Performance Test On Diesel Engine
Performance Test On Diesel Engine
Performance Test On Diesel Engine
Ex. No : Aim : To conduct load test on given diesel engine in order to determine: 1. Brake power of the engine 2. Indicated power of the engine 3. Total fuel consumption 4. Specific fuel consumption 5. Mechanical efficiency 6. Break thermal efficiency or overall efficiency 7. Indicated thermal efficiency Date :
Apparatus Required :
1. 2. 3. 4. Diesel engine with loading arrangement Thread and scale (or) measuring tape Stop watch Tachometer
Indicated power :
The power actually developed inside the cylinder due to the combustion of fuel are called indicated power (IP) (or) IP = F.P + B.P where F.P = Frictional Power
Mechanical Efficiency :
It is defined as the ratio of Brake power to indicated power
x 100
Heat supplied = mass of the fuel consumed per sec x calorific value of fuel = mf x C.V. = TFC Kg 3600 sec The calorific value of the diesel ranges from 42,000 KJ / Kg to 45,000 KJ/Kg depends on the quality of the fuel . The calorific value of petrol ranges from 41000 KJ/Kg to 44000 KJ/Kg mf
x 100
x 100 ;
Procedure :
1. From the name plate details calculate the maximum load that can be applied on the given engine. 2. Check the engine for fuel availability , lubricant and cooling water connection. 3. Release the load on the engine and start the engine with no load condition . Allow the engine to run for few minute to attain rated speed 4. Note the speed of the engine and time taken for consumption of 10 cc of fuel 5. Increase the load on the engine and note the speed of the engine and time taken for 10cc of fuel consumption 6. Repeat the procedure 5 up to 75% of the maximum load and tabulate the readings.
Graph :
The following graphs has to be drawn 1. B.P Vs TFC 2. B.P Vs SFC 3. B.P Vs mech 4. B.P Vs B.T 5. B.P Vs I.T
Results :
Load test on given diesel engine were conducted and the TFC ,BP , IP , SFC ,