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Chalmers strategy of excellence within Areas of Advance is to visualize and focus research, education and innovation as a powerful entrepreneurial

university with a potential to improve sustainability. The Areas of Advance are driven by sustainability, innovation and education with basic and applied sciences as a fundament for the vision of Excellency.

The vision for the Areas of Advance is to match our scientific excellence against global challenges where we can make a difference.

Areas of Advance
Five of our Areas of Advance have received substantial governmental funds to take on a national responsibility: Energy Materials Science Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Production Transport. The other three areas are considered equally important with a potential to meet the grand challenges through scientific excellence: Life Science Information and Communication Technology Built Environment

Our mission is to create a unique integration of the knowledge triangle; research, innovation and education by including a new dimension to the existing organization. Through this strategic instrument we will concentrate, visualize and advance our scientific excellence by bridging gaps and accelerating the interplay between academia, industry and society, as well as within our own environment at Chalmers. This new dimension creates a virtual matrix organization and enables a powerful way to work with an operational bottom-up process combined with a strategic top-down process. The Areas of Advance can thereby provide powerful meeting places over boundaries and a basis for new interdisciplinary research.

Design of Areas of Advance

Each area is built on excellence profiles and active fields. Excellence profiles are areas where we take a national responsibility with the potential to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow. They are positioned in the international forefront of research, education and innovation with a mission to meet the long-term needs from society and industry. Active fields on the next level describe research areas within or between excellence profiles. They include excellence centers, research programs, clusters of research groups and international networks, coupled with education and innovation activities in collaboration with research institutes, industry and society. The research is very often carried out at several departments in joint effort where both applied and basic sciences are vital parts

Outstanding research
The research in most of the Areas of Advance is recognized as excellent and the aim is to position a major part of the research in the category outstanding. Through international evaluations we are able to continuously develop our Areas of Advance and be one of the leading Universities in the respective Areas. The Areas of Advance offer platforms for interdisciplinary research and networks that adds to the basic research performed within departments. The research organized in excellence profiles makes it possible to address urgent issues within areas such as energy, health and sustainability by involving the right mix of disciplines necessary to meet the demands.

Integrated education
Academies will be developed in conjunction with the areas of research, which will give PhD students and master students important insights in areas of strategic significance for Chalmers, industry and society. The Areas of Advance will play an important role for the reorganization of the education for master students, and a specific school for researchers within Areas of Advance is under development.

Innovation and impact on society

The innovation system will meet all dimensions of the Areas of Advance from scientists to competence centers and more long-term collaborations with actors from academia, research institutes, industry and society. This provides a unique possibility to bring research results into use in society and industry in an effective way.

Chalmers for a sustainable future

This is Chalmers overall vision and all Areas of Advance have a strong driving force in this direction. By providing synchronized platforms of eight Areas of Advance, Chalmers can ensure that at all times, sustainability is a key factor.

The Areas of Advance is directed by Vice President Prof. Anne-Marie Hermansson.

Built Environment at Chalmers has a comprehensive research community engaged in advanced research in the human and built environment, much of which also involves national and international partners from both academia and practice. Together we can tackle the pressing resource and quality issues by combining technical knowledge with design expertise in environment and climate, energy, architecture and urban planning, infrastructure and knowledge of design and development processes and management across the Built Environment field.

Built Environment at Chalmers is initially clustered in five thematic excellence profiles. In the profiles: Infrastructure for a Sustainable Future, Energy in Buildings and Strategic Planning and Processes, Smartgeometry and Health Impact transdisciplinary research is carried out spanning from civil engineering and architecture, to behavioural and social science in collaboration with the University of Gothenburg

Our vision is to be a catalyst for positive change in these profiles together with strong academic, industrial and public partners. In doing so the Chalmers Area of Advance Built Environment will play an important role in shaping the area towards a sustainable future, incorporating high quality living and a built environment that is highly valued by society.

Excellence in research and relevance to society

The research is primarily carried out at the departments of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Architecture, and Energy & Environment, furthermore at the department of Technology Management & Economics, as well as Applied Information Technology at Chalmers. There are a number of excellence centres in the Built Environment area, which span across department borders and have strong community and industrial significance. Foremost centres are the Centre for Management of the Built Environment, Konstruktionscentrum, FRIST:

Forum for Risk Investigation and Soil Treatment, Mistra Urban Futures, the new Research Centre for Healthcare Architecture and the Centre of Visualization Gteborg, among several other. All together, strive for achieving holistic research in the design and construction of our built environment. Moreover, the establishment of Johanneberg Science Park a company founded by Chalmers and Gothenburg city will deeper strengthen and develop the economy of the region through collaboration between industry, academia and the community. Activities will involve the areas of Built Environment, Energy and Materials with an initial focus on the Built Environment.

Integrated education
Chalmers Academy of Built Environment is a joint venture between Chalmers and industrial partners with interests in the built environment. It serves as a platform for contacts and a forum for exchange of knowledge, ideas and visions to mutual benefit. It is also a hub where the community and industry will have easy access to those of Chalmers masters programmes that are most relevant to the design and construction sector. One aim is to support students and teachers contacts for practice for projects, masters thesis, field trips, internships etc. Another objective is to increase the quality and flexibility of the masters programmes, and keep them in line with the continuously developing needs by supporting interaction between practitioners and academics. At present the masters programmes at Chalmers Academy of Built Environment are sorted in four areas: Architecture/Design, Infrastructure, Management, Structures/Building Performance.

Links to other Areas of Advance

Built Environment has links to several of the other Areas of Advance, in particular Energy, Production, and Transport. A prime example is the profile Energy in Built Buildings which is shared with the Area of Advance - Energy. Another example is the initiative of Future Urban Transport taken by the Area of Advance -Transport. Moreover, Mistra Urban Futures will act as a special hub in the Built Environment Area of Advance.

For a sustainable future

Taking an integrated approach to a sustainable built environment, Chalmers Area of Advance gives opportunities for developing strategies as well as new technologies required for the transition of the current society into a low carbon society, encouraging significant energy savings and increased use of renewable energy. The ongoing rapid demographic change and urban growth are other great challenges, hence opportunities to achieve sustainability. However, cities, properly managed, can be transformative arenas in which natural resources are used more efficiently and economically, contributing to a high quality of life for everyone (including the increasing ageing society). Consequently sustainable urban futures will achieve breakthroughs in technology, planning and governance and the engagement of all relevant actors people, industries, and governments. Furthermore, ensuring secure supply of provisioning food and water is a prerequisite for human well-being. The development of technologies and processes within water and wastewater systems are also considered through a holistic approach within the Built Environment Arena of Advance. Built Environment at Chalmers is directed by assistant Prof. Nina Ryd.

We are standing on the threshold of radical changes in European and global energy systems. Chalmers energy-related research is at the heart of both the challenges and the opportunities presented to industry and society by these changes. Conducting world class energy technology and system research is fundamental within the Area of Advance Energy. In addition, we contribute significantly to other crucial aspects of energy systems transformation by developing internationally acclaimed energy system models.

The vision is to be among the internationally leading universities with regards to the future sustainable energy system, with high relevance to industry and society. To achieve this, we are building on our flexible organization, leading to close cooperation between different energy technology and system areas.

The Area of Advance Energy is the largest single Area of Advance at Chalmers, and the structure of the area is wide and collaborates with several of the other Areas of Advance. Research areas that define the Area of Advance Energy at Chalmers are shown in the picture below:

The Area of Advance Energy covers all the important elements of basic science, energy technology and system research as well as connections to economy and social sciences. The research is mainly carried out at the departments of Energy and Environment, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Signals and Systems and Applied Physics and with links to Basic Science research in Applied mechanics and Mathematics

Outstanding research
The Area of Advance Energy is closely related to four competence centres at Chalmers: Combustion Engine Research Centre (CERC), High Temperature Corrosion (HTC), Swedish

Hybrid Vehicle Centre(SHC) and Competence Centre for Catalysis (KCK). It will also be closely connected to three centres that are under construction: Swedish Knowledge Centre for Renewable Fuels (in cooperation with several other universities and institutes as well as industry), Swedish Wind Energy Technology Centre and Swedish Centre for Indirect Gasification. The Area of Advance Energy has also strong cooperation with several Swedish institutes such as SP and Innventia as well as major actors in the Swedish industry.

Innovation and impact on society

Chalmers driving forces, innovation and entrepreneurship, are guiding the activities within the Area of Advance Energy. However, utilization of the research results is also defined as knowledge build-up and transfer, academia-industry collaboration, open innovation activities such as advice on policy issues to industry and society etc. Industrial collaboration is a key activity to make sure that research results are industrialized. We have a well established industrial collaboration network with all important industry areas such as utility, process industry (pulp and paper, petrochemical/chemical, food), vehicle manufacturing, construction, equipment manufacturers and SME industry.

Integrated education
The foundation for our Areas of Advance is the basic sciences. Energy education is conducted in all the departments at Chalmers. The mission of the established Chalmers Energy Academy is to provide an interface between research and MSc level education at Chalmers and the energy sector, represented by all industrial branches mentioned above, as well as subcontractors, consulting organisations and public agencies and authorities. Chalmers Energy Academy provides a forum for mutually beneficial exchange of information, knowledge, ideas and visions. In particular, prospective students have easy access to an overview of education programmes and activities within the energy area, together with a network of key contacts within our main partner companies in the energy sector. An important feature in our education is the interaction between technology and system aspects in the energy area.

Interdisciplinary research between Energy and other Areas of Advance

Energy is an important element in all Areas of Advance. We have profiles in direct cooperation with the Materials Science, Transport, Nanoscience and Built Environment Areas of Advance. For a true sustainable development of the global energy system basic knowledge from all these areas is a prerequisite.

A sustainable future
In principle all energy research and development activities aim at creating a more sustainable global energy system. That is one important reason why Energy is the largest Area of Advance at Chalmers. The challenge of sustainability is the beacon in all our profiles, i.e. basic sciences, efficient energy conversion technologies, efficient energy use, sustainable transport and distribution, as well as energy systems. The Area of Advance Energy is lead by Director Prof. Thore Berntsson and Co-director Mats Rydehell.

The Area of Advance Information and Communication Technology ( ICT) at Chalmers is carrying out the research called for by the future information society. About 170 senior researchers (50 Professors) at Chalmers are active in scientific fields within ICT.

Our vision is to advance novel hardware and software technologies for more efficient communication and sensing, with the purpose of driving long-term societal and industrial system development.

From waves to bits

The Area of Advance ICT at Chalmers is represented by six research excellence profiles. Each profile is represented by several internationally leading professors and their groups. Our profiles are driven by the needs for the individual, the society as well as the industry. Hence we therefore constantly look how to initiate research across discipline borders from hardware to software, from components to systems. In addition to fundamental scientific curiosity, our main stakeholders are found in telecommunication, space, security, transport and vehicles, and component and software industry.

Outstanding research and innovation

The Area of Advance ICT at Chalmers encompasses some of the strongest international groups. This is proven by a strong ability to attract external funding in national as well as international competition. We have also agreed on long-term research centres with industrial partners in the profiles microwave technologies and antenna systems. The ICT Area of Advance can highlight several success stories where research conducted during many years at Chalmers now are being implemented in industry. Some examples are fiberoptic communication (ultrafast optical sampling), microwave circuits (mm-wave communication), software quality (efficient testing methods), THz components (space science), photonics (surface-emitting lasers), and antennas (measurements on wireless devices).

Successful innovation in the Area of Advance ICT at Chalmers is also shown by a proven track record in spinning off businesses from our research, currently employing more than 700 people at 17 companies.

Integrated education
Chalmers offers a unique teaching curriculum in ICT. Apart from the traditional ICT undergraduate M.Sc. programs in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology, we offer an advanced two-year Master level for international students closely connected to ICT research laboratories composed of eight programs in various ICT subjects. An ICT Academy is linking the programs together and helps students to network with industry and researchers. In total, around 2000 undergraduates are found at Chalmers ICT programs. In the research education, 130 Ph.D. students are active at 15 laboratories within the Area of Advance ICT. Chalmers examines on average 18 PhD students per year within ICT.

Interdisciplinary research between ICT and other Areas of Advance

The Area of Advance ICT has several interdisciplinary links to other Areas of Advance: Sensors and networks for telecommunication are now being tested for intelligent vehicle systems for increased safety in traffic. Antennas are used in diagnosing cancer and brain malfunctions. Advances in novel materials and nanoscience such as graphene may give us new component technologies for faster integrated microwave circuits.

For a sustainable future

The Area of Advance ICT helps to attain Chalmers vision for a sustainable future; Our research improves energy-efficiency in materials, components and systems for the wireless society. We develop control and sensor concepts for reduced CO2 emissions in transportation. We also prove how software systems can be engineered with higher security and efficiency at reduced cost. Information and Communication Technology at Chalmers is lead by Director Prof. Jan Grahn and Co-director Prof. David Sands.

We are providing engineering solutions that can advance the change towards a bio-based economy, where biotechnology is used for sustainable production of fuels, chemicals and materials. Our researchers are also actively involved in advancing nutrition, disease diagnosis and systems medicine such that the society can move from disease treatment to disease prevention.

Our vision is that Chalmers will expand and maintain its world leading position in the field of industrial biotechnology, synthetic biology and metabolic engineering. Our vision is further to become a European leader in human nutrition, systems medicine and diagnostic, with focus on metabolic diseases.

The Life Science Area of Advance is organized into five research profiles each consisting of several active fields. An overview of the research profiles and fields is given below. All the different research activities cover one of the three major application areas of life science, namely 1) human health, 2) food and nutrition, and 3) industrial production, and several of the research fields involves activities in 2 or 3 of these different application areas.

Outstanding research and excellence

A large number of research groups from several different departments are involved in the Life Science Area of Advance, but the majority of the activities are at the Life Science Division under Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering. Particularly strong research activities in the Life Science Area of Advance are: Food & Nutrition. We are bridging between food production and nutrition, with the objective to design novel foods that ensure disease prevention and disease progression.

Mathemetical Biology. We are using systems biology approaches to clinical data with the objective to identify the molecular mechanisms underlying human diseases, biomarkers for diseases, and drug targets for disease treatment, and hereby advancing the field of systems medicine. Synthetic Biology. We are using metabolic engineering to advance the development of cell factories that can be used for production of the fuels and chemicals of tomorrow. We are further using reconstituted lipid membranes for advancing our understanding of viral infections and interactions between lipid composition and membrane function. Bioengineering. We are developing advanced analytical techniques based on bioimaging and microfluidics that can be used for basic and clinical research, and can lead to development of novel diagnostic tools for evaluation of disease progression.

Innovation and impact on society

Innovation is at the focal point of the Life Science Area of Advance, and we have several examples where our research has resulted in patents and spin-out companies. We have extensive collaboration with Swedish and international companies, which ensures transfer of innovation to the benefit of the society.

Integrated education
We currently have two MSc programs in life science at Chalmers; Biotechnology and Bioinformatics and Systems Biology. The MSc program in Biotechnology follows a 3 year BSc program in Biotechnology the biotech BSc program in Sweden with the largest number of applicants. We also a strong and vivid graduate school in biosciences associated with the Life Science Area of Advance that currently has more than 70 PhD students affiliated.

Interdisciplinary research between Life Science and other Areas of Advance

We have close interaction with most of the other Areas of Advance at Chalmers. Our closes interactions are through our research on sustainable bioenergy, biomaterials and on nanotechnologies for use in life sciences. We also have close interaction with computer science and are bridging to mathematical sciences on a number of research projects.

A sustainable future
The Life Science Area of Advance has several projects that are actively contributing to ensuring a sustainable society. This is particularly manifested in projects on developing novel processes for sustainable production of fuels and chemicals through microbial fermentation, but also projects on novel foods and food ingredients will contribute to establishment of a more sustainable society. The Life Science Area of Advance is directed by Professor Jens Nielsen

Materials Science at Chalmers covers a broad perspective and takes on the global challenges for health, energy, and sustainability from a materials perspective. It includes all the important elements of advanced materials research: theory and modelling, synthesis, characterisation and evaluation. The research spans over five departments and includes several world leading excellence centres and research programs. The Department of Biomaterials at the University of Gothenburg is also part of the governmental-funded effort.

Our vision is to make an impact on society and contribute to sustainability through excellence in materials research.

Materials Science at Chalmers is structured into three thematic and two generic excellence profiles. In the thematic profiles, Materials for Energy Applications, Materials for Health, and Sustainable Materials, multi-disciplinary research is carried out spanning from natural science to engineering, and from materials theory to processing. The generic excellence profiles, Theory and Modelling and Experimental Methods, focus on the development of new methodology and research infrastructure forming a base for the thematic research. Staying at the forefront of materials theory, modelling, and experimental tools lays the ground for breakthroughs in materials science.

Outstanding research
The research is mainly carried out at the departments of Applied Physics, Applied Mechanics, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Microtechnology and Nanoscience, and Materials and Manufacturing Technology. There are several excellence centres in the materials science area, which span across department borders and have strong industrial involvement. The main centres are the VINN Excellence Center Supramolecular Biomaterials, Wallenberg Wood

Science Centre, the Competence Centre for High Temperature Corrosion, the Competence Centre for Catalysis, and the Center of Excellence in Railway Mechanics. Chalmers is also engaged in the VINN Excellence Center BIOMATCELL, hosted by Gothenburg University.

Innovation and impact on society

The guiding star for the activities of the Area of Advance is to combine scientific excellence and relevance for society. The research aims for new breakthroughs in materials science, increasing the competitiveness of the industrial partners through new processes and products, creating a base for new companies through research ideas, and being a competence resource for society and industry. The means to reach the aims include: Supporting the development of young talented scientists, Funding seed projects to develop new research lines and collaborations Establishing exchange with academia, and industry Collaborating with large scale facilities and research centres Organizing outreach activities

Integrated education
Several of the masters programs at Chalmers directly relate to materials science. All masters programs are taught in English and there is a large participation by international students from Europe, North America and Asia. On the PhD level, the cross-departmental Graduate School in Materials Science provides truly cross-disciplinary training and a common curriculum in materials science for PhD students from five different departments. Chalmers is also host for the Graduate School in Soft Matter with a national responsibility to provide specialized courses in the field of soft matter.

Interdisciplinary research between Materials Science and other Areas

Materials Science has links to several of the other Areas of Advance, in particular Energy, Production, Transport, and Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. A prime example is the profile Materials for Energy Applications which is shared with Energy.

A sustainable future
Materials Science contributes to the development of a sustainable future by enabling new technologies, as well as by increasing the efficiency and decreasing the environmental impact of existing ones. Examples of current research are new materials for batteries and fuel cells, light weight materials, improved catalysts for emission control and for sustainable energy systems, and materials based on renewable feedstock. Materials Science at Chalmers is lead by Prof. Krister Holmberg and Prof. Aleksandar Matic.

The Area of Advance Nanoscience and Nanotechnology coordinates research which stretches over several departments at Chalmers. We have established strong research in nanophysics, nanobiophysics and nanochemistry, supported by an excellent infrastructure such as a large first-rate clean room. Results produced by our more than 200 researchers have already been commercialized in many areas, in particular at the interface of nanophysics and nanochemistry.

Our vision is to further strengthen Chalmers position as the leading Swedish university in nanoscience and nanotechnology. Our aim is to strengthen and support already strong research environments, promote internal collaborations, and transfer research results from laboratory into society as new products and new knowledge. We act to increase visibility of research and support interaction with society and industry.

The research at Chalmers is divided into three profile areas: Nanophysics Nanobiophysics Nanochemistry. Across the broad excellence profiles we have identified a number of more specific active fields, many of which are highly interdisciplinary. The nanophysics research includes studies of engineered nanosystems such as quantum computers, nanoelectronics and spintronics, applications and fundamental science of carbon nanotubes and graphene, nanosensors for bioanalytics and measurement technologies, and nano-optics with applications in, e.g., efficient solar energy production. The nanobiophysics activity focuses on nanofluidics, soft-matter nanotechnology, DNA-based self-assembly, and biomimetic materials science. The nanochemistry effort targets the ultimate miniaturization of electronics and photonics, molecular electronics, and the development of molecular methods to create nanodevices.

Outstanding research major objectives

We have identified four key areas where we believe that a combined effort of our existing experience and resources can make a substantial impact. Nanosensors. Nanoscale electrical, optical and mechanical sensors offer unprecedented possibilities both as ultrasensitive local transducers and as low-cost, ubiquitous nanodevices.

Exploiting quantum phenomena on the nanoscale. Quantum effects manifest themselves in many nanoscale systems, and open new directions for research and applications. Examples include components for quantum computers, quantum optics on a chip, and mechanical quantum devices. Nanodevices for a sustainable society. Nanoscience and nanotechnology contribute to improved efficiency of energy production (e.g., more efficient solar cells) and reduced energy consumption through low-dissipation electronic components and nanocatalysis. Bridging the gap between top-down and bottom-up technologies. Lithographical fabrication techniques of electronics allow positional accuracy down to 10 nm, while chemical techniques yield structural accuracy on the molecular level. We pursue the grand challenge of bridging the technological gap between these two approaches.

Innovation and impact on society

We continuously develop and initiate new collaborations with both large and small companies. We actively seek to protect key intellectual property generated from research: at present, we have nearly 50 patents issued or under review, either through individual researchers or Chalmers established innovation system.. We encourage launching companies and creating new employment opportunities in existing ones. Several startup companies on nanotechnology originating from this research environment have been launched, including Cellectricon, QSense (now a part of Biolin AB) and Nanofactory Instruments AB. A third aim is to strengthen the technology transfer process through verification of research results and development of prototypes. Here our collaboration with the research institute IMEGO plays an important role, as do our contacts with the networking organizations SwedNanoTech and NanoConnect Scandinavia.

Integrated education
The Area of Advance has a very close connection to graduate education: most of the day-today research in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology is done by graduate students. Advanced courses on the area are integrated into several disciplinary graduate schools. On the M. Sc. level, several programs are closely related to the Area of Advance; in particular, the M.Sc. programs Nanotechnology, Applied Physics and Materials Chemistry and Nanotechnology.

Interdisciplinary research between Nanoscience and Nanotechnology and other Areas of Advance
At the interfaces to other Areas of Advance we have identified activities which are expected to become common active fields: nanomaterials (with Materials), nanoelectronics (with ICT), and a number of nanotechnological applications with connections to Energy (improved solar cells, nanocatalysis). Nanosensors, cell membrane and DNA studies clearly overlap with Life Sciences.

A sustainable future
Nanodevices for a sustainable society is one of our key areas, with a focus on nanotechnological means to improve energy efficiency in both energy production and consumption. Another area where nanotechnology research contributes to a sustainable future is nanomaterials which can be used to replace toxic or scarce materials (e.g., graphene electrodes in solar cells), and strong lightweight nanocomposites that have great potential in many fields ranging from aerospace to bioengineering. The Area of Advance is lead by Director Prof. Jari Kinaret and Co-director Prof. Anders Palmqvist, assisted by an operative steering group and a strategic Scientific Advisory Board.

Chalmers relies on 50 years of continuous research in the area of production and has been given the responsibility to lead the Swedish production science to a sustainable future. Scientific excellence and industrial impact are two main objectives within the Production Area of Advance.

Our vision is sustainable and innovative production, with respect to economical, ecological and social aspects where industries, environment and members of society all benefit. Our mission is to achieve excellence in scientific research and development supporting sustainable and innovative production through knowledge, methods and tools. This is realised by creating: Development processes for innovative and competitive product and production systems, based on a life-cycle perspective. Optimized production systems and manufacturing processes. Minimized environmental impact through reduced waste of energy and natural resources. Safe, healthy, and rewarding work environments. World-class education in sustainable production.

The Area of Advance Production congregates more than half of all Chalmers departments, 10 research centers, 25 research groups and a network of collaborating industries. This gathered expertise focuses on below presented three main scientific profiles because they are representing important present and future industrial challenges, closely related to our mission.

Outstanding research
Our research stands out internationally as a result of our close collaboration with industry. We have a profound understanding of conditions influencing industry, for example cost, quality, time and sustainability. An additional strength is our ability to perform research across industrial sectors and scientific areas, including collaboration between competing companies. This is unique.

Innovation and impact on society

Innovative ideas are based on industrial and scientific needs. New concepts are rapidly tested by industry and the feedback stimulates the creative and scientific process. Our strong trackrecord of having produced numerous spin-off companies and commercial software that are used daily by thousands of industrial clients around the world ensures our ability to leave permanent impression in society.

Integrated education
Our responsibility towards future generations is to provide world-class education in sustainable production to create a solid ground where creativity and new innovations spires. We support this by presenting a broad range of masters and doctoral programmes together with regional, national as well as international graduate schools.

Interdisciplinary research between Production and other Areas of Advance

The Area of Advance Production congregates more than half of all Chalmers departments, five Centres of Excellence, 25 research groups and a network of collaborating industries. Our research is fundamentally based on science in mathematics, physics and/or chemistry and reaches across all the other Chalmers Areas of Advance.

Production for a sustainable future

Sustainable production is a main key to a sustainable society. Researchers working with the active fields within the profiles are committed to take on the challenges of sustainable production. Sustainable Manufacturing Processes Environmentally benign, resource and energy efficient manufacturing processes for traditional and new materials. Sustainable Production Systems Development and operation of resource and energy efficient, high performing production systems and human-friendly workplaces. Sustainable Product Development Methods and tools for robustly designed and product life cycle based product platforms with early consideration of sustainability requirements and effects. The Production Area of Advance is lead by Director Prof. Rikard Sderberg & Co-director Prof. Johan Stahre

Efficient transport systems play a vital role in our society. However, carbon emissions generated by transport need to be reduced by 90% until 2050 in order to keep the temperature rise below 2 degrees and in view of the projections for road transport growth. Adding demands for increased traffic safety and efficient transport solutions this Area of Advance faces great challenges.

The vision is to be among the internationally leading universities with regards to green, safe and efficient future transport systems. To achieve this, we are building on a wide range of disciplines and close connection between research and higher education and on an intense cooperation with industry and societal actors.

The research is focused on the three profiles, illustrated below. Sustainable vehicles and fuels includes research on electrification, hybridization, renewable fuels, catalysis, combustion engines light weight materials and their respective application for different modes of transport. Transport efficiency and customer adapted logistics encompasses all aspects of efficient and effective transport including and connecting several subsystems such as individuals mobility, companies logistics systems, transport and traffic systems. Traffic safety captures all aspects of safe road transport of or by people, including safe interconnections to other transport areas and modes.

Outstanding research
Our research on Transport efficiency and customer adapted logistics focuses on transport systems as part of supply chains, which is a holistic construct that involves close collaboration, synchronised processes and material flows between organisational units. This requires a holistic approach and the research centre Northern LEAD coordinates the activities that address these issues. The research profile Traffic safety encompasses three main areas: Understanding the real traffic environment through collection and analysis of data, countermeasures to avoid accidents and prevent injuries and mitigate their consequences. The research in this profile is coordinated by the competence centre SAFER hosted by Chalmers

and including more than 20 partners who are involved in joint research on vehicle and traffic safety. The profile Sustainable vehicles and fuels engages several research centres: the Swedish Hybrid Vehicle Centre (SHC), the Competence Centre for Catalysis (KCK), the Combustion Engine Research Centre (CERC) and a newly formed centre focusing on renewable fuels. This profile is developed in cooperation with the Area of advance in Energy. In addition, several centres relate to more than one profile and to other areas of strength: the Lighthouse Maritime Competence Centre, the Competence Centre in Railway Mechanics (CHARMEC) and the Antenna Systems Excellence Centre (Chase). The research within the profiles connects to different sorts of infrastructures and clusters. For Sustainable vehicles and fuels and Transport efficiency and customer adapted logistics we plan to develop a wide ranging and long term collaboration with KNEG (Climate neutral road transport) currently including 17 companies and authorities. The Traffic safety profile links to plans for ASTA (Active Safety Test Area) and other research and demonstration infrastructures coordinated by Test Site Sweden and for Vision Zero Academy.

Innovation and impact on society

The research centers facilitate and coordinate collaboration between academic researchers and industry. In order to develop the impact of our research on society we will develop additional platforms for interaction with industry and society and new ways of organizing and stimulating innovation in order to foster the development of new transport solutions. Collaboration with Test Site Sweden, the School of Entrepreneurship and other actors in the innovation system to which Chalmers is linked create a starting point for these efforts.

Integrated education
Chalmers Automotive and Transportation Academy ( is a joint effort between Chalmers and industrial partners serving as a platform for contacts between students, teachers and industry and a forum for exchange of knowledge, ideas and visions. As a portal for all relevant transport related higher education it provides easy access to information and relevant contacts. One aim is to provide students and teachers with projects, masters theses, field trips, internships, guest lecturers etc. For companies it provides access to current curricula and opportunities to influence the direction of the programs to the changing needs of the industry.

Interdisciplinary research between Transport and other Areas of Advance

Two emerging fields that cut across the profiles and relate the research in transport to other areas of advance are currently under development: Future urban transport, linking the three excellence profiles to Built environment and Energy, and Intelligent transport systems, linking the three excellence profiles to ICT. Rail road transport and Transport safety are additional emerging fields cutting across profile and centre boundaries.

A sustainable future
The development of green, safe and efficient transport systems is paramount in the efforts to tackle the climate challenges. While solutions to reduce green house emissions from many other sources have been developed, transport remains one of the main sources of carbon emissions. At the same time, transport is a cornerstone in economic growth and mobility is increasingly considered a quality of human life. The Area of Advance is lead by Prof Anna Dubois and Senior Lecturer Magnus Blinge.

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