2012 TTI Whitepaper
2012 TTI Whitepaper
2012 TTI Whitepaper
Securing the information technology environment is an increasingly complex challenge for public accounting firms, businesses and other organizations. The environment continues to evolve and change with advances in technology such as from hardware and ERP systems to virtualization and software as a service (SaaS). Organizations are increasing their use of information technology tools and other resources, adopting new technologies and exploring new ways to use technology. As the use of information technology continues to grow and diversify, so do the risks in managing technology. So it is not entirely unexpected that securing the IT environment ranks first among the top ten information technology priorities for CPAs. The survey also found that leveraging emerging technologies is a growing issue for CPAs, both in the risks it presents and the opportunities it creates. The ranking is based on the 2012 Top Technology Initiative Survey of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). Survey respondents generally are confident about the ability of their organizations (or their clients organizations) to meet their information technology goals for 2012 from information security to privacy to data management. However, CPAs are concerned about their organizations being able to avoid a data breach because of the loss of a smartphone, laptop, tablet or other mobile device. It is a concern that is widely shared.1 CPAs also were not as confident in the ability of their organizations to leverage the benefits of emerging technologies such as mobile devices and cloud computing or to have the resources to support new revenue streams from these innovations. Whether you are a financial analyst or controller, internal controls auditor, external auditor, fraud investigator, or C-level executive, Janis Parthun, CPA, CITP, CGMA, Senior Technical Manager at the AICPA, suggests, you are likely to be exposed to information technology if you interact with data.
Mobile devices expose organisations to unprecedented security risks, reports say, Jeff Drew, CGMA Magazine, Feb. 15, 2012. cgma.org/magazine/news/pages/20125134.aspx
Survey Findings
The following is the ranking of the top ten information technology priorities for 2012. The figure in parentheses is the percentage of respondents who are either confident or highly confident their client or organization is achieving its goals.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Securing the IT environment (62 percent) Managing and retaining data (61 percent) Managing risk and compliance (65 percent) Ensuring privacy (62 percent) Leveraging emerging technologies (34 percent) Managing system implementation (52 percent) Enabling decision support and managing performance (46 percent) Governing and managing IT investment/spending (56 percent) Preventing and responding to fraud (60 percent) Managing vendors and service providers (56 percent)
be able to back up its data and to restore data in the event of a data loss (or a need to access historical data). In addition, it must be able to manage the cost of storing and archiving data.
Managing Risk for Better Performance, Ernst & Young. ey.com/GL/en/Services/Advisory/Turning-risk-into-results-Managing-risk-for-better-performance Keeping Cool in the Hot Seat, Kate OSullivan, CFO.com, March 1, 2012. www3.cfo.com/article/2012/3/risk-management_risk-management-cfo-concerns-cfo-role-responsibilities (see marker p. 6) Report on the Current State of Enterprise Risk Oversight: 3rd Edition, Research Conducted by the ERM Initiative at NC State on Behalf of the American Institute of CPAs Business, Industry & Government Team, August 2011. aicpa.org/interestareas/businessindustryandgovernment/resources/erm/downloadabledocuments/current_state_erm_3rdedition.pdf
Ensuring privacy
The risks: Privacy concerns the rights and obligations of individuals and organizations with respect to the collection, use, retention, disclosure and disposal of personal information. A breach of privacy from data leaks from mobile technology, data breach in the organization, cyber attack or other causes could result in the unauthorized disclosure of personal information about employees, clients or customers and others. Risk management: Most states have enacted privacy laws concerning the rights and obligations of individuals and organizations with respect to the collection, use, retention, disclosure and disposal of personal information. Many impose significant and painful penalties for violations such as a breach in client data.5 To ensure privacy, CPAs in public accounting and business need to know the privacy laws of their home state as well as those of states or countries where their organizations and their clients and/or customers do business. Organizations establish privacy policies that address privacy laws and requirements, put privacy safeguards and controls in place, and secure data and systems to minimize the risk of a privacy breach. If there is a breach, an organization is prepared to quickly detect it and respond.
new challenges for CPAs. Not only must CPAs understand and keep abreast of advancements in emerging technologies, they must also be prepared to assist their organizations to develop policies and procedures for their use, including security and privacy protections, and to identify and fund revenue opportunities and realize other benefits. Risk management: Emerging technologies are driving change and innovation in markets, industries and organizations worldwide. The challenge for CPAs and their organizations is first to understand the risks in technologies that by definition are continuing to evolve. Organizations can then develop the plans, policies and systems to manage these risks, to train staff in the use of these technologies (or hire outside training providers), and access the financial resources and make decisions about how to capitalize on the revenue-generating opportunities in emerging technologies.
Security Breach Laws and What a CPA Needs to Know About Privacy, James Bourke, CPA, CITP, CPA Insider, August 20, 2011. cpa2biz.com/Content/media/PRODUCER_CONTENT/Newsletters/Articles_2011/CPA/Aug/SecurityBreach.jsp IDC: More Mobile Internet Users Than Wireline Users in the U.S. by 2015, IDC press release, 15 September 2011. idc.com/getdoc.jsp?containerId=prUS23028711
organization and how those data support decisionmaking. Management uses reports that contain high-quality data the data are accurate, complete, timely and auditable. Executives understand the technology options available to support business intelligence related initiatives, and they support the organization in implementing business intelligence and performance management initiatives.
ABCs of IT Security for CPAs: A CPAs Introduction to IT Policies and Procedures, Ed Tittel, AICPA. aicpa.org/interestareas/informationtechnology/resources/informationsecuritymanagement/downloadabledocuments/abcssecurity2_ policyprocedure.pdf
Information security securing the IT environment Remote access Control and use of mobile devices Business process improvement with technology Data retention policies and structure Privacy policies and compliance Staff and management training Spreadsheet management Overall data proliferation and control Portals vendor and client/customer
While the top three initiatives in 2012 were 1) information security, 2) remote access and 3) control and use of mobile devices, the top three in 2011 were 1) control and use of mobile devices, 2) information security and 3) data retention policies and structure. What this comparison shows is that information security and control and use of mobile devices remain among the top concerns of CPAs. This year, remote access replaced data retention policies in the top three, which may not be surprising, given CPAs continuing concerns about remote access issues such as cloud computing.
As with the overall survey responses, those from CPAs in public accounting ranked securing the IT environment as the No. 1 goal for their organizations in 2012. The other priorities of CPAs in public accounting and business matched the overall priorities, except that public accounting CPAs included understanding the IT impacts of legislation, regulation and standards on their top ten (in lieu of managing vendors & service providers). While the priorities were nearly the same, the rankings differed somewhat. For example, managing system implementation ranked No. 8 on the public accounting list but No. 4 on the business and industry list.
In summary, CPAs generally are confident of the ability of their organizations (or their clients organizations) to meet their top technology goals for 2012. Their main concerns are whether their organizations can avoid data compromises from losses of mobile devices. They also are concerned about the ability of their organizations to leverage the benefits of emerging technologies. CPAs can address these concerns by assisting their organizations to address the risks in the increasing use of mobile technology and to capitalize on the benefits that emerging technologies have to offer.
This appendix contains the second-tier details to the confidence levels associated with the top five 2012 Top Technology Priorities. This information includes combined summary results for public accounting and business and industry. Not all the data results are presented here. To learn more or to access the comprehensive results, visit aicpa.org/toptech.
Government & Military
753 55
Business & Industry Public Accounting - Advisory
4 226
482 412
Manager Director/VP
How often do you encounter information technology questions or concerns in your field of work?
Never Minimal
1,442 1,349 1,279 1,047 1,033 948 927 925 792 621 454 91 68
64% 60% 57% 46% 46% 42% 41% 41% 35% 27% 20% 4% 3%
3.09 3.11 3.23 3.34 3.45 3.55 3.55 3.60 3.61 3.65 3.66 3.68
30% 34% 40% 46% 52% 56% 56% 60% 61% 62% 62% 65%
2 3 4 5 6
7 8
3.54 3.86
56% 73%
1 2 3
1 2 3 4 5
3.47 3.39 3.35 3.26 3.26 3.26 3.25 3.08 3.06 3.05
Note: Similar to 2011, this years survey asked respondents to list the top ten information technology initiatives that are having the most impact on their organizations.