upsizing from 2700-TEU to 4500-TEU ships in the process) o MOL simultaneously upsized its PS3 service from 2900-TEU to 4500-TEU ships (while adding a second PRC port call Ningbo to its eastbound rotation). o As a member of a Japanese keiretsu, MOLs decision to no longer operate its own vessels between Japan and Seattle was undoubtedly a difficult decision, but clearly reflects the decline in the volumes and revenue value of that particular market segment, relative to the corresponding growth in the eastbound trade from South China to the Southern California basin. APL chartered in 5500-TEU ships to upsize its Southeast Asia-focused string (SAX), but otherwise kept its existing deployments essentially the same. These NWA deployment changes over the past four years, in which the alliance members increased their collective capacity by 35% despite depressed Transpacific trade conditions in 2001-2002, reflect the lack of coordination of the members fleet planning efforts (especially between HMM and APL/MOL) and desires to maintain their own services in key markets, rather than an integrated approach to the market.
Evergreen Of the carriers with a significant presence in the Transpacific trade since the mid-1980s, this Taiwanese line is the only one to have consistently operated on an independent basis, only recently entering into a few limited slot exchange agreements. Consequently, its fleet evolution reflects the managements views on market growth and their market share objectives, without the deployment planning complications arising from vessel sharing agreements. In 1990, Evergreen had 3 weekly eastbound Transpacific strings, one of which was its core, 12-ship Round-the-World (RTW) eastbound service - started in 1984 with 2700-TEU/20knot ships, and linking the Far East base ports of Singapore, Hong Kong, Kaohsiung, Busan, Osaka, and Tokyo with San Pedro Bay and the US East Coast. Evergreen also operated another 6 x 2700 TEU ships from Hong Kong/Taiwan to Southern California and 5 x 1800 TEU ships from Hong Kong/Taiwan/Japan to Seattle/Vancouver. Five years later, Evergreen had expanded its trade frequency (from 3 to 4 weekly sailings), while also re-tonnaging all of its original strings: The RTW-EB string was upsized to 4200-TEU/23-knot ships (with the faster speed enabling a reduction in the number of vessels deployed) The PSW string was upsized to 3400-TEU ships
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The PNW string was appended to a Far East Europe string and simultaneously upsized to 2700-TEU ships. In addition, to compete with APLs direct STX service from Singapore, Evergreen had launched its own Singapore San Pedro Bay string (also with an intermediate eastbound call in Hong Kong), with a blend of older ships that averaged 2000-TEU in size. Thus, Evergreen increased its average capacity during the first half of the decade from about 7200 TEU/week to roughly 12,200 TEU/week, an expansion of about 11% per year on average. By 2000, Evergreen had added another Transpacific string and had again retonnaged and/or reconfigured most of its earlier services. Although the RTW-EB service had essentially the same ships and port rotation, the PNW service was detached from the Far East Europe string it had previously been appended to (partially to improve its schedule reliability), with 5500-TEU/24.5 knot new-builds deployed into it. Evergreen had also substantially upsized its Hong Kong/Taiwan PSW express service to San Pedro Bay, from 3400-TEU ships to 5600-TEU/24.5 knot new-builds. The Singapore Express service was discontinued and replaced with a 5-ship service (HTW) that used a mixture of relatively new ships (with an average capacity of 5100 TEU) to provide a second weekly express service in the Hong Kong/Taiwan San Pedro Bay corridor, only with a slightly different port rotation to the PSW (now renamed as the TPS). Finally, Evergreens incremental string, which was operated with 9 older ships having an average capacity of about 2000 TEU, enabled the line to offer all-water US East Coast service from Hong Kong/Taiwan via the Panama Canal without intermediate port calls in Korea, Japan, and California (which were incorporated into the RTW-EB itinerary). Consequently, in the second half of the prior decade, Taiwans leading carrier expanded its weekly Transpacific slot capacity from about 12,200 TEUs to 22,400 TEUs, with a higher average annual growth rate (about 13%) compared to the previous five years. Perhaps as importantly, the change in the composition of Evergreens deployments during this period clearly reflects the carriers increasing concentration of services from the Hong Kong/Taiwan area of the Far East, with all five of its strings calling in those two countries and with three of the deployments (TPS, HWT, and USEC) sailing directly to their respective destination markets from this region. Between 2000 and 2004, Evergreen discontinued its long-running eastbound and westbound RTW services, but once again added another Transpacific string (bringing its total sailing frequency for the trade to six per week) and also made various deployment and tonnage changes: The all-water USEC express service from Hong Kong/Taiwan (re-named as the AUE) was upsized from 2000-TEU/20-knot ships to 4200-TEU/23-knot ships The HTW was contracted to 4 ships, with certain port calls eliminated, but preserving its prime mission of providing a direct Hong Kong San Pedro Bay link
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The TPS was enlarged from a 5500-TEU string to one with 6200-TEU/24.5-knot newbuilds The RTW-EB was replaced by the new NUE service, operating with 12 ships averaging 4100 TEU in capacity, and linking the primary Far East base ports (excluding Singapore) with the US East Coast via California The TPN service was re-named (to the CPN), significantly down-sized (from 5400TEU ships to 2700-TEU vessels), and re-configured (from making eastbound calls in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Japan before sailing to Tacoma, to calling in Shanghai, Qingdao, and Busan instead) In addition, Evergreen commenced a new service the CPS linking Shanghai and Ningbo with Oakland and then San Pedro Bay, using 5 x 3400 TEU ships. Despite the addition of this string, Evergreens rate of capacity expansion during the past four years was lower than its 1995-2000 surge, reflecting the depressed rate conditions in the Transpacific eastbound trade from the second half of 2001 through the first half of 2003. From 2000 to 2004, the Taiwanese line increased its weekly slot provision by only 10%, to 24,700 TEU (or 2.5% per year, on average).
Conclusions on Carrier Deployment Strategies As the preceding reviews have indicated, three major carriers all expanded their Transpacific frequencies and capacities significantly between 1990 and 2004, but in markedly different ways and for diverse reasons. While an examination of other carriers respective deployment histories during this same period would reveal further variations in the timing, scope, and rationale for expansion, it would still indicate a few common drivers among all the major lines: A desire to capitalize on the unit slot cost economics of larger ships, and simultaneously on periods of depressed pricing from shipyards on newbuildings A desire to maintain parity with peers, in terms of sailing frequency and transit times, in the most important market segment A corollary desire to protect and expand market share.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
The data used for this analysis was extracted by the POLB from the Port Wharfingers cargo reporting system, and included each of the 4405 container vessel calls that were made at the POLB between May 2001 and June 2004. The wharfinger data included the number of full and empty TEUs loaded to and discharged from each container vessel calling at the Port. The data included the vessel name and the date of each call. To determine the percent of each vessel that was discharged or loaded, the capacity of each vessel was identified by searching container vessel databases2 (by vessel name) to identify the nominal capacity of the vessel. As might be expected, not all vessel names were identified in available vessel databases. However, vessel capacities were identified for vessels responsible for over 95% of the containers handled, and the %discharged and %-loaded figures are based on these vessels. Most vessels calling at POLB are operated within an alliance or space sharing agreement. The wharfinger data, however, does not include the trade served or a carriers space allocation for vessel calls, so it was not possible to compute space utilization by carrier or by trade. Output from this analysis is presented in Appendix I.5a. A summary of the results is provided in Table I-24. Table I-24 - Container TEU Discharged and Loaded At POLB By Vessel Capacity Group
Full + Empty Containers Total TEU Discharged TEU Grp 2001 2002 2003 2004 Grand Total <250 1,304 6,576 5,413 2,503 15,796 250 69 306 375 500 5,222 8,511 453 55 14,241 1,000 47,483 59,866 146,030 91,700 345,079 2,000 166,181 264,635 367,387 149,293 947,496 3,000 229,745 396,592 340,581 220,077 1,186,995 4,000 419,749 450,168 497,663 217,890 1,585,470 5,000 333,974 733,093 664,627 361,860 2,093,554 6,000 167,650 278,328 380,763 264,969 1,091,710 7,000 205,937 185,073 391,010 8,000 5,838 26,539 32,377 Subtotal 1,577,245 2,382,911 2,408,755 1,335,192 7,704,103 As % of Cap 57% 58% 55% 54% 56% 103,285 92,426 87,201 46,784 329,696 Uknown Cap Vsls Grand Total 1,680,530 2,475,337 2,495,956 1,381,976 8,033,799 TEU/wk 48,015 47,603 47,999 53,153 Full + Empty Containers Total TEU Loaded 2001 2002 2003 2004 Grand Total 1,340 6,852 6,198 3,254 17,644 56 94 150 5,791 7,818 962 272 14,843 65,194 73,455 135,936 93,560 368,145 147,170 227,572 335,363 148,707 858,812 206,046 357,171 262,026 174,280 999,523 365,434 374,707 441,177 183,221 1,364,539 262,958 589,641 553,087 278,629 1,684,315 106,237 191,229 292,490 213,214 803,170 115,938 113,493 229,431 7,245 28,005 35,250 1,276,108 1,941,994 2,034,484 1,123,236 6,375,822 46% 47% 46% 45% 46% 86,146 72,777 83,075 39,285 281,283 1,362,254 2,014,771 2,117,559 1,162,521 6,657,105 38,922 38,746 40,722 44,712
Analysis of the wharfinger data indicated that on average, the volume discharged from container vessels at POLB is about 50-60% of a vessels nominal capacity (average in 1st half of 2004 was 54%). At the higher capacity levels, however, this figure increases. For ships in the 5000+ TEU size category, the percentage discharged (loads + empties) typically falls in the 75-80% range.
The following two vessel databases were consulted: the Clarksons Containership Register and the vessel fleet database of CI-Online. Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report Page 35 of 139 February 2005
The distribution of container activity across vessel size groups is an important factor for calculating the number of future port calls that would be required to accommodate expected container traffic. This analysis illustrated the relative contribution of large and small ships in terms of port calls made and containers handled. The percentage of vessel calls, vessel capacity, and TEU throughput have been plotted for the most recent 6 month period available (Jan-Jun 2004), and are presented in Figure 1. About 75% of port calls are made by ships within the 1000 to 5000 TEU size range, with a fairly even distribution of port calls by ships within the 1-2000, 2-3000, 3-4000, and 4-5000 TEU groups (each with about 20%, except 3-4000 with 15%). As a group, the 4000-5000 TEU category included the most calls. Vessels within this size range accounted for about 2/3 of the capacity and about of the throughput. Ships below 1000 TEU are inconsequential in terms of cargo handled (0.3% of the total), but accounted for nearly 5% of the port calls. Ships over 5000 TEU accounted for about 19% of the port calls, about a third of the capacity, and about half of the throughput. Of all the size groups, vessels within the largest groups showed the highest percentage discharge, with TEU discharge in excess of 75%. This is seen as the result of fewer calls being made by the large ships on any given voyage, such that more of the ships capacity is handled during the POLB call. As more ships of 5000-8000+ TEU are deployed on rotations with limited WCNA port calls, the SPB discharge percentage for Pacific loop services will likely trend higher, with the effect of reducing the number of vessel calls required to support a given level of box through-put.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Task II-1: Trade Volume Scenarios For Fleet & Port Call Forecasting
A key input to the forecast of port call activity at San Pedro Bay ports is of course the expected level of container throughput. The Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles last completed a long-term cargo forecast in 1998. Since that study was completed, cargo volumes have grown more strongly than anticipated. For this current study of vessel trends and future port call activity, Mercator was therefore asked to briefly review the earlier forecast and to update the figures to reflect recent activity. The objective of the MTG review was to establish a high - low growth range for alternate scenarios that bracket the range of foreseeable outcomes. As shown in Table I-4, overall trade volume in and out of SPB ports is heavily imbalanced, with import volumes exceeding export volumes by more than 3:1. For the Transpacific trade overall, a similar imbalance exists, as shown in Table II-1. Given that the E/B (import) direction continues to grow faster than the W/B (export) direction, the flow imbalance is expected to persist for the foreseeable future. Because of this trade flow imbalance, it is the import volume that determines the number and size of vessel services calling the ports, and therefore our forecast will focus on the future import volume growth. Table II-1 -Transpacific Trade Volumes: E/B vs. W/B Imbalance
Transpacific Trade TEUS (000) Volume Annual Growth Year E/B W/B E/B W/B 3,065 2,468 1990 6.7% 7.9% 3,270 2,662 1991 10.5% -0.4% 3,613 2,652 1992 3.2% -0.3% 1993 3,729 2,644 9.3% 17.7% 1994 4,077 3,112 0.0% 10.3% 1995 4,079 3,431 1.7% 0.4% 1996 4,147 3,444 14.7% 2.1% 1997 4,758 3,515 17.3% -10.8% 5,581 3,134 1998 12.7% 9.9% 6,290 3,445 1999 14.6% 9.6% 7,211 3,775 2000 2.0% -3.2% 7,352 3,654 2001 18.6% 8.5% 2002 8,721 3,964 9.8% 6.4% 2003 9,580 4,216 9.2% 4.2% Cumlative Average Growth Rate Sources: Drewry & CI-Online North America includes US, CDA and Mexico 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 E/B W/B
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
TEU Millions
Es t. 20 02
20 00
19 98
19 96
19 94
19 92
20 04
Because the port call forecast will be developed on a tradelane-specific basis, it is helpful to develop a growth forecast on the same tradelane basis. As an input to a tradelane-specific volume outlook, recent volume and growth data by tradelane is Presented in Table II-2. Table II-2 - Recent Growth Of Tradelanes Involving Southern California3
Trade Volume and Growth To/From Southern California (TEUs in 000's) EXP IMP F.Region Tradelane 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004E 2000 TEUs 109 91 86 97 123 51 Aus-NZ Ann Growth -16% -5% 13% 26% CAGR 3% Trans-Pacific 1,338 Ann Growth CAGR 102 1,398 1,379 1,527 1,659 4,451 4% -1% 11% 9% 6% 82 -20% 74 -10% 93 26% 100 7% 0% 31 33% -3% 207 Combined 2000 2001 160 134 -16%
2001 44 -14%
2002 39 -10%
19 90
2003 2004E 39 62 0% 58% 5%
4,622 5,287 5,714 6,820 5,790 4% 14% 8% 19% 11% 210 1% 205 -2% 217 6% 240 11% 4% 75 47% 3% 309
6,020 6,666 7,241 8,479 4% 11% 9% 17% 10% 292 -6% 279 -5% 310 11% 340 10% 2% 106 43% 1%
TEUs Trans-Panama Ann Growth CAGR TEUs Ann Growth CAGR TEUs Ann Growth CAGR
31 -12%
27 -14%
23 -13%
59 -11%
72 23%
51 -29%
90 -11%
99 10%
75 -25%
All Trades
Source: JOC/Piers
Trans-Panama tradelanes are those trades that move to and from SPB ports via the Panama Canal, and include trade involving countries in N. & E. Europe, the Med, Carib, Cen Amr, Africa. Transpacific includes N & S Asia, ISC, and the Middle East. Service patterns for these trades are more fully discussed in Section III of the report. Page 39 of 139 February 2005
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It is clear from this data that the Transpacific trade is the most important for SPB ports, and the principal driver for volume growth. Driven by the explosive growth of imports from the PRC, annual SPB Transpacific import growth has been 10% or more for much of the last decade4. Growth in Asia-North America lane, however, is expected to slow somewhat over the forecast period once PRC export growth stabilizes. Low / Expected / High growth scenarios for the Asia SPB lane have thus been defined as 5%, 7% and 9% in order to bracket the likely growth rate for this trade. There are a variety of factors that are expected to contribute to the slowing of SPBs import growth from Asia, including, for example, the slowing of the rate of transfer of import sourcing to China from other countries such as Mexico, and the gradual redistribution of imports across more port gateways as importers seek to diversify their logistics networks. Volume in other SPB tradelanes has been more volatile than the Asia import volumes. Although year-to-year volatility will likely persist, the long-term growth trends are nonetheless expected to remain close to the 4-6% level over the long term. In any case, because these trades are so much smaller than the Transpacific and have a much smaller influence on the number of port calls, port call forecast results do not depend strongly on the growth assumptions for these trades. Demand growth assumptions (and corresponding capacity growth targets) are summarized in the following table. Table II-3 - Summary of Growth Assumptions Used For Port Call Forecast Scenarios Low Australia New Zealand 3% Transpacific (Asia-North America) 5 % Trans-Panama Trades 3% WCSA 3% Expected 5% 7% 4% 5% High 7% 9% 5% 7%
Although total port throughput is not an input to the port call forecast process, it can be estimated for 2020 based on the foregoing inputs and using the SPB ports ratio of inbound to outbound TEUs. These figures are presented in the following table.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Table II-4 Estimated Year 2020 SPB TEU Throughput Consistent With Demand Growth Assumptions Used For Port Call Forecast
Tradelane Aus/NZ Trans-Pacific Trans-Panama WCSA Total 2004 Import TEUs (000s) * 62 6,820 240 75 7,197 Growth Rate Low Expected 3% 5% 3% 3% 4.9% High 2020 Imports - TEU (000s) Low Expected High 100 14,887 386 121 15,493 136 20,133 524 164 20,957 183 27,076 709 191 28,160 2020 Total TEU** (000s) Low Expected High 181 27,093 702 220 28,196 247 36,642 954 299 38,142 334 49,279 1,291 348 51,251
5% 7% 7% 9% 5% 7% 5% 6% 6.9% 8.9%
* 2004 Import TEU by trade based on JOC/Piers data ** Total TEU estimate based on historical ratio of 0.82 OB TEU per IB TEU
The expected scenario with a 38.1 million TEU forecast for 2020 is comparable to the current outlook of 36.2 million TEU now being used by the SPB ports for long-term planning purposes. Certain economic or trade dislocations could occur within the expected scenario and lead to the low growth scenario. It is likely, however, that volume growth at the high level would outpace growth in the capacity of SPB port and inland transport infrastructure, which would prevent the high growth rate from being achieved throughout and to the end of the forecast period. In developing the fleet and port call forecast under each scenario, vessel capacity is added to each tradelane such that deployed capacity calling in SPB ports increases in line with the forecast demand growth.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Table II-5 - Service Count - Asia-Europe Trade, By Vessel Capacity, 2004 - 2007
TEU Group 1 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 999 1,999 2,999 3,999 4,999 5,999 6,999 7,999
2004 Q3 2004 Q4
0 4 11 3 8 12 10 1 0 0 3 10 4 8 13 9 3 0
0 2 9 4 8 14 9 6 0
0 2 7 4 5 16 9 7 5
'04-'07 % Change
-50% -36% 33% -38% 42% 0% 300% infinite
49 50 Total Services 221 232 Wkly TEU (000s) Ann Cap Increase 4,503 4,647 Avg. TEU/Service % Cap. Incr. From Added Svcs % of Added Capacity From Larger Ships Source: MDST Tradelane Forecast
52 258 11%
55 297 15%
58 322 9% CAGR:
35.7% 64.3%
38.7% 61.3%
63.3% 36.7%
41.2% 58.8%
Table II-6 - Service Count - Transpacific Trade, By Vessel Capacity, 2004 2007
TEU Group 1 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 999 1,999 2,999 3,999 4,999 5,999 6,999 7,999
2004 Q3
1 4 16 19 20 11 4 1 0
2004 Q4
1 4 14 20 21 10 4 2 1
1 3 10 20 27 11 5 1 3
1 3 8 16 28 12 8 6 3
1 3 8 11 30 14 9 5 7
and up Total Services 76 77 Wkly TEU (000s) 294 304 Ann Cap Increase 3,867 3,953 Avg. TEU/Service % Cap. Incr. From Added Svcs % of Added Capacity From Larger Ships Source: MDST Tradelane Forecast
81 339 11%
85 387 14%
88 423 9%
12 129 CAGR:
42.7% 57.3%
34.9% 65.1%
38.3% 61.7%
35.9% 64.1%
Because future deployments are only projected, and because the actual port rotations are not yet known, it is not possible to project precisely the composition of the Transpacific Fleet that will be calling in San Pedro Bay. However, there is no reason to believe that the relationship between the San Pedro Bay fleet composition and the Transpacific fleet composition as it exists in 2004 will change significantly. The SPB ports, as the largest North American ports in the trade, will continue to attract the largest vessels in the trade. It can be expected that all of the new 8000+ TEU vessels being introduced into the trade over the next 4 years will call at San Pedro Bay ports.
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289.5 277.0 32.2 21.5 54,600 12.0 54.5 24.0 37,900 6,500 158 114 13 250 5/13 8/10
280.0 267.0 39.8 23.6 56,000 12.5 60.0 24.5 43,100 9,120 184 136 18 400 5/16 9/14
304.0 292.0 40.0 24.2 61,700 12.0 62.2 25.0 57,100 12,900 246 184 26 500 6/16 9/14
323.0 308.0 42.8 24.6
82,200 114,900 140,600 165,800 206,700 13.0 15.4 15.7 16.2 18.0 62.7 76.1 86.9 25.0 68,500 12,000 286 206 24 700 7/17 9/15 25.0 74,000 12,000 307 219 24 800 7/19 11/16 25.0 82,100 14,000 342 246 28 960 7/21 11/18 25.0 89,700 16,000 375 271 32 1120 7/23 12/19 25.0 98,200 19,000 415 303 38 1440 8/24 13/20
Where the fuel consumption was not available for an existing ship or for a projected future ship, it has been estimated based upon the following power levels and consumption rates: at sea the main engine operates at 85% power with a FO consumption rate of 184g / kWhr, while maneuvering the main engine operates at 50% power with a FO consumption rate of 193g / kW-hr, and the fuel oil consumption rate of the auxiliary engines is 217.5g / kW-hr.
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It has also been assumed that auxiliary power usage at sea is 46% of the total installed power, 76% while maneuvering and 38% while in port. These percentages were derived from the electric load analyses for three existing containerships. The design electric loads with maximum reefers and without reefers for the in-port, maneuvering and at sea conditions were determined as a percentage of the total installed power and then averaged. The auxiliary power usage for each operating condition assumes that the live reefer load is, on average, 45% of the maximum design reefer capacity. Electrical load analyses assumed 7-7.5 kW per reefer. Sketches of a 6,000, 12,000 and 18,000 TEU ship with a conventional arrangement are presented in Figures II-2, 3, and 4 on the pages to follow for reference and comparison. Containerships of 12,000 TEUs and greater have been assumed to be twin screw with an efficient gondola hull form aft. The increase in hull wetted surface and resistance that is characteristic of twin screw designs is assumed to be offset by the improvement in propulsive efficiency that arises when propellers are located outboard, in regions with better water flow around the hull and therefore better flow into the propellers. In order to achieve a stowage arrangement for 10,000 TEU ships (and larger) with below deck containers stacked 11 or more tiers high, it is envisioned that container strength ratings will be upgraded and that cargo pre-planning will allocate lighter boxes to the stacks in the forward quarter of the ship where higher vertical accelerations would be expected. Alternatively, the cell guide system could be designed with intermediate stops to support containers above the first 7 or 8 tiers. Deckhouse and Air Draft Considerations Affecting the Design of Large Containerships For a conventional containership design, the height of the deckhouse and bridge is determined in some measure by the SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) visibility requirement. From the conning position on the bridge there should be clear visibility to the waters surface at a distance forward of the bow not farther than the lesser of two ship lengths or 500m. For ships transiting the Panama Canal, the forward visibility limitation is even more stringent. The visibility requirement reduces the number of tiers of containers that may be carried at the forward bays and is affected by draft and trim conditions. Effective utilization of the upper-most tier on deck to transport loaded containers is related to both the stability characteristics of the ship and the on-deck securing system. In very general terms, for a Panamax ship, the fifth tier on deck is often limited to empties or very light cargo loads. For a post-panamax ship with a single level lashing bridge, the first five tiers on deck may be fully utilized and the sixth tier may be limited to light cargoes or empties. For a post-panamax ship with a double level lashing bridge, the first six tiers on deck may be fully utilized and the seventh tier may be limited to light cargoes or empties. Navigation lights are located above the bridge consistent with regulatory requirements for their visibility. Radar and communication antennae are installed at locations above the bridge to insure that they are functional under all operating conditions. The stack and engine exhaust pipes are terminated at a height that will allow the exhaust gases and any ash
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/ combustion particulate matter to be blown away in the relative air stream while the ship is underway or in a maneuvering mode under most weather conditions. Antenna heights above the keel have been estimated for the 12,000 TEU and 18,000 TEU size ships and are based on a conventional arrangement as shown in Figures II-3 and II-4. If the arrangement was modified to locate the deck house and accommodations forward at the bow while still maintaining a machinery casing and exhaust stack at the point of the hull, the antenna height might be reduced slightly say 1 to 2 meters. This arrangement would benefit container slot capacity as full stack heights could be accommodated all the way forward. Upper tiers that would normally be lost due to visibility restrictions would be gained. An efficient container vessel will be designed in such a way that maximum use of the deck space is achieved, subject to stability and lashing strength limitations. This naturally leads to a certain deck house/antenna height for each given size of vessel. As indicated in Table II-7, the vertical dimension (keel to top of structures) for vessels of 8000, 12000, and 18000 TEU are approximately 63m 76m and 87m, respectively. A vessels airdraft, which determines the required vertical clearance under bridges, is equal to these keel-to-antenna dimensions, less the (water) draft of the ship. Air draft may be slightly reduced by installing an antenna that may be tilted down or with a mechanical system to allow it to be raised and lowered. Vessel Draft and Required Water Depth Considerations Affecting The Design of Large Containerships The vessel characteristics presented in Table II-7 were developed without imposing restrictions on the design draft, and thus approximate the optimal vessel dimensions for ships of each capacity. As can be seen from that table, the natural design draft will exceed 14m at a vessel capacity 8000-10000 TEU. Once the design draft exceeds about 13-14m, the number of existing and planned ports that could be called is noticeably reduced, limiting the deployment flexibility and therefore utility of the vessel. In order to investigate the impact of imposing a draft constraint on large container vessels, modified designs that adhere to a maximum 14m draft were also developed. Limiting the draft to 14m begins to affect the design of containerships at around the 10,000 TEU size. The unrestricted draft of an 18,000 TEU ship is about 18m or greater and therefore achieving a 14m design draft with proportions that fall within a reasonable range is not considered feasible. Therefore, the draft of the 18,000 TEU ship has instead been limited to 16m. The characteristics of both the draft constrained and unconstrained ships are presented in Table II-8 for comparison.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Table II-8 Comparison of Containership Characteristics for Vessels Ranging From 10,000 to 18,000 TEUs with and without Draft Constraints
Containership Size Class
LOA LBP Breadth Depth Design Deadweight Design Draft Keel to Top of Antenna Speed Main Engine - Output - MCR kW Tot Installed Aux. Power (w/o emerg gen) Fuel Consumption - at sea - maneuvering - in port Reefer Capacity ON DECK - Tiers / Stacks Across IN HOLD - Tiers / Stacks Across
m m m m tonnes m m knots kW kW mt/day mt/day mt/day # outlets
114,900 115,200 140,600 140,200 165,800 163,900 206,700 209,300 15.4 14.0 15.7 14.0 16.2 14.0 18.0 16.0 76.1 86.9 25.0 74,000 12,000 307 219 24 800 7/19 11/16 25.0 76,200 12,000 315 224 24 800 7/20 10/17 25.0 82,100 14,000 342 246 28 960 7/21 11/18 25.0 84,700 14,000 352 252 28 960 7/22 10/19 25.0 89,700 16,000 375 271 32 1120 7/23 12/19 25.0 93,600 16,000 390 280 32 1120 7/24 11/20 25.0 25.0
98,200 103,200 19,000 19,000 415 303 38 1440 8/24 13/20 433 315 38 1440 7/25 13/21
In each case, the constrained draft is achieved by increasing the beam to permit an additional stack below deck and on deck and/or by increasing the overall length to permit an additional bay of containers. The effect of this is particularly acute for the larger ships. For example, the 12000, 14000 and 18000 TEU ships increase to 23, 24 and 25 containers across, and lengths reach 393, 423 and 452m, respectively. Ships of this size may face additional navigating constraints due to their length and breadth, over and above those related to depth of water. Increasing length or breadth to accommodate a draft limitation increases hull resistance and, therefore increases the required power and fuel consumption. In these size ranges, the draft constraints as envisioned impose a fuel cost penalty of approximately 3-5%. The implications of this potential fuel penalty will be further considered in the section of this report addressing vessel economics.
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Current and Future Design Limits Imposed By The Panama & Suez Canals Some east-west trades restrict vessel traffic to confined shipping lanes. Two of the more significant man-made restrictions are the Panama and Suez Canals. Both canals significantly reduce the all-water mileage on east-west trade routes thus reducing shipping costs. The following paragraphs identify current ship size limitations for the canals and briefly review present and proposed plans for future enhancements. Currently, of the two canals, only the Panama Canal has limitations that have proven restrictive to containerships. Vessel breadth is limited to 32.2m and this in turn limits the maximum size containership to about 4500 TEUs. The Panama Canal Authority has been considering plans for future expansion that would permit passage containerships of approximately 12,500 TEU capacity. These plans include construction of additional locks with chamber dimensions that are 427m long, 61m wide and 18.3m deep, although it has recently been reported that the Panama Canal Authority may scale back these plans to suit ships up to about 10000 TEU. In either case, existing trades between the US East Coast and Asia and to a lesser extent between the US West Coast and Europe would benefit from the utilization of larger, more efficient ships and it is envisioned that cargo volumes on these routes would increase as a result. Dredging has increased the depth of the Suez Canal so that it can accommodate tankers up to 200,000 tonnes DWT. For vessels in ballast, the maximum permitted beam is 74.67m, with draft of 9.75m forward and 11m aft, with no restrictions on a vessels length. Vessels with a beam greater than 64m and similar drafts are only permitted to transit in calm conditions with a beam wind of 10 knots or less. For loaded vessels transiting North or South, the Suez Canal Authority provides Beam / Draft Tables to determine the maximum draft permitted. For example, for a beam up to 53.04m the maximum draft is 16.05m or for a beam up to 60.96m the maximum draft is 12.72m. The Suez Canal Authority is currently moving ahead with a 10 year project to widen and deepen the Canal so that by 2010 it can accommodate VLCC and ULCC class tankers with cargoes of up to 350,000 deadweight tonnes. Due to the ongoing improvements, the maximum size containership that can transit the Suez Canal is in essence a moving target but currently it would be in the range of 12,000 to 12,500 TEUs. It is envisioned that after the enhancements, containerships capable of transporting 18,000 TEUs could transit the canal. The envisioned characteristics of future panamax and suezmax containerships are as follows:
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Table II-9 Prospective (Future) Maximum Vessel Characteristics For Panama and Suez Canals
Future Panamax Future Suezmax
Propulsion System Requirements and the Impact on Vessel Design Twin Screw vs. Single Screw Up to now, Owners have been able to avoid the need for twin screw propulsion, and so all large containerships in service (other than those with very unique operating requirements) feature a lower cost, more efficient, single screw arrangement. As large container ships continue to evolve and increase in size and speed, however, the required power will exceed the limits of single screw propulsion technology. A second screw will be added to share the total power demand. If the power is to be split evenly between the two screws, a conventional open water stern with twin shafts, struts and propellers can be developed, or a more modern and efficient twin gondola stern can be utilized, similar to the new TOTE Orca Class trailer ships built at NASSCO. For fuller ships, twin gondola sterns have proven to be equivalent or slightly more efficient than single screw propulsion. Although the hull forms have a greater wetted surface area and more resistance, the improved flow into the propellers yields a higher propulsive efficiency that can offset or exceed the increase in resistance. The engines and auxiliaries used in these twin screw ships would be the same as for a single screw ships, so the emission rate per kW produced or per kg of fuel burned will not change. The potential gains for a new generation of large twin screw container ships with a twin gondola or other hull form will be determined by future research and model testing. For the purposes of the characteristics presented herein, it has been assumed that powering and consumption are comparable to single screw ships. Propulsion System Improvements: Diesel engine fuel consumption rates have been reduced over the last 35 years, but the most significant improvement occurred during the beginning of the period. Little change in the fuel consumption rate has taken place over the last 15 years. The primary emphasis in diesel development in recent years has been in improving emissions characteristics. Specifically, the manufacturers have been concentrating on ways to reduce the NOx emission rates.
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An emerging technology that has promise to reduce fuel consumption is the use of the Contra Rotating Pod (CRP) system. In this arrangement, a single low speed diesel is directly connected to a single propeller on the ships centerline. An azimuthing pod is placed aft of and in line with the ships propeller and is arranged to rotate in the opposite direction. The contra rotating effect has been shown to convert more of the rotational energy imparted by the propeller into thrust and thus enhance efficiency and fuel consumption. The pod propulsion power is typically about 30 to 40 % of the low speed diesel power. There are at present only a few prototype installations of this technology on some high speed ferries. Gas turbines have generally not been applied to commercial ships with the exception of a very limited number of applications to cruise ships. Their significantly higher fuel costs, due to higher consumption rates and higher fuel quality requirements have effectively prohibited them from being applied to containerships. Electric drive, and podded propulsion, which is a form of electric drive, have become very popular for cruise ships where only a fraction of the installed power is for ship propulsion and fuel costs are generally a smaller portion of the overall operating cost. For most types of commercial vessels operating on long voyages, the inefficiency of the electric drive increases fuel costs in the range of 8% to 12.5% and therefore it is far less attractive than a low speed diesel directly connected to the propeller shaft. Impact of International Regulations: It is anticipated that future regulations will require all oil tanks on all vessels to be protected from the sea by double hulls or other means that provide equivalent protection from oil spills. This will have a major impact on container ships that have historically carried fuel oil in wing tanks and on occasion in innerbottom tanks. Future vessel designs will likely allocate fuel oil to inboard transverse bulkhead spaces as well as spaces that are currently used for cargo. Emissions regulation brought on by international treaty MARPOL Annex VI will limit all ships fuel world wide to 4.5% sulfur. This will not be a major problem since most ships fuel is currently in the range of 2.5 to 3% sulfur. The treaty also allows for the establishment of sulfur control areas, (SECA) where the maximum sulfur content can not exceed 1.5% sulfur. The first SECA will be the Baltic Sea and parts of the North Sea and English Channel. There is activity underway to declare both coasts of North America a SECA. In addition, the European Union has proposed limits on the sulfur content of distillate oil burned while in EU ports. The measure, EU Directive 1999/32 is not yet approved, but proposes to limit sulfur to 0.2% until January 1, 2010 when the limit would be reduced to 0.1%. There have been reports by some ship owners that MDO (marine diesel oil) is not available with sulfur this low. MGO (marine gas oil) will meet this standard and is available since it has widespread use for land based applications, but it is substantially more expensive. The EU directive allows the use of HFO (Heavy Fuel Oil) with sulfur at the MARPOL limit of 4.5% or 1.5% when in a SECA. This has led some ship owners to burn HFO with higher sulfur rather than an expensive distillate.
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The California Air Resource Board, CARB, has fielded a draft proposal to require all ships in California waters to burn only MGO with 0.2% sulfur by January 1, 2006 and with no more than 0.1% sulfur by January 1, 2008. They also propose that for any vessel making more than 5 calls per year on any California port the vessel must file a plan within a year of the fifth visit that is activated within the next year to reduce their NOx and Particulate Matter (PM) by 50% over what is expected from burning the cleaner low sulfur fuel. The potential impact of these proposed regulations is that tanks on existing ships will have to be modified and new piping and equipment installed to handle MGO and to keep this fuel separate from MDO and HFO. It is not clear at this point how ship owners might develop plans to reduce NOx emissions by 50% as the technology and systems to develop viable commercial components are still being developed. Conclusions Regarding Large Containership Designs It is considered technically feasible to develop container vessels up to the 18,000 TEU size. The ability to design and build these vessels will not be a factor that limits their introduction. Other factors that could limit the introduction of such vessels, including the suitability of ports and the commercial attractiveness of handling ultra large parcels of cargo on a single vessel, will likely come into play before issues of technical feasibility.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Speed knots Installed Power (MCR) kW Acquisition Cost / Ship $ Cost / TEU $ millions $
Size Class Nominal TEU Capacity LOA Beam Depth Design Draft Design DWT
m m m m tonnes
With Draft Constraints 10000 12000 14000 18000 10700 13000 15200 19400 363.8 393.3 422.8 452.2 49.7 54.6 59.5 62.1 27.7 27.7 30.1 35.1 14.0 14.0 14.0 16.0 115,200 140,200 163,900 209,300 25.0 76,200 $118.0 25.0 84,700 $138.7 25.0 25.0 93,600 103,200 $159.1 $185.3 $9,600
Speed knots Installed Power (MCR) kW Acquisition Cost / Ship $ Cost / TEU $ millions $
Vessel acquisition costs were then combined with assumptions about the cost of capital and costs for vessel operations (crew, insurance, maintenance and repair, etc.) to arrive at daily vessel costs for each size category. These figures are presented in Table II-11.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Table II-11 - Daily Vessel Operating Costs By Vessel Size Inputs For Network Analysis and Planning
Vessel Particulars and Daily Costs Used For For Network Planning Estimated Fuel Cons Nominal Eff. TEU Max Owner's mt/day TEU Capacity DWT mt Speed At Sea In Port Daily Cost* Base Designs 1,000 840 14,000 18.0 38 3 12,800 2,000 1,800 30,000 21.5 52 5 17,400 3,000 2,700 40,000 22.0 92 9 23,500 4,500 3,900 60,000 24.0 160 13 29,600 6,000 5,400 81,000 25.0 246 16 37,300 8,000 7,200 100,000 25.0 286 20 41,300 10,000 9,600 120,000 25.0 307 24 50,200 12,000 11,800 150,000 25.0 342 28 59,600 14,000 13,800 175,000 25.0 375 32 65,400 18,000 17,300 225,000 25.0 415 38 72,800 With Draft Constraints 10,000 9,600 120,000 25.0 315 24 49,800 12,000 11,800 150,000 25.0 352 28 57,800 14,000 13,800 175,000 25.0 390 32 65,800 18,000 17,300 225,000 25.0 433 38 75,900
* Includes capital cost, basis 8% amortization over 12 years; excludes fuel
2004 Daily Acquisition Owner's Cost Cost ($mil) $ Per TEU 24.5 36.0 51.7 66.9 86.4 96.1 119.1 143.5 158.2 177.1 118.0 138.7 159.1 185.3 15.2 9.7 8.7 7.6 6.9 5.7 5.2 5.1 4.7 4.2 5.2 4.9 4.8 4.4
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Hong Kong Hong Kong is the worlds largest container port (in terms of annual through-put), and presently has seven separately-operated marine terminals in the Kwai Chung area of its harbour, all of which are accessed by a body of water known as the Rambler Channel. Figure II-5 Hong Kong Container Terminals at Kwai Chung
CT1/CT2/CT5, a three-berth facility operated by Modern Terminals Limited (MTL) CT3, a one-berth facility originally developed by Sea-Land Service in the 1970s, and now managed by CSX World Terminals (CSXWT) CT4/CT6/CT7, a ten-berth facility developed in multiple stages, and run by Hutchison International Terminals (HIT) CT8E, a two-berth facility that opened in 1998, and is effectively run by HIT, though as a joint venture with COSCO Pacific, and functions essentially as a set of dedicated berths for COSCOs container line CT8W, a two-berth facility also known as Asia Container Terminal (ACT), is operated by a joint venture comprised of SHK Holdings & CSXWT. CSXWT acts as the facility manager. CT9N, a two-berth facility on the southeast side of Tsing Yi Island, opened in 2004, and run by HIT CT9S, a four-berth facility also opened in 2004, and operated by MTL
None of these facilities have any significant expansion potential, bordered as they are by highways, steep hills (especially behind CT9), and densely developed urban
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neighbourhoods. The oldest terminals within the Kwai Chung area (CT1/CT2/CT5, CT3, and CT4) are sub-optimally configured to accommodate super post-Panamax ships. However, as the following table implies, CT8 and CT9 have been designed to handle such vessels. Table II-12
Summary of Hong Kong's Terminal Characteristics
Operator Terminal # of line-haul berths Total Berth Length(m) Depth(m) # Cranes Terminal Area (Hectare) Design Capacity (000 TEU/year) Projected 2004 Thru-put Projected Market Share - 2004
Source: Various
6,300 49%
4,200 33%
As part of the CT9 construction project, which commenced in 1999, the Rambler Channel was dredged to a depth of 15.5 meters, consistent with the quayside depths of the berths of the new terminal. The Hong Kong Port and Maritime Board has undertaken preliminary studies on the engineering, environmental, and economic viability of further deepening the Channel, but a decision on whether or not to proceed with such a project is most likely a few years away from being made. In the interim, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is also considering when or whether to proceed with the development of a new, tenth terminal, to be located either on Lantau Island (about 10 kilometers west of the Kwai Chung area) or on the southwest side of Tsing Yi Island (around the shoreline from CT9). Yantian South Chinas leading container port has experienced explosive growth since opening in the mid-1990s, driven by its proximity to cargo and significant cost advantages over the nearby Kwai Chung terminals. Yantian handled 5.26 million TEUs in 2003, through its one terminal, Yantian International Container Terminals (YICT), operated by a subsidiary of HIT. From its inception as a 3-berth facility, YICT has implemented two successive expansion programs, the latest of which will be completed next year. With its Phase III expansion fully operational, YICT will have 9 line-haul berths and more than 200 hectares of terminal space, as indicated in the following table:
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Terminal Charcteristics
Linehaul Berths Total Berth Length(m) Quayside Depth (m) Number of Cranes Terminal Area (Hectares) Source:
I 3 1,500 14 12 66
II 2 850 15 8 52
The port has the ability and the intent to add more terminal capacity over time, northeast of the orange-shaded Phase III development: Figure II-6 - Yantian Container Terminals
Access to this terminal complex is via a navigation channel through Dapeng Bay that has 14-20 meter water depths. There are no bridges that vessels must pass under to reach Yantian International Container Terminal.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Dapeng Bay
Given its growing importance as a gateway for the eastern half of Guangdong Province, and its terminal capacity expansion potential, Yantian is clearly positioned to become an increasingly important port-of-call for Transpacific vessel services, especially to San Pedro Bay. Indeed, YICTs Phase III expansion program has been deliberately engineered to enable the terminal to receive and handle 9,000+ TEU ships:
Quayside water depth has been constructed to a 16-meter depth, with similarly deep
channels accessing these berths The berths are each 350 meters in length The gantry cranes for these berths will each have an outreach of 65 meters Moreover, should quayside water depths in excess of 16 meters be required in the future for maintaining the terminals competitiveness, both the Shenzhen Municipal Port Authority and HIT would undoubtedly fund the dredging to make this happen. Kaohsiung Although Taiwans leading port has experienced moderate traffic growth in the past five years, the more rapid expansion of Chinas liner traffic and container ports has resulted in fewer shipping lines using Kaohsiung as their primary hub port in the Far East. Nonetheless, the Port is still included in 31 of the 76 weekly vessel services in the Transpacific trade.
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Kaohsiung has 22 separate container terminals, several of which are located on an island connected to the mainland via tunnel, as indicated in the following diagram.
The Ports main navigation channels have a MLW depth of -16 meters, with a tidal range of approximately 0.5 meters. The majority of its newer container berths have quayside depths of 14-15 meters. The Port is also planning an expansion of its container facilities, to be built further into the Formosa Strait.
Shanghai Shanghai is Chinas leading port and has benefited from its location near the mouth of the Yangtze (Chang Jiang) River. It has experienced significant growth in terms of its traffic base (now having the third largest through-put in the world), in spite of the fact that its container terminals have been significantly draft-constrained. The ports first dedicated container terminals, known as the Bao Shan and Jungonglu facilities, are located on the Huangpu River, a tributary of the Yangtze. Quayside depths at this location are only 9.5 10.5 meters. Shanghais second terminal complex known as Waigaoqiao and located along theYangtze itself, has been developed in five sequential phases and has quayside depths of 11-12 meters. Although it might be possible to dredge the berths at Waigaiqiao to provide deeper water, there is a sandbar in the River downstream from the terminal that cannot be feasibly
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removed, and which limits the drafts of vessels sailing upstream to only 10.5-11.0 meters (depending on tidal conditions). Although a $300+ million dredging project is underway to deepen the navigation channel at the river mouth, its depth will still be only 12 meters after the work is completed. Consequently, the Shanghai Special Administrative Region (SAR) and the Shanghai International Port Group decided several years ago to circumvent the draft restrictions imposed by the Yangtze River and develop a massive port complex around the Xiaoyangshan Islands, located about 30 kilometers offshore and southeast of the SARs Nanhui district: Figure II-9 Shanghai Container Facilities
The first phase of this project a five-berth terminal to be operated by SIPG is scheduled to open in 2005. Other terminals will be developed through concessions to be tendered to international joint venture companies, with the master plan calling for the construction of another 27 berths by the year 2020. The new port complex will be linked to the mainland by a 31-kilometer long, multi-lane bridge. By using landfill to connect some of the islands within the Xiaoyangshan archipelago, and because of the areas distant offshore location, SIPG will be able to obtain natural channel and quayside MLW water depths of 15 meters for this new port. Considering the tremendous scale of this infrastructure project and the Shanghainese backgrounds of some of the PRC Governments leaders, it is clear that the Yangshan port
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complex is not intended to simply provide Shanghai with additional marine terminal capacity, but instead to establish the Port as a leading transhipment hub in the Far East, by being able to accommodate the worlds largest container ships. This new physical capability, coupled with the size and projected growth of Shanghais regional cargo base and with its strategic location (relative to Japan, Korea, and northern China), is likely to result in Shanghai eventually becoming the worlds largest container port.
Ningbo Ningbo is the leading port of Zhejiang Province and Chinas second largest port, in terms of total tonnage. It has traditionally been focused on handling petroleum products, chemicals, and dry bulk cargoes, but has recently attracted a significant amount of container traffic, handling 2.8 million TEU of through-put in 2003. Although the center of this metropolitan area of 6 million residents is on a river, the Ports international cargo-handling facilities are located on a naturally-deep bay in the Beilun District. The Port presently has two separate container terminals a 4-berth public facility operated by the Port Authority and a 3-berth facility operated by HIT. The latter terminal has 900 meters of linear berth, with quayside depth of 13.5 meters and 75 hectares of yard space. The Port also has ambitious growth plans, with a three-phase construction project underway to develop 15 more berths (each with 15 meters of quayside water depth). The first portion of this expansion will become operational in 2005. Qingdao Qingdao is the primary gateway of Shandong Province and is also Chinas third largest container port, after Shanghai and Yantian. For deepsea international liner services using latest-generation ships, there is essentially one container terminal available in this port the Qingdao Qianwan Container Terminal (QQCT), first developed in the late 1990s in an area on the opposite side of the bay on which the city of Qingdao is situated.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
QQCT is a joint venture between the Qingdao Port Corporation and three international maritime companies P&O Ports, A.P. Moller Group, and COSCO Pacific and contains 5 line-haul berths, with 15-meter quayside depths and approximately 155 hectares of back-up land. In 2005, the terminal will complete its latest expansion project, which will add three more berths and additional yard space. The Port Corporation has reached an agreement with China Merchants Corporation to develop a five-berth facility on the west and south sides of the same slip that QQCT fronts, and is also negotiating with CSXWT and other parties to develop an additional four berths on the south side of this same slip. All of these berths will be accessed by 15.5 meter-deep channel, and quayside berth depths for the new berths being constructed will be 16.5-17 meters. No bridges exist across either the channel through Jiazhao Bay or the Qianwan slip.
Busan The Port of Busan presently has nine separately-operated container terminals in six different areas of the harbor:
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Source: Jaeseongdae, a five-berth facility opened in 1978, and now operated by Hutchison Busan Container Terminal Company (HBCT) Sinseondae, a four-berth facility opened in 1991, run by a unit of the Korea Container Terminal Authority (KCTA) and known as Pusan East Container Terminal (PECT) Uam, a two-berth facility opened in 1996, and managed by a subsidiary of the Korea Container Transportation Company Gamchon, another two-berth facility opened the following year, and operated by a division of Hanjin Shipping (Koreas largest ocean carrier) Gamman, a four-berth facility that opened in 1998, and was split into four one-berth terminal concessions, which were allocated to the following companies: o o o o Hyundai Merchant Marine (which sold its concession to HIT in 2002) Hanjin Shipping Korea Express Global Enterprise (a Korean company)
Sin-gamman, a three-berth facility opened in 2002, which is leased to a joint venture between Evergreen Marine (a major Taiwanese ship line) and Dongbu Group (a Korean conglomerate)
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Access to all of the above-listed terminal complexes, except for Gamchon, is provided by a navigation channel that varies in MLW depth between 15 and 20 meters. There are no bridges under which a vessel must pass in order to berth at any of these facilities, key physical parameters of which are provided in the following table: Table II-14 Existing Busan Terminal Characteristics
Terminal Charcteristics Operator: Number of linehaul berths Number of feeder berths Total Berth Length(m) Depth(m) Number of Cranes Terminal Area (Hectare) 2003 Throughput % of Busan's Total Volume Alternate Capacity Measures (TEUs) Berth Length (1,500 Per Meter) Terminal Area (25,000 per Hectare) Crane Production (160,000 per crane) Minimum Operational Capacity 2003 Utilization @ Min.Op.Cap. Gamman Jaseongdae Singseondae Singamma Gamcheon UAM Total Hanjin/Korea Pusan East Uam Dongbo J.V. All Express/Globa/ Hutchison Container Hanjin Terminal Evergreen Terminals Hutchison Terminal Co. Co. 4 4 4 2 2 0 16 0 1 1 3 5 1,400 1,447 1,447 826 600 500 6,220 15 14 14 - 15 15 13 11 68 14 13 13 7 4 4 55 75 65 104 31 14 18 307 2,546,391 1,584,429 1,786,112 745,544 512,240 533,285 7,708,001 33% 21% 23% 10% 7% 7% 100%
As can be inferred from the preceding information, the Uam and Gamchon facilities are configured and intended for use by liner companies deploying first- and second-generation ships, of which there are several calling Busan in numerous intra-Asian services to/from Japan, China, Russia, and Southeast Asia. All four of the remaining terminals have minimal opportunities for expanding their respective container yards or for adding berths, with the one exception of PECT, which is currently constructing a feeder-ship berth and extending its back-up land by 13 hectares. However, these facilities are all adjacent to densely-developed areas of Pusan City, and shipping lines using them have to deal with severe traffic congestion in moving containers to/from the harbour area, as there are no limited-access road-links between these terminals and metropolitan area highways. Although the Government could physically dredge portions of the harbour to provide HBCT, PECT, Gamman, or DBCT with 15-16 meter water-depths alongside berth, it has instead focused its port infrastructure spending on a new harbour/port development project in the Gaedok-do area, about 25 kilometers west of the city. This development, known as Pusan Newport, is presently one of South Koreas largest construction projects, and will include 29 line-haul berths when fully completed. Pusan Newport will consist of four separate components, as illustrated in Figure 12.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
As the preceding diagram indicates, there will be no air draft issues for vessels berthing at any of the Pusan Newport terminals. The first component of the Pusan Newport project is the 9-berth North Terminal, which has been concessioned to a joint venture between various Korean construction companies (led by Samsung Engineering) and CSXWT, with the latter slated as the terminal manager. The South and West Terminals, as well as a 4-berth facility immediately adjacent to and west of the North Terminal, are intended for construction in following years, although the South Korea MOMAF has yet to issue any development/management contracts for these subsequent facilities. Nonetheless, the Pusan Newport project is clearly viewed by the Korean Government as having strategic importance to both Busan and the country, and is intended to not only serve in the future as the primary gateway for Korean container traffic but also as a major transhipment center. As the following table shows, the Pusan Newport terminals will have water depths alongside berth of 16-17 meters.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
PNC-South To be determined
In terms of water depth, berth length, yard layout, and gantry crane selection, the PNC North and South terminals are being designed and equipped to accommodate super postPanamax ships.
Kwangyang South Koreas second line-haul port is relatively new, with its first terminal opening only in 1997. Due to a fragmented berth concession process, Kwangyang now has six separate terminals, with the following key characteristics: Table II-16
Summary of Kwangyang's Terminal Characteristics
Terminal Charcteristics Operator # of berths = 50,000tons # of berths < 50,000tons Total Berth Length(m) Depth(m) # Cranes Terminal Area (Hectare) HKCT Hutchison 1 350 15 2 21 Hanjin Existing Termnals GKCT KECT Korea Hanjin Global Ent Express 1 1 1 350 15 2 21 350 15 2 21 350 15 3 21 DKCT Dongbu 1 350 15 2 21 KIT Hutchison 3 4 1,950 15 10 88
As the preceding table indicates, all of Kwangyangs container terminals have quayside depths of -15 meters. The navigation channel accessing these terminals has an MLW depth of -14 meters, but the tidal range is 3.3 meters. No bridges lie in between the port and the ocean, as indicated in the following map of the harbour area:
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Like Pusan Newport, Kwangyang has been designed and is intended by the Government to function as a transhipment hub for Northeast Asia, being capable of accommodating 8000+ TEU super-postpanamax ships.
Kobe/Osaka The two leading ports of West Japan, located on opposite sides of Osaka Bay, handle huge volumes of bulk cargoes, in addition to container ships, and consequently have had deepwater facilities for many years. The Port of Kobes cargo-handling facilities are located on two separate, man-made islands Port Island and Rokko Island layouts of which are displayed in the following two diagrams:
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
There are seven berths on each island dedicated to container-handling operations. The key dimensions of these berths are outlined in the following table:
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Port Port Port Port Port Port Rokko Rokko Rokko Rokko Rokko Rokko Rokko
Berth #
PC13 PC14 PC15 PC16 PC17 PC18 PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 PC7
Length (M)
350 350 700 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350
Access to these terminals is provided by navigation channels with average depths of 14.6 meters, and a tidal range of 1.5 meters. Further deepening of either the channels or the berths is considered to be cost-prohibitive. There are no air draft restrictions on vessels calling at these terminals, as there are no bridges that ships have to sail under in order to reach these facilities. The Port of Osakas cargo-handling facilities are also located primarily on two man-made islands Sakishima and Yumeishima as depicted in the following map:
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Most of the Ports dedicated container berths are on Sakishima Island (on its south, east, and north sides), but a new terminal complex with deeper quayside depths is being developed on the east side of Yumeishima Island. Key parameters of these berths are summarized in the following table:
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Sakishima Sakishima Sakishima Sakishima Sakishima Sakishima Sakishima Sakishima Yumeishima Yumeishima
Berth #
C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-6 C-7 C-8 C-9 C-10 C-11
Length (M)
350 350 350 350 300 300 350 350 350 350
Access to Osaka terminals is provided by navigation channels with average depths of 13.0 meters, and a tidal range of 1.6 meters. Further deepening of the berths on Sakishima Island is considered to be cost-prohibitive, but any additional berths developed on Yumeishima Island will feature quayside depths of 15 meters, similar to C-10 and C-11. No programs are currently planned for dredging the Ports navigation channels to a greater depth, especially since they are bisected by two tunnels. As the preceding diagram indicates, ships have to sail under a bridge linking Sakishima Island with Osaka City, in order to access the C-1 through C-4 berths of the Port. This bridge has a vertical clearance of 49 meters. Tokyo/Yokohama The ports serving Japans largest metropolitan area, like their counterparts in West Japan, handle a wide array of cargoes, but both have multiple container terminals. Within the Port of Yokohama, dedicated container terminals are located in three separate areas -- specifically, Daikoku (a man-made island in the middle of the harbour), Honmoku (the oldest part of the port), and Minami Honmoku (a new land-fill section). These areas are indicated in the following map of the harbor:
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Key characteristics of the container terminals within the Port are provided in the following table:
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Table II-19 - Port of Yokohama Container Facilities Port of Yokohama - Dedicated Line-haul Container Berths
Water Depth (M)
-12.0 -14.0 -15.0 -15.0 -15.0 -16.0 -16.0
Honmoku Honmoku Honmoku Daikoku Daikoku Minami Minami
Berth #
A-5 D-4 D-5 C-3 C-4 MC-1 MC-2
Length (M)
300 300 300 350 350 350 350
Line/ Operator
In addition to the facilities listed above, the Port Corporation is developing two additional line-haul berths within the Minami Honmoku terminal area, with berth lengths, quayside depths, and back-up acreage comparable to the MC-1 and MC-2 berths currently there. The navigation channel connecting Tokyo Bay with Yokohamas dedicated container terminals has depths in the range of 16-19 meters, and tidal variations at the Ports terminals are less than 1 meter. Although the Yokohama Bay Bridge (with a clearance of 55 meters) bi-sects the harbour area, all of the Ports container berths lie on the Bay side of the bridge. The Port of Tokyo has only three dedicated container terminals, all located within the same general vicinity, as shown in the following diagram:
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
The Shinagawa Terminal is the oldest of the three, having been developed in the late 1960s, but has less than 600 meters of berth and only -10 meters of quayside depth. The Oi Terminal was built in stages in the following decade, and has over 2300 meters of berth (and 934,000 square meters of yard area), with berth depths ranging from -13 to -15 meters. This facility is currently being renovated and modified, after which it will comprise seven berths, each with -15 meters of quayside depth, and with berth lengths of 330-350 meters. The newest of the Ports terminals, Aomi, has three 290-meter berths and two 350-meter berths, with 478,000 square meters of yard area and quayside berth depths ranging from -12 to -15 meters. The navigation channel linking Tokyo Bay with these three terminals has a maximum depth of -13 meters, and a tidal range of 2.2 meters. This channel is also bisected by the Rinkai tunnel, at the entrance to the harbour, which limits further deepening of it.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Conclusions With Respect To Asian Terminals A handful of major Far East container port authorities have already positioned their container facilities to accommodate, or will soon be physically prepared to accommodate, super post-Panamax ships, with navigation channels and quayside water depths of at least 16 meters, and without any bridge clearance restrictions. This select group is comprised of the following ports: Pusan (Newport) Qingdao (Qianwan) Singapore (Pasir Panjang) Yantian (Phase III) Yokohama (Minami) Tanjung Pelepas
A few other ports have (or will shortly have) comparable capabilities --- in terms of the absence of air draft restrictions and tide-enhanced channel and quayside depths: Shanghai (Yangshan) Ningbo (Daxie) Kwangyang Kaohsiung
In Mercators view, this represents critical mass in terms of the number of ports that should be able to accommodate ships of up to 12000-14000 TEU capacity, making it feasible, at least from the perspective of Asian port facilities, to continue increasing, up to that level, the maximum size of containerships deployed.
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Pacific Northwest/British Columbia Several, natural deep-water harbours with existing and/or planned terminal facilities and rail connections are situated within the Pacific Northwest region of North America specifically, in Tacoma, Seattle, Vancouver (both in Burrard Inlet and at Deltaport), and Prince Rupert. These ports could conceivably capture more Transpacific containers from the SPB ports should the latters terminals not be able to accommodate the largest class containerships being operated by the carriers in the future, and/or not have sufficient yard/rail system capacity to efficiently handle all of the vessel services that the carriers will be running in the years ahead. However, as the following paragraphs will indicate, several of these PNW ports have certain landside infrastructure issues that could restrict the deployment of 8000+ TEU ships in to the region, on a first-inbound call basis. Seattle The Port of Seattle has three container terminals in its Eliot Bay harbour area that each have at least one line-haul berth with 50 of MLW depth alongside: Total Terminals/Hanjin (T46) SSA (T18) Eagle Marine/APL (T5)
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The naturally-created navigation channel accessing these berths through the Puget Sound has a minimum depth of 75 and there are no air clearance restrictions for container ships entering Eliot Bay. Nonetheless, any of Seattles three terminals would be challenged to efficiently handle vessel services employing 8000+ TEU ships making first-inbound calls at the Port --especially if the carriers deploying them planned for 75% or more of the import containers to be discharged on that call --- because the rail infrastructure accessing these terminals is not configured to efficiently handle such high-volume ship/train exchanges. The APL terminal has an on-dock intermodal rail-yard with 6 working tracks and room to hold 54 double-stack cars (equivalent to about 2 unit trains) simultaneously. Rail access to the terminal is via a single-track branch line that traverses an industrial waterway on a drawbridge. The nearest rail classification yard, at which cuts of railcars can be assembled into long unit trains, is about 2 miles away. The SSA terminal also has an on-dock intermodal rail-yard with approximately the same rail-car holding capacity as T-5. Access to it is via the same single-track branch line that links the Eagle Marine facility with the UPs Argo Yard or with the BNSF . The TTI/Hanjin terminal does not have an on-dock intermodal rail-yard, so boxes must be drayed about 1.5 miles through crowded city streets to either a satellite yard of the BNSF or the UPs Argo Yard Because of the layout and configuration of the respective track networks of the UP and BNSF in the area south and east of the Port, neither railroad has efficient rail access between its main-line and either the APL or SSA intermodal rail yards. Moreover, there are several interlockings and junction points in this area, but no neutral switching railroad (such as Pacific Harbor Line in San Pedro Bay), which increases the frequency of train meets and delays. In order for unit trains from T-5, T-18, or the BNSF rail yard in Seattle to reach the east-west transcontinental main lines of the BNSF, they must first run either north to Everett or south to Auburn, on tracks that are used by numerous daily Amtrak, commuter, and general freight trains, as well as by unit container trains to/from the Port of Tacoma. In order for unit trains from the Port of Seattle to reach the east-west transcontinental main line of the UP, they must first run south through Tacoma to Portland, using trackage rights on the BNSF from Tacoma. Tacoma
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The Port of Tacoma, located on Commencement Bay, entered the container-handling market in the mid-80s, when Sea-Land Service relocated its Pacific Northwest gateway operation from Seattle, and now has five carrier-run terminals dedicated to containerships (along with a separate Ro-Ro facility operated by and for the Alaska-trade niche carrier, TOTE). Figure II-20: Port of Tacoma Container Terminals
All five of these terminals have 50 MLW depth alongside berth, and a naturally-deep navigation channel through the Puget Sound to these berths. However, Tacoma has rail access problems somewhat similar to Seattles: Because of the layout and configuration of the respective track networks of the UP and BNSF in the areas west and southeast of the Port, neither railroad has efficient rail access between its main-line and the intermodal rail yards supporting the marine terminals. o Moreover, there are several interlockings and junction points between the UP, BNSF, and Tacoma Port Railroad lines that sharply limit the number of daily unit trains that can be moved to/from the Ports near-dock and on-dock intermodal terminals. Neither Class I railroad has adequate rail-car storage and switching support tracks for intermodal traffic close to the Port area, and the Tacoma Railroads yard is heavily utilized by non-intermodal rail traffic
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The existing intermodal rail yards have lower capacities than several of the on-dock yards in San Pedro Bay Tacomas South Intermodal Yard can hold only 67 double-stack cars simultaneously, and the Hyundai Intermodal Yard holds only 22 double-stacks Tacomas access to the east-west transcontinental main-lines of the BNSF and the UP requires trains to utilize the same north-south tracks (primarily of the BNSF) as the trains to/from the Port of Seattle Vancouver There are presently four container terminals in the Vancouver metropolitan area, three of which belong to the Vancouver Port Authority, while the fourth is part of the Fraser River Port Authority. The latter entitys Surrey Docks facility has inherent water depth limitations specifically, a sandbar at the mouth of the River and the roof of the tunnel through which Highway 99 (the main artery between the US border and the city of Vancouver) runs underneath it. The Fraser River also has extensive silting and floating log debris on an annual basis. Consequently, it is highly unlikely that Surrey Docks will ever be able to accommodate 6000+ TEU ships. Of Vancouver Port Authoritys three terminals, two are located on the Burrard Inlet, adjacent to the central city, while one is located south of the Fraser River (on a landfill peninsula), as shown in the following map.
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Although Vanterm and Centerm both have deep water (15.5 meters MLW) alongside berth and on-dock intermodal rail tracks, they are relatively small facilities (76 acres and 73 acres, respectively) with almost no ability to expand their respective marshalling areas or berths. On-dock rail-car holding capacity is also inadequate for high-volume transfer operations, and there are no nearby rail yards with adequate space to provide storage and switching support for the marine terminals. In addition, access between the main lines of the CP and CN and these two terminals is inefficient. The Deltaport terminal was developed adjacent to an export coal bulk loading pier at Roberts Bank (approximately 20 miles south of the city), and accordingly has 15.9 meters of alongside water depth, with no air clearance restrictions on ships approaching the facility. It has an on-dock intermodal rail facility, with capacity to hold 88 double-stack cars on eight 3500 tracks , but also has a support yard immediately adjacent to the intermodal area, where another four unit trains can be assembled or held, as it runs the length of the peninsula on which the marine terminal is built.
The preceding aerial photograph also indicates one of Deltaports strategic advantages, in terms of rail access, but also its primary challenge for accommodating future volume growth. With regard to rail access, the double-track branch line that links Deltaport with the transcontinental main lines of the CN and CP traverses through uncongested rural lands (with only a few grade crossings). However, the container terminal has only 670 meters of berth and 160 acres of yard space. The Port Authority has plans to extend the berth and yard (in the direction back towards the mainland), but there is strong opposition from environmental groups in British Columbia to
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these plans. If the facility expansion is allowed to proceed, it would make Deltaport a more viable alternative to San Pedro Bay, for handling the first inbound calls of 8000+ ships. Prince Rupert In the summer of 2004, the Port Authority of Prince Rupert, in northern British Columbia, announced that it would be modifying and expanding its multi-purpose Fairview Terminal, in partnership with Maher Terminals (based in New Jersey), into a container-handling facility. The first phase of development appears to feature a dedicated single-berth operation with three gantry cranes, to be later enlarged into a three-berth facility with 150 acres of yard space. The existing terminal has only 13.7 meters of MLW depth alongside berth, but the Port has relatively high tidal variation and a navigation channel with 35-meter depths. The Port is linked to central and eastern Canada by the Canadian National Railway, via a single-track main line through the British Columbia Coast Mountains and the Rocky Mountains to Edmonton.
Prince Rupert
Given that the town of Prince Rupert (with a population of only 17,000) has no local containerized market and that the Port has not previously handled any containerships on a regularly scheduled basis, it is uncertain at this time whether the new terminal will be able to attract any major carriers and services, especially utilizing very large vessels, for at least several key reasons: Although the Port is one day closer by ship to Far East base ports than Vancouver or Seattle, any carrier opting to deploy a string of ships with a first inbound call at Prince Rupert will be completely dependent on the bi-directional rates offered and service levels provided by the Canadian National Railway.
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Moreover, rail car fleet logistics would suggest that the ocean carrier would need to load back an equivalent number of westbound containers to the amount it plans to discharge at Prince Rupert, since there is no domestic intermodal traffic from eastern Canada to Prince Rupert and no cost-efficient means of repositioning empty rail-cars from the Vancouver area to the northern port. Commercial considerations also suggest that a vessel service making a first inbound call at Prince Rupert would have a limited rationale for having any other West Coast port calls after the ship spends 2+ days unloading and re-loading at Prince Rupert, and then one more day sailing to Vancouver or Seattle (or 2+ days sailing to Oakland), the service would not have competitive transits into any of those markets with other lines deployments making first inbound calls therein. With essentially 100% of a ships capacity discharging and re-loading at Prince Rupert, the Port will need a sufficiently large intermodal yard to assemble and/or receive five or more unit trains per day in each direction. Consequently, the comparative system economics of a ship deployment between selected Far East ports and Prince Rupert, versus a string of ships calling the same Asian ports and California, is questionable, even without addressing what the capacity constraints are on the Canadian Nationals main line between the Port and Edmonton.
Other California Aside from the two San Pedro Bay ports, the state of California has five other ports (or port clusters) that have been periodically utilized or considered as alternative gateways for container traffic: Oakland Other San Francisco Bay ports Eureka Port Hueneme San Diego
Of these, only Oakland has established itself as a significant container port, and the others are highly unlikely to become viable alternatives to Los Angeles and Long Beach for multiple reasons, including: Poor rail access (especially for Eureka, San Francisco, Redwood City, and San Diego) Opposition from community groups and/or environmental organizations to port expansion Limited water depth, and opposition to dredging Small local markets (especially for Eureka and Port Hueneme)
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Although Oaklands through-put has recently surpassed 2 million TEUs/year, making it the countrys fourth largest container port, its ability to serve as the first inbound port of call for deployments utilizing 6000+ TEU ships is uncertain. With the exception of the relatively newer SSA and Hanjin facilities, the Ports marine terminals are relatively small in acreage, compared to those in San Pedro Bay, and have limited room for expansion. Figure II-24 Port of Oakland Facilities
None of Oaklands terminals have on-dock rail facilities, and even though the BNSF and UP each have an intermodal yard proximate to most of the marine terminals, they are both capacity-constrained, with limited expansion capabilities. Water depth is also an issue for Oakland with the exception of the SSA and Hanjin facilities (which have 15.2 meters of MLW depth), the other terminals have only 12.8 meters of alongside depth. Main line rail access is also becoming more of an issue for Oakland, even though the UP north-south main line runs adjacent to the Port, as the number of Amtrak and commuter trains operating on the line each day increases.
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Pacific Mexico There are two existing ports along the West Coast of Mexico with theoretical potential to handle intermodal Transpacific container flows now routed through San Pedro Bay: Manzanillo (in the state of Colima) and Lazaro Cardenas (in the state of Michoacan). Both ports have rail lines that could provide train service linkages with the central and eastern USA, via border gateways at Laredo and Eagle Pass, both in Texas. The Port of Lazaro Cardenas was originally developed for liquid and dry bulk cargoes, and has a 16.5-meter deep entrance channel, without any bridges across it and with a tidal range of 0.5 meters. Although its existing container terminal has a quayside depth of only 12 meters and has less than 300 meters of linear berth, there are two bulk facilities in the Port with 16 meters of water. Figure II-25 - Port of Lazaro Cardenas
Thus, the Port has the ability to construct new container berths with 16 meters of quayside depth on a portion of the extensive amount of undeveloped waterfront land within its property line, and in fact, has a plan to do so. Private sector funding will be required to implement this objective, and the Ports recent concession agreement with Hutchison Ports de Mexico to operate the existing terminal (with an option to develop a new, enlarged facility) essentially represents a step in this direction.
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However, it is uncertain when or whether the rail line infrastructure and train operations between Lazaro Cardenas, San Luis Potosi, and Laredo can be cost-effectively enhanced so that point-to-point intermodal service from for example Hong Kong to Houston is reasonably transit-competitive and cost efficient, considering that the expense savings of using Mexican stevedores (versus ILWU labor) would be partially offset by higher vessel operating costs associated with the extra sailing days to Lazaro. The dedicated container terminal in Manzanillo, developed by SSA Marine in the 1990s, has now become Mexicos second largest trade gateway, after Veracruz, with a through-put of over 700,000 TEU in 2003 (more than double the figure of 1999). A recently completed expansion project there has enabled SSA Marine to provide 500 meters of linear berth, with 14 meter quayside depths. Access to this berth is furnished by an unobstructed, 16-meter deep navigation channel and turning basin, with a tidal range of 0.6 meters. As the harbor bottom is sandy, the terminals quayside berths could feasibly be dredged to -16 meters, should the Port Authority and SSA deem it desirable to do so. However, this terminal as well as the general cargo terminal on the other side of the harbour has limited ability to add more back-up land. In addition, the same uncertainties regarding rail infrastructure and train operations for Lazaro Cardenas exist for Manzanillo, in terms of obtaining competitive intermodal service to Texas. A new Mexican port is being considered for development at a green-field site south of Ensenada, in the state of Baja California del Norte. Referred to as Punta Colonet by its project sponsor, Hutchison Ports de Mexico, the new port would be linked with the US railway system via a new main line to be built between the site and Yuma/Mexicali, where connections would be made with the Union Pacific. Hutchison envisions that the terminal would be constructed in three sequential phases, each with about three berths, so that a total through-put of 5 million TEUs per year could be efficiently handled there. It is Mercators understanding that if this project is implemented, the access channel and quayside water depths would be in the 16-17 meter range, as HPM clearly intends for the terminal to be capable of accommodating very large container ships in the Transpacific trades. Conclusions on West Coast Ports There are several ports on the North American West Coast with existing terminals that have sufficient channel/berth water depths and air clearances to accommodate super postPanamax ships specifically, Vancouver, Seattle, and Tacoma. In addition, the terminal currently being developed at Prince Rupert, as well as facilities planned at Punta Colonet and Lazaro Cardenas in Mexico, will have the physical ability to receive 10,000+ TEU vessels --- and with dredging, so will Manzanillo. However, with the exception of Vancouvers Deltaport (and potentially the new terminals in Prince Rupert and Punta Colonet), these deep-water gateways lack sufficient amounts of near-dock or on-dock intermodal yard capacity and rail track capacity to support the unit
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train volumes that would be generated by these very large ships. In addition, the transcontinental railway lines that access the PNW ports (including Prince Rupert) have more train capacity constraints than the lines linking California ports with eastern North America, while the lines connecting the Mexican West Coast ports with Texas need substantial upgrades in order to become competitive landbridge service corridors. Consequently, it is uncertain whether other West Coast ports, besides Los Angeles and Long Beach, could become first-inbound ports of call for Transpacific deployments that utilize super post-Panamax ships. South Atlantic There are presently no ports in this group that could physically accommodate a fully-laden 8000+ TEU container ship with a draft of approximately 14.0 meters. The following table summarizes the current water depths for the primary South Atlantic ports: Table II-20 - Water Depths For US South Atlantic Container Ports
MLW Channel Depth (m) 11.6 12.8 12.8 12.8 13.4 12.8
The first four of these ports are located on river estuaries, with distances to the ocean that range from approximately 8 to 30 kilometres. Consequently, significant dredging expenses would be required to deepen their access channels beyond current levels, even without including the time-related and procedural costs of obtaining environmental permits for such projects. Any proposals to further dredge in either of the South Florida ports (beyond maintenance levels) would encounter stiff opposition from local community groups and environmental organizations. In addition to these water depth issues, Charleston and Savannah also have bridges bisecting their entrance channels, with air clearances of 46.5 meters and 56.5 meters, respectively. Reconstruction of either of these bridges within the next ten years is viewed to be highly unlikely. Aside from the Jasper County, South Carolina project associated with SSA, there are no new deep-water ports being planned for this particular coastal range. This project, if developed,
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would result in the construction of a 3-berth terminal (as the initial phase) at the mouth of the Savannah River. However, the state port authorities of Georgia and South Carolina are actively attempting to legally block SSA from being able to proceed. North Atlantic The major container ports of the north-eastern United States and eastern Canada have, on average, deeper access channels than their counterpart ports south of Virginia, as the following table demonstrates: Table II-21 - Water Depths For North Atlantic Container Ports
MLW Channel Depth (m) 21.0 12.1 13.5 12.1 15.2 15.2
Maximum Quayside Depth (m) 16.5 13.6 14.2 12.2 12.8 12.5
The Halifax Port Authority is fortunate to have one of the continents deepest natural harbors, although one of its two container terminals (Fairview Cove) is accessed by a channel that is crossed by two bridges, the older of which has an air clearance of only 49.5 meters. Nonetheless, its other terminal is clearly capable (from the perspectives of water depth and air draft) of accommodating the worlds largest container ships, if deployed on all-water services from South China, Southeast Asia, and the Indian Subcontinent via the Suez Canal. Given Boston Harbors relatively high tidal variation, the Massachusetts Port Authoritys Conley Marine Terminal has the quayside water depth at one of its berths to receive a large post-Panamax vessel. However, this facility lacks sufficient back-up land or an on-dock rail connection to function as a high-volume intermodal gateway. These deficiencies are unlikely to be remedied, as the nearest rail terminal is 4 miles from Conley, and given the land-use patterns and property values of the densely developed urban areas surrounding this part of the Port. The Port Authority of New York/New Jersey has been working with the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) for many years to deepen the Kill Van Kull Channel that links New York Harbor with the Ports four primary container terminals, which include Port Newark Container Terminal, Elizabeth Marine Terminal (Maher Terminal & APM Terminal), and
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Howland Hook Container Terminal. The Port launched a program in 1998 to dredge the Channel from 12.1 to 13.6 meters, and is scheduled to complete this work in early 2005. The Port received USACE approval in 2002 to further deepen the Kill van Kull to 15.2 meters. Figure II-26 - Terminals Within the Port of New York / New Jersey
Because the bottom of this Channel is rocky, deepening involves extensive drilling, blasting, and disposal of rock materials, and is accordingly very expensive, with an estimated total cost of over $1 billion and a completion time of at least six years. Given the scale and cost of this undertaking, it is unlikely that the Port could obtain federal funds for an additional dredging program to get below 15.2 meters. Another constraint for the Ports main container terminals in accommodating very large container ships is the mid-span clearance of the Bayonne Bridge, which crosses the Kill van Kull and is only 45.4 meters above the water level. Neither the Port Authority or the states of New York or New Jersey have any concrete plans for replacing this bridge. The Port of Philadelphia has been unable for several years to obtain funding for a dredging program to deepen a 30-mile section of the Delaware River to 13.6 meters, despite having received USACE approval for this project in 1992. Considering the Ports declining container traffic levels (correlated with its drawback of being too close to New York), it seems unlikely that either of its terminals will ever be suitable gateways for large postPanamax ships.
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Similarly, although the Maryland Port Authority could conceivably dredge some of the berths at its Seagirt or Dundalk Terminals deeper than the current 12.8 meters, the Ports traffic growth over the past five years has been relatively modest, and its location more than 110 miles from the ocean, with approximately 10 hours of pilotage in each direction suggests that ocean carriers would be highly unlikely to deploy super post-Panamax ships calling this Maryland trade gateway. Baltimores Outer Harbor Crossing Bridge also limits the size of ships calling at either terminal, with its 54.5-meter mid-span clearance. Of all the US East Coast ports, Hampton Roads is the one best positioned to physically accommodate very large container ships, although further dredging at the berths of Virginia Port Authoritys Norfolk International Terminal would be necessary. However, the new APM Terminals facility being constructed in the Portsmouth area of the harbour (essentially opposite NIT) will feature multiple berths with quayside depths of 15 meters, but will not be operational until 2008.
Conclusions on East Coast Ports It now appears that once current plans for port deepening and construction are completed, the Port of New York/New Jersey and ports within Hampton Roads will be able to accommodate ships operating at a draft of 14 meters. This would make it feasible for carriers to deploy ships of 10000-12000 TEU on Asia-USEC routes, either via Panama or via Suez. The fact that the South Atlantic ports will probably be unable to accommodate such vessels when fully laden suggests, however, that carriers will need to retain in their East Coast fleets a certain portion of ships at the current size.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Table II-25 - Slot Costs For 5-Vessel Asia-USWC Services Asia - USWC Slot Costs
TEU Class Vessel Fuel Port Charges Canal Costs Total 4500 6000 8000 10000 262 132 36 $430 12000 254 125 36 $415 14000 238 118 34 $391 18000 211 105 31 $347 Voyage Cost Per (Effective) TEU 381 347 288 155 157 154 44 41 40 $581 $546 $482
Change In Cost Versus 4500 TEU Panamax -8.9% -24.5% -31.2% 1.4% -0.8% -15.2% -6.5% -10.7% -19.2% Base -6.0% -17.1% -26.0%
Source: MTG Table II-26 - Slot Costs For 8-Vessel Asia-USEC Services (Via Panama)
Voyage Cost Per (Effective) TEU 610 556 461 294 292 256 70 66 63 85 81 81 $1,059 $995 $861
Change In Cost Versus 4500 TEU Panamax -8.9% -24.5% -31.2% -0.6% -12.8% -25.6% -6.1% -10.6% -18.8% -3.7% -3.8% -9.6% Base -6.0% -18.7% -27.1%
Source: MTG
Sample vessel proforma model output is attached as part of Appendix II.7a. A key assumption underlying the unit cost analysis is that the effective cost per TEU for the Canal transits by ships over 4500 TEU will not be lower than for current Panamax vessels. Although under the current tariff the cost per TEU declines as ship sizes increase, it is assumed here that newer, larger ships (the drivers behind any canal expansion), will pay comparable canal fees of a costs per container basis. Proposed increases in canal tolls above
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the 2004 level have not been included. These could amount to $40 per TEU or more per roundtrip. The cost analysis confirms that the larger vessels will deliver a cost advantage, although an advantage that is perhaps not as large as might have been expected. With costs as presently calculated and / or estimated, each 2000 TEU increment in vessel capacity yields a reduction in unit slot costs of about 10% (although in the range between 10000 and 12000 TEU, the unit cost reduction appears to be only about 3%). Unit cost reductions are somewhat greater for the 8-ship Asia-USEC segments, which is attributed to the fact that these services spend more time at sea compared to time in port, and thus better take advantage of the economy of the larger vessels.
Evaluating Vessel Schedules This subject will be more fully explored within Task III, however a few preliminary observations are offered here to facilitate the assessment of Panama Canal impacts. In addition to considering unit costs of alternative vessel deployments, planners must consider a wide range of other factors, including: o The number and location of ports that can efficiently served o The competitiveness of transit times and departure days provided, o The sizes of the markets served o The expected share capture and vessel utilization that can be expected o The schedule reliability that can be maintained
One indicator of expected reliability is the ratio of max possible lifts that could be completed within the available port time divided by the number of lifts required per voyage when the vessel is fully loaded. This ratio should at least be equal to one, and would ideally be approximately 1.25 to 1.5 in order to provide adequate flexibility to accommodate varying cargo patterns and to recover from schedule disruptions. In the following table, this ratio is calculated for each of the Asia-USWC and Asia-USEC schedules.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Asia-USEC Voyage Statistics Size Class 4500 6000 Est Eff TEU 3900 5100 Lifts Req'd. 10,094 13,976 Max Lifts Avail 17,200 21,150
Lift Ratio 1.70 1.51
Source: MTG
This analysis demonstrates that as ship sizes increase, the degree of schedule reliability is likely to decline, due to the increased amount of time required to complete stevedoring activity. For the Asia-USWC deployments, the lift ratio drops to less than 1.0 when capacity reaches 12000 TEU, even as the average number of cranes deployed exceeds 5.5, and the average operating speed is increased above 24 knots. This suggests that the proforma should be shortened (i.e. call fewer ports and steam fewer miles) in or order to make more time available for cargo handling. Reducing port calls is a normal and accepted approach to making a schedule feasible for the particular vessel types being deployed, however there may be a problem achieving adequate utilization if too few ports are called. This can in particular be the case when ship sizes increase, if it unduly increases the market share that must be captured at each port being called. The Panama-USEC schedules appear better able to accommodate the larger vessels, showing less strain as vessel sizes increase. Fewer cranes and lower operating speeds are required for these schedules. Part of this is because USEC ports are able to provide sufficient labor to operate more hours per day, and partly it is a result of the increased sea time relative to port time. This, and the increased cost benefit obtained by deploying larger vessels on that route, suggests that carriers would seek to deploy super-post panamax vessels on the Panama-USEC rate, subject to the availability of suitable USEC port facilities. To serve the Southeast markets, where deep water is not available, carriers will find the economics of large vessels less attractive if they must operate at less than full capacity. In
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this case, we would expect carriers to retain their current tonnage until improved port facilities are developed. Based on these observations, we would expect each alliance group to deploy at least one string of 8000-10000 TEU ships calling the USEC via Panama when and if the Canal is expanded. These ships would either be purpose-built for that route, or re-deployed from another transpacific string. To the extent that 6000-10000 TEU vessels are swapped out of the Asia-USWC route in exchange for 4000-5000 TEU vessels, SPB ports could benefit in terms of greater vessel call frequency with fewer peak arrival days. This would be a good outcome for SPB port operations if it creates a more level demand for port services across the week. Although the lower costs obtained with larger tonnage on the Panama route will likely lead to the re-routing of some cargos, Mercator does not foresee a sudden or radical shift in port shares. First, the Panama route already enjoys a significant cost advantage versus landbridge service to points on the USEC, as well as for many eastern points not actually on the coast. The savings in intermodal costs of $1500 -2000/ per roundtrip container already far outweigh the incremental vessel slot costs for the Panama route (which amount to about $1000 per 40 load). In addition, port and stevedoring costs are lower on the USEC, creating an additional benefit on the order of $200 per round-trip container. Much of the cargo for which the landbridge is a feasible and acceptable routing will likely already be moving via that route. Vessel tonnage for the launching of new Panama strings has been in short supply and limited the introduction of new services in the past year. This, however, is not a permanent condition, as carriers will order the ships they need to satisfy demand. For the time being, the Panama Canal itself does not appear to be a constraint. It still has the capacity to accommodate more container vessel transits, and if container vessel transit fees are increased above those paid by other vessels, which appears to be the strategy being pursued by the Panama Canal Authority, then capacity should continue to be available. More likely is a continuation of the ongoing shift of eastern US cargos away from landbridge routings and onto all-water routings. This shift, driven by capacity constraints and service limitations of the US railroads as well as the greater reliability and more attractive costs available with all-water service will continue until a new equilibrium is reached. The introduction of larger and lower-cost Panama tonnage will simply shift the equilibrium by an incremental amount, but is not likely to cause a major dislocation to the system.
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During the past ten years, the industry has experienced considerable consolidation. Mergers and acquisitions have been utilized by an array of carriers to achieve increased presence in particular markets, marketing synergies, and network efficiencies, as well as to expand vessel fleets less expensively than by ordering new ships. Given that several transactions since the mid-1990s (such as NOLs purchase of APL, the P&OCL/Nedlloyd merger, and Maersks absorption of Sea-Lands international business) were partially the cause of increased service competition, especially in the east-west arterial trades, it seemed relevant to evaluate the prospects for further merger/acquisition transactions with ramifications for Transpacific service networks.
Overview of Transpacific Services Structure In examining the potential industry structure changes that would impact Transpacific service competition, Mercator first considered the current composition of fully-cellular liner services in the Transpacific, with a focus on service network density. As of Q4 2004, there were 75 distinct weekly deployments of fully-cellular ships providing bi-directional liner service to companies shipping containers between the Far East and North America. Of these, 17 are East Coast all-water deployments via the Panama Canal, 1 is an all-water service to the East Coast via the Suez Canal, and the balance are shuttles and/or pendulum deployments turning around on the West Coast. Only 2 of the all-water services make eastbound calls in SPB, while 40 of the 57 West Coast-turnaround services call inbound-first in Los Angeles or Long Beach. It is these 42 services, along with the one service calling Oakland inbound-first that carry the preponderance of SPBs Transpacific imports and which are the focal point of carrier managements in designing their Asia North America networks. Five vessel operating groups operate about 70% of these 43 California-focused deployments, and are considered here as the first tier of Transpacific service providers: Tier One Carriers (Groups): Grand Alliance (carriers PONL, OOCL, NYK, Hapag-Lloyd) New World Alliance (carriers APL, MOL, Hyundai) CHKY Alliance (carriers Cosco, Hanjin, K-Line, Yang Ming) Maersk Sealand Evergreen Each ship line within this first tier offers its customers eight or more weekly sailings between Asia and North America, and also participates in most of the worlds major liner trades (i.e. each first tier line is also a global carrier). The competition between these five vessel operating groups, in terms of transit times and sailing frequencies for multiple eastbound market segments (and in terms of network operating costs) clearly is the primary driving factor underlying the growth over the past ten years in the number and size of vessels calling in California ports.
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Tier 2 in the Transpacific is comprised of six individual lines. These six global lines are expanding rapidly and, although considered here to constitute a second tier of Transpacific capacity suppliers, the vessel fleets that they respectively operate rank among the top twenty in the world: Tier Two Carriers: Mediterranean Shipping CMA-CGM China Shipping Container Line (CSCL) Zim Container Service CP Ships, CSAV/Norasia Each of these carriers presently has a relatively smaller presence in the Transpacific trade, with the six lines collecting operating just 17 Pacific services in total, 7 of which call firstinbound at one of the SPB ports. A desire to compete more effectively in terms of service frequencies with the Tier 1 operating groups has led each of the Tier 2 lines to enter into vessel sharing agreements. The Tier 2 vessel sharing agreements typically apply to individual services (as opposed to broader alliances covering one or more entire trades), and have primarily been made between Tier 2 lines. Competition and a desire to grow has also impelled several of them particularly MSC, CMA-CGM, and CSCL to commit to fairly aggressive vessel newbuilding programs. These latter three lines collectively will take delivery of 128 new ships with capacity of 4000 TEU or more during the next three years. Although many of those new ships are likely to be deployed in other trades, the sheer number implies that each of these three lines aspires to become first-tier operators in the Transpacific. Finally, there are several lines operating only one weekly Transpacific string (generally with relatively small ships) and/or run services that carry Asia North America containers but are primarily designed to serve other trades. These third tier carriers are listed in the following table. Table II-28 - Tier 3 Carriers / Services Carrier(s) Great Western Sinotrans US Lines Wan Hai PIL Maruba, CCNI, HSDG PM&O Service GWX CAS USL TPS Sprint2 AMPAC Avg. Vessel TEU Capacity 2031 2521 1522 2695 (also has a service with CMA CGM) 3958 (in partnership with CP Ships) 2167 714
Given the nature of their deployments, and since these third-tier carriers collectively carry less than 5% of the Transpacific trade, Mercator concluded that the acquisition of any one of them by either a Transpacific first-tier or second-tier line would not have any material impact on the competitive dynamics (with respect to vessel service frequencies or average capacities) between the Tier 1 & Tier 2 carriers and operating groups. Similarly, the
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acquisition of one of these third-tier lines by a carrier not presently serving the Transpacific (such as United Arab Shipping or Shipping Company of India) would have minimal, if any, effect on the number or size of vessel services deployed by the Tier 1/2 carriers and operating groups. As a result, Mercator subsequently focused its examination of structural industry changes on the larger Transpacific players.
Near-Term Outlook For Merger / Acquisition Activity Among Carriers Having noted and segmented the relative positions of the shipping lines currently serving the Transpacific trade, in terms of the comparative scope and frequency of their respective vessel networks, Mercator then addressed the following questions: What merger/acquisition transactions could potentially transpire that would result in a reduction in the number of Tier1 or Tier 2 carriers during the forecast period (to 2020)? o As a corollary, how might this reduction in the number of Tier 1 or Tier 2 carriers lead to the formation of new vessel sharing alliances and/or change the number of Tier 1 vessel operating groups? How would a change in the number of major vessel operating groups impact the frequencies and average capacities of the vessel services calling regularly at Los Angeles/Long Beach?
For at least the next five years, there are several Transpacific Tier 1 or Tier 2 lines that are unlikely to be acquired or to merge -- within the framework of a cross-border transaction -due to a clear and long-standing commitment to these businesses by their respective owners (some of which are agencies or ministries of foreign governments). This sub-set would undoubtedly include: Family-Controlled Maersk Sealand Evergreen Hanjin Zim Conglomerate-Controlled NYK MOL Government-Controlled APL COSCO CSCL Yang Ming
This is an admittedly subjective list, and it could be argued that some other lines (such as the family-controlled MSC, CMA-CGM, and CSAV) ought to be included on it. Nonetheless, of the ten carriers listed above, six have pursued expansion strategies in which organic, internal growth has been occasionally supplemented with the acquisition of another line: Maersk Sealand acquiring Safmarine and Sea-Land Service Evergreen purchasing Lloyd Triestino
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Hanjin absorbing DSR/Senator APL being acquired by NOL, with the latter discontinuing its brand name NYK and MOL through consolidation/acquisition of YS Line, Japan Line, and Showa Line Conversely, there are a handful of global carriers that have owners whose respective longterm commitments to the liner shipping business are, based on public statements by their board directors, occasional rumours of their availability for sale, and/or the inherent nature of their corporate structures, are unclear or tenuous. This sub-set includes: CP Ships (publicly traded on three Anglo-American stock exchanges) Hapag-Lloyd (subsidiary of a publicly-traded German industrial conglomerate) P&O Nedlloyd (subsidiary of a publicly-traded Dutch corporation) OOCL (has been a divestiture candidate in at least one previous industry downturn) The acquisition of CP Ships by another carrier (whether the latter was a global carrier or regional specialist) would have a relatively minor impact on the competitive dynamics of the Transpacific trade, as this line participates in just three weekly services (only one of which it operates exclusively). However, if Hapag-Lloyd, P&O Nedlloyd, or OOCL were to be acquired by another leading global carrier (other than another Grand Alliance member i.e. NYK), it could catalyze one or more other consolidation transactions and/or result in the restructuring of one or more vessel sharing alliances. For example, if APL was to purchase P&O Nedlloyd (as it has attempted to do at least once since 2000), the Grand Alliance, in order to maintain its sailing frequency competitiveness with the other Tier 1 operating groups, would need to find a carrier capable of replacing a majority of the P&O Nedlloyd contributed vessel assets. The remaining members (NYK, OOCL, and Hapag-Lloyd) could attempt to persuade one of the CHKY carriers (or possibly Hyundai, a member of the New World Alliance) to switch camp. Another option would be to invite either Evergreen or Maersk Sealand (both of which would likely decline) or one of the Transpacific Tier 2 lines (such as MSC, CMA-CGM, or Zim) into the agreement. Since all of these Tier 2 lines have different vessel sharing agreements for individual services, the latter scenario would also have cascading impacts. Moreover, an APL acquisition of P&O Nedlloyd would undoubtedly catalyze one or more further transactions just as NOLs purchase of APL in 1997 partially stimulated A.P. Moller/Maersk to buy the international operations of Sea-Land Service in 1999. Three such transactions that several industry insiders have speculated could likely transpire as a result of a first move by APL/NOL would be 1) the purchase of Hapag-Lloyds container line by A.P. Moller/Maersk, 2) the acquisition of OOCL by COSCO or CSCL, and 3) a consolidation of the three Japanese carriers into two. While impossible to accurately predict what specific merger/acquisition transactions will occur within the industry, the pressures for further consolidation are apparent:
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Compared to some other global industries, the liner business is still highly fragmented in terms of the number of separate commercial entities competing for container traffic in each major trade. By most measures, there is plenty of opportunity for further concentration of market share. As the cost reduction impacts of increasing ship size diminish with each new size class, and with most major carriers involved in vessel sharing agreements to some extent, corporate consolidations represent one of the few remaining big-bang initiatives that carriers can turn to for large-scale expense savings. The amount of capital investment (including mid-term and long-term leasing) to maintain competitiveness keeps increasing for the largest carriers, and the gap between the very largest global lines and the smallest is also widening. As an example, by 2007 Maersk Sealand is projected to be operating a fleet of nearly 300 ships, with more than 1 million TEUs of capacity, which will be more than four times the size of number 9 ranked APL/NOL, despite the latters acquisition of 11x 5000+ TEU ships between 2004 and 2007. Considering the industrys historically poor return on capital, some of the parent corporations of the smaller global lines (especially those that are publicly-traded) are likely to re-assess staying in the business. The cyclical nature of the industry virtually guarantees that there will be at least one multi-year period of depressed rates and corporate losses during the next 5-7 years. Given the scale of the current orderbook of new container ships, this next downturn is likely to be greater in magnitude than the late 2001-early 2003 depression, causing some owners to divest. It is also apparent that the Singapore Government wants APL/NOL to become one of the industrys top 5 or 6 operators, and furthermore recognized that Maersk Sealands owners are fully committed to keeping their ship line at the head of the pack. These two companies along with CMA-CGM, which has itself periodically made strategic acquisitions to support its expansion, are likely to be the primary catalysts of the next round of consolidation within the industrys top tier. Given their histories and corporate cultures, most of the major Asian carriers (besides APL/NOL) are more likely to concentrate on internal growth strategies and to pursue acquisition options mainly on a defensive basis. The combination of aggressive expansion strategies for a handful of global carriers, coupled with an expected downturn in industry profitability in 2007-2008 (or beyond) and the tenuous commitment of some current owners of liner companies, should result in a reduction in the number of Tier 1 and Tier 2 carriers in the Transpacific.
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Outlook for The Number of Transpacific Vessel Sharing Alliances Based on the preceding categorizations of the first- and second-tier carriers with regard to potential merger/acquisition activity, Mercator assessed the prospects for a change in the number of first-tier operating groups. The three largest global vessel sharing alliances the Grand Alliance, the New World Alliance, and the CHKY Alliance have had membership stability for at least the past five years. It could be argued that as these operations encompass increasing numbers of ships and services, the costs for an individual member to withdraw and reposition its ships are becoming a force for continued stability. However, as indicated in the preceding paragraphs, one of these alliances (the Grand) has more than one member whose corporate ownership has an uncertain long-term commitment to the liner business. A contraction or reconstitution of this alliance is therefore a distinct possibility within the next 5-7 years. Mercator considered the current vessel newbuild orders and existing service-specific vessel sharing agreements of the second tier Transpacific carriers to determine potential movement across tiers. We saw from this analysis that CSCL has the clear potential to become a Tier 1 operator. It is expected to be operating the following fleet of Panamax and Post-Panamax ships by 2007: 33 x 4000+ TEU 23 x 5000+ TEU 9 x 8000+ TEU 8 x 9000+ TEU
While Mercator expects CSCL to deploy its 8000-TEU and 9000-TEU ships in the Far East North Europe trade (along with 12-13 x 5000 TEU ships in a North Europe Far East West Coast North America pendulum), it would nonetheless still have sufficient vessels to be able to operate at least 7 other competitive Transpacific services an increase from the 4 strings it contributes ships to presently. With 8 weekly Transpacific services (including the pendulum), CSCL would be able to provide highly competitive frequencies in most of the critical eastbound market segments, even without participating in any vessel sharing agreements. If participating in a vessel sharing alliance covering the entire trade, with a carrier such as CMA-CGM (with whom it has two service-specific agreements today), it would certainly become another Tier 1 carrier, along with its partner(s). After similar analysis of the projected fleets of Mediterranean Shipping Company, CMACGM, and the other Tier 2 lines, as well as the current Tier 1 carriers, Mercator developed two alternative scenarios regarding the number of first-tier operating groups in existence by or before the middle of the next decade. In the first scenario, it was assumed there would be a relatively high degree of consolidation within the top ranks of the industry, with the following transactions speculated:
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Table II-29: Prospective Transactions Impacting Transpacific Operating Groups Under High Consolidation Scenario Purchaser NOL/APL A.P. Moller/Maersk CMA-CGM NYK COSCO Evergreen Acquired Line P&O Nedlloyd Hapag-Lloyd CSAV/Norasia K-Line OOCL Yang Ming
With these assumptions, and given surviving carriers respective future fleets, Mercator concluded that there would be an increase in the number of first-tier vessel operating groups from 5 to 6, including: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. New World Alliance (with APL/NOL, MOL, and HMM) CHN Alliance (with COSCO, Hanjin, and NYK) New Alliance (with CMA-CGM, CSCL, and Zim) Maersk Sealand Mediterranean Shipping Evergreen
In the second scenario, it was assumed that there would be only two merger/acquisition transactions during this period an NOL/APL purchase of one of the current Grand Alliance members (other than NYK), and the purchase of CP Ships by either CMA-CGM or CSAV. Under those assumptions, Mercator would expect the number of first-tier vessel operating groups to increase to 8: 1. New World Alliance (with APL/NOL, MOL, and HMM) 2. CHKY Alliance (with COSCO, Hanjin, K-Line, and Yang Ming) 3. Grand Alliance (with NYK and two among OOCL, Hapag-Lloyd, and P&O Nedlloyd) 4. New Alliance #1 (with CSCL and CMA-CGM) 5. New Alliance #2 (with Zim, CSAV/Norasia, and potentially PIL) 6. Maersk Sealand 7. Mediterranean Shipping
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8. Evergreen This analysis led Mercator to conclude that the number of first-tier operating groups, each of which would be capable of providing ten or more weekly Transpacific services by or before 2010, will likely increase from the current five to a number between six and eight. In addition, it suggests that the existing Tier 2 service providers will face increasing competitive pressure to broaden their service-specific agreements into trade-encompassing alliances.
Impacts of a Change in Number of First-Tier Operating Groups The potential consolidation transactions and formation of new vessel sharing alliances discussed above, along with the organic expansions of the surviving lines, imply that the aggregate Transpacific vessel fleet capacity controlled by each operating group will increase significantly. This higher degree of fleet concentration should lead to both an increase in average service frequency in key market segments (such as Hong Kong/South China SPB, or Shanghai SPB) and in average ship capacities. In this competitive environment, Mercator would expect the Transpacific networks of a typical first-tier operating group to include a package of services similar to the following: Four weekly strings from Hong Kong/Yantian to SPB o Spaced on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Monday sailings from Yantian (using 4000-TEU, 5000-TEU, 8,000-TEU and 6000-TEU ships respectively) o Sailing directly to Los Angeles/Long Beach with prior calls in Taiwan or Southeast Asia, or calling subsequently at Shanghai/Ningbo or in Japan/Korea Three weekly strings from the Yangtze River basin to SPB o Sailings from Shanghai and or Ningbo on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday o With one or two sailing directly to Los Angeles/Long Beach, with prior calls in S. PRC, Taiwan or Southeast Asia o With at least one sailing via Qingdao or Busan Two additional strings from Japan / Korea to SPB o Spaced at even intervals across the week o With one sailing from Tianjin/Dalian before Korea o With one sailing from Qingdao before Japan / Korea Two-to-three strings from Far East base ports to the PNW Two-to-three (or more) strings from Far East base ports to US East Coast Of course, each carrier or alliance will have a unique fleet of vessels, as well its own particular market segment priorities, so the preceding list of service elements is but one of
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many potential network outlines. Nonetheless, with 6-8 first-tier operating groups each deploying a dozen or more separate Transpacific strings, cost and service frequency competition in the most critical market segments will undoubtedly intensify. The implications on frequency and ship size over the long-term are discussed in greater detail in the next phase of this report.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
In previous sections of this report, the characteristics and the deployment of the current containership fleet serving San Pedro Bay ports has been described, along with a forecast of the market and competitive dynamics that will likely shape future service patterns. In this section, Mercator identifies and evaluates the factors that will influence the further development of the containership fleet and develops a forecast of vessel calls that can be expected at San Pedro Bay Ports. Notwithstanding the important role played by shippers in the shaping of carrier networks, it is the carriers that will determine the size and frequency of ship calls to be made at the port. Consequently, the approach taken by Mercator in constructing the containership forecast for San Pedro Bay has been to consider the Transpacific capacity and service requirements from the perspective of carriers overall, and specifically the perspective of a large carrier or carrier operating group. The large carrier groups will be the ones setting the marketplace parameters for ship size, transit time and service frequency, and so are the most important in terms of this analysis.
Task III-1: Tradelane Structures and Service Patterns Geographic Tradelanes Involving San Pedro Bay Ports The forecasting of future container shipping activity in San Pedro Bay is best viewed within the framework of the specific geographically-defined tradelanes that are involved, because it is only at the tradelane level that the underlying trends and factors that influence past and future events can be identified. For San Pedro Bay ports, container traffic is carried by ships operating in one of the following 5 tradelanes:
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
North America
South America
Source: MTG
The distribution of port calls by tradelane is highly uneven. As shown in Table III-1, the vast majority of ship calls are generated by vessels that primarily serve the Asia-North America market. Table III-1 - Distribution of 2004 SPB Ship Calls By Primary Tradelane
Primary Trade Served Trans Pacific - Asia Hawaii Domestic S. America Australia / New Zealand Europe Total SPB Calls
Source: MTG
Calls/Wk 53 3 3 2 1 62
The foregoing table and the fact that Asia-North America trade is growing faster than other trades make it clear that the Asia-North America trade is by far the most important and will be the primary trade driving future SPB port calls. Further analysis of this trade will be presented, but prior to that we examine the secondary trades to forecast their expected behaviour and quantify their expected contribution to SPB port calls.
Vessel Routing Framework For The Forecast Model In addition to the geographic tradelane structure described above, a further breakdown defined according to vessel operational routes is necessary to describe the patterns of vessel services and port calls. The operational route framework developed by Mercator for making the actual port call forecasts is presented below.
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All SPB port calls are assigned to a unique service/port call category, with categories defined so that any port call fits in one category. The second column describes the geographic trades served. The third column lists the number of such calls per week as of Q3 2004. Table III-2 - Operational Route Framework For SPB Port Call Forecasting Cat Num
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Category Description
T-P / WCNA 1st Call SPB T-P / WCNA NOT 1st Call SPB T-P / USEC, E/B via Panama Panama W/B services N/S, west coast of Americas5 Aus / NZ HI Domestic
Asia-N. Amr; (E/B & W/B) Asia-N. Amr (E/B & W/B) Asia- N.Amr-C.Amr, Carib,Eur (E/B) Eur, Carib, C. Amr - N. Amr - Asia; (W/B) N. Amr - C. Amr - WCSA N. Amr - Austalia & New Zealand N. Amr - Hawaii
Definition of Route Framework / Port Call Categories Category 1: Transpacific services making a first inbound call at a SPB port, and then returning to Asia, possibly with an additional call in North America. Category 2: Transpacific services that make a first call at some port other than in SPB, but then call SPB before returning to Asia. Category 3: Transpacific services that call a SPB port prior to transiting the Panama Canal Category 4: Services that call in SPB after transiting the Panama Canal in the westbouind direction (having come from Europe, the USEC, Carib, Central America) Category 5: Services operating on the n/s axis along the west coast of North America and South Anerica Category 6: Direct services between North America and australia / New Zealand Category 7: Domestic services between the US Mainland and Hawaii, which do not continue to Asia Category 1 comprises the majority of port calls, and is the one most clearly connected to the dominant flow of cargo through the ports, the flow of imports from Asia. Category 2 port
For Asia-WCNA-WCSA services, the eastbound call is included category 1, the w/b call in category 5. Page 106 of 139 February 2005
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calls also bring Asian imports, but the drivers for these calls are more often associated with westbound exports to Asia. Although the vessels making Category 3-7 port calls may be deployed in services that cross the pacific, the number of such port calls is not driven by the primary eastbound Asian trade flow. These calls serve secondary trade flows, as described below. Port calls were segregated into these categories so that all similar port calls, i.e. those that serve the same markets and which would be expected to grow at similar same rates, could be forecast together.
Secondary Tradelanes Contributing to SPB Port Calls Before addressing in some detail the Category 1 and 2 port calls, we will examine the characteristics of the secondary trades that contribute to SPB port calls. The characteristics of those trades and their current and future service patterns are presented below. Europe/Mediterranean North American West Coast (Category 3 & 4 calls) Market size is relatively small with just 1 dedicated service using ships <2600 TEU Cargo is primarily carried by services to/from Asia that stop in SPB en-route to/from the USEC / Europe Northbound boxes are carried by WCSA Asia services and by relay at Panama to westbound ships from US East Coast to US West Coast The trades size/growth and sailing corridor imply that coverage will continue to be provided primarily by Asia USWC USEC deployments extended across the Atlantic Ocean; These services will also carry via transshipment the limited USWC-Carib/ECSA trade Category 3 & 4 port calls also serve the Caribean and the East Coast of South America markets West Coast of South & Central America North American West Coast (Category 5 calls) Trade volume is very small, with just 1 dedicated weekly service Southbound boxes are primarily carried by services originating in Asia that stop en-route in SPB Northbound boxes are carried by WCSA Asia services and by relay at Panama to westbound ships from US East Coast to US West Coast Long-term trade outlook indicates modest growth Limited trade size/growth, coupled with geographic factors and the development of additional transshipment capability in Panama, imply a continuation of current service patterns, with a gradual increase in average ship size and potentially two additional sailings per week Australia/New Zealand North American West Coast (Category 6 calls)
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Head-haul market size of about 4000 TEU/week Currently just 2 direct weekly services, plus relay services via Far East, but latter are not very competitive, especially for northbound shipments Both direct services operated by the same 4-carrier alliance, with <2000 TEU ships Long-term outlook indicates modest growth, with capacity requirements satisfied through gradual increases in ship size and the introduction of 1 additional service
Mainland USA Hawaiian Islands (Category 7 calls) Head-haul market size of about 9000 TEU/week (<5% of Transpacific E/B trade) Currently has 3 weekly services ex SPB, with <2800 TEU ships Long-term trade outlook indicates 2-4% average annual growth Limited number of competitors (compared to international trades), due to cabotage requirements Slow market growth, limited size, competitive frequency requirements, and high domestic shipyard costs will limit the deployment of new, large ships to this trade. By 2020, we expect frequency to increase to 4 sailings per week, with slightly larger vessels
Current Service Patterns For the Primary Transpacific Trade The current capacity deployed in the Asia-SPB eastbound market includes 45 TP-WCNA loop services, 40 of which make Category 1 calls (with a first inbound call at a POLB or POLA terminal), with 5 making Category 2 calls (calling SPB after first 1 or more other west coast ports). In addition 2 services call SPB en route to the US East Coast and Europe (making category 3 calls). The capacity of the 40 1st-call services that serve the Southern California ports amounts to about 166,000 TEU/week (8.6 million TEU/yr). Including the 5 services making secondary E/B calls at SPB ports increases the capacity deployed on Transpacific loops to about 9.4 million TEUs per year6. These services, along with the non-SPB-calling services that are also part of the Pacific trade, are summarized in Table III3.
References in this report to vessel capacity are based on the so-called nominal capacity at which ships are listed in industry publications and references. Actual effective container carrying capacity is normally 85-90% of the nominal capacity. Although there is some variability among owners and carriers with respect to the calculation of vessel capacity figures, the nominal figures as published represent the only available data. The impact of this variability is limited to the extent possible by consistently applying a common approach to the interpretation of these figures. Page 108 of 139 February 2005
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Future cargo volume and corresponding capacity growth are highly important in terms of effect on carrier deployment design and choice of vessel size. For the sake of the ship call forecast, Mercator considered a range of import growth rates, as discussed in Section II of this report. Low, medium and high import growth rates of 5%, 7% and 9% per annum were selected to bracket the expected rates of import cargo growth. For each scenario, the required capacity was projected for each of the transpacific service sectors included in the foregoing tables. Weekly capacity that would be deployed in year 2020 under each of these growth scenarios is presented in Table III-3. Table III-3 - Estimated Future Transpacific Capacity Required By Service Sector (TEUs/wk)
Asia-North America Capacity Required Under Alternative Import Growth Scenarios Current Capacity Mid-Year 2004 Required 2020- Capacity TEU/wk Under Alternative Growth Scenarios Low Expected 5.0% 7.0% 2020 2020 363,230 33,016 88,014 491,240 44,651 119,031
Service Type TP-WCNA -SPB 1st Call TP-WCNA -SPB 2nd+ Call TP-WCNA -PNW/North Calif
Without any SPB calls
No en-route SPB Call
With en-route SPB call
2 76
18,915 643,223
25,580 869,908
34,403 1,169,922
3,877 294,668
In this table, we assumed a continuation of the current market shares for each port range. This is a reasonable assumption as long as SPB ports do not reach capacity saturation, which, according to the Ports analysis of capacity potential, will not to occur until SPB port volumes reach approximately 45 million TEUs. This level of activity would only be reached in the high growth scenario, in approximately year 2018-2019. Under the low and medium growth scenarios this level of activity is not reached before 2020. In any event, the SPB fleet and port call forecasts are considered valid within each SPB volume/capacity scenario, irrespective of the growth experienced by other ports. As shown in this table, capacity of TP-WCNA services making a first inbound call at SPB ports would, in the medium growth scenario, reach about 500,000 TEUs/week (about 26 million TEUs per year) by 2020. Under this scenario, a typical operating group (one of the seven that are, taken together, assumed to be providing 95% of the capacity) would thus be seeking to deploy about 67,000 TEUs per week, or about 3.5 million TEUs per year.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Grand Alliance 5 0 1
CHKY Alliance 9 0 3
Tier 1 Subtotal 27 3 8
Tier 2 8 0 4
Tier 3 5 2 0
Grand Total 40 5 12
4 1 1
2 1 2
2 1
3 1 10
2 0 11
3 0 15
12 2 52
5 0 17
0 0 7
17 2 76
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Tier 2
Tier 3
Grand Total
8,392 0 31,433
8,445 0 49,804
11,616 0 64,160
18,370 0
0 0
64,158 8,665
Mercator has forecast that consolidation of carrier ownership and the formation of new carrier alliances will result in 7 Tier 1 carrier operating groups controlling 95% of the Transpacific market, up from the current five Tier 1 groups that control 77% of the market. Under the medium growth rate scenario, a typical such group would deploy capacity of about 120,000 TEU per week by 2020, as shown in Table III-5.
Table III-5 - Typical Capacity Requirement For A Tier 1 Carrier Group 2020
Estimated 2020 Capacity Requirement For An Average "Tier One" Operating Group Assumptions: Number of Tier 1 operating groups 7 Growth - CAGR 7.0% Share of market served by Tier 1 groups 95% Service Type Capacity By Service Type: TP-WCNA -SPB 1st Call TP-WCNA -PNW/OAK 1st Asia-USEC Total Asia-North America 66,668 22,214 29,177 118,059 2020
The Tier 1 operating groups presently deploy an average of about 10 weekly services between Asia and North America. Based on the ages of the current Pacific fleet and the likelihood of redeploying smaller tonnage to other markets, each of the expected seven major groups will, in 2020, likely be operating approximately 20 strings of ships, with weekly capacity of about 120,000 TEU. The ships for only about half of these strings are
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already in operation or on order, equating to weekly capacity of about 50,000 TEU per group. This means that each group would need to order new tonnage providing capacity of almost 70,000 TEU per week. By evaluating the issues that will influence what additional new tonnage carriers will prefer, we will develop a proforma mix of vessel sizes and likely deployments for one of the seven major operating groups that are expected to be serving the Transpacific market in 2020.
Operating Feasibility and Economy To evaluate the deployment feasibility and operating economy of various ship sizes, Mercator created proforma vessel schedules and calculated the voyage costs and effective cost per slot for ship size classes ranging from 4500 to 18000 TEUs. The basic deployment
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involved 5 ships on a 35 day voyage, calling 1 or more Japan ports westbound, along with 3 main loading ports eastbound (Hong Kong, Yantian & Shanghai). Because of the initial construction cost and the continuing high fuel cost for ships operating above 24-25 knots, a 25 knot speed was adopted as the upper limit for the analysis. As ships increase in size, therefore, the required container load and discharge rate per hour in port increases significantly. For the 4500 TEU Class ship, handling rates of about 80 moves per operating hour are sufficient, however, for the 12000 and 18000 TEU Class ships, the handling rate must increase to 150 - 200 containers per hour. It is not clear that ports can achieve these levels on a regular basis, which creates some concern with respect to the ability of the very large ships to maintain a weekly Transpacific schedule using 5 ships. Nonetheless, for the sake of comparing slot economy, it was assumed that such a schedule, with consistent use of 6 to 8 cranes on these very large ships for the entire duration of their port times, was feasible. The results of the Mercator schedule and slot cost analysis are summarized below. Additional supporting schedules may be found in Appendix II.7a.
Voyage Cost Per (Effective) TEU Vessel - Capital 318 296 247 Vessel - Operating 64 51 41 Fuel 155 157 154 Port Charges 44 41 40 Canal Costs Total $581 $546 $482
$/TEU Reduction For each 1000 TEU Increase in Ship Size $29 $31 $22 $7
Source: MTG Notes: Figures include vessel ownership, crew & operating expenses, fuel, port charges. Costs for 10000+ TEU vessels do not include the fuel penalty associated with possible draft limits. Fuel costs for 10000 TEU class would increase by 3% if limited to 14m draft. Cargo handling costs, including transshipment & feeder costs are excluded. Loading of vessel to its estimated max effective operational capacity is assumed.
As illustrated in Table III-5, Mercators analysis confirms that cost savings are generated across the full range of increased ship sizes, from 4500 TEU to 18000 TEU. The magnitude of cost reductions, however, is not consistent across that range, with significantly smaller reductions when size is increased to above the 10000 TEU class. Specifically, we calculate meaningful cost reductions as ship size increases up to the 10000 TEU level (a $20-30 per
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
TEU reduction with each 1000 TEU increase in ship size), but a much smaller reduction (about $7/TEU) when adding capacity at the 12000 TEU size class. The lack of material cost reduction benefits derived from an increase in ship size from the 10000 TEU class to the 12000 TEU class, particularly when combined with all of the operational and commercial challenges associated with larger vessels, makes the 12000 TEU class unattractive. The discontinuity in cost reduction potential with the 12000 TEU class is driven by a change in vessel construction and operating cost associated with the need to install twin screw propulsion on ships larger than about 11000 TEU. The result is that the effective cost per slot for the 12000 TEU class ship is not significantly lower than for the 10000 TEU size.
The figures above indicate that the largest reduction in unit costs is achieved by increasing vessel size from 6000 TEU to 8000 TEU, with smaller cost reduction benefits generated by each size increase above that level. This cost / size behaviour lowers the probability that a carrier would choose to build a ship in the 12000 TEU size class or greater. Given the limited difference in slot economics between the 10000 and 12000 TEU classes, we conclude that 12000 TEU class vessels would not be built. In addition to the diminishing unit cost benefit at and above the 10000 TEU class capacity level, other factors also point to limited benefits to be achieved by pushing vessel capacity above the 10000 TEU level. These issues are discussed in the following sections.
Port Turnaround Time and The Ability To Maintain Schedule Based on the Section II-5 analysis of the infrastructure available at major Asian container ports, it appears that ships with a draft up to 15m could be accommodated, either now or within several years, at 10 of the top ports that trade with the ports in San Pedro Bay. This creates the opportunity for carriers to deploy ships of up to 12000 TEU, or even 14000 TEU, provided that container terminal infrastructure and operating processes are sufficient to support the vessels. The challenge for carriers and terminal operators will be to achieve and efficiently maintain the high rates of container loading and discharge that are required in order for the large container vessels to maintain a 35 day, fixed-day-of-the-week schedule. Mercator has calculated that terminals handling 10000 TEU vessels would need to be able to maintain handling rates of at least 125 moves per berth hour at all ports in Asia, and 125 moves per operating hour on the USWC7. These rates are achievable at most ports. As size increases, however, the required handling rates also increase, to 150/hour with 12000 TEU vessels, 175/hour for 14000 TEU ships, and 200/hour for an 18000 TEU ship. Even at these high handling rates, which are at or beyond what is reasonably feasible with current systems, and
Required container handling rates are based on the pro-forma vessel schedules that are included in Appendix II.7a. Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report Page 114 of 139 February 2005
with ships always sailing at the upper limit of vessel speed capabilities, the number of lifts that can be accomplished over the course of the voyage is barely enough to load and discharge a full vessel, with little or no time reserved for schedule contingencies. Operating expensive vessel assets in a complex transportation system with extremely small allowances for schedule disruptions would be very risky. Most carriers would choose not to deploy ships in such a precarious schedule, which lowers the likelihood of ships above the 10000 TEU class being deployed in a Transpacific loop service. The option of increasing the number of vessels deployed in a given string to ensure service reliability is clearly not attractive, given that the cost savings would be immediately wiped out by the cost of the extra vessel, and that transit times would at the same time be increased. New terminal handling and vessel loading and discharge technology that would cost efficiently increase handling rates to the 200-300 containers per hour range (such as 2-sided operations with an indented berth) would largely eliminate, the schedule reliability problems of the large vessels, however no carriers or terminal operators have experience with such systems at this time. Efficient operation of port terminals and efforts to maximize throughput through limited facilities benefit from a balanced distribution of services across the week. A distributed schedule with multiple sailings helps to avoid peak activity surges that limit the performance of the terminal and reduce the level of service that can be maintained. In order to distribute volume across the week, it will be better to have more moderately-sized services than to concentrate volume on a few ultra-large services. It is likely that the intermodal rail system supporting each SPB terminal would benefit from having vessel arrivals distributed more evenly throughout the week, considering the logistical challenges and infrastructure constraints associated with moving and marshalling fleets of trains before and after each port call of an ultra-large ship. These factors support a limitation in the maximum size of vessels to be deployed in the trade.
Commercial Attractiveness of The Vessel Service Increasing the size of ships naturally increases the time required to discharge and load those ships. For example, if discharged at the same 125 container per hour rate, a 10000 TEU ship would require 38 working hours to discharge its roughly 4800 containers, compared to just 17 hours for a 4500 TEU ship to discharge its 2100 containers, a difference of 21 hours. Due to a shortage of stacking areas, however, most terminals are unable to discharge a vessel without simultaneously loading containers back to the vessel (in order to make room for the continuing stream of containers being discharged). This means that before finishing the discharge of a large vessel, the terminal operator will likely have handled half again as many containers as were discharged. This extends the time to complete the discharge of the 10000 TEU vessel to about 57 hours, compared to about 26 hours for the 4500 TEU vessel. Under this scenario, an additional 30 working hours would be required in order for all cargo from the 10000 TEU ship to be available. With the possibility of staffing challenges associated with obtaining sufficient hoot gang stevedores in SPB terminals (especially
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during peak seasons and holiday periods) and the reluctance to utilize hoot gangs due to their higher costs, this 30-hour differential could in practice translate into an additional two days of port dwell time. The use of more cranes on the larger vessels can reduce the time differential, but in any event, the effective transit time extension for the last cargo discharged is on the order of 1-2 days. A similar impact could be foreseen at the origin terminals, created by a need to receive cargo further in advance of a sailing in order to avoid excessive peak demands on the terminal. The extended transit time for incremental cargo that is added through an increase in the size of ships makes the incremental capacity less attractive commercially. Under such an operating plan, the carrier would increasingly need to segment and manage customers and their freight according to the transit time that was sold/promised in order to avoid a damaging general decline in service levels offered. Although not an impossible problem to solve, the operational challenges of doing so are significant, and would be made doubly difficult in an environment of constrained terminal capacity such as can be expected in the future in Southern California.
Transshipment Requirements and Related Costs If larger ships making fewer port calls are to be filled through an increased use of transshipment, the unit cost advantages of the larger ships will be partially offset by increased transshipment costs. The table below illustrates the issue. In this example, it is assumed that larger ship sizes are increasingly dependent upon the use of transshipment to collect cargo from a range of Asian ports, with the percentage of transshipped containers assumed to increase by 5% for each 2000 TEU increase in ship capacity. With the inclusion of estimated transshipment costs, which total about $234 per TEU transshipped (feeder cost plus handling cost per round-trip cycle), system cost reduction from the deployment of larger vessels ranges from 4% to 20%, compared to the 6% to 35% reductions achieved if no increase in overall transshipment is required by the deployment of larger tonnage.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Operational Benefit of Limiting Peak Activity Levels Another factor limiting the introduction of ever-larger ships will be an expected operational need to balance activity across the week at origin and destination terminals so as to more efficiently make use of limited terminal capacity. This operational desire, coupled with a commercial desire to offer increased service frequency, could lead to increased popularity of services with 4000-5000 TEU vessels making fewer port calls, and possibly being operated by 4 ships instead of the more traditional 5 ships per string.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Task III-4: Matching Vessel Capacity and Service Frequency To Market Size As discussed previously in this report (in Section II-9 and at the beginning of this section), Mercator envisions a scenario for 2020 that includes 6 to 8 large Tier 1 carrier operating groups, that together handle about 95% of the market. In order to maintain competitive service frequency across major ports, each carrier group would typically need to deploy about 70,000 TEU directly to SPB, distributed across 9 or 10 vessel strings, with the size of vessels in each string properly matched to the market being served. To assess the size of vessels that a typical carrier group would likely deploy in the future, we have constructed a pro-forma deployment plan that follows the outlines of the plan first introduced in Section II. The Asia export market has been subdivided into 8 sub-regions, 4 of which (including HKG) are within PRC, as shown on the map below. The current and projected weekly exports to North America are tabulated in Table III-7.
Table III-7 Geographic Distribution of Asian Exports To US By Asian Origin TEU/yr (000s) - 2004 and 2020
Share of Exports To The US 2004 2020 Fcst. TEUs Share TEUs HKG / S. PRC 4,193 37% 10,720 2,472 22% 8,040 Yangtze 532 5% 4,020 Qingdao Bohai 618 5% 4,020 7,823 70% 26,800 PRC & HKG subtotal S.E.A. 1,285 11% 2,406 857 8% 1,606 Japan Taiwan 678 6% 1,269 Korea 598 5% 1,121 Total 11,241 100% 33,202 Origin Region
Share of PRC/HKG Exports To The US PRC Region 2004 HKG/So. PRC 53.6% Yangtze River 31.6% Qingdao 6.8% Bohai Sea 7.9%
Sources: 2004 trade data by country from JOC/Piers; 2004 regional breakdown within PRC developed by MTG based on PRC port handling statistics from Containerization International; 2020 volumes developed by MTG based on estimated differential growth rates for sub-regions
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Due an expected higher growth rate, the share of the market moving from within China is expected to grow, with the northern regions of China, which are now less developed than the south or Yangtze regions, making the major increases in share. To assess the likely ships that would be required to serve the Asia-SPB market, hypothetical itineraries were created fro a typical Tier 1 carrier group. One potential vessel deployment plan for providing competitive service between these markets and SPB is indicated in the Figure III-2. Figure III-2 - Hypothetical Deployment Plan For Tier 1 Carrier Group
Source: MTG
By overlaying the estimated volume coming out of each of the sub-regions upon the expected voyage plan from Figure III-2, it is possible to develop a distribution of vessels/sizes for a typical Tier 1 carrier group. The results of this analysis are shown below in Table III-8.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Table III-8 - Volume Per Sailing and Required Ship Sizes For Hypothetical Tier 1 Asia-SPB Service Plan Yr 2020, With 7% CAGR
Total SPB TEU / Week Sailings/wk per Tier 1 Grp Avg. TEU/Sailing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total 2020, "Avg. Tier 1" Sailings Per Region String ID Ref Fig. III-2 HKG/ SPRC Yangtze QGD Bohai 123,693 92,769 46,385 46,385 4.0 4200 4,200 4,200 4,200 3.0 4200 2.0 3150 2.0 3150 Korea 12,932 2.0 880 Japan Taiwan 18,530 14,643 2.0 1260 2.0 990 990 Average S.E.A Per Voy 27,760 383,096 1.0 3770 3,770 18.0 2890 Req'd Nom Vsl TEU Cap Assume 1.25 x Average TEUs 9,960 6,490 10,500 9,190 6,490 5,040 5,040 5,510 6,830 65,050 9 7,200 455,350 479,000
4,200 16,800 4
12,600 3
6,300 2
6,300 2
1,760 2
7,970 5,190 8,400 7,350 990 5,190 4,030 4,030 4,410 5,460 1,980 3,770 52,030 2 1 18 Average per Tier 1 String Total Tier 1 (7 groups) Total Trade
Source: MTG
Operating with this service plan, a Tier 1 carrier with a typical share (i.e. a 1/7th share of 95% of the market), would deploy the following mix of vessel strings8 as shown in Table III-9. Table III-9 - Mix of Ships For Hypothetical Tier 1 Service Plan Medium (7%) Growth Scenario
String #s TEU Class Ref Fig III-2 4-5000 5-6000 6, 7, 8 6-7000 2, 5, 9 7-8000 8-10000 1, 4 10-12000 3 14-18000+ Total Source: MTG Count of Strings 3 3 2 1 9 Cum % of Strings 0% 33% 67% 67% 89% 100% 100% Capacity TEU/wk 0 15,590 19,810 0 19,150 10,500 0 65,050 Cum % of Capacity 0% 24% 54% 54% 84% 100% 100%
Nominal capacity exceeds the actual container lift by a factor of 1.25 to account for a) differences in actual capacity versus nominal (actual = about 90% of nominal) and b) seasonality of cargo flows (average utilization of effective capacity is typically about 90%) . Effective average loading is thus about 80% of nominal (i.e. nominal is about 1.25 x average loading), Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report Page 120 of 139 February 2005
This distribution of vessels is by no means definitive and should not be expected to apply universally, as each Tier 1 group will have a somewhat different share of each market, and will have its own bias with respect to how to serve each market. In practice, each hypothetical string could be operated with ships falling within a range of sizes, and carriers would of course adjust their own service plans depending on their particular fleet. Nonetheless, some important conclusions can be derived from this analysis:
Deployment of 12000 and 14000 TEU ships would generally not be expected, at least under the expected 7% growth scenario. Based on the market sizes and frequency expectations, deployment options for ships over 10,000 TEU are limited. A 10,000 + TEU vessel would need to call both of the two largest markets, and lift a significant share of each. A particular carrier group would be unlikely to operate more than 1 such service, and some groups would likely avoid that size altogether. There are requirements for ships within each size class across the full range ranges of sizes from 4000/5000 to 10000. There is no obvious role for ships under 4000 TEU in the 2020 Transpacific-SPB network of a Tier 1 carrier group, and so most of those vessels will be redeployed to other markets by that time.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Carrier Vessel Service Plan Under Alternate Scenarios - High Growth A similar analysis was undertaken for the high growth and low growth forecast scenarios. For the high growth scenario, the prospective fleet composition is presented in Tables III-10 and III-11 Table III-10 - Volume Per Sailing and Required Ship Sizes High Growth Hypothetical Tier 1 Asia-SPB Service Plan Yr 2020, With 9% CAGR
Load Port / Volume Lifted (TEU/Sailing) HKG/ SPRC Yangtze QGD Bohai 165,900 124,425 62,212 62,212 4.0 5630 3.0 5630 2.0 4220 2.0 4220 Korea 17,539 2.0 1190 Japan Taiwan 25,132 19,861 2.0 1710 2.0 1350 Average S.E.A Per Voy 37,651 514,934 1.0 5110 18.0 3880 TEU Lift 10,739 6,976 11,257 9,850 6,976 5,412 5,412 5,927 7,334 Req'd Nom Vsl TEU Cap 1.25 x Average TEUs
String ID 1 Ref Fig III-2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total 2020, "Avg. Tier 1" Sailings By Region
5,110 1,348 5,629 5,629 5,629 4,222 1,348 4,222 4,222 4,222 1,190 1,190 1,705 1,705 2 2
5,629 4 3 2 2
13,420 8,720 14,070 12,310 8,720 6,760 6,760 7,410 9,170 87,340 9 9,700 611,380 644,000
Source: MTG
Under this service plan, and for a Tier 1 carrier with a typical share (i.e. a 1/7th share of 95% of the market), the following mix of vessels would be required:
Table III-11 - Mix of Ships For Hypothetical Tier 1 Service Plan High (9%) Growth Scenario
TEU Class 4-5000 5-6000 6-7000 7-8000 8-10000 10-12000 14-18000+ Total Source: MTG String ID Fig III-2 Count of Cum % Strings of Strings 0% 0% 2 22% 1 33% 3 67% 2 89% 1 100% 9 Capacity TEU/wk 0 0 13,500 7,400 26,600 25,700 14,100 87,300 Cum % of Capacity 0% 0% 15% 24% 54% 84% 100%
6, 7 8 2, 5, 9 1, 4 3
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
From this analysis of carrier deployments and ship sizes under the high growth scenario, some different insights can be derived; Deployment of 14000 TEU ships would likely be undertaken by at least some of the larger Tier 1 groups. Given the sizes of the markets, 8000 and 10000 TEU strings seem not to be overly large. Subject to port facilities being sufficiently expanded, carrier groups could each be operating multiple strings of 10000 TEU and 8000 TEU ships. Unless carriers decide to further increase frequency beyond the level assumed in this analysis, virtually all strings would be operated with vessels of 6000 TEU or greater. This would require that a most currently deployed vessels be redeployed to another trade, to make room for the upgraded vessels. This is considered unlikely, and therefore we would expect an increase in service frequency related to the continued deployment of certain vessels in the 40006000 TEU classes. Ships under 4000 TEU would likely not play a role in the Transpacific-SPB networks of Tier 1 carriers, who should have little difficulty re-deploying those vessels by that time. Even though on paper they dont fit a particular deployment requirement, a limited number of ships of the 4000 and 5000 TEU classes would nonetheless likely continue to be deployed because they are flexible and already exist in carriers fleets,
Low Growth Scenario Prospective fleet composition for a typical Tier 1 carrier under the low growth scenario is presented in Tables III-12 and III-13. Table III-12 - Volume Per Sailing and Required Ship Sizes Low Growth Hypothetical Tier 1 Asia-SPB Service Plan Yr 2020, With 5% CAGR
Load Port / Volume Lifted (TEU/Sailing) HKG/ PRC & SPRC Yangtze QGD Bohai HKG 90,344 67,758 33,879 33,879 225,860 4.0 3070 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3,070 3,070 3,070 3.0 3070 2.0 2300 2.0 0.0 2300 #DIV/0! Korea 10,249 2.0 700 Low Growth Scenario Japan Taiwan 14,687 11,606 2.0 1000 2.0 790 790 3,070 3,070 3,070 2,300 790 2,300 2,300 2,300 3,070 4 3 2 2 0 2 700 700 1,000 1,000 2 Average S.E.A Per Voy 22,002 221,319 1.0 2990 2,990 7.0 4290 6,060 3,860 6,140 5,370 3,860 3,000 3,000 3,300 4,070 Req'd Nom Vsl TEU Cap 1.25 x Average TEUs Lifted 7580 4830 7680 6710 4830 3750 3750 4130 5090 48350 9 5,400 338,450 356,000
Total SPB TEU/Yr (000s) Sailings/wk per Tier 1 Grp Avg. TEU/Sailing String ID Ref Fig III-2
Source: MTG
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Under this service plan, and for a Tier 1 carrier with a typical share (i.e. a 1/7th share of 95% of the market), the following mix of vessels would be operated:
Table III-13 - Mix of Ships For Hypothetical Tier 1 Service Plan Low (5%) Growth Scenario
TEU Class 3-4000 4-5000 5-6000 6-7000 7-8000 8-10000 10-12000 14-18000+ Total Source: MTG String #s Ref Fig III-2 6, 7 2, 5, 8 9 4 1, 3 Count of Cum % Strings of Strings 2 22% 3 56% 1 67% 1 78% 2 100% 0 100% 0 100% 0 100% 9 Capacity Cum % TEU/wk of Capacity 7,500 16% 13,790 44% 5,090 55% 6,710 68% 15,260 100% 0 100% 0 100% 0 100% 48,350
From this analysis of carrier deployments and ship sizes under the high growth scenario, some different insights can be derived;
Few carriers would operate ships of 10000 TEU and above. Without continued high growth, the trend to larger vessels would likely lose momentum after the introduction of the current crop of 8000-10000 TEU vessels Carriers would be forced to make a choice between achieving lower operating costs with larger vessels and meeting the increased frequency expected in the market. Different solutions to this challenge would emerge, with some carriers continuing to favor 5000-7000 TEU vessels, and others continuing to pursue larger vessels
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Panama Canal Expansion As An Influence On Vessels Calling SPB Ports An increase in the limiting dimensions of the Panama Canal would lead to some redeployment of the 4000-5000 TEU vessels that will be operating in the Asia-USEC tradelane, along with the concurrent deployment of existing and new 6000-10000 TEU vessels to the East Coast route. Because the slot cost benefits of larger ships are greatest in deployments to trades with the longest sailing distances (and highest percentage of time spent at sea) and with at least one or two intermediate ports that function as transshipment hubs to collect and distribute containers to/from additional trade lanes, the Asia-USEC route would be well suited to an increase in ship size. [This principle of vessel economics is a key reason why the Far East North Europe trade is the lane in which the industrys largest ships are generally first deployed.] If ships between 8,000 and 10,000 TEU in size are able to transit the Panama Canal by or before 2015, then at least a few of the carrier groups that by then would be operating four (or more) Asia US East Coast all-water services (each with 8-9 x 4000+ TEU ships) will likely replace two strings of 4000 TEU ships with one string of 8,000-10,000 TEU vessels, with an eastbound deployment probably beginning in Hong Kong, then to Shanghai (and potentially Qingdao), and Busan, before traversing the Pacific to an expanded Balboa (for discharging and loading containers to/from Central America and the West Coast of South America), and then to Freeport or Kingston (for discharging and loading containers to/from Florida, Caribbean Islands, the North and East Coasts of South America, and the Gulf Coast), before calling at two or three major US East Coast ports. By implementing such a deployment, a carrier or operating group would make at least 16 Panamax ships available for re-assignment into four x 4-ship strings, which could provide twice per week shuttles between Shanghai/Ningbo and SPB, and simultaneously between Qingdao/Busan and SPB (as examples of potential loops with operationally feasibly and commercially attractive 28-day voyage loops).
Task III-5: Port Call Forecast Results and Conclusions Because the World Fleet, the Trans Pacific Fleet and the San Pedro Bay Fleet are so very closely inter-related, and because the San Pedro Bay port call forecast is so strongly dependent on the composition and deployment of the vessel fleet, a common forecast tool has been developed that addresses these elements together. The forecast as developed by Mercator involves a systematic expansion of the number of services and the introduction of progressively larger vessels in each trade. The hypothetical carrier service plans as developed in the prior section provide a guide as to how the service networks will evolve and how they will likely be structured as of 2020. In addition, checks are made at each forecast time point to confirm that Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report Page 125 of 139 February 2005
o the capacity for the overall trade and sub-segments of the trade are in line with expectations for growth o the number of overall services is consistent with expectations for industry structure and satisfies service frequency requirements o the vessel size mix is consistent with pre-existing fleets and expectations derived from our deployment feasibility and unit cost assessments o the rate of vessel retirements or cascading of smaller vessels into secondary services does not appear to exceed the level that those services can accommodate. Based on the analysis of carrier deployment planning issues, and after developing a range of fleet expansion and deployment scenarios, it is Mercators view that carriers, following the delivery and integration into service of the considerable quantity of vessels now on order, will eventually introduce single screw ships in the 10000-11000 TEU size category to the Transpacific. 12000 TEU class ships, which we believe would need to be of a higher cost twin-screw design, will prove to be unattractive because their increased operational and commercial challenges are not offset by meaningful cost reductions. The next size increment beyond the 10000 TEU class will thus be the 14000 TEU class vessel, which we believe will not be deployed into the Transpacific under either the low or medium growth scenarios. Only under the high growth scenario would we expect any of these vessels to be deployed, and then only in limited numbers. Forecast results for each of the six scenarios (low, medium and high growth, each without and with a change to the panama canal dimensions) are contained in Appendix III-5a. A brief recap of each is provided below.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
After the current backlog of ships on order is delivered and deployed (by 2007 / 2008), the pace of capacity additions will slow as the industry absorbs the new assets. Between 2010 and 2020, the pace of capacity additions would again pick up, more or less in step with demand increases. Table III-14 - Base Case - Medium Growth and No Change To Panama Canal Dimensions Forecast of Container Vessel Fleet Composition
Base Case: Medium Growth and NO CHANGE To Panama Canal Dimensions Asia-Europe Tradelane 2004 2007 2010 2015 0 7 71 37 67 93 78 8 0 0 0 0 0 361 0 14 42 29 88 93 92 16 88 0 0 0 0 462 0 7 35 28 88 99 106 16 104 8 0 0 0 491 0 0 21 35 72 96 120 45 103 56 0 16 0 564 Asia-North America Tradelane 2004 2007 2010 2015 2020 5 20 89 117 127 55 20 5 0 0 0 0 0 438 5 15 46 71 196 73 45 25 35 0 0 0 0 511 5 10 38 51 188 124 74 39 40 0 0 0 0 569 0 0 25 41 240 184 89 64 50 20 0 0 0 713 0 0 20 51 270 243 113 98 75 55 0 0 0 925 Combined AE & TP Trades 2004 2007 2010 2015 5 27 160 154 194 148 98 13 0 0 0 0 0 799 5 29 88 100 284 166 137 41 123 0 0 0 0 973 5 17 73 79 276 223 180 55 144 8 0 0 0 0 0 46 76 312 280 209 109 153 76 0 16 0
TEU Class
<1000 1000 - 2000 2000 - 3000 3000 - 4000 4000 - 5000 5000 - 6000 6000 - 7000 7000 - 8000 8000 - 10000 10000 - 12000 12000 - 14000 14000 - 18000 18000 + Total
Table III-15 - Base Case - Medium Growth and No Change To Panama Canal Dimensions Forecast of SPB Container Vessel Calls, By Trade
SPB Container Vessel Calls and Deployed Capacity By Deployment Route Type Base Case: Medium Growth and NO CHANGE To Panama Canal Dimensions SPB Port Calls - Per Week SPB "Vessel Call Capacity" Per Yr (000s)
2020 2004 2007 2010 2015 2020
TransPac - WCNA - 1st call at SPB TransPac - WCNA Other SPB TransPac, to USEC (e/b calls) Hawaii Transpac from USEC (w/b calls) Australia / New Zealand West Coast Services (n/s) Total Port Calls
40 5 2 3 7 2 3 62
46 5 2 4 7 2 3 69
50 6 3 5 9 2 3 78
58 6 3 4 10 2 4 87
73 8 4 4 12 2 5 108
8,507 12,990 14,628 18,678 25,256 819 447 317 1,420 177 296 819 447 458 1,451 229 296 1,011 671 598 1,950 281 359 1,118 671 614 2,205 333 499 1,825 894 614 2,652 416 692
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Table III-16 - Base Case - Medium Growth and No Change To Panama Canal Dimensions Forecasted Container Vessel Calls At San Pedro Bay Ports
SPB Container Vessel Calls and Deployed Capacity By Vessel TEU Capacity Base Case: Medium Growth and NO CHANGE To Panama Canal Dimensions SPB Port Call Count - Per Week SPB "Vessel Call Capacity" Per Yr (000s)
2020 2004 2007 2010 2015 2020
TEU Class
<1000 1000 - 2000 2000 - 3000 3000 - 4000 4000 - 5000 5000 - 6000 6000 - 7000 7000 - 8000 8000 - 10000 10000 - 12000 12000 - 14000 14000 - 18000 18000 +
1 9 12 11 15 9 4 1
1 7 9 5 17 10 8 5 7
1 4 11 7 20 11 10 6 8
2 11 6 21 13 12 9 9 4
1 9 10 23 16 15 12 11 11
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Alternate Case Panama Canal Expansion Medium Import Growth With Expansion of Panama Canal Dimensions Before 2015
In this scenario, it is assumed the maximum dimensions of vessels passing through the Panama Canal increase in about 2012 (sometime between 2010 and 2015), and that 800010000 TEU vessels are shifted to this route. Some of the 4000-5000 TEU vessels previously on the Panama route are then deployed in Transpacific-WCNA loop services. Table III-17 - Alternate Case - Medium Growth, INCREASED Panama Canal Dimensions Forecast of Container Vessel Fleet Composition For Asia-Europe and Asia-North America Trades
Asia-Europe and Asia-North America: Linehaul Fleet Count By Capacity Class Medium Growth and EXPANDED Panama Canal Dimensions Asia-Europe Tradelane 2004 2007 2010 2015 <1000 1-2000 2-3000 3-4000 4-5000 5-6000 6-7000 7-8000 8-10000 10-12000 12-14000 14-18000 18000 + Total 0 7 71 37 67 93 78 8 0 0 0 0 0 361 0 14 42 29 88 93 92 16 88 0 0 0 0 462 0 7 35 28 88 99 106 16 104 8 0 0 0 491 0 0 21 35 72 96 120 45 103 56 0 16 0 564 Asia-North America Tradelane 2004 2007 2010 2015 2020 5 20 89 117 127 55 20 5 0 0 0 0 0 438 5 15 46 71 196 73 45 25 35 0 0 0 0 511 5 5 43 61 193 124 64 39 45 5 0 0 0 584 0 0 30 46 229 148 74 83 90 30 0 0 0 730 0 0 15 46 228 149 88 118 142 71 0 0 0 857 Combined AE & TP Trades 2004 2007 2010 2015 5 27 160 154 194 148 98 13 0 0 0 0 0 799 5 29 88 100 284 166 137 41 123 0 0 0 0 973 5 12 78 89 281 223 170 55 149 13 0 0 0 0 0 51 81 301 244 194 128 193 86 0 16 0
Table III-18 - Alternate Case - Medium Growth, INCREASED Panama Canal Dimensions Forecast of Container Vessel Calls, By Trade
SPB Container Vessel Calls and Deployed Capacity By Deployment Route Type Medium Growth and EXPANDED Panama Canal Dimensions SPB Port Calls - Per Week SPB "Vessel Call Capacity" Per Yr (000s)
2020 2004 2007 2010 2015 2020
TransPac - WCNA - 1st call at SPB TransPac - WCNA Other SPB TransPac, to USEC (e/b calls) Hawaii Transpac from USEC (w/b calls) Australia / New Zealand West Coast Services (n/s) Total Port Calls
40 5 2 3 7 2 3 62
46 5 2 4 8 2 3 70
53 6 3 5 9 2 3 81
66 6 3 4 10 2 4 95
76 8 4 4 10 2 5 109
8,507 12,990 15,569 20,576 24,965 819 447 317 1,420 177 296 819 447 458 1,674 229 296 1,011 671 598 1,950 281 359 1,342 671 614 2,356 333 499 1,825 894 614 2,766 416 692
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Table III-19 - Alternate Case - Medium Growth, INCREASED Panama Canal Dimensions Forecasted Container Vessel Calls At San Pedro Bay Ports
SPB Container Vessel Calls and Deployed Capacity By Vessel TEU Capacity Medium Growth and EXPANDED Panama Canal Dimensions SPB Port Call Count - Per Week SPB "Vessel Call Capacity" Per Yr (000s)
2004 2007 2010 2015 2020
TEU Class
<1000 1000 - 2000 2000 - 3000 3000 - 4000 4000 - 5000 5000 - 6000 6000 - 7000 7000 - 8000 8000 - 10000 10000 - 12000 12000 - 14000 14000 - 18000 18000 +
1 9 12 11 15 9 4 1
1 7 9 5 18 10 8 5 7
1 3 12 9 21 11 8 6 9 1
1 12 8 24 16 10 9 9 6
1 9 9 28 18 10 11 12 11
The effect of the Panama Canal expansion is an increase in the number of TP-WCNA loop services, due to the redeployment of some of the 4000 TEU vessels previously serving the Asia-USEC route.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
After the current backlog of ships on order is delivered and deployed (by 2007 / 2008), the pace of capacity additions will slow only slightly as growth continues at high levels.
Table III-20 - High Growth and No Change To Panama Canal Dimensions Forecast of Container Vessel Fleet Composition
Asia-Europe and Asia-North America: Linehaul Fleet Count By Capacity Class High Growth Case with NO CHANGE To Panama Canal Dimensions Asia-Europe Tradelane 2004 2007 2010 2015 <1000 1-2000 2-3000 3-4000 4-5000 5-6000 6-7000 7-8000 8-10000 10-12000 12-14000 14-18000 18000 + Total 0 7 71 37 67 93 78 8 0 0 0 0 0 361 0 14 42 29 88 93 92 16 88 0 0 0 0 462 0 7 35 28 88 99 106 16 104 8 0 0 0 491 0 0 21 35 72 96 120 45 103 56 0 16 0 564 Asia-North America Tradelane 2004 2007 2010 2015 2020 5 20 89 117 127 55 20 5 0 0 0 0 0 438 5 15 46 71 196 73 45 25 35 0 0 0 0 511 5 5 43 61 193 140 64 49 45 5 0 0 0 610 0 0 30 46 233 168 84 79 90 50 0 5 0 0 0 15 41 356 202 113 98 125 105 0 50 0 Combined AE & TP Trades 2004 2007 2010 2015 5 27 160 154 194 148 98 13 0 0 0 0 0 799 5 29 88 100 284 166 137 41 123 0 0 0 0 973 5 12 78 89 281 239 170 65 149 13 0 0 0 0 0 51 81 305 264 204 124 193 106 0 21 0
785 1,105
Table III-21 - High Growth and No Change To Panama Canal Dimensions Forecast of SPB Container Vessel Calls, By Trade
SPB Container Vessel Calls and Deployed Capacity By Deployment Route Type
TransPac - WCNA - 1st call at SPB TransPac - WCNA Other SPB TransPac, to USEC (e/b calls) Hawaii Transpac from USEC (w/b calls) Australia / New Zealand West Coast Services (n/s) Total Port Calls
40 5 2 3 7 2 3 62
46 5 2 4 8 2 3 70
53 5 3 5 10 2 3 81
63 6 4 4 11 3 4 95
83 8 5 4 14 3 5 122
8,507 12,990 15,683 22,225 34,315 819 447 317 1,420 177 296 819 447 458 1,674 229 296 819 671 598 2,174 281 359 1,118 894 614 2,428 421 499 1,825 1,118 614 3,099 504 806
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Table III-22 - High Growth and No Change To Panama Canal Dimensions Forecasted Container Vessel Calls At San Pedro Bay Ports
SPB Container Vessel Calls and Deployed Capacity By Vessel TEU Capacity High Growth Case with NO CHANGE To Panama Canal Dimensions SPB Port Call Count - Per Week SPB "Vessel Call Capacity" Per Yr (000s)
2004 2007 2010 2015 2020
TEU Class
<1000 1000 - 2000 2000 - 3000 3000 - 4000 4000 - 5000 5000 - 6000 6000 - 7000 7000 - 8000 8000 - 10000 10000 - 12000 12000 - 14000 14000 - 18000 18000 +
1 9 12 11 15 9 4 1
1 7 9 5 18 10 8 5 7
1 3 12 8 22 10 8 7 9 1
3 12 7 21 9 10 10 13 9 1
1 10 10 26 8 14 10 18 15 10 122
244 1,264 1,576 4,888 2,340 3,328 3,744 5,408 4,680 728
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Alternate Case Panama Canal Expansion High Import Growth With Expansion of Panama Canal Dimensions Before 2015
In this scenario, it is assumed the maximum dimensions of vessels passing through the Panama Canal increase in about 2012 (sometime between 2010 and 2015).
Table III-23 - Alternate Case - High Growth, INCREASED Panama Canal Dimensions Forecast of Container Vessel Fleet Composition
Asia-Europe and Asia-North America: Linehaul Fleet Count By Capacity Class High Growth Case with EXPANDED Panama Canal Dimensions Asia-Europe Tradelane 2004 2007 2010 2015 <1000 1-2000 2-3000 3-4000 4-5000 5-6000 6-7000 7-8000 8-10000 10-12000 12-14000 14-18000 18000 + Total 0 7 71 37 67 93 78 8 0 0 0 0 0 361 0 14 42 29 88 93 92 16 88 0 0 0 0 462 0 7 35 28 88 99 106 16 104 8 0 0 0 491 0 0 21 35 72 96 120 45 103 56 0 16 0 564 Asia-North America Tradelane 2004 2007 2010 2015 2020 5 20 89 117 127 55 20 5 0 0 0 0 0 438 5 15 46 71 196 73 45 25 35 0 0 0 0 511 5 5 43 61 193 145 64 44 50 5 0 0 0 615 0 0 30 46 202 140 79 119 119 40 0 5 0 0 0 15 41 171 128 108 202 195 95 0 45 0 Combined AE & TP Trades 2004 2007 2010 2015 5 27 160 154 194 148 98 13 0 0 0 0 0 799 5 29 88 100 284 166 137 41 123 0 0 0 0 973 5 12 78 89 281 244 170 60 154 13 0 0 0 0 0 51 81 274 236 199 164 222 96 0 21 0
780 1,000
Table III-24 - Alternate Case - High Growth, INCREASED Panama Canal Dimensions Forecast of Container Vessel Calls, By Trade
SPB Container Vessel Calls and Deployed Capacity By Deployment Route Type High Growth Case with EXPANDED Panama Canal Dimensions SPB Port Calls - Per Week SPB "Vessel Call Capacity" Per Yr (000s)
2020 2004 2007 2010 2015 2020
TransPac - WCNA - 1st call at SPB TransPac - WCNA Other SPB TransPac, to USEC (e/b calls) Hawaii Transpac from USEC (w/b calls) Australia / New Zealand West Coast Services (n/s) Total Port Calls
40 5 2 3 7 2 3 62
46 5 2 4 8 2 3 70
54 5 3 5 9 2 3 81
68 6 4 4 10 3 4 99
85 8 5 4 11 3 5 121
8,507 12,990 15,985 22,942 33,982 819 447 317 1,420 177 296 819 447 458 1,674 229 296 819 671 598 1,950 281 359 1,118 894 614 2,356 421 499 1,825 1,118 614 3,000 504 806
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Table III-25 - Alternate Case - High Growth, INCREASED Panama Canal Dimensions Forecasted Container Vessel Calls At San Pedro Bay Ports
SPB Container Vessel Calls and Deployed Capacity By Vessel TEU Capacity High Growth Case with EXPANDED Panama Canal Dimensions SPB Port Call Count - Per Week SPB "Vessel Call Capacity" Per Yr (000s)
2004 2007 2010 2015 2020
TEU Class
<1000 1000 - 2000 2000 - 3000 3000 - 4000 4000 - 5000 5000 - 6000 6000 - 7000 7000 - 8000 8000 - 10000 10000 - 12000 12000 - 14000 14000 - 18000 18000 +
1 9 12 11 15 9 4 1
1 7 9 5 18 10 8 5 7
1 3 12 8 21 11 8 6 10 1
3 12 7 23 12 9 11 14 7 1
1 10 10 21 12 14 11 18 15 9 121
244 1,264 1,576 5,335 3,120 2,995 4,118 5,824 3,640 728
The effect of the Panama Canal expansion is a small increase in the number of TP-WCNA loop services, due to the redeployment of some of the 4000 TEU vessels previously serving the Asia-USEC route.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
After the current backlog of ships on order is delivered and deployed (by 2007 / 2008), the pace of capacity additions will remain low as growth remains slow.
Table III-26 - Low Growth and No Change To Panama Canal Dimensions Forecast of Container Vessel Fleet Composition
Asia-Europe and Asia-North America: Linehaul Fleet Count By Capacity Class Low Growth with NO CHANGE to Panama Canal Dimensions Asia-Europe Tradelane 2004 2007 2010 2015 <1000 1-2000 2-3000 3-4000 4-5000 5-6000 6-7000 7-8000 8-10000 10-12000 12-14000 14-18000 18000 + Total 0 7 71 37 67 93 78 8 0 0 0 0 0 361 0 14 42 29 88 93 92 16 88 0 0 0 0 462 0 7 35 28 88 99 106 16 104 8 0 0 0 491 0 0 21 35 72 96 120 45 103 56 0 16 0 564 Asia-North America Tradelane 2004 2007 2010 2015 2020 5 20 89 117 127 55 20 5 0 0 0 0 0 438 5 15 46 71 196 73 45 25 35 0 0 0 0 511 5 5 38 61 201 116 45 30 35 0 0 0 0 536 0 0 30 51 209 158 74 40 35 0 0 0 0 597 0 0 30 56 248 219 99 45 40 0 0 0 0 737 Combined AE & TP Trades 2004 2007 2010 2015 5 27 160 154 194 148 98 13 0 0 0 0 0 799 5 29 88 100 284 166 137 41 123 0 0 0 0 973 5 12 73 89 289 215 151 46 139 8 0 0 0 0 0 51 86 281 254 194 85 138 56 0 16 0
Table III-27 - Low Growth and No Change To Panama Canal Dimensions Forecast of SPB Container Vessel Calls, By Trade
SPB Container Vessel Calls and Deployed Capacity By Deployment Route Type Low Growth with NO CHANGE to Panama Canal Dimensions SPB Port Calls - Per Week SPB "Vessel Call Capacity" Per Yr (000s)
2020 2004 2007 2010 2015 2020
TransPac - WCNA - 1st call at SPB TransPac - WCNA Other SPB TransPac, to USEC (e/b calls) Transpac from USEC (w/b calls) Australia / New Zealand West Coast Services (n/s) Total Port Calls
40 5 2 7 2 3 59
46 5 2 7 2 3 65
49 5 3 8 2 4 71
52 6 3 9 2 4 76
64 8 4 11 2 4 93
8,507 12,990 14,076 15,324 18,569 819 447 1,420 177 296 819 447 1,451 229 296 819 671 1,758 281 437 1,118 671 1,981 333 437 1,773 894 2,428 333 499
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Table III-28 - Low Growth and No Change To Panama Canal Dimensions Forecasted Container Vessel Calls At San Pedro Bay Ports
SPB Container Vessel Calls and Deployed Capacity By Vessel TEU Capacity Low Growth with NO CHANGE to Panama Canal Dimensions SPB Port Call Count - Per Week SPB "Vessel Call Capacity" Per Yr (000s)
2004 2007 2010 2015 2020
TEU Class
<1000 1000 - 2000 2000 - 3000 3000 - 4000 4000 - 5000 5000 - 6000 6000 - 7000 7000 - 8000 8000 - 10000 10000 - 12000 12000 - 14000 14000 - 18000 18000 +
1 9 12 11 15 9 4 1
1 7 9 5 17 10 8 5 7
1 4 11 7 21 11 8 6 7
3 10 7 22 13 11 7 7
1 12 8 30 16 15 7 8
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Alternate Case Panama Canal Expansion Low Import Growth With Expansion of Panama Canal Dimensions Before 2015
In this scenario, it is assumed the maximum dimensions of vessels passing through the Panama Canal increase in about 2012 (sometime between 2010 and 2015).
Table III-29 - Alternate Case - Low Growth, INCREASED Panama Canal Dimensions Forecast of Container Vessel Fleet Composition
Asia-Europe and Asia-North America: Linehaul Fleet Count By Capacity Class Alternate Case: Low Growth and INCREASED Panama Canal Dimensions Asia-Europe Tradelane 2004 2007 2010 2015 <1000 1-2000 2-3000 3-4000 4-5000 5-6000 6-7000 7-8000 8-10000 10-12000 12-14000 14-18000 18000 + Total 0 7 71 37 67 93 78 8 0 0 0 0 0 361 0 14 42 29 88 93 92 16 88 0 0 0 0 462 0 7 35 28 88 99 106 16 104 8 0 0 0 491 0 0 21 35 72 96 120 45 103 56 0 16 0 564 Asia-North America Tradelane 2004 2007 2010 2015 2020 5 20 89 117 127 55 20 5 0 0 0 0 0 438 5 15 46 71 196 73 45 25 35 0 0 0 0 511 5 5 43 61 201 116 45 30 35 0 0 0 0 541 0 0 30 51 200 129 69 51 51 0 0 0 0 581 0 0 30 56 191 163 99 77 72 0 0 0 0 688 Combined AE & TP Trades 2004 2007 2010 2015 5 27 160 154 194 148 98 13 0 0 0 0 0 799 5 29 88 100 284 166 137 41 123 0 0 0 0 973 5 12 78 89 289 215 151 46 139 8 0 0 0 0 0 51 86 272 225 189 96 154 56 0 16 0
Table III-30 - Alternate Case - Low Growth, INCREASED Panama Canal Dimensions Forecast of Container Vessel Calls, By Trade
SPB Container Vessel Calls and Deployed Capacity By Deployment Route Type Alternate Case: Low Growth and INCREASED Panama Canal Dimensions SPB Port Calls - Per Week SPB "Vessel Call Capacity" Per Yr (000s)
2020 2004 2007 2010 2015 2020
TransPac - WCNA - 1st call at SPB TransPac - WCNA Other SPB TransPac, to USEC (e/b calls) Transpac from USEC (w/b calls) Australia / New Zealand West Coast Services (n/s) Total Port Calls
40 5 2 7 2 3 59
46 5 2 8 2 3 66
50 5 3 9 2 4 73
52 6 3 10 2 4 77
64 8 4 10 2 4 92
8,507 12,990 14,217 15,028 18,569 819 447 1,420 177 296 819 447 1,674 229 296 819 671 1,950 281 437 1,118 671 2,356 333 437 1,784 894 2,610 333 499
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Table III-31 - Alternate Case - Low Growth, INCREASED Panama Canal Dimensions Forecasted Container Vessel Calls At San Pedro Bay Ports
SPB Container Vessel Calls and Deployed Capacity By Vessel TEU Capacity Alternate Case: Low Growth and INCREASED Panama Canal Dimensions SPB Port Call Count - Per Week SPB "Vessel Call Capacity" Per Yr (000s)
2004 2007 2010 2015 2020
TEU Class
<1000 1000 - 2000 2000 - 3000 3000 - 4000 4000 - 5000 5000 - 6000 6000 - 7000 7000 - 8000 8000 - 10000 10000 - 12000 12000 - 14000 14000 - 18000 18000 +
1 9 12 11 15 9 4 1
1 7 9 5 18 10 8 5 7
1 4 12 8 21 11 8 6 7
3 10 7 25 12 10 7 7
1 11 7 27 19 14 9 8
The effect of the Panama Canal expansion is a small increase in the number of TP-WCNA loop services, due to the redeployment of some of the 4000 TEU vessels previously serving the Asia-USEC route.
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report
Num. Subject I.1a Container Volume History for SPB Ports I.2a I.2b I.2c I.3a I.3b I.3c I.3d I.4a I.5a World Container Fleet Development: 1990-2004 Container Fleet Characteristics - August 2004 Representative Vessel Characteristics Characteristics of T-P Services for 1990 - 2004 Period Historic Fleet Development By Carrier Compare SPB Calling Fleet with Transpacific Fleet Summary of Transpacific and Far East - Europe Vessels Characteristics of T-P Services for 1990 - 2004 Period Container Handling Analysis - Port of Long Beach Wharfinger Data
Container Vessels on Order World Container Fleet Characteristics 2007 Forecast Transpacific Services Forecast: 2004-2007 Asia-Europe Services Forecast: 2004-2007 Orderbook by Carrier and Trade Far East North America Pro Forma Schedules
III.5a SPB Port Call Forecast Tables III.5b Port Stay Estimates
Container Vessel Forecast For San Pedro Bay Ports Final Report