Dec 2008

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Reg. No.



Power Electronics and Drives PS 1623 A - FLEXIBLE AC TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS (Common to M.E. Power Systems Engineering and M.E. High Voltage Engineering) (Regulation 2005) Time: Three hours Answer ALL questions. PART A - (10 1. 2. 3. 4.

Maximum: 100 marks

2 = 20 marks)

State the need for reactive power control. Define the term Static Var Compensator (SVC). What is the best location for SVC? Justify. Draw the power angle characteristics without shunt compensation. of a two machine system with and

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

How is the variation of capacitive reactance is achieved in TCSC? Draw the impedance vs delay angle characteristic ofTCSC. How the reactive power compensation is done using STATCOM? State the salient features of UPFC. What is the need for coordination of FACTS controllers? What is meant by cross over and mutation?

PARTB -' (5 x 16 = 80 marks) 11. (a) Explain the power flow and dynamic stability considerations of uncompensated transmission line. (16)

(b) With basic circuit arrangement explain the working and characteristic of Thyristor Switched Series Capacitor (TSSC). (16)

(a) (16) Explain the variable reactance model of TCSC with a neat sketch. different SVCvoltageof SVC. design ofapplications ofTCSC. in detail. regulator

14. (a)

Explain the working and V-I characteristics of STATCOMwith a neat sketch. (16)

(b) Explain the principle of operation of UPFC and discuss the control capabilities ofUPFC. (16) 15. (a) Explain the Gentic Algorithmbased coordination of FACTScontrollers.
(16) Or

(b) Explain in detail the coordination of multiple FACTS controllers using anyone conventional linear control technique. (16)

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